#tyms anon!!
sapphire11 · 2 years
Looking forward to your 3x04 fic! 🤍 Also: Shaking hands & Seizures?
Hey Anon!!! Thank you so much!! I love 3x04 and am excited to be writing my first fic for it. 💛 In case you missed it, I talk a little more about it in this ask here
Oooh Whumptober: Shaking hands & Seizures - this one is some TK whump, worried Carlos, married Tarlos.
I don't really know how to talk much about this one without spoiling it 😬 But here is a tiny snippet that I do have ...
TK blinks up at him as tears leak out of the corners of his eyes. “It hurt so bad,” he admits.
“Okay, can you make it to the car or do I need to call 911.” Carlos’ voice is still steady, but even in his state TK hears the fear, he can see the way Carlos glances frantically around the room, before pulling his phone out of his pocket. 
TK rocks back and forth a few times, his pain muddled brain flashing through all the possibilities that he researched earlier and how he’s feeling now to decide if an attempt at getting to the car is a good idea. The decision is taken away from him when Carlos gently squeezes the back of his neck and even as careful as the touch is it still causes a muffled cry to burst free as he falls onto his side on the bed.
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sygneth · 2 months
wdym "łódź mentioned" czy mój ulubiony artysta jest z łodzi??? jest z miasta, w którym m i e s z k a m ? ? ? ?
waiiitt whattttt mam fanów w moim własnym mieście???? :o Jestem zaszczycony 😳
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lesboguy-moved · 4 months
Noże nadal aktualne?
noże zawsze aktualne
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
coming back to yassified vader ... imagine him in trad goth makeup tho whzhsgxhg i just know he'd look so good omg 😩😩 i might try to draw him when i come home from work shhxsbbs
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villanevehaus · 1 year
hi!!!! cat anon here https://pin.it/6kMegz5
Question: what was/is your favorite villaneve au you have written? And how do you deal with critique of your work
Okay goodbye 🫡 https://pin.it/57RHcen
this is what i assume it feels like to be asked which of your children is your favourite child wtf how could you do this to me. i think i have a soft spot for My Sweet Girl tho ngl, i had a lot of fun playing with the formatting and nelle's mindset during her psychosis- and i looooove My Sweet Girl eve <3333
i am very very very fortunate to have gotten more positive feedback over critique, which i think is (in fic specifically) due to properly tagging work? if i tag eve undone with "pregnancy", people who don't want to read works with pregnancy in them wont come across them and i wont get comments about how they don't like that it's in the work- same with relationships that aren't villaneve. similarly with "slow slow burn", if you leave a comment 100k in about how they haven't gotten together yet, that's kind of on you at that point.
i think in more of a general sense tho i have been through 4 years of art school critiques including written work so im kinda used to it! i know what makes good crit and what doesn't and then how/if to work with it
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syrenki · 8 months
Jakbyś się przepisała na zaoczne to by ci nie było prościej ? Jeśli cię na to finansowo stać oczywiście,jak nie to nie było pytania
duma mi na tym ucierpi
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elysiumarchieve · 2 years
For smaus, you should use Twinote and memimessage for android or social dummy/social maker for ios !!
AHH omg you're a livesaver 💗 anon😭😭 you're too kind omg
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familyvideostevie · 2 months
5k celebration: emma's garden
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thank you so much for being here. i know this blog has changed a lot since i started it about a year and a half ago, but it means so much to me that even one person wants to hang out, let alone this many. writing is deeply personal and sharing my work with you continues to be both cathartic and also a challenge. i will never stop being grateful. none of this happens without you, so, please celebrate with me! : )
navigation, masterlist, guidelines
anyone can join whether you follow me or not!
send as many as you want, but make each ask separate please!
the deadline for this will be a tentative may 8!
