#trait: X antibody
digi-lov · 8 days
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Terriermon (X Antibody) BT16-038 and Lopmon (X Antibody) BT16-067 by Sanosuke Sakuma, and Cherubimon (X Antibody) BT16-079 by Nakano Haito from BT-16 Booster Beginning Observer
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moth-thief · 9 months
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Monzaemon (X Antibody) BT15-040 C <03>
Ultimate | Vaccine | Puppet/X Antibody
[Digivolve: Lv.5 w/[Monzaemon] in name w/o[X Antibody] trait: Cost 0]
[When Digivolving] If this Digimon has a card with [Monzaemon] in its name or [X Antibody] in its digivolution cards, you may play 1 [Numemon] or 1 level 3 Digimon card from your hand without paying the cost.
[All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When another of your Digimon is played, for each of your Digimon, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP until the end of your opponent's turn.
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ask-gazimon · 7 months
Day 1: “Whose your digimon?”
Icarus is gonna hate this answer, but honestly? Dorumon. My introduction to the franchise was Digimon World 4 on the Gamecube, and it remains one of my favorite games ever to this very day. I can’t put my finger on it, but the moment I saw Dorumon, I instantly knew I connected with him somehow.
When I took to the internet as a kid to learn more about him, I ended up feeling even closer.
Dorumon was an outcast. He was a prototype digimon with lots of potential to become lots of powerful things, and everyone hated him for being born with built-in favoritism from Yggdrasil. He was kinda like a stem mammal for digimon, a living digital fossil. And during the events of X Evolution, the movie Digimon World 4 was actually based on, Yggdrasil wanted to do a hard reset on the digital world, basically cause an apocalypse to clear up some space. And Dorumon was one of the few who was born with the X Antibody, a trait that ensures you don’t get nuked and will survive in the next world to come.
Growing up, I was an outcast too. I didn’t have friends. I became socially stunted, exacerbating the issue. I also felt like even if they’d let me hang out, I would quickly discover that my brain worked very differently. At 8 years old I already had a concept of the finality of death and was having a ludicrous existential crisis. Other 8 year olds were more preoccupied with whose action figure collection was cooler. I was always “weird”, “annoying”, “scary”…and I had to just settle for making friends with my cat, and any other animals I could interact with.
Then, next thing I knew, I now growled and hissed when I was upset, without really even thinking about it. It just…happened. People started treating me like a zoo animal. I definitely got some rumors spread about me.
Likewise, dorumon turned into all kinds of fearsome shaped, many of them dragons, with metallic powers to match. But underneath all that, he was still just a misunderstood creature, who still had it in him to be kind to others who didn’t attack him first. He’s die for the few friends he made. And I guess I felt the same way about my friends, once I finally got some human ones.
No matter how many teeth they had, all those big, intimidating dragons still had a layer of downy fur to cuddle into.
These days I’ve changed. I’ve gotten friends that I intend to hold very, very closely. I even have a boyfriend who I love deeply, he’s someone who loves me for me. I’m more interested in Gazimon now, who was always a second favorite for me even back then. Now he’s about even with Dorumon for me.
Why gazimon? Well, partially because he hits some of the same outcast vibes, but he also strikes me as more scrappy. He’s been dealt a bad hand, he has less impressive strength than dorumon and is better suited to being a malicious prankster rather than an actual threat. His main skill is to just stun you and run away. Dorumon gets to launch metal projectiles out of his mouth. Gazimon is an underdog. I love me an underdog.
What’s more, virus types with a demonic theme are definitely more my aesthetic. Christians hated me plenty, especially with the hissing and all, as you can imagine. Weird that they told me to go to hell, then acted surprised when I decided to embrace devils and hellfire as an aesthetic.
Gazimon is also my favorite color. Pale grey. He has that basic wild animal motif that always felt more “me”.
Icarus in particular has the following digivolution tree:
Gargoylemon (Armor digivolution)
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flightfoot · 1 year
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Loogamon is already here. Effect was scrubbed so it’s not a vanilla. Sons of Chaos is a trait so that probably means you play them together, like Xros Heart. But it is also X-Antibody so we’ll see where that goes I guess.
Loogamon is adorable!
