#tw-metion of rape
teeth-cable · 11 months
When discussing about how stella is abusive they never pointed out how blitzo and loona are literally abusive oh wait isn't stolas is guilty too about being abusive
Moxxie this man is being SA, abuse psychically and mentally I WANT HIM AND MILLIE CUT TIES WITH BLITZO
It's disturbing how the fandom can't see Blitzo, Loona, and Stolas are also abusive when somehow their actions are more obvious than Stella's. Loona beats up Blitzo until he has a bruised eye and pulls the,"If I'm so much of an issue then why do you get rid of me?" guilt trip line, Blitzo threatens Moxxie with SA, grabbed his ball sack, keeps belittling him and pushes him around, and Stolas is using his power to keep Blitzo trapped in a relationship he doesn't feel comfortable in when he could have given him an asmodeus crystal.
I also have seen the fandom joke about Verosika SAing Moxxie but they feel bad and realized how serious SA is when Stella says a line implying it towards Stolas but not when Moxxie is screaming,"Don't touch that!" and Blitzo for the first time is genuinely concerned for him and tells him, "Don't let her access any of your holes!"
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feministbreakdowns · 1 year
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WGS360: Making Knowledge in a World That Matters
Why do television /movie protagonists that were written with the intent of critiquing toxic masculinity end up garnering toxically masculine fanbases?
To answer my question, I decided to focus on Breaking Bad, a television show which has garnered a noticeable toxically masculine fanbase, despite the show’s protagonist being a critique of toxic masculinity.
Breaking Bad follows the story of Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher recently diagnosed with terminal cancer who decides to cook crystal methamphetamine to save money for his family before his death. The show follows his journey of moral corruption, with White being written as an antihero whose actions harm people for his own selfish gain. Surprisingly, his fans place him on a pedestal and truly believe he does no wrong. Contrastingly, the fanbase has much disdain for Skyler White, Walter’s wife, who is written to be the moral compass of the show.
TW: Misogynistic language, mentions of domestic violence and rape.
Walter may claim that whatever he does is for his family, but it is clear that his actions are selfishly motivated. He even admits so himself in the series finale. Many men identify with Walter - unrecognized, underappreciated, and unsuccessful. Walter feels entitled to success as a well educated white man, and his immoral actions are a product of being denied what he views to be his rightful privilege. Entitlement is a significant element of toxic masculinity. The entitlement he feels to success, and the denial of recognition he faces is something many men may identify with, causing entitled male audiences to root for him. Rather than viewing Walter as a critique of their own behaviour, they view him as a representation of themselves. Walter's moral transcendence is in response to these feelings, which are then justified by his fans, as they relate to him. In this clip, we see Walter demanding the respect he thinks he deserves - displaying entitlement.
This article metions "masculine discrepancy stress,” which explains the phenomenon of men overcompensating for emasulation by engaging in patriarchal male behaviour (ex: risk taking, acts of violence, substance abuse).
Although it is clear that men are negatively impacted by standards of masculinity,  this in turn further harms feminized bodies who are often at the receiving end of the overcompensation.
"I AM THE DANGER" translation: "I feel emasculated"
After hearing that Walter's meth lab partner was shot and killed, Skyler expresses concern for Walter's safety. Little to her knowledge, Walter is the one who arranged for his partner's murder. Walter feels emasculated by the assumption his wife makes and makes it clear to her that he is the danger and not the one in danger. It is important to him that his wife knows this, and respects him for the man that he is.
It is clear that Walter feels emasculated throughout the show, and goes out of his way to overcompensate. Despite being culpable for murder, what Walter finds horrifying is that he is yet to earn the "respect" of his wife. Walter does not believe his wife sees him as the patriarchal expectation of what a man should be.
This feeling of emasculation may be something male viewers identify with. Going further, it draws attention as to why male viewers have such hatred for Skyler. She emasculates Walter.
REDDIT - Skyler's Haters (misogynists) hangout
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Skyler's haters often use very misogynistic language. From these three comments alone, spanning the past decade, it is evident that this hate is very gendered.
"b!tch" "emasculated" "man woman" "demasculates"
(unfortunately) CONTROVERSIAL :
Hate for Skyler White and threats of violence extended to the actress Anna Gunn herself. Upon the show's ending, Gunn wrote an opinion piece rationalizing the hate Skyler, and ultimately she, received. Skyler is not the patriarchal ideal of a wife. She isn't submissive. She does not unconditionally love her abusive husband. Rather, she does her best to challenge Walter’s harmful actions. Gunn believes Skyler's insubmissive nature is what strikes a nerve with male audiences. This hate was so visceral and strong, that it extended to the actress who played Skyler. Gunn mentions having to take extra precautions to keep herself safe. She notably also has no social media presence. Gunn's experience points to the importance of my initial question, as toxically masculine fanbases in pop culture spaces have implications for women and gender minorities in real life. 
This is a scene that is often brought up by Skyler's haters, citing her cruelty in hoping Walter's cancer returns. However, it is evident that she is a victim of abuse, fearing for the safety of her children and herself. While viewers hate Skyler for being cruel and wishing death upon her husband, they seem okay with the fact that Walter abuses and has even raped his wife. Rather, Skyler is the one to blame for not being a good enough wife.
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Mitski's "Stay Soft" discusses men’s suffering when they do not meet patriarchal standards, and how that translates into sexual violence against women. She acknowledges the difficulties of grappling with masculinity, while also depicting how women are forced to care for and nurture men. Women must lovingly handle the effects of male suffering at the cost of their own safety.
This illustrates the viewers' expectations of how Skyler should act. Walter's anger and frustrations, held within him, causes him harm. Skyler must act as this submissive "sex god", and love him unconditionally. The pre-cancer, unmasculine Walt was soft and thus beaten down by the world around him. It is only natural for him to "harden up", and commit the atrocities that he does. Skyler should be understanding of this, and be happily submissive. After all, it's her job.
Bojack Horseman is another fandom where misogynistic viewers idolize and worship the morally flawed main character. However, this clip from the show not only serves as a wake-up call for these viewers, but also very clearly illustrates the findings of my research.
In this scene, Bojack is at the premiere of his new show Philbert. The writer for the show who is also Bojack's friend, Diane Nguyen, recently learns of the fact that Bojack had almost slept with his friend's 17-year-old daughter, three years ago. Knowing most of the other shady things Bojack has done over the years, she incorporates his actions into the script for Philbert, in hopes of getting Bojack to confront the awful things he has done. Much to her dismay, Bojack and Philbert's viewers find comfort in the show, and root for the main character.
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Upon seeing fundamentally immoral characters they identify with on-screen, men tend to sympathize and support, rather than critically think about the media they're consuming. Rather, seeing a visual representation of their worst qualities and emotions serves as reassurance to toxically masculine viewers. Although this may seem like a trivial matter, as it is merely an opinion of a group of individuals, this has implications for feminized bodies in real life. We saw how this phenomenon affected Anna Gunn. Perhaps, the most frightening thing of all, is that this makes toxically masculine men feel like their behaviour is okay.
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the-phantom-ender · 3 years
no go off dude thats a really weird thing to find out about. i wonder if theyre one of the people who like, doxx ranboo
so. uh. holy shit i have no idea how to go about this so lemme start by going: you should probably block @/peachpoffinsystem over here. thhhhat is @/moonbeampowder. i have... a lot of proof that they pulled shit but i lost a lot of things i wish id kept because i left them abruptly. i do have proof for shit, though, if anyone like. needs it to believe me or w/e.
other than the shitty truthing shit they like. oh this has triggering topics be careful but. i was with them for about a year. i have friends who knew them longer. they were racist, transphobic (being trans and transphobic will forever be beyond me), ableist (being disabled and ableist will also always be beyond me) uhhhh... they abused me! we were long distance so it was never physical but they abused me and basically call r-ped me and because of covid they fuckin. had me on call with them basically constantly for the year i knew them.
im not shocked they ended up being a truther. itd be the least of their crimes, almost.
