#ultimate animal tamer
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Ninjin Shibusa the ultimate animal tamer! A kind hearted girl who loves making friends
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despazito · 3 months
could u elaborate on "parrots make bad pets"? not disagreeing (far from it) just interested to see your take! looking to learn more about this
(i've gotten this ask before so please don't mind i'm just gonna paste a writeup i did a while ago)
There’s a blog run by an animal behaviourist who specializes in parrots that i really enjoy reading, she has a very good writeup on the state of companion parrots as an industry: The Inconvenient Truth About Cockatoos
so basically the average person usually cannot meet the needs of a parrot, especially medium and ESPECIALLY large species. they are long lived, extremely social and intelligent animals who are very demanding if you are their only companion. in my mind the most 'ethical' pet parrot setup is having some pairs of budgies in a dedicated bird room filled with foraging enrichment and doing some basic command training as a bird-human bonding activity instead of cuddles.
most pet parrots are hand reared or even hatched in incubators by breeders and are never given a chance to be raised by their parents, and virtually none stay with their parents until a natural weaning age before getting sold. which is wild considering it is fucking ILLEGAL to do that to puppies or kittens.
A parrot isn't really born wired for human companionship in the same way that a dog or cat is. they imprint on their parents which sets the blueprint of their kin, and they generally want to only form extremely close bonds with others of their kin. To get a very people-oriented parrot, it has to think it’s people.
This is different from the socializing practiced in raising cats and dogs or acclimating ferals to people. socializing means exposure to things so that the animal doesn't grow up to see the target as a threat, and ultimately that the target is something that can be very rewarding to spend time around. A dog raised with its mother and socialized to people still understands that it's a dog, it can get along with other dogs, but can also form strong bonds to people. They actually read both dog and human body language and legitimately have an awareness that we are different species.
The companion parrot is raised to think it’s people, and as a result many lose the ability to form bonds with their own kind. in fact the reason many breeders remove eggs or chicks from the nest is arguing that the parent birds don’t really know how to raise their chicks- because they themselves were hand reared and never learned how to parent from their parents! it seems that, like us, parenting isn't perfectly hardwired in parrots and they need to learn the skill from their families, oftentimes even staying to help their parents raise younger siblings!
That's why it's not at all uncommon for pair bonded breeding birds to be sold as a completely separate product from companion birds in many aviary operations. there's so many ads for people selling breeding parrots that fucking hate humans or are semi tame specifically listed for sale as breeders not as pets:
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then their babies are bred for the pet market so they are taken either before or right after hatching to get hand reared and imprinted onto humans, because a parrot-bonded parrot just won't be as interested in forming those close human companionships you see in viral videos. this isn't the case for all aviaries, i want to acknowledge there are smaller scale breeders who have tamer breeding birds, but big producers can have borderline feral pairs and the point i'm trying to make is when you socialize a parrot to either the human world or parrot world, it's often at the expense of the other.
most trouble starts once the parrot begins reaching the age of sexual maturity. they stop being openly cuddly to most people, and will try to pair bond with their primary caretaker. It's not uncommon for this to lead to aggression towards other family members because parrots don't share partners, they can even do this to babies they are jealous of!
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But a human can't become a suitable mate substitute for a parrot, and some of their mating behaviours such as regurgitating on you can seem straight up gross so the human then shuns the parrot and shuts down their advances. this can make your bird become very sexually frustrated that can lead to more unwanted behaviours and even health emergencies such as prolapse. we lead them on by stroking their chest and backs (only something bonded pairs do, you are essentially jerking off your parrot when you do this..) then reject them with no other outlet for their natural urges, and spaying/neutering isn't an option either! so they're stuck in a psychological purgatory of being unable to fulfill their instincts. and if they're in an understimulating environment and left alone for most of the day in addition to all that, frankly i think that's just an awful life to give to an animal we allegedly love!
we essentially alienate them, and when they don’t have people around to meet their extremely high social needs because you work a 9-5, even if there are other birds around, the lonely or frustrated human-bonded parrot can become depressed and self mutilate.
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parrots that were left with their parents, are raised as parrots, and weaned at their own natural pace overwhelmingly do not exhibit these destructive behaviours.
 a productive relationship with a pet parrot is one that fosters independence, not dependence, on the human companion. the most responsible parrot owners should strive to act more as a zookeeper to their parrot instead of cuddling it and creating a ‘velcro’ bird glued to the hip, and socialize with them via training sessions instead of letting their birds indulge in pair bonding behaviours like petting and preening which leads to sexual frustration and aggression or self mutilation.
Ultimately I believe any parrot hand reared and imprinted onto humans is some degree of psychologically damaged and suffers from the parrot equivalent of a developmental trauma, they have been robbed of a normal parrot life and it cannot be undone.
SO many parrot rescues are completely flooded with unwanted pets, many with tough behavioural challenges (for example it's not uncommon for parrots to be reactive to an entire gender, so that cuts the adopter pool immediately in half). and these patterns can be difficult to break especially without the aid of a behaviourist. and the thing still has another 40 years of life left in it but nobody wants to adopt because it's another "crazy bitey bird that hates everyone", has reached sexual maturity so it's no longer as friendly, and it's much easier to start from scratch so folks choose to just buy another baby and keep the cycle going.
