calithecretin · 4 days
Happy Pride Month :) <3
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Remember that you’ll never walk alone, and that life is too short to spend it being anything other than yourself! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🩷🩵🤎🖤
(Also long time no see!!)
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s1x-foot-deep · 1 year
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mclovinballz · 2 years
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2017, 2018 + 2019
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as various girls
1. Milady de Winters (Dogtanian) - requested by flutterbunny76
2. Penelope Pitstop (Wacky Races) - requested by alanpalgut
3. Morgiana (Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves | Fairy Tales | Musical | PINKFONG Story Time for Children) - requested by danfrandes
4. Snow White (Happily Ever After/Snow White and the Realm of Doom) - requested by yuiharunashinozaki
5. Squirrel Scout Uniform (Camp Lazlo) - requested by marcusperez824
6. Tinkles (Rick and Morty) - requested by jlj16
7. Ultraprison Uniform (Superjail) - requested by marcusperez824
8. Vana Glama - Harem Girl (Sidekick: The Show Must Go On) - requested by danfrandes
9. Popis (El Chave del ocho animado) - requested by iedasb
 10. Princess Lana (Captain N) - requested by koopshikinggeoshi
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jailer but he’s a grown-up now
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superfail · 1 year
only just realized that the doctor doesn’t have an ultraprison counterpart
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ichiscat · 8 months
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realized i haven't posted a single thing about river on here so have her ref + her eventual staff and a couple of aus (info about everything under the cut)
child of the mistress and alice, following the events of "stingstress"
raised in ultraprison, so she doesn't really see alice as a parent in any way
bruce is basically her stepfather
very much a hippie, though with a heavily suppressed sadistic side
likes giving nicknames hehe
like the mistress, she's capable of drastic changes in personality. however, river's is triggered by anything that takes away her optimism, and essentially turns her into a beatnik lol
River's staff
when river inherits ultraprison/starts her own branch of ultraprison she's pretty much given a bunch (or maybe all) of the mistress' robots
due to both loneliness and wanting to give her "workers" the freedom of choice she pretty much tried to install freewill/sentience into all of them
most of them either a) ended up being destroyed in the process, b) created very dangerous robots that needed to be put down anyways, or c) pretty much left as soon as they could. the four pictured are pretty much the only successful ones that stuck around
Lily ("Lil")
river's first successful (comparatively at least) attempt at giving a robot free will and it not either leaving or going crazy
basically river's right-hand woman and advisor, she checks up on the other staff members and gives river status reports regularly
despite her free will she isn't much of an independent thinker, being essentially a yes-man to river on anything, much to river's chagrin ("what was the point in me giving you free will if you're not going to use it?")
Lewis ("Lewey" or "Loo Loo", formerly "Lewisia")
he covers accounting/budgeting, file upkeep, and even medical matters when necessary, as well as any other minor tasks that need to be done around rivers prison
he's a bit stoic and can be a know-it-all at times lol
Lilac and Lavender ("Lila" and "Lav")
prison guards essentially
lilac tends to be too lenient, while lav is too vicious/domineering, so river always keeps them together so that they can balance each other out
The Matron AU
basically the mistress changes back to her old self early enough into river's childhood that she's still impressionable
river grows up to become known as "the matron", a warden who's just as harsh and domineering as her mother, if not more so due to her sadism, which she doesn't try suppressing at all
Lady "R" AU
the mistress changes back to her old self during rivers teen years
needless to say, a large rift is formed between the mistress and river, ultimately culminating in river running away
eventually she adopts the alias "lady r" and starts her new life as a radical anarchist-activist, with a focus on prison abolition
she pretty much tries to shut down/destroy as many jails/prisons as possible, with a major focus on eventually destroying Ultraprison
while superjail isn't as big a target on her list as Ultraprison, she still hopes to destroy it too eventually. And maybe she does? Or at the very least does a lot of damage to it lol
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adultswim2021 · 8 months
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Superjail #4: “Ladies Night” | October 12, 2008 - 11:45PM | S01E03
In “Ladies Night”, Superjail experiences a collision with a space craft which tuns out to be Ultra Prison, a women’s correctional facility. The inmates are rough, tough, and sexually intimidating (what I mean by this is they are sexy cartoon women, but I’m trying to say it in a way that is nice). Ultraprison has gender-swapped versions of the Superjail personnel; they even have a lady Jailbot and an F to M transgendered head prison guard. Tension is high among each pairing as the women are stereotypical more “together” than their Superjail counterparts, who are boorish and way immature.  
