#tiktok fandoms are HORRIFYING
laurzvahll · 4 months
Posting ur art on tumblr and having people like it feels so much better than posting literally anywhere else and having people like it
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At what point does a hyperfixation turn into a soecial interest /gen
Because I've been in the transformers fandom for threeish years now and know way too goddamn much
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mythicandco · 1 year
thinking about AM with the TikTok voice again
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
how do people react to eddie's tiktok about the threats to steve? obviously a lot of people would be horrified and support eddie, but do you think anyone would be mad at him for cancelling so last minute? and what do eddie and steve do about the threats?
There’s a wide variety of reactions, but there’s a lot of support.
The other members of Corroded Coffin were among the first and the loudest to give their support to Eddie. It’s not just that Eddie won’t be in attendance at their meet-and-greet or that he won’t play the show, the whole band cancels. They do this together or not at all. When you attack one of them, you attack all of them and Steve is one of them.
There are celebrities and influencers that come out in support and talk about their experience with hate mail and pushy fans, and some even talk about how their significant other were bullied off social media by fans. And there are fans that give their support.
Eddie doesn’t give a ton of information about what kind of threats they’re getting, but he gives enough to put the pieces together that it’s Steve getting them. A lot of Eddie’s fans remember the video of Steve crying at the neurologist and they feel protective of him. That was such an invasion of privacy and to have someone threatening you on top of that, it’s just too much.
Fans post videos on Tiktok and Youtube, and they make Twitter threads about toxic fandoms and toxic fans, and they talk about how Steve is just a normal guy that didn’t sign up for any of this. Quite literally. He doesn’t even have a Tiktok account. He’s not posting the videos he’s in.
And of course, there are people who are pissed off and there are people that understand but are disappointed. They feel like they’re being punished for someone else’s actions and they make videos about it, and Eddie responds.
He asks, “Tell me how you make yourself leave town when you don’t know if someone is going to try to kill your loved ones? Make that make sense to me.”
He responds to another Tiktok saying, “He didn’t even tell me. He’s been suffering through this shit on his own for months because he didn’t want me to lose this. He didn’t want me to lose Tiktok or concerts, or having a good experience with fans. He didn’t want to ruin that, and some – fucking asshole thought that there was something so egregiously wrong with someone as loving and caring as that, that they wrote a fucking letter to a middle school about how he should kill himself.”
Eddie responds to another, “All of this because he – he – he what? He turned my music down in the car? He doesn’t go to all my shows or – or because he didn’t want to go on a date once after he has a seizure? Sorry that the guy with the fucking head injury sometimes has the symptoms of a fucking head injury.”
Eddie responds, “During the worst time of my life, he saved me. He didn’t even know me, but he saved me and he never expected anything in return, and I can’t even make this better for him. I don’t know how.”
Steve doesn’t want to do anything about the letters that Eddie taped back together. He doesn’t want to take them to the police where they’ll tell them that there’s nothing they can do about it. He doesn’t want to hire a bodyguard or get a new security system, and he doesn’t want to move. He already got kicked out of one house, he’s not letting someone else kick him out of this one.
Steve doesn’t want to do anything, but Eddie can’t do nothing so he goes to the police. He’s famous now – a lot more famous than he was the last time he dealt with the Chicago PD – and they’re helpful. The woman he talks to is sympathetic, though there isn’t much they can do without any identifying marks. There’s no name, no return address, nothing that would lead them to the writer.
But they take his name and make copies of the letters, and they open a file.
It’s not a lot, but it’s enough for Eddie not feel so useless. 
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casasupernovas · 29 days
I’m not sure what on earth has happened to the literacy standards of the Potter fandom in the last 15 years, because I distinctly remember the universally horrified reactions to the Snape’s Worst Memory chapter when book 5 first came out. Teenage James and Sirius were written as borderline sociopathic in their capacity for cruelty, and everyone back then instantly understood what JKR meant to convey. Somewhere along the line the perception of that dynamic has mutated into a ‘equal rivalry’ or ‘James standing up to a racist’. She couldn’t have made it any clearer with Harry’s anger when Sirius and Remus are feebly justifying themselves. It’s not a coincidental that she chose to place this incident *after* the werewolf prank (there had been a lot of speculation before book 7 came out that it was the werewolf incident that made James get his act together…but no), described them as predator and prey, and put Draco’s words in James’s mouth. I’m baffled as to why so many people don’t get it now. If anything it reads even worse in 2024, because what James did is now classified as sexual assault in the UK.
Look, this girl is reading the books for the first time on TikTok and got that part and she was devastated at finding out about the bullying.
