#twink diver
sportsguysandmxgear · 1 month
Kiernan Leary
Loyola Men’s Swimming and Dive
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I just remember that one of the first weeks of witch of mercury was ¨wait,gundam is gay now?¨and a lot of people point out tons of stuff of the history of the franchise like IBO,Guin from Turn A and how bl fanfiction saved the franchise in its early days. But I wanna know if anyone point out Magee from Build Divers who not only is the stereotype of a gay man who likes getting called big sister or she/her openly states that she had sex with a furry she met online.
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camotherogue · 3 months
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the baldurs are gating boys
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
To My Future Husbands:
I am broken
I am brokenhearted
I am beaten
I have trust issues
I've been abandoned
I'm crying right now
I have crying spells
I empathize for the world
I have a big heart
I've been used
I've been taken advantage of
I've been mentally abused
I've been emotionally abused
I've been physically abused
I've been raped
I've been molested
I've been shunned in church
I've been spiritually abused
I've been financially abused
I've been let down
I've been misused
I've been misunderstood
There are often times I think about death
I've been mistreated
I feel like the current people who I live with are just using me for money
I may be homeless with my dog soon
I physically disabled incapable of bending and straightening my arms
I have crippling anxiety
I suffer from severe depression
I am bipolar so I deal with mood swings and manic energy
I also have hypotension which I feel drives my depression and anemia
I have anemia so I deal with severe fatigue
I have severe fatigue
I have unfathomable and unexplainable tension and pain all throughout my body due to juvenile to rheumatoid to osteoarthritis
I believe I'm wcizophrenic
I also believe I have Adult ADHD
I have focusing problems
I listen to sad music
I listen to love mueic
I have a hard time getting over stuff that hurts me
Yesterday is a painful word and song (ask why)
I drown myself in work so I can forget about life
I'm a writer
I'm an author
I'm a poet
I fear fear itself
I fear I will lose everyone in life
Once again pointing to abandonment issues
I have a fear of being fit into a box
Claustrophobia maybe
I've recently grown a fear of flying on a plane or maybe
Flying and being in the window seat
I'm painfully annoying
I call a lot
I'm clingy
I'm needy
I love hard
Often times too hard
My cousin told me that my fatal flaw is caring too much
She I call my twin cousin because we were born exactly a month apart
I don't talk to my family
I talk to my dog
Her name is Cocoa
And yes
She's a sweet as Hot Cocoa
Or Hot Chocolate
Whatever you wanna call it
I am non confrontational
I want everybody to win
I've been broken by many guys and a girl
I've been going through an identity crisis lately
I'm gay
I want a polycule relationship with multiple twink guys (ask me about it)
I try not to forget peoples birthdays or important things in their life
I am legally blind
A disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa
I'm scared of my own vouce
I'm scared of my own power
I'm scared of my own pain
I'm scared of all my ailments
I'm scared that they will cripple me more than they have
My voice has been called annoying
I took that to heart
So I've been dealing with finding my voic3
I want to be the focal point in our polycule relationship
For all the above reasons
I am driven
I am goal oriented
I am a dreamer
I am a lover
I believe in a better world
The person who raped me I loved
I've given myself sexually to too many men who did not want my heart only a hole to use
I am peaceful
I am profound
I am strong
I am loyal
I am faithful
I believe in love
I believe in you
I believe if you made it this far then
I thank you for that!
