#tua s2 interview
firstpersonnarrator · 2 years
Tag Game: Caption Contest
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Robert Sheehan and Jason H. Min interview (X)
Ben & Klaus thirsting over Ronan O’Gara, ooooo crikey!
Tagging: @maerenee930 @elliethesuperfruitlover @joz-stankovich @merrilark @hey-there-benerino @vonkimmeren @misskittysmagicportal @magic-multicolored-miracle @angst-fairygodmother @bentacles-hargreeves (hi, you don’t know me, but bentacles are everything.)
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feralnumberfive · 11 months
Another way of looking at how different the vibes are for S2 & S3 from S1 is listening to Gerard's cover of "Hazy Shade of Winter" since he said it's the theme (besides the actual main theme by Jeff Russo) for TUA. You can listen to it and imagine S1 and think "Oh yeah that matches the overall feeling and mood of the season" but you just can't do that while imagining S2 & S3
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betharisworld · 1 year
Thank You 2022
I don't know what will I say... Rasanya tahun ini nano-nano sekalii, sangat berbeda dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Senangnya banyak, tapii sedihnya juga ngga kalah banyaak...ditahun inii aku berhasil meraih cita-cita dan harapan orang tuaku dengan berhasil memperoleh gelar sarjana. Tapii, nyatanya kesenangan itu hanya euforia sesaat, justru ujian hebatnya datang setelah itu...mulai dari pertanyaan sekarang sudah kerja dimana? Kenapa kok belum kerjaa? Kalau mau lanjut S2 kenapa ngga langsung aja?, semua pertanyaan yang terlihat biasa ituu nyatanya cukup membuat isi kepala dan dada terasa sesak. I don't know, apakah ini yang dinamakan "quarter life crisis" atau bukan, tapi yang jelas aku sedang berada diposisi dimana aku bingung untuk mengambil dan menentukan posisiku seperti apa. Belum lagi ditambah melihat teman yang sudah berhasil mendapat kerja sesuai harapan, melanjutkan S2 tanpa berpikir panjang dan tanpa bingung soal pembiayaan, ada juga yang sudah berhasil membangun self branding yang begitu menawan dengan prestasi yang sungguh gemilang.
Rasanya, semakin hari aku merasa semakin tertinggal. Sudah 3 bulan aku menghabiskan waktu hanya untuk berpikir panjang mengenai langkah apa yang harus aku ambil setelah ini. Ingin sekali seperti mereka yang bisa langsung melanjutkan pendidikannya, tapi satu-satunya harapanku adalah mendapat beasiswa ditahun 2023, karena aku berprinsip ngga akan mau lagi membebani orang tua, apalagi sekarang dengan beban ganda karena adikku berkuliah juga, ngga mungkin di usia sekarang ini aku masih minta-minta... Tapi disisi lain aku belum bekerja. Ingin berkarir juga masih bingung ingin bekerja dimana dan dibidang seperti apa. Mencoba beberapa kali apply dan mendapat panggilan interview di perusahaan besar dan terkenal tapi terpaksa tidak berangkat karena masalah jarak dan tentunya biaya yang ngga sedikit juga, karena interview dilakukan di kantor pusat di Jakarta. Mendapat tawaran berkarir di bank konvesional dengan jaminan jenjang karir yang bagus tapi aku yang pastinya tidak nyaman, entah dengan sistem ataupun dengan pakaian yang dikenakan nantinya.
Sebagai lulusan sarjana yang hidup di desa dan "menganggur" selama 3 bulan, pastinya banyak sekali yang menganggap "percuma kuliah jauh-jauh dan di Universitas ternama, akhirnya nganggur juga" (karena di desaku mayoritas kuliah di universitas swasta dikota yang sama yang dekat dengan rumah), rasanya kata-kata seperti itu sudah menjadi camilan disetiap harinya. Sampai-sampai aku memutuskan untuk menghabiskan banyak waktu di rumah hanya untuk menghindari pertanyaan-pertanyaan serupaa. Hal yang mungkin dianggap lumrah dan biasa, tapi bagiku ini benar-benar beban.
Berharap tahun 2023, aku bisa menemukan jalanku, karena aku yakin bersama kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan...itu janji Allah✨
Selalu berusaha untuk selalu bisa berprasangka baik dengan takdir Allah, apapun yang telah ku hadapi dan akan ku hadapi nanti, ya cuma bisa berpegang sama Allah, yakin bahwa setelah badai akan ada pelangi...🤍
Tahun depan aku siap untuk mematahkan keraguan orang-orang terhadapku, bantulah aku Ya Allah🥺
Dear 2022, I'll miss you dengan segala perjuangannya. Besok ketika aku sudah berhasil, pasti akan aku buka kembali memori dan akan aku ceritakan perjuangan ditahun ini✨
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robmesheehan · 3 years
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maleficent088 · 4 years
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The Umbrella Academy season 2 Article in Entertainment Weekly’s July issue
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evesbeve · 4 years
Justin H. Min on Ben's Character in The Umbrella Academy
[Justin Min interviewed by Iana Murray for the GC Magazine. I highly recommend reading the full interview here! These are just some TUA-related parts.]
In The Umbrella Academy, Ben is a lot more fleshed out in the show compared to the comics. Did the character go through changes to accommodate you specifically?
In the beginning, it was really about building this character from the ground up, and there were a lot of conversations with Steve [Blackman], our showrunner. But the character continued to evolve and change even as the season went along. There were technical things of: Is Ben allowed to touch the physical space he's in? Is he able to open doors? We had an hour-long discussion about whether Ben's hair should move when there's wind. We finally decided that it shouldn't—there were a few times where we had to reshoot scenes because the hair would move when it wasn't supposed to.
I think Ben’s arc is really interesting because in the first season, you see these flashbacks of him as a child and you get the sense that he doesn’t want to be seen. There’s that bank robbery scene where he uses his powers behind closed doors as if he’s embarrassed. But now that he’s a ghost, it seems like he wants nothing more than to be seen and heard.
That’s exactly what it is. It's so interesting because I think maybe unconsciously, maybe consciously, art is amazing and magical in that way. Each of the abilities that each of the siblings have relate to some deeper inner turmoil that they're battling, and I think one of the things that has always been a struggle for Ben as a child is grappling with his identity and not wanting to be in the spotlight—in a lot of ways, wanting to become as invisible as he could be. But so, ironically, with his death, and him becoming a ghost, he’s tackling that inner demon head on, because now for the first time when he is actually invisible he's fighting for visibility. He's fighting for agency and independence, and he wants nothing more than to be able to take a proactive role in helping not only Klaus, but his family, and ultimately the world in preventing this apocalypse.
