#tredd is secretly touched
I seem to remember one of the pixies getting dragged along with all the Galahkari by the wisps. How's she doing?
That one poor pixie?
That's Io. She got mentioned by Pax when they met with Cor. She's the one who nearly got discovered trying to enter the homes of the Galahkari. She took not being able to as a personal challenge. It lead to her being swept up in the whole Thing.
Poor Io has a breakdown when she discoveres that she isn't in Insomnia anymore. And neither anywhere close to another fae. She loses her wings in shock and nearly dissolves into all kinds of colours.
Then Tredd finds her. He laughs at her. Despite her lack of wings for the moment, she turns his freckles blue. Tredd is not laughing anymore.
This is how Tredd got his very own fae companion. They show their affections by playing pranks at each other and bickering 24/7. Everyone else is suffering. Both will vehemently deny that they're friends and like each other.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Axis, Shield of Nox Izunia, meets Axis, traitor Kingsglaive. Just, for once, it's not Nox/Noctis tripping across dimensions, it's Axis. But it's an Axis who's barely accepted that he doesn't want his idiot LC to disappear from his life entirely, never even to brush shadows, who's barely ADMITTED he has a LC. And then, meeting his canon counterpart, bitter, traitor. N!Axis: Where's Nox? MUST FIND PERSONAL IDIOT! C!Axis: Nyx is over there, but he's more of Libertus' personal idiot.
Oh boy.
Ohhhhhh boy.
Angsttttttt. Prepare for angst and lots of rage and insults coming your way because Axis has a temper and this turned into a ficlet.
So this is non-canon, but would hypothetically take place pre-Axis learning Ardyn is an LC in the Nox verse and just a year or so before the Kingsglaive movie in Canon.
-It’s a very short meeting. No more than a day or so. Of course all the glaives are very weirded out when Axis accidentally cuts himself on a rock and the Solheim ruin they’re passing through glows at the touch of his blood before spitting out a very confused double dressed in Hunter garb rather than glaive garb. But after some shouting and wary staring, both sides conclude the other aren’t demons trying to steal any souls.
-That’s when Tredd notices that the new Axis is not just dressed in Hunter Garb he’s ... younger. Years younger. This Axis looks just on the border between teen and adult. Only a year or so out from the Burning. They ask and N!Axis confirms their suspicions, then looks around in agitation, as if expecting to find someone. They assume he’s looking for his Tredd and Luche. But some searching reveals no one but N!Axis and he ends up going with them through the ruins toward their outpost. Since he had no idea how to get back and they couldn’t just let him wander off and get hurt.
-N!Axis meets C!Axis and feels ... unease. There’s something about his counterpart he doesn’t like, something dark and bitter. And yes, N!Axis knows he’s bitter about a lot of things but this feels different. This feels ... poisonous.
-He notices with dread that C!Tredd and C!Luche feel the same way too.
-That evening in the outpost, the Glaives get to talking over (smuggled) drinks while N!Axis lurks and frets internally (Nox was in those ruins when he got pulled, had Nox come too? Or was he out there all alone, looking for Axis and getting into trouble without him? Did N!Axis really care? (Yes, yes he does, so badly it hurts and he refuses to think why) and then N!Axis tunes back into the chatter when Crowe angrily tells Tredd to “knock it off”. “It” being some astonishingly hateful diatribe against Insomnia and Insomnia nobles. It’s not slander against the royal family, not treason by the letter of the law, but ... the intent is there. The intent is there and N!Axis can see agreement in his counterpart’s eyes, burning and bitter and deadly as a snake and something inside him goes very, very cold.
-Nyx (who is male in this world, weird) tries to defuse the situation, but Tredd is drunk and on a roll now and N!Axis knows only Luche or C!Axis could stop him but they- won’t. They AREN’T. Tredd out and blurts something to the order of how “They” (possibly meaning Insomnia nobility in general but everyone knows he means the royal family) don’t have any clue what it’s like out here, that none of them can fight worth anything, none born of their blood have ever had a hard day in their lives-
-And N!Axis thinks of Nox. Of Nox who has so many scars. Of Nox who can’t remember when to eat or how to take care of himself. Of Nox who watches the world with inhumanly old, broken eyes sometimes that make him seem a hundred thousand years older than he really is. Of Nox who fights, who wades into Imperial Bases, alone save for when Axis finds him and tags along. Of Nox who has already lost so much (a blindspot the shape of a man, his innocence, his ability to care for himself, so many hints Axis tries not to notice but can’t help seeing anyway). Of Nox with a Niflheim Chancellor for an uncle who is just as much of a broken human disaster for all he doesn’t have the magic burning under his skin like his nephew.
-Of Nox who’s magic burns him. Carves him up so that all that’s left some days is a shell working on instinct, staring out at the world like it is a stranger while thunder and wrath and grief as deep as Leviathan’s tides press against mortal skin, trying to shatter him from the inside out and break free into the open air. Axis has seen it, the suffering that comes with magic, and while the Glaives hold only a portion, only enough to use without hurting, Nox is an LC of blood and soul and Axis has seen the toll that takes. The way he looks like some days he’s one step away from burning up and turning to dust in the wind unless he does something to bleed it off and out even when so many spells in a row leave him shaking from pain-.
-N!Axis is in the crowd of glaives, knuckles stained with blood and Tredd gaping at him from the floor before N!Axis is even aware of leaving his corner, “You take that back,” he growls and all the glaive take a collective step back because they have never heard Axis use that tone at a fellow Galahdian, a fellow Glaive. Let alone directed at Tredd. N!Axis breathes and can feel his blood pounding in his veins, a faint ringing in his ears from trying to suppress the red in his vision. Maybe it’s his Amicitia blood acting up, loyalty imprinted into his bones after generations of magic and oaths. Maybe he’s just stressed from being in this parallel world.
-Secretly he knows it’s neither. It’s all him. It’s all Axis Arra, the refugee and Hunter who stumbled across a Lucis Caelum teen outside a ruined Nif base and somehow can’t seem to let go of him not matter how much he tries not to be attached in the first place.
-In the astonished silence that follows his words, N!Axis bares his teeth, voice a near-Coeurl snarl that sends shivers down more than one spine (the wrath of an Arra is a rare thing, the wrath of an Arra given sound is an even rarer, more dangerous one), “You. Take. That. Back.” A breath, a flex of the fist with Tredd’s blood on it (he’s broken Tredd’s nose, he’s broken the nose of one of his oldest friends for Nox and he doesn’t regret it), “How dare you. How dare you pretend to know what it’s like. How dare you wish our fate on anyone, let alone the Chief who took you in. Maybe our conditions could be better, and maybe he doesn’t do enough but at least he tries. You hold his magic in your skin and you think that gives you the right to curse his entire Clan and say none of them ever suffered?”
-Tredd bristles on the floor, but lying there holding his broken nose he seems too afraid to speak up. C!Axis breaks the silence, stepping forward and moving to rest a hand on N!Axis’s shoulder, “All he means is-.”
-N!Axis swats the hand aside, looks into his counterparts eyes and sees the same venom, the same ignorance. And he knows- he knows in a heartbeat that Nox does not exist in this world. That he died before C!Axis could meet him, could know him, could learn because otherwise this counterpart would never agree with the poison coming out of Tredd’s mouth. “I know what he means,” snarls N!Axis, “and I know he’s full of pyre-ash. If you had any idea what it’s like to have been born with their full weight of magic, the full touch of the Draconian’s Blessing rather than the pittance you think makes you impressive-.”
-Tredd sits up, but still doesn’t dare stand, “What and you do?”
-N!Axis growls down at him, wordless and warning and Tredd stills in shock.
-Nyx and Libertus intervene, push their way between and Nyx starts nudging N!Axis away, “Ignore Tredd, he’s just drunk and trying to start something. We all need to take a minute and cool our heads, yeah?” N!Axis lets Nyx nudge him a few steps away, breathes past his rage and tries to let it go-.
-“Someday,” Tredd says as Luche finally helps him up, “someday you’re gonna think just like me. You might think he’s kind and just trying his best now, but give it a few years and you’ll know that he doesn’t care beyond making sure we’re good little soldiers.”
-“Tredd!” several glaives snap in horror, because now he’d definitely gone too far.
-N!Axis looks past Nyx’s arm to lock eyes with Tredd, his rage suddenly going from burning to freezing as something in his mind replaces King Regis for Nox in the “he” of Tredd’s words. He pushes Nyx’s arm very slowly down so that it isn’t in the way, looks Tredd, then Axis, then Luche all straight in their eyes before refocusing on Tredd-
-And spitting on the ground at his feet, “Storm-Father as my witness,” N!Axis intones with far more calm than he actually feels, “I’ll gut myself with my mother’s blades and feed my entrails to the Voretooths before I become a filthy little Pink-Tongue like you.”
