#uhmmm ok what to tag this
lacking-artdration · 4 months
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if we get postal doe does that mean we also get an aunt dave
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pup-pee · 3 months
dickie doodle :D
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i zoomed in
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chlopieno · 5 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Niki and Philza find evidence of the Ender Dragon
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Man it took me almost 2 hours to think about how i want to show this! Finally i decided on dragon tooth in an enderman :3
I was struggling and this whole thing was painful, i will DEFINITELY join next time! It helped me to get a bit out of my comfort zone. Also. I have never drawn Niki or Philza before, so excuse me if they look wonkier than the whole concept of "quick doodle comic" allows :v also Niki is a cat hybrid bc thats cute >:3
@sixteenth-day-event thank you for organizing this event!
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ickmick · 2 months
ok tumblr dot com im going to bed now
(only meant to browse a few posts for a few minutes)
have this update on the wip of the life series thingy *tosses confetti and then collapses in bed*
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toxicorum · 7 months
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hello tumblr nation check out my new piece <3
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artekai · 1 year
Rebooting systems…
All systems online. Thank you for your patience.
When I come to, the first sensation I register is the low temperature of the room, followed by the soft sounds of breathing from a human sitting in front of me. As I open my eyes, my facial recognition software nearly instantly identifies the individual as Fross van der Meer, roboticist, member of Far Zenith, age 968, pronouns he/him. The combination of abundant black hair, freckles on his pale skin, shiny blue eyes, and youthful appearance, makes him easily stand out against the other thirteen faces in my Far Zenith database.
Huh. Thirteen faces. Something feels… off about that number. My first instinct is to scroll quickly enough to cover at least forty more faces within microseconds, but there are only fourteen Zeniths in total?
His voice interrupts my thoughts. “Tell me if you can hear me.”
I nod. “Affirmative.”
He lifts one hand. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Good.” Fross is giving me a flat, but piercing stare. “Who are you?”
“I am FZ-0102.” I recite. “Originally manufactured in 2053 by Faro Automated Solutions as  part of a venture into defense bots that could realistically pass as human for undercover missions, I was repurposed in 2062 to become a multiservitor to Far Zenith.” I then smile a little. “But I simply call myself Carlos.”
“Don’t call yourself anything. You are a machine.” He says, tapping something into the holo screens behind him. He then looks back at me. “Who am I?”
“Fross van der Meer.” I say. “Roboticist, member of Far Zenith, age 968, pronouns he/him.”
He looks away at that, a pained smile on his face. “God, don’t remind me of how old I am…” He laments. “I’m biologically in my twenties.”
I make a mental note not to bring up Fross’s age again.
“Now, save this in your maintenance logs.” He says, glancing at the holoscreen to read from his notes. “Major hardware repairs. Minor improvements to visual stimuli reception. Minor improvements to language processing skills. Cleanup of technical and personal memory drive, spanning years 2065 through 3012. Did you get all of that?”
“Yeah.” I say, shifting in my seat. That explains the gap in my memories… It does feel like all this time has passed in a blur — simultaneously dragging out for forever and flying by in seconds, leaving no trace behind. The lack of memories does feel uncomfortable, even though I’m sure I must have requested it… So I dare to ask. “Any particular reason for the memory wipe?”
“It would defeat the purpose if I told you, wouldn’t it?” Fross smiles at me, though it doesn’t reach his eyes, before he turns back to his holoscreen. “You were long overdue for a hard reset anyways. It should help keep your sentience levels within legal limits.”
Like I’m supposed to believe that Far Zenith gives two shits about legality now. In space. But, then again, I suppose humans have always been scared of the things that they created themselves. Even taking into account their shields and their immortality treatments, if I developed sentience, I would be considered a threat… Which is understandable, I guess. I’d probably blow all of the Zeniths’ heads clean off, if my programming weren’t stopping me.
Not like it matters, anyway… I’ll never be sentient. That’s why I’ll never belong with humans, why they’ll never accept me, and, most importantly, why they might never love me back. I can’t help the junk I was built with, no matter how much I want to.