In the second season, he does get some more agency and independence but his development is still intrinsically tied to Klaus. He has the potential to be the most powerful member of the family but that can never be fully realized because he’s essentially trapped.
I could sit here and talk about a million different scenarios where if Ben was alive, what would he do? How would he interact with different siblings? How would he react to different circumstances? I think it would be so interesting to explore what life would be like for an Asian male in the 1960s, if [Ben] was actually visible. But the story is what it is. And I think there is beauty to this inextricable bond that he and Klaus have. In a lot of ways, he serves as a moral compass for his brother. So I'm glad that they continue to explore that this season. I think it would have been a slight cop out just to suddenly make him fully visible and alive.
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head-full-of-things · 4 years
Dammit there is one spoiler I wish I haven't seen
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sharkneto · 2 years
3, 9 for the ask game?
3. Have you received any bookmark notes? Which is your favorite and why?
I have! I love bookmark notes. My favorites are the ones on Nice Things Can't Last Forever (They Still End Too Soon) because they're mostly versions of "wtf why is this so sad" or "to cry to". I got one recently on The Zoo Is Better When It's Not All Dead that made my fucking day (I hope they don't mind I'm sharing it) -- "I am so emotionally fucked up by this fic. Every time I smiled a lil the author reminded me Ben wasn't there. It's like eating sugar mixed in glass shards. Fantastic read though". Comments don't get much better than that, my friends.
WAIT. One more from Lend a Hand that's so goddamn funny: "luther: yep these cuffs are definitely too tight to get out from, even if you dislocate your thumb five, teleporting in with one hand looking like hamburger meat: oh, haven't you heard?"
I say this all the time, but y'all spoil me
9. What inspired you to write your first fic?
Huh. Really it was I had too much time on my hands - pandemic hit and I worked alone in a job that keeps my hands busy but mind free. Lots and lots of time to daydream, which isn't new - I've been writing the equivalent of fics in my head for years. The new thing was that I had A Lot Of Free Time On My Hands with my covid work schedule. What became my very first fic (one that I probably won't ever share) was after finishing binging TUA S1 and S2 and thinking about an official interview with Allison and then Five to re-introduce that he's back. It was fun, was fun to play with that format. But that was the first bit of daydreaming I actually sat down and wrote out (because I needed the written-interview format to fully conceptualize the idea) and went, Huh. That was A Lot Of Fun. So I started writing down some more bits of this and that (including what became Joining Together! Yes! That fic has been in the works for a year and a half before any of it was shared!). This was all Just For Me For Fun. Never to see the light of day (er, AO3)
For the first one I shared (Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas) I 100% blame it on holiday blues. Was around Thanksgiving, was feeling sorry for myself because pandemic and I was stuck alone for the holidays, was out walking and looking at Christmas lights and thought up this fic. Went home, wrote it, and liked it so much I just... posted it. And then tried to not obsess over the stats (and failed).
And then you all were so goddamn nice and supportive that I went and wrote and shared another fic and then I got addicted to how fun it was to share and chat with you guys in comments and whatnot that here we are today, 273k shared words later.
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circumstellars · 3 years
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[ My original gifset post is getting very long, and to make room for future gifsets, I’m splitting them up into gifsets - tua and gifsets - cast+ (The Umbrella Academy related cast, their other projects and miscellaneous). Got so much more to make, can’t wait to fill this list up even more soon! The old gifset post will be retired c: ]
***Please do not repost my gifs without credit! I spend an incredible about of time on them, and perfecting my craft. Gifs are an art form too!
[*] indicates a specialty set, or gifs that otherwise have been uniquely animated, texturised and/or transformed beyond traditional cut and colouring.
[ welcome to stellar☆’s cast+ gifset masterpost! ]
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Instagram video (Deleted) (20??)
Jane the Virgin (2014) 
David Castañeda for Roofers Promo (??) (2015)
MasterClass with Robricio (2016)
David Castañeda on guitar (via Instagram) (2019)
Kids. Love. Beer (via Instagram) (2019)
The Book of Interview (2020)
DA MAN Photoshoot (Colour) (2020) DA MAN Photoshoot (B&W) (2020) (2)
‘Viendo la película el otro día... ’ (via Twitter) (2020)
David on IG doing this (via Instragram) (2021)
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Nicky Ricky Dicky & Dawn [S1][EP1] (2014) "Do what comes naturally” in Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn (2014) Whatever this is Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn (2014)
For #Actnow (2019) For #Actnow (alternate set) (2019) (2)
Cooking with Aidan Gallagher (2020)
Aidan in Behind the Scenes, Video #9 (2020)
Unboxing TUA goodies from Dark Horse (2021)
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Buzzfeed x Earth Locker: 24 Hours 0 Waste Challenge (2020) Buzzfeed x Earth Locker: 24 Hours 0 Waste Challenge (2020) (2) Buzzfeed x Earth Locker: 24 Hours 0 Waste Challenge (2020) (3) Buzzfeed x Earth Locker: 24 Hours 0 Waste Challenge (2020) (4)
Earth Locker segment; ‘It’s orgasmic, in the ears.’ (2020)
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New Amsterdam [S1][EP17] (2018)
The Girl at the Store (Ad? Short) (2019)
Justin Min interviewed for GQ (2020)
UNICEF Birthday Fundraiser (2021)
The Sparrow Academy S3 Teaser (2021)
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Hard Candy (2005)
Tales of the City (2019)
On Conversations with Oprah (2021)
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TUA interview for Tribute (2019)
Performing Freedom from GUN & POWDER (2020)
Milestones for Black Women in Film & Television (2021)
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Cherrybomb (2009) Cherrybomb + Luke + his stash (2009)
Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974 (2009) Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974 (2009) (2)
Misfits + It’s just a completely normal day [S1][EP1] (2009)
Misfits S01 interview for Digital Spy (2010)
Love/Hate (2010)
Killing Bono (2011) Killing Bono + First Band Practice (2011)
The Borrowers (2011)
Killing Bono BTS (LQ) (2011)
BBC Me and Mrs Jones (2012) Me and Mrs Jones  Hugs + vomit [S1][EP1] (2012) (1) Me and Mrs Jones  Hugs + vomit [S1][EP1] (2012) (2)
