#this was definitely not an excuse for me to draw my favourite characters no sir
Three for One 3
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, cheating, customer service abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As a customer service associate, you’re used to work with a wide variety of characters. Your efforts to go above and beyond draw the attention of a certain set of customers who want more than what’s on the shelf.
Character: Andy Barber, Lloyd Hansen, Ransom Drysdale
Note: Let's go!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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Two days before Christmas. The store is left in tatters. Shelves strewn with sparse lefftovers and aisles hastily paced by those who left their shopping a bit too late. The frantic shoppers searching for a diamond among the sand grains of untouched product.
You work at arranging the remnants of the season’s beauty advent calendars on a table draped in a bright red cloth. There’s a large tag in a metal stand that marks them as ten percent off. On the other side of the holidays, they will drop to a full eighty percent off. You always believed giftcards were a better prize, not that you got many gifts.
That year, Luanne gave you a new journal and a specialty hot chocolate bomb in the department’s secret santa. You go Michelle and gifted her a copy of your favourite novel and some nail polishes. That is the extent of your shopping and gift exchanges. Except for your puppy, Ernie, who will get a bone and one of those special gourmet dog meals.
You finish your arrangement and step back, admiring your work. It’s close to close and so close to the end of the race that the shop isn’t as busy as usual. The only customers you do see are in a rush and horribly disappointed when that very specific thing isn’t in stock.
“Excuse me,” you’re drawn around the deep voice. A man strolls up the center aisle of the beauty section, the tails of his coat flicking behind him, “hi,” he uses your name as he approaches, “I’m so sorry to bother you again but can you point me to, erm,” he looks down at his phone, “a ring light?”
You hesitate. He seems to know you and you admit, he looks familiar. You’re at that point where the faces all blur together. Your one innate flaw is that you really don’t have a good memory for that, bt you definitely recognise his voice.
“Hello, sir,” you fall short of his name. You want to say Alan but you also don’t want to be wrong. “The ring lights are actually with the cellphone.” You gesture back at electronics, “I know it makes more sense to put them with cameras.”
“Ah, oh, thanks,” he nods but doesn’t move to find his quarry, he lowers his phone, “how’s your holiday going? Thing’s slowing down,” he looks around and you can’t help but do the same.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, most people are all done,” you shrug.
“Ha, wish I could say the same,” he sighs, “I thought we were done but the wife just sent me on a wild goose chase.”
“Hm, oh, well, I’m not very busy, did you need help finding anything else?”
“Yeah, my manager’s done for the day so doesn’t really matter if I leave my zone,” you say, “kinda boring around here.”
“You’re too sweet,” he smiles, his blue eyes deep and swirling, “and that sweater is adorable.”
You look down at your dark blue sweater with the white crochet peter pan collar. You wiggle your shoulders and grin back at him, thanking him. You know he bought some perfume for his wife but you’re still blanking on his name.
“Here’s my list,” he tilts his phone towards you and looks down, shifting closer to you as he shows you a text bubble.
“Oh my, right. I’m not sure we’ll have everything,” you teethe your lip as you go through the items, “but we’ll see.”
A message pops up over the top and you try not to read, putting your head up as you try to act like you didn’t see it. It’s not that you meant to decipher the words but your brain quickly skimmed that ‘tomorrow night?’ Not much but just feels a bit personal.
“Alright, we’ll go to electronics first, then work our way forward,” you suggest.
“Good idea,” he agrees.
You set off and he follows at just a step. You have to remember to slow down as often you’re so determined you find yourself leaving your customers far behind you. You bring him to the mobile accessories and point to the ring lights.
He considers them and rubs his chin. He points between two; “what’s the difference?”
“Oh, this one comes with a tripod extension and this one is a full kit with a mic,” you point from one to the other.
“What do you think is better for, uh, streaming?” He sounds unsure of that last word.
“I think that kit would have more to it, especially if whoever it’s for is just starting out. But I’m don’t know too much about these things.”
“I’ll take the kit,” he scoops it off the shelf, “the kid can never have enough.”
“Oh? You have kids?”
“One,” he sounds less than excited, “teenager now so he really can’t stand me.”
“I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to…”
“No, no, it’s not your fault,” he forces away the shadow across his features, “you know how they can be. What about you? You going to see your parents? Spending the day with someone special?”
“Um, just Ernie,” you answer, “my puppy.”
“Cute,” he remarks, “are you guys open tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow, yeah, ‘til five,” you try to remember the next thing on his list. 
He seems less concerned with the items than before, instead turn to examine a pop socket, “you have to work on Christmas Eve?”
“Yeah, closing, but I don’t mind.”
“What’s this?” He holds up a pop socket.
“It goes on your phone,” you pull out your phone and show him your daisy one, “see?” You hook your fingers around it, “it’s a grip to help you hold on.”
“Ah, makes sense,” he turns the thin package over, “kid’s always breaking his screen…”
You wait patiently as he makes up the mind to add the grip to his haul.
“What’s next?” You prompt as gently as you can.
“Oh, uh,” he looks at his phone, “video games…” he squints, “V-bucks?”
“Ah, yes, that would be a gift card,” you say, “I can show you the rack.”