DO SEND: anything for the characters listed in my guidelines/anyone you want to ask if i'd write/talk about, fun thoughts, questions about me
DON'T SEND: the things listed in don't send on my guidelines
i will be write nsfw blurbs if you ask off anon
i will try to do as many asks as i can but i cannot guarantee that i'll get to all of them!
everything will be tagged #emmas5kgarden and fics will be compiled into a masterlist once the celebration ends!
so, let's celebrate! send me any of these ⬇️
🪴 get your hands dirty and plant some seeds!
you do a little bit of work and i'll do the rest! pick a character from my guidelines, an au theme, and a prompt and i'll write a blurb (<1k words) for you. use this post or come up with your own!
🐝 look at the beautiful bee hive!
send me the title/description of a fic of mine and i'll tell you a little bit about what it was like working on it/a headcanon/behind the scenes moment.
📚 or 🎧 to sit in the sun and read or listen to music
send this and a little bit about your taste to get a personalized book or song recommendation.
🥕 let's gather some fresh veg from the garden!
send me this and i'll make you a three-pic moodboard (feel free to specify a little theme/aesthetic!)
🍇let's have a picnic!
let's hang out and talk! send me classic ask games (ama, fmk, tym, etc) or just come chat with me in my inbox. 
🌷 pick some flowers!
help spread the love and make a beautiful bouquet for someone else. send me a fic rec/author rec/gush about your favorites here.
please reblog to spread the word! thank you :)
CELEBRATION FICS (coming soon):
roommates!au with steve harrington: trying to not hit anything or each other, when there is a power outage and it’s way too dark | 1.3k
coworkers!au with bradley bradshaw: it's hard to hide your relationship from your coworkers, when your whole team is a tight knit group and basically one big family.
friends with benefits!au with bradley bradshaw: they have been friends long before the benefits came along and they don’t know if they’re ever able to go back to just being friends
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chaisshitposts · 8 months
Hey aff tape anon here,, sorry I'm just enjoying my life so I'm barely using social media
But yes I played the tape. I just sat in the psych k position that's it.. I did that to focus since my mind wavers too much while affirming. Also I can sit for long tym without getting bored.
Happy Manifesting
oh!!! hello again darlin', thank ya for answerin'!!! hopefully the other anon will be able to see this, I hope you've livin' yer life up !!! :D
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ojciecgnateusz · 7 months
Pierwszy raz zgłosiłem blog motylka . To skrajnie przerażające gdy DZIECKO odkrywa takie treści i świadomie w to wchodzi, prawdopodobnie nawet nie mając pojęcia, że to szkodliwe. Czytając jej bloga chciałem jej kilka słów napisać, ale wiem, że w tym wieku słowa jakiegoś starego pierdziela nie docierają.
Pomijając wstawianie bodychecków, które mogą przyciągnąć ludzi, którzy słyszą 'dzień dobry Polsko'
Edit. To chyba nic nie da (anon mój, bo się wkurwiłem)
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rainbowsky · 10 months
Are GG's dramas not heavily promoted or is it just me? Even his CPs in his recent ones. Well, there are his interviews, but it's only him. I also noticed those are mostly closed-door interviews.
Just asking, since normally the cast of a drama (or at the least the leads) usually are on variety shows etc. promoting heavily, even pushing their CPs.
Are you and I thinking of different dramas, Anon? Because you can't breathe on Weibo without stumbling over something about The Longest Promise or The Youth Memories (TYM to a lesser degree lately, but it's still being pushed and in fact will be re-airing on CCTV soon). Both dramas are getting a lot of attention and were marketed fairly heavily, mostly through word of mouth, through the media and through the official accounts for the dramas.
They aren't announced in advance very often, but neither are most dramas these days.
I don't think it's a question that these dramas are being promoted, just maybe not in the ways you were expecting them to be.
CP marketing, variety shows, etc. are frankly beneath GG at this stage in his career, and would only push him deeper into idol/traffic star territory, a reputation I think both he and DD are trying to shed.
