#trr daniel
bebepac · 1 year
The Galentine’s Day Queens
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First off thank you @peonierose for sending me a Valentine’s Day pic, that got this idea rolling. I was planning to write on one of the gaggle of series I should be trying to finish but up popped this little one shot.  This really wouldn’t have happened if you haven’t sent that ask to me, so thank you. :)
It crosses TRR x Open Heart  as it features Casey Valentine as a friend to Riley Brooks the TRR Character. 
I used the quote from @choicesflashfics prompt 2: I thought that if I acted like it didn’t matter, than it wouldn’t.”  which will appear in bold.  
This also can be a submission for @choices-february2023​ prompt for Day 13 Galentine’s Day. 
The Book:  TRR x Open Heart Pairings:  None:  All characters are single Word Count: 997 Warnings and Ratings: None:  minus the curse words in the mood board.  LOL Summary:  Daniel takes Riley and their friends on a special night on the town as Galentines.
Original Post: 02/13/23 at 3:01PM EST.
“I thought that if I acted like it didn’t matter that it wouldn’t.” 
“Of course it matters, Von left.  He left the both of us high and dry.  Well not exactly dry, we’ve been covering his portion of the rent for months.”
“I didn’t think he’d really leave, or was serious, I mean just going to California without a plan? He has no money, no job, no place to live?”
“I know.”  
“I need more stability in my life than what he attempted to provide, if you can even call it that.  Things weren’t great between us for quite some time.”  
“It’s true.”  
Riley wiped away the tears from her eyes and took a long sip from her drink.
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“I don’t even know why I’m crying right now.”  
“It’s because it’s the end of your romantic relationship with him.  But it’s also the beginning of whatever else is out there for you, and something great is out there for you. Hell for all of us.  But we won’t find it sitting inside this apartment, eating chips and queso all night.”    
Riley leaned in and rested her weight on Daniel; he always had a way of making her feel better.  
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“Get dressed.”  
“What? I thought we were staying in tonight?”  
“Um what?  Not on Galentine’s Day, we’ve got reservations.  Put on something nice, and I’m talking top shelf nice. The girls are meeting us there.”  
“Who all is going?”  
“You’ll see when we get there.”  
Riley pulled out the outfit in the back of her closet that she had found at a small shop that  because of a small tear in the fabric, they were selling at a steal.  She had decided to fix it, and it was clearly a smart idea.  A dress that would have cost thousands, she got for a hundred, and now she was wearing it looking like a million dollars.
It’s a pity, she didn’t meet Him that night.  But we all know a woman that “looks like a million dollars” wasn't the thing that would get His attention.  He was looking for more.
“Is it too much Daniel?”
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Daniel himself was wearing a very nice fitted suit.  
“Wow, you look handsome!”
“And you’re beautiful, and we look perfect for where we’re going tonight. Our rideshare will be here in ten.”  
On the ride over he watched Riley.  For the first time in a few weeks after Von had left, she looked excited.
“Just so you know, I’ve been saving for this night for a while.  I’ve put in the reservations almost six months ago.  You’re not paying a dime.  We won’t let you.  It’s something special for you, because of the person you are and you’re always looking out and caring for everyone else, but yourself.”
“It’s true.”  
“This already sounds like too much.”
“Think of it as a belated birthday, friendsgiving, and just because, all combined into one.”
They pulled to a stop, stepping out of the vehicle she gasped, slapping Daniel on the arm, causing him to feign pain but he laughed out loud.
“We’re eating at the Manhatta!!!”  
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“Hell yes we are!”  Mia screamed, giving Riley a hug.
“You know we’re going to totally have to act like we’re part of the upper crust for the evening right?”  Casey chuckled.
“Whilst getting out of our rideshare that the hubcaps don’t even match.”  
“Hey now, at least we all had ‘drivers’ for the evening.”  Riley joined in the joking around.
“Exactly, now ladies shall we go?”  
Linked arm in arm they walked inside.  
Daniel, as if he wasn’t already  a gentleman, started by pulling out all the chairs for the ladies in his company.  
Once menus and first wine samples were passed out, Casey glanced around the restaurant. It  was quite the scene, couples as far as the eye could see, and then them.  
“I feel like people keep looking at us.”
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“Do you blame them? Whereas most of these men here only have one beautiful woman to gaze upon, I have three lovely ladies here for my optical delight.  Girl, they’re just jealous, and trying to figure us out what’s going on over here. But you know, as the saying goes, there are three places you can stay for free?”
“In your own lane!”  Riley giggled.
“Over there,” Mia chimed in.
“And out of my business.” Casey finished up.
Dinner was the most amazing appetizers and dishes they had ever tasted, and everyone cleaned their plates.  
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Before dessert was delivered, four boxes were given to  Daniel to which he smiled and glanced around the table at his friends.
He gently clinked his glass, to silence the others at the table.
“We had all decided months ago that we would come out tonight and celebrate our wonderful friend  Riley, who is always there for us,  and is always willing to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on if we need it, or a swift kick in the pants  and give us tough love.  We all know you’ve been a little down lately, and want you to know we’re here for you and appreciate you, for all that you are and who you are as a person.  You can take this however you want to take this because in every sense of the words, it is true.  You will find what you’re looking for, but more importantly, it will be more than just that, it will be exactly what you need.”  
Riley’s eyes glistened with tears.
“Thank you, Daniel.”  
“We all will. It’s what we deserve.” Riley pulled her friends into a group hug. 
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“But until then….”  Daniel placed a box in front of each person at the table.  “We’re The Galentine’s Day Queens. Put on your crowns.”
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Each person put on their crown.
“I don’t know about you ladies, but I feel like dancing the night away.”  
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That’s exactly what The Galentine’s Day Queens did.
Daniel was also right about his declaration as six months later, Riley ran into Liam Rys, ACTUALLY, on the streets of New York City, and her life was forever changed.
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tessa-liam · 17 days
Marabelle Series
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Long Live the King - Chapter 12- 
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement) 
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret? 
Marabelle Series Masterlist
My Complete Masterlist 
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor 
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson 
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios 
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo. 
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement 
Words: 3480
Long Live the King – Chapter 12 
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Chapter Summary – Leo confides his reasons why he has decided to abdicate the throne to Liam, as Madeleine is notified by King Constantine that she is no longer the queen-in-waiting. 
Music Inspiration: I Get to Love You, Ruelle 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother. 
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events. 
A/N3: Thank you to @peonierose for your ask/quote prompt, “He looks at her like he just realized what love is.” 
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Inside the dimly lit speakeasy nestled in the small island country of Monterisso, the atmosphere was both vibrant and clandestine. The air was filled with the tang of citrus from freshly squeezed lemons, mingling with the rich aroma of aged wines and the faint scent of tobacco from elegantly smoked cigars. Soft jazz music played in the background, creating a sultry ambiance that enveloped the patrons in an air of secrecy and luxury. 
Amidst the plush velvet couches and ornate decor, Leo sat with his brother in a secluded corner of the speakeasy. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across their faces as Leo took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. 
Liam was already quite sure and prepared for what his brother was going to announce that evening. In talking with their father shortly after the charity polo match had ended, he learned about his brother’s contemplations and desire to abdicate the throne. The surprise being, for Liam, that his father confessed to him that he was relieved about Leo’s decision. 
"Liam," Leo began slowly, his voice low and filled with gravity. "There's something I need to tell you." He paused, sitting back in his chair as the buxom server deposited a bottle of top shelf scotch complete with Glencairn crystal tumblers on the table in front of them. 
Liam looked up at the woman, and cordially thanked her before returning his attention back to his brother. 
They sat in silence for a moment, each enjoying their scotch. The only sounds were coming from the smooth and mellow tones of a saxophone from across the room. 
Letting out his breath slowly, his eyes were fixed on the flickering candle at the center of the table. 
"I've made a decision," Leo started, his words measured. "I have decided that ... that I am abdicating the throne." He looked warily at Liam, not knowing what his reaction would be. Considering the news will profoundly affect his brother’s future trajectory, it could possibly go sideways. 
Liam looked down, nodding his head. His features reflected a mix of concern and disbelief upon hearing the words coming out of his brother’s mouth, even though his announcement was expected and forewarned by their father. 
 "Abdicate? Leo, why? You've always been committed to your duties as the crown prince." Turning to him, Liam questioned further, in a hushed tone, “why now ... what has changed?” 
Leo leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper now, mindful of the ears that may be listening in the secretive ambiance of the speakeasy. "I know it's abrupt, Li, for you. I have been thinking about this for a while now. I cannot ignore my heart any longer. I want a life of my own choosing, not one dictated solely by duty and tradition." 
Liam took a moment to process his brother's words, the weight of the decision settling between them the unspoken truth that both men already knew. "I understand, Leo," he finally responds after a moment, his voice filled with compassion. "Your happiness matters more than anything else to you. I know that you want your freedom.” 
As the jazz music continued to weave its melodies around them, Leo and Liam sat in quiet contemplation, they were united in their bond as brothers, even as their individual paths ahead were destined to diverge into uncharted territory. 
“But Liam.” Leo began, moving in closer and watching his brother’s reaction and facial cues. “I already knew and accepted the fact that you were the one destined to take the crown many years ago. Not me.” 
Liam raised his eyebrows in confusion but remained silent to allow Leo to continue. 
“Remember that time in Athens, Liam? I was 21 and you had just turned legal? I was showing you around town?”  
Liam sighed, chuckling, “Ah, yes ... that was the royal visit when you picked up that woman! Father was so pissed when Bastien found you at that hotel after the diplomatic summit!”   
The broad smile on Leo’s face, with his booming laugh rattled throughout the room. “Yes, yes ... it was quite the eventful trip.” Leo smirked, shaking his head. 
“But seriously, Li, it was on that trip when I realized you would make the better king.” 
“Oh, come on, Leo. You had your doubts, but you were always the natural born leader.” 
“No, Liam. It’s so much more than that. That incident with Bradshaw and Isabella Achillies at the party on the Auvernal yacht. You handled it with such grace and diplomacy.” 
‘...The deck was filled with diplomats mingling and drinking. Leo and Liam each grabbed a glass of ouzo from a passing waiter. When the sun started to set, Leo and Liam rose to leave the yacht to return to the summit being held at an uptown venue. 
“Prince Leo, are you ashamed?” Bradshaw taunted as he also rose, noticing the Rys brothers leaving his yacht. 
Leo stopped and turned around to glare at Bradshaw for that comment. All eyes were now focused on the king’s raised voice. 
“Your schoolboy brother is afraid of being tardy.”  Bradshaw ridiculed.
“Insult my brother again, and you're going over that railing, Bradshaw.” 
“Come on, Leo.” Isabella chided. “Stay and have another drink.”  
“I guess Cordonia is too weak a nation to do as it pleases.” Bradshaw turned, to grandstand in front of everyone on the yacht. "As evidenced by Prince Leo and his tedious little brother.” 
 Leo swiftly stepped up to approach him, as Bradshaw quickly retreated. 
 “You can call me a coward all you want ... but don't you dare” ... Leo seethed and stopped mid-sentence with clenched fists when Liam placed a hand on his shoulder. Knowing that Leo was losing his head and was about to blow up in front of everyone, Liam came forward, as cool headed as ever.  
“King Bradshaw, our kingdom honors and respects its neighbors, even those who do not deserve it.  
Cordonia’s strength is in our integrity.” 
Liam paused and moved forward to stand directly in front of Queen Isabella. 
“To answer the summit's call is not about being or acting like a coward. It is about acting like a king.”  
Bradshaw stayed silent with a reddened face. 
 Isabella was also silent, clearly embarrassed as their guests stopped their conversations to witness the altercation.
“Please enjoy the rest of the party while Cordonia helps to shape international policy.”’ 
...Pausing, Leo threw back his scotch; quickly refilling his tumbler as well as Liam’s...
‘Bradshaw and Isabella's jaws were on the floor. It actually embarrassed them enough that everyone else felt uncomfortable and left, abruptly ending the party.  
As Leo and Liam strolled back to the summit, Leo stopped.  
“Hey, can I just say that it was an impressive move back there. It takes tact and cunning to lie in a bed of snakes and avoid a bite.” 
 Liam responded, “you would have done the same if I hadn't interrupted.”  
“Huh. Yeah. No. No, I wouldn't have, honestly. You made Cordonia look good back there. You were born for this world. Cordonia is lucky to have you.”’ 
“That was the moment when I realized that you were so much more suitable to wear the crown, rather than me. The things that got me excited for those summits was the chance to meet people, to meet new women, outside of Cordonia. For you, it was negotiations, networking and diplomacy.” 
“Ah, that.” Liam shook his head. “It wasn't my finest moment, but I had to step in.” 
“You diffused the situation brilliantly. Liam. Your words about Cordonia's integrity and strength... that is what a true king embodies.” 
“I was just trying to keep the peace and uphold our principles.” 
“You did more than that, Liam. You showed me and everyone else on that yacht what it means to lead with honor and wisdom. It told me that she was in your heart. Cordonia needs someone like you to wear the crown after father.”  
Leo put his hand on Liam's shoulder. “It hit me, at that moment ... that you would make a way better king. Much better than I ever could be. It said that you have faith in this country before anyone or anything else. Liam, you are the king Cordonia needs and deserves.” 
Liam breathed out slowly; a myriad of thoughts swirling in his head. 
Leo refilled their glasses with amber liquid. 
“And I trust you to lead Cordonia into a bright future, Liam.” Leo raised his glass to propose a toast. “And you know what? Cordonia is lucky to have you as its future king.” 
“To Liam Rys. Long live the King.” 
The Beaumont Estate 
Sophie stepped into her bedroom, her mind reeling from the events of the day. The charity polo match had been a success, but the victory was bittersweet. The encounter with Neville had left her feeling shaken, confused and vulnerable.  
As she changed out of her clothes to slip into her pajamas, her thoughts returned to the moment when Neville had pushed her. The look of hatred and disdain on his face was burned into her memory. What had she ever done to deserve his cruel treatment? 
She sank onto the edge of the bed, tears stinging her eyes. Her shoulder was throbbing from the fall and her knee ached from hitting the hard ground. The day had been an emotional roller coaster, and she was mentally and physically exhausted. 
Sophie picked up her phone, hesitating. She knew Liam was busy with his brother, and she did not want to disturb him. But she wanted him; she needed to see him; to feel the warmth of his embrace and to hear his reassuring words. She placed her phone back on her nightstand and laid her head down on the pillow. 
As the night wore on, Sophie found herself drifting in and out of sleep, her thoughts consumed by the day's events. 
Sitting around the firepit on the grounds outside the estate, Maxwell and Daniel shared a bottle of wine, the night sky a blanket of darkness overhead. They laughed and chatted, the warmth of the fire keeping them comfortable in the cool evening air.
"It's nights like this that I love," Daniel said, his eyes shining as he looked up at the stars. 
When Maxwell didn’t respond, Daniel looked over at his partner.
“Maxwell?  Earth to Maxwell... you seem like you are a thousand miles away." 
"Oh, sorry, I'm just a bit tired," Maxwell apologized. 
"Is everything okay? You've seemed distracted tonight?" Daniel asked, a look of concern on his face. 
"Yeah, it's just..." Maxwell trailed off, his expression uncertain. "It's Sophie. She's been through a lot lately, and I'm worried about her." 
"Oh, the polo match?" 
Maxwell went silent as Drake plopped down in a lounger beside them. “Sorry, I’m late.” Drake took a long pull from his bottle of beer. 
“Hey Drake, glad you could make it tonight. But hey, where did Melanie go? I thought she was coming?” 
Drake scoffed, “yeah, she decided to go home.” Maxwell raised an eyebrow. 
“She was in a mood, so I asked her ‘what’s up’, and she tore a strip off me. Drawing another pull, Drake, clearly annoyed with his girlfriend, “I am in no mood for aggro tonight, so I drove her home.” 
"Hey, where's Taylor? I know she is not with Liam tonight." Drake looked around the grounds. 
"She is in her room. She wasn't feeling Daniel answered.
"So, Maxwell," Drake looked quizzically at him ... you were telling me that you were worried about Taylor? What's up?" 
“I have met someone." Leo took a moment, the flickering candlelight reflecting in his eyes as he gathered his thoughts. "Katie," he begins, "she's not Madeleine. Meeting her on that cruise was like stumbling upon a new adventure, a chance to explore life beyond the confines of royalty." 
Liam listened intently, a flicker of curiosity dancing in his eyes. "Tell me more about her," he prompted, sensing the significance of this encounter for Leo. 
"She's... different," Leo mused, a soft smile tugged at his lips. "Katie is spirited, full of life and has a thirst for adventure. With her, I feel like I can be myself, and not be the crown prince, burdened by expectations." 
"I realize that you already knew about my decision before tonight," Leo said after a while, breaking the quietude. "I wanted to apologize for not telling you sooner, for not confiding in you." 
Liam shook his head, a reassuring smile on his face. "There's no need to apologize, Leo. I understand why you made this choice, and I support you wholeheartedly." Liam never held back with his opinions for Leo’s betrothed. 
Leo let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, a weight clearly lifted from his shoulders. "Thank you, Li. Your support means everything to me.  
Liam nods, his understanding dawned in his expression. "It sounds like Katie has brought a breath of fresh air into your world." 
"She has," Leo confirmed, gratitude coloring his tone. "Being with her these past three weeks has made me realize that there's more to life than the crown, more to discover beyond the palace walls." 
Liam reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Leo's shoulder. "I'm glad you found this, Leo. Everyone deserves to find their own happiness, even if it means taking a different path that was originally planned for them." 
Leo nodded in agreement, a sense of resolve settling within him. "Thank you, Liam. Your support means everything to me." 
As they sat in the intimate corner of the speakeasy, surrounded by the whispers of jazz and the allure of hidden conversations, Leo and Liam watched as a jazz singer took to the stage and began to sing.  
"You know, Liam," Leo started, his voice carrying a note of contemplation, "with Sophie by your side, you could start thinking about the future. About heirs to the throne and building a family." 
Liam's expression softened at the mention of Sophie, his eyes reflecting a mix of love and longing. "I've thought about it," he admits, his voice filled with quiet determination. "Sophie and I have talked about our dreams, about the possibility of a future together." 
Leo nodded in agreement, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "She would make an incredible queen, Li. Her grace, her kindness, and her love for you are evident to everyone." 
"I agree," Liam responds, a warm smile of affection coloring his features. "And I couldn't imagine a better partner to share the responsibilities of ruling Cordonia and raising our children." 
"You know, Liam," Leo began, his voice carrying a note of contemplation, "with your betrothal to Sophie there would be no need for a social season.” 
Liam was taken aback by the suggestion. "Leo, you sound like father." 
"Well, Father has a point. If you are going to rule, you need to secure the throne for the next generation. The need for a queen is paramount." 
“That was before you abdicated, now, everything has changed. And, well, we are not engaged; not yet." 
