#tw gender critical
astfut · 1 year
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mywitchcultblr · 1 year
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Is a lot of men bad? Yes, is patriarchy bad? Yes. Is a lot of books written by men have biases? Or its own flaws and problem? Yes. But only reading book made by women is just anti intellectualism and will lead into an echo chamber which i think is the point of OP's post and deeming ANYTHING touched by men as irredeemable evil is just...
Such a paranoid and tunnel view takes.
The post is calling for a total isolation...
Fuck this remind me so much of the fearful religious conservative mentality if my country where parents often separate boys and girls out of fear of sin and pregnancy outside of wedlock.
You know like the 1800 separation between boys and girls out of fear that something scandalous will happen? It was based on misogyny and fear. Now this bs screenshoted above is also separation based on fear and hate but painted #GirlBoss™
Also reject male sexuality? Like if you are straight/bi/pan woman and you fall in love with a dude but you can't? Because some Tumblr blog told you so? Fuck that sounds miserable and cultish bruh (which it is, terf is a cult) I'm sorry but total separation between women and men is just unrealistic, not sustainable, and frankly really dystopian.
Btw before anyone ask I'm trans (Genderfluid) and also an intersectional feminist.
The Ter/f post above was screenshoted by a friend and they DM me about it...
Even Fairy odd parents made fun of this concept 🤣
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I think the dumbest and most pathetic responses I get from TERF+s on my posts--particularly the ones where I offer what little advice I can about spotting/filtering transphobes--are ones where they say shit like "make sure to spell it 'T3RFs do interact'!"
I can't help but wonder how they got here. Absolutely NO leftists want to or will interact with TERFs, radfems, or gender-critics. They're rightfully excluded to the point that they're desperate enough to make pleas thinly disguised as weird, bad jokes on what they call "libfem's" posts, the "joke" being trolling normal people to get us to talk to them again (presumably until we see how their creepy transphobic tags are spelled and correct our filters, anyway).
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animentality · 1 year
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All the links to the above charities here.
Brianna Ghey's family:
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radfemtiktok · 2 months
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anti-terf-posts · 30 days
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this is someone trying to be transphobic but it's unironically the funniest ask I've ever gotten.
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TRAs to minors: you need amputations and chemical injections or you're going to fucking kill yourself. rush rush rush rush rush as FAST as you can. LIE and THREATEN SUICIDE to anyone who stands in your way. here's a script of fake statements to make to your doctor so you can get the amputations and chemicals as fast as possible. doubt is the enemy. if you even THINK about not going through with it RIGHT NOW, you're permanently hindering your ability to pass as an adult. which means you WILL KILL YOURSELF AND THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. YOU WILL KILL YOURSELF. YOU WILL KILL YOURSELF YOU WILL KILL YOURSELF THERE IS NO WAY OUT THERE IS NO ESCAPE
TRAs when someone detransitions for literally any reason: you were a fucking liar and never really trans you nazi piece of human trash. nobody would ever pressure you like that or tell you to lie. the least you can do is shut your fucking mouth and toe the line, and stop trying to convince people there's any alternatives other than amputations + chemicals, or straight up killing yourself. you're a fucking conversion therapy supporter and deserve to be beaten to death and raped
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sad-cinnamongirl · 6 months
rape is a hate crime based on sex. it should be counted as one.
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disconnected-dragon · 7 months
yknow I really didn't think it was possible to make me angrier at JK Rowling but then I found out she wrote a book abt an autistic person being sucked into a cult (that's totally not an analogy for trans people what you talking abt) because they just can't possibly know what's good for them, they need their fathers to come and hire private investigators to get them out of a cult. And in the book autistic people are referred to by the r slur and called "a bit simple".
I didn't think it was possible for me to hate this paternalistic, honeyed head-patting, self-righteous, hate-driven HAG of a woman more than I did but fuck me here we are.
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museumofferedophelia · 6 months
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Just some more disturbing fantasies about pushing the boundaries of lesbian women. Posted by a trans-identified male.
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Being exposed to discussions by and about TERF+s yet again like a rosebush to sudden strong wind. And, having blocked and reported the aforementioned transphobes, yet again have something to say which feels like common sense. but.
Searching "trans" on a suspected transphobe's blog is usually the first way I go about trying to see if they're radfem or whatever. Finding nothing doesn't mean they aren't transphobes, and I'm sorry but yeah, in my experience, it is sometimes an indication in itself. Depends entirely on the user and their blog. If they post a fuckton about stuff like homophobia and feminism, but there's nothing explicitly trans-inclusive and/or they avoid the word "queer" like the plague, enough targeted searches might reveal a radfem (for the record, I'm not telling you to do this, I am just sharing my observed experience). Or they might be one anyway.
The big thing I'm saying here is don't jump to conclusions. A lot of times, the feminist post didn't come from a transphobe. On the other hand, many--if not most--radfems hide. They want to engage with fandom blogs, political blogs, and popular blogs but so many of us are good at blocking/ DNIing that we seriously hamper their ability to do that. So they don't just hide, they hide well. But that doesn't mean they stop being transphobic just because they're using their main blog.
This is a good post about the "radfem-lite" post subject. It's a bit outdated, now. Nowadays, I'd wager that the vast majority of TERF+ blogs are sideblogs. They prefer terms like "gender-critical" and even think "TERF" is a slur in all ways but technical (some of them still think it is). Their terminology shifts a lot to try to circumvent the "no one will play nice with us" issue.
I get being hardline about this issue, and I try to be, too. But "hardline" doesn't mean deciding nuance doesn't exist or making accusations without evidence. That said, "you're insane if you think searching 'trans' on someone's blog and finding nothing indicates a transphobe" is disingenuous.
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killjoyfem · 10 months
And remember ladies, on the subject of mortuaries: Necrophilia is a particularly male thing. In this study, 95 percent of necrophiles were found to be men. In addition, 100 percent of the cases of necrophilic homicide were perpetrated by men. (source)
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radfemtiktok · 3 months
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anti-terf-posts · 1 month
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i-8-ur-soul · 8 months
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Mexican women from Women's Declaration International protesting outside of the courts of Mexico City because a prisoner in Chalco was raped by a male inmate that self identifies as a woman.
The sign reads: "Get men out of women's jails".
You can sign a Change petition here to demand Mexican authorities that justice is delivered to the rapist and that they enforce our constitution so that imprisoned women are granted the right to serve their time in prison separate from men.
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