#two kids sarah cares about fully
thetimelordbatgirl · 26 days
With all the mystery around who Ruby is and who her mom is, I really, really hope it isn't actually the Trickster like others have been saying, because while yes it would be nice to see something from SJA appear in current DW, it also would just feel weird at this point as the Trickster was such a Sarah Jane villain that it just feels wrong to give him to the Doctor as an enemy just because Sarah Jane is gone.
#like the way he had alot of connections to sarah jane versus none with the doctor#closest his brigade got was a connection to donna via the time beetle#but like hes always been a sarah jane enemy really#debuting via targetting her childhood friend and offering said childhood friend to switch sarah jane to her place to die#just because the future would be fucked without sarah jane#leading to a confrontation between the two in the place of non-existance or whatever its called#and just trickster earned a full spot on enemy list when erasing luke from existence and targeting maria#two kids sarah cares about fully#and then the next two times it was sarah jane's parents he tried to tempt her to save and therefore again mess up the timelien#and then got a guy as a minion to marry sarah jane but the doctor interrupted shit and ultiamtely thanks to sarah#the guy turns against the trickster and hes stopped#and i know the trickster was intended to return in S5 finale but like#i uh dont really like those plans they had for him and sky for so many reasons#literally ignored it in my fic when it comes to adult sky as it is#and last we got of him overall was fucking up sarah jane's funeral but getting defeated by everyone present#which...yeah that audio including that felt a lil weird and unneeded but#like i know people are saying they could be reusing the sky trickster plot with ruby but i really hope not#just because to me anyway it made no sense#especially for a villain whose focus has always been tempting others to cheat death and such#its how he causes chaos basically#let alone added unneeded shit to sky's character just to be an excuse to get rid of her at the end of S5#like at this point just do something different leave the trickster in SJA stuff...i would say have a luke audio with him#but as we know beyond bannerman road literally gave luke dust and made him pro-military and didnt even have him#talk with wormwood in her appearence so...
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
Caught In the Crossfire
Pairing: JJ Maybank x female!reader (both over 18)
TW: violence and guns, blood, injury, angst, I think thats it
Summary: JJ has sworn to protect you no matter what, but sometimes you give him a run for his money.
Word Count:2.6k
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Ever since you were kids, JJ has been protective over you. But since the two of you started dating, it only amplified. He's been in more fights than you can count just because a man looked at you wrong and he almost drove you to the hospital over a stubbed toe one night because he was that worried. 
He insists that it's not just his job to look out for you, but his privilege. Truthfully you're not complaining. However, that's not to say you can't take care of yourself. Anyone who really knows you knows that you're not to be fucked with. 
When it comes to your friends, and especially JJ, you've been known to make reckless decisions if they're in danger. You and JJ only have each other, and there's nothing that either of you wouldn't do for the other. 
He's been a constant in your life since you were four years old, and the two of you have found solace in each other over the years amid your shitty home lives. It's no secret that you'd take a bullet for each other, he stepped in front of a shotgun that was pointed at you once. 
Which is exactly why you're in your current situation.
This whole thing is stupid, honestly. Barry got some bad intel, now convinced that one of you stole from him again. You may not be the brightest group, but you're not dumb. You wouldn't make that mistake twice. 
"Give me my fucking money, or somebody is going to die." 
Barry's voice is hoarse as he screams and your wide eyes lock with Sarah's. Everyone has their hands up defensively, and you stand helplessly next to Kie and Sarah as John B tries to de-escalate. 
"Barry, we didn't do it. I swear." 
The man isn't willing to listen to reason and time moves in slow motion as he pulls out a black handgun and points it directly at John Bs chest. You vaguely register Sarah screaming to your right but you're frozen in place as everything unfolds. 
That is until you see JJ step up. He puts his body between the barrel and his friend, standing less than ten feet away. A wicked smile overtakes Barry's face and your stomach drops.
"Looks like we have a volunteer." 
It's like a movie as the world seems to stop spinning, and that protective instinct takes over. You see the switch in Barry's eyes and your gaze darts to his finger twitching on the trigger. He's going to pull it this time. 
Your fight or flight takes control, and you've never been one to run. Within seconds you're shoving JJ behind you. He's taken off guard, unable to stop you despite his notable size advantage. Turns out that when you're flooded with adrenaline you have hulk strength. 
Barry chuckles darkly and tilts his head to the side. 
"Makes no difference to me." 
You're fighting JJ now, the two of you shoving against each other. He's about to pick you up and move you, but it's too late. It's only a span of maybe twenty seconds between you stepping forward and the flash of the muzzle. 
Everything happens so fast, it takes you a moment for your brain to catch up. There's a loud bang that causes your ears to ring, followed by a searing pain in your abdomen. Everything stops for a moment as Barry speeds off and the group processes. 
Nobody realizes you've been shot you realize; they're all breathing sighs of relief and talking about how scary it was. In their defense, you're standing still like you're okay and not screaming the way you always imagined you would if you were shot.
"Thank god his aim is shit." John B jokes, and everyone but you laughs.
Sarah and JJ seem to notice at the same time, their eyes widening in concern as they stare at you. It's only been thirty seconds, not enough time for the damage to fully reveal itself to them. 
Your hand comes down to your stomach as you feel something warm and you stare down at your blood-covered fingers. Your brain is struggling to keep up, unable to formulate a response to your now panicked boyfriend. 
"Baby, are you okay?" 
You're turned sideways, angled just enough that he can't fully see you. You always thought something like this would be more dramatic; maybe take more time. Turns out, it only takes about two minutes. 
JJ hasn't even had a chance to lovingly scold you for putting yourself in harm's way. You feel like you've been standing still with warm blood seeping through your shirt for hours, but in reality, it's only been a minute and a half. 
Sarah goes to reiterate the question, but you're not listening. Your ears are ringing; from the gunshot or blood loss, you aren't sure. JJ watches as you sway a bit and his entire world comes crashing down as your knees give out and you collapse in a heap. 
JJ is on the ground next to you in an instant, the rest of the group quickly following when they realize something is wrong. 
His eyes are swimming with fear as he looks you over and bile creeps up his throat when he sees the crimson liquid pooling on the ground around you. 
What ensues next is nothing short of chaos as JJ cradles your head and starts barking orders. 
"JB put pressure on that! Sarah, call 911 and tell them we need an ambulance. Pope, Kie, go find anything we can use to slow the bleeding!" 
Everyone scrambles to do as he says, not daring to question the man or hesitate for even a second. You've never seen JJ in such an intense situation, and the way he completely takes control with an even voice takes you by surprise. 
You cling to the thought as you try to stay awake and wonder how much worse this will hurt when the adrenaline wears off. 
You feel your eyes getting heavy, and despite your best efforts to pry them open they still start to flutter. You're hit with the realization that you're dying in the arms of the man you love, and a tear slips out the corner of your eye.
There's so much to do; you're not ready to go.
"Hey, I need you to stay with me, baby. Keep your eyes open for me."
You blink a couple of times, trying to fight off the blackness encroaching on your vision. 
"I'm trying."
Your voice is weak; JJ can tell you're using all your strength just to mutter out the two simple words. He gives you a watery smile as salty tears drip onto your face. 
"I know, you're doing so good." 
Your lip quirks up a bit and his heart soars, false hope filling his chest. 
"I'm gonna miss you. Will you miss me?"
Despite being only half conscious, the words come out crystal clear and JJ kisses the back of your hand. 
"I'd miss you so much, but we don't have to worry about that okay? You're gonna be fine and we're gonna live a long happy life together. They'll kick us out of the nursing home."
Your sight is blurry now as you stare up at him, and your body is trembling violently. 
"I'm scared."
JJ chokes down a sob and kisses your sweat-covered forehead. 
"I know, sweet girl. I'm right here, you're going to be okay. I'll keep you safe."
He can barely speak now as his throat closes up and he notices you go limp. 
"Y/N? Baby squeeze my hand, give me something. Anything."
He's begging and when you don't respond, all his composure falls away. Kie is back with a hand full of towels and JJ checks the pulse on your neck, barely feeling it against his fingertips. 
"Kie, do CPR!" 
She does as she's told and JJ can faintly hear sirens approaching. He watches your face for any sign of life and shoves Kie to the side when he finds none. 
"You're not doing it hard enough!"
All of his training from being a lifeguard two summers ago comes rushing back as he puts his weight on your diaphragm. 
"JJ, you gotta stop man."
Pope and Sarah are trying to pull him off as he openly sobs now, every muscle in his body straining against their hold. 
"I can't lose her!"
His arms cradle your body as he holds you to his chest, wails ripping from his lungs. 
"Please wake up. I still need you."
He doesn't even register the ambulance pulling up before he's ripped away from you. He watches as they work on you and load you up into the back before speeding off. 
Everyone is quick to hop in the Twinkie, taking off like a bat out of hell in the direction of the hospital. 
JJ is crying into Kie's shoulder in the backseat, everyone battling their own sorrow and tears. 
His hands feel sticky as your blood dries on them and he's suddenly painfully aware of the rust-colored stains littering his entire body and clothes. He can smell the metallic scent of iron and it makes his stomach turn.
JJ doesn't even wait for the car to stop before jumping out and sprinting into the ER. He's sure he looks like a madman with crazed eyes and blood-stained skin, but he doesn't care. 
If you die, you'll have sacrificed yourself to save him. That's simply not knowledge he's capable of living with, and he needs to know you're going to be okay. 
The receptionist looks like a deer caught in headlights as her eyes rake over his form and he skips the niceties altogether. 
"I'm here for my girlfriend, she was just brought in with a gunshot wound."
His words slur as he blurts them out and after a second she puts it together and gives him a sympathetic look. 
"She's in emergency surgery, sir. There's no update yet, I'm sorry." 
His hands slam against the counter and the woman who looks to be only a couple years older than him flinches.
"That's not good enough!"
She's about to respond when he feels a pair of hands on his shoulders yanking him back. 
"I'm sorry about him, he's under a lot of stress."
She nods with a weary smile and John B forces him over to a chair. 
"You're not doing anyone any good if you get kicked out."
It's dark by the time a doctor comes with any news, several hours having passed. 
As soon as he hears your name called, JJ leaps to his feet and rushes over. 
"Are you the boyfriend?"
JJ nods and the doctor sighs. 
"She lost a lot of blood. The bullet just barely missed an artery, a millimeter to the left and this would be a different conversation. We did a transfusion and were able to repair the damage. She's got a long road to recovery, but she'll be just fine."
JJ nearly collapses at the revelation and he feels four pairs of hands holding him up. 
"Applying pressure to the wound and providing CPR saved her life. You did good, son."
JJ nods, unable to speak and John B asks what they're all thinking. 
"Can we see her?"
The doctor ponders for a moment before nodding. 
"It's after visiting hours but given the circumstance, I'll make an exception. Only one of you though. The rest can come back at 8 am during regular hours."
It doesn't even need to be discussed and JJ follows the man silently. Nerves claw at his throat as he nears a door and he mentally prepares for what's on the other side. 
Part of him thinks this is a cruel joke and that you're really gone. He won't be able to breathe until he sees you with his own two eyes.
"She's still unconscious. She'll probably be disoriented when she wakes up, but we've got her on heavy painkillers. She shouldn't feel much discomfort."
The doctor pats him on the back before leaving and he takes a deep breath while pushing the heavy door open. 
Relief washes over him when he sees your sleeping figure on the bed. If he didn't know any better, he'd think he just walked into your room while you were napping. 
His eyes take in your appearance and fresh tears sting his waterline.
Your face looks peaceful but there's oxygen in your nose and IVs sticking out of your bruised arms. 
All things considered, you don't look too bad but his heart still breaks. Guilt eats at him and in typical JJ fashion, he blames himself. 
He should have known you'd try to interfere and stopped you. He failed at his one-sworn duty, and it almost got you killed.
His hand laces with yours as he sits in the chair at your bedside. He lets his head rest against your arm and just memorizes your scent and the feeling of your soft skin. 
Even though the strong aroma of iodine and hand sanitizer you still smell like cotton candy. 
He almost lost this. And he can't fathom never hearing your laugh again or seeing the way your nose scrunches when you get frustrated with him. 
He dozes off and a few hours later he's awoken by your body shifting under him. He wipes the drool from his mouth and looks up to see your eyes moving rapidly. 
He's watched you sleep enough times to know you're about to wake up and leans up to kiss your forehead. 
You blink a few times trying to place your whereabouts. The room is still dark because of the curtains, but you know it's foreign. 
The sterile tinge of alcohol burns your nose and your face scrunches up when you feel all the wires attached to you. 
"Am I in the hospital?"
Your voice is raspy from lack of water and JJ nods. 
"Yeah, you gave us quite a scare."
You roll your eyes playfully, and JJ thinks that even in the pale light coming from the machines you look ethereal.
"You know me, I've got a flair for the dramatics. Gotta keep it interesting."
JJ lets out a laugh and you smile brightly at the man you love. 
A thick air covers the two of you and you squeeze his hand. 
"I was so scared. I thought you were going to die."
Your heart clenches at how small he sounds and your hand reaches up to cup his cheek. 
"I'm sorry. I don't regret doing it, but I do regret causing you pain."
His head turns to press his lips to your palm and he lingers for a moment before pulling back just slightly. 
"I'm not mad. It's my job to protect you, just maybe don't give me so much overtime."
He has a teasing smile on his face and you can't help but laugh. It's silent for a beat before you speak again. 
"This place is definitely haunted."
JJ stares at you for a moment and chuckles.
"Oh, for sure."
He pauses for a second then lurches forward. 
You gasp and slap his arm, playful disapproval on your face. 
"Don't do that!"
You're interrupted by a knock on the door and look over. 
"Hey, there she is!"
You're greeted by the rest of the pogues and open your arms for a hug. They each take turns embracing you, being careful of your injuries, and take a seat. 
"So, did you see a white light?"
Sarah kicks John B with a scolding glare and you giggle.
"It's okay. No, mostly just blinding pain and then darkness."
JJ looks down and you can tell it's hard for him to hear. 
"Enough about that, tell me something funny."
The group dissolves into conversation and laughter, a smile on your face as you look at your found family. 
"I'm so happy you're okay." JJ whispers and you look over at him. 
"You're not getting rid of me that easily, Maybank."
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justagalwhowrites · 28 days
Halcyon - Ch. 10: People Might Think You Care About Me
You and Joel spend the holidays together. A continuation of Halcyon from the prologue through Ch. 9, a modern no outbreak AU TLOU fic found on Tumblr here.