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mx-t4t0 · 4 years
BRUH WHERE DID THEY ?? GET R/PE APOLOGIST FROM ??? (regarding the lgb drop the t post)
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angry-sylveon · 4 years
Dear everyone who says victims deserve it:
People do not have power over the abuser. Even if the person holds a position of power over the abuser in the form of teacher / student, sibling / parent , employee/ boss they do not have power over the abuser.
To everyone saying r*pe victims don’t “ fight back “ here is a picture of a r*pist
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Look at this man and tell me. TELL ME! The victim didn’t fight back.
Now let’s get on to other types of abuse
I’ll start with what I believe to be the most stigmatized type : emotional/ mental abuse.
The reason I think this is the most stigmatized type is because it’s not visable to someone else therefore people think it’s fake
Let’s use a example from my own kinda repressed memory so it might be a bit foggy :
I started school when I was 5 and my frist teacher was very nice to me but she went away due to illness so my second teacher comes in we will call her miss d.
Miss d hated me. I have to admit I was no easy child but I was 5 in my frist school with my second teacher.
Miss d would constantly tell me I was worthless and get very angry if I did anything wrong and oh boy do I mean anything.
At one point miss d used her hand to force my chin up because I wasn’t looking at her eyes but she had grabbed part of my neck and that’s when my parents decided to take me out of that school.
Now where is the problem with this? That’s right mainly everything.
They took me out of that school when I was in 2nd grade and I had miss d as a teacher for mainly all my grades ( small semi private school ) so tell me would you do any of this to a 7-8 year old if my memory is correct? If you said yes please get off my blog and turn yourself in before you harm a child.
I spent most of my childhood disconnected from reality because of this woman yet people still tell me emotional abuse and mental abuse is fake.
There you go I’ll probably update this later for physical and verbal abuse but I’m done for now.
Good night.
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daily-ravka · 2 years
What’s the situation that made you change your icon?
*deep sigh*
TW // mentions of rape
So if some of you don't know someone dug Patricks old tweets and when I mean old I mean tweets that were from 10 years back and they found AND spread some pretty upsetting stuff.
I changed the icon because there was one remark metioning rape that upsets me and I'm uncomfortable putting him as 'the face of this blog'. Maybe when we have a pic of him in Nikolai garb I'll change it again, maybe I won't have him as an icon ever, but for now, personally, I am not comfortable.
As a whole, the situation doesn't bother me much because it's something he said when he was a teenager. Trust me when I say people can change a lot between 16 and 26. Do I think he could've handled the situation better instead of deleting 80% of his tweets? Yes. But alas, things don't always go how we want it.
Nonetheless, I'm still excited to see him on screen as Nikolai and don't want to spoil others that are also stoked to see Nikolai come to life. I'll still share related news regarding him.
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golden-riot · 3 years
Robin(Dick Grayson) x Oc
Tw: Metions of Rape and Kidnapping
(If you find any more triggering stuff please tell me.)
A Date with Destiny 
Chapter One
It is the start of the prom. Robin had to take Kitten so the bridge wouldn’t be destroyed. Robin roles up to the ship in his tux on his motorcycle. Robin gets off of his bike and fixes his jacket.
“I’m ready hoping she doesn’t show,” Robin says in an annoyed tone. 
Someone taps Robin on the shoulder. He turns to see Starfire wearing a beautiful purple dress. “Starfire?” Robin asks, confused.
 “On such occasions, I believe it is customary to wear a dead plant?” Starfire says in her normal happy voice as she places the boutonniere on his jacket. 
“Star, you’re supposed to be helping the others track down Killer Moth!” 
Robin says, surprised that she wasn’t helping.
 “Your orders were to investigate the girl. I intend to investigate her thoroughly. Besides, you may require saying. This Kitten is perhaps is some form of ooze monster in disguise. She is certainly ugly like a monster, yes?” Starfire says while now looking at the sunset. 
They hear a horn knock and they see a pink limo roll-up. Kitten opens the door and steps out. Kitten is wearing a  pink strip-less dress. “Yoo-hoo! Robbie-poo!” She says as she waves. “Your Kitten has arrived! Meow!” 
 “Second thought, maybe I will need saving,” Robin says with his head hung low as he walks over to Kitten.
 “Oh, Robin! My date! Robin!” Kitten yells as she attaches herself to Robin’s chest. “Don’t you look handsome? Kitten says while grabbing Robin’s chin. “Compliment me on my dress” She whispers in Robin’s eye in a mean tone. 
“No,” Robins says in his mean tone.
 “Do it or else.” She says still in her mean tone. 
“Nice dress,” Robin responds in an annoyed voice.
 “Ah! Oh, Robin, you’re such a gentleman not at all like my worthless ex-boyfriend, Fang!’ Kitten yells so everyone can hear. “Now take my arm, lead me in. And would it kill you to smile?” 
Robin gives his best creepy smile. “Maybe” Robin walks Kitten in while Starfire snarls in hatred for Kitten. She grunts and punches the hood of Kitten’s limo. 
Everyone is having a nice time while Kitten and Robin sit at a table. Robin rocking back and forth in his chair making it squeak. “Ask me to dance!” Kitten says in a mean tone. 
“I don’t dance” Robin returns. “Come on Robbie-poo.” Kitten says getting up and walks over to Robin and starts to pull on his arms, trying to get him up.“You’ve never, ever danced before?” 
"Tried it once, didn’t like it,” Robin says in his bored tone.
 “Fine! Then I can have the whole city destroyed or we can just skip straight to the kissing.” Kitten says.
 “Wanna dance?” Robin asks not wanting to dance or kiss. Kitten pulls Robin onto the dance floor.
 “Oh, Robin! Of course, I’d love to dance with you!” Kitten says as she pulls Robin all over the dance floor. Meanwhile, Starfire is over by the punch bowl filled with rage at seeing Robin and Kitten dance. Robin decides to end the dance. “Okay, that’s over,” Robin says, letting go and walking away from Kitten. 
Kitten gasps “Oh, goodie! Another slow dance.” she says and pulls Robin back. “Yeah,” Robin says. They sign around in circles. “From now on, Robbie-poo, this will always be our song!” Robin pulls out his communicator and talks into it. 
“Please tell me you guys have found Killer Moth.” 
“Not yet, but we tracked down your girlfriend’s home address,” Cyborg says back. 
“She’s not my..” Robin was cut off when Beast Boy let out a startled scream when he touched something that opened up a secret passageway. “Wow!” Beast Boy says.
 “Well, that’s not suspicious,” Raven says, coming closer to the passageway. They start walking down the stairs into the dark basement. Beast Boy turns the light on and they find tanks full of moth creatures. They all speak to the communicator 
“Found him.” they all say at the same time. “Yes, you found me but you’ll soon be wishing you hadn’t,” Killer Moth says as he attacks the Titans.
Meanwhile back with Robin and Kitten. “Kiss me. Ma.” Kitten says as she leans in for a kiss. “Sorry, I don’t like you that way. Matter of fact, I just don’t like you.”
 “Yes,” Starfire says, overhearing their conversation. 
“What” Kitten yells. 
“Killer Moth’s being taken down as we speak. We’re done here.” Robin says with a smile. 
“No, we are not! Daddy’s not calling the shots tonight, Robbie-poo! I am.” Kitten says in anger as she puts her finger over a button.
 “Daddy?” Robin asks. 
“And unless you want me to let those nasty bugs out for a late-night snack…” She says and she grabs Robin by the caller. “... you better pucker up!” Kitten still holding Robin’s collar leans in for a kiss while making kissing noises.
 Robin presses a finger to her lips and pushes her away. “Not even if you paid me!” Robin says with anger in his voice as he grabs the controller out of her hands. 
There was yelling and screaming coming from the people around them. Not because of what they were doing but from seeing a flying creature in the sky. A police boat comes to the side of the boat and aims a net scooter at the creature. Robin looks up because of the yelling and recognizes the creature as someone he knew from his Batman days. Before he can stop it the police scoot the net at the creature, catching it and making it fall on the deck of the ship. Robin runs towards it and pulls the net to see the girl he knew curled up in a ball with her wings wrapped tightly around her body so you only see her wings and tail. Starfire runs over to Robin. “Do you know this creature?” Starfire asks Robin. 