I want to crawl into a shell and either
Run away
Everyone who I've fallen in love with previously
It pains me to admit
I still love them
But I know that I deserve love
So if you are one of those people who may fit the
Fair skinned
Cute beyond all reqson
Younger than 34
Goal driven
Career oriented
Not all about sex
Identity confident
Family oriented
Wants a family
Animal oriented
Wants animals
Serious at the right times
Able to distract me positively
It'd be great if one of the seven of us has a car lol
It'd also be great if we can live together haha lol
No but for real
No debt
Intelligent (doesn't necessarily mean know big words and be book smart)
No argumentatives
Preferably black, blonde, or brown hair
Preferably straight, wavy, or curly
Again wants kids
Slim to thin
Thin to fit
Fit to athletic
Athletic to toned
No body builders
No old heads
No young'ns
18 to 33 ONLY
Six fair skinned twinks
Wants an interracial family
Doesn't mind sharing
Someone who is caring
Unconditional love
Not going to throw anything back in mine or any of our spouses faces
Doesn't look at me or us as an inconvenience
Believes me
Believes in me
Believes in yourself
Believes in us as a whole
Spiritual not religious
Says I apologize
Instead of I'm sorry
Sends little love notes or texts or calls to remind each other of our unapologetic love
Baseball player
Basketball player
Country boys
City boys
Self confident
Self loving
Self caring
Keeps a clean houee
Keeps a clean body
Not too tall
Cut off at about 6'3"
Healthy eater
Not asking for all salad eaters
High blood pressure is in my family
Grandpa had a heart attack
No smokers
Social drinkers
No getting shit faced
I do like to have a good time
There's a big difference
Yet again
No recreational drugs
Believes in theirs, mine, our spouses, our kids, and others dreams
Doesn't talk shit about people
Wants to heal the world
If you made it to the end
And you fit the description of guy I am looking for
And you have read
Are acceptant NOT TOLERANT
Of my Rap Sheet
Then message me
Must be committed as well
Not tolerant
I cannot express loving and trustworthy enough
I want a polycule relationship
If you don't know what that is
Look it up
And then
Get back to me
I want multiple people in one and as one relationship
Where we share each other's love
Oh! Must be motivational and inspirational
Also shares a house
Sex is with any partner of the entire family that you so choose
It could be one
Whatever variation that you want
Sex IS NOT and WILL NOT BE the frontrunner of our spousal relationship
Sex is great
So is conversation
So is sharing stories
Sharing experiences
And making memories
New memories
Positive times and vibes
If you are a shark trying to take advantage of me or anybody else then
Wanna know more yet?
Well, go ahead and message me if you fit the bill
And remember I said I have trust issues so it's gonna take a lot before we can meet or especially have sex
There is no rush if I am one of the ones for you then you can wait just like I have and can for you
Trust builds over time
Not in a night
I don't care if you cuss
Just no cussing at any one of your spouses
Or the kids
Or the pet kids
I don't do that honey
Please God please
Know how to cook
That helps too
Cause we do have to eat
And eating out is great
But so is a home-cooked meal
I will have a home Healthcare aid to take care of me until we either
Get you to become an RN,, CNA, or i believe it's called a PCS
Someone who is qualified in taking care of me
And no I just don't want you to take care of me in one way
Not just for business purposes
But take care of me in personal purposes too
If you are a nurse
You're already ahead of the game
Please have a job
And or a career
Dreams and aspirations of your own
Goal oriented I cannot stretch enough
Non argumentative
Supportive in all ways
Not looking for a sugar daddy
I don't need your money
I want a life in and of love.
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 6 months
Sometimes family is an angsty blacksmith, a hot teacher, a surprisingly well-adjusted SCP Foundation employee, a wacky test-pilot, a carver, and an astrology twink.
Sometimes family is a (literally) hot-headed knight, a cliff-climbing scuba diver, a chill dude with giant claws, a flying lumberjack who can talk to bears, a cowboy with cool shoes, and a quiet edgelord.
Sometimes family is a former guard-captain, a barbarian, an inventor, a pilot with two giant guns, a retired footballer, and Bionicle Jesus.
Sometimes family is 6 knights who are sometimes lizards.
Sometimes family is a hoverboarding superhero, a blank slate with death-flags wedged into every gap in her armour, a totally trustworthy ghost-lady, an edgy DnD rogue with a magic scythe, and a bunch of expendable extras (including four guys with the same primary powerset). This won't end well...
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vyragosa · 10 months
no dave the diver yaoi cause there’s no twink in the main cast but there’s a silver fox who suspisciously seems like a metal gear reference (even named cobra) and there’s a full stealth sequence in a FISHING game.
