#transcribing this had me 😭
thislovintime · 2 years
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The Dashboard Saints, 1990; photos via Lauren Ellis and Monkee Mania Radio on Facebook.
Photo 2: “Still my favorite picture of Peter. We were heading to the airport to tour Japan.” - Lauren Ellis, Facebook, 2019
“We had a thing, and we’re both Aquarians, so I think we had a great understanding of each other. [...] We were romantically involved for a number of years. [...] [Peter was the one who suggested she add slide guitar to every song on her first album, Push The River]. So I had three songs on my first album about Peter. And he goes: ‘Oh, it’s the Tork song trilogy.’ He just loved that joke. [...] ‘No Reply’ is the second song [on the album], and that is about Peter. [...] We separated, but we always stayed in touch. [...] He was the same guy. I mean, he just — he loved doing his own thing because he could do all that blues stuff. He was like a little kid when it came down to performing and playing, I don’t think he ever lost that. It was as if he had the same energy for his band in Santa Monica as [for The Monkees]. [...] Peter stayed in my life all along. [...] The last time I spoke to Peter was… he called me probably in November [2018]. […] I picked it up, and I go, ‘Hey, babe, how are you doing?’ [He said] ‘Well, I’m calling to say goodbye.’ […] I pulled over, and I turned my car off, and I said, ‘Talk to me.’ [His doctor had told him that the cancer had returned, and that he didn’t have much time left] I just sat there in the parking lot crying, talking to Peter, and I just thanked him for everything he had done for me: our love life, our relationship, our music, all the people I had met through him, all the songs he had inspired… And we thanked each other for loving each other, and we hung up. [...] Courageous, courageous man. He used to laugh at my jokes, like, really laugh. […] He had that wonderful, just let it go laugh. I fell in love with him at our rehearsals for Japan, […] just his open self.” - Lauren Ellis, Monkee Mania Radio interview, streamed November 12, 2022
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ethtyn · 1 year
i've watched this like five times while editing and i'm about to watch it another five times. ethubs girlies (gn) STAY winning
Etho: just kidding! looks like we're doing the comment of the day! (chuckles) boy, just when they think they got me figured out, i pull a fast one on 'em like this, they—they never know what's coming next! no, this is actually, uh, very important, it's a special comment of the day, we're doing it early, because it's from a Mr. BdoubleO100, who says, "hey Etho,
Bdubs: when you gonna finna the—finish the mosaic on your, uh, prismarine farm?
both: (laughing)
Etho: umm—man, these are some tough questions i'm getting asked here today!
Bdubs (overlapping): (laughing)
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swiftiephobe · 4 months
so funny seeing all this news about n1 being delayed meanwhile the people there are radio silent because going to a major crowded event in australia is the equivalent of going into a telecom black hole 😭
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hauntedwoman · 1 year
phoebe bridgers 🤝🏻 me: having the worlds most illegible handwriting
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thschei · 3 months
Translation here
You’ll turn around and look at me someday Even though you love some other woman My sinful wish: Love, love me do No, no, no The cold, blue silence Keeps watch over our forbidden romance My feelings for you continue to grow. They fly to your night Ah… If you were to pant against my chest My dreams, my reality, my illusions Would all come true. Fly to your night I feel it so strongly it hurts No matter how many tears I shed I like you more than anybody else. Love, love me do No, no, no (We're just lying here; you care for someone else Love me, love me do 'Cause I can tell you're playing with me You're the one who's telling me There's nothing you can do, you can do Goodbye; wait and see Wait and see, sooner or later You will find my love is Something you really can't live without)
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marsbotz · 4 months
actually tbfh i do need to rewatch ninjago again soon. its been toooooo long. but i think dr s2 is coming out soon so ill probably wait until after that
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glass--beach · 5 months
how did you learn music theory ????????? it makes my brain melt every single time 😭😭☹️
