#trust daisukes vision
vinos-scum · 10 months
More things should be like Guilty Gear.
Use Y2K as a plot point.
Do it.
Be like Guilty Gear.
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bloopuoo · 11 months
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guiltygearconfessions · 2 months
I think it's really funny that zato just keeps losing. Nothing goes right for him, ever. Even on the gameplay side he always ends up low or even bottom tier by the end of a game's life (Arguably bottom 3 in +R, bottom 5 in XRD, Literally the worst character in strive rn. he's only good in ML and X and that's probably because both barely got any revisions. X 1.5 was about it.). and to top it all off they made him canonical a groomer lmao.
They really made one of the coolest characters ever in a fighting game and then went "Make him have an extremely questionable relationship with someone he practically raised, make him miserable 24/7 and have bad thing after bad thing happen to him and also make him comically hard compared to 95% of the cast and nerf him into the ground every game." and honestly, I salute them in their efforts. I trust in Daisuke's vision. He isn't done paying for his AC crimes.
Signed, The world's worst XRD Zato main.
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espectres · 3 months
THE HUMMING SOUND of early spring rains fades away as the minimal pouring comes to an end. The clouds polarize, almost losing their cotton-white look as they move apart, and the atmosphere bathes everything in deep relentless blue. It's the last few mintutes of sunset, and looking at the skies is almost overwhelming to the eyes. Two bright dots appear parallel to one another, suspended in an otherworldly dance, far away. Shou recognizes them as planets, but he isn't sure which ones, his knowledge quite limited, he vaguely recalls one being Jupiter. 
They're beautiful, for sure, a rare and breathtaking little thing that deserves tiring his neck to look up and admire the view, but they're so easily rivaled. Now don't get him wrong, stars and planets and a big, bright full moon were some of his best companions, their inspirational presence a constant theme for his creativity and every other good thing that came along, every other beautiful thing that came along, and felt like it doesn't belong in his hands. 
But these hands hold onto another's, and it doesn't feel wrong to be a safe place, to help take care of something precious. As the angles change and the point of view shifts, there he is, right here on earth, centering his vision and all of his thoughts, the star of his night wearing a heartthrob smile. And Shou believes is probably staring like he's never seen a human before in his damn life. He'd have felt pretty dumb for it if he were a little more self-aware, would've fussed and whined over his own embarrassment, but right now all he wanted to do was capture that smile and kiss it senseless.
It's a little selfish, a little stupid, considering he also wants to listen to Daisuke, and talk to him, and make him laugh ... and all these things and many other things couldn't go together at once. When has he gotten so greedy ? The idea is almost funny, how much he wants and how much he wants to give and how simple it all is ; how easy it is on his heart to love and be loved. But above anything, above all else, there is the profound desire to protect what he has, and the means to this end - to keep anyone safe - might not be as simple as the rest of his wishes.
What wouldn't I do to keep you safe ? 
It's rare that he worries about such things, if ever. And to speak of them out loud was a whole different matter, but he talks anyway, when the need to overwhelms him at the end, then he's an open book in ways he's never been to anyone else, mistrust and a deeply rooted, well-hidden sense of discomfort always standing between himself and finding a safe place. But Daisuke wouldn't dismiss him, wouldn't consider the topics at hand then look at him like he's grown a third head, wouldn't think that's it's odd or strange and ask him if he fell and hit his head when he was little or something. None of that, he shakes his head, none of that. 
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@dnangelic sent: 
“I’m safe right here.” AND dai's going to lean on shou's shoulder for good measure 
[ MEME. ] ...  ▬▬▬   accepting !
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The warmth of reassurance cuts through him like a knife through butter, curls pleasantly in his stomach and glows shyly in his cheeks. He turns and allows his face to be ambushed by the dense bristles of Daisuke's hair, smiling easily into it. His heart swells with trust offered on a plate of gold, and in his chest there is the sting of something blooming ; confidence that thrives on the edges of his limits and how they're not particularly easy to reach. Of course I'd keep you safe. Yet it feels false, knowing a promise of guarding from someone like him -bloody knuckles and cold eyes- is a promise of violence and apathetic cruelty, both of which hasn't yet been truly tested for their capability, for how far he'd go to achieve something he wants.
Even then, if worse comes to worst, if anyone as much as tries and plucks a feather from these wings that allowed Daisuke to soar and be free, defying the gravity of the dull laws and tedious lives Shou still couldn't accept-  if anything were to ever intend to harm him-  the esper's lips land a kiss on top of the thief's head, grateful and smitten, and he can only hope that Daisuke would forgive him. 
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dnangelic · 7 months
@longerhuman asked: sneaking into the niwa’s residence was hardly a difficult task for someone as nimble as dazai , though he was admittedly faced with an onslaught of dread when he viewed his dear friend’s house up close for the first time . a mansion ? for that little pint sized twerp ? how utterly ridiculous ! though needing to get to the second story was tedious in concept , it was a piece of cake for someone who regularly kept a rope on his personal for his suicidal proclivities . once he hauls himself over the balcony’s ledge , a brown grocery bag cradled in one arm , he’s careful to approach the window as quietly as possible , steps against the pavement light &. weightless as a feather . he made quick work of unlocking the window with one of the pins he kept hidden beneath his wrist bandages , &. ushered his body into the building the moment it opened , sparing no time to observe the house’s architecture though it was of begrudging interest . ❝ niwa - saaaaan ! wake up , you’re going to be late for school . ❞ he calls out loudly from the windowsill despite it being midnight on a saturday , perched on it’s ledge in a crouch , the brown paper lowering to rest beside him . dazai tried to squint into the darkness in an attempt to see if his little companion was already awake , but with one eye covered by a perpetual bandage , his vision was greatly stunted . he waited until he could hear signs of life &. movement on the other end of the room before pulling a pistol from his waistband . it’s immediately raised towards the boy’s bed , a resounding click of the safety being turned off echoing on daisuke’s bedroom walls . ❝ i’ve prepared something to remedy a problem of yours . ❞ with dazai , this was never a good thing . in his organization , he was notorious for making devil concoction hotpots that were so despicable &. dangerous , anyone who had the misfortune of being forced ( usually held at gunpoint ) to taste test them often suffered delusions , hallucinations , or the occasional brain - bleed . ❝ get up , walk to the bag on the windowsill . unless you want to get shot . who knows , maybe niwa - san is finally feeling suicidal on this particular day ! ❞ he keeps the muzzle steady &. trained on what appeared to be the red - head’s figure . ❝ ne , niwa - san is a growing boy , right ? but i keep thinking — how come he hasn’t gotten any taller ? it’s just awful , so i used my ginormous brain to construct a hotpot that is guaranteed to extend your vertical profile . there’s just a few side effects … nausea , potential death , seizures , cramps , headaches , hallucinations , voice - cracks — but don’t worry about any of that ! ❞ inside the brown bag is indeed a metal bowl with a plastic , fog covered lid held over the top with black duct tape . next to it is a mug , purple in hue , with a removable lid that contained cold milk . ❝ it’s imperative that you drink the refreshment I supplied right after tasting the remedy . it’s a natural activation for my potion — &. if your puny , shrimp - like stature is any indication , you’re in desperate need of milk … it might just help you get bigger ! ❞ he certainly didn’t supply the milk to combat the spice infested main - course , that would be far too considerate . the hotpot isn’t actually a hotpot , though he would refer to it as such — he didn’t even make it himself . it’s mostly homemade spicy curry he got from a trusted coworker of his , with some strange , inappropriate additions such as non-poisonous mushrooms &. gummy worms mixed in to make it seem inedible &. foul . unlike his usual concoctions , it’s void of drugs or anything that could possibly be fatal . ❝ you’re going to eat it , won’t you ? i spent all this time &. effort preparing this meal for you . besides , if your eyes melt out of your head … then you must not be worthy of living another year . ❞ // sorry . this is so long . i’m so sorry . 🙏 happy bday daisuke !
it's not entirely an unfamiliar voice , but through daisuke's waking grog it's initially impossible to discern . sleep could be a precious commodity at times for the hectic niwa : every morning he was expected to dodge one of the many violent death traps his mother had no qualm sacrificing his very own bed for , complete with challenging expectations such as : get dressed within one second ! pick this lock with your right hand , and hack this security system with your left within five ! it's thus the gentle rouse of dazai's whispers that perhaps shocks him the most . eyes snap open and the red-headed boy scrambles and flusters into a sit upwards in an instant --- only to be met with the black barrel of the other's gun . ' wh ... ' he gasps and covers his mouth , both hands blocking out any of his own voice . why was his life always like this ?! if he screamed , no doubt the entirety of his family , and even dark would wake up , a dozen members rushing all at once towards the upper floor . but then what would happen to dazai ?
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' u-um , ' obedient despite the tremble of woken-terror and speeding adrenaline in his legs , he stiffly marches himself towards the bag on the sill as demanded , both of his hands held haplessly upwards . frankly , spoken as someone who was meant to be a professional escape artist , there were better places to place objects of supposed threat like this . it's a surprisingly sharp comment that daisuke decides to keep to himself , dazai's own spoken words stuffing themselves into his ears instead . when he considered it , just what was anyone supposed to say in these sorts of circumstances ?! ' ... g-goodnight , hello to you too , wah --- ' his vertical profile , huh . maybe , if this had been just about anyone else , the niwa might have been dumb enough , or maybe just desperate enough , to shut his eyes and willingly guzzle anything down for just a few more inches of height . but this looked really bad .
dazai wouldn't actually go so far as to kill him , right ? in his own house , in his own bedroom , and on his very own own birthday !? even knowing that the other's sense of humor could be cruel and callous , he would have never guessed that it could truly extend this far . daisuke still isn't sure whether to flee , to turn about and beg his case to the boy behind the threatening pistol , or to , despite it all , continue to trust the other . he thinks --- even if it's a fatal poison , his entire family was still here . towa-chan , his father , his mother , each with unique specializations that could be rushed to if things truly turned fatal . so the niwa grips his fists and shuts his eyes ; nods his head . he would eat it , though --- what kind of crazy test was this really supposed to be ?! at midnight under the moonlight with the floral , vine-rose waft of azumano's breeze caressing his cheek from the open sill , it could have been as romantic a stage as romeo and juliet's balcony . alas , the tragedy was only to come : pushing through every emotion of alarm urging him not to do it , he takes his first bite .
... it tastes weird .
it's horribly sweet in a few bizarre areas , and the chewy texture of dazai's additions mingle strangely with the unmistakably strong taste and burgeoning spice of curry starting to inflame his tongue . daisuke coughs , practically collapsing onto the sill , his head flung into the center of both of his arms , as if he had just been whacked from behind . the boy's tolerance for spicy foods had always been low , despite the way he seemed to regularly suffer at the hands of it thanks to any innocent , oblivious chefs-in-training . maybe he really would die from something like this . the sentence has barely left his thoughts before he suddenly rejects it , lifting himself from the sill with a small slam and an intense look of determination in his eyes , despite the shimmering wells of tears budding up at the corner of each iris . he wouldn't give up as long as there were things left that he wanted to do on this day .
the milk comes next , and though it hardly assists in alleviating any amount of the strange , incoherent blend of tastes rampaging across his tongue , it at least soothes enough of the burning sensation to allow daisuke to speak , albeit forced through coughs and dewy tears . ' --- i did it , ' spoken as a point of challenged and triumphant pride . the sense of it slips away fast as it had arrived ; daisuke's voice softens and hushes down into a burnt and haggard whisper . ' b-but , dazai-kun , why ... ' on this particular day . his birthday ? ' was this ... ' supposed to be his birthday gift from the other ?!
without another word a hand reaches out to touch at the other boy's skin --- ' w-wait , dazai-kun , ' before the either of them might have even realized it , daisuke was already holding his friend by the wrist . ' i ... had a feeling that something like this might happen . no , what i mean is --- i was really hoping that i'd get to see you today . ' uncertain as ever as to whether or not the other would sneer at or decline any sort of invitation , leaving nothing but empty absence and still silence behind . in the shared present between them , he still doesn't know what was supposed to come next after this ; whether or not dazai had been planning to escape as swiftly as he had entered , or if the boy would find another reason to stay . daisuke clings to them before they could potentially vanish , a single plead in his voice .
' ... before you go , will you come with me to the kitchen ? please , ' gently , he takes the other out of the bedroom and down the house's steps , still dressed in nothing more than his pajamas , cheeks flushed bright red . bare feet quietly patter along the ornate tiles of the niwa's residence ; they pass by carved railings , the crystal chandelier of the main foyer , and the myriad vases , sculptures , and gold-framed portraits lining the halls until finally they arrive at the building's sole kitchen . daisuke doesn't meddle with anything inside and steps further towards the family refrigerator , quietly opening it . retrieving a single , carefully clear-wrapped slice of cake , he offers it out to the other with a small smile . this was it , precious as a fragile bird's nest in his hands . something that he had been carefully preserving for the other .
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' dazai-kun . here . ' the blush across his cheeks remains visible even in the dim light of night . ' i tried ... to think about it really carefully . whether or not you would like things like parties , or what i might be able to do for you . ' yes , even on his very own birthday . ' in the end , i still don't know whether or not dazai-kun gets a lot of things like this all the time ... or if he even likes sweets . but i thought that even if we didn't get to spend time at a party together , or maybe if he was just busy or didn't like things like that , then maybe i could at least get the chance to still give him something . '
insisting upon its acceptance , placing the dessert , plastic fork , and disposable plate into the other's grasp , daisuke is fast to turn their shared direction about , practically sliding dazai across the floor in a guide of them towards the front door . ' ... you have to get out of here before somebody wakes up , okay ? ' nevermind the trouble of having to explain himself and an unexpected guest if they ended up caught . his mother , upon ever realizing that the family mansion of thieves had been so easily broken into , would no doubt turn devastated before becoming even stricter with the fatal traps set out for her son . daisuke's peaceful , unhindered night-time bathroom breaks would be completely over .