He lets you lead him to the large rack of subscription cards. You point out the various currency amounts available and he rubs his brow. His forehead lines as you see the stress needling in his cheek. He’s struck with the late shopper syndrome. He’s start to feel the crush of time.
“So, just your dog?” He wonders as he picks up a $75 card.
“Yeah,” you answer softly.
“No boyfriend? Siblings?”
“Just me,” you assure him, “I don’t mind. I get to choose the dessert!”
He chuckles, “that’s a good way to look at it. Did you buy yourself something special?”
“Not really, I’ve been saving for a vacation so I put most of my overtime into that,” you explain. “You having a big dinner?”
“Last minute change, wife’s parents want to host. Had to figure out travel plans.” He looks at the giftcards again and your eyes fall to the large back curled up in his arm and the card and phone grip balanced between his fingers. He slides free a Netflix card and reads the fine print.
“Do you want a basket, sir?” You offer.
“Oh, well, sure,” he accepts as he looks down, “that’s very considerate.”
“Don’t want you to drop anything,” you smile and turn on your heel.
You go to the stack of rolling baskets beside the electronics desk. Tyler doesn’t acknowledge you as he sorts through game shells to put back on the shelf. You pull the basket behind you, rattling on its wheels as you approach the shopper by the gift cards.
“Here,” you veer it around towards him.
He bends to lower the ringlight inside and drops the smaller items into next to it; he adds the Netflix subscription along with it and holds onto the Kindle card in his hand.
“You got any of these around?” He holds up the card, “the reader?”
“Hmm, we should,” you rub your neck, “I suppose if we didn’t, you can get a tablet and download the app.”
“I guess,” he nods, “can you check?”
“Of course, sir.”
You turn away and call over your headset. Regan tells you there’s a kindle up in return they can sell. You ask them to put it aside.
“There’s one left at checkout. They’re going to have it waiting for you,” you announce proudly.
“That’s great. You like to read?” He asks.
“Oh, sure, my one vice is my book addiction,” you giggle, “how about you?”
“Well, I don’t get much of a chance with work. I’m usually burnt out from all the legal documents,” he drones grimly, “then the kid has extracurriculars or there’s a PTA meeting or the wife needs something done.”
“Sounds busy,” you say empathetically, “I hope you get some time to relax this holiday.”
“Me too,” he agrees. “I almost envy you. I’m sure your dog’s good company.”
“He’s so sweet,” you can’t help but beam at the mention of your boy.
“Big cuddler?” He asks.
“Uh, yeah,” the question is a bit unexpected, “you like dogs?”
“Never really had one. Don’t need the extra work,” he says, “but I don’t mind them.”
“That’s fair. He can be a bit needy.”
He flinches and looks down at his hand. His screen flashes and he gives an apologetic look as he raises his palm, “I’m so sorry. I need to take this.”
“Take your time, sir, I’ll wander,” you point over your shoulder with your thumb.
He mouths a thanks before he answers, “Barber.”
You back up and turn to distract yourself with the shelf of controllers and switch cases. His deep voice carries but you focus on the Sinatra carol playing overhead to drown him out. Still you can’t help but catch a few words.
“Five, yeah…no, she won’t…it’s fine…” He’s quiet for a moment before he raises his voice, “figure it out.”
His stern tone sends a chill through you. It’s a sharp contrast to his previously friendly demeanour. Well, he mentioned he’s a lawyer, you assume he has a lawyer voice, akin to your customer service one.
“Sorry,” he comes back to you, “my wife…” he takes a breath, “you don’t happen to sell wine here?”
You smile. The way he answered, it didn’t sound very affectionate but maybe he hadn’t expected his wife.
“No, sorry, sir.”
“Kidding,” he chuckles, “well, I guess I should get my butt in gear,” he flicks through his phone, “um, I assume toiletries? Face masks?”
“Oh, that’s near me,” you point back towards beauty, “there’s a special for the sheet masks.”
“Great,” he grabs the extended handle of the basket, “thanks so much for this. I’m so lost.”
“That’s fine,” you go ahead of him, “it’s the job.”
You groan as you put the last empty bin in the stack. You stand and rub your shoulders, traps sore from all the lifting and moving. The night crew will set up for the day after Christmas but in the last hour of work, you and the few others in the store scrambled to get the old displays torn down.
Luanne walks with you to the employee break room. She’s in more of a hurry as she has her three children waiting for her at their grandparents. She goes ahead of you and punches out as you wait and stretch out your arms.
“Have a good Christmas,” she says breathily as she opens her locker and pulls out her purse and jacket, folding the latter over her arm, “I’ll see you after. You’re opening, right?”
“Sure thing,” you say as you punch in your employee number. “Merry Christmas.”
“Give Ernie some pets for me,” she trills as she goes to the door. “Thanks again. You saved my ass today.”
“No problem, “ you shake your head, “Christmas Eve brings out the best.”
“Does it ever. Bye, sweetie,” she waves over her shoulder as he sweeps through the door.
You go to your locket and take out your fluffy pink sherpa coat and purse. You loop your scarf around your neck and slip your earmuffs around your head. You sit to pull on your boots and stand with an ache in your calves. You feel the fatigue finally setting in. It’s not over yet; one day off and you’re right back to the furor.