-Tredd roars and lunges, because this time it’s N!Axis who has pushed too far, said too much, and while all the glaive freeze in astonished horror that any version of Axis would call his best friend a Pink-Tongue (not referring to the color of the mouth, but the colors of Galahd, of poison and betrayal. Liar, Axis has called him, Poisoner and Betrayer of Clans, because a tongue dyed in poison is a single step away from hands drenched in the colors of Kinslayers), N!Axis lunges to meet Tredd halfway. Tredd is bigger, more experienced, he’s been a glaive for years now. N!Axis can feel his lip split and his cheek get cut open by the force of the hits. But N!Axis has been traveling with Nox for months, fighting Nifs and keeping up with a wayward LC despite having no magic of his own. He fights hard and dirty and doesn’t flinch as he brings his knee up into Tredd’s groin, rides the screeching Glaive down as he falls and begins beating the redhead’s skull against the ground before he’s forced off and winded by Tredd’s brutal kick.
-The Glaives snap out of their shock and fall on the two en masse, pulling them apart, shouting and struggling to stop the two from going at each other’s throats and N!Axis thinks his own voice might be in the clamor, screaming at Tredd and Luche and his own counterpart, calling them Pink-Tongues and White-Wearers. Traitors to their Chief, blind to what they’ve been given and what that gift must cost.
-In the end, N!Axis has to be dragged to the far side of the outpost and kept under guard by Nyx and Libertus for the rest of the night, far away from the three he has just given full grounds to challenge him to a death match.
-He sits and broods the entire night, listening to the daemons scream far past the lights and contemplates his hurts (he refused to take the potion Libertus had stiffly offered, he picked that fight and they were soldiers, they would need it more than he did).
-He contemplates the fact that he just called the counterparts of himself and his two best friends the worst kinds of traitors.
-He ponders over the fact that he doesn’t regret a single word of it.
-The next morning, he’s woken from his doze by an alert going up from the watch. Someone is approaching the Outpost. A civilian kid by the look of it. He hears hubbub and chatter, confusion and disbelief and then suddenly Nox is there, right in front of him in all his tiny, scraggly glory, a gaggle of Glaives following behind and staring in confusion as he smiles at N!Axis, “Hey, Axis,” he says easily, as if they just ran into each other in the wilds like normal and aren’t in another dimension.
-He stares, sighs, stands up and he sees Nox eyes sharpen on his injuries, “What are you even doing here, idiot?” N!Axis grumbles because seriously, how.
-Nox is still staring at his injuries as he answers, “Called in a favor from a friend. We got an hour to get back, so we should start walking.” He pulls a potion out of his pocket and shoves it at N!Axis with a scowl, who would laugh at the hypocrisy of Nox fretting over injuries when he’s the one always halfway dead from fighting things too big for him to handle alone. Instead he takes it and uses it, feels his lip heal about halfway before stopping, it’s been hours since the injury was inflicted after all, potions lose potency the older the injury is. Nox’s eyes glitter red for a fraction of a second and then go back to blue as he starts leading N!Axis out of the base. The Glaives trail behind, whispering over the kid and a few calling out goodbyes to N!Axis even though he’s done the opposite of making friends.
-N!Axis hears angry footsteps behind him and a furious curse that is probably supposed to be his name and starts to turn, braced for a last-minute punch from the counterpart of Tredd.
-Instead Nox is suddenly there and the air is seething with magic, heavy like storm clouds and churning like waves. C!Tredd and all the other Glaives freeze at the sight of a ghostly blue-white armiger, rotating slowly in the air, all blades pointed directly at Tredd’s heart. “Are we going to have a problem?” Nox asks with a false sort of serenity, his voice rumbling with the faintest undertones of Other. Other voices, older voices, cold and cruel ones that Axis has only heard bleed into Nox’s voice once before.
-N!Axis rests a hand on Nox’s arm, “It’s fine. Let’s just go.” Nox accepts the dismissal, lets his armiger fade as he possessively grips N!Axis’s hand and resumes leading the way. A glance over his shoulder and N!Axis meets the eyes of his counterpart and his counterpart’s two best friends one last time.
-Mine, he knows his eyes say, and I will fight to keep it that way.
-Traitor, their eyes say back without words, bootlicker. Naive.
-N!Axis turns his head and resumes looking forward. He tries not to feel the yawning chasm between himself and the counterparts, uncrossable and deadly, that he leaves behind. They’re wrong. Wrong to think that, wrong to say and agree to what was said last night and Axis will not be moved from that stance. Perhaps if he’d never met Nox, their words would have seemed like the truth. Perhaps if he’d never seen Nox and all the things both great and terrible and eerie his magic could do and in turn did to its wielder, he would have believed their poison. But Nox is here, having crossed dimensions to find him and bring him home, Nox is here and ready to fight an entire outpost of Kingsglaive if they threaten Axis.
-And Axis knows he will not regret his own choice. His own opinion. His own loyalty.
-Nox leads them back to the ruins, there’s a flicker of magic like thunder and ozone, and when Axis opens his eyes, they’re back in their world where they belong.
-A few days later, Axis meets up with the others- with his glaives, and doesn’t breathe a word about what he saw and said. He just watches his Tredd and Luche and feels something tight in his chest unwind in relief when he sees no poison in their eyes or on their lips.
-Words echo in his memory, Someday ... someday you’re gonna think just like me. You might think he’s kind and just trying his best now, but give it a few years and you’ll know that he doesn’t care beyond making sure we’re good little soldiers.
-Leaning on the shoulder of his Tredd and listening to them laugh over something that happened in their training, Axis snorts. Maybe when the Rock of Ravatogh freezes over. But until then? He might not like King Regis that much, not when Axis’s father was the King’s Shield, but the way he saw it, Nox had to get his idiotic levels of compassion from somewhere and ... well.
-He hadn’t gotten it from his Izunia blood. That was certain.
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corviddenart · 4 years
Alive For One Night
Tredd and Prompto find an unexpected connection in each other, leading to an unplanned night together, lost in the throes of one another’s bodies they find themselves yearning for something deeper. Something neither of them had realized they’d even wanted.
Fic below the cut
The light of the moon emanated into the dark room through the blinds casting lines of pale white gold across their bodies. The sound of heavy panting, countered by the dull thud of his heart in his ears was all that registered to the blonde as he stared up at the ceiling in astounded silence. His mind wheeled and raced, trying desperately to make sense of what had just happened. The night was a blur of vibrant colors and the low thrum of bass, impossible to piece together through the haze of pleasure still pulsing heady in his veins. As he laid there in his bed, coated in sweat and feeling impossibly warm, he was pretty sure his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. It wouldn’t be the worst way to go though.
“You good, kid?” the low rumble of a voice beside him snapped him out of his wonder, turning to look at the older man as he shifted onto his side. Propped on his elbow so, his fiery hair damp with sweat and a crooked smirk on his stubbled face, he looked an absolute vision of perfection. For a moment those dark eyes were all that Prompto’s mind could make sense of, still dilated with lust even as they both slowly came down from their cloud of shared ecstasy.
“Yeah, yeah I’m… more than good,” the smaller man sighed wistfully in answer, reaching to brush one of those wayward wisps of hair out of his face, only to stop when he realized what he was doing. The sex was one thing, one absolutely amazing thing, but this small yet intimate act? What if he didn’t want that now that they were done? But Tredd only leaned into the touch, turning his face to brush his surprisingly soft lips across his palm, sinking his teeth in and biting down playfully. “My entire dick was just inside you. You still have my cum dripping out of your ass. You can touch me,” he murmured. “Don’t make it weird.” An awkward laugh bubbled up out of Prompto at that, wiping his hand on his chest from where the bite before turning his gaze back up to the ceiling. “Sorry, I think I’m still just trying to figure out what the hell just happened.” “You need a replay?” He could hear the smirk without even looking to confirm it, biting back a smile at the thought. He wouldn’t say no, he’d be a fool to say no. But that wasn’t what he was going for with that comment at all. He knew what had happened, but how? That was a whole other matter entirely, and that was what he was still trying so hard to wrap his mind around. The blonde was about to clarify that when he felt those soft lips on his own again, his thoughts immediately fizzling out into nothing but white noise. The kiss was gentle, sweet, and unexpectedly so after the last few they’d shared. Granted they had been in the midst of, well… “Just say the word,” Tredd murmured low against his mouth, his stubble scratching softly against Prompto’s warm skin. “You’re making it hard for me to think of anything else,” he replied just as low, slowly reaching up to slide his arms around his broad shoulders, nails scraping gently across his sweat sheened skin. Drawing him in closer he chose not to close the space between their lips again, despite the desire to never stop kissing him. “You won’t say no then,” the redhead retorted, voice resounding with mirth, the claim of his lips so much more demanding this time. They practically tore a moan from the younger man, the press of his body slowly shifting on top of him again sending a thrill through him that let him know Tredd fully intended to give him a proper replay.
He wasn’t sure how long it went on for, the heat of his tongue pressed against his own, the weight of his muscled form pushing him into the mattress, the taste of his low groans vibrating through him. It was all so heady, like liquid pleasure pouring into him and setting every nerve alight with desire again, that it made time seem to stop altogether. When he was finally given the chance to catch his breath he could feel the press of Tredd’s hardened cock against his hip slick still with cum from their previous bout, his own cock pushing just as wantonly against Tredd’s thigh in silent agreement.
