#twx school challenge
winchestergirl-13 · 7 years
The Devil’s Angel
Prompt(s): nerd x punk, walking to class/school together
Pairing: Punk!Lucifer x Nerd!Reader
Warnings: fluff, a few cuss words, mentions of bullying, meddling Gabriel
Word Count: 4,698
A/N: This is for @thinkwritexpress-official‘s Back to School Challenge. I got a little carried away with this one. Also, I tried to write Benny’s southern accent, but it’s not easy. So I hope I did alright with that. The prompts are the bold words/phrases and the text messages are the bold italics.
High school, the bane of everyone's existence. At least for most people. (Y/N) walked through the gates of Agoura Mountain High School for the first day of her junior year. Here and there people were pushing and shoving to get through the gates and into the buildings. Wanting to meet with friends, wanting to find their class and get the good seat. (Y/N) just wanted to fade into the background. Which is hard to do when one gets knocked over by some hyper freshman. And the school day hasn't even started yet.
“Ha! What a loser! Can't even walk on her own two feet!” There was laughter from the preppy cheerleaders near the front of the gates. Pushing off the ground, (Y/N) collected her things, brushed the dirt off, and continued on her way to the front building.
“This is going to be a long year,” she thought to herself.
* * *
The rest of the day seemed to fly by. English here, math there, history. On and on. Lunch had just ended and (Y/N) made her way to her last class of the day, art. Arriving at the class, there were students wandering around as they waited for class to start. She found a seat in the front row at the end by the wall. Close enough to the front, but away from most students. It was perfect for her. If only she knew who sat behind her.
Lucifer entered the art class and looked for an empty seat. Normally people would assume he'd like to sit in the back of the class, but he didn't follow the stereotypes. See, he was what you would call a punk, but he wasn't a degenerate. He actually liked his classes and did well in them. It was just his style. He found his seat one row from the front, as (Y/N) sat down in front of him. He couldn't see her face, but he could tell that she was rather cute. And a little nerdy perhaps. But that just made her cuter. But he was speculating here.
Class started and introductions were made. Lucifer found out that (Y/N) was new to this school and neighborhood. He tuned out after that and class went by. The only thought on his mind was whether or not she was the one who moved in next door to his house.
After school, he made his way home and his mother greeted him at the door. “I invited the new neighbors over for dinner tonight so please be good tonight, alright?”
“Okay,” he shrugged, placed a kiss to her cheek, and made his way upstairs to his room. His parents didn't really mind his style; they just don't want him to get into trouble is all. In his family there's his father Chuck, a writer and professor of English over at the local community college. His mother, Donna, was a sheriff for the town. His older brother by two years, Michael, is at the college their dad teaches at. Then there's him, then Raphael who was also a junior in high school. He skipped a grade as he excelled in school. Lastly, their youngest brother Gabriel, a sophomore, who had the worst crush on their friend Sam Winchester who just started at their high school as a freshman; his brother Dean is a Senior. People referred to him and his brothers as “The Angels” or “The Archangels” for their names. And their protectiveness.
Soon it was dinner time and everyone was either in the living room or the kitchen when the doorbell rang. “I got it,” Chuck called out. They could hear the door open and their father's voice greeting their new guests. “Hi, welcome!”
“Hi. Thanks for inviting us over. I'm Dustin Lafitte, this is mah wife Cheryl, mah eldest Benny, and (Y/N), our youngest.”
Lucifer froze as he heard who was at the door. It couldn't be! He watched as the family walked in following his father. It was truly her.
The adults were in the kitchen mingling and working on finishing dinner while the children got to know each other.
“You draw, (Y/N)?” Michael asked when he saw a sketch book in her hands.
“Yeah. I-I'm...I'm not the good...” she admitted softly, pushing some hair from her face.
“Are you kiddin' me, chere? Your work is good 'nough ta be in a museum,” Benny retaliated, nudging his sister slightly. All this banter and Lucifer just couldn't take it any more. With a mumbled, “Excuse me,” he got up from the floor and made his way up to his room. A door shut loudly, a few crashes, and then nothing.
“Is he okay?” (Y/N) wondered, face twisted with concern.
“Yeah, I think so. I'll go check on him,” Gabriel replied as he stood up. As he made his way to his brother's room, he couldn't help but wonder what brought this on. The last time it happened...well, Lucifer doesn't like to talk about her anymore.
“Knock! Knock! Lucifer? You okay?” his called through the door.
“Come in,” he called out. He found his brother laying on his bed with an arm thrown over his face. There were books and some art supplies strewn about the room.
“Want to talk about?” Gabriel asked, closing the door and leaning against it.
With a sigh, Lucifer sat up and rubbed his hand down his face. “No, not really. But you're probably going to make me, aren't you?”
Gabe snorted and replied, “You know it,” as he went to sit next to Lucifer.
“*sigh* It's just...she's in my art class, like sits in front of me, and I hardly know her, and yet...”
“Don't tell me, you've already got a crush on the new girl in town and you've only just met her?”
“Basically,” he held his head in his hands, waiting for the mocking and the laughter. But it didn't come.
“You're really stupid sometimes, you know that, right? Just get to know her, Lucifer. Talk to her, find out what she likes, and just be her friend. Start out like that and maybe something might happen later,” Gabriel stated, crossing his arms over his chest, staring his older brother down.
Lucifer looked up at his brother and smirked, “Like you with Sam?”
Gabriel blushed and started stuttering, “T-th-that..this isn't about me, okay? This is about you. And if you do anything-”
“Relax, I won't do anything to jeopardize your plans to get Sam's attention. But thank you, Gabriel,” Lucifer ruffled his hair as they got up for dinner. Dinner was interesting to say the least. No one mentioned what happened upstairs, they got to know each other, and Lucifer's suspicion about (Y/N) being slightly nerdy/geeky were proved true. Apparently she and Gabriel would probably have a lot of fun over comics and lore.
The Lafitte's thanked the Shurley's for the dinner and it was decided that Lucifer, Gabriel, and Raphael would walk to school with (Y/N) and Benny tomorrow (it was only a twenty minute walk from their houses).
“What time should we leave tomorrow?” (Y/N) asked as they stood outside.
“Probably about eight o'clock. Get to school with ten minutes to spare. See you tomorrow?” Raphael replied.
“Sure thang. Good to meet y'all,” Benny affirmed, waving goodnight to their new neighbors. The families retreated back to their houses and the night wore on. By the time Lucifer went to bed, he could see a light coming from the window across the way. There sat (Y/N) at her desk that faced away from her window. It was shut. With a smirk, Lucifer grabbed a few pebbles from his cactus on his bookshelf and threw one at her window.
“Plink!” (Y/N) heard a small clacking sound against her window, but ignored it.
“Plink!” it happened again. Turning around, to her surprise, Lucifer was waving at her from across the yard. Making her way to her window, she pushed it opened and leaned out.
“Hi,” she smiled, leaning on her windowsill.
“Hey,” he replied, “I'm going to toss something over. Catch.” He threw a broken pencil tied to a long piece of twine. She missed it.
“Oh come on. I know you can catch it. Try again,” he chuckled, tossing it again. She caught it this time. She pulled it in and on the broken pencil was a note taped to it. It was his phone number. (Y/N) smiled, removing the note and adding his number to her phone. Tugging on the rope just slightly, she let Lucifer pull it back to him. This time with a note of her own. He unrolled it and there was a smiley face drawing on the for him.
He couldn't help the grin on his face, which only grew as he got a message from her.
“Hey, it's (Y/N).”
“Hi. Lucifer.”
After adding each other to their contacts, they talked back and forth for a little bit. It was getting late and they had school in the morning.
“Goodnight, Lucifer,” she yawned a little, waving goodnight.
“Night (Y/N). Sweet dreams,” he replied, waving back as they shut their windows and drew the blinds.  The next morning, at eight o'clock, the group met outside their houses and walked to school together. On the way, they met Sam and Dean Winchester. (Y/N) could see the way Sam looked at Gabriel and vice versa. If those two didn't know it, they were both head-over-heels for each other. It was actually quite cute to be honest.
School came and went, the Shurley's introducing Benny and (Y/N) to the rest of their friends (like their cousin Castiel who was with Dean, Charlie who was like a sister to everyone, Garth who was basically a puppy, and Kevin who was one of the silent types, but he was a great friend) and invited them to sit at their table. And that's how it went for the next few weeks.
It was the end of September when their art teacher, Mrs. Barnes, assigned a project for the class to do. They were going to be doing a portrait of their partner. And she let them pick their partners.
“Wanna be partners, (Y/N)?” Lucifer asked, leaning over his table to talk to (Y/N).
“S-Sure,” she replied, jumping slightly at his closeness.
“Great,” he grinned, ideas already forming for this project. Soon the bell rang and everyone scrambled to pack up their things and get started with their weekend plans. Lucifer waited for (Y/N) and they left together. Normally their siblings walked with them, but Benny and Raphael were on an over-night field trip until Sunday for Biology and Gabriel was spending the night over at Sam and Dean's place to work on a project of their own.
The walk home was almost too quite without the commentary from the others, but it wasn't unwelcome. It was actually quite nice. Walking in time with (Y/N), he threw his arm around her shoulders, startling her out of her reverie as he pulled her closer.
“Yes?” he smirked, staring down at her.
“A little warning next time, please?” she sighed, not bothering to remove his arm. It was actually soothing to her.
“Oh, so there's gonna be a next time? Got it,” he joked, laughing when she just shook her head exasperated, with a little grin on her face. And they continued their walk home, enjoying the others presence.
They made it to Lucifer's house where they were going to work on their project in the “art room”; a spare room his parents transformed from an old office to a small art studio for him and his brothers. Mostly Lucifer was the one who used it though.
“Oh, hi (Y/N). How are you?” Chuck greeted when they walked into the kitchen.
“Hi, Mr. Shurley. I'm doing great; how are you?” she replied, smiling at the writer.
“I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. I'm going to assume you two are working on a project?” he questioned as he set about making some snacks.
“Yep, art project. We got to do a portrait of some type of our partners. So we'll be in the art room if you need us,” Lucifer added, grabbing an apple, handing it to (Y/N) and proceeded to drag her out of the kitchen and down the hallway to the room at the end. Chuck just stood there chuckling as he shook his head at his son's antics.
(Y/N) was laughing the entire time he dragged her down the hallway. She had only knew him for less than a month, but it felt natural almost. Like being around Lucifer was nothing new to her.
They came to a stop outside of the room at the end of the hall; the art studio. Lucifer opened the door and ushered (Y/N) in and he followed her, closing the door behind him. There were canvases and sketch pads on easels and the table. Pencils, pens, markers, and brushes in cups and all over really. Finished and unfinished works lined one wall. There was also a little photography spot on the far wall next to the drying rack for the canvases. It was a rather impressive art room.
“Wow,” was all (Y/N) had to say as she looked around the room. Lucifer watched her take it all in, a small smile ever present on her face. As she wandered, he went over to the couch on the left wall closest to the window, and began moving things around. He had this idea in mind and wanted to have everything set if (Y/N) agreed to do it.
“So, any ideas on the project, Luce? Because sadly, I don't have one at the moment,” she admitted, looking over at what he was doing.
“Actually, I do have one. But if you're not comfortable doing it, I can think of something else,” he replied, standing up and turning around to face her.
“You're not going to draw me like one of your French girls, are you Lucifer?” she joked a little, causing a chuckle to escape his lips.
“Oh God no. I mean, unless you want to, but I think we might get in trouble for that. No, I did want you to be sitting on the couch, like looking out the window or reading a book or something, but if you don't like that, we can do something else,” he rambled, running his fingers through his tousled blonde hair. He's never felt this way before. It was a weird feeling.
“No, I think that's a great idea. I see where you're going with it. I think I can do something with that and make it work. So, on the couch?” she gestured, to the rather dated looking couch; it looked like one from the eighties almost, but it wasn't.
“Yeah. I'll let you do whatever you want, just don't move after you found something that works; so make sure it's a comfortable position for you. And then I sketch it. If there's time, we can switch it up and I'll be the model,” he stated as he went around the room, grabbing a sketch pad, a tin of pencils and charcoal and erasers. Also a camera.
