#tw: alcohol mention
happypedrohours · 2 days
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Hello beauties!! 😃 The week is finally coming to an end, TGIF and I hope that during the weekend you can rest, relax and recharge your batteries! ☺️
Today your trusted bartender offers you two recipes inspired by our favorite man's musical taste.. 🫡
*Mocktail* - Xanadu -
4 parts guava nectar (2 oz.)
4 parts fresh lime juice (2 oz.)
2 parts falernum (1 oz.)
2 parts half-and-half (1 oz.)
Combine all ingredients with cracked ice in a blender. Blend at low speed until smooth. Pour into chilled champagne flute. Enjoy! 😊
*Cocktail* - Purple Rain -
3 parts handfuls of party ice (1 1/2 oz.)
2 parts vodka (1 oz.)
1 part grenadine (1/2 oz.)
1 part lemon juice (1/2 oz.)
1 part lime juice (1/2 oz.)
1 part blue curaçao (1/2 oz.)
Soda water
Fill a shaker with party ice and add the vodka, grenadine, lemon juice and lime juice and shake well. Fill your glass with party ice and strain the mixture over the ice before topping up with soda water. To finish, slowly pour the blue curaçao over a spoon into your glass to create your tie die cocktail. Enjoy! 😊
I hope these can give you inspiration for the big event… are you ready to celebrate the beginning of summer?!?
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Note: please know that it is absolutely not mandatory to drink alcohol to participate in the event. We love the sober people in this family. You do what you are most comfortable of doing. And in general, please drink responsibly!
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headcanonsandmore · 1 year
Some perfectly normal Doctor Who factoids
The Master is canonically Rasputin.
Time Lords can all levitate and fly. The Doctor seems to forget this.
The Doctor is canonically Merlin.
There are two different explanations for the Loch Ness Monsters.
The Doctor once had a talking penguin as a companion.
Vampires are a canon species.
Tegan and Nyssa have such a strong queer subtext to their friendship that there is a wiki page online dedicated to it.
Speaking of Nyssa, she once got turned into a vampire and became obsessed with eating Tegan.
Ace McShane once fell in love with a cat-girl.
The Doctor is both a semi-mythical figure in the founding of time lord society, as well as also being the reason for the time lords having regenerative abilities. They are also just a run-of-the-mill time lord who ran away from Gallifrey. All of these are equally canon.
The Doctor once broke the fourth wall to wish the viewers a Merry Christmas.
The Third Doctor knows various martial arts.
It's implied that Time Lords cannot get drunk on alcohol unless they drink ginger beer beforehand.
The Eighth Doctor was once sentenced to death and promptly demanded to die in the nude.
The Doctor effectively kidnapped their first companions.
Time Lords reproduce via a technology known as looms.
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becca-e-barnes · 2 months
I think too much in real life to fully let myself enjoy some activities so I'm going to live vicariously through the characters I write 🙃
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He's here for pleasure. You're not under any illusion about his intentions. Sure, he'll let you snuggle up beside him afterwards, playing with the little soft curls on his chest. He'll kiss your forehead and smooth your hair and you'll laugh together about the silliest things but it's no secret that it's the sex that keeps him coming back.
Secretly, it's exactly what you need too. It works well for both of you. You get someone who has the confidence and experience to show you things you didn't even think you'd be into and you get to simply enjoy the way he gets off on pleasuring you. There's no need to feel shy around a man who's told you his secret filthy fantasies.
"What's one thing you've always wanted to do but have never had a chance to?" You probe one evening, taking your necklace off and placing it on the bedside table, well aware he's probably wearing more of your lipgloss that you are after the way he greeted you at the hotel room door.
You hop onto the bed to take your shoes off, enjoying how the mattress bounces you slightly.
He doesn't answer right away, pouring two glasses of a sweet, chilled Riesling before handing one to you. You take a sip, trying not to put him under pressure but the time he's taking to consider your question makes you even more curious.
"If I tell you, I'd like you to try it with me. So how badly do you want to know?" He stands in front of you and places the glass to his lips and in that moment, you couldn't want anything more than you want to fulfil a fantasy for him. You want to be something he's never had and offer him opportunities to enjoy your body that he might never have again.
"Tell me. We'll do it." You hardly even have to think about it.
"I'd like to lick you. All of you. Run my tongue all over your body. Find what makes you shiver. Find what makes you moan. Find the places that are so ticklish you need me to stop. I want to lick all the places you've never been licked before. If you'll let me." He really could make anything sound appealing.
Excitement fizzles in your core and a real desperation begins to build. Just being around this man makes you wet so you can't help the fact you're ready for him already.
"If that's what you want to do, I'll let you." If you're honest with yourself, you'd probably agree no matter what he asked for. You trust him enough to know he won't take you further than you're comfortable with.
You knew what you were signing up for but you didn't think it'd feel like this. Why the hell haven't you tried this before?
