#ttte henry x emily
biggsodorcitystories · 6 months
Happy Henry x Emily Day!
We ship 'em hard in this house!
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Sorry for being a smidge later than I usually am on these ship day posts.
I've been shipping these two for a while, with the dynamic being hugely determined from the S7 episode, "What's the Matter With Henry?" Emily 100% gives "You Need Looking After" vibes, and Henry absolutely deserves someone who'll care for him.
These two see one another as their second chance, Henry after his marriage with James failed and Emily after giving up on love.
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dragons-and-magic · 1 month
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(Please check out the close ups for less blurry images. Tumblr butchered the quality. Sorry.😭)
Anyways, the main cast of Dragons Of Sodor is here! These are their designs right now, but are subject to change. Also, here's some lore about each of them! I'll put it below the cut! (@hkpika07😁👋)
Edit: I've been tired all day and I just realized this has a ton of typos.🤣 Also, some info I meant to put down is not there. *Sighs* Oh well. I tried. Lol.
Note: The stories mentioned here actually have a LOT more going on than what is mentioned. This is just a more watered down version so it doesn't get too long of a post. Have fun reading!
Thomas: Out main man! The big hero! So what is Thomas's role in this story? Well, here's the thing. Notice how Thomas's eye are gold, like gold dust? That's because he's Lady's next champion. Aka, the chosen one. Lol, all jokes aside, Thomas has an incredible destiny of being the one to protect all of Sodor someday! And lead the clan! This comes with a number of challenges he must face as he grows and learns what it takes to be a hero. Another important part of Thomas's story or his relationship with his adopted Father Edward, and how they navigate the rapidly changing world, that is becoming less and less safe for all dragons.
Percy: Thomas's bestie and resident messenger from clan Gold Scale! Percy is a very curious dragon and enjoys writing his observations in journals. He also very empathetic and cares about everyone. No matter where they are from. Unfortunately, he's also a bit gullible. And this combined leads to some nasty trickery from the Gold Scales rivals (The Iron Hides), somewhere down the line. (Fun fact! He's also a bit deaf. Hence why he sometimes mixes up long complicated words. Him and Thomas will sometimes use sign language to communicate.)
James: Thomas and James have a complicated relationship. At first, they were on okay terms. But something very important happened. Gordon is James mentor. And since Gordon is the Clan's Patriarch, this lead James to thinking he may have a chance at becoming the next one. But when it was revealed Thomas was meant to become leader next, James became bitter and wasn't as friendly as before. However, this changed after he was caught up in a forest fire, (This Au's version of James crash) and Thomas saved him, despite being on bad terms with him. After that, he had a more brotherly relationship. Competitive, but still care about each other's well-being. (Fun fact! James is a rare hybrid between a Dragon and Wyvern. So he's got scales and fluff!)
Edward: Edward is the one of the clan's elders and a talented wizard. His dragon species, a Moon Moth Dragon, are known for being very close to Lady Arcana, and magic in general. He has quite a large library of spell books and general historical records. And plenty of old artifacts as well. Thomas was adopted by him at a very young age, and the two are inseparable. Edward made sure to teach him plenty of skills he would need as Lady's next champion. Especially since he was the last one. Edward also adopted Bill and Ben, two twin dragons that are Thomas's adopted brothers.
Gordon: Out of all the dragons, there is no denying that the most regale, fastest, and proudest dragon, is Gordon, Clan Gold Scales Patriarch. Gordon has a mysterious past that he seldom talks about. Edward and Henry know everything about it. But all everyone else knows is that he is pretty much the last of his kind, as all others were killed off by humans years ago. This trauma, he clearly doesn't talk about, has definitely effected his relationships. As he has a hard time opening up or showing any softness. It's not that doesn't care about them. It that he doesn't know how to show it. But that does change. Eventually. He also played an important role in James's life. James was found as a youngster by Gordon and Edward a long time ago. The patriarch saw potential in this rare dragon and wyvern hybrid. And took him under his wing. James looked up to him and wanted to be just like him.
Henry: Sodor's local tree hugger! Henry loves the forest and is pretty much their guardian in this story. He even lives beneath a large tree's roots in a cozy burrow. (The Wishing Tree to be exact!) He also has some sort of really rare plant magic? Nobody even knows why he even has it. Especially since Titan Class dragons don't have any sort of magical abilities. But regardless, he has it. And it's a good thing too, since he has a few health issues that his powers can help him with. For example, he uses his plant magic to form his prosthetic back leg whenever he needs it! Oh, and he can also talk to any nearby trees and connect into their communication system. Meaning he can pretty much find out what's happening in every part of the forest whenever he wants... It's pretty crazy. You may also notice he has a beak rather than fangs. That because he eat mostly plants. In short, Henry is the clan's lovable but slightly weird woods man that lives in a tree and has over a ten thousand squirrel friends.
