#this show brings me so much joy i stg
shyshitter · 1 month
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derry girls knew that sometimes the best duos are gays and their bitchy friend
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Daycare!Hanma who is obsessed with Legos and dinosaurs. One of his favorite times of the day is free play when he can build intricate ecosystems with the kids out of Legos, and then watch as the dinosaurs come through and destroy it all. Sometimes the kids get frustrated when the pieces won’t come apart, and daycare! Hanma is the one they instantly go to. He encourages them to use their imagination and find new ways to build with all of the pieces. Daycare! Hanma asks the best questions, and always encourages the kids to explain the different aspects of their creations. When he says he cares, he acts on it - the kiddos are excited to explore and learn more with a teacher that is excited to see them grow. Plus, who could possibly resist a basket full of random Lego pieces and a basket of dinosaurs? Certainly not daycare! Hanma. :) 
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mindyco · 1 year
Jesus, I love Belphie's little attitude so much. Pfft- you could tell he was the easiest to write for since it's the longest one- I stg I'm not choosing favorites... (¬‿¬) I would kill if it meant the brothers will always be happy. Artwork credit: @myt_s3
Scenario: Brothers' reactions to helping you ice skate!
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With a mix of determination and a hint of amusement, Lucifer takes on the role of your ice skating instructor. He guides you onto the ice with a confident stride, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Don't worry, I'm here to ensure you don't embarrass yourself too much. Consider it a favor from me to you."
As you take your first shaky steps, Lucifer keeps a watchful eye on you, ready to catch you if you stumble. But he can't help but chuckle when you wobble and flail your arms for balance.
"Ah, my dear, you truly have a unique way of defying gravity. I've never seen someone master the art of stumbling quite like you."
Despite the occasional teasing, Lucifer's guidance is patient and encouraging. He adjusts your posture and offers tips to help you find your balance.
As you continue to practice, Lucifer's laughter becomes contagious, and soon both of you are laughing together, enjoying the lighthearted moment.
"I must admit, even in your most ungraceful moments, you manage to bring joy to the Devildom. A talent not to be underestimated."
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Mammon's excitement is palpable as he eagerly grabs your hand, dragging you onto the ice. He's full of enthusiasm and confidence, believing he's the best teacher in the Devildom.
"Listen up, human! You're about to learn from the Great Mammon himself. Get ready to witness perfection on ice!"
His first attempt to show off his skills ends in a spectacular slip, sending him sprawling on the ice with a loud thud. He quickly recovers, pretending it was all part of his grand plan.
"Just demonstrating what not to do, you know?"
However, his bravado quickly fades as he realizes his own lack of skills. He clings to your arm for dear life, his face a mixture of fear and determination.
"O-Okay, maybe I need a bit more practice myself. But hey, don't worry! We'll figure this out together, and soon we'll be the coolest skaters in the Devildom!"
Despite the occasional mishaps, Mammon's infectious laughter fills the air, turning each stumble into a comedic moment that leaves both of you in stitches.
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Leviathan, despite his usual introverted nature, can't hide his excitement about teaching you how to ice skate. He's done extensive research and even prepared a list of tips and techniques.
"Alright, listen up! I've studied every ice skating tutorial, watched countless competitions, and even played ice skating video games. Prepare to be amazed!"
As you both step onto the ice, Leviathan's confidence wavers, his feet faltering on the slippery surface. His attempts to stay balanced are comically awkward, resembling a newborn deer taking its first steps. He wobbles and flails his arms for balance, occasionally letting out an embarrassed squeak.
Despite his initial struggles, Leviathan's gaming instincts kick in, and he starts treating ice skating like a video game. He provides you with tips and strategies, comparing each move to an in-game maneuver.
"See, it's all about timing and precision, just like executing a perfect combo move in 'Mage Battle Royale XIII'!"
As he starts to gain confidence, Leviathan attempts to incorporate gaming-inspired moves on the ice, adding dramatic spins and jumps to his repertoire.
"Prepare to witness the ultimate gamer on ice! Get ready for the 'Leviathan Special Attack'!"
Despite the occasional slip or crash landing, Leviathan's determination and his amusing reactions to each mishap create an atmosphere of laughter and camaraderie.
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Satan approaches the ice skating lesson with a more composed and analytical demeanor. He explains the physics of gliding on ice, drawing diagrams, and discussing weight distribution, although it all goes through one ear and out the other.
"Remember, it's all about the science of balance and momentum. Adjust your body position accordingly, and you'll conquer the ice in no time."
Whenever you stumble or lose balance, Satan is quick to extend a hand, providing support and reassurance. His touch is warm and comforting as if he possesses a natural ability to calm any anxiety.
Despite his composed demeanor, Satan occasionally lets out a subtle chuckle when you encounter a particularly amusing mishap, reminding you not to take yourself too seriously.
"Ah, a graceful stumble worthy of a Shakespearean comedy. Fear not, for even the most skilled skaters have their moments of folly."
He takes your hand gently, leading you onto the ice with practiced precision. His own movements are smooth and calculated, showcasing his inherent grace and control.
Together, you glide across the ice, sharing moments of laughter and tranquility, creating memories that feel like fragments of a peaceful dream.
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Asmodeus sees ice skating as another opportunity to show off his elegance and beauty. Adorned in a dazzling outfit that catches the light and sparkles with every movement, he steps onto the ice with confidence, radiating charm and beauty. He twirls effortlessly on the ice, mesmerizing you with his fluid movements.
"Darling, observe closely. I shall demonstrate the epitome of grace and glamour on ice. Prepare to be dazzled!"
However, his showboating gets the best of him, and he loses balance, dramatically falling on his behind.
"Well, that wasn't quite what I intended, but it adds a touch of charm, don't you think?"
With a melodramatic flourish, Asmo gracefully stands up, shaking off the mishap with a laugh and a wink.
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Beelzebub's eyes light up with excitement as he takes your hand and leads you onto the ice. His strong grip provides you with a sense of security as you take your first steps.
"Don't worry, I've got you. Just take it one step at a time."
His naturally athletic abilities make it easy for him to glide effortlessly across the ice, but he slows down to match your pace, patiently guiding you along.
While he focuses on teaching you the basics, his infectious laughter fills the air whenever one of you stumbles or loses balance. He never fails to turn it into a lighthearted moment.
"Oops, looks like we've hit a little bump there. No worries, we'll just make it part of our signature move. It's all about having fun!"
His encouragement and warm smile give you the confidence to keep going, and before you know it, you're both gliding together, sharing laughs and creating unforgettable memories on the ice.
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Belphegor's initial enthusiasm for teaching you how to ice skate quickly wanes as he realizes how cold the ice is. He insists on wearing several layers and wraps a scarf around his face.
"If we're going to do this, we're going to stay warm and cozy. Trust me, you'll thank me later."
He opts for a more laid-back approach, lazily sliding across the ice while occasionally yawning. Despite his lack of effort, his natural sense of balance keeps him stable.
He takes slow steps onto the ice, as if he's gliding through a dream. His movements on the ice are surprisingly graceful, as if he's in sync with the serene atmosphere. He effortlessly glides across the surface, a faint smile playing on his lips.
"Just follow my lead, I guess."
Whenever you stumble or lose balance, Belphie reacts with an exaggerated yawn, as if your mishap has failed to impress his sleepy sensibilities.
"Oh, what a thrilling performance. You nearly put me back to sleep with that one. Try again, but with a little more pizzazz this time."
He occasionally takes breaks to lie down on the ice, using his wings as a makeshift pillow. From his prone position, he offers you tips on how to maintain a relaxed and fluid posture.
Together, you skate in a leisurely manner, cherishing the serene moments and exchanging lighthearted banter, creating a relaxing and humorous experience.
"You know, there's something oddly relaxing about gliding on ice. Maybe it's a good way to take a nap... I mean, exercise. Just try not to disturb my beauty sleep."
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howdoyousleep3 · 3 years
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Here I am writing a sappy love note to all of you even after I said I wouldn’t do this, but it brings me happiness to show love to others and this year was pretty challenging and we deserve this. 
I don’t even know how to begin to explain what this page and this fandom and all of you mean to me. Before I had this fandom in my life I was sad. I had no hobbies, I went to work, I came home, I dicked around on the internet; there were very few things that brought me much happiness. 
What started with finding this fandom and writing a little Daddy Steve that I wanted to see on “paper” has brought me such incredible amounts of joy and happiness. Never have I ever felt so loved and appreciated. I know I started my blog in November (i think??) of 2019 but 2020 is where we’ve grown. Look, I hit this moment last week–
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You make me feel cherished here. You make me feel adored. You support me in a way I’ve never experienced before. Writing brings me joy but you supporting my writing and loving on it brings me the most joy. You’ve helped me grow as a person and as a writer and you have helped me create these worlds that we cherish together and share as one. 
This is a special place for me and it is because of you and I’ll never be able to repay you for the happiness you bring me. 
Here are a few people I want to shoutout specifically while I have the time to do so. This is going to be so long, bear with me plz:
@cantabile-l, you are the softie we all dream to be, my precious jo bean. You are intelligent and so very sensitive to others in the best way possible and I hold you and our friendship so close to my heart. I love you.
@maddiewritesstucky, you are my sister soul mate and nothing will convince me otherwise. You show me immense support, you bring me so much sexual frustration, and I am baffled I can be so close to someone when we’ve literally never even met in person. Lord help everyone in Hawaii when we meet up god knows when. I love you. 
@ixalit, you are my bub, my poet, my porn provider. You have a soul so deep and broad I swear it stretches over here to me in my state. I can only hope that you continue to share your talent and love with the world. I love you. 
@musette22, you are my sweet sweet minniebug and your friendship came at a time when I needed it most. You always know exactly what to say to me at the exact time I need to hear it and seeing your texts on my phone when I wake up in the morning makes me smile. I will always be hear to listen to your Seb and Chris shouts. I love you. 
@rainbowsandcoconut, my baby Ditte there are very few people that make me laugh and smile more than you do. There is no one else in this world who loves Chris Evans more than you do either, stg. Even if we don’t talk every day I feel your presence in my corner nonetheless and I hope you feel mine as well. I love you. 
@imlittlebitdie, Riley bb when I think of the word support I immediately think of you. You are so thoughtful and a pillar of support in my life. You have taught me how to be a good friend, so much about privilege, and the intricacies of hockey. I love you. 
@andysmountains, my lizard-loving plant-loving dose of sunshine. You are so special to me and our friendship is a light in my life as well as the pictures of your kitties and plants. I can’t wait for the plant tour. #BuckyBear4Life
@sheetsforwhichimmade, oh god Soph I know we just recently and drunkenly confessed our love for each other but I must do it again at such a time. Your James/Stevie brain blows my own mind, your texts about Boyfriend make me scream, and seeing your name show up on my phone makes me so happppppyyyyy. I love you. 
@doctorenterprise, my Daddy Twin, my fellow Ball Gobbler, I know our friendship was just kindled but there isn’t a conversation that I have had with you that hasn’t made me giggle or smile. You are the ultimate hypeman, you have the Daddy Brain, and I can’t wait to continue on into 2021 with you by my side. 
@ceratonia-siliqua! My honeybun! You have the largest heart that anyone has ever had and I wish I could drive across the country just to snuggle you close. I hope 2021 treats you better. You deserve the best things life has to offer. I love you. 
@becassine​, my sweet bratty Bex where did you come from? You are literally the most beautiful creature I’ve ever set eyes on, your way with words is unmatched, and no one else hypes like you do. I hope you get all the lovin’ and touchin’ you deserve in 2021. Thank you for loving me. I love you. 
@thegodswife​, Manda you are such a constant source of, “i’m not crazy, right??”. Your hype is unreal, I don’t know how you don’t have more attention given to your work, and you are one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. I love you. 
@hannah-stagram​ My sweet baby Hannah Banana you are someone who I feel understand me on a different level than some others. You are sweet, you are caring, you show me so much love and kindness. Your random hype texts on some mornings bring such a smile to my face. I love you.
@hanitrash​, giiiiirl I don’t know how you do it. You work, you have a family, you write some of the best smut out there and the ideas never stop flowing. You are inspirational. I miss you and love you. 
@trekchik​, my Meetcute Queen I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in 2021. Thank you for all the support this year. I miss you and love you. 
@rorybarnesrogers​, rory baby I lub talking to you almost every day. You are so fucking funny and supportive and I can’t wait to read that damn story. I love you. 
@the1918​, Lynne even with us talking things out now, my happiest fandom memories this year most definitely include you. Your talent is unparalleled, as is your hype, and I only wish the best for you in the next year. 
Even more love goes out to all of these beautiful beautiful people who bring a smile to my face every day who I love with all of my being! 
@ywecanthavenicethingsanymore @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier @sunflowersstan @fishcustardandclintbarton, @thiccbuckybarnesfic, @babyyhoneyydarling​, @tae-withsuga​, @hbalbat​, @tonguetiedmisfit1​, @martelldoran​, @kalee60​, @martianjuice​, @darter-blue​, @crownofstardustandbone​, @solasnagealai-escapism​, @stardi293​, @cuteplanties​, @sweeterthanthis​, @fandomfluffandfuck​, @willbakewithstucky​, @thewaythatwerust​, @softestziam​, @ozarkthedog​, @seb-stan-lover​, @fafulous​, @littlesurfergrl​, @pixidustprincess​, @dreadlockholiday​, @maireadtbts​, @korean-disaster​, @allegedlyann​, @hoeforthegays​, @justice-for-plums​, @mossystark​
I know I’m forgetting someone and it’s gutting me but I have been working on this for three hours now and I must eat din din. 
I love you I love you I love you. 
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mdverse · 2 years
What has been your favorite thing to draw? What do you find difficult to draw?
oooo art questionsss!!
fav thing to draw is easily vb au but not just bc of the content! i mean obviously i adore drawing the girls and furtana but its also just like,, the amount of happy and wholesome character interactions is really heartwarming, yknow? things like studio-ghibli-inspired hugs and that lil series of britt celebrating with her teammates and even just pushing the expressions a bit to make the joy more infectious? i've said this a lot to people like mist and my gf that i pour so much love into that au in particular and i hope it shows to everyone else,,, plus i get to work on some fun n funky dynamic poses for sports aus in general, which i think is good
most difficult stuff... oof anon there are a lot of things that i'm still trying to get a hang of so i could list a lot but. in terms of specific things/people, i'd say tina and mercedes are really hard for me? like i have observed them enough that i know how to draw their features individually, but then trying to bring that all together and still have them look right is such a pain... with broader stuff tho i'd say hairstyles (tina's vb au braids are mysteriously replaced by a bun when i get too frustrated), outfits (especially genshin characters i stg their outfits have so many layers and loops and buckles etc it makes me so anxious... thus the joys of sports aus where i can just draw the girls in their jerseys 90% of the time), and backgrounds. like,, making sure the characters look like they are a part of the background, as opposed to just being placed there, if that makes sense?