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Again, I'm here begging HBO to give me something to use for young Joel PLZ
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Mention of dieting and diet culture. Modern No Outbreak AU, No use of Y/N, Slow burn, 18+ only, Minors DNI
Length: 5.8K
AO3 | Main Master List | Prologue | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
“I can’t believe my kid is going to like you better than me,” Joel said, sitting in the middle of the living room floor with a roll of wrapping paper spread out in front of him. “Scissors.” 
You handed them over before grabbing the tape, putting a piece on the tip of your finger before folding the paper around the box - a friendship bracelet kit - that you were wrapping for Sarah. 
“I mean, first of all, your kid already likes me more than she likes you,” you teased, turning the box to do the other side. “She has good taste…” 
“You’re the worst.” 
“Second,” you said, ignoring him. “It is a joint gift, you’re getting tons of cool dad points out of this.” 
“She’s gonna know it was your idea,” he said, adjusting the gift he was wrapping. “Hell, she’s gonna know that only one of us could have gotten tickets and it ain’t me.”
As if on cue, Swiftie - Sarah’s kitten - pounced on the box Joel was wrapping. 
“Yeah, this one knows, too,” he said, scooping her up with one large hand and setting her down. “I miss when she wanted Barbies. Shit was easier.” 
You laughed. 
“Be happy she’s excited about anything enough that she’s going to freak out over Taylor Swift tickets,” you said. “She’s about to be a disaffected teenager, enjoy it while it lasts.” 
“Yeah, don’t remind me,” he muttered, “She’s stubborn enough as it is.” 
“You’re in for it, Miller,” you said as your cat, Puck, climbed on your lap. You reached around him to finish taping the package you were wrapping. “She’s going to give you so much shit…” 
“What if she’s just like you, hm?” Joel teased. “Gonna have a nerd for a kid…” 
“Hey, I was a nerd who snuck out at night to go get drunk with the boneheaded jock,” you teased back. “You really want her to be just like me?” 
“Jesus, you’re right,” Joel shook his head, finishing wrapping his present. “I’ll have to keep her far away from anyone like me for the sake of us all.” 
You snorted and finished wrapping your own gift before scooping Puck into your arms, nuzzling into his fur and giving him a kiss on the head before settling with your back against your couch as you looked at the lights on the tree.
It was Christmas Eve, the first one in years you were spending without Gale and you’d never been more thankful for Joel. 
Last year, you and Gale were separated but you’d felt so alone that you’d texted him the afternoon of Christmas Eve and spent most of the night and next day in bed. You’d tricked yourself then, pretended there was a chance in hell of the two of you getting back together and things going back to the way they used to be. 
That hadn’t happened. You’d spent New Year’s Eve in bed, too. Except that time, you were alone. 
You’d been afraid that was going to happen for you this holiday season, too. You asked Anna what she had planned for Christmas, fully expecting her to want to spend the day together. She had other things in mind. 
“Honestly, ever since Mom died?” She’d shrugged. “I love using it as a day to just chill. Binge watch TV I’ve been meaning to catch up on, eat a pile of Chinese food, maybe take a bath… It’s pretty boring but I love it. And since I’ve got this little bundle on the way, I’m extra looking forward to it this year.” 
“Oh,” you forced a smile, trying to hide your disappointment. “No, that sounds great.” 
“Oh God,” she clamped her hands over her mouth, eyes wide for a moment. “Did you want to do something? I’m so sorry, I should have…” 
“”No,” you waved her off quickly. “No, you’re good! I don’t want to disrupt your plans…” 
“You can join if you want!” She said. “I mean, for everything but the bath part, that might be a little much now that we’re not kids anymore.” 
“No,” you said again. “You have fun! Tradition is tradition and you need the break. Maybe I’ll do the same.” 
You should have known that she would have her own way of doing things. You’d all but abandoned her during your marriage, sending perfunctory text messages and holiday cards and flying her up for a long weekend every year or so but, otherwise, you went weeks without talking. Of course she had Christmas plans that didn’t involve you. Why would she have any that did? 
Joel, however, had done what he’d always done since you’d moved back to Texas: Made room for you in his life. 
“Know you and Anna probably already got plans but,” he’d shrugged two weeks earlier. “If you don’t… want to spend Christmas with me n’Sarah? Tommy, too, assuming he doesn’t con his way into dinner at some girl’s house. S’OK if you don’t, just figured… I dunno…” 
You’d smiled, bigger than you’d really meant to. 
“You want me to spend Christmas with you?” 
“I want you to spend most days with me,” he shrugged. “But you know, we gotta go out in the world and make money and shit. Anyway, Christmas. You in? Could just move in until the New Year if you really wanted…” 
The last part wasn’t going to work with your obligation to go try to write a book once Christmas was through. But you had spent the last two nights at Joel’s, bringing Puck over to play with Sarah and Swiftie as the three of you watched Christmas movies and binged cookies. No papers to grade, no lawyers calling because your attorneys’ offices were closed, no pressure because you already had time set aside to write. You could really relax for the first time in what felt like an eternity and relaxing with Joel and Sarah was quickly becoming your favorite thing in the entire world. 
But all that relaxing had meant there was a small pile of presents that weren’t wrapped that needed to make it under the tree. It was Christmas Eve and time had run out. 
“You need to stop procrastinating,” you said, getting your egg nog that was now mostly liquor off the coffee table and taking a sip. “Can’t get away with that shit when you’re a business owner.” 
“Just watch me,” he teased. “Besides, you’re one to talk, you made any progress on that book?” 
“That’s what next week is for,” you said, giving the cat a kiss just as he started to get restless in your arms. You set him down. “Fingers crossed having nothing else to do will make me churn out the words.” 
“Wild to me that you make money from what’s in your head,” Joel came and sat next to you. “Not that I think you shouldn’t, if anyone should it’s you. Just that anyone does at all is insane.” 
“Well, I may not make money off it for long if I can’t write anything else,” you sighed. “Know what? Let’s not talk about next week. I want to live in this moment - the one where we don’t have any worries and the presents are all under the tree and Sarah is passed out - for a while longer yet.” 
Joel hummed in agreement and you leaned your head on his shoulder, sighing contentedly. You could smell his skin and cologne and there was still a little bacon scent from when he’d made breakfast for the three of you that morning. 
“Think she’ll have a good Christmas?” Joel asked quietly, the two of you watching the lights twinkle on his tree. 
“Hell yeah,” you smiled a little. “You really are an amazing Dad, Joel.” 
He scoffed. 
“I’m serious,” you peered up at him. “You’re lucky to have Sarah but she’s lucky as hell to have you, too. She’s going to love it.” 
“Speaking of parents… anything new in the Anna situation?” Joel asked cautiously. 
“It’s a girl,” you sighed. “But she seems to be keeping up with everything, thank God. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe this is the kick in the ass she’s been needing…” 
“Was for me,” Joel shrugged, making your head rise with his shoulder. 
You sighed again. 
“Just seems like an awful lot to put on a kid,” you said. “And you might have been young and dumb but you didn’t have the shit Anna’s got on her plate. It’s a bit of a different story with her.” 
“She might surprise you. But either way, we’ll make up a room for the little sucker here,” Joel said. “Just to be safe.” 
“Regardless, that’s next year Goldie and Joel’s problem,” you said. “And thank fuck for that.” 
“Yeah, fuck those two,” you could hear the smile on Joel’s voice. “Let’s put the wrapping paper away and go to bed, something about Santa and knowing when you’re sleeping and all that.”
You cleaned up the living room and tried not to pay attention to the nighttime routine you’d fallen into with Joel in the few days you’d been staying with him. You had your own sink in Joel’s bathroom, one that had your hair products and face wash lined up alongside it. You had your own side of the bed with your own nightstand where the book you’d been reading the last few days was nearing its end and waiting for you. If you thought about it too much, you’d miss it when it was gone. If you thought about it too much, it might seem like something you could keep.
Joel made his customary space at his side and you nestled into him, your head on his chest where you could hear his heart beat. His fingers trailed up and down your arm. 
“There are upsides to a kid, you know,” he said quietly. “Christmas morning is one of ‘em. Just wait.” 
You smiled a little. 
“Stop keeping me awake and we won’t have to wait long,” you said. 
Joel snorted. 
“Yeah yeah. Night Goldie.” 
“Night Joel.” 
Sarah came careening into Joel’s room before 7 a.m., slamming into the bed so hard that it made your teeth rattle. 
“Dad! Aunt Goldie!” She shook you both. “Wake up, it’s Christmas!” 
“Yeah, alright,” Joel groaned, taking his warm arm from its place around your shoulders. You groaned, too. “You stay here with Goldie while I go put the coffee pot on and get set up to record you…” 
Sarah groaned. 
“Seriously,” he said. “Sit tight, five minutes.” 
You rolled onto your back and blinked the sleep from your eyes, Sarah bouncing impatiently on the bed. You lifted your head enough to look at her, curls sticking every which way, and you dropped back down onto the pillow with a groan. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute, kid,” you said. 
“Yeah, that’s what my dad says,” she said cheerfully and you could picture her smile as she did. 
“Alright, come on out,” Joel called from the living room. Sarah rocketed off the bed and you laughed as you got up yourself, trailing behind her and trying not to yawn. 
“Oh cool!” Sarah flopped down beside her stocking and started going through it as you got to the living room. Joel was sitting on the couch, his phone set up on a tripod in the corner and pointed at the tree. “These are those face mask things I said I wanted! And the headbands for soccer!” 
“I do pay attention now and then, baby girl,” Joel said, rubbing his eyes. 
“Don’t you mean Santa pays attention?” You asked, sitting next to him on the couch. Joel handed you a cup of coffee, made exactly how you liked it.
“I know Santa’s not real, Aunt Goldie,” Sarah rolled her eyes and gave you a look. “I’m 11, not a kid.” 
Joel snorted. 
“Sorry,” you said. “My mistake.” 
“Don’t spoil Santa for Goldie,” Joel said before reaching down on the ground next to him. “Speaking of which…” 
He handed you a fat stocking and you frowned a little as you took it. 
“You made me a stocking?” You asked, tears pinching at your throat. “No one’s made me a stocking since I was in high school…” 
“Then you’re real overdue,” he smiled a little and went back to watching Sarah as she unwrapped a chocolate Santa and stuffed the entire thing in her mouth. “Alright, let’s not eat all the candy in one sitting…” 
“But it’s Christmas!” She said, voice muffled around the chocolate. 
“Still gonna get sick,” he replied. 
You started unpacking the stocking, pulling two pairs of fuzzy socks out of the top. 
“Because your feet are always freezing,” he said, looking back at you. “Figured one pair for here, one for your house…” 
“Thank you,” you smiled, going back into the stocking. There was some of your favorite candy, one of the face masks Sarah had, a bottle of gold nail polish. 
“We can do a spa day!” She beamed. 
“We can,” you laughed, looking at Joel who just shrugged, a small smile on his face. 
At the bottom of the stocking was a chunky gold pen, thick plastic encasing glitter and you turned it over in your fingers, frowning for a moment at just how familiar it felt. 
“Saw one like the one you had when we were kids years ago,” Joel said. “Bought it on a whim, thought you might want it.” 
You wanted to say thank you but you couldn’t seem to make a sound, the words caught in your throat. Instead, you just threw your arms around his neck and he laughed a little when he caught you, his hand sliding over your side and around to your back. 
You stayed close to Joel and watched as Sarah tore through her presents, the envelope with the concert tickets safely in Joel’s possession. 
“Hey Sarah,” you said eventually. “Can you hand me that box under there that’s for your dad?” 
Joel frowned as Sarah got the box, setting it on the coffee table in front of Joel and hovering as he went to open it. 
“Didn’t need to get me anything,” he said. 
“Too damn bad,” you said. “Don’t get too excited, it’s nothing crazy.” 
He opened it. Inside were two shot glasses, leather wrapped with a monogrammed M burned into it. 
“I thought you needed some accessories for the flask,” you smiled. 
He laughed. 
“We gotta break these in,” he said, looking them over. “They even look like they match…” 
“May have gotten Tommy to send me pictures,” you said. “Keep going, one more thing in there.” 
He shifted the tissue paper before pulling out a cassette tape, frowning at it for a moment. 
“I know your stereo is old enough that it plays tapes,” you said, palm out. “Hand it over.” 
He laughed once but obeyed and you went to put the tape in, adjusting the volume so it wouldn’t be too loud. It crackled a bit at the start and then Joel’s voice - almost 20 years younger but still so familiar - filled the room.
“My name is Joel Miller,” he said. “I play guitar and sing, mostly rock, little country…” 
Joel gaped at the stereo before looking to you. 
“Is this that old demo tape we made when we were kids?” He asked. You laughed and nodded. “Holy… where the hell’d you find this thing?” 
“I kept one,” you shrugged. “Thought it might give you a nudge toward playing again.” 
The Joel on tape started playing and Sarah came and sat between the two of you on the couch, looking up at her dad. 
“So that’s you?” She asked. 
“Sure is,” he said. “Long time ago, I was closer to your age then than mine now.” 
“What’s it for?” She asked. 
“Well,” Joel looked over her head to you and smiled a little before looking back at his daughter. “I always liked playing, wanted to be a singer for a while. Goldie here talked me into making some demo tapes to give to places around here that had open mic nights so I could actually play for people. Worked, too. Had a few places I played pretty often for a bit in there thanks to that tape.” 
“Why’d you stop?” She frowned. “You were good.” 
Joel shrugged. 
“Bigger things to do,” he kissed the top of her head. “Though speaking of music… think there might be one more thing for you under the tree.” 
Sarah’s frown deepened and she went to look around, picking her way through wrapping paper and but not finding it. 
“There’s nothing over here, Dad,” she said. “Are you sure?” 
“Oh, right,” Joel said, giving you a wink and pulling the envelope out of the pocket of his pajama pants. “Here it is.” 
She jumped over some of the boxes scattered over the floor and took the envelope from him, her eyebrows knitting together as she read the writing on the front. 
“To the swiftest music fan?” She said, looking up from the envelope and at the two of you. 
You just shrugged. 
“Gonna have to open it, kiddo,” Joel said. 
She slipped her fingers below the seal and pulled out the card, two pieces of paper falling to the ground before she had a chance to read it. She picked them up and unfolded them, reading the first one. 
“It says we have a hotel room in Dallas?” She looked at Joel. 