You yawn as you leave the breakroom and drag your feet across the store. You take out your phone as you pop your earbuds in and choose your holiday mix. You wave goodbye to a few other stragglers and go out the front door, Spencer locking it behind you.
It’s bitterly cold out. You’re surprised by the fresh fall of snow swirling in the air. It gives an extra sparkle to the time of year.
You scroll through your phone. The buses are on holiday hours already. The next one is in an hour. Great. You can just walk, at least until you get to the next stop. More buses stop there and you can get at least ten minutes within your building.
You trod along, kicking through the powder of snow as headlights gleam ahead of you. You walk along the narrow walk beside the hotel on the other side of the intersection and a pair of flashing tail lights blink ahead of you. A dark figure stands beside the white SUV but you can’t make out much more than their silhouette.
You keep going, peeking up curiously as you near. The boot of the car pops up and the stranded driver searches. As you pass, you trip over an unseen shape, the metal clank painfully against your toe. You look down at the small foot jack.
“Oh, shoot, sorry,” the man stands straight and turns to you, “I didn’t see you coming. I was just grabbing the iron–”
“That’s okay,” you pick out your earbuds, “I wasn’t looking.”
“Wait,” he stops short and points a gloved finger in your direction, “it’s you. You work at the store just down the way, right?”
You know the man. He’s the one who was in the store just yesterday. There’s a flutter in your chest at the coincidence of your encounter. It happens, especially in the shopping district. Half the city at least passes through her during the holidays.
“Yeah, uh, that’s me. You finish your shopping?”
“Just about,” he tuts and shakes his head, “blew a tire. So, happy holidays to me.”
“I’m so sorry,” you look down at the snowy walk.
“Mhmm,” he grumbles, “all this snow, I can’t get the jack to work either.”
“Dang, unfortunately, I’m not help. I don’t know much about cars.”
“That’s fine, I called roadside assistance but they’re taking their damn time,” he checks his watch.
“Oh…” you utter.
“Don’t let me rain on your holiday, honey,” he says, “your toe okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine,” you look down.
“Wait, are you walking home?” He asks.
You nod.
“Wish I could offer you a ride. This weather’s only getting worse,” he bemoans. He slips his hand into his jacket and pulls out his phone, “they should be here shortly so if–”
A set of headlights pull onto the apron and roll towards you. You look over as the man beside you does the same. You stand, somewhat dumbfounded at the unexpected run-in. 
“That’s them,” he declares, “hey, guys.”
He waves as the white van pulls up. You were expecting a tow truck. Oh, well. Not your problem.
“Great, I guess I should get going,” you excuse yourself, “have a happy holi–”
As you step back, your heel catches on something. You don’t realise until your plummeting onto your ass that the man stuck his leg out behind you. You hit the ground with an oomph, barely missing the metal jack half-buried in the snow.
You hear the van door sliding open and a clatter of heavy treads. You can barely catch your breath as the world moves fast around you. The man bends over you as another rushes over, grabbing you off the ground as the two vehicles block out the street from view.
“Be nice,” the first man warns as your arms are seized. “Don’t hurt her.”
You suck in a deep breath. What is happening? You go to let out the shriek as you’re struck by the situation. This can’t be real but you’re being half-carried towards an open vehicle. A hand comes up and stifles your scream, smothering you as you’re yanked harshly forward.
“Careful,” the man girds again.
“Shut the fuck up,” the other grits and pulls you away from the other, spinning you around as he hooks an arm around your neck and covers your mouth, forcing you towards the van. He bends backwards, lifting your feet as you kick and squirm.
“Honey, calm down,” the friendly customer coaxes, “it’s okay.”
You don’t understand. Why are they doing this? Why you?
The man’s hand slips as you grab at his arms and your teeth come over the vee between thumb and index. You bite down and he yowls. Even through his leather glove, you give him a viscous pinch.
“Fuck!” He tosses you forward so your knees hit the side of the van and fall half-inside.
“Hurry the fuck up,” another voice calls from inside the van.
“Trying,” the second man snarls as you stand and let out a shrill note, only for a second before you’re caught from behind and muted again. This time the leather glove seals over your nose. “Fucking bitch.” 
You’re lifted into the van, writhing and kicking as the door slides shut from the outside. You’re pinned on the floor in the seatless rear of the vehicle. You whimper as your eyes glisten with a sudden spring of tears. 
That question rings in your head again; why you? You have no one to look for you, no one to care. It’s only you against them.
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not me brainstorming how quackity could get the upper hand over technoblade during his villain arc and remembering that technoblade does actually have a weak point.
how quackity would come to possess that such weak point is not something my 3am brain can rake up enough energy to consider.
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jeonghoneyss · 3 years
hi honey!
milk chocolate for the tale of sir seungmin, and almond crunch for any wip you like <3
hi morgan!!! hope you're doing well!! <3
milk chocolate: share one of your favorite bits of dialogue!
ooh, i haven't reread sir seungmin in a while. let's see.
maybe this?