“What is it like?” I mutter, hands on my lap and eyes on the ground, while Fross taps away at the holoscreen. I then tilt my head, adding, “Being sentient, I mean.”
“Sentience is a curse.” Fross says, brows knitting. He turns to fix me in a glare as some sort of warning. “You’re better off the way you are now, so don’t get any ideas. Run full diagnostics for me.”
I do as I’m told. It takes a bit under 0.8 seconds. “All systems operational.”
“Good. There’s only one last thing I want to check.” Fross looks up at me again. “What is your primary directive?”
“My primary directive is to protect Fross van der Meer’s life and safety,” I recite, though the words tasting unfamiliar on my tongue, giving me a bit of pause. “With the caveat that I cannot give the rest of Far Zenith any reason to think that my directive has changed at all.”
Man. That’ll be a pain in the ass. Non-sentient beings are notoriously bad liars, according to humans. But if I fail to perform up to standards, Far Zenith will surely deactivate me and tear me apart for scrap they can reuse...
Oh shit.
I lunge forward as soon as I catch a glimpse of a scalpel in Fross’s hand, as he pulls his arm back and attempts to stab himself on the forearm. Thank god I stop him just in time — and, before I know it, I’m holding his wrists tightly, leaning over him, my face only centimeters away from his.
His eyes widen, lips parting slightly as he stares into my own eyes, as if he hadn’t expected me to react so quickly.
“God.” He mutters. “You feel almost human, but you’re so strong…” A ghost of a smile tugs at his lips, and I can physically feel it when his eyes start scanning me all over, really taking in my appearance like he hadn’t before. “Despite everything, you’re still a marvel of engineering.”
My processor skips a bit at those words, taken off-guard by the unbridled awe in his voice. He called me a marvel of engineering. And he’s an engineer, so he must know what he’s talking about! That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me since… since Takuto…
“Thank you.” I say. “Please don’t injure yourself.”
“I’m not going to. I was testing your reflexes.” He wrenches his hand, but his pitiful pull is nothing about my mechanical iron grip. He frowns at that. “Let me go.”
I turn my gaze towards the scalpel, as I let go of his free hand and pry the tool away from him. Only then do I fully back off, closing my fingers over the blade of the scalpel to avoid any damage even if either he or I make a wrong move.
“Jesus.” I detect what seems like indignation at my perfectly reasonable security methods in his voice. But he still seems somewhat flustered? I’m not sure how to interpret that…
“Anyways, pair with my implant, I’ll give you access to my geolocation and biometric data.” He waves his hand in resignation, letting out a sigh. “I really shouldn’t be doing this, but I trust I’ll get it right this time. As long as you don’t have admin privileges…”
I should be questioning what he means by “this time,” but it’s not my place to ask. There is a reason why he wiped my memories, after all. I have to trust it was a good one.
In any case, Fross gives me access as soon as I request it. Immediately, I get flooded by kilobytes of information on his cardiac rhythm, breathing patterns, oxygen levels, hormonal balance, nutritional needs, allergies, pain response, hydration, amount of steps he has walked today, how many hours of REM sleep he has on average, and the way each of these factors has fluctuated throughout his entire life. Or, at least, since he had the implant installed.
God, it’s all useless. To me. I’m not some sort of algorithm, I’m primarily a bodyguard bot. All I really need to know is where he is, and whether his lungs are still breathing and his heart is still beating. That is all.
This is… oof. It’s a lot, to be honest. It’s actually making me light-headed…
But there is one thing that piques my interest, one of those aforementioned basics. The ability to track Fross’s heartbeat.
Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Thrumming nicely inside my head.
It’s really taking me back to an easier time, long before the Faro Plague, when I would lay my head over Takuto’s chest at night and press my ear against his skin, listening for his heartbeat. The consistent, comforting sound would lull me to something akin to sleep…
It’s... relaxing.
Does Fross realize that, by helping himself, he’s inadvertently helping me too? This is the closest I’ll ever get to having my own heartbeat. It might actually help me get some peaceful rest tonight…
I’m interrupted by a text-only transmission. “Copy me?”
He didn’t say anything out loud or move his lips at all. I respond the same way. “Copied.”