“Gotta read the other paper, baby girl,” he said. “That’s the important one. And the one from Aunt Goldie.” 
She flipped to that page next and only held it for a moment before shrieking and throwing herself at you, knocking you back into the couch. 
“You got Eras Tour tickets?” She pulled back, half on top of you and half on the couch. You just laughed and nodded. “Oh my GOD, thank you thank you thank you, you’re the best! OH MY GOD!” 
“Well your dad is the one getting us there and making sure we have a place to stay,” you said. “So hug him, too.” 
“Thank you!” She threw herself at him, too, and he laughed, catching her and giving her a squeeze. “This is the best present ever, it’s going to be the best time, I can’t wait! We’re going to see Taylor Swift! Oh my GOD, I have to tell my friends!” 
She shot off to her room to get her phone and Joel laughed, looking over at you. 
“OK I don’t even care that she likes you better n’me now,” he said. “She’s that happy? Worth it.” 
“We’ll see how we feel after a few days wrangling her for the Taylor Swift concert,” you said, watching where she’d disappeared up the stairs. “But… yeah, definitely worth it.” 
“Hey,” Joel said, voice oddly earnest. You looked over at him. “Thanks for loving my kid.” 
You smiled a little. 
“She’s yours,” you said. “How could I not?” 
Tommy came over a few hours later, once the turkey was in the oven and the wrapping paper was cleaned up off the floor. He gave Sarah a five pound bag of Sour Patch Kids and said “don’t tell your dad” before kissing the top of her head as she scampered off to stash her hoard in her room. He greeted you with a hug with a tight squeeze on the end and you still couldn’t quite get used to just how adult he was. There was part of you that still saw him as the little kid who trailed after you and Joel, the one who sometimes begged to go to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard. Now, he was nearly as tall as his older brother, drinking a beer and talking to Joel about a woman named Maria he’d just started dating. It was an odd reminder of just how much time you’d lost with Joel, just how much had changed. 
The four of you had dinner - Tommy teasing Sarah more like a loving older brother than an uncle, making you smile - and, before too long, the day was done. 
Sarah insisted on listening to Taylor Swift while she got ready for bed and Joel read to her from an Artemis Fowl book, you eavesdropping on Joel doing the voices from your place in the living room while the cats curled up around you. 
A keen sense of belonging settled over you then, as you held a mug of cocoa in one hand and the other rested on the back of your large, orange cat. This, you thought, was where you belonged. In this space, in this time, alongside these people. 
How could you ever hope to find this anywhere else? How were you ever supposed to recover from this stubborn crush if Joel was the place you felt most like home? 
“You OK?” Joel asked, hovering toward the top of the stairs, his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. 
“Yeah,” you smiled and gave Puck a scratch and let yourself have the feeling. “I’m good.” 
You got up early the next morning, Joel barely awake enough to help carry your bags to the car. 
“See you New Year’s Eve,” he said, his hands in the pockets of his pajama pants and his hair in total disarray. “Better have that damn book done by then.” 
“Do you really think you can write an entire book in a week?” You asked, brows raised. 
“I dunno,” he said. “You’re the smart one, you tell me.” 
You rolled your eyes and he laughed a little. 
“Alright, I’m goin’ back to bed,” he said. “Text me when you get there, have fun being a genius.” 
“Hey,” you called to him as he made it halfway back up his walk. He turned to face you, frowning slightly. “Thanks. For being my friend.” 
An expression you couldn’t place passed over his face before he smiled a little. 
“Careful,” he said. “Talk like that enough, people might think you care about me and shit.” 
“Well, we can’t have that,” you said. “See you in a few days.” 
He watched you drive off and you made your way to the hill country and the cabin Stephanie had reserved for you. You’d insisted that it have extra bedrooms and a hot tub and were surprised that she hadn’t pushed back on it. 
“Whatever you need to get the job done, you’ve got it,” she said after sending you links to some cabins. “I’m just here to facilitate.” 
You stopped on the way for groceries, stocking up so you wouldn’t need to leave the house once you settled in. You went with most of your standbys for cooking for one and watching the careful diet you’d been on for years but then thought of Joel bringing you tamales and plying you with cookies over the last few days. Maybe he was right. Maybe you did need to live a little. You got the stuff to make the bagel sandwiches, too. 
The cabin was damn near idyllic, all stone and wood with huge windows looking out at the brush leading down to the lake in the backyard. The hot tub was set on the back porch, a fire pit in the yard and rocking chairs out front. The kitchen was large and reasonably well equipped and there were enough bedrooms that Joel, Tommy and Sarah could have their own when they all joined you for New Year’s Eve. There was even a desk set up near a window that overlooked the water and you set up your laptop and charger and got out your notebook with the pen from your Christmas stocking, arranging everything just so. 
“Alright,” you said to no one after you got the groceries put away and made yourself a cup of coffee before settling in at the desk to write. “Let’s do this.” 
And… you tried. You really, truly did. 
Day one, you got most of an outline done. Enough of one that you went to bed feeling somewhat accomplished and felt good treating yourself to a bagel sandwich in the morning. But then, when you sat down to work on the next part for day two, you weren’t sure you liked any of it anymore. You pressed on, anyway. Day three, you tried to write the first chapter and you made some decent progress, at least feeling like you were getting to know the characters a bit as you settled into the story. But, day four, you read what you’d written the day before and wanted to claw your way out of your skin. What were you doing? Why did you think you could do this at all? Had you ever made anything worthwhile on your own? Why would you suddenly be able to do it now? 
The text came through when you were taking a break for lunch, desperately avoiding the gnawing feeling of failure after days of accomplishing fuck all when you really had no excuse not to. You sighed and opened your texts, fully expecting from Joel or Anna or even Stephanie. 
It wasn’t. 
Hey Doll
You dropped your fork in shock and it clattered to your plate as you blinked at your phone in total shock. He was texting you. Why was he texting you? He hadn’t texted you in months, not since you’d left Rhode Island. Why now? Did you want to know? Could you resist knowing? 
Hi Gale
You propped your phone up against your half empty can of Diet Dr. Pepper and stared at the screen, waiting for the next shoe to drop. 
It didn’t take long. 
How’ve you been doing? 
Your hand shook as you replied. 
Alright. I like the new school. You?
He responded almost instantly. 
Not bad. Was just thinking about you. Miss you. 
You froze, your heart in your throat. 
He missed you. How could he just say that? The collapse of your marriage had been one of the most painful things you’d ever gone through, happening in slow motion as he pulled further and further away and you desperately tried to dig your nails in to keep him close. You’d all but begged for him to miss you for years and now he was just texting it to you out of the blue. How could he just say that? How could you pretend like it wasn’t what you wanted to hear? 
You went to his Facebook page and checked his relationship status, one of the upsides to being with an older man meaning that his social media presence was pretty limited. He was still listed as in a relationship with Carla, a woman he’d met in much the same way he’d met you. The thought made your stomach churn, that you’d been so easily replaced by the younger, thinner, prettier version who had been dropped on his desk, practically gift wrapped. 
You went back to the texts. 
How’s Carla? 
There was a longer pause that time. 
She’s not you. 
“Jesus,” you said, setting the phone down and closing your eyes for a moment. You tried to think, forcing yourself to be practical. This wasn’t the time or the place to be having this conversation. You couldn’t have this conversation, not when you’d just been sitting her wondering if you could do the only thing you’d ever felt like you were supposed to do without his help. 
I don’t want to talk about this now. I’m in the middle of working on my book. Maybe another time. 
You stared at the phone, waiting for him to respond. He never did. 
“Yeah, sure seems like you missed me,” you muttered, finishing your salad and cleaning up from lunch, settling back in at your desk to write for the afternoon, trying not to think about the very real possibility that your writing career had ended when your marriage did. 
“I’m losing my mind over here,” you said, breaking down and calling Joel on day five. “There’s only so much I can say to a wall, you know.” 
“We’re comin’ your way tomorrow,” he said. “Be praying for some peace and quiet once Sarah and Tommy are there, trust me. Still like pecan praline ice cream, yeah?” 
“Blue Bell?” You asked. 
“Course it’s Blue Bell,” you could hear him roll his eyes through the phone. “What kind of animal you take me for?” 
“Oh, my apologies…” 
“Anything else you can think of?” He asked. “I can always stop on the way, too, but it’s easier while I’m here.” 
“I still think it’s silly to buy ice cream an hour away and then drive it out here,” you said. 
“That’s what coolers are for,” he replied. “Stop finding shit to worry about. Just give the writing one more shot, see how far you get. Who knows, you might surprise yourself.” 
“Yeah,” you sighed, chewing on the inside of your cheek as you remembered your texts with Gale the day before. 
“Goldie,” Joel said, tone serious. “That all that’s on your mind?” 
“Stop trying to read my thoughts,” you said. 
“Tell me,” he said. “Or I’ll show up early and make you.” 
“That a threat?” 
“That’s a promise,” he said. “What’s goin’ on?” 
“Gale texted yesterday,” you said, fidgeting with the handle of your coffee mug, the coffee itself going cold an hour ago. 
“Gale?” Joel asked, tone sharp. “Fuckin’ Gale? The fuck did he want?” 
“I don’t know,” you sighed. “I’ll show you the texts when you get here, maybe you can translate them for me since he’s not making any damn sense.” 
“That asshole better not be making any trouble,” Joel said. “I will find him and kick his ass, Goldie, just say the word…” 
“I know you will,” you laughed a little. “But don’t worry about it right now. And I should let you go…” 
“Yeah, go write your book,” he teased. “Change the world and shit.” 
There was a knock at your front door and you frowned, staring at it. There was a window to the side of it but all you could see was a shadow. 
“Hey, Joel?” You said. “Hang on one second, there’s someone at my door.” 
“What?” He sounded serious now. “Were you expecting anyone?” 
“No,” you said quietly, approaching it slowly and trying to see through the frosted glass. You couldn’t make out who it was. “So just stay on the line and make sure I’m not axe murdered…” 
“Need me to come out there now?” He asked. “If you ain’t safe…” 
“I’m sure it’s fine,” you said, unlocking the deadbolt. “Probably just a neighbor, but…” 
You opened the door and peered out through the crack, phone clutched against your head. 
You still almost dropped it. 
“Hey Doll.” 
“Hi Gale.” 
Joel’s heart dropped. 
“Gale?” He said, pressing his phone tight against his head and trying not to yell in the middle of the line at the HEB. “Fucking Gale? He’s there?” 
“I have to go,” you said quickly. “Talk later.” 
You hung up before he had a chance to say goodbye. He tried calling you back but you ignored it. 
Joel stood there, staring at his cart for a moment, his head swimming. 
Was he freaking out because it was you and he didn’t want you alone at some romantic looking cabin with your ex-husband? Was it because he knew that you weren’t in a place to handle this right now? Was it because he knew - knew - that your ex was a goddamn predator? 
He’d bitten his tongue about that fact since you’d been back, that the man you’d married had been more than twice your age and you’d only been a legal adult for all of a month when he’d met you. It didn’t matter that it was you, that Joel had gone searching for you and found you there with him all those years ago, he’d want to beat the shit out of a man like that regardless of who it was. A man like that couldn’t be trusted. 
He especially couldn’t be trusted with you. 
Joel checked out as fast as he could, calling Tommy as he drove. 
“Hey, need you to do me a favor,” he said quickly. 
“You always need me to do you a favor,” Tommy said. “One of these days I’m gonna cash in.” 
“Yeah, who got you the only job besides the army you’ve kept longer than a week?” Joel asked. 
Tommy sighed. 
“Fine. What’s up?” 
“Need you to take Sarah tonight.” 
“Joel, come on!” 
“M’serious,” Joel said. “Goldie’s ex just showed up at the fucking cabin…” 
“Oh, not that fucking asshole from the funeral,” Tommy cut him off. 
“That’s the one,” Joel said. 
“Fuck that guy,” Tommy said. “He needs to stay the fuck away from her.” 
“Yeah, somethin’ tells me he ain’t gonna make that choice on his own,” Joel said. “So I need you to pick up Sarah and take her for the night. And bring me my shit tomorrow. I’ll text you the address where Sarah’s at, she’s at her friend’s playing right now, needs to be picked up about five…” 
“Yeah, I got it,” Tommy said. “Go save the day.” 
Joel drove as fast as he dared, not familiar enough with where cops liked to hide to go too fast. He pulled up in front of the cabin you’d sent him the information for a week and a half earlier. He’d have admired it, in another circumstance. He’d always wanted a place like this, someplace quiet where there was enough space to live a little, maybe hunt. A place where Sarah could run and play and get to know nature a little. 
But in that moment, he was too pissed to take it in. 
He grabbed a bag out of the trunk - pretense more than anything else - and stalked up to the door before knocking on it, his fist coming down in heavy thuds on the wood. 
You pulled open the door, a surprised look on your face and your ex-husband at your back. 
He looked just about the same as Joel remembered him from before. Tall but not as tall as him, a refined air about him that made Joel want to deck him, a smug look on his face. His hair was gray and his face was wrinkled and Joel fucking hated him. 
“Joel,” you said, staring at him. “What are you…” 
Joel did the only thing he could think to do, fucking Brad standing so close to you with a hand between your shoulder blades like he fucking owned you. 
“Missed you too much, baby,” he said, watching your eyes go a little wide at the word. “Couldn’t wait until tomorrow.” 
He reached out and cupped the hinge of your jaw, his fingers wrapping around the back of your neck and he tugged you closer, his heart beating so fast he was sure that your fucking ex could hear it. 
But he didn’t care. 
All he cared about was the way your lips felt on his when he kissed you. 
Next Chapter
A/N: I mean we can all agree, fuck Brad/Gale.
But also... his presence does get results.
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Surrendered Innocence- Chapter Three
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Please check series warnings! Be warned: they do contain spoilers for future chapters
Series Masterlist | Series Playlist
Pairing: Joel Miller/f!babysitter
Summary: Mr. Miller wants to try something new.
Word Count: 1.7k
Rating: E MDNI 18+
Author’s Notes: Y'all, I don't even know. This whole chapter was unplanned and was born out of a note I wrote myself when I woke up in the middle of the night. I need to be euthanized. Expeditiously.
Chapter Two
You’ve just settled on the couch after checking on the girls when you hear the familiar sound of the key turning the lock. You check the time on your phone. 12:30 p.m. He's home extra early today. You straighten your skirt and fluff your ponytail, while trying to remain casual. 