And the comments are full of "omg noooo read 'All The Young Dudes'.
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The truth is, no one likes being challenged anymore. They can't reconcile the idea that James did bad things but was also a great friend so they write cowardly fanfiction that pretends that never happened. And they know the truth, it's why they all to try retroactively cancel out the bullying because of what they know happened in Snape's life 20 years later.
They know it's bad.
They just can't handle it. Because it makes them THINK and be forced to come up with their own conclusions rather than it be spoon fed.
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leverage-ot3 · 3 months
not going to give the blog any attention or time of day but this is your reminder that the leverage crew would never be zionists or support israel whatsoever
I wasn't going to engage with it because I value my mental health but yeah. absolutely fucking NOT
y'all really think that this group of people that actively go out of their way to go against the rich and powerful, who make it their goal to help people that are oppressed, devalued by society and taken advantage by those more powerful would at all EVER align themselves with israel? bffrrn
I'm going to go off for a few paragraphs about why this is such a horrendously ridiculous and delusional idea, but I'm not going to clog up your dash so it's going under the cut. I want to respect people who already participate in activism and need fandom space for lighter things
tw for discussion of the atrocities and war crimes happening in palestine
over 25 THOUSAND innocent people have died as a result of israeli terror the last few months alone. over 10 thousand children. entire family lines have been erased from the world forever- grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren all martyred, often together as they are sheltering from bombs and bullets until they are murdered by soldiers that laugh as they shoot and detonate bombs.
you really think that eliot 'I adopt every child I see' spencer would support a regime that let a child stay trapped in a car where her family members were martyred, not let paramedics in for days and then when they finally let the paramedics approach they kill both her AND the EMS? you think he would stand with the government that arrests children as young as 6 years old for *checks hand* being terrorists (because what fucking 6 year old is a terrorist let alone any kind of national threat. they're fucking SIX). that snipes children for throwing rocks at tanks and their apartheid walls
he and all of them would weep at the picture released the other day of the little girl handing from rubble with her legs blown off.
all of them would be horrified of the bombardment that has murdered tens of thousands of innocent civilians, women, children, men, elderly alike with no fucking care. that shoots people with their hands up waving white flags. that bulldozes graveyards and digs up bodies and probably steals organs from they dying and deceased. that bombs hospitals, governmental and archival buildings, mosques, churches, holy sites, schools and universities. whose soldiers have a trend where they go through women's underwear drawers and make lewd comments about their lingerie and how kinky they must be. who make tiktoks of them playing in decimated playgrounds and signing their children's names on bombs. who force parents to collect pieces of their children in plastic bags because they have been blown apart by relentless bombing. who shoot a grandmother holding a child's hand. who murdered a woman that dared say that she was older than the 'state' of israel.
the fact that you're posting this as israel relentlessly bombs rafa, the place they were told would be the only safe place to be, where 1.6 million people are living in tents living off animal feed because no sufficient humanitarian aid (if any) has been let through
these people that advocate for comeuppance and exposing wrongs would not support a regime that actively targets and murders journalists and their entire families.
you really think any of them would actively support a genocidal sociopathic government? fucking delusional
to a certain extent, I know that people want to keep fandom and advocacy spaces separate and I acknowledge and relate to that- when we are logged on every moment of the day we sometimes need to take breaks and engage with something else for our mental health. I need that too. and there is a very thin line when you try to apply fandom to current events because in all honesty, making headcanons about how your faves would react to X horrendous event can come off as extremely tone-deaf. I get you love your blorbos (I do too!), but actual people are suffering and it can come off as disingenuous to a lot of folks when you try to talk about your characters instead of the very real harm that is going on. HOWEVER, the other account posted in the leverage tag that the crew would be zionists and started that discourse and since it was already out there in our space I wanted to make sure that people know that this blog does not support that whatsoever.
and before this gets misconstrued: antizionism is not antisemitism. I have a lot of love for my jewish friends and followers, but saying that we can't be critical of war crimes and incessant aggression because it is a jewish state is fucking ridiculous. we should be able to hold any and all governments accountable when they do bad things (this absolutely also means I think we should hold the US accountable for enabling them and I live here. every country that is complicit needs to face consequences). saying that israel is exempt from criticism because jewish people deserve a right to a homeland isn't a great take. I completely understand fear of antisemitism and discrimination, but at some point we have to think critically and acknowledge that people are dying by the thousands and standing up for that and calling out atrocities takes precedence. jewish voices for peace has some really good content about this topic
anyways there's a random blog out there posting about how your faves are zionists splattering their rancid sponge and I want to make sure my stance on this subject is very clear: fuck israel, free palestine, and no one is free until everyone is free
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🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥 Secret Shanghai Edition
the character everyone gets wrong
Marshall. He is canonically an excellent cook, s why are we convinced he'd set something on fire if left alone in the kitchen?
