#this whole storyline is giving him a chance to say things that he hasn't been able to say in character before and it's so lovely
homoeroticgrappling · 9 months
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It's literally half four in the morning and I also can't sleep and now I'm sleep deprived and crying about getting to see Maxwell Jacob Friedman make history
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dribs-and-drabbles · 8 months
Observations on ep 7:
"Learn to love yourself." Where's that gif set?!?
Wow. There's been absolutely NO talk of Ray's father so far (unless I forgot about it) and yet him just turning up at the hospital speaks VOLUMES.
I'm a simple girl...and a complete hoe for t-shirt slogans that comment on the storyline. "Make love not war" when Boston is going into battle: A+. But I'm not sure what the show was aiming for with "Friends don't let friends go to Stanfund" (I think that's what it says).
Oh poor babygirl Nick 😢 Vi has absolutely the right url. @disasterbabygirlnick
I agree with Mew not just giving Top a second chance. He's young, Top is his first partner, he'll have so many more opportunities to meet someone else if he wants. Why not just shut Top out. In other bls, their relationship and bond would be romanticised to the point where I would accept the fantasy of their 'destiny' to be together, but in this show I'd be telling both Mew and Top to leave it be. Move on. Find other people. (I'm also here for the mess that may arise from the situation and even if they do end up together but I'd also be ok with them not getting back together 🤷🏽‍♀️).
First's smile is something else, man.
Oh! It's The Scene!
*she squints* "Praying for forgiveness" and "I've been living with the demons that I got in my soul" on Cheum's top: 👏🏼Outstanding.
I think Book and Force work great together but I'd HAPPILY watch other shows with Book paired with other actors. HAPPILY.
Neo and Book. 🔥
Oh wow. MARK!!
And another. "Outkast". No notes.
I think I like this plan by Mew...but honestly, I think he could have just asked for the video. I have a feeling Gap probably would have given it to him (or maybe not now that I watched the whole scene). But omg why does Gap not turn the damn computer off before going for a shower. Mew is a stranger to him 🤦🏽‍♀️
Also. Hello, Drake has been working out.
Is it just me or has Mew shifted his style/look this ep?
Wait. Is this house the same as in Mama Gogo (and something else)? @colourme-feral
Mew's face is DELIGHTFUL when Boston shuts the laptop. DELIGHTFUL.
N e o a n d B o o k again. 🔥🔥
Oh Mew. I wouldn't say out loud that you want the honour student title. That's exactly something Boston might use to retaliate against you.
And Top is just embarrassing himself now.
I understand Mew attempting to move out of the friend-zone with Ray, to give him a chance and to be with someone who cares about him and who he trusts about that, but I feel like if he never saw Ray as more than a friend, I can't see things changing that much - if it hasn't already happened, it probably won't happen. And as for Ray, he might always wonder if Mew really does love him or if he 'settled' and that Mew might get drawn away by an attraction to someone else in the future. It just doesn't feel like it would work out, and in the meantime Sand is right there if Ray could just let Mew go.
Gosh, next week looks so good.
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fannicroy · 2 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
I joined in June '17! I was on my summer break and needed some casual fun hobby. I had been in other groups but I hadn't stuck in one. Then HSHQ came and stole me away. I think when I joined the major plot was the Portuguese-Italian attack on Spain. I had picked a Brazilian crown princess and since she was related to the Portuguese, I got involved in it a bit. I remember having a hard time understanding the lore and reasoning behind it and it's why Flavia was kind of anti-Braganzas lmao. Retrospectively, I was looking for a logical reason when I should have understood that "for the drama" was a valid reason haha
which characters have you written over the years ?
Flavia, Fanni, Lixue, Roman, one Andorran, Robbie... I think that's all? I've been quite conservative with my roster.
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
It would have to be Roman's arch. I liked the fact that it had a proper ending and a clear storyline. It was also the kind of story I had never had the chance to write because it required so much time and it required loyalty from all members. It was an unique experience so it gets the special mention.
what about other people's plotlines ?
I think I'll give this one to Sergi-Remei-Chico thing. The whole Spanish fires, Spain vs. Catalonia + Andorra vs. France. I think it was a compact set of stories that worked individually but still created a larger story. Okay, now that I think about this a bit more, this is probably a cop out since Fanni was somewhat involved in this, but I swear I'm talking about Chimei more than France's role in all of this.
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
I can't choose between Roman and Fanni. I think it's pretty clear to everyone that I love Fanni. She has had some of the best plots that I've ever had the chance to write and there hasn't been a dull moment with her. Through Fanni I got to write some complex and dark feelings, and I think it worked as some kind of therapy too because when I put some of those feelings into words, I got to rationally look at some of deeper and hidden feelings I myself harboured. I do want to put a disclaimer here that Fanni is a much much much unhappier person than I am but I think everyone can relate to comparing yourself to others or feeling like a lesser person? If you don't know what I'm talking about, this is very awkward lmao. The emotional side of writing Fanni was fun and I feel like I made so many discoveries and felt proud of my writing. But.... Roman is so special to me. He was a complex character and a character I had to spend time on a lot. I really had to think about his motives and I had to find a backstory for him that worked. His relationship with Giselle was one of my favourite relationships to write because there were so many emotions stitched into it. I think I should write the relationship task for them just to get all of my thoughts out. Roman was interesting to write. That is all. And I echo Hails' words when I say that it was fun to write a more down-to-earth character. Someone who wasn't overly wealthy and obnoxious. I enjoyed writing characters for Eastern Europe. It was maybe an easy option to choose since it's what I know well. I'm a bit saddened by the fact that I didn't get the chance to write about Fanni's complexes more. It would have been fun to expand on her tough relationship with Hungary.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
Oooooh.... I think I'd go with post-break up Farnauld? It was a very exciting time and the interactions were fun to write. What I would change would be how we ended up extending the break up? The reconcilation should have happened a year quicker haha. Wait no. That's my second option. My first option would be Isanni in the beginning. Their interactions were super intense and I loved the complexity of their relationship. I'm very pleased with their storyline but I wish I had written the beginning more.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
I know if I edited these plotlines, Fanni would be somewhere different so technically I wouldn't change these but... I think the beginning of Tekla and Fanni's interactions. I think I'd have Fanni be a bit more open. I would have liked to see their relationship as a supportive one. The other one that I'd edit would be Fanni and Nadya. I think it would have been fun to have them actually become friends. I do stand behind my replies, they were accurate portrayals but I think there was some wasted potential by having them end up being almost-friends.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
Tekla and Fanni. I needed just one more thread gaah! Their dynamic was the most important one for me. Fanni's codependency on Tekla was so interesting and fun to write. I think an ending to their difficulties would have been cathartic.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
I have to say I'm not that involved in OOC stuff as you guys have probably noticed haha. I enjoyed the HSHQfeed stuff and... Naomi's shanenigans.
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
Through tumblr, this blog, but I think I'll disappear akbgdjag If you end up reopening or joining some group together, please let me know! I'd love to write with you guys again <3
what else would you like to say ?
I never thought a group would mean this much to me yet here we are! I've loved every second of it and I think I've been given a special opportunity to express myself through writing. Everyone's dedication has amazed me and I'm literally literally so so happy that I made HSHQ my home. I'm so sad that it has come to an end. I don't know if I would have had much more to give but it's hard to say goodbye. Seven years is a long time to know people! I can't believe I've graduated and switched jobs all while being here. If I compare my life pre-HSHQ and post-HSHQ, I can barely believe it myself! Thank you everyone, it's been a truly wonderful experience <3 I think I'll write a few things and if you still want to write a thread or two, don't hesitate to message me <3
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 1 year
Episode 39 of Find Us Alive just curbstomped me. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nahhh. No. This podcast is TOO good. I'm legitimately dumbstruck by how fucking good every aspect of this shit is.
I MUST start off by saying that Raddagher's scream will haunt me for the rest of my life. I don't know if it's just my love for this podcast or the talent of the creators but I tend to get very immersed in it and I could legitimately feel the desperation and despair and agony and fear and everything that everyone was feeling this episode. In particular I have not been able to get the image of Raddagher closing herself off and silently losing her mind over Love ever since the beginning of the aneurysm storyline. Whatever Harley talked about how she was acting and how difficult it was to communicate, I kept thinking the main reason that she doesn't say anything is because if she opens her mouth she's going to scream. And she fucking did. That was the scream of a grieving woman. It wasn't even fear or anything, it was a sound from a woman who's physically been cut open and had something ripped out of their body and I really feel like Ingrid thinks she's lost her already. Maybe I'm stupid and naive but I just refuse to believe that she's gone and I will not give up on the hope of her waking up because I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't.