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
About your atla ship songs, I have a couple of questions (sorry if my phrasing comes out wrong, english isn't my first language and I worry it might across as accidentally defensive): how did you end up with the choices for zukka, jetko and yuekka (note: I haven't seen the great comet, so feel free to obsess over it, I'm intrigued now and the hype is appreciated!)? Sidenote: I think the mailee choice is HILARIOUS and the tokka one just make me sad, I didn't expect to be attacked like this😭
kdjfha;s i love you im gonna obsess SO HARD over great comet now. you may regret this
this is gonna be so long so the rest is under the cut whoops
yuekka: no one else from great comet
where do i even begin. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN
okay so background information on this show: it's based off of a 76 oages excerpt from war and peace and its centered around a woman named natasha (and this guy pierre but he's irrelevant to this song so we wont worry about him) and natasha's bethrothed is off fighting in the war right now. she hasn't seen him in a while but she is in love with him.
every single lyrics of this song SCREAMS yuekka to me. the innocence and purity of their love. the love at first sight. and even the melancholy ending just- i go apeshit for this song. i love this song so much. and denee benton's voice??? kljsdhflwksugf please listen to this song if you haven't already. listen to the whole show. your life will be changed forever.
onto the lyrics (i stg this is ab to be the whole song whoops)
"the moon"
THOSE ARE THE FIRST WORDS ON THE SONG. natasha and andre (her bethrothed) met underneath the moonlight. Sokka and Yue first spoke to eachother at night and always met each other for their most intimate moments under the moonlight. also yue is LITERALLY the moon so like: right of the bat with those two words it's yuekka.
"and i saw your eyes / and i saw your smile / and the world opened wide"
sokka fell in love with yue the moment he saw her in the canal. she literally enchanted this motherfucker. everything about her made his heart go crazy. and 'the world opened wide' to me is from yue's perspective. Yue had never left the north pole and sokka had seen a good chuck of the world at the point. He took her on appa, he told her about his adventures. he saw the world yue wished to see and you know damn well that Sokka would have done anything to give it to her.
"oh the moon /oh the snow in the moonlight / and your childlike eyes and your distant smile / ill never be this happy again / you and i and no one else"
natasha sings fondly about the moon and the snow, seeing as it was where she fell in love with andre. yue and sokka LITERALLY fell in love in the same place: in the snowy nothern water tribe under the light of the moon. childlike eyes: THEYRE CHILDREN!!! distant smile: this is where it gets a little sad. theyre both children with way too many duties during a world that has known nothing but war for the past century. they want to be happy but yeah, theyre smiles are distant and far away because happiness seems out of reach for them most of the time. i'll never be this happy again: the moments yue and sokka shared together were probably the happiest either of them ever were. they were able to ignore the war and the world in the moments they shared together. and with no one else. no one else would be able to give each other this sense of peace and happiness and love.
"joy and life inside our souls / and no body knows just you and me / it's our secret"
Yue and Sokka had to sneak out in secret at night to go and see each other. Yue and Sokka couldn't be together for real because Yue was already engaged, but they were literally in love so she decided to see him anyways in secret. kasdjfhklasjd im losing my mind over them at this point.
"this winer sky / how can anyone sleep / there was never such a night before / i feel like putting my arms around my knees / and squeezing tight as possible / and flying away"
these are my FAVORITE lines in the entire song. yue and sokka had never felt this strongly about anyone before and that's why they are so drawn to each other. they had never experienced love before and they wanted to hold onto it for as long as they could even though they knew they couldnt. Sokka takes yue up on appa and she is wistful and wishes she could live like he does every day: ie flying away. oh my god these two deserved so much better. so much fucking better.
now for the saddes part. the saddest fucking part.
"maybe he'll come today / maybe he came already / and he's sitting in the drawing room / and i simply forgot"
natasha misses andre so intensely at this point. when i first listened to this show and heard this song i was like "wait a min... is andre like... dead?" and im sure i wasnt the only person who assumed that this was why natasha felt so sad by the end of such a beautiful song. (spoiler alert andre is fine)
but this line really exemplifies how sad natasha is, and hints at the fact that andre may never come back. it implies that their relationship is doomed (at least in my opinion) and that's all yuekka. Sokka misses yue intensely when shes gone. Yue accepted her fate almost immediately but sokka was in denial. he thought there had to be another way. but in the end it wasn't meant to be. and sokka will go on, loving yue, wishing for her back, even though it's not possible.
fuck im gonna cry.
zukka: all i've ever known- hadestown
"i was alone so long / i didn't even know that i was lonely / out in the cold so long / i didnt even know that i was cold"
sokka is from the swt so theres where the cold comes in. also in the gaang (initially) it was just him katara and aang. and katara and aang were much closer to each other than sokka was with aang and the two of them were benders so sokka was kind of an outsider with the two of them. He also represses a lot of his emotions and feels the need to do everything himself so i do see a lot of loneliness in sokka. and the fact that so many people in his life have left him (his mom, yue, his dad, suki briefly, etc...) he is known to keep people at an arms length. i see a lot of loneliness in sokka.
zuko's loneliness is a lot more obvious: he has literally been cast out and abandoned by everyone except iroh. and even then he still feels the need to be alone (remember zuko alone? thought so) these boys look after themselves and push others away and revel in their loneliness in order to keep themselves from getting hurt. at least in my opinion on canon and also some fanon because id be a liar if i said fanon didnt influence how i view ALL my ships (not just zukka)
"all ive ever known is how to hold my own / but now I wanna hold you too"
COME ONE MANNNN, they just wanna hold each other. theyre both very big protectors as well and kljhflkasdhg they wanna protect eachother like kljdhfl im gonna lose it rn.
"You take me in your arms / And suddenly there's sunlight all around me / Everything bright and warm / And shining like it never did before / And for a moment I forget / Just how dark and cold it gets"
SUNLIGHT SYMBOLISM. zuko is literally powered by the sun. i don't think i even NEED to elaborate on this one anymore lol. They find comfort in each other away from all of their trauma. when they're together nothing else matters and i personally love that for them. they both deserve love.
"I knew you before we met / And I don't even know you yet / All I know is your someone I have always known"
these two are extremely similar in canon. many parallels. older brothers overshadowed by their prodigy little sisters. longing to make their fathers proud (granted one dad is good and one is fuckin evil), both are pretty bad with emotions. both are seen protecting others before themselves (sokka protecting suki during the serpant's pass, sokka protecting toph on like multiple occassions, zuko protecting katara in the final agni kai), the list goes on. they know who the other is because they see themselves in the other person. they already know each other because they are each other (in a way, not entirely, but the similarities are strong in my opinion)
"I'm gonna hold you forever / The wind will never change on us / Long as we stay with each other / Then it will always be like this"
i just think this line is so cute and sweet (ignoring all the symbolism and foreshadowing that comes with the last line in the musical itself. im gonna pretend this is nothing but happy) and i think these boys deserve happiness so yeah. this song is zukka to me lol.
jetko: thrill of first love- falsettoes
if you've never listened to this song go an do it now. you will know INSTANTLY that it is jetko because of the dynamics alone. marvin and whizzer are pure jetko and i take no crticisms.
marvin and whizzer are both extremely stubborn, and they don't always get along, and they fight a lot, and they get mad at each other a lot, and they are both passionate as hell, and they will bring this passion into everything. they love each other that is without a doubt, but they arent perfect and they are once again stubborn and determined as fuck.
sound familiar? it's literally jetko.
the lyrics aren't what remind me of jetko, but the dynamic itself. the lyrics are too on the nose for a gay couple in 1970's america so that rlly cant apply to jetko all that much. but the way these two characters bounce off of each other and get annoyed with each other and argue with eachother reminds me of jetko. because let's be honest: these two are the most stubborn characters in the whole show. they will fight for what they believe and it will take literally everything to change their minds.
i love jetko but i think they would have petty arguments all the time and get aggravated by one another so easily. and this is even seen in canon: they work so fucking well together but they did not even HESITATE to fight one another after neither of them would give in and let the fight about whether jet was right or wrong about zuko being a firebender. like i cannot say it enough they are stubborn as fuck.
but underneath all that stubborn pettiness and bickering: marvin and whizzer still love each other. and jet and zuko would still love each other. because even though they are stubborn when it comes to arguments, they are even more stubborn and determined when it comes to each other. these two passionate motherfuckers are in love.
(now when i chose this song i decided to ignore the fact that this song literally spells out the fact that marvin and whizzer's relatinoship is doomed because they literally say passion dies. thats the difference between jetko and whizzer and marvin because i dont think passion dies. i chose this song strictly for the bickering lmao)
and i know you didnt ask about tokka but,,,,
i rlly wanna talk about the tokka one
so im going to
tokka: on my own- les mis
look. i KNOW this song is about unrequited love and i love tokka as a couple but,,, the unrequited love in this song just SCREAMS unrequited tokka to me so thats what i went with.
eponine is a girl who has neglectful parents who lives life by her own rules: toph. eponine is shown to be tough and confident and spunky to others but behind all of that she has emotions, she feels love, she hides her vulnerability so much: toph. she is in love with a guy she cant be with because he loves someone else: TOPH
eponine is toph to a t and toph is eponine to a t. this is not up for debate lmao
"without him i feel his arms around me"
toph is always seen grabbing onto someone (and its almost ALWAYS sokka) when she's somewhere where she can't use her feet to see. FEEL and ARMS cmon. look at it.
"and i know / i know that he is blind"
COME ON. IMAGINE TOPH SINGING THIS LINE. this line is already powerful enough in les mis but having toph, a blind character, sing it just makes the symbolism even deeper. toph sees the potential relationship they could have together. toph sees that sokka is oblivious to this. toph is not blind to the truth or the potention, but sokka is blind to her feelings. im about to lose my mind over this line.
"I love him / But every day I'm learning / All my life / I've only been pretending / Without me / His world will go on turning / A world that's full of happiness / That I have never known"
i need to sit down for a moment. toph grew up in a household where her parents did not understand her. she has learned to hide her true emotions and vulnerabilities from everyone. and its the fact that toph knows that she and sokka will never be together and the fact that she still loves him in spite of that is what makes this even more heartbreaking.
"but only on my own"
thank you for indulging my theatre kid nonsense. you are very sweet and kind and lovely and awesome and i hope you have a lovely day bestie :) <3
ask me why i think these songs go with these ships
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
his father's son
ayoo back again. these are always so much fun to make because otherwise it's me just yelling at my ipad of everything i'm thinking while exercising and singing show tunes and that's never fun. basically, all of my thoughts while watching his fathers son. hi bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars
omg merlin is still wearing the cape wtf he looks so good pls bbc have mercy
go away now agravaine.
let me relish in the joy of merlin wearing a cape
you're welcome for this btw 😎😎
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stop 😭😭 not arthur thinking that he's not worthy
ok i wish knew arthur knew his destiny but also i know why he can't know but i just don't want him to be sad because he's doubting himself yk???
i actually hate agravaine actually stop i feel like it's harsh but drop dead please 🤪
arthur is so good he just wants peace. agravaine please stop you're making him doubt everything that he is
i wish arthur listened to merlin but after watching this ending i can appreciate it
'i can't just kill a man in cold blood' 🥺🥺
arthur don't push him away he's just trying to help 😪
merlin has his blankie 2x this episode and you better believe that i'm commenting both times
arthur is just. i feel so sad for him sometimes. he's still so young and he has to rule a country now and just-
i get why arthur is doing what he's doing and such but i'm still sad.
alskdjfaslkdfjasdf jeez arthur not knowing abt merlin's magic is just. wow this episode is starting off strong 🤪🤪
agravaine please leave now
ok that was hot how arthur walked in after the fact though. 'arthur pendragon. pop off'
arthur just wants peace i'm so sad he doesn't want to kill him but jsalkdfjsal;dkfjasdf
watching spn i watch the beheading a lot so i was expecting it but this is merlin haha
WHY IS SHE THE BEST I ACTUALLY LOVE THEM TOGETHER. fvck you agravaine. actually die. please STOp
ok so merlin says 'dont push your friends' and while arthur says that he doesn't need anyone, at least he doesn't say that merlin isn't his friend. it's the little victories 😭
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these castles are actually gorgeous
agaravaine please die now. stop
you manipulating arthur by claiming these things will make arthur into a good king is just making me so sad
fricken 'appropritate person' aalskdfj;alskdjfasldf
i literally just want arthur to be happy
dude i'm like 13 mins in and i'm angsting so hard over this
'a matter of the heart'🥺🥺
agaravaine die please :,)))))))
ok i'm so sad for arthur
he's still so young and he has the weight of his entire kingdom on his shoulders. he just wants to be a good king for his citizens and he wants peace and every good thing is just taken from him. he doesn't want to kill caerleon. he wants to marry gwen. and we have FREAKING AGARVAINE. this is why we can't have nice things.
ok the arthur using merlin as a punching bag transitively but also literally?? idk my head is blank. but like; merlin is letting himself be used as a punching bag and also it's his 'duty' to let arthur use him as a punching bag? idk idk thoughts?
stfu i don't want these white old men saying long live the king
pls chill
alright alright morgana
she is actually p good at getting onto annis's side so i'll give her props for that
oh shoot kneeling down to the queen? this is a power move but not a power move yk?
ok this is dumb but i love seeing merlin meander around with his little chores
ok what is bbc thinking when they have the "oh i'd never sleep in a bed with merlin" am i supposed to laugh? well i'm not. alrighty then
gwen :,) look at her in her pretty dress
you're breaking my heart right now arthur
you're BREAKING GWEN'S heart right now arthur
laksdjf;laskdfjasdlfkj I. JUST. WANT. THEM. TO. BE. HAPPY. please i need to read fanfic i'm angsting too hard over this
you tell him gwen. you're a badass and arthur is a sadass
i will not take gwen hate or slander
oh frick i was voted onto my school's hoco court so basically i had to walk across the football field and i felt so awkward and arthur walking down the step while everyone stares at him; i wonder if he feels as awkward as i did
LMAO 'he's not alone gwen' and pan to the arthur standing on a cliff alone?? pls
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aw the domesticity 🥺
leon ruffling merlin's hair and that clink was such a good clink
where were these knights last episode. i'm suing
saj;flasjslad and arthur just loking at them fondly pls. he's so sweet i love him
'he's our king' that line makes me feel stuff
arthur sdfsd;as i just want him to be happy
bruh 💀 i laughed at the pure absurdity of him tripping over the tent
ok ok you know that vine 'two bros chilling in a hot tub 5 ft apart bc they're not gay?' that but 'two bros, chilling in 2 separate tents 5 ft apart bc they're not gay'
was- was that supposed to be a slap?
arthur is so earnest here and i love him he's the sweetest
sa;ldkfjsldfa arthur being protective over merlin
annis is such a badass. actually queen energy here. literally
merlin saying that they're friends again and arthur not denying it :,))))
these knights are so honorable
stfu agaravaine
'only one person who is just an honorable... ME' - arthur pendragon. HAHA sorry i cackled at this
agaravaine. i stg if you look at morgana like that i'll actually gank you
you absolute freak pervert person
alright ik morgana is evil and everything but i stan her improvement in magic
like- can merlin please get on with learning more magic??
as;dlfkjasdlfkja THE RING. dude i can't rn
merlin saying 'camelot needs you alive', i'm going to say yes.. but also if we swap out 'camelot' with 'i' then this is just a perfect insert line for fanfics :,)
THANK YOU OLD FRIEND. PLS you can't do this to me
aw when arthur asks if merlin is ready and merlin says ready
dude this episode is making me a lot more sad than it should
dude what is annis's champion. like look at his shoes??? they're leather?? literally stab him in the foot and we're golden.
