#this was my first attempt at actually digitally painting…
wayemd · 2 months
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Mountain high and river wide, I’ve only eyes for you.
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achillean-knight · 10 months
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vetyr · 2 months
hi, i ireally love your work and i don't know if you've answered this before but, what kinds of studies do you do or how did you learn color theory? i wanna get better at rendering and anatomy but im having trouble TT TT
Hi! Long answer alert. Once a chatterbox, always a chatterbox.
When I started actively learning how to draw about 10 1/2 years ago, I exclusively did graphite studies in sketchbooks. Here's a few examples—I mostly stuck to doing line drawings to drill basic shapes/contours and proportions into my brain. The more rendered sketches helped me practice edge control & basic values, and they were REALLY good for learning the actual 3D structure behind what I was drawing.
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I'd use reference images that I grabbed from fitness forums, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and some NSFW places, but you could find adequate ref material from figure drawing sites like Line of Action. LoA has refs for people (you can filter by clothed/unclothed, age, & gender), animals, expressions, hands/feet, and a few other useful things as well. Love them.
Learning how to render digitally was a similar story; it helped a lot that I had a pretty strong foundation for value/anatomy going in. I basically didn't touch color at all for ~2 years (except for a few attempts at bad digital or acrylic paint studies), which may not have been the best idea. I learned color from a lot of trial and error, honestly, and I'm pretty sure this process involved a lot of imitation—there were a number of digital/traditional painters whose styles I really wanted to emulate (notably their edge control, color choices, value distributions, and shape design), so I kiiind of did a mixture of that + my own experimentation.
For example, I really found Benjamin Björklund's style appealing, especially his softened/lost edges & vibrant pops of saturated color, so here's a study I did from some photograph that I'm *pretty* sure was painted with him in mind.
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Learning how to detail was definitely a slow process, and like all the aforementioned things (anatomy/color/edge control/values/etc.) I'm still figuring it out. Focusing on edge control first (that is, deciding on where to place hard/soft edges for emphasizing/de-emphasizing certain areas of the image) is super useful, because you can honestly fool a viewer into thinking there's more detail in a piece than there actually is if you're very economical about where you place your hard edges.
The most important part, to me, is probably just doing this stuff over and over again. You're likely not going to see improvement in a few weeks or even a few months, so don't fret about not getting the exact results you want and just keep studying + making art. I like to think about learning art as a process where you *need* to fail and make crappy art/studies—there's literally no way around it—so you might as well fail right now. See, by making bad art you're actually moving forward—isn't that a fun prospect!!
It's useful to have a folder with art you admire, especially if you can dissect the pieces and understand why you like them so much. You can study those aspects (like, you can redraw or repaint that person's work) and break down whether this is art that you just like to look at, or if it's the kind of art that you want to *make.* There's a LOT of art out there that I love looking at, probably tens of thousands of styles/mediums, but there's a very narrow range that I want to make myself.
I've mentioned it in some ask reply in the past, but I really do think looking at other artist's work is such a cheat code for improving your own skills—the other artist does the work to filter reality/ideas for you, and this sort of allows you to contact the subject matter more directly. I can think of so many examples where an artist I admired exaggerated, like, the way sunlight rested on a face and created that orange fringe around its edge, or the greys/dull blues in a wheat field, or the bright indigo in a cast shadow, or the red along the outside of a person's eye, and it just clicked for me that this was a very available & observable aspect of reality, which had up until that point gone completely unnoticed! If you're really perceptive about the art you look at, it's shocking how much it can teach you about how to see the world (in this particular case I mean this literally, in that the art I looked at fully changed the way I visually processed the world, but of course it has had a strong effect on my worldviews/relationships/beliefs).
Thanks so much for sending in a question (& for reading, if you got this far)! I read every single ask I receive, including the kind words & compliments, which I genuinely always appreciate. Best of luck with learning, my friend :)
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kulapti · 9 months
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Aug 2023, bookbinding of The Silent Isle Imbowers by Tharkuun.
I’m sooo so so pleased to finally share this! I have been actively working on this for many months and waited until Tharkuun received her copy before posting so the final result would be a surprise.
-----------About this bookbinding under the cut
This binding has been one of the more elaborate pieces I have attempted so far. This has been my first binding where I (1) made three copies of a piece at once, (2) used a modified a historical illustration, (3) collaborated directly with another artist on the decorative elements, (4) finished matching art for the cover and title page, and (5) layered paint and heat-transfer vinyl for the covers. These are also (6) the first non-tiny books I have made with this style of hinge and cover attachment.