And Lancaster? Every time I think about Orion I just get so sad! Not only thinking about what he's going through but thinking about how him being contained is affecting everyone else. From the fact that Harley lost his best friend to the fact that Beatrix tried to do everything she could to prevent them experimenting on him even if that meant he would have to say locked up for longer to the way Ingrid cried over him keeping secrets even before they knew he was a dash three.....
He misses his friends and he wants to make things right but they won't even give him a chance to see them!!! And now this whole thing with Love.... not only does he not know what's going on and he hasn't even gotten a chance to see her, but he doesn't even have anybody to support him in his worry over her. Even though Harley, klein, and Raddagher barely spoke to each other, the fact of the matter is they still had the option to do so but they were just avoiding each other. Lancaster never had a choice but to stay by himself. And all he wants is so desperately to see his friend because it might just be the last time!+ Even though she can't talk to him even though she's not even conscious he just wants to see his friend he's just so tired of it all and I want to cry because he really doesn't deserve this idc if he tried to kill Harley that was a different guy!!!!!!! It was an accident that wasn't him!!!!!
And Kline my beautiful wife, trying so hard to keep it all together... as bad as it is I kind of understand why she was so reluctant to see Love because who wants to see their best friend like that? like let's be real. Her apprehension was totally understandable but at the same time I wish we had gotten to see all of them in one room just for this. Still, I kind of like the fact that they didn't have that big group get together and the whole gang wasn't in one place because it's kind of more realistic that way... not to mention it's really consistent with Kline's characterization cuz she's a very avoidant type of person.
In conclusion @raddagher You Are Literally Killing Me.
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autumnoficarus · 7 months
i'm devastated but like in a good way, and I have a lot of lokius thoughts I need to jot down before i pull a timely and become spaghetti
spoilers for season 2's finale below !!
so in this house, lokius is alive and thriving - because listen:
Firstly, i've seen a lot of people upset with the finale and while that's super valid, here's some positive thoughts on why I kinda sorta dig what was given to us.
the recap never included that one ship while catching up on the main plot points of everything that has happened since the show's beginning. I think that should be pointed out idk.
from a fic writer standpoint the fact that Loki spent CENTURIES??? (+however long fighting sylvie and having repeating conversations with HWR) Like literally a huge chunk of time we don't see trying to fix things has so much potential. I'm giddy abt that ngl
That when Loki needed advice most, he time-slipped to Mobius to ask him his opinion. Not only that, he time-slipped to when they don't know each other yet, because he wants a Mobius who is unbiased. He's aware that were he to go to a place in the timeline where they're now close, Mobius would try and talk him out of abandoning all hope.
He knows, much like with Mobius' story, he's been hesitating to look past himself - to see the bigger picture, instead of what he wants. That hesitation has led to years and years of consequences, Loki failing each and every time, similar to how the officer of Mobius' story delaying the prune of a variant led to an eruption of consequences that resulted in the harm of their comrades too.
What Loki wants is save his friends, ultimately. At first, he wants to save his friends and be able to experience life amongst the timeline branches with them. He tells Sylvie he doesn't know where he would belong without them. What Loki realizes in the end is that to give them the choice he believes they deserve, he has to make a choice of his own. In the end, he finds belonging (at least for now, because I refuse to believe this is the end of TVA Loki's storyline) in putting those he loves before himself and what he wants, something Loki has done only a handful of times throughout the entire Marvel series. He needs that growth character-wise because, as we know, he will be involved in the next big phase.
I think that Loki time-slipping to ask Mobius for advice parallels last episode's 'it's about WHO' again. Who has given him the chance to be a better version of himself the entire show? Who helped him overcome his deep distrust in others, learning to care for them instead - so much so that he sacrificed himself to protect them? And again, Mobius is who Loki went to when he was lost and his words are what guided Loki to the decision he made.
A Sylvie and Mobius scene where Sylvie is seen caring for Mobius in the aftermath??? Mobius wasn't offering comfort to Sylvie, he was depicted as more distraught than she was. In fact, I'd say they really wanted to get across how 'alone' he felt with Loki's absence, standing watching a life he never knew from afar.
(there's a whole unpacking i want to do here about how we previously saw Loki looking longingly across the street watching Don's life too, before whisking Don away from his mundane family life for a greater purpose; something about Mobius looking at that life and recognizing there's a missing piece to it, and it's back in a place he no longer feels he fits because the TVA is missing something too; something about Loki 'supposedly' finding where he belongs, but not Mobius. those are thoughts for another post though lmaoooo)
I think they left Mobius' arc open-ended because he still hasn't achieved that greater purpose. That's (hopefully) because it's meant to be fleshed out in either a later season or next movies to come. And (hopefully x2), that purpose becomes Mobius helping to somehow save Loki from his current fate.
The final moments?? Hello??? Mobius' voice echoing as we pan in on Loki holding the branches together, teary-eyed with a soft, melancholic smile??? Seeming to be listening in on Mobius amongst the branches??? Mobius' 'let time pass' because he doesn't know how to move on from losing Loki?? Come onnnn, the tragic angst in just those shots were CHEF KISS
Overall, I know it's a let down not to have an actual canon status but I mean - were we really expecting the mouse to come through for us??? At least, we didn't get a 'no homo' moment so I count that as a win against rickey the rat. Lokius survived the finale, and that's what really mattered for me tbh.
Like idk, I could also be biased because I kinda, really dig tragedy and slow burn angst. And that's what this finale gave us, along with so many possibilities !! Them being separated leaves so much that can happen !! Like, like - Mobius has the opportunity to have an arc about saving his bae from holding time together indefinitely - from Loki's greatest fear, being left alone. Mobius getting into marvel shenanigans in an attempt to reunite with Loki somehow is beautifully romantic to me ya'll idk. I am delusional and I fully embrace that fact.
Okay honestly this isn't even ALL MY THOUGGHTS I HAVE MORE but this is getting long so I'm stopping here (currently: sending morse code signals out to help pull me back from the brink of insanity)
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breithenua · 10 months
Ok I'm just gonna say it, whoever says Boruto sucks probably hasn't given it half a chance, for any combination of reasons. Be it just to be contrarian, or them expecting it to be the same as Shippuden despite it taking place in peacetime, hating slice of life, or not trying to understand Boruto's frustrations with his dad at all.
He's a kid whose dad was present in his life for a while, and then all of a sudden was a lot less present because his dad's now the Hokage. Of course he's gonna be resentful. Of course he's going to have disdain for the position of Hokage, and want to be his own person. Of course he's going to be desperate enough for his dad's attention and approval to cheat during the Chunin exams. Of course he's going to not understand as much at first the value of hard work versus shortcuts. And of course, he's going to be immature about a lit of shit in general *because he's a kid*. It's ok if that's too annoying for you, kids can be fucking annoying, but don't tell me it isn't realistic of Boruto to be such a little shit. Naruto was a little shit too, for his own reasons.
All that being said, Boruto shows a lot of growth during the course of the series. He doesn't stay as much of a little shit. He learns the value of hard work. He resents his dad a lot less, he becomes a little less impulsive and stupid. Sure, he's still impulsive as hell. But that doesn't change overnight, and he's still around 12. You expect him to be as mature as Naruto was at the end of Shippuden when he's only 12? Come on now.
Putting aside the complaints with Boruto himself for now, let's talk about the characterization, because dear god they are doing that well. From Sumire being a victim of her former Root member father's hatred of the Leaf, to the kids of the previous generation being such a good meld of both their parents (Inojin being a combination of Ino and Sai not just in abilities, but personality as well), to Kawaki being distrustful of everyone because of how he'd been abandoned, neglected, and mistreated by everyone he'd known up until that point. There's numerous other examples as well. Ao's reason for his face-turn. So many shinobi being resentful of a world in which they're afraid that their role is no longer needed. Etc etc.
And then, there's the world-building. Starting off with the more negative (as in depressing, not badly written) we see that just because it's peacetime now, that doesn't mean everything is great for everyone outside of the 5 great nations. Or even some inside them, for that matter. A lot of smaller nations are still in poverty, still suffering. Naruto for as benevolent of a Hokage he is, he isn't capable of helping everyone. He doesn't have the time, the land of fire doesn't have the resources to help everyone, and because of bureaucracy, it isn't always possible to give help even when it's available.
On the more positive side of world-building, we see pretty-rapidly advancing technology. From the Kamanarimon company heir straight up using a laptop in combat to survey the battlefield and be the team analyst, to the new generation playing actual video games, to there being machines that can use ninjutsu for the user without seals, and there being actual trains to travel not just around Konoha, but between nations. Hell where I'm at in the story rn, I'm seeing actual flashbang grenades, chakra lightsabers, etc etc.
We also still have a looming threat to everyone in the form of the Otsutsuki clan. We're getting a logical continuation of the Kaguya storyline and her legacy, we're finding out more about where she came from and how it not just impacts, but endangers the shinobi world as a whole. Not just directly from the Otsutsuki invaders as a whole, but from organizations linked to them somehow, as is the case with the Kara.