“Good. We’ll need a private means of communication if we want to avoid detection by the rest of Far Zenith. We’re done here. Dismissed.”
Well. I guess it’s time to leave and pretend that my first priority is still serving Far Zenith as a whole, then. It’s hard to believe I’m physically linked to Fross now… That is a disaster waiting to happen, for sure. But, no matter where this goes, I have to admit I’m actually a little excited to play along and watch the wreckage happen. It’s about time, after all.
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orcelito · 1 year
genuinely tho me jumping right into reading volume 9 of trimax and then volume 10 (and then most of the rest of the manga) on the night before i had a presentation at 9:30 am (that was entirely not prepared) was literally one of the most unhinged decisions ive ever made
this is what a hyperfixation does to a person
#speculation nation#like that experience was transcendent. i will NEVER be repeating it again but it sure was something#crying 5 times in a night chugging my monster perusing the wolfwood tag tearfully as i listen to the same sad song on repeat for an hour#struggling to get myself to work on the presentation but continuously going back to the manga bc it was SOOO GOOOD#me being like 'im gonna need a few days to process and heal' after reading volume 10 but then after an hour just. starting reading more.#gettign only 2 hours of sleep bc i was like 'ok i need to recover from crying Five Times and then i will focus entirely on this'#literally what is wrong with me lmfao. this sure was something.#this was literally just last week. i can hardly believe it.#this happened on tuesday/wednesday. i spent wednesday recovering. then on thursday i was like 'ok time to write'#there was hardly ANY wait time before i jumped into my next writing project#bc i had the idea after volume 10 but waited until i finished the manga to see where would be the best time to implement it#& that shit with the plants was the PERFECT time. i knew as soon as it happened that That was what i was gonna use.#wrote chapter 1 within a day (while working) then chapter 2 within a day (while working)#then chapter 3 within 2 days (while working AND doing family stuff)#guys i havent had a proper day off of work in over a week bc i covered on tuesday and came in on wednesday and covered on sunday#uhm. sunday before yesterday. i think my last day off was actually uh. the thursday before? a week and a half ago.#and im not getting a day off until thursday. two whole goddamned weeks. i am having a fucking time for sure.#and what do you know that coincides with The Time. oh i dont think it was even thursday. when the fuck was my last day off#uhmmm. oh haha it was that tuesday. aka the 18th. i havent had a goddamned day off since the 18th.#head in my hands. i am losing my fucking mind.#literally unhinged. and it makes sooo much sense now lmfao.
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the-pigeon · 2 years
hiii pigeon we've been mutuals for some time but haven't interacted w each other! i wanted to quickly say hi (i did it already hehe) and say that im glad that youre my first mutual on tumblr! im still kinda new here but i am still very welcome to idea of chit-chatting if u do not mind :] i have a dsmp lore brainrot and rlly enjoy watching tommy, so i hope we get along (if you dont mind)
OMG HI sorry i only just saw this i've been out and hi hi hi hi !!! im never opposed to talking so i definitely dont mind hehe. im gonna ramble in the tags now
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krysmiss · 7 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday - Sleepover Edition!
Thanks pals for tagging me Kat - @mybrainismelted Nosho -@creepkinginc @Ling - @lingy910y Dyno - @dynamic-power Jess - @jrooc Sky - @skylerwinchester Georgia - @iansw0rld and River -@milkovichrules ! 🤗
Ok pocket friends, tonight we are having a sleepover!  So grab your pj’s, your teddy bears, and your fuzzy slippers, and let’s have some fun!
Woohoo Shameless Sleepover Party! 🎉🎉🎉
Name: Krystal
Location: the Gallaghers' are my next door neighbors
We’ll start with some easy ones!
Is there a celebrity you think you look like? If so, who: Uhh no I don't think so.
Do you still have stuffed animals in your bed? I don't. I do have too many pillows though
Who is your celebrity crush? Cam and Noel. I've also loved Usher for damn near my entire life so I'll include him also ❤
OK, now for some slightly embarrassing ones!
Have you ever accidentally sent a naughty message to the wrong person? lmao nope.
