#tyson rinehart
ljaesch · 4 months
English Cast Announced for the Sasaki and Peeps Anime
The English cast has been announced for the Sasaki and Peeps anime: Tyson Rinehart is Sasaki Erin Nicole Lundquist is Peeps Taylor Murphy is Neighbor Julie Cleburn is Hoshizaki Ethan Gallardo is Coworker Eli Farmer is Marc Ray Hurd is Muller Davon Oliver is French Additional voices: Chris Sanders Chris Ryan Chris Sykes Chris Long Chris Wehkamp Chris Rutledge Christian Thorsen Christopher…
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thekitsunetwork · 2 months
SPY x FAMILY CODE: White Red Carpet Premiere | INTERVIEWS
The highly-anticipated English dubbed premiere of SPY x FAMILY CODE: White took place in Los Angeles, featuring the voice talents and the debut film installment. Watch our voice actor interviews!
Crunchyroll rolled out the red carpet for the much-anticipated English dubbed premiere of SPY x FAMILY CODE: White on April 11, 2024, at the prestigious DGA Theatre Complex in Los Angeles. (L-R) Tyson Rinehart, Anthony Bowling, Tyler Walker, Phil Parsons, Megan Shipman, Alex Organ, Natalie Van Sistine, Cris George, and Lindsay Seidel attend World Premiere Of The English Dub Version Of “SPY x…
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shinigami-striker · 7 months
Tyson Rinehart | Monday, 11.20.2023
Same actor, different characters - featuring Tyson Rinehart.
Itaru "Daru" Hashida - Steins;Gate (anime)
Hugo - Attack On Titan (anime)
Kahseral - Dragon Ball Super (anime)
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matt0044 · 4 years
The Anime Community has a FUNimation Problem. Full Stop.
In Prison School’s seventh episode, Anzu Yokoyama’s dialogue with Shingo Wakamoto has her calling out his attempt at talking to a woman and kicking starting a fairly obligatory romantic subplot. The English Dub, up to that point, had all the hallmarks of FUNimation’s script writers playing off the already existing comedic aspect of the title. Some disapproved while other embraced it.
However, the dub would go a step further by having Anzu’s emasculation of Shingo involve a reference to the then ongoing Gamergate controversy. If anybody knew of the movemen then, you’d know this wasn’t a good idea. Every geek and their mother took offense to it right out the gate, claiming that it was FUNimation “shoving politics” where they don’t belong and insulting their fans.
To play devil’s advocate, Prison School as a whole is all about young men being integrated into a formerly all-girl school with all the sleazy shenanigans that the title’s become infamous for. It’s already pretty provocative in terms of visuals and how it pushes the envelope on its fan-service element. Something the dub team were keen to embrace with all of the dialogue reflecting this tone.
Yet Tyson Rinehart was raked over the coals for what was suppose to be an edgy joke for the sake of it, not unlike a lot of Prison School’s humor. Bare in mind that it within was one scene in the seventh episode out of a twelve episode Anime. We don’t get any other references to Gamergate like Anita Sarkeesian or the like in any other scene of any other episode. It’s just... this.
Yet even now when the line was redubbed to remove the reference for the home release, you’d think that this one line is all the dub is. That it’s akin to Shin Chan or Ghost Stories where the dub team wrote their own story and made jokes out of every kind of current event controversy because that’s what gets the lulz. Yet, again, it was just one scene in one episodes out of the twelve.
Of course, the cycle seemed to begin again with Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid which had a more... small scale kerfuffle in regards to the titlular human character claiming that, “I’m not into women or dragons.” Ironically, Jamie Marchi claimed she wrote that line since something like, “But I’m a woman,” came across as homophobic to her. However, I wrote my piece on all that.
What really got the wider community all up in arms was in regards to the character of Quetzalcoatl AKA Lucoa, specifically a single scene where she and Tohru exchange dialogue for less than ten seconds at most over her more conservative attire. Lucoa is pretty much THE fanservice character with breasts big enough to nearly suffocate a little boy in his sleep. Yes, that did happened.
Lucoa explains her more conservative attire as feeling uncomfortable with everybody looking at her in her other revealing outfits with the official subtitles by both Crunchyroll and FUNimation at the time. The dub would take it a step further so to speak by having her claim that she changed clothes because of “pesky patriarchal standards” getting on her nerves, something a tad different.