“What's the camera for?” (Y/N) wondered as she sat down on the couch, thinking of how she wanted to do this.
“In case we don't finish, I can snap a picture and when we pick it back up, we can use it as a reference for how you'll be positioned. Also if I decide to color it, I can look at the picture for the colors,” Lucifer simplified, positioning his chair just right and waited for (Y/N) to get comfortable. She stretched out on the couch, then switched to being slightly curled up in the corner, arm propped just so against the arm rest as she looked out the window, a dreamy look on her face.
“Is this the pose you want to do? One hundred percent sure?” Lucifer asked, wanting to make sure she wasn't going to change her mind at the last second.
“I'm sure,” she replied, not chancing to look at him, afraid of ruining the shot.
“Okay then,” was his response as Lucifer took up his camera and snapped a couple pictures to be sure. He sat the camera down and flipped open the sketch book and began to sketch (Y/N). It wasn't entirely silent. He sparked up some conversations between them from time to time; if it was too silent it would be pretty awkward.
Some time later, Chuck knocked on the door softly before opening it. With him he brought a tray of snacks and two cups of juice for them. What he saw was too precious. Lucifer had obviously finished or stopped drawing for a moment as (Y/N) had fallen asleep on the couch. He watched his son drape a blanket over (Y/N)'s still form and sit back down on the stool in front of her. Lucifer grabbed his camera, snapped another picture, and began to sketch the scene before him. Not wanting to disturb them any longer, Chuck sat the tray down on table by the door and left the two of them alone.
(Y/N) woke up not much later and found Lucifer munching on some of the grapes Chuck had brought. Sitting up, she pushed the blanket off her legs and stood up, stretching slightly. “How long was I asleep?”
“Oh hey. Twenty minutes I think? It's fine though, I was able to draw what I needed for it. Dad brought some food; want any?” he offered, pushing some of the grapes towards her.
“Thanks. I didn't mean to fall asleep,” she apologized, but he waved it off.
“Don't worry about it. Did you want to have me as the model or do that tomorrow?” he asked, leaning against his work table.
She popped a grape in her mouth and replied, “We can do it today if you're up for it.” She gave him a smile that made him feel, well giddy almost.
What is happening to me? “I'm good with that.” They finished their snack and continued doing their sketches. Over the next two days as they did sketch after sketch, they would find themselves getting closer to one another and Lucifer found himself falling more and more in love with (Y/N). If only he knew how he was affecting (Y/N).
* * *
It had been two weeks since that project and they were getting their works back. Some were getting hung up for the art case and some would either be hung up in class or taken home. (Y/N) and Lucifer had about six sketches, three each. Two were getting hung in the case and the rest were going home with them. Mrs. Barnes had asked for everyone to pick a sketch they thought was better in their opinions to be hung up or to have her pick. Lucifer picked his out and (Y/N) let Mrs. Barnes pick.
After class, there was so much commotion outside the little glass case full of the art classes work that she had to see what was going on. People were gawking over the sketches and the clay pots and figurines. Then she saw their works. Her sketch was one of Lucifer on his dirt bike, leaning over the handle bars. It shocked him how well she was able to draw his bike, let alone him. His sketch was one she didn't know he took. The one of her asleep on the couch in the art room. People were asking her how she was able to draw such an amazing bike, but she wasn't listening. Lucifer was calling out to her, but she ignored him, walking away from the crowd and down the hall. He caught up to her though.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked when he finally caught up to her.
“Y-Yeah I'm okay. I'm not used to people reacting like that to my work. Most don't even notice it,” she replied, eyes trained on the floor.
“Come on, I'll walk you home,” he wrapped his arm around her shoulders like usual and they made their way out of the school. The next day was when the rumors started.
People saw the two of them walk into the school together, separate from their group of friends and siblings. Lucifer even walked her to her classes if he could, regardless of if he was in the class or not. By lunch time, the rumor going around was that they were dating, but that couldn't be true. They were total opposites, but they were so cute together. However you looked at it, they were talking about them. And that pissed off some people.
“Hey loser, you better back the fuck off of Lucifer, okay? He's mine!” some girl with light blonde hair and very light blue eyes shouted, shoving (Y/N) into the lockers behind her.
“I don't know what you're talking about? Who are you?” she questioned, quite scared that she was going to hurt her.
“He's mine! You can't have him! We are meant to be together!”
“Lilith! Let go of (Y/N). She didn't do anything to you,” Lucifer called out, his brothers, Benny, and their friends behind him.
“Lucifer!” she cried with glee, letting go of (Y/N) before bounding over to the punk, only to be stopped by him holding up a hand.
“No. I've told you time and time again: we are not together. We haven't been together for a year now. And we never will be. I don't like you, Lilith. I never did,” he stated as he gently pushed her aside and came to (Y/N)'s side, “You okay?”
She gave a tight smile and a nod to his question. She wasn't, but she will be. Apparently his response didn't settle too well with Lilith. She screamed and stomped her foot, “It's not fair! Why do you love her and not me?! I was meant for you!” She ran away from the group, not looking back.
“Man, I forgot how crazy that girl was,” Raphael commented as he turned to look at his brother.
“Good riddance,” Dean snorted as he took a hold of Castiel's hand, pulling him closer. Once everyone was sure nothing was wrong, they all headed out of the school together. Charlie and Kevin parted ways a street away from the school; Garth, Castiel and Dean parted where the Winchester house was (they had work to do together); Sam walked home with the Shurley's and the Lafitte's. His hand was holding Gabe's as he talked away about some candy from Europe he wanted to try. Benny was walking alongside (Y/N) and Lucifer, the latter's arm wrapped around her shoulders like usual.
“Ya sure you're okay, chere? Ya looked a little spooked back there,” he nodding his head back towards the direction of the school.
“Yeah, I'm sure. She just scared me is all.”
“Well, you don't have to worry about her anymore. Hopefully she's smart enough to know not to mess with you now,” Michael assured, sending a smile her way.
“Besides, if she does try something, we could always get a restraining order against her. She's been stalking Luci here and us ever since they broke up last year. If she gets any worse, you tell us or a teacher or whoever and we'll make sure she doesn't bother you anymore,” Gabriel admitted, pinning (Y/N) with a look that said he wasn't kidding.
“Thanks you guys. I'll let you know if anything changes.” And they left it at that. (Y/N) and Benny parted at their house and that was that for now. Later that night, (Y/N) was doing her homework when her phone buzzed.
“L: Come to the window.”
She looked over her shoulder and could see Lucifer leaning against his windowsill, waiting for her. Putting down her pencil, she made her way over and opened her window. “Hey.”
“Hey. What's on your mind?” he asked her out of the blue.
Tilting her head to the side in confusion, she replied with a “What do you mean?”
“(Y/N), you know what I mean. You're still thinking about what Lilith said, aren't you?”
“Mostly just the last thing she said. Lucifer, what did she mean when she said “why do you love her and not me?” Is that true, Lucifer?”
Lucifer sighed. This wasn't how he wanted her to find out. “Yes, it's true. (Y/N), I think I've been in love with you ever since I met you. I just never knew how to tell you.”
(Y/N) didn't respond. She looked at him, down at the ground between their houses, and ran out of her room. Lucifer misinterpreted what happened, running his hands through his hair distraught and he started cussing himself out. “I'm such an idiot! Why the hell did I think she'd ever love me back?! I'm a fucking idiot!”
Meanwhile, (Y/N) could hear what he was saying to himself about what just happened. She was outside, waiting at the fence that separated their houses. She threw a rock at his open window, trying to get his attention; it didn't work. So she called up to him, “Lucifer! Come to the window!”
He heard her calling and when he looked out his window, he didn't see her across the way like he thought. “Down here, you dummy!” Looking down, there she was, waiting for him by the fence. And he ran out of his room and down the stairs.
His family heard him rushing down the stairs and tried getting him to stop. He wasn't listening as he made his way out the kitchen door and into the side yard. So of course, his brothers were going to eavesdrop on him; Chuck was too despite Donna telling all of them to leave the two of them alone. She stayed as well.
Lucifer stopped on the other side of the fence by the gate that separated them. (Y/N) laughing as he bent in half to catch his breath. “Did you run all the way here?”
He was too busy trying to breath to respond, nodding his head in reply. Her laugh was something he could listen to for hours. Once he caught his breath enough that he could stand upright, he tilted his head, curious as to why she called him down here. “Why are we meeting like this?”
A small blush had worked its way onto her face as she looked at the ground and replied, “Because...I may also like you, too...I thought saying it to your face was better than from the window...”
“Well, there's still the fence in between us. What are we to do about that?” he joked, smirking as she glared at him before giving a smirk of her own. Unlatching the gate, she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around Lucifer, her head buried in his chest. Wrapping his own arms around her, his chin resting on her head. Gabriel was recording the whole thing.
Lucifer placed a kiss on the top of her head, causing her to laugh a bit. Pulling away, he looked at her in confusion. “You missed,” was all she gave.
Smirking, having caught it, he leaned down and captured her lips in a proper kiss. “It's about time,” Gabriel chuckled as they all crept back into the house to leave the new couple alone.
They pulled away from each other, matching grins on their faces. School was definitely going to be better this year. Benny was watching from his living room; he was really happy for his sister.
“That punk better not break her heart. I'll be keepin' mah eye on 'im,” Benny stated, closing the curtains, letting them have their privacy. But he didn't have much to worry about. That boy was clearly head-over-heels for his sister. She'll be just fine.
They say that a Devil once fell in love with an Angel, and that it didn't work out. They obviously hadn't met this particular Devil and his Angel. He was her punk and she was his nerd; they complimented each other. No one would dare hurt her, not with her under the protection of the Archangels.
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revwinchester · 7 years
Centerfold - Epilogue
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Summary:  Dean stumbles across an interview and photoshoot starring his high school crush (and younger brother’s friend) Castiel.  He decides he’s going to stop at nothing to get back in touch with the boy with the blue eyes who used to sit in front of him in homeroom.
Genre: Mostly fluff with a touch of angst
Pairing: Destiel
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Word Count: 2066
Series Warnings: AU - No Supernatural, Porn Star Cas, Mentions of Sex (but no depictions), Bastardization of SPN Lines, Scenes, and Episode Titles
A/N: This whole series came out of a prompt for @thinkwritexpress-official​‘s Back To School Challenge!  The fic is based on the J Gelis Band song “Centerfold” in which a man finds his high school crush on the pages of his favorite porn magazine.  This is it, friends, we’ve reached the end of this little ride.  I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!  And be aware, there’s a time jump here - you (probably) didn’t miss a chapter ;)
Find it on AO3
Centerfold Masterlist
Centerfold - Epilogue - 
The sights and sounds of Las Vegas were among Dean’s favorites.  He and Sam had been making yearly pilgrimages to Sin City since the winter after Sam’s 21st birthday but, lately, the trips had been more about business than pleasure.  Then again, business was pleasure when your partner was a porn star.
Dean was charming the pants off of anyone who was in the line for Castiel’s autograph, working the merchandise table and talking to the fans about the different items they could buy or sometimes just talking about Castiel’s work.  It had been an adjustment, at first, knowing that everyone Dean interacted with at a convention like this had seen his boyfriend naked and had watched him have sex with a bunch of other actors but once he had gotten over the initial shock of that, Dean found he enjoyed the events.  Specifically, he loved watching Castiel at these things.  
Cas, or really Jimmy, interacted with his fans with ease, snapping selfies and signing DVDs, posters, and the occasional dildo.  Most of the fans wanted to fawn over his work and some were brave enough to ask for a lewd pose in their photo.  A couple asked Cas about his partner.
Castiel had revealed in a recent interview that he had begun dating someone just after his spread in Hot Rod Hotties and that now, two and a half years into their relationship, things were rather serious between them.  Cas had said that they weren’t someone in the porn industry but, besides that, he hadn’t shared any more info about the mystery partner but, of course, fans were curious.  “What’s their name?” and “Do they watch your movies?” were the two most common questions, though Cas only ever answered the latter, and no one ever gave the attractive merch guy a second glance.  No one besides Cas, that is.  Whenever he had a spare moment, he’d catch Dean’s eye and send a smile his way.