“She is not a creature Star, she’s my friend. I’ll get her to calm down, maybe she can help.” Robins says as he reaches out to touch your wing. The girl flinches at his touch. Kitten walks over to them and kicks the girl in the back. The girl groans in pain. 
“I wouldn't do that if I were you. Morgan can be very angry when she’s in her half form. Morgan shifts into a full Night Fury and jumps on top of Kitten and roars in her face
. “Morgan, Morgan, calm down. It’s me. It’s Robin.” He says in a calm voice. Robin rips off his suit to reveal his Robin costume. Morgan looks and Robin and her eyes soften. She gets off of Kitten and tackles Robin into a hug. Rolling until Robin was safely in Morgan’s wings and when he is Morgan shifts back into half form. Starfire runs over to the dragon holding her friend. She tries to pry open Morgan’s wings but Morgan holds Robin tighter. 
“Robin, don’t worry I’ll get you out,” Star says, still trying to get Morgan’s wings open.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. You go take care of Kitten.”
Starfire flys over to where Kitten is and they start fighting. As they were fighting, Kitten gasped and said “Fang” in a happy voice. 
“That’s your boyfriend?” Starfire is surprised to see a man with a spider for a head. 
“Get your hands off my girl!” Fang says as he walks closer to Starfire and Kitten. Kitten tells Fang to open Morgan’s wings so she could get the controller from Robin. When Fang tries to open Morgan’s wings Starfire tries to shoot him but he dodges and she ends up shooting Morgan’s wing. Morgan roars out of pain. 
“I’m so very the sorry!” Starfire says and hits Fang with a blast. 
After Morgan had wrapped me safely in her wing she began to explain what happened to her. She told me that she left only a month after I did. She found an apartment and moved in. She wanted to wait until after she was settled in to find me. I had left in such a hurry, I didn’t say goodbye. She was worried that I didn’t love her anymore. She is the real reason Batman kicked me out. He didn’t like the fact that we were dating, he thought I should be working on training and getting better instead of sleeping together. Morgan made all of the weapons we used and most of the bat vehicles, including the Bat-mobile. She also told me Slade had kidnapped her and used her as a breeding slave. When she was able to get away. She decided to come to find me but some people thought she was a villain and started to attack her. She needs a place to stay so she is going to move into the tower no matter what the others say. I don’t know if she still likes me but I know I still love her. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about her. I always wanted to reach out and make sure she knows I still love her, even if she doesn’t like me anymore.  All of a sudden Fang’s spider-legs try to pry open Morgan’s wings. I can hear Starfire getting ready to blast Fang but she missed and hit Morgan. I forgot how loud Morgan can roar when she’s in pain. “I am so very the sorry.” I hear Starfire yell from outside. 
“Morgan, I have to help Starfire take them down. I will come back. I promise. Here take this to make sure no one gets it. If we need your help, will you help me?” I say as I hand Morgan the controller. Morgan nods her head. “And you still remember the signal,” I said cupping her cheek. She nods her head again. She opens up her wings enough for me to slip out and she closes them again.
When I join the fight Kitten jumps on me and I fall to the ground with a thud. She starts patting me down looking for the controller. When she doesn’t find it she tries to go after Morgan. I yell “MORGAN NOW.” At my command black strings of power lift Kitten in the air. Fang is also lifted into the air and away from Starfire. “Good job Morgan,” I say as I walk over to Starfire. “I want Morgan to stay in the tower. I need to see if she has any things at her apartment before I take her there. Tell the other titans, we may have a new member." 
"Joyist, what should I tell them about her?" 
"All they need to know is that she has been through a lot and she will need time to trust people." I walk away from Starfire and towards Morgan. I have her lower the villains down so we can handcuff them. As Kitten and Fang were being taken away, I got a call from the other Titans, they told me that Killer Moth was taken down and brought to jail. I told them I was going to be back later than they were. I told them, I would tell them back at the tower.
 “Robin, Are we taking this one too?” one of the guards asked me pointing to Morgan with his gun. 
“No, she’s an old friend. She won’t hurt anyone.” 
“Unless you hurt her or someone she cares about.” I hear a familiar voice say.
 “Alfred? What are you doing here?” I ask. 
“I saw the fight on the news and wanted to know why my goddaughter didn’t keep contact as she promised, I was worried,” Alfred said in a worried tone. 
“Well, it’s a long story, according to Morgan,” I say as I kneel to stroke Morgans’ wing. “Did you hear that? Alfred’s here and he’s worried about you. You can stay with me at Titans tower if you want. Let's go to your apartment and get some things.” I say to Morgan still stroking her wings. I hear a faint okay and Morgan gets up with her wings closed around her. She opens them just enough so she can see. Alfred leads Morgan to his car, while I get on my bike.  
Once I get into Alfred's car, I pull my wings into the back. "You're so tiny. You must be hungry." Alfred says when he sees my small frame. “Yeah,” I say not making eye contact with Alfred. 
Alfred starts to drive with Robin close behind us. Once we were in front of the apartment building, I didn’t bother to take my wings out. Robin pulled up behind Alfred's car. When I saw the look on Robins’ face, I couldn’t look him in the eyes. There were tears in my eyes when I felt two strong arms around me. He lifted my chin so my eyes would meet his. He put his hands on the sides of my face and he wiped my tears. He put his forehead to mine. 
“I missed you, Morgan,” Robin said. Behind us, Alfred coughed to get our attention. 
“Wrap this up. Now. Before someone sees you.” Robin lets go of my face and walks towards Alfred. “Come on, let's get you packed to go to the tower,” Robin says holding out his hand for me to take. I run over and take his hand. We walk into the lobby and Robin pushes the button to the elevator. We walked into the elevator, I looked into Robin's eyes and I read his mind. “If Alfred wasn’t here, oh you would be getting it right now.” I turned away from his eyes and blushed at what he said. He must have forgotten that I read minds when looking into someones’ eyes. The elevator door opened to my floor. We got to my door and reached for the hide-a-key under the doormat. When I came back up, I started to feel lightheaded. I dropped the key and fainted. When I woke up, I wasn't in the hallway anymore. I was in a dark hospital room but I didn't have one of the wristbands. "Where am I?" I wondered. Morgan tried to sit up but something was holding her down. I realized that a person was lying next to her. I started to freak out, only to notice it was Robin. Morgan started to calm down and snuggled closer to Robin. I missed the feeling of arms around my waist, Slade was never the type for aftercare. He just fucks you, leaves, and hopes you get pregnant. But he doesn’t know that with my dragon DNA, I can reject sperm, so he was never going to get me pregnant. When I fell back to sleep, I dreamed of what my life would be like with Robin. 
“Honey, I’m back,” Robin called while setting his keys on the entry table. “How was the villain catching?” Morgan asked, walking into the living room with a small bump and a baby boy on her hip. “It was good but tiring. I miss fighting crime with you and living at the tower.” Robin says sadly while dragging his feet to the couch. “I know it makes it harder to fight crime but we have a family now and the tower gets attacked a lot and is no place for little kids. I’ve told you you can stay at the tower as long as you check-in and tell me about your day.” Morgan says sitting down next to Robin. Morgan hands the baby to Robin for his after-work snuggles. “ If our kids were older and you weren’t pregnant I would but I need you. I can’t talk about the other Titans around the other Titans.” Robin holds the baby closer to his chest. “I want to be around you for everything during your pregnancy, I missed you so much with this little guy. I’m not missing anything this time.” Robin says while reaching his hand over to rub Morgan's belly. Morgan puts her hand over his. “You won’t.” “You promise?” He asked “Yes” Morgan returns, intertwining her fingers with his. “I love you,” Robin says, kissing Morgan’s temple. “I love you too, Dick,” Morgan says, kissing Robin on the lips. Morgan grabs onto Robin’s shoulder feeling dizzy. “Are you okay?” Robin asks, panicked. “I’m fine Dick. Just a little lightheaded.” “We should go to the hospital.” “No, the doctor said it was normal.” “Still just to make sure.” “Fine,” Morgan says, taking the baby from Robin. Robin packs the diaper bag and gets the car ready. He takes the baby and stands Morgan up. Once in the car, Robin calls the other Titans to meet them at the hospital. Robin holds Morgan’s hand the whole ride. When you arrive there the Titans are there waiting for them. Raven walks to the car and takes the baby while Robin and Beast boy helps Morgan get out of the car. 