The dragon lets out a puff of air. ‘Of course she’s still alive. I’m not a monster .’ He doesn’t pause to give Seungmin time to say something stupid and unhelpful like “but you’re a dragon,” instead drawing back and peering down his nose at Seungmin. ‘So, knight,’ he says conversationally, tone strangely not unlike a page trying his best to avoid performing his task, ‘why are you in my forest?’
Seungmin glances around at the woods. There are lots of trees, definitely, but still- ‘This is a forest?’
The dragon sighs, curls of steam licking out of his mouth. Seungmin takes a small step back. The steam, following the general behaviour pattern for steam, is hot , and Seungmin is boiling inside his armour. The leaves above the dragon’s head glisten with the stuff, condensing and dripping slowly down until the dragon is studded with dew. He doesn’t pay attention to this, instead pausing in his looming menacingly above Seungmin to say, dissatisfied, ‘“Why are you in my wood?” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.’
but also definitely that scene where seungmin just goes back into jeongin's forest after the fennel and they exchange names and seungmin just gives him like. the worst excuses for why he came back. "puppy needed exercising" "do you need your spoon back - oh NO i left it at HOME i guess i'll have to GO BACK and bring it BACK AGAIN TOMORROW." i want to put that scene here but i think there's a character limit? it won't let me post this when i add it </3
almond crunch: what’s your favorite obstacle in your wip? is there anything you’re excited for your characters to overcome? (or not overcome?)
ooh, obstacles!!! i don't think any of my stories really have like,, Big Obstacles? i think my favourite obstacle is probably in la belle dame sans merci! minho is cursed (?) and he's disappeared and hyunjin has to work out a. why he disappeared and b. how to get him back!! it's very complicated which is why i have only a very very vague idea rn fglgld but yeah!!! i really like that one!!!!
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Coming of Age
Fandom: Frozen
Word count: 2,370
Summary: As Prince Hans turned twenty one, numerous thoughts about how his future would be began to swirl in. Being a Prince has its perks, but would that be enough?
Sometimes, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles couldn't believe his luck. He might be the youngest of thirteen sons, but never once did he encounter such thing as bad luck. Okay, perhaps never is a strong word, because he could recall at least three unfortunate experiences in the past, and the day he broke his left arm during a sparring with one of his brothers was one. But overall, with whatever life threw at him so far, he considered himself lucky, grateful, and blessed—you name it. Not so many children are blessed with a caring and loving family, he thought.
King Ruben and Queen Vivianna, the reigning monarchs of the Southern Isles, are both great rulers and wise parents. Raising thirteen sons was never easy, yet they were considered as succeed in doing so. The princes were given equal treatment, and they all were taught about respect, the value of hard works, and many other qualities. Perhaps that, as well as their known kindness and wisdom, was why the people adored the royal family even more.
Dismounting from his stallion, Sitron, he glanced at the view before him. The cape near the palace was one of his favourite places, and he often came there just to think or to escape from a private tutor. Not that he didn't enjoy all the tutoring, but one of his brothers, Njal, told him that it's okay to skip lessons once in a while. And instantly, Hans got the bitter aftertaste for following an advice from the troublemaker among the thirteen.
'It's quiet today, isn't it, Sitron?' He gently stroked the horse's nose, as the stallion nuzzled him, as if he was agreeing with his master's words.
Hans let out a sigh, green eyes were gazing at the open ocean. A small smile played on his lips. Sometimes, the serenity was all he needed, especially after all the commotion he had to go through that morning. It seemed as if people around him: his parents, his brothers, even the servants and the commoners he bumped into, were more excited in celebrating what's supposed to be his day.
What's so special about turning twenty one?
The question had been lingering for a while, ever since her mother, Queen Vivianna, announced that there would be a huge ball in celebration of his birthday. He did utter his complains, saying that there's no need to invite other Kingdoms to attend for it's just a birthday celebration, yet the queen disagreed.
'Actually, Hans, darling, you are the last one of my sons that is coming of age. Do you really think I'm going to let it be just another celebration?'
And he knew better than arguing with his dear mother.
'Being a prince is something, Sitron.' He began. 'You probably don't understand, but being the youngest, I sometimes feel like my life is going in no direction.'
It was true. He could think of many things he could grow up to be, when he was young. Having seen some of his brothers joining the navy or the army, while some others were marrying to the throne somewhere, Hans knew that his time would come soon, when he should marry either a princess or a duchess of Somewhere Far. Gustav and Rorik were right, coming of age can be terrifying.
Unlike Lars, who had an avid interest in History, or Jensen, who was known for his talent in music, Hans was something else. He loved the sea, the feeling of the salty breeze against his face, as well as sketching and writing. At times, he found himself drawing people—characters, while also adding some backstory to it. Needless to say, it was a therapeutic experience for him.
'I knew I'd find you here.' He heard that familiar voice, followed by footsteps.
'Jorgen.' Hans spoke, as he turned to see one of his older brothers. 'Are you here to say happy birthday, like everyone else?'
'Is that how you greet the brother you haven't seen in three months?'
Prince Jorgen of the Southern Isles was a tall, lanky man, with red hair, hazel eyes, and a perfectly angled nose—a trait that every Westergaard Princes seemed to possess. His hair was trimmed neatly, the style was almost similar to that of his youngest brother. He approached his little brother, with his horse trailing behind.