The pair had discussed going public with their relationship but Cas had suggested waiting until he retired from being on screen.  Dean didn’t need that kind of attention, he had reasoned.  “After all,” Cas had joked, “there are a lot of weirdos out there and not all stalkers get their happy ending.”  After he had finished scowling and pouting at Cas, Dean had agreed to wait.  He was still able to attend most events with Cas, since he ran the sales portion of his boyfriend’s booth, and he had learned that it was fairly common for the talent to travel with the same entourage from one convention to the next rather than having to train new people in each city.
As the day wrapped up, Dean began to put away the unsold merchandise.  He was organizing a stack of photos when he felt familiar arms wrap around his waist and a warm chest press against his back.  
“Don’t drool on the goods,” Cas laughed, “I know that Jimmy guy is pretty hot but you can’t sell the pictures if you’ve slobbered all over them.”
Dean spun around and out of Castiel’s grasp.  “You gotta be careful, someone could see, Cas,” Dean chastised but Cas just smiled and winked at him before he picked up a handful of DVDs and packed them away.  They cleaned up the rest of the booth in companionable silence and then made their way back to the hotel room they were sharing.  
Dean stashed the box while Cas headed into the bathroom.  The AVN Awards were that night and he was nominated for Best Actor for his work as two characters in The Big Empty and for Male Performer of the Year.  He was predicted to with them both but, if everything went well, those two awards weren’t the only thing Cas would be celebrating.
Cas showered quickly, knowing that Dean would want to take one as well.  He got out of the stall and dried himself off before wrapping the towel around his waist and stepping back into the hotel room.  “The shower’s all yours,” he told Dean, who had situated himself on the bed and was flipping through the channels on the hotel’s tv.  Cas pulled his towel off and rummaged through his bag for a fresh pair of underwear.
“Nah, I’m good here,” Dean replied.  
Cas turned around and looked at Dean.  The man, who had clearly been staring at his ass, was not unapologetically raking his eyes over Castiel’s naked body.  Cas arched an eyebrow at him.  “Dean, go shower or you won’t have time.”
“I was enjoying the show,” Dean mumbled as Cas pulled his underwear up over his hips, covering his groin from his boyfriend’s view.  He rolled off of the bed and continued grumbling as he made his way into the bathroom, pulling the door shut and starting the water.
Cas finished getting dressed, putting on his favorite suit and shirt, opting for a blue tie that he knew brought out his eyes.  He finished tying the tie and tucked the little box he had been hiding all week into his jacket’s inner pocket just as the shower shut off.  Cas smiled at his reflection; he needed to look good tonight - at the very least, he’d likely be all over YouTube in a couple of hours.  
Dean came out of the bathroom surrounded by a puff of steam and crossed the room st stand behind Cas.  “You look gorgeous,” he assured the man who he had caught fidgeting with his tie, before pressing a kiss onto Castiel’s cheek and turning to his suitcase to find the beginnings of his outfit for the evening.  His towel was drooping and Dean let it fall, wiggling his ass when Cas let out a wolf whistle.
Once Dean was dressed, they made their way down to the awards ceremony.  They were brought to their seats by an usher but before they sat, Cas turned to Dean.  “Do you mind finding us some drinks?  I need to go and have a quick chat with my manager before the show.”
Dean smiled and winked before he headed back out of the theater and towards the open bar in the lobby.  
Cas watched him go before he tracked down someone who could get his message to the person running the camera crew during the show.  If he won both awards, he wanted the camera that would have been broadcasting his face onto the big screens in the room to stay put.  Once he was assured that the message would be relayed, Cas joined Dean back at their seats just as the lights dimmed for the show to begin.
Awards were given and speeches were made and, after about an hour, it was time for the first category in which Cas was nominated, Best Actor.
The awards weren’t being broadcasted on any television, but Cas knew that a couple of the major porn sites would be live streaming, so there were cameras in the room, one of which was pointed at him.  He smiled at the camera when the presenter said his name and then schooled his features into a gently anticipatory expression.  
“And the winner is…” The presenter opened the envelope.  “Jimmy Novak in The Big Empty!”
Cas stood, as did all of the people around him.  He hugged a few of them, giving Dean an extra little squeeze, and then made his way to the stage.  
“Thank you, thank you so much.  There are so many people to thank… Thank you to the team behind The Big Empty, especially my costars and Director Dick, Thank you to my manager and to Dean.”  Cas paused for a second and winked.  It was the first time he had named Dean, though he didn’t pontificate on who Dean was.  “I’m so excited to win this award, especially because it’s always fun to go out with a bang - pun intended - and I,” Cas paused again, waiting for the little bit of laughter to die down, “and I am announcing my retirement tonight.  I’ve got one more shoot scheduled and then I’ll be transitioning into the next phase of my career.  Thank you all, for this award, and for making the last 20 or so years amazing.”
Cas retreated back stage as the next presenter came to the microphone.  He cut the interviews short with the promise to sit down for a longer interview after the show ended, wanting to get back to Dean.  The retirement announcement had been a surprise for his boyfriend and Cas didn’t want to leave him wondering for too long.  As soon as he could, Cas sat down beside Dean again.  “Hi,�� Cas whispered, a small smile on his face.  “Surprise!”
Dean surreptitiously grabbed Castiel’s hand.  “You’re doing this because it’s what you want, right?” he asked quietly, looking at Cas.  “Not because you think it’s what I want?”
“Yes, Dean,” Cas replied.  “While I won’t lie and tell you that you didn’t play a role in this decision, this is what I want.  I have a few ideas as to what might come next for me and we can talk about them soon.  The one thing I need to know now, though, is if you still want to be open about our relationship with the porn world now.  If I win the next one, can I thank my partner?”
Dean squeezed Castiel’s hand and brought it up to his lips.  “That would be perfect, Cas.”  
The pair settled back into the seats, Dean still holding his boyfriend’s hand as the awards progressed.  As the night went on, Dean noticed that Cas was starting to get more and more nervous.  It was odd.  This wasn’t the first time he had been up for awards and he had never gotten this riled up over it before.  Dean did what he could to calm Cas and quietly reassure him but by the time the presenter was announcing the nominees for Male Performer of the Year, Cas was practically buzzing with nervous excitement.  
“And the AVN for Male Performer of the Year goes to… Jimmy Novak!”
Cas rose from his seat again.  This time, he didn’t hug anyone before Dean.  He pulled his boyfriend in and held him tightly.  “I love you,” he whispered, kissing him before making his way to the stage.  
“Thank you, this is truly an honor.  I don’t know if it’s possible to top my last speech, but I’m certainly going to try,” Cas laughed.  He took a deep breath and centered himself, allowing himself to be Castiel for one of the first times ever in the presence of his colleagues.  “There are so many people to thank and I promise I’ll call you all tomorrow.  Right now, I want to use my time to say this: Dean, I love you.  The past two and a half years have been among the best in my life and I am so glad that your brother and I let the air out of my tire in an attempt to orchestrate our meeting and that you took me to dinner instead of to the police station… We always said that we would share our relationship with the porn world once I retired so I can’t think of a better time to do this.”  Cas reached into his jacket and pulled out the box he had hidden there.  “Dean, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
The crowd erupted into applause as Dean’s face was displayed on the large screens to the sides of the stage.  He looked shocked but then started laughing, one of his hands rubbing his eyes and then swiping down his face before he nodded and Cas saw, rather than heard, him say “Yes.”
Cas left the stage, adopting his Jimmy persona for the final time as he went to meet the media for the interviews he had promised them earlier.  He was just as eager to get back to Dean and to his seat this time but he knew that playing nice and answering their questions would be the quickest way to do that.  
Cas made it back to his seat just in time for the final award of the night but neither he nor Dean would be able to recall who had won that prize because as soon as he was seated, Dean pulled Cas in and kissed him soundly.
If you would like to be added to (or removed from) one of my tag lists, please send me an ask and let me know! 
Centerfold Tags: @shutupiminlooove
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass @samwinjarpad @hexparker @thinkwritexpress-official @atc74
Destiel Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @thinkwritexpress-official @deandoesthingstome @manawhaat @thegleegeneration @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @ferferelli @fangirling-instead-of-working @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @mamaimpala @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @curliesallovertheplace @skybinx-blog @purgatoan @impossible-box @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @dr-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @jotink78 @i-dont-know-how-to-write @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @mysaintsasinner @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @klaineaholic @hexparker @rockhoochie
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thecuriouscrusader · 7 years
That Awkward Moment
Pairing: Castiel x Dean Winchester
Word Count: 752
Prompt: Doing Laundry
Tags: Pre-Slash, First Meeting, AU, Awkward Castiel, Embarrassing Idiots
Summary: Castiel and Dean meet while doing laundry and surprisingly they bond over each other’s weird choice of clothing.
A/N: Written for @thinkwritexpress-official​’s Back to School Challenge! If Cas had Misha’s fashion sense...idk. Not Beta’d!
Castiel was somewhat of a hermit. He was a writer who spent most of his days in his small apartment living off cups of tea and honey on toast. It was Friday night, though, and that meant it was laundry night. 
Castiel was sorting his colours from his whites when a man he had not seen before entered the room. He was very handsome, Castiel noticed, with light brown hair and a dusting of freckles across his complexion. He offered Castiel a lopsided smile that screamed mischief. Castiel was awestruck; his eyes simply widened with surprise and he felt heat begin to rise in his cheeks. 
"Hey, I'm Dean." 
"Hello, Dean" Castiel said with a slight bow. "I'm Castiel." 
"Nice to meet you, Cas." 
Dean walked by and Castiel saw something slide out of his laundry basket. He went to pick it up out of instinct and realised it was a pair of pink lacy underwear. 
"E-excuse me" Castiel stammered. Dean turned around. "You dropped this" he said as he held out the underwear; he was definitely blushing now. "Your girlfriends?" He asked before he could stop himself. 
"Not exactly" Dean confessed; he looked embarrassed himself. "More of a...guilty pleasure." 
Castiel was about to ask what that meant but when Dean squatted down to open one of the machines he saw the pink lace peeking over the waistband of his jeans. 
"That's nice" Castiel said. Dean looked up at him with a small frown. "I-I mean, um, this t-shirt is kind of my guilty pleasure" he said as he lifted his arms to reveal the two huge armpit holes. 
"Wow, you must be a big Duran Duran fan" Dean said, referring to the band logo on the t-shirt. 
"No, not really" Castiel confessed. "That's the odd thing. It's just comfortable. I usually dress like a slob." 
Dean laughed. "I can appreciate that. And I think you look cute." 
Castiel looked down at his tatty t-shirt, baggy jeans, and bright yellow flip-flops and wondered what on earth Dean was talking about. He knew his hair was stuck out at all angles too so he could not understand what the pristine looking Dean was seeing. 
"Thank you" Castiel murmured embarrassedly; he wanted to change the subject quickly. "I have lots of printed t-shirts like this" he said as he pulled a few out of his basket. "AC/DC, Marvin the Martian, Rainbow..."
"You sound like my kind of guy" Dean smiled. He started stuffing his own clothes into the machine. "As you can see, I like plaid. I just rock that sexy lumberjack vibe." 
"Really?" Castiel asked. 
"Nah, I just hate shopping" Dean confessed. "I just stick to what I know." 
He put so some powder in the machine and turned it on, but Castiel was not ready for him to leave. 
"Are you new to the building?" He asked.
"Yeah, I moved here a couple of weeks ago. I've sort of travelled all my life with my dad, but I just want to settle down for a while with a place of my own. How about you?" 
"I've lived here about three years" Castiel explained. "I grew up in a huge family so now I value my peace and quiet."
"What do you do for a living?" Dean asked. 
"I write." 
"Oh, awesome!" Dean said with genuine enthusiasm. "What kinda stuff?" 
"Mmm, usually short horror stories." 
"Dude, that's my favourite genre" Dean beamed. "Well, of books. Movies I like Westerns. Anyway, there are this one guy’s stories, Jimmy Novak-" 
Castiel's eyes widened. "That's me." 