' but --- i'm really happy that i got to see you . ' there's nothing but sincerity in his voice ; a warm glow . the palms of his hands on the other's shoulders like this , it's the closest thing to the sort of tight and warm embrace that he wishes that he could have happily given to the other . any happier , and it might have been the great phantom thief dark himself bidding the mafioso farewell from the doorway . the pound of his heart wouldn't have been able to stop for hours . ' ... thank you so much , dazai-kun . ' he grins and he waves . this much was more than enough . ' for coming to visit me today . '
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𝘾𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 (𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦)
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Jigen Daisuke
Summary || The reader and Jigen meet at an ungodly hour of the night
Cw: Flirting, mentions of sexual harassment
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Lupin and Jigen awoke with a start.
There was a banging on their door and a yelling voice behind it. Jigen reached for the table, grabbing the handle of his pistol. He'd rather be safe than sorry. Exchanging looks with Lupin they leapt up. Jigen was quick to open the door.
You screamed. A gun to the head was not the first thing you'd expected when they opened the door but you didn't have time to be concerned about being shot as the shadow in your peripherals crept closer. You reached out grasping the door frame.
"Please you have to let me in there's a guy out there that's been following me and I know he means harm." You glanced back at the shadow, panic rising within. "Please!"
Jigen let you in against his morals, even if he didn't trust women he wasn't just going to watch you get raped like that.
You rushed in taking refuge behind the man who let you in. Two shots rang out leaving your ears ringing afterwards. Jigen shut the door turning around and walking over to the couch.
"Thank you,"
Jigen brought the cigarette to his lips lighting it and tossing the lighter down. The puff of smoke blew into your face, a familiar smell that affected you no longer. The smoke cleared from your vision and you could fully see the man before you.
Tall and thin he towered over you, collar length black hair and a curtain beard. The cigarette hanging from his mouth was already crooked, which was peculiar to you.
"Hello pretty lady," lupin purred. His hands crept up your back making your shudder and turn around, backing up into Jigen you looked up at him. Unphased he grabbed your shoulders, moving you to the side and grabbing his hat. You looked back at Lupin, "Thank you sincerely for helping me, You don't mind if I stay here just for the night, do you?"
Jigen slipped his gun into it's fabric holster, sitting on the couch and practically crumpling his hat into his face as he kicked back with his arms crossed. "No,"
Lupin rested a hand on your back, "Actually yes, you can." He looked at Jigen. "My old buddy over there is just being a party pooper. So tell me your name why don't ya." Lupin guided you to a chair next to the window, a wide smile curling his lips. You rested your hands on your thighs, watching as Lupin sat down across from you eagerly.
"I'm Y/n,"
Lupin leaned forward "Oh, I like that name." He mused. "I'm Lupin," he pointed over at Jigen. "And that old man over there is my partner, Jigen."
Jigen sat up his hat falling into his lap, "I'm not old!" Lupin cackled. Your shaking seemed to have subsided as the adrenaline from fear wore off, it felt like the after math of a sugar high. It was hard to keep your eyes open as Lupin and Jigen's voices faded into background noise. You fought sleep not wanting to put yourself in an open position while with these two men. lupin glanced over at you double taking when he noticed you falling asleep.
"You must be tired," he claimed. Scooping you up into his arms he rested you on the motel bed. "Here this should be more comfortable." Taking the blankets and covering you he patted your head.
"Rest well,"
"Alright, don't be mean while I'm gone Jigen." The door shut, the snap of a lighter flickering to life and a breath of smoke entered your ears. Blinking open your eyes you sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes until you saw color. You looked over at Jigen who leaned forwards with his arms on his knees watching you. The black fedora on his head covered his eyes, matching his black blazer and button up. Pulling the cigarette from his lips he blew out a puff of smoke.
"You're awake,"
You looked around not catching any sight of Lupin, he must have left before you woke up.
"Yeah," letting out a yawn you pushed the blankets off of you and moved to the edge of the white sheets. "Thank you for letting me in last night," you looked up at the window. The morning sun peeked through the glass, warming up the room.
Jigen flicked the ashes of his cigarette into an ash tray, "Yeah, no problem."
The door burst open making both you and Jigen jolt. "Where's Lupin?" A brunette asked, she looked over the room her eyes stopping on you. "Wow, that's the longest a one night has stayed here." She exclaimed. Jigen leaned back with his arms crossed. "Oh boy," me mumbled.
"I'm not a fuck toy," You stated. Fujiko crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame. "Well that's not my problem, Where's Lupin?" Jigen pointed outside, "You just missed em' maybe if your fast enough you can go catfish him again." Her narrowing eyes lingered on Jigen before she left leaving an awkward atmosphere behind. You stood.
"Well I'm going to leave now, goodbye. Tell lupin I said thank you."
Your eyes lingered on him before you made your way out. Jigen huffed standing and walking after you. An engine rumbled to life behind you, shortly thereafter a yellow Fiat 500 pulled up next to you.
"Get in," Jigen pointed to the passenger seat, "Lupin asked for me to take you home." Judging by the look of it Jigen wasn't very happy about having to do any of this. "You sure?" You asked. "Yes, just get in I have to take care of Lupin after this!"
You didn't object taking no time in getting into the passenger seat. You pointed out directions on the way there but there was never anything more said.
"Thank for the ride Jigen."
He tipped his hat to you and backed up, turning around and pulling forward he adjusted the rear view and took one last look at you before you were out of view. He would have to make sure you didn't take anything when he got back.
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the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
I’m only one call away, I’ll be there to save the day - Daisuke Kambe x Haru Katou
AO3 link
This is the literal definition of self indulgence I’m not even kidding you.
And I totally did not write the last 1/3rd of it in a car because I didn’t have the patience to get home.
And this is unedited. So if you find errors please spare my humble life. I LITERALLY WROTE THIS ENTIRE THING TODAY. The inspiration istg.
Daisuke Kambe doesn't get nervous. He doesn't overthink. He doesn't doubt anything he does, or any decision he makes. Except when he's in the dressing room, waiting for Hoshino to come and escort him to his soon-to-be husband. 'Cold feet' is the farthest term one would use to describe Daisuke, yet here he stands in front of the large mirror, wondering if he's good enough for the man whose eyes shine brighter than any star he's seen.
All it takes is one call.
And before he knows it, Haru right there in front of him.
He needs his hero, and Haru is there.
TW: Panic Word count: 3136 (woohoo)
Special tag: @akaiiro-yume​ for being my ultimate simp buddy. I told her this whole thing as just an idea and she said she felt like crying and I was like FUCK IT IM GONNA WRITE IT. So here we are. Thank you. 
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“Daisuke Kambe,” Haru called his name, his voice so gentle it almost got drowned by the waves as he looked straight ahead at them with Kambe by his side. The serene way his lips curved into a peace smile hid with such grace the nervousness shooting up his spine. 
“Mm?” Daisuke glanced at his boyfriend, wondering why the inspector suddenly chose to call him by his full name instead of the usual ‘bastard’, ‘pain in the ass’, ‘idiot’, or just ‘Kambe’.
‘Am I doing the right thing? Are we ready for this?’
“What is it, Haru?”
“Marry me.”
Daisuke’s eyes widened, and he stared at Haru without blinking even once. “... What?”
“I said,” Haru turned to look at him, giving him an awkward little grin before grabbing Daisuke’s hands in his own and slowly going on one knee, “Marry me, ‘Suke.”
That was all it took. That nickname.
Daisuke felt every tense nerve in his body relax almost immediately as the answer came as naturally to him as breathing.
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Daisuke’s gloved hand wraps around the glass, his soft lips placing themselves on its rim to take another sip of water. It’s probably his tenth sip in the last two minutes (and counting).
“Lord Daisuke, you look incredible!” Suzue remarks, and he sees her smile at him through the mirror.
“I can’t believe you and Katou-sama are finally getting married.” Suzue steps up behind Daisuke to smoothen the non-existent wrinkles on the thick piece of blue fabric covering his shoulders.
‘I can’t either.’
“It feels like just yesterday when you came back to Japan,” she continues, not noticing the way Daisuke’s nervous fingers fiddle with his cufflinks, “And now it’s already been six years… time passed by too quickly, didn’t it?”
“It has.”
Silence descends over them like a calm cloud while Suzue busies herself by fussing around with his three-piece suit, straightening it more than it already is, rubbing off any invisible lints, fixing his already perfect tie - a crisp, sophisticated taupe - and Daisuke lets his mind wander off once again.
He thinks about the six years he’s spent in Japan. But more specifically, he thinks about the time he spent by his side.
He thinks of all their firsts; their first meeting, their first argument, the first time he let Haru fall (not for him, but off the bridge), their first show of trust, first confessions, first kisses, first everything.
He thinks of their life after they decided to become more than just friends or colleagues. All of the small ways in which Haru reminded him, every day, just how much he adored him. Daisuke thinks of all those cuddles, all the nuzzles, all the intertwining of fingers.
And before he can stop it, a smile - albeit small but so full of love you could feel it radiating off of him - is gracing his lips.
‘Thank you.’ He finds himself thanking Haru in both his mind and heart… for just about everything. 
“Lord Daisuke, are you okay?” Suzue asks, snapping him out of his heartwarming walk down the memory lane.
“Yes, why?”
“Your eyes…” she trails off, and Daisuke’s gaze shifts from looking at her through the mirror to himself. A small gasp leaves his lips when he sees what’s got Suzue so worried about his eyes.
A thin layer of unshed tears coats those calm eyes, and Daisuke feels his heart clench with absolute adoration when he realises the meaning behind such a blatant show of emotions.
These tears aren’t of pain. Or of agony. Or of suffering.
There are tears of gratitude. Of love. Of unrestrained joy at the mere thought of the wonderful man waiting for him at the same beach where he proposed.
“I’m fine, Suzue.” Daisuke says, his eyes never leaving the ones in the mirror. “I’m just… overwhelmed,” he admits, taking a deep breath in.
Suzue smiles. “I can understand. It IS a big day, after all.” She turns around, walking towards the door. “I’ll be outside.”
“Thank you,” he says, and he means it. He couldn’t be more grateful to have a sister who understood him so well that they didn’t need words to get their message across.
And with that, Suzue steps out of the room, closing the door behind her, leaving Daisuke alone with his thoughts.
His eyes travel to the clock on one of the walls of the gigantic room, and he sees that he’s still got some time before Hoshino would come by to escort him to his lover. And his fiance.
Daisuke feels another smile tugging at his lips at the word, and he briefly thinks about how he’s been smiling too much today before his mind again wanders off to the man responsible for making him smile so much.
‘He’s too good to me,’ Daisuke thinks, sighing fondly. ‘He makes me believe that it’s okay to feel this… that it’s okay to feel happy. Sometimes it feels like it’s too good to be true.’
And that’s when it strikes him. The one thought which makes his shoulders go stiff, and his lips press themselves together in a stiff line.
‘But… What if it IS too good to be true?’
Daisuke’s mind decides to take another walk down the memory lane, but this time the road isn’t filled with Haru’s smile, or his warmth. This time, the road is dark, cold, unwelcoming. It’s filled with every memory of each time things felt too good to be true… and they were.
‘What if… what if this doesn’t last?’ He thinks, the pictures of his own parents clouding every space they could find in his head.
Haru and him wouldn’t end the same way… right?
‘Would I be able to make Haru happy?’
… As happy as Haru made him?
‘Everything I ever cared for in my life was ripped away from me… Will Haru and I be the same way?’
He notices as his chest starts rising and falling at a faster pace, but he doesn’t pay it any mind.
‘Is it because I’ve been weak? I haven’t been able to protect the people important to me. I-I’ve never been good enough. What if… I still am not good enough?’ 
Daisuke’s eyes widen, terror seeping into them as his mind chooses to project a mental image of Haru walking, but not towards him. It’s an image of Haru having his back turned towards Daisuke, and he is walking away.
‘Am I even worthy of being loved?’
Daisuke thinks back on all the warm, loving moments that he thought of not even five minutes ago, but this time his mind focuses on his own actions instead of Haru’s
‘Haru has done so much to show me he loves me. How many times have I done the same?’
The back of his eyes burn so hard it feels like they’re on fire, and he finds it harder to breathe; he feels as if someone’s just wrapped their fingers around the base of his throat and is squeezing, hard. 
‘Is Haru happy with me? WILL he be happy with me?’
His own fingers come up to his throat, as if trying to replace the invisible ones.
‘Should we even be getting married? What if he realises I’m not worth it?’
‘Where are you, Haru?’ is what his heart screams instead, but he doesn’t hear it.
‘O-oh god, I cannot be forcing him to marry me.’
‘I need you, Haru. Find me. Please, find me.’
‘He doesn’t love me. He shouldn’t be marrying me.’
‘Haru, please. Save me.’
I’m only one call away.
He doesn’t even notice his fingers finding the surface of his phone and he is too busy letting himself fall down the dark spiral his mind lay out for him to bother seeing what his fingers are doing with the phone.
Daisuke feels his feet give away, and he slowly slides down to the floor. His body trembles, his breathing continues to quicken, and he feels something dark crawl up his spine.
It’s something he can’t describe, but it’s so dark and so… consuming. He feels like his mind is being ripped into shreds, as if someone is slowly claiming their control over it.
“H-Haru…” He whimpers and looks up, closing his eyes. He feels the thick layer of tears forming beyond his lids collapse as silent tears stream down his face. He opens his mouth to breathe, but the inhale turns into a choked sob.
He wasn’t good enough. He isn’t good enough. And he never will be good enough.
Daisuke bites his trembling lips and brings his knees closer to his body in an attempt to hide away from himself. 
Hah. What a pitiful sight. And Haru thought THIS weak little boy would be good enough for him? He should leave him while he still has time.
“Haru… please. I need you. Pl-Please don’t leave m-”
“I wasn’t planning to.”
I’ll be there to save the day.
Daisuke’s head snaps in the direction of the voice; a voice powerful enough to break the hold of what was slowly crawling through his mind, consuming him whole.