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youre welcome for the feet pics ;)
ok idk abt you guys but i can't write fight scenes with swords that well so i just base fights off tv and stuff and if you want inspo this is a great fight to write
legit the first battle with arthur and lancelot in the courtyard? yea i stole that
omg even with the champion is on his knees he's still taller than arthur??
dude the trope of 'you make me want to be a better person'?? please i live for this stuff
ok the knights saying long live the king? i love that
alright alright annis&arthur
annis is ACTUALLY queen energy i love her. i love her pop off queen
oh shoot annis hit morgana where it hurts. bring up uther that's right queen
oh yes more castle pics 🥵🥵🥵
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a aaw the ceremony for them
merlin and arthur are PALS i love them togehter
stop. there are so many words but i'm so glad they're lads
arthur is lying so awkwardly on that bed HAHA
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yes arthur you're a dumbass you're lucky that gwen is taking you bad she's a frickin badass biatch who doesn't need you
alright arthur say what you mean why don't you
are we.. are we gonna kiss rn
i love arthur in his night clothes and his bare feet. like that just makes it feel so much more domestic and homely and they love each other and just everything they're actually everything. THEYRE SO CUTE.
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ANYWAYS i'll be back next week to endlessly rant about a servant of two masters. thanks i love you bye 😘
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ladyseidr · 2 years
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@heldwoven​ asked: ❝ before 2021 ends: i mean tbh it's not like i've never told you before, but your friendship and our muses mean sm to me. your joy and passion for your characters never ceases to absolutely blow me away, and talking to you is always lovely. you are amazing and i hope this new year brings you all that you deserve. ♥ / also i might send some ic stuff for this in a little bit too so! ❞ ( before 2021 ends tell me something you always wanted to tell me. )
fdkshfkhafjsk you are so sweet i stg. i feel the same!! both our friendship and the dynamics our muses have developed over all this time mean the world to me! and thank you so much, i always hope that my love for my muses shows in my writing here. you have been so endlessly supportive of me and that means more than you can imagine!
 i hope you have a wonderful new year and achieve any and every goal you have for this upcoming year <3
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scaramoon · 3 years
there’s someone playing piano?? like straight up video of someone at a piano,,,,i think it’s yu-peng chen!! the song he’s playing is so pretty :( THEY HAVE A WHOLE INAZUMA THEMED SET HE’S PLAYING IN?? THERES AN ACTUAL INAZUMA ARCHON STATUE IN THE BACKGROUND AND EVERYTHING??
the stream is in chinese!! with subtitles!!
it will be 2.0 AND inazuma is now officially confirmed!!
now there’s a trailer! ITS ALL SO PRETTY AND OMG THE VOICE ACTORS?? GOROU AND THOMA WERE SHOWN!! oh my god the pyro cube?? looks so?? scary?? AAAAH THOMA THOMA THOMA??? STOOD NEXT TO AETHER?? IM SCREAMING rn they’re shaking ayaka!! and now yoimiya!! her voice actor is so cute i’m- SAYUUUU!!!! AGHH SHES SO CUTE BYE GOROU GORIU GORIU GOROU AAAAHHH HE EAS THERE HE WAS THERE AAAAAH
now they’re back to the set!! they’re introducing some of the developers, right now there’s aquaria who’s the combat designer in genshin and rn they’re talking about the stages and joys of development and how the process works,,,i actually like this part!! it’s nice to see the people working on a game i’m so fond of talk so passionately about their thoughts while they’re working on it :> he said everyone at mihoyo loves the game as much as we do and that it’s all of us together in teyvat and i went 🥺 ngl
now he’s talking about inazuma and how different it was than mondstadt or liyue and how different the challenges there were! they put a lot of thought into the electro aspect of inazuma as well as the “eternity” part of it. there will be more dev talk later and now they’re just announcing the fan art contest that starts today
now they had a set change and there’s a different dev, and now they’re talking about the cultural and design aspects of inazuma! they say they love to see fan theories and that they often leave little clues in the game and that it brings them joy and motivation when people find and decipher them. they’re talking about the tea house now and the shiba inu that owns it; they hope players can discover all the little details the writers and designers put all over inazuma,,THEY JUST DRANK IN SYNC BC THEY STARTED TALKING ABOUT UNIFORMITY IN INAZUMA IM SOBBING,,,,ok wait it’s actually rlly interesting bc they’re talking about how they made sure every single detail in inazuma contributes/reflects the story and the “electro archon strives for eternity” story i’m- they’re currently talking about the real life inspiration they had, for example how the sacred sakura tree came to be and what it means
now they’re showing character combat (?) trailers!! ayaka is first, now yoimiya!! they’re actually showing the pyro cube in yoimiya’s!! THEYRE SHOWING SAYUUU MY BBY SHES SO CUTE they’re joking about how genshin players have been waiting for ayaka since the beginning of the game lmaooo bye 😭 they’re talking about the new characters now, what kind of people they are, what to expect from them and what their character traits are!! ayaka is elegant but also sweet and cute, yoimiya is creative and somewhat childish, enthusiastic and gets along with everyone, sayu sleeps a lot to grow taller and is a very well trained tiny ninja
we’re getting two new story chapters, act I and act II as well as ayaka’s and yoimiya’s story quests!!
THEYRE TALKING ABOUT THOMA, he’s observant apparently and has a very mysterious character!! they’re also talking about sara and kokomi AAHHHH GOROU GOROU!! they didn’t say much about him other than that he’s very dependable and fierce in battle!! they also mentioned yae sakura!!
another scene change and another dev, now it’s cissie!! she’s the one designing the inazuma map/landscape creator and they’ll be talking about geological design and the scenery of inazuma since it’s a archipelago as well!! she’s talking about the different uses of colour and shapes and how they’re using them to impact the player’s gaming experience; she also said that they tried to pay homage to classic ghibli movies with some of the design choices they made!
rn they’re showing “the shimmering voyage” which is the 1.0 ost w 68 songs which will me available soon!! now they’re talking to yu-peng chen THEY HAD THE LONDON SYMPHONIC THEATRE RECORD THE MONDSTADT SOUNDTRACK, THE SHANGHAI ONE THE ONE FOR LIYUE AND NOW THEY ASKED THE ONE IN TOKYO TO DO THE ONE FOR INAZUMA?? HELLOO?? they pay attention to the smallest details i swear i respect that so much wow
THE THEATRE MECHANICS EVENT IS COMING BACK IN INAZUMA!! we’re getting gardening for our tea pot too!! new enemies called “ruin senitel (?)” which is essentially a worm version of the ruin guard?? it looks weird and scary ngl,,,we get new fatui enemies, “the mirror maiden” as well as normal human enemies in inazuma, dressed like samurais,,
ayaka’s banner is first, then yoimiya & sayu,,,we get 2 new 5 star weapons as well 5 new craftable inazuma weapons. we get 2 new artifacts sets, emblem of severed gate and shimenawas remembrance, we get the ability to choose an artifact by sacrificing 3 5 star artifacts and creating an artifact strongbox; new system for the weapon banner: you pick which of the 5 star weapon you want and if you don’t get it, you get “fate points” and with those you can choose the one you want!
and that was it!! yu-peng chen is playing the piano again as a farewell, i guess
i really like how much detail they put into it though :( like i’m ngl i am an impatient little shit but fr its so nice to know the devs love it as much as we do, i’ll gladly wait knowing they put so much detail in it :(
ALSO SJDJFJ kazuha and sayu sleeping on warm rocks together send tweet side note: big brother kazuha is v sweet me thinks, they’re related now i said so
i saw some stuff about thoma when i opened twitter a second ago and people are lowkey pressed that their characterizations of him are wrong 😞 that’s what they get for saying he got downgraded 😁
also,,, ruin sential,, y’know the “upgrade, go back, I SAID GO BACK” meme ?? that’s me w ruin guards, hunters, and graders so 😃 i stg if that thing can go underground i’m gonna cry. OH ALSO i heard about the garden thing a while ago and i don’t remember a lot of what was said but it’s really cool >:)
pov you’re me using kazuha to fight the samurais bc i think it’s funny
OOH WAIT THE ARTIFACT THING SOUNDS COOL THOUGH :0 do we just get to pick what type it is, or do sub stats and stuff carry over/give you a higher chance of getting certain sub stats? either way i’m v happy about that i have so much maiden stuff and uh. no one to put it on :”)
the weapon banner thing sounds cool too :> i don’t have a five star weapon bc i’m scared to waste primos but mayhaps if i can choose... >:)
also shout out to yu-peng chen for being amazing, thought one of the mondstadt songs would be easy to play and i was Very Wrong
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tirednotflirting · 3 years
okay okay okay let's do it. 4, 24, 25, 26, 35, and 39 bc you deserve to be nice to yourself. yes i read the entire list of questions. give me your answers at your leisure love you the most xoxo bella
lol thnk you my love u are Right i just forget that sometimes <3
okie dokie here we go:
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
heck yeah okay RIGHT NOW? okay.
i have been LOVING ! off the wall by @ilovegolden from the very beginning. warped tour au is a god tier au, alright? i love how the whole thing is so romanticized by everyone who was ever involved in it, especially as someone who never got to go it brings me a lot of joy. the characters in this are all so vibrant and bright and i wanna be their best friend and also just give them a hug (and probably a nap and shower lol). the detail in this is so special and carefully crafted like i feel the love in it. i read so little harry fic nowadays like keeping up with this has made me so nostalgic too. really looking forward to where this guy goes :)))
(i stg i’m not kissing ass here) i fucking love daydream jalex (aka right now could last forever (just as long as i'm with you) like quite literally babe it’s my emotional support fic i almost have a ritual of reading this probably once a week. the story telling in this is unreal like you’re sucked into their little world from the first line where they’re throwing fucking cheese at each other. there’s so much history woven into every line like it’s wild i don’t know how you do it. there’s so much love and joy between all the characters and it’s just FUN. this fic really highlights all of the best things about your writing like i could go on for days. <3
lastly, bc i was beginning to reread it the other day, i think i’m going with the one and only britpop malum (orrrr i took a walk with my fame down memory lane (i never did find my way back) by @calumcest) (god helen your url never fails to make me giggle at least a little bit). one of my favorite things about helen’s writing is how fly on the wall i immediately feel in every scene. she shows and tells it all and i can see the lights from the show and heat liam bitching about the band and football and it’s such a good time living inside of her writing for a little while. i’m always going to hold this fic close to my heart i think after spending the entire summer sitting in the doc. (side note - it still kills me that every once in a while after reading this fic i forget the gallaghers are real people ANYWAY.) excited to get caught up on this thing i miss this little world <3
(sorry idk how to provide short answers on Anything :    )
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
see this is hard for me because i know for a fact that there are LOADS of tropes i would never want to write but i’ve read a ridiculous number of them and i’m not necessarily opposed to much (something for everybody, ya know?). i guess like a True enemies to lovers is a little bit lame and hard to do well, imo (i say true bc i almost feel like something like sugar on the asphalt - fucking fantastic and a Classic from @justanchorandhope i must say - could fall into that category except not really though bc grace probably doesn’t have the word enemy in her vocabulary, bless her heart). so okay we’ll go with that bc you probably couldn’t pay me enough to write it and i’m bored of trying to read it (said w love)
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist.
only if i’m writing songfic tbh! otherwise it confuses my brain. so all too well is still in my on repeat and currently it’s cornelia street (lol i rlly need THAT to go somewhere sdkfsfdjkl). i do have this playlist from when i tried writing this ashton fic last spring that went literally Nowhere but ya know good tunes. (god i came up with the coolest OCs last spring, miss them)
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing?
oh god basically everything sldkfjsdlk i guess like i kinda just said, i cannot listen to music 95% of the time when trying to write. i wish i could but it would making 3248290x more of a headache and it also usually just gives me other ideas and then i can’t focus on the doc in front of me lol.
35. How much has writing fic changed your life?
like more than i could ever even begin to describe, dude. so i’m a stem girl, right? but when i was younger, my creativity was a lot more present and living inside my head and reading and writing little stories was so much fun. there was some kinda switch as i got older and i think those around me started preaching practicality a lot more and like, i was good in science and it was an easy route to a career and heeeeere we are. but it also meant i didn’t get any practice at being creative and i think at some point the jokes about not being good at or being allowed to be creative really got to me? so i just gave up the idea of the ideas i had ever really becoming anything. idk exactly what it was (something mixed into my conversations w helen last spring, probably) that got me to open up a doc one day and give it a shot but jesus christ, i’m so happy i did. writing fic is quite literally the biggest thing that brought me joy and community and some of the kindest souls (like yourself, miss bella) during a year that was set to be potentially pretty shitty. i wasn’t sure how i would be able to make friends in ‘adulthood’ but a creative outlet like this appears to be the answer. it’s also provided me a confidence in myself and my ability to create things that i never knew possible. like you said, i can be pretty mean to myself but like. i’m good at this. and that’s fucking cool. happy to be here.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
ya know that luke/lashton thing i wrote with a single line of dialogue? that. i pride myself on that. fkjsdlkf but really i think i’m pretty damn good at descriptive writing and i kinda dig how it’s become ~my thing~. i like showing rather than telling in my writing i think, it feels like a challenge. lemme talk about a sunset for dayyyyyys i swear i would. 
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ninaahelvar · 5 years
The Stakeout (4/5)
Summary: In order to get all the information they can, the detective duo, Bakugou and Uraraka, must go on a stakeout. But close proximity may force some underlying feelings to come to the surface. Also known as “Bakugou had a really bad date and it gives him perspective”
A/N: please thank @doesitsaysassonmyuniform for all her hard work on this chapter. it wouldn’t be out without her. all the funny stuff was her. i will not take credit for her genius.
There was a heavy buzzing under his head, like a hive of angry bees had infested his pillow. He groaned, rolling over as his head throbbed. He’d drunk way too much last night.
Buzz buzz
Was it his alarm? What time was it anyway? It couldn’t have been that late in the day, not with how his room was barely lit when he’d managed to pry open his eyes. It was a small blessing - if he’d been late for work on top of everything else, he might just kill someone.