"You're yanking my chain" Dean said.
"No, I use a pen-name" Castiel explained.  "Like I said, I enjoy my privacy. Not that I think many people read my stories."
"I do!" Dean eagerly exclaimed. "I love them. The one about the Leviathan...sorry, I don't mean to sound like some weird fanboy." 
"It's alright" Castiel said with a soft smile. "It's nice to know someone else likes them." 
"Well, whilst our stuff is in the laundry do you maybe wanna come up to my apartment and talk some more? I have beer and burgers." 
"You haven't been put off by my awkwardness?" Castiel asked with a little surprise. 
"Not all, I find it very endearing" Dean replied with the same lopsided mischievous smile as before. "Besides, I did just confess to wearing ladies underwear and you didn't freak out, so, I think on the awkwardness scale we're pretty even." 
Castiel laughed lightly. "Then yes, I would love to talk some more." 
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getmadandsmashstuff · 7 years
My Angel in the Centerfold
Author notes: For twx’s school challenge, p.s. sorry its late!! Prompt #30 was loosely followed: Centerfold by J. Giles Band.  This is some Walking Dead season 4 flangst, featuring Daryl x reader-- I wrote this in like 2 hours at 4 in the morning when I was feeling hella inspired so it’s not my most beautiful work to date but the emotions are there!
Warnings: Death (of zombies), angst, sex being alluded to, cussing, allusions to childhood abuse/neglect (Daryl/canon) 
You wrapped your arms around Daryl’s waist, appreciating the warm leather of his jacket sinking into your skin as he started the motorcycle with its usual loud roar and kicked up the stand.  You started off down the prison drive, picking up speed as you passed the gate and turned onto the main road.  You were scouting out potential stores, since your group, which has tripled in size, had depleted everything that was local.  You snuggled in closer to Daryl, enjoying the sounds of the air rushing past and feeling your hair fly wildly behind you. The next hour passed in a blur of green trees and overrun fields, with the occasional house in the distance. Eventually, you pulled off the main road and started down what looked to be the drive-way to a military complex, which you guessed was probably either an army or air force base.  As you grew closer you could hear and smell the tell-tale signs of walkers.  Sure enough, there was a fenced off area, that had probably been an emergency camp, filled with walkers, some in uniform, most in civilian clothes.
“Shit” Daryl muttered under his breath as he killed the engine and propped the bike.  “How we gonna deal with these?”  You untangled your arms from around him, noticing his hand had been gently resting on yours, and stood up, cracking both your knees in the process.  Daryl barely hid his smirk at what he called your “grandma” knee and hip cracks.  Smirking yourself, you surveyed the area around the fenced off walkers and noticed several abandoned cars.  Daryl slung his crossbow across his shoulder and walked closer to the fence, which the walkers were pressed against, leering, and whining at him.  You grabbed your machete and gun and walked up with him. “There’s gotta be about 30 of them” he said, eyes glancing over all of them, “more than we can handle on our own.”
“Ye of little faith, Dixon” you teased, knowing he loved it when you called him Dixon, “I think we could take these with the right plan.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”
“Well, hopefully, one of those cars still works, and hopefully one of those cars has a CD or two in it that we could turn on. So we turn that one, find a way to open this fence, and then take ‘em down one by one as they go towards the music”
Daryl grunted approval and nodded, but the surprise in his eyes told you he was impressed by that plan.  He walked off towards the cars with you in stride.  The first one didn’t turn on, but did have a tool box in the back that had a pair of bolt cutters.  Daryl found a car that turned on and thankfully had a CD still in the player.  He turned it on and much to both your surprises it was a compilation of oldies, as you discovered by skipping through every track.  You settled on “Centerfold,” since you loved the lyrics and couldn’t remember the last time you had heard the song.  You took up position by the fence with the bolt cutters as Daryl cranked the music.  Soon it was blasting and had the attention of every walker.  Daryl took position beside you, crossbow loaded, as you started cutting through the fence, the walkers pawing to get out.  As soon as it was tall enough for the first walker to stumble out, you and Daryl retreated and began to systematically pick them off.   Soon enough, all that was left was the bodies of dead walkers and the sound of the stereo behind you, which you regretfully turned off to avoid encouraging more walkers to come that way.  Daryl slipped between the hole in the fence and you followed quickly.  You both beelined for the door of the commissary and broke it open.  You were greeted with a small number of walkers, who were so shocked that you took them out before most had had time to process what was happening.  As soon as they were down, you shut the door to avoid any unpleasant surprises.
As you looked around the mega store, you realized it was pretty much untouched and had more than enough essentials to warrant a return trip.  Off to the left you spotted a clothing section, which had some racy lingerie displayed.  You made your way over while Daryl examined the entrance display, scouring for what you assumed were cigarettes.  You found a little black negligee with lacy patterns. “Daryl” you whisper-shouted, causing him to jerk up, crossbow at the ready. “Calm down baby,” you whisper-shouted again, “and come here a second.” Daryl lowered his bow and came over, looking annoyed.
“What?” he asked, his eyebrows doing that little scowl they did when he was annoyed at something.
You raised your eyebrows back and held up the negligee, “Do you think I could pull this off?” Daryl’s scowl instantly dropped and was replaced with the look you knew all too well: he was practically fucking you with his eyes and his lips had formed that smirk he saved for times like these.  He swallowed thickly and said in a raspy voice “I don’t know but we can pull off your other clothes and find out.”  You dropped your weapons to the floor and stepped forward into his waiting arms where he instantly sunk his lips onto yours, tasting of cigarettes and sweat and most of all safety.
A couple hours later you emerged from the commissary basking in the post-sex sense of contentment that Daryl always left you with.  Daryl, himself, seemed less tense and actually dropped a sweet kiss on your forehead before he sat down on the motorcycle.  You sat down behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist again, snuggling into his body as he relaxed against you.
“Thanks for that” you said, pressing some light kisses on his shoulder.
“For what?”
“For that,” you said, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the commissary.
The sun was starting to set and although you knew it would be a risk, you asked anyways, “Daryl can we just sit here for a few minutes? We barely get time alone anymore and I want to enjoy this”
“You really are something else” he responded, but he didn’t turn on the bike either. You both sat there in silence, the sound of the birds and the soft breeze filling the air, the sun slowly sinking further and further out of the sky. You both sat in silence for what felt like a blissful eternity.   After a while, your mind started to drift to all the memories you two had made together and all that you had been through for each other. You rested your head on his shoulder and felt his shoulders rise and fall with each deep breath, a battle raging inside of your mind.  Deciding now was as good as ever, you pressed a few kisses onto Daryl’s neck, trying to mentally prepare yourself for something that could ruin your relationship. You felt Daryl’s rough fingers slip around yours.  “Daryl, if I tell you something, do you promise to not be mad?” you asked, hesitantly, feeling your heart rate increase and body tense up.  He tensed up also and his hand slipped out of yours to rest on the handlebars.
“I guess,” you could tell he was already emotionally shutting himself down, preparing for the worst.  Realizing now it was too late to go back, you went for it.
“I love you Daryl.”
Silence. Daryl didn’t respond or even verbally acknowledge he heard you.  Instead he sat up straighter, pulling his body away from yours, and started the motorcycle.  Tears welled up in your eyes, but you were determined not to let him know you were crying. As he pulled off down the drive, though, you felt a couple slide down your face.  Daryl started speeding down the road, forcing you to tighten your grip if you didn’t want to fly off to your death.  The ride back was probably one of the worst hours of your life, but it did fly by, not that was any consolation.  You knew you had probably ruined the best relationship you would ever have and there was nothing you could do to escape it.  You couldn’t just leave the prison and you couldn’t just hide from everyone forever, either.  You could probably move in with Carol or one of the other single ladies, which made you even sadder.  Nothing had been more comforting that falling into Daryl’s waiting arms at the end of the day, or surprising him by waiting up for his night watch to end.  Thinking about that made the tears fall in earnest and you bit your lip to suppress the sobs that were desperately trying to escape.
After what seemed like an eternity, you finally made it home, and as soon as Daryl parked the bike you slipped your arms from around him, grabbed your gear and headed inside.  Carol meet you at the door with a hug and a questioning look. You shook your head, “I’ll tell you later” you muttered as Daryl trailed in after you.   Carol left to go hug him and you made your way up the stairs to yours and Daryl’s shared cell.  You sat down on the bed and slipped off your boots in exchange for some slide on sneakers. You were pulling your hair up into a bun when Daryl came up and stopped at the door.
“I’ll just grab by stuff and get out of your way” you said, staring at the floor, fighting the urge to cry again.  You stood up and moved to grab your pillow and blanket.
Daryl moved into the cell, “why would you do that?” he asked, glancing at you questioningly, eyebrows furrowed.  “You place is here with me.  Your place will always be here with me.”  You looked up and meet his eyes, which were misty as he stepped forward into arms reach.  He pulled you into his arms, squeezing you as close as possible, nose buried in your hair, hands massaging your back.  You let your head rest on his chest, feeling it rising and falling as he took what seemed to be steadying breathes.  His goatee bristled against your forehead as he planted kisses there.  “We should probably get ready for bed,” he breathed out, hands now pulling your bun out and running his hands through your hair, combing out the tangles with gentle tugs.   After several minutes he pulled back and began to peel off his clothes, hanging his leather vest over the edge of the cell down and slipping out his ratty cut-off for an only slightly less ratty and slightly cleaner t-shirt.  You silently vowed to find him new clothes sooner or later, not that he would actually wear them.  You slipped into a pair of shorts and a shirt of Daryl’s that was particularly well worn but also always smelled like him.  Daryl was lying on the bed in the big spoon position, his arm folded to make a pillow for you.  As soon as you nestled into his side, his other arm wrapped around you, holding you close.
“I’m sorry for what happened today when we were out”
“Ya got nothing to be sorry for…” Daryl paused and then continued in a strained voice, “It’s my fault really. I’ve never had anybody say that to me and I panicked…” he trailed off. You didn’t respond, but lay there, remembering all the things he had told you about his childhood. You realized it was probably true that you were the first person to ever say it and mean it sincerely.  As Daryl’s gentle breaths fluttered across the side of your face you realized that what he had said earlier was probably his way of saying it back.  That revelation lifted a weight off your shoulders you didn’t even know had been lingering there, and you found sleep came easily.  As you were drifting off, you felt Daryl move beside you and then whisper, as if he thought you were asleep, “I love you, too.”
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pagesofivy · 7 years
Back to School Challenge
So I’m nearly to 200 followers and I don’t want to wait to put this out. I fucking love writing challenges. And it’s almost time for me to go back to school. So I came up with this great challenge with a ton of prompts. There are songs, vague words, specific scenarios, and dialogue prompts. Some could be multiple. You’ll see.
I’ll throw all the information and prompts under the cut!
You don’t have to follow me but that’d be cool
Pick a number, and send me an ask to let me know!
Can be any fandom- seriously, I’m in so many, I want to read from it all.
Due by November 25th. 
Tag me and tag it #twx school challenge
Feel free to send it to me via messages too, especially if I haven’t reblogged it within a day or two.
Any questions, just ask!
Home for the holidays
High school au
College au
Professor x student
Nerd x jock
Study buddies
Teen au
Nerd x punk
Marching band
Doing laundry/laundry room on the dorm floor
Communal showers
School shopping
School supplies
Lab partners
Pen Pals
Coffee shop au
Meet cute
Meet awkward
Someone stole your (unassigned) seat
Support animals
Job searching
Unrequited love
Childhood/high-school sweethearts
The one that got away... Is now back.
Someone has extra meal plan and you have none so they take pity on you and share theirs
Enemies to lovers
“Centerfold” by The J. Geils Band
“Are you following me?”
“Not you again.”
Accidentally calling/texting the wrong number
You’re my tutor for this class but you’re talking way over my head please dumb it down for me more, I’m so sorry.
Kink/sex education club
“Wrong room, sorry!”
“Dancing Queen” by ABBA
“Girl Crush” by Little Big Town
“Not My Type At All” by Jacob Whitesides
Disney movie marathon
“Just A Kiss” by Lady Antebellum
“Picture” by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow
Sports game/match/meet
“Stranger” by Jay Hayden & KingVodka
“Take a Hint” by Victoria Justice/The Victorious Cast
“You think I want to do this?”