"Well, maybe it's time you fixed that,” Leo looked meaningly at Liam. ‘Sophie is a perfect fit for you." 
"I appreciate your support, Leo. But it's not that simple." 
"Why not? From what I can see, you two are clearly in love. She comes from a noble house and has been accepted at court. Father and Regina think very highly of her." 
“Marrying me now comes with a lot of baggage. There's the political side of things, the court politics, and the pressure to produce an heir." 
"But that's all manageable, isn't it? Liam?” 
"Maybe. But Sophie is still new to all of this. I do not want to overwhelm her. We've had a whirlwind romance, and I don't want her to feel rushed or pressured." 
"I understand. But Liam, the longer you wait, the more you risk losing her." 
Liam understood too; all too well. According to Cordonian law at the time of a coronation, he must be betrothed. 
Cordonian Royal Palace
The following day, Madeleine sat in the opulent sitting room of the royal palace. Her fingers nervously traced the intricate patterns of the embroidered cushion beneath her. She had been summoned by King Constantine, and the weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air. 
As the throne room doors opened, King Constantine entered the sitting room, his expression somber yet composed. Beside him Liam also entered, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. 
"Madeleine," King Constantine acknowledged, his voice carrying the weight of the impending revelation. "There's something we need to discuss." 
Madeleine's heart skipped a beat, a sense of foreboding settling over her like a dark cloud. "Of course, Your Majesty," she replied, her voice steady despite the rising unease within her. 
Taking a seat opposite her, King Constantine fixed his gaze on Madeleine. "It concerns Leo," he continued, his tone measured. "He has made a decision regarding the throne." 
The mention of Leo's name caused a flurry of emotions to surge within Madeleine—hope, fear, and uncertainty mingling in her thoughts. "What decision?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 
Liam stepped forward; his expression filled with empathy. "Leo has chosen to abdicate the throne," he revealed, his expression stoic.
Madeleine's heart seemed to stop as the reality of the words sank in. Abdication meant that her dreams of becoming queen, of standing by Leo's side as his consort, were shattered. 
"I... I do not understand, why," Madeleine stammered, her mind racing to grasp the enormity of the news. "Why would he abdicate? What about our plans?" 
King Constantine sighed, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sympathy and regret. "Leo has found his own path, Madeleine," he explained stoically. "He believes it's time for a new chapter in his life, one that doesn't include the responsibilities of the crown." 
Tears welled up in Madeleine's eyes, her dreams crumbling around her like a fragile illusion. "But... but I thought..." Her voice trailed off, unable to articulate the turmoil raging within her. 
Liam reached out, offering a handkerchief as her tears began.
"I know this is difficult, Madeleine," he said softly. "But Leo's decision is his own, and we must respect it." 
As the reality of Leo's abdication sank in, Madeleine felt a mix of sadness and resignation wash over her. The future she had envisioned, the life she had planned, seemed to slip through her fingers like grains of sand. 
"I understand," Madeleine replied, her voice steadier now, masking the pain that threatened to consume her. "I will accept Leo's decision and wish him well in his new path." 
King Constantine nodded, a sense of finality settling over the conversation. "Thank you, Madeleine. Your grace and understanding in this matter are appreciated." 
As Madeleine composed herself and prepared to leave the sitting room, the sense of loss weighed heavily on her heart. The dream of being queen was no more, replaced by a stark reality she had not expected. 
With a heavy heart, Madeleine left the royal palace, her thoughts and mood now turning into anger. Consumed by thoughts of what could have been and her uncertain future that lay ahead. 
House Beaumont 
In the morning, Sophie woke to a text from Liam. 
'Sorry I missed you last night. I'll be over later today.' 
Sophie's heart pounded, her fingers trembling as she replied, 'I'll be here.' 
It was a simple message, but it spoke volumes. She had missed him, and she couldn't wait for him to return. 
She had never felt this way about anyone before, and it scared her. She knew that being with Liam was worth the risk. thinking to herself that she would do whatever it took to make their relationship work, no matter what obstacles stood in their way. 
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Thanks for reading; please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from this series.
📌@bascmve01 @busywoman @kristinamae093 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kingliam2019 @ao719 @alj4890 @emkay512 @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @malblk21 @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @txemrn @emersyn-in-cordonia @dutifullynuttywitch @charlotteg234 @lovingchoices14
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katedrakeohd · 4 months
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Happy Birthday to my Drake Walker.
Daniel di Tomasso 🎁💝 🎉
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umccall71 · 1 year
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I have two words to say…thank you
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ao719 · 4 months
Best Kept Secrets
Best Kept Secrets - Maybe We’ll Get It Right (Chapter 18)
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Summary: An unforeseen encounter with the past proves that even the best-kept secrets eventually make their way into the light. 
Title inspiration: Hold On Tight - Forest Blakk
Book/Pairing: TRR; Liam x F!OC
A/N: Thank you to @burnsoslow for prereading most of this. Please excuse any errors. 
Rating: M • Warning: This series will contain NSFW material. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18+
Catch up here
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Standing in her bedroom inside the north wing, Amara stared at her reflection in the floor-length mirror. She scanned over her outfit before meeting her own anxious gaze; she took in a deep breath and slowly let it out, trying to settle her nerves. 
Today would be Amara’s and Liam’s first public outing with Sophia since the statement had been given. It would be the first time the press would not only catch a glimpse of the heir but see the three of them together … as a family. She knew that the purpose behind the outing was to show the public that their King had moved beyond her betrayal and that they were putting the past behind them for the sake of their child. It was all in hopes of shifting the negative attention she was receiving and showing her in a more favorable light. 
Amara was nervous, however. One would think she would find this to be fairly simple; working the press to change public perception was literally her job, but it was much different being the one whose image you’re trying to change their perception of. She wouldn’t be working her PR magic behind the scenes because she was the one under the microscope. She knew her every move was going to be picked apart, questioned, and, at times, manipulated to fit whatever narrative they were attempting to paint of her. Whatever they felt was going to sell a story was what they were going to try and sell, truth or not. 
Despite knowing this was something they needed to try, Amara had second-guessed the decision since Daniel suggested it; they’d given themselves an extra week behind the palace walls to prepare, but she felt anything but because she couldn’t get out of her own head. She didn’t want her presence during these planned outings to make things even more difficult for Liam than she’d already made them. 
However, when Amara subtly brought up the concern, Liam didn’t seem all too phased. They planned to spend the day on the private beach, and he reminded her that while, yes, the press was sure to be camped out nearby, they would still be far enough away so they’d be able to enjoy their day together with Sophia and that he was looking forward to spending the day out … with both of them. He seemed to be treating it as both a casual and normal outing and not one that was planned with a purpose.
Amara wasn’t reading too much into what he’d said, however, seeing his words for exactly what they were. She knew it was nothing more than his way of trying to make her feel more relaxed because he could sense that she was on edge about it. To think he meant anything beyond that was pointless. Despite her feelings for him, she’d forced herself to face reality over the last month and a half, a reality where she knew that any chance she might have had at continuing to rekindle things between them was long gone. After what she’d done, he’d never give her a second chance, and she didn’t deserve one. Her feelings for him didn’t matter and didn’t mean anything to anyone but her, so she shoved them into a box and pushed any notion of them being anything more than co-parents as far down as she could. It hurt, of course, but it was the consequences of her actions. And she’d suffer in silence because she wasn’t going to let those feelings get in the way of his and Sophia’s relationship. 
A knock on the door pulled Amara’s attention, and she gave herself one last glance in the mirror before turning and exiting her bedroom. When she opened the door, she smiled at Sophia, who was giving her signature toothy grin.
“Hi, baby,” Amara chuckled as she took her from Liam’s arms when she leaned over to her. She kissed her cheek as she ran her hand over her head of blonde hair. 
“Morning,” Liam said. 
Amara offered him a tentative smile. “Morning.” She stepped aside to let him in, closing the door behind her. “I have her stuff ready. I’ll just go get her changed real quick.” 
Liam nodded and watched the two of them disappear down the hall, listening to Sophia babble and Amara laugh, smiling as he sat down in the living area to wait. He drummed his fingers against his thighs, wondering what the day was going to bring.
They would be spending the day at the private beach, and while he knew it would be accessible to the press, it would keep them far enough away so they wouldn’t be too overbearing. They couldn’t go out in public and make it obvious that they were putting on a show for the cameras. 
Truthfully … it wasn’t about the cameras for Liam nor was it a show. Yes, he was doing this as a way to hopefully shift the narrative surrounding Amara, and he was looking forward to finally taking Sophia beyond the palace walls, but it was more than that for him. He wanted to spend the day out with Amara, too. 
Over the last month and a half since everything had happened, one of the things he struggled with most was his feelings for Amara. At first, those feelings were suffocated by anger and resentment, but once he forced himself to let go of those emotions for the sake of moving forward, they came back tenfold. Now that he’d been spending every day with her the past two weeks, practically playing house inside the palace with her and Sophia … the three of them, together, as a family … everything he felt before seemed amplified. His feelings began to consume him, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to continue to shove them aside. And maybe he shouldn’t. He’d been trying to do what was best for Sophia, but perhaps what was best for her was the very thing he’d been trying to ignore. 
Liam had a couple of reservations, however, and they seemed to be the one thing holding him back. 
The first reservation was trust. No matter which way Liam looked at the situation, he’d been betrayed. Did he now understand the place in which Amara was coming from? A little. He’d allowed himself to see things from her perspective, and he understood her headspace at the time. It didn’t change the fact that he was still lied to and kept in the dark about something as important as the existence of his child. Were there other secrets she was keeping? He didn’t know. And he didn’t know if he could trust her to not keep more in the future. 
The second reservation was fear. Twice now Liam had tried to make things work between them, and he was left broken both times. They say the third time’s the charm, but this was something that now went beyond just him. If they tried again and they failed a third time, not only would it affect him but Sophia as well. He and Amara had a knack for being unable to get their stars to align. Could he really risk Sophia being collateral damage in a game he wasn’t sure he would ever win?
Sophia’s squeal pulled Liam from his thoughts. He glanced over and a laugh bubbled out of him at the sight of her toddling towards him in a white cover-up that concealed her bright pink bathing suit, tiny aviators, and a floppy white sun hat. “Look at you looking like a little beachy princess,” he chuckled as he scooped her into his arms. “Are you ready for our day at the beach?” Sophia nodded with a clap of her hands. “Is mommy ready?”
They both looked at Amara at the same time, and she forced a smile. “I’m ready.”
When Bastien pulled into the private parking lot of the beach, Amara turned her face away from the window, shielding her eyes from the flashes of the cameras. The press had been camped outside of the gate when they left the palace and had followed them. Having spent so much time tracking the royal family’s movements, it didn’t take them long to realize where they were headed; they raced ahead so they were there waiting when they arrived. 
When Liam exited the vehicle, the press, who were contained behind another gate where two more guards stood to ensure they didn’t cross, began shouting his name. He turned and tossed his hand up in a wave as they snapped photos before turning back toward the vehicle. 
Liam met Amara’s gaze as she finished unbuckling Sophia from her car seat. “Here we go …” 
Liam lifted Sophia from her seat and into the safety of his arms, and when he pulled her from the vehicle, the frenzy ensued. The press shouted louder as the shutters from their cameras went off. Sophia turned her head toward the clamor as her grip on his shirt tightened. “It’s ok, little love,” he whispered. 
Occupied by their first glimpses of the princess, the press almost missed the moment Amara came into view. Almost. The moment they noticed her, more shouts ensued as their cameras continued to snap photos. 
“Why is she with you, King Liam?”
“Anything to say about your betrayal to the King, Ms. Onasis?”
“Will she be leaving Cordonia soon?”
“Will the Princess be staying?”
Amara turned so her back was toward them and inhaled a deep breath. She felt Liam’s hand on her shoulder a moment later and looked up at him; he gestured toward the path that led to the beach and she nodded before starting toward it. 
Once down on the beach, Amara set the bag she’d packed beside one of the chairs that were set up beneath an umbrella. She glanced around, taking in the silence, feeling a little more at ease, but only for a moment before she saw the press hurrying toward the edge of the barrier. The guards were already in place, ensuring they stayed on the other side, and they were far enough away where they wouldn’t be a bother, but just knowing they were there at all had her right back on edge. 
“Did you hear me?”
Amara snapped her gaze to Liam. “No. I’m sorry … what did you say?”
“Sunscreen?” Liam pointed to Sophia.
“Yeah.” Amara shook her head and crouched down next to the bag, pulling out the sunscreen she’d packed for her.
Liam set Sophia down on the chair, and Amara removed her tiny cover-up before smothering her in sunscreen. Once she was finished, she stood and turned to see a now shirtless Liam setting up the toys he’d brought on the massive beach blanket that was laid out for them; he’d slipped inside the tent just behind their chairs to change. She turned away from him and closed her eyes; between the press and him, her mind was jumbled.
“Ready?” Liam’s voice sounded from behind her, and she turned, but he was speaking to Sophia. He scooped her up and set her on the edge of the blanket so she could reach the sand before laying on his side next to her. 
Amara stood and stared at the two of them as they played. Then her gaze flickered to the edge of the beach where the press remained, continuing to snap photos. She couldn’t help but wonder what story they were going to try and spin from this. 
“Are you going to join us?” Liam asked.
Amara looked back at him. “Uh … yeah.” She kicked off her flip-flops before reaching down and grabbing the hem of her cover-up to remove it but froze as her eyes lifted to the press again. She casually brushed her hand against the fabric of the cover-up as she moved toward the blanket and sat down on the other side of Sophia. 
Liam looked up at her, squinting against the bright sun. “Did you not bring a suit?” he asked, gesturing to her cover-up that was still on. 
“I’m … I’m fine right now,” Amara lied as she looked out at the water. She wasn’t fine. 
Under the heat of the Mediterranean sun and the watchful eyes of the press, Amara was hot and flustered … but she didn’t want to take off the cover-up, afraid of what story the press would spin from it. Would they say she was trying to seduce him into forgiveness by flouncing around in a bikini? Would they criticize her for said bikini because she was the mother of the heir and not setting the example they thought she should? Hell, she was afraid to even look at Liam for a second too long, knowing what type of story one photo of that could paint. 
Liam stared at Amara as she gazed out at the water. He knew something was bothering her and he didn’t have to ask what it was. She’d been on edge the past week since they planned this first outing, and when he saw her this morning, he knew she hadn’t eased up. It was easy for him to ignore the presence of the press because he’d grown up with it and learned to drown them out a long time ago. Amara, however, wasn’t used to being on this side of things. On top of that, she was consumed by how her presence would rub off on him and Sophia and worried what stories would be in the papers the next morning. Because of that, she was being careful. Too careful, considering she wouldn’t even remove her cover-up. 
“Amara,” Liam said, and she glanced at him. “Relax.”
“I am relaxed.”
Liam snorted. “No, you’re not.” She dropped his gaze and bit her lip self-consciously. “Hey, look at me,” he whispered, but she shook her head. “Look at me.” She hesitated another moment before glancing up. “Don’t pay them any mind. It’s just you and me here, ok? Just us.”
Amara held his gaze. He knew exactly what was running through her mind without her having to say a word. And she felt the sincerity behind his words from the way he looked at her. But she needed to defuse the situation before her stupid heart took any of it to mean something more than it really did. “And Soph,” she quipped. 
“Yes,” Liam shook his head with a small smile. “But you know what I meant.” With Sophia occupied with filling her bucket full of sand one small scoop at a time, he laid on his back, tucking his arms under his head as he closed his eyes. “Take off the damn cover-up and enjoy yourself.” 
Liam heard her let out a quiet chuckle, and after another beat of silence, he could hear the quiet shift of the fabric against her skin. He opened one eye and inconspicuously slid it in her direction; his chest tightened at the sight of her body in the navy blue bikini before he quickly snapped the eye shut. 
That night, Liam and Amara put Sophia to bed inside her room in the north wing. They’d spent the entire day at the beach, playing in the water and lounging on the shore. Once they returned to the palace, she’d taken a bath, and barely made it through dinner before she passed out in Liam’s arms. 
The press had watched them the entire day, but Amara took Liam’s advice and ignored them as best as she could. She knew she had to come to terms with the fact that they were going to write what they wanted and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it except suck it up and deal with it. 
They quietly shut Sophia’s door behind them before creeping down the hall, stopping in front of the living area. “She racked out,” Liam quietly chuckled. 
Amara smiled as she leaned against the entryway, crossing her arms and tucking her hands beneath them. “She had fun today.”
“Minus the evil wave,” Liam quietly laughed. 
Amara jutted her lip out in a pout before bowing her head and covering her mouth with her hand to contain her laugh at the memory of the wave that washed away the sandcastle they’d helped Sophia build. She was not happy, and her extreme meltdown over the loss was when they knew it was probably time to pack it up and leave. 
“I thought she was going to try and kick that wave’s ass,” Liam chuckled. 
Amara snorted against her palm before looking back up at him, and when she did, a strand of her hair caught on her eyelashes. Instinctively, Liam reached up to brush it away. 
The air suddenly felt very thick as they stared at each other and both their smiles slowly faded. 
Snapping from his momentary daze, Liam quickly dropped his hand. “Uh … sorry. You had — your hair, I mean … it was …” He trailed off and blew out a breath. 
Amara continued to stare at him, feeling a bit bemused as her heart and mind argued over what just happened and what it meant. Nothing, she told herself. It was nothing. “Yeah … uh, thanks.”
“Well … I should probably …” Liam gestured over his shoulder to the door. “I have sand in places where there shouldn’t be sand and need to shower,” he chuckled, earning a laugh from her. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. I’ll let you know when she’s up so we can meet for breakfast.” 
“Sounds good.” 
Liam leaned down and kissed her cheek, letting it linger a heartbeat longer than normal before he drew back; he met her gaze for a split second before he turned and opened the door, quickly disappearing into the hall.
Sitting inside his study, Liam read over an article from Trend magazine, detailing his and Amara’s outing over the past weekend in Applewood; he was needed there to go over a proposal to expand the orchids and invited Amara to bring Sophia. The article had several photos printed beside it, each one from a distance; a few of him and Sophia as they walked through the orchids, some of just her, and a few of the three of them together.
It had been nearly a month since that first outing at the beach, and the many they had after seemed to be doing the job they were intended to do. Most of the press — Trend being one — had done exactly what Daniel had said and followed his lead, looking beyond the past and focusing on the here and now. A few remained skeptical, however, questioning Amara’s motives for remaining in Cordonia and her intentions going forward. They didn’t know that she’d already decided to stay because he had yet to make a public statement. He knew he would need to make one soon, though; he’d spoken to Daniel, who told him the next step would be for the people to hear directly from him since they hadn’t at all since Sophia’s existence had been made public nearly two months ago. 
