#tigger posting :3
kokidee · 4 months
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skwtches · 1 year
pencil tests done by Roberto Casale for The Tigger Movie
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mapleaves · 1 month
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25 Days of Agere Moodboards Day 6: A character you headcanon as a regressor 
to everyones shock and dismay Rabbit appears in my posts again <3 im obsessed with him sorry. headcanons below the cut
one two three / four five six / seven eight nine
💭 please dni if nsfw (including ddlg/abdl/etc.)
I actually think Rabbit both regresses and is a cg!!
Very fussy during regression, but not in the sense that he wants to be babied as much as he wants things kept how he left them when he was big. He's very particular about his home, and he will NOT abide by any messes just because he's small!!
If he had a tv he'd be one of those toddlers who screams at the tv like NOOO ELMO THE HAT DOES NOT GO ON YOUR FOOT!!!!
But on that note, he can be very very silly. It's a lot like when he's big - he'll pout and glare about it at first but with the right tricks you can have him giggling and happy
When he starts to have fun, he gets REALLY into it. Think of that episode in New Adventures where he dresses up as a wizard - if he gets too wrapped up in a game he has to be redirected eventually or he'll never get any rest (and neither will his cgs)
Loves picking flowers with his cg and bringing a plushie out to his garden to show off his plants - as long as they bring a blanket so nothing gets dirty 🙃
Gets worked up really easily, especially if he thinks he's made a mistake and starts beating himself up, or if he's especially overwhelmed
Sometimes he just seems especially anxious or grumpy, but you can usually tell he's getting small when he starts stumbling over his words really badly, going quiet, fidgeting a lot, gnawing on his thumb or getting clingy, etc
World's #1 napping fan
Sometimes tries to force himself to be big when he really needs to regress - he has to be reminded its okay to be small because he puts to much pressure on himself to keep things in order
He won't usually initiate physical contact, but if he's upset a blanket, a warm drink, and some quiet cuddling can help calm him down
Main cg is Tigger, and sometimes they end up regressing together, though Rabbit is more in the toddler-young kid range whereas Tigger is more of a big brother type
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delulu-hours · 9 months
Together {2}
Paring: Derek Morgan x Latina!reader
Summary: You had a big surprise for him. So when you and Derek go and visit his mother for her birthday, you figured it would be the best way to tell them. To tell his family; however, things don't go as planned when Derek gets arrested. Memories flood the both of you as you figured out how to fight this nightmare together.
Tigger warning: mention of sexual assault and abuse.
A/n: I figured I'd post the second part since I had it done. Look forward to next week, I'll have the third part out. Thank you guys for the support
{1} {3}
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You tried to do as Hotch and Derek's family said and rest up; however, memories plagued you every time you closed your eyes. Memories that you had pushed so far deep back into your mind, ignoring the horrifying feeling. The way your stomach turned and flipped in as flashbacks flooded your thoughts. You shook your head from such thoughts as you pushed yourself off the bed. You dropped to your knees as you searched through Derek's clothes. Something to wear for the night so it would feel like he was with you. The thought made you chuckle as you remembered the first time Derek noticed you doing this when he went away for work for long periods. 
That is how he worded it. You were making a nest with his clothes. Anything that carried his scent to help you feel safe. Hell, sometimes you'd even spray a bit of his cologne to have his scent on you. You took the black shirt he had on the night before and wasted no time slipping it on. As his shirt surrounded you, his scent invaded your nose. It smelt musky, with hints of lavender, warm vanilla, and some sage. As you crawled into bed, you wrapped your arms around yourself. The blankets lay over you, and you took a deep breath. Even with your nerves heightened, you couldn't help but relax as you closed your eyes. You were going to try to go to sleep; the darkness soon took over, and you were drifting to the world of slumber.
"I'm sorry," You looked around; the room looked familiar. And you glanced up, taking in the lady in front of you, and you could feel yourself pale. The fear wrapped around your bones, unable to bring yourself to run. Your body screamed for you to run, but you couldn't. "I didn't mean to." Her eyes burned with anger as she held the cord in her hand. Your blood ran ice cold as you huddled in the corner. "Mami, perdóname! (forgive me)" You begged, rubbing your hands together. 
“¿Quieres que te perdone? (You want me to forgive you)" Her voice held so much malice as her grip around the cord tightened. Her knuckles turned white. "Que te perdone? (to forgive you)" Her tone makes it sound like you were asking something stupid. The tears rolled down your cheeks as you whimpered. You forced your eyes closed as she raised her hand, preparing yourself. “Eres una niña estúpida e inútil! (you're a stupid useless girl)" Then you felt it, the way the cord connected with your skin. The burning sensation of the impact made you cry even louder. You knew this would anger her, but you couldn't help it. How were you supposed to hold back when the pain was so unbearable? You tried to tell her. You tried, but she never listened. It wasn't your fault that you wet your bed. You tried to tell her, but she placed all her blame and anger on you.
"I'm sorry." You pushed your back further into the fall, trying to avoid her. Trying to prevent any more pain. You knew that if this kept going, you would have more bruises. More marks. You knew that when your dad came home, there would be yelling. Yelling between your mom and dad. And when they fought, you were taken to the monster's house. Another person you fear. She brought the cord down again, and you yelped in pain. 
"Arruinaste nuestras vidas, (you ruined our lives)" Another smack echoed the room with a muffled cry. “Y ahora las estás haciendo miserables. (and now you're making it miserable)" Two more hits followed. Her angered look was embedded in your mind as you tried to cover your face. 
A gasp left your lips as you sat up. Sweat rolled down the side of your face as you took in the room around you— short breaths as you clutched your chest. You could hear the blood rushing through your body so loudly in your ears as your heart drummed so harshly in your chest. Every fiber within you shook as you closed your eyes, forcing those horrid nightmares back. You had to bite your lip to stop a cry that wanted to leave your lips. You rubbed your chest to soothe the pain and the heaviness that weighed on your chest.
Since finding out about your pregnancy, you had this haunting feeling that you pushed away, but Derek getting arrested seemed to trigger the event. The nightmares hit you with full force, and nothing was shielding you from them without Derek— nothing to help you overcome them. You weren't going to be able to hide yourself in his arms. Sitting up, you were quick to get out of bed. The need to leave the room was intense as you slightly stumbled out. You sat on the couch and pulled your knees up to your chest. You tried to concentrate on breathing normally. You knew you weren't going to fall asleep. You weren't going to do anything.