First date
“What I Never Knew I Always Wanted” by Carrie Underwood
“I wish I never met you!”
“You need a study break. Dance with me.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Is it so wrong that I love you?”
Being dragged to a party by your roommate.
“Okay... This is new.”
That one person who doesn’t study but passes everything.
“I don’t think before I act, it’s part of my charm.”
“My uterus is shedding and I really want to stab you right now.”
Walking to class/school together.
Mistaking the professor for a student and bashing their class.
Being overheard talking about someone... by that person.
“This is the dumbest idea you’ve had in a long time.”
Artist/Art Major for a roommate/significant other
You’re the tech/IT person and you come to my room to check the (sucky) wifi and you’re cute I’m so sorry my room is a mess.
I’m taking this class so I can understand what the hell my best friend/significant other/whoever is talking about.
One night stand is accidentally your new professor. Whoops.
Being a nude model for art students/classes because you need the money and “it’s a good way to learn to love my body.”
College acceptance/rejection letters
Pretending to date to get your/their family off your/their back
Going to a speed friending/dating thing and “oh fuck you’re actually really sweet. Here’s my number, let’s get coffee?”
 We have to share a bed because my parents misread our friendship- We can be adults about this, right?
Spin the bottle/7 Minutes in Heaven
Drunk Twister
Strip poker
Everyone forgot my birthday but it’s- What? I thought you hated me? Thank you!
Halloweentown/Magic College Au
I told my parents I was with someone and now they’re coming to meet them, please pretend to be my significant other. I’ll do anything.
“I’m a fucking theater major. Of course I’m dramatic!”
I invited you to my band’s show/play but I didn’t expect you to come, thank  you so much.
Studying abroad/foreign exchange program/students
Soulmate au
Fake dating/married au
Escort au
Mean Girls Halloween- It’s a college Halloween party and you dressed up as something “normal” and not sexy but everyone else is in sex costumes and “Oh shit ok thank God it’s not just me, don’t leave my side.”
Accidentally matching with someone you see/someone in your class so “Okay now we have to be friends”
We’ve had four classes together in two semesters, and here we are again. It’s a sign. We’re friends now.”
“These bruises are marks of a good time. I’m proud of him. And I’m pretty sure he/she is too.” 
Tagging for interest and possible signal boosts: (honestly I scrolled my messages and my dashboard)
@winchester-with-wings @mrswhozeewhatsis  @myfand0msandm0re @feelmyroarrrr @kazchester-fanfiction @district-12-erudite @deansleather  @winchestergirl-13 @distinguishedqueenofbooks @uselessace @delightfullynoisystarlight @barbedwireandbubblegum @saxxxology @quiddy-writes @curliesallovertheplace @bladebarnes @retroasgardian @nichelle-my-belle @angryschnauzer @ursulaismymiddlename @marveloznerd @mysaintsasinner @daniyell619 @hunters-hiraeth @samsgoddess @supernaturalismalife @sassy-losechester @captainsbabysitter-blog @auduna-druitt @bkwrm523 @evansrogerskitten @natasha-cole @team-gabriel @sams-little-toy @pinknerdpanda @papi-chulo-bucky @plumfondler @vintagevalentinexx @vvintersouldier @tssweets @this-kitty-has-claws @lacqueluster @wonders-of-the-enterprise @impala-dreamer 
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yahooben · 7 years
shadow of war preview
Tumblr media
‘Middle-earth: Shadow of War’ will bring the Tolkien-inspired action to new heights.
The Eye of Sauron might see everything, but even the observant dark lord himself probably didn’t see “Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor” coming.
The captivating open-world game was one of the best of 2014, breathing new life into Tolkien’s overexposed universe with tight combat, killer graphics and an innovative ‘Nemesis’ system that turned every no-good goblin into a diabolically unique snowflake.
It turns out, however, that “Mordor” was just the first chapter. For their next, Warner Bros. Interactive, owned by Time Warner (TWX), and developer Monolith are increasing the stakes exponentially. Due out Aug. 27 for PC, Xbox One and PS4, “Middle-earth: Shadow of War” aims to give gamers a bigger, badder and, based on a recently revealed gameplay trailer, significantly crazier Middle-earth to dominate.
Set immediately after the events of “Mordor” (and in between “The Hobbit” and “The Fellow of the Ring”), “Shadow of War” once again puts you in the vengeful boots of the ranger Talion and his wraith pal Celebrimbor. The specifics are still hush-hush — the game’s debut trailer shows off a new ring of power (“ring forger” was Celebrimbor’s gig before becoming an undead pain in the neck) — but suffice to say, the battle over Mordor is still raging.
“Shadow of War” hopes to harness that rage and expand it with a revamped Nemesis system. It will still generate charismatic enemies for you to contend with, but Nemesis will now reach past interpersonal drama and affect the shape of the whole gory game world.
Imposing, multi-leveled fortresses ruled by vicious Overlords control various regions. Orcs are now members of various warring tribes, the characteristics of which influence both individual overlords and, in turn, the regions themselves. A Beast Master overlord, for example, will result in a region teeming with wild beasts and orcish hunters.
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‘Shadow of War’ will let you control your own orchish army.
That interplay between orcish bigwig and his environment includes the nature of each fortress. A war chief who favors fire could result in a fortress defended by flaming oil and explosive barrels.
To counter this, Talion leads his own army of converted baddies. You’ll use the new ring to raise your own war chiefs, each of whom will have specific abilities that may prove useful when taking down fortresses. An Olog-hai (the troll version of the Uruk-hai) war chief becomes a battering ram, able to break down doors with his giant, sturdy face. Infiltrate the enemy ranks with a sniper spy and they could turn the battle by taking down a challenging enemy.
The demo touched on a number of other awesome features, including a deeper gear and loot system, the ability to split up the ranger and wraith to tackle multiple enemies at once and, coolest of all, rideable dragons. Once again, for posterity: RIDEABLE DRAGONS.
It’s easy to be excited by the direction the franchise is heading, but the initial demo didn’t really break into the broader open-world gameplay. That was the real meat of “Mordor” — mounting caragors, scaling towers, bumping into gangs of orcs, hunting down hidden baubles — and while all of that stuff is likely in here, we don’t know yet what that all looks like. WB confirmed that the world is substantially bigger than “Mordor’s”, so I’m hoping we get some new traversal methods. Eagles, anyone?
We’ve got some time to find out. Expect more “Shadow of War” in the coming months.
More games news:
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Ben Silverman is on Twitter at ben_silverman.
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revwinchester · 7 years
Centerfold - Part 4
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Summary:  Dean stumbles across an interview and photoshoot starring his high school crush (and younger brother’s friend) Castiel.  He decides he’s going to stop at nothing to get back in touch with the boy with the blue eyes who used to sit in front of him in homeroom.
Genre: Mostly fluff with a touch of angst
Pairing: Destiel
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Word Count: 1218
Series Warnings: AU - No Supernatural, Porn Star Cas, Mentions of Sex (but no depictions), Bastardization of SPN Lines, Scenes, and Episode Titles
A/N: This whole series came out of a prompt for @thinkwritexpress-official‘s Back To School Challenge!  The fic is based on the J Gelis Band song “Centerfold” in which a man finds his high school crush on the pages of his favorite porn magazine.
Find it on AO3
Centerfold Masterlist
Centerfold - Part 4 - 
Over the next few weeks, it seemed to Sam that Dean was back to himself and his regular schedule, all thoughts of Cas pushed from his mind.
So, when Cas texted the younger Winchester one Friday to tell him he’d be in town, he didn’t think much of it.  The pair set up a dinner and, just to be on the safe side, Sam didn’t tell his brother.  He often stayed at the office late, working on some case or another, so he knew Dean wouldn’t think twice about his absence.  
As Sam and Cas caught up over an appetizer, Sam contemplated telling the man that he knew what kind of modeling he had been doing.  The right moment never seemed to present itself, though, and ‘Hey, Cas, how’s the porn industry been treating you?’ felt way too abrupt.
Their meals arrived and Castiel’s entire demeanor shifted as he cut into his steak.  “I hope you don’t mind, but I have an ulterior motive for this dinner,” Cas confessed.  “I am in need of some legal advice.”
Sam leaned forward, going into “lawyer mode” as Dean liked to call it.  “Sure Cas, what’s up?”
Cas took a deep breath and confided, “I think I have a stalker; it’s part of why I came back here this time.  I’ve been getting weird phone calls for the last month.  It’s always the same number at about the same time each day and there’s always a person on the other end but they never talk, not really anyway.”  The words were pouring out of Castiel’s mouth and he couldn’t have stopped now if he had wanted to.  “I’ve been zealous in keeping my professional life and my private life separate but all of the calls are coming from Kansas to my work phone.  There have always been some weird fans of my work but nothing that raised any red flags before.  
“Only one of my brothers knows that number and he swears that it’s not him and he hasn’t given it to anyone or talked about the, uh, finer points of my career with anyone.”  Cas paused and took a deep breath, looking his friend in the eye, “Sam, I work in the porn industry.  On camera.  I’ve made a name for myself on screen.  It’s not something that I’m ashamed about but I know that the majority of my family would not be able to handle that knowledge so you and my brother Gabriel are the only ones from my Kansas life that know this.”
Sam let Cas get everything out with what he hoped was a supportive look on his face.  When his friend finally stopped talking, Sam held his gaze.  “I already know, Cas,” Sam admitted, “and I think I have an idea about who your stalker is.”
Castiel’s eyes went wide with surprise but Sam didn’t find any embarrassment in them or in his voice when he spoke.
Sam wasn’t sure if Cas was asking how Sam knew about his career or how he already might know who his stalker was but the answer was essentially the same.  “Dean, my brother, he came across your spread in, uh, Hot Rod Hotties and he recognized you from high school.”  Sam noticed a small smile on his friend’s face at the mention of his brother.  Deciding to use this to his advantage and hoping to get Dean out of some of the trouble he could - deservedly - end up in, he leaned in conspiratorially, knowing his brother would kill him for what he was about to share.  “He was really excited to come across the interview, Cas.  I’m pretty sure he had a crush on you in high school and seeing you in one of his magazines rekindled some of that.”
Sam braced himself before he told Cas the rest of the story.  How Dean had pestered Sam for his number for a few weeks before trying something more drastic and how he had followed his brother into the city and listened in while Dean had managed to sweet talk his way into getting Castiel’s phone number from the magazine.  Sam was glad when Cas laughed at the part where the receptionist had mistaken him for a model but he steeled himself for the end of the tale.  Sam confessed that he had overheard Dean’s first call to Cas.
“I should have told you right then, Cas, but he floundered so much and then never brought it up again so I assumed it was over.”  Sam looked down at the table, staring at his meal.  “I’m sorry.”  Sam fidgeted for a moment, feeling uncomfortable with the silence that lingered between him and his friend.  When his eyes returned to Castiel’s, though, Sam found that the man had an incredulous look on his face.
“Dean had a crush on me in high school?” Cas asked, his voice full of awe and disbelief.
If that was where Cas was going to focus his attention, instead of on Dean’s creepy behavior, Sam wasn’t going to stop him.  “Yeah,” Sam confirmed.  “I mean, he wasn’t out yet and he never really talked to his kid brother about it but he’s always been awkward with the guys he’s liked.  With the girls, he can be super cool and smooth but the guys get him flustered.  I remember the stories you used to tell me about how he’d act towards you and they fit his M.O., I just didn’t realize it as a kid.”
Cas sighed.  “I was practically in love with your brother,” he shared.  “My first film… The script was great, or as great as it gets in porn, but one of the reasons I signed on to Lazarus Rising was because the lead reminded me of Dean.”  Cas was blushing and, if he was being honest, Sam was too, but for a completely different reason.  
The conversation had not gone where Sam had been expecting and, while Sam had no issues with knowing his friend was working in porn, he didn’t care to imagine Dean - or someone who looked like Dean - having sex.  Sam turned the conversation back to a topic that was both safer and more volatile all at once.  “Cas, let me see the call log on your phone?  I want to make sure that it was Dean who was calling you.”