“Haru…” he whispers, blinking the tears away in an attempt to clear his vision.
The attempt is futile anyway, because the moment his sight comes into focus, he feels a pair of all too familiar arms pull him into a strong chest. “I’m right here,” Haru murmurs, pressing a kiss to his forehead before sitting down in front of him and pulling Daisuke between his legs.
“I-” Daisuke’s eyes widen, confusion slowly colouring over every other thought for the moment. “Wasn’t it Hoshino who was supposed to come?”
“You really expect me to ask Hoshino to check in on you when you call my number and then say my name the way you said it?”
‘I called him?’
“You sounded like someone was forcefully pulling every ounce of life out of you.”
“... I did?”
‘Yes, you bastard. You scared the living fucks out of me, y’know?’ Haru thinks, but instead of saying anything, he only pulls Daisuke closer to him.
He smiles when he feels Daisuke return the gesture.
Daisuke’s arms wrap around Haru’s neck and he places his face in the crook of his neck, taking a deep sniff of the latter’s scent. He feels his panic flow out of his body as the warmth of the man himself washes over his entire being.
“H-Haru-” the millionaire stutters, tears again filling his eyes, now that he’s had a moment for everything to catch up to him. Haru’s arms only pull him closer, as close as physically possible, and that’s when Daisuke notices some things he didn’t see earlier.
“You’re safe. I’m here. I’m with you. And I’m not going anywhere.” Haru speaks in between pants, his forehead covered with a thin, barely there layer of sweat.
‘He RAN all the way here?’ Daisuke thinks, taking in every bit of whatever Haru offered him; his love, his warmth, his confidence, his belief in them.
Superman got nothin’ on me.
“Haru.” Daisuke pulls his head back to look at the taupe-haired man.
“What?” Haru replies, his head still facing down. He doesn’t look up, and Daisuke can only wonder why.
“Look at me.”
“No.” “I love you.”
Haru’s head snaps up at the speed of light, his eyes so wide Daisuke fears his eyeballs might pop out of their sockets.
But now that Haru’s finally looking at him, Daisuke takes the opportunity to find out for himself why the man absolutely refused to look up at him just moments ago.
He feels all the air drain out from his lungs at the findings of his inspection.
‘He’s trembling.’
“I was so scared, Kambe,” Haru whispers, his head dropping on Daisuke’s shoulder. “I was so scared when I heard you sound so… weak.” 
“I love you.” Daisuke repeats, and this time it’s him who places a kiss on the other man’s forehead.
“I love you too.”
Haru looks up, and their lips come together so naturally and so perfectly, one would think it was meant to be. And maybe it was. 
And just like that, they sit there for a few minutes, wrapped up in their own warm little bubble, the world forgotten.
“Oi, Kambe,” Haru murmurs into Daisuke’s shoulder, successfully catching the attention of the shorter man. “What really happened?”
Daisuke sucks in a sharp breath, knowing exactly what Haru was talking about. The fingers holding on to Haru tighten a little more as he opens his mouth, and begins explaining what actually went down.
Daisuke speaks, and speaks. He expresses every minute detail, because he knows Haru is listening. Haru always listens. And he doesn’t just listen, he makes sure the other knows that he is there for him no matter what.
I’m only one call away.
Once he is done telling Haru everything, he looks at him with baited breath, trying to gauge Haru’s reaction. The only answer he gets is utter confusion as Haru pulls back from their embrace and stands up, brushing the barely-there dust off his suit. He looks down at his lover and extends a hand out to him.
But instead of grabbing that hand, Daisuke’s eyes get lost in the very gorgeousness of sight Haru Katou presents. Haru’s dressed in a three-piece suit, just like Daisuke himself, but it’s taupe in colour. His tie is the same blue as Daisuke’s suit, and he looks downright ravishing.
“We haven’t got all day, idiot.”
Haru sighs, grabbing Daisuke by the hand and pulling him up. He quickly wipes Daisuke’s tears and makes him look presentable (as if he wasn’t already) before dragging him to the door.
Haru opens the door to the dressing room, but before they can step out, Daisuke stops him.
“What are you doing?” Daisuke asks, his brows furrowed and the usual disinterest back on his face.
“Walking down the aisle with my bride.”
“You do know that you’re not supposed to be the one escorting me.”
“Yeah, and what about it?”
“Katou Haru. Are you joking with me?”
Haru turns around to meet Daisuke’s eyes and pulls the shorter man to him with one tug on his arm. He bends his head, giving Daisuke a quick kiss before pulling back and whispering, “Why? Is there a problem?”
Daisuke isn’t even given the time to blush, because Haru is already turning on his feet and walking down the hallway, pulling the millionaire behind him. They keep walking for a short while, even after they leave the building and step onto the beach, before Haru finally comes to a stop.
“We’re here.” 
Daisuke pokes his head from behind Haru’s back to see where exactly they are. “Oh my sweet bleeding heart.”
“Of all things in the world, that’s the first thing you say, rascal?”
“Haru, I-” Daisuke is quite literally at a loss for words, because right now, in this very moment, in front of him is a low stage setup with curtains falling around it in a circular fashion, and tiny fairy lights giving it it’s very own magical glow. It’s like a world within a world. A world away from everyone, from everything - a world for just the two of them.
“Come on, you and make it anywhere. But for now… we can stay here for a while.” Haru mutters, glancing at Daisuke, “'Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile.”
“Very cheesy, I’ll give you that,” Daisuke chuckles, stepping on to the stage. “So…” he turns to look at Haru, “What now?”
“Dance with me.” Haru says, and then there is no going back.
All it takes is a nod from Daisuke and Haru steps closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“What is it?” Haru asks, noticing the furrow of Daisuke’s brows.
“We have no music.”
“I got it covered,” is all Haru says before snapping his fingers, and almost immediately, music fills the space around them. 
“What song is this?” Daisuke asks, letting Haru pull him in by the waist and following his lead.
“Doesn’t matter. Focus on the lyrics. Oh, and me, of course.”
And so Daisuke does.
I'm only one call away I'll be there to save the day
Daisuke’s eyes stare into Haru’s as their feet move together, and he smiles at the lyrics, letting the other man know just how much he loves him. And this. Just how grateful he is for it all.
Superman got nothin' on me
And Daisuke can’t help but agree with that. His fingers gip Haru’s a little tighter as he sighs, his head coming to rest on the other’s shoulder.
I'm only one call away
Call me, baby, if you need a friend I just wanna give you love
“I love you,” Daisuke whispers at that, pressing a kiss to where his forehead rested just a moment ago. 
Come on, come on, come on Reachin' out to you, so take a chance
Daisuke pulls back a couple of steps, only to have Haru reach his arm out. He grabs it, doing a slow spin and falling into the arms of the man he loves more than his life could possibly define.
No matter where you go You know you're not alone
“I love you too.”
Silence soon falls between them and they both close their eyes, letting the music be their voice.
Come along with me and don't be scared I just wanna set you free
Come on, come on, come on You and me can make it anywhere
Realisation finally dawns on Daisuke as he realises where Haru’s words from earlier really came from. He smirks.
But for now, we can stay here for a while, ayy 'Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile
“You’re just a giant ball of sap, aren’t you?” He retorts, looking up at Haru. He might be smirking, but even he can’t hide the affection that swells up in his eyes as his hands reach up to wrap around Haru’s neck, allowing the latter to snake both his arms around Daisuke’s waist.
“Shut up.”
And when you're weak, I'll be strong I'm gonna keep holdin' on
“I’ll never let you go, Katou.”
Now don't you worry, it won't be long, darlin' And when you feel like hope is gone
Haru smiles, pulling Daisuke closer to him.
Just run into my arms
“Funny, because I don’t plan to let you go either, bastard.”
I'm only one call away I'll be there to save the day
“You really are a hero, you know, Haru?”
Superman got nothin' on me
“Just yours, ‘Suke. Just yours.” Haru murmurs, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against Daisuke’s.
I'm only one, I'm only one call away
“Forever.” Daisuke replies, his own eyes slowly shutting.
“And ever.”
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variouscolors · 3 years
[ 🗾 ] how self-sufficient is your muse? are they more independent, or do they need others around them?
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These kids are in a spectrum of "yes, they can handle things by themselves but sometimes a little help won't hurt" in self-sufficiency.
By that, it can mean they prefer to do things together if possible! But if not, they're able to deal with it alone. And for the things only each one of them can do, they manage to complete the task.
Kizuna's drama CD has Daisuke attribute a ton of things to the group for his progress to accomplish his life goal. Even if the others didn't remember well or weren't directly helping him, he took those as valuable advice and then was able to discover what he was lacking and where to improve first.
Miyako's new song is like a videomail for her friends, and she deeply shows symptoms of separation anxiety despite having so much fun in Spain! This explains why she's the one to present to the group an exploit with the Digital Gate and the (Smartphone) D-3.
And, back to 02, each jogress pair was indeed perfectly paired to attend what they really needed. Daisuke needed a friend who could give him attention to avoid run in circles, while Ken needed a friend to keep him having hope and faith. Miyako needed someone to help her control her self-hate and panic, while Hikari needed someone to break her shell and help to voice her own needs and desires. Iori needed someone less strict to teach him his black-n-white vision was flawed, while Takeru needed someone to break the invisible wall and address those traumas and trust a bit more on the others.
Also, i count the digimon and kids as one singular, so of course they all help them! They're like their inner selves, more honest and sincere who wouldn't let things get bad for their human partners. I mean, Hawkmon and Wormmon are the best example about how their partners are a walking mess and need someone to keep an eye on them. And with this, my frienddo, the dissolution partnership wouldn't hit those kids when they all deeply need those digimon to function a little better lol.
I mean, a friggin short dialogue of Ken & Wormmon’s chara song album had Wormmon worried about Ken sleeping in yesterday and working as some kind of walking alarm clock. And back in 02, Chibimon worked as Daisuke’s personal alarm clock as well.
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innovativestruggles · 4 years
Based on your observation do you think Daisuke has romantic feelings for Suzue in the anime?
Hi hi wonderful!~ 😇
Hmmm...good question. I think on surface level, perhaps not. He’s a very focused and goal oriented person. Almost like tunnel vision and when people have that mindset, it’s difficult for them to pay attention to anything else around them, including their own feelings about others.
For this question’s sake we would have to make the assumption that Daizue are not blood relatives or if they are related that they are very very distant enough that they could marry. Otherwise what I write here would be mute. 
If you delve in a little deeper past surface level, I think Daisuke’s romantic feelings are more ‘repressed.’ What I mean by this is that his feelings are kept subconsciously on standby. But further development on a more platonic level towards Suzue would continue to develop. And you can see this in the profound level of mutual trust and with the way he cared for her immensely (the cooking for her, the reassurance he would come back alive etc). But because of his tunnel vision with regards to investigating his mother’s death, the platonic to romantic does not progress forward. Think of the tunnel vision as an inertia. 
So when that inertia is lifted i.e. once he resolves what he set out to do, then the feelings can progress. This would mean platonic to romantic can occur very quickly (almost out of nowhere). Think Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura’s relationship from Naruto. That turned 180 quite quickly. So something very similar may happen with Daisuke. It kinda happened in a way in the novel. Daisuke would suddenly realise his feelings for Suzue (and it took a whole damn novel for him to realise) 😩
So I am keen to see how Daisuke’s feelings toward Suzue would progress once he has resolved his mother’s death in Episode 11 🤨
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audrii-saurus · 4 years
❝the coffee machine broke.❞
Forget me. Not.  [fkbu]
miyamura | kanbe
episode zero : ❝the coffee machine broke.❞
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚ 
"This is your next assignment."
The chief drops a thick stack of papers on a certain overtimer's desk, eyes immediately peeling off her computer's screen before a loud bang makes her flinch.
She blinks out her initial shock, then looks at him.
"Chief, even if you say that..." (Name) says in disbelief, hovering her free hand over the top folder which supposedly contained the summarized report. Her eyes were already hurting just by imagining the amount of words inside the thick portfolio presented to her. "...no matter how you look at it, isn't this too much?"
Her boss only smiles innocently at her in reply, his hands rubbing against each other like a businessman trying to con his way to someone's pockets. He leans towards (Name) in a cordial attempt of negotiation, unsurprisingly, her first instinct is to back away.
"I'm really sorry, Miyamura-kun," The Chief tries a cordial apology, seeming to notice the way her face crumpled into an expression of cringe. "But we all know you're one of our top detectives. We can't really trust anyone with this."
She glances at the clock hanging on the door across her desk, the timepiece indicating she's been extending her stay in the office for about 30 minutes now. Her shoulders sag in exhaustion, he must've known she was still here and decided to burden her with the task instead of actually assigning it to someone else.
Clicking her tongue in annoyance, she opens the folder to read the reports. A picture of a man in his late twenties assaults her field of vision. His black hair is slicked back from his forehead, short enough so that it doesn't hang messily around the frame of his face. Dull blue eyes from the photo stare back at her, and she scrunches her nose at the familiarity that hits her when she looks at the photo.
"Oh, that's not the report!" The Chief tells her once he realizes what she was looking at. He hands her another folder from the stack piled on the desk before he points at the photo clipped neatly on the edge. A smile lights up his face as he delivers the news.
"This is Daisuke Kanbe," He informs her with a warm expression. "He will be your partner in this case."
'...My what?' The thought passes her head, before disappearing as quickly as it arrived.
"Hah?" She breathes out subconsciously, the color from her boss' face draining completely from the reaction he got from her. "D-Don't worry! He's not a total newbie! In fact, he's already solved a good amount of cases ever since he joined the force!"
She waves off his reply, tossing the folder back into the heap. The Chief's eyes avoids hers as she folds her hands over her chest, brows raised and looking offended at his statement.
"I don't really care whether I get assigned with a newcomer or what," She taps a finger on this Kanbe guy's picture, a sour look forming on her face as she thinks about the prospect of working with him for an assignment. "I've heard plenty of news about this man from Haru. I don't like him."