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ilikedyourablogithere · 5 months
Magnamon the character
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one thing I find amusing about Magnamon the Royal Knight
not the species magnamon
not your oc magnamon
like that one specific digimon that keeps appearing in the franchise
he is portrayed in most media as being noticeably indecisive
like the first time I notice it was in the X Antibody movie
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where at a certain point it dawned on me he was the only one in the whole movie who didn't make a decision
Then there was Savers
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and the only memorable thing about him doing was him floating and looking around and coming together when the other royal knights decided the rebel
And again in CyberSeluth
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he couldn't make up his mind and was legit about to leave everything up to whether two of his friend lived or not
And in the Chronicle X story for the V-Pet
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again he's does not make decisions on his own
Movie, anime, video game, v-pet. Like this part of his character keeps popping up
And it's not like he's afraid or anything like that. He's royal knight afterall ... but he's just like that for some reason
and that is such an odd trait to give him because from his bio and lore entries he is the miracle digimon
like his element is he has the best luck
as long as he does something, he'll get a successful result so it's funny that his personality quirk of all things is he has such a hard time making decisions.
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manga-b · 2 years
A thought on Digimon’s X-Antibody retcon
In Digimon lore X-Antibody came about in response to Program X, a computer program specifically created to cull the Digimon population. Most Digimon who came into contact with Program X died as expected, but some Digimon were able to produce the X-Antibody. Most X-Antibody Digimon are mutated versions of already existing species, such as Agumon X, but some new species that naturally carry the X-Antibody also appeared, most notably the DORUmon, Ryudamon and Fanbeemon lines.
So Digimon Web’s official Reference Book includes a tag indicating whether a Digimon is a carrier of the X-Antibody, as seen in Agumon X’s entry. However, some Digimon previously identified as natural carriers are not tagged as such on the Reference Book, most notably the Dracumon line. This likely indicating a retcon on Bandai’s part.
But I have an alternate explanation for this. It’s probably not canon, but feel free to use it for your fan projects.
So we know that there are for possible canon outcomes for the X Program and X-Antibody:
1): Digimon that cannot adapt to the X Program and are deleted
2): Existing Digimon that species can take in the X-Antibody and mutate into a new form
3): Digimon species that naturally carry the X-Antibody, and always have it in their system
Here, I propose a new, fourth outcome:
4): Digimon species that do not naturally carry the X-Antibody can take it in, but do not mutate into a new form
At first, researchers may have mistook these Digimon as natural X-Antibody carriers, but then instances of these species that didn’t have the X-Antibody were found. Going by the line-up of Digital Monster X series of V-Pets, other Digimon with this trait include the Herrismon, Sistermon, Blucomon and Jazzamon evolution families, as well as some Xros Digimon and the Darkness Spirit Hybrids.
Also going by what we see in the Digital Monster X V-pets, we see a fifth outcome:
5): Digimon species that do not naturally carry the X-Antibody can take it in, but do not mutate into a new form until a certain concentration of the X-Antibody is present in their system
As of writing, only Lucemon: Falldown Mode is known to have this trait.
So, what do guys think?
Shout-out to @chimera-gui because they like my Appmon idea.
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millerflintstone · 2 years
A narrow group of subvariants taking over the world is a shift from how the virus mutated earlier in the pandemic. “[T]he fact that these omicron subvariants are becoming so dominant and sweeping worldwide is different from what we saw with, for example, delta, where its subvariants (which never got separate letters) never dominated in the same way,” said Emma Hodcroft, a molecular epidemiologist at the University of Bern, in an email. Even omicron subvariants have undergone recombination.
It’s partly a consequence of the global increase in exposure to the virus. There are few immune systems left that don’t have any familiarity with SARS-CoV-2. So BA.5’s most important trait for its success is how well it can elude the antibodies and white blood cells of people who were previously infected or vaccinated.
Barouch and his collaborators recently reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that existing immunity has a much harder time countering BA.5 compared to earlier omicron subvariants. So even people previously infected with omicron can get infected with BA.5. It may also spread more readily between people, though it doesn’t appear to cause more severe disease.
We'll see what the future holds. We're already seeing how people who were asymptomatic or had mild Covid infections are now experiencing long haul Covid symptoms. (X)
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citrineghost · 3 years
Can COVID-19 Be Eradicated?
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Sorry bud, common sense is only a good source to anti-intellectuals.
I did you the favor of gathering some actual information on the matter, since you can’t be bothered, and I’m making a new post so that others can also learn something.