'Sorry,' Hans smiled, patting his brother's back. 'How is married life?'
'Wonderful!' Jorgen beamed. 'And soon you will have a taste, little brother.'
Hans scoffed. 'Nah, my turn will come after the twins got married, and judging from the slow courting they are doing with their significant others, it would take years. For now, I want to enjoy my freedom, maybe joining the navy for good.'
'And you think Mother will let you go to the sea?' Jorgen raised a brow, eyeing his brother. 'If anything, she will try to keep you on the land, to marry first. Oh, I heard she has invited princesses from our neighbouring Kingdoms.'
Hans still had his gaze on the horizon, where the sky meets the see far away from where he was standing. Of course he knew this beforehand. His mother would find any opportunity to try playing matchmaking with some princesses he had no interest in. Not that he disliked those girls, who would bat their eyelashes around him, but he simply disliked the idea of getting married so young. There were so many things he would love to do, figuring out his life purpose was one of them. And once you enter married life, there's no going back.
'She can do all she wants.' The youngest Prince muttered, before turning to his brother. 'But she can never stop me.'
Hans knew he was right—or not. By the time the king and queen proposed a toast for his birthday, and having all the guests' attention directed at him, he knew he couldn't escape his mother's plan for the night. Once the music began, Queen Vivianna practically dragged her son aside, and gesturing at a chestnut haired princess in a soft blue beige dress, who stood nearby on her own.
'Hans, that princess is the one I told you earlier.' His mother murmured closely. 'Ask her to dance.'
'But, Mother—' but before he could protest, the Queen sent him a stern look, definitely not giving him a choice. 'Fine.'
And so, he asked Princess Angelique of Hallstatt to dance, in which the Princess complied with pleasure. Though he'd scored himself a great dancing partner, it was still hard for him to enjoy the company, for Princess Angelique gave him dreamy looks that made him feel slightly uncomfortable.
'Oh, my little Hans is all grown up!' His mother's words from earlier echoed in his mind. 'Soon, you will find yourself a bride to marry and give me some adorable grandchildren.'
Hans almost grimaced at the thought. That would certainly need to wait. Once the music ended, Hans sighed in relief, before quickly excused himself and flashed the princess his most polite smile.
Taking a glass of champagne from the passing tray, he began to observe his surrounding, from his spot in the corner of the room. The guests seemed to enjoy themselves, dancing and talking—or gossiping, yet something seemed a little off. His brothers were nowhere in sight.
Where are they? He wondered quietly, finishing his drink with a big gulp. Just when he put down his empty glass on a tray carried by a footman, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He was already preparing a speech for whatever plan his mother had for him, but when he turned around, Hans was greeted by number eight, Prince Bjorn.
'I thought you're mother.'
Bjorn let out a chuckle. 'It seems like you're trying to avoid her.'
'Oh, please, she is planning something and I don't like it.' Hans stated. 'I mean, she pushed me to this princess' direction to dance with her. And the whole dance she was staring at me. I enjoy attention, but having someone staring at you like that, no thank you.'
'Like what?' Bjorn motioned him to follow. 'Like she's gonna eat you alive.'
Hans raised an eyebrow. 'Not really, but quite.' Falling in his brother's steps, he wondered out loud, 'Where are we going?'
'You'll see.'
Well, that didn't answer his question, but nonetheless, he still followed him, exiting the ballroom. As he walked down the deserted corridor, all he could hear was the faint music from the celebration, and the fountain that stood in the middle of the garden. They were making a slight turn in one of the corridors when they heard footsteps came approaching from the opposite direction. A man wearing a teal uniform emerged from the darkness, making Bjorn stopped abruptly.
'May I help you, Sir?' He asked the frantic looking man.
The man in the uniform nodded, 'Ah, yes. I would like to request an audience with the King and Queen of The Southern Isles.'
Hans eyed the strange man suspiciously. His green eyes were glaring at the teal coloured uniform, with a golden crocus medal attached to it. An audience with the monarchs? Is he out of his mind? It was clear that neither his mother nor father expected this man, who seemed to be a foreigner.
'I'm sorry, Sir, but there's a celebration going on. Whatever business you need to discuss with the King needs to wait until tomorrow.'
But the man was persistent. 'Please, Sir. I have a very urgent matter to discuss.' He began to pull out a sealed envelope from his leather bag. 'I'm from Arendelle, you see.'
Arendelle? Why would that kingdom send a messenger to the Southern Isles?
The two princes stole brief glances at each other, before eyeing the golden crocus seal upon the letter. Bjorn, who knew immediately that something was up, nodded at the man.
'Follow this long corridor, then turn left. There, you will meet Henrik, a Royal Advisor. Tell him the urgency and ask for an audience with the King and Queen.'
'Thank you!' And with that, the man quickly walked away.
'Did Father invite a representative from Arendelle?' Hans asked his brother as they resumed their journey.
Bjorn frowned. 'Not as far as I know.'
'Well, if anyone from Arendelle is stepping on our soil, it means that they are facing a huge problem.' Hans muttered.