Liam was happy to know that things with the press were starting to settle down. What wasn’t settling down were his feelings for Amara. Each night after they would put Sophia to bed, the length of time they lingered behind got longer. They went from a few moments of simple conversation to now talking over drinks or a late-night snack about their day and making plans for the next. They had gotten closer and had fallen back into a place where things didn’t feel so tense. 
It was comfortable. 
It was familiar. 
Every day they spent together chipped away at those reservations Liam had and drew out his feelings even more. And every day he came closer and closer to throwing caution to the wind and taking that leap. 
Hearing a knock on his study door, Liam called for them to enter; when it opened, he lifted his gaze from the magazine article just as Amara stepped inside with Sophia. 
“Hi, little love,” Liam grinned as he stood and walked around his desk; he crouched down as she toddled toward him and he scooped her into his arms, smothering a mix of playful kisses and raspberries against her cheeks as she giggled.
“Hope we’re not interrupting anything,” Amara said.
Liam situated Sophia on his hip. “Not at all,” he replied before leaning forward to kiss her cheek; his hand brushed down the length of her arm as he drew back. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
“I wanted to come talk to you.”
“I’m going to have to make a trip to New York.” 
Liam looked at her. “Oh?”
“My lease is up at the end of the month,” Amara explained. “I’ve been putting it off, hoping to have found a place beforehand, but that hasn’t happened yet.”
Despite the surprise her words gave him, Liam kept his expression impassive. “I hadn’t realized you’d been looking.” 
“Well, I haven’t … not really, I mean. I’ve perused some listings, but I’m still weighing my options between renting or buying and haven’t made a decision yet. But I can’t put off packing up my apartment any longer since I only have a couple of weeks. And I’ll have to clear out my office space as well.” 
Liam nodded. “Ok. Are you thinking this weekend, or …?”
“I wanted to check with you first,” Amara said. “I didn’t know if you had anything going on, and I figured you’d want Soph to stay here with you.” 
Liam thought for a moment as he glanced at Sophia; he scrunched his nose with a smile when she offered him one of her toothy grins. “How about we go together?” 
Amara’s brows rose in surprise. “You … you want to go?”
“Sure,” Liam shrugged as he looked back at her. “Let Imogen know, and we can leave Friday and take the weekend … get it all done in one shot so you don’t have to worry about going back for anything. There’s plenty of room on the jet to store whatever you need to bring back with you.”
Amara stared at him for a moment. “If you’re sure …” 
“I am,” Liam smiled. “I’ll have Bastien make arrangements.” 
A few mornings later, the SUV pulled up on the tarmac, stopping alongside the waiting jet. Liam glanced out the window at the press that were huddled together on the other side of a barrier.
“How did they know we would be here?” Amara asked.
Liam sighed with a shrug. “They always manage to find things out one way or another.” He looked over to where she sat on the other side of Sophia’s car seat. “Get her on the jet. I’ll handle them.” 
Amara nodded and unbuckled Sophia’s straps before lifting her out of the seat. A guard opened the door and she and Imogen slid out; she ignored the volley of shouted questions from the press as she carried Sophia up the stairs and disappeared inside the jet. 
“Sir?” Bastien said from the driver’s seat.
Liam looked up, meeting his gaze in the rearview mirror as the other two guards took their luggage and Sophia’s car seat to the jet. “I’ll talk to them.” 
Bastien nodded before getting out and opening Liam’s door. When the King came into view, the press shouted at him; he was a picture of calm as he buttoned his suit jacket and made his way toward the crowd. 
“King Liam, where are you headed?” Donnie Brine from the CBC asked as Liam neared. 
“I’ll be in New York for a few days,” Liam answered.
Another slew of shouted questions ensued, and they were all asking the same thing in various ways: is Amara leaving with Sophia? Thinking back on his several conversations with Daniel over the past couple of weeks, and knowing he could use this as an opportunity to put any more doubts about her intentions to rest, he decided to be transparent. 
Liam held up his hand to quiet them, and once he had their attention, he cleared his throat. “We’re headed to New York for the weekend to pack up Ms. Onasis’ belongings as she will be staying in Cordonia permanently so that I may continue to maintain a relationship with our daughter.”
More questions were immediately volleyed, but one in particular had caught his attention.
“Are you concerned she’ll try to leave again with the princess?”
Liam sighed, knowing they were referring to what was mentioned in Daniel’s statement. “The circumstances surrounding Ms. Onasis trying to leave in the past were entirely different.”
“Can you elaborate?” a reporter asked, holding their recorder out in front of him.
Transparency, he reminded himself. “Ms. Onasis had been spooked by the betrothal aspect of the alliance that Auvernal had been pushing for. When she learned of the blackmail threat, she became frightened of what that meant for our daughter, and in a moment of panic, yes, she tried to leave. But as a mother, she was trying to protect her child … and that’s not something I can or will fault her for. As for the move … she’s uprooting her entire life to ensure that the princess and I stay together, and I’m extremely grateful that she’s so willing to do that.” 
The reporters stared at Liam in a bout of awed silence, and a heartbeat later, they were shouting more questions.
“Will they be staying with you at the palace?”
“What’s the status of your relationship with Ms. Onasis?” 
“Are you rekindling your romance?” 
They’d changed their tune so fast, it gave Liam whiplash. He let out a breath, feeling a bit lighter, but decided he wasn’t answering any more questions. He didn’t really have the answers at the moment anyway. He threw his hand up in a wave before turning and heading towards the jet. 
After the long flight and traffic-jammed ride from the airport, Liam and Amara arrived at their hotel in New York that afternoon; they’d planned to arrive early enough to leave them time for Sophia to hopefully nap off the jet lag. 
Once Sophia was asleep in the guest room of the suite, Liam sent Imogen to her own room that was situated across the hall to rest. He plopped onto the sofa in the living area while Amara stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, taking in the view. 
“Have you missed it?” Liam asked. 
Amara shrugged. “Certain things, like pizza and breakfast bagels, yes,” she chuckled. “But other than that … not particularly, no.” 
Liam stood and came next to her. “Where’s your apartment from here?”
“About 15 minutes that way,” Amara pointed. “It’s in Tribeca.” They were at the Millennium in lower Manhattan. “And my office is only a block from there.” 
“Have you made any decisions regarding your company and what you plan to do?”
“Not yet,” Amara shook her head. “We’re on a bit of a pause at the moment until I figure things out. Daniel hasn’t decided whether he’s staying yet, but with both Riley and I now there and him not having anything tying him down here …” She shrugged. “But I could still run the company from there and set up an office … or I could sell it …”
“You’d really consider selling it?” 
“If that’s what needs to be done … yes,” Amara answered. And I know a couple of competitors that would probably be more than willing to take it off my hands.”
Liam leaned against the window frame as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You seem pretty content for someone giving up so much of themself on a whim.” 
Amara looked back out the window. “I wouldn’t say it’s on a whim.” 
Liam’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“I mean …” Amara paused, taking in a breath and slowly letting it out. “I mean that all of this was stuff I’ve thought about from the moment I found out I was pregnant.” She tucked her hands beneath her arms as she fought against the urge to look at him. “I always thought about the what-ifs … and I planned out all these different scenarios in my head for the day I finally drummed up enough courage to … to tell you. And in all of those scenarios, the outcome was the same … I was leaving New York, and either running the company from where I was or selling it. Now that I think about it … it was never really a what-if, but more of a when.” 
Liam remained silent for a moment before speaking. “I just … I don’t want this move to be something you come to regret later on.” 
“It’s for you and Sophia.” Amara looked up at him again. “I would never regret it.” 
Liam stared at her, not having realized until that moment how close they’d shifted to one another, and he saw the moment she realized it, too. Her gaze was both hesitant and questioning, but then she looked away from him and took a step back. 
“Um … I think I’m going to nap while Sophia is.” 
“Yeah.” Liam cleared his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I, uh … I’m actually not that tired, so I can listen for her if you want to go lay down in the master.” He’d already offered for her to take the bigger of the two rooms. 
“Ok,” Amara nodded.
Liam watched Amara turn and heard her let out a breath as she disappeared inside the room. 
The following morning, Liam and Amara headed over to her apartment while Imogen stayed with Sophia at the hotel. Liam had arranged for a moving company to meet them there to take the boxes she would be bringing back and load them on the jet. From what she’d told him, most of it would consist of her and Sophia’s clothes. Anything she didn’t need, she planned to throw out or donate. 
When they pulled up outside of the tall brick building, Liam slid out before turning to help Amara out. They greeted the staff of the moving company that was already there waiting before heading inside. 
After riding the elevator up to the seventh floor, they stepped out, and Liam followed Amara down the hall. She paused in front of a door and unlocked it, and when she pushed it open and stepped inside, he followed. 
Liam glanced around as he moved further inside. He’d never seen her apartment, but it was exactly what he pictured her having. Casual with a touch of modern sophistication. “This is nice.”
Amara looked around fondly; she’d always loved her apartment. “Thanks.” 
“Where should we start, Miss?” a voice spoke from the doorway. 
Amara turned to the movers lingering in the hall. “Uh …” She glanced around. “Living room and kitchen.” She then looked at Liam. “We can get started on Sophia’s room and then mine.”
“Lead the way,” Liam gestured. 
Within a couple of hours, most of the apartment had been boxed up. While the movers carried boxes from the kitchen, living room, and Sophia’s room down to the truck, Liam and Amara finished up in her room. 
“I’m going to take this out,” Amara said when she finished taping the last box of her shoes shut. 
Liam nodded. “I’ll bring the nightstand out for you.”
“Thank you,” Amara replied before pushing the box out the door and down the hall.
Turning to the nightstand next to the bed, Liam reached down and hooked his fingers under the lip of the top. He lifted it, and when he realized it was heavier than he anticipated, he tilted it to adjust his hold; the movement caused the drawer to slide out of it and crash to the floor. 
Liam set the nightstand back down before kneeling to pick up the contents from the drawer now scattered on the floor. As he scooped up the items, something caught his eye, and he froze as he stared at it. A photo. He reached down and grabbed it, bringing it closer, only to notice another beneath it. And they weren’t just any photos, but ones of him and Amara. He remembered the night the one he held in his hand was taken. They were watching a movie in his quarters and were on the sofa; she was resting back against his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around her and his face was playfully nuzzling her neck with a grin as she smiled. He picked up the other from the floor. It was of them in the maze; she was on his back with her arms looped around his neck, both of them laughing. 
At that moment, at the sight of those photos, at the realization that she’d kept them all this time, Liam felt the last of the reservations he’d been holding onto crumble. He wanted to be the two people in those photos again. 
Two people who could make each other laugh and smile.
Two people who were better when they were together. 
Two people who were happy and in love.
“Liam?” Amara’s voice carried down the hall. 
Liam snapped from his daze and cleared his throat. “Coming.” He placed the rest of the items back in the drawer but slipped the photos into his back pocket before standing and carrying the nightstand out. 
That night, Amara stood out on the balcony of the hotel suite while Liam put Sophia into bed. She stared out at the view of the city she’d called home all her life, but she couldn’t say she’d miss it all that much. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Liam said behind her.
Amara glanced over her shoulder, and her eyes followed him as he came to stand beside her. “Nothing,” she said, “just … taking in the view. Did she go down ok?”
“Yeah,” Liam nodded as he leaned against the railing. “Out like a light.” He glanced out at the view, staying quiet for a moment before looking over at her. “Are you going to miss it?”
“No … not really,” Amara answered. “I think … I think I’m ready to start over somewhere else.” 
Liam stared at her for a moment before taking her answer for the opening it was. “Speaking of starting over …” He stood upright and reached back, pulling the two photos from his back pocket. “When we were packing … these fell out of your nightstand drawer.” 
Amara focused on the photos in his hand, fighting against looking at him as she blinked away the sting in her eyes. “Yeah …” 
“I didn’t realize you had them.” 
“I …” Amara let out a soft breath and cast her gaze to the ground.
Liam’s thumb slid under her chin and he lifted her eyes to his. “No more secrets.” 
Amara swallowed. “I would look at them … in hopes I could convince myself to reach out to you … to tell you about Sophia.” She fell quiet for a moment before speaking again, her next words coming out just above a whisper. “And on days when I missed you … which was all the time … I’d look at them to remind myself of what it felt like to be whole … because that’s what being with you made me feel. Whole and complete … and happy.”
Liam searched her eyes for a moment, and in the next, he leaned down, capturing her lips in his. Amara stiffened in surprise, needing to rest her hands against his chest to keep herself upright, but when his arm curled around her waist and pulled her closer, she went more than willingly. When her lips parted against his, she felt his tongue softly curl against hers, so slowly at first it was as if he were trying to savor the moment, but then he deepened the kiss, and she gripped his shirt to steady herself.
Forcing himself not to get too caught up, Liam drew back. It took her a moment to open her eyes, and they stared at each other in silence for a few heartbeats before she looked away from him. He could see the self-consciousness fill her expression and realized it was because she determined that he must have thought what just happened was a mistake … but she was wrong. 
“I want to go back to being the two people in these photos. I want this again.” Liam held up the pictures. When she looked at him again, he saw the surprise in her eyes, like she couldn’t believe what he was saying. “I want this … I want us. But I want to slow down because I want us to be sure when we go in, if not for our sakes, then for Sophia’s.” 
At his words, a tear trickled down Amara’s cheek, and he reached up, brushing it away with his thumb. “I didn’t think … after what I’d done—”
“When I told you I was leaving the past in the past, I meant it, Amara,” Liam interrupted. “I just need to know if you want the same … that you’re willing to try.”
Amara took in a shuddered breath as her tear-filled eyes searched his. And then she nodded. “I want the same,” she whispered. 
Liam dropped his hand from her face and curled his fingers around hers. “Then we take it day by day once we get back home … and we’ll see how things go.” 
Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know): @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @emichelle @sweetest-marbear @indiacater @gibbles82 @the-soot-sprite @esmckenzie @dcbbw @burnsoslow @deb-1106 @bbrandy2002 @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis @foreverethereal123 @choiceskatie @sirbeepsalot @gnatbrain @openheart12 @sincerelyella @superharriet @queenrileyrose @aestheticartsx @kingliam2019 @indiana-jr @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @emkay512 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @forallthatitsworth @walker7519 @iaminlovewithtrr @amandablink @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @princessleac1 @21-wishes @appleone @tessa-liam @pixelatedpassion @malblk21 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @forthebrokenheartedthings @nomadics-stuff @differenttyphoonwerewolf
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playchoicesconfessions · 10 months
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Sent by anonymous
‘It's pointless to ask for anything in era of GOC single LI books, but I want more mean/villain female love interests. People say they're overdone and I'm like???where??? Xante (ACOR)? Olivia (TRR)? Sofia (TNA)? Danielle? (Class Act)? Aurora (OH)? None of them are LIs 😞’
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fadingreveries · 3 months
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (Pt. 1)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: I couldn't tag everyone because it wouldn't let me, but turn off "exclude from Tumblr search" for your account in settings and comment if you’d like to be tagged! @kingliam2019 @princess-geek (thanks for showing interest! Thought I would tag to say thank you!)
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia as Riley competes for the Crown Prince! Will she accept his proposal, or will someone else win her heart?
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
Word Count: 1.6k
~ ~ ~
Those who found love with the right person, in the right place, at the right time, and the right life destined for them were rare. With how unpredictable life may be, not everyone was lucky to be destined with all of the key factors that would culminate for the biggest blessing from life itself.
One night’s chance encounter changed the lives of people who would become a close-knit group of friends in more ways than one.
Once upon a time, Riley Brooks was a young lady who resided in New York City. She was a fair-skinned, beautiful lady with dark ebony tresses and Dutch-braided bangs. With soft doe-like eyes and peach-coloured lips, Riley had met her fair share of suitors but none with whom she felt a longing connection to. 
After working as a part-time waitress to put herself through school, she had finally graduated with an undergraduate degree and a Master of Arts degree in history from the prestigious New York University. At last, she was ready to explore the world beyond lecture halls, late night study sessions, and thesis dissertations. 
“Just another glamorous New York Saturday night of hauling trash to the dumpster.” Riley sighed, heaving a stuffed black bag up where it would join the other garbage that had been piling up that night. 
At the current moment, however, she was stuck on a late-night shift at the restaurant and bar where she had worked for the last six years. With all her might, she hoisted the humongous black garbage bag which landed on the others with a soft thump. She dusted off her hands, looking warily over her shoulder with the barely lit back area of the brick building. 
There was something about the back alley of the building where she threw out the garbage every night that made her uneasy, partly due to the fact that drunk party goers tended to loiter there in the dark when veering off course from the streets and sidewalks. Luckily for her, she had her favourite coworker, Daniel, by her side to help. 
“It could be worse. There could be—” Daniel, her co-worker had started before letting out a frightened yelp and darting away from the dumpster, “Rats! Riley, help!”
Riley glanced down at the sight before her, taking note of two adult mice and two baby mice. As they scurried away, she laughed. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of this adorable mouse family. They’re trying to get by, just like us.”
“Hey!” A booming voice yelled out, making the two co-workers turn around. “Riley, Daniel, quit slacking off over there!”
If there was one thing Riley was ready to embrace, it was the fact that she had finally given her two-week notice to her boss. After six years, she would finally be out of his clutches and no longer have to hear constant nagging from him about every minuscule detail she had made the mistake of carrying out in front of him. 
“You told us to take out the garbage,” Riley reminded him, a scowl deepening as she remembered how insufferable her boss was. 
“And now I’m telling you to wait on the bachelor party that just rolled in. Chop chop!” The manager barked out, clapping his hands for emphasis before storming back inside the bar. 
Meanwhile, it was the night of Liam Rys’ bachelor party. Two of his friends plus one acquaintance had organized a clandestine night out in New York City before they returned to Cordonia for the social season.
Earlier that evening, Maxwell whooped out, “Awesome! We finally lost Bastien! I can’t believe we pulled that off, but I’m not going to question it.”
It was around eight o’clock on one Friday night when Liam, Maxwell, and Drake had escaped Liam’s bodyguard, Bastien. There was an outdoor music festival held all day at a nearby park and with all the large crowds, Maxwell and Drake had planned to help Liam escape from his royal duties for at least one night. Which meant losing his bodyguard as soon as possible and blending in with the New York nightlife. 
“Knowing Bastien, I’m sure he’s got an eye on us somehow. At least we have the illusion of independence,” Drake commented, knowing that it was better than nothing. He knew if anything that this illusion could give Liam a slight sense of what he truly longed for.
“I’ll take it! Time to whip out the… ultimate Bachelor Party Bucket List!” Maxwell excitedly cried out, as he drew a worryingly long physical paper shaped like a bucket out of his pocket. 
Blinking in confusion at the paper contraption his friend summoned out of nowhere, Drake remarked, “There were so many parts of what you said that I’d hoped weren’t literal.” 