When I woke up Morgan was snuggled closer to me. Not that I don’t mind. I love her snuggles but her hand was tightly gripping my shirt. I know this means she was having a nightmare. I know I had to wake her because she never has nightmares but when she does they are never good. I shook her until she woke up. Morgan wakes up in a daze. “Whats..happening?” She was confused about what was going on. “Hi, Morgan,” I say to get her attention. "How are ya doing?" "Where are we?" Morgan asked, rubbing her eyes. 
“The Tower. Do you remember what happened?” 
“No, not really. Did something happen?” she asked, sitting up. 
“You fainted. We ran some tests. Do you remember when the last time you ate was?” “No… Slade didn’t feed me that often. He said I would get more food when he was sure I had his child.” 
“That’s horrible. I promise that he will pay for all the times he has done to you.” 
“Okay. What time is it?”  
“Uhh… 10:30.” 
“Okay, can we eat something? My tummy hurts.”
 “What do you want to have?”
 “Anything, please.” 
“Okay, well let’s see what we have. Come on.” Morgan tries to stand up but doubles over in pain. 
“You know what, I’ll make something for breakfast. You stay here.” 
“Okay.” I helped her back into the bed. “I will be right back with food.”
     I walk out of the room and take a breath. I could tell already that she was not the same as when I left. What did Slade do to her? I walk to the kitchen and meet Raven on the way. “Hey, I was just coming to wake you up. Is she awake?” Raven asked me looking up from her book.  “Yeah, I’m just getting her food. Apearlinly Slade didn’t feed her often.” 
“That would explain a lot about her current health.” 
“She is in a lot of pain. When she tried to stand she doubled over. Something is not right. I think we need to run more tests.” 
“For what?” 
“Anything, that might give us an answer to why she is in so much pain.” 
Entering the kitchen, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Starfire were all talking about how Morgan and I know each other. I started to make Morgan her food and the others except for Raven asked questions about Morgan and how we know each other. By the time I had told them what I know, I had finished making Morgan breakfast. I said my goodbyes to everyone and started to head off to Morgan. The t.v. lit up with Slade’s face. “ I see you Titans have found my pet.” 
“What pet?” Starfire asked.
“Morgan, of course. Who else would it be?” 
“What do you want?” I ask measly. 
“I know why, my pet is in so much pain.” 
“Why? What did you do to her?” 
“I put a small simple device in her uterus. It will shock her, preventing her from ever having a child that isn’t mine. If you return here I will shut it off. Good luck getting it out without having it removed. It will shock her every 30 minutes until she is returned.” Slade said, smirking. “Bring her to the docks when you want to get rid of her.” 
The t.v turned off and Slade disappeared. “How are we going to tell Morgan,” I asked. “And how are we going to get it out,” Cyborg asks, rubbing his eyes.  
“Tell me what and how to get what out?” Morgan asked, limping around the corner. 
“Morgan what are you doing out of bed,” I ask running over to help her walk. 
“You were taking too long to get food,” Morgan says, whining. “Now please answer my questions.” 
    “Slade put something in your uterus that will shock you every 30 minutes unless we remove it or bring you back to him. That’s what has been making your stomach hurt.” I said, helping Morgan sit down.
    “You’re going to take me back?” Morgan asks looking up at Robin. 
    “No, of course not. I am not going to let anything happen to you.” I said. “We will get it out of you.”
    “Can I take a bath? I smell like shit and they cum in my hair?” 
    “Yeah, let me help you but after you have to eat. Okay?” 
I help Morgan up the stairs and into the bathroom. Morgan had stomach pains the whole way. I sat her on the ground while I started the tub. I turned it off when the tub was full and left the room so Morgan could get undressed and climb in. I cracked the door a little, just in case she needed my help. 
    “Dick?” she calls. She was one of the only people who were allowed to call me my real name. 
    “Yeah?” I say turning to face the door. 
    “Will you help me wash my hair?” 
    “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”
    “Come on, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. I've just lost a little weight.” 
    I slowly opened the door to see Morgan laying in the tub. I shut the door behind me and walked over to her. 
    “A little?” I say looking at her body. 
    “Okay, maybe more than a little. Other than that, nothing you have ever seen before.” 
    And she was right. She looked the same as I remembered, except for her not being as big as before of course. She was still the girl I had fallen in love with. 
    “Dick,” she said, waking me up from my daydream. 
    “You’re starring.” 
    “Sorry, it’s just been so long,” I say, taking off my gloves. 
    “ I know. Now about what you were thinking in the elevator yesterday.” 
    “Ugh, I forgot you could read minds,” I said now putting shampoo in my hands 
    “So?” She asked leaning forward so I could start rubbing the shampoo in her hair.
    “So, what?” 
    “Did you mean it?” 
    “Only if you wanted it,” I say, taking my hands and forming a cup so I could rinse her hair.
    “Just wanted to know if you felt the same.” 
    “So? Would you like to try us again?”
    “I’d like that.” 
    “Wow! You really do need to redye your hair.” I say running my hands through her hair getting the soap out. 
“Ugh,” She sighs, laying back. “I know. I was planning on doing it before I got kidnapped.” 
    “Well okay,” I say standing up. “I better get back to the others. We have to make a plan about getting that thing out of you.” 
    “Okay, see you after I’m done.” Morgan waves goodbye as I walk out the door. 
Robin walks out the door and I groan in pain. See, the reason I was in pain was that I already had a plan. I was slowly opening my cervix so I could push the shocker thing out. It didn’t take too long for my cervix to be open enough to push it out. So I did. Once it was out I scoop the thing out of the water. I finish taking a bath then walk back to the kitchen. 
    “Hey, Morgan. Are you feeling better?” Robin asks.
    “Yeah. I feel better.” 
    “So we were thinking about using a magnet to get the shocker out of you.” 
    “I already got it out,” I say, showing Robin the small, round, device. 
    “What? How?” Robin asked, shocked. 
    “Did you forget? I can open and close the cervix allowing or not allowing things to pass through.” 
    “I’m an idiot,” Robin says, smacking his forehead.
    “I know,” I say, hugging him. 
“So? We have some questions. Is this a good time to ask them?” Beast boy said.  
“After, I have food. Then you guys can ask your questions.” I say letting go of Robin. 
Robin reheated the food he made me. The other Titans made a list of all the questions with space under each one for the answers. After I finished eating, they started asking questions. 
“So how long have you known Robin?” Starfire asked
      “Since Batman. I’m his butler goddaughter. So I lived with Batman until a week after Robin left.” 
    “How did you two meet?” Cyborg askes. 
    “Batman found me, brought me back with him, and Morgan already lived there so they introduced us,” Robin told him. 
    “I remember thinking you were weird. With your big, round, glasses. Until we started hanging out more.” I said laughing. “I have pictures of you when you first started going on missions. Have you see pictures from when he first started.” 
    “No, he won’t tell us anything about when he was with Batman.” Beast boy said. “We didn’t know you existed until Robin brought you here.” 
    “So you really told them nothing? Why?” I asked Robin. 
    “It still hurt. I had only been gone a few days when we all met. I wasn’t ready to talk about it. I never had the same triggers as you.” 
“Triggers,” Raven asked.
    “Batman wasn’t always the greatest. He would get angry-”
    “And he would hit us sometimes. Morgan got hit more than I did.” Robin said, finishing the sentence and looking at no one's face. “We both have different levels of PTSD.” 