honestly wish i had good straightforward advice, i’m totally self-taught and have just been led by own obsessions, i’ve learned pieces from books, youtube, wikipedia, and even from r/musictheory (though i CANNOT recommend going on there it is so full of elitism…). the thing that has always worked for me is learning how to play songs i like and find interesting, then picking apart how i personally react to parts of the composition. how do certain chords / chord changes / melodic intervals / rhythms etc make you feel? i make a catalog of these little pieces in my mind and it continually broadens the palette i pull from when i write. seeking out other’s analysis of music you enjoy can be very helpful for learning terminology. i learned a lot from the book “twentieth century harmony” and it heavily influenced this last record though people i’ve recommended the book to said it was wayy too clinical for them to get through… i tend to like the very clinical nerdy stuff myself. most of my background is in jazz theory and i have learned so much of that by picking apart standards as well as transcribed solos, i have the bill evans omnibook and have learned much from his solos. but yeah, basic level stuff: look up the chords for songs you like and try to understand how each chord makes you feel and how each chord change makes you feel. see if anybody else who knows all the fancy terms has tried to pick apart the song and their own feelings on it. it’s all feeling at the end of the day…
music theory is not itself music, it is just flawed representations of musical ideas that can act as a lingua franca for musicians to communicate with each other. i often struggle to describe the most important parts of music with any existing terms, and “western” theory is historically racist so music from outside of the elite, white, imperial world is often lacking in terminology. many find their own languages (sometimes a language that is not spoken with words) outside of that or work alone and see no need to even put musical ideas into language in the first place. find ideas you like, try to understand them, and add them to your palette, that’s my advice
sorry for the mini essay, hope that helps at all
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fannyyann · 2 months
Hiiiii Stephanie I am curious about the lore around Matthew’s deal taking a long time because he did not want it to eliminate a teammate, I did not know this!!! His big heart 😭 Anyway if you would not mind sharing more I would love to learn more about this….
(- jules-in-deep)
First, I never mind sharing matthew lore! And second, I transcribed Matthew's quotes to the best of my abilities but he RAMBLES SO MUCH so they aren't entirely verbatim.
In the press conference they held after he signed, Treliving said this:
“As we were going through this process, we really only had two goals in mind this summer. When you complete the season and sort of do your debriefing and then you come back and try to put together a plan for the summer, our two goals for the summer were number one to sign Matthew and number two was to keep our team intact. What we wanted to eliminate was a distressed transaction, where we were in a situation where you had to throw a body under the tarmac to create space and it comes with challenges and it comes with, potentially, risks. We talked at length at the beginning of the process to Matthew and his representatives and I can tell you from the start, as you go through this process, Matthew’s goal was the same. He obviously wanted to get his situation resolved, but it could not, would not, and did not result with the elimination of a teammate. That’s what Matthew said to me at the beginning of the process and it goes again to the type of individual that we��re dealing with here.”
And Matthew said this:
"Yeah I think the plan from the start, we were looking at every option, but, you know, long term was kind of preferred at the start, and wanting to be here as long as possible, and being a Calgary Flame. So we thought that was going to be the way to get it done at the start. Then talking with Tre, and obviously getting feedback, we knew the whole cap room and everything, and we both kind of came to the conclusion at the beginning of camp that a three year deal was going to work best for the team. So, the best case scenario happened where there isn't one guy who had to be moved in this process. That was a fear of mine, you know, you never want to see that happen, and we had such a great team last year, and we brought in some pieces that made us that much better, and can be more successful in the postseason, so it was just a bonus that no one—that everyone is still here."
And then after his trade to Florida, Matthew said this:
"During this process this summer, I kinda thought back to three years prior when I was going through my contract situation then, and throughout the whole process after my entry-level, I was like 'six, seven, eight years, what are we doing?' and nothing really came from it. Finally last second, Brad—who's one of the best and one of my favorite guys in hockey. He's been awesome to me in everything, through both contracts he was great. So that summer, like at the middle of training camp, he's like 'well the only way we can keep this team together is three years,' so I was like 'okay, this isn't my ideal situation' but talking to craig, my uncle who represents me, he's like 'do you want to actually put yourself in a better position to evaluate it all in three years.'"