Emily: In this story, Emily is an apprentice under Victor! I thought it would fit with her personality and how she's usually the one looking out for the groups health. And also rescuing them a lot. Her and Kevin both train under Victor as the clan's apprentice medicine dragons. Emily is the closest thing Thomas and Percy have to a sister. They love her to bits, and she's always looking out for them. She's also close with Henry. The two share a close bond, almost akin to a grandfather and granddaughter relationship. Henry will sometimes help he needs the herbs she and the other medicine dragons need for cures and stuff.(Fun fact! Since she's Scottish in this AU, I was inspired by the legend of Nessie and the Loch Ness. Hence the reason she's a sea dragon. I was also inspired by Leafy Dragons!)
Toby and Henrietta: Toby and Henrietta have been mates for many years. They are the clan's only wyvern couple and are also part of the clan's elders group. Toby and Henrietta love each other dearly, and have raised quite a few children of their own over the years. For now though, they are simply just enjoying each other's company on Sodor as the local retired couple. (I feel like I should put down more for them. Because they do have roles to play. But, I can't seem to get it all out of my head at the moment. Hopefully I'll solidify their roles better later! Also, Toby is based off of owls, and Henrietta is based off of robins and cardinals! They are heavily associated with birds, so it just fit.)
Bill and Ben: These two young dragon twins are a handful! Luckily, Edward (Their adoptive father,) is very skilled in the art of handling chaos and disorder, and can usually sort things out quickly. These two are the adopted siblings of Thomas, and they always seem to be getting into and/or making trouble. Even more so than Thomas!
And, that's it for now! Hope you all like this! I worked super hard on it! Bye!
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Who do the steam team each think are best pony?
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Thomas: Peep peep! I love Rainbow Dash! Her mane is full of rainbows!
Gordon: Pah! Respectable engines like me don't watch shows for little girls! Gallus. I am the mighty, mythical griffon!
James: The sexy and splendid Hoity Toity, of course. We are peak fabulosity ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Henry: You two have egos the size of an elephant. (sighs) Anyway, Treehugger's cute. I admire her love and respect for nature. I can relate.
Edward: Look at how brave Shining Armour is. He rescued the Crystal Empire. He loves his little sister Twily. He loves his wife Cadence. He is a great character.
Toby: Applejack! She is honest and she has a big heart. We're both seen as rundown by the others, but we could care less. We just want to do what's right.
Emily: Aww, Cadence is so cute! So pink and feminine and magical. Who couldn't love the pony princess of love?
Percy: Sweetie Belle is soooooo cuuuute! (squeals) Look at how small she is! Baby unicorn! I just want to squeeze her!
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tttewolves · 9 days
Flowers The Wolves Use to Propose and Wear for The Wedding!💖🐺🌷
Edward propose to Henry (BIG SURPRISE) and they both wear white lilies!🩵💚
James propose to Thomas and they both wear violets!❤️💙
Gordon propose to Rebecca and they both wear sunflowers!💙💛
Percy propose to Rosie and they both wear red roses!💚❤️
Toby propose to Nia and they both wear yellow daffodils!🤎🧡
Caitlin propose to Emily and they both wear pink carnation!❤️🖤
BoCo propose to Duck and they both wear red poppies!💚💚
Douglas propose to Oliver and they both wear rues!🖤💚
Glen propose to Mavis and they both wear red carnation!🖤🖤
Ryan propose to Kirra and they both wear cornflowers!💜💚
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unpopularvivian · 2 months
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 161:
*Everybody at Tidmouth Sheds are about to sleep*
Thomas: Okay, everybody goodnight!
Percy: Goodnight Thomas.
Toby: Goodnight Thomas!
Gordon: Goodnight people.
James: Goodnight, I need my beauty sleep.
Emily: Hope you guys dream well!
Henry: Goodnight guys!
Edward: Goodnight to the love of my life, Toby and fuck the rest of y'all.
Everybody except Toby: Bro....
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kenora-pizza · 16 days
TTTE x Genshin Impact
Alright. So. Genshin Impact is easily one of my favourite games (if that wasn’t obvious already lol). I love the exploration aspect, the music and the lore go hard and the characters and the regions they inhabit are visually stunning. So naturally, I’ve been playing with the idea of a TTTE x Genshin Impact AU. I haven’t got much, just a list of some possible Vision/Weapon combos, in this post, a concept which uses the Caledonian twins in a sorta “dual DPS” configuration (I’m STILL mildly peeved that the actual twins in Genshin, Lyney and Lynette, don’t have kits that sync up), and some other kit fragments for the other engines which I might include in a later post.
Vision/weapon combos
Thomas: no element / sword (male mc)
Edward: Anemo / sword
Henry: Anemo / bow
Gordon: Geo / claymore
James: Cryo / catalyst
Percy: Dendro / bow
Toby: Geo / polearm
Duck: Electro / sword
Donald: Pyro / claymore
Douglas: Hydro / polearm
Oliver: Pyro / polearm
Emily: Dendro/ sword
Rosie: Pyro / sword
Mavis: no element / sword (female mc)
Lady: Unknown God / Sustainer of Heavenly Principles
One thing I can see in this AU is Bill and Ben possessing and resonating with a single Vision……but nobody, including themselves, knows which twin it actually belongs to, since both of them were present when it appeared. It is a constant source of conflict between the two of them, and any and all fights over it end with Edward or Boco confiscating it before the twins can explode each other or cause serious damage. Just like popping it on top of the fridge where the gremlins can’t reach 🤣
A friend of mine, who goes by feather902 on TikTok, also has a TTTE x Genshin Impact AU (she calls it Engine Impact). And she’s drawn some really cool signature weapons for her Vision/weapon headcanons. Go check her out, they’re really cool!