“Hello, Mr. Miller.” You say sweetly, flashing him your brightest smile. “Hey there, Angel.” He replies, crossing the room to stand behind where you sit on the couch. He looks around before brushing his hand across your shoulder. “Where’s the girls?” He asks in a whisper. “They just fell asleep. They usually nap from 12-2.” 
He checks his watch and his body stiffens for a moment,and then relaxes fully. He leans over the back of the couch to whisper in your ear. “Seems like you might have some free time on your hands then.” You giggle nervously. “Mr. Miller, what about Sarah and Ellie? They might wake up.” You know they won't. Those kids could sleep through a tornado. “You’ll just have to be extra quiet to make sure that they don’t then, huh?” You can only nod in response. You feel a wet spot darkening your panties already. 
He grabs your hand and helps you off the couch. He starts walking to his bedroom and turns around to put a finger over his lips. He closes the door softly behind him and the quiet sound of it latching sends a shiver down your spine. You’ve been in his bedroom before, of course. But never with him in it. Never with the door closed. If you were nervous before, you’ve gone into overdrive now. What if the girls wake up? What if she comes home? What if we get caught? Your mind can’t help but go straight to the worst case scenario. 
Joel silences the anxieties when crashes his lips against yours. He sits you on the edge of the bed and lays you back. Following you, his lips never leave yours for a second. When he finally breaks the kiss he looks down at you with a shy smile. “ I was wondering if I could try something new today?” He asks quietly. You nod again, words continuing to elude you. You don’t know how he manages to get you so worked up even though he’s barely touched you. Sometimes he doesn’t touch you at all and you still feel like this. You can see just how much it affects him as well. Your need for him feeds his own need for you. All you want to do is please him, make him feel good, make him happy. 
Joel yanks your skirt up and your underwear down. Usually he holds them in his hand while he goes down on you and takes care of himself. You’ve still never actually touched his cock. This time though, he brings them up to your mouth. “Open up for me, Angel.” He commands. You obey and he stuffs the damp fabric into your mouth. “That should help keep you quiet, baby.” He says with a wink. 
He turns to his bedside table and begins rummaging through the drawer. When he turns back around he has a bottle of lube in his hand. Your eyes go wide and he chuckles softly. “Don’t worry, baby girl. Just the tip. ‘S that ok with you?”
Once again you nod, more frantically this time. You’ve been waiting and wanting to feel him inside you. And you know from your girlfriends that they never mean it when they say ‘just the tip.” Your hips buck involuntarily at the thought of him filling you up. “Settle down, now, darlin’.” Joel says as he holds your hip down with his large hand. He uses his other hand to free himself from his jeans. He cock curves upwards towards his belly button. The tip of it already flushed and leaking for you. Your mouth salivates at the sight of it. All of this is for you. You wish you could take it into your mouth right this second. Just thinking of the feel and taste of him on your tongue has more of your arousal leaking out of your cunt, dripping down past your asshole to his bed. 
He groans at the way your fluttering hole weeps for him. Unable to hold off any longer, he pops the top of the lube and squeezes the contents of the tube directly onto his twitching cock. He tosses the tube onto the floor and begins to stroke himself. Still pressing you down into the bed, he begins to slide the tip of himself through your glistening folds. “Fuck, Angel. You’re so fucking wet for me already, baby.” He hisses. “Do you like the way I feel, my sweet girl?” He asks as he rubs himself directly into your clit. All you can manage is a whine with the way your mouth is stuffed full of your panties. 
“Yeah, I thought you might, baby. “M gonna stick it in now okay? Just the tip, though. I promise.” Joel fails to mention that the tip is the fattest part of his cock. You don't mind the stretch, though. Your hips try to grind down further on him but his iron grip keeps you still. “Keep still or we’ll stop. Don’t you wanna be a good girl for me?” And you stop. Because you do want to be good for him. You are desperate to remain his good girl. You wait for him to begin thrusting but he doesn’t. 
Joel can barely keep it together enough to remember his intentions. The way your tight heat sucked the tip of him in is almost enough to make him lose his resolve and plunge all the way into you. Fill you right up. But he can’t. Not yet. This wasn’t even part of the plan, but he just couldn’t go another second without feeling you from the inside. 
Your tight little pussy is squeezing the fuck out of him. Almost painfully so. The way you are squirming for him, and the muffled whimpers from behind your cotton panties, soaked with your slick and now your saliva, it’s all almost too much. He begins to stroke himself, trying his goddamned hardest not to thrust. He moves the hand he is holding you down with and looks down at you sternly. “Do. Not. Move. I wanna make this feel good for you, Angel. But if you start your squirmin’, I’m gonna have’ta stop. Do you understand me?” You nod, even more frantically than before. You just need to feel him move, or touch you, or do something. Anything. 
He slides his hand down your front, and his thumb finds your clit. He matches the pace of his strokes to the pace of his thumb. You concentrate all of your efforts on remaining as still as possible. You don’t want him to stop. Fuuuuuuuck. Joel thinks as he looks to where your pretty little cunt is split open with his cock. The sounds you are making for him have him so close to the edge. He just wants to feel you cum around him first. He needs to feel you. 
The familiar pressure is building low in your belly. You want to move or scream but you're held in place by Joel's warning. He picks up his speed with his thumb and his fist. "Come on, Angel. You're right there already. I can feel ya, baby." He growls. His words send you toppling over and you can't help but to buck your hips. You gasp as you feel him slide slightly further into you. 
The way your pussy flutters and clenches around him as pleasure rocks through your body rips Joel's own orgasm out of him without warning. He barely pulls out in time to cover your soaking hole with his sticky release. He wants nothing more than to stuff you full of his cum, but he wants the first time to done properly. With him fully sheathed inside your sweet cunt, allowing him to feel every inch of your insides. A loud groan involuntarily escapes his mouth at the thought.
When he notices you panting for air he reaches up and snatches the panties from your mouth, allowing you to finally be able to take in a proper breath. "I'm so sorry, Angel. Are you okay?" He asks with concern. "I'm fucking perfect, Mr. Miller." You croak out. Your mouth and throat are so dry but the discomfort was worth it. Anything to please him. 
"Ya know you can call me Joel, right baby?” He says as he wipes the cum off of your pussy with your panties. "I don't know. Wouldn't Mrs. Miller find that suspicious?" You ask. 
"I guess you're right, darlin'." He agrees. He helps you sit upright and takes a seat next to you on the bed. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you in tight. "You have any idea how much you mean to me, sweet girl?" 
You look up at him through your lashes and shake your head. He smooths down the sweat soaked tendrils that have snuck free from your ponytail and kisses your head. "Ya mean everythin' to me. All I want is to make you happy." 
"You do make me happy, Joel. Happier than I've ever been." You reach up to kiss the heart shaped bare patch in his beard. "I hope I can make you happy too." 
"Darlin', I'm the happiest I've been in twenty years, 'cept for when Sarah was born and the day Ellie's adoption was finalized." You suddenly feel a wave of guilt wash over you and you shift away from him. He's married. You're a homewrecker. Joel notices the change in your demeanor and grabs you by your chin, moving it so you're looking up at him again. "What's wrong, baby?" 
"You're married. Should we be doing this?" Tears spring forth without any warning. Joel gathers you into his arms. "Shh, don't cry, Angel. I told you already, her family doesn't believe in divorce, but I don't love her and she sure as hell don't love me. The kind of stuff me an' you do together, I haven't done with her in a long time. Years." You sniffle into his chest and nod. "Okay, Mr. Miller. I'll stop worrying." You want to believe him so you do. Anything to keep your little bubble of bliss intact. 
He strokes your hair with one hand and rubs the other up and down your back, comforting you. Your face is still buried in his chest so you don't see the smile that creeps onto his face. 
Chapter Four
Taglist: @vickie5446 @xanqels @joeldjarin @livingdeadmaria @pedritosgfreal @romana-after-dark @megamindsecretlair @anxiousnoodles @cesspitoflove @mysteriousheat4058 @biwitchy @morgaussy @sheepdogchick3 @lumoverheaven @marisemonteiroo @ravensfanart18 @megangovier20 @littlebunnybigheartfics @xkyxkyxxlylcylulucuflfluclu @spidermanfrog @beccerjune @planet-marz1 @basicoccult @disassociation-daydreams
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creedslove · 7 months
A bit late but imagine Joel has to take the kiddos trick or treating alone because you’re sick in bed
Feel free if boy or girl or both
I imagine he wouldn’t cut the night short for the kids’ sake but that he’d constantly send you pics and text to see how you’re doing and just be anxious to be home to take care of you
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: I changed a little bit because now Halloween is gone honey ❤️
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• your toddler Rosie and your stepdaughter Sarah spent the whole week nagging you and Joel to go to the amusement park that got in the city about a week before
• it was both cute and annoying as it was the only thing the girls could talk about and your baby boy Sammy was also super excited even if he didn't understand it exactly what was going on, he just giggled and cooed at his big sisters' excitement
• your household had made so many comments about it that you began feeling excited as well, and you four just decided to go on Friday evening, which Joel promised he would take it off and take his family to the park, and eventually, all the Millers were looking forward to Friday night
• that until Sammy woke up with a fever and a runny nose; which you didn't worry at first, medicating him just like the doctor had advised you to and carrying on with your tasks
• but through the day, Sammy didn't get better, quite the opposite, he cried and whined and sniffled and you felt so sorry for your baby because you didn't want him feeling ill
• until mid afternoon you noticed you sniffled a little too much, at the same time you felt shivers and suddenly, you were just as sick as Sammy was
• when the girls realized you were both sick, they immediately got anxious, at the same time they didn't want to pass up the opportunity to go, but they also worried about the two of you and decided to wait for Joel to get home and figure what to do
• when your husband Joel saw how sick you and your baby boy really were, he felt both disappointed and worried; he didn't want to cancel on the girls but he didn't want to leave you
"I know the girls are gonna be disappointed, but I'll buy some pizza and ice cream cake and put on their favorite movies, you know how much they love ice cream cake, don't ya? Anyway, we'll stay in to take care of you and Sammy and we can go some other day"
"no Joel.. take the girls, they've been waiting for it the whole week, Sammy and I will be fine, we just need a night in to rest and recover.. we'll both have some chicken soup, a warm bath and some snuggles and we'll be alright tomorrow"
• you insisted because you wanted your family to have fun, Sammy was too little to enjoy the park anyway, and even if Joel felt a little guilty and upset, he agreed, immediately cheering up at how happy Sarah and Rosie were
• you made you and your one-year-old some chicken and vegetables soup and you both cuddle on the couch, under some warm blankets and watched some quiet TV
• one part of Joel was having fun, while the other was just anxious to get home and take care of you; he worried about you both and kept texting you and sending you pictures of their evening
• Joel bought some popcorn, corn dogs and cotton candy to go; he wanted you to have them, knowing how you often loved those snacks
• he also made sure to win you a stuffed shark; he said it was for you, but in reality it was for Sammy, nonetheless, he knew the two of you would snuggle it as soon as you saw it
• when the three of them got home, he found you and Sammy asleep, his heart clenching with love as he couldn't explain how much he loved his family and you, because you were the one who gifted him it
• during the weekend, he was all the time all over you and Sammy, making sure you both were alright, and when you two were fully recovered by Sunday, he suggested going to the amusement park again
• the girls cheered so excitedly and nodded, as now you all went as a family; you had fun, snapped pictures and Joel even held Sammy so you could go on a few rides
• it ended up being such a lovely evening and it brought you so many good memories you were sure you'd relish for the rest of your life
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tgmsunmontue · 4 days
Saga of Solitude 6/?
Nepo!Baby Bradley and his life at USNA and afterwards. DADT fully in force. Hangster AU. (Begun prior to 'It's not who you know' - the non-angsty version).
PROLOGUE (He remembers)
HANGSTER FIRST MEETING (Lonely Nights - set 2009)
Updating ~weekly (longer chapters).
ONE (2000) TWO (2001) THREE (2002) FOUR (2003) FIVE (2004)
                His eyes blink open and stares at the alarm clock on his bedside table.
                He groans and rolls over, turns the pillow over to the cooler side and punches it under his head. More time passes and he wonders if he needs to start working out more. If he can begin running again. He’s only been cleared for swimming, low impact, but it’s still enough of a workout that he’d thought it would, should, tire him out. Except it isn’t, his body feeling jittery and he can only put it down to having too much energy, something that a good run would help with. Or sex. He’s not waking up Pete to come over for sex just so he can get back to sleep.
                Melissa and Sarah will have his head if he pushes himself too much, not to mention Mav. For all Mav’s own tendencies to push himself, as soon as Pete thinks Tom is doing something even slightly too much he comes down on him like a ton of bricks. Tom would call him a hypocrite out loud if he didn’t love it so much. They spend so much of their relationship behind a façade that the outside world never sees past; to have Mav being so angry about not being allowed to be around to care for him was something of a revelation. A positive one, for him, and for their relationship.
                Of course there had been that period last year when Pete had turned up rambling about wanting to marry him and accepting his proposal, until Tom had pointed out he hadn’t actually proposed, not properly, but that he one day fully intended to. It had shut Maverick up pretty effectively and had led to some pretty great sex. Then he’d been deployed again and Tom’s sleeping troubles had reinstated themselves very firmly as part of his almost nightly routine. If the house is empty, he doesn’t sleep through the night.
                He sleeps best with Maverick in bed beside him. In the absence of Pete, any of the kids just in the house, including Bradley, will suffice, but right now there is no one. The silence feels oppressive and he sits up, giving up on trying to get back to sleep; swings his legs out of bed. Wanders down to make himself a cup of sleepy-time tea in the vain hope it’ll help him get back to sleep. The steps of making the tea is practiced, soothing in their familiarity and he flicks on the light in the kitchen, his toes curling against the cold tiles as he sets everything out.
                The knock at the door makes him jump and he freezes for the briefest moment as his mind races through all the reasons why someone is knocking at his door at this hour. It won’t be good news.
                When he opens the door and sees Maverick instead his relief is palpable and he feels his body slump with the immediate release of tension before he realizes that it’s still the early hours and if something has happened to Bradley they would contact Maverick first. The tension is back a thousand fold. That and the fact that Maverick hasn’t used his key, not that he’s ever used it, but he has one and Tom would very much like him to use it more. Facing his own mortality he’s starting to care a lot less about what others might think. Far more ready to lie through his teeth if someone asks about his relationship with Maverick. He has an ex-wife and two kids. He can have his best-friend stay as often as he wants.