“So what was it you were saying?” his voice sounded husky and full of want, just below his ear, warm lips dragging across his throat as he bared it to himself with the press of a thumb under the blonde’s jaw. Sliding his hands down across the strong planes of his back, he couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh, pushing his chest up into his seeking more of that sweet electricity that sparked between them.
“I don’t remember,” he breathed low, his words melting into a soft moan as he felt one of those strong thighs slotted between his own, pressing up against him and giving him something to properly grind on. “Tredd.” “To be fuckin' honest, kid, I don't wanna hear a peep outta you anyway. Unless it's you calling me daddy or moaning for more,” he growled, teeth scraping across the soft skin of his throat, grinning at the way the smaller man shivered beneath him. It was almost too easy to get a reaction from him. Prompto wanted to retaliate, to say something snarky in response about him having yet to give him reason to beg, but he was suddenly being hefted up and flipped over onto his hands and knees. Those same strong hands never left his lithe form, drawing his hips back into the sudden press of a tongue, shocking a sharp moan from him. Arching into the sensation, he gripped at the sheets like it was his life line, head dropping slightly. “Fuck--” A sharp slap to his ass cut him off once more, hips twitching, torn between pushing into the pleasure and pulling away from the sharp sting of the slap. His cock was already leaking again, sensitive but ready for more. Tredd had barely given him the chance to wind down from his last orgasm before this unexpected onslaught of more pleasure. And as if he knew, as if he were in his mind hearing every wanton little thought he had, he felt those calloused fingers wrap around him. Tredd stroked him slowly, making him shudder in overly sensitized delight. 
“Damn alright, that’s what I’m talking about,” Tredd groaned, sinking his teeth into the swell of his ass. “Over here moaning like a bitch in heat. Why don’t you be a good boy and throw a daddy in there for me too?” Prompto hadn’t realized it, but he’d been moaning shamelessly the whole way through, and having it pointed out like that had him flushed redder than a tomato, ducking down in a weak attempt to hide his face and muffle his cries. But Tredd wasn’t having any of that, winding his free hand into his blonde locks and dragging his head back up. “The fuck I just say? Let me hear you.”
“D-daddy,” he keened, embarrassed by the way his cock twitched at the harsh grip on his hair. It was something he’d always been into, something only Noctis knew about him. He hadn’t imagined he’d get the chance to explore it so soon, least of all with Tredd. But then again this whole evening had completely blindsided him.
“Oh you liked that?” he purred, grinning wickedly. “You really are a secretly kinky little thing aren’t ya?” he growled into his ear, curling over him, completely covering his lean figure with his own. Prompto could feel the warm press of his cock against the cleft of his ass, precum smearing across his flushed skin, and damn it if he didn’t wish it was inside him right now.
“I tried to tell you I’m not as soft as you think I am,” Prompto couldn’t help the whine that echoed his words, almost negating them entirely as he pushed his hips back to grind against him.
“We’ll see about that,” he murmured, the hold on the blonde’s hair easing finally, strong fingers sliding down around his throat and squeezing until he garnered another moan from the younger man’s lips. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to fuck me,” Prompto gasped, the hold on his throat only enough to make it a little harder to breathe, he was being held more than choked but damn it he wanted more. “Don’t go easy on me this time.”
“Wasn’t goin’ easy before,” Tredd huffed slightly. Which was true, he’d railed into Prompto until he was a shuddering mess, drenched in sweat and cum and lost somewhere in the blissful throes of his orgasm. But this was different, and he was happy to oblige, the hold on his throat tightening further, earning a buck of desperate hips in return as the smaller man wheezed softly. Reaching down with his free hand Tredd guided his own aching cock to his entrance and slowly sank into him, drawing him back with a vice like grip on his narrow hip. “Fuck.”
Prompto bowed beneath him, clenching around his shaft as he slid in with ease, blonde lashes fluttering as the redhead somehow seemed to press deeper than he had before. At this angle he could already feel him glancing against his sweet spot making his thighs tremble, the drag of the head of his cock sending jolts of electric pleasure straight into his core. “Nn--please,” he whimpered.
Dragging him up flush against him, Tredd’s hips immediately snapped forward in sharp ruthless thrusts, feeling Prompto’s ass jiggle with each strike. But his dark gaze was trained on the blonde’s face as he leaned his head back against his shoulder. Moaning breathlessly,  Prompto gripped at the arm still holding his throat in a vice, the only hold he could manage to brace himself with. Feeling the older man wrap his fingers around his bobbing cock, stroking in time with his sharp thrusts was enough to make him cry out. Tredd knew good and well how sensitive he was now as he was struggling from it himself, but that cry was exactly what he was looking for. He wanted to push him as far as he could go this time.
They both knew they wouldn’t last long like this, their breath mingling in desperate groans as their lips met in a heady clash of teeth and tongues once more. Winding his arm back around Tredd’s head, Prompto gripped his short hair tightly, as if to hold on for dear life, earning a sharper moan than he expected in return. Something to note for next-would there even be a next time? He had no time to follow that trail of thought though.
Collapsing back down against the mattress with him, Tredd’s thrusts started to lose their rhythm, turning into the desperate pistoning of a man fighting his orgasm back while also desperately seeking it. “Prom-” he growled, sinking his teeth into his shoulder.
“Oh six, Tredd, fuck I’m gonna-I’m gonna--” but the hook of his calloused fingers past his lips cut his words off, a wet moan leaving them instead as he clawed at the sheets beneath them.
“Beg for it,” he breathed into his ear. “Beg for permission to.”
“Please,” Prompto gasped out, muffled and stuttering around his thick fingers, drool dripping down his chin as they only pressed his tongue down more. The words were unintelligible but the tone said it all as he pleaded for release, rocking back into him and clenching tight.
“God damn it-do it,” he groaned into his hair, knowing he was fighting a losing battle himself. “Fucking come.”
The moan that left Prompto’s lips then was a broken sob, spilling heavily across the mattress with quivering hips as each shock of his still sharp thrusts seemed to push more out of him. But Tredd was not far behind, pulling out just in time to spill across the backs of his thighs, grunting as he quickly stroked himself through it before leaning heavily across his back.
This felt like deja vu, except this time he was sprawled across the bed on his stomach, the press of Tredd’s body still on top of him keeping him grounded this time. He was expecting to feel him draw away, to get up and clean himself off this time, say something about what a good time he’d had as he shimmied back into his jeans. But it didn’t happen, the strong grip of his hand on his hip slid up the curve of his waist, squeezing gently before curling his arm under him. It was the soft brush of lips against his shoulder blade that shocked him the most though, his ears burning as he hid his face in the sheets. “How about now?” Tredd murmured against his skin, drawing another shaky laugh from his lips.
“What? Do you want me to not be okay?”
“The goal was to wreck your twink ass so, yeah,” he laughed right back only to let out a worn out huff, resting his forehead against the blonde’s back as he gave up on holding up any of his weight anymore.
“Oh gee thanks, I’d say I’m thoroughly wrecked. I’ll be feeling this in the morning, that’s for sure.” Prompto wheezed out, wiggling beneath him trying to get his arms up so it wasn’t quite so uncomfortable at least.
“Can’t wait to watch you waddle around struggling and failing to get dressed then.”
It was such a small thing, but the words made Prompto’s stomach flutter happily. So he intended to stay then? How many more surprises did he intend to throw at him tonight? “Assuming you’ll get to see that, that is.”
“What? You gonna throw me out?” Tredd shot back, and it was supposed to be a joke, but the hurt was there. There was absolutely no denying that, or the pang of guilt Prompto felt at hearing it.
“No, just don’t intend on getting up,” Lifting his head to look back at him, he wriggled about to roll over, seeing the relief in his eyes. It made his chest warm and his heart flutter, reaching up to hook his arms around him, he dragged him down to lay on top of him properly. “Unless we want breakfast.”
“Or round three,” Tredd countered with a soft smirk.
“You are insatiable,” Prompto snorted.
“You have no clue, kid…”
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hanalwayssolo · 5 years
Oh! Could you do 20, 28-30 for Ronyx? Pretty please? I love what you do with these two! 💜
@emmydots​!!!! You’re far, far too kind to me to spoil me with these lmao thank you! And with that, I shall give you a long-winded response under the cut! (Also tagging @valkyrieofardyn @gowithme​ @blindedstarlight hehe)
OTP question meme
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
In general, their family/friends are supportive of their relationship because they have all witnessed not just how good they are together, but how good they are for each other. They’ve seen some changes: most of them have noticed how Nyx have been getting less involved with picking fights and getting into arguments with Luche or Tredd; they, too, have seen how Briony spends more time outdoors than being cooped up in her room. But I love to go a little extra and drill down to each of their circle of family/friends:
Nyx’s momma - Obviously, she adores Briony from the very first time she had met her during the Galahd operation. She’s aware how Briony’s such a good influence in her son’s life. But her adoration blooms into a heartfelt love and fondness when she finds out that Briony’s the reason why she’s getting more Facetime calls from Nyx. She didn’t mean to overhear that conversation in Nyx’s room, but she did. “You should call your mom often,” Briony tells her son. “That’s the least you can do for her. And she’s alone here. And you’re the only one she has left, so please for the love of the gods get your shit together.” She had to stifle her laughter as she sneaked away from the door. She never thought Briony—with that petite frame of hers, the shy smile, and quiet demeanor—could ever possess such a feistiness that can go against Nyx. Before, Mama Ulric could barely get in touch with Nyx, but now, the fact that Nyx is usually the one calling her is astounding. 