    “Yeah, but we both got through it together. 
    “I’m sorry I left without trying to take you with me. I had a plan to come and get you once I got settled in but I found the Titans instead.” 
    “It’s okay, I managed to get out a week after you did. This got dark fast. Any more questions?”
    “Are you Batgirl?” Beast Boy asked happily.
    “Beast Boy! I thought we agreed that we were going to ask her that.” Cyborg said.
    “But you’ve seen his face when he talks about Batgirl. The same face when he was telling us about Morgan. They have to be the same person.” Beast Boy argued. 
On the other side of the room, a blue portal started to open. I stood up and put her watch on, turning it into a blaster. Dianna Prince walks through. 
    “Don’t shoot me,” Dianna said. 
    “Why not,” I said. “You know I’m retired.” 
    “I need your help.” 
    “Bruce send you?” I said walking closer to Dianna. 
    “No. He didn’t. He still thinks you're dead.” 
    “Then why are you here?” I say lowering the blaster. 
    “There is an alien invasion coming. We are assembling a team.” 
    “I’m not fighting in another war.” 
    “You don’t have to. I just need you to help me with one of the recruits.”
    “Victor Stone. I can’t get through to him, but maybe you can.” 
    “Victor’s alive?” 
    “Morgan, who is Victor Stone?” Robin asked.
    “An old friend.” 
    “I’m meeting him tomorrow night. I want you to come with me.”
    “Okay, fine. I will come out of retirement. See you tomorrow.” 
The portal reopened and Dianna left. I sit back down on the couch. 
    “Who was that?” Starfire asked.
    “Wonder Woman from another dimension. Ugh… I have to dig things out of boxes and redye my hair. Okay,” I say getting up and opening a portal to my apartment. I come back with a couple of boxes of red hair dye and a bag of clothes. 
    “Okay, I’m back. Robin will you help me.” 
We walked to the bathroom, we put towels on the floor so we wouldn’t ruin the floor. Robin sections my hair while I mix the breach for my roots. Robin starts putting the breach on the back of my head and I start putting the dye on the front of my head. 20 minutes later my roots were covered in breach. I put a bag on my head and wanting 45 minutes then wash it out. After we washed it out we took and a break for dinner then start to put the red dye in. By the time we were done everyone had gone to bed and we were still in the bathroom. 
“I missed your red hair,” Robin says. 
“I missed it too.” 
“You know it’s been a long time and I have a lot of energy. If you catch my drift.” 
“Yeah,” I say looking down.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I don’t want to make you uncomfy.” 
“You could never, I still want a baby,” I say looking into his eyes. 
“Then why don’t we try again.” 
“I’m scared,” I say with tears in my eyes. 
“Of what.” 
“Losing another one.” 
“That was an accident. There’s no Batman to push you down the stairs this time. I promise that I will protect you.” 
“Okay, fine. Just this be gentle. Slade was never the gentle type. We need to be quiet to not wake up the others.” 
Robin gently kisses my lip slightly pushing me up against the sink as I kiss back. He pinches my butt to make me gasp, he takes that opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. He picks me up and brings me to his room. He almost hits my head on the corner. When we get to his room he throws me on the bed. Robin tells me to strip, so I do. While my back was turned Robin started to strip himself, first taking off his mask to show his blue eyes. I turned around just in time to see Robin pulling down his boxers. I see his fierce boner pop out of his boxers. I look away and get more into the middle of the bed. I sit on my feet, put my hands in my lap, and look straight at the bed. 
(Kinda like this but looking down not up.)
“Morgan, why are you sitting like that?” Robin asked. 
“Slade makes me.” 
“Morgan, you don’t have to sit like that, you're with me now. You're safe with me.” Robin says getting climbing on the bed.  
“How do you want me to sit?” I say looking up at him.
“You remember how we used to do it, right,” he asked.
“Wanna do it that way?”
I nod
“Okay,” Robin says. He lets me lay down. He climbed on top of me with his hands by my head. Robin started to kiss my body up until my boobs. He sucks and leaves hickeys all over my boobs. He starts sucking on my nipples. I close my eyes and whimper expecting a hand on my throat. But Robin’s hands stay next to my head. One hand leaves to start stroking Robins’ dick. I saw the angry red tip and knew he hadn’t had much pleasure yet, so I reached my hand down there and start helping him. He moans on my nipples. It sure had been a while since I heard someone moan. All Slade did was tell me how much of a whore I was. I hadn’t been paying attention when Robin came in my hand. I only noticed when Robin collapsed on top of me panting. I started to fall asleep while Robin was catching his breath. 
“Hey, baby. Don’t fall asleep yet. You haven’t got your pleasure yet.”
“That doesn’t matter, only your pleasure does.”
“Did Slade tell you that?” 
“Well that not true. Your pleasure matters too. Come on, I help you.” 
“You don’t have to.” 
“I want to. Now get on all fours, please.” 
Robin gets off me and I got on all fours. He kneels behind me and lines up his dick up with my hole. He slowly pushes in stopping every couple of inches to let me adjust. He pushed all the way in hitting my cervix. When he’s fully in he waits until I pull my hips forward and push them back to start thrusting. It had been so long since I had come so I hadn’t noticed when my orgasm washed over me. Slade never let me cum, it was always only about his pleasure. Soon enough Robin was cumming in my pussy. He kept thrusting to make sure the cum was fucked into my womb. He slowly pulled out and I collapsed onto the bed. I don’t remember much after but I woke up in Robins nightshirt and cleaned up. I was wrapped in Robins’s arms.
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fandomsumthing · 4 years
Early Release
Written with @im-a-star-boy
Okay, so this one is triggering for a lot of reasons. If you know of the character Skip from the Spider-Man comics, then you know how much of an absolute trash person he is. If you do not, look him up before reading.
Metions of rape, doesn’t go into detail
Facing trauma
The young brunet looked up from the book he was writing in, to see May Parker looking into his room with a worried look on her face. “Yeah Aunt May?”
“Can I come in?”
Peter raised an eyebrow. It was unusual for her to ask to come in, and not just barge in and playfully joke about it later. “Yeah, what’s up?” He asked, closing his book and sitting up.
May entered the room and closed the door softly. She approached Peter slowly, as if he was a wild animal, and kept her eyes trained worriedly on him as she sat on his desk chair. She scooted towards Peter, and leaned over, making eye contact with Peter. “Peter, we just got a call from Rykers.” She said softly.
Peter watched her and nodded. “Okay, what did they want?” He asked calmly.
“They called to give us a heads up.” She hesitated.
“A heads up about what?
May stared at him with a pained look for a few moments, before taking a deep breath. “Skip was released yesterday.”
.oOo.oOo.oOo. One Week Later .oOo.oOo.oOo.
Harry paced irritatedly, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt in one hand and staring at his phone with the other. “Harry, I’m sure Peter’s fine. You know how he gets when he ghosts everyone for-” Miles began.
“He never ghosts anyone for longer than a day or two. And he’s been avoiding me all week- and haven’t you noticed? He won't pick up calls, it goes straight to voicemail, he’s not just not answering them- he’s denying them!”
“Maybe his phones dead.” Anya offered.
“Two things wrong with that. One, his phones never dead. He always has it charging. Two, it rings, it rings a couple of times before it goes to voicemail. When your phones off or dead- it doesn’t do that. Just- he’s avoiding us. And I don’t know why.” Harry sighed, looking defeated.
“Why don’t you just… talk to him? Go over to his house and talk to him- one on one. A heart to heart, you know?” Gwen proposed.
“I don’t really have any other options, do I?” He sighed.
"You could just wait it out.” Miles offered.
Harry cringed at the idea. "I'll go check on him. I'll let you know what I find."
Harry looked up at the house, the curtains were drawn, they were also darker than usual, almost like blackout curtains. He furrowed his brow worriedly, before approaching the house, and knocking. There was shuffling, then silence. He knocked again. There were a few uneventful moments before the door creaked open. It was Peter.
