#this was actually my first time drawing and coloring player so I'm glad for that
l0ganberry · 2 months
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For the long wait, I decided to make a mini comic of him having help finding his legs. And then having his sweet angel on helping him reattach his legs. I hope you like this and thank you for the request.
There's a couple left of unfinished requests, but I'll still more if you want to request something that relates to Dogday. You can go to this >post< to put in your request, or send an ask to me.
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saturnzskyzz · 6 months
Hi! I love your fics and I was wondering if I could request you a prompt with ler!Seokjin and lee!Yoongi from BTS. Basically in their rookie days when the members are just getting to know each other and some of the members think Yoongi is scary, so they mention it to Seokjin who says something like Yoongi’s just a big softie. a few days later they hear Yoongi’s (cute!!) laughter for the first time and go see what’s up and find Seokjin tickling him and they all think Yoongi’s really cute and maybe have them join in if you want. Sorry if this is long, lol. It’s also okay if you don’t want to write it!! Have a good day!
Hello Anon! I'm glad you like my fanfics as much as I love writing them for you all!!
・I find this prompt really adorable, so thank you for your request!!
・Sorry it took me so long to get to it, I just have so many ideas for fanfics like these, and yet my motivation is usually running on a down low, but hopefully you like this one!! I really enjoyed writing it :)))
I would also like to say that any further concepts, ideas, or pairings will be drabbles, which are short fanfics, due to the lack of me keeping up with longer projects that are currently sitting in my drafts.
Don't worry though! You can request a longer fanfic from me; just let me know with your idea or pairing so it doesn't accidentally turn up as a drabble!
·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪• ☼ ⋒ ⚡︎ 𐚱 ⊹˚˖⁺ ⤾·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪•
・Him? Scary? ・
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Yoongi appears to be scary and intimidating according to the rest of Seokjin's members, what better way to prove them wrong by bringing out Yoongi's soft side?
| negative comments | tickling |
This is not a ship fanfic
·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪• ☼ ⋒ ⚡︎ 𐚱 ⊹˚˖⁺ ⤾·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪•
The members were having a hard time trying to get to know one another now that it's been a few weeks of practice for their next album. They were put right to work to making songs rather than them getting to know each other, so Seokjin came up with a game they could all play while they had a three day break from working.
Seokjin had everyone sit in a circle with hand made cards in the middle. The rules were that each player had to draw a card that displayed two questions; one for the player, and one for the person on the player's right. The player who then asks the person on their right a question, it would be that person's turn to draw a card. Easy right?
Well.. It was easy for Seokjin and Yoongi. The rest were a bit shy through out the game. But Taehyung and Jungkook? They were more so anxious than shy since they sat from either side of Yoongi, unfortunately for them.
Taehyung had to ask Yoongi a question since he was on his right, and then Yoongi would have to ask a question to Jungkook, who was on Yoongi's right.
They didn't mean any harm for acting the way that they were with him, he just seemed like a pretty scary and blunt person in general, unfortunately.
"Okay, uh... Yoongi.. What is your favorite color?" Taehyung asked carefully as to not make his voice quiet like all the other times he tried to ask him normally.
"My favorite color is black, although white is another color I fathom to take interest of." Yoongi said quickly, and honestly. He gave Taehyung a small smile, and reached for a card in the middle.
Taehyung thought of how sweet his smile was compared to how he actually felt about Yoongi's presence being right next to him. Nonetheless, he stayed silent and just took the smile.
"Okay.. The card asks what my favorite food is.. Uhmm.." Yoongi instinctively looked up at the ceiling to think of what his favorite food would be.
Everyone was looking at Yoongi intensively. They wondered if he would give up about a difficult question like the one he was given and storm off somewhere.. What a specific way to think about Yoongi's thought process, and yet they still hoped that he would answer and not do what they had initially thought.