Point being that Boruto is way better than people give it credit for, if you don't go in expecting the exact same thing as Shippuden, and keep an open mind for all the changes. It's not the same as Naruto was, it was never going to be the same. And if it was, it wouldn't be believable. I'm not saying the series is perfect by any means, it isn't. But neither was Naruto. I'm not saying you have to like it, but at least give it a chance yourself before writing it off, and don't just listen to what other people say about it.
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mischas · 4 months
What would've happened if season 2 started differently if DJ never existed? Let's face it the guy was a snooze.
Oh yes, the DJ storyline sucks. And for many reasons. The actors don't have chemistry, he looks so much older than even Ben (which he was!), the borderline racist tone, the extremely classist tone, and the character switch they do on Marissa to make her reduce him to "the yard guy" which we know s1 Marissa would never dream of doing. She dated Ryan for a year without giving a toss about what his upbringing means to be enmeshed with hers. So that's all so frustrating.
Something this show did was resolve their storylines very poorly. They move at breakneck speed and it caught up with them in s2 when they had to scramble. And I understand to a degree, this is network tv in the 2000s, but we know now that JS and co needed to be reigned the fuck in even in s1 so they wouldn't exhaust every decent storyline in two episodes.
So anyway, in order for RM to ever have a chance of a real reunion, I'd have Marissa and Ryan really get into what tore them apart pre-Theresa. Which was Oliver. And the show demonized Marissa for it entirely which was insane (and led to character backlash online which JS was voraciously paying attention to). Marissa plays catch-up to Ryan's moral superiority from then on and it's infuriating. So I'd fix that shit. Remind the audience that Ryan broke her trust first with breaking into her locker and stealing her letter. Something that other teen shows, particular supernatural ones, do is ponder the idea of your beloved's agency vs their safety. The show says that Ryan is in the right for breaking into her locker because he's right that Oliver is evil/crazy/in love with Marissa/possibly putting her in danger. And it's an interesting moral dilemma if done well, but they don't do shit with it in the aftermath. Marissa has to painfully grovel at Ryan's feet all because she didn't believe him when he had zero evidence. Ridiculous.
And because this is tv let's distill this into a scene at the end of 202 when Ryan gets to go home feeling morally superior about breaking things off with Marissa before they've even started again because he's so concerned with her white lie. Like whatever dude. Like he hasn't been sleeping in Theresa's bed all summer. I imagine Marissa coming to him after the carnival and pushing him about these things. Also, it drives me crazy that 127 even has Ryan not fully gleeful about Theresa possibly getting an abortion. Sandy is the only one making sense there. Ryan is 17 years old yet they want him to have the countenance of someone who's 35. That's a problem throughout the show, really. I'm not saying he'd be skipping around Newport joyful but it is so insane to play it out like this is a wanted pregnancy for anyone involved. And for it to happen to the one Latinx character they've semi-centered (in southern California!) is... something. As well as the DV storyline and the original Eddie storyline they really wanted to go with. God, a mess. Anyway. When Ryan is informed of the supposed miscarriage in 201, we're supposed to believe Ryan doesn't even see Theresa for... months? She tells him not to come back but come on this is Ryan! Ryan who we're told is noble and good. He wouldn't go back to Chino to even hug her??? It's so crystal clear that the show wants to quickly move past this bomb they created in s1. Anyway, I'd want Ryan and Marissa to have a real conversation about how that summer impacted their lives and that'd inevitably bring up how he slept with Theresa two whole seconds after the Oliver melodrama blew up. Which could bring about a frank discussion about how they both use sex as a distraction rather than an act of love.
And let's say they talk about these things and still decide they shouldn't be together, I think that'd bring with it a good tension. Keep them in one another's lives because they're in the same circles. Maybe even do similar storylines with other love interests, but sprinkle in some pining and close encounters that give audiences what they really want. It's partly what SS get in s2, though the show drops the ball on why they're not together since they don't flesh out Seth's reasons for leaving beyond 201 and they don't come close to touching Summer's abandonment issues like they should.
If it's clear that I've thought about this before, you'd be right. Lol. I think s2 has an ok framework but could've been tweaked even a little bit to be really, really good.
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neon-dynasty · 1 year
Compleated Planeswalker Theories
Welp, here we go. I'm sure you've seen this image from earlier:
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We were told that five of these Planeswalkers would not make it through the events of All Will Be One without being compleated. So for the next month we get to think long and hard about which ones it'll be. For now, however, here's who I think we'll be losing to Phyrexia and who will survive to fight the good fight.
EDIT: I should mention that a big part of why I theorize who will be compleated and who won't be is primarily due to the assumption that each side will have a mono-colored cycle of Planeswalkers. I'm also looking at the What If artwork and making huge guesses about which color they'd fall into based on the design. My pairs are: White - Kaya (ceramic and flesh) and the Wanderer (Elesh Norn styled helmet) Blue - Jace (lots of neon and tubes, robotic features) and Kaito (neon accents) Black - Nissa (spines and rotted plates and noxious fungus) and Vraska (sharp segmented Sheoldred-like body, skeleton motifs in the background) Red - Koth (blazing furnace chest and also revealed card) and Nahiri (looks like she's in full control, least deformed) Green - Lukka (large body set in the Tangle / Hunter's Maze) and Tyvar (emphasis on muscles, "natural" features like hair and tentacles)
Koth of the Hammer
They already showed us his card! That said, his "What If" art is pretty neat.
SAFE (from compleation - nobody is safe from Phyrexia)
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Jace Beleren
Everyone's noticed it by now, but in his What If art, Jace has Luxior sticking out of his exposed heart. That's a very specific detail that all the other characters are lacking, and hints at some major story implications. Jace has been one of the poster boys for the game since his introduction, so it definitely fits the trope of a veteran leaving at the end of a massive crossover story arc.
That said, it gives me hope that the heroes will find a way to undo the damage of compleation, should they want that at the end of the storyline and beyond.
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I think Jace's compleation is going to be a motivating factor for Vraska, and possibly even what causes her to join the fight.
At least that's what I set out to say. After considering each character's design and color alignment, a couple of predictions got shuffled around. At least her What If art is incredibly awesome, and very fitting for her.
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Aside from the fact that his What If artwork is super fitting (and awesome), Lukka hasn't been a good character the handful of times we've seen him, and this could be a way for Wizards to sweep him under the rug. I think they'd even be willing to snip the whole "voice in his head plot" thread to get rid of him.
Again, that's what I would have said, but look at this art. We don't see any beasts in this piece. That said, it's him or Tyvar for the green rep, and I think Lukka is more likely to be safe in the end. If I'm right about the colors, we'd be seeing at least one Planeswalker in a new color in this set, and I don't think they'd introduce a new color identity to a Planeswalker after all the previous emphasis on how compleated versions of the characters have twisted versions of their personalities.
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The Wanderer and Kaito Shizuki
They just introduced these two, and there's a lot more story left to tell for both of them. Tamiyo was already compleated. Jace and Vraska are a much more emotionally resonant couple in the story. And yes, there's a personal desire to see the Wanderer and Kaito have a chance at a happy ending, despite how amazing their What If artwork is (especially Kaito's monstrous spider form).
As a side note, Kaito's spark doesn't reside within him, and the Wanderer's is unstable. It's possible that Jin-Gitaxias would be able to fix both of those things, but unlikely, I think.
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Tyvar Kell
Dude is such a lovable himbo, but ultimately I can see Tyvar sacrificing himself to save someone else OR taking on a fight he doesn't know he can't win just to punch something. Either way, we just met him and have relatively little investment in his story.
Between him and Lukka as the green representative, I think Tybar is more likely to be compleated. I love the twisted Saitama vibes on his incredibly unsettling What If art.
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Nissa Revane
Simply put, Nissa has too many loose plot threads dangling. Emrakul, Zendikar, Chandra, Liliana. I think Jace has a much better chance of being the veteran who bites it, and I doubt they'd off two original members of the Gatewatch in the same story.
That, and the face on her What If art looks a little too much like her regular face. I love the vibes though. It really screams (or perhaps whispers) "I am this forest."
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Kaya Cassir
Kaya is an active character with a lot of story left in her, but it would make a lot of sense if she were compleated as an extension of that. She's already been a noble, an assassin, and guild leader, an assassin, a hero, an assassin, and most recently, a cog vital component in Teferi's time machine.
At the moment, she's super OP as a Planeswalker, able to transport other living creatures across the planes AND through time, apparently. Her What If art shows a very Norn-inspired look, which suits her pretty well.
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The fact that Nahiri's What If artwork looks so much like her original form made me think she was going to be one of the ones who were safe at first. However, she looks like she's actively enjoying her new state. And, unlike Tyvar, completely in control. That makes me think that she might strike a deal with Urabrask, undergoing Phyrexianization willingly.