Pretty much immediately after I first read this story I felt I had to make myself a copy of this. I had a strong mental image of a vintage-looking cover for a fairy tale, with a deceptively simple design of flowers on the cover, probably with fancy metallic accents, the kind of thing you’d find in an interesting used bookstore with no summary, no text on the back, no dust jacket, just the flowers and maybe a title. I’m going to make a separate post about making this cover design a reality because oh man has it been a journey lol! I designed and drew the digital art for the cover (digital because of the cut and application method), as well as the corresponding title page illustration (pencil and dip pen, scanned, title added digitally).
When I asked Tharkuun about it she was excited to suggest I get in touch with quillingwords, who generously agreed to collaborate with me! Among her talents quilling writes calligraphy, and hand wrote both the book title and chapter headers for me to incorporate into my plans. Check OUT those chapter headers! So fancy! A font could never!! Quilling has also been very encouraging and let me yell about this project in dms for months so the final result could be a surprise for Tharkuun. Thank u so much quillingwords, your calligraphy adds invaluable amounts of swag to this project.
I was going to do some kinda neat font for the chapter headers, but quilling’s work is too cool for that and I decided to use a modified piece of a historical illustration instead. The illustration also happens to be cool as heck: I was browsing the Artstor database (an academic quality resource available for free via Jstor, my beloved) and found E. N. Neureuther's 1836 gorgeous etching for etching of the fairy tale Briar Rose, an illustration made for a printing of a Brothers Grimm recorded German fairy tale with Sleeping Beauty elements. Much to my delight this illustration not only matches the general look I wanted but is actually relevant to the story, itself a Sleeping Beauty spinoff.
Slightly less stylistically consistent are the endpapers, which are prints of two different paintings by Arnold Böcklin: Isle of the Dead (1883) in the front and Isle of Life (1888). The first painting had occurred to me as an excellent visual to go with the story, and Tharkuun and I discussed this and agreed that pairing it with the related later, more optimistic piece was too thematically appropriate to resist.
I had fun and learned a lot making these books and I am very pleased with the result!!
Materials: Archival bookboard, cardstock, cotton cheesecloth mull, archival PVA glue, linen thread coated in beeswax, paper cord, red cotton embroidery floss. Blue cotton backed with archival paper, acrylic paint, machine cut black and gold heat-transfer vinyl. Laser printed text and illustrations. Metallic scrapbooking paper.
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rhystial · 7 months
Jax & Reader with Social Anxiety.
fandom: the amazing digital circus
relationship: jax (romantic/platonic)
warnings: bullying, victim blaming, (spoiler: abstraction)
let me know if more warnings need to be added!
notes: this can be seen as both platonic and romantic!! however, i tried to make it more in character... so he's kind of an ass. definitely not healthy but yeah, might make a happy version
self indulgent. i love torture
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From the moment he set eyes upon you, Jax was quick to notice your soft appearance, your timid nature, and your quiet demeanor. Your lack of confidence, your fear of standing up for yourself, and your inability to speak your mind painted a target on your back that he couldn't ignore.
He could sense that you were vulnerable, so he decided to use that to his advantage. For Jax, you were an easy target, someone he could easily dominate and manipulate at will. He took advantage of your anxiety, asking you for favors, making unreasonable demands, and ultimately using you in whatever way he desired, without regard for your feelings.
"Yo, mind helping me out with the next in-house adventure? I feel like you owe me a favor for today," he said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.
"But you didn't do anything..."
"Hm, wha'd'you say?" He questioned in a cocky manner, feigning innocence. "I didn't quite catch it, try speaking up."
As time passed, Jax's actions began to weigh heavily onto his conscience. The more he thought about what he's done to you, the more guilt he began to feel.
Jax knew that what he was doing was wrong, he was being a piece of shit just because he could. However, he didn't want to admit that he was being a douche to you for no good reason, oddly enough. Instead, he made up excuses to justify his behavior, something he never did with the other members in the circus.
"They looked at me with a weird look today, that clearly deserves a lengthy visit." He would say to himself, knowing damn well that all you did was offer a weaker smile than you usually do.