Cas fished his phone from his pocket and held it up so that the facial recognition software would unlock it.  He tapped the screen a few times and then passed the device across to Sam.  
Sam scrolled through Castiel’s incoming calls.  Every day right around 5:15 there was a call from a number that was nearly as familiar as Sam’s own.  It was Dean, alright, and he seemed to be calling Cas while he was on his way home from the garage.  As he looked at his brother’s number repeated daily in Castiel’s call log, Sam began to form a plan.
“Do you want to get back in touch with Dean?” Sam asked.  He knew the answer already but needed to hear Cas say it.  His friend agreed readily and Sam continued, “I think you need to mess with him a little first, to get him back for freaking you out with all of his calls.”
If you would like to be added to (or removed from) one of my tag lists, please send me an ask and let me know!  The lists I’m tagging for this fic are story specific and then my forevers and my Destiel tags (if anyone signs up for that one).
Centerfold Tags: @shutupiminlooove
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass @samwinjarpad @hexparker @thinkwritexpress-official @atc74
Destiel Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @thinkwritexpress-official @deandoesthingstome @manawhaat @thegleegeneration @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @ferferelli @fangirling-instead-of-working @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @mamaimpala @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @curliesallovertheplace @skybinx-blog @purgatoan @impossible-box @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @dr-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @jotink78 @i-dont-know-how-to-write @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @mysaintsasinner @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @klaineaholic @hexparker @rockhoochie
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danijimenezv · 6 years
Blurred Intentions (Part 2)
Prompt/Summary: College AU with the prompt “I told my parents I was with someone and now they’re coming to meet them, please pretend to be my significant other. I’ll do anything.”
Pairings: Eventual Castiel x Winchester!Reader
Warnings: Slow burn, swearing (if you see another, let me know!)
Word Count: 1976
A/N: This is the second part, I can’t believe it took me this long, I’m sorry! This is for @thinkwritexpress-official Back to School Writing Challenge.  I’m tagging some new people, so if you didn’t want to be tagged in this, please let me know and I won’t tag you in the future. Feedback is appreciated!
Part 1
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“So, let me get this straight.” Gabriel muttered from his spot on Y/N’s couch, “You had a discussion with your moron of a cousin.”
“With Christian, yes.”
“And now that he’s getting married, he requested to meet your supposed boyfriend, the one you made up.”
“And your parents also think you’re in a relationship?”
“They had to think it, to make the lie believable.” she sighed, “But now, it occurred to mom the great idea to come here first to meet the guy and then drive us to the wedding.”
“And now you’re screwed.”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
She hadn’t meant for it to spiral out of control. After all, she had seen her older brothers make up lies throughout the years without getting caught. But now that she was the one that lied, of course things got complicated. It was just her luck. Y/N plopped down on the couch next to Gabriel and buried her head in her hands, with her elbows on her thighs. A headache was beginning to make its presence known, and she rubbed her temples in a soothing motion, trying to come up with a solution.
“Are your parents really coming to pick you and your boyfriend up like five-year old’s?”
Y/N simply shrugged, not meeting Gabriel’s gaze, “They want it to be a family trip kind of thing. You know, get to know the significant others in their children’s life. That’s beside the point.” she got exasperated, “What am I going to do, Gabe? If Christian discovers the truth, he’s going to make sure to humiliate me as much as humanly possible.”
“Are you sure he’s human?”
“Gabriel!” she looked up to smack his arm.
“Okay, okay!” her best friend raised his hands in defense, “So we just have to get you a hot date.”
“Come on.” he rolled his scotch-colored eyes, “The only solution I see right now is to find you someone to act the role.”
“And what am I even going to tell them? ‘I told my parents I was with someone and now they’re coming to meet them, please pretend to be my significant other. I’ll do anything’? Come on, Novak. It sounds stupid.”
“There are better ways to say that.” he scolded her, “For instance, what about something along the lines of ‘I really need a date for my cousin’s wedding, but they can’t know we haven’t been dating long. I’d be oh-so-grateful for your help, and I’d love to make it up to you somehow’.” Gabriel fluttered his eyelashes ridiculously and excessively, and he pretended to flip an invisible ponytail.
“I don’t sound like that.” Y/N huffed, mimicking stupidly his mannerisms, “Stop that, you look like something just got in your eye, and I definitely don’t flip my hair like that.”
“You got the idea, Winchester.” by then, he sounded annoyed, “My point is, be flirtatious! Use that magical charm you got! Take advantage of your attributes!”
“It would be way much easier if it was you…” Y/N pouted, more irritated than anything else, “It’s not like I haven’t helped you being your fake girlfriend to get rid of unwanted attention.”
“True. But-” he lifted a finger, “Your mother would know it’s all a lie the second she spots me. She knows we’re just best friends and would never actually date.”
“All right, you have a point.”
“Besides, you know Joanna and I don’t get along that well, and your brothers aren’t my biggest fans, so I’d be making your life more complicated.”
“I don’t need my brothers’ approval to see someone.” Y/N crossed her arms, “I don’t have a say in their choices of girlfriends, they don’t have a say in mine.”
“Also, I’m already seeing someone.”
“What?” she snapped, “Why am I just hearing about it?”
“It’s nothing serious, she’s playing hard to get.”
“And who is she?” Y/N asked politely.
“Oh, the one that was in your Mythology class.”
“Yes, that one.” Gabriel tried to end the subject before his best friend could tease him about his latest crush, “I promise you’ll be the first to get the update on my love life.”
“Thanks. Can we go back to the problem?”
“How selfish of you, Y/F/N.”
“I’m serious, Gabriel.” she sighed as he got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen, but she knew he was still listening, “I’m screwed. There’s no way out of this. Hey, can I pretend to have mononucleosis and skip this stupid wedding?”
“Honestly, John probably would let you, but I don’t think Mary would.” Gabriel commented, coming back to sit on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and some chocolates he had stashed in a hidden place at Y/N’s apartment, “Don’t panic just yet, Y/N. Let’s have a look at possible prospects. I don’t think it’d be a big deal to ask someone to fake-date you.”
“Who even does this kind of things? We’re not in a movie.”
“We’re in college, you’d be surprised.”
“Okay, let’s make a list.” Y/N raised her hands in defeat, playing along Gabriel’s plan, as she took out her phone and opened the notes app.
“Let’s think.” Gabriel started sarcastically, which made Y/N perk up from her slumped position on the couch and glare at him, “Who is the guy that has been after you ever since he met you and would probably do anything to spend time with you? I’ll give you a hint, his name rhymes with Carmichael and he resides in the Novak household.”
“Really? You’re not even trying to come up with a good hint?” she rolled her eyes, “Michael is not an option, Gabriel.”
“Why not? He has like the biggest crush on you, he’d be willing enough.” he raised an eyebrow.
“I’m never going to find someone.” Y/N muttered dejectedly.
“Let’s be serious, Y/N. If we don’t find someone, that’s because of your attitude. Because you’re beautiful, smart, kind, funny, easy-going, and a lot more, and any guy would jump at the opportunity to get even a glance from you. After all, there’s a reason why two of my brothers like you and other guys have a crush on you.”
“And then what?” Y/N stared seriously at him, “Let’s say I pick Michael. We go, we pretend, hell, we even have a good time and all. But it’s all gonna end afterwards, and what am I supposed to do? I don’t want to get his hopes up to crush them later, Gabriel. I don’t want to be the villain. I’ve made myself clear enough for Michael, I’ve told him time and time again I wasn’t interested. I’m not going to use him like that, because I don’t want to hurt him, and he deserves way better than this. So, no, Michael’s not an option.”
“Okay, your choice…”
“Wait.” she placed a hand on his forearm, “You said two of your brothers like me…?”
“Uh, yeah, haven’t you noticed?”
“Not my fault you have like a million siblings.”
“We’re seven, Y/F/N.” he deadpanned.
“Who is the other one you were referring to?”
“Gadreel. It’s actually quite adorable.”
“I don’t know him enough, I don’t have enough trust in him to ask him to do it.”
“We’ll find someone.” Gabriel tried to reassure her, noticing the stress practically pouring from his best friend, “There are several guys to pick from. Hell, even my family has many options for you. Let’s start with your classmates.”
As soon as Gabriel said it, Y/N’s whole face lit up excitedly, her eyes widening with an idea, an idea she wasn’t so sure about herself, but right then, it was the best she had.
“Wait, that’s it!”
“What’s it?”
“Say that again?”
“There are a lot of guys to pick from? Or let’s start with your classmates?”
“No, the bit about your family. Gabriel Novak, you are a genius.”
“I know, but right now I’m lost.”
“Look, my parents know Chuck and have been friends with him for years, right?”
“Right, but what does my father have to do with this?”
“Just humor me.” Y/N pleaded, “You know my parents, and especially mom’s side of the family, are difficult people.”
“They’re bound to be more accepting if my supposed boyfriend comes from a family they trust, for instance, the Novaks. I can’t believe it took me so long to see it. Gabe, I need to date one of your brothers!”
The answer had been right under their noses. Maybe the whole ordeal didn’t have to be a mess. Maybe Y/N could play it off and get out of it without consequences.
“You’re forgetting something.” Gabriel burst her bubble of hope, “If our parents are such good friends, how are you going to explain that Dad never mentioned anything to them? I mean, they would’ve heard about who your supposed boyfriend is by now, don’t you think?”
Y/N stayed silent, thinking and weighing her options, and Gabriel could practically see the wheels turning in her brain, trying to come up with something.
“We’ll say we wanted to keep it a secret because we didn’t know if the relationship would work out-”
“And because both families are friendly, you didn’t want to make it awkward if it didn’t work.” Gabriel completed her idea, “I’ve got to hand it to you, that was pretty smooth.”
“Thank you very much.” she sing-songed, feeling relieved for the first time since the wedding invitation arrived.
“Hands to work.” Gabe clapped, “We have to set you up with one of my brothers.”
“Okay, let’s start.”
“We can already discard Michael and Gadreel, and me.” Gabriel began, “Lucifer…?”
“I assume you don’t want Raphael either?”
“God, no. We can’t stand each other, it wouldn’t be believable.”
“I don’t know, he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to take it seriously. I like him, but he might make things worse. And I’d kill him if he gives that kind of leverage to Christian.”
“That only leaves Castiel.” Gabriel sighed, “But Y/N, are you sure about him?”
“What other choice do I have?”
“Please, for once in your life, think this through.”
“I am thinking it through, Gabriel. Castiel’s a great guy, he would probably be up to help me without humiliating me, I’ve known him for years, I actually trust him, and my parents adore him. There’s no way it can go wrong with Castiel.”
“Except he’s your big brother’s best friend? Hello?” Gabriel snapped, “That’s like the recipe for disaster!”
“Details, my ass, Winchester. Is that what you’re going to tell Dean? ‘Hi, bro, I’m dating your best friend, but that’s just details’?”
“I’ll tell him exactly what we’ll tell our parents, that we kept it a secret to avoid problems. That’s it, my life’s solved.”
“Hold on, cowgirl. You don’t know for sure if Cas will say yes to your little plan. I’m not sure he’ll be up to betray Dean’s trust like that.”
Gabriel had a point, but Y/N was a Winchester, which meant she was way too stubborn to admit it out loud. She had set her mind that Castiel was her solution, and nobody, not even her best friend, could change what she thought. Gabriel raised his arms in defeat, sighing exasperatedly; he knew he couldn’t do anything to wipe the idea from her head.
“I guess I’ll just have to talk to him.” he looked at her, sighing in defeat once again when he saw the puppy eyes and the ridiculous but adorable pout she was making at him, begging him to trust her, to back her up.
God, when had he become one of his boring and stuck-up brothers? He decided then that he was just being a bit paranoid and overreacting, and convinced himself that it wouldn’t go bad, that he had to trust his best friend’s instinct.
“All right, you’re the boss.”