Well, I say, “different,” in the sense of what she’s referring to in regards to why she changed her clothes. The sub has it come out to “everybody” in a general sense like men, women and children alike while “patriarchal” is more specific in referring a societal phenomenon. However, that’s not what fans got in a tizzy over. The word, “patriarchal,” is the real focal point for this scene’s controversy.
It’s not secret that this word is thrown around most Feminist circles to the ire of geeks who “just wanna have fun” and hearing this word alone set off all the alarms. Like with Prison School, FUNimation was accused of trying to push a political agenda using Anime as Lucoa’s line was spread across the community.
By now, I’d like to be frank in how this all feels overblown. Using a word that’s common in the Social Justice lexicon can stick out but the idea that it turns the dub into political propaganda never made sense to me. I mean, it’s one thing the entire scene was rewritten to recite some kind of feminist manifesto but it only mentions the “patriarchy” and... that’s about it for this one scene alone. :/
I’d bring up “My First Girlfriend’s A Gal” but I feel like the points I made with Prison School largely apply here. However, I feel like some fans are hypocritical in how they claim that the dub’s dialogue is “inaccurate” when most enjoyed the dub for how it nearly went full Ghost Stories. Many felt that the dub was spicing up an otherwise by-the-numbers Ecch Fest that people would’ve written off. :P
Yet along came Episode 7 and the usage of the words of “SJWs millenials” among others was enough to make the dub “propaganda” in the eyes of many. Despite the fact that the script does convey the spirit of the original with the cafe manager trying to get the female cast into reading smut to nerd without their consent. What does that matter when the dub uses terms like “cuck?” :/
What about the voice acting? Doesn’t matter. Anzy referred “Gamergate.” That’s all that matters about Prison School’s English dub now and forever.
How well does the dialogue hold up on the whole? Doesn’t matter. Lucoa mentioned the “patriarchy.” That’s all that Maid Dragon’s dub amounts to.
Is it enjoyable in any way aside from said foibles? Doesn’t matter. The mention of “SJW millennials” in that one scene has now tainted the dub. Oh, the shame.
Starting to get the picture? I don’t want to be the guy who says dubs should go off doing as they please with not consideration for what the original’s narrative was trying to convey. Even if the occasional liberty can be intriguing, it’s always better for an English dub to keep the story in line with their source material. I, of course, type this for those who actually approach any dub in good faith at all. :/
The problem comes when the examples described above are weaponized by those who never had good faith in dubs and/or had it out for the likes of FUNimation to begin with. It’s not about discussion. It’s about propping up their bias of dubs being trash at best and trying to falsely villainize a company for making mistakes that ultimately amount to a handful of off-sounding dialogue.
By all means, discuss how those like FUNimation could improve on things such as where their streaming services are available region by region. Discuss how dubs like Danganronpa and Phoenix Wright recast the characters from the VAs in the games. Discuss how good or bad their script writing can be when it leans more loosely. All this fearmongering and vitriol does nothing but poison the well.
But weren’t these choices in adaptation politically motivated? Hell no? There’s a different between humor made in fairly poor taste and trying to brainwash your audience into believing, what, that women have problems? It’s not propaganda when you recognize it right away. And while Tyson Rinehart and Jamie Marchi responded rather rudely to the backlash... can you blame them with all of this?
I say this not to “kiss up” to FUNimation. Much as I admire their script adaptation process like the nerdy nerd I am, there can be times where I do feel they might’ve missed the mark. Particularly with their earlier dubs of the Dragon Ball franchise where they were borderline 4kids. However, dubs such as Fairy Tail and My Hero Academia are modern examples of how far they have come.
This mentality of holding grudges over fairly small potatoes that personally offend you gets us nowhere. I mean... isn’t it like the stereotypes SJWs are known for. A piece of media does something offensive, however big or small, and is deemed problematic forever by purity crusaders. Can’t we take a joke? It honestly gets to the point where I kind of have to quote Anzu Yokoyama here:
“Do you have a stick up your ass or are your one of those Gamergate creepshows?”
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2dtakeover · 4 years
Also I’m making Youtube videos now to reawaken my creative juices. This is a vid where I fancast a dub of the anime, “given.”