You didn't get much sleep last night. Horrid memories plagued your thoughts. You did your best to push it back and away through your mind, but it was hard. Every time you close your eyes, bits of memories flash behind your closed eyelids. Any slight noise made you jumpy. You felt like you were slowly returning to that little girl who feared everyone. You needed Derek. You wanted Derek. To be held as he made you feel safe. 
But he wasn't here. 
He, too, was suffering. So you tried to be strong. You trusted that his team would do whatever they needed to to make this right. You had to believe in them. How could you not? Derek trusts them with his life, so it made sense for you to trust them. To have faith that they'll bring the man that gave you strength. A man who loved you as if you were perfect, even though you were far from that. He didn't know your flaws or damages. The fear was eating you as you worried how he would react as he found out. Would he still love you? Want you? Your nails dung into your arms as you shook your head. You needed to do something, so you headed to the kitchen. Wash the dishes. You made some coffee. You kept yourself busy as you cleaned things that didn't need cleaning. Reorganized. Anything to keep your mind busy.
When you ran out of things to do, the sun was up, and you didn't even process the fact that you pulled a hoodie and grabbed Derek's keys before leaving the house. You pulled up to the police station and walked in. "I want to see Derek Morgan." You demanded the first person you saw. 
"I'm sorry, ma'am, I can't do that." He didn't even glance up at me. You felt your jaw tick, and you clicked your tongue. 
"Why is that?" you didn't move. You began to tap your finger against the side of your thigh as you glared at the man. "Why can I not see my boyfriend!?" He made no attempt to acknowledge you, which irked you. Your lack of sleep left you on a very tightrope with any patience you would have had. "Gosh, damn it, someone gives me some answers." You slammed your hand on the desk, and everyone grew quiet. All eyes were on you. 
"You need to calm down." You turned around and glared at the man. It was the same man who cuffed Derek. 
"Calm down?!" You raised an eyebrow. "You expect me to calm down when your fucking men don't acknowledge me. Don't even look like they want to help? Ridiculo. (ridiculous)" Your nails dug into your palms as you took a deep breath. "I want to see Derek." You said once again in a calmer tone. "I want to know why you arrested him." 
"Gordinski will be here shortly." The detective said as he moved to the side a bit. "You are more than welcome to wait until he arrives." You gave him a short nod and followed behind him. He took you to a room with the walls being windows, as you could see out of it. He allowed you to take a seat. You looked around as you sat down. You felt his eyes on you. "Coffee?" He offered, and you gave him an annoyed look.
"No, thank you." He gave you a slight nod and took the open seat next to you. "Why are you so insistent on helping him?" 
"Because I know he is innocent." You interlock your fingers together as you lean closer to the table. "You assholes have nothing on him. No actual evidence to connect him to whatever they think he is; that's why they're detaining him." There was a slight flicker in his eyes, and you gave him a smug look, knowing you were right.
"He murdered a boy, which isn't his first victim." You scoffed, dumbfounded that they believed Derek was capable of murder. The same man who would lay his life for innocent people. Derek risked his life every day, catching the actual scumbags.
"You're dumber than you look." You shook your head. "Where does your so-called evidence connect him to these murders you believe he did?" 
"I can't show you them." He tapped his finger on the table. "It's official police business." You let out an unamused scoff as you pushed yourself back in the chair.
"I'm wasting my time talking to you." You clicked your tongue and crossed your arms over your chest. "Imbécil. (fool)" You muttered under your breath. You weren't surprised that he was refusing to show you anything. 
You had been sitting in the room for an hour. Even after Gordinski came, that man didn't wish to entertain you. He barely even spoke to you. He just said that you didn't know Derek at all. He wasn't the man who you thought you knew. And then you went off on him. Calling the man words in Spanish that you knew he didn't even understand. You were cursing him, his stupidity, and how his feelings against Derek blinded him. 
It was when he left the room. You could see the anger on his face as he walked out, but you couldn't care less. If they wanted a scene, you would give it to them. They treated you like a clueless woman blinded by a man she was infatuated with. 
Your eyes landed on his team, and you exited the room. "Hotch," You breathed out, relieved that they were here. "Thank god." JJ gave you a quick hug as she rubbed your arm. 
"What do you know?" Hotch asked as he took in your state. He could see the bags under your eyes and the lack of sleep. 
"They think Derek killed a boy." You lowered your voice a bit. "My guess is it concerns the little boy they found last night. They mentioned that he's had a few kills, but they aren't charging him yet." You tapped your fingers against your thigh. "They have nothing against him besides whatever vendetta Gordinski has against Derek. They won't tell me anything else." 
"We'll take it from here," He gave you a slight nod. "You should go rest." Your body screamed for you to get some sleep. To get food in you. You just couldn't. The thought of food sickened you, and you knew you'd be flooded with nightmares the moment you slept. Before you could say anything, Gordinski came out and greeted the team. JJ pulled you behind Hotch as she took in the angered look you threw at him.
"Detective Gordinski, CPB" Hotch shook his hand.
"You think an FBI agent, a BAU profiler, committed a homicide?" Hotch asked, finding it hard to believe and understand why they had insisted on Derek being the one. 
"Actually, three homicides. At least over 15 years." Your lips formed a thin line as you forced yourself to keep quiet. You had to let them handle it. 
"You- you think he's a serial killer?" JJ asked, trying to make sure she understood him. 
"This is ridiculous." You nodded, agreeing with Reid. 
"Has he been charged with anything?" Hotch asked. Gordinsky puffed his chest as if he could charge him any minute. 
"I got 72 hours for that." Unfazed was his reaction, and it angered you even more. You weren't about to have Derek sit there just because they believed they could detain him. 
"I'd like to see him." Gordinski nodded, and the other detective– you hadn't bothered getting his name– showed him the way. You turned around and took a deep breath. You wanted to snap at them again. Yell and call them stupid. Push past them and get Derek out, but you knew you couldn't. It would help him if you did so you tried to calm down. You pushed Gordinksi's voice away, trying to ignore him until he said something that made you snap. 
"Everything in it points to that son of a bitch, Derek Morgan." You turned around so quickly and pointed a finger at him as you drew close to him.
"What do you just call him?" Your blood boiled. You were proven wrong, just as you thought how they treated Derek couldn't worsen. In their eyes, he was a criminal. One who could murder innocent kids. "Repeat it, I dare you." You weren't thinking logically anymore. 
“Y/n.” You heard Gideon's stern voice as he tried to get you to stop. You were tired of it. Tired of seeing how they treated him. "Y/n." Gideon grabbed your arm and turned you to face him. His stern look locked with the anger you displayed in your eyes. "Go get some air." He was telling you to go cool down; you knew that. You knew you needed to before something happened. Before you did something you'd regret. "Now." Clenching your jaw, you walked out of the station. When the cool breeze hit your skin, you dropped into a crouching position. You wanted to scream, but the tears fell on your face instead. Your ears began to ring as you clamped your hands over them. The tears felt like they burned your skin as you tried to stop them. 
