#this was one of my favorite scenes of hers
Against Lore
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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One of my favorite nuggets of writing advice comes from James D Macdonald. Jim, a Navy vet with an encylopedic knowledge of gun lore, explained to a group of non-gun people how to write guns without getting derided by other gun people: "just add the word 'modified.'"
As in, "Her modified AR-15 kicked against her shoulder as she squeezed the trigger, but she held it steady on the car door, watching it disintegrate in a spatter of bullet-holes."
Jim's big idea was that gun people couldn't help but chew away at the verisimilitude of your fictional guns, their brains would automatically latch onto them and try to find the errors. But the word "modified" hijacked that impulse and turned it to the writer's advantage: a gun person's imagination gnaws at that word "modified," spinning up the cleverest possible explanation for how the gun in question could behave as depicted.
In other words, the gun person's impulse to one-up the writer by demonstrating their superior knowledge becomes an impulse to impart that superior knowledge to the writer. "Modified" puts the expert and the bullshitter on the same team, and conscripts the expert into fleshing out the bullshitter's lies.
Yes, writing is lying. Storytelling is genuinely weird. A storyteller who has successfully captured the audience has done so by convincing their hindbrains to care about the tribulations of imaginary people. These are people whose suffering, by definition, do not matter. Imaginary things didn't happen, so they can't matter. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet were less tragic than the death of the yogurt you had for breakfast. That yogurt was alive and now it's dead, whereas R&J never lived, never died, and don't matter:
Hijacking a stranger's empathic response is intrinsically adversarial. While storytelling is a benign activity, its underlying mechanic is extremely dangerous. Getting us to care about things that don't matter is how novels and movies work, but it's also how cults and cons work.
Cult leaders and con-artists know that they're engaged in mind-to-mind combat, and they make liberal use of Jim's hack of leaving blank spots for the mark to fill in. Think of Qanon drops: the mystical nonsense was just close enough to sensical that a vulnerable audience was compelled to try and untangle them, and ended up imparting more meaning to them than the hustler who posted them ever could have dreamt up.
Same with cons – there's a great scene in the Leverage: Redemption heist show where an experienced con-artist explains to a novice that the most convincing hustle is the one where you wait for the mark to tell you what they think you're doing, then run with it (scambaiters and other skeptics will recognize this as a relative of the "cold reading," where a "psychic" uses your own confirmations to flesh out their predictions).
As Douglas Adams put it:
A towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with.
Magicians know this one, too. The point of a sleight is to misdirect the audience's attention, and use that moment of misattention to trick them, vanishing, stashing or producing something. The mark's mind is caught in a pleasurable agony: something seemingly impossible just happened. The mind splits into two parts, one of which insists that the impossible just happened, the other insisting that the impossible can't happen.
You know you've done it right if the audience says, "Do that again!" And that's the one thing you must not do. So long as you don't repeat the trick, the audience's imagination will chew on it endlessly, coming up with incredibly clever things that you must have done (a clever conjurer will know several ways to produce the same effect and will "do it again" by reproducing the effect via different means, which exponentially increases the audience's automatic imputation of clever methods to the performer).
Not for nothing, Jim Macdonald advises his writing students to study Magic and Showmanship, a classic text for aspiring conjurers:
There's a version of this in comedy, too. The scholarship of humor is clear on this: comedy comes from surprise. The audience knows they're about to be surprised when the punchline lands, and their mind is furiously trying to defuse the comedian's bomb before it detonates, cycling through potential punchlines of their own. This ramps up the suspense and the tension, so when the comedian does drop the punchline, the tension is released in a whoosh of laughter.
Your mind wants the tension to be resolved ASAP, but the pleasure comes from having that desire thwarted. Comedy – like most performance – has an element of authoritarianism. You don't give the audience what it wants, you give it what it needs.
Same goes for TTRPGs: the game master's role is to deny the players the victories and treasure they want, until they can't take it anymore, and then deliver it. That's the definition of an epic game. It's one of the durable advantages of human GMs over video game back-ends: they can ramp up the epicness by "cheating" on the play, giving the players the chance to squeak out improbable victories at the last possible second:
This is so effective that even crude approximations of it can turn video-games into cult hits – like Left4Dead, whose "Director" back-end would notice when the players were about to get destroyed and then substantially ramped up the chances of finding an amazing weapon – the chance would still be low overall, but there would be enough moments when the player got exactly what they'd been praying for, at the last possible instant, that it would feel amazing:
Critically, Left4Dead's Director didn't do this every time. As any showman knows, the key to a great performance is "Always leave 'em wanting more." The musician's successful finale depends on doing every encore the audience demands, except the last one, so the crowd leaves with one tantalyzing and imaginary song playing in their minds, a performance better than any the musicians themselves could have delivered. Like the gun person who comes up with a cooler mod than the writer ever could, like the magic show attendee who comes up with a more elaborate explanation for the sleight than the conjurer could ever pull off, like the comedy club attendee whose imagination anticipates a surprise that grows larger the longer the joke goes on, the successful performance is an adversarial act of cooperation where the audience willingly and unwillingly cooperates with the performer to deny them the thing that they think they need, and deliver the thing they actually need.
This is my biggest problem with the notion that someday LLMs will get good enough at storytelling to give us the tales we demand, without having to suffer through a storyteller's sadistic denial of the resolutions we crave. When I'm reading a mystery, I want to turn to the last page and find out whodunnit, but I know that doing so will ruin the story. Telling the storyteller how the story should go is like trying to tickle yourself.
Like being tickled, experiencing only fun if the tickler respects your boundaries – but, like being tickled, there's always a part where you're squirming away, but you don't want it to stop. An AI storyteller that gives you exactly what you want is like a dungeon master who declares that every sword-swing kills the monster, and every treasure chest is full of epic items and platinum pieces. Yes, that's what you want, but if you get it, what's the point?
Seen in this light, performance is a kind of sado-masochism, where the performer delights in denying something to the audience, who, in turn, delights in the denial. Don't give the audience what they want, give them what they need.
What your audience needs is their own imagination. Decades ago, I was a freelance copywriter producing sales materials for Alias/Wavefront, a then-leading CGI firm that was inventing all kinds of never-seen VFX that would blow people away. One of the engineers I worked with told me something I never forgot: "Your imagination has more polygons than anything you can create with our software." He was talking about why it was critical to have some of the action happen in the shadows.
All of this is why series tend to go downhill. The first volume in any series leaves so much to the imagination. The map of the world is barely fleshed out, the characters' biographies are full of blank spots, the mechanics of the artifacts and the politics of the land are all just detailed enough that your mind automatically ascribes a level of detail to them, without knowing what that detail is.
This is the moment at which everything seems very clever, because your mind is just churning with all the different bits of elaborate lore that will fill in those lacunae and make them all fit together.
SPOILER ALERT: I'm about to give some spoilers for Furiosa.
Last night, we went to see Furiosa, the latest Mad Max movie, a prequel to 2015's Fury Road, which is one of the greatest movies ever made. Like most prequels, Furiosa functions as a lore-delivery vehicle, and as such, it's nowhere near as good as Fury Road.
Fury Road hints as so much worldbuilding. We learn about the three fortresses of the wasteland (the Citadel, the Bullet Farm, and Gastown) but we only see one (The Citadel). We learn that these three cities have a symbiotic relationship with one another, defined by a complex politics that is just barely stable. We meet Furiosa herself, and learn something of her biography – that she had been stolen from the Green Place, that she had suffered an arm amputation.
All of this is left for us to fill in, and for a decade, my hindbrain has been chewing on all of that, coming up with cool ways it could all fit together. I yearned to know the "real" explanation, but it was always unlikely that this real explanation would be as enjoyable as my own partial, ever-unfinished headcanon.
Furiosa is a great movie, but its worst parts are the canonical lore it settles. Partly, that's because some of that lore is just stupid. Why is the Bullet Farm an open-pit mine? I mean, it's visually amazing, but what does that have to do with making bullets? Sometimes, it's because the lore is banal – the solarpunk Green Place is a million times less cool than I had imagined it. Sometimes, it's because the lore is banal and stupid: the scenes where Furiosa's arm is crushed, then severed, then replaced, are both rushed and quasi-miraculous:
But even if the lore had been good – not stupid, not banal – the best they could have hoped for was for the lore to be tidy. If it were surprising, it would seem contrived. A story whose loose ends have been tidily snipped away seems like it would be immensely satisfying, but it's not satisfying – it's just resolved. Like the band performing every encore you demand, until you no longer want to hear the band anymore – the feeling as you leave the hall isn't satisfaction, it's exhaustion.
So long as some key question remains unresolved, you're still wanting more. So long as the map has blank spots, your hindbrain will impute clever and exciting mysteries, tantalyzingly teetering on the edge of explicability, to the story.
Lore is always better as something to anticipate than it is to receive. The fans demand lore, but it should be doled out sparingly. Always leave 'em wanting more.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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hanafubukki · 1 day
I binged your Lilia with a baby daughter and I couldn't get enough. Can you imagine if General Lilia gets yeeted into that timeline and he finds out that not only did his future self marry a human but also actually have a child with her. If current timeline Half Faces are already kinda rare so imagine from his time where he's at war with them. Also how Lilia's little girl interacting with her Papa (who isn't really her Papa but also isn't lmao) Also, MC who he is married to. I just wanna see his Tsun Tsun ass be flustered but confused lmao. Ok, thank youuu!
[referring to these posts: 1, 2, and 3]
Hello Anonie 🌺🌷🌻
I'm happy that you enjoyed them anonie! I had a blast writing them. 🌟💚
Ohhhh Anonie you guys know how to hit my weak spots 😂💕💜 Babies, General Lilia, time travel shenanigans oh my 🤣💚 You and me 🤝 wants to see General Lilia tsun tsun butt be flustered mwah chef kiss.
General Lilia being sent to the future is a curse and a blessing...depending on who you ask 😂 jkjk
Just thinking about it and I just?? Love the thought of General Vanrouge meeting a new born baby or up to a 1 year old. Something about him just holding her with these awkward hands just has me so soft 😩🥹
But then I also think our Lilia might be possessive and go ‘My Baby’ on him, even though that’s literally himself 🤣
I have so many thoughts sooo many on how General Vanrouge’s reaction to Malleus and Silver could go, and even Sebek. But more so on Malleus and Silver. Also his reaction to his future self too, you know??
In reverse, our Lilia’s reaction to his past self. It can go many ways as well. Depending on how General Vanrouge reacts. Papa instincts ✨
But we’ll skip that because this ask is about baby and General Vanrouge ✨✨
A part of me thinks that our Lilia is going to just yeet the baby at his past self. Deja vu right?? Don’t worry, he knows himself and knows the General will catch the little one.
After flicking Lilia on the forehead for his actions and letting Mal and Sil deal with him, you go to the General who’s frozen. He caught her of course, but he seems stumped on what to do.
You can’t blame him really. After being in war and seeing and dealing with what he has. This peace and quiet must be new, not to mention being in the future.
So you go to him and as gently as possible, making sure to not frighten him, move his hands so he’s more comfortably holding the baby.
Unknown to him, but his eyes softened as the little one curled into him while making cooing noises. You know your Lilia is taking a bunch of pictures.
“See? You’re a natural.”
He looks at you in disbelief but you can see the amazement in them too.
You tell him how he has no choice but to hold the baby now because she will cry if you move her from her new favorite spot. He flusters a bit at that.
Time goes on, General Vanrouge wears casual clothing and hangs up his armor temporarily after Lilia had a talk with him. His weapon is with him, you all understand why. His need to protect what’s his is engraved even though he doesn’t see it yet.
[Sometimes you see your Lilia looking at the armor. His eyes mixed with emotions. You simply lay your head on his shoulder; he kisses your hand]
The General gets attached to your daughter. She babbles at him and pulls at his hair. He tries not to flinch. For someone who was against raising kids, the General doesn’t say anything when your daughter stuffs his hair into her mouth or drools on him as she sleeps.
Lilia’s proud, “that’s my girl!” is often heard.
At one point, you take pity on him. You take a hairbrush, running it carefully through his hair before tying it in a high bun. You fondly roll your eyes at the pout your Lilia has before taking your daughter to feed. For the General’s sake, you chose not to comment on his flustered expression.
Our Lilia is repeatedly saying “spoilers” which irritates the General whenever he asks a question. You get why it’s frustrating but the scene is rather funny and your baby girl’s laughter agrees with you.
“I won’t have you ruining my future! I’ll have you know I wouldn’t change anything for the happiness I have now, so you have to be patient.”
Malleus and Silver both have the sweetest smile. They know exactly what he means.
The General watches how his future self acts. You can see the slight scowl and twitch of his eyebrow. He’s questioning his whole existence.
What surprises you is his question to you.
“Are you sure you want to be married to that?”
You laugh softly, tenderly tucking a stray strand behind his ear, “Yes. He’s you, isn’t he?”
The smile you give him then has him falling deeper unbeknownst to him.
Anabskdkds okay, but why am I the one flustered now?? Qbskwjwjejr 😂💞🥰
Ahhhhh this was longer than I expected but I had so many ideas and I wanted to especially include that last one 🥹💞
Thank you for sending this in Anonie 😭💚 Currently screaming into a pillow and rolling in bed. Ahhhhh 💞💞💞💚💚
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elvisqueso · 1 day
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— "...What do you say to a tree??"
Pocahontas (1995)
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athynathens · 1 day
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ lust for you.
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“Poor baby can’t even take the pleasure anymore. Am I fucking you too stupid, doll?”
PAIRING. Bakugo Katsuki x You/Reader
ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE. This takes place in the Boku no Hero Academia Universe, but Class 1-A are not pro heroes, rather they are just ordinary people only. This implies that there are no quirks involved.
SYNOPSIS. You were asked to accompany your friend to a fan signing event to her favorite band. No matter how much you resist, you have no choice but to abide to your friend’s persuasion. There, you met a certain blond, known for his rough personality. Something attracted you to him — and him to you. The tension, the glances, the touches, the sparks…and the goddamn sex is fucking something.
