#this week has been A LOT
bun-after-dark · 6 months
God I love soft dumbification. The “let your thoughts go, you don’t need them” and “no thinking, that’s for me to do” I have to just obey when they’re being so sweet about it. How could I not let my brain be wiped when you’re so polite in telling me?
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innocuoussketches · 1 year
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wahgifs · 2 years
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what do you want? it depends on what you can offer me. love in the air episode 8
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
If anyone sees me on here this afternoon answering asks or posting stuff…no you didn’t. I’m definitely not allowing myself a cheat day
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thisismyobsessionnow · 6 months
Good morning!
I somehow ended up barricade by Jan again last night????? Wasn't really what I had planned, or thought I could achieve, but I'm very happy I went for it!
I have a few videos, I haven't looked through them yet but I think I unfortunately had a lot of glare from the lights so I'm not sure they'll be worth posting. I'll go through them later when I've gotten myself in order and I'm on my way to Spain.
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azraeldigabriel · 5 days
Been a very stressful morning so far, I’m really hoping that everything calms down soon…
We’re starting into looking to buy a house again, and the thought of it absolutely fills me with dread but. The apartment complex we’re living in now is taking us through hell and we’re beyond done with them. Can’t wait to leave tbh.
I need like a pound of pasta, cuddles, and a good movie or ten to relax.
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doll-princesse · 4 months
t minus 9 days til the ďòłļë show.
this weekend I’ll wake up early to protect my wake up time, and I’ll get in a some radio taisei and an indoor walking workout, and spend the morning finishing her dress and making some new fancy bloomers. addy 💙💙💙💙
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indigosunsetao3 · 2 months
Today has been todaying.
It's one of those where I'm one ‘pocket getting caught on the door handle’ away from just fucking losing it.
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I just want to write this things and maladaptive daydream about my ideas. Goddamn adult job.
Send me asks. I have social obligations this evening so I can’t truly sit and write but I can do short little things or answer questions💙
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carladuquette · 6 months
I’ve been meaning to write this, and I have also been avoiding to write this, because it’s kind of embarrassing. But here it goes.
On Tuesday, I cried in my ED counselor’s office (this is NOT the embarrassing part!).  I was upset that I had already been doing better and I am now doing worse. Feels like I took a step or three backwards. And I was also worried that she was going to be disappointed in me because I hadn’t managed to hang on to what we talked about in earlier sessions. Here’s what she told me. Ready?
Healing is not a straight line.
If you know me as the Close your eyes writer, you know why me having to be told this is funny/embarrassing. If not I’ll get there in a sec. But that’s what she said to me. She even drew it on a piece of paper, going “healing doesn’t look like this“ (draws a straight line upwards), “but like this” (draws a wavy up-and-down line). 
The thing is: I literally wrote about this very sentiment for more than 2.5 years. I wrote a long (looong) fanfiction, about a character trying to heal from trauma and this, healing is not a straight line, was something she had to learn again and again over the course of the story. Because I wrote that for her! I don’t know how many times I’ve used the exact words my counselor used talking to readers in the comments. And yet I have difficulty applying it to my own life. Wild how something can make so much sense for another person and yet you cannot show yourself the same grace.
And to come back to the crying - I tried to hold my tears in and didn’t full-on sob, which was quite the effort. My counselor told me to let it all out. Which I couldn’t do and kind of regret, because my plan to just swallow it down in the moment  and let it out at home didn’t work. Once I’d made it home, I couldn’t cry anymore and I think it would’ve done me good. I literally wrote a scene in my fic where the protagonist hides her face in her hands, so her therapist doesn’t see her tears. And the therapist tells her that she shouldn’t waste her energy on trying not to cry or to hide it, that it’s OK to let it all out 🙃
TL;DR: Healing is not a straight line. It’s just not. You will do better, and then you will do worse and then you will do better again. It sucks when you’re in one of the valleys on that wavy line, but you’ll go up again too. (Trying hard to hang on to that rn.)
Cry in therapy! It’s OK. 
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yoonia · 5 months
Expectation: it's the weekend! I'm gonna be up all night to write and finish this
Reality: slept for 12 hours
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vampireknitting · 10 months
So it's been like an official year since I had the iud removed.
Occasionally, I get a lil depression blip, but nothing like what the pills and the iud had triggered. In this year, I have come to learn that the fake hormones make me suicidal. I'm still not sure what to do with that other than be sad at how long I was pressured to stay on them, especially since I started taking them when I was 16 or so. 11ish almost 12 years on these depressants.
I have had very regular cycles since the removal which has been lovely. First day kicks my butt but I don't feel as crippled by it like I once was, even with endometriosis and ovarian cysts. But I believe that's thanks to my wonderful darling giving me the ability to be a homemaker.
Had my first pregnancy scare. That was interesting. While we'd welcome babies with open arms, we do not live in a place where we can raise them. And I say them because ya girl here has like an almost certain chance of having twins. My bio father is a twin, and it's my generations turn. I learned that if your first pregnancy is twins, you're likely to have more twins with every pregnancy. So, like, I find it a tad scary. Both of my sisters could also have twins too so like that's a thing that could happen.
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horny-plushy · 8 months
after this week, i need to get high and have someone fuck me until i cant think about anything but their cock. that's all i need
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Two hours ago I was having horrible stomach pain, and now that I've puked up all my dinner and am finally starting to feel better, my stomach is gurgling hungrily like it did nothing wrong.
As if I'm leaving it charge of any more food tonight.
Be empty for a while and think about what you did, punk.
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nightcoreraver · 8 months
me, having a REALLY shitty week: :(
artist i commissioned: here’s some art of sharky + rook and they’re really cute and comforting
me, now having a slightly less shitty week: :)
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anthrofreshtodeath · 9 months
Simply no 🙂
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themultiversefox · 9 months
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Today was utterly exhausting and, unfortunately, I haven't had much time to work on my pieces, so have the product of me struggling to understand Nexus Mods.
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