And then, as we know from an after hours appearance (1:00), he gifted his teammates and the training staff these wine bottles :')
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fortunatetragedy · 11 days
I must know more about how Royston came into existence or I shall pass away 😭
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
Ley! Hi! Thank you for stopping by! <3
Oh man. Royston made it easy at first. I didn't have to figure anything out about him, he just showed up and told me his life story whether I wanted to hear it or not.
Royston figured out he was homosexual young, and like the little gremlin that he is he picked it apart until he understood what it meant and then put it back together so it worked for him. The more I learned about his childhood the more I understood how central to his formative years being homosexual was.
(He discloses facts about his childhood to Sullivan, but it's A Lot, so I won't discuss it on main like it's Fun Facts Friday.)
What took me by surprise when I did figured it out is the fact that Arthur Royston is monogamous.
It may be because when he's with someone, they're almost always in a parasitic relationship, so he has historically had to give the impression of "oh yeah sure baby you're the only one for me I'll never blah blah blah" before the relationship would stop doing what he needed it to do and he had some loose ends to take care of.
~*~But then he met Sullivan.~*~
Once I realized he's got a boatload of psychopathic traits, I had a hard time believing he and Sullivan were each other's person. I thought oh surely he's just obsessed with Sullivan, he's going through all this trouble because Sullivan is just that great, it's dopamine withdrawal that has him doing all this--but a year is a long time to be separated from someone if you don't genuinely give a shit about them, you know? And they were separated for a year after Royston hurt Sullivan. And Sullivan isn't perfect LOL. I love Sullivan and I'm writing a whole-ass trilogy so he has the chance to get what he wants, which I did not give him in the first three drafts of DMLS. They made each other work for that relationship with how difficult they can both be.
But if Royston didn't actually have some sort of below-surface-level commitment to Sullivan, Sullivan would have been alone in this most recent draft.
The amount of work this lazy motherfucker had to do to just find out Sullivan was alive--he's illiterate, right? So he had to ask for help transcribing letters to harangue the Army about where Sullivan was. And then he ended up having to follow him 500 miles from Kansas to Fort Middle of Goddamn Nowhere, Comanche Country? There's no way he would have done all that if Sullivan was "just" some guy he was hoping to fleece for everything he had. Sullivan doesn't have shit. He has his horse and his gun and his saber and that's about it.
Royston, I'm sorry it took me four drafts to truly understand you, you hyperactive, homosexual menace.
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley, August 2001. Photo courtesy of Lewisville Area Arts Council.