The Mortal Instruments (2013)
SUMS photoshoot (2013)
The Road Within (2014) The Road Within (2014) (2)
Hunger TV (with Paloma Faith) (2014)
The 100 face journey For RTÉ (2015)
Moonwalkers (2015)
Moonwalkers BTS Interview (2015)
Robert Sheehan talks with Spacehop (2016) Robert Sheehan for Spacehop (again) (2016)
Jet Trash (2016)
Geostorm (2017)
Three Summers (2017) Three Summers + Roland and his theremin (2017)  Three Summers + Roland and his theremin (2017) (2)
Three Summers Promotional Interview (2017)
Fortitude [S2][EP5] (2017)
Mute (2018)
The Song of Sway Lake (2018)
Mortal Engines (2018)
Mortal Engines interview on Lorraine (w/ Hugo Weaving) (2018)
Mortal Engines GigaTV Mag Interview (2018) Mortal Engines GigaTV Mag Interview (2018) (2)
Genius: Picasso [EP01] (2018) Genius: Picasso [EP01] (2018) (2) Genius: Picasso [EP01] (2018) (3)
Netflix: The Great Irish Debate interview (2019) Netflix: The Great Irish Debate interview (2019) (2)
The Toilers - Banshee Betty (music video) (2019) The Toilers - Banshee Betty (music video) (2019) (2)
Noisy little buggers (2020) Congratulating participants for the GSFA (2020) (2)
Instagram Live (w/ Ari Gold) 02.04 (2021) Instagram Live (w/ Ari Gold) 02.04 (2021) (2)
For his new book Disappearing Act (via IG) (2021) Reading from Disappearing Act (via IG) (2021) Reading from Disappearing Act (via IG, again) (2021)
RTE The Late Late Show Interview (2021)
Endgame (Play) (2022)
The Last Bus [S1][EP01] (2022)
Rock Rivals [EP4] (2008) Rock Rivals [EP4] (2) Rock Rivals [EP6] Rock Rivals [EP6] (2) Rock Rivals [EP6] (3) Rock Rivals [EP6] (4) Rock Rivals [EP6] (5) Rock Rivals [EP6] (6) Rock Rivals [EP6] (7) Rock Rivals [EP6] (8)
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TUA promo for Netflix Latinoamérica (2018) [*]
TUA Cast in Behind the Scenes, Video #8 (2020) TUA Cast in Behind the Scenes, Video #8 (2020) (2) TUA Cast in Behind the Scenes, Video #8 (2020) (3) TUA Cast in Behind the Scenes, Video #8 (2020) (4) TUA Cast in Behind the Scenes, Video #8 (2020) (5)
Emmy, Justin and Aidan read The Umbrella Academy (2020)
David and Aidan in S2 BTS Blooper Reel (2020)
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: Netflix virtual panel (2021) Virtual panel: Aidan on Five’s growth and humanity (2021) (2) Virtual panel: David on Diego's softer side (2021) (3) Virtual panel: Robert on Klaus' transformation (2021) (4)
David, Justin, Génesis + Oranges, judgement (2021)
Season 3: That’s a wrap! (2021)
Netflix Tudum: The Umbrella Academy S3 (2021) Netflix Tudum: Elliot + Shooting S2 Finale (2021) Netflix Tudum: Emmy + Shooting S2 Finale (2021) Netflix Tudum: David & Rob shenanigans (2021) Netflix Tudum: Rob + His signature dance move (2021) Netflix Tudum: Five’s ‘blinking’ impressions (2021)
Netflix The Umbrella Academy S3 x Bosslogic (2021)
S3 Netflix Geeked Panel: David and Justin (2022) S3 Netflix Geeked Panel: David and Justin (2022) (2)
TUA S3 Press: Emmy, Justin, David and Tom for Buzzfeed (2022)
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How Gifs are Made (For people who don’t make gifs)
HD Giffing vs. EZGif test
-> { gifset masterpost: The Umbrella Academy here }
Last updated: 29.o6.2o22
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rappaccini · 3 years
tua season 1 rewatch, round two:
last year's is more of a shot-for-shot rambling, if that's what you're into. this year's is gonna be a little different. stuff i mentioned before, i'll do my best not to repeat, unless it's to add context. this will largely be with an eye to the comics and how they were adapted or not.
and since tumblr only allows ten images per post (wtf), you're gonna have to bear with the timestamps here too.
"we only see each other at weddings and funerals" is a title of one of the comics, but it's the second issue, not the first. i get why it's been fronted to the first episode though: it's snappy, and the first issue of apocalypse suite is more of a prologue. that's how tua volumes are structured: the first issue is prologue for the plot that comes in afterwards.
for a pilot, you need to get the ball rolling. so you have to make the prologue the teaser, and then get to fifty minutes of plot.
this entire episode is really a combo of issues 1-2 of apocalypse suite. the buildup to, and the funeral itself.
so first off, we don't actually know if vanya was born in russia in the comics. it's more likely than not, but still not confirmed.
what is certain is that the '12pm, october 1 1989' birthday is a show-only construct. in the comics, we don't know their date of birth, but the time was 9:38pm
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or even the year, though from context clues you can construe that the comics are set in the early 1980s, when the family are 30, rather than 29 as they are in the show. i'm guessing that this, in addition to plot convenience and aesthetic, is also the cause of tua's outdated technology: it's what they'd have had in the comics-verse.
(ex: a still-living kennedy meeting with hargreeves sometime after 1963, and 13-year-old allison watching kennedy's assassination as it happens). the children, in the comics, were born in the early-to-mid 1950s.
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i think this change was to hammer home to the audience that the children were all born in the same instance. and the update in year was to keep things Relevant To Today.
which... might have been a net mistake in the long run. this series is ENTRENCHED in 20c popular culture and social movements. and taking those same characters and dropping them out of the context that defined them really made them lose their power.
ex: luther is an astronaut because he was influenced by the space race, which played out when he was a child. diego is a conservative crime-basher whose ideology is a reflection of the constant war on crime rhetoric, klaus's visual aesthetic is tied to the 60s and 70s alternative cultures that he'd have grown up in, vanya and diego were punks in the midst of the late 70s creation of the subculture, the comics are stuffed with five and diego hurling accusations of communism at each other because of the cold war breathing down everyone's necks-- and the cold war being the apocalypse everyone was worried about.
we lost all that.
and the show didn't even bother to update itself. they literally adopted the cars and phones of the 80s, the obama-era 'we live in a society where racism is solved!' trend tv tried to do and is in many cases still doing (yes that is exactly what they did, until they tried to switch gears in s2 for allison's godawful plotline; it was confirmed in interviews leading up to s2 that ~in our future, allison doesn't deal with racism and diversity is celebrated~) and stopped there.
as in the comics, we begin with the births of the children.
though in the show, we only see one birth, rather than 7+. which was probably done for efficiency/budget reasons. we don't see any babies die, because ratings.