He's kneeling at the end of the bed, stroking his cock while his hot, wet, stiff tongue flicks gently against your asshole and there's no denying how much you're enjoying the pressure there. You couldn't hide it if you tried. You're so wet, you're practically dripping and it only spurs him on. It's intimate in a way you don't think you'll ever recover from while being one of the most erotic things you think he's ever done. There's nothing to be embarrassed about it when it's clear he's enjoying it just as much as you are. Maybe more.
The way you're gripping his hair has you wondering whether the strain on his tongue or his neck will overwhelm him first but he shows no signs of relenting. That is until he stands up, already looking delightfully over-pleasured and sinks his cock into your fluttering, neglected cunt without a word.
If he goes too fast it's all over and he knows it but he can't resist holding both of your ankles, watching you while he places open mouthed kisses to the soles of your feet, thrusting into you with slow, calculated strokes.
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halfmoth-halfman · 9 months
and i think i'm gonna love you for a long, long time
Pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x GN!Reader Word Count: 585 Warnings: alcohol mention, fluff, gaz and reader being complete saps for each other Prompt: Dressed Up & "I really want to kiss you right now." Disclaimer: I do not own modern warfare or any of the modern warfare characters. A/N: up next we've got a sweet, little drabble for @glitterypirateduck's GazFest 2023 💜
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The wedding for one John MacTavish is a simple, beautiful affair.  
An outdoor event, themed in pale golds and dark greens, nestled in the soft glow of delicate string lights and moonlight. Love fills the air, swirling with a mix of laughter and happiness. There are no worries or stress, only the happy couple and their gentle dance as they smile and giggle with each other. 
It’s pure and perfect, but you don’t think about any of that. 
All you can focus on is the man sitting next to you. He’s not doing anything particularly special–his attention is elsewhere as he jokes and drinks with his captain while keeping a warm hand resting on your thigh–but you can’t help but stare. 
Beautiful is the only word you can use to describe Kyle Garrick. It’s so rare for you to see him dressed formally without the military fanfare. Not that you mind seeing him in uniform, but there’s something different about seeing him in a dark-colored suit with the golden light haloing his rich dark skin. 
He smiles wide, all shiny teeth and mirth, as he laughs at something Price says, and the exhale that leaves you is one of longing and desire. 
You must’ve been some kind of saint in a past life. The universe’s allowance to have him in your life has to be a gift, a reward for a good deed of herculean proportions. There’s no other way you could be so lucky to have met him, to be bestowed the privilege of his love. 
Price catches you staring, which isn’t hard considering that’s almost all you’ve done the entire night, and sends you a sly smile that you don’t pay attention to in the slightest. He tips his glass to Kyle, giving the sergeant–your handsome, perfect sergeant–a sly wink as he nods his head in your direction. Kyle tilts his head, turning around to catch your admiring gaze. 
He chuckles the moment he sees you, hand squeezing your thigh as he gives you a soft kiss on the crown of your head. 
“Having a good time?” he laughs, a look full of knowing as he meets your eyes. You hold his gaze, allowing yourself to get lost in the deep brown of his eyes.
When you don’t answer, too busy ogling him, he leans his forehead against yours with a knowing smirk. 
“What are you thinking about?” he murmurs, watching your eyes fall to his mouth. You look back up at him, blinking at him almost pleadingly. 
“I really want to kiss you right now,” you confess, a gentle purr of pure want. 
He hums thoughtfully, pretending to consider whether he’ll oblige you. You know he will; he couldn’t deny you anything anymore than you could him. 
You lean in, nudging his nose with yours in an attempt to get him to close the gap. Kyle laughs again, hand leaving your thigh to lightly grasp your chin and pull you in. 
You compare kissing Kyle to what heaven must feel like. His love is all-encompassing, surrounding you with warmth and love, leaving you feeling nothing less than cherished.
He pulls away first, and you chase after him, peppering kisses along his cheeks as they swell with laughter.
You don't know how you got so lucky, but he kisses you again, and you know that it doesn’t matter.
The universe has given you your soulmate–the other half of your heart–and you have no intention of ever letting him go. 
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allelitewrestlings · 10 months
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maybebabyplease · 1 year
for the @wolfstarmicrofic prompt:
Remus splays out across Sirius’ bed, his head falling over the side.
“Why did you get so drunk, Moony?” Sirius asks, fond. “You know you can’t hold your liquor.”
“Wanted courage,” he mumbles. He rolls over and curls into Sirius, planting a clumsy kiss on his ribs. Sirius’ breath stutters.
(50 words)
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the-west-meadow · 1 year
Can you write "I’m trying to say that I’m glad you’re here." from your prompt list? ☺️
Kendall Roy x Reader
prompt: I'm trying to say that I'm glad you're here.
It was the day after Kendall’s birthday party and you hadn’t heard from him all morning. The last time you had seen him, he was completely wasted, getting ready to perform on stage in front of his guests. The sight of him so out of control was too painful to bear, so you had quietly slipped out without any goodbyes. 