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
no comment
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME I have seen Alisa and Phoebe shipped (let aroace people live and bisexuals are still bisexual even in a seemingly hetero relationship) or those takes I've seen on TikTok of people shipping Rosalind and Benedikt and Celia and Marshall if I weren't on my computer I would put sooooo many barf emojis here
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
luckily nothing yet I believe
worst discord server and why
mine with my friends its sooo annoying how we have incredibly amazing and intelligent and sometimes incoherent conversations like guys we're the worst (sarcasm)
which ship fans are the most annoying?
like I said, anyone who ships the above things needs to stay 10 feet away from me at all times and undergo intense media literacy training
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I think everyone's answer for this is Oliver. I'm so sorry we (especially me tbh) did you so dirty pre fhh I promise we've learnt our lesson!
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Oliver loves cats. incorrect. Cats are his entire life. there is a difference, and we need to recognize it.
worst part of canon
roma and Alisa's dad just disappeared before I could beat him up
worst part of fanon
we're too funny my stomach literally hurts from laughing too hard sometimes. Seriously though, the above ship takes that make my blood boil, as well as some complaints about how a lot of us talk about how we think certain characters are neurodivergent/disabled. While I think some of those are actually considered canon, I don't understand why people are so made that we (a relatively neurospicy bunch) are identifying the parts of characters we relate to and labeling them. We're doing you no harm and not interfering with your ability to enjoy the characters. Shouldn't it be a good thing that we're able to identify with the characters? Just mind your business. (also anyone who erases Rosalind's and Alisa's aroaceness that is indeed canon and I hope both sides of your pillow are too warm)
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
I don't think any
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don't think anyone hates these guys, but why don't we ever talk about the couple from LVC? They were so sweet, and I'm kind of sad we didn't get any mention of them in FHH.
worst blorboficiation
I feel like a bad Tumblr user, but I don't know what this means. is this like uwu-ification?
that one thing you see in fics all the time
@typingwithmyhandstied 's GENIUS
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Juliette always has the appropriate amount of knives thank you very much for that guys :)
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I personally don't get into the Rosalind is a vampire thing, but I'm cheering you guys on from afar (im just not into vampires lol)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
idk I should probably work on my university au
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
the fact that not only did she feel comfortable falling asleep around Orion (see one of @no-1-rosalind-lang-apologist 's recent posts) but Rosalind was also muttering in French in that scene. Her dominant language. She was both out of it enough/comfortable enough with him that she dropped the I was raised in American fake accent and just started speaking normally in this essay I will- basically we need to talk more about the use of multilingualism in the ss books
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
past me would be horrified to know that I like Oliver now
part of canon you found tedious or boring
I think TVD can be a bit boring sometimes, but that makes sense, since it was Chloe's debut, and she's grown immensely since then
part of canon you think is overhyped
the seagreen trio is overrated (they are literally my favorite characters)
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
Olivercelia. Like I said, I was his strongest hater pre fhh. Now I see what she clearly sees in him.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
discourse on ss Tumblr is mostly joking. my personal favorite is when @marsneedstherapy and I pretend to yell at each other in different languages
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"no one appreciates x enough" I do. I love them.
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mecachrome · 18 days
wahh thank u @scrappyracers for the tag i enjoyed ur answers a lot :') f1 tag game...
Who is your favorite driver?: i am an oscarybro first & foremost <3 he's the only driver i truly rep because honestly i don't think i have the bandwidth for more even if i wanted to/tried!!
Do you have other favorite drivers?: i would basically put alex below oscar in his own little tier and then it's just like [WALL]... but i'm also fond of yuki + lando + lewis and respekt maxv :') the rest of the grid i honestly don't think about 99% of the time LOL not in a bad way but because i barely have enough energy for My Guys as is u know
Who is your least favorite driver?: 😔 i feel bad sharing hateurisms on my family friendly blog. 
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: def drivers first but i genuinely like mclaren as a racing outfit so that helps!!! when oscar was still in alp i suffered so much because of it being a deeply unserious team and even back then when the cracks were still forming this was fairly evident because i had a rossi agenda, so i was like wegghhhh i guess i can enjoy a williams stint/swallow down alpine content for him. 😔 and then he replaced [answer to question above which at the time hindered my mcl support significantly] and i got the ultimate driver pairing at a team i'm actually quite fond of ❤️🤍🖤
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: any1 else papayapilled??? 🧡
How long have you been into F1?: a little over 2 years!!! how i managed to get into this sport via an inactive reserve driver i don't know.....