Cor - One might think that he’s one tough dad, and well… that is true. In a way. Most of the time, he likes to play it cool with Briony with all the dating shit, but Nyx is a different bastard to deal with. Cor enjoys intimidating Nyx for the heck of it, because he knows how this asshole have probably slept with half of the women in the Citadel. At least, that’s what Cor knows from the grapevine of gossip thanks to Dustin and Monica. So it’s natural for him to be protective of Briony. He has to be. So you can imagine his surprise when Nyx shows up in his office, wanting to ask Briony’s hand in marriage, and goes on a passionate speech on all the reasons why he wanted to marry Briony. Then he presents him the list. A fucking list. What a… Briony thing to do. Cor sees how Nyx is serious about his daughter. When he gives Nyx his word and he leaves, Cor might have shed a tear or two.
Libertus, Crowe, Pelna - Team Nyx, all the way. They have been dying to see this relationship blossom to what it is now for two years. This is the slow burn romance that the entire Kingsglaive crew has been waiting to happen. And it did. The alcohol fund is spent for a fucking celebration. You know this shit is real when Captain Drautos even contributes a couple of expensive hard liquor to mark the occasion.
Prompto, Noctis, Ignis - Adamant supporters of Team Gladio had to mourn in silence. But in any case, they’re supportive of Briony and Nyx. These three have not seen Briony this happy in a long time, and they are happy for her. Secretly, Prompto and Noctis have agreed to pull pranks on Nyx and to troll his circle of friends as an act of petty revenge. As seen in this. 
Skipping Gladio, ‘cause, well. His POV chapters says everything about his take on this. :(
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
They send each other selfies, if they’re too busy for a call or a video chat. Nyx usually is the one who initiates the call, and on video calls, he tends to bring in Whiskey, especially when Briony is on a different assignment and he can’t personally come to her to cheer her up. 
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
I mean………………………….
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30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
A part of Nyx will always remain with Briony. Always.
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mimicthephoenix · 6 years
What Happens After They Have A Nightmare (FFX Kingsglaive)
Character x Reader head-canons. Warnings for inferences to PTSD and drug abuse).
- Whenever Nyx suffers from nightmares he rarely wakes up from them without your help.
- You'll hear him whimpering and moaning in his sleep.
- And his arm will be like a vice around your waist. Almost as if he's holding on to you with everything he has, so as not to lose you too.
- The key is to wake him up softly and gently. Anything too sudden or loud and he's more likely to wake up even more jumpier.
- Really not a fan of bright lights after his nightmares. So either you or him will light a couple of candles instead of switching on the lights.
- Once that's done, he'll lay in silence with you at first as he continues to come down from his nightmare.
- He likes to have you close. Once you attempted to go and get him a glass of water but he wouldn't let you go.
- He'll just keep you tucked close to him, his forehead touching yours.
- He especially likes it when you trace his tattoos. He finds it grounding and he watches you affectionately and intently as you do so.
- He will talk to you afterwards once he's calmed a bit. He'll tell you how he's feeling and what his dream was about.
- Though sometimes he will leave some of the rougher parts out. Especially if you're a civilian. There's so much you don't know and he just wants to protect you.
- So many loving pet names as he confesses everything to you. He usually uses them anyway, but his usage goes through the roof during this time.
- Always very silent during his nightmares and will usually wake himself up from them without even disturbing you.
- Will take a moment to look at you, watching the way your chest rises and falls. It's strangely soothing for him.
- He won't go back to sleep though. He'll take himself off his ‘office/study’ in your apartment and work on paperwork or plans for training sessions.
- Since he's up he feels like he should be useful, even if that terrible dream is still niggling away at the back of his head.
- At some point you wake up, either during the night or in the morning. But either way you will find him at his desk.
- It's hard to know something is wrong with Titus. He's always so composed. But his handwriting always gets messier after those kind of nights and it's how you know.
- He'll hardly speak of it though. But he will let you sit next to him and drape your arms around his shoulders. He can't continue his work with you like that, but he indulges himself for a moment.
- You'll be able to feel the tension running along his shoulders.
- Secretly likes it when you scatter small kisses across his tense shoulders
- Now is a good time to remind him that he doesn't need to carry all of this on his own. You’re partners. You work together.
- Logic is the best way to get through to him. And Titus can see the logic in your words, even if it might conflict with the way he feels.
- He usually only intends to give you a brief outline of what occurred last night, (almost treating it like it's a mission debriefing). But he always ends up telling you more than he expects to.
- Almost silent when he has a nightmare. No cries or moans or whimpers.
- But he will wake up with a jolt, his body in a cold sweat.
- And his hair will be in complete disarray from where he's been constantly running his hands through it.
- Tredd is stubborn as hell though and he'll only talk about his dreams when he's ready to. He will tell you though. Just a couple of days down the line.
- For the time being though, he just wants you close.
- Having woken up in a cold sweat he wants a shower, but he'll make sure to take you with him.
- He just wants to be able to hold you tightly against him as you both stand under the hot spray.
- Is actually more shaken then he wants to admit and so will forget to do anything in the shower that he needs to do.
- So you often end up washing his hair for him.
- He takes ages to towel himself off and you use the time to change the now damp with sweat bedding, (on his side of the bed anyway). You want him to have fresh sheets to come back to.
- And it's the small acts like that , thatTredd really appreciates.
- He'll lay back on the fresh bed one arm tucked under his head, while the other holds you to his side, your head resting on his chest.
- He prefers this position because he gets to feel you, yet there's not too much eye contact. He can't quite handle that at the moment, not when he feels so raw..
- It just makes it feel like there's too much pressure on him, even though you're not asking anything of him.
- If you don't wake up while he's having a nightmare, you would never know about it. He always leaves for an early morning run before you wake and has composed himself by the time he comes back.
- Usually you wake up though. He's very vocal during his nightmares. Not so much whimpers or moans, but lots of speaking/calling out in his sleep.
- You only usually need to say his name once to wake him out of it.
- Always wakes with a frustrated frown and can't quite look you in the eye to begin with.
- By some unspoken word you two always end up in the kitchen, making some of that sweet tea from his homeland that he likes so much.
- Not really the kind to say how he really feels all the time, but it's easy with you. He trusts you.
- Holds your hand across the table as he talks and traces the line of your palms. Will on occasion affectionately kiss the inside of your wrist.
- Though if the nightmare is particularly bad, he might pull you into his lap instead.
- Luche is always reluctant to return to bed. He can still feel the adrenaline running in his veins and feel his power react to it. He doesn't want to disturb you anymore than he already has.
- You usually can lure him to the couch instead though.
- You two will lay down together with Luche almost half on top of you, his face resting on your collarbone, one arm encircling you.
- Stroke his hair and he will eventually fall asleep.
- Whenever he has a nightmare, he has a tendency to kick in his sleep. So you will always be aware of what's happening.
- And you will often have to wake him up.
- One of the first things he does is pick up the bed sheets that he's kicked off during his sleep and wrap them back around you.
- And there are constant apologies from him, even though they aren't necessary and you don't think he has anything to be sorry for.
- He just wants to make sure you're alright. He finds it comforting, even if he was the one with the nightmare.
- There's comfort in knowing that you're okay. That you're here. And safe.
- After his apologies, he will fall silent. He needs the time to think through his nightmare and process it all.
- The best thing to do is let him have that time. He appreciates the random soft kisses you give to his cheek though as you allow him the time he needs.
- Curiously soft-spoken when he does talk again. Not fearful or anything, just his tone is exceptionally gentle.
- And he will trace his hands over your body almost reverently.
- Will wait to see you drop off to sleep again before he can feel like he can settle.
- For such a large (and passionate guy), he can be surprisingly quiet when he experiences a nightmare.
- It's almost like his entire body locks up and freezes. He's trapped and unable to do anything.
- Eventually he wakes himself up and he will glance over at you, watching for a couple of seconds as you sleep.
- He will also gently rest his hand on top of your hip. A way to connect himself to you.
- A few moments later and he will call your name in the dark. He is not ashamed to wake you up and ask for your comfort. You both know he would be there in a heartbeat for you if the situations were reversed.
- Also, he doesn't want to go back to those days of prescription drugs, those dangerous coping mechanisms. He wants to prove to both you and himself that he's better than that.
- Libertius honestly feels a little better the moment you open your eyes and look at him.
- You instinctively open your arms for him, finding yourself wide awake as you realise what is going on.
- Sometimes though, Libertius will get frustrated with himself and you have to remind him that it's okay to feel things, to be vulnerable sometimes.