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boy-above · 7 months
How do u feel abt the new(?) genahin characters? Like that judge guy and the other ones :0
neuvillette (aka judge guy): he's probably a normal good dude but he gives me such sussy vibes that i can't un-sus my opinion of him. kind of pretentious, but his gameplay looks so fun. probably 5/10 for me
furina (hydro goddess): extremely cute, supreme girlfailure, i thought just from her design that she'd be an asshole but it turns out she's just a sad wet piece of paper, i want to protect her, 9/10
lyney and lynette (magician twins): very cute, i've been waiting for them for a long time. my lyney build crumbles like a piece of tinfoil but whatever. lynette is a catgirl which improves the rating significantly obviously. upset however that lyney doesn't Also have car ears >:I anyway they're great, 10/10
freminet (little diver boy): cute, has freckles, doesn't really have much of a personality imo and feels left out considering he's lyney and lynette's third sibling but they clearly care about each other more than him which makes me kinda sad. 7/10
navia (long awaited new geo character): cute, love that she has body guards, really enjoyed her story in the archon quests, really hoping she plays well considering geo is like the worst element in the game. 8/10
charlotte (reporter girl): she's cute but nothing special to me, there's nothing wrong with her (although i kinda don't like the monocle that's a me problem). her gameplay really overdoes it with the photography theme tho lol. 6/10
wriothesley (prison warden): he's okay? as everyone who follows me has probably gathered my type is mostly twinks like myself so i don't have the capacity to thirst after him like a lot of people do. i like his fun hair. 6/10
chlorinde (purple gun lady): cannot read her name without thinking of clorox or chlorine. very disappointed by her design compared to the concept art. she's a big "meh" to me right now. she gets points for having a gun though. 4/10
arlecchino (lady harbinger): scary, compelling backstory, fun design, 9/10
sigewinne (baby nurse): i was not prepared to be psychologically manipulated by this fetus. she was scary. she had a gun. a gun. 10/10
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concubuck · 2 years
There's a concept in psychology called "mirroring." It's when a human unconsciously copies their conversational partner—their posture, their body language, their facial expression—to demonstrate interest in them and to draw out their partner's interest.
Succubi do something similar.
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Many lies have been told about succubi's sexual magic, but this part is true: they possess an ability—one-third instinct, one-third learned skill, and one-third telepathy—to sense what somebody desires.
Like any other social instinct, its strength varies from succubus to succubus. At its weakest, they may only be able to sense whether a human is more attracted to men or women, or whether or not the human is attracted to the succubus, or even simply whether the human is currently horny.
At the other extreme, a highly trained, psychically sensitive succubus can gaze into a human's eyes and instantly see their deepest fantasy as clearly as though they were in it.
Most succubi are somewhere in between. And most of them aren't consciously aware of what they pick up from their targets—it's a subconscious impression, nothing more.
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And most of the time, they also act on this impression subconsciously. Without thinking about it—oftentimes without knowing it—they shift their behavior to mirror what their partner desires: pitching their voice a little higher or a little lower, cocking a hip to emphasize their curves or standing straight to emphasize their shoulders' width, changing their accent, the complexity of their vocabulary, how often they make eye contact, the way they smile.
One succubus can shake hands with five different humans in a row and each time their hand feels completely different based on what they sense that human needs: a firm pump, a lingering caress, a playful smack, the light touch of a royal who expects to have their knuckles kissed, the eager squeeze of an old lover who's delighted to reunite.
Most know that they do it; it's one of the things that they're told to expect with puberty, along with changing bodies and racing libidos. Most rarely notice when they're doing it. And, just like the other changes that come with puberty, most find that there's no way to turn it off—even if they want to.
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Not all humans can swim. But a majority possess the capacity to learn. Some even teach themselves through trial and error. Of the humans that can swim, most are only good enough to move around a bit and stay afloat, and if they don't regularly exercise, they tire quickly. Only a few have the education and physical conditioning to be a deep sea diver, or the rigorous training and lucky genetic predisposition to be an Olympic-level swimmer.
Shapeshifting works much the same way for succubi. Most could learn, but not all do, and those that do often don't progress beyond the basics.
But for those that do know, shapeshifting is often just another way that succubi unconsciously mirror their partners' desires.
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Alastor is an Olympic-level shapeshifter. Some days, he wishes he's never learned at all.