"Oh! My favorite food would be Galbi(Korean barbecue) because it has meat in it, eheh." Yoongi chuckled at his answer. He looked back at everyone to realize how everyone was slightly leaning a bit forward to look at him.
Upon hearing this, they all went back in their comfortable sitting positions. They all looked at each other with confused looks with how carefree Yoongi was being than the usual blunt persona he put on when practicing.
"Uhum..okay then, uh.. Jungkook, the card asks where you would want to go if you could go anywhere in the world." Yoongi asked without further question on why everyone apart from Seokjin were acting kind of weird. He looked to his right, giving the Makenae a natural look than a heavy face.
"Uhm.. Let's see.." Jungkook somehow tensed up at this, but he thought of where he would want to go quickly as he assumed that if he took any longer, then he would waste Yoongi's time.
"It's okay to take your time on that one, that question is quite hard to answer for a lot of people." Yoongi tried to reassure.
"T-thank you-or, uhmm.. Yeah!" Jungkook stumbled on his wording, instantly regretting blurting out words.
"W-where I would go would be Los Angeles, m-maybe? The beaches over there are pretty nice." Jungkook said finally. He looked at Yoongi and gave him a smile of his own.
"Ah! That's a good answer.. Los Angeles is a pretty place from what I've seen from photos!" Yoongi sparked up at that answer, causing everyone but Seokjin, who laughed at his bount of energy, to be confused by his burst of enlightenment so suddenly.
They played a few more rounds before Seokjin announced that he was getting tired. He had noticed how everyone but Yoongi looked pleased that the game was over. Not like he didn't notice anything that was off earlier, he always gave quick glances every now and then during the game when everyone would get all tensed up when it was Yoongi's turn.
"Uhm, on second thought.. Can I talk to you guys real quick?" Seokjin said while getting up. He walked over to the closest corner from in the studio, noticing that Yoongi had begun to walk over with the rest who tried to quickly walk away from Yoongi.
"Oh! Uh, Not you, Yoongi, you can go to your dorm.. I need to talk to everyone else though." Seokjin said, pointing at the door to emphasize his words. He saw how confused Yoongi's face had gotten, and without getting any response other than a shoulder shrug, the rapper left the studio room.
That's when Seokjin lowered his head a bit to look at everyone else who had to stay.
"Guys.. Are you all doing okay? You all looked like you guys let your anxiety win up until I called it quits on the game." with a worried look, the oldest started to fidget with his fingers with the thought that he must have done something wrong.
Namjoon walked up to Seokjin to get a better look at the oldest since he was standing in the back of everyone else.
"It's not the game that we were anxious about, if that's what you are thinking, hyung.. It was just that.. We all seem pretty nervous around Yoongi because of the aura he casts around the room when he's around.. I'm not really sure why, but we see him as a blunt person, to say the least.." Namjoon said, nervously glancing at Seokjin and then the wall behind the oldest.
'That's what they were anxious about?' Seokjin thought, chuckling at Namjoon's honesty, leaving the rest of the members confused. He walked up to Namjoon to put his hand on his shoulder. The leader of the group stopped himself from looking at the wall and looked up at Seokjin.
"Guys, I promise you, he's a really cool person to get to know! He's not this big bad guy you guys are forming in your head. If anything, he's just a bihig softy." Seokjin said with a chuckle. He then patted Namjoon's shoulder before taking his hand completely off of it, and started to slowly walk to the door that led out of the studio. "You guys get some rest, we are practicing tomorrow." Seokjin said, leaving the rest in the studio.
'Softy?' they all had the same thoughts. Yoongi? A softy? That can't be true.. Can it?
They all decided to leave that conversation at that, and they all left the studio to go in their dorms.
The next morning, Yoongi got up pretty early to make everyone some breakfast. He doesn't usually cook stuff for the members, but he couldn't brush off the thought of how yesterday went in the studio. He had assumed that everyone was pretty tense that day, so he considered making bacon and eggs for everyone.