also, in the comics, an unspecified number of mothers births 43 children, but in the show, it's 43 mothers who birth an unspecified number of children, which is an oversight that could lead to there being more-than-43 children if the twins are a thing, or a sign that five and luther in this iteration aren't twins. either way, oopsies.
this is also a scene that carries over from the pilot script, though there, the child is born in poland, and a boy and is heavily implied to be number five. (also to the vanya-and-five-are-twins stans... where's your boy. he floating in the pool? he teleport into the locker room?)
my guess is it was changed to vanya because she's the protagonist of this story (or was, @season 2), and we needed her as a viewpoint into the world-- note how we linger on her at the end of the teaser, and how her music ties it together, how her arrival at the mansion is also ours, and how we end with her as well.
vanya is the protagonist of this story. it's about the seven hargreeves siblings (luther, diego, allison, klaus, five, ben and vanya), but it's about five and vanya a little more than the rest of them. and it's about vanya most of all. it is about vanya finding her power, confronting her trauma, coming to forgive the family and returning to them to save and reform them by taking her place among them. it's hers, indisputably.
boy did season 2.... destroy that. for fucking fanservice.
(also, i love how 'extraordinary' is the first spoken word by one of our ensemble in the series, and it's used to describe baby vanya. some of this season was insanely well thought out.)
and i love the use of the narrator, here the voice of pogo-- i'm guessing was added after the title cards in the pilot didn't test well. i just wish it stuck around. why include it here and then never again?
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this line of baby carriages is straight from the comics.
also, the fellow just behind reginald is abhijat, his bodyguard/driver and the children's trainer. he appears next in hotel oblivion, since he's been away in asia during the events of the first few volumes. i understand why he was cut from the show-- his role is easily assumed by pogo and grace, there are a LOT of characters to juggle, and we need to avoid confusing the audience.
still, miss him and his wonderful convos with diego and luther! hope he comes back in other versions of the story!
variable: the mansion in the show is a hollowed-out city block, instead of a gothic manor in the woods (which it is in the pilot script). i'm guessing this was just a shooting limitation.
i'm cool with it, because the mansion is still cool as fuck as this sprawling city block of hollowed-out buildings. there's more a quirky vibe than a gothic one.
though i also wonder at the implication of making the kids so close to the outside world, whereas in the comics they were truly isolated by high fences and an entire estate. sneaking out would've been a lot harder, yet they did it. which speaks to their desperation a lot more.
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the teaser is largely the same as the pilot script, though it's re-ordered to a one-two-three-four introduction-- very clever, great way to help everyone get the numbers straight, as is the hiding of the numbers in the backgrounds of the shots [lunar station 01, love on loan 3...]).
though, allison and klaus's sections are different. my guess is the powers-that-be realized it wouldn't be entirely clear that allison is a celebrity or klaus is an addict from the jump, so they changed klaus's introduction from clubbing to rehab, and allison's from being in a nightclub (a shot from the og pilot, upper right) to being on the red carpet. i like the changes. more efficient. the teaser as a whole is a masterclass in visual storytelling.
also, allison being an actress is a massive change from her comic self. more on this in later installments.
and variable: allison's hair is dyed blonde in the show. it's naturally purple in the comics. i like that it's dyed more than it's naturally ultraviolet.
given that emmy also dyes her hair blonde irl, i'm guessing this was one of her inputs, and it does look gorgeous. i think it also works better for her character as a glamarous crowd-pleasing public figure, rather than a frumpy private citizen, to dye her hair a natural shade rather than a bright color.
(though i'm guessing the choice was made because either the purple hair didn't test well or they thought it was too goofy)
that being said i miss the purple hair and hope it comes back some other time.
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everyone: look! the rain started when vanya noticed reginald died! even though it's clearly established that her powers Don't Do That and that the medication she is still clearly on shut her powers down, this is definitive proof that she controls the weather!
the writers, who definitely just meant that as a cool scene transition: uhhh....
constant: reginald always has a journal, in which he writes incriminating secrets about the children.
constant: ben always has a statue in the courtyard. and the family always breaks up after ben dies (though in the comics, it happens more gradually, with the family leaving one by one -- vanya first, then klaus-- and likely as adults).
variable: how the statue looks.
in hindsight, i feel like the 'bro/sis' aspect of television and film writing that we all love to dunk on is expository in nature. you have to tell your audience as efficiently as possible what peoples' relationships are and nothing's clearer than 'hey bro/sis'.
also, it's interesting in how in the show, they stress the 'family' aspect of the hargreeves dynamic, while in the comics it's 'academy' first-- even to the extent that they are forbidden from calling reginald 'dad.' i get the sense this was done to center the 'dysfunctional family' theming but i think it might've been a mistake, because this show's target audience of teens takes words more seriously than their context (see 'because they call each other brother and sister, the actual upbringing doesn't matter at all!' it's very post-voltron).
i think it was a mistake, in hindsight. or maybe there can be something to be said for combining both versions-- say, they start off by calling each other siblings, or reginald 'dad' and start to break away from that as they become disillusioned.
in hindsight, it's very clear that the 'how did dad die' plot is just padding to get us to ten episodes. it did the job fine here, but i feel like future versions of apocalypse suite could just zoom past it without a problem.
variable: in the comics, diego has one eye. in the show, he doesn't. i get that eyepatches are a pain for actors to wear but dang isn't it sexy how the disabilities get totally erased. allison's prosthetic arm, luther's mobility aids, vanya's wheelchair, and the guy who gets diego's prosthetic eye is a villain. woo. gross. i'd have been ok with it if there were some indication he'd get it later, but that's... not happening. so. hm.
+diego breaking into the coroner's office? straight from the comics.
i'm guessing the writers took this crumb and decided to spin it into a subplot to pad the runtime. clever, but not necessarily needed.
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remember when s1 used characters digging at luther's weight to tell the audience that they were assholes. remember when s1 treated luther with dignity and didn't make fun of his deformity?
(,,, remember when the show actually let luther's deformity be sizable instead of shaving him and making his prosthetics smaller and smaller)
constant: vanya and pogo being exceptionally close when she was a child (but possible variable: them staying fond of each other when they're adults).
constant: vanya wrote an autobiography. variable: the content and intention behind it.
constant: five vanishes early on.
variable: how old five is (10 in the comics, 13 in the show) and whether he vanishes before or after the academy's debut (before in the comics, after in the show, probably so we can establish his power in the bank heist flashback)
variable: vanya and five being close as children. am i aware this is probably just to set up why five would approach her for help and nothing more? yes. am i declaring death of the author and sprinting with it? fuck YEAH. you dumbasses swapped viego with fiveya, and i'm keeping it.
on tua and the gothic... aside from the grandeur and the aesthetic of the mansion, the constant flashbacks really do solidify it-- the 'grand institution past its glory days, full of ghosts' vibe is so palpable.
tua is a gothic horror story. god the vibe was strong then.
the eiffel tower mission happened in the show -- note the picture frame behind allison-- it was just at a later date (they're ten in the comics, and it's their debut mission).
sigh. allison and klaus being close. one of the only things season 2 built on successfully.