- Doesn't always go into detail about his his dreams, yet will answer any question you have honestly. He would never shrug your concern off.
- If he can, he would like to just spend the following day cuddling in bed with you.
- She screams. Literally screams. But it's not purely a fear driven scream. There's some rage there too.
- Certainly more than enough to wake you.
- You usually don't have to wake her up. If Crowe’s reached that point, she usually wakes herself up as well.
- Her voice will be slightly hoarse and you'll pass her the bottle of water you keep by the bedside.
- You'll both sit on the edge of the bed together, Crowe’s head on your shoulder.
- It can take a little while for the adrenaline to fade away and leave behind all the emotion instead.
- You'll usually encourage her to write it all down on a piece of paper and then she’ll burn it with magic.
- It was just a coping strategy that you both stumbled upon. Crowe had been doubtful when it had first been suggested, but it really works for her.
- You don't have the same troubles as her, but sometimes you will join in and write your own negative feelings down so she won't feel so silly doing it on her own.
- The loneliness of her situation always feels more pronounced after a nightmare and she likes to know you're there.
- She especially likes it when you gently plait her hair for her and then hold her from behind.
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joeyisaprincess · 6 years
How would Nyx, Luche, Tredd and Titus react to an s/o who pampered them? Whether it be with gifts, making food, bringing them lunch during work, massages or whatever you wanna include lol
He fucking loves it. It makes him feel like a king
Tredd’s favorite thing is when you give him random presents. He might act like an asshole, but giving him something he’s been eyeing for a while gets him super flustered. It’s actually kind of… cute.
Let him show you off to his friends every once in a while. “My baby goes above and beyond for me, I bet you’re jealous.”
He’s guilty because it’s supposed to be him pampering you! He wants to spoil you and you’re spoiling him! No!
Now it’s a competition. He loves you, goddammit, and you need to know
Anyway, he really likes it when you let him sit between your legs and you massage his scalp. It’s very relaxing, and he’s more touch starved than he lets on
Pretty indifferent. It’s not like he doesn’t appreciate it, it’s just that he doesn’t know how to handle it
I’m not sure if this counts as pampering or spoiling but… Luche likes it when you join him in roasting Tredd. Sometimes you come up with stuff that has him in tears, and he really needs the laugh
He saves up and gets you something nice to let you know he loves you, though. Something personal only he could get you. It’s a little cheesy, so it’s understandable if you tease him
He thinks it’s so sweet of you, but it’s embarrassing when his glaives catch you spoiling him
Secretly, he loves when you bring him lunch while he’s at work. 
Also when you massage his back? He’s old and achy, and it feels like a good time to bond. I think Titus is the most receptive to this kinda treatment, he’s basically an angry old cat
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alia-turin · 6 years
Next chapter is here! More cowboy hats and spurs. 
Fic Title: Take It and Run Chapter: 2. Cards and Guns Previous Chapters:  Prologue | Chapter 1 Rating: G (later chapters might be NSFW so I will write individual warnings for each chapter) Characters: Cor, Luche, Noctis, Glado, Ignis, Prompto, Tredd, Nyx, Luna, Ravus, Libertus, Crowe. Tagging: @birdsandivory @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @lazarustrashpit @jojopitcher (some Noct comingf or you in he next chapter) @themissimmortal @kairakara101 @fromunseeliecourt @ladychocoberry @theyearofdiamonddogs @littlestfangirl
If you want to be tagged or untagged please let me know.
Cor walked in the saloon with Ignis, nobody paying attention to them beside Cid behind the bar who nodded at them. The place was already full, cowboys and locals drinking, playing cards and trying to get under the skirts of the girls.
As they reached the bar Cid didn’t even ask what Cor wants he just poured a glass of whiskey and pushed it in front of him.
“What can I get you, boy?” Cor smiled a bit seeing Ignis been taken by surprise by Cid calling him ‘boy’. Then again everyone was a boy for Cid.
“Agh,” Ignis cleared his that. “Whatever he is having.” He pointed towards Cor.
“It’s your funeral.” Cid poured him a glass and both of them stared at the younger man with curiosity.
Ignis caught their gazes and he knew there was something amiss, but he kept his straight serious expression. To his credit he kept his expression even after he drank whatever Cid poured in the glass and managed to suppress the choke that was in his throat and not spit everything out.
“Is that lamp oil?” Ignis finally asked after taking his glasses off to clean his eyes.
“It’s my homemade moonshine, the best in the west.” Cid said proudly and poured Ignis another glass. “Cures everything from cold to snake bites.”
Cor was just smiling with the corner of his lips while observing the saloon which was the main reason he was here, not to drink Cid’s rat poison. The locals were the locals, sitting together chatting and playing cards. Farmers, ranch hands, railway workers and builders were most of them. Insomnia was growing quickly, but Cor was making an effort to know who everybody was. He was trying to create that habit in Noctis as well, teach him that he needs to know the people around to know what to expect. To his credit the young sheriff was learning, but Cor was worried it wasn’t fast enough. Then of course there was the cowboys waiting for the next train North to load the cattle. Three different groups of cowboys in three days and that was rubbing Cor the wrong way. Too many people he didn’t know, too many people who could potentially set the town on fire and wouldn’t lose anything.
His eyes fell on the group that had arrived two days ago. First ones that were greeted with Nocts new law to relinquish their guns and first ones that were unhappy about it. They were playing cards in one of the corner tables seemingly getting used to the situation in town. Plus whenever the train arrived they were going to be first to load and first to leave. The second group was mostly drinking and hanging out with the saloon girls, Cor assumed that was going well for them. And finally, the guys that had arrived today. Cor studied them from his place wondering what to expect. They seemed pretty normal with the one expectation they had a woman with them. Under the dusty clothe he could tell she was a pretty thing, her brown hair was tied up in order not to be in the way and she seemed more than comfortable in the company she was in. There were two other guys on the table and two empty chairs.
“You play poker?” Cor asked Ignis.
“I’m a decent player.” The young man said, Cid’s drink was already getting to him.
“Let’s go.” ‘Decent player’ in Ignis’ language meant excellent player and that was good enough for Cor.
He walked toward their table, Ignis following him. Cor had no plan what he was going to do exactly, he just wanted to get to know them and asses how much of a danger they were.
“Can we join you?” Cor asked as he reached the table.
“Sure thing, Marshal.” One of the guys answered and pushed an empty chair toward Cor. “My name is Nyx, Nyx Ulric. That’s Libertus and Crowe.” He introduced everyone.
“Since you already know me, that is Ignis, he is the deputy sheriff here.” It was Cor’s turn apparently to deal and he dealt the cards.
“Yeah we know.” The man called Libertus said with a wide grin on his face. “One of your sheriff’s deputies made two of our guys rethink their life choices today.”
Cor didn’t say anything, it wasn’t his business to get in the sheriff’s business and most likely whatever Noct and his deputies did it was deserved.
“Where are the rest of you guys?” Ignis asked as he was looking calmly at his cards.
“One is upstairs with a girl.” Crowe explained. “Two are with the cattle and the third one went to deal with some personal business.”
Her words weren’t ignored by Cor, but he wasn’t going to ask anything further on the topic. Personal business could mean anything from having a lover to robbing a bank.
The game continued with some light-headed jokes and Cor highly recommending Cid’s special which they ordered and regretted probably more than Ignis.
“You are in my chair.” A deep voice came from behind Ignis and Cor had to turn around to check how that would go down. A tall broad-shouldered man with red hair was standing behind Ignis obviously on the verge of kicking the deputy out of it. That was going to be entertaining.
“Tredd, calm down.” Nyx told the man before Ignis could even react. “There is an empty chair there grab it.”
The man stood there just a moment and Cor could swear he was going to do something stupid. Part of his was hoping that would happen, he would feel better if all of them slept in a jail cell till it was time for them to leave.
The man called Tredd didn’t object any further just grabbed chair form the table behind them and sat next to Nyx and the woman.
“Deal me in I guess.” The redhead said and Libertus dealt him in the game as well.
“That was pretty quick, losing your touch?” Crowe teased the newcomer.
“Shut up. She was no fun. Just like you right now.” Tredd looked at his cards and made his bet.
“Don’t blame the horse, blame the rider.” Crowe continued taunting him and Cor was secretly grateful. He wanted to see what Tredd would do in anger.
“Sometimes it’s the horse.” The man said silently not going any further n her taunts and Cor couldn’t decide if he was just giving up the fight against her or was behaving because of him and Ignis.
 On his way back Luhe couldn’t stop thinking about what Titus had told him. It could work. If the information was right it would work but where would he find that one missing person. Actually, he knew where question was who.
“Nyx or Tredd.” He whispered in the night knowing only his horse could hear him.
Nyx was better rider, Tredd was better with guns and explosives. Nyx could keep his mouth shut, Tredd wouldn’t be worried to use brutal force against anyone. Nyx had consciousness, Tredd had none.
He had to make the right choice, because that choice was his future. This one job will sort out all his problems and help him buy his plantation back. He could see the moment when he wouldn’t need to sleep rough anymore and would have his own bed, bed that he owned.