You were frustrated.
You tried to calm down as you sniffled. Moving away from the door so you could use the wall as support, you closed your eyes. The image of your angry mother flashed through your mind. Then, it switched to those eyes you feared the most. The ringing in your ears grew louder. You closed your eyes tighter, hoping to erase those memories, but it didn't work. Those eyes stared back at you, and you felt the goosebumps rise on your arms and the urge to throw up. Your nails dug into your scalp as you tried to block the ringing and your mother's angry yelling— her cursing. The sound of the cord meeting your skin with each hit echoed in your head, and it felt like it was bouncing off in your skull. 
Then, a hand grabbed your arm, and you flinched. You pulled away quickly, and your eyes shot open, only to see Emily standing before you. A worried look etched into her face as she called out your name. "Are you okay?" You blinked and hid the panic and fear away as you smiled.
"I'm fine. I'm just," You cleared your throat as you forced the lump you felt in your throat down. "Tired. This whole thing has me on edge, and I haven't been able to rest." You lied perfectly through your teeth. 
You couldn't seem weak. 
Or Broken.
Not now.
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stone-stars · 3 months
edit: THIS POST IS ABOUT NADDPOD. hope that answers any questions <3
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3m0n3rd · 5 months
Masterpost ‼️
I AM OFFICIALLY MARRIED 2 @donvonryan I currently have a million dabloons hiihihi! my pronouns r they/them/it Im very sensitive so please be nice im nerodivergent so be paitent I suck at art lol !! dni TCEST, PROSHIPERS, HOMOPHOBES, RASCITS, ECT
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look under cut for references and tiggers and other‼️
refs: emotions sheet side characters designs side pfp turtle designs + extra turtles fave albums <3 tang shen (basically splinter) bebop and rocksteady turtles without clothes and makeup weapons doodles + doodlez sum voice claims metal head pfp Mona lisa outdated bad future designs aprils dif futures Angle baxter stockmen renet FUTURE BABIES ALERT WHOOP WHOOP babies Casey jones Baxter stockmen with ANOTHER BAXTER STOCKMEN WUUUUUUT??? Casey and angle Bebop x rocksteady Arrow Venus de milo Teng sheng and Yoshi hamato 1982
baby Leo
rottmnt crossover
Leo and karai and more Leo and karai
Character sheet
makeup time !!
character sheet
hanging out
Comfort time with April
slay queen
character sheet
Bo and Arrow <3
literally just them simping for Arrow
Sad boy
Kidnapping time 🥰🥰
bi mess
character sheet
Raph n Raph and Raph n Raph ag
fandoms im currently in:
any ver of tmnt
invader zim
your boyfriend game
suicide relation
childhood trauma or childhood SA
the word "toxic" sexualizing SH
my husband <3333 : @donvonryan
my yt [email protected]/3m0_n3rd
spacehey: ⭐Donatello_simp⭐
I will block anyone who violates or hates on me for no reason, or applies to anything on my DNI list.
I am an artist, I do like to post a LOT of art lol XD but sometimes I will take a break so don't push me to do more.
I am in school so balancing social media, I do have a lot of mental health problems so if I have a panic attack I will take a big break.
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(@cupofcappuccy made the last one, their one of my fave moots :3) Please don���t be shy in my ask box! fanart is VERY appreciated 💜
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eminsunnytoons123 · 1 month
The parodies cousin Show characters
Part 1, 2 And 3
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Disclaimer: I made the parodies cousin Show for the sake of enjoyment And creativity, And again, for the sake of creativity And enjoyment, i'll risk it for all my besties, Sisters, Brothers, pen pals And girlfriend: @splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @muppet-fan-real @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @xxkurosakutisaxxaltofshitaccount @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @walt-diego-rodriguez @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing that always loved me And supported me And always loved my Work.
Ever since I have decided to make the FOURTH counterparts of the muppets, here they are =^_^= And theyre like cousins to the muppets, And some of them even changed genders. And I have imagined something called "the cousins Show" And its related to the "Sisters Show" =^_^=
And in their infos, I wont say how old are they, because theyre the same age like the muppets, And you can go see the ages from the teppums And You'll see how old are the muppets with them ^///^; And I wont really Type who are they dating, but i'll soon make who are they dating =^_^= oh! And i'll say their sexualities soon when I draw them all, even the same goes to the moopets, whatnots And teppums =^_^=
Now some info about them (im still thinking about their info, i'll soon make a post about it too):
Lucille the ladybug - Lucille the ladybug is Kermit the frog's parodie cousin counterpart, she is the leading ladybug Lady who plays the harp. And she is ms. Moosa's And Garrett's love interests. Her headcanon voice actor is John Roberts, And her voice claim is Linda belcher from bob's burgers.
Ms. Moosa - Ms. Moosa is miss piggy's parodie cousin counterpart, she is the hot tempered primadonna moose lady, And Lucille's And Garrett's love interest. Her headcanon voice actor is Mark Hadlow, And her voice claim is Heidi the hippo from meet the feebles.
Garrett Rhino - Garrett Rhino is fozzie bear's parodie cousin counterpart, he is the comedian Rhino on the Show that does many Circus tricks And loves making jokes. His headcanon voice actor is Jim Cummings, And his voice claim is tigger from Winnie the Pooh.
Calvin the bat - Calvin the bat is Rizzo the rat's parodie cousin counterpart, he is actually an vampire bat And he is very sarcastic And sassy, And he is Harris' and Emma the bat's love interest. His headcanon voice actor is Paul Tylak, And his voice claim is snake from skunk Fu.
Harris the King ant - Harris the King ant is Pepe the King prawn's parodie cousin counterpart, he is an actual king ant And other ants listen to his orders, he has an thick Brooklyn accent, And dont call him a "termite" he is a "King ant". His headcanon voice actor is Kyle Rideout, And his voice claim is Vinnie from littlest pet shop.
Franklin the best - Franklin the best is gonzo the great's parodie cousin counterpart, he is an acrobat And Daredevil that loves doing dangerous tricks, And he is interested in mermans. His headcanon voice actor is Scott Menville, And his voice claim is Robin from teen titans go.
Professor Charles van rosecrew - professor Charles van rosecrew is dr bunsen honeydew's parodie cousin counterpart, he is the Scientist on the Show And he helps bunsen in his Experiments, And he is Carson's love interest. His headcanon voice actor is Jim Rash, And his voice claim is Gyro from ducktales.