And none of that even touches on the rampant poaching that keeps supplying the trade in many parts of the world. and that's why everyone should have domestic chickens or pigeons.
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melancholywally · 7 months
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Digimon Anime Evolution 20/?
Terriermon and its main evolutions. It is best known as the partner Digimon of Lee Jianling (eng: Henry Wong) in Digimon Tamers. In the series, Terriermon and Jianling Matrix Evolve to become SaintGalgomon. Terriermon is also the partner of Wallace (eng: Willis) and twin of Lopmon, in the Digimon Adventure 02 movie, Digimon Hurricane Touchdown!! / Transcendent Evolution! The Golden Digimentals, where it Armor Evolves into Rapidmon (Gold).
Stages: Baby I: Zerimon Baby II: Gummymon Child: Terriermon Adult: Galgomon (eng: Gargomon) — Armor: Rapidmon (Gold/Armor) Perfect: Rapidmon Ultimate: SaintGalgomon (eng: MegaGargomon)
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deusvervewrites · 8 months
This could be said of any character, but it is really interesting to read the many ways Nedzu is written across the fandom. From psuedo-eldritch being, someone intelligent enough to rule the world but chooses not to, or sometimes tamer "still the most intelligent person but can make mistakes".
Though the ones that make him "morally ambiguous" are weird when we see that he clearly cares for people. Even if he has some... antics here and there.
(Poor Ashido and Kaminari.)
As like many things, it is a shame there was no full mutant discrimination arc that could have covered a bit more about Nedzu's history and what was the general reaction to an animal with a Quirk.
Nedzu is such a fascinating character. He's basically the ultimate underdog, being someone who was discriminated against for not even being human who became a Hero purely because of his brain. Honestly it's tragic he never interacts with Midoriya
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digi-lov · 11 months
how do u even start getting into Digimon?? there so much stuff, i dont even know where to begin. like, there is like a hundred shows??? do i start with the first one that came out??
Idk man it just happened??
No, but seriously, don't worry about it! There aren't even that many shows if you ask me. I'll put a list below the cut! I'll list all movies too, so it'll look like more than it really is. Also the dates are the japanese air dates.
Obviously starting with the first season, Digimon Adventure is an easy pick, it also has the most sequels and movies.
But aside from the Adventure related media, all other Digimon Seasons are completely self-contained, and you can just go and watch any! They also all explore "Digimon" and the Digital World in different ways. I personally loved them all.
For the anime I also highly recommend watching the Japanese original. I'm sorry for anyone who grew up with it, but I can barely stand watching the English Dub at all. If you know German though, the German Dub is really good. I still prefer the Japanese original, but the German Dub is at least a translation and not a fan fiction.
The same basically goes for the games. You can just pick any of them up! Also, all Digimon games kind of do their own thing in terms of gameplay and mechanics. There's similarities too, but usually each have their own vibe. A lot of the DS titles do work very similar though!
Adventure: Digimon Adventure (Movie) (1999) • Digimon Adventure (Season 1) (1999-2000) Digimon Adventure: Our War Game (Movie) (2000) • Digimon Adventure 02 (Season 2) (2000-2001) Digimon Adventure 02: Hurricane Touchdown!! Supreme Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals (Movie) (2000) Digimon Adventure 02: Diaboromon Strikes Back (Movie) (2001) • Digimon Adventure tri. (6 Movies or 24 Episodes) (2015-2018) Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (Movie) (2020) Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning (Movie) (2023) [Digimon Adventure: (Reboot) (2020)]
Tamers: • Digimon Tamers (Season 3) (2001-2002) Digimon Tamers: The Adventures' Battle (Movie) (2001) Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express (Movie) (2002)
Frontier: • Digimon Frontier (Season 4) (2002-2003) Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon (Movie) (2002)
Savers/Data Squad: • Digimon Savers / Data Squad (Season 5) (2006-2007) Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! (Movie) (2006)
Xros Wars/Fusion: • Digimon Xros Wars / Fusion (2010-2012)
Appmon: • Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (2016-2017)
Ghost Game: • Digimon Ghost Game (2021-2023)
Games: Generally known Games in bold, more obscure or never released in the West in small I also left out most Phone and Smart Phone games since they're shut down
· Digital Monster Ver. S: Digimon Tamers (1998) (Sega Saturn) • Digimon World (1999) (PS1) · Digital Monster Ver. WonderSwan (1999) (WonderSwan) · Digimon World: Digital Card Battle (1999) (PS1) · Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer (1999/2000) (WonderSwan) · Digimon Adventure 02: Digital Partner (2000) (WonderSwan) · Pocket Digimon World (2000) (PS1) > Pocket Digimon World: Wind Battle Disc (2000) (PS1) > Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc (2001) (PS1) • Digimon World 2 (2000) (PS1) · Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers (2000) (WonderSwan) · Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers (2000) (WonderSwan Color) · Digimon World: Digital Card Arena (2000) (PS1) · Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley (2001) (WonderSwan Color) • Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit (2001) (WonderSwan Color / GBA) > Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5 (2002) (WonderSwan Color) > Digimon Frontier: Battle Spirit / Battle Spirit 2 (2002) (WonderSwan Color / GBA) • Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution / Rumble Arena (2001) (PS1) · Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer (2001) (WonderSwan Color) • Digimon World 3 / 2003 (2002) (PS1) · Digimon Racing (2004) (GBA) • Digimon Battle Chronicle / Rumble Arena 2 (2004) (PS2 / GCN) • Digimon World X / World 4 (2005) (PS2 / GCN) • Digimon Story / Digimon World DS (2006) (DS) · Digimon Savers: Another Mission / Digimon World Data Squad (2006) (PS2) • Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight / Digimon World Dawn & Dusk (2007) (DS) · Digimon Championship / Digimon World Championship (2008) (DS) · Digimon Masters (2009) (PC) [Korea only] · Digimon Story: Lost Evolution (2010) (DS) [Japan only; Fan Translation exists] · Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red (2011) (DS) • Digimon World Re:Digitize (2012) (PSP) > Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode (2013) (3DS) [Japan only; Fan translation exists] · Digimon Adventure (2013) (PSP) [Japan only; Fan translation exists] • Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (2015) (PSV, PS4, Switch, PC) • Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory (2015) (PSV, PS4, Switch, PC) • Digimon World -next 0rder- (2016) (PSV, PS4, Switch, PC) · Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (2016) (3DS) · Digimon New Century (2021) (Smart Phone) [China only] • Digimon Survive (2022) (PS4, Switch, PC, XBO)
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kideternity · 14 days
Okay now i've finished Adventure let me write up my full thoughts about the season. This will be less structured than the Tamers review and I apologise for that, I just kind of had a different watching experience with Adventure and thus sort of format my feelings about it in a different way idk. Whatever the case, here’s my full review of Adventure under the cut, and if you don’t care about that, then here’s the TLDR;
I liked adventure! I had a lot of fun watching it. It’s not a perfect season, but nothing is, and whilst I am going to take a break for now, I'm excited to start Digimon Adventure 02 in the foreseeable future.
-First, I do want to highlight things I really enjoyed. I really loved the animation and art style- I know its seen as very cheesy and dated and not the best animated (Most notable example that comes to mind is reusing the animation for special moves) but IDC, I love the cartoony style and I've always been very endeared to older styles of animation and how they make use of the medium.
-I liked the kids! I liked the kids a lot! They’re good kids! The cast of adventure is absolutely a highlight, and I can see why Bandai always goes back to them for use in future projects, whether or not that’s ultimately a good thing.
-Whilst I personally prefer the more Urban Sci-fi / Fantasy settings of Tamers and Savers, The Isekai approach lends itself to be a good way to immediately show off the digital world and the creatures within it, and to start exploring the worldbuilding within. I like the worldbuilding of Adventure! It felt kind of more purposely vague then Tamers and Savers, but it’s an interesting world they set up, and I'd like to see more of it explored
-I missed the global aspect of Tamers and even Savers. Though I can’t really fault Adventure, being as it was literally THE first season ever, for staying strictly in Japan. I just personally enjoyed how large and expansive things got in Tamers, and how people from all over the world were involved. I will say, I did appreciate Adventure also having more unorthodox or complicated family dynamics- such as Yamato and Takeru being the kids of divorce who aren’t able to 24/7 be around each other, or how Koushiro is adopted. It’s always a breath of fresh air to see media, especially for kids, tackle these sorts of things with nuance and grace.
-The soundtrack was absolutely gorgeous. Probably my favourite out of all of the soundtracks so far- there was just so much passion and emotion packed into each musical piece.
-Tone and themes were fairly consistent throughout, mostly due to the fact that Adventure doesn’t really have any sort of grand overarching messaging like Tamers or Savers did. I would assume, due to being again, the first season of anime, it cared more about plot and characters than trying to Say anything too radical. Hence, the themes follow pretty standard “good versus evil” tropes, as well as the power of compassion and community and optimism and hope that digimon usually utilises in each of its different stories across mediums, instead of anything more complex, like Tamers attempts at dissecting morality and violence, and Savers discussing the inherent value of lives that aren’t humans and trying to understand those not like you. Adventure plays it safe, and doesn’t get burned because of it, which I can’t fault.
-The villains are. Eh. They’re entertaining but none of them are necessarily very well written. The most well written villain was Pinochimon, and ignoring that i'm a biased party, most people seem to agree with me on this. Vamdemon was definitely the most intimidating and well built up antagonist. Apocalymon has a really cool and sympathetic concept, and I wish he had been focused on more. Generally, due to the nature of Adventure's “good versus evil” tropes, a lot of the villains aren’t really allowed any sort of nuance or are portrayed in a “They're Inherently Damnable Let's Kill Em” sort of way, which is unfortunate. Only Ogremon top of my head really gets any sort of minor redemption at the end without dying for it, ala Wizarmon, Gottsumon and Pumpkinmon.