What got you into F1?: several friends were getting into it & were reading mxl fic & things of that nature and even though i wasn't really invested in any of the ships presented i ended up biting as well... but fsr i was not compelled by most f1 content / barely watched dts and instead got reeaaally into feeder series, i think perhaps because at the time i was fascinated by prospect projections + mapping / modeling career trajectories + the idea of "ceilings" in hockey and was watching a ton of jr hockey so it kind of translated over and i got to enjoy masterclasses like litr the most broken broadcast streams ever of kimi driving off into the distance in adac f4. But anyway... i also watched chasing the dream and became obsessed with oscar from that and the rest was history 😌🐨🧡
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: i definitely read it!!! RPF Is Fine etc. i've written 2 effwon fics very poorly and that's it but i peruse the 814 archives regularly..... i forever need to be better at commenting and feel very bad about my own shyness but i think this fandom has such a wealth of incred authors whom i am always in awe of x__x 🧡 tho i will say i'm also a stickler for the 4th wall and it mildly horrifies me that 814 are 75% public..... also fun fact 814 is my favorite oscar ship but it's only my #3 lando ship LOL. j(e|o)ndo you are so special 2 meee
How do you view new fans?: well i'm a relatively new fan so 💗 honestly i barely witness or process most fandom discourse wrt: gatekeeping the sport or dts fans or what have you since i do not frequent those circles of the internet (no public twitter / have never downloaded tiktok in my life) so i don't even know the primary arguments!!
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: i should never be put in charge of anything. now i'm just trying to think strategically like okay where would i want to live but even then i have no idea... 
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: my family could not care less but def the former !!! 💗 going to my 2nd gp soon with my beloved chirlie friend who has been with me thru k-pop fandom for like 8 years now hehe
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: yes i'm just very shy & have multiple anxiety disorders Amongst other things so pls forgive my neuroticism 😭😭😭 but i love 2 have discussions.... oscar piastri lore is my passion in fact <3
0 pressure tagging @bright-and-burning @piastrisms @miamimaiden @goingxmissing If u would like !!! these r fun qs i like hearing about people's fandom journeys/experiences hehe :')
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crushedsweets · 1 month
As someone who had been part of the creepypasta fandom since 2012, I agree with anon. I see SO much BS now that I never had to deal with until now. People apparently can't have head cannons anymore; you can't like so and so or the classic hate against AU's. As someone older, I do not care. This is supposed to be fun for everyone. I'm not letting some 12–15-year-old tell me how to enjoy myself. Also Gatekeeping is just cringe.
Really ?!? When I was 9-11 on qoutev reading fics/roleplaying, I remember people were really mean about anything that wasn’t “canon” (whatever that means at this point) and being really mean to “Mary sues” and self inserts .. Nowadays I feel like everyone I meet is like “yeah my AU is like this, but I like how your AU does this!” LOL
I think the biggest gatekeeping issue I see nowadays is “they’re killers!!! They’re cold hearted and this is supposed to be the SCARY FANDOM!!! If you make them anything other than horrifying monstrous creatures, you’re stupid and lame and boring and a child!” And the realism vs fanon vs canon etc debate.. but I literally couldn’t care less like this fandom was built on anime boy jeff the killer x readers you cannot convince me otherwise
I wish there was a better way to distinguish creepypasta (the scary stories) from the creepypasta fandom (the characters and relationships and comics and animations and cosplay etc etc)
Anyway that’s just my experience but I hope that u guys are able to find good healthy circles of people who embrace new interpretations and creative story telling and interesting designs and all! That’s the best part of this fandom and what makes it so much fun
Edit; not to say that what u described DOESNT happen though HAHA I’ve had people make some remarks about my stuff and whatever so I know it’s true !
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ghosts-cyphera · 4 months
I don’t want to scare you, I really don’t. But listen to me: in terms of going to a psychiatric ward, Lo, are you absolutely sure this is what you want?
I speak as a survivor of the psych ward myself. I was twelve when they put me unsupervised in a room with violent individuals twice my age. They fed us rotting food. The orderlies didn’t even try to help us, or keep the violent patients from hurting themselves or others. I was lucky- I spent two weeks in outpatient, not a lot of time all things considered, but it was such a horrifying, traumatic experience that I still have nightmares about it to this day. There are whole days I can’t recall from that time because I repressed so much of it.