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beepbeepdespair · 4 years
My favourite moments from Funimation Con 2020 - day one
Finding out that Justin Briner has been smack talking all the others in the MHA OJ 2 esports tournament and constantly asking if they've been practicing
Caitlin Glass' story about being on Baccano with J Michael Tatum and both of them having to shake their hands really aggressively to make it sound like they were on a cobblestone road
Right Stuf making the preposterous claim that there's at least $3 worth of merch in their warehouse at one time (don't lie to us... we know it's 5)
The tour guide spending his time messing around on a forklift, squeaking rubber duckies and showing us the jar of the Ashes of Problem Customers, as well as yeeting a collector's set with a glass in it from the top of the warehouse to show how good their packaging is
"I'm so mad I just sizzled myself"
"If I don't make a sound when I'm blinking, am I really blinking"
A trailer for Chainsaw Man on the Shonen Jump panel that just said "chainsaw" over and over again for a minute or two
Christopher Sabat claiming that he got the part of All Might because the director gave him a piece of her hair in the corridor and told him to eat it
"She's brilliant at casting... because she cast me, pretty brilliant am I right"
Justin Briner's vigilante name being "The Big Bad Brian" (for God knows what reason)
Chris' answer to what other MHA character he'd voice if he had to choose a different one - "I'd like to be Bakugo but I don't really want to scrape blood off my vocal chords"
"I had a bad time at my own panel"
J: "I ask him what I want for lunch" C: "He's actually broadcasting from a shed in my back garden"
Justin's quirk apparently being that he can boost nearby Wi-Fi signals by 1000% but he has to make old modem dialup noises for it to work (which he demonstrated wonderfully)...
...And Chris' being that he can whistle at the right pitch to summon koalas and his breath smells like eucalyptus
Jad Saxton telling Tia Ballard, without laughing, that in this episode Nene was going to meet "a couple types of ghostypoos"
Tyson Rinehart introducing us to his home recording booth with "come along my children, let me tell thee a tale... a tale of anime"
Ian Sinclair complaining that it's hard to record because "everyone loves to mow their lawn at 10am"
Emily Neves enjoying being the mirror version of Aoi because it let her be a Mean Girl for a bit
Apparently if Aoi found Akane on a dating app she would say "3 points" and swipe left
Aaron Dismuke describing Natsuhiko as a 'middle school wannabe chad' (accurate)
"Mitsuba's too pure for this world... it works out because he's not in it anymore... I shouldn't have said that-"
His summary of the story of the Wendigo being "Don't eat people. That's bad. And this will happen in case the 'that's bad' wasn't enough"
Tia's new nickname for Nene being "Nene Legs-Totally-Don't-Look-Like-Daikons Yashiro... periodt"
Finding out that Justin's scared of the deep sea too (I'm not alone!) and Megumi Ogata's yorishiro would be the smiles of her fans (I died of wholesomeness... her favourite characters are the Mokke too)
Megumi also thinking that all her roles (including Itona, Nagito and Naegi) would make good Mysteries
Luci Christian choosing Momo's quirk as most useful during quarantine because "I have two kids in the other room trying to be quiet, if I could pull a trampoline out of my body that would be great"
Christopher Wehkamp's favourite Aizawa line being "uuuuuuuugh"
One of FLOW's members having a greenscreen background and another saying "one of us has wandered off to the Amazon river"
Vibing to Colors before logging off for the night because it was nearly 11 by that point
Can't wait for day two to start later!!
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medea10 · 4 years
My Review of Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
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How did I… *giggles inappropriately like a 7 year old* What the hell kind of anime is this? Does this anime take place on the crapper? Shit, I gotta watch this mess!
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And seriously, who animated this? Was it the same guys that did Danganronpa?
Let me see…Studio Lerche…YEP! And that also explains why the main boy is played by Megumi Ogata again!
At Kamome Academy, there’s said to be seven wonders haunting the school. One of the wonders revolves around an apparition by the name of Hanako-kun. Hanako resides in the third stall of the third floor to the girl’s bathroom. It is believed that Hanako has the ability to grant any wish when summoned. We begin our tale with young girl, Nene Yashiro, seeking Hanako’s help to get a young boy to fall in love with her. But when she summons Hanako it is quickly discovered that Hanako is a boy living in a girl’s bathroom stall.
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Your guess is as good as mine! Add another questionable character Megumi Ogata plays!