While he was getting the right size of a pan for the bacon, he decided to cook the eggs first to make them scrambled instead of hard boiled.
After a few minutes, the second member to leave their dorm was Seokjin, who was surprised with himself for waking up in a timingly manner. Usually, Namjoon or even Yoongi would have to wake up the oldest for always sleeping in.
"You're up early for someone who usually favors being in bed." Yoongi said when he heard a door close, causing him to look in the direction of the sound to see Seokjin's tired face, with his hair sticking up and sideways. "Ahahand your hair! Hyhuhung, you need toho fix your hair!" Yoongi said, holding his stomach and the counter top for leverage to not fall out of balance.
Seokjin was barely paying attention due to being tired, but he silently ruffled his hair to "fix it," and walked into the kitchen to stand next to Yoongi who was infront of the eggs.
"What are you making? Is that scrambled eggs?" Seokjin said, squinting and leaning closer to the pan to see the consistency of what was on the pan, then he looked down at Yoongi who was recovering from laughing at Seokjin's hair.
"Ihihi'm, mhmhm. Ihi'm making bacon with eggs if you want some! I'm making it for everyone.." Yoongi said, clearing his throat to stop laughing. He thought of what else to say, given that he reminded himself of why he was cooking in the first place.
"That's sweet of you, Yoongi. What made you want to cook? Usually you force me to make things, or you wait for Hoseok to wake up." Seokjin said sweetly, giving a quick poke to Yoongi's side to tease.
This made Yoongi flinch and took a step sideways, away from Seokjin, covering his side on instinct.
"Dohon't do thahat.. Uhm, I kept thinking about yesterday.. I uhh, I thought they seemed really awkward with the studio's atmosphere when we played that card game.. N-not saying that they didn't like it!" Yoongi quickly held out his hands to emphasize his words.
"Uhm.. I over thought the situation, so I decided to cook for everyone in hopes that they aren't nervous again." Yoongi said quietly, going back to attend the eggs.
Seokjin realized how Yoongi's demeanor changed when speaking his thoughts. He began to worry for both Yoongi, and the rest of his members. 'If they all are going to think like this, than how can one get along with the other?' he had thought.
"Yeah.. Thats why I called them over after the game ended.. I had suspicion that they were awkward yesterday.. They told me some of their concern's, but I'm not going to discuss that for your behalf. But they aren't going to think like this forever, Yoongi." Seokjin said, putting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder to try and comfort him the best that he could.
Yoongi didn't say anything now, he focused on the eggs so they wouldn't burn and become unedible. But he let that information slowly form into a big bubble in his brain to overtake any other thoughts he might have had.
"I reassured them though.. Although they think you're intimidating, they won't think that for long." Seokjin said, trying to reassure Yoongi the best that he could.
"Reassured them.. How, exactly?" Yoongi questioned, now curious as to what he told his members.
"Weeeeell, I told them that you are a cool person to get to know about.. Aaand I told them that you are a BIG softy!" Seokjin said with yet another poke to Yoongi's side, causing the younger to flinch again, having his arm that was attending the eggs to come down to protect his side.
"Noho way you said that to them, hyung!" Yoongi looked up at Seokjin with a small smile that he was desperately trying to hide.
"Yes way! How can I not hint to them that you are very sweet with people once you get to know them?" Seokjin gave Yoongi more pokes to get a reaction.. And to hear his laugh and see his smile.
Yoongi turned to face Seokjin now. He held up his hands as a form to defend himself from his hyung's attacking fingers.
"Stohop, Jin! Ihi'm literally cohoohking right nohow!" Yoongi said, stepping away from Seokjin.
That's when Seokjin reached over the stove to turn off the heat and placed the eggs on a non-heated ring.
"The eggs can wait. You however, need to cheer up." Seokjin quickly took both of Yoongi's hands and pulled him in for a hug, having the rapper's back against Seokjin's front.