His hair was disheveled, but not in the cute morning way. In the, ‘I haven’t showered in days, nor have I brushed it' way. There were dark bags under his eyes, and he looked like he’d been crying. “H-Harry?” He murmured.
Harry stared at Peter for a moment, all words caught in his throat. Peter looked so… broken. Peter shuffled anxiously, looked hesitantly over Harry’s shoulder, before looking at Harry again. Finally, he managed to choke out a few words. “Peter? What happened? Are you okay?” He whimpered, quickly rushing towards his boyfriend.
Peter took a panicked step back, as a fearful look crossed his face. Harry froze his hands in the air. Peter made a strangled noise, before asking, “Is anyone else with you?”
Harry shook his head quietly. Peter stared at him for a moment, before pushing the door the rest of the way open, inviting Harry in. Harry stepped lightly, knowing something big must’ve happened, and followed Peter to the couch. Peter crossed his legs and hung his head looking sad. “What happened Peter?” Harry whispered softly.
Peter took a shaky breath, before replying. “A man named Steven Westcott was released from prison a few days ago.” Harry nodded encouragingly. “Um… he was released early on good behavior. They called us to tell us because he...”
Peter choked up, his face paling as tears began to drip down his face. He watched Peter’s face contort into a pained look as he shook his head softly. Harry grabbed Peter’s hand gently. Peter flinched violently away, causing him to hesitate. “S-sorry, sorry…” He murmured.
Peter shook his head. “No, no it’s alright.” He mumbled back, before hesitatingly scooting closer to Harry.
He adjusted to Peter could lean against him. He felt a pang of sadness when Peter stiffened for a moment, before letting out a slow sigh, and slowly began to lean into him. It took almost a full minute before his full weight was against Harry’s chest. Peter shuttered as Harry gently ran his fingers through his hair. There were a few moments of silence before he let out a soft sob. Harry’s heart broke at the sound, but he didn’t speak as Peter took a moment to cry. Peter shook his head against Harry’s chest, before whimpering, “I tried to tell him no… that I didn’t like it but…”
Harry froze. He thought he knew what Peter meant, but god he was hoping he was wrong. “What did he do?” Harry asked softly.
Peter let out a pained whimper. “He… he didn’t stop.” Peter couldn’t bring himself to say what Skip had done, he was already in tears by the end of that one sentence. Saying it would make everything real again. It would send him back to those days with Skip that he tried so hard to forget. He tried so hard to separate himself from what took place. He didn’t want what Skip did to him to dictate his life, and he thought he had until he learned the news. Yeah, he could beat Skip in a fight now, but Peter knew he’d be sent back if he even heard his voice.
Harry felt his heart drop as Peter began sobbing and sniffling into his chest. Peter never once mentioned any of this to him until now. Of course he had questions, but he knew better than to ask. His questions would only make Peter feel more vulnerable than he already did. He realized that he had added to his unease by trying to get in their house earlier.
“Peter.” Harry’s voice cracked slightly. “I’m so sorry.” He held him closer and Peter sobs became harder.
“Why would they let him out?!” Peter wailed sounding angry, fearful, regretful, broken. “He didn’t change! I know it! Is he just that good at deceiving?”
Harry held him close. "I don't know bug… but I promise. I won't let him anywhere near you." He promised.
He wanted to squeeze and nuzzle Peter, to promise him that nothing would ever hurt him again, but he knew that would only make the situation worse. He was scared enough as it is. Peter cried into his chest, his arms trembling violently. Peter shook his head. "Harry- I'm scared…" His voice was weak and pitiful. It made Harry's heart shatter in his chest.
"It's… it's okay to be scared. Especially after what he did. It's okay to cry…" He murmured, feeling his own tears build up in his eyes.
“He knows where I live.” Peter sniffled.
“He won’t hurt you. I’ll be right by your side for as long as you need it. That is if you want me to stay?” Harry consoled.
“DON’T GO!” Peter blurted out, now looking up at Harry. “Please! I...I don’t want to be alone again...”
“I won’t then.” Harry thought about Peter’s words. “Where’s May?” He asked.
“At court,” Peter mumbled. “She’s trying to get a restraining order against Skip for me.”
Harry nodded. The words brought him some comfort, knowing he would have a bit of protection from Skip. He ran his fingers gently through Peter's hair and kissed his forehead. "How about we head into town? Just for a little coffee date, to get your mind off of it." Harry asked gently, moving Peter's hair out of his face.
He hesitated at the idea. "It'll be okay, just a little bit of exercise. God knows how long you've been cooped up in here." Harry joked.
Peter laughed softly and looked down. "Hmm… okay. I trust you." He murmured after a few minutes of consideration.
Harry smiled and kissed Peter's head. "Alright. Do you wanna change or no?" Harry asked softly.
Peter let out a breath that sounded slightly like a laugh. “I look like a mess, don’t I?” He wiped the tears on his face. “I know this might sound weird, but could you stand outside the bathroom while I take a shower?”
“It’s not weird if it makes you feel safe.” Harry hummed as Peter stood.
Peter nodded stiffly, before standing up. He gave Harry a hesitant look and he began leading him to the bathroom. Harry let out a sad sigh. He didn’t miss how Peter gave him a skeptical look, like he was uncomfortable with the idea of Harry walking behind him. He didn’t blame him either. Peter gave Harry a sad smile, before kissing his cheek and walking into the bathroom. Harry smiled back as he heard Peter lock the door behind him. Harry stopped as he realized that Peter had forgotten both clothes and a towel. He walked quickly to his bedroom and picked out one of his sweatshirts that Peter had stolen about a week prior, and a pair of comfortable jeans and boxers. He grabbed a towel and knocked on the door lightly. “Hey, Pete, you forgot your clothes and a towel, can I come in?” He asked calmly.
Peter made a noise, before saying, “I locked the door.”
Harry let out a sigh. “I’ll hold onto them until you’re done, alright?”
Peter didn’t reply, but Harry could imagine him nodding quietly. “Okay.”
The shower started up and Harry sat with his back to the door. He got to thinking about how someone could do such a thing to Peter or anyone for that matter. Skip took advantage of Peter and was able to get out on good behavior? The idea to kill Skip had popped into his head and he knew it was a good idea, but he wouldn’t hunt him down. If, and this is a huge if, he was able to get near Peter, then the idea would turn into an action.
The shower turned off after twenty minutes and Harry heard the door click. He stood up so that Peter could open the door slightly. He hand reached out from behind the door and grabbed the clothes and towel before shutting the door. Harry smiled softly. It was still his Peter in there. He was here. He was okay. Harry took a deep breath and moved out of the way of the door. He smiled as the door opened, and waved to Peter. “Hey Pete.” He greeted.
Peter jumped, surprised by Harry’s sudden voice. He gave him a wide-eyed look, before relaxing after a moment. “Hey…” He murmured.
Harry smiled softly. His sweatshirt swamped Peter’s figure as usual, making him look even smaller than he was. The jeans were a bit more slim-fitting than Harry had intended, but Peter seemed comfortable. Harry put out his hand, a gentle smile on his face. Peter smiled softly back, and took it. Harry’s smile grew, and Harry began to lead him out of his house. “Wanna go to that new coffee place down the road?”
Peter smiled quietly and nodded. “Okay.”
Harry led Peter down the stairs slowly and towards the door. Peter hesitated before placing his hand on the door knob and turning it. Sun shimmered through the small opening and slowly filled the room as the door widened. Peter blinked a few times to let his eyes adjust.
Harry stepped out before Peter, so that he knew he was protected from the front and back. If he decided right there that he didn’t want to go then Harry would walk back in if he wanted him to follow. Harry smiled as Peter took a hesitant step outside. He played with Peter's hair for a moment, loving how fluffy it was freshly washed. Peter purred softly at the contact and Harry grinned.
He led Peter down the sidewalk talking to him happily. Peter didn't reply other than one-word answers and facial expressions, but Harry was more than happy to just be out and about with him. After not seeing him for a month, he grew really lonely.