-Like Tamers, Adventure is much more open to the idea of making horny jokes and talking about romance, which I do not enjoy, and it was by far the worst one when it came to that in my opinion. Why were there so many jokes about masc digimon hitting on Mimi. Stop that right this instant.
-Generally, I would say plot and character writing is a mixed bag. None of it is necessarily godawful, but you can tell that Adventure was very haphazardly and sloppily written. There’s a lot of inconsistencies in the writing- a lot of new characters or story elements are sort of abruptly added out of nowhere with no real build up and which sometimes ultimately don’t really matter all that much. It has definitely the worst pacing out of the seasons I've seen so far- Again, Building up momentum to then just suddenly stop and spill exposition on you. Savers and Tamers had issues too, but their handling of the plot was usually much tighter and the writing much more concise. Whilst I love the kids, and they do definitely get their own character arcs, none of them are written equally in that regard and often times it leads to situations where some characters get their arcs finished early and then stay stagnant for the rest of the season (Sora and Koushiro) whilst others only get major character writing near the very end (Yamato). It also definitely played favourites with some of them lol. Random things will interject in pivotal moments and the arcs for each different villain all have entirely different vibes to one another. Truthfully, it does come across as a much of mini stories hazily slapped together in an attempt to create a Larger Grander Narrative. Which, again, it was their first attempt ever creating an anime for Digimon, so I suppose I can’t blame them too much for this. It’s a miracle this took off so well in the first place.
Again, there’s definitely stuff I'm missing that i'd have wanted to say, but as a whole, again, I like Adventure! It’s not my favourite season of the digimon anime, and I can definitely understand the frustration for Bandai constantly milking it as a cash cow for the nostalgia points. But, I do think as a whole it holds up for the most part, at least for a kids anime from the late 90s, and Again, I don’t regret having watched it.
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otakween · 8 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 37
This episode was decent, but had a major case of the uglies. Everyone was off model, but Lopmon and Terriermon got it the worst with their faces changing drastically from frame to frame. It was actually kinda charming in how derpy things looked, but it definitely took away from the drama.
I understand Jian's frustration with Shiuchon, but he crossed a line when he hit her. Not cool >:/ Glad Hirokazu and Kenta did something useful for once and offered to stay behind with her and Juri. Finally they serve a purpose!
The best looking thing in this episode was definitely all of the background art, but that's because they didn't need to animate it lol. Still, I like this "ominous final boss" setting
So the "God" all the deva have been referring to was Zhuqiaomon (what a mouthful). Aren't there like multiple Gods though? What are the other digi Gods doing rn? Are there multiple "religions" in the digital world?
Sooo Culumon is a "Digi-Entelechia" which, according to Google, is Latin/Italian for entelechy which is a concept Aristotle came up with that boils down to "the inherent force which controls and directs the activities and development of a living being." Whew! I guess that pretty much fits what Culumon does to a T. Seems like a ridiculously grandiose term for such a silly creature tho lol
I kinda think Zhuqiaomon is a little too close to a Birdramon/Phoenixmon combo in design. It's a "meh" design for me. I felt like I couldn't appreciate it much in this episode because it was mostly obscured by flames/hard to make out in general
Was glad to see that Terriermon wasn't perfectly fine after falling into a pit last episode. That raised the stakes a bit.
The scene where Guardromon just watches Shiuchon fly off into the abyss made me laugh out loud. Hirokazu's partner would be a big dumb idiot lol
Shiuchon wanting to fight for Lopmon but not quite knowing how was adorable.
Whelp, I was wrong. I guess everyone's fusing with their digimon partner now. Why are they still calling it "Matrix Evolution" that's confusing...Really liked the transformation sequence and I like SaintGalgomon's design too! I think the ultimate forms are looking much better than the perfects. Kind of feels like more care was put in.
With the ultimate forms, I wonder how much of the designs were inspired by the human characters? I don't really know that Dukemon gives off Takato vibes (same for SaintGalgomon and Jian). I guess they are more human-shaped though.
I was glad to see that Zhuqiaomon wasn't defeated so easily (I'd be mad if just SaintGalgomon was enough), but I'm also really sick of the "okay, we win! -pause for 2 seconds- OH NO! He's actually totally fine!!" twist. You're not fooling anyone Digimon, you've done this a zillion times.
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Elysia Autumnbrook propaganda!!
I never realized it before but come to think of it, her story is all about redemption. Elysia Autumnbrook (nicknamed "Junebug" by her father, because her birthday is June 1st) is the second oldest among her several siblings. Growing up, she was always a kind and curious girl, but not without her fair share of mischief. (Thank her best friend Domitius for being a bad influence on her, lmbooo) Though she never had ill intent, this did lead to serious trouble a couple of times. With this and her love of animals combined, she set her sights on becoming a Tamer, one of the most respected and noble positions in her whole village. She felt the need to make up for her wrongdoings, and more so, she wanted to be someone her family could look up to and be proud of.