“[I] worked in a nightclub called The Shadow. And I think it was late June [1964] that the Phoenix Singers came through, and Peter was in the band, he was the banjo player in — behind the group… And he and I hit it off, and that Monday night, we did an impromptu show together, we just played a couple of tunes, you know, and had a good time, and stayed friends. And then when I opened a club in 1965, there was no place to play in the winter in that area — Virginia Beach, Norfolk… So I opened a club on my own with two friends, we called it The Folk Ghetto, and I contacted Peter in New York City and said, ‘I wanna hire you to come down here for a week and be the headlining act.’ Which he did. [...] He was, he was fantastic. He was so good. [...] Anyhow, we became friends, and we were friends ever since. As I was a Chinese linguist in the Air Force, I was overseas while The Monkees thing happened, so I didn’t really, I didn’t really experience him as a celebrity, you know, I just experienced him as my pal Peter. And I can tell you that he’s been one of my best friends for my entire life. And one of the more generous people I’ve ever known. And just to give you a window into the kind of guy he was, he would come off a Monkees tour where everything was handled, you know, they would take care of his tickets, they’d take care of his room, they’d carry his instruments, they’d carry his bags, he just had to show up at the airport and they gave him the, you know, the ace treatment. And then he comes off a tour like that and he gets in a rented Dodge with me and we drive around the country playing little rooms, which we filled to the max because it’s Peter Tork, and then he demands that, because I booked all the dates, I take a booking fee off the top. And then he demands that we split the door. He, I mean, you know, he didn’t have to do that.” Q: “Just the fact that when things went south for him and he was working as a busboy at Great American, that just speaks volumes to the mettle of the man to me.” Q: “Yeah. He was, he was just my best friend, you know. And a great spirit. And I just got a wonderful post from his brother Nick, who said that… you know, Peter was in L.A. and he wasn’t really doing anything, and I — we would hang out, and I said, ‘Peter, I noticed that all the other Monkees have solo albums. Why don’t you have a solo album?’ And he said, ‘Well, I just never got around to it.’ I said, ‘Well, you know, I have a label, I have national distribution, and I have a studio.’ I said, ‘Why don’t we make a record and we’ll try, you know, we’ll shop it to the majors and if nobody picks it up, we can still put it out on my label. So there’s no doubt about it, we’re making a record that’s coming out.’ And he said, ‘Okay.’ So we worked on it about four months, and at the end of the four months, he said, ‘You know what, James? I don’t want to shop it. I want it on your label.’ So I got to put Peter Tork on my label without, you know, paying a huge upfront thing to have a world-famous celebrity on my label. You know, he just said, ‘No, let’s do it with you, man.’ He was, he was great, he was just a great guy, you know, Loved the blues, loved the blues, he just would hang out at those blues clubs on his off-nights.” Q: “I just watched you and him at the Tin Angel on YouTube.” JLS: “Oh, right, yeah, there’s a lot of those up there, I think, of Peter and I playing around the States. I looked at a piece of it and what struck me was how much genuine affection there was between us. You know what I mean? I forgot what a joy it was to go out there and play with somebody you love, you know, that you’ve known all your life.” Q: “You can see, it came through, as old and choppy as that video is, it comes through.” JLS: “Yeah, it really does, it really does. And I also was surprised how — I didn’t remember that we were so tight. My recollection is it was pretty loose and casual, but evidently we worked out a lot of little things.” Q: “To be honest, I wasn’t even going to bother you, but that actually compelled me to call, I think... you know, the two of them look so happy together.” JLS: “Yeah. Yeah. And, and I knew since last fall that, you know, he’d ceased the treatment and was just, you know, riding it.” Q: “Was it from that same cancer that had plagued him previously?” JLS: “Yes, yes, it… it came back. It came back and he, they did some kind of experimental stuff and it didn’t work, and so he just, he said, ‘Enough.’ And he just, you know, bit the bullet. And then he called me at Christmastime, we talked a long time. And, and it was the first time he said, you know, ‘I wanted to mention the elephant in the room.’ I said, ‘Well, I’ve been tiptoeing around it for the past year.’ And then we talked about it, you know, we talked about our friendship and our lives together, and apart. And I talked to him not many times after that because he was, he was very tired, he was, you know, he was failing, man.” - Tales of the Road Warriors, March 7, 2019
“Tork later confided in his brother Nick that Stanley had given him his life back. ‘I wept when I heard that,’ Stanley says.” - Stranger Things Have Happened 2020 reissue liner notes
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stop-talking · 3 months
ok this isnt a request or anything but i js thought it was a funny coincidence
im in a server and we were talking abt your mike dentist fic and remembered we talked abt derek having a hot doctor fantasy like a month ago lmao, and combined with the mike dentist fic idea i just went feral lmao
(i cant send images here so ima js transcribe them lol)
-do you thing he'es described his hot doctor fantasy to anyone, if he did i hope he told a therapist
-to mickey, OR WAIT, to wallace, "get me a doctor for my hangover, but make sure theyre hot" ",,,why mr danforth?" "uhhh uhmm,, bye"
- "mr danforth you have alcohol poisoning you need immediate medical attention" "if theyre not hot i thibk i'd rather just die"
-wallace just has a list of hot doctors at this point
-he had to after derek almost died like 5 times
-its just "hot doctor(emergency" "hot doctor(non life-threatening)" "hot doctor(routine checkup)" "hot doctor(psychiatrist)" (psych is never contacted once), etc
Okay I have quite a few thoughts on this.