The two wardens have a gentleperson’s wager over whose inmates can be rehabbed into proper ladies/gentlemen by throwing a fancy ball. Both parties seem pretty unyielding in that regard, and the ball does get rude as hell thanks to the twins, who predictably sabotage it (why is there a mud pipe running in their ballroom, anyway?). Also Jarred meets Charise, the female version of him, and they fall in love. Their relationship blossoms over the course of the series, and the Ultraprison crew recur occasionally after this. 
Superjail is incredible, and to call certain episodes “weaker” is just a process-of-elimination thing. This one doesn’t quite knock it out of the park for me like "Bunny Love" or "Combaticus", but there are some very cool/funny things in it. Favorite joke in the episode is probably when Nova, Jailbot’s female counterpart, winds up afflicted by the Twins’ swarm of Spanish Flies (here depicted less-traditionally as actual flies that bite and infect their prey), and her face gets super-cartoony and she becomes boy crazy, chasing Jailbot around like a boycrazy nimrod. 
Hey, did you know that I had to look up exactly what the origin of the “A MAY-UNN!” gag was? I remembered it mostly from Roger Rabbit, which I often think about when my dad is wailing on me, but was relatively certain that it must’ve originated in an old cartoon that I couldn’t recall. I guess from what I’ve been able to piece together is that that scene is heavily referencing Red Hot Riding Hood by Tex Avery, which astonishingly I NEVER ACTUALLY HAVE SEEN IN FULL. I’ve only seen the clips of the wolf doing Mask shit in the nightclub. Tonight I rectified that, and picked out other gags in the episode that were cribbed from that. Those were also, coincidentally, my favorite part of the episode.
This one is top-heavy; starts very funny and trends slightly downward. It's not a steep drop-off, but ideally an episode will explode at the end. This one has a sitcom-feeling resolution, which is fine. I'm not pissed off, I swear. But I need to emphasize this: this show is incredible, and it's worst episode is better than most stuff on Adult Swim. Probably.
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Ew tf is ultraprison? Women? Tf?
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*she bit her lip* have you thought of the possibility that..ya know. Your lady could be in ultra prison *she tries to say as delicately as possible, unsure as to how he would react*
Ultraprison?! Oh, no, no, my lady is NOT in Ultraprison!! *or at least he hoped she wasn't* And even if she was, I'd KILL my sister if I found out my lovely Faythie was in her prison THIS WHOLE TIME!!! ...Plus, Faythie has the magical powers to just escape...
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cakerapop · 3 years
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calithecretin · 1 year
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Hippie Mistress again!!! I’ve been experimenting with a new cartoony artstyle and I hope you guys like it :)
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zachpowless427 · 3 years
Mistress come to me to answer you're questions
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posarmeklen · 5 years
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she makes feminine grunts.........cute
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superfail · 1 year
fun fact: originally the fantabastille au was gonna be a full-on nextgen au, w jared and alice’s kids working for jailer. but then i figured that (whether or not either of them had/adopted kids) there’d be no way that either of them want their kids working at a magical jail and going through what they did
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ichiscat · 1 year
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some more ocs because i can’t stop dsdaslkd info under cut
Ultraprison counterpart to Cameron (my femboy hacker oc lol)
before getting arrested she was the leader of a combination biker gang and hacking syndicate
while cameron was an independent worker who’s willing to hack for the highest bidder no matter how morally right or wrong it is, Jo is more picky, only choosing to work for people or organizations that she’s certain are hiring her for morally good reasons. for the times where it turns out she was wrong and the people she worked for were people she deems to be scum, well, that’s where the biker gang part becomes relevant :)
so yeah way more moralistic and justice-oriented than cameron ever will be
total womanizer
Lizzy May/”Liz”
only survivor of the warden’s gator babies in “superjail six”
lazy af, hasn’t worked a day in her life and isn’t planning on changing that
inherited her father’s childishness
her moms pretty sick of her NEET bs
ended up learning about her father and the fact that he runs a large prison from her mom and was determined to become his heiress as a way to inherit his fortunes. when she tracked him down she pretended to want to reunite with and get to know her father for once. at first the warden was on board with having a long lost kid to reconnect with, but he eventually learned that she just wanted his money and didn’t truly care about the art of running a jail and he quickly disowned her.
ever since that incident she’s constantly sneaks into superjail and demands money from the warden, only to be kicked out. she’s like the opposite of jacknife; nothing can keep her out of that jail
usually she tries buttering up the warden whenever she sees him but this usually devolves into her yelling at him and cursing him out when he doesn’t budge
very repressed daddy issues. not so repressed mommy issues.
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