WARNING. long oneshot, minors dni, porn with plot, 18+ scenes, mature scenes ahead such as soft to rough sex, 69, face-sitting, cunninglis, degradation, dirty talking, and chocking
AUTHOR’S NOTES. holy shit guys. I wasn’t really expecting my previous bakugo katsuki one shot to be such a hit. Im really grateful for the votes!! Here’s another smut oneshot for yall! I have other things in store such as a kiribaku x reader oneshot and daryl oneshot, but I figured that many wouldn’t like it since i am not that popular yet so imma do another bakugo oneshot!! hope yall enjoy this since i had a hard time thinking of an interesting plot. also btw, “your friend” won’t be given a name in this oneshot so that you may name her however you want.
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When your friend is randomly nice to you, buying your favorite food and drink, offering to watch your favorite show — don’t you think this is where it gets suspicious? If there is one thing you’ve learned with your beloved friend is that there is always a reason for everything. However, there is a pattern to her manipulation.
The more things she got for you, the greater the reason behind her actions and vice versa.
You already have speculations with what your friend might want. It’s either she wants to watch the movie where her favorite actor stared in; it’s probably a trip to a mall; it’s possible she would want someone to do her homework. And heck, it isn’t even her birthday today.
It turns out…she wanted you to go with her to a fansigning event of the GZB aka the Ground Zero Boys.
You had no idea how the hell she managed to convinced you, but seeing how desperate your friend is, you began to see how much she adores the group. You’ve seen her room plastered with posters of them. She even watch their reality show so much to the point she got scolded for being so less attentive these days. You wondered if this group is even worthy enough for her to become so detach with life.
Yet seeing how she is on her knees, practically begging and pleading while hugging your legs. You almost had no choice but to say yes.
But the thing is that…
…you began to regret going.
What kind of sorcery fuckery is this? You were astonished with the screams of desperation from the fans. You wanted to leave immediately because the yells kept increasing as their comments became more and more lewd. You can even see the securities are getting uncomfortable with their comments.
Damn. The sun isn’t even up yet. “These people are down bad for them…” You mumbled beneath your breath.
Your friend grabbed your wrist to guide you stay at the front of the doors, it was a tough and rough journey — you were stepped on, kicked on, pushed on, and pulled on.
You wanted to curse loudly for that rough journey. Heck! It wasn’t even supposed to be that fucking tough. However, your friend seemed really happy that you were there for her, so you decided to shrugged it off…for now.
After like what it felt like hours later, the doors finally opened, causing a riot to occur. Everyone was pushing each other, even though security was guiding everyone. You and your friend fought through the crowd of desperate fans till you two found a spot at the front. You had no idea if it’s luck, but the spot you two got is definetly a place where you can see them clearly, but it means they could see you two clearly as well.
Fans glared at the both of you out of jealously. They cursed at the both of you for getting such a clear spot to see them.
However, their glares diminished when the band finally revealed themselves to the crowd — looking all manly, dashing, confident, and handsome as fuck.
They greeted their fans, causing everyone to scream in support. The band can only laugh before introducing themselves with a mic.
Your eyes landed on a certain blonde guy with eyes so red it can penetrate your soul.
A couple of days ago, you did some research about the group, therefore, you absolutely knew who this person is, and he is…
“DynaMight,” He introduced himself gruffly.
Damn. That kind of hotness exists in this world, huh? The fans started to scream louder than before. To be honest, you can’t blame them since Dynamight is fucking hot, but the problem is that he is a bit…rough.
“Awww!! Kacchan here has fans after all!!” A cheerful blonde with a lightning strike on his hair teases.
“YOU WANNA DIE, DUNCE FACE?” Dynamight yelled angrily.
According to your research, he is known to have a rough personality, people would often mistaken him as mean, but that’s just really how he is. His rough personality parallels with his drumming skills. DynaMight brings out his angry emotions through drums, creating a somewhat desirable yet scary atmosphere around him.
There is not much known about him since he is pretty secretive and mysterious. It’s either that or he’s smart enough to hide from paparazzi.
The only known information is his real name, which is Bakugo Katsuki alias DynaMight.
As the day goes, you admitted that this fansigning event is quite entertaining. The interviews, the questions, and the answers are quite intriguing to listen to. You even had a thought if you should stan this group or not, definitely not stanning because of Dynamight only.
However, a question from Chargebolt made everyone’s ears perked up, especially your friend.
He asked if someone could guess what DynaMight’s favorite hobby is. Whoever can guess it correctly can win a chance to go up in stage and take a photo with DynaMight.
No one knew the answer to that, but it’s no surprise since he is secretive. However, you recalled that he would often post on Instagram about mountains and hiking gear. You came into a conclusion that he probably likes mountain climbing.
You elbowed your friend then, you whispered her the answer. She seemed hesitant to answer, but you gestured her with your head to say it on the mic.
With uneasiness, she got up to the mic and said her answer.
Bakugo’s wide eyes say it all, verifying that your friend got the right answer. Everyone cried in agony, disappointed that they lost their opportunity to make their wattpad life happen. Your friend only giggled then did a thumbs up to you while you shyly did the same thing.
“WHATTTT? You like mountain climbing, Katchan?” Chargebolt screamed, slamming the table with his hand.
Katusku clicked his tongue, “You’re just fucking oblivious, Dunce Face,” He replied with a middle finger.
“EXCUSE ME?” Kaminari retorted.
“Mountain Climbing? Say, Bakugo, wanna go with me sometime?” Todoroki asked nonchalantly.
“In your dreams, ice princess,” Bakugo middle fingered him.
“P-Please don’t start here…” Kirishima went in between the two, stopping them by the chest.
Deku clapped his hands, releasing the tension between the two. “Now! You may come up on the stage and take a pic with DynaMight!”
Your friend giggled once more, grabbing your wrist to pull you forward to take a pic with him. You tried to protest, but she was very stubborn so you had no choice but to agree. Besides, you protesting in the middle of this event is gaining the attention of the jealous fans.
Meanwhile, Bakugo Katsuki has his eyes on you.
You don’t seem to notice his gaze, and he wished it would be kept that way. The last thing he wants is for you to catch him staring at you.
He already knew that it was you who knew the answer to Denki’s question. The latter saw you whisper something to your friend’s ear before the latter got up to the mic to speak.
He had to admit, but he was fucking impressed since not even his stalkers know about this.
The blond watched as you shyly got up in stage. He watched your body movements — the way your body would shrink to the floor, the way your fingers fidget the front of your shirt, the way your thighs clenched, and the way your eyes avert away from his.
Shit. This is fucking bad. Katsuki gulped.
It’s been months since Katsuki had sex. Being an idol prevents him from doing such activities. To be more precise, his company does not allow their members to do pornographic work since it will ruin their image.
However, the band may or may not have disobeyed that rule.
The blond hasn’t gotten laid in months already. This is due to his fucking busy schedule — their strict CEO, the rules, the tours, the practices, their fans, their scandals, and stalkers are factors keeping him from going out to do his thing.
“Katsuki! Stop being so stiff and pose for the camera!” Kirishima yelled, cackling while clapping at the scene in front of him.
His eyes quivered, snapping back to reality as he immediately placed his hand on your shoulder while his other hand is on his pocket. Noises of cameras clicked from all sides, taking a picture of the rare photo of the one and only DynaMight alone with fans.
You can feel your heart beating uncontrollably. The weight of his hands left something on your stomach to your chest. You began to wonder if this is because he’s just fucking hot. No one in your college can even match his damn level. However, you decided to shrugged this feeling off and focused on the camera.
After a few minutes, the shooting ended. His band members only laughed while clapping, congratulating their angry-looking friend. While they were doing that, you can feel the weight on your shoulder dwindle.
You assumed that he was just removing his hand from your shoulder. What you were thinking was right, but it felt different.
Instead of lifting his hand, his fingers went down to your back as he traced your spine. Your back clenched at this seductive action of his. Thighs clenched and arched back as he continued tracing his fingertip down.
— Holy fuck, stop the car, you weren’t mentally ready for that.
You tried your best to not show any facial expressions at least, but it was fucking hard.
In the first place, you didn’t even know if he did this on accident or he’s actually teasing you. The last part sounded unbelievable since it is giving delulu vibes.
This is not the situation where delulu is solulu.
He stopped traching when he reached the end of your back, releasing his fingertips from your back. This allowed you to sigh in relief, feeling your own sanity coming back to you.
Katsuki watched as the staff member gestured you to go back to your places with your friend. He analyzed your movements, looking at your thighs and body as you walked to your place.
The event ended with a blast. Everyone was smiling in happiness as they all walked out those doors. Your friend kept fangirling on the photo incident both of you had with DynaMight. She can’t stop talking about how hot he was. Normally, you would get annoyed with her fangirling, but for once you agreed with her.
You may deny it, but you can’t shrugged the warm feeling he left across your back. The scent of his masculine cologne lingers around your upper body. Sniffing his cologne caused you to have a faint blush on your cheek. You can still remember that “sexual” action he did on your back. You couldn’t believe that his fingertips even had this effect on you in the first place.
You began shrinking down to the floor when you remembered how his eyes kept glancing in your direction — how he would suddenly grin and smirk when he caught you staring back.
Your cheeks were getting warmer each second so you excused yourself to use the bathroom. You practically ran to the bathroom, not wanting to delay any longer. As soon as you entered, you washed your face with cold water, trying to cool the warmness of the cheeks, but it isn’t working. Since it wasn’t working, you exited the bathroom with a disappointment look.
However, you stumbled across a hard chest which took you off balance. You were about to scold this person till you saw who it was — Bakugo fucking Katsuki. Your entire demeanor halted under his piercing gaze, you subconsciously lowered your head, not wanting to meet such a gaze.
“Oi. You were that distracted with your own thoughts to the point you didn’t even notice me?” He grumbled with a slight smirk.
Your throat gulped in response, “M-My b-bad…” You stuttered, immediately walking away from this situationship.
“How did you know?”
Your body turned, tilting your head in confusion. “How did I what?”
Bakugo rolled his eyes. “Know about my hobby?”
“Why do you want to know?”
The blond clicked his tongue in annoyance, crossing his arms which bulges his arms even more. “Do ya always ask so much fucking questions? Just answer the fucking question.”
Your body flinched at his angry tone, causing you to look away from him now.
A sigh left your lips, “Through Instagram. You keep posting stuff about mountain climbing? So thats how I concluded your hobby.”
Katsuki arched his brow, crossing his arms while tilting his head to the side. “Hm. How interesting. Ya fan of mine?”
“No. I just got curious to why my friend like you and your band so much so I looked to all of your accounts,” You replied, not wanting expose that you are kinda a fan.
The corner of his mouth fought a smirk. “Oh? Ya for real?”
“Yeah. I am for real.”
“Hm. Nah. Don’t believe it.”
“That’s your problem, buddy.”
He bent down, leaning his body forward. “Exactly. That’s why you need to help me understand…” A cocky grin is now plastered on his face.
You scoffed. “Why me?”
He only stared at me for a moment, then he began letting out some laughter, displaying his teeth. You only stood there in confusion. I do not get his humor. His happy atmosphere flashed right through my soul — just like how white damn teeth.
Moments later, footsteps were getting closer to them. You didn’t have time to react, and Bakugo took the initiative to grab your arm to pull you inside a small room. He shoved you two inside that room. A rough hand covered the sounds coming from your mouth. You had the damn urge to just fucking bite his hand.
The footsteps later diminished, causing you to even curse loudly against his mouth. He rolled his eyes, and then he removed his hand on your mouth. He lets out an ick to feel your spit and saliva on his hand.
“Don’t give me that damn ick face! You pushed me in here with your damn gorilla hands on my fucking face!” You silently screamed.
“Listen, woman. Ya look fucking smart so think about it clearly. Would you rather be caught with me and start a rumor? I’m pretty sure ya already know how fucked up our fans can be,” He reasoned, wiping his hand on his pants.
Your tense eyes soften. “R-Right. My bad…”
It’s his turn to sigh. “It’s fine. Your reaction is understandable.”
Damn. You were surprised that this hot-tempered drummer can be considerate. If you were being so honest, it really contradicted his whole rough character.
Later, you just realized how close he is. The tight space made you two really collide with one another. His knee was in between your knees. Both of his hands are actually trapping you; the right hand beside your head and the other is beside your forearm. The room began to heat up — or maybe that was just you.
“Nervous?” He asked gruffly.
Fuck. You don’t even want to look up, knowing his cocky grin is on his face right now.
Your hand slowly reached for the doorknob. “U-Um. Maybe I should get goi—” You were interrupted when he swiftly grabbed the doorknob and locked it.
Your heart beats faster, scared or probably excited with what’s happening.
“I’ll be fucking straight forward. I want sex, and I seem to want you to satisfy me.” Your face turned into a tomato at his straightforwardness.
“W-Why me?” You just had to ask.
“I want you. Isn’t that enough?” He answered, slowly creeping his hand around your waist.
“O-Okay…? But I’m a virgin…”
“That doesn’t matter to me. I’ll be slow. Besides, if we talk about weirdness, don’t you think it’s supposed to you weirded out by me asking for sex?” Bakugo asked, holding you in place.
You tilt your head, “Weird? What do you mean?”
The blonde chuckled pathetically, “I’m an idol, expected to be that perfect doll for the fans to practically do anything they want to do. Here I am, asking someone to relieve my sexual needs…”
“There’s nothing weird about it. You’re human who craves for physical touch, and I don’t blame you for that. Besides, I don’t think you should be ashamed of craving for it. Craving for something is what reminds us that we are human.”
A shimmer and twinkle counterclockwise his eyes. His mouth began to create a small smile, satisfied with your answer. He remembered that he asked this question to other of his flings, and he wasn’t satisfied with their answers — they always answer the same thing: “quit your job then” or “you chose this life so live up to it.”