                “What’s wrong?” Tom asks, fearful of the answer given the fact that Maverick is pale and shaking.
                “Flight school. He’s starting flight school.”
                Of course. He should have predicted this. They’d sent him off yesterday, along with Natasha, the two of them thick as thieves and brimming with excitement and anticipation. He reaches for Pete and tugs him inside, closes the door and then pulls him into a tight embrace. He feels cold, which is surprising considering it’s a warm summer night.
                “He’ll be okay.”
                “You can’t know that.”
                “Well no, but also we can’t stop him living his life. He could die in a car crash driving to base just as easily.”
                “How do you do this? How are you so calm?”
                Tom huffs out a quiet breath, runs his fingers through Mav’s hair and cups his face before he gives him a gentle kiss, walks him into the kitchen without letting him go. It’s awkward but Pete seems more than happy to be guided bodily.
                “I have so many pieces of my heart wandering around outside my body I’m used to it. You. Bradley. Sarah. Tamsin. Petra. Melissa scares me, but I love her too, but I also trust her more than all the others.”
                “Oh god, I don’t think I’m going to be able to cope with the girls when they’re older. They’ll give me a heart attack. I already worry about them constantly.”
                “You know I worry the same about you right?”
                “I worry the same about you. How would you feel if I was still in active service?”
                “I trust you to come home.”
                Tom knows his lip twitches in amusement, because of course Mav trusts him in a plane. Just not with his own health.
                He guesses that might be fair.
                “You want a cup of tea?” Tom asks, just to see Mav screw up his face in disgust. It makes him grin, makes him feel lighter and he leans forward to kiss him again just because he can. “Or do you want hot chocolate?”
                “You have hot chocolate?”
                “I have hot chocolate and marshmallows for the kids…” Tom states, lips twitching. “And for you.”
                “And Bradley and Natasha.”
                “Them too I guess.”
                He goes about making the packet hot chocolate, the He places the warm mug into Mav’s hands, wraps his fingers around Pete’s and notes that they’re still cold and he frowns.
                “How long had you been sitting out there?”
                “Um. A couple of hours.”
                “I didn’t want to wake you up. Then I saw the light turn on…”
                Tom hums under his breath, because of course Mav doesn’t know anything about his inability to sleep through when he’s not there. Tom hasn’t mentioned it. He should.
                “I don’t sleep very well when you aren’t here. Not anymore.”
                “Next time, let yourself in. I was lying in bed awake and trying to get back to sleep,” he says, and then snorts. “I wasn’t going to call you up to come over, but had I known you were on my front porch…”
                “Next time you wake up and you want me to come over, ring me.”
                “I don’t want to ring you. I want you here.”
                Pete blinks at him over the rim of his mug and Tom runs over what he just said, realizes just how that could be construed and doesn’t make any move to correct it. In fact, he’s going to double down.
                “I want you here. All the time.”
                “You want me to move in?”
                He thinks he might be sick, but he nods, because he wants Pete with him more than he wants anything else.
                “Can I stay?”
                Tom laughs, his nerves feeling frayed.
                “What do you think? Of course you can stay.” Forever, he adds silently.
…             …             …
                Pete’s familiar with this feeling, the needing and wanting all of Ice’s attention on him. Of getting Ice to do what he wants him to do, by pushing and shoving a little, getting in his face. Of course, Ice has wised up to most of it over the years, but he’s pretty sure he can maybe get what he wants right now, and that’s to be taken out of his own head. They don’t get to do this as often as he’d like, what with all of Ice’s stipulations, although they’ve relaxed considerably since his cancer scare. Case in point the very abbreviated conversation about him moving in. He fully expects a longer briefing and plan, but likely later. Right now, Ice seems to have other plans.
                Right now seems to be about him getting his hand curled around Pete’s dick. Getting his cock inside of Pete. Slowly, Pete realizes what Ice is doing. Taking his time. There’s nowhere for them to be, no-one expecting them tomorrow. He kisses his way down Pete’s stomach, palms the curve of Pete’s ass after he flips him over, kisses that too, stubble barely there but still enough to make his skin heat. Pete grinds against the mattress, needs the friction. Ice freezes above him, pulling back so no part of his body is touch Pete any more, but it’s still so close he can feel the promise of his body.
                “Don’t…” Ice says, and his voice is gruff, raw sounding. “I want… want you to come when I’m inside you.”
                “Better hurry up then…” Pete says, and his voice sounds like he’s already spent all night fucking, which would be embarrassing, if he had it in him to be embarrassed in front of Ice.
                Ice’s fingers press into his ass, blunt nails likely leaving marks. He doesn’t say anything, just presses a kiss on one of Pete’s ass cheeks.
                “Can I?” Ice murmurs.
                “I don’t know, can you?” Pete replies, although his snark is likely negated by the way he spreads his legs and shoves his ass back. Of course Ice fucking bites him then, sharp and hard and he bucks, but Ice’s hands are on him now, holding him firm and he lets out a broken yes, more blatant than he wants. It doesn’t matter though, Ice moves quickly, like he’s just as eager. He kisses lower, one above the top of Pete’s crack, and then he pulls Pete’s cheeks apart enough to drag his thumb across Pete’s hole. He spreads his legs further, can’t make it more obvious how much he wants. He’s had Ice’s fingers in him, Ice’s cock in him, yet this feels so much more intimate. He wants to make a quip about taking a picture, but slowly he feels the pad of Ice’s thumb press against him, not quite inside, just… there. Time slows down, Ice just stays there, thumb pressing and then releasing, rubbing a little and then pressing again. Pete wants to push into it, but he doesn’t want to push this faster than Ice wants it to go. He’s always made sure it’s good. More than good.
                Then Ice’s mouth is there, soft and warm against his ass, sliding down until he’s pressing a kiss right next to his thumb. Pete whines, holds himself carefully still. Ice’s lips are soft and Pete lets it wash over him. The way Ice presses gentle kisses to his skin, the warm swipe of Ice’s tongue against his hole, the stretch as Ice eases a finger into him, slicked with nothing but spit. Pete doesn’t bother to muffle the groaning noises he’s making, there’s no-one else here to hear them. Ice’s mouth is back on him, hot and wet right where his finger is inside Pete, making everything sloppy and overwhelming.
                Ice’s tongue pushes in next to his finger, and his hips jerk against the bed despite his efforts, and he groans at the sudden press of friction against his aching cock; though he stills as soon as he feels Ice’s nails dig into his thigh, heat coiling in his gut about to burst. It’s been so long since they’ve done this and he wonders if Ice is working through a mental checklist of all the things he wanted to do once he was feeling well enough. All signs point to yes, as Ice keeps going, noises getting wetter, spit running down Pete’s ass toward his balls. Ice’s whole tongue in him, mouth sucking at his rim. Then two fingers, spread wide until Pete feels like he’s going to cry. Three fingers, not as deep but thick enough that Ice spits on his ass first. He knows he’s saying Ice’s name, over and over like a mantra, but mostly he isn’t aware at all of what’s coming out of his mouth. Can’t focus on anything but what Ice is doing to him. That, and desperately trying not to come.
                Pete’s body feels worked over by the time Ice lets up on him, the tension of keeping still versus the other side where his muscles have given out on him. His hands are clenched in the pillow, joints stiff. The sound he makes when Ice pulls his tongue out of his ass can’t be described as anything other than a whimper, the level of arousal not-quite painful, almost sobs when he feels Ice’s thumb slide back in. He wishes he could see Ice’s face right now, his mouth probably shiny-wet and his lips probably red.
                “Can I fuck you like this?” Ice asks.
                “Yeah, of course,” Pete says, because he cannot deny him anything. Plus it’s his bed Pete’s going to make a mess of when he comes.
                “You’re beautiful,” Ice murmurs, breath hot and damp against Pete’s neck. “The way you move when I’m fucking you, so gorgeous.”
                He can feel Ice’s cock pressed against his ass, hot against his skin. A flash of memory, of the first time they’d done this, on purpose without a condom, rather than taking stupid fucking immature risks when they were younger. They haven’t used condoms now for over five years, finally settling and believing that they were it for each other. Post Ice’s divorce, post Pete’s last stupid fling, post Bradley leaving for USNA.
                There had been a tense moment a couple of years ago when they’d both come home with condoms, looked at each other across the kitchen table and Pete had felt his world halt, before he logically thought that maybe Ice was buying condoms for the same reason he was. For Bradley to use. The fact that they’d both said Bradley’s name as an explanation had been funny, but also such a huge relief at the same time.
                Right now though Ice is moving away, his body pressing Pete into the bed as he reaches for the lube, and Pete takes the opportunity to grind against the bed for the briefest of moments before Ice is biting his shoulder, muttering behave in his ear and he shivers. Ice slides into him easily, his cock lubed up, but it’s just spit on Pete’s ass. He feels so fucking wet and open from it though, body going slack to let Ice in. The groan that escapes him feels like it’s forced out by Ice’s cock, Ice’s fingers dig into his hips in response.
                His heart is pounding, blood rushing in his ears, he’s definitely making other noises, and when Ice is finally pressed up hard against his ass his mouth is open and panting, the sheet damp and hot under his face. Then Ice starts moving, pulling out partway and rocking back into him, and he starts talking, leaning in close so that his breath brushes Pete’s ear when he says feel so fucking good, and going to come inside you, fill you up, eat you out afterwards. Pete sobs, because every movement of Ice’s is dragging his cock across the bed, rough friction that shouldn’t be doing it for him the way it is. Ice’s cock inside him is rougher than usual too, but Pete’s already so open for him that it doesn’t matter. Ice could do anything to him right now and he’d take it, as long as Ice lets him come eventually.
                Ice starts moving faster, harder, driving into him, pushing Pete harder into the bed. Pete’s whole body is too hot, his muscles aren’t cooperating at all anymore, there’s sweat in his eyes, running down the back of his neck, mouth dry from gasping and panting. Ice fucks him harder, relentless movements until Pete’s eyes are rolling back in his head. He barely manages to gasp out Ice’s name, breath caught in his throat.
                “Ice,” he says again, voice broken. “Close…”
                Ice slows immediately and Pete is muttering no no no under his breath, hips flexing helplessly. Ice slides a hand up Pete’s side.
                “I want to see you when you come.” He pulls Pete up, a little slow, lets him move a little and then he’s sliding out. Pete whines at the loss, but it doesn’t last long. Ice moves him, fingers firm and lips still soft. Gets him on his back, shoving a pillow under his ass. Then Ice is sliding into him again, filling him up just as good as he was a few moments ago, fucking him just as desperately. There’s no friction on his cock though, and he reaches a hand for it, wonders if he’s going to be allowed, because Ice did say he wanted Pete to come while he was inside him.
                The hand that Ice isn’t using to brace himself is back on Pete’s side, tugging Pete’s hand from his cock and replacing it with his own, his forehead resting against Pete’s as his hips keep up the punishing pace. Pete doesn’t close his eyes when he comes. Everything sparking white-sharp around him, his gaze is fixed on Ice’s face, so close it’s blurry. He feels when Ice comes, his body going still for a few seconds before his body comes back online and fuck they’ve still got it. He feels wrung out, can’t even gather the energy to complain when Ice pulls out.
                There’s a moment where Ice stays there, hovering over him, then he’s lapping at Pete’s stomach, licking the cum off him Pete realizes and he swears under his breath, eyes finally slipping closed as he gives into the feeling of just being looked after, his body jerking with little aftershocks as Ice then licks his dick clean, before –
                “Jesus…” Pete breathes as Ice’s tongue licks between his ass cheeks, throws an arm over his face as he realizes that Ice was serious about wanting to eat him out afterwards. He’s not going to complain, his heart finally starting to slow, can feel Ice running hands firmly up and down his legs as he licks and kisses before he places a single kiss on the jut of his hip and disappears. He cracks open an eye, can just make out Ice standing in the bathroom, hears the sounds of running water and yep, brushing teeth. Of course.
…             …             …
                “Holy shit Bradshaw, you’re a dark horse aren’t you…” one of the other guys says, and Bradley recognizes him from boat school, Sanderson. Sandy. He shrugs, feels a little uncomfortable because he’s not sure what he’s referencing exactly.
                “Your dad is a pilot.”
                “My dad was a RIO. He died in 86,” Bradley states, because the cat is kind of out of the bag, but while he might be through USNA, he’s still not going to broadcast just how close he is to Ice and Maverick. Or rather, just how close they are together. That he knows them is fine, that he considered Iceman’s kids his little sisters? Easily explained away by living with Sarah, his mom’s close friend. It’s not even a lie, she’s the one who introduced Ice and Sarah to one another. He’ll protect Ice and Mav as much as he can.
                “Oh. Shit. Sorry. I… someone told me that they saw you with your family at graduation and you were with two guys in uniform.”
                “A lot of my dad’s old friends and flying buddies came to see me graduate,” Bradley states, and it’s a careful deflection, statement of fact but not confirming anything.
                “Right. Of course.”
                “The Navy is just one big extended family. My mom and Sarah Kazansky were good friends, she introduced Sarah to Admiral Kazansky actually. When my mom passed I spent a lot of time living with Sarah and Admiral Kazansky. I consider them my family, especially the kids. They treat me like their big brother and I’m not going to ignore them.”
                “Oh. Right.”
                “Yeah, just… wanted to keep it quiet. That cool?”
                “Yeah, of course man. It’s cool.”
                Bradley slaps him on the shoulder, mutters thanks under his breath and hopes that maybe that might be all he needs to do, and allow the rumor-mill do the rest.