Insomnia was already asleep not counting the saloon and he knew that he can find the man he needed there. He tied his horse to the front and calmly walked inside. It was packed and noisy but he quickly located Nyx and the rest…sitting with the Marshal and that one deputy that looked out of place.
“Fuck.” He said to himself realizing he had four revolvers in the bags of his saddle. That has to happen as elegant as possible.
“Hey, look who is here!” Libertus shouted. “How was the personal business?”
“Pleasant.” Luche forced a smile on his lips, his eyes shifting between the marshal and the deputy sheriff.
“Told you it’s a woman.” Libertus folded his cards. “I’m out you are robbing me blind.” He told the deputy. Luche had to say he was impressed. Both Nyx and Tredd were good card players but the man was robbing them judging by the money he had in front of himself.
“Yeah, I am losing more money than I can afford to lose.” Nyx pushed his cards as well.
Tredd was saying absolutely nothing and Luche could smell trouble. Two things were going to happen, he would throw the cards and walk away pissed or accused the deputy of cheating, both scenarios unpleasant.
“Are you going to join us?” Crowe asked. “Since these two quitters are leaving…”
“No, I’m actually tired, I just needed some help from Tredd with the cattle. It’s about that calf that was giving us trouble earlier.”
Tredd turned toward him looking at him absolutely blankly and Luche was praying the man was not too drunk and will figure it out.
“Oh.” Was the only thing coming from Tredd’s lips and that was a good sign. “Excuse me.”
Luche tipped his hat at the Marshal and the deputy and walked out calmly followed by Tredd. Neither of them said anything realizing that if the Marshal walked out of the saloon he would probably hear them. They jumped on their horses silently and rode toward their camp out of town.
“So….” Tredd started as they were far enough and nobody was following them.
“Have two revolvers for you, but you keep them out of sight or we are both in trouble.” In fact, they were in more trouble than Tredd could imagine if the guns were found.
“I’m not stupid. I just look the part.” He couldn’t see Tredd’s smile in the dark but he was sure the other man was smiling. He knew him far too well.
“How do you feel about making some extra money?” Luche finally asked after some long silence. Tredd was a gamble and Nyx was a gamble as well. He had to choose and he was doing just that.
“I have never said no to money or a pretty woman so why do you ask?” Tredd pulled his horse closer realizing it was probably some sort of secret they were talking about.
“I have a friend. He used to be in the army, a major of some sort. He has information about a stagecoach carrying something of great value. We need a fifth pair of hands.” Luche was trying to explain and mention as little as possible, he wasn’t completely sure how far he can trust Tredd.
“How much is great value?” judging by his voice, he was certainly interested.
“After expenses and some payments we need to make about two thousand per head.” The number Titus had told him was a bit higher, but better to surprise Tredd at the end than to disappoint him.
“That’s a lot of money.” Tredd didn’t say anything for a bit then continued. “What do I need to do?”
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secret-engima · 4 years
In Fangs and Feathers, what are everyone else's reactions to meeting Xanxus, and vice versa? Are any other reincarnations going to pop up?
In GENERAL reactions are shock (the king has another son?), horror (he’s so VIOLENT AND RUDE), and incredulity (why does Noctis LIKE this guy???). Some more specific ones would be-
-Cor. Cor and Xanxus DO NOT get along for the longest time. It’s like introducing two cats very, very improperly. They tolerate each other at best. Cor thinks Xanxus is violent, uncontrolled, reckless, and selfish. Xanxus thinks Cor is a very, very dangerous man playing at being more calm and in control than he is and that triggers bad memories of Nono’s guardians and their trickery.
-These two will eventually come to a more stable neutrality toward each other after Xanxus stops acting like he’s going to stab Regis at any moment (ie when Xanxus realizes that Regis genuinely does love his illegitimate son and has all the snake-like qualities of a sad fluffy dog) and after many very bloody sparring matches that leave them both exhausted and in need of an elixir.
-Ignis is straight up horrified. He knows Noctis attracts strange people (look at Crowe) and forgives the dangerous ones (look at the various assassins that Noctis has converted) but .... but THIS is Noctis’s brother? Regis’s other son and Titus’s nephew? He’s so .... ANGRY. He walks around like he’s about to commit murder at any given second and yet Noctis ADORES him. It’s only the fact that Ignis can see Xanxus adores Noctis in return that keeps Ignis from trying to poison Xanxus’s tea or something.
-Xanxus, for his part, actually likes Ignis? He’s a Bby Inverted Sun who is clearly very protective and loyal to his Sky. Very smart for his age, and smart enough to be both wary and willing to throw the rule book out the window in favor of protecting Noctis (or better yet, using the rulebook to tangle someone up and trip them legally down the nearest elevator shaft). Ignis knows Xanxus is dangerous and is prepared to fight him to the death the moment Xanxus proves a threat to Noctis. Xanxus approves. He knows Ignis won’t WIN, but he approves. Finally Small Trash gains an Element that isn’t useless or suicidal and hasn’t tried to murder him beforehand.
-Xanxus’s arrival is before Gladio’s Nicked Lung incident (we’ll all just assume Xanxus was out on a Hunt or something when that happened k?) but he’s always ... been neutral toward Gladio. Neutral leaning toward negative. The kid is a brat. Arrogant brat that takes pride in his duty while also being scornful of the bby Sky in his care and THAT makes Xanxus dislike him. BUT, he’s also a kid and kids can change. Plus this is Small Trash’s Storm, he is fully expecting some kind of violent Incident to happen to turn the kid’s attitude around. This does not mean Xanxus won’t join Crowe in kicking the pants off Gladio after he gets back and hears about the Nicked Lung Incident OR from holding it over Gladio’s head for years after but it does mean he won’t outright try to kill Gladio because he knows this is ... how Tsuna-Noct always courts his Elements.
-Gladio thinks Xanxus is SCARY, but also admires him. He ... almost wishes he could be Xanxus’s Shield instead of Noctis’s at first (until the Incident) and thinks Xanxus is a “real man” for always being on the move and ready to fight and get things done. But he also dislikes Xanxus to an extent because Xanxus tends to ignore him or call him Trash instead of his name so....
-After Xanxus hears of the Nicked Lung Incident, Gladio upgrades his opinion of Xanxus from “scary but kinda cool” to “UTTERLY TERRIFYING DO NOT ENGAGE ABORT ABORT ABORT” and also becomes glad he is NOT Xanxus’s Shield because Xanxus is a feral mass of instincts, magic, and wrath tied together in the rough shape of a prince.
-Clarus always knew Regis’s reckless youth would come back to bite. He just ... didn’t expect it to be QUITE this bad. Or violent. Or magically powerful. Or CUNNING because this boy has never touched the political scene before yet he maneuvers through it with the careless abandon that only comes from knowing EXACTLY what all the rules and dangers are and just not giving a flying tonberry.
-He is ready for YEARS for Xanxus to either turn on Regis or turn on Noctis. Or both. Especially after Xanxus’s Shield shows up (more on him later). It ... takes him a long time to accept that yes, Xanxus is loyal and loving, he’s just a feral Cor turned up to 11 all the time and age is not going to make him Chill like it did Cor.
-Xanxus equates Clarus to Nono’s favorite Guardian. Specifically the one that abused Xanxus as a kid and continued to belittle him and treat him as a mad dog for the rest of his life. For obvious reasons, even if this first impression is incorrect, it sours Xanxus’s view of Clarus for years. They come to a silent non-aggression agreement for Regis’s and Noctis’s sake eventually, but not without much glaring (on both parts), snarling (on Xanxus’s part), swearing (on Xanxus’s part), and veiled comments (on Clarus’s part). Once Xanxus is wayyyyyyy older and has been around long enough, their antagonism mellows into something of a snarky frenemies thing, but it takes a while.
-Prompto thought Xanxus was terrifying for all of the ten minutes it took Xanxus to walk in glaring and then let himself get bowled over by a happy Noctis. Seeing the man lying on the floor complaining about “Small Trash get a diet you’re heavy” while absently petting Noctis’s hair went a long way to turn Xanxus from “nigh-eldritch demon” to “really grumpy cat” in Prompto’s brain. It helps that Prompto is the sweetest thing on the planet and even Xanxus doesn’t have the heart to be mean around him (plus Prom is a kid, the most kid-like of all Noctis’s friends, and Xanxus has always had a soft spot from brats as long as they weren’t threats to his Elements or the Vongola).
-Xanxus takes one look at Prompto and goes “ah. Bby Inverted Cloud. Abused bby Cloud. I will protecc.” then hides it under fifty billion layers of Gruff that fools everyone but Noctis, Prompto, and Xanxus’s own Shield.
-Is secretly ECSTATIC when Prompto shows a talent/interest in firearms and proceeds to gleefully train Prompto up to Varia Quality in them. Needless to say, Prompto is now the deadliest thing on the planet (Xanxus is more deadly, but Prompto looks like a cinnamon roll and thus is always underestimated, making him more deadly in the long run).
-The glaives are terrified. Captain’s nephew is powerful, is the King’s oops baby, AND has the general temperament of a rabid Coeurl stabbed to a chainsaw.