How can he explain to a total damn stranger that being an idol is both his gift and curse; it’s similar to a love-hate relationship. Bakugo can’t just quit and leave his job since drumming is his passion and source of happiness. It was the only way to relieve his stress and anger plus earn profit from. He turned his passion into something he can get money from. And he truly wished that it would be like that. Therefore, he just can’t quit.
The blonde brought his hand on your face, removing the baby hair covering your blushing face. “I’ll ask again…” He rested his hand on your cheek, feeling the heat against his skin. “…do you want to sleep with me?”
You looked away, eyes quivering in excitement and nervousness. “T-Take it slow p-please…”
He shook his head and used his finger to guide your chin to his face. “Words, please.”
Katsuki brought you back to one of his houses in Japan. He drove from the fansigning event to his house with his motorcycle. The blond fondled across his pants and aggressively looked for the right key to open the door. He got angrier each minute, feeling his bulge on his pants.
Not to mention, he didn’t want to keep the lady waiting.
You noticed his stressed state so your hand positioned itself on his. “I’m not going anywhere so calm down.”
His breath hitched with your soothing tone, causing him to calm his tense shoulders. With a clear mind, he shuffled across the keys till he found the right one. As soon as he did, he dragged you inside and slammed you on the door. Your loud gasped echoed on his ears, and he immediately crashed his lips against yours.
You whimpered against him, feeling his tongue lick across your lips. Your mouth opened, allowing his tongue to toy and manipulate it with his own. His calloused hands travelled down your hips then to your ass, squeezing it before he lifted you.
He guided your legs around his hips, pushing his hard bulge into your clit. You moaned loudly against his mouth, releasing juices in your pussy. You knew he was screaming “big dicc energy” but you never apprehended that he will be this fucking big.
He pulled away for a moment. “Fuck. I’m so sorry,” He apologizes, caressing your body.
“I didn’t ask if I can kiss you…Fuck, you’re driving me so damn crazy…” He added, pushing you down to his bulge.
Your cheeks heated up, “I-Its okay…I already said yes to you a while ago…”
Bakugo rested his head to your shoulder. “Shit, I’m sorry but your first might be on the sofa and not on a bed. I can’t wait any longer.”
You smiled, “Location doesn’t matter. The person I’m with is what matters.”
An arrow stuck his heart, cheeks heating up with those words. It stimulated something inside him, his heart beating faster than normal — by normal, it means that he never felt this thirsty and hungry for someone else.
This was his first time being this hungry for someone.
His hands that were on your legs traveled up slowly, groping and caressing your thighs. He then landed his hands around your neck, placing pressure around the circumference of your neck. This caused you to chocked a bit, giving him the opportunity to lock lips again.
Both his hand and lips suffocated you, making you dizzy from pleasure and pain. Your hands gripped his chest, then traveling it up to his neck. You landed your hands on his hair, bringing him closer to you, forcing both of your bodies to collide even more. His bulge was long and fat, you can feel it resting on your stomach. The thought of it caused you to shiver in ecstasy.
He suddenly started walking, not even thinking of removing his lips from you. While doing so, he skillfully removed his leather jacket and held you by your ass, groping it as hard as he can. With the support of his hands, you tried to unbuckle his belt. This action can only make him laugh against the kiss.
“Calm down, sweetheart. I have all night to ravish you completely,” He whispered, licking his upper lips. Your face heated up, realizing how eager you were.
He gently let you down on the sofa and retracted his body from yours. With a smirk, he placed his hands on his back and slowly removed his shirt. His abs placed quite a show as his shirt got disposed to the ground.
“Got all shy, didn’t ya babe?” He asked, bending down to your thighs.
“Don’t worry…” He pecked your thighs while staring at your eyes. “…I’ll take care of ya, sweetheart,” He winked before pulling down my pants and undies in one go.
The cold air brought shivers to your heated bottom. Just by the thought of your own pussy bare in front of his eyes made you shy. Therefore, you subconsciously closed your legs, not wanting to embarrassed yourself further.
Bakugo growled, “I never asked to cover up, babe.”
“B-But it’s embarrassing…” You stuttered out, attempting to cover your pussy more by bringing down your sweater. Although, this action only caused your shoulders and breasts to be more noticeable.
The blond only chuckled, combing his hair back. “Sweetheart, I’m letting this go since this is your first time.” Your head tilted, confused with what he is insinuating.
He unexpectedly shifted your legs in an angle where he can bare your pussy on the breeze. Then, he suddenly opened it, by the ankle holding them tightly. The blond dropped a saliva on your pussy, making you to shiver as your pussy clenched at the warm sensation.
“Never, as in never, close your fucking legs. Your pussy…” He lets one of your legs go to only slightly touch your clit. “…is worth exploring. My cock and fingers is eager to tour around your pussy.”
Holy shit. This is not what you expect in sex. Sure you’ve heard about dirty talking, but never did you think that such words would rile you up. Your fingers covered your eyes, leaving small gaps in between to see the view.
“W-What about yours…?” You asked shyly. “W-Will I explore y-yours too..?”
Katsuki only chuckled, traveling his hands down to your thighs from your ankles. He asked with alluring tone, “Ever heard of 69, sweetheart?”
Your face heated up. Of course you know what that is, all the sex talk with your friend has corrupted your mind. Never in your life would’ve thought that you will experience it.
Your head moved up and down, agreeing to his question. This action made him grin in satisfaction. “Good, that’s what we will do. Are ya up for it, babe? No harm in saying no.”
You shuddered — him being considerate stimulated your innermost needs. So, you can’t help but say yes….
Katsuki did not hesitate and flipped you over. He laid his back on his couch while your clit’s on top of his pecs. Oh fuck. You only realized how embarrassing this position is. Juices from your pussy only dripped down to his pecs, and you can feel pussy clenching and unclenching. You had no idea what to be embarrassed of first. 
Him staring at your bare pussy or the fact that your pussy is reacting like this.
“What a beautiful pussy,” He claimed, placing his middle finger on your folds. This caused more juices to spill out. You only shivered, gasping loudly when you released more of your juices.
“Holy fucking fuck, sweetheart,” He bit his lip, realizing how wet you are.
Blushes of red swept across your face, filling every skin with its redness. All this blushing almost made you forget about an aching bulge in front of your face. Your hands unbuckled his belt and pushed down his boxers and pants.
This is where you only noticed how it towered your face; it was in fact huge and thick. Now, you’re wondering if this would even fit inside you due to its humongous size.
“Go on, sweetheart,” He ordered softly. “Suck it.”
With much hesitation, you wrapped your fingers around his shaft. Bakugo shuddered, feeling your cold fingers on his warm cock. This only triggered him to further toy with your pussy, causing you to whimper.
The blond noticed the limited movements you’re doing. The latter growled softly, bringing his hands to your clit and began pressing and rubbing it. The actions made you squirmed, accidentally falling forward. Doing so caused you to feel the sticky and slimy sensation on your cheek.
“C’mon, sweetheart, don’t make me wait,” He practically pleaded.
You bit your lip, holding his cock to bring it closer to your mouth. Placing your tongue out slightly, you licked the tip to taste it. Given that it is your first time, you started on by licking his length first. You brought your tongue down his shaft while pressing down his tip.
You suddenly felt a finger going inside you. Your body shivered, bringing goosebumps with the new feeling — it was uncomfortable yet you didn’t mind it. Feeling a bit bold, you decided to at least suck the tip. This is where your jaw ached. You knew he was big, but now you are sucking him, you never knew that he was this damn big.
What the fuck. My mouth already hurts. You tried sucking him deeper, but it really hurt your jaw. Katsuki began to chuckle slightly, realizing what you are attempting.
“I appreciate the eagerness, sweetheart, but take it slow. I need your mouth to scream for me later,” He fondled your ass, grinning at your adorable actions.
You slowly look behind, staring into his eyes with your teary ones. “U-Um…’m sorry…” You shivered, almost letting a tear drop.
Bakugo’s pupils shrunk.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, but I think we need to continue this 69 position another time,” Bakugo suddenly declared.
“H-Huh…what do you—” You were suddenly pulled back by the hips and landed on his face.
You exploded in embarrassment, realizing your bare pussy is on his fucking face. You extended your arms, trying to crawl your way out, but he held your hips tighter. You squirmed under his hold, but you gasped loudly when a wet object touched your folds — his tongue.
“W-Wait…!” You pleaded, but he didn’t budge.
His tongue was one of the wonders of this damn earth. He skillfully licked the outer and inner folds of your pussy — toying and sucking them like tits. You can feel his tongue swirling around them, causing your back to arch. Suddenly, his hands that were around your hips traveled down to your clit.
You gasped loudly, clutching down to his pecs in ecstasy. His hands effortlessly rubbed your clit, stimulating your pussy to juice out more liquid for him to eat, swallow, and devour. The blond never halted his actions, whether he needs to breathe or take a break, he did not stop toying with your pussy till you are at his mercy.
Katsuki groaned, electrifying your pussy in pleasure. He got bolder and deliberately inserted one finger inside your pussy. His eyes rolled back, feeling your soft walls clenching around his fingers. He salivated on how soft your insides felt, his cock harden in delight which almost triggered him to rapture prematurely.
Your body began to lose it’s stance so you collapsed down to his chest. You collapsing This new position exposed your pussy even more, juicing out more liquid to his mouth. The folds became more defined, allowing him to get a better view of your pussy.
“Fuck, doll, your pussy’s enticing,” He licked his lips.
The blond lifted you up by the armpits, placing you directly down his lap. You winced and shiver from exhaustation while this motherfucker grinned cockily. His arms wrapped your waist, pulling you closer. Your tits and his pecs were colliding along with your bare pussy and cock. “You feelin’ aight, sweetheart?” He asked with a grin, holding you closer.
You blushed, looking away from his predatory gaze. The blond only chuckled, grabbing your chin and pulled your face forward while making you face him. “When I ask…” He whispered, pushing your excess hair away from your cheek. “…you answer, doll.”
Your jaw clenched, gulping along the way. “I-I’m feeling a-alright, B-Bakugo-k-kun…”
His mouth lets out a ‘tsk’ sound. “Call me Katsuki. Understand?”
You nodded shyly, “Y-Yes…K-Katsuki…”
He smirked, “Good girl,” He declared, locking lips with yours.
Your mouth gasped, creating an entrance for his tongue to pass by. The dominance he displayed was shown through his tongue. With feral force, he pushed your entire body backward. What’s holding you in place was his huge arms. Your back was leaning heavily onto those arms as he shallowed every sound you make. His mouth flatten around your mouth, toying and completely manipulating every move your tongue does.
Katsuki was kissing you with such passion, you completely forget about the cock in between your bodies. You only mewl loudly when your pussy rubbed against his cock. You felt him smirk against your mouth. He continued kissing you while holding you tightly. Bakugo pulled your lower half closer to his cock, sinking it into the folds of your pussy.
“Keep your eyes on me,” He rasps,
He then guided your hips up and down…up…down…up…down.
Katsuki groaned, face red from excitement and pleasure. He has would grit his teeth and clench his jaw, still guiding your hips by force. His movements gradually went faster. You only gasped loudly as your body bounced from his brutal movements.
Katsuki’s jaw clenches, imagining his cock balls deep inside your exquisite pussy. He would fucking imagine how he would just manhandle you, throwing you around in his house, fucking you in every corner. He imagined every single detail while staring closely at your panting face.
As your body bounces, your hands had no idea where to go. You tried gripping his shoulders, but it ended up bouncing off so your hands traveled down, landing on his knees. You held onto them, allowing your tits to bounce freely. Bakugo only licked his lips at the enthralling sight.
Fucking hell. He imagined your tits bouncing when you ride his cock hard. Bakugo only gripped you tighter, ferociously grinding your hips against his cock.
You can feel an unfamiliar feeling circulating your stomach. “S-Something’s c-coming…!!”
Katsuki’s eyes widen a bit then harden, realizing what’s about to happen. With every sheer force he had left, he managed to stop his movements. His body tingled brutally, with a growl not fucking satisfied the fact that he had to halt his actions. Meanwhile, your eyes watered up, wondering why he had to stop this pleasure.
His jaw clenched, “‘m gonna fuck ya. Ya ready, sweetheart?”
“Y-Yes…p-please…” You pleaded, a tear slipped out of your eye.
Katsuki grabbed a condom from the pocket of his back pants. With one hand, he ripped out the condom with the help of his mouth. He spat out the excess plastic on his mouth and began inserting it around his cock. You can only watch him — his cock was perfectly wrapped around the condom, and it somehow turned you on even more.
He laid you down softly, grabbing a nearby pillow and placing it on your lower back. His calloused hands travelled up your thighs, bringing them closer around his waist. Katsuki bent down, immediately locking lips with you. The sounds of kissing echoed the room, giving the love and attentiion needed to your mouth.
“I’m going to enter, doll. Ya ready for me?” He asked softly, caressing your cheek.
“M-Mhm….” Your mouth couldn’t find the right words anymore; this overwhelming feeling was simply too much, and his cock isn’t even invading your insides yet.
He smirked, aligning his cock into your pussy while locking his lips again with yours. His mouth invaded yours as he pushed his cock inside you a bit. You gasped against the kiss, arching your back to relieve some kind of pain. Katsuki panted, feeling his tip breaking in your virgin walls. He did not hesitate to lock lips again, yanking your hips tighter.
You kept thrashing your arms around, clutching onto his chest, shoulders, hair — anything. He continued to slowly enter his cock inside you till he finally entered you half-way. You let out a loud cry, pulling away from the kiss as you panted heavily. Bakugo looked at you with concern, wiping away all your hair out of your face.
“Talk to me, doll. Are you okay? You want to stop?” He asked, trying his best to halt his actions.
“I-Im fine…i-it just hurts…a-are you all i-inside…?” You asked while tearing up.
Katsuki only chuckled, “I’m only half way inside, sweetheart.”