At times he'll consciously analyze what a partner says they want before he ever meets them and then make the change deliberately: he can show up built like a wrestler, a bimbo, a twink, a mother. Once he's already an actor in costume, any subtle tweaks he makes to his makeup and delivery are just part of his performance.
But most of the time it's not like that. Most of the time, he's hooking up in bars, or meeting someone who's expressed nothing about their desires except what gender they want. Then his shapeshifting is subconscious, instinctive, outside of his conscious awareness.
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Sometimes, he doesn't know he's been shapeshifting until he has to stop himself from clawing at his arms, and he tries to figure out how many hours he's been unconsciously enduring a growing discomfort in his own skin.
Sometimes, he doesn't know he's been shapeshifting until he's looking in a restroom mirror and doesn't recognize the person looking back.
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Sometimes, when Alastor is particularly randy, just walking down the street is enough to start smoothing out his features, blurring his face into some androgynous generically pretty human, a blend of what dozens of passersby find pretty. It leaves his head fuzzy and his thoughts foggy, whatever he was planning on doing blotted out by the vague amalgamated personality of the person everyone wants to fuck.
That scares him the most: the personality changes. Catching himself thinking opinions he's never held before, or wanting to do something wildly outside of his own desires—not because he knows his partner wants him to do it and he wants his partner to want him, but because, for a moment, he genuinely thinks he wants it.
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Just like any social skill, mirroring a human's desire comes easier the more a succubus practices it.
Alastor's getting better. He changes forms faster. The changes are more dramatic.
He's afraid that someday he'll get so good at mirroring that when he gets too close to someone, he'll immediately turn into the person they want, and then they'll never let him get far enough away to turn back into himself. The Radio Demon will vanish without a trace, never to be seen again.
He's getting too used to seeing a stranger in the mirror.
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He's so used to seeing a stranger that, for a moment, he doesn't realize that he's looking at his own, natural face.
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It's Saturday, July 23th, 2022. Alastor spent the entirety of June too sick to keep down food, and in the three weeks since then his appetite has only slowly returned and mostly consists of a hunger for raw flesh.
He didn't realize just how much of a toll that sickness took on him. He looks cadaverous. Why didn't he notice? Was he just too busy to pay attention to his own body? Does he look at his own face that rarely?
Or has his own face been covered up that often with someone else's?
He's sure his appearance will improve as his appetite returns. In the meantime, it's easy to put a simple glamour over his natural appearance: an illusion to fill out the hollows where his skin sinks between his bones, bring some warmth and life back to his skin.
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He stares at the illusion of his healthy face in the mirror, studying the shape of his eyes, the curve of his lips, the turn of his nose—and tries to ignore the growing discomfort in his skin. The creeping doubt in the back of his head telling him that he hasn't remembered his own face right.
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rozetheeuwu · 10 months
Thinking about how Hiram, Ordell and Divers are buff and then there's Zero who's just a twink lmao.
Hiram (and the twins) could bench press his brother and master easily.
Ordell can (And would) slam dunk Taka in a trash can. Like he would pick up Taka like in one of those cartoons and hold him over his head and throw him in the trash.
Taka would probably be like "I deserve this, yeah."
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pelman · 2 years
Give me one fun fact of each of your interpretations of the G&W characters
oh fuck tony i love u /p
uhmm fuck this is hard to choose. uh. im doing as many as i can come up with
GaW: real name is Gamen Watch. Gamen is pronounced kind of like how people pronounce Gaben. he makes music. it is literally this accounts content. in his mid 20s so he feels really really weird when people call him "mister" and act like hes older than he is. adoptive brother of the right judge. can freely shapeshift with little to no limitations, as is shown in both rhythm heaven and smash ultimate. very gay, possibly polyamorous. also actually my husband.
Vermin: real name is Vernon Kasperski. can also shapeshift- something which is held alongside his brother- but to a lesser degree than GaW. has numbers on his feet like his brother, like this comic i did shows. has been absurdly tall since about 16 years old, when he had a massive growth spurt. has lightning powers. has a giant soft spot for marcus since theyve been best friends for 11 years as of present day. can drive, but isnt very trustworthy with it because he road rages and also can barely fit in a car. occasionally hits his head on doorframes. probably listens to nu-metal or something. also gay, but caedsexual because of stuff that happened when he was ~8 years old.