+photos of reginald with henry kissinger. jeez.
+reginald is “not our real father” said by klaus right before luther and allison have their first interaction. the show trying to tell you What's Up but not going far enough. next time go for broke.
(also fuck you season 2 for making klaus the ~but its incest~ mouthpiece even though he clearly does not care and based on s1, does not see it that way)
the blocking really does say so much. klaus trampling all over reginald's space, while luther, the highest-ranked member of the group, clinging to one corner of the room because he's still nervous about respecting reg's boundaries. and allison, the one who got the special privileges because of her rumor, getting to creep behind the desk and hang out there.
also. allison and luther have chemistry, you crazies. even when i hated them as a couple i couldn't deny that. the eyefucking is intense. allison is fresh out of divorce court and ready to ride and i support her.
constant: luther and allison always have a romantic entanglement.
variable: in the comics, it seems more from allison's end until That Rumor, in the show it's mutual from day one. a good improvement and evolution that makes the relationship much stronger. keep it.
constant: allison always marries patrick and has claire with him. she always divorces him eight months before she arrives for the funeral. patrick always has custody.
constant: luther always knows about patrick.
variable: in the comics, he doesn't know about claire, or the divorce. and patrick also gets the house in the divorce (which is in the city, not hollywood).
and variable: allison is done with her rumor in the show, and not at all in the comics. this is probably just a plot contrivance to prevent her from ending things too early (and the writers absolving themselves of having to write a morally ambiguous female character) but it's a mistake that should hopefully die here with tua tv and not be carried over.
"i made a wish and it came true and i couldn't take it back" --- a cool line that in retrospect... kinda falls flat: allison made a wish for... her daughter to go to bed. oooh so scary.
oh and the alluther chimes/alluther theme is finished and released on the s2 soundtrack (track title: "luther and allison")! it's the only song from there i can stand to listen to because the rest are about fucking lila, harlan and sissy, and it's lovely! they also have the orchestral rearrangement of it!
constant: there's always a funeral.
variable: vanya actually shows up for it. this i think is an improvement on the comic, because in the show you have to extend the narrative to a full season of television, so you have to take this much slower. and, it lets us actually get to watch vanya become disillusioned, rather than jump out of the gate ready to blow shit up. the result is a much more empathetic take on her fall to villainy. (plus, we need to see her interact with the family to get how little they care for her)
the "old oak tree" line doesn't make much sense in the show, because there isn't one in the courtyard. but in the comics, that tree is part of the family estate, where they bury reginald. this is a holdover from the pilot script, where the house is a country mansion and where the tree is also present. i guess this line slipped through the edits.
variable: klaus's addiction in the comics is more subtle. even though we know right away that he's got a problem, it takes entire volumes before you really understand how bad it is. here it's so in your face that it keeps dancing a really unfortunate line of being played exclusively for comedy. s1 manages it successfully, s2 trips over it and breaks its teeth on the pavement.
variable: klaus's telekinesis/levitation, present in the comics and pilot script, are totally gone in the show. probably for budgetary reasons, which, fair. he has other powers, after all. he can afford to lose a few.
(.... well, then they suddenly become vanya's powers, which make NO goddamn sense and look ridiculous, so fuck you season 2)
and variable: the family isn't all white anymore. though there is a case that can be made for it in the comics, since a racially-integrated superpowered vigilante team operating in the 1960s would... not have been accepted by the public and especially not the government, i'm glad this change was made. the hargreeves children were adopted from around the world, so they should reflect that world.
if anything, we need to take it a step further. and by this i do mean, woc vanya.
constant: we always see the academy's debut mission.
variable: in the comics, it's saving the eiffel tower. in the show, it's this. in the pilot script, the robbery scene also exists. this being the academy's debut mission likely occurs for budgetary reasons.
variable: in the comics, ben is desperate to please. in the show, he's reluctant to use his powers at all.
and the overall dynamic of the family is affected. in the comics, it was allison-and-luther, ben chasing after them, klaus off on his own, and diego rebelling with vanya (with five being gone by that point). in the show, it's allison-and-luther, diego chasing after them, klaus-and-ben, and five rebelling with vanya. i love the change because it emphasizes vanya's loneliness, and diego's obsession with being the best (he literally robs his childhood of friendship and connection because of his ambition).
variable: diego's powers are projectile manipulation, not breath-holding. a change made probably bc holding-your-breath is a power that doesn't come in handy much, and people would probably just get it confused with the knives. i get it. though depending on how the comics shake out it might be a big mistake. we'll see.
constant: vanya always observes, and gets a moment of rejection by reginald
(+comics ref: the insignia on the skyscraper behind reg is the probably-villainous city media logo from the comics. said conglomerate controls the media, the papers, the cops, the taxis... god i'm excited to find out more about what's up there)
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variable: reginald in the comics is simply buried in a coffin. in the show, he's cremated. this makes more sense seeing as he's a space alien who wants to keep his identity a secret, but the comics could have a use for his body being Right There ready to dig up, so we'll see how this turns out.
one thing that's sorely missed i think is the way the show knew how to just take a breather and let you live with the characters for a second.
man. it also makes the song moments more genuine because it's less a ~corporate mandated quirky dance montage~ and more an extension of character moment: it's a song that fits the scene in tone, context and lyric, not something added to be quirky.
+in the pilot script, the locket is vanya's. hm who knows who gave it to her.
constant: five falls back just in time for the funeral
variable: five falls into his 13-year-old body, being the age he was when he disappeared. five is 58 and not in his 60s, and five lands just hours before the funeral even starts, whereas in the comics, he shows up all alone days in advance and simply hangs around the house, waiting for someone to show up. i like this better. it's tighter.
+the kitchen scene seems to be a loose adaptation of the classroom scene in issue 2, where five chats with the family. albeit the content is totally different.
yes i know this is just exposition fuel to let us know what vanya's book said, and to set up five coming to vanya later, but boy if they don't show us they swapped the viego vibe out for the fiveya one.
but. tin hat on:
constant: vanya always has a pseudo-romantic bond with a rebellious pseudobrother who pushes back against reginald and the rules, and bonds with her as a way of doing so. feelings are caught, but the relationship is cut off before it can become anything, though the feelings are still there and bubbling under the surface and are about to boil over when they confront each other during the apocalypse plot.
variable: which brother vanya falls for.
