#twn season 3 spoilers
hold-me-witcher · 9 months
I can't believe Jaskier's character and sexuality has so much incredible nuance to it.
Like yes, he's a slut, he gets chased out of bedrooms by husbands, he sleeps casually with men, he has a few usual fuck buddies around the world who are as equally as interested in just sex and no romance. He was in love with Geralt for years
The second there was someone with no actual hangups about wanting a relationship with him he fell ass over teakettle in love back and was SO CONFUSED but also a slut about it.
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rebrandedbard · 10 months
Anyway, Radovid is wearing wolf’s pelt when he meets Jaskier have fun with that.
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jasxier · 10 months
Ok, we wanted domestic Yen/Geralt/Ciri, we got that! We wanted canonically bi (pan) bard, we got that! We wanted lesbians , we got that. We wanted uncle Jaskier, we surely got that.... I’m getting a bit scared here!
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vesemirsexual · 9 months
it fascinates me to see people like “oh damn Stregobor was actually cool in the end” like he literally tapped into fantasy racism magic???
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fangirleaconmigo · 10 months
I guarantee you that never ever in his entire life had Radovid been so happy to be a prince as in the moment in which he spotted Jaskier, world famous bard, his celebrity crush, and he got to pull out that *hand held delicately out* Radovid, Prince, nonsense. 😂😭
Internally you know he was like, fucking finally, this shit is paying dividends for me.
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bardic-mess · 9 months
Let's be fair. If you fuck with Jaskier in anyway you're just an idiot. He may not be the best at fighting for himself but this man has the love of some of the most powerful people in the continent.
Like his best friend is Geralt of Rivia! Probably the best Witcher on the continent thanks to that double mutation. He will kick your ass if you touch his bard!
His best frenemy and bitching buddy is Yennifer of Vengerberg the most badass powerful sorceress. She can and will save his ass from any situation.
He is the uncle of Ciri! The girl who holds the fate of the world in her hands! And who is the most powerful person you could probably come across! This girl holds so much love for the bard that if you even try and take him away I think you're dead on the spot.
And then any elves he's ever saved! Like you think you can hurt the Sandpiper if there around?
He also has the dwarfs on his side after he ran in to help them! Hurt Jaskier? Prepare to have your head bashed in!
Plus the King of Redania who loves him so much he was willing to give everything up! This kingdom with one of the best armies, I wouldn't put it past Radovid to send the whole army after one man if he fucked with Jask!
Like fucking with the bard is like signing your own death certificate. You mess with him you mess with everyone above.
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wolfgeralt · 11 months
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Jaskier's new song is called what
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kassylin · 9 months
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Those two *cries* Only love, only support. 
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I’m afraid they are, dear lol
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kaori04 · 9 months
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babies chill you will only hurt each other
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freebearz · 10 months
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"Then take me here."
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disdaidal · 9 months
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Eamon Farren as Cahir THE WITCHER SO3E06
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victoria-daydreams · 10 months
The way Cahir was genuinely upset at the thought of Fringilla being dead
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jasxier · 10 months
So, is this the season where Ciri is taken by the Wild Hunt? And the family breaks apart? And it's kinda Jaskier's fault? Is this what they're trying to communicate with that teaser? Can't wait GIMME VOL2 NOW.
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cailenbraern · 9 months
Not sure if I can fully articulate my thoughts about Jaskier’s growth as an artist throughout the seasons of The Witcher but I'm going to give it a go.
Because when we meet him in season 1 , he's more or less just starting out. He's fresh from Oxenfurt and determined to make a name for himself on the continent. The trouble is, he's got nothing to draw on. He's still young so his experience is negligible. He performs songs about monsters and creatures with little accuracy or meaning, and we meet him being jeered and pelted with food.
Meeting Geralt gives him a new inspiration for original songs, although he's not truthful, particularly in Toss a Coin. As Geralt said, that's not what happened, and Jaskier responds with respect doesn't make history. He's still too young and too inexperienced to realise what impact his songs can have, and he's solely determined to improve the reputations of Witchers along with his own reputation.