Eradicating Viruses
The only virus in humans that has been successfully eradicated is smallpox, which is a huge win, and really important both scientifically and historically.
However, “eradication” is commonly used in place of “elimination,” which is the reduction of an infectious disease's prevalence in a regional population to zero [X].
Polio is another virus that has been eliminated through vaccination. What was once a widespread virus-based disease that could lead to difficulty or inability to walk is now a thing of the past that many young people don’t even know about.
There are tons more virus-based illnesses that have been nearly eliminated through decades of vaccine use.
So, whether or not COVID-19 can be eliminated or eradicated has nothing to do with common sense and everything to do with how it mutates and whether or not we can get everyone to get vaccinated before it breaks off into a ton of new strains, which require different vaccines.
How Do Viruses Mutate?
The reason the flu can’t be eliminated is because it mutates too quickly for one vaccine to last more than a year. In a year, it will mutate many times, making the last vaccine you took for it completely outdated, requiring a new one by the time the next flu season comes around. Sometimes, the vaccine one year may not even work. That’s because each year’s flu vaccine is made to contain about 4 different strains that immunologists and virologists predict are most likely to circulate. If the predicted strains end up being less prevalent than others that have mutated, the vaccine may not stop you from getting the flu.
The way vaccines work is by teaching your body to produce antibodies (the things that fight viruses and whatnot) that recognize what you’re being vaccinated against. Each virus strain has different surface proteins (markers). If you get a vaccine for a flu strain with (A) markers, but come in contact with a flu strain with (B) markers, the vaccine will be ineffective. The antibodies don’t recognize (B) markers from their “training.”
The same way animals evolve based on which traits allowed them to survive long enough to successfully breed offspring, the only viruses that survive vaccination are those that evolve to adapt and avoid the antibodies created by said vaccines - AKA, the cockroach motherfuckers of the virus world. Whatever it is making that strain a cockroach motherfucker is going to be passed on to its ‘children.’
This change in each flu strain is called antigenic drift or antigenic shift, depending on how abruptly and dramatically the genes change.
Now, back to COVID
While it’s true that most virologists and immunologists don’t expect it to be fully eradicated, COVID-19 can likely be eliminated from various regions. However, the most important thing to note about the future of COVID-19 infection is that vaccination will massively impact the intensity of any infection.
The same way we get childhood vaccines for things like measles, mumps, and rubella, we can make vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory and prevent it from getting a foothold in the majority of the population. When most people are vaccinated, it makes it extremely unlikely for any two people who aren’t to come into contact while infected with it. 
Of course, the current vaccines for COVID-19 were quick to be put together, and we have some fiddling and safety testing to do before we can force children to be vaccinated for COVID as of yet, but that doesn’t mean it won’t become possible to do so completely safely in the years to come.
When’s the last time you had a friend come down with the mumps? Unless your friend is a kid with an antivaxxer parent, it’s unlikely you’ve ever met anyone with mumps. In the future, COVID-19 could end up in the same league of obscurity.
If a new strain is mutated that’s still within the realm of antigenic drift (very similar to the original), it’s possible for those who’ve been vaccinated for the original strain to catch it, but antibodies created for the original strain may still recognize some of the new strain’s proteins. That means it will be less effective than for the original strain, but effective enough to lessen the damage done by the virus.
Regardless of whether or not you actually read this, I hope some of my other followers have, because it’s good information to know and makes understanding sickness a lot easier.
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kiame-sama · 3 years
Web Of Desire (Yandere Chrollo x Reader x Yandere Hisoka) part 3
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Warnings; mention of past non-con, pregnancy, descriptive language, Hisoka, yandere tendencies, yandere behavior, yandere relationship, 
You slowly woke up, a faint whine leaving your lips as you cuddled down into a pair of warm arms. You faintly realized something was off and only when you rest your hand over your stomach did you realize what it was. You sat up bolt straight and threw the blankets off of you, staring down at your smooth stomach.
"What's wrong?"
You almost replied before you realize that the voice that had called out to you was not that of your husband. You turned to look at the stranger you shared your bed with and you let you a yelping cry when you spied the familiar red hair and gold eyes. The startled scream that left your lips continued even as you shot out of bed.