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uselessalexis165 · 9 months
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tried making some ttte memes (265)
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b1anketplask · 7 days
Steam teams sexuality and pronounces?
Sorry for late friend I completely forgot about inbox-
Well my human engines are doesn't have Gender all.... since they're not a 'human' in the first place. but the builders give them pronounce from their born and they're just living in that pronounce for the rest of their lives untill they got scrapped.
But they HAVE sexuality so I can tell you about this and since it's pride month soon <3<3,<3<3
Thomas is Heteroflexible and Demisexual. he needs a long and deep relationship with those feelings.
Edward is Omnisexual and Demiromantic. he needs a lot of time to love someone and feel comfortable about them.
Henry is Pansexual. he thought he was gay in the past but he realized that he likes girls when Emily helped him in the past
Gordon is Gay too and he's also Demisexual as well as Thomas.
James is Gay too why are you asking this it's too obvious /ih
Percy is not old enough to be decide this but he's trying to find out slowly (he has some.... feelings with Harold ngl)
Toby is Demisexual. he's with Henrietta. they are only canon ship in my au....YET.
Emily is Lesbian. she didn't knew untill she met Caitlin. she thought she was ase back then
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cerenemuxse · 6 months
TGR but There's a Roleswap - Chapter 11
Chapter 11 - Goodbye
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All in Vain (Season 20 Episode 16)
Word Count: 1,111
The story can be found at @tgr-2x5-roleswap-au for easier access.
As James filled up with water, the rest of the North Westerners approached him.
“I’m sorry, James but we couldn’t find him,” said Emily, feeling sorry for her little brother.
“He’s probably already left with the rest of his group,” suggested Henry. “Like some of the others have.”
“He could’ve at least said ‘goodbye,’” remarked Philip, only for Emily to shoot him a look.
"Philip!" hushed Thomas.
“He probably had to leave quickly,” prompted Emily. “Who knows what they're having him do.”
“Yeah, I guess,” muttered James. Emily did have a point, for she had a sister who was preserved, the ex-GNR A1 Stirling Single No. 1.
Gordon stopped by with the Fat Controller in his cab, who peaked out from it. "Alright, everybody! Get yourselves refueled before we head home! We've still got a railway to run!"
"Yes, sir!" everyone, but Gordon, replied. Once the temporarily streamlined engine puffed away, Emily moved closer to James.
"We'll be near the entrance waiting for you, Jimmy," mumbled Emily before she puffed away, soon followed by the rest.
Once everyone had left, James was left brooding alone, wishing once again that he could see Edward one more time and say goodbye. But at the same time, he didn't because he knew it would hurt just as much or even more. James could vividly remember saying goodbye for the last time to one of his old LMS friends, shortly followed by his sister a few years later. After that, he was terrified every time he said goodbye to Donald and Douglas when heading over to Barrow-in-Furness. Thank goodness the Fat Controller bought both of them.
He didn't want to say goodbye. Not yet, at least, but he didn't have time.
"We need to get moving!" someone exclaimed. It was loud enough to snap James out of his thoughts. "Come on, Twenty-One!" they called out again.
Twenty-One? he thought as his eyes suddenly widened with hope.
"Aye, Coppernob," replied "Twenty-One." The accent pulled him out of his thoughts as it was swiftly followed by the whistle in that same solemn tone he heard yesterday.
James looked around, searching his surroundings. Just as he expected, his eyes quickly landed on a very small group of engines, far away and chuffing towards the entrance. One was a diesel pulling a flatbed with a small four-driver tender engine. On the track furthest away was a large tender engine. It was Edward with an expression he didn't quite recognize. It looked stiff and forced. Nothing like the looks he became familiar with.
As soon as his crew finished filling his water tank and got into his cab, James let out a shrill whistle. Some engines and people ignored it but others stopped and stared. He didn't care that others did so. He only cared if Edward did.
Edward came to a gentle halt. "James?" he immediately hollered out, getting stares from the other Furness engine.
James' lips curled into a wide grin with hope, just knowing that Edward recognized his whistle so easily. "Edward!" he exclaimed as he rushed forward, calling out for points to be switched.
"James!" Edward exclaimed as he finally caught sight of the engine coming towards him. Quickly, he reversed and started crossing over points, ignoring Coppernob calling out for him, and didn't notice the nasty glare from said engine.
Within a few minutes of maneuvering over points, both engines got onto the same track, facing one another.
"James! I-I'm sae sorry for leavin'!" Edward quickly sputtered out. "I didn't mean to leave! B-But the trust-"
"Don't worry about it!" James hastily interrupted, receiving a surprised look from the other, which shifted to a smile. "I'm just… glad to see you again…" He could feel his tubes tighten. "...and say goodbye."
Edward's smile faltered.
"Go on and say your farewells, Twenty-One!" interrupted Coppernob furiously. "The boat can't wait any longer, and neither can the trust! They didn't spend thousands of pounds on your restoration so you could go off meandering!"
