#tricky girl
themaindragthings · 1 year
You're careful with her, 'cause you cannot tell if she'll break under the light
The Main Drag, “Tricky Girl”
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legionfulminante · 1 year
hey sorry about your boyfriend. Yeah, I wasn’t careful with him because I could not tell if he’d break under the light… I didn’t want to believe that he was tricky, and I didn’t want to not believe his lies. Yeah. If you want, I can lay him on the line? No? Okay…
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ato-dato · 1 month
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Concussion?? I hardly know her
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cardboard-queen · 7 months
telepathically asking girls at the grocery store if they’re queer and also if they think I’m queer and if they’d like to get coffee sometime
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desert-fever · 8 months
Which of the Fab four are The Girl's favorite?
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noriyucko · 8 months
madcomtober2023 day 23 - teeth clenched teamwork
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sorry for it not looking soo good i rushed it after 3 days not drawing, was going for a “theres a lot of violent tension between these three and theyd easily decide to stab the other two if they could”
i wish tricky stayed for long in mpn instead of just walking w jeb and hank between the second and last level
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xbuster · 4 months
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I ‪‪❤︎‬ the Ocean!
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Sometimes i think about Clexa being so soft just hugging, eyes closed and swaying slowly side to side 🥹
Ya know that's something I've thought a lot about and maybe it's a side note but I'm gonna rant on it.
I tend to find a lot of canon fics write Lexa as this standoffish person, not very affectionate or openly giving of acts of touch, but I say look at the facts here.
Lexa was an extremely expressive person in non-verbal ways. She was so very obviously a women of "actions speak louder than words." And when you take that into consideration, let's look at how she conducted herself around Clarke.
First of all, the girl was always putting herself in Clarke's space. And I'm not talking general vicinity, I'm talking
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fuckin literally in her space. Like,,, if someone stood that close to me in line I'd have to drop a "bitch give me two feet. Damn 😒" on em. She liked to get close.
Second, where I think sometimes the crossed wires come from with Lexa's character and how she shows emotion is that they're taking how Lexa acts as the commander and applying it to how she is on a personal level. But in my opinion, I think that doesn't do her justice. Because you have to remember, the majority of her time on s2 was spent with her dealing with the fact that Clarke was angry with her. She was trying to be respectful of Clarke's wishes for distance, thus bottling up her emotions for Clarke's comfort. But even still, even with all that, it still bled through.
God bless her, but the girl
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Was not very good
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At holding back her desire
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And more than that, Lexa very much welcomed Clarke's touch
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(Nice move for the thigh there wanheda ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
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She never shied away from it or seemed to do anything other than soak it up.
And from the start!
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She pushed for kisses and she pushed to be closer. She was the one who tipped the tension between them into the romantic arena. She showed physical and emotional intimacy time and again with Clarke, from being willing to take a damn nap with Clarke in her tent to bowing at her feet when the commander bows before no one. She took Clarke's hand and held it and accepted that comfort that Clarke offered, freely. She even trusted Clarke with a damn blade pressed to her neck for God's sake. She was never ever wary of letting Clarke touch her, even when she herself was working to hold back her desire to touch. And when they finally made love it was Lexa who pulled Clarke to her bed and guided her down into a kiss. Clarke may have initiated the kiss because Lexa wouldn't have over stepped the boundary Clarke laid down, but I'll be damned if Lexa didn't immediately go for gold after 🤷‍♀️
My point through all of this is that yes, I believe without a doubt that if they'd been allowed to be together longer, they would've been such an intensely affectionate couple in their own ways. With Clarke, who is a demonstrative person at her core and whose love language is visibly touch, and Lexa, who shows her love in small, subtle ways because she's so used to having it smacked away or buried under obligation and tradition, you'd have this couple who in the safety of each other would allow themselves a chance to just be soft. To touch and comfort and soothe. To breathe each other in and just be Clarke and Lexa, not Commander snd Wanheda. I think they would've fallen asleep in each other's arms and hugged most mornings before going their separate ways. I think it would've been entirely normal for Clarke to hug Lexa from behind as Lexa looked out from her balcony over Polis. And I don't think Lexa would've been shy in her appreciation of Clarke's affection, nor in returning her own.
There's a reason why everyone knew of their feelings for each other and why not once did Lexa deny it even when confronted about it. In reality, she doubled down on it by kicking a clan member off the tower and inviting Clarke to stay despite the kill order. Both pretty brazen when you think about it.
If given the chance they both would've been all in and you'll never convince me otherwise.
Indra wouldn't have known a moment's peace 😔
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themaindragthings · 1 year
I don't want to believe that she is tricky and I don't want to not believe her lies
The Main Drag, “Tricky Girl”
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deaddcas · 1 year
it's funny how quickly I went from 'I want them to kiss when they reunite' to 'I want them to hold each other and never let go'
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fastcardotmp3 · 4 months
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"You did die,” Robin clutches at Chrissy's arms around her tight, “you died and I watched and then I watched again and I watched again and again and it never stopped, you just kept breaking apart in front of me and I was never supposed to have seen that, we didn't even know each other when we were seventeen—” A sharp stabbing, the drip of blood, the startled inhale through Chrissy's own lungs at the emptiness of her lap and the slashes in her arms as though from talons appearing out of thin air. » Chronance // Rated M // Non-Linear Narrative // 2.1k » podfic & cover art by the illustrious @n0connections » Febuwhump #5: Time Loop & Semi-Conscious » Febuwhump Masterlist
read (and listen) on ao3 // preview under the cut
The world is warm around her and Chrissy Cunningham can't open her eyes. 
“Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?”
“Only every day of my life.” 
She can't drag them open but the soft of fabric against her skin doesn't match the cut of breeze she knows is present here in these woods on this day in March. 
To be where she is and feel what she's feeling doesn't make sense, but then again nothing does on this day. 
She sees a clock embedded in a tree, hears the gong as she walks home from school. She hugs her father when he tells her to be home by eleven and she kisses a pretty girl behind the bleachers before the basketball game. 
Her father tells her to be home by eleven and she kisses Jason Carver behind the bleachers before the basketball game. 
The rumble of Eddie's van rings in her ears, but she can't open her eyes all the way. A dark vignette creeps into her vision, blocking out the details in the corners and making it difficult to focus and she waits until Eddie's back is turned as he opens his door to make eye contact with blue eyes and freckles perched on Max Mayfield's porch across the way. 
She watches Eddie's hands unlock the door to his trailer. 
She doesn't say goodbye to her mother. She's meant to be home by eleven and she kissed Nancy Wheeler behind the bleachers before the basketball game. 
“How long does it take? The Special K?” 
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asks her. She can't open her eyes all of the way. His voice sounds different. “You're not supposed to be here.” 
“Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?” 
“Only every day of my life,” he smiles. The chill of March wind never hits.
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azrielfiend · 1 year
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aggie compilation
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sidetongue · 1 year
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a very good recall from the nakey lady 
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paradimeart · 11 months
got over the fuckin. clone hurdle. majority of the characeters i have left i already have designs for soo. heres starscream he wasnt requsted but since i was doing a couple of the clones i was like . well i gotta make the base
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ohnoitspheo · 3 months
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I made the Dragon Coaster from Rye Playland into a Coastergirl too! 🐉🎢
She and the Legoland Dragon Coaster are long distance besties.
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sare11aa11eras · 1 year
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