#to fuck with Cersei And Only Cersei
ladystoneboobs · 7 months
@sunflowersansa, #catelyn was raised to be hosters successor for almost a decade wasnt she?
the annoying thing is we don't have an approximate age for edmure, nor any age for cat when minisa died (in childbirth with a last, stillborn son, not edmure). i've seen fanart depicting him as anywhere from a toddler to a younger teen/tween when catelyn and lysa were teenagers. but i feel pretty confident in my estimation of ~7/8yrs age difference between eldest sister and baby brother, and not just bc of symmetry with the next generation. my reasoning is thus:
we all assume catelyn had some grooming as an heiress, rather than it just being a nominal status in early childhood. how much training can one really give a 3 or 4yo, y'know? we know rickon never had any manly lord lessons from ned since he was still so young when they parted. if she was closer to 7 or 8 when edmure came along, that leaves more realistic time for education, and a sizable number of years with only daughters for hoster to try to accustom himself to lack of a son and make do accordingly. even only 1 or 2 years of rulership lessons would still matter when minisa's death left hoster more dependent on her as not just hostess but later a trusted confidant of a sort until she got married.
ned thinks of edmure as "the boy" in his pov when hearing of the mountain's first attacks in the riverlands. we know ned's not great with keeping up with ageing from his earlier comments about tommen, and he surely hasn't seen edmure in many years, but this tells me that when they did meet at riverrun, edmure was not that close in age to himself, catelyn, and lysa. (i think it's less likely to see someone as frozen in childhood if they're anywhere near your age cohort.) ned could still be wrong about edmure's age thinking he couldn't possibly be at least 25 and any green knight younger than that was still a boy or youth, but that miscalculation makes more sense to me if he was around ~26 rather than a fellow thirtysomething or a guy pushing thirty.
we also know that edmure acted as brandon's squire in his duel with littlefinger, which i read as more someone playacting at some squirely practice when not yet consideed old enough to be anyone's assigned squire, with the informal nature of the duel which meant lightly-armored littlefinger having no squire of his own, and brandon having an actual squire who likely could have been present. so that lines up with a ~10yo edmure to 15yo littlefinger, 16yo lysa, 18yo catelyn, and 20yo brandon. (this is admittedly the most subjective point and i wouldn't consider it strong evidence if not consistent with the rest.)
catelyn doubted her memories of her mother, including her appearence, which in this world strangely devoid of portraits, still makes me think she was quite young when they lost her. so, yeah, not a large gap between edmure's birth and minisa's death in her next childbirth. if catelyn was 8/9 or even 10 when her mother died and she became de facto lady of riverrun, that could line up with the lannister twins losing their mother at 7 and not having strong memories of joanna.
idt catelyn really did think of riverrun as her birthright when her brief time as conscious heiress was a small fraction of her life, with at least 6yrs knowing she'd move away to be lady (consort) of winterfell instead and the rest of her life living out that responsibility as northern wife and mother. but it must still sting to be used to such a position of importance in her earlier time in riverrun and have no real authority when she returned to live there again as an adult, especially when edmure still seemed to act (to her) like the baby of the family not entirely matured into the authority he held all for himself. there's a part in her time in renly's camp when she thought robb was years younger but still knew what he was doing more than the southern king and his knights of summer playing at war. i'd imagine a simaliar feeling whenever edmure annoyed her. that's another difference between robb and edmure, that robb was a dutiful eldest sibling like his mother, formerly catelyn's baby but never anyone's baby brother. while edmure, even if he was (my by headcanon) a few years older than renly and unlike renly was meant to be a male heir from birth, was still a youngest child of 3 like renly.
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Me everytime I see something related to got that isn't Braime
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melrosing · 1 year
Kind of find it irritating the way people argue that Ned was right to seek to remove Cersei’s bastards from the line of succession, but everyone should leave Rhaenyra’s bastards alone. Like I agree, they should, but I also think the only difference between Cersei’s children and Rhaenyra’s is Joffrey, for whom Tommen and Myrcella end up treated as collateral.