"Give me a minute!" Edward yelled.
Coppernob was ready to retort when his crew and another man whispered something. James noticed Edward eyeing the older engine cautiously.
"Fine, but hurry. We don't have all the time in the world," Coppernob huffed. The diesel engine continued pulling him towards the entrance. The larger tender engines silently watched them move along.
"I'm sorry. Aboot him, thon is," said Edward, breaking the silence as soon as they were out of hearing range, getting James' full attention. "He's like thon."
"Is that normal?"
"But that's not okay."
"It's fine. I-I just ignore him. Most o' the time," said Edward, reassuring James. "Ye were sayin'?"
"Wha- Oh!" James began to panic. "I-I just wanted to say that, well, thank you."
"Thank me?" Edward let out a laugh. "I should be thankin' ye."
"For bein' ma friend," replied Edward nervously. "I-I dinnae have any friends back home. And I mean anes thon are engines! It's just… me and the folks at the Furness Railway Trust. Nawthin' but human company, s-sae it's nice tae be able tae jist talk and have company wit' another engine after a while… No' thon human company is bad or anything! It's jist… ye ken?"
"It's nice to be around your kind?"
"Aye. Thon's whit I meant…"
"So… I'm the first engine you've spoken to in decades?"
"T-Thon’s Old Coppernob.Ye're ma first friend. I… I appreciate it. I dae, really."
Having seen the way Edward looked at Coppernob was enough to null James' curiosity. "Of course!" he replied cheerily, getting a smile from the other engine.
Before either one could say anything, they heard a barrage of whistles shrill, the sound getting louder.
"You found him!" exclaimed Emily as the other NWR engines approached the two. "We thought you'd left!"
"T-The trust wantit tae speak wit' me," replied Edward, flustered at the sudden attention. "Ma apologies! It wis'nae ma intention."
"No need! We're just glad we could catch you in time."
Edward chuckled. "I'm afraid I dae need tae go'. It wis nice meetin' ye all! Very nice.”
"The pleasure was ours," hummed Henry.
"Alricht! Well… guid-bye, everyane!" he exclaimed as he backed up and called out for the points to be switched. Once he switched over, he hesitantly said, "Guid-bye, James…"
"Good-bye, Edward," James replied hesitantly as he saw Edward leave and the others exclaimed their farewells, including the Fat Controller. As the goodbyes continued, Emily moved closer to James. "Come on, James. Let's go home," she hummed in a thoughtful tone. "I've got an idea, and I just know you'll like this one!"
That was enough to catch James' interest.
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shelli-gator · 1 year
what ttte ships do you have besides 2x5, if any?💙❤️
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I do I do! 🥺❤️ thank you for asking anon! It makes my day!
🖤💚 I loooove Donald and Duck. I love their playful back and forth, and I think for all his teasing, Donald is quite enamored with Duck's fussiness and practicality. It makes him an easy target for his teasing, but really it comes from him being in love and dumb about it. Duck is also the only one who can reign in Donald's temper, and get the two brothers to stop arguing. Mostly because Donald won't listen to anyone else.
My partner and I have a human au and in it Duck is the manager of a quaint little general store (the kind that sells organic and fancy stuff, some luxury goods and fresh produce marked up really high, that sort of thing), and next door is a hardware store manned by Donald and Douglas. They share a breakroom. Donald's favorite pass time is taking drinks and snacks from the general store without asking, and playing with rubber ducks and putting them around the store for Duck to find. Sometimes Duck will hear incessant quaking coming from the break room, and he'll charge in to yell at him only to stop short because Donald is smiling HUGE at him, turning to his brother to be like "See I tol' yoo Douggie I speak 'is language! That's 'is matin' call, that is." And Duck's shoots back with a "YOU OWE ME M O N E Y!" Don't worry. Duck will just go take it from the cash register in the hardware store later. With a little note detailing all the things he knows he took.
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(You know Donald would call him is quackeroo)
For all his teasing, Donald really loves him, and that scares him. Duck aspires to what he believes to be bigger and better things with his life, dreams he won't stop chasing. And that makes Donald scared he'll leave him behind. What's wrong with what they have now? Some would argue it's pretty good...
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💚💙 This leads into my next ship, but it's really just an unrequited, quite surface-level thing; Duck and Edward. I won't say too much since it's in my fic, but Duck rather likes his old friend. And it makes him and James scowl at each other all the more. But of course, it's not to be. Edward cares for him, but not in the way Duck might want (or at least, THINKS he wants, or really DOESN'T). It's all very confusing when you don't even believe engines should or CAN love and what purpose does love have when you're MADE to work. There's the right way of doing things, and the wrong way...
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💙💚 Another ship I dabble in is Gordon and Henry, though I'm not as mentally ill about them as I am with James and Edward. I like the complexity that comes with Henry having been designed as a bootleg Gresly to start, only to be totally overhauled, and WOW that must have been well and truly fucked. You would think there would be some mockery or resentment there, but Gordon doesn't hold it to him. Deep down, I think he had compassion for him that he couldn't really express because he's so fucking emotionally stunted and you gotta keep up appearances. And we see that compassion in It's Good to Be Gordon. He felt so awful to have made Henry feel worse that nothing else mattered.