Jax was determined to make it seem like you were to blame, even though deep down, he knew that wasn't true. He tries his best to come up with excuses and rationalizations for his attitude towards you, all in an attempt to make himself feel better. It frustrates him just how much you get under his skin without even knowing.
"Well, 's not my fault you're easily scared." He shrugged, raising his arms up in a weak attempt to defend himself.
"...You threw knucklebones at me. I... didn't even say anything to provoke you."
"I said what I said."
As Jax continued to be cruel to you, he began to find himself becoming attached. It started out in small ways — like asking the others where you were when you weren't around, asking for your opinion on things, and generally hanging around you more. You became the center of his attention, the object of his affection and the target of his cruelty.
However, if anyone else, whether intentionally or unintentionally, were to harm you in any way, Jax gets extremely possessive. He insists that he was the only one who should be hurting you, that he was the one who had the right to do it.
"Gangle cut ya, y'shouldn't be hanging around her." Jax said, lips curling into a tense smile. He stood tall and imposing, his eyes fixed on you, studying your reaction to his words.
"I-I tripped over Pomni and fell on Gangle's mask... it wasn't her fault." You desperately tried to explain, waving your arms around frantically.
"So it was Pomni's fault."
Although he sometimes comes across as cold and detached, he does care for you. He's just never fully learned how to express his feelings in a way that's both honest and genuine, without it sounding overly sappy or corny.
Jax considers you the first person he's met in this digital world that he actually enjoys spending time with, even though you don't necessarily feel the same way.
He wants to be liked by you, but he feels that he has missed his chance to gain your trust. He doesn't want to hurt or offend you in any way, but he doesn't know how to make it right. He can't go back in time and erase the mistakes that he has made, and he feels like his only option is to keep up the same behavior as before. So, he does.
Every time Jax sees you, he feels a twinge of guilt. He knows that he's messed up, but he doesn't know how to change things. He was too far gone to stop the cycle of his own doing, his pride wouldn't let him stop his cruelty towards you.
"Uhh, anyone home?" Jax knocked on the door to your room, a slight glimmer of concern in his eyes as he twirled your key in his hand.
"Y'haven't left yer room in days, did I go too far?" He laughed, leaning against the doorframe and crossing his arms over his chest. Jax gives an exhausted sigh at the lack of response, before getting down on his knees to the lock on your door. With an almost automatic movement, he slides the key into the lock, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"Surely ya can find it in yer heart to forgive me, pipsqueak." His hand turns the key slowly, the lock clicking as it opens. He pushes the door open, and walks in without waiting for an invitation.
As he stepped inside, Jax was met with a dozen pairs of eyes staring back at him.
Perhaps he should have put aside his pride, and instead made an attempt to reach out to you.
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© rhystial 2023 — my works may not be reproduced in any form and by any means without my consent/permission, translating my works is only okay if i give you the okay.
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koipepo · 2 months
YOOOYO SORRY FOR THE RANDOM QUESTION but I’m genuinely curious as to what your art progression has been like!! I’d LOVE to see like pics of your OLD old art if you’re not too embarrassed to share 😭😭🙏
sorry too for the late reply! my actual old OLD childhood art is either lost or thrown away...😬 but i still had my first digital art attempt from 2011 (was super into One Piece and ZoLu)
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then my 2023 OP art for comparison:
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there's clear development but i feel like i should be much better at painting by now, with all those years under my belt and whatnot... 😩
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lynkhart · 10 months
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So uh, Good Omens. 🥺 I really enjoyed the first series but didn’t expect to be as utterly annihilated by season 2 in the way that I have. There’s just so much LOVE in it, like sinking into a hot bath at the end of a long day, and that it’s so unapologetically queer as well is just the icing on top. Episode 6 just about ended me though and if we don’t get a season 3 I may implode. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet but if anyone wants to talk meta/rant/gush/cry together about it just DM me because I am Going Through It. 🥺😩🙈 After my second watchthrough I knew I just had to draw Crowley during that conversation and as soon as I saw the tears in his eye I knew I’d found the moment. I haven’t drawn anything digitally in forever so I’m actually over the moon with how it turned out, and I honestly can’t believe it’s taken me so long to draw David Tennant properly because he has SUCH a good face. 😂 I’ll probably attempt an Aziraphale as well because there are so many moments I want to try to capture. (I’m leaning towards the ‘smitten’ bit at the moment 🥹)
If you haven’t watched Good Omens at all I am begging you, you must, it’s so good. The first season has a bit of a different vibe to S2 but it’s just 😩👌
Anyway, I did this in Clip Studio Paint if anyone’s wondering. I rarely do realism because I’m always really nitpicky about my own work but I’m just so so pleased with this one, I can’t believe I managed it! 🥹
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no-name-publishing · 4 months
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Kill the Director by erikschampion
My part in a gift exchange taking place in Renegade's California satellite server. This was a lot of fun and very experimental for me. My idea was to pursue something a little grunge, a little smudged, to go along with the early 2000s Brit punk vibe that the fic gets its title from. Spray paint, screen printing, some blood, some tears, and it's to its new home. Glamour and process shots under the cut!