Buzz buzz
He didn’t hear his alarm, so it must be his phone. He had vague recollections of the night before, passing out on his bed before he could even get undressed. Had he put his phone on silent?
With another groan, he wrenched his head up out of the cradle of his arms, and fumbled for his phone.  He squinted in the morning light - it was low, but not enough to avoid hurting his eyes - and finally flipped his blankets in frustration. It flew out onto the floor with a thud and he stretched out to get it, his stomach rising into his throat as he moved.
Extremely hungover - noted.
By the time he picked up his phone, it had finally stopped buzzing, leaving a faint ringing in his ears at the sudden silence. Bakugou frowned as he turned on the screen, the blur of notifications clearing as his eyes focused.
Shitty Hair (9 Missed Calls)
Shitty Hair: Holy shit I can’t believe u did it!
Shitty Hair: (10 Messages)
Did what? Why was that fucking bastard calling him at - he checked the top of his phone - six in the morning anyway?  He unlocked his phone and opened his texting app, and was met with a wall of grey message bubbles.
Shitty Hair: Uraraka just txted me!!
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: Seriously dude pick up
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: if ur fkn asleep rn I stg
(missed call)
Shitty Hair:  I can’t believe u did it!
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: It better not be a joke or ill kill u
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: ok I don’t care if ur asleep ill make u answer
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: Dude she’s super freaked rn cause u wont respond
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: look im porud u finally did it but u cant send that and then go silent
(missed call)
Shitty Hair: *proud
Bakugou was starting to have a bad feeling, one entirely outside of his hangover. It felt like something was squeezing his chest, and it was getting tighter and tighter the more he read. He looked at the icon, and winced at the little number telling him he had more unread messages.
From Uraraka.
He clicked on the thread, and scrolled all the way up to his last message.
@ 1:37am
You: heyyyy want som fuk??
You: shit no i mean
You: ur hot
You: it pisses me off
You: we should fuck tho
You: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
No. No no no no no no. No! Fuck! No! The universe was fucking playing with him, right? This couldn’t be real. Fuck! It was, it was staring him in the fucking face! FUCK! He was going to explode his entire apartment.
Round Face: ...what?
Round Face: Bakugou wtf?
Round Face: Do you mean that??
Round Face: How drunk are you rn??
Round Face (2 missed calls)
Round Face: I’m gonna murder you
In the midst of Bakugou’s midlife - soon to be end of life - crisis, his phone started to ring, Kirishima’s face beaming as his name appeared. Bakugou immediately answered, pressing his phone to his ear as he hung his head between his legs.
“What did you do?” he asked, and Bakugou did the only thing he could think of.
“You fucking idiot,” Kirishima laughed and Bakugou threw himself backwards on his bed, hand pressed to his forehead.
“Well lucky for you phones don’t exist and neither does she - oh wait.” Bakugou could hear that smug voice of his radiating through the fucking phone and he wanted to burn it in his hand.
“NOOOOOOOOO!” Bakugou whined, feeling completely beside himself - unaware of how ridiculous he was sounding. He was just having the worst day of his life, and it was showing.
“Hey, at least it’s out there now, right? She didn’t say no.”
“I wanna die. I’m jumping out the window.”
“You are the biggest drama queen I know,” Kirishima laughed, and Bakugou put his head between his legs, a sickening feeling rising in his throat and the overwhelming urge to projectile vomit across his apartment was becoming an almost welcoming idea.
“I will kill you later,” Bakugou groaned, shaking his hand through his hair, over and over again until he felt like he was at ease. He didn’t stop for a while.
“Oh, so you’re actually coming into work?” Kirishima sounded surprised, and it dawned on Bakugou...this day was going to be his last - he was deciding it before it was even over, his last day alive would be that day.
“I don’t fucking know, give me an hour to die first,” Bakugou said, knowing this would be the first time that he was late - and having no other excuse than being a fucking drunken moron.
Bakugou stumbled into work, his clothes a mess, hair barely done, and collar sticking up to hide his face. With every step, it felt like eyes were on him, watching his every move, and it made every hair on his body stand on end - he needed to fight something soon otherwise he’d go stir crazy.
Before interacting with anyone else, a bounding bubble of joy crashed alongside him, knocking him off balance. Bakugou stared back at his partner who smiled like a child - and his heart was racing like an idiot.
Her expression fell, clicking her tongue as she took him in. Why the fuck was he feeling so hot? He felt like he was a rising thermometer, about to burst at the fuckng end. He was a walking infomercial, some fucked up idiot that can’t keep it down.  
“Wow you look wrecked. Sleep well, Blasty?” she asked, a slight pout as she stepped closer to him.
“Not as wrecked as your face.” The two of them frowned at the words. Why did he speak at all? “Anyway, Case!”
If a villain could come in through the window and suplex him out of existence right now, he’d be grateful. So. Fucking. Grateful.
Now, Bakugou wasn’t a religious man. He didn’t believe in a higher power. That felt like a mistake - because God was punishing him for his abject atheism. This was a goddamn joke, and God was clearly laughing.
If he got down on his knees and started praying, would it stop?
Uraraka quirked an eyebrow at him, before answering. “Yeah, we had a new lead come in this morning and most teams are on it, you missed Aizawa’s speech.”  
Fuck.  Aizawa knew he was late.
Praying wouldn’t save him now.
Uraraka guided them both to their desks, rattling on about the case -  something about a guy getting into some dark shit with trafficking young kids. In the end, Bakugou found concentrating hard. He would normally listen and make sure to take notes when it came to figuring out who the guy was - but he just couldn’t stop watching her. He watched and wondered why the hell she wasn’t saying anything. Uraraka replied to the messages, she even called - and now it was radio silence.
Normally, Bakugou would yell about it - but it felt wrong to bring it up, it could embarrass them both, and although he didn’t embarrass easy, this was completely new for him. Embarrassment came easier with all that romantic shit. It was stupid and frustrating and Bakugou hated the fact that he fell for it all, after years of denying himself.
Bakugou wasn’t built for this shit, and it definitely showed.
As Uraraka went to talk to eye witnesses - a task that Bakugou was strictly not allowed to do anymore - he went to the kitchen, making himself a coffee and praying it woke him up enough to stop the nagging sensation in his heart and the throbbing in his head.
A whisper then came into his ear.
“Hey, want some fuck with that coffee?”
Bakugou spat out his coffee and it sprayed across the kitchen bench. Kirishima laughed behind him, moving away to grab a donut - the fucking prick.  Bakugou was meant to be safe here, away from her and this fucker had to come and ruin it.  
Bakugou coughed, thumping his chest before turning to glare at the other man. “Could you keep your fucking voice down, Shitty Hair?”
“I don’t know - can you look Uraraka in the eye?” Kirishima quirked his eyebrow and Bakugou stepped towards the pointy haired bastard.
“Want me to rip yours out?”
“Tetchy tetchy. Don’t lash out at me cause you’re not getting any.” Kirishima stuffed the donut into his grinning teeth, and Bakugou tried to burn holes into the fucker’s skull.
“Murder. Expect murder.”
Kirishima only laughed, waving at Bakugou as he went back to his desk. In the back of his mind, Bakugou could only think the asshole was talking about him - gossiping about Bakugou’s idiotic love life and how ridiculous this all was.
Bakugou wanted to fucking die.
The window looked so inviting, calling to him like a siren’s song.
As he sat in the kitchen, looking over notes on the case he hadn’t paid attention to, a loud blaring noise came over the speakers of the precinct. It was unusual for an alarm to go off - on rare occasions when fire alarm detected smoke (which may have been Bakugou - no on proved it was) or emergencies. With the chaos that was soon surrounding him, Bakugou guessed the latter.
“What the fuck is going on?” Bakugou asked as Kirishima ran back towards the equipment room.
“Genzo’s been spotted. We’ve gotta go,” he panted as he ran. He didn’t even stop.
Aizawa burst from his office, his scarf that was rarely off was primed at the ready. “He’s on the move! Everyone get going!” he demanded, stopping short of the door to look back at Bakugou, glaring. “That includes you, Bakugou!” he snapped, and Bakugou sighed, throwing aside his paperwork to head into the equipment room.
Kirishima handed him all his guards and gauntlets, the two rushing out as Uraraka was fixing her earpieces in, rolling her shoulders to prep herself. Bakugou smirked, watching as she worked her magic as she got ready for a fight. Regardless of how much of an ass he made of himself, he still couldn’t get over Uraraka being a goddamn badass at her job.
They got to the site of Genzo’s attack. He had completely wrecked a transport vehicle, exploded it like an atomic bomb and was causing a fucking disaster zone by the sheer amount of electric power around him.
“Any casualties?” Bakugou asked, tightening his gauntlets and making sure they were ready to go when he needed them.
“Two police officers that we know of,” Aizawa said, going over the short notes he was given by officers on the scene.
“Any officers we know?” Uraraka asked, her voice a little strained as she asked. Bakugou looked over to her.
“None,” Aizawa replied. Bakugou watched as Uraraka sighed. Deku. He knew who she was thinking of, and it made a spot in between his shoulder blades ache. He bound his fists and kept his attention on the chaos. This guy was burning every fuse within his view, drawing all of it to him and sending it back at people.
“Our main priority is to protect civilians, and keep him away from the generators. He probably saw he was close to the power plant - we have to keep him away and out of reach of that power. We have no idea what he’ll do with it.”
And with that, the teams were divided - one person on civilians, the other on containment. Both Uraraka and Bakugou knew their place without even a glance. Bakugou set off an explosion as Uraraka moved a group of worried people out of the way. She was great, when another eruption came through, she’s catch them in time and float them to safety - barely even registering that she’d activated her quirk.
When Bakugou set off an explosion that ripped up the entire road - something he knew he’d get in deep shit over later - he watched as the other agents got into position, preparing for their next move and knowing the reach of Bakugou’s quirk. The ground ripped up and threw Genzo around, knocking him against a building and an audible yell of pain rumbled through the area. It gave them time to evacuate. It’s all they needed right now.
Uraraka went to Bakugou’s side, panting a little as she pointed. “Group, ten o’clock. You got this?” she asking, pointing to the group of huddled people just across from Genzo. Bakugou scoffed at Uraraka’s words.
“Tch, who the fuck do you think I am?”
“Yeah, yeah, just wait for my signal,” she laughed, moving off, touching pieces of rubble that were easy to float. Bakugou smirked, watching as they floated skyward and eventually just guiding her hands on all the rubble she passed with her quirk activated. It wasn’t long before Uraraka found the stuck bystanders and pointed them to a safe route out of the danger zone. But Genzo was quicker than either of them had anticipated, rising from his injured state, rolling his shoulders with a tight grimace on his face.
Genzo roared, sapping the power from a nearby building, the electricity crackling over his skin and bared for a quick release. He wanted to inflict damage and make it count - Bakugou could see it in his eyes. Genzo looked for anything that was moving. The civilians. Uraraka saw it too, and she did something stupid.
She knew it too.
“Get back!” Uraraka called to the civilians, and Bakugou watched in horror as Genzo reacted first - her voice drawing too much attention. Her warning, was an attraction. The fucker moved quick - faster than any of them could have expected, and Bakugou redirected his explosions, trying to counter as best he could to the new position. He set off an explosion behind him, sending him to their location as fast as he could.
He wasn’t gonna make it.
“Uraraka, move!”
She turned her head, eyes widening and arms coming out to block far too late as the energy surge hit her full force. Uraraka was knocked so far back, she’s skidding across pavement like it’s slick. When she stops, she’s flinching, over and over again - her body reacting to the electric current running over her body.
He saw her hands come together, letting the meteor shower rain down, catching Genzo off guard and trying to evade the oncoming onslaught. He wasn’t expecting Bakugou though.
He was only a split second behind.
Bakugou came bounding in, hands directed at the target and firing off two of the most explosive blasts he had ever mustered. It knocked Genzo to the ground, and Bakugou landed over him, his fits binding tight as he repeatedly punched - throwing him about as the bastard laughed. Once Bakugou finally cracked one of Genzo’s teeth, his face a bloody mess of what it once was - Bakugou regained his sense and tossed Genzo off to the side.
In the aftermath, there was silence - waiting for the next thing to fall or the next blast to knock over a bunch of people. But it was just simply silence. In the ash and smoke, Bakugou waded through it, leaving Genzo to whatever fate he had left him in, finding his partner curled  up and in pain.
Bakugou dropped to her side, hands fluttering around her useless as he took her in. This was bad. This was fucking bad. Her clothes were a disaster, the giant hole in her vest giving way to blistered and blackened skin. Some of it had fused to the fabric, and it made bile rise up in his throat just to see it.  He didn’t even know if he could touch her but one look at her glassy eyes made it impossible not to move.  
The ozone in the air made his skin stand on end - and that was the only reason - as he pulled her into his lap as gently as he could. “Hey Round face,” he lightly tapped her cheeks and she turned to look at him. Her brown eyes were so unfocused. “Stay with me, fucker.”
Her face was so pale and her mouth moved wordlessly for a moment before she was able to speak. “You called me Uraraka.”
His throat was tight. “Yeah well you’d kill me if I called you Round face in public, Round face.”
Her lips quirked ever so slightly, eyes looking somewhere over his shoulder. “You just did…ugly.”
“Yeah I guess I did.”
Kirishima landed heavily at their side, and his breath hitched when he saw her chest. “Dude..”
Kirishima shook himself. “Right. He’s out - you did a number on him. The police have got it covered. EMT’s should be here any second.”
Bakugou brushed some hair out of her face - it was just getting all tangled and sweaty anyway.  She didn’t even notice. “You with me Round Face?”
“Yeah - but- but my chest feels -” She tried to get up and he had to force her back down.
“Fuck don’t move okay - you’re gonna be fine.” He scanned the street, and couldn’t push down the relief as the familiar jackets of the EMT’s came into view. “Hey! We need some help over here!”
People ran over, moving Bakugou against his will. But in the end, when he watched Uraraka flinch in pain, he knew he wasn’t needed anymore. Regardless of how desperately he wanted to stay. They were fragile with her, placing her gently into the stretcher, and finally into the ambulance. Driving away, Bakugou felt his heart lurch.
Nakamura Genzo was captured easily, given more restraints and heavier security around him. They treated him for his injuries - third degree burns, his entire right side was a mess of broken ribs and bruises, and the left was a little less severe. Bakugou needed to work on his left hook apparently. Genzo had a punctured lung from one of his ribs, and his front teeth were busted, but it didn’t matter to Bakugou. He was taken in - he was completely taken care of. Bakugou just cared about one thing.
Hospitals were always a place of pain - mostly for Bakugou on certain missions, yet now it was different. The fluorescent lights were straining his eyes as he walked through the halls - the constant wailing and crying was enough to keep him away too. Yet, she was there. His partner was laid up in a hospital bed in whatever fucking condition Genzo left her in. Bakugou was told the room number and he walked to it with bound fists at his side.