Carson - Carson is beaker's parodie cousin counterpart, he is an nervous wreck just like beaker but he is good friends with him too, And he is professor charles' love interest, And he speaks in "eeh!?" And "beep!" His headcanon voice actor is Tom Kenny, And his voice claim is Spongebob squarepants from Spongebob squarepants.
Houston the bull - Houston the bull is rowlf the dog's parodie cousin counterpart, he is the Wise And laid back accordionist on the Show And he is from Texas. His headcanon voice actor is Tom Kenny, And his voice claim is Roy Rakoon from talking Tom And friends.
Austin the King Buffalo - Austin the King Buffalo is Sam the eagle's parodie cousin counterpart, he is an King Buffalo from africa And he is a real King Buffalo, And just like how other ants listen to Harris' others, other buffalos listen to Austin's orders. His headcanon voice actor is Keith David, And his voice claim is flame King from adventure time.
Isabella - Isabella is Walter's parodie cosuin counterpart, she is a BIG fan of the parodies, especially a fan of Lucille And since she is a part of them, she is best friends with Ruby And she has a crush on her too. Her headcanon voice actress is Jennifer Hale, And her voice claim is Madison from class of 3000.
Ruby - Ruby is Scooter's parodie cousin counterpart, she helps Lucille with The Show, And she is Riley's little sister and Isabella's best friend, And she had a crush on Isabella, And Riley teases her with that. Her headcanon voice actress is Katie Griffin, And her voice claim is Alex from totally spies.
I hope y'all will like these, And again, you're allowed to make fanart out of the parodies, And even moopets, whatnots And teppums, you dont have to ask me for permission =^_^= 💝 but just dont make NSFW or fetish Art out of them..
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Comfort character tag
I was tagged by @marvel-and-dc-geek for this game and since that post was getting kinda long, I’m starting a new one.
Rules: List five comfort characters then tag five people
Alright, mine are a little all over the place, but whatever.
1. Scott Lang/Ant-Man
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2. Simba
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3. Sherlock Holmes
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4. Niles Crane
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5. Tigger
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No pressure tags: @marvelstuff-iguess @azaraspirit @smolbendyhorn @oldmanwithashield @edelweiss-and-maple-trees
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(sorry for the graphic-design-is-my-passion level editing)
6 brackets! 192 characters! 96 pairs enter, 1 character leaves! (Well, it's weeded down to 6 characters, then we have some semi finals, and THEN 1 character leaves!)
The voting will begin Wednesday, March 15. First, Round 1 of Bracket 1 will be posted, then the next day, Round 1 of Bracket 2, and the day after, Round 1 of Bracket 3, and so on and so forth. They will be under #orange poll. Propaganda (if anyone chooses to make any) is under #propaganda. Each of the polls will be up for 3 days, so each round of voting follows each other.
Under the cut is all the pairs and their respective brackets. Get ready to vote!
Garfield (Garfield) VS Applejack (MLP)
Hinata Shouyou (Haikyuu!!) VS Kel (Omori)
Broken Vessel (Hollow Knight) VS Claus (Mother 3)
Cole Brookstone (Ninjago) VS Skylor Chen (Ninjago)
Rory the Builder (Club Penguin) VS Orange Puffle (Club Penguin)
Emma (The Promised Neverland) VS Ava Ire (Ava's Demon)
Raihan (Pokemon) VS Misty (Pokemon)
Dexter Grif (Red vs Blue) VS Felix Gates (Red vs Blue)
Zenitsu (Demon Slayer) VS Nami (One Piece)
Stella of Solaria (Winx Club) VS Amber the Orange Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
Orange Inkling Girl (Splatoon) VS Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
Ernie (Sesame Street) VS Pepe the King Prawn (The Muppets)
Jack (Candies 'n Curses) VS Jack Pumpkinhead (The Marvelous Land of Oz)
Tintin (The Adventures of Tintin) VS Toad (Frog & Toad are Friends)
Orange Blossom (Strawberry Shortcake) VS Jade Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures)
Leo Tsukinaga (Ensemble Stars) VS Ren Jinguji (Uta no Prince Sama)
Annoying Orange (Annoying Orange) VS Orange Side (Sanders Sides)
Davesprite (Homestuck) VS Tavros Nitram (Homestuck)
Merida (Brave) VS Scar (The Lion King)
Numbuh 4 (Code Name: Kids Next Door) VS Lazlo (Camp Lazlo)
Nemo (Finding Nemo) VS Marlin (Finding Nemo)
Sundrop (FNAF: Security Breach) VS Jack Kennedy (Day Shift at Freddy's)
Waai Fu (Arknights) VS Jodie Caldwell (Super Lesbian Animal RPG)
Shannon (OK-KO!) VS Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Panette (Fire Emblem: Engage) VS Pandreo (Fire Emblem: Engage)
Marine The Raccoon (Sonic franchise) VS Cream The Rabbit (Sonic franchise)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) VS Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Hagumi Kitazawa (BanG Dream!) VS Chika Takami (Love Live!)
