#this time it was the N1
angel-no-crux · 1 year
I've been thinking...
Before the retake of Mandalore, Din and Grogu left the N1 in Nevarro (because they were going with the vanguard in Bo's Gauntlet)
After Ragnar baptism, and Grogu's formal adoption (I can't believe Din and Grogu were off-screen on the relit of The Great Forge or not present at all, unless something REALLY important happened) they went back to Nevarro in Bo's Gauntlet (Bo piloting it after her right hand got better -she won't let anyone else do that- and carrying the remains of IG-12). Then the goodbye/see-you-around heartfelt scene could happened.
From Nevarro, Din and Grogu flew to Adelphi to make the work proposition to Carson Teva and parts for IG-11. After arriving to Nevarro again they went with the Anzellans for the droid reparation, once ready they went to Greef where they exchanged gifts: a cabin outside the city/town for Din and Grogu, and a new marshal droid for Greff, a win-win.
I love the angsty fics where Bo is kinda sad and angry due Din and Grogu leaving without saying proper goodbye, and fix-it fics as well (thank you to all authors that keep feeding the DinBo/BoDin/BokaDin nation). But I haven't seen one with Bo being the one leaving them in Nevarro and saying goodbye there (with the promise to meet again soon, train apprentice Grogu in the ways of the Mandalor, and being the eyes and ears of the Mand'Alor in the outer rim using the New Republic Resources). Hopefully someday in next season we can finally fill the void of those off-screen scenes and know what really happened. If not, fics never dissapoint haha.
I was thinking of the N1, and I realized they didn't seem to take it to Mandalore on S3E7 (in fact at the end of S3E5, Din left the N1 in the parking lot at the entrance of the town in Nevarro, and later on they only use Bo's Gauntlet to travel), so I couldn't take the idea out of my mind. It can add to more mental scenarios to play around haha. That's all.
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maegalkarven · 8 months
The "You have ruined me" Durgetash but with a twist.
Gortash ruined Durge for Bhaal, making them desire something over than death and destruction, making them want something (someone) for themselves. Making them lower their defences around him and inevitably providing Orin an opening to strike (I'm a firm believer Orin shifted into Gortash to get close to Durge).
And Durge ruined Gortash for Bane, making him...dare I say a little bit soft, making him wish to SHARE power and not hoard it all in his steely grasp. Making Gotrash seek an alliance, wanting an equal. Wanting the things for himself, things what contradict what Bane tells him he should seek or want.
In the end they both are worse by that, but in the unexpected way.
Neither Gortash nor Durge are what their gods want them to be. They're traitors, if merely in thoughts, of their goals, their paths, what they were meant to be.
In the end The Absolute plot falls because mortals do what they always do: act by their own will, compromising carefully constructed plan of the gods.
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fuckthemforthis · 5 months
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4 + 1 sick Janči in their hearts
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gcrdenlife · 6 days
i fucking love luke hemmings so much. he went on stage tonight while sick and fucking did AWESOME. he deserves the world. he could have cancelled, but he didn't. he is a fucking legend and i'm so incredibly proud and grateful for him. i'm so grateful i saw him twice in DC. thank you luke. thank you to luke's team and everyone who helped with the shows.
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mo49ko · 5 months
Hello!! Firstly, I must tell you that your art is adorable! You were one of the first artists I ever found for TGCF and your fengqing dynamic is perfect!
I was wondering if you had any tips for learning Japanese? I've been trying to learn it for a year but I can't get the hang of it 〒▽〒 I try to use your Japanese versions of your comics to help but since I've already read them in English, I don't feel like I'm learning anything...
Do you have any advice or tips on where to start? qwq
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hello!! thank you so much it makes so happy!! i only started drawing fengqing 6 months ago so it's surprising that you found me 🥹💖i have so much fun drawing them!
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hmmm im not studying japanese so i don't have specific ressources... if any of my followers have some please feel free to share them in the comments! 💖 it might depend on your level as well.
however, i think that the most important thing about languages is that they're just a tool to communicate with people/access culture/knowledge in another language, so you shouldn't worry too much about the grammar and stuff like that from the beginning.
as someone who has studied many languages, my general tips are:
learn through things that interest you rather than textbook/language apps (ex. manga, anime, etc.) ※ i know that some people say not to do that because a lot of phrases are "unnatural" which is true, but imo if you have awareness about it you will pick up on that really quickly anyways. the point is just to consume a lot of the language;
try to speak/write in that language even if you make mistakes (native speakers really don't care!!): for example, you can tweet something simple or write a simple blog post in japanese often. you can also comment on people's art or fanfics using simple sentences, then you can read other people's comments to learn new ways to express yourself.
consume media that is directed at native speakers (ex. instead of language-learning youtube, you can just watch regular videos from japanese youtubers about topics that interest you), because that way you can learn a lot of natural/casual phrases to use. i'm saying this because language-learning videos will often "simplify" sentences but you won't hear it said like that irl.
as for where i think you should start, i'm assuming you already know the alphabets since you're reading my comics 🫶 in that case, i would encourage you to read a lot more! for example, you can find fengqing comics and fanfics in japanese on twitter 💖 many creators who participated in the 2023 fengqing web event write them!
for me, the most important thing when learning a new language is to be interested in the people who use that language. so just engage with them and learn through whatever contents you find interesting!! 💗
i'm sorry if my answer is not that precise. you can feel free to ask me if you have other questions!! 頑張ってください~
edit: another anon has kindly shared their experience in another ask!
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kindahoping4forever · 11 months
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The 5SOS Show Tour Buenos Aires Night 1 - 19 July 2023
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azertyrobaz · 1 year
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*Wheeeee* sounds from Grogu not included
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Bracket 1, Round E, Attack 9
A helping hand? Nah. A killer robot!!!
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There was no Yes Man Propaganda
T1-N1 Propaganda
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tiny-skydalorian · 1 year
Beach shenanigans!! ⛱️☂️🌊
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This Tusken is very confused about the colour of the sand. Din doesn't really care. Sand is sand.
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Peli and Luke are cloud-gazing, reminiscing! This feels very like home.
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Grogu! Come back!
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Oops 😬 BD! Help!
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Luke and Peli haven't seen this much water in forever.
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Oh~ ♡
Cyprus Day #2, where the family went to the beach :3
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remked · 7 months
OH NO!!!
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I know I’ve said this every week during the lives but I really enjoy how she’s changed the arrangement of champagne problems, even though it’s subtle. It’s just a really nice evolution and to me it kind of feels like going from the initial kind of “frenetic” energy of the original and now it feels even more wistful/settled in the piano . Especially since she’s started adlibbing her own “ah ahs” before the bridge.
Music is a living breathing thing etc.
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campbyler · 7 months
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welcome to the treacherous (taylor's version) fanclub, i am your president, thea wiseatom,
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caranoirs · 8 months
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
Unwilling to study rn:
Cha Hae In, Sung Jin Woo and Sung Su Ho SpyxFamily crossover????
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rui-drawsbox · 3 months
You like Our life AND Twst yaaaay ^u^
YES twst was like my biggest emotional support for like all the pandemic kdnxkd
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zappedbyzabka · 10 months
Losing my mind.
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