"Noho! Seokjin, plehehease! Ihihi neEHEED- TOHohoho gehet back toho cooking!!" Yoongi all but screeched when Seokjin started to scribble away at his sides now instead of poking like before.
"You can get back to cooking once you've said it yourself that you're just a big softy who is sweet and caring to others." Seokjin argued, slowly pinching Yoongi's bottom ribs now to have his laugh go up an octave.
"AAH-! AHAahaha, Seokjihihin! StAHAahahaP, plehehease!!" Yoongi tilted his head down and tried to curl in on himself the best that he could. He pulled onto his hands that were against his own chest due to Seokjin keeping them there, but failed at getting any of them free.
"Quiet Yoongi~ You don't want to wake any of our sleepy members, do you?" Seokjin said, whispering into his ear that was painted with a deep shade of red.
Seokjin then pinched at his top ribs to see if Yoongi would actually stay quiet for his members. Knowing this would usually cause a big reaction, he was wanting to be evil that morning.
Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head to try and get rid of the tickly sensations that were coursing through his body. He tried to stay as quiet as possible, but it was quite hard since Seokjin was attacking one of his worst spots, as well as his hands being held.
"Seheheokjihihin-! S-StohohoAHAahaha! Ohoho myhyhy gohohod!" Yoongi was desperately trying not to laugh out loud, but it was getting to the point where he couldn't take it much longer.
"What's it gonna be then?? Are you going to realize that they aren't going to view you as a scary dude for the rest of our lives, or are you wanting to wake them up and have me tell them why I'm tickling you half to death?" Seokjin explained, lowering his head down to look at Yoongi better.
Yoongi didn't say anything other than to laugh his lungs out by how bad his top ribs are when tickled. He nearly couldn't think straight because of how bad it was.
"Have it your way then." Seokjin said, digging his hand into Yoongi's under arm now, sending the younger to bulk up one of his legs. He completely lost his footing from slightly kicking, and took him and Seokjin down on the kitchen floor. Seokjin mainly took the fall for already knowing that was going to happen since it wasn't the first time he's had this reaction with Yoongi.
"NAHAHAahahaAHA! STAA-AHAahahaAha-! Ehehahah, mhmhEHEmhm." Yoongi used all of his strength to have one of his hands free, and decided to use his chance to cover his mouth to result any other loud laughter that came out of him.
"Awww, look at that, you can't admit something and yet you're caring enough to not wake the others up. How cute~" Seokjin said, surprised that he was able to get his hand free, but nonetheless thought it was cute by how dedicated he was to not wake the others.. But it was too late, unfortunately for Yoongi.
Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjoon all came out of their rooms after exchanging texts trying to figure out who was laughing out in the kitchen. When they came out, they didn't see anything other than hearing sweet laughter coming from behind the kitchen counter.
When all of them shared glances, they silently agreed to check behind the counter. What they saw was the back of Seokjin with a head tilted down towards the floor.
They were all surprised as to seeing the one who was captured by Seokjin, laughing freely and adorably to all of them, was Yoongi himself.
After a moment of them staring, they heard Yoongi squeal when Seokjin switched from digging into his underarm, to going for the side of his neck.
"Seheheokjihihin, plehehease! Mehehercy! AHA-ahaha." Yoongi laughed into his hand. He begun to push his hand more against his mouth to keep himself from being loud, not knowing that the members were behind them.
The rapper then scrunched up his shoulders and tilted his head back-close to where Seokjin's hand was at on his neck.
The members stared in awe, watching all of it go down with out a sound with their own commentary. They wanted to keep their thoughts to themselves to watch the scene unfold adorably with no interruptions.
Unfortunately for Yoongi, Seokjin found a specific spot near the front of his neck and collarbone that had him shoot his hand that was covering his mouth, down to the attacking hand to try and get him off. Still having his head back, he allowed himself to smile and laugh freely now that he has already dug his grave from taking his hand off of his face.