Your eyes widen, surprised to know that since you are feeling full already. His length was huge and veiny, your walls can even feel how it twitches inside of you. Your head throws back while your legs shake violently.
What minutes felt like forever. Katsuki did not move the slightlest and waited for you to adjust to his size. He kept whispering words of encouragement, telling you what a good girl you are. His mouth made contact with your forehead, kissing you tenderly.
“Y-You can move…” You stuttered, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Are you sure? Because…” He asked, groaning as he felt you clenched around him. “…once I start, I won’t stop.”
“I-It’s okay….I trust you…” You declared.
His body stiffen when he heard those words, pulling his cock away slightly then putting it in slowly. The sensitivity of your body couldn’t take the new feeling, you started to hug Bakugo tightly.
Katsuki positioned his head on your shoulders, nibbling and licking your shoulders to your neck. The slow pace was surprisingly pleasurable to him. He can picture and feel your walls better, almost as if he’s analyzing them.
The pleasure was too much for him, his hand gripped the coffee table beside him and crushed it.
The sound of woods breaking exhilarated something in you. The mere fact that he had to break something because of you just made you moan, causing you to tighten up. Katsuki deliberately bit your shoulder, sensing your walls tighten around him.
The latter began to fasten his movements, gradually feeling the pleasure build up on his body. You only held him tighter, intertwining your fingers on his blond hair. Your mouth panted heavily, the pleasure of his cock moving in and out of you was giving you such a bliss.
You pulled his face away from your shoulder, holding his cheeks. You caressed them with a smile, “I-It’s okay….y-you can go harder…”
“W-What,” His eyes widen.
You continued to smile, “I can take it. You can give it to me,” Your eyes watered in desperation.
Katsuki almost came into the scene in front of him. The moonlight helped define your looks even more. The glow in your orbs illustrated your desperation and need for him. The feel and sight of your sweaty body made him grit his teeth, trying to stop himself from letting his juices out.
Fuck. He couldn’t take it anymore. He straightens his body and grips your hips tighter. With that, he rammed everything in. Your pupils shrunk, choking from the sudden movement.
He threw his head back, face tingling in pleasure. His mouth almost salivated from this ecstasy. Katsuki pulled his cock out to the tip and force his cock inside you again. The latter groaned in delight, eyes twitching as he kept doing this movement.
With the pleasure he’s giving you, your mouth can only leave a scream. Your hands traveled up, trying to find something to grip. Katsuki gripped your hips tighter, holding them up at in angle. His movements increased, rapidly moving his cock in and out.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck..!” He rasps, his hips stuttering with desire.
Katsuki then shoved your knees to your shoulders, folding you in half. He held your ankles then began assaluting your walls again. The new position chocked you in surprised. You can clearly feel and see his cock. Your mouth cried out, feeling his thick and long cock practically persecuting your pussy.
The ferocious force of his thrusts caused your lower back to hurt, but the pleasure overpowered that pain.
With a loud roar, Bakugo flatten his hips to your pelvic to the point it fucking hurts. He held you tightly, his cock releasing all his juices inside the condom.
Your back arched with a scream, your insides can feel how the condom expand. It expanded inside of you so much, you can feel your stomach getting bloated.
Holy shit. You gripped his shoulders so tightly with a scream. You even began punching him on the shoulders softly from the overwhelming pleasure. Thus, you came hard.
“T-Too much..!!” You cried out, shutting your eyes which made more tears fall out.
“F-Fuck…j-just a little more, sweetheart,” He stuttered, still releasing his semen in the condom.
Few seconds has passed, and Bakugo finally pulled out slowly. You choked, your walls feeling empty without his cock. The mix of your wet juices and creamy substances pools your lower half. The blond tied the condom before throwing it to the side and getting another one.
Your eyes widen, seeing him putting on another condom. You stuttered, “A-Again…?”
“Damn right. Chest by the coffee table and ass up, sweetheart. My cock quenches for your wet juices,” He grinned, combing his hair back which revealed his sweaty forehead.
With shaking legs, you crawled down from the sofa; you had a feeling that your aching lower half can’t handle the weight of standing up. Bakugo whistled, seeing how your ass moved. The latter licked his lips, noticing how plump it looks especially if you arch your back like that.
Bakugo stood up as soon as your tits are pressed against his glass coffee table. He smirked, watching your vulnerable state. Seeing how your legs are barely keeping you up just made you extra irresistible.
He then sat down with his ass practically infront of his cock, and he allowed his fingers to travel down your spine, making you shiver from his sudden contact. “Aww, what’s wrong, doll? Can’t handle this?”
You bit your lower lip, not expecting his sudden mocking attitude. You can feel his fingertips lowering, tracing your spine sensually. Then, his calloused hands groped your ass. You gasped, moving forward a bit from his ruthless grip.
You heard him cursed beneath his breath, his fingers held your ass tighter. He watched as his fingers sunk down the soft flesh of your ass. His eyes darkened, getting amused and aroused by this tension.
“You know, sweetheart…” He suddenly spoke. “…how I usually fuck my night stands are all about rough but quick sex.”
Then, he flatten his palm to your back, travelling up, “But for some reason when it comes to you, I want to see how long you’ll hold till I devour you slowly .” His fingers tangled around the tips of your hair.
You gulped then asked, “W-What do you m-mean..??”
Katsuki chuckled, “It means, doll…” He grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled it back, lifting you up from the table. “…I want to ravish you till you break, till your legs shake, till your pussy is leaking, till your mouth is sore.”
Your eyes widen, gasping from the pain of your hair being pulled and from his dirty words. Bakugo used his free hand to suffocate your breath. “The previous fuck was just me being nice. Now, I will fuck you till you’re so damn stupid.”
Before you can even respond, he shoved his entire cock inside your pussy. You screamed, attempting to fall down to the coffee table. Katsuki’s hand around your neck prevented you to do so. He lead down, his mouth whispered lowly, “Look at your right side, doll,” He asked you.
You did and you saw the broken wooden edge of the coffee table. “Ya see that? I broke my precious coffee table because of you.”
Bakugo then leaned his hips backward and slowly shoved his cock back inside you. “Your pussy was that good around my cock. My body yearns for more — you and your tempting pussy will satisfy me.”
You only moaned in respond, feeling his pelvis slowly slamming against your ass. Your eyes rolled back from pleasure, watering your eyes along the way. Katsuki held your neck tighter, his mouth letting out small moans against your ear.
He suddenly lets out a growl, pushing you down to the coffee table. He lifted your ass a bit higher then began shoving his cock faster. His tongue licked his upper lip, his hands used the globes of your ass as a tool to shove you back and forth against his cock.
When you clenched, he roared loudly, “Fuck yeah. Give it to me like that. Holy shit,” He babbled, the sweat travelled down his entire body.
Without pulling out, Katsuki lifted your body on the coffee table and laid your body to the side. He leaned a bit forward and pressed down on the side of your waist. You couldn’t move because of his strength allowed him to properly manhandled you.
This new angle caused you to hit the table multiple times due to the overwhelming esctacy.
The blond chuckled, seeing you struggle under him. “Poor baby can’t even take the pleasure anymore. Am I fucking you too stupid, doll?”
You only squirmed, forcing your head to look at him. His teeth gritted in lust, seeing how your face is flushed with redness, eyes all teared up and drool dripping down your mouth. Not to mention, your body was coated with a mix of your sweat and his. This caused your body to shone under the moonlight, which made you even more exquiste for him.
“P-Please….c-can’t..I-I—” Your mouth can’t even form a proper word from all the moaning you’re producing.
The blond smiled — not a sweetly or lustful way; it’s more on a predatory smile. His eyes displayed all the emotions he had felt at the moment.
He was lusting over the fact you became this stupid after a few rounds. He was lusting by the fact that you knew him better than his team mates. He was lusting over your intelligence and observation on his love for mountain climbing. He was lusting everything about you.
— Katsuki Bakugo needed you.
“C-Can’t what, doll?” He mocked your tone, not removing the smile on his face. “Can’t take it anymore, hm?”
Watching you nod so quickly increased his need for you. “That’s too bad, doll…” He pulled all of his cock out.
“You’re going to fucking take it all,” He rammed everything in, instantly hitting a special spot inside you.
Your body arched, feeling your body being electrified as you let out a silent scream.
He laughed rutherlessly, looking down at your fucked up state. The man continued pulling his entire cock out and shoving it in like a feral animal in heat. His hips barbarously pushed forward, making your skin bounce from the impact. Your breasts began to hurt from this painful thrusts — heck, your entire body is already hurting yet it’s still so fucking pleasureable.
Your stomach began to coil a familiar feeling. That’s when you realized that you’re about to come. This new feeling overstimulated your insides more, you placed a hand on Katsuki’s abs and pleaded, “S-Slow d-down..! I’m c-coming..!”
He grinned and then winked at you before rolling his hips to an angle and collided his hips on your ass. You screamed, feeling his cock hitting another milestone inside you.
“You’re in luck, doll. I am close too,” He uttered with a raspy tone.
After a few more thrusts, he came with a roar as you creamed around his cock.
Both of you panted in exhaustion. His hips still stuttered as he expanded the condom with his creamy substance. After a few seconds, he pulled out, oozing out your white essence.
Your nose sniffles from all the cries. His hands extended, reaching for your cheek. “Are you feeling alright? Do you think you can continue?”
Your eyes widen in shock, “C-Continue…?!?”
Katsuki chuckled at your reaction. “I’m not yet satisfied as you can see,” He smirked, and you noticed his cock hardening again.
“Didn’t I tell you?” He grabbed another condom from his back pocket. “I’ll ravish you till I’m satisfied, and I’m not yet close to satisfaction. Ya go for it? No pressure if you say no.”
With your shaking body, you sat down on the coffee table. You used your mouth to rip the plastic off the condom. Katsuki watched you in shock. You removed the plastic from your mouth and grabbed the condom. Katsuki watched as you pushed the condom into his pecs.
You looked away from his face, embarrassed by what you did. “You said you’ll fuck me till I break,” You blushed.
“I’m not yet broken, Katsuki…”
His face shivered in delight, a blush seen on his face while he bit his lower lip in exhilaration.
“Tits on the glass window. I want my window tainted by your sweat, doll.”
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145 notes · View notes
lanabitch2 · 1 day
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss scenarios:How you guys met
Charlie:(Time Line: Pilot
So you were good friends with Alastor or he owned your soul so he just spawned you to help out with the hotel and Charlie was nothing but sweet to you which was why you guys became close friends
Vaggie:(After Charlie found her)
So you are Charlie's sibling and Charlie wanted your help to get Vaggie better to which you did help ,and you and Vaggie bonded during that time which lead to her being a protective friend
Alastor:(During the show,before the Pilot)
So before the pilot he knew because once he became a overlord and came to the overlord meetings he met you another overlord and he didn't talk to you at first so you talked to him first which you and him become with besties especially with Rosie!(wait I should make a group of Alastor, Rosie,and Overlord!Reader!)And now to the show so during the overlord meetings you see him after 7 years while you and Rosie were chatting and she basically pushed you to talk to him again to which you do and you guys became close friends again!
Angel Dust:(Pilot)
You were a sinner who wanted to be redeemed so you helped Charlie with her hotel and in scene where they were in the car,Angel Dust was flirting with you the whole time even if Vaggie was screaming(?) At him,he didn't care
Husk:(Before He lost his soul to Alastor,and the pilot)
You knew him once again because of overlord meetings!You are a overlord again,You and him became friends fast and you would sometimes go to his casino and play cards with just for fun and then Alastor showed up and then Husk lost his soul. During the pilot Alastor has you help to which you do and while at the bar you meet Husk again, his is grumpy towards you but he secretly is glad that he can see you again!
Nifty(THIS IS PLATONIC!):(Pilot)
It was when Alastor just got her out of the fireplace or oven(I've heard both)and she started cleaning the place and at one point she just looked at you and then giggled and then started cleaning again, You knew she was something different
Sir Pentious:(Show)
It was after"It starts with sorry" you 2 didn't really pay attention to each other at first but he then started to try and talk to you which he was super nervous and would say the wrong thing but you were nice to him(cause duh he is sir pentious)and became his friend
Cherri bomb:(Show)
When she just blew up the wall in the hotel and Charlie gave her money to the bar(?),so when you guys were there you started talking to her and she was kinda rude bur in teasing way and after a while she was acting like your best friend
So you needed a job so you went to his studio and you didn't even half to say"Can I have a job here." He just goes"Do YoU nEeD a JoB?"*And you just nod so you gave your soul go him and stuff <3
You are just a powerful overlord who works with the Vees and Vox grew a liking to you and was kinda weird but you didn't really care about it and deal with it but you guys are friends(you replaced Alastor?)
Velvette(MA QUEEN!):Anytime
So you were one of her models and she didn't really care for you at first until she saw how much talent you had and she was awestruck so she then started showing favoritism towards you
Adam:(Earth garden of eden)
So after he lost both of his wives to Lucifer,God made him a new wife(or husband but it might start just becoming a female if so then sorry!),you were loyal to him and loved him no matter what(MY HEART OF STONNNNNNNE!)
Lute:(Anytime,and so this reader is female it just makes since of what I'm about to for the reader)
So your are a exterminator and she used not care for you until Adam started talking about you to her and she then started to pay close attention to you,which you noticed after a while and asked her"What?"and she was pissed until she chilled out started talking to you and you guys were chill
Emily(My bestie loves her):Anytime
You were a Seraphim to(I REALLY HOPE THAT NOT ALL SERAPHIMS ARE REALATED!)And she always talked to you when she just wanted to but you guys never really were friends she talked to you when she didn't think Sera would understand so at one point you were like"Wanna be friends?"and she would squeal and be like"YES!YES!"