It took you a moment longer to realize where you were and that your stomach was once again exceedingly swollen. You were standing in the room of the air-ship you and Chrollo shared, a sleepy and confused Chrollo slowly sitting up in bed. Your comfortable night-gown stretched around your enlarged stomach and made it apparent just how far along you were.
"What's wrong, Little Spider?"
"I... Just had a bad dream is all."
"Want to talk about it?"
"Not really..."
Chrollo held out his arms, beckoning you to return to his side and try to rest again. You  slowly walked over to him and let him pull you into his arms, resting your head against his chest as he rubbed your sides. One of his hands rest gently on your stomach, smiling slightly when he felt a tiny hand push back.
"Just restless, I guess..."
"Might be that our baby spiders are just restless so they're making it hard for you."
"Seems they agree with you on that one."
You winced slightly from a particularly rough kick and Chrollo silently leaned down to kiss your stomach, huming softly.
"Be nice to your mother."
You couldn't help the loving smile that pulled at your lips as Chrollo spoke to your stomach. You may not be sure if the children even were Chrollo's- given the unfortunate events that took place against your will- but you appreciated the gentle behavior all the same. You also appreciated how calm he was even though you noticed a rise in seething hatred any time Hisoka came up in conversation.
It was clear Chrollo blamed himself for what that bastard clown had done to you, and he was likely harder on himself about it than anyone else dare to be. His hate and desperate need to protect you soothed you slightly, letting you breathe easy knowing Chrollo took up rather consistent guard. It also soothed you to know that your husband would stay with you no matter what happened.
The troupe had yet to respond to any of your messages and you truly hoped that they were getting on well regardless of the fact that two members were KIA and their two leaders were MIA. You wondered how they responded to the news of what had happened to you and Chrollo that caused the two of you to avoid them. You also wondered what they would do to the children once they were allowed contact with you and Chrollo again.
All you could do now was wait and see, given how heavily pregnant you already were. You were tired and in need of serious rest given just how close you were to giving birth. It made things better to have Chrollo by your side, given all that you were going through. To some extent, you honestly were terrified to leave his side for long, always feeling like you were being watched.
The warm feeling of being wrapped in his arms gave you a great sense of peace and the little lives growing inside of you settled down. You probably would have gone through much worse if you were alone, but you tried not to think too hard about what would have happened to you. There was always the troupe, but no place felt quite as reassuring or relaxing as being in Chrollo's arms.
"Even if they are his... I want to keep them."
"... I know. I'll still be right here by your side no matter what you choose or who their father is. I'll always be here for you, my Little Spider."
You lay in a white hospital bed, hearing the EKG beeping quietly as you try to relax and regain your clarity once more. You deserved the rest too, given what you had to endure for about 28 hours. You had passed out after your second child was born, exhausted from the strain and effort it had taken to bring the new life into this world.
You were faintly aware of someone sitting by your bedside, keeping you company even in your exhausted state. You were more exhausted than usual, and that said something given your need for sleep and rest already being more than average. The faint sound of an infant fussing pulled you the rest of the way to consciousness, eyes slowly opening.
Next to you sat a rather calm Chrollo listening to what must have been one of the doctors talking to him. As you turned your gaze, you saw two of the nurses were present, both holding one child swaddled in small blankets.
"Mrs. Lucilfer?"
"Ah, it's good to see you conscious. How are you feeling?"
Your short response earned an amused chuckle from Chrollo as he had gotten the same response numerous times before.
"You're always tired, Little Spider."
"Then I'm always accurate when I tell you I'm tired."
Chrollo gently held your hand and that small moment with him seemed far more intimate than you had expected from him. He was typically passive when in the public eye or around others, but you appreciated the small moment of vulnerability. Another snorting cry drew your attention to the small bundle in one of the nurses' arms while the infant inside that bundle fussed and struggled.
"If you are feeling well enough, Mrs. Lucilfer, you can hold your children and feed them if you wish. Any pain medication is already out of your system and it is typically recommended that new mothers nurse so the infant can begin building up antibodies."
You nodded, holding your arms out to the nurse that held the fussing child, the other nurse handing off the second infant to Chrollo. The first nurse gently transfered the complaining infant into your arms, the bright pink blanket oddly contrasting the white sterile environment. Likewise, the pale blue blanket seemed almost out of place when put with Chrollo, his pale skin and dark aesthetic seeming unusual in contrast to the blanket.