That was when the rest of the members were able to see Yoongi's big gummy smile just enough. They all quietly awed even more so at how sweet and contagious his smile was to them. They began to have smiles of their own when seeing Yoongi finally being carefree.
Seokjin was right, Yoongi was just a big softy afterall.
"Seheheokjihihin, SEOKJIN! Stahahohop! Ohokahahay, ohohokahahy! Ihihi gehehet ijihit nahaahow-!" Yoongi cried out, desperately trying to pry Seokjin's hand off of him. He kicked out his legs just a bit to try and see if he could tip themselves over, but to no avail.
That was when Yoongi decided to open one of his eyes the best that he could, and was surprised to see the rest of his members watching the scene go down, seeing all of their smiles at once.
His face turned into a dark red, and quickly tilted his head down with a quiet whine, trying his best to cover his face while still swatting at Seokjin's hand.
Seokjin heard his whine, and decided to turn his head to look behind him to see the rest of his members. He smirked when seeing all of them.
"Hey guys! Don't worry about us, Yoongi hear also had thoughts about yesterday so I decided to cheer him up about it. What do you guys think?" Seokjin said, switching his attack back to scribbling at Yoongi's sides to make him giggle up a storm for the show.
"I mean.. It's just like you said, Hyung. He is just a big softy!" Hoseok broke their own little silence. He looked at the other members for validation for his answer, and every nodded in agreement.
"Well, what do you know?" Seokjin whispered in Yoongi's ear to prove his point from yesterday and earlier that morning.
"Seheheokjihihin- Plehehease stohohop! Thihihis ihis embahaharrassing!" Yoongi finally said after many giggles and suppressed squeals.
"What? It's not my fault that you are in a giggly mess." Seokjin said, earning muffled chuckled from the members.
"Wow Hyung, that's mean!" Jungkook said.
"Ihihit ihihis! AAH- NOHhoho!! Nohohoho mohohorehe!" Yoongi felt Seokjin go for his bottom ribs yet again. He twisted his body the best he could to lose the hand, but he forgot that Seokjin was still holding his other hand, and was unfortunately unable to get away.
Yoongi then tilted his head up again, and grabbed at Seokjin's attacking hand now to try and pry it off of him.
The members took in his smile again, seeing how sweet and adorable his smile really is. They've seen him smile before, yes, but they have never seen his gummy smile before until this very moment. And his giggles were probably the members favorite. Yoongi's laugh and giggles when tickled was never like how his usual laughs are when someone did or said something stupid. It was like sweet airy giggles that weren't too loud and high, but were also not too quiet and low. They truly favored this type of Yoongi, and it definitely has vanished the "scary" and "intimidating" stereotype out of their vocabulary.
Seokjin saw how tired Yoongi was getting from all the laughing and decided to call it quits, letting go of Yoongi so he can relax onto Seokjin.
"Ahaha, nehehver doho that ahagain, hyhuhung!" Yoongi said, regaining all the strength to get up finally.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. You never know the future, Yoongi." Seokjin said, pointing a finger in Yoongi's direction.
"Hold on, you've tickled Yoongi before?!" Jimin blurtedly asked, surprised.
"Well yeah! Of course I have. If I haven't, I don't think this would have happened." Seokjin said. He decided to get up from the floor, following with Yoongi as well. He had ignored the onslaught as to not get too embarrassed as he already was, and he went back to cooking the bacon and eggs that were neglected.
"You're lucky that these eggs haven't gone bad yet, Hyung. If they have, then you would've been the next to be on the floor, laughing." Yoongi threatened, causing everyone and even Seokjin to tense up.
"I'm making bacon and eggs for everyone, so if you don't want to be on the floor like I have, then you guys better sit at the table." Yoongi said, pointing at a nearby table, and gave a warning glare at everyone.
No one said a word and quickly sat at the table.