Plus, I mean, sword arms.
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And there you have it. That's my theory on who's going to be compleated, and who's going to continue the resistance against the Phyrexian tide. I tried to look for details in the artwork that may hint at specific story points (like Jace with Luxior), as well as keeping in mind the fact that we'll be seeing two color-balanced cycles.
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As always, please share your own thoughts and theories. I look forward to seeing what we all come up with!
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I like what you said about the handling of forgiveness in this ted lasso episode cause yeah they were so close and fumbled it in the last moment. I once heard someone say “forgiveness is an act of blame” and I think that’s part of what the writers are trying to convey. Forgiving someone says that there’s some way they’ve wronged you, something in need of forgiveness, but it also lets you move on, which is something Jamie so clearly needs given how freaked out he was by the prospect of his dad being in the stands. But yeah, just because you forgive someone and move on from the hurt they’ve caused you doesn’t mean you need to have any sort of relationship going forward. Like Jamie living his best life would be him literally never thinking about his dad again.
Honestly I don’t hate that they implied tartt sr is in rehab and getting help, because this is the second chance show, but I think it would have been more powerful to show that and then show jamie blocking his number or something. Like yeah good for you for working on yourself but the damage has been done and there’s some relationships you just can’t repair.
Fully agree!
I was trying really hard to say the right thing when making that post, because I think for a lot of people the idea is that forgiveness does = second chances or letting someone off the hook. So sometimes when you say things like "you need to forgive them" about something that IS awful and inexcusable or about someone who hasn't shown that they're sorry, people get upset because they think you're excusing the wrong actions.
But forgiveness doesn't negate accountability. And forgiveness can come out in very different scenarios - sometimes it means you can still repair that relationship and move on together and sometimes it's a one-person act for your own healing.
"Forgiveness is an act of blame" is a great way to put it.
Now that the season is almost over, I can see the threads through this entire season pulling it together. Almost every storyline has been about forgiving/letting go and moving on and the healing that comes from it. (It's also been about cycles - people learning from others showing forgiveness, or about one person's growth leading to another's, or about being examples for each other.)
And in so many ways I do think they've nailed it - this season and over the show as a whole. Even this episode, I mostly loved what they did with Jamie and his father - showing that even though Jamie had changed so much and done so much healing, he still hadn't entirely let his dad go and it was still affecting him.
And I agree, seeing that James is in rehab and is hopefully going to become better and improve his own life and those he's around from here on out in the Second Chances Show IS a good thing to show. No one is incapable of turning their life around. (Especially coupled with showing that his mom is not ever going to get back with him, even if he DOES improve himself. Like you said - there are some relationships you just can't repair after you destroy them.)
It's literally just the moment of Jamie reaching out in a way that welcomes James back into his life that bothers me. Because yes, being able to forgive and move on when the person who hurt you will never even acknowledge they did is so important. But you are not in any way obligated to start a relationship with them again.
I almost think it would have worked if Jamie had just texted him "I forgive you" and then blocked his number. Because it would have been a sign of Jamie doing it for himself, letting it go, but also him moving on without giving his dad an opportunity to walk back into his life.
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PLL: OS (Summer School) 2x05 thoughts
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x05 of Summer School
I just finished watching 2x05 and I have SO many thoughts, I don't even know where to begin. I think I'm going to structure this episode analysis a little differently by focusing on each of the main girls in turn, then everything else after. So... let's get started.
It feels right to start with Noa, since this is her "test" episode and she has all kinds of screen time in this episode. There is so much going on with her... every time I think I get a handle on how they want us to feel, they do something that confuses me with her.
Shawn/Noa/Jen - Let's talk about the love triangle. The whole first half of the episode, I was thinking, "Okay, they don't want us to like Noa and Jen, or they wouldn't make Shawn so ridiculously, endlessly supportive and just keep shoving in our faces how much he does not deserve this (based on everything we know now)," but then when they had Noa "dump" Jen, it genuinely felt to me like we were supposed to feel sad for them in that moment, which like... Why would we? Why would we like them? And y'all brought this situation upon yourselves! I don't get it, man.
Noa is like, "Maybe it's just temporary and your problems will go away," (I am paraphrasing) and I'm like, WHAT PROBLEMS NOA?? We have seen literally 0 problems between you and Shawn this season, except for the fact that you're cheating on him! I am trying SO hard to give Noa any grace I can muster, but she just keeps going lower. All season we've just got Noa like-
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The smidgen of grace that I can find for Noa this episode is that she is finally feeling guilty. As she should. It took her long enough. But also, she's still handling everything horribly. I think it would be easier to relate to her storyline this season if we'd seen more cracks in her relationship with Shawn earlier in the season. Like... he didn't go to Mouse's birthday? His mom sucks, but he knows that and he doesn't excuse it? Or even if they'd just spent time showing Noa and Shawn's different interests making them spend less and less time together and maybe even Noa getting bored of their relationship. But we didn't see any of this. It was like Jen showed up and Noa suddenly did a 180 on personality and relationships. It's weird.
Shawn - Again, I don't need to spend a lot of time here, because I've talked about this at length & we don't really have any new info about Shawn, but he continues to be ridiculously supportive of Noa (I mean, this relationship is absolutely doomed, right? There is no coming back from this when it all comes out.), and if he is legitimately innocent, he is getting royally screwed. That being said, the fact that they are making him so supportive of Noa and constantly willing to do anything for her and choosing her over everyone makes me incredibly suspicious of him. I know he was like this last season (mostly), but it's just so in our faces. It feels like they're either setting up for a big switch with him, or maybe they're going to kill him off. This is not a sustainable character, imo. He is also conveniently never around when the BR stuff is happening. He's been MIA for all 3 tests.
Jen - I was trying so hard to give Jen a chance. I got off on the wrong foot with her (personally) when I realized she was going to be the inciting factor for a love triangle (which I hate) and infidelity plot line, but every single episode I like her less. Have I written her off completely? No. She hasn't murdered anyone in cold blood (as far as we know) or SA'd anyone (as far as we know), so I'm not saying I could never like her, but boy do I not like her right now. It's not just the obvious stuff (seeming to take delight in messing with Noa behind Shawn's back, the lying, the stealing, the actively trying to break up a relationship, etc.), the thing that really struck me this episode was the moment when Noa is mad at Jen because she intentionally inserted herself in the conversation with Shawn (and basically taunted him, though he didn't know it) and Jen's all like "Are you seriously mad at me? I just wanted coffee." (again, paraphrasing) just like fully twisting the situation around and gaslighting Noa about what was happening there. I DO NOT fuck with this kind of manipulative trash behavior. And she does that a lot, deflect blame (like with the stolen money) and then act all hurt that you would think badly of her. It's fucking infuriating. I want to give her the tiniest smidgen of credit for paying Shawn back (though it seems like her motivation is, "if you don't owe him anything, then you can break up with him,"), but I'm not even sure if I should do that, because it wouldn't shock me (considering she implies she got the money in a shady way) if she's setting Shawn up to get in trouble with the cash. Like that's how much I don't trust her atm. I will talk about this more in the next point, but also how the HELL did she know how to find Noa at the end of the ep? What does she know? That being said, Jen being so unlikable and suspicious (which I think is on purpose) makes me feel like she's too obvious to be a twist antagonist. But maybe she's still a secondary antagonist. I'm not sure.
Noa's test - I'm now fully convinced that the "tests" aren't about testing them at all. I mean, yes, obviously "Rose" wasn't playing fair, attacking Faran after she passed, but I originally thought the "tests" might be some sort of "are you worthy of redemption?" games, but now I think the "tests" are only a tool. I believe they're being filmed. The girls are being forced to do these things for entertainment purposes (we'll get to that theory in a bit), and that's why the tests don't really have much of a point and seem only designed to inflict fear, pain, or exhaustion.
Noa's test made her feet bleed (bloody feet reminds me of the Five Holy Wounds). Originally, I thought all the religious imagery was a clue for us, but now I'm starting to wonder if it's more about intentionally creating this imagery itself (Again, I'll get into this theory later).
I don't know what's next for Noa, but it feels like she's still got a ways to go before she scrapes rock bottom, possibly.
Okay, I'm actually really excited to talk about Faran because I love her. I think I relate the most to Faran out of any of the girls, and her character has felt so consistent in her characterization and I love that.
So, as I've been predicting from the jump, her relationship with Henry is over. It took longer than I was expecting, but here we are.
Faran: "Honestly, I'm not sure how much longer Henry and I are for this world." Me: Have you been reading my PLL posts?
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^^ from my 2x01-2x02 analysis post
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^^ from my 2x03 analysis post
Anyway, I just think it's funny that Faran and I used the exact same wording about this situation.