Saint Peter(I love him and "OH!~"):Anytime
You were a Seraphim and he would sometimes see you when he would see Sera and Emily but you guys never really talked so at one point when you were just alone,he started talking to you which made you guys close
(End of hazbin hotel but if you want me to add more people than you say who)
Helluva boss
Blitzø(Mwah):(Before the whole Blitz and stolas fucking thing for the book)
So you needed a job so you saw IMP and thought *Murder >:)* so you when to work there and he had you meet him in his office and he was like "who do you want dead?"until you telled him you wanted a job and hired
Millie(THICK-um sorry and her and Moxxie are not married atleast not in these preferences but you can request them together!):season 1 episode 5 Harvest Moon Festival
So she knew you from her childhood back in the warth ring and once she saw you again at The Harvest Moon Festival she was overjoyed and so were you and you guys started catching up you ended up just going back with her and started working at IMP
Moxxie(Possum!):Harvest Moon Festival
So you also knew Millie and she introduced you two to each other and he was kinda nervous but you were kind for him to trust you and like the last preference you went to IMP to work there
Lonna(Goth queen):Anytime when she was with Blitz
So you got a a job at IMP and you tried to talk to her but Moxxie is telling you to not so you didn't for a while until you just did and she at first wasn't listening to you until she found out you like some of the same stuff as her and she kinda became your friend
Stolas(Birdy :<):Loo Loo land
So you worked for IMP and Blitzo had you and M&M to come along to protect Stolas and Octavia at Loo Loo Land,After a while Stolas started taking a liking towards you and was like "Blitzy give that one and you still have the book"
You were a servant/maid for the Goitia family and she was kinda nice to you but was still a bitch
Stirker(I mean!~):Teen times
You were Millies sibling and knew him some what around the ranch and his father so at one point when you were trying to get on a big ass horse and kept falling,he walked over and was kind(I think he was a weet heart in his childhood and teens but his dad messed it all up)and he said"Do ya need help?" He smiled and helped you up and you guys started talking after becoming friends
So you were a stripper for them and they never really noticed you until you pulled a amazing stunt(?) So after they had a talk with you and started saying how good you are and that you are probably the best stripper which you became close to them
You one of her BIGGEST fans in hell and on time at her concert when you were shouting "I love you!" She winked at you and after the concert she had you come back stage and she had you join her little group
So you were part of Verosika's little group,he never really payed attention to you but at one point you started flirting with him and he was pretty chill about it and was screaming on the inside and after that you guys became close
Mammon(Fat Christmas tree that I love!):Anytime
So you performed for him at one point which he really liked you and your style so he had you like work with him and now you are the SIN OF GREEDS pet.Maybe?
Beeulzubub(slay queen bee!):anytime
You were at one of her party's and she started talking to you and was like acting like your best friend and after she like gave you her number,you guys started hanging out
So I forgot Lucifer so!
Lucifer(eat me out please):when he visits the hotel
So when he visits he noticed you were like a parent to Charlie and he wasn't mad about it because she needed a parent figure(Alastor:I'm a roach-wait no nifty!)*and he stared talking to and was like "new Lilith?" In his head
My oc's
So you came to her bar and she caught interest in you and would start talking to you and be kind flirty while also being a sweetheart and then you guys meet again at the hotel
You were also a model for Velvette like her and she noticed how good you are and wanted you to teach her and so you did and then you guys met again in the hotel
THANK YOU FOR 57 LIKES( Is that what their called?)
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 days
Some comments on episode 3 / episode 10 - SPOILERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Daniel not wanting to eat the living fish…. yeah I can empathize
Raglan James - Is that a real name???? (LOL)
Love the banter
Daniel doubting how many Rashid’s there are… indeed
I like that they’re echoing Louis being away in last season this one as well
The underlying threat of Armand being able to kill them all if he so chose
That audio visualization will become important still I bet
How do you hide from the cloud indeed
Louis being asleep during the day?! Why this time? He was awake during the day before?
“Lestat’s prophetic vision”
Yes, be snarky Daniel :)
Ugh incineration by fire gift
Oh Armand watching Lestat as harlequin - he has it baaaaad
Armand hinting that Lestat has powers he has not touched, and them talking to each other in their minds….
Viens a moi! Come to me!!! There it is! Armand said it to Lestat, yes baby!
And Armand admitting to stalking and then kidnapping.
And I love that they’re doing it all in French - I cannot quite judge but hope it’s well done
the time freezing was so well done
Gosh Nicki. Gosh that feeding
to summarize: Liar, liar, pants on fire (LOL), but I love it. Ah yes, great fanfic, I like
Great now I will imagine Lestat and Armand beeeeeeeep in that box for ETERNITY lol
And Daniel… not buying it lol
“He abandoned xyz”… ohhhh there we have it. There we have it (not). The crux of the whole matter.
Louis knows what’s up. Deep down he knows. But them matching the stories is almost cute.
Claudia humbling herself like this to be part of it all breaks my heart
The sneezing made me cry with laughter
Ahhhh the wet room. And the rats. And the tombs. The tombs. Ohhhhh they’re so gonna lock Louis up there later. Oh boy.
“That’s a bit german” re the incinerator !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Holy shit?!)
God Lestat interrupting that moment. And Armand sensing “Bruce”. Daaaamn.
Daniel getting distracted but the Talamasca. Who have access to his computer. (!!!)
“Where is Claudia at this point” 😔 (and no answer)
Santiago’s maker being down in the tombs is IMMENSELY interesting. WHO THE FUCK IS HE
Also him telling Claudia that her lies are almost convincing….
The “come to me” scene. Even better in total. Oh Louis. Armand calling him out on it.
And the philosophical discussion there. The admission despite the warning. Something Louis ALMOST remembers…
“that’s debatable” - “she did”. Oh MAN LOUIS
“I told you I loved you” - “And you said nothing.” Holy hell.
THAT KISS. the music.
It’s RAW.
God they’re on another level
AND THE PHOTO: Lestat being there… and then vanishing!!!!
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Louis knows. He knows. Also that little story Claudia makes up there… oof.
The Bacon triptych - that is so weird. WHO wants to buy it. I BET that’s important.
And Daniel using the time to go through the material and find the proof of the theater burning.
The coven pressuring Armand. I LOVED that. The trepidation. Ugh.
And them throwing Louis out when she is initiated. Does he know of the five laws??????
And Claudia’s expression at the laws. Oh maaaannnnnn.
And I KNEW it!! Armand is playing with the fire there “threatening” Louis. I mean, he ultimately doesn’t, but he ALMOST does. The discussion in the sewers. The foreshadowing once more. Louis calling on what Armand promised, and Armand throwing the lies into his face. DAMN.
And Armand stating that Claudia won’t be there for long.
God I knew the coven would go and humiliate Claudia with that role. I knew it. Damn. Her face.
“The Savage Garden”. The roaring of the fire behind Louis. More foreshadowing.
“Did he break you? Or did you break him?” 😭😭
A century ago. Yesterday. So much pain.
That kiss. And Louis inviting Armand in on the premise that he won’t kill him!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit.
Argh, loved it, maybe a favorite so far. There is so much going on. So much foreshadowing. So much knowledge suppressed, or endured. So much bitter realization. So many things hinted at and introduced.
Also, as clear as it is (and was said in the episode insider) that this is Armand’s little fanfic version… (as Assad how much of it is used to "paint Armand in a good light"?!) :))) . It was a LOT of fun. :)
And that banquet scene will be in the next episode already!! Whoop whoop, cannot wait!
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velvette-creations · 2 days
Hurt So Good
Hazbin Hotel: The Vees x fem!reader 
Rating: Explicit 
WC: 1.4 k 
Prompt: Exhaustion for @sweetspicybingo (Hurt/Comfort Bingo Collection)
Warnings: Overstimulation, oral (f and m receiving), sex work, mentions of bondage and voyeurism, anal, threesome, some solid aftercare, reader is a fox/demon hybrid inspired by a very minor character on the show
Summary: Being involved with the Vees has its perks 
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Your indigo fluffy tail swished, tickling the bare skin of the giant bull, pounding you from behind as drool pooled down the corners of your mouth. It dripped down the shiny pink ball gag strapped around your mouth and splattered on the sheets below. You clenched around him before soaking his cock. Valentino was delighted to nail the money shot in one take and quickly called cut since he was satisfied. You were thankful it had been an easy night. Once Frank slipped out of you, you rolled onto your back and blew him a kiss; your fox ears twitched before you rolled off the bed.
You pushed onto your tiptoes as you stretched. It might not have been a long night, but it had been exhausting. Your muscles constantly ached after an intense bondage scene, and a hot bath sounded so good right now.
“Baby, you were wonderful tonight, simply on fire,” Valentino purred, beckoning you over to him with a crooked finger.
You were still bare, covered in spunk, but you approached him, perching on his knee. “Thanks, Val,” you beamed. You learned quickly it was better to be on his good side.
“And here I thought Angel was my star. I think it might be you,” he cooed, scratching under your chin and making your tail wag.
“Nah, Angel is a diamond. He’s experienced. I’m just a novice at best, like cheap plastic jewelry,” you mumbled.
You jumped in Val’s lap as you felt a cable sneak up your back before lightly wrapping around your throat.
“Now, now, you wouldn’t be talking about my best girl in such a manner. That simply won’t do,” Vox’s voice purred.
“Silly me, just ignore my ramblings. I’m tired,” you said sheepishly, using a furry paw to cover up a yawn.
“You’re working her too hard, Val,” Vox chided, releasing the cable around your throat before setting his chilled hand against your back and nuzzling your shoulder. Soft shocks of electricity burst over your skin.
“The minions can’t get enough of her. I’m simply giving into popular demand,” Val reasoned.
Vox pulled away momentarily, then draped a silk robe around you.  “Well, she’s done for tonight, so let’s take care of her.”
Once your robe was belted around your waist, Valentino scooped you into his arms and carried you into the private quarters of the Vees. You hung tightly to his neck, always forgetting how tall he was. He placed you on the velvet couch and soon you had a lapful of Velvette as she perched her petite body in your lap, covering your face with kisses.
“My favorite foxy girl,” she purred, stroking your ears tenderly, and you felt like you could melt.
You fluttered your lashes, your eyes slowly drooping close as the exhaustion set in your bones. Velvette’s gentle pets were enough to lull you to sleep, but you longed for one last thrill to push you over the edge. To be tugged over the tidal wave, sending you crashing into orgasmic bliss before succumbing to sweet, serene slumber. Your muzzle pressed against Vel’s warm cheek.
“I wanna taste you,” you whispered, your claws furling around her skirt.
“Mmm, that sounds rather lovely to me, foxy girl. Go on then,” she encouraged, her fingers moving through your silky hair as you removed her skirt and panties.
You pressed your palm between her slender thighs, soaking up her wet arousal before taking hold of her hips. She was petite enough to manipulate easily, and you enjoyed making her come undone. You stretched out on the couch before lowering her to your face, your tongue eagerly swiping over her dripping slit. Her hitched moan was music to your ears, spurring you on to eat her out like a starving dog. Her cunt was delicious and warm, sweet nectar dancing against your tongue as you brought her to orgasm, feeling her shiver in your tight grasp as she squirmed against your face.
“My, what a show,” Vox hummed, stroking his hard-on through his tight trousers.
Your claws dug into her tender backside as she rode out her orgasm, grinding against your face until she went limp in your grasp. Your tongue eagerly lapped her clean, savoring every drop before removing her from her seat upon your face.
“Oh fuck me,” Velvette groaned, a broad smile dancing on her face in the aftermath.
“Our little vixen always knows how to satisfy,” Valentino smirked, pink smoke billowing around him as he sauntered to you, cupping your face before his long tongue snaked in your mouth.
One gloved hand caressed the black horns on top of your head as Velvette straddled your stomach.
“Come join us, Voxxy,” she piped up, waving him over.
You watched through heavy-lidded eyes as Vox removed Velvette’s top and bra, his metal fingers tweaking her pebbled nipples. Val pulled away from the sloppy, wet kiss, moving behind your head as he freed his cock. You felt Velvette’s weight slip from your body as Vox maneuvered you so you were on all fours. Val’s weighted cock slapped against your lips, making you shiver, opening your mouth to take him in. Vevlette straddled your back, taking hold of your fluffy tail, lifting it out of the way as her delicate fingers stroked your dripping, swollen cunt, preparing you for Vox.
You felt stuffed full as Vox sunk deep inside you while Val’s cock filled your mouth. Velvette’s slicked fingers played with the tight pucker of your ass, creating a makeshift plug as you gave into all the wonderful feelings, allowing them to use you like a little fuck toy. A sharp snap of Vox’s hips. Velvette’s tender stroking of your tight hole. Your drool puddled down the corners of your mouth as Val fucked your mouth. You couldn’t decide what was the best. All of it felt so damn good.
Your dripping pussy clenched around Vox’s cock as he used his gift to cause a deep vibration to roll through you. Two of Velvette’s fingers filled your tight hole, making you moan around Val’s cock even as your jaw ached. It didn’t take much longer for you to orgasm, feeling overstimulated from earlier. Bands snapped in your lower belly as you crashed over the edge, shuddering around Vox’s vibrating cock and Vel’s fingers. Your jaw went slack around Val’s cock as you rode out the wave until you were finally spent, allowing the serene blue waves to claim you. Oh, it hurt so good.
Your limbs turned to jelly as you were freed from all their appendages. Your knees scooted toward your chest before you curled into a fetal position. Your tail swished over your thighs as Valentino gave you a gentle pat between your black curved horns. Your fluffy ears smoothed back happily. Velvette may have been tiny in stature, but she made up for it in strength as she pried your limbs apart to wipe you clean with a warm towel. A happy yip escaped your maw as Vox began to brush your fur, making it gleam like silk. The three of them certainly knew how to take care of you. Suddenly, you didn’t care about the hot bath anymore.
As the three gathered around the table to enjoy an extravagant dinner from Voracious Eats, you curled in Valentino’s large lap as he fed you bites from his plate. You eagerly lapped up the delicious sauces and meats, savoring each delicious bite before letting out a soft yawn. The warmth of the food soothed your aching throat from swallowing down Val’s cum earlier.