Pump (Spooky Month) VS Pumpkin Pie Cookie (Cookie Run)
Scooter (The Muppets) VS Gobo Fraggle (Fraggle Rock)
Pukin (Magical Girl Raising Project) VS Top Speed (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Scootaloo (MLP) VS Sunburst (MLP)
Darwin Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball) VS Wander (Wander Over Yonder)
Winnie (Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School) VS August (Cryptid Crush)
Grillby (Undertale) VS Seam (Deltarune)
Phineas Flynn (Phineas & Ferb) VS Candace Flynn (Phineas & Ferb)
Calcifer (Howl's Moving Castle) VS Ponyo (Ponyo)
Juri Arisugawa (Revolutionary Girl Utena) VS Sailor Venus/Minako Aino (Sailor Moon)
Gordon Freeman (HLVRAI) VS Darnold (HLVRAI)
Morshu (LOZ: The Faces of Evil) VS King Harkinian (LOZ: The Faces of Evil)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Starfire (Teen Titans)
Hamtaro (Hamtaro) VS Heathcliff (Heathcliff)
Cure Soleil (Star Twinkle Precure) VS Cure Sunny (Smile Precure)
Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased) VS Arthur Kingsmen (Mystery Skulls)
Oz (Monster Prom) VS Ritsuka Fujimaru (Fate/Grand Order)
Mo Guan Shan (19 Days) VS Beebi (Wonderlab)
Orange Bird (Disney) VS Peacock (Skullgirls)
Olette (Kingdom Hearts 2) VS Gumi (Vocaloid)
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden) VS Narancia Ghigira (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Tigger (Winnie the Pooh) VS Hobbes (Calvin & Hobbes)
Leon Kuwata (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) VS Hiyoko Saionji (Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair)
Puss in Boots (Shrek Universe) VS Firestar (Warrior Cats)
Torchic (Pokemon) VS Tepig (Pokemon)
Tangy (Animal Crossing) VS Orange Cookie (Cookie Run)
Gordon Freeman (Half Life) VS Chell (Portal)
Amanda O'Neill (Little Witch Academia) VS Lotte Jansson (Little Witch Academia)
Mothra (Mothra films) VS Timid Bookworm (Sky: Children of the Light)
Matt (Wii Sports) VS Daisy (Super Mario Bros)
Levy McGarden (Fairy Tail) VS Hazuki Fujiwara (Ojamajo Doremi)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) VS Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4)
Tracy Reznik (Identity V) VS Andy (Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure)
Vee (The Owl House) VS Coran (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Yoimiya (Genshin Impact) VS Edna (Tales of Zestiria)
Rena Rouge (Miraculous Ladybug) VS Takao Kazunari (Kuroko no Basket)
Tails (Sonic 2, 1992) VS Handy (Happy Tree Friends)
Padparadscha (Steven Universe) VS Jasper (Steven Universe)
Opened Can of Well Cheers (Lobotomy Corporation) VS SCP-999 (SCP Foundation)
The Second Coming (Animator vs Animation) VS King Orange (Animator vs Animation)
Giraffe Furby VS Witch Furby
Chester Cheetah VS Tony the Tiger
Tsukasa Tenma (Project SEKAI) VS Tsukasa Ebisu (Revue Starlight: Relive)
Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files) VS Roman Torchwik (RWBY)
Son Goku (Dragon Ball) VS Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo) VS Fry (Futurama)
Saki Nikaido (Zombieland Saga) VS Toralei Stripe (Monster High)
Beelzebub (Obey Me!) VS Tohri Nishikikouji (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Gaius (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
Retsuko (Aggretsuko) VS Flame Princess (Adventure Time)
Kiri Koshiba (Beauty Pop) VS Sakura Chiyo (Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun)
Asano Gakushuu (Assassination Classroom) VS Akito Shinonome (Project SEKAI)
Mikey (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Troy Barnes (Community) VS Oluwande Boodhari (Our Flag Means Death)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) VS Tigress (Carmen Sandiego)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) VS Tulip Olsen (infinity Train)
Waddle Dee (Kirby) VS Morpho Knight (Kirby)
Ace (Katamari Damacy) VS Shikao (Katamari Damacy)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) VS Tulip Olsen (infinity Train)
Orange Juice (Inanimate Insanity) VS The Lorax (The Lorax)
Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney) VS Damon Gant (Ace Attorney)
Rio Ranger (Your Turn To Die) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn To Die)
Caleb Widogast (Critical Role) VS Neil Josten (All For The Game)
Tracer (Overwatch) VS Samus Aran (Metroid)
Portia (The Arcana) VS Navra (The Arcana)
Sphene (Houseki no Kuni) VS Zircon (Houseki no Kuni)
Penny (Big Top Burger) VS The Sorceress (He-Man)
Ahiru (Princess Tutu) VS Sara (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch)
Kipper (Kipper the Dog) VS Ruff Ruffman (Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman)
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deathsimage · 9 months
Get Along Time
Warnings: +18, sexual content, nsfw
Content: Eiffel Tower, 3-way, coaching, dom/sub, sexual tension, sub! Soap, switch! Ghost, dom! Price
Summary: Price coaching Soap and Ghost through their sexual tension
Note: this one is kinda long so I didn’t feel like reading back over it so, please forgive any mistakes; and if it’s completely trash I’m sorry I’m super tired and I really just wanted this posted (it was just horny brain rot anyway)
Ghost and Soap; the undoubtedly the best in their field, the definition of a true war hero. Yet, here they are, arguing like children over something not many people would find worth it. They’re throwing things, yelling, and now hitting.
“I AM NOT EEYORE” Ghost yelled at Soap and he punched him in the back, having Soaps head locked in his arm.
“YES YOU ARE YOU MOPEY DEPRESSED HALLOWEEN DECORATION” Soap screamed before biting Ghost in the side to get out of the headlock.
“Soap is definitely tigger…” Gaz spoke quietly to Price.
Price crossed his arms over his chest and too a deep inhale, letting out the breath in a huff. Gaz simply shrugged and patted Prices back before walking away.
Price waited for Gaz to leave before he barked loudly “BOYS” making both Soap and Ghost freeze in place. Ghost pulling Soaps mohawk, Soap choking Ghost, just frozen in place. Price sighed and pointed towards his office; “go, in my office. Now.”
Both of the boys looked at each other before letting go and going into Price’s office. Price locked the door and walked around his desk and looked at the two soldiers standing in front of him as he sat down. “You boys have been causing a lot of trouble lately. Each of you getting heated over the slightest thing.”
“I’m my defense-“ Soap began
“I didn’t say you could speak.” Price cut him off. Soap immediately shut up, Ghost chuckling a bit.
“Simon.” Price barked, causing Ghost to hush. Price sat and looked both of them over. “Good thing I know how to fix this. Since it’s obvious what the issue is.” Price lit a cigar and took a drag before letting out a puff of smoke. “Simon, pull your mask up some, I need to see your lips.”
Ghost was confused, but slowly did as he was told; moving his mask up right above his nose.
“Good boy…now Soap, kiss Simon.”
“Huh?” Soap asked in shock
“You heard me.” Price obviously wasn’t joking. “Kiss Simon. On the lips.”
“Hold on, what’s this about?” Ghost spoke up
“This is about the tension between you two, fighting for my attention..and each others. So, we’re getting to the point.” Price bit down on his cigar. “Now, don’t make me say it again. Soap, kiss Simon.”
Soap and Ghost both looked at each other before turning their bodies towards each other. Soap slowly reached his hands up to cup Ghosts face as he pressed their lips together, immediately the two of their lips became one, connecting with hunger and lust. Simons hands came up to grip Soaps waist, pulling him closer as their kisses became more heated. Ghosts hand wrapped around Soap, pressing against the small of his back to pull him in tighter.
Price smirked and laid his cigar in the ash tray. “Now start getting undressed.” Price commanded. There was absolutely no argument, as Ghost and Soap only pried their lips apart to pull their shirts off.