A boy and a girl. Your little twins.
The child in Chrollo's arms had yet to fuss or make much of any noise, instead being fast asleep in your husband's arms. The boy looked quite strikingly like Chrollo, black hair already atop the child's head in a messy fashion. The girl you held, however, looked nothing like the man you loved and married.
The girl had flame red hair that was surprisingly mostly grown in atop her tiny head, eyes like liquid gold staring up at you pleadingly. For a moment, you hesitated to do anything to soothe the infant, seeing only your attacker staring back at you. You pushed these thoughts aside, firmly reminding yourself that she wasn't him and she wasn't just his child, she was your's as well.
After the slight moment of hesitation, you brought your daughter close and shifted the cover you wore just enough that she could latch on. Her fussing quickly stopped and she became calm once more, settling in your arms and quietly nursing. You looked over at Chrollo, his eyes had been fixed on that bright red hair as he held his son protectively.
"... She looks like him."
"Yes, she does... And he looks like you."
"What do you want to name them?"
"... Well, we already agreed that if we had a boy, he would be named Kumoryu and if we had a girl she would be named Himetsu. We have both so we can name both what we planned."
"Kumoryu and Himetsu... Alright then. The two new spiders of the troupe."
Chrollo handed Kumoryu off to you as the infant began to stir and fuss in his arms, whining in hunger. You smiled when both infants were quietly nursing and finally it felt like you could breathe for the first time in who knows how long. Chrollo seemed to be sticking to his word and though Himetsu shared traits with your attacker, Chrollo still seemed to regard her as his daughter.
At least you had a moment to finally rest. You could deal with the Troupe and everything else later. For the time being, you just wanted to be with your family for a little while and feel 'normal' for the first time since Chrollo took you away from your old life. It wasn't much, but they were still your's.
Your family.
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Also, has anyone requested Guilimon yet?
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Guilmon is the “main” Child-level digimon of Digimon Tamers, essentially being the third-generation Agumon (insofar as Digimon even has generations). Unlike most traditionally hero-aligned digimon, Guilmon is actually a Virus-attribute digimon rather than Vaccine- or Data-attribute, meaning that its nature generally leans more destructive than protective. This is actually a rather unique quality for a heroic digimon to have, and it fits Guilmon’s more ferocious-looking design.
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Its destructive potential is also indicated by the symbol on its chest, known as the “Digital Hazard”. A small number of other digimon have this symbol, most of them part of Guilmon’s evolutionary line. It marks digimon with the “potential to cause massive damage to computer data” – though it’s also stated that if the ability is used peacefully, Guilmon can probably be someone that helps protect the Digital World. “Probably”. The Digital Hazard thing mostly just foreshadows its potential evolution into Megidramon, an immensely evil Ultimate-level dragon digimon, since Guilmon really doesn’t seem to have that much destructive potential in itself.
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As a whole, Guilmon’s design is pretty great in general. Like Renamon, it’s a bit bigger and more detailed than most Child-level digimon, though this works quite well given its anime backstory. In Digimon Tamers, Digimon is an actual in-series franchise, complete with its own card game. Within this context, Guilmon started out as a fan-created digimon design by Matsuda Takato, that was later brought to life when his design was scanned through his card reader. Much of his concept reflects this origin, including his Virus-attribute, as Takato intended him to have a ferocious fighting style. After becoming real, Takato and Guilmon then became partners, and….lots of stuff happened. Personality-wise, Guilmon was notably child-like, friendly, and naive despite his Virus-attribute.
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Like most major mascot-type digimon, Guilmon has a black recolour, though it feels conceptually redundant given black recolours are usually Virus-attribute variants and Guilmon is Virus-attribute to begin with. Its wild, Virus-y nature is said to show more strongly than in regular Guilmon, but other than that they seem pretty much identical. I will concede the black-with-red-markings look does at least look pretty rad. Guilmon’s evolutions also have orange Data-attribute recolours, though for whatever reason Guilmon itself doesn’t.
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Guilmon also has an X-Antibody form, with the most notable change being the absence of the Digital Hazard symbol. This is because it apparently accepted and contained its power within its body, which I guess is pretty neat conceptually – usually X-Antibodies just add traits, not remove them. Its instincts as a Virus-attribute are also increased, making it more aggressive and also making Black Guilmon even more redundant. But yeah, cool design, very sleek.