In the peaceful, pacifistic village of Mapleshire, it is absolutely forbidden to take a life, especially an innocent one. This includes the lives of animals. Being nestled deep in a forest though, it isn't unheard of for wild animals to pose a threat. Thus, to protect the people, the role of a Tamer is to deal with the animal nonviolently. They do this with their magical instruments, which they are trained to use, to enchant the animal and send it away.
But one fateful day, when Elysia was still a young trainee Tamer, a wolf attacked the village's shepherds and their flocks. She was the first one to reach them and tried to tame the wolf, but failed. In a panic she fought with it, and ultimately killed it. There was no hiding what she'd done, and when word reached the Ram and his Bighorns (the leaders of Mapleshire) of what had happened, they banished her. They branded her forehead with the mark of Pluto, so that anyone that met her would know of her sin and the danger she is.
She spent long, horrible, lonely years trying to survive, all on her own. She grew distrustful, unable and unwilling to rely on anyone, or even speak to anyone if she could help it. (That is, until she got roped into the d&d plot she was made for lol) She wears the skull of the wolf she killed to hide her face, her shame, and in some ways, as a self-punishment. It wasn't until Domitius finally found her and convinced her to come back to Mapleshire to save her family from a new danger (a long story for another day), and she found that her family still loved and long forgave her for what happened, that she finally left the skull behind.
Sorry this is really long, I love her lol 👉👈 You can find plenty more art of her here, but be warned - all of it's old and lots of it is angsty/bloody :p But please vote for my beloved girl!! <3
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so-this-is-hell · 5 months
What type of roles do each of the deadly sins have? (By roles i mean job applications just to be clear)
Ok so note this part is where shit is a little fucky because I’m trying to iron out the sins but I have NOTES
Lulu is essentially the overseer of hell and the ultimate judge of things, usually you do NOT want to be presented before Lucifer because it means you fucked up so badly that not even Minos wants to judge you. This is added with their ringleader aesthetic and more trickster way of performing magic, they are the ultimate power in hell and will let you know.
Being the secondary power of hell, the original prisoner of the place and one who can navigate the abyss. Leviathan dips her toes in a lot of things but she’s mostly the head of weaponry and magic, as her body is essentially covered in knives. Because of this she’s the knife thrower or more finesse performer.
Being literally named Money, he’s the economy. He runs banks, treasuries and entertainment in hell. If you see commercials in hell, it’s because of mammon. He’s mostly the buffoonery in circus (clowns, jesters, mimes), and thus he has a soft spot for clowns and jesters.
He also creates Homunculi, which takes the form of weirdly sentient robots or flesh golemns that follow orders.
The sleepy genius is the head of hospitals and technology, she’s the reason why there’s smart phones in hell. Granted she often has to update hell to human’s standards and gets some things wrong, which is why the internet is fucking horrendous half the time in hell… but like that’s a torture for sinners so win win? She’s also the contortionist and gymnast, considering she was born before the invention of wheel chairs she knows how to move herself around without her chair.
The gluttony demon is the head of food, nothing too thrilling. Farms, food factories, and party houses where people can indulge as much as they like on empty calories and empty serotonin. Beelzebub is the acrobat and trapeze artist and often hosts parties in hell, mostly to keep the peace among the sins and try to bridge gaps.
The Strong man of the circus and the head of transportation, he mostly oversees trains and gates and such and works with leviathan to keep gates of hell regulated. He and his wife Babel are also the creators of the species of imps, thus imps are considered a bit more revered in wrath. His ring also has fight pits and mines for coal to run the trains so yeah.
Asmodeus (spoken as one person as the job is considered for one person)
The animal tamer and breeder of hell, his job is simple. He makes potions, breed demons, make new types of demons, run the nightclubs and bars, and oversee the more feral type of demons. He also oversees political marriages, although he finds marriage dumb as hell. He’s also the one who oversees succubi, one of the only species of demon who commonly still go to earth without being summoned.
Since she’s Lucifer’s kid and the future ringmaster, her parent has made her the carnival barker of sorts. She runs limbo with Minos and Charon, overseeing souls and sorting them while also overseeing demon contracts with mortals and even making deals herself. She’s the sin that everyone considers the weakest one, since she’s the sin of betrayal and she happens to be less eager to murder than the others. But don’t let that fool you, she is still feared in hell… just not AS much.
Overall they are all rulers with their own set of retainers, armies and such.
Hell they are more akin to emperors while right under them are often 3 kings who do things to keep their stations running. Example being asmodeus has a king who can turn off the fertility of people whenever.
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the-weakest-tamer · 3 months
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The weakest tamer cd looks so wholesome
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blueikeproductions · 10 months
Be More Chill AU X Digimon general outline.