Due to a misunderstanding with a mermaid artifact, Yashiro is now bound to Hanako. Kind of like a slave or a hostage or a new friend. However you interpret this contract! And then there’s this monk in training (named Minamoto) who has a vendetta against Hanako. So we see this guy throughout the series as well.
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Let’s have fun with the wacky misadventures of Yashiro, a gung-ho monk, and the toilet-bound spirit, Hanako-kun.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: This is a FUNimation licensed anime and they managed to dub several episodes prior to the COVID pandemic. I never got a chance to watch the dub, so I’ll just focus on the sub. Megumi Ogata is back to play another mysterious boy. And as for Akari Kitou, I’m starting to hear her a lot more often in the last two years. I really enjoyed her as Yashiro. Almost reminds me of her voice in Hitoribocchi! She’s in quite a bit of animes in 2020, so I would watch out for her. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from!
JAPANESE CAST: *Hanako is played by Megumi Ogata (known for Haruka/Uranus on Sailor Moon S, Yukito on CCS, Kurama on Yu Yu Hakusho, Naegi on Danganronpa, Shinji on Evangelion, Ayato on Angel Beats, and Yugi on YGO)
*Yashiro is played by Akari Kitou (known for Aru on Hitoribocchi, Kotoko on In/Spectre, and Kaho on Blend S)
*Minamoto is played by Shouya Chiba
ENGLISH CAST: *Hanako is played by Justin Briner (known for Deku on My Hero Academia, Yukito on CCS: Clear Card, Luck on Black Clover, and Mitarai on Danganronpa 3)
*Yashiro is played by Tia Ballard (known for Happy on Fairy Tail, Yamato on My Love Story, Kagura on Fruits Basket 2019, Komari on Little Busters, Zero Two on Darling in the FranXX, and Megumi on Shiki)
*Minamoto is played by Tyson Rinehart (known for Daru on Steins;Gate, Enji on Tokyo Ghoul, Hifumi on Danganronpa, Matsuda on High School DxD, and Bartolomeo on One Piece)
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SHIPPING: At the beginning of the series, it seems as though Yashiro was the type to fall in love easily with pretty-looking boys. But will always meet up with disappointment as all these boys prefer someone else or they suddenly have standards. There’s even a running joke about Yashiro having fat ankles (or daikon legs), that has been a turn-off to some of the boys that she falls for. But a few episodes later, we notice Yashiro having a little crush on Hanako. I shouldn’t question a little girl falling in love with a ghost who loiters around the girl’s bathroom because this is Japan. Absurdity at best! There’s also this sort of admiration that Minamoto has for Yashiro. I really didn’t think too much on that due to this anime laying on the Hanako x Yashiro ship thick. And also…
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I support Minamoto x Mitsuba.
I found this cute and I really wish for more between these two characters if this series gets a continuation. Don’t at me! I don’t care if Mitsuba’s an apirition and dumbass over here has to exercise demons. This is cute!
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ANIMATION: Aside from this animation looking like it came from the ghost of Danganronpa past, I would like to commend this on something else. So one thing I do have to give credit to is that this anime, more often than not feels like you’re reading a manga from the way the design is setup. I just thought that was neat and felt like saying something about that.
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ENDING: Pretty much all of the strange anomalies surrounding the school are just rumors (but the ghosts are very much real, just the tales about them are fake). And the one spreading those rumors is Hanako’s twin brother (who is also a ghost), Tsukasa. I should also point out that Hanako’s real name is Amane. But we really shouldn’t worry about this sibling rivalry as we know nothing about how or why Hanako killed his brother and it’s not brought up all that much in the finale. Yeah, this is balls-to-the-wall trippy.
Instead, we get a small arc of Minamoto befriending a spirit named Mitsuba. However this goes south really fast when Mitsuba’s soul is used by one of the seven wonders of the school and is then manipulated by Hanako’s twin brother Tsukasa. After that, Mitsuba is unable to know why he died or even the time he spent with Minamoto is erased.
In the final episode, we kinda go back to aspects of the first episode. As you may recall, Yashiro swallowed a mermaid artifact that makes her turn into a fish whenever she gets wet. Yashiro is visited by two fish spirits who want her to drink this mermaid blood potion so that she can cut the hold Hanako has on her and become the mermaid princess in their realm. Yashiro was kind of in an awkward situation as she cares for Hanako, but is constantly thrown bags of reality at her with how Hanako has treated her since forming the contract. They promise her popularity, a harem of eligible fish bachelors, and an escape from her body issue with her “daikon legs”.