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caluski · 4 months
hi. i just want to say that i really resonate with your personal posts about loneliness. you write them in such a non-banal way and i get it and i understand the kind of loneliness you talk about and yeah. somebody is out there feeling similar things. idk what to do about it. maybe someday we will know. i to jeszcze w tym takim. polskim queerowym pozawielkomiejskim kontekście. bo to tez jest taki aspekt tego wszystkiego. i tez rozumiem. duzo milosci. nie wiem czym ma byc ta wiadomosc. ale zawsze czuje to pisanie. dziekuje
Yeahhhh I do tend get a bunch of anons whenever I'm making these depression/loneliness posts, and while I just usually leave them unanswered (sorry, I just don't really know what to reply to them besides "wishing you well!") but it's like. Sad how many people can relate to that. I wish it wasn't so common.
Although tbh I don't really think much about the "queer" aspect of loneliness - God sorry I really dislike this term lol. It's like, well, whatever, would be nice I'm sure, but it's never been anywhere near a priority for me. So I don't really know what to say to that, but I do wish you luck and I hope you find what you're looking for. And thank you for the message!
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 11 months
Hiiiiii Dearest Jalebi, I love your Amazing Blog I have come across your blog few times on Google but thought the name was pretty weird havin no idea it was this gooood!!!! Anyways After a random ipk question search I finally landed here and it has been my fav place Since then and well later I found other blogs but yeah your my all tym Fav! So Yeah I have this thing and I wanna get it out of my chest , Ipk has been my fav as a kid but as a grown up whenever I re-watch ipk I kinda feel so crappy Because I now get How little knowledge lot of women and Khushi has about getting abused. Because in many indian households it's told that you have to endure whatever your husband and in laws does and never to point it OUT and then Only title of Achi Sanskari Bahu? Throughout the show they never pointed the toxicity of Arnav, What a Ahole he have been all while and I get it A&K have had great chemistry and sexual tension and all the abuse is been romatisised and then him redeeming himself I get it. But it feels so wrong at 1000's of levels as a grownup I can finally understand how little knowledge khushi had about her body and sex, How Arnav played two girls lives just because he's confused? And finally me realising that It's ok to walk out of such Toxic masculine, Irresistibly gorgeous man with head high rather than take crap and look for a ray of hope So one day he could love back , I'm not putting myself in khushi's shoes but lot of women in our society highly relates to lot of things that happened to khushi So I just wish my fav character was shown to grow in the show apart from just dreaming of getting married to a prince who comes on a gode, Sorry if my question offends you but it's just that as IPK was the first television show to experiment on anti hero, live in and much more they had much more potentiality and could have tried makin her finnally takin stand for herself rather than letting people walk all over her. She Was/Felt mature ,grownup and highly intelligent at starting but latter part of the show felt more as desperate wife,cringe, dumb and top notching it all with Mrs India plot. So yeah that's my ask and I want to know your opinion as I feel you would do more justification to my question than anyone.
Good night, tomorrow is the last working day of the week so have a good weekend later.
Hello Anon,
I think it's important to understand that the best way to enjoy media is to realize it isn't the guideline to everything.
Arnav and Khushi's romance is set in a very very fictional world. And I absolutely agree that media is fundamental for getting an image about romance and sex and more and our Indian media, often, fails at giving us a good picture and we're left with crappy representations.
Especially with IPK it always breaks my heart how the makers and other producers didn't move forward on the nuances that made this show work, but rather the problematics parts and have gone ahead to make successful shows which put people into the weird loop of (a) women should be virginal, sanskaari bahus (b) abusive men will turn into sappy lovers.
It's a crap idea. IPK holds a special place for me because it is actually very well nuanced. Khushi isn't Arnav's medicine. She doesn't heal his PTSD magically. They actually have a pretty crappy marriage until he starts putting the work in - which happens after the kidnapping track. Khushi's first attraction to Arnav is purely sexual and she's really uncomfortable with it because she doesn't know love separate from lust and love is not what she feels for him at first sight. And their actual consummation is very emotional and consensual.
So the more I've grown up, the more I've held an objective eye to IPK. It's tough to love something that's problematic but I understand the separation between what I want in my life versus what I love watching.
Like when I watch Miley Jab Hum Tum - I actually want a life partner like Samrat because he is the gold standard. When I see Tu Hai Mera Sunday I love Arjun from a point of view of him being a genuinely good guy.