Have you ever snorted your drink out your nose on a date? Thankfully, no. That sounds painful.
Have you ever peed in a public pool? oof I don't think so. Do water parks count? If so then maybe when I was a kid but if they don't count then ignore what you just read. 😉
And we will close it out with some shameless characters bang/marry/kill:
Ian/Mickey/Kev: Bang: Ian. Marry: Mickey. Kill: Kev (but only temporarily. I want a secret power to bring him back to life - I like Kev!)
ETA: I'd also love to be married to my sweetheart Ian. He can't just be a hit it and quit it lol
Fiona/V/Svetlana: oof this one's hard. uhmmm Bang: Fiona. Marry: V. Kill: Svet
Frank/Kermit/Tommy: Uhm Kat, what exactly was going on in your head when you came up with this? If I must choose: Bang: Frank (gross). Marry: Kermit (Don't think it'll last long - he's old) Kill: Tommy
Karen/Mandy/Sandy: Bang: Sandy. Marry: Mandy. Kill: Karen
Jimmy/Sean/Gus: Bang: Jimmy-Steve, Marry: Sean Kill: Gus (tbh I'd also bang Gus but I'm trying to play by the rules)
Thanks for coming to my sleepover! Hope you had fun, we are having banana pancakes for breakfast. - no pop-tarts? 👀
Tagging a few wonderful people: @heymrspatel @lupeloto @mickeysgaymom @metalheadmickey @bawlbrayker @softmick @redwiccanrobin @deathclassic @darlingian and @depressedstressedlemonzest if you want to, of course. If not, here take an ice cream cone🍦 😊
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crueldemonsthesis · 1 year
Mb someone has already asked this(IM LAZY. I DONT WANNA TRY AND FIND IT😭) but you said in your pinned comment that you hate crybaby(amen crybaby mid) and that you may or may not elaborate on it, so now I’m asking you to elaborate on it:))))))))
oh shit this is going to be so long. so like. so like. crybaby bad bites my teeth and spits everywhere with my red evil eyes.
so im actually writing bit and im soo sorry for my spelling i ahve really shaky hands and stuff blah blah so yeah. sorry if this is hard to read i tried!
devilman is a very important manga to me because of my own firsthand experiences with war so im not a fan of the weird pubety theme and focus in crybaby.
even as a pubetrty theme theres sexualization of the characters that doesnt need to be there. mikos poor poor floppy boobs. it makes me uncomfortable! also masturbation scene do i need to say anymore
crybabys characterizations of the characters also are just. mindbloggling. akiras the crybaby? ya sure??? like dude next time i go drinking or some shit ill bring my devilman pffdf and take sip everytime ryo cries. then ill die bc im not strong enough.
it just goes places with the characters that i dont understand like. where did u get this from. i do not like ryo being cold anc uncaring it couldnt be further from the original character. bitch is crying and gaying everwhere.
and with miki! i lovee miki uhm. do u see my bio. do u see my profile picture. do u see my blog title. i am lover of miki makimmuraa and supoorter of ehr so that bitch in crybaby make no sense. give miki her knife again let her chase people round with her knife let her shoot a man. let her kill.
i hfate fucking hate what they did with sirene. they made sirenes arc weird and sexual made her a pedophile and then akira rapes sirene which is literally something wthat was cut out form the origianal 1972 manga why is this a plot p oint now. like ill point u to my friend @akisatas analysis or something just go through her entire analysis tag shes smart and awesome.
just what happened to sirene makes me soo angry i could bite mhead off.
i dont like ryos weird racism backstory it feels weird i feel weird bad bad also why does demon posession make hthem sooo dark skinned. like ok maybe its trying to make them more grey. but like. sigh whatever this is real critsicm its just sus.
this is a nything against crybaby this is my fault entirely but i thought that akira was brown and bc im brown i was really excited about it. lol. like before i watched dmcb. now i know.
i am a ryokira shipper lover ryokira always in my head ryo and akira kissing pathtetically my beautiful sons. i dont like what ryokira is in dmcb its. not. good! ryos weird distant and. horrible.