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Hey, you’d develop a complex too if people constantly taunt you for having fat ankles!
Anyways, she denied their request. But they were rather persistent and grabbed her by force. Thankfully, Hanako wasn’t far behind and saved her and set the fish packing.
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Yashiro and Hanako’s relationship as a whole takes a turn for the better as Yashiro decides to stay by Hanako and he will eventually confide in Yashiro about his past.
This was a unique series. I mean, it was all over the place in where this story was going to go. But in terms of conclusions, not so much! I mean, Hanako’s brother is still spreading rumors around the school and unsuspecting students repeat it despite it being mostly false. We’re unsure of many things about those ghost brothers and the drama that went down when Tsukasa died. Hell, I’m not even sure the manga is that far ahead either. I loved the animation to this. Sure it looks like a Danganronpa clone, but again Studio Lerche animated it. But their direction of making this feel like a colorized manga at times was something I like to commend it for.
Each episode had a nice, quirky vibe to it whenever Hanako’s on the screen. So I say give it a try. It’s not a long series.
FUNimation has all 12 episodes available for streaming. Now that FUNimation is doing simuldubs again, Hanako-kun has a few more episodes available in English.
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loveblekio · 4 years
Hanako English dub My thoughts so far.
It’s only two episodes out so I don’t think I can 100% judge it just yet.
Hanako voice...
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It’s Justin briner
I love Justin briner, he’s really talented and I believe he’s one of the few males in the voice actor scene that can sound like a young boy ( he plays Sho from fire force )
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so when I first heard his voice I didn’t think much of it.... but I did wish Hanako was voiced by a female like Brina Palenice ( the English VA of ciel from black butler )
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I feel like it would have kept the little fem/boy charm that we hear in the Japanese VA. But I think the director was paying attention to hanakos lines in the first episode, they knew they needed a flirty/goofy light hearted voice that could go deep and Menacing in a matter of seconds... and I think briner can pull it off.
Nene/yashiro voice....
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It’s Tia Ballard
Tia plays many of my favorite Anime girls like (zero two from darling in the franxx )
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I feel like I didn’t react much to her voice because I was excited to hear who voiced the others. But I kinda wish they had gotten Brittany Karbowski ( she plays Wendy Marvell in fairy tail )
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All because I feel like I wanted a softer voice for her, but I like Tias take on Yashiro.
Kous voice....
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It’s Tyson Rinehart
I’m VERY disappointed in the Casting directors voice, when I first heard it voice in episode two my first reaction was “ WHY? “ “ REALLY? “ “ HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SOUND OLDER THAN YOUR OLDER BROTHER?? “. In the English dub Tyson’s voice puts a little scratching undertone in everything kou says, and I think he meant to do that for kou to sound like he’s going through puberty or younger but it just sounds terrible. The only time I found his voice even a little adorable/likeable is when he’s screaming at nene to move out of the way before he try’s to exercise Hanako on the roof top. I don’t think Tyson is a bad VA at all!!!! He’s amazing! ( he plays the English Vocie for Bartolomeo in one piece )
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he’s amazing for bartolomeo role because Bartolommeo character is goofy/airhead where a raspy, scratchy voice works perfectly but for kou a 14! Year old boy it’s cringy and just Dosent fit. Compare it to the Japanese VA, who sounds like a hyper kid and then back to the English version who sounds like a 30 year old trying to hard so sound like a teenager.
Changing the lines and dialogue.
It’s not that bad, nothing they 100% change from the story, but it’s because it’s made to appear to people who are American and who won’t get confused over what a “ sir name “ is or what’s the difference between “ Kun “ and “san “
Like In episode two
Yashiro wants Hanako to feel more like a friend by calling him “ hanako KUN “ meaning that she’s willing to address him at a male with respect.
But if an American person were to see the episode they would probably be confused of why it’s so significant about her calling him “ Kun “ so instead I’m the English version they changed the lines to
“I’ll call you Hanako Kun “
“ I’ll give you a nick name “
In America nick names are something that have way more significances between friendships then in Japan. Now In the English dub the nick name they gave Hanako is just “ hanako Kun “ because they can’t change any part of the story.
It’s a bit less serious tho... and they add way more jokes with I’m ok with, again they can’t change the story so they can’t change much.