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The yellow base is a plain linen bookcloth that's been coated with acrylic. The pink accent color is a combo of spray paint and smudges of pink Golden Fluid acrylic paint. The endbands are sewn with Gutermann polyester florescent sewing thread, and the endpages are my attempt at an italian vein marble with pink, yellow, and black paint.
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Some shots of the typesetting, and a video showing the book as a whole. The fic has some exposition written in a script format, so I typeset that to reflect. And it's always fun to include text message bubbles and emails and stuff.
The graphics on the case were done with screens and waterbased screen printing ink! I went through a few iterations and even tried to set my kitchen on fire in order to get it right before settling on the screens. I'm very very pleased with the result. (The fire was from my DIY attempt at making my own gelli plate with gelatin, glycerin, and rubbing alcohol. All the instructions were telling me to be careful about how many bubbles I was stirring into the mix but I was like, it'll be fine. I'll use my heatgun or a lighter to pop whatever bubbles are there. It works with resin so it should here. Yall alcohol is flammable lmao. Why did I do that. I put my lighter up to those bubbles and lost my vision for a moment at the flash of light. I've never done something that stupid)
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The freshly marbled paper hanging up to dry in my kitchen; the screen for the front of the case; my practice piece including the spine design; the case drying on my shower rod (along with some pieces of fabric for another project lol). I have fewer process pictures than I thought lol.
The graphics on the front and back were also partially designed by hand. I printed images of the characters then cut them vertically, and alternated the slices. Copied that, then did the same horizontally. Scanned that, and then did some cleaning up digitally on my computer. Here's some shots of the steps and the pieces themselves.
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The third picture shows my first attempt, as I actually did this process twice. The first time I didn't feel like the first pass was pixelated enough, so I cut it again both vertically and horizontally and alternated them once more. This was a mess, and ultimately I didn't like the finished result. Round two (second image) was the final round, and what wound up using in the project instead.
Thanks for looking!
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artsyspinch · 8 months
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Four years ago, I drew my first ever finished digital art piece, using a Huion 420 tablet off of Amazon, and Krita. I was so proud of it, I showed it off to my friends and family on instagram, and I didn’t think I could get any better than this. Fast forward to the next year, and I drew it again, just to see how much better I could make it.
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This time I used a Wacom tablet with Krita. It was one of the cheaper ones, but still an upgrade. I was even more proud of this one, but I wasn’t really that happy with it. I didn’t like how Papyrus turned out, and it seemed so awkwardly spaced and posed. I knew I still had more to learn, and I rushed it, since I didn’t think I could do any better. I then decided to redraw it again the next year.
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This time I used Ibis Paint X and a small stylus on my phone. I was ecstatic with how this came out. I thought this was the absolute best I could ever do, but I still had little nitpicks about it. Again, I struggled a lot with drawing Papyrus, but this time I was also unhappy with the colors and shading, and how Sans was drawn (I have no idea why I made him thicc). But again, I redrew it the next year.
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This one was a huge confidence booster for me. I had just gotten a brand new laptop from my parents: A Lenovo Yoga, with a Wacom bamboo ink stylus. It was the best gift I ever received, but on top of that, they got me Clip Studio Paint PRO. So I was ready to make some good ass art. This time I sketched everything out on paper, then finished it in CSP. I even attempted a background, which didn’t come out too bad. Papyrus doesn’t look horribly off model, and the poses and composition overall was just better. I used a clean sketch for the lineart, since that was a big struggle with my previous versions, and I used colors other than black and white for shading. After I made this, I felt like I didn’t need to continue redrawing it, because I thought I was at my peak.
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I redrew it this year.