The Chief follows (Name) in a flurry of panic as she stood up from her seat, his hands flailing in the air in a comical fashion behind her. Heading towards the break room located on the spacious left side near the door, she opens the cabinet containing her dose of poison and dump the premium coffee beans inside the maker. Still, her boss boss keeps steaming off about her new partner, making her lean on the counter on her back and regarding him with cold eyes.
"Miyamura-kun, I know you're good friends with Kato but," He points towards the picture only shocking her to find out that he actually carried the whole file just to emphasize his point. "He is good at what he does! Good at everything even!"
She frowns at the obvious sucking up. It isn't unnatural for people to do all they can to earn points for someone like Kanbe. The guy's loaded with money, and the connections he has might prove to be useful if someone wishes to climb up the ranks. What's more is that it looks like he's got the Chief dancing on his palms already and the irritation (Name) held for him only deepens at the realization.
"Good at everything you say?" She scoffs, a sneer pulling up her lips before she turns back to attend to her drink. It's a good thing the officials gifted her this machine. It makes coffee faster than the Chief losing his hair without any difficulty, a comfort (Name) welcomes from the neverending workload she has to do. "If Daisuke Kanbe has to be good in any aspect, won't that also mean he's good at being a massive idi...space cadet?"
(Name) barely avoids the insult her mouth nearly allowed her to say, the machine letting out a nice sounding ding as it finishes grounding her coffee, snapping her to collect her wits. She places her cup below the nozzle, a tasty aroma already wafting across the room as it fills up the mug. The familiar smell makes her sigh in contentment, the tenseness she hasn't noticed before leaving her shoulders in an instant.
"But, Miyamura-kun--" She holds up a hand, turning her head to look at him before dismissing another barrage of his subjective reasoning for his Kanbe.
"No. I don't care about that Kanbe guy," (Name) interrupts him. "And I doubt I'd care about him even as partners...for...the job..."
Her voice falters at the end of the sentence, the words dragging longer than it had to as she looked towards the entrance. A man in a dark, tailored suit with an ebony slicked back hair and dull blue eyes stares at her from the doorway. Behind him is Haru with a sympathetic frown on his face as he looks at her, shaking his head and mouthing out sorry.
(Name) could only gulp at the horrible timing, a sudden loud creak from below her snatching her attention away from the newcomers.
She looks down to her hand, only to see her coffee machine broken from the way the grip limped. It seems like she had somehow pushed the handle too hard that it ended up slacking pathetically.
'Well...at least my doctor won't pester me about my caffeine addiction anymore.'
Looking back to her midnight visitors, she simply says, "The coffee machine broke." Her (eye color) eyes find Kanbe's blue ones, his gaze studying (Name) before landing on her wrecked coffee machine.
A ghost of a smile curls on his lips, the gesture never reaching his eyes.
"Nice to meet you, Detective Miyamura." He greets her, the sound of his voice sending shivers down her back.
That killer smile plastered on his face doesn't look very promising.
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animemangasoul · 4 years
I'll Be There
Summery: Tamaki needs to know if Eijirou is ok.
In which Suneater and Red Riot are caught in a trap and Tamaki's unable to fight back until he knows Eijirou is alive.
“How do I know he’s even alive?”
“He is.”
Tamaki glared. Fists clenching behind his back and chest heaving because.... because....
The gun pressed to his forehead was cold, dangerous, life threatening.  
It didn’t scare him. Not fundamentally. How could it. He had the ability, the quirk to apprehend these criminals. To put a stop to everything.
Briefly glancing around, Tamaki again fixed his eyes back on the ringleader. The man was tall, scruffy to put it politely and slightly on the edge of deranged. Tamaki could have worked with that if.... if....
“I want to hear his voice.”
If they didn’t have Kirishima.  
“Let me talk to him.”
If they didn’t have Red Riot.
The villain scoffed, dirty hand running down his chin as an ugly smirk cut across his lips. “You think me stupid, Suneater?”
‘Yes, yes I do.’  
“No,” Tamaki said, keeping his gaze steady and his voice firm. “No I don’t.”
“Then why the hell do you think I’ll just let him talk to you? You want him to tell you he’s location, is that it?” The gun is pressed even harder against his face, and Tamaki stills momentarily. Catches his breath, and steels himself.  
He wasn’t afraid of this quirk less grunt. He could potentially disarm him in less than five seconds, and with a minor distraction, all these three criminals would be down and out for the count, but.... but....
What if they killed Eijirou for it? Wherever he was in this warehouse, Tamaki didn’t know his condition, didn’t know if he was dead or alive. Anything he did now should have to be weighed with Red Riot’s life in the balance.  
“I know you’re not stupid,” he finally said, making sure to keep his voice calm. “But I also know that you know I’m not stupid either. Red Riot could be dead. I need to find out that he isn’t. Because if he is--” And there, he lets the calmness slip, let’s the edge of fury break through and.... The villain pales.  
That moment of fear only lasts a second before the butt of the gun meets his temple with whip, and Tamaki’s head snaps back. He grunts but doesn’t cry out.  
A metallic taste fills his mouth, and Tamaki frowns, turning his chin slightly to spit it on the ground. “Unpleasant,” he muttered. “Very unpleasant.”
“I’ll make it even more unpleasant if you don’t--”
Tamaki shifts, one knee of the ground and a hand redirecting the gun to the wall behind him before the villain can even take a second breath. “Listen to me,” he hissed. “The only reason you’re not a bloody smear on the ground is because I don’t know if my partner is still alive somewhere. So I suggest you get him on the phone and have him talk, or this deal is over and I’ll do with you as I wish.” He almost stands, almost. But he doesn’t want to make any of these trigger-happy crazies do something he would regret. Not while Kirishima was still unaccounted for. “Understood.”
Scruffy snarls, looking even more deranged now and two more guns are pointed at him, but after a second of contemplation, the man fishes his phone out of his pocket and.... and....
Being a hero came with its own drawbacks, its own concerns, its own fears and Tamaki was fine with that. He’d signed up for it, he’d accepted it, he’d grown to love it. But, he also hated the uncertainties. Hated how they made his stomach coil and his breath hitch. The unknown always managed to scare him the most and the fact that the last thing he’d heard before being surrounded was a pained yell from Red Riot.
Red Riot who was supposed to be bulletproof.
It.... Tamaki may have been Suneater, but all that was eating at him now was the bone chilling terror that these buffoons might have seriously hurt his partner and if they had; his fists clenched in their broken chains at that thought. Tamaki was going to make them pay.
He just needed to know that Eijirou was ok. That he was in the clear. That he would live if Tamaki took these goons out. That’s all he needed. That’s all he wanted. A reassurance. A promise.
The second pistol whip doesn’t come as a surprise, but Tamaki still let’s out a tiny grunt of pain. Scruffy chortles. Tamaki doesn’t dignify him with a response. It was clear the crook wanted to take back some form of control now that Suneater had practically threatened him into giving him intel.
Blinking slowly, Tamaki tried not to gape at the criminal who was currently snapping into his phone gun still pointed at him.
“Daisuke! You there man? I need you to put that Riot guy on the phone for a sec. He awake!”
Was this man just... Did he just say his companion’s name out loud. For all to hear? For Tamaki to hear?  
‘An idiot,’ he decided.‘He’s an idiot.’  
“Here!” A phone is suddenly thrust at him and--
His heart stops.  
“Red Riot.”
Because it’s Eijirou’s slurred voice on the other side of this phone. Eijirou who’s so out of it he doesn’t even refer to him by his hero name.
What had they done to him.
“I’m ok sen.... Suneater. So Do it.”
Do it.
Tamaki knew what that meant.  
“Do it? Hey! What does that mean?”
He just had to trust that Kirishima was telling the truth.
“Oi?” A slap. “If you don’t talk--”
Suneater surges forward. Quirk activating before the criminal can even blink and in a matter of seconds, he has the yelling man tied down with tentacles. Shots are fired and brief flare of pain blooms at his side, but his shell protects him from the brunt of it and Suneater has the other two down and out in a few minutes.  
Making sure all three villains are fully secured, Tamaki rushes towards the phone, fingers almost shaking as he picks it up and presses it to his ear. Already stumbling his way out of the dark room. “Red Riot! Red Riot come in!”
“Red Riot!���  
He’s running now. One foot in front of the other as he barrels down the stairs; vision swimming, head aching and breath coming out in short bursts.
‘Did he have a concussion?’  
‘Did it matter?’  
Trying not to let his thoughts stray, Tamaki keeps a firm hold on the phone as he runs and runs and attempts to keep his worry at bay.  
“Red Riot!”
And then--
A gun shot. Another, and another.
Color drains of Tamaki’s face and his heart races. Oh God. Oh God. The sound comes from his left, down the hall. He could---
A scream this time, but this one is faint, muffled and coming from the phone. No, God, no.
A grunt.
Suneater is all but sprinting at this point. No splitting headache, no pain, no nausea able to slow him down, not when his heart was in his throat and his mind was screaming for him to do something. Anything.  
He rounds the corner and skids to a stop in front of the closed off storage room, arms extending and banging open the door. “Red Riot!”
The scene in front of him makes his blood freeze.
There at the very corner, Eijirou is curled up. Coughs wrecking his body and bare chest showing dents, bruises, cuts and there, a single bullet hole, a single bullet that had managed to get past the ultimate defense and....
Tamaki attacks before he can even think. A vicious sort of instinct taking over as he lurches himself at the four assailants who’d been shooting at his friend. Shooting at him and laughing, knowing that the toxic gas he’d inhaled before would make even the invincible Red Riot vulnerable.  
He’s angry. He’s so so angry, and if Tamaki hadn’t been a hero for as long as he’d been, he might have done something unforgivable then and there, but he doesn’t. He grabs two of them by the throat and slams the other two against the wall; perhaps breaking a few bones, but he doesn’t kill them. He doesn’t.  
Throwing the last two aside the minute they go slack in his grip, Tamaki practically throws himself next to Eijirou. Body only stilling when the other flinches away from him.
“Hey, hey,” he says softly; ears on alert, trying to listen for any noise, any sign of rescue. “It’s just.... it’s just me Red Riot. It’s--” His throat is dry and his lips wobble and-- Tamaki hates how uncertain he sounds.  “It’s gonna be ok. I’m here now. It’s going to be ok.”
Eijirou whimpers. Curls even tighter against himself and.... Tamaki just wants to reach out and touch him. Just wants to make sure the other knows that he’s there. That Eijirou isn’t alone anymore.
But he doesn’t do that. Because he knows it’s not what Eijirou needs right now. And Tamaki has to make sure he does exactly what Eijirou needs. He can’t get this wrong. He refuses to get this wrong. He’s already failed him. Eijirou is hurt, afraid, in pain and suffering and Tamaki.... Tamaki needed to make him feel better, to feel safe.
“Eijirou? Can you.... Hey- Can you hear me? I’m here.”
The redhead just lowers his chin even further into his knees and whines. That sort of whine that makes your very soul shrivel.  
It tears a whole through Tamaki’s heart.
“Eijirou.... Please look at me. You’re safe. You’re safe and I’m here now.”
He doesn’t know for a long he keeps on talking, for how long his eyes linger on that sluggishly bleeding bullet wound, but slowly, ever so slowly, Eijirou starts to look up and... Thank God. Thank God. Tamaki hurriedly blinks back the threatening tears as he scoots closer now that his friend’s eyes are clearer. “You with me?”
A hesitant nod.
“Yeah?” He has to make sure.
Another nod.
Tamaki smiles; it’s soft, worried, but Eijirou smiles back and it might be just a ghost of his usual brilliantly sunny expression, but it’s enough. It’s enough for now, so Tamaki's smile grows, and he reaches out. “Can I?”
The redhead follows his gaze and lands on the bleeding hole in his shoulder. He nods.
“Ok, ok good.” Fishing out the small med kit in his left pocket, Tamaki draws himself even nearer and gently touches the edges with a finger. Eijirou hisses. “Sorry,” Tamaki says, voice no louder than a whisper. “I’ll make it quick.”
By the time he’s done, wound wrapped up and other cuts dressed to the best of Tamaki’s ability, Eijirou has calmed down enough to actually answer his questions albeit only in single words and mumbles.  
“Ok,” he says, moving back. “All done. “I’ll just--”
An arm latches onto his wrist and it’s all Tamaki can do not to act on instinct, instead he takes a sharp intake of breath and looks at his friend. His friend who’s got an iron grip around his arm. “Eijirou?”
Tears are trailing down the redhead's cheeks and the teen shakes his head viciously; sharp teeth biting into his lower lip till blood is trickling down his chin. “Don’t go. Please don’t go.”
Tamaki stiffens.
He’d never seen Eijirou like this. Not this vulnerable. Not this scared. Not for the first time he feels the anger boiling under his skin burst into flames. How dare these low lives make someone as bright and brilliant ad Eijirou look like this. How dare they.
He tries not to show that on his face. Instead scooting closer and covering Eijirou’s shaking hand with his own, squeezing it once. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I’m right here. Right here.”
When Eijirou reaches out and folds his arms into his suit, practically clinging on for dare life, all Tamaki can do is wrap his own arms around him and pull him close; eyes itching with tears and lips wobbling. “I got you,” he says; fingers running through red hair and body swaying Eijirou’s slightly. “It’s ok now. I got you.”
Eijirou’s sobs are heartbreaking and the teen is shaking, body practically quivering where it’s glued into Tamaki’s side and Tamaki pulls him even closer and rests his chin atop of his head; his own tears finally spilling past his cheeks. “Shhh,” he mutters. “I got you. You’re safe now. I got you.”
He holds him till he cries himself to sleep, he holds him till help arrives and he holds him all the way until Fatgum is gently lifting him out of his arms and putting him on a stretcher. And then Tamaki holds his hand, never letting go. He’d made a promise after all. He was here now and that meant Eijirou was safe. He was safe.