Flowers were already placed in her room, cards lining the benches with well wishes. Uraraka was already propped up - though there had been a day between her injuries and his visit. The rest of the team had already gone to see her. Bakugou was questioned a fuck tonne in order to explain Genzo’s injuries. He didn’t have much else to say other than “what would you rather me do? Beat him within an inch of his life, or let him kill everyone in the area?”
After that, he was allowed home, where he stared at his phone waiting for an update.
Kirishima texted late saying Uraraka was asking after him.
Bakugou knew he had to go see her after that.
He hung back by the door as Uraraka stopped playing with her phone, smiling down to whoever was contacting her. She looked up and her smile dropped, like seeing him was more of a shock than a surprise. Bakugou’s jaw set tight and his heart felt like it was trapped in between two ribs - unable to beat without causing him pain.
“Bakugou, hey, I was wondering when you’d -”
“What the hell was that?” he snapped, his chest a mess of emotions he would never allow himself to process.
Uraraka sighed, scratching lightly at her brow. “I know I was a little -”
“You were reckless and put yourself in danger for that shitty mission,” he snarled, moving to the foot of her bed. Her once soft expression turned to that of defiance, her brow crinkling in frustration.
“Hey! I’m not as fragile as you -”
“I don’t think you’re fragile, moron! You were putting your life in danger for nothing,” he said, hands gripped tight to the edge of her bed.
“Don’t be an idiot,” she spat back, folding her arms over her chest.
“What?” His brow knit, watching as she stared back at him, anger etched into her features.
“You’re being an asshole, saying you think I can take it, but then say I can’t because I’m weak. I can fucking take it!”
“I know you can fucking take it, but I can’t! Not like this!” The rage let slip the words that were held back - anger and frustration finally touching at the parts of himself he wanted to hide away. His hands bound together, tight fists by his side as his jaw set. If he couldn’t unbind his teeth, he wouldn’t need to answer her obvious question.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
There it was.
“Don’t do it again, idiot,” he replied, voice breaking and pushing himself off the bed, moving out of the hospital room and going home. He had the day off anyway.
It was just mistake after mistake.
Words said.
Actions not taken.
Secrets let slip.
Everything was a goddamn mistake.
With his head in his hands, Bakugou could feel regret gripping him, like a force that bound him to the feelings that made him scared of himself. She made him scared. No one could make him fear the unknown - pain, injuries, death - it was all he ever craved. But she went down, and everything came flooding over him, like a fucking tidalwave, saturating his being until he was as desperate as any other fucker on the planet.
It wasn’t Bakugou.
And it all made him scared. Of Uraraka. For Uraraka.
What did it all mean when everything else was a fucking mess? He hated that he couldn’t piece himself together, unravelling like a perfectly tied up coil coming apart by one tight pull.
Word went around that Uraraka was released from the hospital after two days, and given a week’s bed rest. She deserved more for all the work she did, but Bakugou knew she’d bounce back sooner or later.
Bakugou was midway through writing a report for Aizawa when a booming voice called out through the precinct. “Hey! Asshole!” The whole room turned, seeing Kirishima storming through. He wasn’t the type of dude that got pissed off easily, so it was a surprise. Then, he pointed directly at Bakugou. “Yeah you!”
“The fuck did you just call me?” Bakugou said, standing and standing face to face with the bastard.
“You haven’t gone to see Uraraka, I get to call you what I like!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, stepping back from Kirishima and going back to his desk. “I don’t have to do shit all,” he replied, only for Kirishima to haul him back, fists in each other’s clothes - the two like gasoline and fire, ready to erupt at any moment.
“She’s fucking expecting you, so go!” Kirishima replied, his features hardening, expecting the fight.
“Who are you to demand -”
“I’m your best friend, so listen to me and go see Uraraka. Tonight!” he yelled. The precinct was silent, and Bakugou suddenly felt seen - that there was something telling everyone about he and Uraraka other than being partners. He didn’t want to be seen. Bakugou shoved Kirishima back, straightening out his clothes as he looked back at the spikey haired bastard.
“Fine! Fuck,” he swore, murmuring curses under his breath as he went back to his work, holding back on his anger.
It wasn’t as though he didn’t care about Uraraka. She’d had injuries worse than this. Fuck, Bakugou had stayed at her house while she had a broken leg and a few broken ribs before - cooking, cleaning, doing her laundry. This was different. She didn’t seem to need him like before.
Maybe he was just…
Scared wasn’t the right word.
He wasn’t ready.
After everything that had happened, he wasn’t ready for her to see him and maybe understand what he said.
But he did have to see her. Check in.
It was only right.
It was weird, holding a bag of things for her as he stood outside her door. It was a crumbly old apartment building with like no space other than the essentials. With most of Uraraka’s money going to her parents, Bakugou understood why she stayed there, but for once he’d wish she’d think about herself.
Huffing, he knocked on the door. It was harder than he anticipated, but it didn’t matter. With barely a second to straighten out his shoulders when Uraraka opened the door. He felt a lump in the back of his throat when he saw her. It had been four days since she left the hospital, and four days since they’d seen each other. She had a few tiny cuts and bruises on her arms and on her cheek, but other than that - she was just Uraraka.
She was in grey tracksuit pants and an oversized hoodie she’s gotten at their time with the agency. It was far too big, slipping off her shoulder as she took Bakugou in.
“Bakugou,” she said, voice a little shaken. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
He gave a vague shrug. “Kirishima.”
“Oh, okay.” Uraraka cleared her throat before she opened the door a little wider. “Come in,” she said, gesturing for him to enter. He followed and went inside, handing her the bag as she walked past him.
“Here,” he grumbled, focusing his attention to the floor. She peered inside the bag before gasping.
“Mochi donuts?! Thank you,” she smiled, tucking hair behind her ear.
“It’s better than the nothing I was going to get you,” he replied.
“But Kirishima talked you into it?” Bakugou returned a vague ‘tch’ sound before he stood back in her hallway and Uraraka was wandering into her kitchen.
“How’s the burn?” he asked, clearing his throat as his arms folded over his chest. He wasn’t sure what the fuck to do with himself. He felt cornered, that the walls might swallow him and he may never be allowed to leave - in a constant state of waiting for her to ask about the texts and what happened at the hospital.
“It’s fine. I barely feel it. Recovery girl really helped the process along so I’m ready to get back to work.” There was a voice she put on - a raise in her chin as she acted tough. A show for him to not think any less of her. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t.
“Good. That’s good,” he said, clearing his throat again and pushing off from the wall. “I only came ‘cause shitty hair made me. I’m gonna leave,” he said, going towards the door, ready to open it.
“What did you mean in the hospital?” she asked, voice quiet compared to earlier. She was scared. His hand was at the handle, inches from turning the knob, but he turned, looking back at Uraraka as she fiddled with the ends of her hoodie.
She raised her chin, fingers still at the ends of her sleeves, nervously pulling at them. “I’m not repeating myself.”
He huffed. “I didn’t mean -”
“I’m tired of your shit Bakugou!” She yelled, and he stared across at her in shock. When he didn’t reply, she continued. Uraraka almost charged him as she spoke, getting right into his space and not backing away for a second. “If you lie to me, I swear to god, I’m going to fling you out the window, now tell me!”
She stared at him, a rage that only Bakugou could bring out of her. And in the midst of it, the scared teenager that couldn’t get over a crush was hammering away and begging for his chance. In the end, the man won out, and acted in the only way he knew how to.
Bakugou wasn’t a guy of many words.
So he didn’t use them.
He surged forward.
He didn’t dare to touch her, only kissing her as swiftly as body could allow, towering over her and making her stagger backwards. She gripped into his shoulders, responding with the most beautiful lips he had ever tasted. Then, she pulled back, staring back - no anger, just confusion, written into her features.
“W-what? Does this -”
“Stop fucking talking, round face,” he growled back, forehead resting against hers. He tried to dive right back in, only managing to steal a small kiss before she pulled away. Bakugou froze, watching as a smile grew on her lips right before she stole another. He smirked, knowing the game she was playing.
She tempted and teased, pulling back the moment Bakugou was about to latch his lips to hers, to never part them for as long as his lust would hold out. Whatever she she was doing, she knew the exact way to have Bakugou fall for it - she was going to have Bakugou everyway she wanted him, and he fucking knew it. All the while, it wound him up, like he was a jack-in-the-box, and god, was he ready to spring out and surprise her.
In one swift guide of his arm, he pulled her in by her waist, snaring her lips with his own and kissing her as sharply as he needed. He wanted her, and he wanted her the moment he stepped foot into her apartment. Pressing her up against the wall, she let out a soft gasp against his mouth, but he wanted to surprise her - do everything that every ounce of lust within him wanted to do. Her sweats were still midway down her thigh but they weren’t off, which gave Bakugou every excuse. Turning Uraraka around, her hands pressed against the wall - he bent and took down the remaining parts of her pants, bending down and watching the way her body swayed with each move he made.
Bakugou couldn’t help himself, hand squeezing into her ass, the bounce and shake of it making everything in him rise - adrenaline and lust surging across him. He teeth scraped across one cheek before he bit into it a little harder. Uraraka mewled, hands clawing at the wall - hard enough for Bakugou to hear - and as Bakugou kissed at the spot he not-so-delicately bit into, her hands released, reaching behind her to gently stroke at his hair. She looked over her shoulder as Bakugou took her underwear down swiftly, he wasn’t going to waste any more fucking time.
Gripping in once more, he pushed his face in the crevasse of her cheeks, tongue stroking at her tender lips and immediately making Uraraka rise on her toes. She fell back down, pushing her hips into his face, and holy fuck did he enjoy it. Bakugou held onto her thighs, widening her stance as he lapped up all that she was feeling. Uraraka whined, panting as he kept his mouth on her entrance, delivering his tongue in just to hear her moaning gasps.
“Oh, Bak -” she whined, and his hand snaked from her thigh to taking his tongue’s place, fingers circling her folds before entering her slowly. He slowly rose to his feet, her hand slipping from his hair back to the wall, and he kissed up the back of her neck to have her shiver against him. “Baku -”
“Katsuki,” he whispered in her ear.
“Fuck, Katsuki!” she said, pushing her hips against his hand, forcing it directly into his hips. She may not have known she was doing so, but she rocked perfectly onto his crotch, his cock aching inside his jeans. “Right there, right there! Right there!” she cried, her voice soft and desperate. She spurred him on, fingers working overtime just to hear what it would sound like when she finally came.
Her hips pushed back hard against him, her panting becoming a little harder to control and Bakugou could feel her around his fingers - Uraraka was at the end of her tether. She reached behind herself once more, hand on his wrist as she breathed in heavy gasps. He didn’t know if she was trying to stop him, or was telling him to keep going - either way, she crashed against the wall, crying out a little moan and pushing her ass straight up against his hips.
“Fuck,” he groaned, feeling the strain in his pants. “I’m not going to last if you keep pushing your ass into me,” he said into her ear. Uraraka looked over her shoulder, brushing hair from her face.
“I didn’t say you had to,” she said. Tempt and tease.
“Fuck,” he groaned, tugging on her arm to turn around, “you asked for it,” he warned her before bending down and picking her up into his arms.
Uraraka held onto his face, kissing him as he staggered around her cramped apartment. He fell into walls, struggled past the doorway, and had them falling into the bed. Uraraka giggled, kissing Bakugou before he rolled his hips against her, making her moan a little more. He just needed one more thing before he parted from her. He stood up from the bed, stripping himself of his shirt and kicking off his shoes. Uraraka took the cue and shrugged out of her hoodie and shirt, leaving her only in her bra. As Bakugou snapped off his belt and pushed his pants down, Uraraka unclasped her bra and tossed it aside.
Remembering where he’d seen them the last time - an awkward conversation was had when Bakugou was putting away laundry - he went to Uraraka’s dresser drawer, finding the condoms and tearing at the edge of one. He started to place it on when he saw Uraraka adjust herself slightly. Sitting up, Uraraka moved over to him, her hand gracing over down from his chest to his stomach, fingers tempting to down his length. He caught her wrist loosely, pushing it aside to her confusion.
“What are you doing?” he asked, leaning over her, forehead pressed to her own.
“I wanted to make you feel good,” she said with a flutter of her eyelashes. Bakugou smirked.
“Nah, this is all about you, lie back down.” She did as she was told, crawling her way up the bed and waiting for him to follow after.
Bakugou wasted no time - he could have savoured the beauty of her in all her glory, gaze at her wonder, but he wanted to touch her more than anything. He crawled up the bed, sucking at her skin, nipping underneath her breast and sucking at the edge of her collarbone. All the while she hummed her approval, nipping into his shoulder briefly as they came face to face once more.
Moving his hand down between them, grazing against her most sensitive bundle of nerves, her body arching into his touch. He smirked, the briefest of touches could have her responding, he wondered what more could do for her. When he guided his length inside her, Uraraka’s hands went to his shoulders, pulling their bodies together.
There was only the sound of Uraraka’s panting in the room, but it couldn’t last - Bakugou knew himself too well, he wouldn’t be able to stay still for much longer. He moved his hips slow at first, gaining speed and arching into every thrust to get the best noises out of Uraraka. She obviously hated that she was getting louder and louder. But his ego sure as fuck loved it.
“Katsuki,” she mewled, nails clamped down into his back, raking up as his thrusts came in quicker succession. “Yes! Yes!” she cried, her hand on the back of his neck.
She pulled him down, kissing him roughly, and he enjoyed every fucking second of it. She bit into his bottom lip when she got excited. Bakugou couldn’t help himself, he rocked in harder, taking up the back of her knee. Uraraka arched her back, panting a little harder than even before.
In her movements, he was finally able to look at her without the overwhelming urge to take her. There were scars that littered her skin, some old, some new, following the curves of her waist and hips. Her breasts were round, much like the rest of her, and tempting as everything else - Bakugou kissed down her neck to take one of her nipples between teeth, just to have her push into him again. It worked to perfection, her breast rising beautifully into his mouth, and her hips bucking into his own when he gave a harder thrust. She was perfect to understand, to love and hold in a single moment.
“Ah!” Uraraka said suddenly, her body recoiling in a single beat. Bakugou’s eyes snapped to hers, watching her face contort in discomfort. He pulled away slightly, letting her body fall to where she needed, but never leaving the warm depths between her thighs. Uraraka sighed, laying back into the sheets and looking up at Bakugou with pinker cheeks than usual. He wanted to smile, but he with the sudden halt on everything, he wasn’t sure if the passion had fallen to its wake.
“Shit, are you okay?” he asked, hand ghosting over her side. Uraraka’s hand went to the side of Bakugou’s face, palm to his cheek and guiding him to look back at her.
“I’m fine,” she nodded, “just take it a little slower right now,” she said, a little nervous with a soft laugh to ease her discomfort of their eyes meeting.
“You sure?” he asked once more.