I know not all mental hospitals are like this, but I’m far from the only one with a horror story. These places are not meant to help people. I have spoken to many people both online and in person whose experiences were just as bad if not worse than my own. I don’t want you or anyone else to suffer like I did.
I don’t mean to be out of line, I don’t. But I care for you Lo, not just as an author I enjoy but as a fellow neurodivergent and a writer, I want you to be safe and happy. You deserve safety and happiness. And those things are seldom found in the psych ward. I just want you to be aware of the risks you may be taking. The last thing I want is for a place of healing to turn into a place of suffering for you.
Please, Lo, consider this even if you delete this message (which you absolutely can, no hard feelings whatsoever). Seeing you on my dash makes me smile and the fandom would be a little bit colder without you. But as a survivor of a psych ward, I need to impart my experiences so that others can protect themselves where I was unable to. I don’t usually speak about my trauma regarding the ward on Tumblr, this is a first. But I wouldn’t be able to live in good conscience knowing I had the opportunity to warn you and didn’t take it. Take care of yourself, please. You deserve all the light and softness in the world and more.
Oh my goodness, my darling!
I’m so, so incredibly sorry about what happened to you. This breaks my heart, and I’d give anything it takes to heal your trauma if only it worked that way. You did not deserve any of this, and the fact that you were only 12 too is sickening. I’m so, so sorry.
But to ease your anxiety, I’m not going to a psych ward, sweetheart! 💗 I have a referral to a psychiatric hospital but once I finally get in, I’ll be in outpatient care. I’ll still be living at home, but I’ll be monitored, likely given medication, and I’ll be seeing a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist to help me with my depression.
I hit a point a couple of weeks ago where I momentarily had to consider if admitting myself to a hospital/psych ward was what I needed to do to keep myself alive, but after watching every tiktok video about psych wards I could find, I promised myself to not admit myself whatever it took. Maybe some places are better than others, but the stories I’ve heard are heartbreaking. Yours, for example.
Again, I’m so, so sorry for what you had to go through. You did not deserve any of it. I’m also sorry for giving you a scare tonight. Thank you for caring so incredibly much about me and for looking out for me. I’ll never forget this. 💗 )-:
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Hi, Olderthannetfic - I'm just sort of reaching out through the blogosphere to see if anyone in the larger proship community has any suggestions for where a community could move if not on discord. (CW for discussion of underage content and Black Butler Spoilers)
So I run a discord server for Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) but I'm also in several writing discords including one that caters to dead dove content creators. Today they posted some rule changes, due to changes in Discord's community guidelines. Any illustrations for nsfw of obviously underage characters are now banned, and written content has to be vague and not state ages of underage participants. That prompted me to read through it: And, I gotta say, its pretty bad: https://discord.com/safety/child-safety-policy-explainer Hoping the community can offer some insight on what to do since the policy is incredibly broad. Either a new platform, or what we could even reasonably do beyond our current system of gating the server heavily to avoid issues like reporting/brigading. The meat of the policy is right here, for those who want to read it:
You may not post or share the following types of content, such as [sensitive language content warning]
Portrayals of minors engaging in sex acts, or in sexually explicit or suggestive poses
Sexual comments about or desires for real or fictitious minors
Links to websites containing material that sexualizes minors
Photos or videos of non-nude minors in a sexualized or fetishistic context
Statements expressing intent to obtain materials of child abuse or engage in child sexual abuse
Promotion, encouragement or normalization of pedophilia or sexual attraction to children
Photos, videos, or drawings of nude or sexualized minors, such as “lolicon” or “shotacon”
Photos, videos or illustrations of naked or sexualized anthropomorphized minors (sometimes referred to as “cub porn”)
Also of note from their guidelines: > Given the high-harm nature of this content, we will also consider off-platform evidence as explained in our Off-Platform Behaviors Policy when reviewing content under this policy.
This is pretty horrifying for me, since under these terms, even if we weren't writing smutty fanfiction and laughing about silly nsfw headcannons, discussion even of the source material of Kuro would be completely off limits. I mean, this is a panel from the arc that was recently announced to be animated for release in 2024:
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I think even on tumblr just mentioning that this looks like an intro to a porno would be flagged.