The End
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The fantastic adventures of Takeru Takaishi
Chapter 2: Daughter of the revolution
On their way up the hill, Sora reminisced the times when her father took her to play hide-and-seek among the woods. She also remembered the day when she hid in a bush and overheard a group of men approaching Haruhiko. They accused him of having "subversive books" and spreading anti-government propaganda among the good people of Turtle Island. Sora was so scared that she couldn't move. She didn't do anything to stop her father from being taken away.
After her surroundings became quiet, Sora left her hiding spot and ran back to her house. It didn't take long for the little girl to notice smoke rising to the sky. Once she arrived there, she found her house burning.
Sora was about to scream in horror, but she felt a hand cover her mouth and another pull her back to the woods.
"I'm so glad you're safe! I'm so glad!"
Sora recognized her mother's voice. The arms that once restricted her were now hugging the child. The little girl was trembling and it didn't take her long to begin to cry. Toshiko turned her daughter around, so she could face her. The woman's eyes were red; a couple of tear trails were still visible.
"They took Dad! They took him away!" Sora said, among sobs.
"I know," Toshiko muttered.
"Where did they take him?" Sora asked.
New tears formed in the woman's eyes. She didn't say anything. It would take years for Sora to learn that her father was taken by Yamanaka's henchmen and dragged to the living room of her family's house as a way to lure Toshiko and the other revolutionaries to a trap. The henchmen were all armed and largely outnumbered the revolutionaries. It would be a suicide mission to try to rescue Hahuriko. Therefore, their leader decided they shouldn't do it.
Toshiko and the rest of the group survived.
Haruhiko didn't.
For the rest of her life, Sora wished to get justice for her father and revenge against Yamanaka. She cooperated with the revolutionaries but, despite knowing their reasons and understanding that her father wouldn't have wanted to be the cause of their demise, Sora could never forgive the leader of the group for that decision.
Takeru wasn't fond of the silence filling the air as they climbed the hill on the horses. Sora was leading the way, Koushiro and he were in the middle and Yamato was on the back, protecting them. From the way Yamato kept staring at Koushiro's back, Takeru assumed he still considered the stranger a threat.
Since Koushiro was the one closest to him, Takeru decided to start a conversation with that man.
"Tell me, Koushiro, where are you from?"
"I was born on Shrimp Island and lived there until I was 10 years old," Koushiro replied, not looking at Takeru.
"That's pretty close to Turtle Island!" Takeru exclaimed. "I'm not sure why, but you had given me the impression of being from somewhere far away."
"I've travelled all around the world," Koushiro told him. "But I always end up coming back to this place. I like to visit the spot where my parents' house used to be... well, not properly my parents'... the house of the couple who took care of me after..."
Koushiro stopped talking. A sad expression was visible on his face.
Suddenly, Sora stopped her horse and raised one hand, as if giving a signal. Two people carrying shotguns came from both sides of the trail: a woman with purple hair and glasses and a man with spiky dark pink hair. At least, that's what Takeru assumed his hair color to be. The woman had a red and long sleeved shirt over her brown paints; her hair was tied in a ponytail. The man had black pants and a loose blue shirt.
"Daisuke! Miyako! I need to talk to my mother immediately!" Sora told them.
"We're really sorry, Sora, but we can't let strangers into the camp. It's dangerous!" Daisuke said, pointing at Takeru and Koushiro.
"This is my little brother, his name is Takeru," Yamato introduced his brother. "The one with red hair is likely a demon from Hell. You should tie him up."
"A demon?!" Daisuke exclaimed, staring at Koushiro with amazement in his eyes. "Are you an actual demon from Hell? Can you summon Hellfire? Can you eat souls? Are you capable of seeing the future?"
"No, no, no... to tell you the truth, I'm capable of seeing fragments of the future," Koushiro answered, "but that ability is not as useful as it sounds."
"You're a clairvoyant?" Takeru asked, excitedly.
"That kind of thing doesn't exist! It's unscientific! Charlatanism!" Miyako affirmed.
"I'm not a charlatan!" Koushiro stated.
"Don't mind her, Mr. Demon," Daisuke told Koushiro, "she's the local mad scientist and can get a bit carried away sometimes about science."
"Stop shaming me for my love for science, Daisuke!" Miyako shouted. "It's the greatest thing in the world!"
"Enough with this discussion!" Sora raised her voice. "The camp is in great danger! Yamanaka's men are coming to attack us! I must talk to my mother immediately!"
Yamato looked at Sora's trembling body with concern. Despite wanting to comfort her, he knew that interrupting the woman would only make her upset. Meanwhile, Miyako and Daisuke stared at Sora in shock. They didn't remember ever seeing her lose her temper.
"That's not possible!" Miyako stated, after half a minute. "Yamanaka's men don't know where our camp is! They would never find our location, unless someone told them!"
"You can't mean that there's a traitor among us..." Daisuke said.
"I don't know how it's going to happen, but I saw armed men walking up this hill amidst darkness," Koushiro told them. "That's why I warned Miss Sora."
"Why exactly should we believe you, stranger?" Miyako asked. "As far as I can tell, you're nothing more than a charlatan trying to deceive people!"
Koushiro sighed, frustrated.
"Fine, don't believe me! I'm used to that," he said. "Just tie me up already and drag me to the tent where you keep the weird looking mechanical box. I can't wait to see you yelling at the boy with green eyes and short black hair to stop meddling with your invention."
"How do you know all that?" Miyako inquired. Then, a bigger concern took over her mind. "Hold on, Iori is doing what?!"
"I can't waste more time with this!" Sora snapped, making her horse run towards the top of the hill. Yamato followed her on his horse.
"How dramatic!" Takeru murmured to himself. He was about to follow them, but Daisuke pointed the shotgun at him.
"The two of you will have to get down from the horses and let us tie your hands and blindfold you," he said.
"What? But I'm Yamato's brother!" Takeru protested. "Doesn't that make me trustworthy?"
"Well... you're not dressed as someone we could trust," Daisuke told him.
"How dare you? I'm wearing the finest and most expensive clothes you've probably seen in your whole lives!" Takeru was getting exasperated.
"That's precisely the issue!" Miyako was getting angry as well. "Do you understand that we're revolutionaries and you look like someone wealthy?"
"So... does being a revolutionary make you hate people with good taste in clothes?" Takeru asked.
Miyako and Daisuke were left speechless after Takeru's remark, not quite understanding how someone could say something so stupid.
Koushiro got down from the horse and put his hands up. He glanced at Takeru and told him:
"Mr. Takeru, with the due respect, please stop saying things without thinking first."
"W-What are you trying to say?" Takeru asked.
"I think he just called you out for saying something dumb... in a very polite way," Daisuke told him.
Takeru's world was shaken by that affirmation. Dumb? Him? But he was such an educated person! But... what if he was dumb? Had he actually been dumb for his entire life? Did he live a lie for all those years? He felt as if his head was spinning and lost his balance, which made him fall from the horse. Luckily for Takeru, he fell on Koushiro.
Koushiro wasn't very lucky as he was knocked to the ground by Takeru's weight.
"Didn't see that coming, did you, Mr. Psychic Demon?" Miyako mocked.
After that, she and Daisuke proceeded to tie and blindfold the two strangers.
Once Sora arrived at the camp, she jumped from the horse and headed to her mother's tent with large steps. Some revolutionaries, who were sitting on logs and cleaning their weapons, seemed surprised at her sudden arrival, but didn't pay her too much attention.
Yamato arrived right after her. He quickly got down from his horse and ran in Sora's direction.
"Sora, please! What are you going to say to her?" Yamato inquired, putting himself in her front. "You can't expect Leader Toshiko to believe that a demon dug himself out of the dirt and told you about a vision he had! I mean... do we even have any actual reason to believe that guy, anyway?"
"I don't know if he's telling the truth or not, but we can't risk our people's safety!" Sora retorted. "I'm not going to let Yamanaka take anyone away again!"
"Sora, I understand-" Yamato began to say.
"No, you don't! Your whole family is alive, you can't understand!" Sora shouted, pushing him out of her way.
Astonished by her uncharacteristically rude behavior, Yamato was unable to move for a few seconds. Once he recovered, he made his way to the tent in the middle of the camp. Inside it, he found Sora staring down at her mother, who was tending to a flower arrangement on the ground, while kneeling on a pillow. There were several other flower arrangements in the tent, among maps, books and weapons. The woman was wearing dark pants and a white buttoned shirt that gave her an air of elegance.
"You haven't come to see me in a while, Sora. And now, without any warning, you interrupt me while I'm with the flowers..." Toshiko commented.
"There's something more important than your flowers that we must discuss!" Sora told her. "Old man Yamanaka's men are coming to the camp! We have to evacuate!"
Toshiko paled after hearing that. She stood up and approached her daughter. Sora felt uncomfortable under that intense gaze, but didn't look away.
"Who told you that?" Toshiko inquired.
"That's not important!" Sora said.
"The only way for those people to find our location is if there's a traitor among us, which is something I can't bring myself to believe," Toshiko told her. "You'd better give me the source of that information if you expect me to take it seriously."
Sora felt her eyes getting warm and her body trembling. She wasn't surprised that her mother didn't listen to her, but that still hurt.
"Then, you need a reliable source to act to protect the group?" Sora questioned. "If you really cared about anyone, the mere possibility of them being in danger should be enough!"
"Sora, don't disrespect me!" Toshiko scolded her. "I care very deeply about-"
"You didn't even care about Dad!" Sora accused, letting a couple of tears escape her eyes.
Toshiko was taken aback by that. Without uttering a word, she watched as Sora stormed out of the tent, being followed by Yamato. Only when she was alone, she allowed herself to cry, like she had always done ever since the day when she lost her husband.
Out of the tent, Sora stumbled on something and nearly fell. Yamato embraced her from behind just in time. He didn't tell her anything. Yamato knew when Sora needed his words and that wasn't one of those moments. She turned to him and wrapped the man in her arms, burying her face on his shoulder. Yamato kept a hand on her back and caressed her hair with another. He would let her cry as much as she needed.
While Sora and Yamato were with Toshiko, Takeru and Koushiro arrived at the camp, after being guided by Miyako while Daisuke led the horses. Once they arrived, the pieces of fabric covering their eyes were removed. Takeru wasn't impressed by the amount of twenty dirty tents or the small group of people wearing cheap clothes. But what did he know? He was an ignorant, after all! Maybe that was the highest fashion among the revolutionaries and he just wasn't intelligent enough to appreciate it!
"Iori Hida, you better come out at this second or may the Goddess help me!" Miyako called.
A teenager with greens eyes and black hair came out of one of the tents. He was carrying a large mechanical black box, which had several small gears moving on its sides.
"You really are meddling with my invention!" Miyako accused.
"It wasn't working properly," Iori said. "I thought I could fix it if I took a better look-"
"Iori, you shouldn't touch other people's inventions without permission!" Miyako scolded him.
"It's not just your invention! I helped too!" Iori said.
"You just assisted me in the manufacture! I was the one who designed it and named it!" Miyako retorted.
"If it doesn't work, you didn't do a very good job, Miyako," Daisuke remarked.
"Hey, you're the last person that can criticize the Smokenator, Daisuke! You've never invented anything in your life!" Miyako shouted. Then, she grabbed the box and tried to pull it from Iori's hands, but he didn't want to give it to her.
"Stop it! I haven't finished fixing the Night Bringer yet!" Iori said, refusing to let go of the box.
"Stop trying to rename the Smokenator!" Miyako said back, putting more force in her grip.
"I find both of those names silly..." Takeru murmured, "but I'm nothing more than an ignorant simpleton who knows nothing of the world!"
"Mr. Takeru, you don't have to say that about yourself. You're clever!" Koushiro tried to cheer him up.
"You were the one who called me dumb!" Takeru accused.
"I never said that!" Koushiro defended himself. "I simply advised you to think more before saying things. I can tell you by experience that offending the wrong person can lead to terrible consequences. I didn't want you to repeat my mistakes."
"Your mistakes?" Takeru asked. "Are you saying that the reason why you die so much is that you keep saying dumb things to people?"
"I'm not going to deny that many of my deaths are tied to people not appreciating what I had to say... even if I was trying to help them..." Koushiro said in a sad tone. "But before all that, I offended someone very dangerous... in consequence I was cursed with the clairvoyance..."
"Cursed? But that's such a fascinating ability!" Takeru contested.
For a moment, it was as if the light had completely vanished from Koushiro's eyes, as if he had gotten lost in painful thoughts.
"It's not fascinating to see tragedies before they happen..." Koushiro had a cold tone, "it's not fascinating to try everything to stop those tragedies... to save people... and then watching them die anyway... unable to change anything..."
Takeru wasn't sure of what to think after their conversation took such a dark turn. Thankfully for him (but not for anyone else), the sudden eruption of black smoke from the mechanical box Miyako and Iori had been fighting over distracted him from the awkward situation Koushiro had created. The black smoke rose to the sky quickly and began to spread in high speed. Despite being the middle of the day, the darkness befalling them made it seem like night had arrived.
"Iori, what did you do?!" Miyako questioned, letting go of the box.
"Don't act as if I was the only one in fault for this!" Iori stood up for himself.
"The entire island is going to see this smoke!" Daisuke said. "Everybody is going to know our location now!"
"What's going on here?!" Yamato inquired, running in their direction alongside Sora. He saw Iori still holding the box from which the smoke was coming. "Iori, what did you do?!"
"Hey, don't criticize Iori!" Miyako defended the teenager. "A farmer like you can't understand the passion of a scientist!"
Sora hurried to untie Takeru and Koushiro. Right after that, she grabbed the red-haired young man by the shoulders and inquired:
"Is this the 'darkness' you saw? Are Yamanaka's men coming?"
"I think so..." Koushiro murmured.
"You think so?!" Yamato snapped. "Are you a clairvoyant or not?! Give us a straight answer! Tells us what will happen next!"
"I can only see fragments of the future!" Koushiro explained. "I can't control this ability!"
"Brother, leave him alone!" Takeru pleaded. "Koushiro is just trying to help! He might not know everything and not understand the intricacies of certain social rules or why some people don't appreciate fine clothes!"