“Yeah,” she replied, Bakugou once again moving his hips, a slow roll to gauge her reaction. Uraraka’s head fell back into the pillow, hand tight in his bicep. “Yes, like that,” she approved, and he smirked.
Bakugou bent onto his elbows, arms snaking behind her back and propping her up into his arms. Uraraka squeaked, the sighing as she sunk down onto his length.
“What are you doing?” she asked, all the while, rocking herself back and forth. Bakugou grit his teeth, breathing out a moan into her chest before looking up at her with a satisfied grin.
“I can’t do all the work, round face,” he said. She leaned down, hands either side of his face, kissing him in a slow, deliberate manner - making them both savour it.
Everything was slow, Uraraka’s pace, soft strides to ease her into it - or perhaps it was the way he hissed everytime she moved, liking the way he sounded, much like he had done to her. Then, she gained confidence and speed, hips jerking in a quicker pace, before she just tried to gain satisfaction by any means possible. She was glorious.
He could feel her unwinding, with every move, and every bounce back onto his cock, he could feel her walls clamping down around him. Whenever she moved down upon him, he’d trust him, making her jump a little in his lap. Before either of them knew it, Uraraka cried out, clutching Bakugou to her chest, hands winding into his hair as she panted out moan after moan.
She sounded like a symphony - gorgeous at her ecstasy. Bakugou watched her move on top of him, her hands stroking through his hair as her eyes looked into his own. He’d never had sex like it - something that made him feel understood, that every movement, all the pace, it was perfect to know who they were between them. Bakugou never wanted to watch anyone else on top of his cock ever again, not unless they looked as beautiful as she did.
In a moment, between his utter wonder and the growing need to come completely undone, Uraraka pulled hard into Bakugou’s hair. He hissed and Uraraka moaned, arching into his new position wonderfully well and he wanted to just take everything he had left in him and please her to every extent he could.
Two could play at that game. He may not have been able to move as fast as he could have liked, but he knew she’d not protest to it. With his hand moving up her back, he took a fistful of her hair and pulled, her neck exposed to him, and fuck he felt hungry for it. His mouth descended upon it, sucking and kissing at her throat, feeling the vibrations of every moam against his tongue. He loved it, and Uraraka knew he enjoyed it too much - especially with every thrust he added to make her close to her next orgasm.
“No fair,” she hissed. Bakugou thrust into her again, and she moaned, pulling at his hair once more, but it was much lighter than it once had been.
“All’s fucking fair game,” he smirked, feeling Uraraka’s hand on his thigh. He thought she may need to lay back down when her finger suddenly bound into his leg, making him jerk upwards into her. She moaned, biting her lip and smiling down at him. “Fuck!” Bakugou groaned, looking back at her.
“All’s fucking fair game,” she repeated his words. Bakugou bit his lip, thrusting into her again, watching as she circled her hips down onto him again.
“If you weren’t injured, I’d -”
“You’d what?” she replied with a smirk, and between his heart bounding like a drum, and his head screaming, he knew he couldn’t stop himself.
“Fuck it,” Bakugou muttered, pushing his weight onto Uraraka’s and onto her back once more, thrusting in one long and hard motion. It wasn’t until after that he thought of his mistake - his lust getting the best of him. Uraraka’s hand went to his ass, gripping in hard with her nails enough to make him hiss. He looked at her face, lip between teeth and chest heaving for more.
“I’ll tell you if it hurts, just keep going,” she begged, forcing his hips closer. When he moved inside her again, she guided him in with a hard pull on his ass. It was harder than he would have, but she enjoyed it all the same - eyes closed and body calling to his like they were magnets that hated to be separated.
His mind told him to go slow, to make sure it all lasted how he needed it to - but he’d be damned if he didn’t chase the sound of her desperate moans to get his own satisfaction. Her next orgasm came over her quickly, her teeth went into his shoulder to suppress the sound, but it did little to help, other than to spur Bakugou on. Her legs went over his hips, heels at the base of his thigh and urging his ass forward with every move he made.
Intimacy was lost on Bakugou, he never liked how he felt being within it, but Uraraka made it all different somehow. When her hand snaked down his arm from his shoulder blade, her caught her wrist, holding it down onto the bed. And he found himself wanting. Like he’d never wanted something so badly in his life. His pressure on her slim wrist went slack, and his fingers slid into her palm, binding into the gaps of her fingers. Uraraka held on tight, their joined hands going over her head as Bakugou continued to stride within her.
She made sure they kissed every few seconds, whining until she could kiss him again, becoming louder and louder to get him to silence her with one of his bruising kisses. Uraraka was using him like a puppet, but he didn’t care - she was heaven to be inside, her body a wonderful combination of sweat and silk and his body was to blame for half of it.
“Oh god,” Uraraka cried, her free hand back in his hair, body moving against his again. He could feel her hardened nipples against his chest with every movement, and he wanted to put his mouth all over her body again. Taste every inch of her. Uraraka whined, hand on his cheek, nails piercing skin behind his ear and on his jaw. “I’m gonna -”
She didn’t even get to finish her sentence, her release rocking through her in waves that made her hips jerk over and over again until Bakugou was following her. He held tight to her hand, the other was gripping tight into her thigh - unable to bring himself to move as he could his release come and go.
“Fuck,” he panted into her chest, trying hard to let her go, but it was no use, he’d drown in her skin before he’d let her move an inch.
Eventually, he had to - lying beside her as she moved to be on his chest. She was practically asleep by the time he’d shifted into his spot next to her.
“You good?” he asked her.
“Hm?” she replied, “Yeah, yeah. Just tired.”
Bakugou shifted, aiming to leave. “Do you need me to -”
“If you move, I’ll kill you,” she warned, hands tight on his body as she held him close.
“Fucking fine, round face,” he said, letting her rest back onto his chest. He smiled, his own exhaustion following hers.
When he woke up, there was hair in his mouth. He threw his head back, spitting it out with a scowl and wincing when it flopped wetly onto his neck. A heavy weight lay on his side, numbing his arm under the pressure. His eyes struggled to open fully, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw the hazlenut hair he was very much used to.
Holy fucking shit.
Bakugou groaned and slowly pulled his arms back only to stop dead still when she shifted. He waited, tense and holding his breath until she settled back down, soft snores puffing out onto his arm.
He tried again, and after a very slow escape over the next several minutes, he was free. Slipping from the sheets he staggered into the bathroom, took one look in the mirror at his neck covered in hickies, his hair a fucking mess and cheeks flushed - and barely recognised himself. There was no way his eyes should look that bright, or lips that swollen.
He’d had sex with his partner.  
He splashed cold water on himself, and contemplated drowning himself in the sink. He could do this - it was just a moment of passion right? Happened all the time - or so he’d seen in all his mums shitty romcoms.  
He could still feel her breathe against his face, hear the way she’d whispered his name. Feel her nails down his chest and the soft whimpers of her release echoing in his ear.
How the fuck was he meant to work like this?  They were going to have to… to talk about this.
Holy fucking shit was right.  
Bakugou hated quiet, and even with the sound of his pacing footsteps, it was all too much. He had half a mind to wake Uraraka from her sleep, or possibly just sit in her room to hear the fucker snore. Instead, he waited until the pot of coffee had fully brewed and made himself a mug. The rest of it waited for Uraraka to crawl her ass out of bed. It had been nearly two hours since he left, and she was still sound asleep.
He always knew she was a heavy sleeper, but it was like trying to wake to goddamn dead. He had went through most of her things, trying to entertain himself before he had to leave for work, and no matter how much noise he unintentionally made - she stayed in bed. The light of morning was peeking through her curtains, drawing a veil over most of her apartment and casting a glow on Uraraka that was criminal. Gorgeous was not the right word to describe her.
On his way to the kitchen hours before, he picked up his trail of clothes, putting on some as he walked past Uraraka’s. He was unsure of what the fuck to do with hers - was he supposed to pick them up? They were partners and it had been a habit before, long nights and untidy people tend to amount of a clean up when nights were done. But this was different. A line was crossed. They were more than partners.
Regret was something that was new to Bakugou, but he knew this wasn’t it. He stood in her kitchen and came to the conclusion that this was not something he’d ever regret. As far as the sex went, it was fucking great. It might’ve been the best he’d ever had. Maybe it was because he knew her, understood what her reactions could be and learning all new things about someone that he cared for. He wanted her to feel as good as he did.
Yet, what else would come of this? Was there a relationship there? Was he even ready for something like that? It wasn’t like he had one before to gauge what the fuck this even meant. His personality and overall work ethic was a pretty hard thing to deal with for most people. Uraraka was one of the only people that knew him, and still stuck around after. There was a trust between them, a fit that neither of them expected.
What did she even want? Was this all just heat of the moment?
He was about two seconds from marching into her room and finally dragging her out of bed when his phone chimed.
Shitty Hair: U need to come into work. Boss wants to see u
Bakugou rolled his eyes, gripping tight to his phone as he contemplated his next step. He took the remnants of his coffee and poured it down the sink, washing the mug briefly before putting on the remainder of his clothes. When he fixed his jacket over his shoulders, he stopped and saw into Uraraka’s room. She was curled into her sheets peacefully, and Bakugou grit his teeth.
When Kirishima texted again, Bakugou didn’t have time.
He left her apartment and went straight into work.
They could talk later.
He just wasn’t ready yet.
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blissfully-queen · 5 years
Myrika, Queen Of Our Hearts ❤️
pink = dena
purple = janhe
Hi Myrika! I know you’ve been having a bit of a hard time lately and so I wanted to do something to cheer you up so I messaged J and asked her if we could collaborate on a project for you to show you how much we love and care about you. She of course said yes cause she’s a sweetie and loves you so much too!!! ❤️ We are so lucky to have someone as amazing as you as our best friend. You are an amazing, beautiful person who deserves the world and every good and pure thing in it. I hope one day I get the honor and joy of meeting you. I’m gonna give you the biggest hug I can and I’ll make sure to bring you Chick-Fil-A cause that place awesome and you’ll love it!! You’ll love it almost as much as I love you (; And this is J now! Dena called me a sweetie and she’s so lovely for asking me to do this for you. You really have good taste in friends, sis! And she told me you were in a rough time right now and she wanted to cheer you up! And I was like hECK YES. Because you deserve it, sis! You are a wonderful person who deserves every good thing in the world. I want to meet you someday so much and be able to give you a big hug. I love you so, so, so much. Thank you for making me laugh and smile. I appreciate you a lot. I’m gonna stop because I won’t have anything to say in the next part of this project lmao. Good luck with your ships, I’m sending you one in a bit and I probably had sent it already by the time you read this. Love you!
hi bby you cute thing you!! j and i wanted to do this for you to remind you of just how much we love and appreciate you. you are the most amazing friend i’ve ever had in my life and i can’t believe it’s been almost 2 years i’ve known you. i’m so jealous and sad i haven’t known you for longer but i’m so, so, so happy i met you because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. you’ve been there through me through everything. making me feel safe when stuff was happening with my dad, boy problems, scary lab results, hospitals visits, anxiety attacks, boosting my confidence when i hated myself, and so much more. i still remember that one time i went to the er for chest pains in the middle of the night and you stayed up the whole time calming me down and checking in on me and didn’t go to bed until you knew i was safe and was on my way home. thank you for being there for me through the big and little problems. thank you for always being there listen and give me advice even if we know our advice to each other is so terrible. (lmho queens of bad decisions) you are the sweetest, most considerate person i know. you always try to make sure i’m okay even when you’re not. you are such a beautiful soul and i love you so freaking much.
things i love about you and being best friends with you:
~ you are so sweet
~ you’re funny and always make me laugh even when i’m in the worst of moods
~ you’re caring and supportive and loving and just have a big heart
~ you have this really beautiful and calming presence and i knew it and felt it from the second i met you
~ you always listen to my problems (mentor myrika ayyyyy)
~ your sass kills me but i love it sjsjsjsjjsjsjsjs you the sass quEEN
~ you’re creative and sis you’re such an amazing writer like wow one of these days you’re actually gonna kill me with feels i stg but like pop off girl you gonna replace jk rowling one day
~ you love vine just as much as i do if not more
~ d i s n e y & greenhouse academy
~ your taste in music is amazing and i love like every song you recommend me
~ our strange humor and the fact we can be so stupid and weird and not care
~ we rage over video games together
~ chicken nuggets
~ when i’ll bring someone up to you and you’re like “... who?” and like it makes me laugh every time
~ us roasting aiden, jon and travis
~ you were always the queen of ttr fashion shows like hello? a legend in the fashion show world wow
~ us being so confused and making fun of each others countries sjsjsjjssj
girl you’re the most amazing person i know and i have no idea what i’d do without you. you are my sunshine. you cheer me up and make me happy when i’m having a rough time. i love you. thank you for everything you’ve done for me over these past 2 years. you have no idea how much you mean to me. you’re the best. you’re loved, you’re wanted, you’re gorgeous inside and out, you’re gonna have an amazing future and do amazing things. i’m so proud of you and the person you are. i’ve seen you blossom so much and it’s amazing. i hope you’re always in my life and we stay best friends and have our own island one day and are roommates (and they were ROOMATES). i love you my wife, my life. you’re my chicken, my chica, my sister, my mentor, my cohort/partner in crime, my ride or die, my best friend.
j’s part:
Okay sis, I’m sending you Roger Taylor pics while I write you this so if I stop sending them, it’s because of this. And now I stopped bc it’s another day and it will probably look out of context so I’m sorry. And you know my english isn’t perfect and you aren’t here to edit this okay, so I maybe ask Dena to help me correcting this sorry. Dena asked me if I wanted to join to this idea of hers to remind you of the wonderful human being you are. She said you talked to her about me wHAT DID YOU SAY HFIEUHF sorry. And of course I agreed, how couldn’t I? I just wanna tell you how grateful I am because I can consider you my friend, probably my closest friend even! I never had an internet friend before, like ever. I had talked to some people before, but it never lasted. Our friendship did, thank God it did. Because you are a beautiful person, and I mean it. You are always there for me. You don’t know how many times I came from a bad day to my room, feeling like shit, until you would tell me: “Wanna write something tonight?”. I swear my face would light up! And those writing sessions always made me feel better. I felt happy again. You helped me to get through a lot, and maybe you didn’t even realise! And we’ve been friends for what? Three months? And I already feel like you’re one of my closest friends, including my irl friends! Because you deserve it, you are great. I can’t even express myself in how much I love you, how much I enjoy talking to you, how many times you made me laugh even if you couldn’t see it. I know that here on the internet, when somebody says “I love you” or “You are beautiful” you could feel like they don’t mean it actually. But I really do, I need you to know that. You are a beautiful person, who’s full of life and came to make my life a little bit brighter. Lmao I sounded so poetic there, are you proud of me? I’m so excited to be your friend and see where does this friendship takes us. And I hope we last a lot of time being friends! (wE WON’T IF YOU KEEP EXPOSING MY IRONICAL FICS ON TUMBLR OK jk I loved you exposing me <33). I really hope you know how much you are loved. You are a great girl who deserves the world and I can’t wait for us to meet each other everyday a little more. I’m so happy you found me, I’ve been blessed with your friendship. And don’t forget how good of a friend you are, how much of a great person you are, and how beautiful you are. Please don’t forget it. I love you with all my heart. PS: btw, I sounded pretty emotional a few times but I’m listening to Foreign Sand by Roger while writing this like can you blame me? (listen to it if you haven’t yet).