Now there was radio silence from Kendall. You didn’t know what he was thinking; was he angry at you for leaving early? There was no way to tell. So you got dressed, headed down the street towards the nearest coffeeshop, where you bought two black coffees then took a cab to Kendall’s townhouse.
It was a long time before anyone came to the door. When he finally did, it was like watching a vampire face the sunlight for the first time. He looked awful. Dark bags under his eyes, hair disheveled, wearing just a t-shirt and shorts. 
“Shit. Did I call you?” he said. 
“Nope. Just bringing coffee to the birthday boy.”
“Did you want to come in?”
“Is there anything in there I shouldn’t see?”
“No, no. I’m all alone.”
He led you inside, taking a seat on the big sectional sofa in the living room. The curtains were drawn, the TV on mute with footage showing the outside of his party venue the night before. He quickly turned it off. 
“That was the biggest shitshow of my life.”
You slid the coffee towards him. He took a grateful sip. 
“Sorry I couldn’t stay,” you said. 
“I’m actually glad you didn’t.”
You raised your eyebrows.
“Sorry. Fuck. That came out wrong. I mean I’m glad you didn’t get to see me embarrass myself any further.”
“It’s okay. It was a good time while it lasted.”
He cupped the coffee in his hands, gazing off.
“I wish the whole night had gone differently," he said. "I feel like a fucking joke. Nobody takes me seriously.”
“That sounds like your dad talking.”
“I’ve had his voice in my head my entire life. I can’t get it out.”
He massaged his temples with the tips of his fingers, closing his eyes.
“Then you show up here with coffee. And it’s the last thing I fucking deserve after how I acted last night.” 
“I can go if you’d rather be alone…”
His eyes opened suddenly. It almost frightened you how sad and pleading they looked.
“That’s not what I meant. I’m trying to say I’m glad you’re here. I’m just a fucking asshole and all my words come out wrong when I’m hungover.”
He took a deep breath then looked straight at you.
“I’m glad you’re here because you’re the only person who has bothered to reach out to me since last night. I’m all over the fucking news, Twitter, whatever. And yet not one person has sent me so much as a text to see how I’m doing. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect them to. But the very fact that you’re here is just…”
He shook his head, averting his eyes.
“I feel like I don’t fucking deserve it.”
He looked up at you again, eyes questioning.
“I wish I had been with you last night," you said. "I shouldn’t have left. I didn’t want to see you like that. It hurts. But it hurts even more to know you came back here alone.”
You choked up, throat suddenly tight. Kendall reached for you automatically. 
“No, no, no. Come here.”
He took your wrist gently, pulling you around to his side of the sofa. 
“It’s not your job to take care of me while I’m being a drunk asshole.”
“Is it bad that I kind of want to?”
For the first time he smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly. 
“No. That’s amazing, actually.”
“Let me make you breakfast.”
“I can see you’re not going to take no for an answer. At least let me make some toast.”
You started to get up, but he gently grabbed your hand again.
“Hey,” he said. He looked like he was about to say something else, but instead he wrapped his arms around you. He hugged you with the desperation of a child who hadn’t been held in a very long time. You squeezed him back, his warm body in your arms, his voice murmuring in your ear:
“Thank you.”
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
TPN S2 Drinking Game WIP (English Dub)
The kids mention missing Norman
Someone says "shipment/shipped"
They reuse bgm unaltered from S1
There's awkward 3D
There's a timeskip montage
Someone swears
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teddybearsims · 2 months
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you really can't write another song about your broken heart x
[Machines hum and rattle around Jude in agonizing dissonance, like nails on a chalkboard. He just needed to get out a little, cleaning up his apartment had left a sour taste in his mouth.] [The little things he finds have memories swarming the forefront of his mind, like spare arcade tokens, stowed away in his desk drawers.] Stevie: C'mon, one more round? I'll let you win! [An old pair of drum sticks, worn out after years of use. A little 'S' carved crudely on one of them.] Jude: You gotta pick up the sticks first. [Her laughter echoes in the small space. Jude would’ve done anything to make her laugh.] Stevie: Shut up, you dork! I know that. [Crumpled concert tickets, the ink of them wearing away over time.] Stevie: We should've gotten high before we left. Jude: I'll buy us drinks. Stevie: It's a fucking Oasis cover band. I'll need something stronger. [Journal Entry: Jude is attempting to write another song, the lyrics are from the song Look What You’ve Done by Jet. Half of the second verse is scratched out, with the words "FUCK THIS" written next to it. For story purposes, he’s writing these as his own lyrics. ]
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xtinyslip · 5 months
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IT WAS DONE. peter strahm was dead. dead and buried as a matter of fact. there was such a heavy part of mark that wanted to drown at the bottom of a whiskey bottle... but he knew that wasn't going to cut it this time. he'd promised he'd SURVIVE and the truth was; he had no idea what that was going to look like without his husband. only that he was about to find out. starting with leaving the farm which had been easier than imagined. not that he expected it to remain that way but for now it was a good move forward. like fuck was he hanging around there, waiting for the next knife flying around to end up in his back. "it's just coke. not that i'm sure what difference that should make to you?" cupping his hands around the small glass which in fact, did only obtain coke. painfully. @walstarterblog
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sentincl · 4 months
open starter location: by niebla beach hehe
It was like Cupid had thrown up in the house. Fake rose petals making up several trails with the sole destination of the kitchen where the island was packed with all sorts of snacks and bottles, red and pink and white balloons in almost every corner of the place, and he even made sure to have towels of the same three colors hang in the bathrooms. His favorite was probably the full length mirror in the living room scattered in red kiss marks, with various shades of lipsticks provided on the side. See, Adam had thought of everything. He wasn't just any host. He might've used up most of his money to rent the place right by the beach, but he simply couldn't have his guests hike all the way into the woods for this. He had a box of red plastic cups cradled in his left arm as he walked towards the kitchen, a red feather boa wrapped around his neck and heart-shaped sunglasses slid low on the bridge of his nose as he greeted everyone with a big smile. "Fret not babe, I got reinforcements." He couldn't hold the gasp in once he locked eyes with a particular guest, his free hand pointing towards them right away. "Holy shit! You got my invite! I thought you were gonna ignore me again. Did'ya know the one and only requirement to bein' here is givin' me a compliment?"