First, people talk about my Mike x dentist fic?? 😭 Genuinely I thought yall were gonna think I was deranged for writing that, I wrote it all in a few hours on a whim. Purely self indulgent.
LIke, imagine him scheduling his third goddamn prostate exam of the month, and the doctors are all just fucking sick of his bullshit.
So they just keep charging him more and more hoping it'll get him to stop, but of course he's a rich bastard so it doesn't deter him
And he treats every visit like it's a bad porn-o.
"Sure you don't want me to bend over for you?"
"I, uh, I can take my shirt off so you can listen to my heartbeat better."
"Oh, I don't need the hospital gown. I'm not shy. And blue isn't my color anyways. Maybe if you had a green one..."
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randomvarious · 3 months
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Today's compilation:
Monsters of Rock 1998 Hair Metal / Hard Rock / Arena Rock /Heavy Metal / Pop-Metal
Good lord, this had to have been one of the most heavily advertised albums of all time, man. I don't know how much ad money the Razor & Tie label shelled out for all of their 'As Seen on TV' comps back in the day, but the commercials for Monsters of Rock and Monster Ballads were fucking inescapable throughout the late 90s and early 2000s, especially. Like, you'd be watching something on cable, and the commercial for this album would come on, so then you'd change the channel, and the same commercial would be playing on there too! And then you'd just force yourself to sit through it, and eventually, through repetition, the entire sequence of little song snippets that gets played throughout the ad would become a permanently etched medley inside of your goddamn mind, destined to haunt your soul for the rest of eternity:
🎶Cum on feel the noize, girls rock ya boys…my, my, my, I'm once bitten, twice shy, babe…poison!…*synths from Europe's "The Final Countdown"*…round and round, what comes around goes around, I'll tell you why…she's my cherry pie, cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise…we're not gonna take it, no! we ain't gonna take it…she's only seventeen, seventeen…here I go again on my own…I'm no fool, nobody's fool, nobody's fool…so hold on loosely…🎶
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Now, the hair metal era may have been the dumbest and most ridiculous period of mainstream rock that we've ever borne witness to—and it's very difficult for me to think of another commercially successful subgenre in which rank stupidity has been such an inherently defining trait—but thanks to a combination of my own nostalgia for these damn Razor & Tie ads and my sometimes weird and ironic affinity for bad shit, after listening to this album, there is really nothing more that I want to do than hitch a ride back to 1990 so I can live out a super corny fantasy as a badass suburban high school senior who cruises through town in a boxy, red sedan with the windows down as these silly songs blare out of my speakers 😎.
But like I said, I am also under no illusion here; I'm fully cognizant of just how patently absurd so much of this music was. And when it comes to the pinnacle of pure trash, I really don't think anything ever quite managed to top Warrant's signature 1990 anthem, "Cherry Pie," which is obviously on this album. Like, have you heard or thought about this tune recently? It really might be the single-dumbest song that's ever been recorded in human history. And as the single-dumbest song that's ever been recorded in human history, it has thankfully and, I guess quite fittingly, been memorialized in some way, since…*checks notes*…you can currently go see the pizza box that its lyrics were originally transcribed on at the Hard Rock Cafe in Destin, Florida… 😭.