I used my Lenovo Yoga, but this time I had a Wacom bamboo plus, and Clip Studio Paint EX. I added more characters, and took a little bit more inspiration from the original, but I mostly wanted it to feel more alive. I finally perfected how I draw Papyrus, and Toriel, Asgore, and Frisk aren’t statues anymore. I showed off what I’ve learned about lighting and shading, did actually clean lineart, and I even did a full background! I’m so proud of this, and so happy with how far I’ve come as an artist, and I can’t wait to see what my future self draws next year.
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Prepare to be....well....not overwhelmed. Not underwhelmed...more....Satisfactorilywhelmed *drum roll* My first traditionally 2d animated short is done (well. Done enough. Not perfect but it's just an informal practice thing so you know what it's fine for that 🙃) BEHOLD
Sound on for questionable quality keyboard noises
So yeah this is a little experiment I churned out in a month of neglecting other more important projects....it's supposed to be like.....the feeling of slumping into burnout and then the ups and downs of trying to get out of it? does it make sense...?
But yeah basically it's traditional animation - like ink and paint on cels and composited and scanned manually bc it annoys me the mainstream has decided this is an obsolete art form and I'm protesty about it because IT'S ART IT DOESNT BECOME OBSOLETE BC PROGRAMS EXIST DO NOT PASS GO DO NOT COLLECT 200 DOLLARS. I did cheat a little and digitally cut the water and copy-pasted it onto some frames but that's because I could find ONE TRANSPARENT BLUE SHEET IN THE ENTIRE METROPOLITAN AREA I SHIT YOU NOT. and I didn't want to cut my only precious water sheet in case something went wrong or I had to redo a shot. But everything else is pretty manual. Also the music is op 76 no 2 by Sibelius - ATTEMPTED 🙃. Sorry some notes are just SO QUIET but it's good enough it's whatever. My level of piano skill is like. Not professional by any stretch of the imagination and this is good enough for me
Oh and backgrounds are generally various kinds of charcoal with ink
anyway hope you at least found my project interesting thanks for watching
(actually not to make it weird but my whole life has led up to me trying this and I blame Joe Murray for making me want to be an animator when I was a little kid and I always wanted to try this kind and now I finally had the time and money and enough drawing skills to try it so yeah it's not like fuckin Disney or whatever but I am happy I got to make it exist. feels like I checked a thing off my bucket list)
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aikea-guinea · 3 months
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This post isn't about Nadja, I just wanted to share this pic because it makes me happy and I love my cat so much. 😻😍
So recently (within the last three months) I realized that I'd been struggling with my art for so long because I was trying to be something I'm not. It turns out I never was and never will be a digital artist. Through therapy I discovered that it's just too much for my perfectionism and ADHD, that infinite layers and undo-s (undoes? undies??) paralyze me. I can erase forever without worrying about ruining paper or wasting supplies, but without any boundaries nothing was ever finished. Hell, most things were hardly started! It could always be "more perfect." I was trying to change my style to be more like what I see online, but it wasn't working.
It wasn't really until I'd finished the piece for my sister that I realized that, even though I'd sobbed my eyes out several times while working on it, there was something there still, something I'd been missing with digital art. When I paint with watercolors, there's something else there that's spontaneous, something I can't control, and that was leading to some really cool results! When I painted the wolf for my brother in law, I was actually excited to see what the paint would do. Playing around gave me an awesome effect in the background that I would have overworked to death had it been digital.
All that is to say, I've accepted that I'm analog. Or, maybe a bit of a hybrid in a way since I use my iPad for sketching and then transfer that to paper. Definitely not anywhere near fully digital though. (That's not to say I'm not good at certain KINDS of digital art [my catalog of Sims creations speaks to that!] but yeah definitely way more analog.)
My brain reset...
Now that I'm getting back to being more comfortable creating art again, I'm going to be pushing myself to do more of the art I know is still inside me somewhere. Ghost Lady is the first attempt at trying to stop being so damned afraid of letting my darker side come out. I'm so annoyed that I'm so scared (OF WHAT?! being mocked??) to be who I am and let that show.
Good thing I'm in therapy.
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earthstellar · 10 months
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"The Decepticons had the All Spark in their posession. But my attempts to peacefully reason with them failed. Though the Autobots lauded my efforts, my own people branded me... A traitor."
-Megatron, "Warzone"
What's interesting to me is that as Megatron emphasises that he was branded a traitor by his former team, the camera pans down, and we get a shot of all the graffiti on the base of his statue.