"Is he still talking about Mr. Demon?" Daisuke wondered.
"But the point is that he's trying his best to help!" Takeru continued. "He might make mistakes and say dumb things sometimes, but he's trying to improve himself and do better! Isn't that worthy something?"
"I think I'm not understanding the context here," Yamato said. "What on Earth happened after I went after Sora?"
"Sora, what happened here?" Toshiko questioned, running in her daughter's direction. "This smoke is giving away our location! The camp can be attacked! Yamanaka's henchmen outnumber us! They have better equipment and more munition! In our current state, we can't outfight them!"
For a moment, Sora wanted to say spiteful things to her mother. But the desperation on Toshiko's face made her hesitate. Her previous words of accusation towards Toshiko, fueled by the pain caused by the loss of her father, seemed cruel and stupid on retrospect. It couldn't be more evident that her mother had always worried about the safety of her people.
"We just need to make sure that everybody escape to the tunnels before they get here," Sora said, letting go of Koushiro and turning to her mother. "Let's reunite our best shooters! I can lead the offensive and buy you enough time-"
"Sora, no!" Toshiko interrupted. "You have to escape too! I will stay back and fight them off!"
"Are you out of your mind?!" Sora questioned. "You'll die if you do that! I have to stay and help you!"
"This is an order, Sora! You'll leave!" Toshiko insisted.
"I'm not going to run!" Sora stated. "I'm not going to turn my back on other people and leave them to die!"
For the first time in many years, Sora saw tears in Toshiko's eyes.
"Back then, the thing that I wanted the most was to save Haruhiko or die trying. But I couldn't do that... and it wasn't just for the sake of the group..." Toshiko told her daughter. "If I had tried to save Haruhiko, both your father and I would've died. And then, you'd be left alone to fend for yourself... those horrible men wouldn't show mercy to a little kid... you might hate me for that decision, Sora. It's alright, I hate myself for it as well. But I don't regret choosing to protect you. I'll keep choosing you above everything and everyone, for as long as I live. So, please, don't throw your life away!"
Sora could feel her eyes getting flooded with tears. She almost didn't recognize the warmth and lightness taking over her heart. They were reminiscent of happier times, when her family was together. Those feelings made her realize that, despite respecting her mother's love for her, she still couldn't abandon the woman. Sora wasn't willing to lose the rest of her family.
"OH MY GODDESS!" Takeru suddenly shouted, startling everybody who was enthralled by the touching moment Sora and Toshiko were sharing. "I JUST HAD THE MOST AMAZING IDEA THAT IS GOING TO SAVE EVERYBODY! IT'S SUCH AN INTELLIGENT PLAN! I'M SO INTELLIGENT! HOW COULD I EVER THINK I WAS DUMB?!"
"Wait, did you seriously just come up with an idea that is going to save everybody?" Miyako asked in a skeptical tone.
"Yes, I did, Miss Mad Scientist!" Takeru interjected, pointing his finger dramatically towards the dark sky. "But before I begin to explain my brilliant plan, tell me, do you have any other interesting invention?"
"Oh! Are you asking me if I have other interesting inventions?" Miyako grinned. "I do! I really do! Just you wait to see them!"
"Now, you're sounding like an evil scientist, Miyako!" Daisuke commented.
"Be quiet, Daisuke!" Miyako retorted.
"Hey, Daisuke!" a young woman with light pink hair approached him. Several other revolutionaries were surrounding the group. "Care to explain what's going on to the rest of us?"
"Honestly, Jun, weren't you paying attention?" Daisuke asked.
"We have been paying attention!" another young woman, with short curly blond hair and glasses, said. "But we still need an explanation! We don't even know who that class traitor claiming to have a brilliant plan is!"
"Who are you calling a class traitor?!" Takeru inquired.
Koushiro found the discussion funny. It felt strange to laugh after such a long time, even if he was trying to muffle it. That heartwarming feeling, however, didn't last long.
He suddenly saw himself in a large living room. In front of him, there was an old skinny man looking through a large window. Through ot, the black smoke covering the hill was visible at the horizon.
"Tell me, Monk..." the old man spoke in a husky voice, "is it really wise to send all my forces after the revolutionaries?"
"I can protect you by myself, you have nothing to worry about."
Koushiro knew that voice too well. In other times, nothing would make him happier than to listen to that person, especially when he was laughing. At that moment, however, all that voice did was to confirm his dreadful suspicions.
"What is a holy man like you doing on Turtle Island?" the old man inquired, turning to his right. There, the person in the monk clothes was leaning against a wall. He was smiling at the other, but that smile wasn't like the ones he used to show Koushiro. There was no shred of joy left on that face. The top of the monk's head was covered by a black hood, but Koushiro could still see some strings of that person's large brown hair coming out.
In those distant times, that person would never hide his hair.
"Well, you know..." the monk smirked, "nothing much... just waiting for an old friend."
His sight began to turn dark, indicating that the vision was ending. Koushiro was once again in the revolutionary camp. Takeru was still discussing something with the revolutionaries, but Koushiro wasn't paying attention anymore. His mind wandered through memories of their last meetings, which all ended with his best friend asking him the same thing:
"Please, stay dead this time."
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higuchimon · 4 years
[fanfic] Meaning of Choices:  Chapter 2
Ken floated somewhere. He wasn’t certain of where, but he knew that it wasn’t a place he wanted to be. He wanted to be with Daisuke and Wormmon. But here he floated all alone, and wherever Daisuke and Wormmon were, it wasn’t with him.
They should have been. He wasn’t sure why they weren’t. Had someone taken them away? Or – he thought this made more sense - he was the one who'd been taken. He didn’t know why anyone would want him.
Well, there was one reason he could think of. It wasn’t a reason he especially enjoyed considering, but it was a reason all the same. If someone decided that he should pay for his crimes as the Kaiser – well, he couldn’t blame them. He tried so hard to move on, to not blame himself for his action in those days, to eternally strive for a future that at times seemed as if it would never arrive.
But not all of the Digimon wanted to believe that he’d changed. More than once he’d seen a young Digimon, a Child level or younger, spy him somewhere and whimper, refusing to go near him. Usually Daisuke or Wormmon or V-mon or any of the others could help, explaining how he’d changed since then. Sometimes the Digimon would calm down and listen and let him help if there was anything that he could do.
Sometimes the Digimon simply left, refusing to have anything to do with him. Ken never blamed them. There were moments when he didn’t want to have anything to do with himself either. Daisuke kept on telling him that he didn’t need to feel that way.
If only it were that easy. All the good intentions in the world didn’t help in the dark of the night when he woke from the most vivid of dreams, of ideas he’d had and never brought to fruition,, of plans that hadn’t panned out and ways that they still could.
Sometimes he would call Daisuke and let his partner calm him down. Sometimes he just stayed there in the dark and waited for the morning light – especially when the dreams had involved Daisuke himself. He didn’t need to hear Daisuke’s voice then, not when it called to a deeper, darker part of himself that whispered how Daisuke belonged to him, how Daisuke existed to be a possession, a toy, a plaything, and for him to be all of those things to Ken.
On those nights he wrapped his arms around Wormmon and told himself over and over that the Kaiser was no more, that he fought now to save the Digital World and to protect it. He refused to listen to that honey-sweet voice in the back of his mind, so like and yet so unlike the Kaiser.
But I’m not the Kaiser. I’m you. Only better.
If Ken had seen his reflection, he might well have turned as pale as a ghost just then. The voice rang clear as crystal and he wished that he had Wormmon to hold right now.
“Who are you?” He wasn’t ever going to believe that voice was his. No matter ho much like him it sounded like.
I told you. I’m you – and yet I’m not you. I’m the part of you that you don’t want to admit exists.
Ken wasn’t sure of where he was but he knew enough to guess that he shouldn’t have heard booted footsteps coming towards him. In between one breath and the next, he found himself in an endless plain of shades of blue and violet. In front of him there stood an image, one that he’d seen in mirrors and in nightmares.
The other stood his exact height and had his same build. There were tiny differences, however – his eyes weren’t violet, but scarlet, and instead of one of his school uniforms or his preferred casual clothes, he wore a strange outfit of black and blue. On his back there hung twin swords, and his lips were twisted into a cold sneer.
“Who are you?” Ken demanded again, and his dark reflection laughed, the sound terrifying.
“Don’t you know? Didn’t they tell you?” He licked his lips, staring at Ken hungrily.
“Kaiser…” Ken murmured, but the doppelganger shook his head.
“No. The Kaiser is a weak copy of me – the least of what I am capable of.” He raised his head up, and Ken could see a king’s pride in this person's every line. “I am Akogimon – the son of Piemon.” His lips curved for a single breath. “As are you.”
Ken shook his head without hesitation. “No!” He remembered now – he remembered quite vividly how Koushiro-san explained it all to them. He’d not wanted to listen but he had no choice.
How some of them – seven of the twelve original Chosen – carried Digimon blood to some extent or other. The first four knew themselves, knew what they could do. It took time spent in the Digital World before one of those of crossed blood could awaken to their power, and it grew closer to their time. So Koushiro decided to tell them.
“You can deny it all you want. That just makes it easier for me to take over, eventually.” Akogimon strolled around Ken. “You could ask Anbumon – Ishida – about that if you like. If you ever wake up.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I thought it would be obvious. Perhaps not.” Akogimon shrugged. “But right now, you’re not very connected to your body. This is your soul, your essence. I am the other half of you – the part of you that is a true Virus Digimon. Either one of us could go back. I think it’s going to be me.”
Ice clamped around Ken’s heart and spine. He refused to take a step back. He wasn’t going to give ground here.
“No. This is my body and my life and you can’t have it..”
“It’s mine too. I just haven’t had the chance to live it yet.” Akogimon kept on circling Ken. “But I do want to. There’s so much that I long to taste. Those Rings and Spirals were a decent idea but I can do so much better – I should rule the Digital World by right, not because someone forces everyone to bow down to me.”
Ken thought if he shook his head any harder, then it might well fall off of his neck. Akogimon lost not a drop of his amusement.
“Do you think you can stop me?” With a flick of one hand, he drew one of his blades. “I might not be as skilled as Anbumon, but you can’t even do as much as I can.” he held the blade horizontally before meeting Ken’s gaze with his own. “But I won’t kill you. We’re too connected. To kill one is to kill both of us.”
“Then what do you think you’re going to do?” Ken snapped. He didn’t want Wormmon to be here – he didn’t want Daisuke here either. If this monstrosity was a part of him, which wasn’t something Ken felt ready to admit either, then he needed to be the one to contain him.
“You’re going to stay here, out of the way. You won’t see or hear anything. I’ll put you to sleep.” Akogimon’s smile glinted like diamonds. “It’s better that way. There will always be those who refuse to forgive. You’ll never see them again. Never have to worry about them. Never wake up to realize the help you could give, they don’t want. You’ll never have another nightmare, either. You’ll sleep dreamlessly. You wont’ even get a hint of what I’m doing.”
Ken pressed his lip together, clenching his fists. He didn’t want to admit how tempting that was. To just go to sleep and never have to worry about any of this ever again. So very tempting – and that was the problem in and of itself. He’d seen temptation before and he knew to avoid it.
“And what are you going to be doing?” He wanted more than what Akogimon told him. He wanted what this twisted image of himself refused to say.
“Oh, nothing that you’ll want. After all, you don’t want him kneeling at your feet, do you?” Akogimon smiled a slow and lazy smile. “You don’t the Digital World held firmly in your grip. You don’t want those things – but I do.”
He didn’t have to say who he talked about. Ken knew. There was only one person that it could be.
“You’re not going to hurt Daisuke. Or anyone else.” Ken drew himself up and his nails dug into his palms. Here in this inner world of visions, it shouldn’t have hurt. It did regardless. “I won’t allow it.”
Akogimon tilted his head. “Really. And how do you think you won’t allow it? You’re far too weak to resist me.”
Ken drew a breath that he didn’t need and wasn't sure existed in the first place. He flexed his hands and in the space of time it took to think, a familiar weight rested there. He didn’t look down. He thought Akogimon would know what he had there regardless.
“I can do what I need to do to keep you away from my friends.” Ken set himself. “So if you want a fight, bring it on!” And he drew his right hand back, a long silken whip trailing on the ground.
There had to be an answer. Something that would get Sorcerimon to come help Ken. If only Daisuke could figure out what it was!
But he couldn’t think o it. Sorcerimon’s resistance didn’t so much as waver. He’d made his statement – that if Ken were truly Piemon’s son, then he wouldn’t die, and if he weren’t, then he should die anyway.
Daisuke pressed his lips together as Sorcerimon regarded him with infinite icy calm. The mage Digimon hadn’t exactly expressed trust in him either. A tiny part of him wasn’t very happy about that. He’d never done anything to him. He was being mistrusted because of what he was – something that he hadn’t even known for a solid week yet.
“Ken deserves to live,” he said at last, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why are you so set on making sure that he doesn’t?”
“You know nothing of Piemon and what he did to this world,” Sorcerimon told him. “Nor do you know of your own creator.”
“I don’t care.” Daisuke snapped. “I’m not him. I don’t know about him and I don’t want to know. Whatever I do, it’s because I want to do it and because I can do it, not because of anything else.”
Sorcerimon looked as if he were about to say something else, but now Wormmon moved forward.
“It’s the same thing for Ken-chan. He’s not Piemon. He’ll never be Piemon – and if he dies, then I die too.” Wormmon ducked his head low. “Is that what you want?”
Sorcerimon shrugged. “You Digimon who are bound to the Chosen – that is your fate. What I want or don’t want has no meaning here. Though if I could shatter that bond, I would.”
“Don’t you dare!” Wormmon raised himself up onto his back pods. “I’ll always be Ken-chan's partner! No matter what!”
“Of course you will.” Sorcerimon’s lips couldn’t be seen but Daisuke got the impression they curled in contempt regardless. “That is what you partner Digimon are like. If he chose to once again conquer the Digital World, then you’d stand by his side.”
Wormmon shook his head. “He won’t do that.”