The rest of the members questioned Yoongi's nature. Him? Scary? Yeah, a little bit. But can he also be a carefree person who likes to laugh? Most definitely.
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mjdrawings · 11 months
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After the Final Battle - Chapter 1 Page 1
Soo... here it is! This comic has had a bumpy ride and I'm glad to finally have the first page in posteable conditions after two-ish years of work and two other editions I wasn't satisfied with.
The comic will feature Ethan (Nicknamed Gold), Kris and Silver the day after the "cannonical" final battle of the johto games, hence the name.
It is based on an old Pokemon theory that caught my attention at the time, which I won't mention because spoilers I know the backgrounds are sloppy, I didn't draw them while working on paper and I regret it, making something like that from scrath isn't fun So... one down, 49 plus a pending epilogue to go, this is going to be FUN
(sorry for the tiny font, I'm still working on something that's both legible and doesn't take half a frame)
Some facts and headcannons that will matter later but I'll put out now -Kris lives in blackthorn, next to the move deleter -Kris is the kid of two Search and Rescue officers, and as such, knows her stuff about the wilderness and first aid -Also she climbs mountains as a hobby, the bag slung on her back is mostly climbing equipment -Lyra DOES exist, she just has the same role as if the player chose Ethan in the remakes (and won't make an appearance until the latter part of the epilogue, if I upload that at all) -Ethan's nickname is Gold, he'll be called that throughout the whole comic for convenience -Ethan is both the leader of the group and an impulsive idiot, Kris mostly hangs with him to keep him alive -By this point, Silver isn't official friends with the other two, but is on friendly enough terms to go along with them most of the time -Silver's homeless, he sleeps wherever he won't be bothered -Red being on Mount Silver is a legend of sorts, almost every experienced trainer knows about it -The whole Johto-to-Kanto journey took about a year and a half, Ethan's been training for this battle for four months, so it's been almost two years since Ethan and Kris got their starters and Silver stole his, and about FIVE years since the Kanto games -The ledge Red stands on is a VERY steep cliff that leads to a valley -Ethan, in a way, "plays" (Heart)Gold edition, he climbed the Tin tower and caught Ho-oh -Kris "plays" Crystal edition, she went with Ethan to the Tin tower, but only got to the ground floor before battling (and catching) Suicune -Kris' Vulpix is kind of the "baby" of the group, kind of like Togepi in the anime, but actually good in battle, his name is Moxy and he's a very good boy
Yeah, as this list may imply, I've put a LOT of thought into this
Now that I've infodumped enough and if you'll excuse me, I have 49 pages to trace, color and shade waiting in my cave, hopefully I'll come out with more next week
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the-after-eight · 1 year
Game status
I talked about the games I played, but I'd like to clarify them a little more, so here we go! I added colors depending on the GM, and the crossed one is a former GM that definitively left the group, and the black one is not someone from our regular one. We're still playing together with all the colored ones!