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I've been reading A New Way of Life, and I adore how the author characterizes their relationship. Being there for an anxious, panicky partner doesn't always have to be gentle and saccharine. Gordon grounds Henry in a way only HE can, not through words and coddling, but with a big, firm hand to squeeze and hold him. And that tells Henry he isn't alone. That he's got him. It pulls him back, and I really like that for them. Gordon is an anchor, and Henry needs a pretty big anchor.
So yeah, I like that for them! And I'm just as susceptible to big men being dumb and in love and finding solace where they might not find it anywhere else because big men have big problems or whatever.
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💚🩵 this next ship is like, I mean, okay. It comes with a disclaimer. I really like Thomas and Percy, but NOT in the traditional romantic sense. I mean there's really not much romantic to me about it, but that's also why I think it's as sweet and funny as it is. They're best friends that trip each other up and fight over the Xbox, and they really wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Thomas can't even think of girls (who terrify him anyway) because he just wants to go hang out with Percy. I guess I see it as kind of crack ship, and that's why I love it. As humans they would hold hands and get so red and spooked over it that they never really do anything else WHEEZE. And as engines well, they spend all their time together, that's enough for them.
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Most of what I like about them is in our human au, and it's insane. They're the worst. Percy waking up Thomas in the middle of the night because he doesn't sleep and he's looking for his vape. "Where's my vape Thomas, have you seen it, come on I think you're lying on it roll over. Sorry! Thomas. Thomas where's your vape can I use your vape what flavour is it. Thomas-" (my partner is so fucking smart and funny for this)
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I'm sure I'll come up with more as I go along. Like I really want to find someone for Emily, I like her as a headstrong Scot so very impatient and so very very right about everything bossing people around WHEEZE. She's the worst ❤️🥺🤩 but also really kind, and the only one practical enough to actually go talk to Toby when everyone was very happy to just believe he was being scrapped (even Edward which is SO funny and cute to me it kills me). I think she'd make someone very happy. I'm open to suggestions! Very susceptible to good marketing if you know what I mean 😏
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(I see Caitlin back there hmmm I've heard good things 👀❤🧡🩶🩷💜 🤔👭)
I still need to watch Emily in the middle but I also think it would be so funny Donald and Douglas vying for her attention when it's really only Douglas that fancies her and Donald is just fucking stupid and getting in the way because he can and Douglas wants to throw him off the rails in frustration because why can't he just have this WHEEZE.
Anyway thanks for reading sorry it's long!
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horiizonsstuff · 1 year
the power of megan thee stallion fills you with slay and determination
not much doodles, just delivering you the best green bitches (I forgor to add Oliver 😭 I got too busy)
Anyways ATLA/LOK Au everyone (sponsored by my brother's stolen colored pencils)
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Kk bye 😘
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biggsodorcitystories · 8 months
WARNING: Shipping.
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From Left to Right: Susannah Moran (22/23) and her (baby) sister, Eve Moran (eldest and youngest daughters of Zebedee and Edward; Tyler Stanier (4) (only son of Henry and Emily); Anthony Stanier (12/13) (only son of Henry and James); Leon Gresley (baby) and Hope Gresley (4/5) (son and daughter of Gordon and James)
I'm on a real fankid kick right now
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dragons-and-magic · 20 days
More question time, lol!
Other than James, is there any other hybrid dragons?
How do dragons react to lemon? (LOL)
What’s Emily’s origin?
Other than villain dragons and humans, are there anymore rivals or villains they face against like wolves?
Is Henry gentle to the forest animals and acts like a Father Nature type?
Is there any dragons that loves the beach or the coastal region?
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Anyone reading this, you're gonna want to pull up a seat! This is gonna be long! Lol!
Other than James, is there any other hybrid dragons?: I would say yes. But they are very far and few between. At first. Let me explain a few things! So, in the golden days of dragons, there were many species. And they were all sorted into different classes. Titan, Standard, Dwarf, and Fey. (And there's Leviathan Class, but it's too big to show here.) In addition, they are subclasses like Seadragons, Serpents, Wyverns, Drakes, (Normal) Dragons, Fey Dragons, and Longs (Eastern Dragons). They sometimes also are sorted if they had any kind of magical abilities. And each of these would almost always mate only within their own species.
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But then something happened. Humans got even smarter and started using tougher and more deadly weapons. Slowly dragon numbers began to dwindle and dragons began to migrate out of their usual habitats and into other species. These dragons started to find mates from other species in the areas they wandered to. Sometimes it was simply a matter of their species just dying out. Or the smaller territories crossing over. Either way, Hybrids were the results. They weren't super common at first. But by the time this AU's version of Journey Beyond Sodor comes around, they're WAY more common. In fact, Hurricane is a cross between a Titan Class (Gordon's Class) and a Standard Class (Thomas's Class)! EDIT: I forgot to mention! For this same reason, clans made up of multiple species also started to occur. Before, Dragon Clans were usually made up of only one species. But after families got separated and almost whole species killed off by humans, dragons began to bond with others outside their kind. Found family baby! :D
2. How do dragons react to lemon?: Weeeeeeeell...
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That's a definite NOPE from Thomas.🤣 Yeah, I don't like they would like them much. Lol!
