#tiny tan tamagotchi
tamapalace · 3 months
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Hug My Tamagotchi TinyTAN sets
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abutama · 11 months
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moonjiwoong · 1 year
I think I killed Jungkook already…. :(
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
I suppose people expected Jikook to come in the same car, be hugging the whole time, make out, and then have Jungkook bridal carry Jimin out of the venue in order for Jikook to be real. //
No. Don’t gaslight people who are observing what’s given to them. I just want Jungkook to show an OUNCE of warmth or kindness to jimin in person. Like anything. I begging him. Or I WAS begging him. Now I give up. I agree with the other anon. They don’t even seem like friends anymore, let alone boyfriends. Jungkook sucks.
Ai go look at my other posts and go see the clips again. I have made my observations and don't see lack of warmth or kindness. Wtf, seriously.
For reals, you all need to stop shitting on Jungkook. I love Jimin with all my heart and I didn’t see Jungkook treating him bad. You all act like Jimin would allow that. You seriously haven't understood Jimin at all. He is not this weak minded person. He is petty af and will cut you off his life, if necessary.
If Jungkook is still around Jimin, it is because Jimin still allows him to be. And the same applies for Jimin being present in Jungkook's life.
You all act like this is a toxic relationship and it's not. Jikook is not like that. They are not a perfect couple but they are not a toxic couple or a couple where Jk mistreats Jimin.
I'm not here to gaslight you or convince you. If you are not convinced with Jikook, cool. No one is forcing you to be in a Jikooker or support Jikook. They don't need the support because with us or without us, Jikook happens either way.
Jimin and Jungkook are 2 very real human beings who won't act according to what you desire just to keep you entertained and your fantasies fulfilled.
If you want to manage someone to that degree, go buy a Tamagotchi Tiny Tan edition.
Here is the link of the purple one for you:
Hope you have Amazon Prime so it arrives asap and you leave Jungkook alone.
Thanks for stopping by.
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kimseokjinss · 2 years
my store has the tiny tan tamagotchi …
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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Tamagotchi_US twt
TinyTAN is coming through the Magic Door to your palm!
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allrisingsunset · 6 years
My Tamagotchi is Alive!
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Tamagotchi is a tiny pet from cyberspace who needs your love to survive and grow.
If you take good care of your Tamagotchi pet, it will slowly grow bigger, healthier, and more beautiful every day.
Bit if you neglect your little cyber creature, your Tamagotchi may grow up to be mean or ugly.
How old will your Tamagotchi be when it returns to its home planet?
What kind of virtual caretaker will you be…?
 Fue en su cumpleaños número diecisiete cuando Jongin recibió a Oliver, fue un regalo por parte de una de sus tías, un tamagotchi, en apariencia, común y corriente; como todos los demás que los niños tenían, aquel juguete estaba haciendo furor en todo Asia y el mundo incluso.
Si el moreno era sincero, en primera instancia estaba horrorizado de recibir un juguete que claramente era para niños pequeños… ¡Él ya era un hombre! Estaba cumpliendo 17 años ¡Por Dios! Nunca imaginó cuanto podría cambiarle la vida recibir una mascota virtual de apariencia pixelada.
Sus padres le habían regalado la nueva consola de Nintendo, Jongin se entretenía jugando con el 64 día y noche, ignorando la mascota virtual, poco dispuesto a abrirla y más aún a activarla… él no necesitaba mascotas, ya tenía a sus cachorros para jugar con ellos. (O por lo menos eso se repetía cada que veía disgustado la caja… aquel disgusto fue evolucionando en curiosidad.
El muchacho lo recuerda bien, había decidido abrir (por fin) al pequeño tamagotchi, sus amigos habían llevado los suyos a la escuela y él había querido verlos, curioso por lo que el animalituo virtual hacía, pero tanto Baekhyun como Sehun habían sido muy celosos de mostrarle a su Chanie y a Myeonie, el primero un perrito, el segundo un conejito… ¡Incluso su primo JongDae tenía uno! Era un hámster llamado Seokie… ¿Por qué no dejaban a Jongin verlos?
El mencionado abultó sus labios mientras jugaba con la caja en sus manos, alcanzando a leer el texto sobre los tamagotchis y lo que necesitaban… básicamente debería cuidarlo con amor y aquel crecería, de no hacerlo, podría morir. Por alguna extraña razón, aquello perturbó al muchacho más de la cuenta, él no quería que muriese.