Greta's group : this game doesn't really have a name. Status : stopped ; Character : Greta (@greta-wiljhem)
Thullia : in this one, our characters started building an alliance. It's settled in the same reality then the other group, but many years before. Status : stopped ; Character : Noria (@noria-martinus-bittus)
Warhammer FRP
Peasants group : I struggled to remember the setting but it turns out it was Warhammer with the Hazegela rules. Basically, we were a group of peasants going for adventure. Status : stopped ; Character : Cyano (@cyano-bacterie)
Chaotic party : this group is composed of chaotic characters. Status : stopped ; Character : Nagh (@naghharath)
Loyal party : there wasn't really a party to this one, I just had a character and we played twice. Nothing crazy here. The DM back then never mentioned if it was the same reality or time period then for the chaotic party. Basically, the game was stopped. However, I decided to try GMing WFRP, so I took a few decisions. Hence, I chose to put both games in the same time and place, they are just two different groups of people. Also, there are going to be two realities, because I had many people to play, so I made two teams (Geheimnisnacht Discordia and Old World Dissonances). I decided to relaunch this because I wanted to play my character again. Status : stopped, ongoing/to come ; Character : Adélaïde (@adelaide-lanshasaa)
The Ennemi Within : An official campaign of the Warhammer Fantasy RP, in 5 books. Sounds really interesting, I'm glad I had the opportunity to try it as a player, with a different group then the usual one (I already used all the colors available on tumblr but our DM here is yet another one) ! Status : Ongoing; Character : Sister Lorelei (@lorelei-versengold)
Here, we only played two one-shots, I don't remember much, not even the name of my characters. Status : finished ; Characters : The first one was a man and the second one a woman
It's generally the same campaign; we finished our campaign but will still play with our characters. Status : ongoing ; Character : Lil' Louis (@ptit-louis)
Agents of Shield
To be honest... There has been only two scenarios right now. But the second one began between Infinity War and Endgame and I'm super excited! Status : paused ; Character : Miranda (@miranda-sts)
Chroniques Oubliées
Anatazérïn : this is the actual name of the campaign we are playing. Status : ongoing ; Character : Hellwen (@hellwen-ward)
The guild : this is a game where we all have different characters that are all part of an important guild. We get to pick which character we want to play at the beginning of the scenario! We didn't really settle if this is the same reality then Anatazérïn or not. Status : ongoing, occasional playing ; Characters : Sal'aäd and Nikita (@salaad-dronnoc, @nikita-deimos)
Clairval prequel : That's a game we played a few times, it's a prequel from Anatazérïn! Status : paused ; Character : Lalwen (she doesn't have a page since we played only two scenarios with them, and so far the GM has no plans with them)
Champions main : we didn't really named this one, we just call it "Champions". This game is still ongoing, and we are about to start a big campaign for it, with two parallel teams (A and B probably). The GM decided to split the players because there are too many of us now, but since I'm drawing the comics and have two characters, I'll get to be in both! Status : ongoing ; Characters : Captain Glucose and Rubisco Boy, After Eight (@captain-glucose, @captain-glucose-sidekick, @the-after-eight)
Young Justice : here, we play young students learning heroism, a bit like in "My Hero Academia" (well that's what they told me). Compared to the regular game, it's a different reality in the future, where Captain Glucose became the principal of the school (for exemple). Status : ongoing ; Character : Propaganda (@propaganda-hero)
Borderline : one of our player wanted to try GMing a darker version of Champions, where the heroes are more borderline and break laws, even kill ennemies, unlike the regular version. We consider it like a third reality of Champions. Status : paused ; Character : Crimson Columbine (she doesn't have a blog because the GM stopped and stopped most TTRPGs so I doubt that I'll play her again, and we only had two scenarios)
Alea : this is actually the version of Champions GMed by a different guy, I created After Eight for this game to be honest. This is not "Z-Heroes canon" at all, but it's worth mentionning, I had a lot of fun ! We played with an association, and always had different players trying the game ! Status : stopped ; Character : After Eight (@the-after-eight)
We were playing a bunch of kids here, we play occasionally, but recently started a campaign. Status : ongoing ; Character : Tony (@tony-redrum)
We were playing a group of prehistoric people, online. Status : stopped ; Character : Beihd-Aig (no blog)
Harry Potter
A group of new students arrive in Hogwarts, five years after the books' setting... Status : to come ; Character : Noria M. Helveticus (@noria-helveticus)
Demon Slayer
Before the events of the manga, we are playing young slayers that just did their exam in the mountain (that was the first scenario). Status : ongoing ; character : Morri (@morrigan-sahar)
Final Fantasy XIV
Can't wait to start this game ! We don't know much about it yet, but with @lapatatecosmique-ttrpg we planned something cool for our characters that are going to be pirates ! Status : upcoming ; character : E'Calix Nunh (@e-calix)
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