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ch. 1: A Safe Place to Land - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x nurse!reader
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Summary: 3.7k words. After an unexpected break-up with her long term boyfriend, y/n had one goal: to keep her head down and finish her travel nursing contract as soon as possible. That was until Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw derailed her plan entirely. Just as y/n finished picking up the pieces of her broken heart, Rooster came along and showed y/n what it’s like to be loved again–if only she’ll let him in.
Warnings: descriptions of injury, medical situations, cursing, alcohol mentions, cheating (previous relationship), very self-indulgent for yours truly
a/n: hi y'all! this idea has been bouncing around in the back of my mind (read: it lives rent free in my head & i constantly fantasize ab it) for almost a month now & i'm finally ready to start sharing it whoop whoop :) i hope you enjoy, please lmk what you think!
series master list | master list
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw had gone three months without winding up in the hospital since returning from the mission that originally called him back to Top Gun. Three whirlwind months in which he’d finally been able to plant some roots after making the Top Gun base his home base—or really, as much of a home as a naval aviator could find. He was constantly being called away for missions all over the world, but for once he had some place to call home. 
In the past few months, he’d defied death more often than not and pushed himself to his limits, things that could’ve led him to crash and burn right into a hospital bed. So what was it that brought him back to the hospital?
Routine F18 maintenance. 
The irony of it all wasn’t lost on Bradley as he waited in an ER exam room at the on-base hospital. The bleeding from the deep gash on his arm had mostly stopped, but there was no doubt that he needed stitches. The gauze from the poorly stocked first aid kit in the hanger he’d been working in wouldn’t be sufficing for much longer, so he hoped someone would be in to stitch him up soon.
His prayers were answered by a short y/h/c nurse knocking on the exam room door before she entered. The woman immediately drew Rooster in, the attraction was practically magnetic. Carole Bradshaw raised her son to be a gentleman, but he couldn’t help the way his eyes trailed up and down the stranger’s body as he checked her out. Maybe it was the way the fluorescent hospital lighting highlighted her features and gave her a natural glow, something Rooster thought would be impossible given the clinical coldness of the room’s fixtures. More likely, it was the way she carried herself. Tough but soft, friendly but guarded, hardy but not hardened.
“Bradley Bradshaw?” she asked rhetorically as she took in the man. Even though he was sitting, she could tell he was tall. His khaki uniform did little to cover the way his golden tan skin stretched over his large biceps. “My name is y/n. I’ll be your nurse today,” she introduced herself as she pulled medical supplies out of a closet.
“Rooster,” he corrected with a smirk.
“What?” her brow furrowed and she paused to look at the Navy man.
“My call sign is Rooster,” he said proudly. The characteristic naval aviator confidence oozed off of the man; y/n had seen this attitude countless times before, but Bradley made it look sexy. She hummed lightly as she approached his bedside to place gauze and isopropyl alcohol she had retrieved down.
“Ahh, Navy lingo,” she said simply. Rooster let out a confused chuckle. 
“You say that like you’re not serving as well.” y/n looked over her shoulder from the sink where she was watching her hands.
“I’m not, actually. Civilian travel nurse contract,” she clarified as she walked towards Bradley once again.
“How’d you end up here, then?” Rooster winced at the sting of the antiseptic on his open wound. y/n let out a humorless laugh.
“That’s a long story.”
“I’ve got a little bit of time, sweetheart.” y/n rolled her eyes and tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach from the pet name. y/n was a professional, but she’d have to be blind to not notice how attractive Rooster was.