-Check that, all the glaives are terrified except for Tredd and Nyx. Tredd loves to antagonize despite the bruises it leaves him and Nyx wants to be friends because HUMAN COEURL. Lib and Luche are a Despair.
-Everyone is a Fear (even Nyx) the day they realize that Xanxus is Titus’s choice for Captain replacement. Which explains why Xanxus signed up the day after he turned 18 despite hating the military but STILL.
-Xanxus ... secretly loves the Glaives. These absolute morons are like his Varia but slightly less psychotic and loud. They are also his Uncle’s People so they must be protected (even if protection comes in the form of chasing them around the training ground shooting at them until they learn to dodge properly NYX). Tredd is a pest, but what do you expect of Storms, and Nyx is a blast because he can actually keep up with Xanxus’s crazy and is usually up for 90% of it. Xanxus’s favorite is actually Lib because Long-suffering Braincell Cloud but shhhh Xanxus isn’t supposed to play favorites with his future troops.
-To answer your last question ... yes there will be more reincarnations, but I haven’t decided which ones yet? I know that most of Tsuna’s guardians are NOT present because that makes the cast too big and risks overthrowing the Chocobro dynamic. I also have no plans to bring in any of the Arcobaleno so far and most of the Varia are also not present because I wanna focus on Xanxus and the glaives but.... There IS one member I’ve decided to bring. XDD
-Xanxus spends the three month trial run being kept secret from the world just in case he decides he hates Regis. Obviously he doesn’t, because Regis is the Best Dad™ and that means AFTER that, Regis has to man up and hold a press conference on the existence of his eldest son (who there are rumors about because even the best can’t keep Xanxus completely off the radar).
-Literally one week after the press conference where Regis did his speech and then was surprised when Xanxus actually PLAYED NICE for the camera (ie: didn’t cuss everyone out and only used the word trash ten times, even if he did scowl the entire time and ignore any questions aimed his way), all of Insomnia is thrown into a panic because someone just kamikaze ran a gunship at the Wall and used the diversion to slip through the opening that had been made to let in the weekly trucker convoy of foodstuffs and whatever. Naturally all the Crownsguard and Kingsglaive are up in arms to find the infiltrator that punched the border patrol in the nose and then disappeared into the back alleys.
-Another week goes by with no sign of the infiltrator until he once again rigs a diversion in the form of a truly astronomical amount of firecrackers set off at 4 AM right next to Crownsguard HQ. In the chaos of responding to the “gunfire”, the Nif infiltrator proceeds to careen his way through Citadel security, avoiding capture or death through truly insane shenanigans that make Crowe’s invasion years earlier look like a kitten run.
-Xanxus disobeys orders to stay in his room to instead go hunting for the Trash daring to invade his new home and, being Varia quality, successfully finds the infiltrator before anyone else does in the gardens. Xanxus pulls out a pistol, intending to shoot the Trash through his kneecaps because no doubt the king will want to interrogate him, when the Nif teenager, who has to BARELY be enlistment age and probably only four months out of Imperial boot camp, whirls around and CUTS THE BULLETS with his sword. Which promptly shatters.
-“VOI!” The teen yowls loud enough to shake the leaves of the trees and maybe a few window panes and Xanxus freezes. The teen drops his useless sword hilt on the ground and bares his teeth at Xanxus, green eyes glittering with fury and white-blond, waist length hair left to fly every which way in the breeze (noble’s kid then, no way he’d escape regulation haircuts if he wasn’t from some high noble’s spawn), “You! Get over here and let me stab you!”
-Xanxus holsters his pistol and stalks forward without a word. The teen gets nervous the closer Xanxus gets, Xanxus’s magic flaring around them to box them in with a Shield spell. Once he’s nose to nose with the teen, he reaches out with his magic, poking and prodding angrily at the soul in front of him. The teen doesn’t flinch, just glares with something feral and desperate in his eyes, something manic and NEEDY that reaches out and catches at Xanxus’s burning magic without fear.
-Xanxus takes a breath and its shaky, “Squalo?”
-The Niflheim teenage officer bursts into tears even though he’s trying not to, cussing Xanxus out in between his sobs because Xanxus DIED and he LEFT THEM and HOW COULD YOU YOU IDIOT TRASH BOSS.
-Because they are alone, and because this is his Rain that he thought was forever lost, Xanxus pulls Squalo into a hug that was almost spine breaking and shakes as he pours his magic into the gaping hole in his Shark’s soul.
-The Kingsglaive find them in the garden an hour later, no tears in sight (but eyes suspiciously red) yelling at each other and wrestling like long lost playmates on the ground. Titus, who is used to assessing his nephew’s condition via magic sensing, picks out the vibrate bond of magic between them and groans. “Xanxus, HE’S A NIF. HE’S LITERALLY THE ENEMY.”
-Xanxus hauls the boy (who’s birth certificate would tell you is Tempestas Highwind) to his feet and then pulls him protectively behind him with a snarl of, “Back off, Shark Trash is mine.” When Regis and Clarus, just arriving on the scene and already getting flashbacks to Crowe, make faint noises of protest, he grins and declares-
-“Shark Trash is my Shield, and if any of you have a problem with that you can put it where the sun don’t shine.”
-And Regis wonders what kind of horrible person he was in a previous life to deserve this. Son. Son pls, son he is AN OFFICER OF THE ENEMY FORCES YOU CAN’T MAKE HIM A SHIELD.
-Tempestas/Squalo, loud enough to shake window panes, “VOI I DEFECT FROM THE EMPIRE.”
-Titus just ... groans. Because he knows that look in his nephew’s eyes, that’s both Xanxus’s innate stubbornness AND Lucis Caelum possessiveness. The only way they’re getting rid of this Nif kid is by prying him from Xanxus’s cold dead hands.
-Also fun fact, YES, Squalo is related to Aranea. He is her older brother by a year and YES this is going to lead to the sibling spat to end all spats when she learns her brother uP AND DEFECTED TO LUCIS for seemingly no reason. Tho honestly she’s not surprised, because Tempestas has always vocally hated the empire.
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Heart of Thunder - Chapter 06
I finally, finally did it! Link to AO3 as always.
There wasn't much time to prepare. Pitioss, there wasn't even enough time to think clearly. Half an hour. Half a fucking hour. Damn Cor Leonis and that roguish glint in his too pretty blue eyes. That man was secretly laughing at him, Nyx just knew it.
He practically warped out of the front door of the Crownsguard headquarters, ignoring the stares it earned him as he sprinted down the street of the governmental district and into the training facilities for the Glaive. The door of his locker gave an ominous creek as he practically ripped it from its hinges. Nyx was so glad he hadn't been able to leave the necklace at home. This was something he had made with his own two hands and was intended for who was supposed to be the most important person in his life.
Cor Leonis was filling this spot far faster than Nyx had anticipated or even expected in the first place.
All eyes were on him as he ran into the mess hall, doors banging against the wall and a manic glint in his eyes. He plugged Libertus from the line of those waiting for their meal and dragged him by the arm to where he saw Luche sitting with his usual crowd.
“Nyx? Hey stop, damn it. What's gotten into you?” Libertus complained.
Nyx didn't listen, too focused on the shrinking window of time he had left.
Luche raised an inquiring eyebrow but didn't get the chance to say anything.
“I need you to be my witness, Luche of Clan Lazarus,” Nyx rushed so say, formal but also not, because there was no time.
The blond stopped and blinked, his eyes widened the tiniest bit in surprise. Next to him Tredd choked on his food and both Sonitus and Axis slowly turned to look at each other.
“Wait, now?” Libertus sputtered. “I thought you would need at least a week to organize this. You just finished your Gift of Acceptance yesterday!”
“Nyx wants Luche to witness a gift giving?” Axis asked flabbergasted, and honestly rightly so.
While the Ulric and Lazarus Clans had no animosity between them, the weren't allied either. Said Lazarus eyed him in consideration, brows furrowed and fingers tapping along the edge of the table. Nyx quite admirably resisted the urge to show his growing impatience. Something calculating flittered through Luche's grey eyes before it was gone a second later and he nodded his acceptance.
“Lumo varistos,” Nyx said with the sincerity he could muster, which caused even more people to do a double take.
“Where will it be?” enquired Luche as he stood up, leaving his half eaten lunch on the table.
Tredd grinned and pulled the plate closer to himself. Luche scoffed at the redhead's behaviour while the other two sitting at the table just rolled their eyes.
“Why waste a meal?” Tredd shrugged and continued eating the bland food.
“In the Citadel, meeting room 1-1 and we have,” he checked the clock on the wall and felt his stomach flip in anticipation, “fifteen minutes to get there.”
“Couldn't you have told us a bit earlier, you hero? And you owe me a full course meal for this, because of you I'll miss lunch,” complained Libertus and practically pushed Nyx out of the mess hall, Luche right beside them.
The only thing betraying his amusement was the tiny upward tick of his lips.
They made it with barely a minute to spare. Internally Nyx apologized to the poor secretary that had tried to stop them and they had practically bowled over.