Overall, I’m quite fond of Guilmon, and it’s probably one of my favourites of the lizard-dinosaur-dragon Digimon mascots. Its design and concept is a lot more distinctive than most, and it feels like a fair bit more thought went into it. The concept of it being created by a fan in-universe is also very cool, and it definitely gives off a certain original-the-character vibe in the best possible way.
Do not steal/10.
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digi-lov · 21 days
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Gomamon (X Antibody) BT15-021 and Plesiomon (X Antibody) BT15-032 by koki from BT-15 Booster Exceed Apocalypse
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moth-thief · 9 months
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Loogamon BT15-071 C <03>
Rookie | Virus | Dark Animal/X Antibody/SoC
[[Digivolve] Lv.2 Digimon w/ [SoC] trait: Cost 0]
[When Attacking] By trashing 1 card in your hand, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less. If a Tamer with the [SoC] trait is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, <Draw 1>.
Inherited: [End of Attack] (Once per turn) If your opponent has 1 or more memory, gain 1 memory.
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madmonroe · 3 years
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Wizardmon's X Antibody design is just.... Bad boy Wizardmon... And I love it. help ive fallen and cant get up. I had to do some creative interpretation; like one canon picture exists of him, I swear. Plus, I added my oc's traits.. Really wanna finish this.
14 Dec '20 ~ Mad
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imaginedsoldier · 3 years
Miss Alita, which one do you prefer: Beelzebumon Blast Mode, Beelzebumon 2010 or Beelzebumon X?
Definitely Blast Mode. One gripe I have with some modern digimon designs is that level 6 digimon and their burst or super modes is that they tend to abandon the core design features of the original digimon and end up looking like a Gundam.
When it comes to the X-Antibodies, they can feel overdesigned, like... remember being a kid and drawing something, but you didn't know when to stop? You just kept adding spikes and lines and details until your more simple, better-looking drawing was basically destroyed? That's how a lot of X-Antibody designs look to me. In a sense, that might be the point since the X antibody is supposed to crank up your best traits to 11, but I guess that's why I didn't really care for Mega Pokemon either.
With that said, Beelzebumon X is thankfully extremely restrained given the dominant pattern of making it metallic and adding way more spikes. It's one of the ones I'd say looks alright, I think the blue and red wings look kinda nice.
Beelzebumon 2010 looks like Robocop (derogatory).
I dunno, you can't mess with perfection. My favorite is still the original, but Blast Mode keeps the core design and leans on asymmetry a little more- something I think digimon's visual language does great- representing the boost in power without making it look like a shitty mech.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
Reviewing questions:
The pressure-volume curve for the chest wall and the lungs is explained well in these questions. Wish I could just copy and paste. But basically, the X-axis is recoil pressure and the Y-axis is volume. The lungs always want to collapse, no matter what the volume of the lungs is, so the pressure-volume curve for the lungs is on the positive end. The chest wall wants to expand up until a certain volume, at which point it wants to collapse, so the pressure-volume curve for the chest wall is mostly in the negative side (makes sense since the X-axis is the recoil force and the chest wall mostly expands, not recoils). At the end of a normal expiration, the expanding force of the chest wall is balanced by the collapsing force of the lungs. The volume at which this occurs is the Functional Residual Capacity (FRC); this is the equilibrium of the respiratory system. At this point, the pressure in the alveoli equals atmospheric pressure. The chest wall pulls on the pleura, creating the negative intrapleural pressure that expands the lungs. At maximal inspiration, the intrapleural pressure is -8 cm of H2O. When you expire, the intrapleural pressure becomes more positive and at FRC, the intrapleural pressure is -5 cm of H2O.
Surface tension causes the compliance to be different during inspiration and expiration, which is called hysteresis. Compliance is change in volume/change in pressure. High compliance means the lung can expand in volume without changing pressure. The chest wall has low compliance at low volumes and higher compliance at higher lung volumes. The lungs have high compliance at FRC, but low compliance at high or low lung volumes. The compliance of the lungs and the chest wall = the compliance of the respiratory system.
Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a protein that inhibits neutrophilic elastase, preventing neutrophils from destroying the alveoli. AAT deficiency occurs when you can't get AAT out of the liver where it's made. If you biopsy the liver, you'll see pink globules on PAS stain. The periportal hepatocytes will contain AAT that can't get out of the liver and go to the lungs where it should be. AAT deficiency has autosomal codominant inheritance.