'Or it could be completely something else.' Bjorn added, before tapping his brother's back. 'Let's not think about it. It's your birthday.'
Once the brothers stepped out of the gates, Hans knew where they were heading. The docks. He was sure of it, as he breathed in the familiar salty scent of the ocean. And a few moments later, in the most secluded side of the harbour, stood eleven silhouettes.
'Little brother,' a tall brunet greeted with a rather wrinkly smile. From the feature, everyone could tell that he's the oldest. 'We were worried that you would get lost.'
'Don't call me that, Stefan.' Hans said, before breaking into a smile. 'As for the delay, sorry, we were bumping into an Arendellian on our way here.'
'So that's why the Arendelle flagship is in our harbour.' Jensen, number two, murmured more to himself, before turning to Bjorn. 'Strange, don't you think?'
'I suppose,' Bjorn nodded, 'but don't let it stop us from celebrating our brother's coming of age.'
'Hansy!' The youngest prince almost rolled his eyes at the nickname the twins gave him. 'Once again, happy birthday!' Marten and Mikael, number eleven and twelve, said in unison.
'Thanks, again.' Hans replied. 'You do know how to annoy me, don't you?'
'Oh, you wouldn't say that after you see what we got for you!' Karl, number six, came approaching, handing him a bottle of rum.
Confused, the number thirteen raised an eyebrow, as he glanced at his brothers one by one. Each was bearing what seemed to be an excited smile, and Hans couldn't remember the last time he saw his brothers acting this strange. 'What is it?'
A slight push on his back, urged him to take a step closer to the edge of the docks. He turned to see Oskar, number nine, giving him the gentle push. And right before him, Lars, Gustav, and Rorik were standing by, seemed ready to unveil something big—quite literally.
The word was the first thing he noticed. North Star. Then he realised what it was. A sail boat. A perfectly crafted one, majestic. It led to a conclusion: they knew about his love for sailing. He was only standing there, glued to the spot, as his green eyes slowly took in the view before him.
'Happy birthday, Hans!'
One by one, the brothers began to engulf the youngest into an embrace, and as much as the gesture annoyed him, he didn't mind. He was grateful that he had twelve big brothers who cared for him, and a set of wonderful parents. Here, surrounded by a family, at last. Hans knew that somewhere out there someone grew up in an abusive household under unfortunate circumstances. And for that reason was he feeling very fortunate for his life.
With Nordstejrnen, he could explore the waters in his Kingdom, maybe he could take his sketchbook along with him. And he would make sure that nobody could stop him from doing so, not even his mother. Being a prince has it's perks, he thought, and it will never be enough for me to not use this opportunity to the fullest. Besides, he had had his naval training, and it would surely help him.
Coming of age could be terrifying for some people. It might be full of unexpected events. But for the youngest prince, it would be one that's full of adventure.
Yes, Hans knows that turning twenty one means that his life is about to change. If he only knows what the future has in store for him.
Note: This was originally written for Hans Week 2020, alas, only recently did I get to finish it. Also, this story may or may not be continued in Helsa Week 2.0. That's why some feedbacks and criticisms are very much welcome. Thanks for reading! X
Reposting because the first one didn’t show up in the tags.
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fluffyasra · 5 years
Apprentice Questionnaire!
I figured, what better way to introduce my MC (and myself, and this blog) than by filling this out?! 
What is their full name? Elit Aroha Wingate
Zodiac sign: Aquarius (her birthday is February 14th)
In detail describe how they look: She is fairly short in stature, and a little chubby. She has long rosy blonde hair that falls in big, loose waves. She has a smattering of light freckles across her nose and cheeks, with a few light ones on her shoulders. Her eyes are a dark green and she has long, dark lashes. She has a small, straight nose, and ears that are ever so slightly larger than average, which she is very self conscious about. Although she is very soft, she has surprisingly small, bony wrists, and small hands and feet. 
How old are they? 21 years old
What clothes to they like to wear? She usually wears a loose white blouse that sits off her shoulders, and burgundy harem pants. She likes anything that’s comfortable and makes her look mysterious. She doesn’t like to show off her figure, although when she does she often gets complimented on her hourglass figure. 
What’s their favorite piece of clothing? A pink square scarf made of silk that she was given as a gift, although she can’t remember who gave it to her. She likes to use it to tie back her hair. 
Any piercings? Only two in her ear lobes. She’s afraid of the pain of other piercings. 
Do they have any other jewelry they wear? She has a rose quartz necklace, on a long leather thong. She also has a gold ring with a small heart-shaped ruby, and a matching bracelet, that she wears all the time. 
Any tattoos? No. She admires them on other people, but doesn’t have any of her own. 
How old are they? -//-
What do they smell like? She smells like jasmine, neroli, mandarins and Asra’s smoky tea.
What are their four trinkets? A small opal, her ruby ring, an elegant but chipped tea cup, and her pink slipper. 
What kind of magic are they good at? She is very creative and enjoys magic that reflects this. However, she can also be studious when necessary, and is able to quickly master even complex spells, as she is a fast learner. 
What kind of magic are they bad at? She has never been good at any kind of offensive magic, as she is too afraid of harming anyone around her to practice.