My list of my fav things about you, myr <333
~ Your sense of humor
~ It’s a cliché but we botH LOVE QUEEN you don’t understand how much that means to me. I can tell you how much I need a roger taylor without feeling embarrassed.
~ The fact that Misfire comes up to every conversation of ours at least once.
~ You’re such a funny person liKE I CAN’T HANDLE IT
~ The fact that you love my fics like how can you like that rubbish.
~ You always support me on writing.
~ The fact that we both agree on that Man On Fire’s video is a threat to humanity.
~ The fact that we both agree on “Deacy”.
~ You being so supportive with me in a lot of senses, not only the writing thing
~ The fact that even if we are miles away from each other and in two extremes of the world (wTF), you still get to make me smile.
~ We are both sad potatoes and we can relate on each other in a lot of things.
~ You’re so kind, so nice, so compassionate. Maybe too nice. And I love you for that.
~ The fact that we had each other to scream over Rami’s winning on the Oscars like really thank God I could scream with you.
~ The fact that yOU WROTE ME A FIC WITH ROGER YOU TOOK YOUR TIME TO MAKE ME A GOOD PRESENT it’s the cutest thing someone ever gave me for my birthday, even if you didn’t have to. I read it all the time!
~ You say “I love you” a lot to me. It makes me smile every time.
I love you, you’re loved, by Dena, by me. You’re a lucky girl for having us as friends. I love you so much, you better smile at least once today, because I don’t doubt your smile must be so beautiful. And I’m so lucky for getting to know you as well <3
Dena & Janhe
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vixenfur · 6 years
Tag at least 5 people you love and give a few words on why!
Since there was so much BS in the fandom today, time to share some love! :)
- @zeta-jane is an absolute godsend of a friend. They are sassy, funny, talkative, energetic and so full of amazing ideas!!! Zeta is always there for me when I need someone to lean on. They’re such a kind friend and they will not hesitate, baitch to fight people who hurt me- probably because they know I’d do the same for them! They’re such good company both online and IRL, and I am blessed to have met them! I am even more blessed to be writing City of Dust and Shadows with them, which has become the longest fic either of us has ever written! We may or may not surpass it with our future collabs, however ;) They are just the coolest person ever and they deserve all the love in the world. I adore them so much!!! TUT 
- @mikayu-chan is such a got damn SWEETHEART. They are trying to see the positive side of things, especially after so much fandom drama in the past, and I’m so so proud of them for trying their hardest to live their best life. They have it way too hard and I want to give them a big ole hug and many days of fun!!! They always make me laugh and we have a great time on calls! I’m glad that we see eye-to-eye on so many things and that we continue to teach each other new things all the time!! They are really an irreplaceable friend and such a joy to talk with, to write with, and to laugh with. I love you Chan
- @crazyloststar deserves the entire world and more!!!! oMg I cannot express how much I love Alex!!!!! Alex is just a big bundle of happiness and fun and she makes me so so so so so so so happy. I love calling with her and talking, I love writing with her and everything else!! We always have so much fun, I swear I can’t talk to her without laughing my ass off at least once XD we’re always DJDJDHDHDHDJD’ing at each other because we just can’t find the right words to express how hard we’re agreeing with each other/laughing omfg. I adore her and I cant WAIT to cosplay KimiYoi and RyuuTenn with her hopefully at next year’s Yaoi Con WOOT WOOT :D!!!!
- @yuudefensesquad is sUCH A GOOD BEAN who deals with SO MUCH and she just needs a big ole hug and lots of Yuuchan i stg. Caydence is such a funny funky lil nugget and I protecc her with my life okay. Her art? Flawless. Her shitposts? FUCKIN HILARIOUS. Her meta? Super engaging and intriguing! Her bravery? ABOVE US ALL LOL. She is just awesome and I’m glad I forcefully adopted her into my lil family of mikayuu nerds bc it just wouldn’t be the same without her. Caydence ily never stop being you. A lot of shit challenges her irl and everywhere else, but she still keeps her head up and man I really respect her.
- @mikaisatop is MY FRICKIN RIGHT HAND MAN. My SOULMATE. SARAHHH I ADORE YOU. You might be busy rn but I love you so much girl ;__; even though she’s busy I always bother her bc I want her to know I wouldn’t ever forget about her!! I’m so happy we got to collab so much and will continue doing so!! Winter’s Waltz is so much fun to write and I’m so happy she is writing it with me anyways despite such a busy schedule. If it weren’t for Sarah we wouldn’t have so much good MikaYuu content and I applaud her for it!!
- @6lilystrings9 IS JUST THE BOMB DOT FUCKIN COM. Lily and I didn’t super duper connect until more recently but omg talking with her is just a freakin BLAST. We always get so hype with each other, even over each other’s fandoms that we aren’t even in!!! Something about the energy in her pulls out the energy in me and we just get GOING lmao. She is so very talented and amazing and a fascinating person all around! I’m so glad we got to hang a bit at KatsuCon in 2017 but I hope we can do that again in the future! I miss her all the time!
- @weirdfairytales is the MAN. THE MYTH. THE LEGEND. Anna is just the biggest definition of a meme I can think of and I LOVE her for it. I’m so glad that we met way back when MikaYuuHell Skype existed and that she thought of the masterpiece that is Cherry Boy one wild night. I’m so glad we continued to be great friends and talk about so many things. I love when our messages get super long cause we just have so many things to say XD Cosplaying Victuuri with her at Katsu was so lit, and I can’t express how much I love her Victuuri fic too!!!
- @hannaadi88 is such. a. sweetheart. I can’t say it enough. Hanna does so much and gets so little I stfg yall need to APPRECIATE HER MORE. Her writing is STUNNING and the projects she makes for this fandom are just outstanding!!! From gift exchanges (I SAID ONS REMIX BEFORE IM SORRY i was wrong XD) to 365 Days of Mika and Yuu, she has put in so much for us constantly! She has also granted us with the lovely fic Scented, and not to mention one of my favorite fics of ALL TIME, Eye of Horus- the Ancient Egypt take on Unwritten!!! And she named it that without knowing my first tattoo is literally the eye of horus! XD I was shook lmfao and I still am. Meeting Hanna was amazing and the day I spent with her and @ihavetobenkyou (who is also a-freaking-MAZING and a big bundle of goodness!!!!!!) is one I’ll never forget. She’s so chill and just gives off this ‘wise’ aura idk why but I just look up to Hanna so much. No matter what she writes I will always support her and you all should too!!!
- @just-another-dream-about-yuu is ONE OF MY FAVORITE HUMANS TO EVER HUMAN. Julia omfg I cannot express how much I love you. TwT Julia is not only one of the most talented artists I have ever seen, but she is so sweet and fun and so full of energy and excitement!! She’s super busy with adulting so she’s not around in the fandom a whole lot but I always make sure to include her bc I won’t let her leave XD JULIA YOU CANNOT ESCAPE…. lmfao I will always drag you back… I won’t ever forget the day I got a twitter notification that someone drew me Unwritten fanart and the croaking sound I made was insane LMAO my friend who was with me was like WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED XD I was so excited!!! I still adore every piece of fanart she’s given me and I always will. Thank you, Julia, for bringing my imagination to life so many times, for showing me what you saw when you read my writing. It means more than I can say.
- @coleglend is the most underappreciated person in this fandom I swear. Or, who was in this fandom- Cole is off doing other things besides OnS, but regardless, she is so very amazing and beyond talented. I can’t even express how beautiful her art is and the emotions each piece sparks in me. Even her new Marvel artworks are just breathtaking and I truly admire them!!! I don’t know anyone who can make such detailed, visually engaging art- everything she creates belongs in a museum I swear. I want to print them and frame them for my walls!!! I look at her art all the time!!! Now that I’ve established how gorgeous her art is, talk about Cole as a person! She’s so sweet and kind and I love seeing her little posts on Instagram and such, even though I can’t understand most of them, I like seeing that she’s with friends and having a good time.
- @linnpuzzle is one of the coolest most amazing people in this fandom!!! Her art is STUNNING and as she knows, I will drop everything to commission her and buy her merch because I just am addicted to her gorgeous art!!! I am so honored to have some of her art as part of my collection of OnS things and I am forever going to treasure the commissions I’ve purchased from her!! Besides being a great artist, I love talking with Linn, too! I’m so glad we have things in common outside of MikaYuu, like Voltron and Kyo Kara Maoh :D Linn is truly too good for this world and she deserves everything okokok.
- @zilleniose-chu is truly an ICON of this fandom. We don’t talk alot outside of business stuff lolol but they are just freakin amazing!!! I adore their art so much- I always have, ever since I first saw their page!!- and I LOVE their AU’s and headcanons!! They are full of such great ideas and humor and they can share those ideas through really stunning and captivating artwork
- @absolute-exclusivity IS AN AMAZIN. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING BEAN OH MY GOODNESS i cANT TELL YOU ENOUGH HOW MUCH I LOVE LYSIA. AAAAAAAAHHHH THIS GIRL IS GONNA SPEND MY BIRTHDAY WITH ME OUT IN LONDON LESSGO GIRL!!! I’m so excited you have NO IDEA. Lysia is so so so energetic and cute and overall such an amazing friend!! She’s so caring and always willing to listen even when things are busy for her!! She’s full of hilarious, tragic, and heart-pounding ideas and AU’s. We always get lit together talking about fics and headcanons and I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world. I can’t wait to meet her and I can’t wait to collab with her and Zeta soon, too!!
- @rindartist is absolutely one of my favorite artists of ALL TIME no doubt about it. Rin is so amazing, always making so many beautiful artworks of MikaYuu, and now of other lovely series aswelll! I may not be into GBF but her art of it is just lovely and I suggest everyone to commission Rin if they have the means!!
- @p0isonpez is someone I’ve only seen from afar but I absolutely love her art and posts!! I am so happy to see someone new in the fandom sharing such lovely things and interacting with the rest of us!! you seem so friendly and kind and I hope we can talk more sometime! :D
- @temesasu is such a sweetheart!! We’re just starting to talk a little more, but I am soso happy!! They are such an amazing cosplayer and their ONS cosplayers bring such a big smile to my face. They are beautiful and able to make themselves look like so many different characters!!! They are so talented with makeup, I am in awe!! :D And they are so kind and fun to talk to, and I hope we talk more! Thank you for sharing your cosplays with us, you are amazing! Don’t stop!
- @seraph-star is such a good precious person who makes endless good content!! Omg, their edits are just so awesome!! they always have me bouncing my head along, or completely enraptured and breathless, or laughing!! They are so good at evoking different emotions through video editing and as a very casual video editor myself, I am so impressed with their work!! I also love their memes and art and everything else that they share!!!
- @angeru-artist is a precious PRECIOUS ANGEL who deserves the entire world!!!! Omg, Angeru makes such amazing art, with such expressive characters and cute little attributes!!! I love it when I see their art and I’m so glad that we share a few fandoms together rather than just one. Angeru is really bighearted and she goes through way too much hard times, and I wish I could just take her away to somewhere better!!! One day my friend we will forget about the world and just have fun!!
- @maqui-chan iS ONE OF THE BEST ARTISTS I’VE EVER KNOWN OMFG. her art is iconic and unforgettable!!!! Maqui’s art has always been one of my favorites of all time and I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve commissioned her LOL!! I JUST LOVE HER ART SO MUCH OKAY!?? ITS SO GOOD GO LOOK AT ALL OF HER GLORIOUS CREATIONS! she is so talented and she can create anything, from angst to smut to humor, leave it to Maqui to create amazing things!! And omg Maqui ignited the fire in all of our ShuuNaru hearts amiright!??? GOD her art inspired me so much to the point to where I wrote a ShuuNaru fic and it was so much fun!!! Maqui, thank you for drawing so many awesome things and creating so much for the fandom!! Even if you’ve mostly fallen out of it, your creations are always going to be treasured by me and many other people- you’ve impacted people way more than you know! Thank you for always making me laugh on twitter aswell XD you’re amazing and ily!!! 
OK OK I;M OUT OF STEAM I’VE BEEN TYPING THIS FOREVER OK i could go ON AND ON about even MORE people in this fandom but that would take me literal ages LMAO
TO EVERYONE ELSE, WHO I DIDN’T MENTION BC MY BRAIN IS JUMBLED AND I AM EXHAUSTED: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. DONT STOP CREATING. THE FANDOM IS A FLAMING GARBAGE HEAP SOMETIMES LIKE IT WAS TODAY. But DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU from having a good time, doing what you love, and creating things that you are proud to share!!! And if your heart leads you elsewhere, to a different brand new fandom, I hope you always remember the people you inspired with your work!! I hope you forget the bad memories and always treasure the good ones. I hope that we can be friends and/or that I can continue supporting you no matter where we all end up in the years to come. And if you decide to support me too, I give you my biggest, most heartfelt thanks.
No matter how ridiculous this fandom can get and how much stupid discourse can dampen the mood and disappoint me, I will never let it stop me from loving MikaYuu and OnS and what I do. I will never let it stop me from writing all that my crazy little heart wants. I will continue to write until my passion dies, and when that day comes I will probably cry as I say goodbye and resort to watching from the sidelines as everyone else carries on. I will never forget the fun I had here. These past 3 years have been so impactful already, and I know the future ones will continue to be- with the old friends, with the new friends, and with friends to be made!!
Let’s spread love more often rather than hate. I encourage anyone who feels inclined to make posts (maybe not as long as mine if you dont want XDD) talking about your favorite creators and friends in the fandom, too! Or, if that seems too corny to you, just continue to draw, write, edit, and cosplay! Continue to make people laugh and smile and cry and swoon! Continue to support creators by leaving comments and kudos, by liking and reblogging, by following and commissioning, and sharing and crediting their work wherever you can! Continue to make a difference!
I love you all so much!
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mypoorfaves · 7 years
Positivity Post! :D
Okay so this here is a (freaking long) list of blogs and people that I love, both within my community and outside. Although I understand a lot of people in said community want to remain as anonymous as possible so I’m putting all of the more…um…niche blogs…under the cut! Please enjoy my contribution to this spread of positivity brought about by @wiseinnerwhispers!
@12thdoctorwhomst: You are a great friend. To say so is an understatement. You’re actually one of my best friends. Thanks for always being there :)
@berks-dragon-trainer: We don’t talk much but in see you in my notifs a lot. Also wanna say I’m proud of you for working hard and getting into shape! That takes serious dedication and I wish I could do that myself.
