lagaleriapopurri · 1 year
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baatarthefirst · 1 year
Did you read the Karim short story yet
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"After Darkness" was brutal, but I loved it. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I want a Sunfire spinoff aimed towards an older audience (and a prequel series), that could be described as a "GOT: Lite".
It shows off Karim's motivations, and makes me feel really bad for him, but it emphasizes all of the flaws we've been calling him out on, things that would make him a horrible king for the Sunfire to have; especially right now.
He's too impatient.
He's single-minded and shortsighted.
He's overconfident.
He can't let go of the past.
He gatekeeps.
He lets his emotions (more specifically anger and grief) run away with him.
(Before I say this, I would be willing to write this incident off as shock and grief [BECAUSE IT WAS], but he does show the same behavior with the candle incident, so I'd like to mention it).
He wants to stay longer than what would be safe, ignoring Tijana's warning that it's too late for the corrupted elves. Luckily she did get through to Osato, and he could actually convince Karim to flee (meaning her logic was sound, it just came from the wrong type of person).
Tijana saved his life, but he's not grateful, he's just angry that she made a joke. She saved his life again, the purification spell failed to save Osato, but he insists that he could have saved him and accuses her of murder. He tries to take away her right to mourn him. Because Osato was HIS friend. Her friendship doesn't matter because HE decided it didn't.
It's the same in the show, the humans are GUESTS, they should not get comfortable, or have any official ties to Xadia. They are welcome to visit, but only if they meet HIS standards. Amaya can even stay because she makes Janai happy...as long as they both agree to HIS conditions (that they never actually get married).
Not long after we see this mentality, we see him ignore the fact Yonnis could have burned down the city of tents (possibly killing many people including elves without a heat-being mode, not to mention destroying their food and shelter which could lead to more death), because a human extinguished the Soul Candle.
Which in some way is sympathetic, it's very easy to see why Karim would be angry, that's someone's soul who can't make it to the afterlife (whether 'lost' means destroyed or doomed to wander, I don't know). But at the same time, he's so hyperfixated on his anger, he can't look at the whole issue.
Janai, however, does. She doesn't focus so much on that fact 'the human committed a sacrilegious crime' that she can't see the problem 'we need a place INSIDE the city where we can preform the sacred rituals safely'.
Karim would have executed Lucia on the spot and been done with it, but the problem that created the situation in the first place would remain unsolved. The next time someone lit a candle, no one would dare snuff it out, and the whole camp could go up in flames.
Miyana constantly tells Karim that overthrowing Janai would not be easy, that it will take time. He ignores her warnings, because he's so sure that he knows everything; Janai will back down. And on the SLIM chance she doesn't, he's a great mage, he can win and everyone will side with him. The exact opposite happens, but he doesn't let himself be humbled, choosing to be stubborn instead.
This would make him a bad king for his people. He would always push forward even when the cost wasn't worth the gain and/or there was no chance of success, and favor the side that falls in line with his own beliefs while ignoring the facts that don't.
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roseverie · 2 years
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TIJANA; meaning quiet, stands for peace
“[…] such a quiet feeling. It is like the light coming into a room, moonlight—”
for anon
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happyheidi · 2 years
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Art by Tijana Lukovic | IG: tijanadraws | shop 🍂
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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Mother Earth by Tijana Lukovic
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beatrack92 · 7 months
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Maja Aleksić and Tijana Bošković 🇷🇸
2023 European Volleyball Championships
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sbibbo0 · 7 months
The New Pets of the House
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Stella Barey
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Tijana Bošković
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Francesca Piantanida
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Vanessa D’acquisto
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Federica Squarcini
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Sara Barbieri
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lagaleriapopurri · 1 year
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womens-knitwear · 1 year
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devilsskettle · 8 months
I wanted to read about the soucouyant. I wanted to write about her, I still do. What do I want to write? Just a book, probably, another tooth for the UL’s mouth. Something that explores the meaning of the old woman whose only interaction with other people was consumption. The soucouyant who is not content with her self. She is a double danger — there is the danger of meeting her, and the danger of becoming her. Does the nightmare of her belong to everyone, or just to me?
White is for Witching, Helen Oyeyemi
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boscaesperanza · 8 days
Mon Pc ne supporte pas la chaleur ces derniers jours, du coup ouvrir photoshop est un enfer actuellement. Je souhaite m'inscrire sur Sound of Rain un forum post-apo en 2034 où une épidémie a transformé les malades en monstre zombies/ghoules tueurs d'humains
Ma fiche est quasiment écrite mais j'ai craqué sur une jeune mannequin serbe qui n'a pas du tout de ressources
Il s'agit de Tijana Vimic (clic pour une galerie de plus de 170 photos)
Le personnage:
Maja Henderson a été adoptée, alors qu'elle n'avait que 3 ans, sa sœur aînée était déjà là depuis quelques années.
Lors de la catastrophe (les pluies toxiques qui ont rendu malade une bonne partie de la population) Elle se trouvait au travail, infirmière en pédiatrie, elle s'occupaient de ses jeunes patients quand les premières alertes ont été données.
lorsque la panique prit le dessus, et que les survivants furent réfugiés dans les différents camps ses parents se retrouvèrent à la colline car son père est diabétique et c'était le seul moyen qu'il reçoive son insuline.
Zoia (Sa soeur) fut portée disparue
Elle se retrouva avec sa meilleure amie et la fille de cette dernière au refuge, où son métier fut un plus important.
Sa meilleure amie décéda lors d'une attaque de "ghoules", elle avait fui lâchement, elle décida alors de prendre soin de la fille de cette dernière.
Caractère : Un rayon de soleil, toujours prête à faire le clown pour faire rire, elle croit que l'ont finira par trouver une solution à cette maladie et sauver tout le monde. Cependant cette Vibe sunshine cache une profonde tristesse et une anxiété maladive.
voilà si ça vous inspire je vous serais profondément reconnaissante
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happyheidi · 2 years
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Art by Tijana Lukovic | IG: tijanadraws | shop 🍂
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models-photoshoots · 1 year
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Elisabeth Giolito - 📷 Tijana Vuković
IG -> www.instagram.com/lisbettaa/
Source -> www.instagram.com/p/BGnd1mYyVSC/
(fyi, all these photos are gathered from tumblr posts, just to make a nice collection of the photoshoot)
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devdas5z · 4 months
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Tijana Milutinovic
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lifeinbooks · 3 months
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lagaleriapopurri · 1 year
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