Flagman: real name is Carson Kasperski. can shapeshift too, as is shown in the comic above. is not actually a pirate; he calls himself a "treasure hunter" but really he just scavenges old shipwrecks for possibly-valuables, refurbishes them, and then sells them off. is friends with the divers and calls him his "crew" because its part of the bit. makes jokes about his foot numbers being representative of rule 34 because hes funny sillay like that. has powers of psychic manipulation and suggestion. has a very good memory but is also impenetrably stupid so he gets confused a lot. is 5 years older than vernon and uses this as an excuse to affectionately "bully" him sometimes. bisexual and generally male but doesnt care about pronouns
Stanley: full name is Stanley Fairley. was raised basically-catholic so has a lot of hangups about a lot of things. doesnt actually like killing bugs so his sprayer just incapacitates them instead. has a very strong green thumb and cultivates plants by himself. could drive if he wanted to, but bikes everywhere instead. twink. greatly enjoys jazz and basically all of its variations and is actually pretty good at singing, but doesnt do it a lot. would probably be considered more of an alto than a tenor. very very gay for his boyfriend chief.
Chef: real name is Chief Manson. loves cats, and owns a cat named Brisket that he keeps in his food establishment away from the food itself. lets people pet Brisket as long as they are gentle. got the symbol for capsaicin tattooed on his left arm as a joke on being "hot-headed." would probably give cooking lessons if he were any good as a teacher. can drive. is trans (post-top surgery, non-bottom surgery) and very very gay for his boyfriend stanley.
Manhole: real name is Manny O'Connor. had their name legally changed to manny, which is not short for anything. is incredibly perceptive and can immediately pick up on peoples' emotions, but enjoys being very chaotic and silly as a mode of self expression. is incredibly physically powerful and, if they had the element of surprise, could probably actually beat vernon in a fight, which is extremely rare. hates getting wet. gets wet very frequently because of their job. is probably one of the only people physically capable of doing their job. no thoughts gender empty and pansexual.
Oil Panic: real name is Marcus Hermoso. absolutely annoying and pretty stupid but also capable of real emotional sensitivity and is 100% a big brother type. highly compassionate and affectionate if you get to know him. is very good at making friends despite his tendency to be an annoyance. has bad knees because of all of the running around he does at his job. moved out at 18 and took his younger brother with him because his parents were neglectful as hell. can drive, but dear lord, please do not trust him to do it. music taste overlaps incredibly closely with mannys and basically just boils down to "loud, fast, intense electronica." has pretty great endurance despite the fact that the cartilage in his knees is basically gone. bisexual.
Rainshower: real name is Míchael Hermoso. the accent is very important to his name. generally annoyed at the fact that most people say "miguel" and not "míchael." youngest person in the au by far. (14 years old in "present day") doesnt go to public school because marcus is gone all day, so they get tutored while they take care of the house. doesnt actually mind this arrangement very much. more passionate about sports than he might initially look. generally male but doesnt actually know what their thing is so they flip-flop between gender and no gender.
Left Judge: real name is Chen Teller. yes these are different people. very autistic and very introverted. generally quite lucky. special interest is plushies and textile work. custom-makes its own plushes and sells custom-made close-to-seamless clothes made specifically for autistic people online. hates being touched and the sensation of things rubbing against its skin. does not get enough sleep and tends to ignore bodily sensations quite a bit. likes quite a bit of music ranging between orchestral to deconstructed club-type stuff, though it all has to be pretty gentle. is "gender ambivalent," but uses it pronouns because it likes to feel detached from its own personhood. very weird about attraction.