“Our foxy girl needs some rest,” Vox chuckled before taking a long swig of his scotch. His fingers delicately scritched behind one of your ears.
“She worked hard today,” Valentino mused, scratching under your chin.
“It’s hard not to be taken under our little vixen’s spell,” Velvette cooed, reaching out her tiny hand to pat your haunches.
Valentino carried you over to the large bed. You pawed at the silky sheets before turning around in circles then collapsed against the little nest you created. Your eyes drooped close as you snuggled your face between your paws. Halfway through the night, you crawled on Vox’s chest, enjoying the soft thrum of his metallic body as his claws soothingly tangled in your fur. You moved over to Valentino next, making yourself a small ball on his chest, rising with each deep breath he took. That position served well for a bit until you needed something a little different.
You moved over to Velvette, gently nudging her away with your muzzle. Her hands stroked your face, making you wag your tail then curl into a makeshift donut shape. Velvette made herself comfy right in the center of your legs, her face snuggling against your soft, indigo fur. Eventually, Val and Vox snuggled up close on either side of you. With all three curled close, you stayed pleasantly asleep for the rest of the evening.
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sodaabaa · 1 day
to flee or not to flee, part five
anthony bridgerton x OC what happens when a charming and determined viscount courts someone whose worst fear is to marry a man like him?
tropes: damsel in distress, innocent and shy mc, slow burn
tw: mentions of domestic abuse, angst, anxiety, slight misogyny/patriarchal concepts, nsfw (wedding night scene), mentions of scars and past abuse.
see playlist for the story here!
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The rest of the week was a blur after Annalise had accepted the viscount’s proposal. She could barely keep up with Lady Bridgerton and Daphne and the speed with which they planned the wedding. They’d travel back to Mayfair tomorrow to prepare for the wedding which was set to take place on the Friday of the upcoming week. Invites had been sent the morning after the viscount – Anthony, he’d insisted Annalise call him – announced the news. Lady Bridgerton nearly fainted in excitement, simply ecstatic that her eldest son was finally set to marry. She and Daphne immediately snatched Annalise away from the rest of the family, questioning her on all her favorite things to ensure the wedding would be to her taste. 
Annalise lay in bed that night, relieved to finally have a moment to herself. Once the wedding plans were set, Thomas hadn’t said a word to Annalise. She supposed she should have expected it, Annalise was nothing but a burden to Thomas from the moment their parents died – she was another man’s burden now. Still, her brother’s neglect hurt, her eyes stinging with tears as she thought about how utterly alone she was. No mother to hold her, explain to her what she should expect of married life. No father to give her away with a kiss on her forehead. 
A gentle knock on the door pulled Annalise out of her thoughts. She sat up, wiping away the tears with the backs of her hands. 
“Come in,” she said, her voice hoarse.
It was Anthony who opened the door, peering inside with a smile.
“I’m not interrupting am I?” 
Annalise sniffled, “No, not at all Lor-” Anthony narrowed his eyes at her. 
“Anthony,” the name felt foreign on her tongue. 
He smiled, walked towards her, and took a seat next to her. When he noticed the red around her nose and puffy eyes, his smile fell, replaced with furrowed brows.
“What’s wrong?” He said his hand on the small of her back. She shivered at the touch. 
She inhaled, “Nothing, I suppose I’m just nervous is all.” 
He tilted his head, not entirely convinced with her answer. 
“Your brother hasn’t spoken with you all week” he deduced, seeing right through Annalise.
Her eyes fell to the floor. 
“Annalise,” He lifted her chin with a single finger, “let me tell you a little secret” He smiled.
“One of the perks of becoming a Bridgerton is that you now have three annoying, meddlesome but loving brothers at your disposal. Benedict has already grown quite fond of you. They’re all glad that you’re to join our family," he continued. 
She couldn’t hold back the tears that fell from her eyes, eliciting a hushing coo from Anthony who wiped away the tears as they fell. When that didn’t stop her tears, he pulled her into his chest protectively. She sank into his embrace, shoulders shaking, now full-on sobbing. He only held her, fingers raking through her hair, until she calmed.
She pulled away, “My apologies, I didn't mean to be a burden – and oh!" She sighed, "I ruined your coat,” tears welled in her eyes again, looking down at the wet patch on his lapels, emitting a soft laugh from the man before her.
“Annalise,” he waited until she looked up at him again before continuing, “you are no burden, you are to be my wife and I intend to make you a happy one at that” he touched his forehead to hers, his hands held her face. After she’d calmed again, he brought her forehead to his lips, pressing a soft kiss. 
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They returned to Mayfair the next day, Annalise found herself already missing the country air. She sat in the drawing room, waiting for her brother – the butler had sent for her, informing her that Thomas needed to speak with her. The doors opened and he walked in, Annalise rose but he waved a hand motioning for her to remain seated. He took a seat in front of her after grabbing a glass and filling it with a drink.
He cleared his throat, “Annalise. I’m not entirely sure how you managed to catch the eye of the viscount but no matter, now that you are set to marry you must know your duty is to produce an heir as soon as you can to secure your position as viscountess” he said, not a hint of warmth in his voice – only cold, distant calculation. 
Annalise was taken aback. It’d been nearly two weeks since he’d spoken to her and this was the first thing he said? 
“Do you understand?” He barked, impatient.
She nodded, unable to gather the proper words to voice what she wanted to say to him.
He clapped his hands, “Well, congratulations then.” With that, he rose, leaving just as quickly as he’d arrived.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Anthony watched Annalise stare out the carriage her fingers fiddling absentmindedly with the beads of her bodice. He wished there was something he could say that’d rid her of all her worries and fears. If only it were as easy as saying a few words. He learned quite early on that Annalise did not believe in words, throughout their week at Aubrey Hall before the wedding, he tried his absolute hardest to get her to see that he meant no harm. To his surprise, it worked, even if it was only a little. She no longer stiffened at his touch or avoided his gaze. He’d have to be patient and Anthony was content with that. As long as Annalise felt safe, he’d wait an eternity if need be. 
He could see Aubrey Hall in the distance. Annalise turned to him, brows furrowed and lips parted. She wanted to say something but he could see her hesitance.
“Yes?” He encouraged her.
“Why did you pardon Thomas from providing a dowry?”
Ah. “I think it’s quite clear I am in no need of one.”
She wasn’t satisfied, “then why did you provide payment to Thomas?”
Anthony sighed, “I did what I had to do to ensure your brother would not be a hindrance to my proposal.”
He hoped this would be enough for her. She was already heartbroken by her brother’s behavior during the past week, he did not want to add to that heartbreak by telling her of her brother's plans to marry her off to another man who'd promised payment.
She turned away, satisfied enough for now he assumed. The entire ride she’d been silent and now that he’d heard her voice, he yearned for more.
“What did my family say about me when you were conducting your interrogations of them? I’d wager they voiced some disdain?” He asked.
“They had some grievances,” she said with a teasing smile on her face. God, he’d do anything to see more of the smile that brought him to his knees.
“But rest assured, your sisters adore you. And your brothers admire you very much. You raised them well.” 
His brows rose in surprise. He’d half expected her time with his siblings to deter her from his proposal and point out every little flaw Anthony possessed. The carriage stopped, signaling their arrival. Anthony stepped out of the carriage first, offering a hand to Annalise after.
“Welcome home, Lady Bridgerton,” he said, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand – eliciting yet another timid smile from his wife as she took in the view before her. Anthony gazed at the woman before him, she was entirely unaware of the way she made his heart swell. No matter, she’ll find out soon enough. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Night had fallen, and the stars glistened in the sky as Annalise gazed up at the sky from her seat at the windowsill. Much of the afternoon was spent with the maids, setting up her belongings in the master bedroom while Anthony left to tend to some business as viscount. She looked around, pastel blue and gold peppered the room, and her eyes fell to the bed – her stomach fluttered. Violet paid her a visit before the wedding, she’d wanted to explain the matters of the wedding night to her. Though she was vague, Annalise understood the basics of what she’d meant to say and it caused knots in her stomach every time she remembered the duty she must fulfill. She repeatedly reminded herself that Anthony had been nothing but gentle and patient with her, that it would be alright but it was no use. She couldn’t quell the anxiety rising to the surface. 
As if on cue, the doorknob turned and Anthony entered. Like that night in the library, he’d abandoned his coat and vest. Dressed only in a shirt and trousers, sleeves rolled up and hair disheveled. He looked divine. She found it difficult to look away, caught in a daze as he approached her. A hand snaked up the side of her neck, finding the nape and pulling her in for a kiss. 
Butterflies swarmed her stomach, feeling lightheaded as he kissed her. 
“Hello wife,” he murmured against her lips, lips curved into a smile.
She looked up at him, cheeks heating up. When she didn’t respond, he bent down, arms wrapped around her lower body as he lifted her and moved them over to the bed. 
“Anthony!” She squealed in surprise, a laugh escaping her.
He placed her on the bed, she rested up on her elbows but before she could speak any further, he knocked her arms down causing her to fall back onto the plush pillows underneath. She giggled, trying to swat his hands away to no avail, he wrapped his hands around the backs of her knees, yanking her towards him at the edge of the bed. She stared up at him, mouth agape at his impatience. 
“You,” he leaned down, “are,” his lips trailed her jaw, pausing for a moment before continuing. He kissed gently at a sensitive spot underneath her jaw, moving down to her neck leaving a burning path of kisses. His breath tickled her skin. She shuddered.
“Exquisite,” he finished. He returned to her face, lips meeting hers in a feverish kiss while his hands trailed up her arms, leaving goosebumps all over her skin. He pulled at the front of her robe, eager to be rid of the fabric boundary between them. She stirred, breaking the kiss. Her hands shot down to his. 
“Wait!” She exclaimed, breathless from the kiss. 
He looked down at her in confusion but halted his advances. She dragged herself up, making room for her to sit up on the bed. Her hair fell over her shoulders, grateful for the extra cover they provided her. She wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly self-conscious and afraid of what he’d think of her imperfections. He sat in front of her, the bed shifted with his weight. 
“What is it? Are you afraid? We can wait, if you’d like,” he reassured, he reached for her hands. 
Their hands intertwined, he brought one of hers up to his lips and placed a kiss into her palm.
“No - it’s just that,” she hesitated, at a loss for words.
“Annalise, whatever it is you can tell me,” he whispered, eyes searching her face.
She inhaled, bracing herself.
“I’m afraid you’ll find me unpleasing,” she admitted, looking away from him.
He instantly took her face in his hands, forcing her attention back to him. 
“You are bewitching, Annalise. There’s not a woman in the world who can compare to your beauty. Look at me,” he commanded, eyes dark with desire.
She held his gaze, “I have scars.” 
Pain flashed across his face at her confession. His eyes searched her face, brow set in determination.
“Do you trust me?” He asked.
She only nodded.
“I need you to say it, Annalise,” eyes narrowing to emphasize his point.
“I trust you,” she whispered.
His hands made their way back to her waist, at the front of her robe where he held them for a moment. He looked at her once again, waiting for her confirmation. She nodded. He wasted no time in undoing the robe, letting it slip off her shoulders. She shivered at the sudden rush of air against her bare skin. He moved her hair out of the way and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
“Turn around.”
She obeyed, turning towards the pillows and away from the man who was driving her crazy with need.
He gently guided her down to the bed, laying her on her stomach. Her bare back faced him and she wiggled as his hands traced down her spine. Her eyes fluttered shut as she steadied her breathing. She felt him lean down, he started kissing across her shoulders, down her spine until he reached the bottom of her torso. A tear slipped from her eyes when she realized what he was doing. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Anthony winced when he saw the scars peppering his wife’s fair skin. She was so delicate. He couldn’t imagine the horrors she’d been through which led to the marks across her skin. Some were long, some were short, some were circles – cigar burns he realized. His vision turned red, rage filling his chest. He inhaled deeply. Thomas would pay for his abuse. But right now, his wife needed him. He pushed away thoughts of revenge as he laid kisses on Annalise’s back. He felt her shudder with each kiss as he made his way down her back, taking great care to place a kiss on each and every scar, he intended to make her forget about the pain she’d endured all these years.
Once he’d finished peppering her back with kisses, he turned her around to face him. Her eyes were teary but she smiled, leaning up from the pillow to kiss him. Her hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. His own hands trailed down to her waist, pulling her into an embrace. He needed to be closer, closer. He pulled away, eliciting a whine from the beautiful girl beneath him.
“Oh, just a moment you minx,” he teased.
He lifted his shirt over his head and undid his trousers. Annalise’s eyes widened at the sight of his bare chest. 
“Annalise,” he bent down to kiss her once more, “this may hurt. If, at any moment you feel discomfort, please tell me and I will stop at once” he held her gaze to emphasize his point. 
“I promise,” she nodded.
“Good girl,” he praised, placing a kiss on her forehead. A blush spread across her cheeks. He wanted to devour her when she blushed like that.
He prepared himself, positioning himself against her. She wiggled nervously, looking up at him in anticipation. He pushed forward, sinking into absolute bliss. He kept himself from groaning as he scanned Annalise’s face for signs of discomfort. Her face scrunched at the sudden invasion but she let out a moan and he lost all restraint. He pushed forward again, watching her carefully. He caught her lips in a burning kiss as they continued. Anthony hadn’t known pleasure like this despite all the women he’d been with in the past. He could spend the rest of his life sinking deeper into the magnificent woman before him and it still wouldn’t be enough for him.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Annalise spent the next few weeks learning to be a viscountess and visiting the townspeople who lived under Anthony’s jurisdiction. She spent the days managing the day to day affairs of their estate while the nights were reserved for her husband and his endless doting of her. She fell deeper and deeper in love with him as the days passed. She'd almost forgotten about her past until a reminder came knocking on her door.