Meeting room 1-1 was decked out in all blacks and greys and golds with a large table dominating the room. At its farthest end Cor, the King and the Lord Shield were already waiting for them. The latter two looked surprised at their entrance. The Lord Shield seemed to be ready to say something but a glance from Cor made him back down with a frown on his face.
“Your Majesty, Lord Shield,” Nyx greeted with a bow Libertus and Luche copied.
“Sir Ulric,” the King answered with a shallow nod. “I take it there's a reason for you and your companions to be here?”
At the deceptively mild tone in the King's voice Nyx very carefully did not show how nervous he was. Damn it, he had always imagined meeting his fiancée's family to be less nerve wrecking. Probably because he had always thought he would court another Galahkar and not a Lucian.
“Yes, your Majesty,” he said clearly.
Not really having the mind for pondering further what the King and the Lord Shield might be thinking, he stepped further into the room and Cor met him halfway. Conscious of the Lucian audience he did not lean in to greet his fiancée with a touch of their foreheads. Instead Nyx gave him a slightly crooked smile and pulled a small wooden jewel case out of the pouch at his hip. Within, neatly folded up, lay the necklace.
The moment he saw it a quiet wonderment sparked within Cor's eyes and left a warm glow of pride deep Nyx' chest. Carefully, he picked the necklace up and held it so everybody in the room could see it.
Out of the corner of his eyes he could see Libertus giving him a discreet thumbs up and Luche not so subtly gaping at it. Nyx nearly burst out laughing at the sight. He did not look directly at the King or his Shield in fear their reaction would make him loose his nerves. Which honestly was quite cowardly.
But even if he had wanted to look, he wouldn't have been able to. The moment he looked up from the necklace, Cor's eyes captured him. His gaze felt like a shower of warm summer rain on his skin.
As subtly as he could he cleared his throat and held his Gift of Acceptance out towards his fiancée.
“Yesterday you gave me a precious gift, one I readily accepted. You did so observing the traditions of my culture, though you don't know them, though they aren't your own. Cor of the Leonis line, yesterday you gifted me with the symbol of my Clan and I became part of your family. Today, under the watchful eyes of your family and mine, I give you my answer and with it will become part of my own family and my people, should you accept.”
To Nyx it felt like his mouth had been moving on its own, as if another person had taken over part of his body and he was just along for the ride. Had Libertus secretly asked for help from one of his ancestors? He better not have. Hunting-brother or not, this was something that he had to do without help from beyond the Gate.
It was only because Nyx was staring so intently at his fiancée's face that he noticed his eyebrow tick up minutely in astonishment. Had he forgotten to mention that? No, no he was pretty sure he had explained that part.
For a long second there was silence and Nyx had to bite his tongue as to not embarrass himself by blurting out more words than he already had. It was Cor's decision to make and Cor's alone. Should he not accept the whole engagement would be called off without either party loosing face, which was the only way to do so in this situation, if he thought about it.
Damn, why hadn't he thought to talk to Cor in more detail about these things?
Calloused fingers brushed along his own and shot warmth up his arm like lightning as they took the necklace from his hand. Curiosity clear on his face now, Cor examined the Gift of Acceptance and Nyx forced himself not to fidget while he did so. The gift was only accepted should Cor wear it. He was perfectly within his right to judge his worth by examining his craftsmanship.
He wondered again if Cor knew what the engraved wing meant, as his attention rested on it for the longest out of all other components. His fiancée fiddled with the slip knots used to adjust the length of the necklace and without further ado slipped it over his head. Just like that.
The causal action took his breath away.
“This is very fine craftsmanship and it's an honour to wear it. Thank you,” Cor said.
Don't blush, don't you dare blush now, Nyx internally admonished himself as the weight of Cor's gaze settled on him again like a blanket. He couldn't help the wide smile, though.
It was a heady feeling, seeing his fiancée – also his family now! - wear his gift. It made him giddy and warm from the inside, like he was carrying a sun in his chest. Nyx felt like he was glowing just as brightly.
“Your family and mine as witness, the gift has been accepted,” he managed to say before he forgot.
He would be excused if he did, he thought has he traced how the necklace rested just over his fiancée's collar bones with his eyes.
A pointed cough made him tear his eyes away and come face to face with the King. The man's expression cycled from astonishment to surprise to amusement, back so astonishment and something warm Nyx could not quite place. Next to him his Shield looked like he had been hit by a lightning bolt. All wide eyes and slack jaw. It was nearly comical to see the normally so composed man like that.
“Please explain to me what I just witnessed, Marshall,” the King said with a placid smile that made the fine hairs on Nyx' neck stand on end.
With an uncharacteristic nervous shift Cor turned to fully face the King and simultaneously took half a step closer to Nyx.  They did not quite touch, but to feel the other's body heat was a reassurance all on its own.
“I got engaged,” Cor stated like it explained everything.
Nyx felt his forehead slump against his fiancée's shoulder and bit his lip not to laugh out loud. Libertus' exasperated groan was joined by another one he did not recognize.
A sigh.
“Cor,” said the King and it sounded like exasperation, indulgence and fondness all rolled into one. “What did you do?”
A minute tremor went through Cor's shoulders and Nyx realized that he, too had to keep from laughing out loud.
He lifted his head and stepped up so he stood next to Cor. “Your Majesty, Ser Leonis proposed to me yesterday. As per the tradition of my people, I had to give him my Gift of Acceptance in front of members of his family,” he explained in an attempt to help.
The King tilted his head, eyes curious and considering. “I gather there must not be a blood connection to be considered family.”
“No, your Majesty. It's the people you trust the most on a hunt, those you would follow through life and death and never abandon you through any hardship.”
The King nodded and his eyes fell on the necklace. “This is very good craftsmanship, indeed. Would you perchance be amendable to give me the name of the person who fashioned this piece?”
Nyx blinked and something like indignation flashed through Luche's eyes. Which, fair. That question bordered very close to rude. He raised a questioning eyebrow in the blond's direction, who nodded, surprised.
“I crafted this necklace, your Majesty, as is tradition. A Gift of Acceptance must always be handcrafted. If Majesty is interested in our jewellery, the Lazarus Clan would be the best to contact. Being jewellers has been their traditional occupation since the founding of Galahd,” Nyx hurried to say to soothe some ruffled feathers.
“My most sincere compliments then, Sir Ulric,” the King said with a small smile and then turned to Luche. “Sir Lazarus, I would like to contact a jeweller of your Clan for a commission, if possible.”
Luche's eyebrows nearly vanished into his hairline. “We do take commissions. I will talk to one of my cousins, your Majesty.”
“My thanks,” the King said. “Now. I do not want to keep you gentlemen from your posts, lest you get into trouble with Captain Drautos. Cor, please stay for a moment.”
That was very clearly not a request. Nyx bowed and turned to Cor.  His fiancée gave him a tiny smile, barely an upturn of the corners of his mouth.
“I'll call you after your shift is finished,” Cor murmured.
He leaned in and their foreheads and noses touched. Nyx closed his eyes and savoured the feeling, their breaths mingling gently. For a few moments the world fell away and he basked in the warmth the closeness gave him. Calloused fingers tangled with his own and he forced himself to step away.
“All right,” he smiled, and, with a gentle squeeze of his fingers as a silent good-bye, followed Libertus and Luche out of the meeting room.
None of them spoke until they had left the Citadel.
“A necklace, Ulric, really? And with your own Clan beads? No wonder you asked me to come,” Luche commented with an air of exasperation he normally reserved for Tredd. “And you let him?” he inquired towards Libertus.
His hunting-brother scowled, then shrugged in a what-can-you-do way. “He's an Ulric. They either jump right in head first or not at all.”
“This Ulric is right here and listening. You and everybody else saw what he gifted me. There was no other possible way for me to answer,” Nyx defended himself with a huff.
“That pelt was very impressive,” Luche conceded.
Nyx nodded, pacified. The pelt was very impressive, indeed. At the moment it had a place of honour being draped over his armchair.
“You'll need to officially announce this soon and the both of you need to be seen together during the next storytelling, or the traditionalists are going to have a fit,” Libertus warned as they stepped into the Headquarters of the Kingsglaive.
“I know. I'll talk to Cor about it. We'll also need to speak to Oirkar Arra to register his name as a Clan name.”
“You are really going to introduce him to our culture?” Luche wanted to know.
“It may not have happened often before now, but it did happen. You know how the Furia became a Clan, right?” Nyx asked back.
The blond gave him a look. Of course he knew about it. The Lazarus were allied with the Furia, after all. It would be insulting, if he didn't.
“It might be kind of fun to see how Leonis will deal with it,” Libertus interrupted their stare-down.
Nyx snorted. He wouldn't say fun exactly, but interesting certainly. Wait, did Cor even want to be involved that much? Both Libertus and Luche turned around as Nyx stopped short in the hallway.
“Hey, you alright there, Nyx? Quit dreaming about your other half or we'll be late!” his hunting-brother called, a quiet worry in his eyes.
“I'm coming,” he shot back and shook his head.
This was something he could think about later.
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