Tags:  @thinkwritexpress-official, @sleepywinchester, @teepartyy, @peculiar-persephone, @a-little-hell-to-raise, @teamfreewill-imagine, @atc74, @sebbytrash, @sillesworldofwriting, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @docharleythegeekqueen, @ruined-by-destiel, @theoriginalvicki, @winchester-wannabe99, @19agbrown, @imanunbrokenfangirl, @jadalecki-jackles
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revwinchester · 7 years
Centerfold - Part 5
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Summary:  Dean stumbles across an interview and photoshoot starring his high school crush (and younger brother’s friend) Castiel.  He decides he’s going to stop at nothing to get back in touch with the boy with the blue eyes who used to sit in front of him in homeroom.
Genre: Mostly fluff with a touch of angst
Pairing: Destiel
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Word Count: 1510
Series Warnings: AU - No Supernatural, Porn Star Cas, Mentions of Sex (but no depictions), Bastardization of SPN Lines, Scenes, and Episode Titles
A/N: This whole series came out of a prompt for @thinkwritexpress-official​‘s Back To School Challenge!  The fic is based on the J Gelis Band song “Centerfold” in which a man finds his high school crush on the pages of his favorite porn magazine.
This is the second to last part of the fic!  Yikes!!
Find it on AO3
Centerfold Masterlist
Dean was on his way home from the garage, giving himself a pep talk as he drove.  “You can do this.  Just man up and say ‘hello.’  It’s two damn syllables, it should be easy.  You’ve got this.”  Dean’s thumb, which had been hovering over the call button on his phone, touched down on the screen and he pressed the device to his ear.  The phone rang twice, like it usually did, and then Castiel’s voice sounded through the earpiece.
Dean opened his mouth to speak but, once again, he found himself tongue tied.
“Who the hell is this?” Cas asked his voice sounding angry, “Why do you keep calling?”
They were questions Castiel had asked before but Dean had never been able to answer out loud.  Dean pulled his phone from his ear and hung up quickly, tossing it onto the seat next to him with frustration.  He muttered to himself, berating his failure as he wondered what Cas thought of all of these phone calls.  “Probably nothing good,” Dean mumbled into the quiet of the car.
Another mile or so down the road, there was a car stopped on the side of the road, its four way flashing lights turned on.  Dean, needing a win, decided to stop and see if he could help out.  He pulled over behind the vaguely familiar Lincoln Continental, though he couldn’t place why he recognized the car.  It wasn’t one that he’d worked on at the garage recently, at least.  Someone was leaning into the trunk, looking for something and as Dean got out of his Impala, he could see what the trouble was.  The rear passenger tire was completely flat.  
“You need a hand?” Dean called out as he approached.
The person at the trunk stood up and turned around.  “I seem to have a flat tire.  I’ve got a spare back here but no jack,” he explained.
Dean recognized him immediately.  Cas.  It was Cas.  Here in Kansas.  His gravelly voice sounded even deeper in person than over the phone.  Dean pushed down his panic at being face to face with the object of his desire as best as he could.  “What are you doing here, Cas?” Dean questioned, regretting his words and tone immediately.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” Cas asked, a look of confusion on his face.
‘Shit,’ Dean thought, ‘I’ve already messed this up.’  “Yeah, uh, sorry.  Dean Winchester, we went to high school together.  I was just surprised to see you back in town.”  Dean looked at Castiel’s car, something he could talk about without messing up, he hoped.  “So, without a jack, it’s pretty much impossible to change your tire here.  I work at Singer’s Auto.  I can call the guys and get you towed and then give you a ride to wherever you were headed.”  Dean hoped that he didn’t sound too eager.
Cas scoffed.  “You don’t have to do that… Dean, right?” he replied.  “I’ll figure something out.  I’ve got AAA.”
Dean was already jogging back to his car for his phone.  “At least let me call the guys to give you a tow,” he insisted.  “You won’t get anything quicker with triple A and Singer’s is the best shop in town.  The guys won’t over charge you or upsell you on work you don’t need.”  He made the call before Cas could disagree.  At least he’d have another chance to see the angel who had been haunting his dreams for the past month when Cas came to pick up his car the next day.  
Dean turned, giving Cas the chance to tell him to hang up but, to his relief, he was met with a small smile and a “Thank you, Dean.”  Once he hung up, he turned back to Cas.
“Benny is on his way.  Here’s my card so you know where to find your car.”  Dean handed Castiel a business card that proclaimed him manager of Singer’s Auto.  “You sure I can’t give you a lift.  You used to be good friends with my brother, Sam, and we were in homeroom together our senior year, I think,” Dean tried.  He didn’t just think they had shared the start of their day, he knew that Cas had been there, always sitting in front of him, just out of reach, but he didn’t want to come on too strong.  “I swear I’m not some creeper…”  Dean’s voice trailed off as he realized that a creeper was exactly what he had been towards Cas over the past month.  
Cas looked at him for a moment and chuckled at some private joke.  “Sam’s brother… I remember you now,” Cas acquiesced.  “I’m sure you’re not a creeper, as you put it, I just don’t want to inconvenience you, I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than drive an old acquaintance around.”  
Dean kept himself from fidgeting, especially when Cas had said he wasn’t a creep.  “It’s really not a big deal.  Sam and I live together but he always works later than me,” he explained, “so there’s no one to miss me for the next couple of hours anyway.”  Dean could see that he almost had Cas convinced so he amped up the charm.  “Look, Cas, I honestly don’t mind and, if I’m being honest, most of my memories about you from high school involve me not being the most pleasant person that early in the morning… let me make it up to you and prove that I’m not a jerk after about 9 AM.”
Castiel smiled and nodded, “Alright, Dean, thank you.”  He followed Dean over the Impala and climbed into the passenger seat.  
Dean watched Cas out of the corner of his eye as the man took in his baby.  He appreciated how Cas reverently ran his hands across the leather of the seat and Dean loved the look of joy on his face as his eyes roamed the car’s interior.  Dean would be lying if he said he hadn’t imagined Cas sprawled out across the hood of his baby after seeing his shoot for Hot Rod Hotties and he wanted to ask Cas what he was thinking as he drank in the car but those words wouldn’t come.  Instead he asked, “So, where were you headed when your tire went flat?”
Cas jumped a little, as if Dean’s question pulled him out of a daydream.  “Oh, right,” he said, “I was on my way to the police station, actually.  I hope that’s not too far out of your way.”
Dean was surprised by Castiel’s answer and his breath hissed out between his teeth.  “It’s not but, uh, why were you heading there? If you don’t mind me asking.”  He started the car and pulled back onto the road, trusting that Benny would take good care of Castiel’s car.
Cas looked over at Dean, studying him as he drove.  “I need to file a police report, it’s actually why I’m back in Kansas,” he shared.  His voice was quiet but, to Dean’s relief, he didn’t seem afraid of whatever was bringing him to the police.  “I stayed in California for work after college but over the last month, my modeling has earned me a stalker and all of the phone calls are coming from this area.”
Dean didn’t like the sound of that and he was suddenly glad he had found Cas on the side of the road rather than whoever was…
“Oh, shit…” Dean realized.  It was him.  He was the stalker.  Luckily his words didn’t give him away and he was able to play it off as sympathy, rather than the recognition that it was.  “Hey, you know what?  The cops’ll be there all night,” Dean offered, attempting to change the subject and putting off his becoming the center of a police report.  “Why don’t we grab something to eat before I take you over there.  My treat.”
Cas was an easier sell than Dean had expected and, soon after, they were seated in a booth at the back of The Roadhouse with a couple of beers and food on the way.  The pair caught up and got to know each other, Dean not wanting to waste the one night he’d probably ever get with Cas.  They ate, drank, and laughed, Cas calling Dean out for some of his more asshole moments in high school and Dean apologizing by buying another round of beers.  Between the way Castiel’s eyes glittered when he would smile and the deep, resonant sound of his voice as he told Dean stories about his life in California, the evening was only reinforcing the crush that Dean had managed to harbor for the past fifteen or so years.
Dean was having an amazing time and, though it would ruin things between him and Cas, he knew he had to come clean about the phone calls.  He really didn’t want to bring them up but he took a deep breath and steeled himself for the conversation that would ruin everything.
“So, Cas, about your stalker…”
If you would like to be added to (or removed from) one of my tag lists, please send me an ask and let me know!  The lists I’m tagging for this fic are story specific and then my forevers and my Destiel tags (if anyone signs up for that one).
Centerfold Tags: @shutupiminlooove
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass @samwinjarpad @hexparker @thinkwritexpress-official @atc74
Destiel Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @thinkwritexpress-official @deandoesthingstome @manawhaat @thegleegeneration @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @ferferelli @fangirling-instead-of-working @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @mamaimpala @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @curliesallovertheplace @skybinx-blog @purgatoan @impossible-box @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @dr-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @jotink78 @i-dont-know-how-to-write @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @mysaintsasinner @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @klaineaholic @hexparker @rockhoochie
40 notes · View notes
revwinchester · 7 years
Centerfold - Part 2
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Summary:  Dean stumbles across an interview and photoshoot starring his high school crush (and younger brother’s friend) Castiel.  He decides he’s going to stop at nothing to get back in touch with the boy with the blue eyes who used to sit in front of him in homeroom.
Genre: Mostly fluff with a touch of angst
Pairing: Destiel
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Word Count: 1103
Series Warnings: AU - No Supernatural, Porn Star Cas, Mentions of Sex (but no depictions), Bastardization of SPN Lines, Scenes, and Episode Titles
A/N: This whole series came out of a prompt for @thinkwritexpress-official‘s Back To School Challenge!  The fic is based on the J Gelis Band song “Centerfold” in which a man finds his high school crush on the pages of his favorite porn magazine.
Find it on AO3
Centerfold Masterlist
Centerfold - Part 2
The brothers were sitting in the living room on Saturday afternoon when it happened.  Sam had just made himself some lunch and was reading while Dean was channel surfing.
“Hey, Sam, give me your phone for a minute?” Dean asked.
Sam looked at his brother and quirked an eyebrow.  “Why?” he asked as he fished the device from his pocket, waiting for Dean’s answer before he handed it over.
“There’s a movie that I thought was supposed to be on but I can’t find it,” Dean replied smoothly.  
Sam wasn’t certain Dean was lying to him but he decided to ask a few more questions just to make sure.  “Why can’t you just use the guide on the tv?” Clearly, that was the easiest option, unless Sam was missing something.
“I did, I didn’t see it.  I think I’ve got the wrong day or something and I just want to check,” Dean reasoned.
His brother was talking to much, giving longer responses than he usually would to Sam’s questions.  Something was definitely up.  “Why can’t you just use your own phone to check?”
Dean sighed dramatically.  “It’s up in my room.  The battery was almost dead so it’s up there charging.  Some new app or something that Benny suggested keeps draining it.”  With that, Dean’s text tone went off.
Sam smiled smugly as Dean reached into his pocket and drew out his phone.
“Huh, would you look at that…” Dean was flustered.  He was clearly unprepared for this turn of bad luck.  “I guess I’ve got my phone right here.”
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother.  “Dean, I’m not going to give you Castiel’s contact information and it’s going to take a lot more than that to steal it from me.”
Dean huffed in response, turning off the television and standing.  He glared at Sam, though it was clear his anger was directed at himself more than towards his brother, before grabbing the sandwich from Sam’s plate and taking a giant bite.  Dean threw the sandwich back onto the plate as he wrinkled his nose, obviously not expecting the filling to be veggies, and stalked out of the room, leaving Sam to shake with laughter as he picked up his book once more and settled in with his lunch.
The next few days went by without incident but Sam never let his guard down fully, always keeping his phone in his pocket or hidden away from his brother.
When Sam came out of the bathroom one morning just in time to see a frustrated Dean skulking away from his bedroom door, he decided to take some extra precautions.  He entered his room and looked around, noticing a few things that were slightly mussed or out of place but, luckily, not the place where he had hidden his phone.  Sam crossed to his dirty laundry and dug his phone from the pocket of yesterday’s jeans.  He opened up the settings and tapped the screen a few times.  He hadn’t wanted to resort to this - it was going to be obnoxious to deal with on a regular basis - but Sam knew Dean would eventually find his phone and, at this point, he was just as determined to protect Castiel’s information as Dean was to get it.  It had become a point of pride for both brothers.