“Okay, here’s what I got…” Maxwell cleared his throat, reading from his paper bucket list. “Give each other crazy nicknames, get tattoos, eat at the best place in New York, have a spontaneous, crazy adventure, get into a fight, and get tattoos!”
“You said ‘get tattoos’ twice,” Drake plainly stated, not impressed by Maxwell’s idea of a bachelor party. 
Maxwell rolled his eyes, giving Drake a look that indicated he should have known that the meaning was implied. “That’s how important it is!”
Drake shook his head, looking Maxwell straight in the eye. Never in a million years was he going to agree to tattoos, especially not for Maxwell’s pure amusement. “I’m not getting a tattoo.”
“Friendship tattoos!” Maxwell exclaimed, trying desperately to convince him otherwise. Tattoos were a long-lasting symbol of friendship in itself, right?
Clearly, Maxwell had different ideas on what qualified as fun things to do with your friends in an unfamiliar city. Drake scoffed, “There’s not enough whiskey in Manhattan.”
“We’ll circle back to that,” Maxwell responded, turning his back against Drake and not taking no for an answer. He elbowed Liam’s side with a cheeky smile. “Remember, it’s this guy’s night.”
Liam sheepishly chuckled. How lucky was he to have such thoughtful friends? “It is my night.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t let it go to your head,” Drake warned him, although he had a small smile. 
The prince was touched by his best friends’ warm gesture. Not everyone would go out of their way to make his one night of controlled freedom as enjoyable as possible, at least not as much as these two would. It was something he had never been allowed the luxury of, given that he was the Crown Prince of Cordonia and the heir to the throne after his older brother, Leo, had abdicated years earlier. 
With a sad frown, Liam confessed, “Actually… It really means a lot to share this moment with both of you. After this summer, everything will change. I’ll be married… I’ll be preparing to start a family and carry on the royal line. It means everything to me to have one last moment with the two of you.”
“I don’t know that you’ve ever had a carefree moment in your life, but we’ll do our best,” Drake softly murmured. He meant this more than Liam would ever know. Drake had seen first-hand the struggles his best friend had gone through growing up with the burden of being royalty, but he wasn’t about to let his last night of freedom before the social season go to waste. 
Maxwell nodded, a mischievous smile on his face. “Damn right we will. First up, nicknames.”
“What is this again?” Drake groaned in exasperation. Just when he thought they had made it past his bachelor party antics. 
Once again, Maxwell looked at Drake as if the answer was obvious. He declared, “We think of awesome nicknames to give ourselves as a group!”
Drake’s deadpan answer was quick, his blank expression unwavering. “Cool. Mine’s Drake.”
Maxwell pouted, his bottom lip protruding out in protest. “Man, come on. You could pick anything! Alpha Bravo? Dark and Stormy? Toasted Marshmallow?”
“Pass,” Drake answered, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Unacceptable! All our nicknames are gonna be in theme! Right, Liam?” Maxwell questioned him, his eyebrows scrunched together in determination. Once Maxwell had an idea, he didn’t plan on giving up. It just wasn’t the Beaumont way. 
Liam chuckled, amused at Maxwell’s enthusiasm to make his bachelor party much more lively. “What did you have in mind?”
“Well, we could theme it after cards like King of Hearts or Jack of Spades… or our favourite foods… or… or… like a fairytale!” Maxwell excitedly suggested, his eyes lighting up even brighter with each suggestion. 
“Fairytale?” Liam asked, looking for clarification.
Drake guffawed, turning to Liam. “You could be Prince Charming.” It wasn’t far from the plain truth, anyway. 
“There you go! Now you’re getting into it!” Maxwell grinned, pleased that Drake was now participating with the same level of gusto as he was. 
Drake immediately frowned, not wanting to give off that impression and play into Maxwell’s fantasy of having the perfect bachelor party by his wild standards. “No… I just… ugh, Liam, pick one.”
“We should go with the theme…” Liam pondered with a smile to himself, before answering, “Fairytale. I kind of like Prince Charming.”
“Of course. I'm the Fairy Godmother because whatever you want tonight, I’ll make it happen!” Maxwell stated, his body giddy almost as if you could see the energy bouncing off of him. 
Liam gestured to Drake, trying to think of a nickname for him. “What about Drake?”
Maxwell stepped closer to Drake, who rolled his eyes, before he snapped his fingers and announced, “He’s got ‘Dragon’ written all over him.”
“I’m good with that,” Drake agreed, shrugging his shoulders. It wasn’t the worst nickname he could be given. 
“Yes! Let’s roll!” Maxwell cheered, happy with how things had worked out. One thing down, five more to go on the ultimate Bachelor Party Bucket List! “Next stop is dinner!”
~ ~ ~
Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: Turn off "exclude from Tumblr search" for your account in settings and comment if you’d like to be tagged! @kingliam2019 @princess-geek
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cadybear420 · 3 months
If HSS (both trilogies) were made by 2022-2024 Choices.
I've seen a couple of posts on the Reddit such as "If ILITW/TRR/ES/etc. were made today", and it got me wondering the same for HSS. So I've decided to do my own for both HSS trilogies.
Feel free to share your own speculations!
There would probably be only 1 or 2 LIs, both forced upon the MC, and both made race (and possibly gender) customizable. Michael would definitely be a LI, him and Caleb for duo GOC LI because I know PB would not be able to resist the "golden boy jock/bad boy rebel" LI duo. Though I can maybe see them having Michael and Maria. Emma I could see being a third (possibly race-customizable) token canon female LI. Aiden would certainly not be eligible as a LI because modern Choices (with the exception of maybe MAH) seems to hate LIs that are shy, awkward, or softies, especially if they're male or male-coded.
The book would probably still be GOC, thankfully. Then again, I wouldn't put it past modern Choices to want a genderlocked high school book where they default the MC into being a cheerleader. Speaking of which...
There's no WAY modern PB would have the activity choice system, quite simply because the multiple routes and dialogue accommodations would require putting in actual effort. Modern PB would definitely try to do a genderlocked default-cheerleader MC, but I also feel like they could default MC to being a jock since Book 1 was a bit jock centric. Or heck, they likely wouldn't even give MC an activity at all because god forbid we have proactive MCs.
Honestly, I feel like just about all of the different options and possible outcomes- the spirit stick heist, tryouts, junior captain, hoco/prom crowns- we have for the MC would be nerfed, because they would require putting in actual effort. So rather than having a MC where we can actively decide who they are and how they behave, they'd probably give the MC like one random set thing they're into and have all their dialogue choice options be lacking in variation and story impact.
Assuming Caleb is a (or the) LI, they'd make Zoe a full on straw loser villain woman who exists solely to have petty catfights with MC over Caleb and thus make MC seem like the better match for Caleb. They'd probably have her not be caught cheating until later on into Book 1, nerf her Book 3 redemption arc entirely, and instead have her be unable to move on from Caleb by then and hold resentment against MC for "ruining their relationship".
They might age everyone up to 18+ (with our MC being an incoming senior), but probably wouldn't include smut scenes considering the MTFL fiasco. I mean, ID had zero smut scenes despite its confirmed 18+ cast. If this was 2018-2020 Choices, they probably would have a couple of smut scenes, but 2022-2024 Choices would definitely not. Probably a hell of a lot more lap sitting though. But only MC sitting in LI's lap, except for Emma where it's reversed, because having a male LI sitting in female MC's lap might lose them those precious pennies from straight women.
Considering Prime getting sunset in August 2022 and PB having deleted the Twitter account for it, I'm seriously doubting how much modern PB cares about that game. This version probably would not have HSS Prime characters in it at all. Heck, they'd probably just not even make it "HSS".
It would be single LI, Rory being that LI. Ajay and Skye become merely recurring side characters.
I feel like maybe PB would be more likely to genderlock this one. Or maybe not, IDK.
Danielle would be a lot more outwards and over-the-top of an antagonist. As in, we see all her behaviors up-front. She'd be a full-on straw-loser villain woman for MC to compete with over Rory.
The same thing about sex scenes for OG would apply here too. Instead of MC being freshly-graduated from middle school, they'd probably make them a incoming senior transfer student from a private school.
Assuming this continues from the Choicesified version of OG HSS and not from the one we actually have, the OG gang will have graduated by the time CA starts (given that they'd have all been made seniors in this version). In other words, we now have an actually valid reason for CA to throw out the OG gang instead of keeping them around for superficial nostalgia bait. That's one positive I guess.
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openheartfanfics · 1 year
Newly Added Fics
Feb 11 - 17, 2023
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
After Dark: Satisfaction Guaranteed - @storyofmychoices ☁💘
Bryce has a special surprise waiting for Olivia.
I’m a Sucker for You! - @peonierose ☁💘
Bryce and Luna spend some time on Valentine‘s Day (even though they’re not the biggest Valentine’s Day fans).
Love, Rosie - @peonierose 📷💘
It’s February 14th, Maxine‘s Birthday. So all her family & friends share some love on her (not) beloved day. Valentine‘s Day.
Once A Shattered Heart - @a-cloud-for-dreams 🦚
As Chandini and Bryce work on planning their wedding, he helps her deal with a heartbreak that never healed. [Wedding]
A Valentine's Surprise - @peonyblossom ☁💘
Ethan is woken up early by his daughter, who needs his help making a Valentine's Day surprise for her mom. [Domestic; Family]
Abundance - @jerzwriter ☁💘
It's their first Valentine's Day together, but they still have to keep things secret... and Ethan isn't helping.
Accidental Valentine - @cariantha ☁💘
It’s Valentine’s Day and Ethan and Sawyer get “stuck” spending the evening together.
Afternoon Delight - @coffeeheartaddict2 ☁💘
It is Valentine’s Day and Ethan sends Casey a cake to help get her through the afternoon.
Caked - @txemrn 🎭Ⓜ
After receiving horrible life-changing news from the hospital's lab report, Tatum is overcome with worry with having to be the bearer of bad news to the couple. TW: Depiction of dysfunctional eating
Death Stare - @headoverheelsforramsey ☁💘
A friendly staring contest turns into a heated competition. Who will emerge as the winner? Ethan or Meera? [Donahue's; Friends Intervene]
Flowers - @jamespotterthefirst 🎭💘
She is stung when he sends flowers to someone else on Valentine’s Day. [Jealous]
Making a Mark - @txemrn ☁💘Ⓜ
Despite med school exams, Ethan and Tatum plan on spending time together for their first Valentine's day; but their plans take a different course... literally. [Jealous]
Not the Right Person - @lucy-268 ☁💘
Various “Celebrations” for Valentine’s Day when you aren’t celebrating with the right person. Feat. Sienna Trinh, Aurora Emery
Okay to treat yourself - @amortentiaopenheart ☁💘
Ethan receives an anonymous gift.
Special Surprise - @potionsprefect ☁💘
Luke and Lily enlist Aunt Sienna for a very special mission. Feat. Sienna Trinh [Domestic; Family]
Staying In - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria is left disappointed when she is sick on her birthday. [Birthday; Illness/Injury]
Valentine Memories - @liaromancewriter ☁💘
When Alan finds a box of childhood memorabilia, Cassie teases Ethan about his romantic past. Feat. Alan Ramsey
The Art of Doing Nothing - @dr-colossal-pita ☁💘
They don't do valentine's cards...until they do.
Stained Glass and Stuffed Animals - @peonyblossom ☁💘
Sienna continues her own little tradition of Valentine's sleepovers with her friends, even if most of them already live in the same apartment.
The Galentine’s Day Queens: A TRR / Open Heart Crossover - @bebepac ☁💘
Daniel takes Riley and their friends on a special night on the town as Galentines. Feat. F!MC
The Reluctant Valentine - @liaromancewriter ☁💘
It’s Valentine’s Day, and Max can’t say no to his favorite girl.
Ground Rules - @jerzwriter 📱Ⓜ
Not long after they finally made it official, Casey just wants to set some things straight. Can Tobias wear her down?
No One Else - @jerzwriter ☁💘
Misunderstandings, changes in plans, a blast from the past, and secret admirers threaten to turn Tobias & Casey's first second Valentine's Day upside down.
Part 1
Simple Pleasures - @jerzwriter ☁💘
Tobias is driving himself crazy trying to create the perfect Valentine's Day for his new wife and momma-to-be. [Pregnancy]
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Cordonian Ghost Hunters
Episode 1 - The Decuir Hotel: New Orleans, LA
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Book - TRR AU
Pairings - none so far
Synopsis - Three lifelong friends have a terrifying encounter with the paranormal that changes the course of their lives. Determined to find answers, they travel the world, investigating unexplained phenomena and documenting their findings. Drake, the unapologetic skeptic, Max the true believer, and Liam the analytical linchpin that holds the team together become the worldwide sensation known as.. The Cordonian Ghost Hunters. 
A/N - This fic started with me and @angelasscribbles​ discussing how we wanted to write something with a ‘horror feel’ to it, and we both came up with different ideas. Go read hers, if you haven't! Thanks to Angela and @txemrn​ for brainstorming with me and helping me come up with ideas to get this started! And thank you Angela for literally writing the synopsis for me when I finished this fic and couldn’t get my brain to form another coherent thought. Lol
A/N 2-  I plan on having several more chapters as the guys go to different haunted locations across the world. I’m open to location suggestions if you have them. I’m tagging those who are on my perma tag list and a couple others who have asked, but if anyone wants on or off the list let me know! <3
Chapter Warnings - supernatural creepiness, hauntings, language, mentions of death
Word Count - 7,300 (Sorry! This first chapter is long because it explains the backstory of how everything came to be. The next chapters won't be this long!)
Episode 1 - The Decuir Hotel: New Orleans, LA
The air was thick and damp with humidity as they stepped out of the car. The sounds of cicadas and crickets played a melody that filled the warm night air around them. South Louisiana. This was stop number three on their tour of historical locations around America. 
Liam was given permission to take a break from his royal duties after he convinced his father that he needed to travel the world and “find himself.” His older brother Leo had already gone through his social season and was engaged to a gorgeous woman from Monterisso named Katalina. Liam actually liked her, and it was nice seeing his brother happy. He knew they would make a great king and queen for Cordonia someday. 
Liam convinced Drake and Maxwell to travel with him, telling them they could choose the first two stops on their tour of America. 
Their first stop was chosen by Maxwell- Las Vegas. The ‘entertainment capital of the world’ had proven to be just that. During their stay the guys visited several clubs, bars, casinos, shows, and even went skydiving. 
The second stop was chosen by Drake - Tennessee. First they went to Nashville, so Drake could visit where his mother was born. The next stop was the Jack Daniels whiskey tasting tour, which the guys figured was the real reason Drake wanted to go to Tennessee in the first place. 
Liam’s choice surprised everyone - New Orleans, Louisiana. When Maxwell and Drake asked why, he said he always wanted to visit during Mardi Gras. Fortunately for him, the guys had no idea that Mardi Gras was months away, so they didn’t suspect the real reason he wanted to go. Growing up, Liam was always interested in ghost stories and haunted houses, and the rich history in Southern Louisiana intrigued him. He loved watching documentaries about voodoo, haunted old buildings, creepy tombs and graveyards, ghosts and witchcraft. Louisiana had it all. 
Liam grinned as he stepped onto the enormous wrap around porch of the three hundred year old building. “The Decuir Hotel.” He looked up at the imposing structure in awe. “This place is gorgeous, right?”
“It’s something.” Drake said, peering into a window. “I can’t believe they let you rent out this entire hotel for the night. They must think you’re a pompous ass, needing a whole hotel for yourself!” Drake chuckled, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder.
Liam laughed. “Well, they were more than happy to accommodate my request after I gave the staff compensation for missing a night of work. Not to mention paying to rent out every room.”
“Wait..” Max looked at him incredulously. “You sent all the staff home? So.. it’s just us staying here? Not another single person inside?!”
“Nope. We’re just waiting for Bastien’s guys to finish doing a sweep of the building, so we can head inside.”  Liam smirked, turning back to the door. 
“Why did you send all the employees home?” Drake arched an eyebrow.
Liam grinned and shrugged. “To see if it’s really haunted.”
Max and Drake both turned to Liam in surprise. “Li, you can’t be serious.”
Liam ignored Drake, running his hand across the wooden banister. “Wouldn’t that be fascinating though? This hotel is three hundred years old! Can you imagine how many people stayed here over the years?”
“I think it’s creepy.” Max couldn’t help but shiver as he stepped close behind Drake and Liam in front of the old hotel. He wasn’t sure why, but something about this place sent a chill down his spine. He couldn’t help but be curious about the amount of people who probably died here, hell, who were probably killed here. After all, certain parts of the south held a dark history of contemptible injustice and mistreatment. If there were any malevolent spirits, this is probably the place they would hang out at.
Drake clapped Maxwell on the back with a chuckle. “Dude, you don't really believe in ghosts, do you?”
Max glared at him. “Of course I believe in ghosts! And if you knew what was good for you, you would too! Haven’t you seen Poltergeist?!”
Liam gestured behind them toward the two palace guards who had ridden with them in the car. “Max, there is a guard stationed at every door, and-” he checked the text he just got from Bastien. “-they are done with their sweep and it’s completely empty. It’s safe.”
Max rolled his eyes. “Oh ya, I’m sure the fucking undead give a shit about ‘palace guards.’ Dammit Liam, get with the program! They can walk through walls! What makes you think they are going to be intimidated by our meager, mortal forms! We’re just pathetic sacks of flesh to them!”
The loud laugh that burst out of Drake made Maxwell jump in surprise. “What the actual fuck are you talking about, Beaumont?”
“I don’t know!” Max shuddered as he stepped closer to Liam. “I just want to get through this night as quickly as possible.”
Liam paused before opening the door. “You can always sleep in the car if you want.”
“Oh ya, so the Rougarou can bust out the windows and drag me into the night before devouring the flesh from my bones? No thank you.”
Liam shook his head with a smile and pushed open the heavy, ornate door.
The first thing he noticed when stepping into the grand entryway was the smell. It wasn’t a bad smell, just.. old. Slightly musty. Liam was used to being in old places. After all, he lived in a palace with literally hundreds of years of history in it, but something about this place was just different. It was like you were breathing in the life and memories of the building. 
The next thing he noticed was how dark it was. Being that this hotel was built in the 1700’s, of course it originally had no electricity, but renovators had put in lights, plumbing, and (thankfully) air conditioning. Noting that they wanted to keep the historic feel of the building, each room was usually only lit by artificial candles and lanterns. 
The third thing Liam noticed when they entered the foyer was the overall feeling of the building. Something that warmed and chilled him at the same time. It was quiet and empty, yet somehow it felt like the hotel was full of life. Liam couldn’t help but feel a thrill go through him, as this was the exact reason he wanted to come here in the first place. He knew the history here, although he didn’t dare mention it to Maxwell. He couldn’t wait to explore each room further. 
“Your Highness.” Bastien nodded to Liam as he made his way over. “A guard will be stationed outside of your room and at each entrance throughout the night to ensure your safety.”