“It’s not a story I can tell sober either,” her eyes briefly met his before her focus returned to cleaning his wound.
Rooster was never one to be shy or nervous around women, much less one he just met, but he found himself needing a mental pep talk before he spoke again.
“Let me buy you a drink then,” his cocky grin and the aviator sunglasses perched on his nose gave him the illusion of confidence he typically felt. y/n loud out a laugh. It wasn’t from a place of malice, but more shock than anything else. This Greek God of a man wanted to buy her a drink??
Nevertheless, y/n had a reputation to uphold. While this by far wasn’t the first drink offer she’d turned down from a patient, it was the one she wished she would’ve taken the most. If she had met him anywhere else, she would’ve said yes in a heartbeat. A little flirting was harmless though.
“Mm mm, you’re gonna have to try harder than that, Bradshaw.”
Rooster lifted a hand to his chest, feigning as though he'd been wounded, only breaking character once he felt the sting of alcohol again.
“We’re back to Brashaw already? Damn, you’re tough to crack,” y/n tried to hide the amused smirk on her face, but Rooster caught it before it disappeared. A short-lived comfortable silence fell between the two as y/n worked on cleaning Rooster’s wound.
“For a highly trained fighter pilot, you sure are clumsy,” y/n teased, referring to the wound he received while working on his jet. A smug smirk of her own graced her face as she began disposing of the gauze and materials she used to clean Rooster’s wound.
“I’m very good with my hands, I was just off my game today,” Rooster replied without missing a beat. y/n didn’t miss the innuendo in his comment and she found herself blushing uncontrollably. The flush on her cheeks was confirmation enough to Rooster that he’d gotten through to her. y/n cleared her throat before addressing the aviator again.
“The doctor will be in to stitch you up shortly, they’ll give you aftercare instructions and let you know when you need to come back to have the stitches removed,” y/n explained, resuming her professional demeanor.
Just before exiting the exam room, y/n tapped her clipboard against the door frame.
“Stay safe out there, Rooster,” she teased before exiting, leaving an uncharacteristically smitten Rooster in her wake.
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Just over a week later, Rooster sat waiting in an ER exam room once again, this time to have his stitches removed. The aviator came straight to the hospital after a long day of training, still in his flight suit. Admittedly, he could have taken the time to change into something more hospital-appropriate, but he was anxious to see y/n again. Hence the reason he made it from the Top Gun hanger to the base hospital in a record-breaking 3 minutes.
Rooster’s head whipped towards the door when a quick succession of knocks broke him from his train of thought. He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face once his favorite nurse came into view.
“Rooster, what a nice surprise,” y/n greeted with a genuine smile. The pair locked eyes for a second longer than might’ve been considered appropriate, but neither of them seemed to care. y/n reviewed his chart quickly, seeing that he just needed to have his stitches removed. y/n was secretly glad that he wasn’t injured again, which she tried to rationalize in her mind as it being totally normal to care about the well-being of my patients.
As y/n gathered supplies to take out his sutures, she sized Rooster up. Mostly for medical reasons, but partly for her own viewing pleasure.
“Strip, Bradshaw,” y/n ordered with a completely straight face. Her poker face cracked when Rooster’s eyes widened in shock, causing a satisfied chuckle to escape the nurse. Rooster rolled his eyes but played along.
“At least take me out to dinner first!” Rooster replied dramatically, earning a snort from y/n. She then motioned for him to take off the top half of his flight suit to give her access to his stitched-up arm. The tight-fitting white tank top Rooster wore underneath his flight suit was revealed as he shrugged out of the sleeves, leaving little to the imagination. y/n knew Rooster had defined muscles from seeing his arms alone, but watching the thin white fabric stretch over his defined pecs and abs gave a whole new meaning to built.
The smell of jet fuel made y/n wrinkle her nose as she approached Rooster’s bedside with a small rolling stool in tow. This time around the antiseptic didn’t sting as y/n carefully cleaned his arm, but Rooster still found himself tensing under y/n’s gentle touch. y/n handled the forceps and surgical scissors with a mastered ease as she removed his stitches. By the second stitch, Rooster psyched himself up enough to ask y/n out again.
“So, about that drink?” Rooster asked casually with a small smile on his face. y/n chuckled. The butterflies are back.
“You just don’t give up, do you, Bradshaw?” Amusement was evident in y/n’s tone and a smile of her own graced her lips. For once, a patient asking her out didn’t make her uncomfortable or roll her eyes.
“Persistence pays off, darlin’,” Rooster responded with a megawatt smile. y/n looked up from his arm for the first time since she’d started removing the stitches. His words and smile might’ve been playful, but there was an undeniable sincerity in his eyes.
y/n maintained a laser focus as she removed the final stitch. Once it was out, she applied antibiotic ointment to the healing wound with a gentleness that was foreign to Rooster. y/n didn’t miss the way Rooster’s muscles flexed under his golden tan skin as she placed a fresh bandage on his arm.
“This might leave a scar,” y/n warned as she began cleaning up the used supplies.