3. What’s Emily’s origin?: Okay, so here's the thing. She is literally NESSIE. Aka The Loch Ness Monster!
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Well, she's what started the legend anyway. Albeit accidental. Lol. Here's the story. Emily is chilling in her Loch one day, minding her own business. She had just gotten up, so she isn't really paying attention to her surroundings. A camera flashes. Emily freezes and looks toward the shore. Two very nervous photographers are standing there. She panics and dives back down! But, she's a bit too late. Because, blurry as it is, that photo is enough to start a whole monster hunting craze. Suddenly the Loch is swimming with boats and flashing cameras, and Emily's whole clan has to relocate! And that's how she ended up on Sodor.😂
4. Other than villain dragons and humans, are there anymore rivals or villains they face against like wolves?: Do ghosts count? Sailor John is a pirate ghost in this story! But he disguises himself as a normal hooman. He has to find his old treasure chest, so he can become mortal again and rain terror across the seas again! Also, there's a few dangerous monsters and such. Trolls, Rock Monsters, Sand Worms, etc. (Beresford the crane is a bridge troll in this!) Sodor is actually part of an archipelago called The Golden Isles. So there's plenty of habitats for monsters to dwell. As for wolves, that's not such a bad idea! Perhaps something like Wargs could exist. They're the giant evil wolves from Lord Of The Rings. Something like that maybe.
5. Is Henry gentle to the forest animals and acts like a Father Nature type?: Absolutely! He loves the animals! And knows a lot about them! Because he's closer to animals than the others, he doesn't like to partake in hunting. And he has a more vegetarian diet.
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Of course, most dragons are predators, and need food to survive. And of course, if there was too many prey animals, the ecosystem would be unbalanced. So there has been a compromise made. Any animal located within fifty feet of Henry's den, (Located under the Wishing Tree!) is safe from hunting. Also, one more cool fact about him is he has plant magic! He can grow plants, and has something called Root Connection. He can basically telepathically sync up with the trees communication signals and find out what's going on anywhere in the forest! His horns and eyes get all glowy and everything!
6. Is there any dragons that loves the beach or the coastal region?: Definitely! There's three whole clans that live by the beach! Salty's clan is on the Southern Coast of the island. And you know Salty loves the ocean! His clan is made up of himself, Porter, Cranky, and eventually Big Mickey and Carly. Cranky is a big Leviathan Class Seadragon as you can see. Porter and Salty can ride him.
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And then there's Belle's Clan! (This AU's version of the Sodor search and rescue team!) They live on the northern coast and watch out for incoming dragons and ships! They're like the watch men of the island! They live on a sea mount called The Roost! Her clan is made up of Flynn, Harold, Captain, Butch, and Rocky. Don't have designs for them yet. Sorry.😅 (Flynn x Belle is thing in this too!)
And then lastly, we have Duck's clan. And while they live more inland than the others, they are still located on the northern coast! Duck's clan has Donald, Douglas, Oliver, Skiff, Daisy, and Ryan!
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I don't have concepts for everyone yet. But here's Ryan, Daisy, and Duck's prototype designs! (Oh, and Ryan x Daisy is a thing in this!❤️)
And that's everything! For now.😉
Thanks for sending in so many questions! I had a ton of fun making this!
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So, this post is sort of inspired by @asktrio516 and her post about official ships.
I’m here with some of mine. And just like her, I’m going to put some headcanons about each couple.
(this post is way too long to make a Spanish version in within itself, I’ll do a similar post but in Spanish at a later date)
Thomas x James 💙💖
Quoting what TheUnluckyTug said in his James video. "When Thomas is in-character he's also hot-head, impatient and not very bright. You're basically watching two hot-headed jackasses try to one-up each other".
The perfect date for them would be race to a normally crowded location (The Wharf, Brendam Docks, Knapford, Kirk Ronan, etc) since there would be a large crowd to wave and cheer to the winner. Although they sometimes do race just for fun, similar to Thomas’ races with Bertie.
(Little aside headcanon: Two months before Sodor Day a little singing competition is held. The two finalists have a race to a certain location)
Thomas is capable of redeeming James (he did redeem Diesel and Diesel 10 of all characters) but he just loves seeing James being so self-centered and acting like an idiot that he just lets the fire spread. But if he thinks he goes too far, he does lower James' ego a bit. Even though James doesn't always listens.
Thomas lives in a house at Ffarquhar, whereas James lives in the Tidmouth Workers' Hut. If they ever get married they would probably go live at either Lower Tidmouth or Elsbridge. So they can have access to both the Ffarquhar Branch Line and the Main Line.
Thomas was afraid of telling Jane about their relationship, but one time. Jane entered Thomas' room, and she did so holding her girlfriend's hand (more about that in another post) and she said half the phrase when she saw James and Thomas in the latter's bed. You could say it was a simultaneous realisation.
If James doesn’t complain about pulling a goods train it's either because he knows its important, or because Thomas is there with him the whole way chatting about their life.