Faran's resilience and strength has been a huge theme for her character, so I genuinely really loved the way she struggled with facing the fact that she's not as invincible as she had been feeling. I love seeing Faran vulnerable, because she's a character that doesn't necessarily show that as often, and she's so confident and powerful, which I admire so much about her, but she's still a person.
Even though the situation was weird, I like that Faran got some well deserved apologies.
Henry - It does feel weird to me that Henry's gotten "converted" so quickly. He didn't seem to have a strong religious background prior to joining the church (which he initially did for the acting role in redemption house), and he's been so obsessed with Faran, him not being able to walk away from the church is weird. I'll be discussing the church itself in a later section, but this episode has pushed me away a little bit from some of my theories, but it genuinely does feel like there's some weird... almost hypnosis-like stuff happening? I'm not really personally all that suspicious of Henry at the moment, it kind of feels like this storyline was a good way to connect Faran to the church plot & destroy her relationship at the same time, and I don't know that it needs to be any more than that? (with Henry specifically, I mean).
Greg - For a minute, I thought he'd been fully "converted" like Henry, which would ruin my Faran & Greg grudging team up theory, but I think that may still happen. Faran is definitely the one out of the girls with the most ties to the church/cult stuff, and obviously Greg does, too. He is annoying, but watching him constantly get shown up by Faran is honestly very enjoyable to me, so I'm not opposed.
First of all, the fact that we've seen Imogen grab knives multiple times and nothing happens with that (except for in Tabby's film where she stabs Chet) feels very Chekhov's Gun of them. It makes me a bit nervous that Johnny is present for both of these scenes and is the one who de-escalates the situation. Is it foreshadowing that she's going to stab him in the finale?
Johnny - I know this is totally irrelevant to the character & I'm trying not to develop a blind spot for him, but ever since I finally realized Johnny is played by Antonio Cipriano, I kind of love him 😅. Have y'all heard this man sing? ANYWAY, I know that's not how I should be judging the character, and if he does anything suspicious, I'm still gonna point that out (spoiler alert- he said something that sent me into a spiral and I'll be addressing that in the upcoming theories section). But I want nice things for Imogen (I mean, after last season, I want her to have anything she wants romantically) and anyway I know I was very undecided about Johnny for the first half of the season, but now I really want him to be good. Also I love his voice. I mean, obviously the actor is a gorgeous singer, but I mean that I love his speaking voice. It's so soothing. But then that makes me nervous.
Rebecca - PLL loves a "let's connect these characters with a common letter" twist, so I think we are absolutely supposed to notice that Rebecca and Rose are both R names. We know basically nothing about her, but the fact that they're introducing a step-mother figure (soon to be) when motherhood is a central theme to Imogen's story is clearly not a mistake. I'm not sure where this storyline is going. Rebecca is inherently suspicious, but the fact that she hasn't been introduced until over halfway through the season makes her feel disconnected from everything we've seen so far. I'm reserving judgement on this point of this character for now.
Mental Health - It's not a surprise that Imogen has been struggling with her mental health throughout this season. Not only does it run in her family, but she also has been through so much trauma. It would be more surprising if she were fine. I don't know if her profile in Dr. Sullivan's office was supposed to make us suspicious of her (Imogen) in some way, but I am not. I do think we'll see her stab someone by the end of the season, though. But I expect it will be someone who deserves it.
Mouse is in a kind odd position this episode. Her grandmother feels more important to the episode than she does.
Speaking of- the consistent presence of Mouse's grandmother makes it feel like her character is more important than I thought she would be. Does she have some sort of connection to Bloody Rose (or regular Rose Waters?) from her past? What's going on with this storyline? Why are they devoting time to it? I feel like I've missed something important. Any ideas?
Mouse herself feels quite background in this episode. We don't really see much of anything that moves her storyline forward. She sees the Bloody Rose Cult (more about that later) stuff, and she has a nightmare about Rose, but that's about it. Idk what else to say.
Ash - He's basically not in this episode. I'm not super suspicious of him, but I'm also not not suspicious. It still bothers me that he's been upgraded to a main cast member, but we haven't seen him that much this season (like he and Greg were the two that got bumped up and Greg has been around a lot more compared to season 1), which makes me wonder if he has a LOT of screen time near the end, which would likely be due to him being involved in things. But there's also just... pretty much nothing to back this up? What would his motive even be? The only suspicious stuff we've seen from him so far- being MIA during Mouse & Faran's tests (but we know where he was during Noa's), MIA for actually finding Rose Waters (that split up was very weird), Red Right Hand playing over one of his scenes, He was wearing a shirt in 2x05 that looked like it had roses on it, and also his actor's credit in the opening sequence is laid over the bloody rose in the locker (Greg's actor's credit is also over a bloody rose). But why would he do any of this? How would they connect it? So... yeah, that's where I am with him rn.
Tabby's film festival plot line seems to be a lot more important than I originally thought it was. In fact, it is a major piece in my current working theory, and I feel like Tabby and film is a pretty central theme to this season of the show. Of course Tabby has always been a big horror film nerd, and of course the show has always made a lot of references. But I think they might be even more important this season.
Christian - I've generally been not so suspicious of Christian this season, but I'm becoming more and more so. I just feel like the whole plot line of him quite literally making a Bloody Rose mask (particularly when I think it's quite clear someone is dressing up like Rose. it's not actually Rose, and real Rose probably never looked anything like that anyway, so they got that mask somewhere and he is the most obvious source for the mask) should have come back around by now if he's 100% innocent. Instead, Tabby hasn't questioned this. That puts me on edge. He's also kind of suffering from the "too perfect so now you're automatically suspicious" characterization I've mentioned before. There is one particular reason that I've become more suspicious of Christian after this episode, but I'm going to cover that in the theories section.
Camp Millwood - When Tabby first mentioned this in the episode, I thought we might be getting the "secluded cabin/camp in the woods" plot line that I've been anticipating, but it's not exactly an abandoned or secluded location anymore. It does feel a lot like the Stab-a-thon in Scream 4, though. So that's interesting. I feel like there have been a lot of Wes Craven references this season (there is a character named Wes in this show).
Friday the 13th - There are a ton of film (specifically horror) references throughout the show, but there being such an emphasis on this series doesn't feel accidental. I've not seen the entire series, but I do know the famous twist of the first film (which I will not spoil here) and that feels like it could be related, considering the themes of this show. Scream references this twist, too, and I've seen a lot of Scream references in this season. But since I am not a Friday the 13th expert, I think it's possible the importance of bringing this franchise up may have gone over my head a bit.
Dr. Sullivan
I think I need to give this character her own section, since we learned a lot this episode.
I'm really not sure how much we're supposed to trust her. As I've said before, I don't think her being "good" in the original show necessarily means she'll turn out good in this one. I do think Dr. Sullivan's past & the fact that she has multiple quotes throughout the season that feel like they're implying she may have lost a child needs to reappear. I'm just not entirely convinced it's directly tied to our BR plot, or... that it means she's involved in an antagonistic way.
Okay, maybe this an unpopular opinion, but like... If you're telling your therapist shit, she's gonna write it down. I know that Dr. Sullivan was illegally recording the sessions, and that's obviously major malpractice (and seems like a weird risk to take, just to write a book) that could get her license taken away, so I'm not saying it doesn't matter. But I also felt like the girls were a lot more freaked out by it than I (a viewer) was. Like... your therapist is going to keep records of you. They are going to write down things you tell them. How the hell would they keep track of all their patient's issues if they didn't? This is a more extreme version of that, and if a therapist IRL was doing that (secretly recording you), it would be upsetting. I just think in the scheme of issues in the show, this one felt like they had a huge reaction, when there are other big issues they just brush off like it's nothing.
Now, whether or not Dr. Sullivan is being honest about what she was doing is an entirely different matter. I can't help but wonder if she's doing some investigating (illegally) because she thinks the events of what happened in Millwood (and possibly what's happening now) are tied to the loss of her loved one (possibly a child) and she's trying to solve it & she recorded the girls because she wanted transcripts to be able to review everything in detail. If she's trying to figure out what happened to her child, that would be a motive big enough to be worth risking your career, and could keep her from being a "bad" character, while still being shady. She wasn't surprised at being pushed down the stairs (if that even happened) and she said in this episode that she volunteered to work with the girls. So anyway, I think she may be investigating.
I do have another theory about the recordings (we'll get there).
Other Notes
Rose has a German Shepherd?? Listen, I'm probably not supposed to think too hard about this, but this (again) feels like an unnecessarily elaborate set up.
Kairos being brought up by name again still interests me- if you haven't read my earlier posts about this, I've pretty extensively discussed why this is interesting in my 2x04 analysis. You can find that tagged 'pll' on my blog.