It looks like just squiggles at first, but it might be some kind of Cybertronian graffiti.
There are repeating symbols which might be part of Cybertronian glyphs, mostly circles with lines through them, but each is done slightly differently and in different paint colours. So it's likely not just one bot doing it.
I think it might have been the Cassettes/Frenzy; In which case, knowing that the Decepticons are typically recruited from lower class/lower caste/more disadvantaged groups on Cybertron, how literate are they?
And some of those tags are pretty close to the ground, indicating a smaller height than average for Cybertronians.
Ravage probably has strong reading abilities as this would aid in identifying documents etc. to steal for Soundwave, but what about Frenzy, who also seems to be a bit on the relatively young side?
My point being that even though this graffiti doesn't look like most Cybertronian glyphs we see, it might be a half-literate or unpractised writer trying to make do with non-digital, non-Cybertronian writing methods to produce glyphs.
It could also be hateful humans just marking up the memorial, but Megatron's specific comment when we see the graffiti is what makes me think it might be vandalism done by former Decepticons.
I think the circle ones might be part of attempted Cybertronian glyphs, because the repeat symbol suggests it might be an actual word.
Like how when looking at a bunch of text using an alphabet that you can't fluently read, repeating letters will stick out to you, as we tend to seek patterns in writing and shapes even if we can't interpret or translate them.
The graffiti placed higher up on the right side might be human vandalism, as it more closely resembles tagging...
....And it also has a circle in it, but given its position on the statue base, it looks like the possibly-Cybertronian graffiti was done first, so the possibly-human graffiti might have been trying to copy some elements of the pre-existing tagging.
Although that and the circle below it are in the same colour, so it's hard to say. Could be that that whole section is someone trying to copy other graffiti; There's graffiti/tagging that wraps around the base of the statue that is hard to make out, too.
Either way, it would make sense if some of the Decepticons tagged up Megatron's statue, out of their dissatisfaction.
I don't know, this is just something that stuck out to me on rewatching that episode, but hopefully someone finds it interesting to think about!
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
HIIIII! (sorry if you're not taking requests rn) I was wondering if you could do a Jax x Reader who's like Spot from We're Lalaloopsy on Netflix? [fem] (specifically the Netflix one there's multiple Lalaloopsy shows/movies and they're all different) if you've never heard of we're Lalaloopsy, Spot is the best artist in the show, she loves painting, sculpting, anything like that. Spot is pretty innocent, always super energetic, but I would also like to add that the reader isn't upset by his jokes. Easily flustered, like, really, really easily. sorry if this was too specific 😭 Irrelevant note; I'm posting this anonymously because if my friends found out I made this request they'll bully me forever (I don't even think they have tumblr but wtv) again sorry if you couldn't understand this request, or if you can't do it. no rush!! <3
Jax x Spot (lalaloopsy)!Reader !
I know you likely mean that your friends would tease you for acting like this; but truly if its something you like and they make you feel bad you gotta let them know, unless you already have and they dont listen
In that case leave em!
I know you're likely being lighthearted but I will not stand for bullying RAAAAAAAH!!!
That said I hope you enjoy YAHOO!!
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First things first, the fact that you're unbothered by jax's antics and pranks only fuels jax to keep trying to at LEAST get you a little annoyed
Thus leads to the two of you becoming closer; be it platonic or romantic ! Honestly at some point he starts stopping by your room just to chat with you
Sometimes watches you work on an art piece; I think I had a post recently with the cast x reader who draws and crochets.. and if memory serves me correctly I think I said jax would personally not be into it but wouldnt exactly turn you down if you offered (will blow you off if you guys are not friends, though)
And I think the same applies here; like sometimes he'll watch you work away and chat with you during the process but he wouldnt be too keen on making something for himself
Though I think if you got him to sit down and doodle with you he would draw some "scary" stuff (I.e. crude things or things that he can squeeze past the digital worlds censors) to try to bug you
But it doesnt really work; actually if anything you probably compliment him which totally throws him off
Attempts to ruin your innocence and naivety (not in a NSFW way ofc, this has been and always will be a SFW blog but the amount of NSFW reqs I've received over the past year is nuts and I feel I need to specify I mean this as SFW)
Like trying to introduce you to how horrible things can be
But it doesnt
Ruin you, if anything you show empathy
Just a sweetheart
Honestly the fact you're energetic is a good thing for jax since he can be all over the place, so if you can march his energy you guys can have a solid relationship, even if you dont match his mischief
Oh and hes definitely gonna exploit the fact you're easily flustered; casually slips in flirts and pickup lines when talking to you (if this is meant to be romantic), and flooding you with compliments just to get you all beet red
Little menace
But hes your menace
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horsesteak · 9 months
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“Now thank the good lordy above this absolute belter of a nook is still open in the wee hours of the day!”