Liam smiled. “You know what.. That won’t be necessary.”
“But, your father insisted-” 
“You can set up a perimeter outside if you want, but tonight I just want the three of us to be inside.”
Bastien opened and closed his mouth a couple times, trying to decide whether to obey Constantine or Liam in this situation. “Are you sure, sir?”
Liam clapped Bastien on the back. “It’s ok, Bas. I trust that your guys checked this place out thoroughly. It’ll be fine.”
Basien gave the orders for the guards to go outside and once the place was empty, Maxwell looked at him wide eyed. “Liam! What the hell? You said the guards were here and we were gonna be safe from ghosts!”
Drake laughed. “And you said that the guards wouldn’t help anyway. Something about them hating our fleshy sacks or something..” Drake couldn’t help but laugh harder at Maxwell’s indignant expression.
“You know how much I want to laugh at the fact that you just said ‘fleshy sacks’? But I can't! That’s how fucking creeped out I am by this place.”
“If you’re gonna bitch all night, then I’ll lock your ass in a closet.” Drake said as he tossed his bag into a corner of the foyer and plopped down in an antique chair.
“You wouldn’t dare!” Maxwell glared at Drake. “Liam, do you hear what this asshole is-” Max stopped as he realized Liam was removing several different items from his backpack and placing them on the front desk. “What's all that?”
Liam shot a quick glance to Maxwell, then continued unloading his bag. “Just some stuff I thought we could use to maximize our experience here.”
Drake made his way over and picked up what looked like a small camera. “What’s this for?”
“It’s a thermal camera.” Liam grinned. “It can detect the presence of heat energy and can measure thermal changes wherever you point it.”
Drake groaned. “Oh Li, not you too. You really believe in all this haunted shit?”
“Of course I do!” Liam pulled out three walkie talkies and digital recorders. “Get ready boys. Tonight we’re going ghost hunting.”
“You can't be serious!” Maxwell backed away, heading toward the front door. “You know what.. I think I’ll take my chances outside with the Rougarou.”
“Go ahead.” Drake gestured to the door. “I know you’re a coward. Go sleep in the car.”
“Coward?” Maxwell glared at Drake with his hands on his hips.
Drake shrugged. “It’s ok, man. I won’t tell anyone that you practically pissed your pants as soon as we got inside.”
“I didn’t! No.. you know what? I’m not sleeping in the car while you post a pic on insta of you and Liam living it up in this hotel with the hashtag ‘max is a pussy.’ Nope. Sorry Drake, I'm staying here.”
Drake shared an amused look with Liam, who turned away to hide his laughter. They knew Max too well and that trick always worked on him. Liam handed Maxwell a walkie talkie and winked. “Ok then. Welcome to the team.”
“Right.” Maxwell took it nervously. “Well, I hardly doubt there will be any ghosts anyway with the Mardi Gras parade coming by. When does it start anyway? I thought there’d be more people outside by now.”
“Errr.. about that..”
Liam decided to set up their ghost hunting headquarters in the grand ballroom since it was in the center of the hotel. It had been remodeled slightly, but the ornate artwork, decorations, and sparkling crystal chandelier were authentic to the original design.
“Why is it so dark in here?” Drake asked as he looked around the room. “Did you tell them to keep the lights off to make it extra creepy?”
Liam chuckled as he handed each of them a flashlight. “Something like that.”
Drake picked up several pieces of expensive looking equipment from the table. “How’d you get your old man to let you buy all this stuff? I know he’s not the type to condone ‘ghost hunting’.”
Liam smirked. “Travel expenses.”
“Right.” Drake couldn’t help but chuckle. If Liam was going to waste his fathers money on this, he was all for it. Constantine spent enough of Cordonia’s money on balls and parades and other useless bullshit to promote his image. 
Maxwell sighed defeatedly, only slightly resolved to the fact that he was not going to get to party during Mardi Gras. “What does this do?” Max hesitantly held up something that looked like a walkie talkie with several small buttons on it.
“That’s what they call a ‘spirit box’. It continuously sweeps through different radio frequencies, and entities can manipulate it to talk to us. In real time!” Liam giggled with glee as he turned it on, holding it out so they could hear the radio static and white noise. “It kind of.. Gives them the energy they need to communicate. Hopefully someone will talk to us tonight! Wouldn’t that be awesome!?”
“No, it would not be awesome.” Maxwell shuddered at the thought, and picked up another device from the table. “Don’t tell me ghosts can use a digital recorder to talk to us. Bertrand uses these all the time, then gives them to me to upload to his computer. I told him he could use an app that translates voice to text, but you know he likes the sound of his own voice.”
“Oh ya.” Liam grinned. “We’re each gonna have one of these tonight. We can ask questions, and once we play back the digital recorder, we’ll see if they answered! Might need to upload them to the computer and use a program to sharpen them up or enhance the sound. Think you could do that, Max?”
“Me?” Maxwell’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Ya. You said you do it for Bert all the time.” Liam grinned broadly and clapped Maxwell on the back. “Hey, you can be our tech guy tonight!”
Despite the fear of possibly hearing a voice from ‘the beyond’, Maxwell felt a swell of pride inside that he could actually be useful for once. “O-okay. Ya. Ya, I can do that!” Maxwell grinned, nodding his head enthusiastically. 
“Who’s ready to get started?!” Liam clapped his hands together in excitement and Max jumped back, startled. 
“Shit, Liam.” Maxwell ran his shaking hands through his hair and sat in a chair. “If we’re doing this.. At least tell us what to expect. Like.. What kind of paranormal stuff goes on here?”
Liam sat across from Drake and Maxwell with his hands steepled, trying to look as dramatic as possible. “Let me tell you about Sally. You see, she was the daughter of the former owners of this hotel back in the 1800’s. She was very mischievous, constantly playing tricks on the other guests in the hotel. Well.. unfortunately that led to her untimely demise. She, uh-”
“Don’t.” Maxwell shook his head. “Nope, nope, nope. Don’t wanna hear about the creepy child ghost anymore. Next, please.”
Liam thumbed through some of the papers he had printed out. “Well, there have been various sightings believed to be former guests who perished in the hotel over the years. People have seen a lady in a Victorian dress pass through the halls. Um.. a man in a top hat seems to hang out around the front desk occasionally. But room 413 is the one with the most activity. A woman is said to have died in that very room, and often makes her presence known to the guests who dare to sleep there. Many have even reported finding mysterious scratch marks on their body when they awoke the next morning. It’s where we’re staying tonight.”
“Of course it is.” Maxwell stood up and made his way across the ballroom, flashlight in hand. “Can we at least get a snack in the kitchen first? I’d like to have something sweet for my last meal.”
Drake rolled his eyes and followed Max across the room, heading toward the kitchen. 
“Alright, we can eat first.” Liam chuckled and grabbed his own flashlight, preparing to follow them. The horrific sound of a man’s scream coming from their direction caused his blood to run cold.
“What the hell?” Liam took off after them, sprinting across the ballroom and down the hall toward the kitchen. He froze when he saw Maxwell standing a few feet away from a small girl wearing a white dress. 
“Oh my god, it’s Sally!!” Maxwell shrieked before scrambling back across the room behind Drake.
Just then, the kitchen lights flicked on and Bastien and a man entered. “I apologize if we frightened you all.” The man said with a smile. “I’m the head chef here, Maurice, and this is my daughter Amelia. When she heard there was a real prince staying here, she insisted I bring her along to meet you.”
“Holy shit.” Maxwell whispered in relief, holding his hand over his pounding heart. Drake laughed hysterically and Liam gave Maurice an apologetic smile. 
“I’m sorry Maurice.” Liam nodded politely to the man and crouched down to the little girl's level. “I hope my friends didn’t scare you.” Liam stage whispered to Amelia. “The one wearing the squid shirt is a bit of a chicken.” Amelia put her hand over her mouth and giggled as she looked at Maxwell. 
“It’s quite alright.” Maurice smiled. “I just wanted to let you know that the kitchen is yours for the night. In the refrigerator, I have several Louisiana dishes prepared that you may not be familiar with. But anything you want is yours - Gumbo, etouffee, jambalaya, red beans and rice. Truly, help yourself.”
“Oh my god, yes.” Drake grinned, already helping himself to the contents of the large refrigerator. 
“Thank you so much, Maurice. That’s very kind of you.” Liam chuckled. “We will definitely take you up on that offer.”
Maurice bowed. “Well, we’ll get out of your hair and let you enjoy your night, Your Highness.”
“Wait.” Liam stopped the man, who was following Bastien out of the room. “How long have you been working here?”
“Hmm. I’d say over twenty years.”
Liam nodded. “And have you ever seen anything.. Uh, paranormal here?”
Maurice’s face sobered as he shared a look with his daughter. “I should say so. Just.. don’t provoke them.”
Liam felt a chill run through his body. “What?”
“I’m sorry.” Maurice chuckled. “You must think I’m talking crazy.”
Maxwell and Drake were both listening intently now as well. “No, I don’t think that at all.” Liam said. “Please tell me what you mean.”
“There are several residual spirits here. They’re basically just stuck in time.. Going through the motions day after day, unaware of life carrying on around them.” Maurice lowered his voice, leaning closer to Liam. “And there are some.. Who are very much aware. Some who.. Play tricks, or make their presence known in other ways.”
“Like S-sally?” Maxwell’s voice trembled and he clung to Drake’s bicep tightly.
“Yes. However, she is one of the friendly ones.”
“And some are..” Maxwell gulped. “Unfriendly?”
Maurice forced a smile. “Like I said.. Just.. don’t provoke them and you’ll be fine.” With that, he took his daughter’s hand and followed Bastien out of the room and into the dark hallway. Liam, Drake, and Max stood unmoving in the empty kitchen, as they heard the men's footsteps grow fainter, then the sound of the main doors opening, closing, and locking once again.
“Ok, I changed my mind.” Max wrapped his arms around himself, rubbing them vigorously as if trying to get warm. “I’m not hungry. Definitely lost my appetite.”
“Well I’m not letting this go to waste.” Drake continued piling food onto a plate and put it in the microwave. “You know they’re just telling you what you want to hear. Trying to play into the whole ‘haunted hotel’ thing.”
Liam was still standing in place, while Maurice’s words echoed in his head. ‘Don't provoke them.’ When he bought all the ghost hunting equipment, he had just planned on talking to them.. That wasn’t provoking was it? Nah, he thought. “Drake, you can't seriously think that all the people who have had ghost encounters here and seen the same things are lying. And Maurice has been here for over twenty years! I think he’s telling the truth.”
Drake blew on a spoonful of steaming hot jambalaya. “Naw, man. That’s because you always wanna see the best in everyone. I’m telling you.. It’s all a bit.” Drake took a bite and closed his eyes, savoring the spicy dish. “Oh my god, you have to try this.”
Liam and Max fixed themselves a plate and the three friends sat at a small table in the kitchen discussing the food. Maxwell even seemed to start relaxing as they laughed and joked together. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long, and a loud clang echoing from the direction of the ballroom halted their conversation.
The guys looked toward the direction of the sound and then back at each other. Liam wiped his mouth and stood up, making his way toward the door.
“Liam!” Max grabbed his arm to stop his friend. “Don’t! It’s the ghosts! They want us gone!” Max looked frantically around the room, suddenly feeling like there was someone watching him that he couldn’t see.
Drake sighed. “No. It’s probably Bastien again. You gotta tell him to stop letting people in here or Beaumont is gonna shit himself.”
Drake clicked on his flashlight and pushed past Liam, heading down the hall toward the ballroom. There were only a few dim candelabras on the wall lighting his way, and Drake couldn’t help but feel a little creeped out by how dark it was. Not that he thought there were ghosts. No, Drake Walker did not believe in ghosts.. However, the darkness had him feeling like he was not in control of the situation. “Huh.” Drake stopped and furrowed his brow once he reached the table with their equipment. “Li, you must have left the spirit box thingy on the edge of the table.” He stooped down to pick it up.
“No.” Liam shook his head softly. “It was in the middle of the table, Drake.”
Drake rolled his eyes. “Or so you think.”
Liam felt chills go down his spine. He knew he put the spirit box directly in the center of the table. He took it from Drake and clicked it on. The static and random radio noise rang out, echoing through the ballroom. They saw a flashlight streaming into the room as Maxwell entered hurriedly.
Suddenly the spirit box let out a noise that sounded like different syllables being sounded out. Liam quickly gave Max a camera to start filming, while he held the spirit box out in front of him. “Um.. is, uh.. Anyone in here with us?”
The radio crackling stopped for a moment and the three of them heard a distinct “yes.”
Liam’s entire body erupted in goosebumps and he nearly dropped the spirit box in shock. Max was trembling and Drake was looking around wide eyed. Liam summoned all his courage and spoke again. “Um.. do you want to tell us your name?”
Again, static and crackling with just barely a hint of different syllables.
Liam waited with bated breath, but there was nothing. After five more minutes, he sat the spirit box back on the table. “Can you believe that?!” He grinned at Max and Drake.
Drake rolled his eyes. “That thing probably just picked up some trucker’s radio frequency or something.”
Liam and Max both started talking animatedly. 
“No way!
 It was definitely someone trying to contact us!” 
Max shivered. “Or someone trying to tell us to get out!”
“There is a logical explanation for everything!” Drake raised his voice to talk over them.
The men halted their conversation and spun back around to the noise that had come from the spirit box. Liam gulped and spoke to the dark, empty room in front of him, “W-what did you say?” 
Once again the static crackled until a distorted, faint, male voice said, “John.”
After another hour of Liam trying to speak to ‘John’ and Maxwell trying not to cry, they decided to move on to a different room. Liam gave Drake the thermal camera, and he and Maxwell each took a night vision camera of their own. 
Liam flipped the camera around to show his face and started talking into it. “Ok, so far we have footage of an EVP from a man named ‘John’-”
Drake cut him off with a smirk. “Unless Max forgot to hit record, or his hands shook so much the camera broke.”
“Hush.” Liam shot Drake a warning look before speaking to the camera again. “Now we're making our way to the front desk where people often see a man with a top hat.”
“I fucking hate this.” Max whispered as they made their way down a long hallway, and Liam turned the camera to focus on Maxwell.
“You’re on camera, Max.” Liam grinned. “Say hi!”
“Ya, hi everyone. Look, if you find my body in the morning, I need to make sure my conscience is clear so that I can move on to the afterlife. Tell Bertrand that a few years ago, I borrowed his toothbrush to get the gunk out of his watch.”
“What?” Drake’s face wrinkled in disgust. “Why would you do that?”
“I had to borrow Bert’s watch one time to impress a date, and by the end of the night we ended up wrestling in the mud. I took off my clothes but forgot about the watch, so of course it got dirty!”
“Mud wrestling? Who the hell did you go mud wrestling with? Surely not a noble!” 
“Oh you’d be surprised.” 
“Who was it!? Oh my god, don’t tell me it was-” Drake stopped himself. “You know what, I don’t wanna know.”
Maxwell sighed. “So anyway, I had to clean the dried dirt and whatever else out of the watch and I wasn't about to use my own toothbrush, because eww!”
Drake rubbed a hand down his face in exasperation. “Why didn’t you just get a new toothbrush to clean it? Surely there were extras in your house? Or why didn’t you use literally anything else to clean it besides your brother’s fucking toothbrush!?”
“Drake, if I knew the answer to that question, I wouldn’t have done it in the first place!”
“Shut up, both of you.” Liam scolded them quietly, once they reached the lobby where the front desk was located. “Drake, turn on the thermal camera and look around.”
“Yes sir.” Drake mocked and fiddled with the camera until it was turned on.
“Let me know if you see anything.” Liam whispered.
Drake sighed and scanned the room, turning in a slow circle. He paused for a moment, and looked up from the camera, then back at it again. “Liam, what’s this purplish blue spot?” He asked in confusion. 
Liam ran over to Drake and looked down at the camera where a tall form, resembling a human, appeared unmoving across the room. “That means there's something cold over there.” Liam whispered while chills once again ran down his spine.
Drake spoke quietly, desperately trying to keep a level head. “That must be like.. From the AC or something, right?”
Max scurried behind the two of them, glancing down at the thermal camera and wishing he hadn’t. “Oh shit. It’s gotta be the top hat guy. Oh shit, oh shit.”
Liam aimed his camera down at the thermal camera screen, then back up to the empty spot across the room. When he looked back down at the thermal camera, the image was gone. “Oh my god.” He whispered.
“Maybe.. Uh.” Drake stammered. “Maybe the AC shut off and that’s why it’s gone.”
Liam and Max both gave him a deadpan stare, and Drake looked away uncomfortably. 
Liam grinned as a thrill ran through his body, then turned the camera to face himself once again. “So that’s TWO different paranormal encounters we’ve had so far in just a matter of hours! Agh, I can't wait to get to our room and communicate with the spirits in there!”
“Wait, what?!” Max whirled around to face his friend. “Maurice said don’t provoke them!”
“I'm not going to provoke them! Just.. talk to them a little. And see if they want to talk back.”
Drake remained silent as he followed the two of them up the stairs, still holding the thermal camera out in front of him, scanning as he walked. Once they reached the fourth floor, they made their way down the hallway, pausing at door number 413.
Liam entered first with his camera on night vision, scanning the room slowly. “Drake, you got anything on the thermal?”
Drake checked the room and shook his head. Liam flipped on the lights and saw that their bags had already been brought up for them. He dropped down on the bed. “Well it’s 2 am, we can go around the hotel with the spirit box and digital recorders, or stay in here and see if we get anything. What do you guys wanna do?”
“Sleep.” Drake said with a yawn.
“You can’t be serious!” Liam looked at him in dismay. “We’re not going to sleep yet! We have a whole haunted hotel to ourselves for the night, we have to make the most out of it!”
“Look, I’m tired as shit from all the traveling we’ve done lately. And I don’t want to stay up all night trying to talk to or video things that aren't there!”
“Fine! Go!” Liam waved him away. “But you can stay in another room. I have work to do.”
Drake rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag off the floor, slinging it over his shoulder. “I didn’t want to sleep in that little bed with the two of you anyway!”
Liam gave Drake the master keycard and he made his way a few doors down, opening a room for himself.
Liam lay back on the bed and sighed in exasperation. Why was Drake always so difficult? “Well Max, I guess it’s just the two of us.”
“I never thought I'd say this but.. I’m kinda with Drake.”
Liam bolted upright. “What?!”
“Not that I don’t believe in ghosts.. I’ve just kinda had my fill. I’d rather stay in a room that’s not haunted and get some sleep.”
“Max, not you too!”
“Sorry..” Maxwell gave him an apologetic glance before heading out and down the hallway to get the keycard from Drake. “I’ll take the room next to yours, ok Liam? Well.. maybe not right next to yours in case the ghost forgets which room is theirs and accidentally go into mine. I’ll be a couple doors down and across the hall.”