Like Cersei is just as entitled as Rhaenyra to have children with someone she actually wants to have children with, and the person Cersei was married to was an abusive partner - so of course she didn’t want Robert’s. Throwing Cersei’s children to the wolves to get Stannis on the throne is imo as bad as it is for Alicent/Vaemond/whoever to loudly question the Velaryon boys.
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joanna-lannister · 1 month
Ah yes, the famous and traditional "they ruined Jaime's arc!". As if the man who was mocked over half of his life for killing his king, and who always put his family above everything else didn't come full circle by dying trying to protect his queen, who was also his sister, the love of his life, and the mother of his children... 🙄
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seyaryminamoto · 15 days
Sheesh! Azulon is such a spoiled brat, huh? 🤣
... Yes. He is.
Ngl, I rewatched LOTR's trilogy over the past three days and I was surprised by something in it that I immediately connected to Azulon. I've never seen anyone else draw this parallel with LOTR, instead I only ever see people in the fandom constantly comparing Azulon, intentionally or not, with Tywin Lannister.
... as far as I'm concerned, Azulon is Denethor. Full stop.
Even if you want to think the guy loved his firstborn? He was a twisted, pissy asshole who wanted to cling to power at all costs, that above all else, and his "beloved" son was his best means to achieve that. Hell, I'd argue Azulon wouldn't even be likely to have the "last minute awakening" that Denethor did regarding Faramir... but Denethor's behavior over Boromir is 100% the same as Azulon's over Iroh. "Oh, my perfect, glorious, wonderful son who can get everything right, and whose useless brother can't ever measure up to! I'm going to idealize you and give you all the privileges and glorious missions and pretend you could've achieved anything, while he was worth less than the dirt under your feet!"
So, yes, the way I write Azulon is so much closer to Denethor, specifically in terms of how he treats his family, than to Tywin Lannister and all the fandom's attempts to rationalize and justify his treatment of Ozai, all be it because "baby killed my wife". Worth noting? There's no solid evidence of that: Ilah is as good as a non-character, nobody knows what kind of relationship he had with her, Azulon very well could have used her as a brooding mare and nothing more, for all we know... but along with this? A bastard of Azulon's caliber, who helmed the Fire Nation's war for THE LONGEST PERIOD out of all three canon Fire Lords, does not need any greater excuses to treat his second-born like trash, much like Denethor didn't. :')
Of course, I take Azulon a bit further than most people by depicting his insecurities over his newborn granddaughter... I think there's no logical explanation for him to overlook Azula and be as unaffected by her as he's shown to be in Zuko Alone's flashback. She's a prodigy, she should be a useful weapon for him, at the very least...! And he's completely unconcerned with her. He actually shows more reaction to Zuko than he does to Azula. Hmm. Makes ya wonder, huh? :')
So yeah, I think there are many layers to how twisted Azulon is. Dude really took things to a whole other level of BS and kept doing it until the very end. Fandom can call me crazy as much as it cares to, but I don't think any grandfather who demands for the death of his grandson as a punishment for his second son's impertinence should EVER be given the "benefit of the doubt", or granted any excuses for this behavior just because Ozai was a shitty human being. Ozai sure was one: and he learned exactly how to be that way from daddy dearest himself :')
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
sorry i’m still annoyed but like we really think if ned would have seen robert hit lyanna with his own two eyes he wouldn’t have done anything. that’s what we’re saying. that’s really what we’re all saying that’s really-
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
I didn't think about him being a knight and having endangered himself before, you're right!
I was mostly thinking along the lines of one of the kids being directly attacked and him probably not jumping at the opportunity to get between that (I feel like he would/could but he'd probably think about whether it's the smartest decision/in favour of his goals whereas Aemond would act rather rash).
Maybe he would protect Alicent without further thought tho (but I am not knowledgeable, I just base my opinions on vibes).
What do you think?
Hi there!
I think Otto gets a little bit of a bad rep in general. He doesn't talk the talk without walking the walk, if you think about it. As I've said, he has already put himself twice in harms' way on the same bridge on Dragonstone - once against Daemon, once against Daemon & Rhaenyra, both times facing dragons, both times ready to throw hands if necessary. He's not hiding somewhere in the background, he's the first to fall if things go awry. Tywin Lannister, another Hand of the King, would have simply sent an envoy, for example, and it's not for lack of courage, as he fights in battle himself to save his family from Stannis.