“Chicks dig scars though,” Rooster replied proudly, puffing out his chest sarcastically. y/n laughed unabashedly and Rooster swore it was the best sound he’d ever heard.
For a fleeting moment, it was quiet in the exam room. The stretch and smack of y/n removing her nitrile gloves broke Rooster from his thoughts, giving him a somber reminder that his time with y/n had come to an end. Just as Rooster stood from the hospital bed, y/n turned on her heel to face him once again.
“Where am I drinking for free tonight?” y/n asked casually as she failed to hide her small devious grin. The victorious grin spread across Rooster’s sun-kissed face was infectious, leading y/n to break into a small smile of her own.
“The Hard Deck,” he replied quickly, confidence radiating from him. y/n knew he was tall from his chart notes, but the height difference between the two of them became very apparent as he sauntered over towards her. y/n swallowed heavily as she craned her neck up to meet his eyes again, but Rooster knew better than to call her out on it.
“Nine?” y/n asked to clarify their meeting time as she led him towards the discharge desk. She tried to stifle her smile but failed pathetically, much to Rooster’s delight
“9 works great for me,” Rooster replied, a grin still gracing his face.
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y/n hadn’t been out since she moved and started her job at the Navy base hospital a month ago. At the end of most days, she was exhausted from her long shifts at the hospital; to y/n, this was reason enough to stay in with a glass of wine and an episode of Criminal Minds. Staying in and away from the outside world also proved to be helpful in her ongoing feat to avoid her ex-boyfriend.
So when Bradley asked her out the first time last week, she was apprehensive at best. First and foremost, she doesn’t go out with patients (well, didn’t until now). But in the back of her mind, she also worried that she might run into the exact man she’d been avoiding, especially since Rooster and her ex had at least one thing in common: being in the Navy.
The second time that Rooster asked y/n out, she decided that if she was going to make an exception to the no-dating-patients-rule, she would choose Bradley Bradshaw, hands down. The man was a walking Renaissance sculpture with a good sense of humor. He was clearly a talented aviator, and from what y/n could tell, he seemed to have a good heart–even if it was buried beneath a tough guy act.
y/n also decided that she was done hiding from her ex. From that moment forward, she refused to put her life on hold. What better way to do that than to go on a date in a bar frequented by Navy men?
When y/n walked into The Hard Deck, it was a few minutes past nine o’clock. y/n might have spent some extra time getting ready for a certain Lieutenant, but also figured it couldn’t hurt to make the confident aviator wait a bit. For the first time in weeks, y/n was wearing something other than scrubs or leggings for her first night out off-base. Her curve-hugging denim shorts and summery blouse felt refreshing and empowering, giving her the confidence she needed to wade through the packed bar. 
y/n wasn’t oblivious to the fact that she’d unintentionally drawn the attention of more than a few Navy men as she leaned against the bar.  Her own attention, however,  was captured by the tail end of an energetic performance of Jerry Lee Lewis’s “Great Balls of Fire”. Rowdy cheers and hollers erupted from the group of people crowded around the piano as the final chord of the song rang out. The energy in the bar was magnetic and y/n found herself smiling as she scanned the rest of the bar.
Once the applause and laughter died down and the jukebox was plugged back in, y/n turned to look towards the piano again. Lo and behold, the man who stood up from the piano bench was none other than Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. Much to y/n’s delight, she found that Rooster looked just as good out of uniform as he did in uniform. When Rooster’s eyes met y/n’s from across the bar, a boyish grin took over his face.
In just a few quick strides, Rooster stood beside y/n at the bar top. Damn him and his long legs. The pair exchanged coy smiles; the lines of what was and wasn’t ‘okay’ were very blurry. Rooster wanted nothing more than to wrap his arm around y/n’s waist and pull her to a quieter corner of the bar, but he’d be damned if he moved too quickly and made her uncomfortable when he’d just managed to successfully ask her out.
The bartender approached the pair with a friendly smile. It became clear that Rooster knew her well when he flashed her one of his signature grins y/n was becoming familiar with.
“This lovely lady’s drinks will be on my tab tonight, Penny,” Rooster greeted with a casual confidence that stirred up the butterflies in y/n’s stomach. Penny nodded and greeted y/n with a smile before retrieving the beers they ordered. To Rooster’s surprise, y/n preferred the same dark ale beers he’d become accustomed to drinking.
The two of them relocated to a booth towards a quieter corner of the bar. Here, they could talk without yelling to be heard, but they were still close enough for the lively bar chatter to fill any awkward pauses.
“You look good, y/n,” Rooster complimented, doing little to hide the way his eyes flitted across her face and down her figure. y/n blushed and smiled against her beer bottle and returned the favor. She unabashedly admired the way his sun-kissed hair formed golden brown curls that framed his face and the way his biceps filled out his Hawaiian shirt very well.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” y/n teased with a flirty smile as she brought her bottle forward to clink against Rooster’s.