English dub score
Hopefully this score will increase. 
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graphicpolicy · 7 years
Tyson Rinehart to be Otakon 2017 Guest
Tyson Rinehart to be Otakon 2017 Guest #anime #otakon
Voice actor Tyson Rinehart, known for his work in anime and video games, will be a guest at Otakon 2017. His breakout role was as lovable hacker Daru in cult-favorite “Steins;Gate.” Other notable anime roles include Taira in “All Out!!,” Yamada in “Danganronpa: The Animation,” Okuninushi in “Kamisama Kiss 2,” Australia in “Hetalia: The Beautiful World,” as well as Dice in “One Piece Film: Gold.”…
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onepiecepodcast · 5 years
English Voice Cast for 'Episode of Sabo'
English Voice Cast for ‘Episode of Sabo’
The English dub for the One Piece: Episode of Sabo TV special will be available on March 19th. You can purchase it from Funimation, Amazon, and RightStuf, among other major retailers.
Thanks to Slappy402 for providing the voice cast list for the new characters, which is as following:
Caesar Clown – Jerry Jewell
Bartolomeo – Tyson Rinehart
Cavendish – Matt Shipman
Kin’emon – Chris Ryan
Fujitora – …
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 years
Who does Bartolomeo’s English voice?
Some guy named Tyson Rinehart.
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ljaesch · 4 months
English Cast Announced for the Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill Anime
The English cast has been announced for the Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill anime: Aaron Campbell is Mukoda Jonah Scott is Fel Tyson Rinehart is Werner Alejandro Saab is Vincent Chris Guerrero is Ramon Kristen McGuire is Rita SuzAnne DeCarma is Franka Anthony Bowling is directing the dub. Crunchyroll will begin streaming the English dub of the Campfire Cooking in Another…
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mollymerula · 7 years
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i got another bobby charm from nikki bc i wanna give it to tyson rinehart (his voice actor) at the signing this weekend and she included this beautiful miles in the packet when she sent it to me???????? i Cry thank u so much nikki for this beautiful blessing i will treasure him always
art by @ruinsofxerxes // @niktropolis!!!
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shinigami-striker · 7 months
November 2023 Birthdays | Wednesday, 11.01.2023
Here are the upcoming birthdays for this month (November 2023) down below:
Thursday, 11/2 - Josh Grelle | Lizzie Freeman
Saturday, 11/4 - Chris Cason
Tuesday, 11/7 - Reba Buhr
Wednesday, 11/8 - Phil Parsons | Rachael Messer
Thursday, 11/9 - Kevin Afghani
Friday, 11/10 - Trevor Devall
Sunday, 11/12 - Lex Lang
Monday, 11/13 - Christina Kelly
Tuesday, 11/14 - Amanda Winn Lee | Jessica Straus
Wednesday, 11/15 - Alejandro Saab
Thursday, 11/16 - Andrew Love | Caitlin Glass
Saturday, 11/18 - Austin Tindle
Monday, 11/20 - Tyson Rinehart
Tuesday, 11/21 - Sean Schemmel
Saturday, 11/25 - Molly Searcy
Sunday, 11/26 - Ike Amadi
Wednesday, 11/29 - Jason Griffith
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omfgtrump · 4 years
The Tale of Two Viruses: Part 10
The Don did not renew the federal government’s shelter-in-place order that expired on April 30th. States like Georgia, Florida and Texas celebrated with a shout of “hot diggity dog.”
Hey, let’s get this shit back to normal. America needs to get its ass back to work. After all “are you a man or a mouse?”
As for me, I am a damn mouse. I get that people need to get back to work and that the economy needs to get going, but are we really going to encourage Russian Roulette?
For the record, Covid-19 hates mice, but it just love, loves, loves an idiotic man (or woman). If you look closely at each store awning, there is a subtle flashing sign with a smiling virus saying “Enter at your own peril.”
This comment by Kim Rinehart, a worker at a transmission plant in Toledo Ohio, says it best: “If you had a murderer in the plant, and you didn’t know where, but you knew he was there, would you go back into that plant?”
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By not renewing the order and understanding the calamity that potentially awaits those who return to work or feel it is safe to patronize businesses, The Don and his out of touch governors, put more American lives at risk.