🎶I scream, you scream, we all scream for her Don't even try, 'cuz you can't ignore her!🎶
Also, Winger's "Seventeen." Yikes; you can probably guess what that one's about! Talk about songs that haven't aged well at all 😩:
🎶She's only seventeen (seventeen) Daddy says she's too young, but she's old enough for me🎶
Yeah… This one's catchy and all, but, um…no. 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 Really glad we've finally realized as a society that, at the very least, fully-grown adults singing lustily about minors is a very unacceptable thing to do. I mean, it took way too long for us to get here, but at least we've finally made it to this point, right? And I think "Cherry Pie" is probably about a minor too, by the way, but that's also up for debate 😑.
To be clear, though, not every song on this album is embarrassingly dumb and/or skeevy hair metal. I happen to think Living Colour's alt metal classic, "Cult of Personality," is a genuinely great banger. And I also dig the southern rock smoothness of a song like .38 Special's "Hold On Loosely" too; but most of the rest of these are just pure dunderheaded hair metal classics, and a key, overarching feature of this stuff was just how fucking maximally mindless it all was. It's hard to put a finger on what exactly allowed this madness to spread so widely and flourish for nearly a whole-ass decade in the first place, but thank goodness grunge came along when it did and dethroned this stuff from its perch as rock music's top subgenre in the early 90s, because, seriously, this shit was so excessive and outrageous.
All that being said though, and as good and necessary as grunge was back then, I can't help but imagine what a kick-ass time it would probably be to have almost any one of these Monsters of Rock songs come on at the bar while you and everyone else around you are in a highly intoxicated stupor; like, "Black Hole Sun," "Man in the Box," "Interstate Love Song," "Even Flow," etc., might be total jams in and of themselves, but songs like those are probably not gonna do the same trick as something like Alice Cooper's "Poison" can in that type of situation. I mean, when you're fully committed to annihilating some brain cells, it's good to have music that's way ahead of you in order to accompany your experience, right? 😅
Quiet Riot - "Cum On Feel the Noize" Great White - "Once Bitten Twice Shy" Alice Cooper - "Poison" Europe - "The Final Countdown" Ratt - "Round and Round" Warrant - "Cherry Pie" Whitesnake - "Here I Go Again" Winger - "Seventeen" Living Colour - "Cult of Personality" Twisted Sister - "We're Not Gonna Take It" Judas Priest - "You've Got Another Thing Coming" Cinderella - "Nobody's Fool" .38 Special - "Hold On Loosely" Autograph - "Turn Up the Radio"
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Hello! I am in awe of what you do and I now sometimes wonder if I chose the wrong interest to pursue as a career, ahah.
Until I've learned that Victorian sometimes did the abominable thing called crosswriting and I decided that, in the end, I chose right because deciphering this? Couldn't be me!
So, anyway, there is an ask in all this: have you ever made a post or spoken about how you go about reading and deciphiring all these letters? Any tricks to it? Is it just staring until the words start to make sense, do you use a software?
I need to know, this is driving me crazy and I am now convinced you have some alien brain because... that calligraphy would NOT get past my third grade teacher 😩. Are you human?
Love your work!
Hello! Owww thank you so much for the compliments. ❤️ I haven't done a post about palaeography, but I now want to submit a proposal to do a workshop about it at Terror Camp, in combination with talking about my Fitzjames research. Let's see if that will get accepted! Afterwards I will publish a tutorial online.
What I can say is that when I started out 3 years ago I had never read/transcribed handwritten sources before, and when seeing Fitzjames' handwriting I thought "how am I supposed to be able to read that?! 😭" I was never taught how to do this when I studied Art History, nor during my current Naval History MA.
The thing is that it takes time to get acquainted with somebody's handwriting, and after a while you'll be able to read things that you couldn't before. You start by transcribing the words you can read, and try and recognise the letters in the words you cannot. Sometimes I'll all of a sudden be able to read a word after having stared at it for years! Victory!