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goldvenuslvrs · 1 year
sfw alphabet ; jj maybank
word count: 1.3k
warnings: mention of potential future childbearing, can be read as platonic (mostly) or romantic (reader’s choice)
note: ik it’s not a full fic but i wanted to get a couple of things out before/around christmas so merry christmas! (if you celebrate it), i’m planning on doing this for a few more characters as well as a nsfw alphabet (which i’m betting you heathens will enjoy more than this one lol)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) As soon as he’s comfortable with you, he’s basically attached to your side as often as is humanly possible; the pogues have to literally pull him away from you and restrain him so you can leave to go to work. JJ’s open to all love languages but his favourite is physical touch, he loves holding your hand
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) JJ is a little shit so a friendship with him could start one of two ways: either (1) you grew up together/you’re one of his friends siblings and he got a two-for-one deal when you met or (2) you work together/partnered up for a project in class and he basically said ‘this one’s mine’ and asserted himself as your best friend
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Is the sky blue? JJ loves to cuddle, he didn’t get a lot of love after his mom left (Luke definitely left something to be desired in regards to affection) and the pogues aren’t the most cuddly people in the world so as soon as he realised that you liked cuddles, he’s like your pet koala - wrapped around you as often and as close as physically possible
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) As seen by the fact that he tried to eat moldy bread, cooking isn’t his strong suit but cleaning? he’s not a big fan but he turns into Mrs Hinch’ when need be
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) JJ’s definitely a ghoster (sorry), he hates confrontation so he’ll either ghost them or break up with them over text so he doesn’t have to see their reaction/experience their anger
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) He’s not really a marriage guy, he doesn’t see the point, he doesn’t need a certificate to promise to be committed
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) JJ can be a bit brash and intense but he can be gentle and caring when the situation calls for it
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) (I refer you back to ‘C’) He loves hugs, they become his way of greeting you - he’s the type to fully lift you off the ground and spin you around if it’s been a particularly good day
I = I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?) Getting JJ to say those three special words would take extreme patience (the guy’s got trust issues), it would take a year+ for him to say it (in a romantic sense)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) He doesn’t get jealous often but when he does, it’s usually over close friends rather than strangers or kooks - he knows he doesn’t have anything to fear with tourons or Rafe Cameron but Kiara? John B? Sarah? Pope?
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) He loves forehead kisses (giving and receiving), he thinks they’re so pure and while he enjoys the not so pure stuff, he loves them just as much
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Babies are fine, JJ can handle them but as soon as they start speaking and forming actual opinions, he’s sure he can handle that (although he assures you that if you and he ever have kids one day, he’ll be a hell of a lot better than Luke)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) JJ is a late riser (with the amount he drinks and smokes?) and it usually takes someone coming in and shaking him awake to rouse him, especially if he went to a kegger the night before
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) JJ is stubborn, he’ll refuse to admit that he’s tired until you quite literally drag him to bed, and after a certain time, he gets pouty and clingy and won’t let you go
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He definitely takes a while to open up, it’s not easy for him to trust someone but once he does, you know every single thought he has, there’s nothing he’ll keep from you
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) It depends on the situation - if you break something of his or forget something, he genuinely doesn’t care but if you ignore him or purposely do something to hurt/annoy him, he’ll go from 0 to 100 instantly
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) It varies - he’ll remember you saying you wanted/liked something in passing but he was no idea about your allergies or fears
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) JJ will never forget the day you yelled at Rafe for him - Rafe had been badgering you about dumping JJ and how he wasn’t right for your ‘image’ and JJ had walked in on you screaming at Rafe about how much you loved JJ and it warmed his heart
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Insanely protective - he’s protective over his friends but with you, it’s an entirely different ballpark; when you’re out in public, he always has an arm around your shoulder/waist and his hand in yours; at keggers, he’s always ready to jump in if you give me a sign that you’re uncomfortable
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) All or nothing - for significant dates, he’ll do the whole nine yards, nothing is too much but day-to-day, he’ll settle for a day out on the boat with you or a surfing date
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Whenever you argue, he’ll bail - he won’t show back up for a few days, obviously making you worry like crazy, but he doesn’t want to accidentally lash out at you
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Not at all, he knows he looks good so why would he worry?
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) No - initially, he felt like you were his everything but overtime he’s learned that while you make him a better version of himself and he’d be devastated if you left, he’d be able to survive without you
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) JJ has ADHD, it was Pope that suggested it and when he did, JJ was angry, he’d always been taught that having any ‘special needs’ made him weak but eventually you all sat him down and made him see that it wasn’t a bad thing
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Lying, he can’t stand people lying to him, especially people he loves/respects
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Snoring, he used to keep everyone up with his snoring until Kiara bought everyone noise-cancelling headphones and bought JJ some nose plugs 
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writingpiecesak · 3 months
Hiii can you right a bakugo x severely injured reader
we dont get enough of these😓😓 IF YOU DO THANK YOUUU
Hiii , wasn’t sure how much severely injured or if blood was okay butttt yes! Love this idea!! ❤️
also it’s pretty lengthy lol i wasn’t sure when to stop 😅 also I had this song in mind while writing this.
It was supposed to be a simple evacuation mission. Simply guide the residents to safety and rescue any injured civilians then take them to the medical tents for treatment. You were assigned to Ground Group B, go through each alley way of apartments and help civilians out of harm's way. Your partner dashed off to help the others taking on Slade and his minions. You moved quickly and silently, you never knew who could be lurking about.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now, take my hand.” You extended your arm out to a terrified child, hiding behind the dumpsters covered in dirt. The air was filled with dust and rubble from the fallen buildings, the child looked to you, his hand trembling in fear. You waited patiently till his hand was fully in yours, and slowly you guided him out of his hiding spot.
“Alright, don’t let go okay? Stay with me, you’ll be okay.” You reassured him.
Your other hand stayed hovered above your thigh holster, securing a flare gun in case you needed aid to your position. You were holding his hand tightly as you walked through the streets desperately trying to find the route you knew that led to safety.
With the thickness of the dusty air clouding your vision, you decided to use your quirk to help light the way. Your quirk, Rays, is able to make waves of blinding lights enough to illuminate a dark forest and when concentrated enough can blind an enemy for a whole five minutes. But for now, you used only enough as a flashlight would.
“yo sunshine, what are your coordinates?”
His voice startled you for a moment, only a moment until annoyance took over.
“What did I say about calling me that?” You tap your ear piece that has a built-in mic that withstands over 200 meters and works connectively like Bluetooth.
“Tsk, you still respond to it. Where are you?”
You roll your eyes, “I’m here on the ground, trying to help this kid I found to a medic tent. He has some surface wounds.”
You glanced back at the young kid who naively sucked his thumb as a way to help make himself feel safe. You chuckled.
“Where's your partner? I thought there was a buddy system.”
“Oh you mean Aoyama? He took off, said he wanted to help you guys fight Slade. Didn’t really give me a choice, isn’t he there?” You whispered, peering around a corner of a building scoping out for any signs of threat.
“No…he isn’t, wait so you’re alone?”
You smiled softly, “Aww, are you worried about little ol’ me, Katsuki? Don’t worry, I can take care of myself.”
“I never doubted that Sunshine. Just don’t like the idea of you alone out there.”
A soft smile played on your lips, “You don’t like the idea of me period, Suki.” You said sarcastically.
“Tsk, never that Sunshine.”
This fun little banter you had going on with Katsuki actually helped ease your nerves a bit. You both had this secret push and pull game you two played together and it was really the best thing you could cling to at a time like this. You didn’t like the idea of being alone, especially with obscured vision and in the presence of a young civilian. You could light the entire block if you wanted but you didn’t want to give away your position to potential threats.
“Katsuki?” You questioned when static was playing through your ear piece.
“H-He’s –––stay–—move!”
You stopped in your tracks trying to make sense of those broken parts of his voice. Your breathing became more heavy and you quickly tugged the kid closer, lifting him to your arms basically carrying him as his legs instinctively wrapped around your waist.
“Is the bad guy here?” The young boy asked nervously.
“I’m not sure. We have to hide for now.” You started to run down the street in hopes of just finding the evacuation zone by luck.
“He’s gone! Slade left the field, stay where you are, don't move!”
You were listening to his words yet at the same time a figure in the distance was emerging. Your eyes squint trying to make out if this was a friend or foe. You stopped in your place and waited for some kind of signal, the figure was walking closer but something about them seemed injured almost as if they were limping.
Another civilian? You thought, slowly placing the child down slowly on his two feet. You started to approach the person but the young boy tugged on your hand, his eyes pleading you to stay. You crouched down to meet his eye level.
“I have to see if they need my help. They could be hurt.” You patted his head affectionately.
You took a deep breath and turned to the person, who stood there not making a sound nor were they walking towards you anymore. You proceeded with caution, shimmering light emerging from the palms of your hands.
“Are you okay, do you need some help?” You shouted, taking baby steps closer, your gut was fighting your steps telling you to turn back, to run, to hide, to blind this person before they could hurt you.
You should’ve trusted your gut.
Your eyes grew wider as you saw this person raise his arms, aiming for a sonic boom clap, but not at you. Your eyes traveled to where their hands were pointed and horror filled your veins. There was no injured civilian. This was Slade.
His sonic boom clap would send this kid to oblivion, killing him instantly. Your feet quickly took off heading back for the kid who stood there fidgeting with his fingers. Every step from your feet echoed in your head, and for a ration second, you threw your hand back and used Ray to its full extent, waves of blistering white hot light shot out from your hand instantly blinding Slade causing him to throw his aim off.
At the very last second, his hands clapped and his sonic boom trashed to the nearby building. Cracks spiderwebbed across the walls, and the ground trembled beneath their feet. The young kids' eyes were full of panic and tears. You were close, so close. Just enough to grab him but then debris rained down from above, shattering windows and blocking your only pathway to reach for him. With each passing moment, the building groaned under the strain, its supports buckling under the immense pressure. The building began to crumble. Floors pancaked on top of each other as the structure collapsed in on itself.
With the surge of desperation you reached out for the kid and in a blink of an eye, you pulled him out of his stand still panic state, and tossed him to the other side of the street, clearing him from the damage that’s now been done.
The kid cried out as he watched rocks of cement topple over you and bury you inside. Dust and smoke filled the air once again, the boy crawling over trying to remove any pieces of debris. He couldn’t leave you. Not after you saved him.
“Damn what was that!” Denki shouted, pointing towards the town where different groups of rescuers were dispatched. Their eyes watched as smoke rose from the unknown to them, a fallen building. Katsuki had a bad feeling, he turned away, turning his mic back on.
“Sunshine? Come in Sunshine?”
“Who’s Sunshine?” Ashido tuned in, “He means y/n, only he calls her that for whatever reason.” Denki reminded her.
“Shut up assfaces! Sunshine, come in, what was that explosion?”
His only response was static. He chewed his bottom lip and ripped off his ear piece in frustration. He took a glance at his group, fairly enough everyone was doing okay with minor injuries. His head was doing backflips and somersaults trying to think if you were okay.
“Sunsh–Y/n isn’t answering her coms.” He informed Izuku.
“Wait really? Maybe she’s with her group rounding up the civilians and heading to the hospital.”
“That’s shit, she would’ve answered me. I’m going to look for her.” He pushed aside Izuku.
“W-Wait Kachan you can’t go by yourself!”
“Try and stop me.” He sneered before taking off.
He blasted through the air heading towards the faded smoke cloud only to see that Izuku was right on his tail following him. He scoffed but didn’t reject any help.
His mind was racing with possibilities. Maybe you were farther than 200 meters. Maybe Izuku was right, you could be at the hospital right now tending to victims' needs. Or perhaps your ear piece fell out. Anything was better than what his mind was creating.
“Down there!” Izuku pointed.
Katsuki's eyes saw the fallen building and a small kid sitting against the rubble hugging his knees. The two landed right by and immediately went to the crying child. Izuku, handling kids better than Katsuki, took charge.
“Hey little guy, are you alright? What’s wrong, what happened here?” He helped dust him off and wipe away his tears.
“Bad guy..” He sniffled.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was looking around for any information or indication on your whereabouts. Checking the ground for a broken earpiece. He could ask for the story later but right now his only concern was you. There was no one in sight. His heart was falling to the pits of his stomach, his breathing becoming shallow at the narrowing of possibilities.
“A-And then, she sa-saved me.”
“Who kid?” Katsuki quickly pulled the kid towards him, also crouched down to his size. The young boy only lowered his head, tears flowing through as his small hand pointed to the pile of rubble besides them.
Both Izuku and Katsuki's eyes slowly looked over to what he had pointed at. Katsuki’s heart pounded in his chest as he frantically began sifting through the debris, his hands bloodied and trembling with each movement. Every fiber of his being was consumed by the desperate need to find you, his Sunshine. With each passing moment, his fear intensified, driving him to dig deeper, to search harder, refusing to accept the possibility of you being lost to him forever. Every tug on another rock, his eyes were filling, stinging of tears that threatened to fall. His sniffles reminded him what he could possibly lose. No more fun banter. No more Sunshine jokes. No more late night talks. No more pranks pulled. No more secret stargazing. No more teasing of his hair. No more beautiful smiles when you laughed. No more stolen glances. No more shy compliments that make you blush. No more. No more you.
And then, amidst the rubble, he saw you. You laid motionless, battered and broken, your body barely recognizable beneath the broken glass and concrete. Horror washed over him as he knelt beside you, his hands shaking as he gently cradled you in his arms. Tears welled in his eyes as he whispered your name, praying for a sign of life. But you remained still, your breathing shallow and faint. He brushed your hair to the side letting rugged sobs escape his lips.
Izuku immediately discharged his flare gun while talking to his teammates on their coms, informing them on the situation at hand. Katsuki holding you dearly, praying for a miracle, for you to open your eyes and just joke about how much you scared him.
“Please..please Sunshine..please open your eyes.” He begged.
“Katsuki maybe we should–” His eyes darted to the crying child.
“I’m not leaving her!” Katsuki screamed out, his voice hoarse.
Every fiber of his being ached with sorrow as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the tragedy that had befallen them. The weight of guilt and helplessness bore down on him, threatening to crush his spirit as he grappled with the realization that he had failed to protect the one person who meant everything to him. Tears blurred his vision as he knelt beside the pile of debris, his heart torn asunder by the devastating loss. In that moment, Katsuki felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, as if the very essence of his being had been ripped away, leaving nothing but a hollow shell in its wake.
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toointojoelmiller · 8 months
today I can't stop thinking about Joel & Ellie & love
This is the thought spiral I've been on today instead of doing my actual job. PS this is sad because I'm sad lol.
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Pt 2 spoilers btw.
Marlene has feelings of fondness for Ellie, at the minimum. Clearly she feels a connection to her as the daughter of her best friend. She gets her into a safe environment while she continues her Firefly work. Marlene isn't a monster. She wants to do good for the world. She cries at the idea of having to kill Ellie for the cure. To her, she is feeling a form of love towards Ellie.
She realizes that Ellie and Joel have bonded, and assumes that Joel also feels love for her. So she believes she can understand his pain.
But she obviously does not have parental love for Ellie. She doesn't view Ellie as her own.
Neil Druckmann has spoken in interviews before about how one elements of the themes explored in TLOU came from how he experienced parental love as something that was completely unimaginable until you experience it for yourself - how the love that a parent has for their child practically blocks out everything else and makes you irrational and crazy sometimes. And has also mentioned that many fans who he has encountered who are in the Joel Did the Right Thing camp are parents who say 'I would do exactly that for my kid'.