Bloody Rose Cult - the online version of the cult kind of confuses me. I'm not sure how that's going to tie in, like it feels like it has to be there for a reason, but it also felt like a complication to the plot that we maybe didn't need. So what gives?
I'll just get the big one out of the way first-
Wes. I mentioned last week that just because Wes hasn't had a huge presence this season, I haven't forgotten that he is sketchy AF. I also theorized that the SpookySpaghetti BR films might be his (and might even be the rejected festival films he made). I also mentioned during my church (specifically Mrs. Beasley) theory that the biggest snag in that theory is the technological side of Rose, her online presence, the use of the term "final girls," etc. None of that really fits with Mrs. Beasley, even if she is working with kids from the youth group. So here's what makes the most sense to me at this moment. Wes is making a movie. He saw the events of the Millwood Massacre, realized he had five "final girls" right in front of him, is bitter about his plot with Tabby from last season, and is desperate to "make it" in the industry. The tests are weirdly convoluted and nonsensical because they matter only insomuch as the footage they capture for his film. Whether or not they pass doesn't matter to Rose, as long as they don't ALL die because there needs to be someone left for the finale. If they fail, gory death footage. If they pass, tense chase scene. If Wes is behind this, I think the church (cult) are the villains of his film. We see a BR cult in the most recent film on SpookySpaghetti, and they are doing exactly what we later see Kelly, Henry, and the church doing. I think it may be that all the religious imagery, the kills all being "sinners," the supposed "tests," is all designed to lead back to the cult (based off of Kelly's church) in the film. This is why "Rose" killed the teens in the cabin, and Sandy, no tests, but devised convoluted traps for the girls to escape. Those other characters aren't final girls; they don't need to make it to the finale. I suspect the "finale" is planned for Redemption House. Sooooo, that's the new big theory.
If someone is making a movie, this also ups my suspicions of Christian. Wes is the obvious choice (I mean, he's named Wes, he's a walking horror reference), but he's also already an annoyance at best, so it's easy to suspect him. Christian has as much horror movie knowledge and could also be working on something like this. The fact that he's NOT been a suspect basically at all (Tabby thought he was weird for like 5 minutes) definitely is a red flag for me. I also think this is a multi-person operation (at least two, possibly more).
I also think, even if the "Wes is making a movie" theory is correct, we have to have someone who has more personal knowledge (or access to it) of the girls involved as well. How does Rose know their secrets? As far as we know, only Jen & Noa know about their relationship, but Rose knew. Obviously the love interests are all in a good position to get info, but none of them have complete access to all the girls, so they could be pooling their info, or they could be stealing/checking phones, etc. OR it could be someone like Dr. Sullivan. She knows A LOT of the girl's secrets, and she might even know about Jen & Noa's original relationship if she has access to juvie records. Who knows? I haven't forgotten that all their numbers leaked and there aren't many characters who should have been able to do that. It's also possible (if she and Wes or she and Christian were working together) that she was recording the girls for dialogue/audio for the script of the film.
My big question about this is.... How would Wes (or Christian, if he's involved) think he could get away with this? If he makes his movie out of real footage, people will know. Maybe he doesn't care. Maybe he just wants the recognition, no matter the cost.
The Church - I'm not completely not suspicious of the church anymore, like I still like a lot of the analysis I did on it, but I think my current theory fits a little better at the edges. Still, I've got my eye on them.
Jen showing up to pick Noa up is weird. Since Noa was walking around in the woods for a while, it seems unlikely she would have been able to follow her very well. But I feel this could also be easily explained by Jen being tipped off in some way. It's weird, but I'm not ready to make a strong judgement on it yet.
Okay, okay, okay. This is me taking a ridiculous shot in the dark based on the tiniest shred of evidence (and honestly kinda hope I'm wrong), but I had this wild thought when Johnny mentioned his dad is an asshole. We know basically nothing about Johnny, but they give us this little tidbit. This show loves twin twists. This show loves its alliterative names (Karen & Kelly). And there's someone else who also mentioned their dad is an asshole. Could Johnny & Jen be twins? We get the impression that Jen is an only child because she mentions she and her mom were abandoned by her dad (however honest that is), but she never said she didn't have siblings. We've never seen Johnny and Jen interact (they were both at the skate party, but not interacting), and they're both possibly not from Millwood (Jen mentions she had to come to Millwood for summer school, implying she's usually enrolled elsewhere, and Johnny asked that girl on a date to Rosewood, meaning he may also not be a Millwood native). Once I thought it, I had to write it down. It seems like a stretch, but I would never forgive myself for thinking this and not saying it if it turned out to be true.
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soullistrations · 2 months
reactions about the new 911 behind a cut bc i'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said (and i'm about to reblog a few of those posts)
i've been watching a couple episodes late bc my partner got into it so we watch it together, and we were just. sitting there like. they're really comparing this child to a dog? they're really doing that?
like. they handled that whole plot line SO badly. the scare tactic music when karen found the ripped up stuffed animal, and again when she was at the foot of their bed? the fact that the social worker was like 'she made it known that she wanted to keep her blanket' but didn't feel the need to go into more detail so the foster family just had to figure out on their own that that was a trigger for her? like! as fosters, they should have gotten SO much more information, but the way the episode was structured was for *drama* instead of empathy or accuracy. the ending, with karen telling mara how strong and brave she was, and that she didn't need to be brave, and identifying a positive coping mechanism to help with her transition? absolutely lovely. most of the rest of it? a mess.
as for hen being like 'i don't know if we can keep her'--i do think that set up was also for drama, bc as i said above, in a real circumstance i do think they would have been more informed. if it was just mara and no other children, i don't think hen would have brought that up at all. but...look. fostering is hard. she wasn't wrong about denny needing to feel safe in his own home. i think it would be realistic for her to be concerned about making sure the environment is safe for all the kids in the home. but that conversation itself, and the fact that hen needed to be convinced to give mara another chance through saving a traumatized dog, was trash. there was a better way to approach a complicated situation like that.
eddie's storyline was. fine. i can tell it was rushed bc of the short season, and some of the character beats that i think they would have taken more time on just had to be told to the audience in shorthand, and frankly, i can forgive that. bobby's scene with eddie was very nice. how relieved he was by her moving out at the end was, frankly, funny. like 'haha i can't wait to move out' '*relieved sigh* me EITHER' girl if i was marisol i would be so offended.
buck is a hot mess and i'm glad tommy gave him another chance bc he made an absolute fool out of himself, but his scenes with maddie and eddie were both really nice.
overall it just. hm. it felt uneven. like eddie and buck's storylines were both treated in a really light way, which kind of worked with the subject matter and resolution of their plots. but then when hen and karen's got a...sort of similar treatment? with the ~~spooky child~~ thing they were trying at the beginning of the episode, it rang very unsympathetic and dehumanizing toward a little black girl in pain, which is not what i want, need, or expect from this show.
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whencallstheheart · 8 months
The 10 x 11 sneak peak.
Elizabeth clearly wants to runaway. Not from Nathan but that conversation.
She says what choice do I have. Since when does she let anyone make choices for her?
She's playing it safe and just settling. Which is not fair to Lucas. He deserves her whole heart, without any doubts/regrets.
She's been letting Nathan in little by little. No PTSD or projecting Jack onto Nathan. Seeking him out and not the other way around. Maybe or maybe not giving him the wrong impression about their friendship. That remains to be seen.
The way Nathan's voice softens when he ask Elizabeth, what do you want. He's concerned about her, and not asking how she feels about him.
Whether it's fear or something else, she needs to face her true feelings before marrying Lucas.
I'm actually surprised that Rosemary hasn't noticed the change in Elizabeth. This is more than premarital jitters.
Just my opinions.
The triangle storyline should've never been revisited.
Elizabeth is very hypocritical when it comes to her feelings (as many of us can be). She pushes other people to open up but when faced with looking inward she can't do that very easily. It's a hard thing to do and she's successfully avoided doing it for a while. She seems really content to just go through the motions but she can't do that forever. I'm really curious to see what she ends up saying to Nathan (I'm anticipating they get interrupted though) and to Rosemary.
Rosemary doesn't always seem like a great friend. I feel like Elizabeth is able to notice when things are off with Rosemary easier than the other way around. I also think Rosemary is so easily distracted when they're talking. There's always something else going on and she's a new mom now so I don't think they've really had the chance to just sit down and talk about anything lately.