I never use software, because A. That feels like cheating to me. B. I tried to put a letter by William Coningham through Transkribus and all I got was gibberish so I'd better do it myself. (Even AI is like Will Con what the hell, man?) C. It feels so rewarding when you've mastered the skill of transcribing horrible handwriting. You did that, not AI! You're not dependant on AI! 👏
Cross-writing was done in the Regency era and in the early Victorian era because the recipient of your letter had to pay per sheet, so you wanted to get as much in there as possible. Nobody liked it then, but what can you do. Reading cross-written letters is easiest when you have a high quality picture of the original, or even better: the original. Like horrible handwriting, the cross-writing becomes a bit easier to read after a while. I guess the moral of all this is: invest time and you shall be rewarded. Don't be discouraged when you can't do it at first.
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americanrecord · 4 months
Good afternoon, Kelsey!! How was yesterday? I hope today is nice 🥰
hi, ashley! happy monday!
yesterday was fine. i didn't do much, just because i was trying to squeeze rewriting a scene in before i had to start work, soooo...i mostly just focused on doing that/some rewriting/practicing driving, but nothing too interesting. but also, omg, you should've seen my sister during the super bowl last night. she, like very many other swifties, was really rooting for KC last night, and she was STRESSED. she was standing in front of the TV like a dad and shouting. she's never watched a full football game in her life 😭
anyway, today i started my new job <3 so i haven't gotten a chance to respond to a few different things on like 54 different apps, so if anybody else is reading this - sorry, i will get there eventually. it was nice! getting up at 6:45 knowing i will have to do it every day was not, but. whatever. it's fine for now. my boss is so old lol, i'm literally like a personal assistant alongside being a paralegal, but i'm optimistic. i might get my own office !! i'm literally getting paid a nice amount just to organize files and transcribe handwritten letters, so this is perfect for me.
how are you? how was yesterday? i hope today was nice !!
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rootsofdread · 4 months
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FINALLY!!!! A NEW TEASER!!!!! i'm so sad the picture isn't shown in these text messages, but hopefully soon....i wanna see them !!! 🥺😭
again, i took the time to transcribe the texts (with the timestamps) under the cut. enjoy :-):
Blue (2:12pm): pizza tonight?
Grey (2:12pm): sounds good
Blue (2:13pm): I'll pick it up omw home
Grey (2:13pm): thank you ❤️ Grey (3:13pm): love you
Blue (3:16pm): love you too Blue (5:31pm): everything ok at home?
Grey (5:37pm): yeah just cleaning Grey (5:37pm): what's up?
Blue (5:39pm): got a notification from the security system Blue (5:39pm): saw something weird on the feed Blue (5:40pm): can you check the back door?
Grey (5:41pm): weird Grey (5:41pm): what did it look like?
Blue (5:41pm): just a blur in front of the camera Blue (5:41pm): it's too close to tell what it is
Grey (5:41pm): raccoons maybe
Blue (5:41pm): maybe Blue (5:42pm): but it had to be pretty tall Blue (5:42pm): camera's at eye level
Grey (5:43pm): just checked Grey (5:43pm): nothing there Grey (5:43pm): door is locked too
Blue (5:45pm): ok Blue (5:45pm): thank you Blue (5:46pm): will keep an eye on the little rascals
Grey (5:47pm): we should start leaving the garbage in the garbage
Blue (5:51pm): yeah you're right
Grey (7:02pm): working late?
Blue (7:06pm): yeah sorry Blue (7:06pm): should have texted Blue (7:06pm): almost done Blue (7:07pm): everything ok?