“Wormmon tried to stop him,” Daisuke pointed out, “and he wasn’t the only one. But he’s not going to do that.”
“And what makes you so certain of that? The blood of one of the most powerful virus Digimon runs in his veins. It is his nature to desire rule over others – as it is your nature to destroy and ruin, Akigaramon.”
Again hearing that name sent shards of dulled fury racing through Daisuke – though not quite as dulled as it had been once before. Tiny sparks of energy coursed through him, sparking thoughts that Daisuke knew he’d never thought before.
If Sorcerimon wanted to blame him for destruction that hadn’t even happened yet, then why shouldn’t it happen? He could destroy everything. It wouldn’t even be that hard. What had Oushimon – Koushiro – said? He was a Perfect level by nature, but with the potential for evolution. Daisuke wasn’t sure how he knew that, but it felt right.
I could destroy Sorcerimon right now. It really wouldn’t be that hard. The Digimon was only an Adult level. It would hardly even be a fight.
So easy. So easy.
“Daisuke’s not like that!” Wormmon stood before him now, in between him and Sorcerimon. Daisuke shook his head, trying to clear it from the miasma of rage that danced along his skin and flowed through his veins. Part of it felt as if it didn’t belong there at all. Another part that ran far, far deeper purred in pleasure and knew that it was as much a part of him as his skin or his hair or his eyes.
Of course I am. He wasn’t thinking. It was a voice, a voice like his own – no one that was his own, but with a different edge to it. A sound that he’d never heard before. Get out of my way. He wants to kill what’s mine. Or let it die.
Ken. That voice, whoever it was, meant Ken. Daisuke shook his head again.
“No,” he murmured. “No, I won’t let you.” He knew what the other wanted. All those thoughts of destroying Sorcerimon made it clear.
I wasn’t asking. You want him to be safe, don’t you? If this idiot won’t do it, then Akogimon will have to do it himself. A sense of pride, a sense of desire that bubbled up under his skin, and choked in Daisuke’s throat.
Sorcerimon regarded him, ignoring Wormmon. “Were you warned? Those who carry viral Digimon blood have two sides to their heart – one side of sanity and sense, another side of cruelty and power. Given the correct impetuous those two sides can speak to one another.”
Daisuke’s breath sped up. The voice he’d heard chuckled. He’s right. I’m you – your other half. Apocalymon’s spawn, his creation. You can call me Akigaramon.
“I don’t care,” Daisuke strained to get each word out, feeling as if he fought for control of his own vocal cords. “I don’t care. You’re not going to hurt Ken.”
Truth to tell, he didn’t know if he were talking to Akigaramon or to Sorcerimon. Perhaps it didn’t matter. One enemy within, one enemy without. And he didn’t know how to fight either of them.
To Be Continued
Notes: And here we go again! Once again, weekly updates until it’s done.
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[10-  Emergencial Reunion!!]
“You said it was an emergency so you have to be straight and tell us what’s going on.”
Iori didn’t want to sound rude, but considering everyone at this point is full of work to do, like Joe having many appointments with hurt or sick digimon as example.
“It’s about him” Ken said with a serious tone.
Everyone stopped talking or complaining, creating a heavy and uncomfortable atmosphere in the room. It wasn’t like they had given up on Daisuke, and yes that they had no clues to solve that issue. Taichi had gotten no time to search for him, and had given a lot of excuses to the media to keep everything under control. If not… How would’ve Taichi explain that without revealing that Daisuke is one of the DigiChosen?
“What did you get?” Miyako broke the silence, yet her voice was cold. They were talking about her husband after all.
“We never learned what happened to him” Ken began, “Two years ago, we got a message on our digivices about a mysterious S.O.S. signal. Daisuke and I went to check it out, but we had been ambushed by a digimon.”
“That we know, Ichijouji” Takeru vaguely commented.
“The jogress was an option for us but, we got separated in combat. When we found each other, Daisuke shoved me into the gate to save me from being captured.” 
“Then, what have you discovered about the case?” Taichi acted as the good and old leader once again “You said on the phone that it is connected to the Roar of Freedom, am I wrong?”
“It’s an assumption” Ken explained “This group had been spotted on the same area Daisuke got caught, and they know who we are. Because after someone executed the Strikedramon brothers… We found that they left a message addressed to us.”
“Are they threatening us…?” Yamato clenched his fist, but Takeru calmed him down.
“We didn’t give up on finding Daisuke, and this may be the very first clue we got since two years ago.”
“... What you want us to do?” Koushiro asked him, and that was everyone’s question as well. 
Ken hated to feel pressured by glares, somehow it brings him bad memories from his childhood. However, he was on Daisuke’s position in the group -- While Taichi is the first and Yamato the second… Daisuke is somehow the third. And Ken does not like to be the lead despite being the head of the Special Digimon Cases Unit.
“Nothing for now” he answered a few moments later, trying to formulate words in his mind.
“You want to go there and investigate, am I wrong?” Taichi said, then looked at the others.
“If Ken goes, I’m going” Miyako raised from her seat “Daisuke is not only our friend, it’s my husband. And I have to protect my family.”
“I’d like to go too but… I’m busy” Iori mused.
“I have a lot to do too” Hikari, Mimi and Sora replied, some frowns were visible.
“The hospital needs me, I’m sorry” Joe was honest as ever, deep down he wanted to do more for the group but he was the most busiest of the them right now.
“I could go, but” Takeru spoke “I have a book release to attend. After that, I can lend you a hand Ken.”
“The next mission is settled to the next week” Yamato was pouty “I will help giving support here. Could go investigating those cases in the meanwhile” then he glanced at Taichi.
“Sorry, I can’t go” and he answered “I had been a target, while I can still fight… Handling with the role as a Chosen Child and as the digimon’s Ambassador wouldn’t be good. I trust you two though. If you need help, I will do my best to send backup.”
“Taichi, our identities are a secret!” Yamato argued “You can’t simply ruin all of our efforts to keep our families safe!”
“I won’t, I prefer to call Ken’s unit to give him and Miyako support.”
Daichi was sleeping when someone had entered in his room. Luckily, Ulforce and Natsu were still spending the night at the old Daisuke’s office room so no one suspected about them.
A very quiet voice was what made Daichi wake up, seeing a blurred human holding a pink ball.
“Daichi, please wake up and help” Kiyoko was the one he saw now that his vision went back to normal “This lil’ guy is needing some help!”
“Lil… W-wait, that’s a digimon!?”
“No, it’s a plush. Duh, of course he is!”
“What happened?!” he got up from the bed “Where did he come from!? Where did you find him!?”
“Uhh, long story short… He was running away from some baddie and de-evolved back to this form. Is it a… Poromon right?”
“Hm yes” he examined the borb-like baby “I think it is.”
“Why don’t you use that shining thing on your desk?”
“Shiny thing--” he looked back and realized he didn’t hide the D-TimeRune before going to sleep!! “Aa- Um, that thing!? It’s a phone! A normal phone!! Old phone I meant…!”
She smirked, “I know you’re hiding something from me dear brother. Because after getting your message, I phoned Mitsuki and he said you weren’t at his home. I also phoned your other friends and they said the same!”
He gasped.
“You can’t hide it from me, Daichi. I’m sly as a fox, faster like a cheetah and your sister.”
“A… Uh… Please, don’t tell anyone about this” Daichi sighed “I’ve got a digivice and a digimon partner.”
“Y-you’re going to wake mom up!!” he whispered to her “Please don’t tell mom or anyone else.”
“Fine fine!” Kiyoko muttered and pouted “Now please help me with this digimon, he seems hurt!”
Daichi grabbed the digivice and told Kiyoko to follow him to the room no one ever had opened since Daisuke’s disappearance. When they stood in front of the door, Daichi muttered:
“This is also a secret, don’t let anyone else know,” and he opened the door. They walked in and he closed the door, turned the lights on and made the sleepy digi-duo wake up.
“Aww, they’re cute!!” she was looking at them and almost squishing the hurt Poromon “What are they? Digimon too? That’s a Chibimon and… I never had heard of a pink bun!”
“Daichi isn’t your identity supposed to be a secret?” Natsu squinted her eyes but her expression changed to concern “Uh-oh, you have an injured digimon here! Let me heal it…!” and she switched forms in front of them, took the Poromon from Kiyoko’s hands and put it on the couch by Ulforce’s side. she send an energy from her hands to the bird-like digimon, healing him slowly.
“A secret?” Kiyoko glanced at Daichi “I thought you wouldn’t hide something from me…!”
“Natsu said to me to not tell anyone else, there’s some things you cannot know--”
“And there’s more!? And you can’t trust me!?”
“I think y’all should tell her” Ulforce interrupted the heated discussion. Both Daichi and Natsu looked at him “Sorry guys, the girl needs to know now that she’s aware of us here.”
“Fine, Daichi tell her I’m busy to give details. But you must keep quiet about it, Kiyoko.”
“I… I will, don’t worry!” the girl nodded “Not even mom and dad must know right…?”
“Especially them, or else they will lock me in the depths of the Digital World.”
“Ok…?” Kiyoko wasn’t able to understand that, but she promised to not tell anyone about whatever it was Daichi’s secret.
“... Mom and dad are legendary heroes” Daichi began “Remember of those stories about the Digital World’s warriors? They were real… And our dad is a brainwashed enemy right now.”
She stared at him for a while. Then she snorted and laughed but not too much loud.
“Seriously? Have you been talking with Junya lately? Our parents are heroes!? How funny!”
“Kiyoko I’m deadly serious here! They are, I just saw--”
“Wait, How can a digimon researcher and a worldwide famous chef be secret heroes? It makes no sense, big bro. You’re talking like Junya about the conspiracy theory of ambassador Yagami hiding the truth from everyone about the legends.”
“... He is right. But not for something evil, actually it’s about our safety.”
“Daichi, I don’t know what happened to you to jump from ‘our dad is dead’ to ‘our dad is alive, and our parents are part of the legendary Chosen Children’ but I know dad is on a business trip and our parents aren’t heroes.”
“He’s telling the truth” Natsu turned back and stared at Kiyoko “Daisuke, Miyako and Taichi are DigiChosen. Most of their friends are.”
“I… It’s strange knowing that our babysitter is a digimon but...”
“Kiyoko, my sweetie… I’ve been with your parents from a long time ago that I’m basically an honored digimon partner. Believe me, I tell no lies.”
“Why would dad be an enemy? He’s a good person!! Makes no sense!”
“He had been captured, but Daichi knows how to fix it… You have to stay here and not tell anyone about it--”
“Urk…” the Poromon woke up, his vision being pretty blurred but slowly coming back. His noise called the kids, Natsu and Ulforce’s attention though “I need to find the… C-Chosen Children.”
“Don’t talk, you’re badly injured!” Kiyoko said, worried with the poor bird “You’re safe, please rest.”
“Why is he looking for them?” Ulforce tilted his head.
“What happened to him, Kiyoko?” Daichi asked calmly.
“I don’t know, I was coming back from school and…”
  … It fell from the skies devolved in front of me.
“Hey little one, are you okay?!” I approached from, super duper concerned with him. I took from the ground and examined him for a few seconds. Then he talked to me:
“... Human kid-- W-watch out…!!” He said and then he shove me to the ground. A light hit this poor Poromon and he fell again on the floor.
“Ugh, h-hey why did you-- Huh!?” I looked behind me and saw a shadow. It was trying to catch the Poromon so I grabbed the bird orb from the floor and ran away.
  Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu looked at Kiyoko, then to each other. To Daichi, that sounded like the plot of one of the old games he and his father had played together.
“So, someone’s looking for him” the boy mused “And, probably is going after you now.”
“Yeah, I think so…”
“Do you think it chased her at home?” Ulforce looked around “I mean-- Not like I care of someone trying to invade your home...”
“The house is safe” Daichi said “There’s alarms and mx. Hawkmon lives here. He’s mom’s partner after all.”
“Uh… About that…” The three looked at Kiyoko “... Mom and mx. Hawk are not here, they went to an important meeting.”
“So we’re all alone!?” Ulforce babbled in panic, then he started to verify every corner of the room “Are we safe!?”
“Are you scared…?” Natsu smirked “Aren’t you the grand hero Ulforce?”
“Me!? Scared!?” the tiny-mon took the bait “I gonna show ya how great I am! Daichi kid, evolve me and I will protect everyone for the night!”
“Uh, no need to--” suddenly a noise was heard from outside. Kiyoko grabbed the Poromon and hid behind Natsu, while Daichi took the D-TimeRune to see if it was a digimon signal.
“Wha-what was that!?” the girl asked “It sounded like someone crashing the restaurant’s entrance door…!”
“Stay here” Daichi whispered, “Ulforce come with me.”
“F-fine…??” he nodded, then jumped to the boy’s arms. The duo left the room, leaving Natsu and Kiyoko to protect the injured Poromon.
“... Mom’s going to not like if they damage the restaurant” Kiyoko mused “Natsu, can you see if there’s someone inside?”
“I don’t feel anything from here, and Poromon is injured we can’t--”
Kiyoko left the room and Natsu sighed. No matter how much she worked to keep the siblings safe for the sake of their lives… Those two always find a way to get into trouble. Quite like their parents.
When the girls arrived at the restaurant floor, they saw Ulforce on child level already and chasing a shadow, with Daichi going after the blue digimon.
“It’s… It’s that one who was chasing me!!” Kiyoko shouted, Daichi glanced at her but turned back to the battle “P-please don’t damage the restaurant, dad wouldn’t like it…!!”
“I won’t!” He assured her “Ulforce, Kiyoko, Natsu, try to lure it to the outside!”
“Wait will you put YOUR SISTER in danger!?” Natsu babbled.
“She’s fine, she’s with us!”
“Yes, but do you forgot she’s a not a tamer!?”
“Oh screw that!” Kiyoko yelled “With or without a digimon, I’ve raised to fight! I’m made of fire!” then she ran towards the mysterious silhouette, with the Poromon in her hands “Hey, dummy dumbo thing! Come catch me, leave this place alone and come after me!” She left the restaurant by the main entrance, forcing the shadow to chase her.