Joel has experienced the insanity that comes with having and loving a child, and the pain and insanity of losing that child. It destroyed him.
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Marlene has no. idea. what. that. is.
She thinks she knows what he is feeling, underestimates Joel significantly (two guards???), and all the fireflies get squished.
An interesting idea explored in the story of Pt 1 and Pt 2 combined is that love opens our eyes AND it severely blinds us. Love saves us AND it destroys us. And sometimes the only way we fully appreciate the power of love is through the grief that comes when we lose it.
❤️‍🩹 💔
Okay.. now think about this idea of different experiences of love and pain giving us blindspots re: being able to actually understand each other, combined with ...
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The "love me the way I want you to" motif.
This is so so heartbreaking to consider regarding Joel & Ellie's relationship breakdown, Ellie's grief spiral, and how she finally escapes it.
When she's young, she isn't capable of understanding just how much Joel loves her. She doesn't have the ability to see his actions at the hospital as an act of love. She thinks that if Joel truly loved her, he would have shown it the way she wanted it to be shown - which at that time she believes is letting her be sacrificed for the cure.
When Ellie loses Joel and knows she will never have him in her life again, she is ripped open by the pain. NOW she actually can somewhat appreciate how unbearably painful letting her die would have been for him. And as she's feeling the pain of his death, and thinking to herself every minute of the day "I would do anything to go back in time and save him", she can finally understand why he did what he did.
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She also has JJ with Dina after Joel's death, giving her more perspective on the parent-child dynamic still - both personally, as she certainly has played an active role in caring for him, and also through being part of Dina's motherhood journey, seeing her insane love for her baby.
She knows that Joel experienced some version of that with Sarah, and lost her (which she already knew was traumatic for him but now can understand). And it's this added layer of guilt for her, because Ellie knows she was pissed at him and blamed him and cut him off for not wanting to go through that agony again.
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The grief she feels is SO painful that she needs to try to find a way to run from it. The only way Ellie knows is to do the same thing Joel did when he lost Sarah - try not to think about it, try to ignore it, try to bury it in something else... like going on some crazy rage fueled revenge mission.
Just like it was for Joel, anger is easier to feel than grief. Anger makes her feel like she's DOING something. The grief just makes her feel like she's going to die.
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She does things she hates herself for and she thinks it's out of love. And unfortunately for her, because she IS a kind and empathetic person with a good heart, she can't avoid that things aren't actually as black and white as the anger-brain and desire to avenge Joel wants her to believe.
She's constantly being confronted with the reality of how others have a "person" just like Joel was hers and she was his - and both her and Joel have killed many, many of those people. Her sense of justification with the rage mission is eroding, even if she doesn't want it to and tries to hang onto it.
And she loses more and more of herself, because avoiding the pain of her grief also means she needs to block out thinking about the positives about her bond with Joel.
She can't even draw his face because it hurts too much.
When she sees Abby trying to save Lev, obviously paralleling her and Joel's devotion to each other, it just shatters her ability to keep trying to stuff all of the confusing awful feelings into a box they don't fit into. She's too physically and mentally and emotionally exhausted to keep fighting it. She just gives in to whatever the hell the grief is going to make her feel.
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To me, Ellie's 'Joel on the Porch Flashback' moment is her heart and soul finally letting in the grief, with all of the pain and all of the love together. That's the thing about grief. Letting yourself fully feel it brings undeniable clarity about the love that created it.
She is finally able to accept and think about their bond in all of it's complexity. Even though she can't deny all of the imperfect and even terrible (rip humanity lol) and messy parts to it, and even though she wishes she did so many things differently when she still had Joel with her, she is able to finally let herself remember and feel how special and unconditional and undeniably good the love they had for each other was.
And that makes her realize that this isn't how she shows Joel love. This isn't what Joel would want for her. All he would want for her was to live a healthy, long, peaceful life full of love. The way to show Joel that she still loves him is by doing just that.
And while she is clearly still insanely depressed and heartbroken and traumatized at the end, I also think that her leaving the guitar in the empty house is a bit of a gesture she is giving to Joel to say "I get it and I'm going to try to live like you want me to - I'm not going to let loss break me."
P.S. I actually emotionally can't handle the guitar thing even when I try to cope with a nice spin so I actually just pretend she comes back for it eventually at some point lol.
did this even make sense? idk.
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luvbugs-blog · 1 year
panic - s. todoroki
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inspired by the willow and oz scene in the "graduation" episode on buffy the vampire slayer (not the stupid show no netflix, but the one with sarah michelle gellar).
note: most of the dialogue is from or inspired by the episode mentioned above!! i don't want copywrite issues!!
warnings: implied smut, but it's a fluff fic. not proof read
with the war inching closer, the air at UA was tense. everyone could feel it. everyone, it seems, except your boyfriend.
bakugo was even more snappy than usual, and with deku gone, everyone's mood was in the dumps. ochaco had lost her usual smile, and iida seemed even stiffer.
after a long day of classes, you trudge your way back to your dorm room, almost dragging your back behind you. when you make it, you throw yourself on the bed, your schoolbag abandoned by the door, which you hadn't even managed to shut fully.
what will become of you? of your friends? of your teachers? of shoto? there is a possible chance that you could die in the very near future. it seemed like yesterday you had just gotten your hero's license, and now you were about to risk everything for the sake of... strangers? the world? who knew what shigaraki had planned.
you were too tired to think about it anymore. you just wanted to be at home with your parents, but you couldn't tell them what was about to happen.
for a little while, you lay there, thinking about everything related to the war. how you could lose your friends, you could lose limbs, your life, how easy it is to just run away, etc., when your door creaks open slightly and you hear a small knock. a handsome face makes its way into the room.
"hey, baby. you know, you shouldn't keep your door open." you just sigh, not replying. shoto makes his way around your bed, carefully sitting next to your body.
"what's up, angel?"
"i'm just worried about the war, sho. what about you?"
he just hums and starts to stroke your hair. you wait a while, but he still gives no reply.
his eyes wander around the room, until they lock onto your cat, who lazily made its way out of your bathroom.
"looks like Walter has pretty nice digs in here. i really love your room."
you sigh again, moving so his hand falls off your head.
"what?" he asks, very gently.
"could you just pretend to care about what's happening, please?"
"you think I don't care?"
"i think we could be dead in two day's time, and you’re being emotional detachment guy."
"would it help if i panicked?"
"yes! it'd be swell! panic is a thing people can share in times of crisis, and everything is really scary now, you know? and I don't know what's gonna happen. and there's all sorts of things that you're supposed to get to do after high school, and you know what? i was really looking forward to them! like moving into a place of our own, maybe fighting alongside each other, being famous, maybe even the wacky notion of children! i would love to have children with you, and you know how much i hate kids and how pregnancy scares me. and... and now we're probably just gonna die, and i'd like to feel that maybe you would-"
your rant was interrupted when he grabbed the back of your head, grip tight on your hair, and smushed his lips on yours. for a few seconds, you stayed like that until you pulled away, slightly surprised.
"what are you doing?"
he maneuvered his head to continue what he was doing before, and the rest of the class didn't hear from the two of you until the next morning, when shoto walked out of your dorm room, instead of his.
author's note: OH MY GOD, I FINALLY FINISHED ONE. the ending is absolute shit, but I'm literally in my shitty school, and i so do not feel comfortable finishing this. i feel so paranoid that the teachers are watching me write fanfiction, and i am so not ok with that. school is kicking my butt rn, but i'm going to try to pump out some more fics soon... i don't want to say tonight, because that might not happen, so don't be mad. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE SEND IDEAS. i'm burnt out.
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alice-blogs-things · 2 years
Thinking about the final scene of the special again, but specifically in comparison to the end of the very first episode. Because that also ended with the five mains, Mary, Sarah, Gerry, Joe, Anna, Dierdre and one of Clare's parents all gathered in one place for one purpose, too.
But, in the first episode, nobody wanted to be there. They were there because the gang fucked up their detention so badly they looked guilty of killing someone. And now, they're there by choice, making one of the most important political decisions they may ever face. Before, the gang were children to be dealt with and talked over and blamed. Now, they're young adults, their voices heard, their right to speak up finally being taken seriously.
And none of them are the same, either. Erin isn't a brash, showy kid desperate to grow up, frantically writing down everything, however inane, frantically chasing boys who don't care about her. She's a young woman who, after saying one of her most profound speeches, says she'll maybe write it down, who's found someone willing to take his time, who'll challenge her to improve without compelling her to change.
James isn't that confused fish out of water that stepped off the bus, reeling from being dropped into Derry by his mother. He's grown more confident, learned to take things in stride, and grown secure enough in the Irish side of his identity that he feels like he can vote in the Referendum, like he's not just the wee English fella anymore, and he's allowed a say in what happens to the place he calls home.
Clare's no longer the anxious, closeted girl who doesn't want to be an individual on her own. She's out and proud, and, as it turns out, every bit as capable of causing mischief as any of the others under the right circumstances.
And that's not even getting to the adults. Mary's not an overworked stay at home mother anymore, she's a student pursuing an exciting new academic journey. Gerry's become more assertive, especially with Joe. Joe has watched his granddaughters grow, and has proven he's as dedicated to their happiness as he is to that of his daughters time and again, and has shown that for all he's an old man, he's no less open to ideas and accepting of others (just maybe not Gerry, but that seems almost out of habit at this point).
We know now that Dierdre isn't just Michelle's mum- she's the former punk that Michelle got her wild streak from, sure, but she's also the mother of one of the prisoners facing release if the nation votes yes. She's got more skin in this game than most of the other adults we see voting, with far more to consider in this scene than just how best to tell her nephew his mother's ran off without him. And, of course, the biggest change to the adults present in this scene- Geraldine is here instead of Sean. This is another moment he wasn't here to see, to be part of.
And I feel like I can’t make a post about the changes from the start of the show to the end, without mentioning wee Anna. When the show started, she was a baby, being carried around by Joe and her parents. And now she's a little girl, standing on her own two feet, walking into the future. She's gonna grow up to be one of the weans for whom the Troubles will be nothing but a ghost story, and that starts here, in the final scene of the special, with her granda excitedly showing her a piece of paper she's too little to fully understand the meaning of, covered in words she can't even read, but that are gonna make it so the stories her big sister and her parents and the rest of her family tell will be just that, stories.
They've all come such a long way from that first episode, and it makes me emotional.
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honuofhawaii · 1 year
So I have a major angst fic idea but it has some holes in it that I will take suggestions on if anyone is interested in making them…
Explicitly IceMav retelling of Top Gun: Maverick set in 2009.
2009 bc extra devastation of Mav having to conceal the extent of his grief as DADT is not yet repealed, it’s before there were even discussions of the possibility of an appeal.
(This idea spawned out of another short fic idea of the Daggers (or a group of them) celebrating the appeal, and them wanting the invite Mav and Bradley or Penny telling them that Mav isn’t in a celebratory mood bc he’s mourning the fact that his partner didn’t live to see the appeal)
Okay so like I said SO MUCH ANGST!
but here’s some of the problems and the not problems with shifting the timeline:
Okay Mav was a Captain by 2006 so 2009 he’s still a Captain everything is good. Less snide remarks about him “only being a Captain” (but like seriously those were pretty ridiculous in the movie, it is really really difficult to rise to captain and being promoted to admiral is like winning an election)
The problem is Ice. By 2009 he at most might have two stars. Probably only one. He even could still be a Captain. But he’s definitely not the COMPACFLT. I don’t plan on creating new characters to fill Cyclone and Warlock’s shoes, but those characters would also be lower rank, but they need to be high enough that they outrank Mav but not so high they dont outrank Ice. (But like is this even important? Can I just have everyone at the ranks they are in the movie and Ice just had a extremely rapid ascent?)
I fully intend to ignore the fact that Penny only bought the Hard Deck three years prior.
My initial plan has been for Sarah to be Ice’s sister, and she’s there with her kids to help take care of him since Mav can’t actually take leave very often to help. I am open to the idea of a lavender marriage, Sarah being aro, or a lesbian. What do you prefer? And if you prefer the lavender marriage idea I’d love to hear your thoughts on why Sarah wants entered it?
Okay back to a real timeline problem. The Sukhoi Su-57 aka the 5th generation fighters that an F-18 Superhornet does not have the technological advantage over (it’s actually at a disadvantage) didn’t have its first flight until 2010. (And I’m guessing first flight, means test flight, not in production or service yet) so what do I use?! MiG-29’s? Or do I say fuck it again this is Top Gun fanfiction the enemy can have jets that were barely even built yet.
I mean I am letting Mav have Darkstar she’s too pretty not to include! Grant I have less qualms about that bc SR-72 does not officially exist in the real world.
I am worrying a lot about the logistics of a fic that I might never even write. But I’m a nerd, apparently a secret aviation nerd (secret as in I didn’t realize it until I started waxing poetically about how pretty Darkstar and the P-51 were and how I love aviation movies and that people should definitely read and watch the Right Stuff and my friend said “wow I didn’t you you were such a slut for planes”)
Hey if any of this rant struck a cord an you want to write it go right ahead, just let me know I want to read it.
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storiedhistories · 8 months
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@stygicniron asked: you gotta rate your dads from worst dad to best dad go!
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To begin with, I have a lot of dads on my blog, so I had to sit down and figure out a rating system, and well, now I guess I have a scale for measuring how terrible a person can be. "On a scale of Kronos to Tom Dupain, what kind of dad are you?
ANYWAY, without further ado, I give you the OfficMAL DADsignation Ranking (two puns for the price of one!)!
Best dad: Tom Dupain. Hands down the best dad. His most problematic trait is being a little overprotective, but after being akumatized, he works on cutting back on that. Even if he still worries about Marinette (and he always will), he knows she can take care of herself.
Percy: The man loves his children and would do pretty much anything for them. YES, there's a quest in the Tal'dorei campaign setting where you have to find one of them, and YES, she has a gun, but still, pretty solid dad. Looks out for his kids and protects them the best he can.
Hudson: Overall, a pretty unproblematic dad. He doesn't know he's Broadway's biological father, but he kind of dads the whole clan.
Macbeth: Actually a pretty good dad before he died the first time! He taught Luach how to be just and good, to think before he acted, to listen to all sides of an argument, and to respect and stick to deals that you had made, especially with your allies.