Be More Chill AU: A loose adaption of the musical that is a full on crossover with Digimon, based on the fan comic Digimon Zone. A bigger focus on Evolution and upgrades is placed due to the inclusion of Tamers and Digimon's bond and ability to Digivolve. In this version of events, dimensional peacekeepers, the Zoners and their Digimon investigate anomalies in the Network and its various Zones (universes that contains an Earth and a Digital World or Digital World approximation), and happen on a Zone where the Digital World hasn't been fully discovered by humanity yet, but Digimon have nevertheless been downloaded into strange, digital pills called SQUIPS that local human teens have been taking to improve themselves. Curious on what this could mean if the SQUIPS escape their native Zone. Dan Ike, Betamon, Izzy: and Tentomon investigate the matter, infiltrating Jeremy Heere's school as the highest SQUIP/Digimon activity is present there. The two boys befriend Jeremy and Micheal, and slowly expose them to the secret of Digimon, though Micheal was aware of the Digimon already, having become friends with a Shoutmon that appeared in his phone's music playlist.
Jeremy, in his quest to become popular and find someone to help him (despite Dan, Izzy: and Micheal's best efforts to dissuade him otherwise) takes a SQUIP, with his turning out to be a charismatic Algomon Ultimate who takes Jeremy under his wing. When it starts to take further control of Jeremy, Algomon assumes its Worm Phase form, wrapping Jeremy in its tentacles and controlling him like a puppet. When Jeremy manages to fully break away from Algomon later on, it Digivolves into its Mega Level to reassert itself. Jeremy's actual Partner Digimon would turn out to be a Veemon.
Digimon hail from the Digital World like usual, but like Digimon Adventure: and Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, some Digimon have been creeping into the Real World via the Internet, which is how Micheal met Shoutmon. Others have been downloaded into SQUIPs by a currently unknown source that the Zoners are investigating. Like Digimon Ghost Game and Digimon Fusion, Digimon usually can't be seen properly by other humans. Those with SQUIPs are usually the only ones aware of them, though Micheal became aware of Shoutmon after finding what he thought was a weird animated gif (Shoutmon's V-Pet sprite) dancing to Bob Marley on his phone. When Digimon manifest in the Real World, like Digimon Ghost Game, they initially take on Hologram Ghost forms. Dan and Izzy:'s Betamon and Tentomon also do so, causing other kids with SQUIPs to assume their Digimon are SQUIP AI.
Before Jeremy gets his SQUIP, he can't see the other Digimon at first on his own, finding he can only see them and ensuing fights via his phone. Similar to SSSS.Gridman, the SQUIP Digimon can be seen via phones and other digital equipment like laptops and game consoles, which Dan and Izzy: use to identify those with SQUIPs. Rich Goranski's SQUIP would be identified as a Kurisarimon that would later on attempt to take control and Digivolve to Infermon, forcing Dan's Majiramon, Izzy:'s MegaKabuterimon, and Micheal's OmniShoutmon to intervene. Like Ghost Game, Digimon can see and touch each other while in their Hologram state, though they can cause damage to their physical surroundings which Dan and Jeremy's group attempt to contain.
Other identified SQUIP Digimon so far include Soulmon, Gururumon, Morphomon, Eosmon, Goblimon, SkullMeramon, Fugamon, Burpmon, Etemon, Betsumon, Soundbirdmon, Crowmon, Wisemon, Bokomon, Neemon, Starmonz, Impmon, Mamemon, Dobermon, Terriermon, Wendigomon, IceDevimon, and Eyesmon.
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lotho · 9 months
Can we say that Bandai owes us a digimon game where we are our like a brand of digi destined.
Like come on.
I WILL rant about this again! Over and over again.
Digimon surviver so far is decent for me, love the art style and aesthetic about it and digimon cyberseluth is perhaps on my top ten favorite games of all time, fun with battles and characters.
I feel like these two have themes of childhood and coming of age sorta but never fully commit to it. Which I feel like is a missed opportunity. Digimon anime fans love it because of the feeling of coming of age and growing with these characters.
My ideal game would us playing as a digi destined, wether we go to the digital world or a digimon in the real world. We then look for other digi destined and gain trust between them with similar options like surviver and a similar battle style like cyber sleuth.
I think it would have a different elements to it to distinguish it from the anime, alternate universe you can say so it can kinda parallel to the anime but not be the same things. With the chance to develop a relationship with your other friends, their is a chance to implement fusions with your Digimon like tamers and even fusions with other digimon like 02. I want a game that is the ultimate love letter to old fans and a fun story to new fans 😭
I am basically asking for persona style digimon
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wspcal · 7 months
hii!! if u already decided all the talents ignore this but i think
charles should be the ultimate conspiracist
nico should be ultimate wild animal tamer or ultimate poacher
min should be ultimate professor or ultimate delinquent
thank GOD you sent this while i was working on the doc, but I'm so glad you suggested nico and min since I had no idea what to make them!! I've already chosen Charles for the Ultimate Astrologist if you wanted to know! W(`0`)W
I love Wild Animal Tamer & Delinquent! I'll use those ^^!!
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melancholywally · 7 months
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Digimon Anime Evolution 19/?
Renamon and its main evolutions. It is best known as the partner Digimon of Makino Ruki (eng: Rika Nonaka) in Digimon Tamers. In the series, Renamon and Ruki Matrix Evolve to become Sakuyamon. Sakuyamon, as Ruki's partner, changes to Miko Mode in the D-Ark Ver. 15th.