This is particularly frustrating since this is a series that is literally sold at like, Barnes and Noble. It's one of the most popular mangas in the world. Even the numerous, incredibly obnoxious antis who run this fandom on tiktok/reddit/twitter and don't ship the "evil" Sebaciel like I do would probably be forbidden from even discussing many of the canon elements under these terms, including: * The many plot points in several arcs during which it is implied that an adult character is sexually attracted to Ciel (I was going to list them all but this honestly happens at least once per arc) * Discussion of Ciel's trauma - the inciting incident of the manga (also portrayed in flashbacks) where he is sexually assaulted alongside his brother * The Green Witch Arc plot where Sieglinde interprets the situation to be that Sebastian/Ciel have invited her to a three way to take her virginity. * The many canon depictions of Ciel in various states of undress that are clearly intended to be titillating in some manner. I mean... "Photos or videos of non-nude minors in a sexualized or fetishistic context" is basically just. The entire series. In fact, even just linking to where you could read or purchase this manga legally at Barnes and Noble could technically be considered a violation under these guidelines considering how incredibly broad they are. Much has already been said on your blog and elsewhere about how this type of policy harms queer people and CSA survivors (both terms I identify with) and how censorship like this also targets books like Speak (incidentally one of my favorite books from when i was younger) so I won't rehash that here but... its disappointing to say the least.
I assume that most of this is just covering their ass due to legislation and/or the usual pressure from payment processors. Its also possible I'm overreacting entirely and this is a paranoid reading of this policy. Nonetheless, I'd appreciate any insight you or the community might have on what our options might be.
Sorry for the massive ask in your inbox :P Just don't know what we'd do if the worst happened and we got reported.
A lot hinges on how many of those instances of "minors" they think imply "real or fictitious" and how many they're interpreting as real only. They're explicitly banning some types of fictitious material like loli/shota and cub porn, but they aren't explicit about all of the items on this list.
Will discord use these rules punitively against shit they shouldn't without warning? Almost certainly yes. But as for why they're making them, it's because discord is apparently one of the current favorite places for the distribution of actual abuse images of actual children, and they need to cover their asses.
Still, it's worth exploring your options early.
If you want to host explicit shota fan art, you're looking at a very limited selection of sites. I think a lot of people went to certain Mastodon instances.
If you want to discuss Black Butler in peace... IDK... Maybe check out how Bobaboard is doing? It's going to depend on what features you need. The more you're just making a community on someone else's site, the less liability you personally have. The more you're running your own thing, the more you have to be in charge of legal compliance stuff.
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t34z · 7 months
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[Image ID: A messily drawn comic of Jax, Caine, and Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus. In the first panel, Jax is saying random swears, with the vowels replaced with assorted symbols. Pomni looking desperate, asks: "tell me how to do that". In the second, Caine looks at Jax and shouts, looking horrified: "JAX". In the third, Caine asks, in a large font and with his arms dramatically spread out, "how are you doing that". Jax replies, "i used to use tiktok, turns out the same swear filter evasion methods work here too, somehow". Caine says, "what's tiktok". End /ID]
this will be my one and only contribution to the tadc fandom. this was a lot funnier in my head sorry
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enemywasp · 1 month
I truly don't understand antis and people on tiktok. I'm overly aware of the fact tiktok is algorithm based as I hate it and think it makes it harder to curate your fandom experiences, so if someone comments something that implies they're horrified at my content, I always try to tell them that they're just encouraging that kind of content onto their fyp.
And people get so mad at me for that??? I think some of them are genuinely just mad that I say this instead of picking a fight and trying to "defend" my content. Like no??? I'm just trying to save you from getting mad at more posts and saving other content creators from getting you whining in their comments too.
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A text post? From me? How strange... TW before you go ahead: This is a long rant. I swear a bit, and talk about some toxic stuff in the TSP fandom, and touch on some sensitive topics.
But no, really, I want to say this because I feel like it's getting more and more prevalent and I just feel like garbage every time I see stuff about it.
And first, let me preface that I understand where a lot of these people are coming from, I really really do, but honestly I think this is the shittest way to go about things.
What is this thing I am talking about? It's the "Yaoi" "Old man" "Clock 0ut ruined TSP" bullshit. Honestly it's got me so fucking irritated because this fandom has become one of very few things that brings me comfort lately.
And like I said I understand that representation in media is essential - skinny, white, attractive characters are literally what 90% of media is, we know this. So representation is important, essential, and everything when it comes to creators adding their stuff in. But that's where my agreement with that part of the argument stops.
90% of people are entitled to their ideas, their creations, their thoughts, all of it. They are an individual who absolutely deserves to express themselves and how they feel about something in whatever way they see fit.
Which is why we need to boost the ones who are showing minorities, who are showing a side that you enjoy - not just fucking shitting on the people who do the things that you don't like or who follow the majority.