The Don’s utter incompetence in handling the pandemic has already cost tens of thousands of lives, but there is a presidential election to be won and without a robust economy, The Don is in bigly trouble. All the experts concur that it is too soon to open things up and by doing so, we will increase fatalities and allow the virus to wreak further havoc.
We are now at 65,000 deaths and many feel this may underestimate the total by 15%. The death toll has already reached where it was expected to be in August, more than three months from now, according to projections accepted by the White House. The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation now estimates that 73,000 will die by August. We’ve reached our numbers faster than expected. We are even greater than expected!
And true to form, Florida Governor, Rick De-Satan-santis is not releasing the number of dead from his state.
“Live free or die” is being replaced by “Die going to work or lose your job,” as Americans are faced with the fear of losing their job if they don’t report to work. Some states are even asking employers to report workers who do not show up so they can cancel unemployment benefits. “Hot diggity dog,” the essential part of this phrase being “dig it,” for digging your own grave. And by the way, Mr. Empathy has decided there should be no money for the dead.
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The dangerously delusional world of The Don climbed to another level this week. “We think we really have crossed a big boundary and much better days are ahead.” Yes, Don, with no end in sight to people dying, happy days are almost here again. What fucking planet is this man living on?
He went on to say: “I often say I see the light at the end of the tunnel very strongly.” (For more of the Don’s brilliant use of the English language see Trevor Noah’s tribute.)
The most disappointing part of that sentence is that it didn’t end in bigly.
And Don, how many times is “often’? How bright is that light; how long is that tunnel?
And three cheers for the useless boy wonder Jared Kushner who should be on Time Magazine’s cover for its “Evil Man of The Year” edition. (And aren’t you just burning to know what Ivanka thinks of her daddy’s doings? Actually, I couldn’t give a shit, but you might.)
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Here’s Kushner:
“If we didn’t do what we did, you would have had a million people die, maybe more, maybe two million people die.”
  “We’re on the other side of the medical aspect of this, and I think that we’ve achieved all the different milestones that are needed”…“The federal government rose to the challenge, and this is a great success story. And I think that that’s really, you know, what needs to be told.”
This is a success story like the shuttle “Challenger” that burst in to flames and killed all members of the crew.
“This is going away,” he said, “and when it’s gone, we’re going to be doing a lot of things.”
Mr. Kushner said May “will be a transition month” as states began reopening. “I think you’ll see by June a lot of the country should be back to normal.”
 A transition period? Is that like when the spirit of the dead hangs around a while in a Bardo* before it makes its journey to wherever it is going?
 “And the hope is that by July, the country’s really rocking again.”
 Rocking?  Can we please tie a mask around this know-nothing’s mouth in such a way that nothing he says can ever be heard again? Actually, tying his hands behind his back and shoving a sock in his mouth would do the trick, and be better optics.
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 In a new scene in “Survivor,” The Don declared meat processing plants “critical infrastructure,” in an effort to ensure that facilities around the country remained open as the government tried to prevent looming shortages of pork, chicken and other products as a result of the coronavirus.
Hey, we all love a good burger or pork chop, but should people die doing that kind of work. Tyson, one of the largest chicken producing companies, only just recently started to provide protective gear to its workers and try to create safer working conditions. And are you surprised that a disproportionate number of meatpackers are people of color and immigrants — 44 percent are Latino and 25 percent are African American, according to an analysis by the Center for Economic and Policy Research.
Stuart Appelbaum, the president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, said, “We only wish that this administration cared as much about the lives of working people as it does about meat, pork and poultry products.”
The crazy thing is that if you kill off the workers there won’t be anyone to do the work necessary to keep those burgers coming. Taking Applebaum’s concerns one step further: one could venture that if you are a pig, your odds of survival may be higher than the people that process it.
But go forth workers. The Don needs his burgers. And why settle for a cheeseburger when you can have a Covid Burger?
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**Bardo– In Tibetan Buddhism a state of existence between death and rebirth, varying in  length according to a person’s conduct in life and manner of, or age at, death.
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otakon · 7 years
Tyson is best known for his work in anime and video games. His breakout role was as lovable hacker Daru in cult-favorite Steins;Gate.  Other notable anime roles include Taira in All Out!!, Yamada in Danganronpa The Animation, Okuninushi in Kamisama Kiss 2, Australia in Hetalia The Beautiful World as well as Dice in One Piece Film Gold.
Check out our website for his full bio and the list of Otakon 2017's announced guests.
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