—No te pondré un nombre cursi y sin sentido como los demás hacen —aseguró al pequeño aparato con forma de huevo luego de haberlo sacado de su caja. Lo activó y observó maravillado el nacimiento de la criatura virtual, un pequeño huevo pixelado se abrió para revelar una pequeña bolita con orejas de gatito que brincaba en el pequeño espacio y parecía sonreír… ¡Era tan lindo!
—Tu nombre será… —miró al gatito que seguía emocionado moviéndose por la pequeña pantalla y no pudo evitar sonreír él también —Serás mi Oliver —musitó, sin darse cuenta, en tono posesivo.
Al principio su curiosidad se convirtió en desinterés, no abandonaba a Oliver, jugaba todos los días con él, lo alimentaba cada que tenía hambre y lo dejaba dormir cuando lo necesitaba. El pequeño gatito fue creciendo de un bebé dormilón a un niño juguetón, conforme crecía, parecía ir demandando más y más atención del moreno, al principio aquello le molestaba, pero conforme pasaba el tiempo, el gatito conseguía ir ganándose su corazón, cada vez le tenía más y más cariño, al punto en el que dormía con el pequeño tamagotchi a lado de su almohada ¿Un poco loco, cierto?
Jongin no podía evitarlo, el gato virtual era cada vez más lindo y amoroso (a su manera pixelada), se había vuelto tan celoso como sus amigos y les impedía si quiera mirarlo, aquello les tenía frustrados, querían saber cómo lucía Oliver.
Lo verdaderamente extraño ocurrió poco después de que Oliver alcanzara la adolescencia, un día después de clases, Jongin se disponía a alimentarlo y jugar con él, pero al tocar el tamagotchi, se encontró con que aquel brillaba y de este salía una silueta la cual fue tomando forma humana, aunque poseía cola y orejas de gato, asustado gritó, soltando el juguete y cayendo al piso de su habitación.
Entre camisetas tiradas y calcetines desechados (a falta de su compañero), se encontró con el chico más hermoso que había visto jamás, poseía unos enormes y brillosos ojos, una sonrisa en forma de corazón, por su complexión se notaba que era más pequeño que Jongin y poseía orejas de gato así como la cola, la cual se balanceaba denotando las emociones del muchacho.
—¿Q-Qu-Quién eres tú? —preguntó denotando lo estupefacto que se encontraba, las gafas que portaba se habían caído de su lugar y colgaban precariamente en el puente de su nariz —¿O-Oliver? —inquirió dubitativo. —¡Debo estar perdiendo la cabeza! —vociferó ampliando sus ojos.
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hyperlanes · 7 years
SciFi Trinkets
Rolling for a trinket was always one of my favourite parts of character creation, so since it was not included in the rules conversion, here is a list of a 100 inconsequential items adapted for the SciFi setting. The names of species and cultures are arbitrary of course.
01 A old Earth action figure 02 A holy Book of an unknown alien species 03 An empty bottle of a fine Valhallan wine with an ornate, metallic label 04 A tiny singularity enclosed in a miniature Higgs Canceller Field 05 A single page of a crime novel 06 A plastic mug with a floral design 07 A small set of spices and seasonings relevant to your culture / race 08 An OSD of unknown type 09 A holographic postcard from New New York 10 Moitean Flame Orchid, preserved in a stasis field 11 A religious symbol of a long - gone civilization, carved out of Everwood. 12 A keychain replica of R-47b Arbalest projectile weapon 13 A working replica of an earth tamagotchi 14 A decorative dish from a set 15 A single card from a deck of an alien culture 16 Carbon fibre model of the Coalescent, one of the three flagships of Armada 17 Carbon fibre model of the Resplendent, one of the three flagships of Armada 18 Carbon fibre model of the Exultant, one of the three flagships of Armada 19 Small leather pouch containing several octagonal coins 20 A ballpoint pen 21 A spork 22 A handle of an ancient projectile weapon made of sandalwood 23 A ring made of Tungsten 24 A small vial of Einstein - Bose condensate 25 A small, red pill 26 A fragment of rock with an imprint of a fossilized fern 27 A scent flare (can be fired off to fill the room with a scent pleasant to your species) 28 A vial containing compressed ashes of supposedly Rixaan folk hero. 29 A small plushie of an animal considered aesthetically pleasing by your people 30 A glowing green lipstick 31 A vial containing an inert retrovirus 32 A single glowstick 33 A pair of sunglasses 34 A medalion which opens to reveal a photo of an unknown family 35 An inactive distress beacon from an alien ship 36 A really small flute 37 A wind - up radio working on unknown frequencies 38 A fossilized sweet pastry 39 A dedication plaque of an old starship 40 A small set of construction blocks that forms a skycar 41 A sticker with a smiley face which has three eyes 42 A towel 43 A small wooden statuette of a smug looking Cebrean 44 A plasteel orb filled with water in which a holographic fish swims 45 A small needle that cannot be bent 46 A self - preserving packet of butter with a label “Upon close inspection, I can confirm, this is not butter!” 