“My lady, there’s a visitor here to see you.” She made her way to the door, curious as to who could possibly be visiting her. She stopped in her tracks when she saw her brother standing at the doorway, waiting for an invitation to come in. 
“Thomas,” she said in surprise.
“Hello, sister. May I come in?” She nodded, turning away from the door to lead him towards the drawing room. Unsure of what to say, she asked, “what brings you here, brother?” 
“I’ve just come to check on you, dear sister. How has married life been treating you?” 
She looked at him in suspicion, “it’s been well, thank you.” 
He looked at her expectantly, “And?” 
“I’m not sure what more there is to say, brother.” 
“It has been weeks since you’ve been married. Are you not with child yet, girl?” He said, his patience wearing thin.
She gaped at her brother, unsure of how to respond. As if by some miracle, she heard familiar footsteps coming in from the foyer. She sighed, grateful for the return of her husband. Anthony walked in, attention on removing his gloves when he looked up and staggered.
“Mr. Carrington?” 
Thomas rose from his seat, “Lord Bridgerton. How good it is to see you again.” 
Anthony nodded, lips set in a tight smile. 
“What brings you here, is everything alright?” He questioned, taking a seat next Annalise and resting a protective hand on her thigh.
“I came to check on my sister, Lord Bridgerton. I’d hoped to hear the happy news of becoming an uncle but alas, that is not the case. Perhaps, Annalise is not taking her role seriously” he said pointedly, looking at Annalise with disdain.
“I beg your pardon, Mr. Carrington?” Anthony spat.
“I only mean to say Annalise requires a firm hand if she is to-”
Anthony held up his hand, stopping Thomas before he could finish. 
“You come into my home to insult my wife?” His voice hardened.
Thomas chuckled nervously, “she is my sister, Bridgerton.”
“Lord Bridgerton. She is no longer your concern, Mr. Carrington,” he said, every word dripping with anger as he stared Thomas down in disgust.
Thomas opened his mouth to defend himself but Anthony rose from his seat and crossed the room. He grabbed Thomas by the lapels. Annalise stood, afraid of Anthony’s sudden outburst.
“Has Annalise said something to you? She is a foolish girl, always looking for someone else to blame,” Thomas spit out.
“You are a pathetic excuse for a man, I’m ashamed to even be in the same room as you. Get the bloody hell out of my house before I decide to do to you what you did to that little girl who was under your care!” His voice bounced off the walls, Annalise flinched. She watched in awe as Anthony defended her. Finally, he let go of her brother, shoving him forward as he did. Without saying anything else, Thomas straightened his jacket and left. 
Anthony sighed, running a hand through his hair before turning back to Annalise. He walked towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist, when he saw the tears welled up in her eyes, he pulled her into his chest.
“Are you alright?” He mumbled into her hair.
She nodded, pulling back. She sniffled once, composing herself enough to give him a reassuring smile that said she was okay.
“Thank you,” she said. He leaned down to kiss her in response and when he pulled away, Annalise sighed, resting her head against her husband’s chest, grateful that she had not fled her fate. 
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gabigarden · 1 day
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I got the amazing opportunity to work on the silverfanzine in collaboration with ultimate-shiruba for her short story called The Midnight District. In this final scene, Silver discovers Team Psych has a newfound ally in the world's only ultimate life form...! The Bits seem quite fascinated by his rather ancient, yet still well maintained air shoes.
It was an honor to be able to illustrate so many of my favorite characters all in one scene!
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1luvkarina · 2 days
birthday gift
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pairing - hwang yeji x fem! 6th mem of itzy reader
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Waking up before Yeji to decorate the dorm with the others just to surprise her
Preparing breakfast with Lia and Yuna while Ryujin and Chaeryoung finished setting everything
Yeji waking up to the smell of her favorite food and leaving her and Ryujin’s room to see the three of you cooking while Ryujin and Chaeryoung were making sure everything was perfect
“What are you guys doing?”
Once everyone heard the leaders voice the five of you stopped what you were doing and looked at the latter in shock and fear
“Oh hey~ Yeji…” yuna says, while laughing nervously “What are you doing up?”
Yeji looked at the maknae with a raised eyebrow not noticing the four others silently communicating with their eyes.
“Uh..I smelled food?” Yeji says, before she felt a body bump into her.
She looked down to see you standing in front of her while glaring at Lia who was avoiding eye contact with you.
“How about we go roam around the halls?” you asked, grabbing quickly grabbing her hand so she wouldn’t look behind her and see the decorations.
“Wait..” she started only to get cut off and quickly pulled out of the dorm and into the hallway. “Why did you do that?”
She watched as you shrugged and lead her away from the dorm and towards the elevator.
“No reason, just wanted to go on a walk.” you simply replied, pressing the down button.
“Okay?” she replied, staring at you curiously as the elevator doors opened and she was pulled inside.
As soon as you both were in the elevator and the doors closed, Yeji kept her focus on you. She admired your features which was something that she always did whenever you weren’t paying attention.
If there was one thing that she’d want more than anything for her birthday, it’d be to ask you to be her girlfriend. But she just didn’t know how to ask exactly without feeling nervous.
Once the elevator reached the top floor of the JYP building, you grabbed your leaders hand once again and lead her to a bench that had a clear view of Seoul.
“Why are we here exactly?” Yeji asked, watching as you let go of her hand and sat down.
“Because it’s calming up here.” you replied simply, looking at the somewhat light blue sky before looking at her. “Are you going to sit down or just stand there?”
Upon hearing your question, the older girl blushed slightly and sat down beside you as you turned your focus back onto the view.
“It’s so pretty.” you whispered softly.
“Yeah, it is.” Yeji said softly while staring at you lovingly.
You hummed and turned your attention towards her not realizing how close you were to each other.
Soon enough your lips touched, causing both of your eyes to widen in surprise before slowly melting into the kiss.
While this was all happening, Ryujin and Lia were both sent to come get you both since they had finished setting up the dorm and the table.
Lia was the first to see the scene and nudged Ryujin who looked at her in confusion and then looked over at the two of you, a smirk appearing on her face.
Pulling away, Yeji was shocked by what just happened and cleared her throat. “Sorry, I didn’t think that..”
Before she could finish, you had cut her off. “It’s fine, I liked it.”
“Really?” Yeji asked, in shock with a slight hint of relief and happiness in her voice.
You nodded sheepishly and looked away from the latter as she laughed lightly and grabbed your hand.
“Well uh..” Yeji says, before taking a deep breath “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Hearing the question, you turned to look at her in shock. “Wait, what?”
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Yeji asked again, nervously waiting for a response.
“I would love to be your girlfriend, Yeji.” you responded, making the Itzy leader smile.
Before Yeji could say anything a squeal was heard from behind you both, causing you two to both turn around to see Lia and Ryujin standing there watching you two.
Lia was squealing excitedly while Ryujin was shaking her head at the girl beside her making you both laugh.
“Well I guess we should go.” Yeji says, standing up and holding out her hand for you to take.
Grabbing a hold of her hand, you stood up and she led you over to your two members.
“Ynji is real!” Lia cheered while running towards the door and down the hallway to the elevator to head back to the dorm to tell Chaeryoung and Yuna the news.
The three of you looked at each other before laughing at her excitement, “So Yeji, how’s your birthday so far?” Ryujin asked.
“Amazing.” Yeji replied, as the three of you headed to the exit of the rooftop and to the elevator.
To say the least, it had to be the best birthday gift she’d gotten even if she hadn’t received the others.
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ssruis · 3 days
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My favorite piece of an trivia is that she didn’t even want to be in the disciplinary committee but she got dragged into it only for her to literally go through a new unique hell every day because rui + tsukasa are doing some dumb shit. Also toya literally has complete faith in tsukasa & will be told to his face that tsukasa is involved with that stuff and he’ll just respond like “hmm… tsukasa-senpai wouldn’t do that though…” + this later applies to rui as well
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(Toya looking at rui doing that scary expression as he thinks abt fucking with tsukasa) wow he seems excited to bring smiles and joy to everyone around him. Imagining toya watching rui dragging a screaming tsukasa away from the scene of an explosion and he’s just like “they seem like they’re having a lot of fun together 😌”.
I want to believe an is complaining about them both at practice one day and toya’s just like “I didn’t know there was another pair of students at our school that share names with tsukasa-senpai and kamishiro-senpai… I hope they don’t get caught up with the students who are causing you trouble” & an and akito both cycle through all the stages of grief at a rapid pace
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prythianpages · 4 hours
Shining Like the Sun | Lucien x Reader
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summary: Lucien walks in on you singing a familiar tune to your daughter.
word count: 1,200
warnings: fluff
a/n: This has been in my drafts for a hot minute and I decided to finally edit it. Here is another part of my ABBA x ACOTAR series (masterlist) where I dedicate a song to a character (: and a part two to this one-shot. It can also be read as a stand alone as this takes place many years after. I just wanted to take a lighter approach to this song since the first part was dark/angsty.
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As the sun ascends to its highest peak in the beautiful blue sky, its bathes the court in a warm glow. It’s been years since Lucien officially moved to Day Court, accepting his title as Helion’s heir. Yet, he still finds himself getting lost in the beauty of it all.
It was not easy for him to come to terms with the truth and he was grateful to have you by his side. The one constant in his life. The one who loved him even when he couldn’t find it in his heart to love himself.
A soft, melodious hum echoes through the courtyard like a gentle breeze. Lucien’s lips curve up into a smile and he allows the lovely sound to carry him forward. His eye softens immediately when he finally spots you.
You stand in front of the magnificent crystal fountain, humming a familiar tune to your daughter as you gently sway her back and forth in your arms. The fountain is your daughter’s favorite place. Her tiny eyes love to watch the way the crystals catch the sunlight, entranced by the resulting rainbows that dance across the courtyard. She loves it even more when you bring her close, her hands always reaching out for the moving water in a silent request to let her touch it.
But your daughter is not focused on the fountain at this moment.
Her attention is solely focused on you... much like her father’s.
“Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me, but I won't feel blue."
Lucien pauses as you begin to sing, admiring the scene before him. Your voice possesses an enchanting allure that never fails to draw him in. And so he listens, entranced and enamored, knowing that he would follow you to the ends of the Prythian over and over again just to hear the sound of your voice. 
“Like I always do,” you continue to sing, smiling when your daughter begins to scrunch her nose in delight. Lucien feels a tug in his chest–a sign that you’re well aware he’s watching. And then you’re finally lifting your head, meeting his gaze across the courtyard.
“‘Cause somewhere in the crowd there’s you.”
Sensing his warming presence, your daughter shifts in your arms. Her mouth parts as she spots her father, tiny hands reaching out for him. She is the spitting image of Lucien with her russet eyes and cascade of deep red hair that curls softly around her golden skin.
Lucien grins, finally bridging the distance between you. He graciously takes the infant into his arms, chest tightening when your daughter beams up at him. Her tiny hands grasp at his face, poking at his cheeks.
The way she looks up at him always makes his heart swell with such warmth. When she was first born, he worried his scars and mechanical eye would frighten her. But all he sees is pure awe and adoration reflected in those russet eyes.
Your eyes shine with mirth at the sight. “Someone missed you.”
Lucien playfully nips at your daughter’s fingers, eliciting the most adorable fit of giggles. So he does it one more time, chuckling with her, before turning to you. Your hair is swept to the side, leaving your back exposed and his gaze flickers toward the tattoo etched there. 
What once used to be a trapped bird in a cage is now a bird soaring free, its wings spread wide in flight. A powerful symbol of your journey and a testament to Lucien's promise fulfilled—to liberate you from the bargain that bound you to that wretched place.
You had been freed to follow your heart, to explore the world, and to love without restraint. And you did, your heart choosing him, overwhelming him with a feeling he had thought he'd never be able to feel again. It appeared that the Cauldron had also finally favored him when the bond snapped, revealing you two to be mates.
His thumb sweeps over the black ink before letting it fall to the small of your back. He presses a kiss to your forehead and then walks you both to one of the day beds.
“Just someone?” He asks, russet eye sparkling as he already knows his answer. You had sent a couple of tugs through the bond while he sat through a meeting with Helion and other members of the Day council. It was something you both did, a means to check on each other.
“Maybe, I missed you too,” you reply coyly.
Lucien scoffs. “Maybe?”
You only laugh in response but the surge of love that floods through the bond says otherwise. The hand at your back lowers until he finds your own, his fingers intertwining with yours. Lucien settles himself onto the day bed, your daughter secured safely in his hold while he tugs you along. You hesitate, a slight furrow to your brow.
“Don’t you have another meeting to attend today?”
Lucien’s nose scrunches at the reminder—a charming trait your daughter has clearly inherited. He glances up at you with a playful smile, tugging gently at your hand once more. “Can’t you just let me enjoy the sweet company of my girls?”
Your daughter coos in agreement, prompting Lucien to raise his eyebrow at you.
“Besides, I have at least an hour until then,” he assures you, russet eye lighting up when he feels your hand relax in his. “Now, come.”
You let him pull you closer, curling up by his side as his familiar, comforting scent envelops you.
“That song you were singing,” Lucien begins as your daughter begins to crawl up his chest. She presses one tiny hand against him to lift herself while the other tangles in the loose strands of her father’s hair. 
“I’ve always heard you humming it but I don’t think I’ve heard the words until now.”
“Really? It’s about when I first met you,” you say, lifting your chin to meet his warm and curious gaze. Blush rises to your cheeks. “I thought you knew. It's Sol’s favorite too.”
The two of you then look at the bundle of joy nestled between you both. Sol’s eyes crinkle, joyfully overwhelmed at the attention. “Sing it to me,” Lucien pleads gently, pulling the two of you closer to him.
And so you do. 
Your voice floats softly through the air, wrapping around the three of you like a gentle embrace. Lucien closes his eyes, savoring the melody and the meaning. Beneath the warm embrace of the sun, with his two favorite girls by his side, all his worries melt away. Your daughter follows suit, nestling her head into her father’s chest, her eyes slowly giving in to sleep.