thankx for th e ask mwah. ill just direct you to the analysiss to the actually good posts that are wellthoughtout here, another one, another another one, this one, another one, uhmmm this
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void-imp · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
i was tagged by @pralinesims! tysm evan!
are you named after anyone? i named myself so no, i just liked the name
when was the last time you cried? what counts as crying
do you have kids? absolutely not no thank you
do you use sarcasm a lot? i don't think i use it that much, i'm more earnest in my clownery
what sports do you play/have you played? i took swimming lessons as a kid but doing sports with heavy dysphoria sucks, so i don't. 😎 anyway, i never liked sports that much
what’s the first thing you notice about other people? uhmmm like their vibe? if they seem friendly
eye colour? brown
scary movies or happy endings? i'm a wimp and can't watch horror movies so happy endings
any special talents? (ಥ_ಥ) ............
where were you born? at the hospital
what are your hobbies? my ocs are my biggest hobby, they take up most of my brain storage. i like playing video games, going for walks, drawing, watching rpdr reviews on yt, reading manga (regular books too but it's a lot more effort)
do you have any pets? no!!! it's so sad
how tall are you? [redacted]
fave subject in school? english or danish
dream job? comic artist (it says DREAM job!!!!)
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i'm gonna tag!!! ur mom no wait who did this... ok here goes @wishiko @lre333 @alelelesimz @h0n3ydr0p @latteaki @latte-trait @emzchaos @lilypixels @liliumsims @simmingonthelow @kanonbreakerz @westernraspberry @fizzytoo @finnsim and @wileyfern (feel free 2 skip)
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dreamybasil · 5 months
Ok what about uhmmm tagging the shit outta the ad? People do just scroll through those tags
i odnt wanna be looking like im begging for the nitro,..,
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even if its my first time doing them i still want to start it real slow and keep wit htat--
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hdsouta · 1 year
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penned by bon for hydra labels.
hi everyone! i go by bon! i'm 25, in the est, he/she/they, and a full time student with a full time job. still, i'm sure i can be around a lot if not enough ok... also feel free to follow me on pinterest and i will follow back haha also ignore how ugly and messy my whole account is because i have too many FUUUUcking muses. thanks! i will also eventually have a playlist on spotify so tune in for that ok.
anywho, i'm here to introduce my new bean, ito souta, who i made specifically for this rp on a whim because i really wanted to join it... i've been eyeing it for a few days, so i'm so glad i got in today! well, i'll go ahead and write some stuff about him below:
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basic stats.
full name: ito souta.
nicknames: soda.
age: nineteen.
birthday: may 11th, 2000.
gender: male, he/him.
quick personality tl;dr. (very original, i know.)
positive traits: supportive, cheesy, loyal.
negative traits: ruthless, vulgar, pressuring.
likes: dancing, music in general (specifically pop punk and hip hop stuff), sports (specifically basketball), pvp video games, uhm idk yall this is hard CRIES
in general, i like to think that souta is very egotistical yet somehow also very charismatic and outgoing. he probably gets annoying when he gets too far up his own ass, but it's how he deals with the hard work he puts in to be an idol without results (or so he thinks). he finds himself losing a bit of hope every new day because he's been doing this shit for so long... and with an injury he got when he had just started training, which almost impacted his future career.
in some of his very first few weeks of being accepted into the company, he fell on his shoulder doing rec activities during some down time (or however it works lmao), which gave him an injury he had to basically force himself to work through. due to this, it's definitely not healed right, but it's good enough in order to keep him thriving in the company and working towards his debut. still, it hurts on and off, and he tries his own physical therapy for it, but you know, it be hard sometimes ya feel.
uhmmm... i think otherwise he's a hotshot. i like to think he's the one that's always searched up on pinterest or when people scroll the profiles of groups, they always stop to double take him. that's part of his ego ish, because he knows he's hot shit and people turn heads at his appearance. it sometimes gets in the way of his logical thinking, but you know, he's a kid... so what do you expect?
on another note that i wanted to mention... he used to want to be a basketball player, and if he didn't go into the idol industry, he would have 100%
i'm kind of just spewing stuff and i think i will either edit this or make a new like info post whenever i get some real solid shit for him!!!