47 A single Earth bee, preserved in stasis 48 A gemstone which appears as a lump of coal when anyone but you looks at it 49 A bottle of holographic nail polish that can be synched to your terminal 50 An Oddball signed by a moderately famous player 51 A small banner emblazoned with the crest of your former colony / planet / hometown 52 A single, 7 - fingered left glove made of fine silk 53 A self - cleaning material handkerchief 54 A single ancient projectile weapon bullet 55 Carbon fibre letter opener 56 Sugar detector 57 A dog tag od a fallen comrade 58 A small cog made of titanium 59 An old handheld console displaying graphics at a light wavelenght you can’t perceive 60 A miniature fold out chair 61 A small model of an ancient space probe of your people 62 A tiny, desktop vacuum cleaner 63 A small, empty jewellery box that the bottom of looks like open deep space. It is not a screen nor holographic projection 64 An Earthen four leaf clover, preserved in stasis field 65 A small holographic display depicting a single scene from an ancient play 66 An electronic journal written in a language you don’t know. 67 A small holographic display of the Andromeda Galaxy, sealed in a plasteel ball 68 Plastifibre mask 69 A finger helmet 70 A single button from a control panel which has the words “Do not push” imprinted on it 71 A warning sign in an alien language 72 A helium inhaler 73 Half of the holographic data for the Galactic Senate floor plan 74 A vial of Space Wyrm mucus 75 A space pirate flag, adorned with Moitean skull and crossed beam rifles 76 A cigarrette thay cannot be lit and always remains cool to the touch 77 An engraved shard of metal from the title belt of an interplanetary wrestling competition. The words “2284 Reunion” can be read on it 78 A small artificial tentacle you can clip onto objects. It wriggles constantly 79 A miniature microphone which de - amplifies your voice 80 A small can of edible chrome paint 81 A small insect from an extinct species, preserved in stasis field 82 A self - refilling bottle of seal wax 83 A model of a blue, robotic lion 84 An invisible headband 85 A mood ring which changes colours depending on your feelings 86 An Morthandveld feromone dictionary 87 A small token made out of material that was once precious to your people but became almost worthless after achieving ftl flight. 88 A rainbow coloured bootlace 89 A programmable holographic scar 90 A bobblehead figurine of a small, four - legged fungoid 91 A plasma nail cutter 92 A small yellow brick 93 A small bottle of self - tanning lotion appropriate for your species skin type 94 A wig that fits any type of head, covered in red hair 95 A small six sided dice that always orients itself with the number 1 facing up 96 A small blacklight torch (it creates a spot devoid of light) 97 Fidget spinner appropriate for your species 98 A toothbrush belonging to apparently a very small species of alien 99 A pet bowl for a small rodent with a name “Sir Galahad” printed on it 100 An android space hamster
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abutama · 1 year
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tamapalace · 2 years
TinyTAN Hugmy Tamagotchi Packaging Revealed at 2022 San Diego Comic-Con!
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image source: San Diego Union-Tribune
San Diego Comic-Con sure was the place to be! Looks like Bandai Namco US is giving us a glimpse into what the packaging will look like for the TinyTAN Hugmy Tamagotchi, and spoiler alert, it’s adorable! The packaging will be in either red or yellow and feature an image of the TinyTAN character, along with some graphics and a display of all the Hugmy sets on the right side of the packaging.
Only the TinyTAN Hugmy Tamagotchi set will feature the black TinyTAN Tamagotchi shell. Currently they are set to be released in Japan in September of 2022, and North America in January of 2023.
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tamapalace · 2 years
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TinyTAN Tamagotchi poster at ‘BTS Permission to Dance On Stage’ Las Vegas
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tamapalace · 2 years
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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TinyTAN is coming through the Magic Door to your palm! Pre-order the TinyTAN Tamagotchi today! http://tinyurl.com/y82n66s5
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