Which is why I think it's the more notable that Otto went himself, on behalf of the Crown. If he is willing to do that for the institution, to perform what essentially is a ceremonial, albeit (unnecessarily, for him) dangerous act, why wouldn't he protect Alicent and his grandchildren if they were in the way of direct harm?
It's also important to note that he never intentionally placed his daughter in harm's way. In his mind, Viserys is a good man who would never mistreat her (in a way he understands as being significant).
Similarly, I think a lot of this confusion stems from the political climate not being relayed properly to the viewers. Otto fully expects Viserys to change his heir once he has a son. Fandom likes to believe this is evil machination from his part, plotting Rhaenyra's murder years in advance, but most other noble lords think the same thing. Does anyone think Corlys and Rhaenys were trying to get Laena and her future children killed by putting her forward as a potential bride? Does anyone think Rhaenys was secretly plotting to defenestrate Rhaenyra while they were sassing off on that balcony? Jason Lannister shows up from way out west and fully expects Aegon to be named heir as well. People are very confused when Viserys doesn't budge.
Otto is not so unfeeling as to reduce his daughter and grandchildren to canon fodder for his personal ambition. He wasn't expecting this problem in the first place. He is taken aback and has to recalculate and re-calibrate his strategy. That is why he starts insisting to Alicent in private that she also join him in pushing for Aegon as heir. That is why he suggests betrothing Rhaenyra to Aegon. That is why he tells Alicent her children will be in danger if Viserys doesn't switch. He wasn't tricking or trapping her in a future bloody war over succession when he sent her to comfort/distract the king. Viserys is the rogue element here, someone that we in the field of international relations would say is not behaving like a rational actor.
Which is what I think Otto was doing in the eye-gouging trial as well. Taking in information and making a cost-benefit analysis. Aemond's eye was already lost by that point and perhaps he thought there was nothing to be gained politically by further antagonizing Rhaenyra. Alicent was also the one with the knife; she had the upper hand in that moment. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Otto is flawless here - he is not Westeros' no 1 hugger and comforter. For example, he could have interjected himself in support of his daughter, instead of her slowly losing her mind. To further the Tywin comparison, for all his faults, he would have been raging there at the King alongside Cersei. Otto has a different personality - he works more behind the scenes. Nevertheless, I don't think he would have stood idly by if Viserys suddenly decided to start removing the tongues of his family members.
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
omg the one ask about your modern au reminded me of your keeping up with the baratheons thing i loved it so much!!!! do you have any other ideas/hcs for it???
AHHH KUWTB i missed them... ok so i love the idea of like real housewives of king's landing existing and cersei being on a season of it and thats how she starts being famous for being famous yknow.
RHOKL cersei season: cersei, taena merryweather, tanda stokeworth, falyse stokeworth, lysa arryn, selyse florent, alerie tyrell. they're not KL technically but i would also add genna lannister, ellaria sand and sybell spicer.
i think this lineup would cause some astronomical levels of cunt and slay, but cersei is definitely the breakout star. marge and olenna show up as side characters. lysa exits the show dramatically. selyse falls for MLM scams and is forced to leave when she tries hawking them on facebook. the real actual cops get called when cersei and ellaria grab wine glasses and turn them into shanks and start trying to stab each other. there's soooo many cocaine and drunk driving arrests.
KUWTB is a RHOKL (jesus christ ive got asoiaf acronym brain) spinoff because cersei was so fucking insane and the ratings were so good everytime she like caused a physical fight. taena is the ONLY person from RHOKL that cersei doesnt have personal violent beef with (ellaria and cersei have restraining orders) and she shows up o KUWTB.
also i like the crack theory that taena's son is a robert bastard and i think it would be VERY funny for that scandal to play out.
myrcella likes RHOKL she thinks its funny and she liked wearing pretty dresses when she shows up on the show. joffrey fucking hates it so much he's like everyone at school thinks im GAY cos of this. tommen is just excited cos 'mummy's on tv!' robert does not give a fuck
also taena and cersei go on a season of westerosi celebrity big brother and have implied lesbian sex in an episode
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navree · 2 years
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outlawssweetheart · 6 days
@ambersrequel Cheryl & Jason actually WERE supposed to be canon on the show! (They are canon in the "Afterlife With Archie" comic series.) They talked about it for MONTHS leading up to the series premiere, but I think WB told them "No!" so they backtracked by the end of season one, then did their hardest to negate it. (This is The CW, not HBO. 🙄)
She also said in a magazine interview back then that Cheryl is in love with Jason.