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captain-hen · 1 year
hi again!! i realized i never updated you with my thoughts on s6, so here they are, rapid-fire style:
overall i think episodes one and two were very weak, but the rest of the season has been pretty decent. 6A was definitely my least favorite batch of episodes if i had to pick, but watching it all at once wasn't that bad and 6B has been very promising so far.
athena's cold case episode was really sad and unsettling, but i'm glad they did it and i'm very happy that she got to have that closure and revisit the case that made her want to be a cop. that's actually one thing i've been really liking about s6, that we've gotten to go back and tie up a lot of old threads from previous seasons.
the noah storyline was really weird and imo it should have been a longer arc with a better payoff for him. he wasn't a bad guy and i'm a little sad about the way they treated him.
idk what it is about maddie and chimney but i feel like their relationship has been a little off in 6A. i liked all of their domestic scenes with jee-yun, but i also think some things were very rushed (like the scene where they got back together). maybe it's just that they didn't get a lot of screentime? 6B has been better though and i'm glad the writers are finding their groove with them again.
on a brighter note, season six eddie is making me very happy. after his breakdown in 5B, he seems so much more at ease and more comfortable in his skin now and i'm so proud of him :)
hen might be my favorite character this season. her trying to do so much in episodes one and two, failing and having a breakdown but then convincing the prof to give her another chance and nailing it, and then eventually deciding that being a doctor wasn't what her real dream was and that her family was more important? i loved every second of it, and i think that aisha hinds's performance was nothing short of magnificent. i also loved the henren flashbacks!!
i kind of wish that they'd brought in the priest from s1 or another old character instead of wendall for that storyline. i enjoyed it regardless and i really loved all of the grant-nash family scheming, but i think it wouldve been more impactful if we had actually already known this character instead of just pretending like he'd been here the whole time. it's not a huge complaint though bc i do think bobby saving tamara and shutting down that fake rehab center was very healing for him....and did i mention how much i loved the grant-nash stuff? if there's one thing season 6 is doing right, it's the grant-nash dynamic. i miss michael and harry, but everything with bobby, may, and athena has been amazing.
sorry for the long ask, i just have so many things to say 😭 and i have even more to say about 6B + the buddie of it all, including the sperm donor plot, so that's gonna be a separate ask!!
hi again! i mostly agree with all of this! i actually thought 6x01 and 6x02 were two of the better episodes of the season, so i'm surprised you didn't like them (though i do understand that the blimp call was disappointing). the devil you know was SUCH a good episode, same as tommorow, and you're absolutely right that hen's arc has been the best one this season!
i agree with you about maddie and chimney: the premier was promising for them, but they just kind of...settled back into their relationship with each other with no bigger hurdles? i was hoping for there to be a little more of them having to work things out; i appreciated that 6x01 showed their lingering insecurities, but...idk. unlike the other seasons, they really haven't had a proper arc this season (as of yet). even maddie has just kinda been drifting from episode to episode, and hasn't really had a proper storyline, which is very uncharacteristic of the show.
home invasion and what's your fantasy have been the weakest episodes imo, and i completely agree with you about the noah arc; it could have been a really good storyline for maddie to mentor another dispatcher while trying to adjust to being back at work after her extended absence, but they had to go with this extremely out of touch plot that was in very bad taste. i'm pretty sure the noah thing is one of the aspects of the season that i will not change my mind about, even after a full rewatch.
it was nice to hear from you again!
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missmagooglie · 1 year
The more I think about it, the more I feel like the Buckley Parent arc isn't over yet.
And hopefully neither is the arc with Chim's dad.
Because what we're seeing is Buck and Chim is them coming to terms with their parents' shortcomings and reframing their childhood understanding of their parents behavior. But we aren't seeing those parents take any real action to repair the relationship or make ammends.
I think it really tilted Chim's worldview to hear that his Dad's perception of their falling out was that it was due his failure as a father rather than Chim's failure as a son. Like, Chim's whole life he's thought "My dad things I'm a failure, but screw him anyway. I'm gonna be my own person and make my own choices without him" while back in Korea his dad's been thinking "I am a failure as a father, and the shame of that makes facing my son too difficult". And by learning his father's perspective, Chim's now more open to staring to rebuild their relationship.
But like Hen says, "He hurt you, Chim. Repeatedly." That hurt doesn't just go away because Chim has a little better understanding of his Dad's point of view. His dad's *reasons* may have been different than Chim thought, but his actions and how they affected Chim remain the same. And Chim still hasn't had the chance to talk to his dad and share that hurt and anger so that he can let it go.
And for Buck, he's finally realizing he shouldn't need to *earn* his parents love. He's realizing that the expectations his parents put on him from conception don't define him, and that he's enough just as he is. He is worthy of love even when he is not being of service.
And I think the next step for him is to realize that he doesn't have to be grateful for them wanting him. That he's allowed to set boundaries. Just because he spent 30 years wanting their attention doesn't mean he has to let himself be smothered by it now that they've decided to give it. (I feel like this might also tie into that fantasy vs reality theme that 6a introduced. *Finally* getting something you've been wanting for so long, only to find it doesn't feel as good as you expected).
Also. The parallels between Bobby and the Buckley's was stark. I'm gonna have to rewatch, but I don't think the Buckley parents actually stepped into the room the entire time Buck was unconscious, with the exception of the ventilator removal (when Buck's subconscious got REAL LOUD about thinking they might not care if he lived or died). Meanwhile, Bobby was sitting at his bedside nearly constantly. Bobby was *shown* as being in a constant state of worry, while the Buckley parents were just kinda pulled in from outside when something was happening.
But this isn't gonna be a clean break or a happily ever after for either storyline. They're both gonna be complex and nuanced storylines about managing relationships and deciding what past transgressions people are willing to forgive in the name of moving forward and what boundaries people will set in the name of not getting hurt again.
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piccolina-mina · 3 years
The entire One Chicago franchise is a mess when it comes to the romantic components of the series. But Chicago PD continues to be the most uninspired, boring, and redundant mess when it comes to their romantic ships and how they display them.
It's as if someone holds a gun to their head and says "let's choose the most basic, young, white heteronormative relationships and smack a cutesy name on them. Fandom will eat it up!" And without fail, fandom always does.
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It's bad enough that half the Intelligence Unit thinks they can only date or sleep with each other. It's also bad enough that it further contributes to Chicago PD's ongoing issue with rarely knowing what to do with its female characters beyond specific plots I've come to call the "traditionally feminine womanly plots" and tying them in with a male character where everything about them hinges on their connection to a male. And also that "there can only be one" issue where only one of the female characters can serve as the primary one while the others duke it out for screentime, plot, and relevancy (congrats on always winning Lindsay and Hailey).
But they recycle the same things ad nauseum. For eight seasons, they would rather devote all of their time cooking up romantic subplots that exclusively feature a constant rotation of Ruzek and Halstead. I get it, they're attractive, hell, I'm no stranger to thirsting over Ruz myself, but they're the lotharios of the unit as if only they can be desirable, and it's gotten so old. My God.
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They would rather give us these two involved with mostly young and white women, especially their squad mates, then devote screentime to literally any alternative couple.
I mean they have SHARED a love interest. Why? The only ships they have ever devoted significant screentime or development to: Halstead and Erin, Halstead and Upton, Ruzek and Burgess, Ruzek and Upton, Burgess and Roman. Qwhite shocking, I know.
Trudy and Mouch have one of the sweetest crossover romances from the franchise, and it's so refreshing to see a middle-aged couple find love, and yet, they've all but cooled off showing them, rarely give that ship screentime, and it tends to stay in the peripheral compared to the big ships.
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Dawson had a romance with Brett from Chicago Fire (another character who gets passed around to the point of absurdity), but they did very little with it, and most of THAT even took place on CF.
They gave Dawson something troubling with another law enforcement officer or whatever for like a single episode, but hell, they still devoted more time and actual arcs to the two or three times where they put Halsted in similar relationships because of course they did.
Never forget that the first relationship that dates pre-series was Chicago Fire's Gabby with *spins wheel* you guessed it, Jay Halstead.
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And of course there was Erin and Severide. So pretty. So ... basic.
Yet they never attempted to give us more of Dawson and his wife or Olinsky and his. The women were barely characters on the series. It would've been something.
I don't mind Burzek. Out of all the ships, I enjoy them most more often than not, but it has been eight seasons of will they/won't they bullcrap that they've drawn out. All of these ups and downs. The one non-cop related romance Burgess had lasted all of a second and ended in tragedy because heaven forbid they DON'T put that woman through endless pain.
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But they've always remained the second place ship of the series, and it's just... enough. Meanwhile, we started the series with Erin and Halstead monopolizing screentime with their romantic situationship drama, and instead of giving it a rest and changing things up when she left, they switched it out with the Halstead and Hailey will they/won't they. Why?
Heaven forbid Halstead or Ruzek don't have a piece of ass.
Ruzek was even Trudy's choice for a relationship ruse to dupe her father.
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In the meantime, one of the most outlandish and unrealistic parts of this series is that Kevin Atwater-- young, smart, just as hot as Chicago PD's golden, pretty, white boys hasn't had a real, significant romantic storyline in the eight years this series has been on air.
In what universe does that make sense? Single, eligible, employed, decent black man? Da faq?