Grey (7:10pm): the neighbor's dog won't stop barking
Blue (7:12pm): again? Blue (7:12pm): third night in a row
Grey (7:13pm): idk what to do Grey (7:22pm): I rang the neighbors Grey (7:22pm): no one's home Grey (7:22pm): the dog stopped barking Grey (7:23pm): but he's whining now Grey (7:23pm): it sounds wrong
Blue (7:25pm): I'll be there soon Blue (7:25pm): wrapping up
Grey (7:27pm): I hope he's ok Grey (7:27pm): love you
Blue (7:28pm): love you too Blue (7:34pm): hey something's in the backyard again Blue (7:34pm): it's too dark to see what it is
Grey (7:36pm): that was probably me Grey (7:36pm): stepped out 5 min ago Grey (7:36pm): I thought I heard the neighbors Grey (7:37pm): wanted to check on the dog
Blue (7:37pm): maybe stay inside Blue (7:38pm): until I get there Blue (7:38pm): I can go talk to them after
Grey (7:38pm): ok Grey (7:38pm): it wasn't them anyway Grey (7:39pm): love you
Blue (7:39pm): love you too Blue (7:54pm): pepperoni? Blue (8:03pm): I'll just grab two different ones Blue (8:06pm): we'll have leftovers Blue (8:22pm): got the pizzas Blue (8:27pm): almost there Blue (8:35pm): Lisa? Blue (8:43pm): where did you go?
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roguemaki · 8 months
Hi again! I hope you’ve been doing well these days :)
It’s been a while since i checked my tumblr so i just saw the scanlation you had posted for the staff artbook, and i just wanted to send you a huge thank you for it since it was such a pleasure to read all the comments and messages by the staff who worked on the show. I can tell that it was a great amount of hard work so thank you so very much for doing all of these translations 😭.
Also i just had the time to watch the stream for GNF’s public MajoRaji recording and while i could understand Lynn & Kana’s episode commentary from the tweets about it on Twitter, there is this one moment between the two at the end that many people are talking about that unfortunately I couldn’t understand and no one has translated yet so I was wondering if you could translate it/ maybe even just an explanation would be helpful? Sorry in advance for taking up your time with this! I’ll link the tweet here:
Was also wondering if you watched the event on YouTube and if so, what did you think of it and what moments stood out to you? :)
Hey hey! Good to see you back on tumblr and I'm glad that you enjoyed reading through the staff doujin scanlation. :D It certainly was a lot of work but it was worth it to get a glimpse into how the crew felt about the show.
For the linked clip…
Context: MajoRaji has an ongoing "Suletta Duel" corner, where Kana participates in listener-submitted challenges (usually against whoever's guesting). The one who fails/loses also has to fulfill a specific request stipulated by the listener. In this case…
相方へ、 この1年間の感謝の気持ちを、 語尾に自分のキャラ名をつけて言おう! To your partner, declare feelings of gratitude for the last year while using your character name at the end of each statement!
So in the clip… Kana, as the loser of the duel, is saying thanks to Lynn.
Lynnちゃまがミオリネさんでよかったでスレッタ。 Lynn-chama, I'm glad that you were Miorine-san (Suletta). Lynnちゃまが一緒にともにこの1年を歩んできたから私は楽しく入れたでスレッタ。 Lynn-chama, we had a lot of fun together over this last year (Suletta). この1年、Lynnちゃまのことが大好きになったでスレッタ。 Over this last year, Lynn-chama has become very dear to me (Suletta). これからも、プライベートでも遊んでくれると嬉しいでスレッタ。 Lynn-chama, it makes me happy that we'll continue to hang out as friends from now on (Suletta). そして、最後にLynnちゃま、大好きでスレッタ! And finally, Lynn-chama… I really love you (Suletta)!
It's super cute because Kana uses chama as her honorific for Lynn (a combo of the familiar chan and deferential sama) and ends every statement by combining the verb desu ("is") with "Suletta" as desuretta. Plus the fact that they're both so flustered at the end. :P
As for what I thought about the MajoRaji public recording overall… it was super fun! The "Suletta Duel" corner was definitely my favorite bit. Seeing Kana and Lynn competing to do a better 1-minute illustration of a random GWitch character/pose… Kana's drawing in particular is something else - it made me laugh so hard.
I've already transcribed the duel part and am planning to do a subtitled video, so please look forward to it. bO.O
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