You can bitch and complain all you want about the "twinks" and the "skinny white dudes" of the fandom, but you aren't going to stop it. Frankly all you're doing is making amazing artists and creators feel bad about the things they've done for no reason. You're bullying people who genuinely enjoy some media. Hell you're making me feel bad. And I won't say I'm not guilty of the "skinny handsome person" aesthetic or whatever, but:
Being in this fandom has genuinely improved my ability to draw more diverse and older individuals and has pushed me to improve on that.
What is making me not want to do art as a whole anymore are these fucking people constantly shitting on the other people in the fandom. It makes me not want to interact with their stuff, and I admire their things! I love them! But I don't want to see that shit, I don't need to see that shit. It makes me want to unfollow artists who create some wonderful things. Just because you have a certain take on media does not mean it is right nor does it mean that you are the only one who deserves to have any say in how things are made. You can be angry, you can not like media, it's okay to not like Clock 0ut and how it goes, but to suggest that someone shouldn't have made something that is arguably a pretty neat creation is ... sickening. You're literally gatekeeping what people can do because you don't like it.
You can argue that it hurts a fandom but honestly, other than the insane things I see on tiktok (Some of it IS horrifying, don't get me wrong) I have met many amazing creators that joined because of Clock 0ut who have the ability to analyze the depth of this game more than some of the people who claim that Clock 0ut has ruined it.
Not only that but they are wildly kinder people than those who constantly shit on others, people I'd rather be around.
Don't get me wrong I know Clock 0ut has spawned a lot of people who do a bit of harm to the fandom, but frankly that's going to happen with anything that becomes popular, it's just the way things are Look at Undertale...
I joined before I even knew what Clock 0ut was because of the dialogue and in depth nature of the media. I stayed because there are people who have encouraged me to be better, do better, and have become good friends of mine. I just think it's awful that this is becoming even more prevalent, and honestly I really just want to stop seeing it. TL;DR:
Fuck you and stop following me if you're just going to shit on people for enjoying media in the way that they do. There are bad people in every fandom, but just because someone doesn't do something the way you want them to does not mean that it is bad. Promote people who are doing what you want, and stop shitting on people doing nothing but enjoying something. Thank you if you read this far - I can't not say anything about it, especially when it's from people I respect or used to respect, and especially when it runs the risk of hurting people I care for or respect.
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thespiritoflife · 2 years
the most depressing song ever
fandom: stranger things
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader, vecna x reader (platonic)
summary: fluff, what will happen if your friends play your fav song which is depressing song? INSPIRED BY TIKTOK
warnings: depressing song, grammatical errors, my first time to write for stranger things.. so um, i hope u like it! let me know pls if yes!
Tumblr media
What were you doing here? You didn't know.
You were in school. Nobody was here except...
Eddie put the music on and then turned to you with a smirk on his face. "Can we dance?"
You walked up to him. "Gladly."
A Queen song came on the radio and Eddie grabbed your waist.
You wanted to look into his eyes but Eddie was in his mood, eyes closed and enjoying the music.
You sighed. You opened your mouth and wanted to say: "I love..." when you stopped. Something wasn't right here. Why were you at the school gym? Alone and with Eddie? You should have been somewhere else. With his friends and... Eddie.
You turned pale. "Something is wrong," you whispered horrified, and as soon as you finished, Eddie's face changed to Vecna.
And it was fucked up. Y/N's eyes went up and she was no longer present here.
"Y/N. Wake up!" Eddie screamed but Dustin pushed him away.
"What's her fav song, dude?!" Dustin screamed, looking for headphones.
"I DO NOT KNOW. Y/N, wake up!!" Eddie was shaking you.
"Try to remember!!"
"Fuck. Fuck. I don't know...." Eddie put his head in his hands and tried to remember.
Y/N was lying on the bed with headphones in her ears. Eddie couldn't help it, he had to go to her.
"What song are you listening to, darling?"
Y/N didn't respond. And then Eddie realized he was an idiot. She couldn't hear him. He solved it in his way, took the girl's headphones, and put them into his ears. He always wondered what Y/N's taste in music was. Metallica? Pop?
"Eddie! Stop it!" Y/N frowned. She wanted to take her headphones back, but Eddie refused.
So he did not expect what came out of the headphones. He looked at Y/N in disbelief. "Really?"
Vecna ​​was all over you and you weren't running. You didn't even try. You didn't care. You're going to die anyway, aren't you? Your friends didn't know your fav song. Unfortunately. Neither did Eddie.
"Do what you have to do," you said. Vecna ​​shrugged and was about to do his job when suddenly the notes of your song were heard. You listened in shock. Did Eddie remember that??!