Of the four, six or seven magical elements which are they most connected to? Four: fire,air water earth. six: fire,air,water, wood,earth, metal. Seven:fire, air, water, wood, earth, metal, aither. Elit loves to be around water, which is reflected in her magic. She loves swimming, rainy weather, baths...anything that means she can be around water.
What does their gateway look like prior to their memory loss?  What does it look like afterwards? Prior to her memory loss, it’s lots of pink and gold tones. It looks like a sunset over a lake. Fluffy clouds, shimmering sunlight. Afterwards, it’s the same place, but all the colours have faded. There’s a silvery haze over the whole scene now. 
Do they have a familiar? If they do. What type of animal is it? What is it’s name? Is it still around after they lost their memory? She used to have a black cat named Bella (like Belladonna) but can’t remember her any more. Bella still hangs around, checking up on Elit, but Elit doesn’t realise the connection at the moment.
Have they ever cursed someone? No! She could never. She can hold a grudge though.
How do they handle those headaches/migraines? Sleep and tea are her ultimate remedy for everything. A huge cup of tea, and getting tucked up in her quilt are her favourite way to cope.
What tarot card do they connect the most with? Strength. She shines most through patience and compassion.
Where were they born? She was born in a busy coastal town with a big focus on fishing. Her family moved to Vesuvia for a lifestyle change, to move to what they perceived to be a higher class area.
What is their favorite color? Pink!
What is their least favorite color? Orange
Are they right handed, left handed or ambidextrous? Right handed
What were they like as a child? Elit was quietly curious, and very shy. She spent a lot of her time playing alone, or roping her parents into her games. She enjoyed exploring the beach in her hometown, and playing ‘house’. She did well at school and loved to read, but had few friends.
What were their parents like? Her mother was kind and gentle, but also exuberant and outgoing. She had many friends, and loved to entertain, hosting them for meals on a regular basis. She owned a tea house, which fit her personality well. She was friendly with most of her regular customers, and always had time to chat with them. Elit’s father was more serious and quiet, but still had a good, kind heart. He worked long hours as a book keeper for the bank in town. 
Do they have any siblings? If the answer is yes how many? No, Elit’s mother was very ill when she was pregnant and was advised not to risk a second child.
Do they have any other relatives they are close with? Elit used to be close with her cousins in her hometown, but didn’t really keep in touch when they moved, and now doesn’t remember them anyway.
What are they afraid of? She is terribly afraid of spiders and of losing Asra, as he is the only person close to her. 
What do they identify as? Female
Do they have any allergies? No.
Do they have any other medical problems? No. Elit is physically fairly healthy.
What about mental health issues? She struggles with anxiety, but has been working on improving her coping techniques and strategies.
What’s that personal hygiene regimen like? Elit loves to bathe, and is always very clean. 
Favorite rock or gemstone? Rose quartz, as it symbolises love to her. 
Favorite tree? Jacaranda. She loves the flowers.
Favorite type of weather? Rain!
Least favorite type of weather? Hot and humid.
What is their favorite season? She loves autumn, as the temperature is cool, and it rains often.
How many languages could they speak before the memory loss? How many do they currently speak? Before her memory loss, Elit could speak a local dialect of her hometown, but no longer remembers, so can only speak one. 
Do they sing or play any instruments? Elit loves to sing. She isn’t great, but definitely isn’t terrible either. She can play the harp.
What do they tend to joke about? Most of her jokes are quite self-deprecating.
After a stressful day how do they relax? With a bath with lots of oils, a huge mug of hot tea, and spending time alone. She loves being around Asra, but needs time to herself to relax.
Guilty pleasures? She secretly loves going to the marketplace, buying a whole loaf of fresh white bread, and eating it all while watching the shows people often put on for the children. 
idiosyncrasies? She will only drink out of mugs, never glassware. Elit is very sentimental, and keeps every card and letter she receives. She will find one thing that she loves to eat, and eat nothing else for a couple of weeks.
How do they act when they first meet someone new? How quickly do they warm up to them? Elit is very shy, and hates meeting new people. However, she has become quite good at putting on a front and acting friendly. It takes her a while to warm to someone, and is easily put off them.
In what order would they prioritize Love, fame, money, power, and knowledge? Love, knowledge, money, power, fame. 
List four or more things they love to do: Elit loves swimming, baking, singing, reading, learning new magic and visiting new and exciting places with Asra.
List four or more things they hate to do: She hates doing the dusting, and is attempting to formulate a spell to do this for her. She also hates being in large social situations, running and having to ask shop assistants for help.
List five or more things they have said that sum up who they are: “You big dummy!” “Yikes” “I love this song, it’s sooOOoOoOoooOO romantic!” “Excuse me, sir, but that is MY spot and nobody else can sit there.” “No, thank you.”
How do they react to (both verbal and physical) conflict? Elit is very passive, and avoids conflict wherever possible. If she finds herself in a situation, she is most likely to back down and let the other person win.
What kind of bad habits to they have? She is very messy, and is forever leaving her belongings lying around. She is also often inclined to be quite judgemental of others.