Henry x Hiro 💚🖤
Sometimes they cook together and even harvest
Hiro teaches Japanese to Henry
Henry sometimes combs Hiro’s hair
If they both had the time, and/or the money; Hiro would take Henry to explore Japan, but for now. Sodor’s forests like Henry’s, the Whistling Woods, and the Whispering Woods will suffice.
(note: Toby and the Whispering Woods is not canon)
They usually go and chat at a siding in Henry's Forest about their daily life and how things have been on each railway. (Hiro does spend a lot of time on the Mainland after all)
Hiro is conscious about Henry's tragic life before Sodor and on his first days on the railway and is willing to give him therapy. Henry is willing to tell Hiro about his struggles or nightmares.
Emily x Caitlin 💚💖
Emily admired her. But ever since she saved her from falling down Ulfstead Hill, Caitlin admires her.
Caitlin sometimes takes her on tours around Ulfstead Castle with their engines. Other times Emily goes voluntarily just to spend time with her.
Emily has experiences with castles, and loves to share them with Caitlin, like when she played to be ‘Queen Emily’ at Rolf’s Castle, or when she discovered a family of seals near Callan (the Scottish) Castle.
Caitlin actually calls her “Queen Emily” sometimes. Something fitting for Caitlin considering the Earl refers to her as one of his Knights in Shining Armor, along with Connor.
Millie wants to be the flower girl at her wedding. More than anything because she's the closest to Caitlin.
James would probably be Emily's best man.
Caitlin took advantage of a ball that Sir Robert organized at Ulfstead castle to invite Emily to a date on which she proposed to her. Emily jokingly dropped her high heel as she left at midnight. (Which also fits since she's Number 12.)
Douglas x Oliver 🖤💚
Both take advantage of their living on the West Coast to visit the beach on their days off/free time. Often going through quiet walks through the beach.
In fact, in one of those walks, they ended up lying down and kissing in the middle of the wave, and (similar to the scene with the mermaid in Shrek 2) Oliver ended up kissing Donald.
Oliver thought he could start feeling something after Douglas saved his job, but when he broke his knee accidentally, and Douglas carried him in his arms he was like "Yep. I'm in love with him now".
Oliver didn't tell anything about it to Duck, as he thought he would either be against it or his advice wouldn't be much use to him. So he went to Toad for advice. And Toad ended up encouraging Oliver to confess his feelings for Douglas.
If Oliver wants to give Douglas something he will usually ask Donald "What would Douglas like on his birthday" and Donald would gladly help him and not tell anything to his twin.
When she started working on the West coast, Daisy thought they were a poli-romantic couple until Donald said they weren't.
The Arlesdale Trio would definitely be their groomsmen at their wedding. (It’s funny to think of Frank as the flower girl XD)
I would totally do a Percy's Seaside Trip cover with them in mind, but I'm not too sure on what the lyrics would be.
Molly x Neville 💛🖤
Neville knows Molly doesn't like swearing. So he tries not to do it if she's around. When someone else does swear in front of her. Neville will personally put them in their place.
Molly helped Dennis on several occasions. And was afraid of telling him about her relationship with Neville, but Dennis understood, and thought Molly wouldn’t like him in a romantic way anyway.
Thomas helped Neville get out of his shell, and that helped him to confess his feelings for Molly. Since he was as shy as her when he first arrived on the railway. (being mistreated by Emily and Thomas didn’t help)
(sidenote: in the episode ‘Thomas and the New Engine’, Neville departs from Cronk towards the bridge that connects with the Peel Godred Branch instead of Abbey, since the latter resembles more a Main Line station)
They both like to eat in each other engine’s cab. They also like reading there.
Just like Dennis is close friends with Molly, Murdoch is close friends with Neville. So they both would probably be each other’s best man at their Wedding.
Just like their themes in each other’s episodes. They enjoy listening to quiet, calm, relaxing music together as they work or dance. (I know Neville doesn’t have a theme, but you could say the theme at the start of Thomas and the New Engine is what he listens to. Or Percy’s S8-12 Theme)
Mavis x Rosie 🖤💖
Rosie had a brief crush on Emily before during a period of time where Thomas and Percy were busy in other parts of the island. Rosie and Stanley took over their jobs on the Ffarquhar Branch. Rosie handled the goods and deliveries to the Quarry. Despite Thomas and Percy returning, Rosie and Stanley stayed a while to help with odd jobs like shunting.
Rosie saw how hard Mavis worked, and being the type of girl that admires people with the ability to handle multiple jobs, (just like she idolized Thomas), she began to admire the diesel driver. This led to Rosie becoming stronger and more determined, just like Mavis.
Mavis noticed this and thought it would be nice if someone was just as strong as she was. So she played along.
In addition, she herself admired Rosie's desire to learn and work. Something that wasn’t present in a certain pair of twin yellow engine drivers.
Mavis eventually began to develop feelings for Rose, she thought that Rosie might simply admire her as a sister figure, so she said nothing. Although one day she kissed her on the cheek and saw her blush at her. She tried to keep sending hints. (Things like "Do you like girls", "What do you like in a girl?") And Rosie soon began to understand them.
Finally, when one is in love, and the other understands the hints. Both agreed to be girlfriends. And they have a relationship quite based on romanticism.