“Mm, I don’t know where I want to start.” Price hummed in thought as he watched the two heavily make out, both of them now completely nude. “Simon. Sit on the couch. Soap, on your knees, in front of me.”
Reluctantly, Ghost let go of Soap and sat on the couch, watching as Soap knelt in front of Price. Price began to undo his belt and open his pants before commanding Soap to get his cock out. Soap obeyed and pulled Prices cock through his boxer briefs, immediately taking Price into his mouth without even being told.
“Eager aren’t you bunny?…” Price growled as he ran his fingers down the back of Soaps neck. Price looked at Ghost as his hand guided Soaps head up and down on his cock, making direct eye contact with Ghost.
“You look jealous Simon…do you want my cock in your mouth? Or do you want Soap to be doing this to you? Hmm?”
Ghost stayed quiet, clenching his jaw.
“Talk to me Simon.” Prices breaths were getting a bit heavy.
“I…I want both..” Ghost finally spoke up.
“Good boy…you can have both, but first, come here kitten.” Price used his index finger in the ‘come here’ motion. Ghost got up off of the couch and walked over to Price before kneeling down next to Soap.
“Now, Soap, get underneath Ghost. Then both of you beautiful boys…get to work.” Price smirked with a growl.
The two boys began moving around, Soap laying on his back as Ghost straddled his face, Soap beginning to suck and lick at Ghosts cock, starting at the tip. Ghost moaned as he held Prices cock in his mouth, the vibrations sending shivers through Prices body. Price looked down at the sight of his two boys, Soap underneath Ghost while stroking his own cock, Ghost on his knees between Prices thighs. Price’s fingers rubbed over the back of Ghosts head. “Simon, may I take your mask off?” Price asked softly. Ghost pulled back just enough to speak. “Yes sir…thank you..for asking.”
“Of course kitten, your comfort is my priority.” Price rubbed his thumb over Ghosts cheek as the other hand pulled Ghosts mask off and laid it on the desk as Ghost continued to suck off Prices cock.
“Bloody hell…fuck- okay let’s change up. I’m getting too close.” Price pulled Ghosts hair, pulling him back so he didn’t cum too soon.
Both Soap and Ghost got up as they were told to.
“Go around in front of the desk, Soap, lean over the desk towards me.” Price commanded, watching as Soap did as he was told. “Now, Simon…fuck him.”
Soap whimpered in anticipation at those words, leaning over to desk towards Price as Ghost stepped up behind him, gripping Soaps ass in his hands, spreading him open to spit on his hole. Rubbing the spit in with his thumb, causing more whimpers from Soap, before Ghost steadied himself and began pushing the head of his cock into Soap. “Ah- ohhh, f-fuuuuuck~” Soap whined as he was stretched open, pushing back against Ghost.
Price picked up his cigar from the ash tray and took a drag off of it, leaning in to kiss Soap. When he leaned back, the smoke rolled out of Soaps lips. “Good boy.” Price smirked.
Ghosts hips were already picking up pace, slamming his hips into Soap, rocking Soaps hip bones into the harsh wood of the desk.
“Look at me Soap.” Price commanded; Soaps aqua eyes watering as he looked up at Price. “You enjoying yourself bunny?”
Soap could only nod and moan at Prices question.
“Simon, take a break.” Price said as he stood up, walking around the desk. Ghost reluctantly pulled out of Soap, also pulling a whine from Soap, and went over to the couch and sat back down, watching as Price steadied himself behind Soap, holding his cock to push into Soap. Soap whined as he felt Price sink into him, Prices hands bracing on the desk as he began to slowly but deeply rock his hips into Soap. He kept this pace, obviously making a point to get Soap right up to the edge, but not quite over the climax.
Soaps hands reached across the desk, his fingers gripping the edge as he practically drooled. He laid his face on the desk, already becoming a dumb fucked mess. “You getting close bunny?” Price teased, his thrusts gaining speed and harshness.
“Yes captain-“ Soap whined out, his legs beginning to shake.
“Good boy~ but not yet.” Price immediately stopped, pulling out of Soap. Watching Soaps hole clench around nothing, Soap left feeling empty, left right at the edge with nowhere to go. Soap whined in protest, but Price had other plans.
“Sit tight Soap, you’ll get to cum when I’m ready.” Price commanded. Soap slid off the desk and sat in the floor, watching as Price walked over to Ghost. Price would gently but sternly grip Ghosts blonde hair, pulling him up off the couch before making him kneel down in the floor and bend over the couch. “Good boy. I didn’t even have to tell you what to do.” Price said as he knelt down behind Ghost, using his knees to spread Ghosts thighs apart, keeping him pinned in place. Price reached around to press his finger against Ghosts lips. “Open up kitten.” Price commanded, smiling as Ghost obeyed immediately and began sucking and licking at Price’s two middle fingers. Pulling his fingers back out, he took the two wet digits and began to push them inside of Ghosts hole, slowly stretching him out. “See, you didn’t give Soap any prep…just pushed in without any preparation..got too eager huh kitten?”
Simon bit his lip and laid forward on the couch seat, looking back at Soap. “I’m sorry…”
Soap was still breathing pretty heavily, but smirked at Simon. “It’s okay Si, I like it when it hurts a little.” He winked
Price removed his fingers from Ghosts now slightly stretched hole, angling his cock to push himself inside of Simons gummy walls.
“Ah!” Ghost whined, stuffing his face into the couch cushion to hide himself. Price wrapped his arms underneath Ghosts arms and pulled him back, locking his fingers around the back of Ghosts neck to keep him further locked in place.
“No no, you’re not allowed to hide.” Price teased before completely ramming his cock the rest of the way into Simon, causing him to gasp loudly. “Fuck- good boy Simon.” Price panted as he began brutally fucking into Ghost, the pure whimpers coming from the most intimidating man to walk the earth just fulled Price’s ego into making him submit. Once again, Price was getting Ghost right up to the edge, but not to the complete climax. “Getting close kitten? Ready to cum?” Price teased through heavy breaths.
“Yes captain!” Ghost yelled out, his eyes shut tight, until they snapped open as Price completely stopped moving before pulling out of him.
“For fucks sake Price…that’s just mean..” Ghost panted as he flopped against the couch.
“Don’t worry lads, we’re not done yet. Soap, lay in the floor, ass up.”
Soap perked up and happily did as he was told, his chest and face pressed into the carpet as his ass stuck up perfectly in the air with an arch of his back.