“Still, I'm thinking about you only,” you continue to sing, smiling softly to yourself. Your daughter nestles deeper into Lucien’s chest, her eyelids growing heavier. With a tender caress to her cheek, she finally succumbs to sleep. “There are moments when I think I’m going crazy.”
“But it’s gonna be alright. Everything will be so different when–”
A light snore disrupts your song, and you let out an amused chuckle. Even as Lucien drifts off to sleep, his feelings of happiness and love flood through the bond you share. Your own eyes close, basking in the warmth of it all.
Surely, a nap wouldn’t hurt.
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ABBA x Acotar Masterlist
I found a dreamy cover of super trouper and listened to it a lot when writing this.
tagging those who read the first part and were interested in a part two: @acourtofimagines, @flymetovelaris, @zeprussia, @mybestfriendmademe, @hardcoremarvelfan
@tele86, @secretlyhers, @sarawritestories, @evergreenlark
I would love to eventually write a part that is set in between the first part and this one that focuses on how Lucien saved you but I'm still trying to find inspo for that. Like I'm unsure if I want him to find reader again UTM or for Lucien to invoke the Autumn duel or for him to get Rhys involved. For now, enjoy this fluff bc Lucien deserves all the happiness in the world <3
general tag list: @scooobies, @kennedy-brooke, @sillysillygoose444, @lilah-asteria @the-sweet-psycho
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ataraxiasflame · 17 hours
what was your least favorite part of acosf
Good question, anon! And my answer is probably going to be an unpopular one. There are several scenes that I can point out as contenders for least favorite but there are actually two characters that made ACOSF very difficult for me.
The first was Amren. Amren’s agenda to put Rhysand on the throne despite his insistence that he doesn’t want to conquer Prythian. Amren’s suggestion that Nesta use the mask and the weapons that she made with her power to make Rhys King (when at this point, there was every indication that the mask could kill Nesta). And then when Nesta went down on her knees to beg forgiveness from Amren who had previously called Nesta a pathetic waste of life, I literally threw my book at the wall.
The narrative that Nesta hurt so many (see: Feyre) and needed to earn their forgiveness still pisses me off to this day especially when every single member of the inner circle is still given the luxury to behave in other destructive manners, and none of them are held accountable or had their lives threatened if they didn’t toe the line.
My second issue with ACOSF was Feyre. I don’t tend to discuss it much given that she’s a pretty popular character. Feyre was my least favourite character in the original trilogy, and she remained my least favourite after ACOSF but for different reasons.
I take major issue with the fact that she was handed a (pretty powerful) title which can only be passed on through magic, but that’s something I’d need a whole other post for…in ACOSF, her character did nothing with that power. Yes, the plot was focused on Nesta, but we saw enough of Feyre because of the baby plot, and she was watered down to a pregnant trophy wife who was given a title so that she can feel important. She could have done so much for the females of the Night Court (the Hewn City females; and the Illyrian females which she frequently likes to take the form of so she can fly around and screw Rhys with the wings that they cannot use)…I just feel SJM really took a massive misstep by not making Feyre at least earn the respect of a High Lady with the people of her court through her actions, not because Rhys told them to respect her because they are mates.
Instead, she was decorating mansions and painting portraits. She was being a trophy wife, pregnant or not. And this was further confirmed by the fact that not a single member of her found family (who Feyre places on a pedestal over her own sisters) defended her when the time came.
I can still handle the minor issues I had with Nessian and the so-called ‘intervention and Rehab’ for the sake of the plot but I did not enjoy Amren and Feyre in this book, unfortunately.
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k4pp4-8 · 13 hours
Is there anything you wished the Show Ok. Ko Lets Be Heroes focused more on? Whether it be a character, relationship, arc, villain ect?
1. FIRST OF ALL I REALLY wish they had more time to focus on the big reveal because I waited since season for them to talk about the whole POINT situation and when they finally DO reveal laserblast's identity it's completely rushed. This is such an emotional plot line for MULTIPLE characters yet we only see a fraction of it! LIKE PLEEAAAAASE I WANT TO SEE MORE OF HOW THIS AFFECTED CAROL!!! What she went through is so tragic, she lost her love, her dream, her friends, AND she had to raise the child of her dead lover alone. And yet she stayed strong through all of it and became the best mom ever. (Carol I love you plz marry me)
ALSO I WILL NEVER GET OVER THE FACT THAT WE DON'T SEE GAR'S REACTION TO THE REVEAL!! He literally blamed himself for laserblast's death, who was his teammate, his best friend's lover AND K.O's father. Just imagine how he felt like knowing K.O looked up to him as a father figure while thinking it's his fault K.O doesn't have a dad???
And also every other POINT member's lives were immensly affected by laserblast's death, like Rippy roo who dedicated years of her life trying to find a way to bring him back or Greyman trying to make a hero people could look up to or Foxtail still holding a grudge against Gar for what happened. I reaaally wanna know how they would react to knowing not only their friend is alive but he is also a successful villain.
2. Another thing I REALLY wanted to see was Rad and Dendy's relationship actually being explored! I used to think her "obsession" with Rad was nothing more than a gag but I saw that there was supposed to be an episode explaining that "she looked up to Rad because he's unashamed of who he is even though he comes from he considered as unusual family background." AND IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!! I think that would've been an amazing way to explore both of their characters.
Also it's pretty ironic because Rad IS ashamed of who he is! Since day one he's been hiding things he loves and acting like a jerk to cover up his insecurities. I think Dendy telling him she looks up to him would've encouraged him to change the way he acts just like in the "Radical rescue" episode, when he tells K.O he doesn't want him to imitate his bad behavior.
I REALLYYY wish we had more moments of vulnerabilty with them. Pretty much every single one of their scene is comedic and, while I do ADORE the comedy, I still wish they were taken more seriously. Like their whole situation is really tragic in many ways yet it's completely ignored. I know it's a mostly light hearted show but the boxbots are never given a genuine moment that felt like their feelings were taken seriously. It's probably just me who's wayyyy too attached to them but my favorite moments are when we get to see the more "human" side of them. Like when they act like an actual family, playing board games, having dinner together, hanging out, or bickering like siblings
I wish they explored how being robots affects them and the way everyone treats them. It's like robots are not considered like "real people" to some degree. We already know that in the okko universe being a certain species will change the way people perceive you and treat you (ie aliens and kappas) and it's shown to be a bad thing when it happens to Rad and Dendy, but when the bots are treated badly it's always seen as a joke and brushed bc you know , they're robots so who cares. There's like an implication that all robots are inherently bad because they're robots, K.O even said Mr.logic was "one of the good ones" implying he's just an exception (also it's crazy that he actually said that sentence and no one batted an eye)
And finally the ONE thing I really REEAALLYYY wanted to see more of is *drum rolls* LORD COWBOY DARRELL (who could've seen that coming)
LISTEN THERE WAS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH POTENTIAL THERE IT ACTUALLY MAKES ME CRAZY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WISH I WAS EXAGGERATING!!! Like for the first time we actually see boxman suffer the consequences of his actions, his kids FINALLY stand up to him after being treated like crap 24/7 and then he's forgiven in episode two??? And we don't even see how this affects the other bots!! Like Raymond and Shannon also loved boxman but they seemingly didn't hesitate to side with Darrell over him. I wish they explored how they chose their brother over their father who they were absolutely devoted to since birth.
I was actually disappointed to see Darrell forgive him SO easily and all the character development he could've had was thrown out the window in two seconds!!!! We actually get a glimpse of Darrell's potential but it's all forgotten as soon as Boxman becomes the boss again
I loved seeing Darrell actually fight back for once because he is one of the characters who gets mistreated the MOST by the whole cast. Half of his scenes are just him getting beat up and insulted, he's always treated like an idiot or a joke character so it was incredibly satisfying to see him actually stand up for himself and take charge. Like yeah he is goofy as hell and very immature and I love that about him! But when he became Lord Cowboy Darrell we actually got to see a whole new side of him. He was cunning and smart and resourceful and it KILLS me that we never got see that side of him again. I wish people aknowledged how competent and mature he can be instead of treating him like an actual child. I actually hate how infantilized he is sometimes
Anyway I could go on and on and on forever about the boxbots but that's just a few things i wish the show focused more on, there's probably more but I can't remember them rn
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caelanglang · 15 hours
Who are your fav skk fanfic writers and why? Do you have their works that you love the most that you don't mind sharing here? 💘
this... this is such a hard question, *brings out a whole safe of records* /j (no srsly it's gonna be a long read--)
Here are a list of authors i really like :3 Their ao3 links/handles are:
the_most_happy: love how emotional their work can be! they have smut and fluff works, and most of all—which i think the the most delicious one, is the way they write angst <3 I actually made a bunch of fanart for their fics/aus when I was just getting into the fandom :3 They're writing is like going into a spicy sexy emotinal adventure... idk how else to describe it xD my fav fic of theirs... augh so hard to choose... In Loving Memory caught me so off guard (cuz i forgot to read the tags and immediately dived into it the moment i saw their post about it hhhh)
forest_racoon: The fluff and softness and magic in their writing is so good! I love the energy and comedy and seriousness and everything in their writing! it's always so fun to pick up any of their works~ Don't be tricked tho,, the angst they deliver have the same gravity ToT it's just so... augh... I first found them through Plate :( and have reread it several times (please check out their other works too it's all so amazing!!)
devilrin: love how she writes. period. the emotions and the poetic energy of it?? the angst?? so. good. the skk energy in their writing is more mellow(?) it feels more realistic—it's like watching people instead of characters ;w; (very cool how she world builds an entire life outside of her fic for her characters actually, got to witness the behind the scenes first hand myself its pretty insane to me) The fic that ruined me tho is Down to a Sunless Sea (which is so angsty im so--)
themadtree: The energy in their writing is just so amazing. it's very hard to stop mid-way! The dialogue feels very fun and engaging and you really get very attached to the characters because of how energetic and full of life they are. Whimsical is the best word I can think of to describe the reading experience of their work :3 They made a bunch of fun aus; their brain is just so amazing (pirate au and avatar au like broooooo) My favorite is Mors Vincit Omnia (yummy pirate au!)
StarshipDancer: one of the first ao3 writers whose name i decided to remember by heart (which means a lot considering how bad i am with names) because they are my most searched user in ao3 xD The fluff is just so addicting. The sillies and shenanegans are so on point for me, idk it just scratch this itch so perfectly in my brain. I draw a of inspiration from my skk sketches from their works actually :3!! READ EVERYTHING THEY HAVE PLS ITS ALL SO GOOD (you should check the fluff week collection augh) Without Words is one of my most reread ones... I think... I reread a lot of their works tho...
setosdarkness: let's be honest. i think everyone whose dived into ao3 skk just knows her alreayd xD she's such a kween for that, making sure we are so well fed with so much fun skk writing. Her works are so fun to read! Very comedic and has such similar energy to the gag moments and bickering and shenanigans of the anime skk for me idk why. I love how fun and unique each fic scenarios are :3 (no srsly you'll never run out of food made with so much love by athina-san)
xLillyle: I am working with Lilly for a Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood skk au!! (its Royai skk BUT it's also beast!skk) it's been so exciting to work with her :3!! You can check some of the teasers here. She made an iwaoi!skk fic recently so if that's you're type hehe *starts bawling*
there are lots of other amazing authors there but these are the ones that came to mind and i am most familiar with for now :3 Here are some other fics ~~
When I Awake: Ghost(?) Writer Dazai and Musician Chuuya. yummy angst. silly skk
castle out of couches: My favorite domestic fluff skk. it's my must read. Halfbloom is such a master of the fluff in comedic tone and capturing that skk domestic softness idk how they do it. it's just so good.
In One of the Stars I shall be Living: A sweetheart wrote a fic about my little prince skk au TT it's so well written and I am so in love with all the references and angst ueueue
Five Steps: My favorite skk knight x prince au TT
The Best Worst Thing: Another sweetheart wrote a fic based on my silly sketches ;w; it's so cute waaaaaa
okay. i am. so sorry for the long answer. I just love a lot of stuffs from these incredible writers. feel free to drop by again :3 these are the ones that comes to my mind first so i may have missed out on a bunch oop
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True North
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Deleted Scene I | Bucky's Letter To His Mother
As referenced in Chapter Twenty-One of True North
June 24th, 1943
Dear Mother, 
I hope you’re doing well and that things are mostly uneventful back home. I know the 29th is coming up and even though I’m not there, I’m thinking of you. Make sure you tell everyone hello for me, even Lowell. If he’s still in the picture... 
England is rainy. The weather is temperamental, and even though it’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve seen, you’d hate it. It’s a long walk just about everywhere, often in the rain and mud. I was able to acquire a pair of bicycles from one of the villagers for Buck and I. He’s not as excited about the bike as I am. Things are wonderful and terrible at the same time. Boys go up and they don’t come back, but we make the most of it. The pub down at the village is one of our favorite places, they let me sing from time to time and only boo occasionally. You’re probably wondering why I’m writing so late, since Dad’s anniversary will have passed by the time you get this. Better late than never, right? 
The truth is, I’ve been trying to write this letter for over a week now. I’ve started it dozens of times, I think, and canned each of the previous attempts. Each time I get to this part I either ramble or it just doesn’t make sense or I feel like a loon, so I’m going to keep it short: I met a girl. She occupies most of my thoughts now, and the boys give me a hard time. They think I don’t know about their on-going bets, but I do. I won’t spoil their fun. She’s a pilot for the Air Transport Auxiliary and she’s really something else, Mom. I’ve never met anyone like her. I don’t think there are enough words to describe her, so I won’t. But just know she’s it for me. I know we joked before I left about not falling in love with an English girl, but I can’t promise that I won’t come home with a wife from Texas. If she’ll have me, that is. 
Keep your chin up this week, I’m there with you in spirit. Pray we kick Hitler’s butt soon and we can come home. 
Love, your son, 
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