The pair exchanged pleasantries, asking about each other’s days and other ‘easy’ topics. The conversation wasn’t boring by any means, but both Rooster and y/n were hungry for more. Rooster decided to dive in first, clearing his throat and hoping he wasn’t about to cross a line.
“Truth is, I want to know how a civilian travel nurse ended up at a Naval base. But I have a feeling you aren’t going to give in that easily,” he began, smirking when y/n confirmed his suspicions with a nod before taking another swig from her beer bottle. “How about 20 questions?” Bradley offered as an alternative. y/n grinned big. It wasn’t a competition of course, but if being an ER nurse taught y/n anything, it was how to ask good questions and draw wild stories out of people.
“Bring it on, Bradshaw.”
Rooster and y/n spent the next hour talking about everything, from their respective careers to childhood memories. For a brief moment, they touched on how they got their scars. For y/n, the burn scar on her wrist came from a holiday baking incident. Rooster, on the other hand, had a much cooler, albeit scarier explanation for one of his scars. y/n didn’t miss the fact that the aviator across from her had quite a few scars, but she tried not to dwell on it too much.
The Hard Deck’s naval patrons slowly started filtering out of the bar in preparation for early wakeup calls the following morning, but Rooster had no intention of ending his conversation with y/n anytime soon.
By the end of their 20 questions game y/n felt comfortable enough–with the help of her liquid courage–to open up about how she ended up working at a hospital on a Navy base as a civilian. y/n tried to keep the mood lighthearted before she began her story, but Rooster caught a glimpse of the somber look in her eyes.
“I-, uh, my boyfriend of two years got transferred to this base. So rather than do the whole long distance relationship thing, I decided to relocate with him,” y/n wore a soft smile as she spoke. She had fond memories of her ex-boyfriend. Had, past tense, being the operative word. “It all happened fast. I signed a four-month contract to work at the hospital here, we applied to rent a small house just off-base, and we were- we were happy.”
y/n cleared her throat before she started speaking again. Rooster wasn’t a behavioral analyst, not by a long shot, but he could tell y/n wasn’t as carefree as she was moments ago
“A few days before we moved, I came home early to surprise him,” y/n paused to let out a bitter chuckle. “I found him hooking up with a woman from his squadron in our bed. A last hurrah, I guess,” she mocked. y/n looked up at Bradley to see his shocked expression. Fuck, had she said too much? Was she too honest? Rooster quickly schooled his features when he saw y/n’s vulnerable expression. His heart ached for her, but more than anything, he was dumbfounded that y/n’s ex not only let her get away, but cheated on her.
y/n explained that it was too late to break her nursing contract, so she ended up moving by herself. The first few weeks were brutal, not that she admitted this to Bradley. In a way, y/n felt like she had something to prove. She wanted to show her ex and herself that she wasn’t a coward and that she wouldn’t run and hide, especially from the man who disrespected her by cheating. y/n filtered the last bit out while she got stuck in her thoughts.
“Jesus,” Rooster muttered with wide eyes. He cursed into his beer bottle as he raised it to his lips and shook his head. For having been cheated on and getting out of a two-year relationship so recently, y/n seemed surprisingly unfazed. If anything, she seemed relieved after telling Rooster and getting it all off her chest.
“I- shit, I don’t even know what to say… I’m sorry he put you through that. You deserve better,” Rooster said definitively. y/n briefly locked eyes with him and seriousness in his gaze took her by surprise. Between his voice and unwavering expression, y/n came to a startling conclusion–Bradley Bradshaw actually cared. The butterflies in y/n’s stomach stirred once again, but she knew she had to tread with caution to save herself more heartache.
A strange silence fell between them; it wasn’t tense or comfortable either, but it was far from neutral. As it settled further, y/n realized what it felt like: understanding. Something as simple as a few quiet moments in a bar after pouring her heart out had her feeling lighter than she had in years. A relieved breath blew past her lips and shoulders lifted a bit. When she finally met Bradley’s eyes again she saw nothing but sincerity. y/n realized she might already be a goner for this man.
“Thank you,” y/n breathed out with a small smile.
“For what?” Bradley’s eyes moved across y/n’s face as she searched for the right words. The way she bit her lip while she was thinking had Bradley shifting in his barstool.
“For hearing me out. Letting me get that off my chest,” y/n clarified. Despite reliving one of the worst moments of her adult life just minutes ago, she felt good. She felt good with Rooster, and that was a scary thought. She wasn’t ready to be close to anyone just yet.
“Anytime, y/n,” Bradley smiled and reached across the table to squeeze her hand. There was an undeniable spark when they touched and they both felt it. That much was clear by the way they quickly locked eyes when their fingers interlaced.
The pair moved on to lighter conversation topics for a while whilst time crept up on them. By midnight, y/n was yawning as her long day caught up to her. 