Mavis calls her Pinkie, Rose (I know there are people who write it with a Y). Or ‘my cute little flower’ because she has a flower’s name. Rosie calls her Mavey. (miss Dilemma please don't sue me, I thought it was a cute nickname and it was the first thing that came to mind)
Mavis likes to give flowers (especially Roses) to her.
Rosie currently works at Ulfstead Branch Line (along with 'Arry and Bert from time to time. And being pretty smart, she's one of the few Steamies they respect), so she can go to Ffarquhar Quarry often. So she sees Mavis often.
‘Arry and Bert don’t approve of girls dating other girls, but they do fear what Mavis and/or Rosie could do to them if they say any lesbofobic comment, so they stay quiet.
(the Ulfstead Branch Line is an access for Main Line Engines to come to Ffarquhar Quarry and collect heavy stone trains and take them down the same branch line.)
Elizabeth x Madge 💖💚
Both mother figures on the Skarloey Railway (SR). Although they act more like good cop/bad cop.
Madge always wants Elizabeth to keep her lorry in good condition, (she does work at the Quarries) Elizabeth also wants this so usually resorts to Madge on how to make it look shiny and clean.
Elizabeth loves to work with Madge delivering goods to the villages on the SR.
They like to keep their lorries close to each other and sometimes sleep with the other in one of the lorries
Elizabeth won't comply unless either Rusty uses their charm to convince her or Madge is there to bat her eyelashes.
Elizabeth tells Madge to be more stern, something she didn't want to do, but learned it was important ever since the crazy day she had with Duncan in the winter.
-They both like to have a calm, quiet walk through the many forests on the SR.
Since both of them had experiences with Duncan and Rusty, when they heard they started dating they were specially happy and started to make jokes about the Wedding (Duncan and Rusty would probably invite Madge and Elizabeth anyway)
Rusty x Duncan 🧡💛
Duncan wasn't conscious about Rusty being Non-Binary when he first met them. After saying sorry, Rusty explained it to Duncan and he has been respectful with this ever since.
Rusty is the only one that can put Duncan in his place. Hence why Duncan was actually put down by them when they told him not to go to the Mines (Duncan and the Old Mine)
Rusty does try to calm Duncan's grumpiness, but they know changing Duncan isn't that easy of a task. However, Duncan is willing to change if that means making Rusty feel better.
Duncan tries to learn about diesel engines to help Rusty with their locomotive and vice versa.
Peter Sam was unsure about Rusty dating Duncan, considering how rude Duncan was to them. But after the night at the Old Iron Bridge, he saw that Duncan was just stubborn, not an asshole and just went with it. Plus, after the accident at the Slate Mines and the Elephant Statue. Duncan started to give himself up to his couple.
When they both sleep together, Duncan usually steals the blanket.
Daisy x Ryan 💚💜
After Percy’s Predicament, Daisy went back to the Mainland as a completely new woman, although some of the Other Railway Diesel drivers’ attitudes rubbed off on her, she came back during the construction of the Sodor Airport and went back to the Mainland. She only came back permanently when the line to Harwick completed construction and they needed a locomotive to deal with the passengers.
At first, Daisy did have feelings for Ryan but since she hadn’t been on the island for a long time, she thought everyone still held a prejudice against diesels. But she soon learned Diesel, ‘Arry and Bert were literally the only Diesels with that superiority complex. Although she still waited patiently to confess his feelings for the young driver.
Judy and Jerome, as you may guess, would participate in their wedding, if Daisy planned one.
Diesel did disapprove of a Steamie dating a Diesel Engine driver (the fact he also had a crush on Daisy didn’t help) but when he slowly changed his ways after the spring accident, he also slowly accepted Daisy’s relationship, with the latter assuring him that maybe he will find that someone special.
Just like Douglas and Oliver, they like visiting the beaches on the Little Western branch line. And Daisy loves showing Ryan affect in public.
Ryan is another driver of a steam engine that ‘Arry and Bert respect, mainly because Diesel does, and he’s sort of ‘Arry and Bert’s leader. And because Daisy is capable of giving the Ironworks’ Twins a piece of her mind.
If they don’t spend Christmas or New Year at Harwick, most probable thing is that they spend it in the Dieselworks, but still bringing Judy and Jerome’s cranes with them.
Judy and Jerome love to lower their cranes’ hooks with a mistletoe just for them (and for other couples when they were in Knapford Yards)
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tttewolves · 11 days
Here are my main TTTE Shippings and my Alternative TTTE Shippings!
My Main TTTE Shippings
James x Thomas (MY OTP)
Edward x Henry
Gordon x Rebecca
Percy x Rosie
Toby x Nia
Emily x Caitlin
Duck x BoCo
Douglas x Oliver
Mavis x Glen (OC)
Ryan x Kirra (OC)
My Alternative TTTE Shippings
Thomas x Rosie x Percy
Rebecca x Emily x Caitlin
Edward x BoCo x Henry
Toby x Henrietta
Gordon x Connor
Duck x Donald
And the others remains the same, lol
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verypsbfan019 · 2 years
Togetherness 💚💙♾🌈
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Two Engine drivers in love 🚂💚🚂💙
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