#treason in India
hopepunk-priest · 11 months
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason is sooooooo funny they're like, these two are our most competent agents and not only do they fail to foil TWO plots, and a betrayal, they also get their cover blown literally immediately AND every single person they come across is like "those two are too horny to be married"
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bookcoversonly · 8 months
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Title: The Secret Service of Tea and Treason | Author: India Holton | Publisher: Berkley Books (2023)
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paradises-library · 8 months
He looked back at her with a stare so void of emotion, Alice struggled not to dreamily sigh. A woman could never drown in eyes like that! She could stand on safely dry ground while other women flailed about in swooning, adoring gazes.
-The Secret Service of Tea and Treason, India Holton
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indizombie · 1 year
In normal politics, there are many sides to an argument, and we can all pretend that different sides are acting in good faith even when we disagree. But, when the ideological project is singularly communal and wears the garb of nationalism, every dissent is treated as treason.
Pratap Bhanu Mehta, 'No reaction', Indian Express
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thereadingcafe · 1 year
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thedaily-beer · 2 years
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Uprising Brewing Treason IPA (Picked up at Waitrose - Bayswater in London). A 3 of 4. More West Coast than a lot of other beers I had in the UK, primarily citrus with a touch of pine and resin. Quite dry and bitter body overall, although some caramel malt sweetness pokes out mid-body.
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blogmollylane · 3 days
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Newly acquired:
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason by India Holton
The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo. Translated by Louise Heal Kawai.
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annafromuni · 3 months
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason is a Treat
India Hilton returns with her beloved characters and witty plotting, bringing forth a novel so genius and tantalising that you’ll be just like the agents fawning over Alice and Bixby. The Secret Service of Tea and Treason is a delight to read and a perfect way to spend an afternoon in bed. I appreciate the pining and comical slow-burn aspect of this book. It’s reminiscent of The Wisteria Society…
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overflowingshelf · 6 months
Review: The Secret Service of Tea and Treason by India Holton
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason India Holton Publisher: Berkley Books Publication Date: April 18, 2023 Series or Standalone:Dangerous Damsels #3 Links: Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Goodreads – StoryGraph Rating: MY REVIEW CW: Violence; gun violence; abandoment; child abuse; physial abuse; emotional abuse; pregnancy  Starting a new India Holton book means you’re in for a whimsical,…
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bethly126 · 6 months
Beth Favorite's Books of 2023!
It’s that time of the year! Where we look back at all of the books we read this year and pick our favorites. These are my favorite books of 2023. They are in no particular order but in order that I read them. The Dangerous Damsels series by India Holton – The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels, The League of Gentlewoman Witches and The Secret Service of Tea and Treason were such a fun trilogy…
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signourneybooks · 1 year
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason | Book 3 of Dangerous Damsels | ARC Review
Thank you to Netgalley and The Berkley Publishing Group for the review copy in exchange for an honest review. It does not change my opinion in anyway. Book: The Secret Service of Tea and Treason (Dangerous Damsels 3) by India HoltonRelease Date: April 18th 2023Tags: Historical Fantasy | Historical Romance | Spies | Pirates | Fake Marriage Two rival spies must brave pirates, witches, and fake…
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indizombie · 2 years
The capacity to appreciate merits in a man, apart from his caste, does not exist in a Hindu. There is appreciation of virtue, but only when the man is a fellow caste-man. The whole morality is as bad as tribal morality. My caste-man, right or wrong; my caste-man, good or bad. It is not a case of standing by virtue or not standing by vice. It is a case of standing by, or not standing by, the caste. Have not Hindus committed treason against their country in the interests of their caste?
'Annihilation of Caste', Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
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The Secret Service of Tea and Treason- Review
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason By India Holton Genre: Historical, Paranormal Romance Series: Dangerous Damsels #3 Publisher: Berkley Publication Date: April 18,2023 Source: Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review Rating: 4.5 Stars Amazon Indiebound Description: One of…Amazon’s Best Romances of AprilBuzzfeed’s Romance Books To Look Out For In 2023Two rival spies must…
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stephensmithuk · 11 days
Sorry, Mary, your Dad was corrupt
The jewels had belonged to one of the local rulers in India that the East India Company and later the British Raj used to run a good chunk of their empire in the Indian subcontinent. It was cheaper there and elsewhere in the Empire to use local rulers where possible to run some of their territory - they also just didn't have the numbers to garrison it all themselves.