They were walking side by side down the street. As much as he wanted to hold Peter’s hand again, he decided it was best if Peter made the move. Harry gave Peter a gentle smile. The two walked down the road, Harey leading Peter happily. After a while it walking, Peter took light hold of Harry's hand. He smiled and pulled his hand up lightly, kissing his knuckles. Peter blushed before laughing. "Har, stop." He said playfully.
Harry grinned. "Whyyyy." He whined teasingly. Peter smiled and leaned into Harry slightly while they walked. This was the first time he felt safe in a while. He’d only checked behind himself once and felt like that was enough.
“You’re like a puppy.” Peter sighed contently and his hand tightened slightly around Harry’s.
Harry laughed at the idea. "I'm the puppy? Have you seen how fluffy your hair is?! And just how cute you are in general!" He argued. "You're the puppy in this relationship."
Peter smiled. "Well then I'm your puppy." He said, blushing lightly and nudging him playfully and happily.
Harry smiled. "That's another nickname."
Peter rolled his eyes. "How many do you have for me now? Three? Four?"
“About eight.” Peter replied.
“Eight?” Harry asked, a laugh laced in his voice. “I don’t think I’ve heard some of those, have I?”
“I call you different nicknames depending on the person I’m talking to.” Peter explained as they neared the doors to the coffee shop.
It was a small place, not one of the popular coffee spots but still good. One of the reasons the couple liked it so much. They got their privacy to be a couple without having to worry about anyone snitching. Plus, the coffee wasn’t that expensive.
“Should I get us a table?” Peter asked. Harry looked at him with cautious eyes.
“Only if you feel comfortable with getting it.” Harry hesitated letting go of Peter’s hand.
“I’ll be alright.” Peter reassured. He wasn’t just reassuring Harry, but also himself. Before heading off, Peter’s gave Harry a peck on the cheek which got Harry to smile.
Peter slipped his hand out of Harry’s and went to the table closest to the wall and sat with his back facing the wall. Nothing could sneak up on him now and he got a full view of the coffee shop so if... he did show up, Peter would know. After a moment of talking, a server approached him. "Hello, what would you boys like?" She asked, a kind and curious look on her face.
"I'll take a hot chocolate." Peter replied, a hopeful look on his face.
The waitress nodded and wrote that down. "And you?" She asked, turning to Harry.
"I'll have a vanilla chai latte please."
She nodded happily and wrote them down as well. "Would you like anything to eat?"
Harry shrugged. "Pete?"
Peter looked up from a brief daze. "Huh? Yeah? Oh, uh, sure. Can I get banana bread?" He asked.
Harry chuckled as the waitress wrote it down. "I'll be back with your drinks in a minute." She walked back to the kitchen, leaving the couple to chat amongst themselves.
Harry started to explain what Peter had missed at school. “I’m pretty sure that you’d get it in a day. After all, it was mostly all reviews with things branching off.” Harry rambled.
He continued to ramble on until he saw Peter tense. He hadn’t seen anything, his eyes weren’t focused on anything, so it had to be his spider senses going off.
“Peter?” Harry asked softly. Peter shot out of his trance and looked over at Harry, seeing his concern.
“I think it was just a fly.” Peter mumbled.
He wasn’t quite sure what it was, but it was either really small or approaching.
Harry looked around the cafe for a moment, before sighing and forcing a laugh. “God this place just opened and there’s already flies. Not a good sign if you ask me.”
Peter laughed at that, his spidey sense progressively getting louder. He smiled and grabbed Harry’s hand, wanting some form of comfort. Harry caught on quickly to Peter’s anxiety, and began rubbing his hand with his thumb. “I love you, Pete.” He asked, a small smile.
Peter forced a smile. “I love you too.” He murmured.
The waitress came with their drinks. “Your banana bread will be out in a second.” She said, a kind smile on her face.
Peter smiled and thanked her, taking a small sip of his hot chocolate, before pulling away and hissing softly. “Hot?” Harry asked, chuckling.
Peter nodded, but took another sip. Harry couldn’t help but laugh. The hot chocolate was in a red mug with green details. It was filled to the brim, topped with whipped cream which had marshmallows, chocolate shavings, and chocolate syrup. Peter seemed happy with the drink as he took another sip though.
Mid sip, Peter grabbed his head. He put his hot chocolate own so he wouldn’t spill it. His spider senses were going nuts. They were screaming at him to run.
“Peter?” Harry consoled, he looked like he was going to get up to help Peter. “Is something wrong?”
The door opened an a ding followed it. “It wasn’t a fly, Harry.” Peter realized and looked at the door, fear filling his eyes.
Harry grabbed Peter's hands gently. "Peter? Pete, are you okay?"
Peter looked down, squeezing his eyes shut. He had a look of fear on his face. "Harry…" he whimpered. Harry could hear that Peter was close to crying. He looked up to see a tall man standing in line, chatting with the cashier. He had pale hair, almost white. As if he felt the eyes on him, he turned to the two boys sitting at the table. Peter glanced up for a moment, before immediately turning away.
The man smirked, saying something else to the cashier, before strutting in their direction. "Hey there Einstein," He said, grinning at Peter.
Harry felt Peter began to shake and watched as he tried to close his eyes even tighter. “Wow, can’t even look at me?” The man acknowledged, his grin still plastered on his face. Harry put it together and glared at Skip.
“Excuse me, but you’re interrupting something here.” Harry had a mock kindness in his voice, it wasn’t that convincing. Skip jumped slightly at Harry’s voice, having just notice him.
“Oh you have a-“ Skip looked down at Harry’s and Peter’s intertwined hands. “Oh.” There was a slight venom in Skip’s voice now.
"Would you mind getting the fuck out?" Harry growled, scooting closer to Peter.
Skip made a face. "You're that one kid who was friends with him." He recognized, an angry look crossing his face.
He stopped as the waitress stepped over, putting Peter's banana bread in front of him. She saw his distressed look and turned to Harry. "Is something wrong?" She asked.
"Nah, everything's good here." Skip interrupted.
Harry got an angry look. "Everything is not good, can you get this man to leave us alone?" Harry hissed through his teeth. Every second Skip stood in front of him was a second closer that Harry was to punch him.
The waitress nodded. "Sir you need to leave these two immediately or I'll have to get security." She said.
She didn't quite know what was going on but she could tell it wasn't anything good. Skip scowled, before pushing himself up violently and stalking out of the building.
The waitress gave them a look, before walking away silently, as Peter practically crawled into Harry's lap. "Hey, it's okay bug, he's gone." Harry reassured, feeling Peter tremble violently.
“H-Harry… he’s still there. He’s waiting.” Peter could sense him standing outside, and he was angry. It wasn’t good when he was angry. Harry held Peter close to him.
“I’ll take care of it. I’ll have a staff member stay right here, if he comes in again, then he won’t walk again.” Harry said.
“Don’t.” Peter replied firmly, tears slipping from his eyes. “Harry, he’s angry. He’s awful when he’s mad.”
Harry felt his heart break at that. What had Skip done to him? He shook off the chilling thought and pressed a kiss against Peter's head. "Don't worry Pete, I'm a vigilante, remember?" He murmured softly. "I'll be back in just a second."
Peter didn't argue, but watched teary-eyed as Harry stepped through the door.
"Westcott." Harry snapped, an anger flaring up in his gut.
The man, as Peter predicted, looked up from leaning on the side of the building. "I've got a bone to pick with you." Harry snarled.
Skip scowled. "This is your last chance kid. You better screw off and let me-" Before he had a chance to finish, Harry launched forward and punched him in the nose.
He staggered back in alarm as blood began washing down his face. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" He screamed, clutching his nose.
Harry grabbed his collar. “You listen to me right now. You are not in a place of power here. You might think you are still in control of Peter, but you’re not. He could beat the absolute shit out of your sorry ass. Now, the best thing you can do is try and rebuild your life that you destroyed the moment you destroyed Peter’s innocents.” He growled. Skip took a minute and laughed right in Harry’s face.
“Little Pet could hurt mwah?” He chuckled. “He couldn’t even hold the door shut tight enough to stop me from coming in.”