The sudden blast of energy the newcomer radiated as his voice joyfully boomed through the tiny, cramped eatery was an immediate overdose for the overworked waitress. It was far too late (or rather, early, according to the man) for this sort of social interaction.
Check out Everything and Nothing by beans (with 6 e's and 6 a's) on AO3! Also check out my co-artist @gearbroth 's (!!!) art on their blog!
For the 2023 TF2 Big Bang! @tf2bigbang
See below for bonus sketches and infodump!
It's been a while since I did a big art piece like this. It was fun, and it got me experimenting with watercolour pencils for the first time. I'm still learning the craft, and as much as I want my first ever watercolour painting to be perfect, it'll have to do. I'm satisfied with my attempt this time.
Although I do wish I could capture the painting in a higher resolution; phone camera and scanner couldn't cut it, everything is still a bit blurry. Here's the best I can take on my phone:
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It's also the original colours, before digital shenanigans were done to it. The work of a sleep deprived art wizard waving his silly little magic wand tool to get everything to look nicer.
The original concept for this mini-comic came to me while I was sitting under a tree, halfheartedly trying to study for my two exams the next day. I quickly sketched this:
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I honestly like the lineart of this sketch better than the final. What could be better than demo's sparkley anime eyes?
I was excited I finally came up with an idea after being high and dry for weeks. Basically my mental state:
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I was going to have Demo stride in, burst through that door with exuberant energy that filled the Spy's shitty dead-end cafe. And also showcase his traditional Scottish garb, which let me tell you is a whole rabbithole that I eagerly leapt into while researching for cultural accuracy. (I tend rely on real life references alot. Trying to branch out to stylised drawing would be cool.)
What happened next were these little sketches on post-it notes. I draw on them first before committing paper because...it's fun :)
Also in this case, this is a comic, so I could rearrange the drawings how I liked, so this was actually goated.
In the second image, see another case of liking the lineart more than the final. I had half a mind to keep that sketch of Spy and paint over it, but that wasn't watercolour paper, so no... :(
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I was surprised how well the sketches turned out. Bloody hell, I'm an artistic genius! Now lets see how that translates to paint, eh? Well, you already know.
Some things to improve on, personally, is to make the lineart cleaner next time, so the paint doesn't mix with the pencil to make this weird greyish colour. Anatomy, always. Clothing folds is another big one. And finally, time management. Man, art is a passion, but damn does having too little time screw my art quality over. Well as they say, scarcity breeds innovation.
If you've made it this far, I am putting a virtual turtle (vurtle) in your hand, because turtles are cool, and you are too.
As a bonus bonus to this info-dump, have the original concept sketch while I was feeling out how to draw Demo in formal Scottish suit and kilt.
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three--rings · 1 year
Bind #12 of Binderary, the last one.
Just getting this done, and some of the glue is still wet, so back in the press it goes after these photos.
It's My Immortal! The Renegade group typeset of the infamous fic.
This typeset is amazing guys I love it so much.
However my printer HATES it and I honestly thought My Immortal had killed my brand new printer for a while. But it's fine now, it just won't print THIS SPECIFICALLY.
So I ended up with like 3/4th printed and the rest just increasingly bad misprints. Half of them are one-sided. So...I had A THEME.
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The covers are cheap poly satin scraps from my fabric bin, and surprisingly my printer printed the cover on it PERFECTLY. Paper? No it refused. Satin? No problem. The cover is digitally warped to look misprinted after I figured out I couldn't FORCE it to jam and smear the ink.
I painted the splatters with acrylic and glued on the lace bits...then did a little more painting that went wonky, but yanno. It's a 3 piece bradel binding. The spine is actual bookcloth with lace over it. (Which worked really well, I need to do this again.)
Endpages are scrapbook paper I got from @fanboundbooks at the Havencon Renegade meetup last year. Page edges are splatter-painted with acrylic, my first time trying that. And the endbands are very messy attempts at fancy chevron endbands that I just learned...or sorta learned, I guess judging by results.