“Okay Simon, go fuck him.” Price gestured with his hand to go over to him. Ghost was a bit weak but he crawled over on his hands and knees, getting behind Soap, deciding to take a taste before he got started. His lips wrapping around Soaps hole, his tongue flattening and licking against the clenching opening. Soap whined and pushed back against Ghost’s tongue, but Ghost pulled away and sat up on his knees, gripping Soaps ass as he pushed his cock ever so slowly back into Soaps hole, sinking in completely to the base. Soap was once again full and it felt like heaven. Before Ghost could even start moving, he felt Prices hands on his waist, turning his head to see Price on his knees behind him. Price pumped his cock a bit before pushing inside of Ghost, letting just the tip sit inside of Ghosts now clenching walls.
“Go ahead kitten. Move.” Price tapped Ghost’s hip. Ghost did as he was told and began fucking into Soap, while simultaneously fucking himself onto Prices cock. “Oh- oh bloody hell- fuck-“ Ghost panted, holding onto Soap for dear life as Prices hands gripped Ghosts hips.
“Fuck- Johnny, touch yourself! I want you to cum with me-“ Ghost said through heavy breaths. Soap did as he was told and began stroking his cock as Ghost fucked him, while Price fucked Ghost. “Fuck, fuck I’m already getting close- Johnny! Ah, Price!” Ghost panted and moaned out, head laying back as his body began to shake. Right as Ghost began to climax Price rammed his hips into Ghost, causing Ghost to ram himself into Soap. Ghost was pushed over the edge, cumming inside of Soap. The warm feeling of Ghosts cum filling his insides was what pushed Soap over the edge, whimpering against the carpet as the cum leaked from his tip. Both of the men were desperately trying to catch their breaths, but Price simply pulled out of Ghost and stood up. “Ahem…I’m not finished yet boys.”
Ghost was practically laying on top of Soap, but he pushed himself up and slowly pulled out of Soap, watching the cum string between them where they had previously connected. Soap then got up along with Ghost, but they both stayed on their knees. They were now both knelt in front of Price looking up at him as if waiting for his commands. “Go ahead, I’m waiting.” Price smirked, watching as both Soap and Ghost began licking over the head of Prices girth, every so often one of them taking Prices tip into their mouth. Their tongues didn’t leave a single inch of his cock unlicked; making sure their captain felt the full extent of their gratitude. As Ghost and Soap were licking up and down the shaft of Prices cock. Price having a hand in each boys hair, his fingers tangling and tugging. Both soldiers moaned as their tongues lapped and rolled over Prices cock.
“Fuck…doing such a good job for me boys..” Price groaned as he looked down at them, feeling himself reaching his climax (again, but now he would let himself go.) Price let out a deep huff of a moan, like a “hah-“ as his cock began to twitch. Both of the soldiers below him continued at their pace until Price grabbed his cock and began pumping his shaft. Both of the boys held their tongues out, waiting for their reward. As Price came with a deep, guttural groan, his cum painted both Soap and Ghosts tongues and chins white. Price breathed heavily as he looked down at the beautiful sight below him.
“Such good boys for me…can you behave and get along now?”
“Yes sir.”
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pjdraws · 5 months
I just wanted to say that Mickey and Pooh post is so wonderful. You are a true visionary for "Messed up takes are just the lowest hanging fruit." Peace and love on Planet Earth <3 <3 <3
Thank you!!!
I'm mildly in shock with the response to that silly little comic. I wanna quickly use this ask to clarify something. If you wanna make a Steam Boat Willie horror the potential of that is insane. I think Stuff like Blood and Honey is the lowest hanging fruit not because these IPs don't have the legs in horror but because it relies solely on shock value.
I think a Mickey mouse who represents corporate greed is a great blueprint for a horror, I LOVE Garfield horror it's just all about how you do it and remember that someone at some point made these characters even though they're 90 years old it doesn't mean we shouldn't remember that.
Sorry to turn this into a statement of intent lol. Again thank you so much for the kind words, and thank you to everyone.
I better get ready Pooh tells me his friend Tigger is visiting him soon
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kokidee · 28 days
i finished school... forever no mor school... forever... AGHH!!! artedam (apostrophe and rebecca) cakepops were my final in one of mai classes... ^-^ tigger enjyoed them...
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absolutebl · 8 months
Please help me find that one bl I watched but can't remember the name of it, I want to find and rewatch it do bad! So that's what I remember about the movie:
I watched this movie on YouTube and it was not Thai or Korean. There are two guys who are not brothers, the one with the parents adopted the other one. Gave him many things, like money and house. So they're basically step brothers. The adopted one is in love with the main boy, after some struggles that I don't actually remember, the main boy falls in love with him too. But his father doesn't allow them to be together. With this being the reason, adopted one faked his own death and the main boy was in pain for a couple of years (I think it was like two years? But I'm not sure tho) After some time, the main boy coincidentally sees his lover working at a cafe. And they have a happy ending.
I've been looking for it for a really long timeeee 😭😭😭
This sounds right up my alley so I should know of it. It's stepbrother trope which is one of my all time favorites. (After comment consults I think this must be Irresistible Love - see notes at end)
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My guess is something early from China, pre 2018? It could also be from the Philippines or one of the other BL producing countries that I don't track carefully. I think... not Japan, that doesn't seem like the right tropes or narrative bent for them.
It's possible, if you saw it on YT it was a fan rip with an alter end (like it really ends sadly but the fan decided to not include that?)
But you said specifically not Korea so Diary of Heong Yeong Dang (Drama Festival 2014) is out, and that was my first guess.
My second best guess is Thai, My Bromance the movie (2014) or (more likely) My Bromance the series (2016)? But you said: NOT Thai.
So my final pull is...
Find You In The Crowd (China 2017) but this is a microfilm and it's sad. At last check it was on Gaga.
You're not thinking of The Promise (Vietnam 2022) are you? No, that doesn't have the parental stuff and it's very recent.
That's the best I can do. Sorry, the spreadsheet and my brain failed you.
Here is some homework:
There is a 3 Part series from Ellene Noire II of YT round-up videos highlighting VERY obscure queer, LGBTQ+ and BL content (they named title and country in the cards), perhaps it's one of those? It has clips so that might trigger your brain better.
I've had these videos saved to process into my spreadsheet for ages but haven't gotten around to it since they really are some of the MOST obscure and I know it just throws off my numbers with "can't be found" columns.
If you figure it out, will you PLEASE let me know the name and country? It really does sound like my kind of BL. And if possible I'd love to try tracking it down.