“Fine.” Liam waved him away with a sigh. He set up a camera on a tripod in the corner of the room and turned on the digital recorder. “Guess I’m doing this on my own.”
That night, Maxwell and Drake both lay in bed in different rooms of the Decuir Hotel preparing for a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, that wasn’t in the cards.
After a long shower, Drake pulled on a tshirt and sweatpants, brushed his teeth, and climbed into the plush, queen sized bed. It was already 3 am, and he was exhausted. Tonight had been a ridiculous waste of time. Liam seemed to enjoy it, and Drake enjoyed laughing at Maxwell, but all this ghost and haunted business was just absurd. There was a logical explanation for everything. Everything! Sure the voice in the ballroom was.. weird. And the cold ‘figure’ across the room in the lobby was.. unusual, but that didn’t mean it was anything that couldn’t be explained. Drake pulled the blanket up to his chin and closed his eyes.
He lay in bed trying to relax, hoping that he could fall asleep, when a rush of cold air blew across his cheek. He opened his eyes and touched his face. Must be the air conditioner. Yep, that’s all. He rolled over on his side in the pitch black room, facing the door to the hallway. A faint but firm pressure on his leg caused him to bolt upright and kick off the blankets, certain that a rat or something was crawling on the bed. He threw on the lights and searched the entire room, but found nothing. Drake couldn’t help but feel a chill down his spine, but he reprimanded himself. He was just being stupid. Maxwell and Liam must have gotten to him. The room was quiet, the only sound coming from the occasional car driving past from the street below. A soft buzz filled his ears and the bedroom lights flickered slightly.
“What the fuck..” Drake reached up and tapped the lightbulb a few times and it stopped. He chuckled to himself. “See, theres a reasonable explanation for everything.”
A blast of cold air against the back of his neck and the sound of his name uttered in an echoing whisper, caused him to dash across the room. He fumbled for the thermal camera that was on the dresser and clicked it on, pointing it to where he had just been standing. His breathing was erratic as he watched a cold figure move across the room and disappear completely. 
The first thing Maxwell did when he entered his room was flip on every light: the bedroom, all the lamps, bathroom, and even the closet. Next was the television. He turned on a rerun of SNL so that he could lighten his mood and fill the room with some kind of happiness to cover the fact that everywhere in this hotel felt dark and creepy. He realized he still had the camera Liam had given him, and he turned the screen toward him and pushed record. “So, it is now exactly 3 am, aka the witching hour. I am officially resigning from this ghost hunting stuff that Liam was so kind to spring on me under the pretense of being able to party my ass off at Mardi Gras!” He shook his head in mock offense, speaking to the camera with a grin. “Thanks a lot, Liam! I could have tons of plastic beads around my neck right now, but noooo! I’m in the fucking Stanley hotel, feeling like any minute, someone is going to yell ‘REDRUM’ from out in the hallway! Like seriously-” 
A noise from the hallway stopped him, and Max turned toward the door with a jerk. 
He crawled to the edge of the bed slowly, trying not to make a sound as he listened intently. A distant childlike laugh from the other side of his door left his body frozen in terror. “What the-” Maxwell whispered and remembering he still had the camera in his hands, aimed it toward the door to the hallway. He muted the tv and climbed out of bed, nervously making his way across the room toward the door. Suddenly, he heard the heavy thumping of someone running down the hallway, and the jovial childlike laughter filled his ears once again.
Maxwell’s body was flooded with adrenaline and before he realized what he was doing, he threw open the door and stuck his head out into the hallway. Instead of seeing a child, he caught a quick glimpse of a man in the distance with brown hair turning the corner at the far end of the hallway. “Damn it, Drake! Fuck you, that’s not funny!”
Max went back inside his room and slammed the door closed in frustration. He tossed the camera onto the bed and stalked into the bathroom to wash his face. As he looked in the mirror, he heard the laughter once again outside of his door. He shook his head and yelled out, “I never knew you could make your voice that high pitched, Walker. Fuck off!”
Instead of another laugh, this time there was a knock at the door. Followed by another, louder series of knocks, that became more insistent. Max sighed and threw the door open. “Yes, Dra-”
No one.
Max peeked his head out but once again the long hallway was empty and completely silent. Then the heavy thumping of feet running across the floor echoed through the hallway, growing louder and louder as they seemed to get closer to his room. Max dashed back inside and slammed the door behind him, locking it and crawling under the blankets trembling as he pulled out his phone to call Liam. No signal. Of course.
With his friends abandoning him, Liam was determined to get more hard evidence by himself. He sat on the bed with a camera on a tripod across the room facing him, and the spirit box on the dresser beside him. “Ok.” He clapped his hands together. “Let’s see how haunted this room really is.”
Liam turned off the lights and closed his eyes. “Is there anyone here with me?”
He chewed the inside of his cheek as he thought. “I know you’re here. Come talk to me.”
Liam sighed. He wanted more evidence. No, he needed more evidence. He needed to show Drake and Max what they missed out on by not staying. Don’t provoke them. Nah, he wasn’t going to provoke them.. Just tease them a little to get them to respond. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves and grabbed the digital recorder, pressing record. If the spirit box wasn’t picking anything up, maybe the digital recorder would show something when they reviewed it later. He checked the clock on the bedside table. 2:59 am. 
 “Come on, talk to me. Show yourself! I want to show my friends that you’re real.” Liam knew Max would hate him for saying this, but he needed results. “If you won’t talk to me, go talk to them! They’re just a few doors away. They’d love to meet you.”
The spirit box still only crackled with the same old static, and not a single blip. “What, are you afraid of me?!” Liam raised his voice, trying to bait someone into responding. He decided to channel his inner Olivia.. If that didn’t work, he didn’t know what would. “Wow.. I thought the spirits here would be more impressive, but you are pathetic! This has really been a waste of my time.”
Liam waited for what seemed like an eternity, listening intently.
The spirit box made a few incoherent noises that sent shivers down his spine. Someone took the bait.
A robotic sounding female voice manifested over the static. “No.”
Liam’s breath quickened and his heart was beating a mile a minute. “No? What do you mean no? No, you don’t want to talk to me?”
The spirit box crackled again. “Go.”
Liam had goosebumps on top of his goosebumps. He tried to speak, but his voice cracked and his throat was dry. “A-are you telling me to go, or to not go?”
Liam furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of this. Maybe Drake was right. Maybe this was just picking up someone's radio frequency or something. He turned on the lights and searched through his backpack for the thermal camera, then remembered Drake had it. Liam reached out for the doorknob when suddenly a stinging pain radiated down his forearms and the spirit box crackled with the same distorted female voice.
“Never again!” Maxwell shook his head as he made his way out of the hotel and onto the sidewalk, where the sun shone brightly. “God, I can’t wait to get out of here and get back to my normal, boring, unhaunted home!”
Drake hadn’t spoken a word all morning, but followed behind Max. “Ya, I’m ready to get home too.”
Maxwell quirked an eyebrow. “Oh really?! Mr. I-don't-believe-in-ghosts! Something happened to you too last night, didn’t it?”
“Nah. I slept like a baby.” Drake looked away, trying to seem nonchalant. There was no way in hell he was going to speak a word about what happened in his room last night. He wasn’t even sure what had happened. “I just miss my whiskey cellar.”
“Of course.” Max chuckled as he sat his bag down on a bench on the street. The city was alive again and people hurried past on their way to work or wherever their busy lives took them. Faint jazz music poured out of a nearby cafe where patrons enjoyed coffee and beignets. A souvenir shop across the street with a display window full of alligator heads and tie dye t-shirts, flipped their sign to ‘open’. A man and woman busking outside of a nearby library sang zydeco music while playing the accordion.
Liam shook the hotel manager’s hand, thanking him, before following his friends out to the street. “Well, that was an experience we’ll never forget.”
Maxwell shuddered. “But my therapist will be working overtime to try and remedy that.”
They climbed into the back of the limo and Max checked his Instagram account. “Guys, oh my god.”
“What’s up?” Liam leaned over to view Maxwell’s phone.
“I put some of the footage on Instagram early this morning, because God knows I wasn’t sleeping. Hell, I may never sleep again.” Maxwell shook his head to clear the memories from the night before. “But anyway.. I uploaded some of the footage, and people are loving it!”
Drake scoffed. “Yes I’m sure dozens of people around Cordonia have liked it.”
“Try 3.3 million people around the world in the last 2 hours.” Max smirked, holding it out for Drake to see. “They’re calling us the Cordonian ghost hunters.”
Liam chuckled. “That’s cute.”
Maxwell scrolled through thousands of comments, in awe. “Guys.. we’re famous!”
Drake rolled his eyes, taking a bite of a croissant that Bastien had picked up for them that morning. “You know Liam is literally a prince. He doesn’t need this to make him famous.”
Maxwell grinned as he read. “Oh my god, Drake, you're famous! Listen to this. ‘Drake Walker is so hot! Like, can I die and come back as a ghost so I can haunt him?’”
Drake blushed and snatched the phone. “It doesn’t say that!”
“Does too!” Max grabbed the phone back, and soon they were all laughing and smiling at the comments.
“This was fun.” Liam grinned at his friends as they made their way down the road toward the airport, preparing to return to Cordonia.
“I mean..” Drake shrugged. 
Max smiled. “If you overlook the paralyzing terror and traumatizing memories that will haunt me for the rest of my life.. Then ya, it was fun!”
Liam couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face as an idea brewed in his head. “What if.. We became the Cordonian ghost hunters? Like, for real.”
Drake and Max looked at Liam and back at each other. Liam spoke up again. “We could travel all around the world. People could send us recommendations for different haunted places and we could stay there and film it.”
“Seriously?” Drake arched an eyebrow and smirked. “This wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you don’t want to go back home and start training for a spot on the council, would it?”
Liam feigned offense. “Of course not!”
Max continued to scroll through his phone in awe. “We could make our own insta page for it! Ahh! Guys, let’s do it!”
“Really?!” Drake asked in disbelief. “You were scared shitless back there! You want to go to more ‘haunted’ places and do that all over again?”
“Not really!” Max shrugged. “But come on, we’re badass ghost hunters! How fucking cool is that?”
Liam laughed and the two of them stared at Drake hopefully. After a moment he threw his hands up and sighed. “Fine. Fine, let’s do it.”
“Yes!” Max began shimmying in his seat excitedly.
Liam knocked on the privacy window between the front and back seats, and Bastien rolled it down. “Bastien, change of plans. We’re not going back to Cordonia. We’re going to hunt more ghosts.”
“Sir?” Bastien looked at Liam incredulously.
Drake chuckled. “Ya, Bas, just don’t let any more random people into the hotel in the middle of the night and scare Max to death again.”
“I'm confused.” Bastien furrowed his brow as he looked between the three friends curiously. “Let random people into the hotel?”
“He means the chef and his daughter.” Max said as he chewed a croissant. “Which by the way, did he make these? They're freaking delicious!”
Bastien still looked utterly lost. “I didn’t let anyone into the hotel last night. Liam, you told me that no one was to enter, so not a soul passed through those doors until morning. Not even me.”
The three friends stared at each other in horror, as they made their way through the busy streets in South Louisiana. The air was thick and damp with humidity and the cicadas and crickets played a melody that filled the warm air.
 Max took a deep breath and added a comment to the page. “Where should we go next?”
41 notes · View notes
bebepac · 2 years
Friends Forever 🏳️‍🌈
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This is a very special prequel to Pop’s Place.  I had planned to orignally post this during Pride Month, and honestly got side tracked.   I did have good intentions.  I’m not writing about something I’ve personally been through here by any means,  but I truly believe, this is how anyone  who has went through this, deserves to be treated, by their family and loved ones.  And just so we’re clear, Family is not always the people you are related to by blood, but also those that come to your aide when you truly need them, and that is okay, because you are not bound to them by genetics.  They. Chose. You. That’s a powerful thing.
This also  has a prompt for @choicesficwriterscreations nice event:  Here, let’s share a blanket.
The Series:  Pre Pop’s Place The Pairings:  None, but we have some adorable soulmates known as Mia and Daniel Word Count: 1775 Warnings and Ratings:  Anxiety over coming out to friends or family, Profanity; Teen Summary:  Daniel decides its time come out to his “family.” 
Original Post: 10/10/22 at 11:40PM EST.
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A/N:  Special thanks to @angelasscribbles that preread this for me, and offered some advice on some parts, and then I turned around and wrote 500+ more words.   LOL. Thank you for pre-reading  this one. I really wanted to hope you all enjoy this.  
A/N2:  I know that the acutal coming out conversation that the story tells is Daniel coming out to Mia’s family,  but this is an situation I know well.  Friends can feel like family and you can worry what they think and how they will perceive you, and in this situation Daniel really cares about how the Jones family will now see him.  Pops in particular.  My character Pops has a gruff exterior, but underneath that, he is genuinely a big teddy bear.
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Mia as a child before she met him was a shy and quiet girl.  Her Pops was her best friend.  She followed  Pops around everywhere he went.  A few weeks before school was starting, new neighbors were moving next door.  Tell me you’re nosy without telling you we’re nosy?  Pops decided that was the perfect time to be out in the yard watering the plants, while trying to be incognito watching the new family move in and  Mia was out on the swing set curious big brown eyes watching the new family.  Mia’s interest was piqued when a little boy with dark brown hair jumped out of the car cradling a white teddy bear in his arms and that little boy looked incredibly sad.
Mia in that moment decided to smile and wave at the little boy.
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  His expression completely changed as he smiled and waved back.   Pops decided to take Mia over to the neighbor’s house and introduce themselves.  
“I’m Kelvin Jones, but everyone calls me Pops, this is Mia,  Gloria my wife is in the house making some sweet tea.  We’ll be grilling a little bit later, y’all are welcome to come by, sit a spell and eat with us.”
Pops reached out to shake hands with them.  
“Well Pops, I’m Richard everyone calls me Rich, and this is my wife Kathy,  and this one here looking mad with the world is Daniel. Yes, we’d love to have dinner with y’all. We haven’t made it to the grocery yet, and probably won’t until tomorrow sometime. We really appreciate your kindness.”  
And that’s how the Stephenson’s and the Jones’s  became friends.  Mia and Daniel were inseparable from day one.  
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After dinner both families wound up inside the Jones’s home.    Pops liked to keep the house cool because South Carolina in the summer could be a scorcher.  So Gloria had many little throw blankets around to cuddle up under.  
Mia could tell that Daniel was cold.  
“Here, let’s share a blanket.”  
“Yes please!” Daniel exclaimed. Both children curled up under the blanket watching the movie on television.
“Our Daniel is so quiet, we were worried he wouldn’t make any friends.”  Kathy Stephenson told Gloria.  “So he spends a lot of time with me.”
“That’s Mia too. She’s Pop’s little shadow. Look at them, they look like the best of friends already.  It looks like somehow in a day, both our prayers were answered.”  
Kathy nodded, looking towards the couch where both were whispering secrets to each other and laughing.  
“It’s like they’ve known each other their entire lives.”
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“That’s how any good friendship begins.  Thank you for your hospitality to us.”
“I second that, and Pops, you are quite the chef! You saved us from having to go out to eat somewhere.  You should have your own restaurant.” Rich Stephenson remarked.
“That’s my dream, it just hasn’t happened for me yet.”  
“It will.”    
Rich Stephenson was right.  
“Uh oh, do you see their faces?  
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This one wants something.  What is it Mia?”
“Oh yes, and look who’s trailing behind her, they are already thick as thieves.”  
“Can Daniel sleep over tonight? They don’t have cable yet, and there’s a Harry Potter Movie marathon on tonight, and he hasn’t seen all the movies yet.”
“We just moved in, Daniel.   You haven’t even slept in your own bed yet?”  
“It will still be there tomorrow.”  Daniel confirmed.
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Pops laughed out loud.  
“He’s welcome to stay, if you all don’t mind, I'll fall asleep during those movies anyway.  Gives Mia someone to watch them with.  And y’all come over for breakfast in the morning since you’ve not had a chance to go to the grocery store yet.”  
“We can’t thank you enough for your hospitality,  and I promise we plan to have you all over for dinner when we’re settled in.”  
“We’ll definitely take you up on that.”
Daniel slept over at the Jones’s house the first night they moved into their new house.  Over the coming years, there were endless sleepovers, between the houses, and endless dinners between the families.  Both  families were even on the pickup lists for each other’s kids, and Mia and Daniel  were best friends, and stayed that way up through their teen years.
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Eleven Years Later
Mia paced nervously in the living room while she constantly checked her cell phone.  
“Mia, would you get somewhere and sit down! Why are you fidgety?”  
She wanted to answer.  She really did, but she couldn’t.  It was because it wasn’t her news to tell.  Her best friend Daniel had come out to her, to which she honestly was not surprised,  it was a huge step for him on his journey of self acceptance, and tonight, he was telling his parents.  
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The Stephenson’s seemed like very open minded people. But you just never know, and that little bit of doubt had her nervous for her friend, but in that moment when speaking to him as he made up his mind, she reassured him. What if she had done the wrong thing? She had essentially known them since she was five.  She knew them like she knew her own parents, at least she thought she did.  
Pops glanced up from the television.  
“Mia. SIT DOWN.”  
Mia sat down on the couch.  She nervously picked at the pink glitter polish on her nails.  When her phone rang she jumped.   It was Daniel; she ran quickly to her bedroom.  
“Daniel, is everything okay?”  
All she heard from Daniel was sobbing on the other end.  
“Daniel… say something please.  You can stay with us if you need to. It’s alright. Fuck them!!! It’s going to be okay! I promise.”  
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Daniel finally composed himself a little more to finally be able to speak.
“Mia, it’s alright. I’m alright.  What I know now is that I have the best parents in the world Mia. My mom said she has known for years, and my Dad said he was proud of me for having the courage to tell them who I am.  They told me they love me, and they would be there for me always.  They even want us to go participate in the Pride to be Alive 5k in a few weeks.”
“How do you feel about that?”  
“It’s embarrassing, but it’s great that they want to be here for me, that they want to be a part of this journey with me.  They just want me to be happy with me. Finally I can be."
“That’s so great Daniel.”  
“I know you were worried, sorry I scared you there for a few moments.  But thanks for offering me a place to stay without even batting an eye.”
“We’re family Daniel. We look out for each other.”  
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“That being said, I want to talk to Pops next.  Do you think he’ll be okay right?”  
“Pops loves you.  You’re my best friend.  Pops will be fine.”  
“Pops is like a man’s man.  My dad is nothing like Pops.  Honestly, what do you think?  Please be totally  honest with me Mia.”  
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Mia thought for a few moments.  Pops, her Pops, loved everyone and he was social with everybody.  Black, white, green, or purple, it didn’t matter, Pops could get along with anyone and loved everyone, and Everyone loved Pops.  
“He’ll be okay, Daniel.  Pops loves you.  You’re my best friend.  Our families are close.”