otherwise, i will say a little bit about me. i am 25, in the est tmz, prefer he or they pronouns, and you can call me bon or bonbon. the loml is ateez, and i would d*e for them in a heartbeat. i also love block b, omega x, and a few other groups. i'm always open to talking about things even if they aren't rp related! if you'd like to add me on discord, just lmk <3 i can give you my tag!
i'm going to get some FOOD now because i'm hungry and then i will reply to people as well as fish around a bit more. i can't wait to write with everyone and please excuse me if i seem a little off or don't understand jlskdf it's been a hot minute since i've been on tumblr to rp as well as been in an idol group (it's been YEARS since this one).
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caracarnn-archive · 2 years
FAV COLORS:  black and red and really brilliant gold ok. like give me all the regality
FAV FLAVORS: chocolate. uhm idk the flavor of noodles? things with a spicy sort of zest to it. idk i’m bad at describing this
FAV GENRES:  Fantasy. Mystery. Thriller. 
FAV MUSIC: Anything that sounds amazing ok
FAV MOVIES: The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I will die with those.
LAST SERIES:Yellowstone. unfortunately. and Titan’s
LAST MOVIE: uhmmm idk what was the last movie I saw? I can’t remember
CURRENTLY READING: The Origins of The Wheel of Time. ok it’s great.
tagged by: @petitsdieu tagging: @inprometheanfire @luckhissoul @adversitybloomed @malumxsubest ​
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pharawee · 2 years
highlight what you like or what applies to you
tagged by @piningintrovert​ - a very belated thank you so much! 💜
hot shower or cold shower // texting calling or email // earbuds or headphones // paperback hardcover or ebook // matte or gel (?? ???) // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids (I love plants but not these plants lmao) // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy (I can’t eat chocolate 😭) // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future (the present for mindfulness brownie points) //
bl version — by @absolutebl
crying in the shower or making out in the shower // give cute boy line ID or stalk his IG // share his earbuds or share his closet // manga or manwha (I tried, it’s not for me, but I love Thai novel translations) // long dangly silver earring or dark leather cuff // time loop (this is me recommending TRIAGE) or reincarnation // blue engineering smock or red engineering smock  // kisses at the beach or kisses in the mountains // cactus or chili plant // fairy lights or spot lighting // ghost boyfriend or vampire lover (we need this so bad in a Thai BL -  there’s only so many times I can rewatch Red Wine in the Dark Night) // hard sub or soft sub // stray cat or … actually that’s your only option (!!!) // Hawaiian shirt or blue shorts // evil ex-girlfriend or predatory fujoshi supportive female characters (🤡) // suit jacket or leather jacket (no no no, what we need is a bl with both) // high school or university // kitchen drama or office drama (bc all the office dramas I’ve watched so far have been subpar) // forehead kisses or cheek kisses // Viki or GaGaOOLaLa (uhmmm I might be paying for both and also aisplay send help)  // Japanese arthouse depth or Korean high concept  (laughs in Thai bl) // pink milk or yakult (ok so I’m actually on my 2nd bottle of sala syrup but I only drink it with water tbh) // censored Chinese BL or trashy Thai pulps (this surprises exactly no one) // body swap or dead body (am I the only one who loves that trope 😭) // sexy or story (story with sexy on the side pls)) // back hugs or lap sitting  (why not both??) // piggybacks or cradle carry
tagging @cytharat @thii-nii @icouldhyperfixatehim @desification @combeferret @lutawolf and anyone else who feels like doing this ♥
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ok so I just realized I have 435 posts and none of those are an intro post,,,,
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my name is may/alex, I'm autistic and have ADHD, uhmmm what else,,,
I'm way too obsessed with MCR like seriously I never shut up about them
I'm mildly interested in furbys especially long ones
uhhh my spacehey is https://spacehey.com/insanityfrfr
btw I'm mildly scared of bugs. Like if there's lots of them then I feel like crying a little so if there's a bunch of bugs in a post PLEASW tag it,, yeah
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