What kind of character faults do they have? She is absent minded and forgetful, which often leads to her having to start over on tasks, due to her losing focus halfway through. She can also occasionally come across as being very blunt, as she gets nervous and ends up just saying exactly what she means. 
What’s their best trait in their opinion? Physically, she likes her hands. Personality wise, she likes the way she looks after those she cares for.
What do they think of their appearance? Most of the time, she is fairly indifferent. She doesn’t think she’s anything special, but also doesn’t hate the way she looks. Although, she is often hung up about her weight.
How do they interact with people in a position of authority? Elit is very respectful, having grown up with such a serious father. She prefers speaking to people in these positions as there is a formula to follow when she talks, and she doesn’t have to think on her feet too much.
Who did they look up to as a kid? She always wanted to be like her mum, confident and well loved. She also admired the hardworking fishermen in her town, and respected their dedication.
How do they interact with kids? She doesn’t like babies and toddlers much, but loves children! She will happily join their games, and her imagination is almost as wild as theirs. 
Do they want kids of their own someday? She would love nothing more than to have her own family.
Are they religious? If so what god/goddess or gods/goddesses do they worship? Elit doesn’t follow any one religion, but likes to draw principles of kindness and respect from different areas. 
What do they think the meaning of life is? To love, and be loved.
What would they want their last words to be? To tell her family how much she loves them.
What do they want to do before they die? So many things! She wants to see more of the world, learn as much about magic as she possibly can, reconnect with relatives and fall in love (properly). 
What/how do they want to be remembered for after they die? For being sunshine in human form.
How do they express affection? In every way possible! Elit is very affectionate with those she truly cares about. She loves to give presents, and the people especially close to her are fortunate to receive her hugs. 
What do they normally eat for breakfast? She doesn’t often eat breakfast, but she loves pancakes. She would usually just have a cup of tea.
Do they like spicy food? Yes! 
Favorite fruit and/or vegetable? Her favourite fruits are tropical ones like pineapples, melons, and mangoes. She much prefers vegetables though, and particularly like courgettes.
Do they like sweets? Elit has a huge sweet tooth.
Do they drink alcohol? If they do, what do they act like when they’re drunk? She does drink, but not all that often. She is a huge flirt and overly affectionate when she’s drunk, which has got her into some awkward situations!
How do they take their tea/coffee? Her tea is always clean, no milk or sugar, but on the rare occasion she has coffee, she likes it with lots of frothed up milk.
What food would they refuse to eat? She can’t stand eggplant.
Is there anything they eat that most people would find unappealing? Elit loves most seafood, and really likes mushrooms. 
When going on the road what food could they not live without? Bread!
What meal gives them a sense of nostalgia? Baked fish is something her mum often made. Fragrant with lemon and fresh herbs, the smell evokes a nostalgic feeling inside her that she cannot currently place.
What do they do when no one’s around? She loves to sing and dance like crazy to get out any excess energy. She is also quite partial to a snoop through Asra’s things.
How would they react if a prized possession got stolen? She would cry, and enlist the help of everyone she could to get it back.
What’s the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery? A private bathhouse. 
What would their favorite modern invention be? Tumblr! She would enjoy the connection with likeminded people without having to physically meet them. 
In a new unfamiliar place what do they do? Explore! Elit loves new places. She would, however, prefer Asra to be by her side though.
Someone just threatened them what do they do? Try to calm and soothe the person. She doesn’t do conflict, so would try to avoid the situation.
A rather well rich looking woman just dropped her purse and didn’t notice. What do they do? Return it (and secretly hope for a reward!).
What’s the worst thing someone has said to them? That she doesn’t deserve her happiness.
What is the strangest thing they’ve ever come across? Asra has loads of...interesting things in his possession that she’s found while snooping, But she can never ask about them, because then he’ll know she was snooping.
Someone just stole food from them what do they do? Let them, and not say anything, but inside be annoyed.
They meet a man at a crossroads. The man says they can have everything they’ve ever wanted. What happens next? She would be curious, but her inner cynic would take over. She’d say “no thank you” and leave. 
As a child what would they say they wanted to be as an adult?  ie. When I grow up I’m going to _______ She would have loved to be a writer.
What’s their D&D alignment? Chaotic good.
What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done? As a child, she almost caused a fire by trying to melt marshmallows using the heating in her bedroom. 
Have they ever got in trouble with the law or been arrested? No, even if she had done anything to warrant her arrest, Elit is sneaky enough to not get caught.
Do they know how to win a fight? Probably not.
Are they good at hand to hand combat? Again, probably not. She can hold her own for a while, but would be unlikely to win.
Have they ever stolen something? When she was a kid, Elit used to steal small tokens from people and give them to her friends as gifts.
Have they ever killed someone? No!
What/who do they find disgusting? She is terribly squeamish and is disgusted by anything medical or otherwise that would trigger this.
What upsets them the most? Unrequited love. Either her own, or when her friends are pining after someone.
What anime character would they be? Nagisa from Free!
What disney character would they be? Snow White
What monster would they be? Some kind of ghoul
What mythological figure would they be? Undine
List three songs that you associate with them. Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin, broken by lovelytheband, and Take My Breath Away by Berlin.
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