Stages: Baby I: Relemon Baby II: Pokomon (eng: Viximon) Child: Renamon Adult: Kyubimon Perfect: Taomon Ultimate: Sakuyamon — Mode Change: Sakuyamon: Miko Mode (eng: Maid Mode)
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
Intro to Digimon
In my previous posts about Digimon, particularly my overview of all aquatic Digimon species, I god some comments from people who liked the designs and were curious about the franchise, but didn't know much about it. I decided to write this introduction to let people know more about the basics of the franchise and give suggestions for where to start if they're interested.
What is Digimon?
Digimon is a Japanese multimedia franchise owned by Bandai that focuses on the titular creatures. It is a monster collection franchise that started as a series of virtual pets. Think Tomagatchis aimed for young boys who like their virtual pets to be badass monsters. Digimon media includes virtual pets, toys, a variety of video games, a trading card game, multiple animes, mangas, and more. Unlike some other franchises, Digimon exists in a multiverse with most games, mangas, and animes existing independently from each other. Each setting can follow its own rules and variations of the lore and universe, though most follow some common rules. The Digimon Reference Book lists official Digimon species and gives setting-neutral lore for them. Many entries in the franchise involve the bonds between humans (known as tamers) who bond with one or more Digimon and go on adventures together.
Ok, but what is a Digimon?
Digimon, short for Digital Monsters, are creatures born from data and exist within Earth's internet and computer systems. While born from computer data, most settings say that Digimon are more than just AIs and possess souls and free will. A few newer entries in the franchise say that Digimon have existed since long before the internet and computers and data are just the most recent method humans use to interact with and influence them. Digimon come from the Digital World, a world that exists within the network but is also often depicted as being another dimension parallel to Earth. It can be thought of as a universe influenced by data, but that exists on its own. Again, each setting will have its own take on the Digital World. The Digital World is often depicted as being maintained and ruled over by a supercomputer named Yggdrasil or King Drasil. Other entries (usually early in the franchise) say that their Digital World is ruled by an enigmatic God heavily based on the one of Christianity who may be a human programmer.
There are many species of Digimon that can evolve through a series of levels. When evolving to a new level, a Digimon will change species. How similar Digimon are to humans varies depending on setting. In many, Digimon do not reproduce on their own, instead new Digimon are born from new data. While individual Digimon can appear masculine or feminine, different settings will differ on whether Digimon have sexes or genders. In most settings, Digimon who die will have their data reconfigured into a Digitama (Digi-egg), allowing for a form of reincarnation. Whether or how much Digimon can remember from past lives depends on the setting.
Each species has an attribute. The attributes are Vaccine, Virus, Data, and Free. These attribute comes form how the species behaves and affects the Digital world. Vaccines benefit the Digital World, Viruses harm it, and Datas have no real effect either way. Free attribute Digimon are rare and don't fit any other category. Generally speaking, Vaccine Digimon are good, Viruses are evil, and Datas are neutral. This isn't set in stone and it's perfectly possible to have a villainous Vaccine, heroic Virus, or Data that leans either way. Attributes in some of the games also have a rock-paper-scissors lineup where Vaccine beats Virus beats Data beats Vaccine. Free is neutral to everything.
Evolution, dubbed in English as Digivolution, is the process by which Digimon grow stronger and reach new levels. The levels, listed in Japanese/English are Baby I/Fresh, Baby II/In-Training, Child/Rookie, Adult/Champion, Perfect/Ultimate, and Ultimate/Mega. Some entries have an addition level called Super Ultimate/Ultra. Yes, the fact that Ultimate is used for two different levels in different languages has caused quite a bit of confusion. Another from of evolution is Jogress(join+progress)/DNA Digivolution. This occurs when two or more Digimon will merge to become a new Digimon of a higher level. Related to evolution is mode changes. A Digimon that mode changes will change to a new form, but does not actually change level (with a few exceptions). Mode changes are denoted by adding the name of the mode to the Digimon's name. An example of a mode change is Jupitemon mode changing to Jupitermon Wrath Mode.
Evolution in Digimon is much more varied and open-ended than in other franchises like Pokemon. In many of the the video games and especially the virtual pets, Digimon will have multiple possible evolutions that are not necessarily thematically related to each other. Evolutions are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Multiple different species of one level could evolve to the same Digimon of the next level. Digimon can also evolve back to a lower level and not necessarily to the same species they started as. An example is Agumon (a little orange dinosaur) evolving to Centalmon/Centarumon (cyborg centaur), then evolving backwards to Patamon (flying hamster). Many species have a "default" through line that is considered the standard for that species. These default lines are usually either designed to be thematically consistent with each other through every level or were depicted in one of the animes or mangas. Non-virtual pet and game media, such as the animes and mangas, usually give Digimon much more linear evolution lines with few if any branches.