“Can I come over for dinner tomorrow?”  
“Um yes, is it because you want to talk to him, or is this because it’s fried chicken night?”  
“A little bit of both. Everyone’s in a good mood when Pops makes his special fried chicken.”  
The next night Daniel was over to dinner with the family.  
Pops smiled.  “Good thing I made extra, since you are having Daniel over.”  
“Pops now you know, you always make extra because that’s how you do.  Nobody is walking away from this house starving. Ever!”  
Pops let out a deep belly laugh.  “Exactly.   Help  yourselves. There’s plenty for seconds and thirds if you want it.”  
Dinner was going well, but Daniel had fallen silent.  Mia tried to keep the conversation lighthearted and going, but she was worried about Daniel.  He looked nervous and incredibly uncomfortable.
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“You don’t have to do this tonight if you’re not ready, Daniel.” She whispered to him.  
Pops seemed to have picked up on Daniel’s mood and offered a kind ear to listen.
“Now Daniel, I’m used to you being more talkative than this. Is something bothering you Son?”
Daniel still was silent.
“You can talk to us.”
Daniel looked up from his plate to Pop’s concerned face.  
“We’re family. We might not look like it.  The oven just happened to break when it was cooking you.”
Daniel laughed.  “Hey now I get a pretty impressive tan in the summer.”  Daniel held out his arm showing his barely tanned skin.
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Gloria laughed.  “Mmmmhum, you keep telling yourself that, baby.”  
Everyone laughed at the table, before the laughter stopped  Daniel said the words as if he couldn’t contain them anymore.
“I’m gay.”  
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“Can you pass the mashed potatoes?”  Pops asked simply.  
Surprised, Daniel complied, there was silence for a few more moments.
“Did ....you hear what I said?”  Daniel inquired, his voice sounding afraid, almost insecure and stammering.
Pops swallowed the mouthful of green beans he was chewing on.  
“Yes, and I think I speak for the table when I say that doesn’t matter to me one bit.  I call you Son, because that is who you are to me, and I love you just as you are.  You never have to be afraid of who you are, or that I’m going to love you less because of who you love.”
Mia took Daniel’s hand.  
“Exactly Pops.”  
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“And the feeling I get is that you were most worried about how I would respond.  And for that I’m sorry. I have never wanted to make you feel that you couldn’t tell me something important about your life, about yourself.   I want you to know,  you’re my son.  And nothing you could say could make me love you less.”
Pops got up from the head of the table to stand beside Daniel; Daniel also stood. The two hugged.  
“It’s alright.”  Pops gently consoled Daniel.   “I’m so very proud of you Daniel.”  
“Thank you Pops.”  
“No, don’t thank me for this.  This is how a parent should react when their child tells them something very important about themselves.  They should respond with unconditional love. And you, Daniel Eugene Stephenson, are loved.”
“Nuh uh uh uh!!!! What did I just say Son?!?! Let’s finish eating! The food’s gonna get cold.”  
“Okay Pops.”
From that moment on for the rest of dinner,  Daniel was his happy, joking, talkative self.  His real self and he was glowing with sheer joy.  
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Maxwell Pairings
Day 5 of Maxwell Beaumont Appreciation Week: Romantic Pairings. MBAW hosted by @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation
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Max x Alec: This relationship only happens in Hinge. Alexandros Eliades, aka Alec, is Liam’s personal guard, handpicked by Drake to replace himself when Liam assigned him to Riley’s detail. They become a couple in “New Year’s Eve in Valtoria” and you see them together in “Summer Breeze”. They are just sweet and fluffy. I love them.
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Max x Liam: I first put Max and Liam together in Bad Romance but then I found @dcbbw Laxwell and I fell head over heels in love with this ship. In any universe I create where Riley is with Drake and not Liam, you can just about bet that Liam is with Max. I’m giving away twists here to anyone that hasn’t already read them, but they are a couple in Star Crossed and end up married in Lavender and Crimson.
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Max x Riley: I most frequently put him with Riley. I have a few one-shots that are just Max and Riley, but he has most often ended up with her in some type of poly or secret love affair situation. It’s implied in Unbothered that he’s with her when Drake (who is married to Riley) mentions that Maxwell introduced him to the concept of hot wifing. He shows up in Secrets (as a secret hahaha) and I’m not sure yet if Unexpected will end with just Riley and Max or some sort of triangle with Liam.
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Max x Riley x Liam: Likely my favorite pairing/story. In Bad Romance, Liam and Max start out as romantic rivals for Riley’s affection, but we later learn that Max has always had a romantic interest in Liam. When things come to a head, Riley comes up with a unique solution to break the tension. This leads to the three of them becoming a throuple.
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Face Claims:
Max - Xavier Serrano
Alec - Dominic Zamprogna
Liam - Daniel Henny
Riley - Barbara Palvin
Tagging under cut
All Things TRR:
@nestledonthaveone  @karahalloway  @tessa-liam  @belencha77 @lovingchoices14
@21-wishes @secretaryunpaid @lunaseasblog  @princessleac1 @bebepac
@emersyn-in-cordonia @walkerdrakewalker @73geenalove  @sillydg @twinkle-320
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tinkie1973 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @jared2612 @mainstreetreader
@amandablink @harleybeaumont  @xpandass420x @ladyangel70 @twinkleallnight
@dcbbw  @indiacater @queenmiarys @phoenixrising0308 @gabesmommie1130
@kingliam2019 @3pawandme @bascmve01
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klanddwlover · 2 years
Out of the Ordinary- A TRR A/U
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Chapter 1
This is a series featuring several love interests. If you like dark and smutty stories about Liam, Drake, Riley and Hana, this this story is for you.
I tagged some people I thought would be interested. If you would like to be added or removed let me know.
Trigger Warnings- I write dark and violent romances with strong language and intense bedroom scenes. If these things are alarming to you, Do Not Continue to Read. Thank you. 
Riley’s POV
“Have a good night, Ri,” Daniel says as I lock the front door of Jameson's Bar & Grill. “Goodnight; see you tomorrow,” I answer back, but Daniel doesn’t move.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you home? I’m sorry, but a young woman like yourself shouldn’t be walking alone. Not in a neighborhood where it’s too dangerous to stop for even a red light.”
I can't help but smile at how protective he is. “Normally, I wouldn’t argue with you, but Hana’s already at home waiting on me. I already texted her I’d be home in twenty minutes.”
“Alright, well, be safe,” he says, waving goodbye.
 I start walking home with my torn-up tennis shoes that are killing my feet. Then again, after working for ten hours, I suppose your feet would hurt regardless of the shoes on your feet. I cover up my purse by pulling my coat shut and tying it.
I turn the corner only a few yards from my apartment when two thugs jump out in front of me. Most girls would probably be scared shitless, but not me. This is the life I live, defending myself every waking moment of the day. I try to avoid them by continuing to walk, but it doesn't seem to work.
“Well, looky what we have here, Troy,” one guy says, wearing a gray hoodie. He has a knife in his hand, but thanks to my best friend Hana teaching me a few karate moves, this asshole is in for a real treat.
The other man grabs me from behind, but I quickly elbow him in the stomach, and he backs off, but only for a second. “You’re going to be sorry for doing that bitch,” he growls before grabbing my hair and pulling my head back. I dig my nails into his hand, but it doesn't do any good.
“Help me! Somebody help me!” I shout.
 Troy grabs my throat and pushes me up against a brick wall, and I smack the back of my head in the process. I try and use my leg to hit him in the groin, but I can hardly breathe from his tight grip.
Troy pushes up against me, and I feel manhood bulging against his pants. I close my eyes, wincing at the feeling. “I'll bet that pussy of yours is soaked," Troy taunts as my vision blurs. "What do you think, Drew?"
“I say we find out,” Drew answers, practically foaming at the mouth.
 Troy holds tightly to my throat and uses his other hand to open my coat. He tries to put his hand down my pants, but that's when I hear, “How about you don’t."
 Troy instantly lets go of my throat, and I fall straight to the ground gasping for air. I look up and see the thugs getting their asses kicked by two of the most gorgeous men I have ever seen. The first man is tall with dark hair and dark eyes. The second is a tall blonde man with baby blue eyes that are making it hard not to stare.
 The brown-haired guy delivers a kick to the face for Troy, while the blond one; delivers a powerful punch to Drew. Both men fall to the ground, knocked out, and finally, I feel relieved.
 “Are you alright, miss?” The blonde guy asks before I nod my head, unable to answer. I can tell he's not from around here because of his deep and sexy accent.
“You shouldn’t be out here walking these dangerous streets alone,” the brown-haired guy says.
 “I… I just live right there,” I answer, pointing to my apartment. Thank you both so much.” I try to stand to my feet, but I wobble and nearly fall back down.
 “Here, let us help you to your apartment. At least that way we’ll know you’re safe,” the blonde man says.
I want to say no, but I can’t. Something about these two men gives me butterflies in my stomach, and honestly, I don’t want them to leave. “Okay,” I reply before biting my lip. “Can I at least know your names?”
Both men smile before the brown-haired guy says, “I’m Drake, and this is Liam.”
Liam and Drake help me to my apartment, and although they don't say anything, I can tell they think my home is a dump. Chances are these men are wealthy or at least in better shape than I am.
 Liam is wearing a blue polo with khakis, and his Rolex watch says enough. On the other hand, Drake is wearing dark blue jeans, a button-up shirt, and a sports coat.
 "You live here?" Liam asks, and a part of me wishes I could say no. "Yeah, with my roommate Hana," I answer as embarrassment suddenly washes over me. Liam and Drake help me up the steps, and I knock on the door. I have a key in my purse, but my head is spinning, so it was easier to knock. When Hana answers the door, her mouth drops at the sight of me with two unfamiliar men.
"Riley, what happened to your neck?" She asks before narrowing her eyes at both men. "Who are you guys?"
"This is Liam and Drake; they're good guys, I promise. They helped fight off the two thugs that attacked me."
Hana steps aside and welcomes both men into the apartment. I take a seat on the couch, unable to take my eyes off the two breathtaking men who saved me, and the funny thing is, neither can Hana.
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moodmusicmonday · 2 years
And click on the playlist above. You're welcome. 😁 Our creative fanfic writers pulled together another lovely playlist--you have GOT to check it out! Plus, don't forget: these songs are tied to fanfics, some of which have already been released (linked below!), so get ready for some good reads!
Remember: MMM is bimonthly now! We will post a playlist (like the one above) every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. We will remind you the Monday before. For October, the playlist will be posted on the 4th and 18th. BUT you can send us your music at ANY time for the upcoming playlist--even if you are posting the fic before the playlist is released (send us the link! We LOVE signal boosting)!
Thank you again for an incredible September!
“Butterflies” - Abe Parker; Vancross, Chapter 7: A Moth in Your Flame (Crossover; Liam x f!OC); posted 9/15
“Walked Through Hell” - Anson Seabra;  Best Kept Secrets, Chapter 6: To Make You Stay (TRR; Liam x f!OC)
“F*ck You” - Lily Allen; Their First Loves, one-shot (RoE/TRR; Leo x Madeleine; Liam x Riley)
“Best Part” - Daniel Caesar ft. H.E.R.; The Rotten Apple, Chapter 15: The Finale [TRH/TRF; Eleanor x m!OC (Nico); Liam x Riley]
“Kids in America” - The Muffs; School Dayz, Slumber Party? (TRR; Liam x Riley)
“In Between” - Linkin Park; Placeholder Apology [Perfect Match Bk 2; f!Hayden Young (named Zinnia) x Dames (platonic)] 
Once, part 1 (TNA/OPH Crossover AU)
“Once” - Maren Morris
“If I Go, I’m Goin’” - Gregory Alan Isakov
“Ends of the Earth” - Lord Huron
“Home” - One Direction; I’ll Make This Heart Feel Like Home [OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Sadie Oakley)]
“MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT” - Loveless; Yours to Tame [OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tatum Erikson)]
Tags (if you wish to be added/removed, please let us know):
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @aussiegurl1234 @axwalker @bebepac @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @choicesmonthlychallenge @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @lovingchoices14 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @peonierose @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @sfb123 @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @zaffrenotes
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ao719 · 8 months
Best Kept Secrets
Best Kept Secrets - A Lot of Learning To Do (Chapter 17)
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Summary: An unforeseen encounter with the past proves that even the best-kept secrets eventually make their way into the light. 
Title inspiration: Perfect - Rachel AO
Book/Pairing: TRR; Liam x F!OC
A/N: Thank you to @burnsoslow for prereading most of this. Please excuse any errors. 
Rating: M • Warning: This series will contain NSFW material. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18+
Catch up here
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Liam stared down at Amara, who was frozen in place as she held the door to the north wing open, looking up at him in stunned silence. Her complexion was slightly pale, her eyes were puffy and rimmed red, and her cheeks were blotchy and still glistened with the remnants of tears she’d attempted to wipe away only moments ago. 
Liam cleared his throat and finally broke the silence. “Hi,” he said quietly. 
“Hi …” Amara’s voice came out slightly cracked and just above a whisper. 
“May I come in?” Liam asked. 
Amara bit her lip to keep it from trembling as she slowly nodded and stepped aside. Once he was over the threshold, she softly shut the door; her palm rested against the wood as she closed her eyes, trying to rein in her emotions, but she was failing. 
Liam paused at the entryway into the living and kitchen area to wait for her; he glanced over to see her back still to him and her head slightly bowed. “Amara?” He watched her stiffen at the sound of her name from his lips before lifting her head; she raised a hand to her face, seemingly wiping more tears from her cheeks as she let out a breath.
Amara turned, not meeting his eyes as she gestured for him to go ahead. 
Liam walked to the sofa and lowered himself down as he studied her. When Amara sat, she left an ample amount of space between them; she tucked herself into the corner, pulling her knees to her chest. He could tell she was nervous. More than nervous. 
“Where is Sophia?” Amara asked quietly.
“She’s with Imogen in my quarters,” Liam answered. “I figured it would be easier for us to talk without her here.” She nodded her agreement, still not looking at him. “I, uh …” He cleared his throat; he was nervous too, although he couldn’t pinpoint exactly why. “I wanted to come talk to you about Bradshaw and what happened …” She offered another silent nod. “I wanted to let you know that the situation with him has been dealt with and handled. He won’t be a problem again. For anyone, least of all us.”
“Thank you,” Amara said through a cracked whisper, and her brows knit as she continued to fight against the wave of emotions threatening to drown her. “For everything you did … to get Sophia out of that.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” Liam replied. “But I think we need to talk about the statement that was made …” He watched her tense at his words. “Amara … why would you do that? Why would you willingly throw yourself under the bus like that?” 
Yes, Daniel had told him why, but Liam needed to hear it from her. 
“Because … because it was the right thing to do.” Amara shook her head; her brows creased as she tried to blink away the rising sting in her eyes. “I know it’s not what you wanted … but I couldn’t let them scrutinize you … and, in turn, Sophia … for what I had done.” 
“We could have figured out something else. You didn’t need to make yourself a damn martyr.” 
“There wasn’t another way …” 
Liam watched her, studied her; she stared straight ahead and he could see her jaw tick. And in the deafening silence that lay between them, he could hear her struggling not to let her breath stutter as she visibly fought back her tears, trying and failing not to let him glimpse that struggle. 
“Are you alright?” Liam asked. He knew it was a silly question, but his goal in coming there was not only to have a conversation with her about everything but to get her to open up. He’d been told by both Riley and Daniel how she’d completely shut down in the last month since everything happened. She still wouldn’t meet his gaze as she nodded in response to his question. “Amara, look at me.” At his words, she started to lose that battle to control her emotions; he watched her chin tremble as her eyes welled to the brim with tears. “Look at me,” he said more sternly. Her brows knit and her breath hitched; she hesitated before slowly turning her head, finally lifting her eyes to his. “Are you alright?” he asked again, his voice softer and laced with a touch of concern. 
That was all it took.
Amara shook her head in answer to his question as that thread of control she was barely clinging to snapped; a sob escaped her as she covered her face with her hands. When Liam instinctively shifted closer to her and she felt his arms wrap around her for comfort, she completely broke down. Everything she’d been trying to hold in over the last month — hell, the last two years — came pouring out all at once, causing what little composure she had left to crumble from beneath her. 
Liam had never seen her this way. Amara was a wall, even two years ago. She was an immovable wall of practiced impassiveness, honed from years of depending on nothing and no one but herself. He’d seen glimpses beyond that wall two years ago, more than she had ever allowed anyone before, and he’d been given those same glimpses again when she returned. At that moment, however, the wall had completely shattered. 
Despite everything that had happened, it broke Liam to witness it. He pulled her closer, curling one hand around the back of her head and his other rubbed her back in an attempt to try and calm her as she cried into his chest. 
Tucking his head, Liam brought his lips to her ear. “Amara, breathe,” he whispered. His words didn’t appear to be of much help; she cried harder, her breath hitching between sobs that she couldn’t seem to control. He drew back slightly, cupping her face in his hands and forcing her gaze to his. “Breathe.” 
Amara grasped his wrists, trying and failing to take a full breath as she squeezed her eyes shut. “I-I … I’m … sorry, Liam,” she choked out through another sob.
“I know you are.”
Liam pulled her back to him as she continued to whisper broken apologies through cries; her one hand was still clutching his wrist and he could feel it trembling. Daniel told him she’d been struggling with guilt, but he never expected this. 
It was consuming her, strangling her from the inside. 
“I know that you’re sorry,” Liam said softly. 
“You must … hate me,” Amara cried.
Liam felt an immediate lump swell in his throat at her words. “I do not hate you, Amara.” 
“I-I didn’t — I should’ve —” Amara’s words were choked off by another sob. “I-I’m so sorry.” 
“Shhh,” Liam pulled her tighter against him, resting his chin atop her head as he closed his eyes. “I know.” 
And he did know. 
There wasn’t a single part of him that doubted her remorse, doubted how horrible she felt, or doubted how badly she wished she could go back and do things differently. 
Liam wasn’t sure how much time passed as he sat and held Amara until she finally started to calm down some; her breath continued to hitch but her cries had quieted. 
Reaching over, Liam grabbed a couple of tissues from a box on the coffee table and he glanced down at her still tucked against his chest, offering them to her. She took them before she slowly sat back, wiping her eyes; she kept her gaze cast downward, fidgeting with the tissues now in her hands. He could both see and feel the guilt still seeping out of her, though. 
“Are you ok?” Liam asked.
Amara nodded, but her brows knit as her breath stuttered. “S-Sorry about …” She trailed off, gesturing to herself. 
“You don’t need to apologize.” 
“I do,” Amara said with a nod as her eyes filled with tears again. He knew she didn’t mean just about her breakdown; she was still referring to everything else. 