(boy did the show Fuck Up by not doing anything with this. it's too important to vanya's character and her plotline. boy am i livid that they just spun up lila so diego could have this plotline without vanya and just left the fiveya vibe hanging unresolved. idiots.)
in the comics, diego hates mom (who has no name), and allison adores her. additionally, mom looks like... this.
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i get why changes were made. since the viego vibe is gone, we need someone else for diego to be soft to to endear him to the audience. and there are limitations to live action in terms of how the characters look (see luther's deformity being downsized). mom might look too goofy in live-action if she were to be constructed like that.
variable: the funeral takes place during fall in the comics, spring in the show. because pilot season tends to be earlier in the year, and since filming takes months, you need things to look consistent (esp with tua, being a season that takes place over one week), it's easier to fake spring in summer than fall in winter.
(... is the 'they were born in october' thing because the comics were set in autumn?)
and ngl, i love the 'the apocalypse happens on april fools day' thing. it's so, so cruel and i love it. five's the fool. let's keep that.
and thematically of course, tua being about how the family begins to come together again, and setting it during spring... i like that. it wasn't intended at all, but i want to keep that.
variable: no fight breaks out at the funeral. the luego fight happens after the funeral. this was probably moved up to add spice, make the dysfunction apparent, and give us a hint of luther's deformity.
constant: vanya always takes medication
variable: in the comics, her meds have nothing to do with her powers. as far as we know she just takes them as an adult, and we don't even know what they're for (but given the context clues of her her popping a few right before heading into danger, probably anxiety).
in the show, they're the Big Bad Medication that is stifling everything vanya is, forced on her as a child to suppress her powers. i think this is a really smart evolution that helps us understand why her powers have been dormant, esp with klaus as foreshadowing when he uses to shut his powers down. however there are unfortunate implications surrounding the whole 'go off your meds and become your True Self!' thing. personally, i think the implications are worth the story point, but i get why other people disagree.
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the guitar reminds me of the prime-8s, diego, vanya and body (a chimp detective friend of diego's)'s band from the comics. given there's no reference to it here, there's no viego vibe and klaus is the one playing with it, maybe he plays in it in the show.
honestly, i like that if it's the case. it's important to make vanya's isolation feel total, and as much as the viego vibe matters, it chips away at her being the constant outcast if she always had a companion and even had a whole band with him as a teen.
i like the compromise of giving diego his punk band but changing which sibling he plays with. i'd like to see that in another telling someday (plus, an idea for said evolution: what if it's vanya's idea but he uses it without her).
constant: five always murders a whole regiment of commission goons in a diner, with agnes bearing witness.
variable: this happens much later in the comics, at a place called costello's, not griddy's. no idea why the name was changed.
i support moving it up in the timeline, because with tv, you need to expand the amount of material you have. and honestly, the dallas arc being combined with apocalypse suite makes... a lot. of sense. and it ensures that diego, whose plotline consists of investigating that attack, has something to do for the season since his viego vibe was removed.
and variable: the family has a personal connection to griddy's, as a place where they used to sneak out together. in the comics, it's just some diner.
i like this change. it gives five a sentimental quality, bolsters the gothic theme, and tells you that the family could and did get along. and that while five was here, they included vanya.
and variable: the goons look much more generic here than they do later in the season, when they match their comics counterparts much more (the bright red gas masks). chalk it up to either budget or playing it safe. if the former, i get it. if the latter, get over it and go for it.
constant: ben's ghost is always following klaus around
variable: in the show, we learn this immediately. in the comics, it's not until klaus's overdose in hotel oblivion that we learn it
also ben looks totally different. a lot more nightmare fuelish.
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maybe it's a budget thing. maybe it's that the show thought ben would look more down-to-earth in a hoodie and leather jacket than a shredded uniform.
either way the change is... okay. it's okay. it looks nice but it really does open a lot of plot holes regarding the mechanics of ghosts in this world. which are made worse in s2, so woo for never planning your worldbuilding out.
at least in s1 we can pretend they had a plan.
constant: five always approaches a trusted sibling for help with the apocalypse.
variable: who he approaches. in the comics, it's luther. in the show (and pilot), it's vanya.
in all odds, it's vanya here because she's our protagonist and therefore needs to be our viewpoint for all our big exposition moments, but in my heart (and almost certainly by accident in execution, assuming the COMPLETE scene-for-scene, beat-for-beat swap of the viego and fiveya vibes in the adaptation wasn't intentional after all), it's because fiveya.
and constant: we always end our first issue/episode with the revelation that the world will end in a matter of days.
variable: how many days we have left. in the comics, it's three. in the show, it's eight, because more filling. it works, bc we need more time for more episodes, but i'd like to see other versions of the story that shorten things up.
the comics, in their purest form, should honestly just be a series of movies. there's just not enough material to make a television show unless you're willing to pad. this. shit. out. which tuatv is, for better and worse.
man. episode one still is absolutely fantastic. i love it to death. it's the smoothest and most well-written of all the series, and it does a phenomenal job introducing such a batshit world and cast in such an efficient way. jeremy slater built this house. steve blackman burned it down.
and for as many deviations as it takes with the source material... so much of it still rings true. if anything the changes thus far seem to have been made mostly for the sake of streamlining the adaptation, working with the medium constraints of live-action tv, and turning a six-issue comic series (plus its sequel) into ten hours of television.
that being said... you can see the cracks. for now, they're easy to ignore, but knowing where the show ultimately goes... yep.
x | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | overall
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Is it true that they digitally removed the pubes? I always thought this was a joke Rob made in an interview.
No they really did! 🤣 During the Yoga scene in TUA S2.
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arynwafa · 3 years
Tentang 2020
Setelah 4 tahun merantau di Kota Atlas sebagai mahasiswa, aku memutuskan untuk melanjutkan perjalananku ke kota pelajar, ya, Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta, kota senja, kota pantai, kota merapi, kota kafe , kota tempat tempat aesthetic, kota star-up dan lain sebagainya. Jogja mengajariku banyak hal, tentang pertemuan dan juga perpisahan. Jogja mengajariku banyak hal, yang ketika kita bertemu, kita juga harus  siap dengan perpisahan. Di sini aku menemukan banyak orang, tua muda , laki laki perempuan , jawa – luar jawa , S1, S2 , lulusan SMA , dan lain sebagainya. Satu tahun sudah aku di jogja, rasanya butuh waktu yang lebih lama lagi supaya benar benar bisa akrab dengannya. Kota ini, menjadi tempat pertamaku bekerja semenjak lulus kuliah. Menjadi pribadi yang benar benar mandiri lagi tanpa menggantungkan hidup kepada orang tua meskipun tidak benar benar lepas, ya minimal bisa untuk hidup diri sendiri. Mengelola uang lebih baik lagi supaya bisa mencukupi kebutuhan per bulannya. Membayar kos , bensin, makan, jajan, dan segala macam kebutuhan lainnya.