The two other songs in season 1 are Fishmongers Daughter, which I'm not going to discuss in any detail, and Her Sweet Kiss. Now one cane argue that the latter is heavily drawn from personal emotion and feeling, but the end result is a fairly normal ballad style of song with poetry as lyrics and vivid imagery and metaphors. It's a start, but Jaskier still has a long way to go.
Then we get to season 2, where we find Jaskier in the early stages of recognition. We see him performing in a packed bar, with accompaniment, and the crowd are lapping it up. It helps that the song he's singing comes, as per his own words, from the heart. Burn Butcher, Burn is 100% emotion, 100% authentic, and gone is the poetry. The lyrics are raw and passionate.
Despite this, we're led to believe that he found his fame with The Golden One. In contrast with BBB, this song lacks any emotional punch. It's purely a story or anecdote set to music. A fun little ditty, but unless you can suspend your disbelief, if open to criticism. As happens when attempting to smuggle the Elves onto the ship.
Now, we know that at this point, Jaskier has done and seen and experienced far more things than he had in season 1, and this has left an impact on him. He has matured and developed his sense of empathy and his kindness so much more than the immature travelling bard showed in Posada, thanks tp witnessing the violence and persecution of the elves, while also dealing with his own broken heart. Yet he's still clinging on to his want and desire to be respected and applauded for his skill and talent in writing and singing songs, so we see that he does not take criticism well.
More happens in season 2 to shape and form him, Rience's torture for one, the massacre at Kaer Morhen, his friendship with Yennefer and his mending (such as it is) of his friendship with Geralt along with the continuing politics all across the continent.
I do have a soft spot for Whoreson Prison Blues. The first two verses are beautiful, followed by a very crude, very catchy chorus. I can't imagine he would include it in future sets, but it's so personal to him in that moment that I love it.
Little wonder that by Season Three, we are met with yet more changes in our bard. His words to Radovid stating that he doesn't 'do pretty' suggest to me that he has consciously decided to move away from filling his songs with poetry and imagery and is focused more on honesty and truth. Extraordinary Things which immediately follows is a perfect demonstration of Jaskier singing openly and from the heart.
But what I wanted to get to in this long winded post, is that this is the season we finally see the Emotional Impact Jaskier's songs have on other people. No criticisms, no jokes, just the power of his music.
Whatever your opinion on Radovid and his motivations, Extraordinary Things affected him. You can see this in his reaction as he hears it for the first time, and he so clearly can't get it out of his head after hearing it only one time, that he goes above and beyond to learn it.
Next is Ciri, and we see Jaskier singing a lullaby (which he may or may not have written himself, jury's out on that) to her. Later, in the desert, she sings the lullaby back to herself, drawing strength and courage from it. This power has been given by Jaskier through his singing, making her feel safe and loved in a vulnerable moment.
Finally, Eternal Flowers, which I'll say here, is the best I've ever heard Joey sing, both on the album version and in the live performance on the show. He has his lute, but he lays it down like laying down a weapon. It's just him, stripped bare, open, vulnerable, honest, true. This is not his song, but he feels the emotion and the message as thought it was. His empathy is shining. It moves him to tears, but not only him, the Dryads also feel the emotion he is channelling, and it moves them to tears.
I don't have much of a conclusion to this ramble, but TL;DR, Jaskier’s songwriting and art has evolved over the three seasons and his bardic power is a might force to be reckoned with. He will be remembered long after Valdo for his honesty and beauty.
Not pretty. Real.
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aghxst · 10 months
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bardic-mess · 8 months
OKAY! so y'all can ask whatever questions you want about the new season of the Witcher but I come to you with the most important one!
Where is the damn cat!? Where is Nibbles?
Rience took the cat after he torched the building but then! Mister fucking fire fucker is killed! Leaving me to wonder where that lovely lil kitty is?!
Is that lil fur ball just alone somewhere? Why aren't we going to save the cat? Fuck the child of suprise. Where's the cat Rience? Where's the fucking cat!
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