Pardon my bluntness but Kevin Atwater should be seeing more ass than a toilet seat. The fact that he isn't batting folks off with a stick is ludicrous.
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He had ONE fkd up romantic storyline in his one "very special black Kevin" episode in season SIX and that's it. Pardon me? Do you know how many of those Jay has had? Twice or more than Kevin.
On a series that pairs up colleagues like it's their mission, they never once even considered taking the Burgess and Atwater relationship in any other direction beyond platonic (and even that is underused these days). I'm not even saying I would've wanted that. I'm just pointing out that it made no sense given their track record to not even tease it. But Kevin is only good for platonic purposes, I suppose.
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The fact that they put all their eggs in a potential Atwater and Rojas ship, that never even came to fruition, in season SEVEN of a series Atwater has been in since the beginning when characters like Adam and Jay have already had two relationships or more under their belts by then is ridiculous.
And then there's Voight. He's the lead character and never once had a romantic storyline. If he were younger, you already know they would've went there a few times over.
Yet the closest Hank has come to one is an ambiguous scene with him talking to a sex worker in a hotel room back in, like, season two. Are we to believe that he has never once developed feelings for or even had sex with anyone else since his wife died? He's never moved on after that?
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They could easily allude to him being on an ace or demi spectrum if they want, even if I would side eye them for choosing the older character to do it, but if that's the case, they should do something with that.
Even a storyline with a widowed, middle- aged hardass finding love or getting some would be infinitely more interesting and at the very least something different than the same old same old Ruzek & Halstead merry-go-round. Damn, the 50 and over crowd need love too.
And yet Chicago PD keeps feeding us the same bland diet repackaged.
Fine. Burzek has been a thing from the beginning. But after Jay and Erin WHY did they need Hailey and Jay? And if they were going to do Jay and Hailey, why in the mother loving fk did we need Hailey and Adam?
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The good sis bagged not one but both of the coveted white boys.
I mean, just for variety, Dawson was right there. Kevin was right there. I wouldn't have been a fan, but hell, it would at least be something different. Much better than acting as if Halstead and Ruzek are the only viable romantic options.
Why subject her to that?
Isn't it bad enough that she's more often than not reduced to being Lindsay Lite anyway? They struggle to give her a presence that deviates and distinguishes her from Erin as is. From her troubled past, and her stage of being mini- Voight and challenging his authority, to this thing with Jay.
Hell, they even repeated a whole job offer thing.
Mind you, don't get me started on how they missed what should've been the obvious chance to make Hailey queer. If I'm stepping on toes, my bad, but everything about Hailey screamed bi or lesbian. She radiated queer energy, but INSTEAD they chose to pair her with not one but both of CPD's romantic male leads.
Why beat this well-tread path yet again?
Of all the possibilities, and all the different avenues they can explore, they just keep dipping into that same well, and it's so tiresome. It's so unoriginal and uninspired. Yes, it's just so basic. I'm talking 20th century shipping... CPD is so outdated with this and it makes it hard to invest or care about any of them, especially if you already aren't inclined to ship within the series as is.
Shock me. Thrill me. Intrigue me. Bloody hell.
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She Ain’t You II
I MIGHT do a part 3 to this one like I did with hungover, as I have an idea where this could go. Some storylines I end up getting more ideas for more parts rather than a whole book.
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Adam Ruzek x Reader 
Part 1 Part 3
It had been a year since you transferred out of intelligence and into the gang unit in New York.
You knew that after the night at mollys Adam broke it off with Belle and hasn't been with anyone else and also hasn't been his self since your fight. As you kept in regular contact with Kevin and Antonio.
As you sat at your desk your Sargent came over.
"I've got Hank voight on the phone wanting to speak to you"
"Thanks" you nodded picking your phone up. "Voight"
"(Y/L/N) how you doing kiddo" Hank asked
What people didn't realise was Hank was your uncle so the transfer was smooth and instant with the real reason hidden.
"I'm actually doing good" you smiled as you rested your hand on your swollen stomach.
"And how's bump doing?" He asked.
"I swear this little one is using my insides as a punching bag" you laughed "but it's worth it. Now why do I get the feeling this isn't a personal call"
"You know your uncle well then" he chuckled "actually I need your help on a case"
"Really" you groaned.
"Yes kiddo, we brought one of your cis in as her sister was murdered but she knows something and is refusing to talk to anyone but you" he said
"Okay I will clear it with my Sarge and will be on the first flight to Chicago" you said grabbing your personal phone and bag.
"Ring me when you land and I will come pick you up"
"So who actually knows you are pregnant?" Hank asked taking your gym bag from you.
"Urm you, Kev and tonio" you said zipping your coat up.
"You going to be okay around Ruzek?" He asked.
"I can't speak for Ruzek but I can be professional" you nodded.
"He might flip when he sees your stomach" Hank laughed.
"Let him, he isn't part of my life any more uncle Hank" you said climbing into the car.
You heard the guys laughing as they came up the stairs.
"I know them battered converse anywhere" Antonio laughed hugging me from behind.
"Hey tonio" you grinned spinning round to give him a proper hug but your bump got in the way.
"Jheeze this ones growing fast since I saw you a couple months back" he whispered placing his hand on my stomach as the baby kicked.
"Yeah and looking like a future boxer as well" you laughed pulling away from the hug.
"So Voights got me up to speed with the case, where is Jessie?" You asked.
You could have sworn Adam's eyes lit up when he saw you until Antonio moved out the way and his eyes fell on you stomach. Then it was a look of hurt and anger.
"She's in the interview room" Antonio smiled placing a hand on my shoulder leading me to the room.
"I told you I'm not speaking to anyone but (Y/N)" Jessie shouted.
"I know that's why we made some calls and got her to fly out from New York" Antonio nodded as you walked in the door.
"Now Jessie you need to tell me everything you know because I want to catch this son of a bitch" you said sitting down.
After 10 minutes you got all the information you needed to start figuring out who the murder was. As what Jessie didn't know the name of the guy just what he looked like and what happened between him and her sister.
This whole thing could have been done over FaceTime but you secretly thought this was part of Hank and Antonio's plan on getting yo and Adam speaking again, the fact it involved a case made it easier.
"So how long we got you for?" Kevin asked.
"Till this case is over" you smiled
"Good, hows your sister doing?" He asked.
"She's doing well" you smiled "especially now"
The rest of the shift went really well, nothing kicked off between you and Adam but the night was still young.
"Can we go for a chat?" Adam asked
"Yeah sure" you nodded pushing your self up following Adam into the locker room.
"I was gonna ask how things are going but judging by your stomach I know the answer to that" he sighed.
"Trust me Adam it's not how it looks" you whispered.
"It looks pretty obvious to me" he spat "so the roles have reversed I'm miserable and you've moved on. After that night I broke up with Belle because I knew I should have never broke up with you and I should have talked things through and literally the next day I came to find you but you had already left for New York and now you are pregnant and we haven't spoke for who knows how long"
He was pacing around the locker room.
"I'm not going to argue with you ok Adam" you sighed "I can honestly say I am still single because I do still love you and to be honest I think I always will"
"Didn't stop you getting pregnant though" he scoffed.
"Right ok you need to listen to me" you sighed "you remember that car accident my sister got in a couple of years ago"
"Yeah I still don't know how she walked away from that" he mumbled.
"Well her injuries were that bad she had to have a hysterectomy" you said as he sat down and you could see him piecing everything together.
"So the baby isn't yours?" He asked.
"No, I'm carrying my niece or nephew" you smiled softly at him.
Adam then realised that there still might be a slither of hope left for you two after all.
"I know I was a jerk and I actually hate myself for who and what I have become. Like I said I should have told you how I was feeling instead I ran and lost the best fucking thing that ever happened to me" he said as a single tear rolled down his cheek. "Is there any chance at all we can go back to how we was?"
"Adam" you sighed taking his hand in yours. "We both know we can't just jump back to how we was, even though I am still crazily in love with you"
"I know" he sniffed.
"I'm not ruling it out though, I think we just need to take things slow, like building the friendship back up slow. We haven't spoke in a year and the last time we did we both said things in the past we didn't mean" you whispered as you slid closer to him.
"So what do you want to do?" He asked.
"Let's take things day by day, I'm going to be going back to New York after the case and to have this baby and I think that will help us, being in different states as it means we can focus of building back up. Let's see where we are in 3 months time" you whispered as he lent his head against your shoulder.
"Can I give you a hug?" He mumbled.
You didn't say anything but opened your arms out pulling him into a hug.
Even after every thing that had happened being in Adam's arms still felt like home.
"Yo I don't hear any screaming so we all good in here?" Kevin said coming into the locker room seeing you and Adam holding each other tight.
"Yeah we are good" Adam nodded pulling away smiling softly at you.
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