When I come to IPK I write fix-it fanfics, edit the show in my head for what worked, and understand that nobody is perfect. Arnav wasn't, Khushi wasn't, the writers weren't and I open the space for critical discussions of the show while acknowledging it's pretty much the darn best in its category of shows.
I've yet to see an anti-hero better executed than Arnav Singh Raizada on paper. And this is different person to person. Some people love the show wholly for it but that is impossible for me - certain lines are drawn for me so I enjoy the show from my version of events.
That is - Lavanya wasn't forced to be desi, Khushi didn't harp on marriage nor spy on Lavanya on the wedding getup, Arnav didn't pull the faking illness thing on Khushi, there is an imaginary redemption track in my head, and sheetal and mrs india don't just exist - lol.
And to each their own :)
I hope this helped :)
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slavicafire · 1 year
Inny anon z tej strony, ale w nawiązaniu do pytania o współuczestnictwo w obchodach świąt różnych wyznań z rodziną. Muszę przyznać, że Twoja odpowiedź dała mi, jako katoliczce, która zasadniczo nie-katolików na obchody świąteczne nie zaprasza, do myślenia -- bo ja na uroczystości prawosławnej części rodziny jak jestem zaproszona to przychodzę, do cerkwi z nimi chodzę, dlaczego zatem mi nie-katolicy przy własnym świątecznym stole przeszkadzają? co jest tu hipokryzji mojej źródłem? Jeszcze nie mam odpowiedzi, ale widzę w tym okazję do ważnego rozeznania przy okazji najważniejszych dla mnie Świąt więc - dzięki wielkie!
polecam się
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memymemymemymemy · 5 months
Mój stary to fanatyk wędkarstwa
Pasta - Tekst, najczęściej w formie krótkiego opowiadania, tworzony głównie w celach humorystycznych, przekazywane są ustnie (np. w formie audiobooków; nagrań), bądź pisemnie. Cechuje go najczęściej narracja pierwszoosobowa, lub swoista forma "ty" lirycznego (chociaż pasty nie powinny być klasyfikowane jako liryka), a także używania słowa "anon" (skrót od "anonymous" - anonimowy; słowo to jest wynikiem mylnego przekonania o byciu anonimowym w sieci) przy przedstawianiu postaci narratora, lub jako jego "imię". Często traktowana jest jak mem. Nazwa jest skrótem od słowa copypasta.
"Mój stary to fanatyk wędkarstwa" to moja ulubiona pasta. Bohater pasty opowiada o swoim ojcu, który jest wędkarzem z pasji i robi bardzo absurdalne rzeczy, realizując swoje hobby.
Pasta pojawiła się w internecie na początku 2014 roku na portalu wykop.pl (link), jest ona dość wulgarnym dziełem literackim i przez cenzurę wprowadzoną na wykopie stała się trochę nieczytelna. Bardziej czytelną można znaleźć ją, na przykład, tu: https://www.wattpad.com/659643682-pasty-m%C3%B3j-stary-to-fanatyk-w%C4%99dkarstwa/page/2
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Pasta o fanatyku wędkarstwa nigdy nie była memem, który był szeroko używany w Internecie. Raczej było to coś w rodzaju ciekawostki, którą można było pokazać znajomemu, coby można było śmiać się razem i być po prostu częścią osób, które są zaznajomione z tym dziełem literackim. Podobny efekt wywołuje znajomość XIII Księgi Pana Tadeusza czy Pisma Kozaków zaporoskich do sułtana Mehmeda IV.
Niespodziewaną rzeczą była ekranizacja pasty. W 2017 roku ukazał się film pod tytułem "Fanatyk", który w bardzo wiarygodny sposób przedstawił historię.
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blue-jisungs · 7 months
w ramach tego że na zewnątrz pizgawica to przypominam o cieplym ubiorze
— 🧋
BUBBLE TEA ANON ZYJESZ KOCHAM CIĘ !!!! also yes ofc zgadzam się i podpisuje pod tym!!!!! kocham szaliki fr fr you’re doing it wrong if you’re not dressed na cebule
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