Autosomal codominant inheritance refers to two alleles of an autosomal gene where each allele contributes to the phenotype. For example, the ABO blood group system has three alleles that affect the expression of antigens on the surface of red blood cells: alleles A, B, and O.
Autosomal codominant inheritance is defined by the ability to detect either or both of two alleles in an individual. The two fragments can also be followed through the family pedigree. Hence, the pedigree pattern of human codominant traits resembles that of autosomal dominant inheritance except that both alleles can be distinguished.
As you go from the trachea to medium-sized bronchi, airway resistance increases. But then as you go from medium-sized bronchi to bronchioles, it decreases. It continues to decrease as you go to terminal bronchioles and then the alveoli. This makes sense because although the cross sectional area decreases, there are more bronchioles as you go down the airway and more alveoli, so the total cross sectional area increases. The airway resistance is inversely proportional to the total cross sectional area of all airways at the given level; so the more total cross-sectional area, the lower the resistance. This is because the airways are arranged in parallel. It's physics and I know there's an equation for this, but I don't remember it.
Pulmonary hypertension causes a loud P2 component of S2 (recall that the S2 heart sound is the sound heard when both the pulmonic and aortic valves close) due to the forceful closing of the pulmonic valve, which occurs due to the higher pressure in the pulmonary artery. There's also a left parasternal lift.
Obesity related restrictive lung disease = obesity reduces chest wall and lung compliance. The fat puts pressure on the chest wall and causes microatelectasis. Pts will have reduced ERV, which causes reduced FRC. FVC, FEV1, and TLC can also be reduced.
Silicosis puts pts at risk for TB because silica impairs phagosome production in macrophages; silica particles also cause macrophage apoptosis.
Mesothelioma is cancer of the pleura. It can result from asbestosis. But asbestosis is likelier to cause bronchogenic CA than mesothelioma. Anyway, mesothelioma is cancer of the mesothelial cells in the parietal pleura. It encases the whole lung. It stains positive for cytokeratins and calretinin. Pts can have hemorrhagic pleural effusions. Histo: cuboidal or spindle cells. Electron microscopy shows tonofilaments (whatever the heck those are).
Myasthenia gravis = auto-antibodies agains the postsynasptic nicotinic ACh receptor-> postsynaptic ACh receptors are destroyed-> muscle weakness with repeated muscle use because ACh becomes depleted. Pts have droopy eyelids (ptosis), nasal voice, facial weakness, and in worse cases, respiratory failure. Acetylchonlinesterase inhibitors neostigmine and pyridostigmine are the treatment.
The dual lung circulation is the pulmonary and bronchial arteries. If the pulmonary artery is occluded, the collateral circulation from the bronchial artery can prevent infarction of the lung. The pulmonary arteries bring oxygen-poor blood to the alveoli for oxygenation. The bronchial arteries carry nutrients and remove waste from the bronchi. So if a pt has a PE in a pulmonary artery, the bronchial artery will still perfuse the lung. If you are distal enough, you can get infarcts because there's no more anastomosis between the bronchial and pulmonary arteries. Pulmonary infarcts are hemorrhagic, rather than the ischemic infarcts that occur in other organs due to the dual blood supply of the lungs.
Radiation of the lungs causes hyaline membranes to form in the alveoli. So a pt who has breast radiation for breast CA can end up with radiation-induced lung injury. The radiation triggers the release of inflammatory mediators-> alveolar hyaline membrane formation and alveolitis (acutely) and fibrosis (later on). TGF-beta causes fibroblast proliferation-> fibrosis-> traction bronchiectasis (dilated bronchioles).
Anion gap = sodium - (chloride + bicarbonate). A normal AG is 10 to 14. Elevated AG can be do to MUDPILES (methanol, uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis, propylene glycol/paraldehyde, iron tablets/isoniazid, lactic acidosis, ethylene glycol [antifreeze], salicylates [aspirin]), or accumulation of organic acids due to an inborn error of metabolism.
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teamprototype · 5 years
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I wanted to do the x-antibody to my Gazimon with Gaomon traits so here’s Gaozimon X. I used Gaogamon for some traits since he’s a little bigger in this form. The evo line for Gazimon X is more fitting for this mon. 
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