“Amara, please stop apologizing,” Liam said. “I know that you’re sorry. You don’t need to keep saying it.” He ran his fingers through his hair as he let out a breath. “Look …” He paused, searching his mind for the right words as she finally lifted her apprehensive gaze to his. “I know this past month has been hard on you … not only because Daniel and Riley both told me that you haven’t at all been yourself but because the times I saw you, I could see it myself. And I’m not going to lie and say that it’s been easy on me. It hasn’t. It’s been … overwhelming and difficult, among other things. But we need to move past all of this … not only for both of our sakes but Sophia’s as well.” When she subtly shook her head and looked down, he reached out, gently grasping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting her gaze back to his. “Talk to me.”
Amara’s breath hitched. “I don’t know how you can even look at me,” she choked out. “Let alone sit here … and be civil toward me after what I did.” 
“Because I don’t want to keep dwelling on what happened, Amara,” Liam answered. “As I said, I know that you’re sorry. I believe you. And I forgive you.” 
At those last three words, more tears fell. I forgive you. Hearing him say them flooded her with relief … but also more guilt. “I … I don’t deserve your forgiveness,” Amara cried, shaking her head. 
“You do. And you have it,” Liam replied. “Me forgiving you and you forgiving yourself is the only way we’re going to move forward. It’s in the past and it needs to stay there because nothing good is going to come from either of us living there. There’s nothing either of us can do to change what’s already been done.” 
The past month that Liam had to reflect on everything had shown him just that. Sure, he could remain angry and resentful toward her and the situation, but no good was going to come of it. And Amara could continue wallowing in her guilt, but nothing would come of that either except to destroy her.  
Sophia deserved better than what dwelling on the past would do to her parents. 
“I just want us to figure out a way to move forward together.” When she glanced up at him with surprise in her eyes, Liam realized how what he’d said may have sounded. “For Sophia, I mean …” 
Liam hadn’t thought about them, not in that sense anyway. It was clear from her reaction that Amara hadn’t expected him to either. 
Yes, he missed her and he missed where they were and what they started to rebuild before everything happened. Of course he did. He hadn’t just been dealing with the rollercoaster of emotions from discovering he had a child he knew nothing about over the past month; he’d also been dealing with the heartbreak over what felt like losing Amara for a second time. He couldn’t just shut off his feelings for her. He loved her. But those feelings were something he’d have to deal with at another time.
As far as where they stood and what the future held for them, if anything at all, Liam wasn’t sure. They needed to focus on one thing at a time, and right now, that was rebuilding a foundation from scratch and getting themselves back to a certain place for Sophia’s sake. 
“I know we have things we need to discuss and figure out,” Liam said. “I’m here … and your home is in New York, so—”
“I’ll stay here,” Amara interrupted.
Liam reared back and furrowed his brows. “What?”
“Now that her existence has been made public … I don’t think anyone here would approve of me taking her back to the States, including your council.” Amara took in a shuddered breath. “We both know that if it came down to it and they pushed you hard enough … you’d be able to keep her here …” 
Liam felt a tightening in his chest and his own wave of guilt crashed over him as his mind flashed back to the last conversation they had in his study a month ago and what he’d said to her. 
“By all technicality — because of who I am, who she is, and where you happen to be right now — I have every legal right to keep Sophia with me. I don’t want it to come to that, but if you try to leave with her, I will do what I need to do to not only ensure the safety of my child but that I maintain a relationship with her as well. Do not put me in a position where I have to show you how much power I truly wield, Amara, because you will never look at me the same again.” 
Liam had been so angry and emotional during that conversation that he hadn’t even realized the vehement threat his words truly were. And it was clear she hadn’t forgotten them, either. “You know I would never do that to you, right?” he asked, and she looked at him apprehensively. “I’d never keep her with me out of spite, Amara. What I said when we last spoke … I said out of anger … out of fear and uncertainty. But I need you to believe that I wouldn’t — I couldn’t do that to you or her.” 
“That aside … I don’t … I don’t want to take her away from you, Liam,” Amara shook her head. “I don’t want to take any more time away from you. I don’t want her to go weeks or months without seeing you. I don’t want to put either of you through that.” 
“But what about your life there? Your company?” 
“What’s best for her is to have access to you, so my life there doesn’t matter. As far as the company … I don’t know. I have to look into some things … but that’s not exactly at the top of my list of priorities at the moment.” 
To say Liam was surprised would be an understatement. Not that he was complaining; he wasn’t. Knowing that she was willing to stay there to allow him to see and be with Sophia any time he wanted … he was beyond grateful. But the way in which she was so willing to uproot her entire life without an ounce of hesitation left a heavy weight on his chest. 
Was Amara willing to do it because she wanted to or was this a choice she made out of guilt, a choice she’d come to regret in the future?
“We can talk about it, Amara. We don’t need to jump to any decisions right now.”
“I’m not … I’m not jumping to decisions. I’ve thought about it. This is what needs to be done … for both you and Sophia.” 
“And what about you?” Liam asked, and she looked at him questioningly. “I appreciate you being willing to do that. Truly, I do. And I’d be lying if I said I don’t want that because after this past month, the idea of not seeing her every day … It’s not easy to imagine. But I also don’t want you to give up your life because you feel like you have to.”
“Sophia is my life, Liam.” Amara’s breath stuttered again, and if he didn’t already know, the conviction in her tone would have made him believe it. “I don’t have much I’d be leaving behind in New York—”
“I think Daniel might take offense to that,” Liam cut in with a quip in hopes of lessening the tension in the air. He thought he saw the corner of her mouth begin to curl, but it was gone a heartbeat later. 
“I just mean … Sophia has more here than she does there. She has family here, more of a support system. And most importantly … you. And you being … you and who you are … you don’t have the luxury of making this kind of sacrifice. I do. I won’t be the reason you two miss out on time together … not again. So I will stay.” 
It was clear her mind had been made up and Liam wasn’t about to argue it. Truthfully, it was something that had been on his mind a lot over the past month, wondering what was going to happen and how things would work when she left — not if she left because he had every reason to believe she would. Now, it was like a weight had been lifted. He still wanted her to know that it was her choice, however. 
“If that’s what you want to do … and you’re sure …” 
Amara nodded. “It is. And I am.” She swiped the tissue against her stuffy nose. “I have things I’ll need to figure out … like finding a place … and I’ll have to make a trip or two to New York to tie up some loose ends and get our things, but …”
“Finding a place and getting your things is nothing you need to rush to figure out or do,” Liam said. “You’re more than welcome to stay right here for as long as you want and need. And when you need to go to New York, the jet will be at your disposal.” He heard her let out a subtle scoff, but it wasn’t subtle enough. “What?”
Amara shook her head and glanced away from him, chewing the inside of her lower lip to keep it from trembling as her emotions started to get the better of her again. “I don’t know why or how you’re being so nice to me,” she said through a cracked whisper. 
Liam mindlessly slipped his hand into hers. “Because I care about you,” he said, not an ounce of hesitation in his tone, and she looked at him again. “You’re the mother of my child, Amara … I’m not going to cast you away. As I said … I don’t want to dwell on the past. I want to focus on Sophia … on the here and now.” When she glanced down at their intertwined hands, he cleared his throat and gently pulled his hand away. “I know we have a lot more we need to talk about … but for now …” He was sure she still had questions and worries regarding the statement now being released, what exactly that meant, and the next steps. He had his own. But they could deal with those another time; he didn’t have all of the answers at the moment anyway. She nodded her understanding and agreement. “How about, if you’re feeling up to it … you join Sophia and me for dinner tonight.” 
Amara glanced at him again, seeing in his eyes the invitation for exactly what it was. An olive branch. A first step. “Ok.”
Liam nodded. “I have some things I need to do, so no need to rush. Take your time.” With that, he stood, looking down at her. “I’ll see you in a little while.” 
Standing beneath the spray of the shower, Amara let the hot water run over her, hoping to wash away her tension and exhaustion so she could appear somewhat put together at dinner. It had been a couple of hours since Liam had left and she’d still been struggling to get her emotions under control as she replayed their conversation over and over in her head. 
When Amara opened the door and saw Liam standing on the other side, she didn’t know exactly what to make of it after the month of silence between them. She assumed he’d be even more angry with her than he already was given the statement made that morning, half-expecting him to yell that it wasn’t what he had wanted and that she had no right to interfere. 
Instead, Liam had decided that he wanted to let bygones be bygones. In a surprising twist Amara didn’t see coming, he’d forgiven her. She was still trying to wrap her mind around it, to make sense of it. Yes, she understood his reasoning for wanting to leave everything in the past and saying that it was the only way they could move forward, but given what she had done … what she had kept from him … his forgiveness felt undeserving. She would need to try, however, to do what he asked … try to forgive herself, if not for him, for Sophia.
Amara tilted her head back, letting the water hit her face and wash away the tears that continued to fall. She turned so the spray hit her hair as she took in a breath and let it out slowly. 
After drying her hair and getting dressed, Amara stepped out of her bedroom inside the north wing and walked down the hall toward the living area; she didn’t know what time Liam wanted her to meet him. 
As she neared the entryway, Amara’s brows furrowed when she heard voices; when she stepped into the archway, she saw Liam sitting on the floor with Sophia as she played. 
Liam’s eyes flickered up to see her, and he smiled sheepishly. “Hi.”
Sophia looked over her shoulder, and a toothy grin spread across her face as she turned and toddled toward her. “Mama!” she squealed with a clap of her hands.
Amara smiled, the first genuine smile Liam had seen from her in some time, as she bent down and scooped her into her arms. “Hi, baby girl.”
Sophia tucked her body into her mother as she rested her head on her shoulder. Liam smiled at the sight. “I hope you don’t mind the intrusion,” he said. “She was asking for you, so I figured I’d bring her down and just have the kitchen bring dinner here.”
“That’s fine,” Amara nodded. “And I don’t mind.” 
Sophia’s head popped up from her mother’s shoulder and she turned toward the sound of Liam’s voice; another toothy grin emerged as she looked back at Amara, pointing at him. “Dada.” 
“Yes,” Amara smiled, smoothing her hand over her hair as she kissed her cheek. 
Sophia wriggled from Amara’s embrace a moment later; she set her down and she headed to Liam, falling into his lap and pointing. “Mama,” she said as she looked up at him with her big blue eyes. 
“Uh-huh,” Liam chuckled with a nod. 
Sophia looked back at Amara and pressed a tiny, stubby finger to Liam’s chest. “Dada.” 
“Yes, baby,” Amara nodded, meeting his gaze. “That’s your daddy.” 
Sophia continued to glance between the two of them as her broad grin grew. She carried on with alternating her pointing and making introductions that she didn’t understand weren’t needed. 
Liam realized why she was doing it: it was the first time she had been with them in the same room together. It was as if some small part of her somehow knew and understood that this was how it was supposed to be. 
The two of them met gazes again as Sophia pushed herself off Liam’s lap and started back toward Amara, both knowing. 
After dinner, Amara sat on the sofa, watching Liam play with Sophia; he crawled around the floor chasing after her as she belly laughed. It was the first time she’d seen him in his role as a father, the first time she’d gotten to watch them interact together. And while it made her heart feel like it was going to burst at seeing how happy his presence made their daughter, it also brought a fresh wave of guilt from seeing what they both had missed out on because of her choices. 
It was hard to imagine being able to move forward from her guilt when new bits of it added themselves to the already heaping pile. She remembered what Liam said, however … how the only way for them to move forward was to leave the past in the past. 
Liam sat, chuckling when Sophia mimicked him and sat down, letting out a breath just as he did. A moment later, she yawned, and he glanced at his watch. “I suppose she should be getting ready for bed soon.” 
“Yeah,” Amara nodded, not having realized what time it was. 
“Can I still take her back to my quarters? Or do you want her to stay here?”
“She can go with you,” Amara replied. “She was supposed to stay with you tonight anyway.” 
Liam nodded and looked back at Sophia. “You ready to get your pajamas on?” Sophia answered with another yawn, and he chuckled. “Come on, little love.”
Amara smiled at the term of endearment, feeling her eyes prick as she watched him stand and scoop Sophia up. She blinked the tears away as she rose from the sofa; she walked over and Liam tilted Sophia down so she could kiss her cheek. “Goodnight, baby girl.” 
Liam headed for the door and Amara followed; when he stepped into the hall he turned to look at her. “You’re more than welcome to come join us for breakfast if you’d like.” 
Amara stared at him for a moment before nodding. “Ok.” 
“I’ll shoot you a text when she wakes up,” Liam smiled.
Amara nodded again, and he offered her one in return before he turned and headed down the corridor.
“So … how have things been going?” Drake quietly asked Liam as they stood near the bar cart inside his quarters. 
Liam glanced over his shoulder to where Amara sat on the sofa between Riley and Daniel while Sophia played in front of them; he’d invited everyone for dinner so both he and Amara could have some adult interaction besides the ones they had with each other. “Good,” he nodded, turning his attention back to pouring his drink. “We’re just … doing as much together with Sophia as we can.” 
It had been a week since the statement and Liam and Amara’s talk. In hopes of letting some of the frenzy surrounding the news die down, he had taken that week to himself; it was more so to avoid having to leave the palace and deal with the press and the slew of questions he was sure they would throw his way. 
Truthfully, Liam wasn’t sure exactly how to handle it. As Amara had suspected, any reports about the situation had focused more on her and what was considered her betrayal to the King than anything else; they painted her as the villain in the story, crucifying her for not only keeping a father from his child but an heir from its kingdom. He wasn’t sure how to go about taking the negative attention off of her that she had so willingly placed on herself. 
Instead of worrying himself with a solution, Liam had spent the week working on rebuilding that foundation with Amara. They’d been together every day since their talk, spending time with Sophia within the confines of the palace. They alternated between his quarters and the north wing and Sophia staying with one or the other at night. 
It was the moments when it was just the two of them that threw Liam for a loop, however. That first day after their talk, they agreed to both be there to do things together with Sophia, like put her to bed. And it was in those quiet moments once she was asleep in one of her rooms in either his quarters or the north wing that he found himself struggling most with his feelings. They always lingered behind for a half hour or so once Sophia was asleep, talking quietly, neither seeming eager to rush out the moment those little eyes were no longer watching. And he found himself hating how they went their separate ways after spending each day together as a family. 
As much as Liam was enjoying that time with them all together, parting at the end of each day made it feel … not right in a sense. It felt like there was still something missing from the picture as a whole. He pushed those thoughts and feelings aside, however, knowing the importance of rebuilding that foundation before even thinking about venturing down that road. 
“Riley’s been worried about her, but she seems better,” Drake noted as he gestured toward Amara. 
“I told her we needed to leave the past in the past,” Liam replied. “She’s coming around.” 
Amara did seem to be better in the time since their talk, but Liam could still sense the guilt weighing on her some. Save for the one or two moments when he’d caught her emotions getting the better of her, she did her best to mask it, however. 
“And … things between you two?” Drake questioned.
“It hasn’t been brought up,” Liam responded. “We have other things to focus on at the moment.” 
Drake nodded, knowing the quick response meant that Liam wanted to drop the subject. The two of them rejoined the others in the living area, sitting in the two armchairs across from the sofa. 
While they talked over drinks and simultaneously played with Sophia, Riley couldn’t help that tendency — one no doubt drilled into her during her time working for Amara back in New York — to wonder what their next steps were as far as dealing with the aftermath of the statement. 
“So,” Riley said, looking from Amara to Liam. “Have you guys figured out how you’re going to handle the press?” 
Amara cast her gaze downward; she had no answer to give. They hadn’t talked about it at all and she wasn’t going to assume what Liam’s intentions were. She hadn’t even turned on the television or opened a newspaper since the statement was made, not wanting to see what was being said, but she had her guesses. Her first clue was the way Liam immediately turned off the television or made the newspapers vanish before she could catch a glimpse of the headlines each morning she’d met him and Sophia for breakfast; it was obvious he was trying to spare her feelings. 
Liam looked at Amara for a moment before glancing at Riley. “I … I don’t know, honestly.” They all knew he’d intended for the statement to go much differently. “I don’t know how to get them to shift their … focus and attention.”
Amara knew by focus and attention that he meant her.
Liam’s eyes shifted to Daniel, half curious, half expectant. Daniel cleared his throat and shifted on the sofa. “Well … that’s going to depend entirely on you and what you want them to see.”
Amara glanced over at him and then at Liam, meeting his gaze for a moment before he looked back at Daniel. “What do you mean?” 
“If you want them to focus on you raising your daughter as co-parents, you need to show them where your priorities are,” Daniel explained. “If you want the people and press to forgive her and move forward, then you need to show them that you’ve done the same.”
“By letting them see the three of us together,” Liam said in understanding.
Daniel nodded. “Wherever you go, the press is sure to follow to try and catch glimpses of you. And if you get tossed any questions, which we know is inevitable at this point once you step beyond the gilded gates of the palace, then you give them a brief account of the truth — that mistakes were made but you’re putting the past behind you because it’s what’s best for everyone involved, most importantly, Sophia. You can even toss in that you two are co-parenting amicably. And you leave it there and just focus on yourselves after that. They’ll have no choice but to follow suit eventually, especially when they’ll have no proof of the contrary. Plus, everyone loves a good comeback story … usually. So, hopefully doing that will draw in the attention that the press is looking for from the people.” 
Liam and Amara met gazes, a silent understanding passing between them as they both nodded.
Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know): @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @emichelle @sweetest-marbear @indiacater @gibbles82 @the-soot-sprite @ladyangel70 @esmckenzie @dcbbw @burnsoslow @deb-1106 @bbrandy2002 @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis @foreverethereal123 @choiceskatie @sirbeepsalot @gnatbrain @openheart12 @sincerelyella @superharriet @queenrileyrose @aestheticartsx @kingliam2019 @indiana-jr @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @emkay512 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @forallthatitsworth @walker7519 @iaminlovewithtrr @amandablink @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @princessleac1 @21-wishes @appleone @tessa-liam @pixelatedpassion @malblk21 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @forthebrokenheartedthings @nomadics-stuff @differenttyphoonwerewolf
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😎 and 👻 for the ask game?
Thank you!!
👻 What is your wildest headcanon? That Will was born after Daniel went off to war, so he never got to meet him before his death
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original? Y'know, I'm gonna be honest, I'm not sure what exactly this question is going for. My reading preferences? My writing preferences? I'm gonna answer both.
What do I prefer reading? No preference! I care far more about writing style than story type in the fics I read. Writing? Well...I think it depends on the length of story I'm going for. One shots, I tend to keep them more canon compliant (or only minor AUs) because I don't have to establish as much. I have one fairly canon-compliant multi-chap (The Treewalkers), but both The Ward Ghost and The Royal Ranger are quite a bit longer (TRR is more than ten times as long as The Treewalkers), and they're very canon divergent. Then again, I have more time to play with those AUs, and worldbuilding is a special interest of mine, so if you give me enough of a wordcount you'll end up with something quite removed from canon 😅
Link to the ask game if you want to play!
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