Harry kneed him in the crotch and Skip groaned and pulled away from Harry. In a couple of minutes he was able to recover and he was pissed.
“You think you know Peter as well as me? Huh? Just because you got to watch him grow up?” Skip hissed, then smiled. “He grew up rather nicely, no? You want to grow old with him? Sadly you won’t be able to.”
Skip pulled out a pocket knife and longed at Harry. It was so unexpected and yet not. Harry knew that Skip might turn violent, he didn’t see him having a knife. He was luckily able to step back before the knife went down, but the second time the knife was right above him and it was coming down fast and Harry closed his eyes and prepared for the pain.
The door swung open and the pain never came. Harry’s eyes open and saw Peter grabbing Skips wrist. He still had the tear stained cheeks and fear in his eyes, but there was also anger.
“What the hell are you doing?” Peter hissed.
“Pet! I was just-“ Skip gasped as Peter’s gripped tightened.
“Don’t call me that.” Peter hissed again.
Skip growler at that and tried to throw Peter off. He stumbled, before tightening his grip. "Get out." Peter warned Skip.
Skip growled. "You can't get rid of me that easily." He snapped, before throwing a wobbly punch with his other arm.
Peter ducked under it, and twisted Skip's arm, which he was still holding. There was a sickening crack and Skip let out an alarmed cry as Peter refused to let go, possibly breaking Skip's wrist with how hard he was squeezing it. Harry could see Peter's light trembling, but it was overcome with a rush of adrenaline. "Now you listen here, Westcott." Peter hissed, with a layer of venom in his voice that Harry had never heard before. "If you ever try to touch me or my boyfriend ever again I will kill you. You hear me?" He threatened, as he released his arm.
Skip's other hand flew to his arm as Peter stepped back. Harry moved forward, his hands shaking as he touched Peter's shoulder. He jumped, startled by the sudden contact, before immediately turning to hug Harry.
“Fine. I’ll leave for now.” Skip snarled. “But I will be back.”
Harry growled and then a light bulb went off in his head. “Aren’t you supposed have a probation officer with you?” They watched as some color drained from Skip’s face.
He looked like he was about to run for a moment, before scoffing. "I- I only have to see him once a month thank you!" He shouted.
Harry scowled at that. "Well believe me, this incident wont go unreported."
Before Skip could reply, two officers approached the group. "Hey, the owners of this place called us. Apparently there was a threat here? Mind telling us what happened?" One asked, eyeing Skip's broken arm.
"These fucking maniacs attacked me!" Skip shouted immediately.
Harry gave him a dumbfounded look. "You have got to be fucking with me."
"Okay okay, enough of the language!" The female officer shouted. "Come with me, I have some questions." She said, pulling Skip aside.
Harry straightened. "I'll gladly answer any questions you have!" He felt Peter shudder against him and frowned. "I'll also speak for him."
The male officer nodded. "We'll need verbal confirmation for anything you say for him." He warned.
"I'm okay with that." Peter murmured, pulling away slightly. Harry felt a rush of sadness at the loss of contact.
The officer asked the usual question and then started going into the details of the call. “The owner said that two patrons were sitting at a table, which I presume to be you two, and a guy walked up to them and made them uncomfortable. Then one stayed in while the other left after the guy. What exactly happened?”
Harry felt Peter stiffen up at that. He immediately began running his fingers through Peter’s hair. “If you wanna go sit inside for this part you can.” Harry reassured gently.
Peter mumbled a soft, “I gotta confirm stuff…”
Harry nodded gently, before pressing a kiss to Peter’s head and pulling him into another hug. “That guy’s name, it’s Steven Westcott. A few years back he did… bad stuff to Peter. He hurt him. As in-”
“As in rape.” Peter finished. He could feel how Harry tensed under his bluntness, but he really just wanted to get this over with then go home and hide under the covers.
Harry nodded. “Yeah. He got out of prison a week ago I think, and he recognized Peter and started harassing us. I told him to go away and he did, but he was waiting outside for us and I left to go try and get him to leave. Then he just started saying stuff and I got pissed and punched him.” Harry admitted.
“But then he pulled a knife on you and tried to stab you.” Peter argued, pulling away to look Harry in the eyes.
“If Peter hadn’t stepped out then I’d be bleeding right now.” Harry said quickly to the officer then looked at Peter. “I only escalated the situation Peter, I should have just waited with you until he left.”
“I do agree that you coming out here was a slight escalation, but with Westcott’s history with him, I can see why you’d want to get out of the premises.” The officer then leaned into his walkie. “Hey Sarah, check him for a pocket knife.”
“I can see pecking out of his front pocket.” Her voice buzzed from the walkie.
The man nodded. "Alright, can we get your guys' names and numbers? We'll have to contact you later for further questioning."
The two nodded and easily passed the information. Peter pulled out his phone with shaky hands. "I should call May." He mumbled.
Harry nodded, wrapping his arms around Peter's waist. "I'm right here if you need me." He murmured.
Peter nodded silently, and dialed May's number. After a moment, she picked up. "Hey Aunt May? We uh… we've got a bit of a problem…"
“What happened? I’ve been trying to get in contact for a few minutes now. I got good news too.” May sounded happy or relieved.
“Me and Harry went out to that little coffee an-and Skip-“ Peter sniffled, his voice cracking.
“Skip? He broke the restraining order already?” May hissed.
“What?” Peter gasped.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you. Maybe my messages haven’t sent, but I sent you how the courts approved it just a few minutes ago. He was here and then left after it was approved.” She said.
Peter let out a sigh. "Then yeah he broke restraining order."
Harry noticed how Peter's voice sounded both relieved and scared at the same time. He grabbed Peter's hand gently and began running circles with his thumb on the back of Peter's hand. He looked up and smiled softly, before returning to the phone call.
"There are a few officers here, Harry got in s fist fight with him and I think I broke his arm when he tried to stab Harry." Peter sniffled.
May laughed. "Good riddance, he deserves that and much more." Peter made a displeased noise. "Pete, why don't you head home if you can. I can make us some wheatcakes."
Peter smiled. "Thank you…" He murmured, hanging up.
"So we going to your place for 'wheatcakes'?" Harry teased.
Peter elbowed him. "Hush."
"They're called pancakes, Peter! You and May are the only people I've ever met who call them 'wheatcakes'! Its dumb!" He teased further.
Peter laughed and shoved him. "Be quiet! Aunt May's wheatcakes are the best thing to grace this earth."
“I will agree that they’re the best pancakes around.” Harry agreed as he received another shove from Peter.
“I dare you to say that they’re pancakes in front of May. You’d get your ass beat.” Peter replied as Harry laughed.
“May beating me up?” Harry couldn’t even imagine it. Well, he couldn’t imagine Peter beating him up until Peter came close to doing so.
Peter raised an eyebrow. "She will."
Harry raised his hands in surrender. "Alright alright. Come on. Let's go."
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
The Stalker and The Prince
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qojr8U
by kennamckenna
Co created with Keithy, they don’t have a ao3 but we created this together! They’re on the Voltron Rise Of Freedom Amino! They helped me a lot with this and I hope you like it!
Words: 4228, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: mermaid au, Stalker Keith, Prince Lance - Freeform, siren keith, kidnap, One sided relationship, tw blood, tw kidnap, tw metions of death, tw stalking, There’s no rape
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qojr8U
14 notes · View notes
The Stalker and The Prince
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/14287983
by kennamckenna
Co created with Keithy, they don’t have a ao3 but we created this together! They’re on the Voltron Rise Of Freedom Amino! They helped me a lot with this and I hope you like it!
Words: 4228, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: mermaid au, Stalker Keith, Prince Lance - Freeform, siren keith, kidnap, One sided relationship, tw blood, tw kidnap, tw metions of death, tw stalking, There’s no rape, Langst, klangst, Stockholm Syndrome
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/14287983
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fuck this shit, man. The scariest thing about high school should be the work and interacting with people not the constant fear of being shot or being raped/assaulted.
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