Right Judge: real name is Barrett Riley. probably the only neurotypical person in the entire au. also the only cishet, though the "het" part is pretty ambigous. works an office job by day. not typically very lucky but is jovial about it so he doesnt mind. can drive and is actually one of the better people to trust with driving you around. generally very friendly and accommodating. adoptive brother to GaW. helps around the area of Flat Zone they live in because they want to. probably does yoga. also is probably a vegetarian. is kind of annoyingly positive to many people. cis dude but primarily uses they/them around other people because he likes to copy chen.
anyways ty for asking there u go
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sportsguysandmxgear · 1 month
Maxwell Miller and Holden Bigbie
Purdue University Swimming and Diving
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cosmiquealiene · 2 years
Today, I saw a PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) post with the term "AmbassaDiver", coupled with a video of a black woman snorkelling. Naturally, I read that as "Ambessa Diver" and imagined that the snorkeller in the video was Ambessa Medarda, on the hunt for any twink fish to be her new sugar babies. 😂
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matchbet-allofthetime · 9 months
REMINDER GO EVERYONE LGBT OR WHO SUPPORTS US!! (I've gone through every letter in lgbt at least once on my neverending journey, I'm allowed to say this)-
words like:
Transvestite/Transsexual/transgender (all ways to refer to those with different genders at birth to what they are and they are NOT outdated because they are STILL used, primarily by older queer folks and they deserve to be mentioned! Sick of the fucking discourse.)
Stone butch
Betty/a Betty Boop (very similar to femme and other related terms. Also seems to be colloquial to my general area?? Not sure if it or similar is used elsewhere, colloquial and local differences change a lot that you don't realize until you come across what it meansssss elsewhere. Used to refer to lesbians that are very traditionally femme and have big eyes and short hair. Also refers to specifically red lipstick wearers.
Bisexual (those who like men and women/the definition of bisexual most know widely and ALSO someone who is BOTH A MAN AND A WOMAN/ANOTHER COMBINATION. it has been and STILL IS used both ways. Respect that. The older generations coined many of your terms. Things change, but you don't get to tell someone how they identify.)
En femme/en homme
Friend of Dorothy
Batty/batty boy
Fruit loop
Boi (UK origin, akin to dyke, butch, and tomboy)
Rug muncher
Kitty/pussy puncher/muncher
Muff diver
Pack o' cigs/Pack o' fags (self explanatory, this seems to be a colloquial term in my hometown and surrounding counties. Pack o' cigs is a pack of, traditionally, butches/dykes. Pack o' fags is the gay male equivalent. I grew up hearing this one directed toward me a LOT lmao)
AC/DC (pan/bi, swings whatever way. US term.)
Lady boy/boy girl/girl boy (can be used in many ways, but typically refers to a boy who is also a girl, a femme boy, femboy, or similar concepts)
Traggot (a combining of tranny and faggot)
T girl/t guy/t boy
Trap (widely used even now as a slur or derogatory word, but I have met many who this is their identity to some degree. Respect that. They're queer too.)
Cuntboy/pussyboy/dick girl/girl dick
Fag stag
Silver fox
...And about a million other words through thousands of other anguages across the entire world-
Are NOT dirty, filthy, disgusting, nasty, used incorrectly, or "aren't to be used by anything other than XYZ individual in the LGBT community and nobody else."
They aren't dirty words. They aren't disgraceful or filthy unless the user of the term says "yeah, I'm fucking filthy! I'm disgraceful! Fuck yeah!"
If someone says they're a dyke? They're a fucking dyke. If someone says they're anything on this list or use any queer term? Fucking let them.
Here's why:
Use LGBT people have used any words thrown at us, handed to us, words we've been beaten with, words we've held onto with our lives and anger and love, words that have been used for us, against us, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, BY US for decades and in some cases even so long as a a century or more.
A masc straight woman is still called a dyke. A faggot. Thus, if she chooses, she's still a fucking dyke.
What we're always called or what we find fits us will always become our identity in some way or another somehow sometime.
That happens.
I've had every fucking word you've got and I guarantee ones you've never heard of thrown at me since I was a toddler, running around in mud-stained blue and red converse and a Barbie dress with a mohawk in my hair. I've heard them since I was in an AC/DC band tee, sparkly shorts, galaxy leggings, and glittery roller skates.
I and MILLIONS OF OTHERS LIKE ME, lgbt or otherwise, those who "I just dealt with what they called me. I was gonna be called that anyways so I don't care anymore. I have no gender/sexuality/preference/label/etc but I answer to it all/it's a part of me now but I'm not lgbt in my own mind" are FUCKING VALID FOR THIS.