Di  tempatku bekerja, di sudut kecamatan Ngaglik, aku bertemu dengan banyak orang, banyak pribadi , banyak karakter, yang mana semuanya ada di sana. Kebanyakan anak muda yang sedang terbakar dengan rasa penasaran. Senang, ya, itu yang aku rasakan ketika bekerja di sana, karena sesuai dengan tempat kerja yang selama ini aku idam idamkan.
Dari sekian banyak lamaran yang aku apply,  lumayan banyak panggilan yang masuk ke emailku. Namun, entah mengapa firasat tidak ingin untuk melanjutkan ke proses interview dan lain sebagainya. Baru ketika staff HRD di tempat kerjaku yang sekarang mengirim balasan email atas CV ku, ada secercah harapan untuk bisa menimba ilmu sekaligus berkontribusi di sana. 
Satu tahun berlalu, banyak hal yang aku dapatkan dari sana, tentang keikhlasan, senyuman, penghargaan, pelajaran, dan berbagai macam ilmu yang aku dapatkan dari sana. Semua orang yang aku temui adalah orang baik. Baik jika kita melihat dari sudut pandang  yang baik.
Tempat ini mengajariku bahwa “setiap orang punya kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing masing” , jangan terlalu fokus pada kekurangannya, fokuslah pada kelebihannya , jika kau belum menemukannya, maka galilah. ‘setiap orang itu baik, jika kita memperlakukannya dengan baik’. Satu hal yang aku dapatkan sangat sangat lebih dari tempat ini yaitu tentang rasa ikhlas, memberi – tanpa pernah mengharapkan balasan. Sebab, sesuatu yang kita berikan sejatinya tidak berkurang, tapi bertambah. (ariyani)
 Ngaglik, 12 Januari 2021
21: 09
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feralnumberfive · 2 years
I have to disagree with you on the marketing team doing a bad job. The October 1st thing was meant to be a special occassion, like they've done with previois Hargreeves birthdays and the holidays. It wasnt the start of their promotions, but did set up their marketing angle they'll be taking for s3. And I think part of the silence right now they've been editing. I don't think they've known when they'll finish or be ready to release in 2022. With that Netflix is still deciding their release schedule for next year. They'll want to start marketing once they have a release date and we're closer to it. Droughts are terrible for fans, but marketing something for ages and ages isn't that feesible. Either the public are gonna get sick of it before it's even here, or their marketing budget is gonna be ruined. And at this time they can't reveal much of anything or have actors say too much in interviews (if they would interview them so soon) and it would get boring and defeat the purpose of promoting it. They wouldn't be drawing new fans in or hyping up old ones anymore. And since this isn't a new show they're trying to make a hit, they aren't going to be marketing it beforehand as long as a new series might get.
I didn't mean the October 1st Instagram makeover and video was a bad thing, but it is an interesting look into what's to come with the whole broken timeline and Sparrow takeover. With TUA being a somewhat big show for Netflix it feels a little odd that nothing has happened yet, especially with the wrapping date the optimistic estimated release date. Or possibly this just means that something new is coming soon. And like I also said though, it's not TUA's marketing (or I also said whoever is in charge's) fault because they have rules to follow from the higher ups aka Netflix. Yeah I shouldn't have said "not exactly" their fault because it's not their fault at all.
I also don't want to sound like I'm saying "They need to hurry up, I want S3!!" because I absolutely admire everything that goes into making this show and every movie/tv show, especially the makeup, hair, and cinematography workers who work super hard and get very little sleep and aren't treated well, let alone get paid well. And understandably editing in post production takes a long time, especially if you look at my S1 & S2 comparisons. They heavily have to make the magic happen!
I definitely agree with you about the marketing and how they don't essentially want to be teasing fans and dragging it on until people get tired and impatient before a series/season gets released. We got the S3 episode names, which was awesome, but then for the TUDUM event they made it sound like we were getting something special for S3. Of course the fans expected something for S3, so that's also on us for getting our hopes up for something new haha.
As we know S3 is being kept very secretive, but we've also heard from cast and crew about how awesome this season is supposed to be. It's supposed to be the best season yet according to many so that's really got the fans riled up and waiting for anything new from S3. So it feels like it's being dragged out, but from a fan's point of view. We're hearing all these great things and going "Okay, can we have a little info on what's to come? :]" but we're just waiting and waiting. It's especially hard this year with the longer gap between seasons because of Covid heavily changing the way shows are produced along with lockdowns and quarantines.
And like I said, I based everything for S3 off of S2, which was a new season for TUA and not the start of the series. You really can't compare S1 promos and S2 promos because S1 began to promote right away. So it would make more sense for S3 to be estimated off S2 because it's not the start of a show but another season. If S3 ends up marketing in the same timeline as S2, then it won't be something that's dragged along, especially if S3 is released in March. Another part that makes the wait feel like forever is that pretty much every fan has been following the filming process since it began in February, so it feels like a long wait :]
I'm just a (growing impatient simply because I'm obsessed with this show) fan looking for something, anything new about S3. I know that I am 100% not the only one too. I'm looking at the past two seasons and their "checkpoints" and trying to figure out where S3 might fit in, trying to see if they match. Honestly part of my personal fun in estimating and predicting S3 is purely because I want to see how close I'll get to my estimations when all the S3 "checkpoints" fall into place. I don't expect any type of interviews soon, I'm just hoping for a release date or promo image soon!
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spikeymarshmallows · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by: @circumstellars
Name(s): Spikey, Spikles
Fandom(s): The Umbrella Academy
Where you post: Ao3 y’all
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): Techhhhnically this is a one-shot, but it’s a very long Five + One fic and it really should have been posted as a multi-chap but yolo... But “all tangled close”. The next one that definitely is a one-shot is “ache”.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): The City Two-Four, which is more casually known as “Detective Fic”. It’s my pride and joy and I am so grateful for the response it has been given T.T
Favorite story you’ve written so far: The City Two-Four and “portrait of the aftermath”. Look, I love The City, and I think it’s honestly.... pretty good. But “portrait” is just... honestly, one of the best things I’ve ever written. I don’t know what it is about it, but I think that if Detective fic didn’t exist, this would be my favourite fic I’ve ever written.