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thehealingsystem · 8 months
Hey natewantstobattle fandom, I think there's something we need to talk about with the new v1r@l music video
It is highly likely (honestly it obviously is) that the art found in the video is AI generated. Now, this isn't me accusing nate of anything, as there's a possible chance that he is simply not aware of it being AI art. He's an artist himself (albeit a musical one), I doubt he would be in support of such theft, and he was smart enough to call out the whole NFT scandal as well.
When I first watched it it had stuck out to me that the anime artstyle found in the video seemed out lf the ordinary, but I brushed it aside automatically. I went to go see who created the art, and noticeably the only thing they had linked to was a video producer
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I normally don't question give hearts when it comes to crediting, so I assumed that the person who made the video must ALSO be the one to make the art. But from observation, that must not be the case
This is not a company who has workers of different skill sets, which one could possibly be digital painting. This is one person, from the looks of it, who uses AI generated artwork. Looking at their website, there's a section exclusively for digital art. While these certainly do fit the common AI generated artstyle, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was, they don't have any inconsistencies and errors that AI art may hold, so no proof there. BUT there are certainly errors found in the music video itself that no one other than an AI 'artist' would make. My apologies if I don't point out all of them
0:38 - The boy's head resting on a vaguely shaped, stubby, backwards hand. It was no distinct structure to it, the fingers look half cut off, and no one in their right mind would twist their arm and hand like that to rest on it
1:08 - Nitpicky but this guy has the WEIRDEST hair texture I've ever seen. The parts in the light do not match the shaded parts of the hair. They're like...odd blotches of fire
2:38 - There's this out of place hood-headphone cord. It looks like it comes out of and goes to nowhere behind the old man, and attempts to be a headphone wire and a hood strap at the same time
2:57 - It may not be obvious at first but the girl's sleeve is not correctly attached to or shaded in with the rest of her shirt. Like. Just look at it
(Note: A person has said that there's one scene in which a character has five and a half fingers, but I haven't been able to spot it yet
The video also noticeably tries to hide the hands A LOT, whether that be blurring or cutting it out entirely. Considering the mistakes we've already found with the hands, and AI art commonly not being able to get hands to look right, it's very possible it was purposeful)
Now, more about what I said in the beginning about Nate possibly not knowing:
Another thing to point out is that give heart has worked with this producer before. But the past videos that were made by them don't seem to involve any AI art at all
Nate's cover for "The Day." The art found in it is from the manga/anime My Hero Academia, created by Kohei Horikoshi. This is art that obviously can't be stolen and taken as one's own
"A Taste of the Flame," Hazbin Hotel song by Shawn Christmas. This time, there is an actual person behind the art in the video and rightfully credited in the description
A normally trustworthy video producer, who is not even open about admitting that they use AI art (not stated anywhere on the business site). So, this is my good faith assumption that Nate is not aware of this. He has a team of people for his videos, and considering is personality, it's very likely of him to overlook what this mv consists of. I don't know him personally, obviously, but considering how he presents himself in his content, past opinions, and the definitely normal behavior of wanting to believe in the best of someone you're a fan of, I don't think he would support the use of AI art. He's an artist who also doesn't like his work being stolen, and I can imagine if there was (and oh dear god if there already is) an AI that generates music scrapped from him and other musicians, he would not be happy.
There are other possibilities if he DOES know it's AI. One being that he doesn't know that AI art steals art from other artists, and the second being an AI that takes from fully consenting artists. I 100% doubt both of these
If he truly does not know, I will be pretty relieved. But I will still hold him accountable for negligence on his part. It's his channel and content, and even if he overlooks some of the stuff in it, he still has full control of what gets posted there and is responsible for it. I won't be as upset, but he should've known better to not let this fly and investigated more on this VERY overtly suspicious artwork
Okay, now getting to the main point and what you should take away from this; we need to be letting Nate know what's up with this, bring it to his attention or at least ask him of what AI art is doing in this video (whether he supports it or not). Because it's important for us to know, AND if this truly was done without his support/consent, he NEEDS to be aware so he can fix it. I'd rather have no mv for v1r@l rather than one that promotes art theft
TL;DR: NateWantsToBattle's new music video for "V1r@l" consists of AI generated art theft, we don't know whether he consented to this decision or not, and as a community should let him know
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