Hank: He did his best to be a good dad. It wasn't his fault there was ice, and it wasn't his fault that their car got hit by a truck. It also wasn't his fault that the human surgeon was too high to operate on Cole, that the android couldn't save him. Hank loved Cole so much, and he would have done his absolute best to raise that boy right. And with the way I play him, he's going to do what he can to help Connor in this strange, new times they're going into.
The Doctor: I know the Doctor was a father before NuWho, but I'm still working on getting through Classic Who, so we're going with what I know. He also did the whole "I refuse to acknowledge you" thing originally with Jenny (and I mostly play Nine, but we're talking Ten here, which is fine), but he very much turned that around and was heartsbroken when he thought she'd died.
Goliath: Originally starts out denying that he's Angela's dad due to the "hatchlings are raised by the whole clan" mentality gargoyles have, but it's pretty obvious. Once he accepts Angela, he would do pretty much anything to keep her safe, and he definitely does get a bit overprotective at times.
Hades: He knows he's not the best dad, but he's definitely not the worst dad. Hades loves his children very much, and he tried to do right by them, as well as he could. It's not always quite the best thing, but he's definitely trying.
Joel: Despite dealing with being a single dad, he did a pretty good job with Sarah, up until the outbreak. He tried to protect her, getting shot himself in the process, but she still died. And with Ellie, he originally refused to bond with her, but after he did…., there is nothing he wouldn't do for her. He's lower on this list because of some of the circumstances of what he DID do for Ellie, since that went against her wishes.
Alador: He may not have intended to, but he definitely contributed to the emotional neglect of his children. (I'm going to go into a lot of this in its own post, but we're rating right now, so that'll have to wait.) Once he fully realized what was happening and how unhappy they all were, he did stick his neck out and try to change, and it was a long, hard road back.
William Adama: Left when the boys were still pretty young, and didn't realize that their mom was emotionally abusing them for a while. He and Lee do end up patching things up later, but it takes a lot of work on both ends.
Kratos: He did his best to be a good father to Calliope when he was home. However, he did kill her, and her ashes are permanently affixed to his body. And for the first decade of his son's life, he was pretty emotionally unavailable. It took Faye dying and Kratos and Atreus going on the journey to spread her ashes for the two of them to start to understand one another and for Kratos to start truly parenting Atreus. That being said, he would do anything for his son, including die for him, if he needed to.
Thor: Thor wanted to be a good dad so much, but circumstances made that really hard. He was abused by his own father and ended up passing some of that abuse down to his own children. In the end, he was determined to change, to be better for his remaining child, and it got him killed. (I want to rate him higher because I love him, but THIS WAS REALLY HARD, and unfortunately, this is where he ended up.)
Gabriel: Gabriel Agreste is emotionally abusive and manipulative. There are literally bars on his son's room, and he's controlling as fuck. Not to mention the fact that he's a supervillain who routinely tries to beat up his own son (even though he doesn't know Adrien is Chat, it goes against his ranking).
Odin: He is also emotionally abusive and manipulative. He also plays favourites and gaslights his 'lesser' children very frequently. And plays his grandchildren against their parents, if he needs to. the worst part is that he makes it seem like the person he's abusing is just imagining it, like it's all in their head, that of course he's not terrible; you're just an awful person to think such things.
Worst dad: Kronos. In the words of Chiron from the PJO musical: "Remember my lecture: he ate his children."
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qvid-pro-qvo · 1 year
for a prompt 🌺 Macheresin + late-night confessions Thank you and I hope you're having a nice day! 😊
as always, movie nights end with a bit of an argument. no matter the time, no matter the movie, there’s an insistence that there’s no way it could be bedtime, and that everyone should stay up for one more feature film. never mind that kids and parents alike are yawning, and that each passing moment the time gets later.
but eventually, logic wins out. or at least, dad wins out, once he gives a solid look and one last sweet treat. and then the whole crew starts the wind down, until it’s time for a final goodnight from papa to seal the deal.
it’s javy’s favorite day of the week.
there’s nothing he aches for more when he’s deployed. he loves the bedtime routine. loves tying back their little girl’s hair, loves making sure their son brushes his teeth. and more than anything, he loves listening in to the bedtime story, just down the hall from where javy puts away the dishes.
“one more time, papa,” danielle urges.
“yeah, c’mon, please,” jamie says, and javy can’t help but smile. his own room is down the hall, but he always listens in while jake is in danielle’s room. “tell us!”
“all right, all right,” jake tells them. “but then you’re both going to bed.”
the springs creak a little as the two of them settle in. jake hums for a moment, and the comforter rustles as he pulls it up to her chin.
“when your daddy and i first started flying,” jake starts, “i would call home as often as i could. which wasn’t too much at all, but i missed texas a lot.”
“who’d you call?” dani asks, and javy can see how big her eyes are without looking.
“my mama, your grandma. my sister, your aunt sarah, and your uncle hunter. anyone i could talk to.” jake’s voice has that hint of a smile to it, and javy stops ceramic bowls from clinking too loudly so he can eavesdrop. “so i’d call, and i’d tell ‘em how it’s going, and every time i’d talk about my new friend javy. how he’s doing. how we’re gonna be the greatest pilots alive.”
“every time?” jamie murmurs.
“every time.” there’s a pause, and then jake continues. “so one day, i’m going on and on about this machado guy, and then aunt sarah just gives this little… sigh.”
“like she knows,” danielle chimes in, and javy chuckles a little. not the first time for sure.
jake chuckles, too. “like she knows. and she waits until i’m all finished, and then she sighs again. a little louder. and she asks me —“
which is when jamie’s voice interrupts, pitched a little higher. “when are we gonna hear about you, jake? we keep hearing about this javy machado.”
“which is when you said,” danielle pushes, and the springs creak with her bouncing.
“well, you better get used to hearing his name,” jake tells them. “because that’s the guy i’m gonna marry.”
jamie and danielle both laugh, and jake gives them both loud smacks of kisses. “that’s right. now, bedtime. both of you. c’mon, jamie, hop to it.”
“i didn’t know that,” javy tells jake. after giving their kids both goodnights of his own, the two of them sit on the couch, leaning against each other. an episode of a show they’ve already seen playing while their brains start to shut down.
“know what?” jake says, blinking a bit. their age is starting to betray them, 9:00 PM feeling like hours later.
“that you told your sister you were going to marry me.” and then javy chuckles again, pushing jake’s hair back from his forehead. it’s getting long. “while we were in flight school.”
“oh, i told mom, too,” jake tells him, chuckling and stretching his limbs out wide. “hunter didn’t really care since we mainly talked about the cowboys game.”
“you knew?” javy asks him, raising a brow. “way back then?”
and after a moment, jake sits up. faces javy fully. “i didn’t know anything back then,” he admits. “i just knew i was lucky. we worked well, together, and you really fucking knew how to fly. so i knew i wanted you in my life. no matter what it would look like. me saying that… was a little bit of hope, i guess.”
“speaking it into existence.”
“something like that.”
javy hums a little bit at his words. it feels like he’s been smiling all night, but with jake, it’s not often he stops. and then a memory comes to mind, lazily floats to the surface. and he can’t help his laugh as he thinks about it.
“you wanna know something crazy?” javy tells him. “i told my mama about you, too.”
“what’d you tell her?”
“i told her about a pilot who was trying to kill me,” javy teases. “how he flew like nobody i’d ever seen—”
“sounds about right,” jake says, and shakes his head a little.
“and how he was gonna be sticking around a while,” javy finishes. “and how i couldn’t wait for her to meet him.”
in the low light of the living room the two parents look at each other. share a gentle kiss, silhouetted by the glare of the TV. and behind them, hiding in the hallway, two young kids watch their parents share that moment, and think that maybe a couple of bedtime stories about that kind of love might just make up for not watching another movie.
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chidoroki · 1 year
I don't know who decided to put Ray under Isabella's care but the culprit is the biggest ever. giving her her own child to raise to death? Of course she didn't know and would have never knew if Ray didn't remember but still. Do it means that the other mamas in the other farms had to raise their child too? I love that thank to Isabella who has listed all the mamas and their alive children (when she was grandma) because now they can be reunited in the human world. It will be nice for the youngest
You know what.. for the longest time my most hated TPN character was that demon bastard who ends the life of my favorite villain ever.. BUT NOW? I think it might have a new contender hahahaa. Ahh, yeah, that’s really such a cruel move to pull off. I wanna doubt they had any idea on which babies go to which mother, but I sorta can't. It seems the Grandma distributes the babies to the individual plants and we know from Isabella’s side-chapter that Grandma’s have access to all sorts of information. So if Sarah (if it is her here) actually knew that she was handing Isabella her own son, then DAMN. Yet another reason for me to hate her!
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It’s not a totally bad thing though? If Ray was sent to a different plant, he would’ve still used his infantile amnesia to learn the secret of the house, but then I dunno how well his plan to survive would go if he had to make a deal with another mom. I hardly believe any other mom would even tolerate the idea one bit like Isabella did. Take Krone for example. Once she learned from Isabella that some kids knew the house’s secret, she was so quick to decide that those kids needed to be shipped off. I’m sure a handful of sisters/moms would’ve handled the situation the same way, so Ray might not have lived very long at another house. That is, if he even attempted to make a deal at all.
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So I guess we have to be thankful he did end up under Isabella’s care instead? Partly because she low-key says “to hell with the house’s rules” and cares more about producing high quality merchandise, but also because she was dealing with her true son. It’s a rare moment when her “Iron Lady” facade cracks so the revelation certainly effected her greatly, so as much as she tries to hide it, she does indeed care for him.
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As for other sisters/mothers raising their own kids or not, I'm sure it had to have happened occasionally, (Sarah certainly seems like that bitch to pull it off more than once too) but I don’t believe any of them knew like Isabella did. The four sisters in ch181.7 seem pretty surprised learning that their children are even still alive to begin with.
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I wanna say it’s rare the ladies wouldn’t know anything, but then again how did Krone manage to confirm Ray was Isabella's son from the note he left? We don't know what was fully written in the note aside from “Dear mother..” so while that alone could be valid enough proof, I still don’t understand how Krone managed to confirm this information as true instead of be skeptical about it or think it was just a trap.
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What book of secrets did you manage to get your hands on girl? I don't wanna put belief into something so random because there's really no better look at the book Krone uses, but they resemble each other very faintly..
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Anyways.. yeah, thanks to Isabella for raising the children so well that they were able to survive and possibly spend time with their potential mothers, if they ever choose to that is. I also find it real sweet that they're all so happy and relieved to be free. They truly deserve a life of happiness for all they've been through.
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I'm still unbelievably salty that ch177 ended the way it did (thank god that was the one positive change to come out of season two) because damn it, you can't give all these women and children freedom and a bright future and not include the best mom ever aka Isabella aka love of my life not ever having the chance to experience her happy ending with her own precious kids! Ahh I'm gonna stop here before I get emotional. Thank you again for the question anon!
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gisellelx · 1 year
Twilight Advent, Day 12
Dec. 12 - Tell us some headcanons about a Twilight character you don't usually post about.
I had to ask for this one. There are so many and I generally have some semblance of something for most characters that any of the characters I write more often interact with. @bellalaine and and anon had some great suggestions though and they are characters I think about infrequently, Victoria and Sarah Black.
Victoria is one of the reasons I don't care for the Illustrated Guide. Above all else, I am interested in motivation. And while her very thorough backstory there suggests a more interesting story, it didn't actually impact the story in any meaningful way suggesting it was made up out of whole cloth after the fact, rather than taking bits of the character and fleshing them out.
But her backstory there and what is presented in canon is at least consistent with how I've thought about her in the times I've needed to, which is that going after the Cullens/Edward wasn't about avenging her mate; it was about proving to herself that she was powerful. This stems from the fact that there was absolutely no reason for her to have rolled up on the Cullens with an entire newborn army (and TIG has to jump through several hoops to explain this!) when she easily could've lured Edward and killed him during the timeline of New Moon, seeing as he was alone, if it really was about "a mate for a mate." Prior to meeting James, she was self-sufficient. She wasn't looking for a mate; she was content. She was interested in keeping undercover, the trait she learned as a human. In some ways, James's need for flashy hunts and kills grated on her, especially coupled with his lack of devotion to her. And then he tries to kill this girl, and the girl's vampire entourage takes out James.
She didn't go mad. Building up an army isn't what madness looks like. Learning enough about Alice's gift to evade it isn't what madness looks like. She went after the Cullens because she needed to prove to herself that she could. The backstory she's given in the guide would suggest that this could very easily be "little sister" syndrome and that would track.
Sarah Black was perfectly content to only have girls. Billy wanted a boy, but only sort of—he was worried about what would happen if vampires ever came back to Quileute lands. So they were actually not particularly trying for Jacob, but they weren't trying to avoid him, either.
Sarah doted on Jacob when he was a baby; it felt easy after having had twins. She sung him the oldies music she heard from her own mother growing up. When the twins were asleep and Jacob was awake, she would put him in a cradleboard and tell him the story of when he was born.
She, more than Billy, worried for her kids getting off the reservation. This was an internal struggle for her: she desperately wanted her children to revere and love their background as members of the Quileute peoples, but she also was not willing to look away from the poverty and difficulties of life on the Rez, especially after Billy developed diabetes. She wouldn't have fully approved of how Rachel and Rebecca did it, but she had always instilled in them that they should keep their heritage and it would protect them, but then that they should go into the world. She told them, even though Billy disagreed, that it would be okay if they married white men, as long as the white men were good.
Sarah was the pusher of the children's educations. She read them things they didn't get in school: though the tribal school augmented the typical grade school curriculum with Salish texts, she read them things like Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and Bud, Not Buddy and later so much Sherman Alexie. She wanted them to be able to contextualize the world off the Rez. They couldn't afford to send the girls to a private boarding school, but she was already trying to consider what things they would need to know to go to college. After she died, Billy found two neat, identical piles of books tucked away in the closet where Sarah kept her paints: two copies per title of Romeo and Juliet, Brave New World, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Catcher in the Rye, Jane Eyre, The Bluest Eye, The Great Gatsby, Julius Caesar, Hamlet—all the books that every high schooler not in a tribal school would be reading. But after they were tainted by their mothers' death, the girls never did read them.
Finally, her frybread was well and truly the bomb. These days, Sue sometimes makes a dark joke that the only reason Billy likes hers is because Sarah got out of the way. And they laugh, a little, and then tell the old stories.
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