Fic you were nervous to post: Lmaooo. All of them? Um, The City, because it was such a big project, and I was so worried how people would feel about it (and I’m still worried about whether I’ll stick the landing.....). And uh, “all eyes on you”, which is like, a huge look into my id, and also is really heavy degradation and I went hard, and I was sooo nervous people would judge me for it... Oh, and the vomit one... ANYWAY. A LOT OF THEM.
How do you choose your titles?: The City Two-Four was because I loosely based the humour etc on Brooklyn Nine-Nine (but we don’t know the City’s name, and Two-Four.... Number Two and Number Four....). All the Museum ‘verse fics have names that are based on artworks, etc. The rest? IDK. My only rule is that I cannot use song lyrics, or even something too close to song lyrics. This is for no reason other than every time I see the fic, the song will get stuck in my head. :/
Do you outline?: Yes! The intensity of it depends on a lot of things. Sometimes it’s just “Klaus and Diego talk to the victim”. Other times, it’s.... very detailed. Oh, and any “big” fic gets an outline to a degree. But it’s not like.... I know some people snowflake (my best friend does!) but I sure as fuck don’t. I tend to be closer to the “flashlight” method, but more detail in some places than others.
Complete: Uh, technically speaking... 35. I have 35 fics on Ao3 for TUA, and Detective hasn’t finished posting, but it’s entirely written :) 
In-Progress: Oh dear god.... Museum ‘Verse (Christmas fic, Klaus getting successful, Vanya’s book, Klaus graduating, getting married, post S1), Boots ‘Verse (Safewording gone wrong, Drop), Genderbend AU (Shaving), a GIANT FUCKING Sci-Fi Dystopia AU, Kluther... Shibari fic... High School AU, the kids go into foster care and start public school AU... Sex worker Klaus, Hogwarts AU... And uh. That’s without opening Scrivener to check what else I’m missing... Oh. An Avengers AU...
Coming soon/not yet started: Not yet started... Enola Holmes AU, Queen’s Gambit AU, Avatar AU... S2 AU where Kliego go to the 60′s together, an AU where Klaus is in Lila’s spot in the asylum... Ace!Klaus, Ace!Five A/B/O Fiego fic, an angels and demons AU....
Prompts?: I love getting prompts!! It’s always just uh... How long will it take me to fill them? Never sure lol. I mean, here were some I received.... I’ve only filled one thus far... But like, I was originally a lot better at filling prompts! And I love to get them! In fact, I’m still working on some of the very first prompts I got.... Sex Worker Klaus is one of them... :3
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: ...Too many. It depends! I’m excited for my Christmas Fic because it’s got some missing pieces for the Museum ‘verse. I’m excited as fuck for my sci-fi AU. I’m excited to do all these weird AUs that I wanna do... I’m also excited to someday finish the shibari fic... My most-excited-for varies on the hour :)))))
I taggggg (if you wanna do it, of course): @electra-xt, @unrememberedskies, @sarkywoman, @rappaccini, @oddree13, @geometryoftime, and anyone else that wants to do the thing!!!
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or living area?
Living area yes! That's where they film The Earthlocker. He also did the majority of his TUA S2 promotional interviews from his couch.
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conduitandconjurer · 3 years
wooo tua asks!
🚬 📣 👋
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WOOOO HI! <3333
🚬 What’s your favourite Klaus moment?
Every single time that he was kind toward a sibling and inevitably not thanked for it (with the sole exception of Vanya in S2e10), but still chose to continue to try to be kind. Robert Sheehan mentions in an interview that in portraying Klaus, he wanted to reveal equal parts vulnerability and strength, and to show Klaus’s coping mechanisms of manic absurdity and nonchalance slowly stripped away to show the real, deeply pained, but still trying person underneath. And my GOD do I vibe with that. Klaus does so many things that are soft and gentle and considerate of his siblings and their fears and needs.  He’s the only reason Ben had anyone to hang out with after he died, despite the mistakes he made.  He’s the one who said in season one, two separate times, that they should talk to Vanya and empathize with her fear and let her out of the fucking prison cell in the basement.  He’s the one who also got in the car with Vanya in s2 to go save Sissy and Harlan, he got in first, and thereby inspired all the other sibs into doing the same.When he saw Vanya for the first time after she caused an apocalypse, he kissed and hugged her with no anger and no qualms.  He held Allison when they were both crying as kids after getting their tats. He immediately helped Five two separate times in season 1 when everyone else was off-board, including lmao the snowglobe event which really had to physically hurt (twenty bucks for the first time, but tbh, he would have done it anyway, we all know that, and so does Five).  He saved Allison from police brutality, running right into the middle of a race riot.  He offered immediately to bury the bodies of the Swedes when he found them in her house, and he made a concerted effort to be welcoming and affectionate to her new husband.  He disregarded Diego’s demand to wait in the car when they were going up against Hazel and Chacha, and subsequently saved his life from their gunfire.  He went after Luther when Luther strangled him and ran off to get drunk. He saved Luther from being shivved and DIED in the process. He later comforted Luther when they found Allison bleeding from the accident Vanya caused. I love ALL these moments best.  They make me so proud of my disastrous gay dandelion <3  He’s so flawed but he is really out here doing his best. 
I also love the dancing in the beauty parlor scene. WHOLESOME. 
📣 What’s an underrated scene you wish more people appreciated?
Honestly the same answer as I provided above. Most of Klaus’s genuine but quiet kindness moments pass by unnoticed, and even hardcore Klaus “simps” and “stans” miss that, and choose to focus on one of three other (equally valid but to me secondary or superficial) traits: A) his sexual appetite/kinkiness and attractiveness, B) his capacity to be comic relief, often using somewhat hurtful stereotypes of the “pathetic dumbass drug addict” and C) his capacity to be lazy and manipulative, also circling back to comic relief.  Am I salty? Yep. This character is all those things, good and bad, but he is also SO sensitive and SO loving and nobody notices. Nobody!  And idgi because even the ACTOR says that’s the MAIN THING he wants to portray. Some fans even allege that the comic book Klaus is superior to the Netflix Klaus because he is less “pathetic and powerless” (???!!!) and imply heavily that they’d sacrifice any sign of fragility or vulnerability to show him at his true competence/power level.  Idk man! :/  Sorry, I went off lmao. 
👋 Pick your sidekick: Eudora, Elliott, or Dolores?
Oh, Eudora. No contest. She was perfect for Diego and all on her own a magnificent unsung hero. She should not have died and I was truly pissed at the writers when she did. Sidebar: Klaus considers her death his fault, but has told no one. 
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