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I was LOCKED IN following them filming season 1 since I heard of the show (and supposed canon Cherson) in June 2016. I'd never been so baited in my life, and I am NEVER letting it go! 😤
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Do you remember when in one of the thousands of pathetic attempts of D&D to make us sympathize for their awful boring incest ship they made Myrcella actually say that she is happy that Jaime is her father?
Just imagine, you are a teenager girl and you discover that you are born from incest and your biological parents are also biological twins with each other and your first reaction is "Oh yeah I'm really happy about it."
Who the fuck would be happy of being a product of incest??
And on top of all of that, they killed her off two seconds later so the viewers would have thought "she gave them her blessing for their love story" BITCH IT'S NOT A LOVE STORY IT'S FUCKING INCEST I--
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dialux · 1 year
Oh yea the costumes in late got are so bad even if they are well made like the only one I actually like is sansas coronation gown
Ykw I don't like Sansa's gown either..... My girl looked flat and pastiche in that crown and her hair was SO BAD. The gown itself is fine but doesn't flatter Sophie at all. If it'd been me I'd have stripped the gloves, the weird metal bodice, and the asymmetric sleeves; emphasized Sophie's long neck with a v-neck a la her S1 tourney dress (which could have a ribbon border that echoes the show's neck collar) and done up her hair like for the Ramsay wedding in s5 or put it in a simpler braid that echoed Catelyn's s1 designs. The design of her sleeves was immensely good, but it was absolutely invisible to anyone who just watched the show- I didn't even remember it existed until I googled her coronation dress five minutes ago- so I'd probably flip that out as a one-shoulder cape pinned in place by her furs, and kept the sleeves cut close to her wrist. And then I'd brighten up the entire ensemble by dyeing it a brighter white, to emphasize the whole wedding-in-Winterfell s5 Ramsay wedding parallels without being completely on the nose.
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thebeltanequeen · 2 years
Yeah yeah yeah Targaryens cool and interesting love me some dragons yes yes yes Daemon can get it all day blah blah blah
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andthemaidenfair · 2 years
Peak comedy in AFFC when Cersei thinks that Pycelle looks like he’s aged 100 years during her short reign the poor man
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
Last Line Tag
Tagged by @equusgirl-writes, thank you!!!
Ah, yes, the periodic call-out where I put things on the Internet as part of a meme in the hopes of holding myself accountable.
Here, have a Jaime/Cersei fic snippet. It’s a modern AU where Cersei is a professional/competitive dancer and also kind of a classical music snob.
I give tags to anyone who sees this! Please show me your writing!!! :D
When the duet finishes and the silence of the past five minutes is finally broken by the audience’s polite clapping, Cersei gives him a small smirk of understanding. “Pray the judges thought as poorly of that choice of piece as you did.”
Jaime finally allows himself a brief chuckle. “Yes, well, it seems we finally agree on something concerning modern composers.”
The auditorium lights come up, signaling a break. Jaime sees the judges edge stuffily along their reserved row out of the corner of his eye. He wonders how much they actually know about dance or music. It’s entirely possible they just threw some Ivy League economics professor in here as a favor to one of their donors.
“You’ll like Strauss eventually.”
“I promise you, I will not.”
“He wrote more than just tone poems, you know.”
“Oh, like Salome?”
Cersei looks almost offended. “Salome is a masterpiece.”
“It’s a collection of sounds, and none of them are pleasant.”
She gives him a glare that would probably subdue lesser men.
“At least we both hate John Cage. I’m not sure what I’d do if you liked…whatever that was.”
“I hate that man far more than I enjoy any Strauss opera.”
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anotherbelievermp3 · 8 months
I don't know why I ever go on the ASOIAF reddit. Like people basically never have anything insightful to say
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