The Rajah (ruler) in question had decided to split his money and jewels to cover himself for both possible outcomes in the 1857-1858 Indian Rebellion. He had then sided with the rebels and so was legally a traitor to the East India Company, which entitled them to, once he had been convicted of treason (which could be done in absentia) to seize all his estates and property. It would not be passed down to any heirs.
Small and the other three members decide to rob his courier and take the treasure for themselves, so it doesn't end up in the EIC's hands.
When Sholto is told by Small about the hidden treasure, he would be obligated to inform the higher-ups so it could be returned to the Raj (which had taken over operations) or perhaps more morally but far less likely, the rajah's successor.
Instead with Morstan's connivance, they choose not to report it and keep it for themselves. That's textbook corruption in a public office.
It's a good thing, in a way, it went into the river. Even that box is technically stolen property, so Mary can't sell that.
Apart from the marriage proposal, it's not been a great week for Mary Morstan.
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emjee · 6 months
Extremely random question but I love to ask librarians this: what have u read recently that’s stuck out? Do u have any book recs for 2023?
And I, a librarian, love being asked this!! Here are my favorite books from this year:
Little Thieves by Margaret Owen - actually picked this one up because of an excellent rec post here on tumblr. It’s loosely based on The Goose Girl fairy tale so I pitch it as “it’s a beautiful day in fantasy Germany and you are a horrible goose girl.” The sequel also came out this year and is every bit as good.
When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb - This one was actually my pick for Best Book of My Year at work. It’s incredible. An angel and a demon who are study partners leave their shtetl to go find a local girl who immigrated to America and hasn’t been heard from since. It’s gorgeous.
Ask a Historian by Greg Jenner - I love Greg Jenner and his podcast You’re Dead to Me and I listened to the audiobook of this one, which was wonderful.
If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio - the very very rare internet darling that I felt lived up to the hype. Insufferable theatre students at conservatory do a murder. Lots of Shakespeare.
The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan - Not only did he write a new Percy book, but it had the audacity to be good???
A Lady’s Guide to Scandal by Sophie Irwin - One of the best romance novels I read this year. I haven’t swooned that hard over a heterosexual pairing in a traditionally published book since I don’t know how long.
A Rome of One’s Own by Emma Southon - a history of Rome in 21 women. I love Emma Southon—she’s funny and rigorous and so insightful. And she makes me care about the Romans, who I generally hate.
The Secret Service of Tea and Treason by India Holton - I love the entire Dangerous Damsels series and this one was no exception. The balance of humor and deep emotion is my favorite thing about these books.
These are just the highlights of a long list—I also read a lot of children’s lit for work, lots more nonfiction, and things like scriptural commentary and saints’ biographies. Thank you for this question!
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What Happened on December 16th, 1773?
One of the most important dates in the history of the United States of America. On this night, the Sons of Liberty dumped more than 300 crates of East India Company tea into Boston Harbor. To many who were still loyal to the crown, this was an act of sedition and treason by “ill designing men”. But to those whose loyalty to King George III—and his taxes—had faltered; this was a galvanizing event. Bostonians from all statuses and walks of life came together, as equal citizens, to make a peaceful protest against tyranny and taxation without representation. It was their patriotism that sparked the American Revolution.
For years, the colonies had been taxed without receiving equal representation in Parliament. The first direct tax on the colonies was the Stamp Act of 1765, taxing all paper goods. This would be followed by the Townsend Acts which taxed glass, lead, paint, and tea. This taxation without representation led to protests, riots, and further unrest in an already tense city.
The Boston Tea Party was the culmination of a series of meetings beginning on November 29, 1773—two days after the first of the three ships bearing East India Company tea arrived in Boston Harbor. The arrival of the Dartmouth, with her 114 chests of tea on board, sent Boston into a frenzy. The Sons of Liberty demanded the tea be sent back to England, but those requests were refused by Royal Governor Thomas Hutchinson.
A few days later, the ship Eleanor and brig Beaver arrived with more cargoes of tea. With the deadline to unload the tea looming, Bostonians met at Old South Meeting House on Thursday December 16, 1773 to decide the fate of the cursed East India Company Tea. It was still the hope of those assembled that a peaceable agreement could be reached. Francis Rotch, owner of the Beaver and Dartmouth, was sent to Milton to obtain a pass from the Royal Governor so that his ships could be sent safely past the guns of Castle Island, and back to England with the tea still onboard. When Rotch returned and gave word that this request was denied, a mighty cry echoed through the historic hall. Samuel Adams stood up and said “This meeting can do nothing more to save the country.” This was a secret signal to the Sons of Liberty. They sprang into action as hundreds of men, loosely disguised as Mohawks, marched to Griffin’s Wharf and into history.
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