Evolution often work differently between wild Digimon and those with tamers. Wild Digimon cannot evolve freely. As they live and battle, they will gain experience and power until they evolve to the next level. Once at a new level, they stay there until gaining enough power to evolve again or being wounded badly enough to be forcibly reverted to a prior level but not enough to be killed. Digimon partnered with a tamer will instead stay at a default level, usually Child/Rookie, but can evolve to a higher one with help from their partner. These evolutions are temporary and the Digimon will eventually revert to its default form.
Where do I start?
If you're looking for a way into the franchise, there are a few options. If you want to start with an anime I suggest Digimon Adventure (original, not reboot), Digimon Tamers, or Digimon Ghost Game. Adventure is the original anime and one of the few that goes for more than one season. Adventure is followed up by Digimon Adventure 02, a few movies, Digimon Adventure Tri, Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna and the upcoming Digimon Adventure 02 the Beginning. Adventure set the standard for how most Digimon stories work. It features a cast of human children, each with a Digimon partner, being lost in the Digital World and going through adventures as they encounter villains and try to figure out how to get home. It is heavy on plot and character development and is a lot of fun. Digimon Tamers was the first anime not set in the Adventure universe and goes into darker and more adult themes while still being fun. It's a lot of people's favorite season for a good reason. Be aware that the english dubs for Digimon Adventure through Digimon Tamers added a lot of jokes and other silliness that weren't in the original. The dubs are very hit or miss and pretty contentious in the fandom. I like them personally, but watch the one you prefer. Digimon Ghost Game is the most recent season and thus you will find a lot of people still talking about it. It is more focused on monster of the week episodes than running plotlines and has a strong horror vibe. Ghost Game, like many recent entries in the franchise, is aimed toward adults who were fans of the series as kids.
If you want to start with a game, I suggest one of the ones on Steam as they're easily available in English. Steam has Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, Digimon Survive, and Digimon World Next Order. Cyber Sleuth is an RPG that is probably the best entry point for people familiar with the Pokemon games as they function similarly. You catch and assemble your dream team of Digimon as you evolve them through higher levels and move through the story. Digimon Survive is a hybrid visual novel and tactical RPG which tells a more horror-based version of the classic "kids trapped in the Digital World" story. Your choices in the game affect the outcome and there are 4 different endings. The true route and ending is only unlocked on a new game + so play it twice. Next Order is a real-time RPG where you raise a pair of Digimon from egg to final form repeatedly as you move through the story and unlock new forms.
If you want to start with a virtual pet, the current one available is the Vital Bracelet BE. It is a fitbit-style health-tracking bracelet that pairs with an app and allows you to raise Digimon, with more exercise giving you better results. The VB has multiple DIM cards with more coming out regularly. Each DIM card unlocks new Digimon and evolution lines.
If you just want to see the different species and read their lore, there are two wikis: wikimon.net and the Digimon Wiki on fandom.com. I prefer wikimon. Wikimon uses Japanese terminology while the Digimon Wiki uses English terminology.
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Alvira Kätzlein
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[please note I have not played through any of Diona’s story/hangout quests so I have no idea if information on her mother has been introduced or not]
Lore rant below cut!
Alvira was a proud member of the Kätzlein clan. Ever since she was a little girl, she and her parents had worked hard as nature guides for the kind people of Mondstadt. Leading expeditions with the Knights, helping researchers gather rare materials, and instructing new adventurers on basic wilderness survival. It was a fulfilling job that took them all over the region and sometimes beyond.
They always had a place to return to, however. Springvale. That tiny little town right outside Mondstadt. And it was in that town where Alvira fell in love with Draff, her childhood friend. When Alvira came of age, she decided to pursue a different career path than her parents, and became a Beast Tamer for the Knights of Favonius. This was a position that allowed her to settle in Springvale with Draff, using the open space of the forest to train the animals used by the Knights. Hawks, horses, dogs, even ferrets and wild boar would all be tamed under her gentle touch. This way, Alvira would rarely have to leave her home and new husband, but still had the freedom to be one with nature.
Alvira was especially glad for her job when she eventually fell pregnant. Both she and Draff were thrilled and spared no expense when it came to their little one. Her coworkers sent gifts, and the residents of Springvale helped them a nursery to their tiny home. Alvira’s pregnancy was a surprisingly easy one, as she demonstrated time and time again by hunting dinner on her own up till the day she gave birth.
And finally, after a long and difficult delivery, Alvira finally got to hold her little baby in her arms. Exhausted, she cleaned Diona up, fed her, handed her off to her father, then settled down to take a short rest. Alvira closed her eyes, content with her life choices so far.
She never woke up.
For unknown reasons no one could figure out, Alvira fell into a deep sleep once her labor was over and Diona was in safe hands. She slept heavily for months, growing weaker and sickly as time went on. She developed an infection from improper after-birth care, and in the end, that’s what ultimately killed her.
Diona never got to meet her mother, but she knows that she acts just like her. Even without trying. Her father tells her so, sobbing into his third glass of wine that night as Diona desperately tries to sneak the bottle away from him. Seeing her father like this made her horribly sad, and being compared to a woman she’d never see somehow made it all the more worse.
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