The change paid of the next day.  Sam still hid his phone from Dean but he wasn’t quite as careful about it, now.  He had tucked it under the book he had been reading in the living room while he went to make himself some lunch.  When he got back, plate in hand, Dean had just cracked his passcode.  
“Come on, Sammy, your birthday?  Really?” Dean scoffed to himself as he tapped the familiar looking icon to pull up Sam’s contacts.  Sam watched his brother with amusement as Dean paused and looked down at the screen incredulously.  “What the hell?  Is this Cyrillic?” he mumbled.
Sam pushed off the door frame where he had been leaning with a laugh.  “Actually, it’s Greek,” he explained, plucking the phone from his brother’s fingers and returning to his seat on the couch.
Dean looked at his brother scandalized.  “How do you even use this?  It’s in Greek!  Nobody reads Greek!”
Sam set his plate on the coffee table in front of him.  “Yeah, except Greeks.  Oh, and Bobby, who taught me when you and dad would go off on your hunting trips and leave me behind.”
“You’ve known Greek since we were kids?  How did I not know about this?”
Sam just laughed again, this time at the dumbstruck look on his brother’s face, as he pocketed his phone and started in on his lunch.
Dean locked himself in his room for the rest of the afternoon and Sam gave the space a wide berth, assuming he was spending some quality time with his favorite magazines or websites.  When he finally emerged to make dinner, he had a look in his eye that made Sam nervous.  He grilled up some nice steaks and even made one of Sam’s favorite sides, grilled broccoli, while he was out there.  Sam was just pulling the fries out of the oven when Dean carried in the steaks and veggies.  They sat down together, a rarity during the week but their regular routine on Sunday evenings, and dug into their meals.
“I’m heading into the city tomorrow, you need me to pick you up anything?” Dean asked, his voice nonchalant.  
Sam’s forehead scrunched in confusion as he finished chewing the bite he had just taken.  “Don’t you have work tomorrow?”
“I, uh, I… no… I…” Dean sputtered.  He apparently hadn’t expected Sam to question him.  “Uh, Bobby is sending me in to pick up some materials we need at the garage.”
Sam was not convinced but decided to play along.  “No, I don’t think I need anything.  I could come with you, if you wanted.  I just wrapped up a case and there’s nothing I’ve got that can’t hold on for a day.  It’s the best time for a day trip with my brother.”  Sam smiled inwardly at Dean’s slightly panicked expression.  His brother was trying to play it cool, he could tell, but he was failing spectacularly.  He definitely had something up his sleeve.  “We could make a day of it; it could be fun.”
“You don’t have to do that, Sammy,” Dean insisted.  “We’ll make some plans for a Saturday soon.  Don’t waste your time off on me, save it for if you ever find yourself a girlfriend.”  
“Alright, if you’re sure,” Sam acquiesced.
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass @samwinjarpad @hexparker @thinkwritexpress-official @atc74
Destiel Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @thinkwritexpress-official @deandoesthingstome @manawhaat @thegleegeneration @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @ferferelli @fangirling-instead-of-working @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @mamaimpala @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @curliesallovertheplace @skybinx-blog @purgatoan @impossible-box @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @dr-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @jotink78 @i-dont-know-how-to-write @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @mysaintsasinner @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @klaineaholic @hexparker @rockhoochie
33 notes · View notes
revwinchester · 7 years
Centerfold - Part 3
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Summary:  Dean stumbles across an interview and photoshoot starring his high school crush (and younger brother’s friend) Castiel.  He decides he’s going to stop at nothing to get back in touch with the boy with the blue eyes who used to sit in front of him in homeroom.
Genre: Mostly fluff with a touch of angst
Pairing: Destiel
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Word Count: 1498
Series Warnings: AU - No Supernatural, Porn Star Cas, Mentions of Sex (but no depictions), Bastardization of SPN Lines, Scenes, and Episode Titles
A/N: This whole series came out of a prompt for @thinkwritexpress-official​‘s Back To School Challenge!  The fic is based on the J Gelis Band song “Centerfold” in which a man finds his high school crush on the pages of his favorite porn magazine.  This is the last part before Cas joins us, y’all!!  Also, if one of the scenes looks familiar, I was using a transcript of 4.18 in order to get it just right while I twisted it to fit my story :)
Special thanks to my dearest Night Sloth who reads my stuff before y’all do and assures me it’s decent before I share it.
Find it on AO3
Centerfold Masterlist
Centerfold - Part 3 - 
The next morning, Sam got ready for work and left, parking his car just out of sight and waiting for Dean to leave the house.  He had decided to follow Dean to the city, despite his brother’s instance, so he had taken the day off of work but he had to keep up appearances if he was going to tail his brother.  Not too long after he had left, Sam watched Dean’s car drive by his hiding place and he pulled out to follow.  
As Dean drove into the city, Sam rode behind him staying back just far enough that his brother wouldn’t notice him but close enough that he wouldn’t lose sight of the Impala.  Once they got into the city, Sam was surprised that Dean drove toward the business district, eventually pulling into a parking garage.  Sam parked his car quickly, making it down to the sidewalk in time to see Dean duck into a building across the street.
By the time Sam got inside, Dean was no longer in the lobby but a quick scan of the building’s directory gave Sam an idea as to where his brother had gone.   Hot Rod Hotties had offices on the building’s fourth floor.  Sam elected to take the stairs, figuring he could hide his entrance better than he could on the elevator, and made his way up, his long legs taking the steps two at a time.  When he arrived on the fourth floor, he emerged into the small lobby for the magazine’s offices.  He couldn’t see Dean but he could hear him and Sam smiled at the receptionist.  
To his surprise, she waved him back toward the offices.  Sam didn’t question his luck and followed Dean’s voice, stopping just outside of an open office door to listen.  
“So, you book the talent for the magazine?  You made that interview with Jimmy Novak a reality?” he heard Dean ask.  
A woman answered.  “Yeah, Gosh, Jimmy… He never really gets the attention he deserves.  All anybody wants to watch anymore is that free hard core stuff, you know?  They don’t care about the story.  It’s all two minute videos like, ‘Red Headed Bimbo Gets The Pounding She Deserves.’  How do you get anything done in two minutes?” she scoffed.  “Please…”  Sam could practically hear her eyes rolling.
Sam heard Dean huff.  “I know, it’s just so… there’s no story there,” he agreed.  
Sam held in a snicker.  He could only imagine Dean’s inner turmoil.  His brother loved those short snippets just as much, if not more, than the longer films he’d downloaded but, clearly, sharing that wasn’t going to win him any favors here.
“I’m really hoping that my dissertation can shine a light on storytelling in pornography, bring some attention to an under appreciated art form,” Dean continued.
The woman in the office practically squealed.  “It really is under appreciated.  Thank you!  I mean, the best parts are between the sex!  Like, in Stuck In The Middle , where Jimmy Novak’s character thought he was going to die… he was on the verge of tears as he professed his love to his best friend and it felt so real…” her voice trailed off and Sam was almost positive he heard her sniffle.  “I mean, no offense, but how often do men actually act like that, really let it all out?”
“The orgy that followed really drove that feeling of love home,” Dean joked.  
Sam could practically envision the forced grin on his brother’s face and, apparently, the woman in the office didn’t miss it, either.
“Is that supposed to be funny? How do I know you’re legit?”
Sam imagined her getting up in Dean’s face, maybe poking a finger into his chest.
“Lady, this whole thing is funny,” Dean replied, digging his hole even deeper, but then he added, “Look, I’m legit.  This isn’t some smart ass paper that’s going to make fun of the industry.  I promise you.”
The woman considered Dean for a moment.  “I’m a sucker for a pretty face… what do you need?”
“Well, we were talking about Jimmy Novak, How can I get in touch with him?” Dean asked, almost too quickly.
“Oh, um, no…” The woman sputtered, “no, Sorry.  I can’t do that.”
“Oh, come on,” Dean pled, “I’m a big fan…”
The office was quiet for a few moments, only a rustling sound coming from inside.  Sam wasn’t sure what was going on in there but he was positive that he didn’t care to find out.  After a couple of minutes, Sam decided it was time for him to go.  Dean could be coming out of that office at any minute and Sam did not want to be there when that happened.  
He made his way down to the main lobby, the receptionist on the fourth floor mumbling something about how hot the talent was as he passed.  Sam did his best to blend in while he waited for his brother to come down and exit the building.  It was another few minutes before Dean did - with a giddy look on his face - and Sam followed him out the door.
Something had gone well in that office, Sam mused as he followed his brother down the street and away from the garage where they had parked their cars.  Luckily for Sam, whatever it was had given Dean tunnel vision of a sorts so he didn’t realize that he was being followed through the streets.
Dean turned into a park about two blocks from the office and Sam continued to trail him.  He was back far enough to change his course and creep up behind his brother when Dean stopped and sat on a park bench.  He watched as Dean pulled his phone from his pocket and punched in a phone number that had been written on a sheet of paper Sam hadn’t noticed while it was clutched in his brother’s hand.
As Dean pressed the phone to his ear, Sam quietly moved closer to him so that he could hear his brother’s phone call.  
After a couple of seconds, Dean’s shoulders tensed.  “Um… I…” His words were stilted and cut off and after a couple seconds of floundering, Dean pulled his phone away and slammed his thumb onto the red button that ended his call.  “Shit…” he muttered and Sam couldn’t hold his laughter back.
Snickering, Sam made his presence known to his brother, plopping down next to him on the bench.  “You finally got his number, didn’t you?” he asked, “And you couldn’t even talk to the guy!”  
Dean looked at his brother in shock, surprised that he was even there in this moment of spectacular failure.  “What? How? What… are you doing here?”
Sam’s laughter doubled at his brother’s confusion and it increased again when Dean scowled at him.  Sam forced himself to get under control so that he could answer.  “You were being super cagey last night.  I knew you weren’t in the city to pick something up for Bobby so I followed you.  You weaseled your way into getting Castiel’s number, right?”
Dean tried to summon up some bravado but he knew Sam had heard his phone call.  He hung his head as he replied.  “Yeah, I got his number from the magazine’s offices in town.  And then I totally messed up when I called him,” Dean mumbled.  He sighed deeply and added, “But I guess you know all of that if you’ve been following me.”
Sam sobered up at the defeated tone of his brother’s voice.  He sat beside Dean, trying to find the words that would comfort him without sending him into retreat mode at the indication that feelings might be on the table for discussion.  When that failed him, Sam tried anyway.  “Look, I know I’ve given you a hard time about this but, I mean, there are a lot of guys out there, Dean.  Don’t let this get to you.”
Dean chuckled darkly.  “Sure, Sammy, there are plenty of fish in the sea.  It’s not like I haven’t had a crush on this particular fish since high school, or anything.”
Sam didn’t have a response to that so he sat quietly with Dean for a few minutes.  “Let’s not waste the day, why don’t we head to the record store or something, at least, maybe grab dinner before we head back,” he offered.
Dean smiled up at him and stood, waiting for Sam to join him on his feet.  
Sam knew Dean could spend hours in this particular shop and he wasn’t surprised at all that his brother had made a beeline for the classic rock section.  As Dean began leafing through the boxes of old records, Sam could see that his brother already seemed to be feeling a little better.  They both knew that the distraction was only a temporary fix - a bandaid, so to speak - but it worked for now.  And when Dean wandered into the jazz section, Sam kept his mouth shut.
If you would like to be added to (or removed from) one of my tag lists, please send me an ask and let me know!  The lists I’m tagging for this fic are story specific and then my forevers and my Destiel tags (if anyone signs up for that one).
Centerfold Tags: @shutupiminlooove
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass @samwinjarpad @hexparker @thinkwritexpress-official @atc74
Destiel Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @thinkwritexpress-official @deandoesthingstome @manawhaat @thegleegeneration @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @ferferelli @fangirling-instead-of-working @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @mamaimpala @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @curliesallovertheplace @skybinx-blog @purgatoan @impossible-box @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @dr-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @jotink78 @i-dont-know-how-to-write @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @mysaintsasinner @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @klaineaholic @hexparker @rockhoochie
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