Meanwhile here's my stepbrother trope round up post.
movie on YouTube
not Thai or Korean
2 guys who are not brothers
parents of one adopted the other one (stepbrother trope)
parents give adoptee many things, like money and house
adopted one is in love with the main boy
main boy falls eventually falls in love back
father doesn't allow them to be together
adopted one fakes his own death and the main boy was in pain for a couple of years
after some time, the main boy coincidentally sees his lover working at a cafe
Okay after consult with comments (with the exception of the bold bits I think this really has to be Irresistible Love).
Irresistible Love China 2026 - 2 Parts! 2 Endings!
Irresistible Love: Secrets of the Valet
Irresistible Love 2 AKA Uncontrolled Love
I not-so-secretly love this BL: Kidnapping, whipping boy, obsession, mutilation, very hard fought happy ending (in one version). Absolutely classic Chinese BL pre-censorship. It's a wild melodramatic ride.
This 2nd movie installment has 2 endings, one unhappy and censored and one basically happy. This series is quite violent, lots of tiggers, whipping boy chassis.
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post to honor tigers i like
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Hobbes (calvin and hobbes) :D
snarky little fucker and philosopher
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Tigger!! (whinnie the phoo)
autism baby in books and goofy guy in show + movies <3
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mvshortcut · 11 months
Ranking every time the Ten Men get taken down by how cringe fail they are (Part 2)
Warning: this post contains major spoilers for Riddle of Ages!
We're back again already, folks. Part 1 is here; now it's time for round 2 of some good old pointing and laughing.
Book 4: The Riddle of Ages
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first appearance of my problematic faves the Katz brothers! There's always gotta be one cowardly goon in the lot, and the Scaredy Katz fulfill their role admirably. This knockout isn't too cringe-worthy, although the dramatic "Now!" [immediately gets knocked out] is quite comical, as well as the image of him trying to run on his knees. 3/10
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And here we have Garrotte being painfully average once again. Although this one is made more interesting by the fact that he and Sharpe apparently jumped some random businessmen on the street and stole their completely normal briefcases, then had the audacity to be surprised when said completely normal briefcases didn’t hold up well in a combat scenario. It’s almost as if they’re designed to hold paperwork, not fend off a flurry of tranquilizer darts. Who would’ve thunk. Also. You could literally walk into any Home Depot and find dozens of items more suited for this purpose, which the Ten Men easily could’ve done if they weren’t so darn committed to the stonks bit. 
Also, “Most unfair! Such shoddy materials!” is the funniest possible thing you could say upon getting knocked out. It’s giving “trust fund kindergartener encounters Crayola crayons during art class for the first time ever.” Please just say “god damn it” like a normal person. 4/10
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See this one is so funny to me. You're telling me that the infamous shock watches, which have terrorized several of our beloved characters over the course of the series, can be defeated simply by doing simple gymnastics? it's giving "show Sticky doing long division in his head to defeat Curtain's infamous Happiness brainwashing." Also, you're telling me you can knock out people simply by throwing darts at them? wild. anyways. I love Katz getting knocked out mid-threatening leap. 5/10
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diversity win! Milligan won't kill you but he isn't above shooting you in the ass! 7/10
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sorry this is so long but we need the full context to appreciate how cringe this is. imagine you brought five (5) of your best men to locate SQ Pedalian, a young adult not particularly skilled in combat, and also to fight a teenage girl. And now it's gone so sideways that you're literally the last one left standing. Standing, on top of an ice cream truck that you pushed on top of your opponent, who is now trapped beneath and yet has his hands casually laced behind his head as if he's tanning on the beach. And you got tricked into standing there, pinned by an empty gun, and simply watching while he loads darts into the (previously empty) gun. And now he's just shooting a bunch of empty darts at you, one after another, while you have to stand there and wait for him to finally knock you out. I think I would disintegrate on the spot. Also "You wouldn't shoot me in the face. That's not your style" bestie you just watched him shoot Sharpe in the ass. Would you prefer that instead? 9/10
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This one might take the cake. First of all, they all fell for the trap, so now they're stuck in jail again like 3 days after escaping. And then, the teenage girl you've been terrorizing for years finally turns your stupid condescending pet names right back on you before a nine year old uses her mind powers to make you knock yourself out with your own weapon. 🫵 CRINGE. 10/10
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Still very cringe, though less so than McCracken. It's kinda funny that Constance made them use their shockwatches instead of the (less painful) handkerchiefs. 6/10
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Y'know, given the Katz brother's astounding loser energy, I'm amazed that they might actually have the least cringe take down. Taking the coward's way out. I respect it. Love them staring out the window. sad tigger gif here. Bonus points for ratting out Crawlings for being awful. 1/10 and two gold star stickers for them both
And, finally, for the grand finale, our favorite cringe boy is back:
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Crawlings is making up for having fewer appearances in this book by making his COUNT. and YIKES. I literally have to step away every time I read this. From the supervillain monologue, to everyone groaning at him and then simply ignoring him (knowing what's about to happen), to Crawlings immediately poisoning and temporarily paralyzing himself the SECOND he gets a chance to be the Final Girl. And then he gets thrown back into jail. Plus the fact that he's on the floor about to pass out still wondering when the "Genius Serum" will kick in. uhhh. y'know, Crawlings, I might not be a genius either, but I have the slightest inkling that all may not be going according to plan. 11/10
And there we have it folks! The final rankings are:
Hertz: 6
The Katz Brothers: 9
Garrotte: 14
Sharpe: 22
McCracken: 35
And, in first place, with 36 points, our beloved Crawlings.
In conclusion,
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merrilygreen · 7 months
I already made a post about the plothole in episode 3 of Crazy Fun Park (where Violetta’s corkboard has post-it notes that mention Remus before she knows he exists) but here are some other fun things I discovered from screenshotting every single shot of Violetta’s corkboard
The park closed in 2001 after Tigger died
Tigger was the youngest of anyone to die at Crazy Fun Park
Of Siobhan and Kevin, one was impaled and one had a heart attack (possibly from looking in the mirrors?)
One of the headlines on Gonzo’s death reads “EXPLOSIVE TEEN EXPLODES”. The headline about the Makrides brothers reads “Three brothers die in COMPLETELY UNBELIEVABLE park mishap”.
This was in the other post but one of Violetta’s post-it notes reads “What’s the connection between Nimrod and Remus?”
Willo died in 1994 of a skull injury
Violetta must have known Zed’s real identity before he even remembered it because there is an entire section on Zed (using his deadname) on her corkboard
The Wave Pool was painted white to honour Destinee. Her mother approved of this because it represented the woman “she hoped she’d grow up to be after she stopped wearing so much black” (I can’t find the actual quote but it was along those lines)
Also in this article: "Police are investigating as to why a goth girl was in the pool" (again, not exact phrasing)
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