Stop fighting your own fucking community. Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop. I have been called everything on this list except for a few (because I am obviously not a bear when you look at me not a silver fox or whatever) my entire fucking life.
I am agender. I am aro/ace. I am also a faggot. A dyke. A butch. Nonbinary. Transsexual. Tranny. Pup. Boyslut. Fagdyke.
And so many others are like me like this. So many others consider these words a part of themselves.
These are OUR slurs to reclaim. These are words we made a d for the ones we didn't? We took them and wore them like fucking crowns. We wore them like they were our favourite collars, our favourite leather, our favourite words. We fucking own these words like we own ourselves and it is nobody's choice but your FUCKING OWN whether or not they're used.
Yes, there's nuance with some. I understand that. "Stud" for example is for lesbian OR "LESBIAN-APPEARING" BLACK AFABS! But I've been called stud and I am the whitest, pastiest bitch you'll meet. I continue to have black drag queens and kings and royalties and other black folk who are queer come up to me and tell me "oh baby you're such a handsome stud!" While at pride events.
I am and also am not a woman. Not a man but also I am. But I gleefully use the word dyke and fag and femboy and roseboy and pup and cub (my moddy's nickname for years was cub/cubby. Friends of theirs HAVE CALLED THEM THAT IN FRONT OF ME SINCE I WAS A BABY. thus I am called cub or cub's cub or similar.) And I use these words with nothing but pride and spite and joy and hate and love and fucking glee. Because they're mine. They're ours.
People of all kinds, all genders, all sexualities, all paths and walks of life, have been subjected at least a hundred times to at least one of these words if they're even slightly "not right" or different or weird or wrong in the eyes of whatever stupid ass societal expectations there are.
And they all deserve to use these words if they make them comfortable. These people KNOW they're lgbt terms. Fucking trust me. They learn from experience or get taught it by someone and either drop the terms or don't. That's their choice. And that choice is okay.
Stop attacking your own community. Stop attacking the "outsiders" because oftentimes the "outsiders" are part of us but don't feel like they can claim to be lgbt. Especially older generations. Older generations (which includes millennials and even a lot of older gen z and literally everyone alive) don't think they can consider or call themselves a part of us for numerous reasons.
These reasons can be it isn't safe for any variety of reasons, these people grew up being called these things and always claimed cis and/or get because the terminology at the time wasn't like it is now in the same way, certain genders were more accepted than others (IE bisexuals and lesbians and gays and straights was most of what you had, alongside men, women, and transgender man/woman, which were and still are seen as often groups, for better or worse.) And there wasn't fuck all else. Fucking nada. Zilch. Not in most cultures, certainly not in fucking America. These people are often part of us even if they don't consider themselves as being part of us.
Definitions have changed. Contexts have changed. You'll find that we (and this is ESPECIALLY going out to any gen z out here)- we have called ourselves whatever the fuck we have wanted to forever. And we always will. And we always should. We will reclaim terms/slurs and make new terms and shit, I love being called a slur, by my own people or people who intend it to hurt me. It's fucking funny.
It has all changed and will continue to. That's the way it is. Don't discount other people's experiences or histories or whatever else just because you don't know the full story or "I just don't like it". News flash- isn't your fucking life babes.
Anyways, long-ass rant over. Needs to be said. I'm sayin it.
Any beautiful, handsome, fantastic motherfuckers out there who wanna comment your identity, favourite terms for yourself, etc? Wanna call me a slur, regardless of which way, good or bad, you intend it?
Light me the fuck up, yo. Hand me the lighter and pass the weed, I've always liked playing with fire.
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swimf6n-esseff · 3 years
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Canadian 🇨🇦 diver Brydon Hattie proving that red is one of the best speedo colors! (See the backside on @buttsfan-esseff and some cute shirtless pics #1 and #2 on @boysfan-esseff)
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buttsfan-esseff · 3 years
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Canadian 🇨🇦 diver Brydon Hattie 🍑 (also see the front on @swimf6n-esseff and also him here and here on @boysfan-esseff)
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