You started running when Vecna ​​stopped you. He looked shocked.
"This is ur fav song?!"
You nodded your head. "So?"
"Are you okay?" Vecna looked at you. You sighed. Yeah, your fav song was the most depressing ever.
"I could've been better," you answered honestly.
"Do you want to talk about it? I mean, I've got a lot of time."
You had tears in your eyes. You were moved. "That would be amazing. I'd appreciate it, man."
"I'm here if you want to talk really."
"I will. Really," you repeated and he's still looking at you in shock.
"... yeah..."
Suddenly you found yourself on the grass and in Eddie's arms. What?
"Y/N! Are you okay?? God I was so scared!" he hugged you
You sighed and hugged him back. "I am alright. I had a good talk with Vecna."
Dustin looked at you like you fell from Mars. "What?"
Eddie grabbed your hand. "Y/N, sweetie, you need to change ur fav song."
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
We Need To Talk About It
Buckle up boys, this isn't one of my fun fandom discussion posts but I want to talk about it.
Before we proceed, Tw: for mentioned racism and csa
So I came across this tiktoker who read It by Stephen King and said verbatim "You should not read it" and then proceed to list reasons why. He has since corrected this but his point of 'it's not crazy to question why this was written' still stood. I want to talk about how this harmful to writers and just the future of fiction in general. Also I'm not giving out the name of this tiktoker because I don't want any hate being sent his way.
Two of his driving points for 'why you shouldn't read It' was the racism throughout the book and the infamous sewer scene concerning the kids. While I have not read all of the book, I am aware and have read parts of what he's talking about. And if you have read all of It and want to contribute to this post, please do, even if you don't agree with me and want to put your own input.
Let's tackle the racism in the book. Mike Hanlon was a black boy (one of the only poc in Derry if I remember correctly) growing up in a small town in the 1950's. This tiktoker's issues stems from him feeling like King 'overused' the n-word. For me personally, writing slurs that are not mine to reclaim, such as the n-word, I usually try to avoid writing in fiction but when an author does it write it in fiction (keyword there) it's much like an actor playing a racist character, at least imo. The actor themselves are not racist but the character they are playing are, just like when writers write fictional racist characters. That is what was happening in the book It. Also it's worth a note that It is intended to be horrifying and King is known for not just using 'monsters' to unsettle the reader but also real everyday horrible things. Hate crimes, violence on minorities, racism, ect, he writes these things to make the reader uncomfortable on purpose. It's a horror novel, that's the point. Other genres this could be called into question when the point of the book isn't to, ya know...scare you.
Now on to the sewer scene. This was probably the biggest point for this tiktoker on not reading It, and I just felt like they kinda just missed the point of this scene. The entire point of that scene was to signify the loss of innocence of the Loser's Club after their first battle with It. It was not written in a 'sexy' manner and it was written again, to make you uncomfortable. This tiktoker's statement that really bothered me was "we should question why this was written" and...you really don't have to. It's a horror novel, you being uncomfortable by that scene was the goal plus the deeper meaning behind it. And the implication of 'questioning why fictional writers write certain things' is so harmful because if this was to be the majority mindset, it wouldn't just stop with scenes like this. There's also the fact it almost sounds prosecutory and literature and books as a whole in the U.S. are already under attack and mindsets like this just fuel that fire.
Moving on, let's talk about Bev real quick. Look I don't like how King writes women for the most part but he's always kinda...written them as 'women written by men' and I just chop that up to bad writing. That's very prevalent with how Bev is written in It- but bad writing is just that, bad writing.
A side note, things like manifestos or harmful agendas should 100% be questioned, I'm only talking fictional works here.
So here's the thing at the end of the day, authors don't owe you trigger warnings (or so they say but that's a deeper topic I don't want to talk about rn) but if you are aware of your triggers there are tools to help you avoid them. Read reviews, ask a friend who's read the book, or google it. Goodreads has helped me avoid a couple of my triggers in books I was interested in. If you don't like or can be triggered by disturbing things King probably isn't the author for you.
This idea of 'questioning writers' or 'holding them accountable' needs to stop in its tracks. I fear the day if this ever becomes the majority mindset. Odds are this would lead to the questioning of 'why do people enjoy reading this, should we judge them?' and the answer is no. Some people enjoy feeling disturbed or scared by a book just like some people enjoy laughing or crying because of the book they're reading. It's honestly not that deep.
Also tiktoker idk if you're active in the It fandom on tumblr (im going to guess not) but again, this is no hate to you, I just deeply disagree with you.
Last statement: King was high off cocaine when he wrote It.
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