Ever the chivalrous gentleman, Rooster insisted on walking y/n out to her car. There was no goodnight kiss, though Rooster desperately craved one. y/n was still figuring out her boundaries, but she was also having quite a bit of fun watching the confident aviator squirm and work for her attention.
y/n did, however, gladly accept the bar napkin Rooster scrawled his phone number on before he opened her car door for her.
It was a win in his book.
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a/n: AHH!! what do y'all think?? i'm so excited about this series hehe :) if you'd like to join the tag list for this series specifically, drop a comment or reblog on the series master list post! xx
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allelitewrestlings · 7 months
“Pro wrestling specifically is full of bullshit and bullshitters. I’ve always had a very low tolerance for bullshit. But now it’s fucking non-existent, my level of patience for bullshit.”
— Jon Moxley on his patience after sobriety (for The Messenger by Daniel Trainor)
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jaylienpotter · 7 months
Thinking about Remus Lupin with an alcohol addiction
He started drinking when he was a preteen, having access to alcohol at home. His father had a whiskey collection, wouldn't realise Remus drank unless a whole bottle was missing. So when Rem got bored in the summer, without permission to sleepover at his friends' houses, he took a sip.
He was taught to keep things to himself, to take up no space. He ought to be invisible to make sure no one finds out he's a werewolf. So even as a teenager, with four best friends who all knew what happened once a month, and furthermore became animagi to make the wolf company, he bottled up his problems. Acted fine. Blamed it on the moon when his neutral mask failed. To cope with the feelings he didn't dare say, he drank.
His friends did say he drank a lot at parties, but since he seemed unaffected, they just believed he was heavyweight and didn't pay it too much thought. In truth, he was just used to alcohol.
He didn't want to admit to himself that it was a problem. No one was getting hurt. He wasn't erratic nor violent. And he controlled the amount he drank. But he couldn't help feeling guilty about the bottles he had hidden.
It took a week of forced sobriety after the Marauders found the stash for him to realise he did have an addiction. They couldn't get him to stop drinking altogether, but he did slow down and started opening up instead of drowning his thoughts with booze.
In the summer of fifth year, after Sirius pranked Snape, which resulted in the Slytherin nearly being killed or turned into a werewolf by Moony, the addiction hit hard. Lupin drank every day to cope with the betrayal. He got properly fucked out and his body created a dependance. Sixth year was not a good one. Thankfully there were no exams because he barely paid attention in classes. He started skipping some. Got behind on lessons. Avoided his friends. Hid away with the map to drink hidden away and in peace.
Sirius one day grabbed him and sobbed, pleaded for Remus to scream, hex, curse him or beat him up if needed, anything but self destructing. And under the influence, Moony did just that. The guilt came afterwards, even though Sirius had taken it all without fighting back. Lupin allowed himself to forgive Sirius. He missed him. And he was clearly regretful.
Slowly, the Marauders got back together. They worked hard for Rem to recover. And recovery passed by becoming sober.
It was a bitch. It was a real bitch, abstinence. He had fevers, threw up many times despite not eating for days, highly dehydrated, and his mind was loud with shouts for the sweet release he was so acquainted with. Some days he felt were as bad or maybe even worse than a full moon. He wasn't ripping his skin apart, but instead ripping his soul. However, as always, as a good Gryffindor, he pulled through.
It took many months but after he got clean, he didn't touch booze. Not even at parties - which his friends tried making alcohol free for his sake. He got very close to Padfoot in that whole healing process, finding the most comfort in talking to him about his problems rather than with Prongs and Wormtail. They even started dating in the seventh year.
Moony's life was good, he was in control, surrounded by loved ones, with Sirius by his side no matter what. He didn't need alcohol.
Lupin relapsed on the 1st November 1981.
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
Can I pleaseee get Dabi and Shigaraki comforting and cuddling with hungover reader asap? I drank my usual amount yet woke up hungover when I don't usually get hungover 😭😭
Thank you so much
OOP- hang in there 🏃🏻‍♀️ the boys are coming for you, here something short, hopefully you’ll feel better soon!
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Dabi will stay by your side the entire time, insisting you get a nice cold shower. He’ll get in with you, help you wash your hair and scrub your head real nice and it actually makes the headache feel less heavier. His lithe fingers always do magic whenever you have physical pain and need some relief by massaging and stuff like that. Then he lets you rest on the bed, laying next to you and continuing to run his fingers through your head, kissing your forehead and humming softly. Dabi will scold you though, from now on you’ll never drink without his supervision.
Shigaraki panics a little, he hates seeing you feel like this, especially with that killer headache of yours. He runs to the cabinet to find whatever pill could work to make it go away, if there isn’t anything, he cusses through his teeth and orders someone from the group to get ibuprofen asap. He starts searching on google on how to get rid of hangovers, and brings you a package full of sweets and snacks you could possibly be craving or that could make you feel somewhat better. He will also lay beside you, wrapping his arms around your body and bring you closer to him. He promises to disintegrate every bottle of alcohol if he sees you like this again though..
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littlecarmine · 2 years
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