“Good job, Kiyoko!” Daichi nodded, then looked at Ulforce and Natsu “Let’s go, we need to prevent that thing from hurting Kiyoko and the Poromon.”
“Ok” they nodded and with this the three left after the shadow.
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inazumine · 5 years
Sameness in Difference: EnKi Things
Okay, so like, hear me out for a second.
There’s one pairing in Inazuma Eleven that I think codifies the “enemy turned rival turned friend” dynamic, and was the first in the series to do so. From the start, these two have been defined by their similarities despite coming from vastly different worlds, and are equals that understand each other in a way no one else quite does, and grow to support each other on every front. That pairing, is EnKi (Endou x Kidou)
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(WARNING: Another long ass post, even longer than the first one and straight trash.)
To begin an analysis of EnKi worth its salt, I feel as though we have to first understand who Kidou is, and the context through which he operates in the beginning of the series before the Teikoku v. Raimon match, then compare it to who Kidou becomes by the end of the series. Endou fundamentally changes Kidou’s world view and helps him reconcile the divide between his role as a soccer player and his feelings as a person.
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Kidou begins the series as “Teikoku’s Commander” and “Kageyama’s Protégé”, our first taste of the level of soccer that Inazuma puts on full display, and a demonstration of the level of cruelty that can come out of the sport. Kidou only explicitly says it far later in season 3, but as viewers we see that his origin as a soccer player, at least through his eyes, begins with Kageyama and his teachings, and that’s something he struggles to separate himself from as the series continues. Kidou and Kageyama both see Kidou as someone who stands above others, with other weaker schools and even his Teikoku teammates on a level below him to be subjugated. Until a certain point, that worldview was never called in to question. That is, until the first game with Raimon.
God Hand shocked everyone on the field and in the audience, but it was Endou’s determination that broke expectations, and that’s what Kidou latched on to in his interest. It’s Endou’s tenacity and simple mindedness that breaks Kidou’s calculated expectations. Just the way Endou interacts with Kidou, with pure enthusiasm as an equal without formalities and without restraint, is why Kidou’s barriers start to come down and he starts calling the role of ”Kageyama’s Protégé” in to question: Rather than the Commander’s soccer, what is Kidou Yuuto’s soccer? Kidou is constantly in Kageyama’s shadow, and it’s Endou that starts to pull him out of it.
Initially, Kidou and Endou looked like completely opposite sides of the spectrum, but once Kidou starts to shed some of Kageyama’s influence, he returns to Kidou Yuuto’s values. Like Endou, Kidou loves to be challenged and he wants to play soccer giving everything he has on an equal playing field, because soccer is now again something fun, and not just something to win and dominate. And Endou knows this, he knows that despite how Kidou initially seemed, that Kidou is more than Kageyama’s copy and has his own way of doing things. Outside of Teikoku, Endou is the first person to truly trust in Kidou for what he is past “Teikoku’s Commander” and “Kageyama’s Protégé”.
After Teikoku’s defeat, Kidou seems to develop a strong amount of trust in Endou as a rival, and then as a friend. Kidou seems to continuously marvel at how Endou is able to answer to Kidou’s worldview with his simplicity, and after a while it’s something he’s able to confide in.
(Okay sidebar gonna talk about episode 17 now it’s liKE MY FAVORITE ONE IN THE WHOLE SHOW)
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In episode 17, Kidou really puts on full display how much Endou affects him. I don’t know how many people have actually visited Kidou’s home, something’s telling me not many if any, and it’s telling that Kidou invites Endou on the spot without even having known him for what at that point must’ve been a few weeks maybe? He also divulges his family situation, which he says he explicitly hasn’t told anyone before. When Endou says that Kidou and he are the same, it’s a big moment because until that point Kidou had acknowledged that distance between himself and others, and had started to envy Endou and his soccer where there is no concept of it, just pure hearted feelings for the fun of the game. It brings Kidou to a point where he can start to engage with the world differently, and as he says later, begin looking for the soccer that fit him over the one Kageyama prescribed all this time. Endou continuously ignores the distance that Kidou seems to have put between himself, his soccer, and other people, and strips him of anything that isn’t explicitly Kidou Yuuto.  
Gouenji goes on to tell Kidou that he’s only ever looked at Endou from the front, which means as an enemy but also has the implied meaning of “at a distance”, and asks him to let Endou look after his back. Letting him look after his back means so much, because it means not just joining the team, but Kidou learning to let his walls down and be looked after. You can clearly see Teikoku is supportive and works together as a well-oiled unit, but at Raimon there’s an emphasis on covering for each other’s weaknesses, and it’s Kidou admitting to himself that he has weaknesses that’s a big step in learning how to play alongside others, and not just in front of them. Endou is a captain but he’s also a friend, and that’s what Kidou needs.
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(LMAO Gouenji stop trying to be cool)
Fast forward a bit to season 2 where Endou and Raimon are up against a threat they can’t even conceive of. They’re getting battered and beat up left and right, teammates are starting to break down and leave, and Endou is beginning to grow weary and question himself and his decisions. Yet still, there’s one person who continues to hold fast and completely trust in him and his world view, who stays until the end and beyond and never once stops supporting Endou and his vision, and it’s not even Endou himself, it’s Kidou.
Throughout season 2, we see Kidou continue to change in this same way, where he stops distancing himself from others and grows closer to Endou and Raimon as a whole. There’s more moments of Kidou goofing off with everyone, loosening up and being dorky, and just smiling and acting like, y’know he’s 14 and not 30. Here more than ever is where Kidou and Endou truly seem like close friends and equals, when Endou starts getting down on himself and can’t really find anyone else to talk to, especially about Gouenji’s departure.
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I really wish we saw more of Kidou and Teikoku interacting, especially him and Sakuma/Genda so I could have a little more to go off when trying to analyze how Kidou is with them vs how Kidou is with Raimon, but for now I can say I think it’s because it’s Endou that Kidou doesn’t have to posture or act like a commander, and this is even supported by Sakuma during the training for Death Zone 2: “You’re more yourself at Raimon.”
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(He’s looking at Endou oh god WHAT A SOFT SMILE)
Speaking of Teikoku, we all remember the nightmare that was Shin Teikoku in season 2. At this point in the series, Kidou’s been removed from Kageyama and is given space to breathe, but it hasn’t even been close to long enough for the trauma to subside, which is why seeing Fudou, Sakuma, and Genda like this is such a big hit to his psyche.
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Kageyama seeks control, and his obsession with Kidou leads him to hurting his friends as collateral damage, because people like Sakuma and Genda are expendable if it means getting Kidou to realize where he belongs. This is straight up emotional abuse and midst Kidou trying to fight against Kageyama’s grip, he in turn loses control of himself and is caught between trying to protect his friends from destroying their futures, win the game for Raimon’s sake, and beat Kageyama for his own sanity to reaffirm why he walked away in the first place. Alas, things don’t end cleanly, and Kidou is forced to push it all aside for the sake of beating Aliea… until season 3.
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Season 3 is truly a test of Kidou’s and Endou’s mental strength, and moving forward to be better leaders for Inazuma Japan, and this is where we really see how parallel Endou and Kidou’s stories become. Endou has to deal with growing out of his his grandfather’s shadow, and Kidou has to deal with growing out of Kageyama’s shadow, seeing if Endou Daisuke’s grandson and Kageyama’s protégé live up to and can progress past their legacies.
Kidou thinks Kageyama is well and gone by this point, and even still just the thought of Fudou being a national team member sends Kidou back in to questioning if he’ll ever really be free of Kageyama and all the progress he’d thought he’d made in spite of his origins as Kageyama’s protégé. It only gets worse as we see that Kageyama is still alive and influencing the events of the FFI to get rid of Inazuma Japan and control soccer for good. Kidou plunges back right in to Kageyama’s clutches and goes forward futilely struggling against him with no direction, forgetting about how much of himself he’s become since he broke away from Kageyama all those months ago.
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For Endou, if his reason was to take down Kageyama for his grandfather’s suffering, it would be understandable, but it isn’t. He knows how Kidou is struggling and what Kageyama does to him, and he wants to be there for him more than anything else. Endou moved past Kageyama’s hold over him way back in season 1, and whereas Endou is able to move on and focus on playing his soccer that lies ahead, Kidou is stuck in his past. It takes a kick in the face (metaphorically) from Fudou for Kidou to realize this, and it’s none other than Endou who’s literally next to him for Kidou to finally get the push he needs to reject Kageyama’s influence over him for good. It’s Endou’s influence that has pushed Kidou forward all this time, and he wants to keep going that way, with Endou and Inazuma Japan right next to him helping him walk his own path. Endou helps pull Kidou away from his past and focus on the present, what he can do for now over contemplating what he couldn’t do because of yesterday.
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As always, I have to state that this isn’t a one-sided ship. Like I said earlier, Kidou is the first and longest-lasting rival (in terms of episodes anyway) that Endou has in the series, and Endou returns that trust and confidence in Kidou almost immediately and ten times over. Endou sees Kidou as a close friend that has stayed beside him since the beginning, and is beyond grateful for his support in leading Raimon and Inazuma Japan, especially in season 3. He may not be able to wax poetic like Kidou can, but there have been more than enough occasions where Endou has gone starry-eyed over how cool Kidou is, or explodes at the thought that Kidou is anything less than amazing.
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As captains Endou and Kidou share a bond that not many in the series can lay claim to, and they understand each other in so many ways even though they have almost completely opposite personalities and upbringings. Both Endou and Kidou know the burden of being a captain, and Kidou knows exactly when Endou’s frustrated or troubled, and often for what reason (ie. Before and after the Kidokawa match, Aphrodi’s sudden visit, during like the entire second season.)
Kidou plays a support role to Endou’s captainship, being the brains behind Raimon’s success, and laying out plans of attack to supplement Endou’s motivational role. For someone like Kidou, who’s been so used to leading his entire life, I can’t imagine that wasn’t hard to get used to, but he does it wholeheartedly because he trusts Endou and is there to back him up, not usurp him. Endou in turn knows most intimately about what kind of things Kidou struggles with, and fights him whenever he starts to get self-deprecating because, in his words, Kidou is amazing. He sticks to Kidou’s side when he needs him and does his best as one of his closest friends.
For Endou, Kidou has been a friend and an amazing guy since the beginning, something that never changes, and for Kidou, Endou goes from Raimon’s idiot captain to his best friend, and his captain that he’ll follow no matter what.
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That’s because he’s Endou Mamoru!
I think the best thing about EnKi is just how much Kidou adores Endou and how much he tries to be his support after he joins Raimon. I mean, Kidou legit says the sweetest things, like how “pure-hearted and straightforward” Endou is, and you can see how much he explicitly trusts Endou, not just his skills, but that because it’s Endou he’ll do everything in his power to help his friends and win with them all. There’s so many times where Endou’s capability and prowess as a goalkeeper and a captain get called in to question, especially in the second season where Endou goes through some of the toughest times in the series, and Kidou will usually be the first person to be like “nope, you’re wrong” and state his unwavering confidence in Endou. It’s almost like Endou’s modified Kidou’s internal logic: Endou’s drive and optimism have broken down Kidou’s calculated expectations so many times that as soon as you introduce Endou in to the equation, Kidou’s like “ah, of course” and knows Endou will move them toward the best case scenario.
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ANYWAY, I think this has gotten long enough. Tl;dr, Endou and Kidou are almost two sides of the same coin even if they don’t seem like it in the very beginning. Endou and Kidou both think the other is the best thing since sliced bread, and they help and support each other through being captain’s and trying to handle more stress than I feel like middle schooler’s should ever have to. They mirror each other in a lot of ways, and through their differences make up for where the other can’t to help themselves and their teams move forward, going from enemies to best friends. 
As always, whether or not you ship them romantically or platonically or none at all, I feel like their relationship is important and I hope you guys do too! 
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dragonandtiger · 6 years
Dreaming To Reality: Oneiromancy Chapter Four - 06
Daisuke couldn’t hold Taichi’s gaze as his eyes began to sting and his vision blurred. He looked away, fighting to hold back the emotions that spilled over onto his cheeks with little success. For reasons he couldn’t understand, such a concept had been far too much for him to take. After a long pause to compose himself, he answered with a single nod, not trusting his voice not to give him away.
Taichi pretended he didn’t hear the quiet sniffling, understanding quite well how a man simply couldn’t let another man see him cry. Instead, he gave Daisuke’s shoulder another comforting pat and squeezed it lightly as he stared upwards at the darkening sky, providing his silent support as the younger boy beside him was overcome with emotions he could no longer contain.
It was the least Taichi could do, as Daisuke’s senpai.
Although Daisuke came to school the next day, he didn’t talk to any of the Chosen Children except when prompted, and even then he gave evasive, monosyllabic answers. The second the bell rang to signal the end of school, he was off like a shot, leaving an annoyed Miyako to call after him in a failed attempt to remind him that he was supposed to be participating in cleaning duty that week.
“I hope he’s doing okay,” Takeru said as he grabbed a bucket from the storage closet, along with fresh washcloths waiting to be used. “He still won’t answer my emails or calls. But I can’t really force him to talk to me if he isn’t ready…”
Miyako huffed quietly as she carried the erasers to the nearest window. “He could’ve at least helped us out after leaving it to us yesterday.” Upon opening the window, she had to pause to shiver when the cold december air crept in, but soon was taking out her frustration on the erasers by beating them together outside. “We left him alone after he told us he didn’t want to talk this morning, didn’t we?!”
The only children assigned to cleaning duties that week were the Chosen Children. This wasn’t by coincience, as Miyako used her influence as class representative to arrange it this way so that their Digimon could come out and help when everyone had left. This allowed them to talk discreetly and get the chore done far faster than normal.
“Daisuke is dealing with some very troubling emotions,” Iori said as he helped Miyako. “I see no harm in giving him a little more time to address them.”
Miyako merely grumbled in response as she beat the erasers some more.
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