@sellsoulstome: Your space aesthetic is…well, aesthetic! Very calming and I love it so much! I’m sorry life sucks sometimes, but your space children always love and support you :)
@katsukipanya: You are one of my favourite blogs that I’ve had the pleasure of discovering! I can’t get over how CUTE of an idea you bakery AU is! It’s so original and I can’t wait until you get super popular because that WILL happen! I can feel it! I eagerly await each new post from you!
@alexadooodle: Your doodles are so freaking amazing and your content is so creative! I’m sorry idiots have to gall to steal your art. I would actually slap them across the face if I could, I stg. I love our talks and wish nothing but the best for you in life. Keep on fighting, I believe in you :)
@iruutciv: Your Victuuri kissing gifs and art are quite possibly one of the most beautiful things to ever bless this fandom! I love fangirling about yoi with you! Also thanks for introducing me to the beauty that is victuuri smut!
@makeroomfornyoom: Thank you for making my icon! I love it! I also love our chats on discord! I still need to get in Final Fantasy so we can fangirl/fanboy about it together!
@joey-wingster: Thanks for sending me asks, and also for posting that fanfic and gifting it to me! And also saying my writing style is cute! Just so much love for you! Thanks so much!
@feverflushed: My first and best tumblr friend, and also now my pen-pal! Thanks for being the first person to talk to me in this community. You really encouraged me to open up and talk to more people. My blog and life here on tumblr honestly wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for you. So thank you. I love our convos! Also thanks for always being my first set of eyes for all of my fics!
@whoareurl: Your writing is amazing! You are quite possibly my fave yoi sickfic writer. All of your descriptions are so vivid and perfect! So immersive, like you can really feel what the characters are feeling. I love seeing you on my dash!
@kittensnz / @kotyonoksnz: Your art is freaking amazing! We are blessed as a yoi fandom and especially as a sickblr fandom to have your talent among us. Also you’re just such a great person to talk to! I love seeing your art on my dash. I can’t even put it into words how skilled you are. Like it was either your sick Victor or your Yuuritto comics that originally led me to the sickblr community in the first place. So thank you so much for that. This community is honestly the best thing to have happened to me, and I have you to thank for helping me discover it.
@my-so-called-trash-blog: I love your yoi fics! I used to re-read them constantly while I was still a lurker lol. (I still do re-read them a lot now too!) Just amazing stuff!
@nnatto: Another blog I used to lurk on! I may not be into sneeze, but your yoi fics are still amazing! I am still not over You Know I Can’t Let That Happen. Thanks for always doing a great job on the drabble prompts I and everyone else send in, thanks for helping me out with that one sick Victor fic I wrote for sickdays 3.0, and thanks for many fun chats on discord! Also your tags when you reblog my fics always make me super duper happy! I look forward to running our contagion event together!
@graceless-fever: Oh man your prompt for fevered Yuuri crying when Yurio snaps at him in his usual Yurio way; I’m still so in love with that prompt. The fic that came from that scenario is by far my most popular fic so I have you to thank for helping bring the idea into existence. All of your prompts, and your fics, are all so good!
@dont-look-so-good: We don’t talk too much but I see you a lot on my dash. You’re a cool person! I’m sorry you had to deal with that drama and I hope it’s resolved now!
@illnessandinjury: Your blog is great, you’re such a sweet person and also hella cute! My poor bi heart can hardly handle it!
@ya-nurse: Another blog I don’t talk to much, but you draw SUCH CUTE DOODLES OMG! Also thanks for always congratulating me on my milestones!
@like-me-a-little-whump: Ayee you post such great whump stuff! Keep it up!
@hothedgie: Thanks for talking to me that one time forever ago when I couldn’t sleep. It meant (still does mean) the world to me. That aside, your prompts always wind up creating some of my fave fics so thanks for that!
@taylor-tut: Omg there’s so much to say. I’m not super into Voltron tbh but the influence you have on the Voltron whump community is astounding. You take such good care of your space-sewer-beef-lump-yeet children. You write such great fics and I love how you’re always willing to take birthday fics and always reblog people’s fics to boost them. Also I love the stories you share from work. You’re just an adorable and hella cute ball of sunshine and I’m so glad to be your friend!
@feverhalo: My lovely plant friend! One of my first tumblr friends! We bonded over plants and we screamed about yoi after I brought you over to the Gay Side. I’m still unspeakably flattered that me writing a fic managed to convince you to start watching!! It’s such an unbelievable honour and just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that my writing has that kind of influence. I’m so glad we’re friends!
@sitruksista: I love your yoi fics and I love our chats on the yoi whump discord! You’re awesome!
@docjamie: Thanks so much for all of the art you always draw! Especially my requests! Also thanks for talking to me that one time I couldn’t sleep. It means a lot. I enjoy our talks a lot! I’m looking forward to doing that collab-thing (whenever we get around to it lol)!
@fluffyllamas22: Yet another amazing friend who helped keep me sane when I couldn’t sleep. And from there we easily became such good friends! You’re such a ball of happiness and just so easy to talk to. Your writing is great and it keeps getting better, whether it’s yoi or voltron, or your oc’s! You just always seem so positive and I constantly see you in the inboxes of people on my dash (and also in my inbox too)! You’re just an absolute joy to consider a friend! Also I love our chats on discord!
@just-another-sickfic-blog: Another one of my first tumblr friends! Such a joy to talk to! Thanks for always beta-ing my stuff, and also for letting my beta some of your fics too! I know we have fallen a bit out of touch lately but I still consider you one of my closest friends on here and I hope you are doing well!
@the-whump-sidelines: Oh man we clicked instantly! Our talk, well talks, just discussing fevers. Absolutely perfect! You post some freaking amazing prompts and I’m so glad to hear you like my fics even if you haven’t seen yoi. If you ever wanna fanfgirl about fevers, my inbox is always open!
@sneezehq: Bunny you are so amazing! I love your posts about your horses and also just your life in general! I love your fics and I love how you are always in my notifs and always say the nicest things about the stuff you reblog! Keep being awesome!
@fevers-and-flus and flus: You have good prompts/fics and i see you in my notifs a lot, so thanks for that!
@bigbadsnez: Okay I don’t have a sneeze kink but your yoi fics are AMAZING! Like holy moly wow I’m in love!
@whumpapedia: Holy crap bless this blog and this incredible resource! For those of you who don’t know, this blog contains a database of all tv shows, video games, anime, music videos, etc that contain whump! It is far from complete, so if you lovely people have unlisted content, please let the mods know so they can add it!
@blessyoy-2u: Your art is amazing and thank you for the prompt that led to Gold is Cold! It’s one of my personal fave fics that I’ve written! Keep being awesome! Also I see you a lot in my notifs so thanks for that!
@snifflesnuff: YOU are amazing! A truly wonderful human being! I see you in my notifs ALL of the time! And you always scream in the tags when you reblog my stuff and it warms my heart in a way that I could not even begin to put into words, so thank you!!
@tsunderekushami: I love our chats and I love your oc’s! We need to talk more! I promise you won’t be bothering me if you message me! I’m just a mix of busy and forgetful lol.
@emeraldthread: I love talking to you! Your fics are great! And you always seem like such a ball of sunshine and positivity! Thanks for always liking and reblogging my stuff!
@siktornikiforov: Your yoi fics are great and I love your prompts and posts!
@sweetwhump: Okay I know you haven’t really set up your whump blog yet BUT SWEETV YOUR PROMPTS IN THE YOI WHUMP DISCORD END ME EACH AND EVERY TIME! AND I AM STILL NOT OVER YOUR FIC YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS! I look forward to interacting with your blog lots more!
@ambulancemcclain: You are freaking amazing! And I love it when you scream in the tags in response to my stuff. You are probably my most loud screamer lol. Thank you for that!
@wiseinnerwhispers: For the freaking amazing ficlet you submitted *fans self and tries not to faint from remembering* Also this amazing trend of positivity you’re spreading!
@toosicktoocare: We don’t talk but I really enjoy your stuff! Your fics in particular are great! Keep being awesome!
The following are people I don’t talk to much, but I see you lot in my inbox and/or notifs and it makes me super happy!
@nightswithoutcontrol, @totallyexhausted, @pie-for-everyone, @qbswhumpsideblog, @sniffleprincess, @seventeen-pennies, @babydollbucky, @katyaton, @thesassygrandmaster, @following-follower, @nightwalker6200, @kaycee003, @damenemo, @beloved-whumpage, @whump-dump, @tippysf
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soft-imagines · 7 years
Unexplainable Love {Park Jihoon}
Park Jihoon Feat. Wanna One [Ending 1]
Synopsis: Ice cream date with Jihoon, texting with obnoxious people you call friends, and a short adventure in the park🍦
You were on he phone with your best friend, Eunmi, who is Seongwoo’s cousin.
“Can you come over so that we can watch PD101 on crack?” she asks while you slip your feet into your Converse.
You laugh. “You always want to do the weirdest things,” you tell her. “But I can’t, I’m going on a date with Jihoon. Maybe after, if you’re awake when I come by your place.”
“Okay, I’ll be awake for sure. By the way, do you have Woojin’s number?”
“Uh yeah, but your cousin is Ong Seongwoo. Ask him. I have to go so I’m not late, bye!”
“Alright, fine. Bye Y/N! Have fun! Tell Jihoon I say hi!”
“I will! And by the way, don’t watch that Unhelpful Guide to Wanna-One video yet because I haven’t watched it.”
“Uhm, too late.”
Eunmi hangs up so you roll your eyes and happily put your phone in your pocket while thinking about Jihoon. You call out to your parents that you’re going to be out and will be back in a few hours. After you close the door behind you, you make your way to the ice cream shop, nearly skipping in joy because you haven’t seen Jihoon for the longest time.
Winkdeep Pt.1: almost here?
yes winkboy i’ll be there soon
Winkdeep Pt.1: hurry, i miss you~! T^T
what a baby, no offense
Winkdeep Pt.1: offense taken
oi, i’ll be there soon
Winkdeep Pt.1: ‘oi’?
omg pls jihoon let me live
Winkdeep Pt.1: ily y/n
ily2 you baby
Winkdeep Pt.1: :)))))
I cross the street and spot the ice cream shop another block down. The sun glares down at me as I hurry to the shop. I pull open the door, being met with cool air. Jihoon waves from a table for four right by the entrance. He grins while I walk over, getting out of his seat. He embraces me and kisses my head, sitting back in his seat. I sit beside him.
“So, what’s the plan after we have some ice cream?” I ask while getting my money out.
“We’ll just walk. Let the road take us somewhere,” Jihoon replies with a smile while getting up. “I’ll pay.”
“Y/N, I got it.”
I sigh and nod while he plants a kiss on my cheek and asks me what I want.
“The usual.” He nods and leaves to order. I take out my phone and snap a selca with Jihoon in the back looking at the menu. I post it on Instagram, captioning it: Ice cream with the boy of my dreams 💞
By the time Jihoon comes back, my photo has 30 likes. Mostly from the other PD101 boys. Jihoon sits across from me, handing me my two scoops of marshmallow ice cream with chocolate syrup and crushed graham crackers.
“Thank you, JIhoon,” I say while smiling at him.
“No problem, babe,” he gently replies, scooping some of his mocha ice cream into his spoon and holding it out for me.
I lean forward and take the bite, tasting coffee, which brings me back to our date a few months ago at the cafe. I feed Jihoon some of mine, and he smiles while holding out another spoonful of his ice cream towards me. I shake my head, but Jihoon insists. I open my mouth but instead of getting another bite, I have ice cream smeared on my nose and cheekbone.
“Park Jihoon, I swear.”
He laughs and takes out his phone.
“Don’t you even-”
But it’s too late. He’s taken about 10 pictures already, so I smear ice cream on his cheek and his jawbone, laughing. While he pouts, I get out of my seat and take photos with him. A few of us laughing, a couple of him kissing my temple, and some of me kissing his cheek. we wipe the ice cream off of our faces and continue munching on our frozen treats, making conversation about how I’m doing at school, how he’s doing on the show. Once we’re finished, we step out of the shop hand-in-hand, laughing at the pictures we had taken.
“Send those to me,” Jihoon says, taking a peek at my phone, then looking ahead.
“I will.”
I send the pictures one by one. I immediately get a text back.
“Oh no.”
“What?” Jihoon worriedly looks at me, stopping us for a moment while I stare at my phone.
“I accidentally sent the pictures to your boyfriend.”
“No- I swear Jihoon, I’m talking about Jinyoung.”
Jihoon looks at my phone. “I told you not to keep our names as Winkdeep Pt. 1 & 2.” He takes out his phone as both of our notifications ring out.
Winkdeep Pt.2: *sent photos*
center: lmao y’all cute
swaggy byeongari: ewww bai
memesung: omg pls tell me theres more
katdaniel: cute. you two have fun
guys pls i sent those to baejin by accident
Winkdeep Pt.1: I’ll send more if you guys stop
ponyo’s psychotic husband: lmao okay then can’t wait
haha sungwoon: guys let the children live omfg
seonho’s dad: seriously. jihoon, y/n? have fun okay?
we will thanks minhyun and sungwoon
katdaniel: oh wow thanks for the thanks
Winkdeep Pt.1: Okay thank you daniel
snaggletooth: I stg can y’all stfu imma turn the notifications off
Winkdeep Pt.2: lmao
see you guys never -.-
swaggy byeongari: *sends a video of him rapping his part in ‘never’*
i give up *y/n has left the building because she’s friends with a bunch of fucking idiots*
Winkdeep Pt.1: nice one guys *jihoon has left the chat*
hahasungwoon: i told you guys to leave the poor children alone
seonho’s dad: you guys have no chill -.-
Tumblr media
ong-baegopa: oh are we sending memes now?
Tumblr media
katdaniel: oh my jesus fuck ong pls
I look at Jihoon, and I can’t help but laugh.
“I can’t believe I’m friends with you guys,” I giggle while slipping my phone into my pocket while more notifications ring. A meme battle is probably occurring. I hold onto Jihoon’s arm as we start walking again.
“It’s what you get when you meet 40 different guys, Y/N, and that was only Wanna-One,” Jihoon laughs, kissing my head.
“No matter how annoying these boys are, I still love them.”
“Of course. You’re too nice to stay mad at them, Y/N. Now, left or right?”
We turn to a near dead end, an old park sitting t the end of the road.
“Is that where our next journey is?” I ask.
“I guess so.”
Jihoon smiles as I hurry ahead and step onto the woodchips and step up onto the platform to the monkey bars. He follows, watching me. I swing on the monkey bars to the other side, watching him swing from bar to bar, but suddenly stop and climb up onto the bars so that he can sit. I take a few pictures, saving them to show him that he’s a model, and climb up, sitting beside him. The sun slowly falls as Jihoon takes my hand and lays back, being held by the close-spaced bars. I slowly follow, letting my hair hang above the ground and get blown by the soft breeze.
I look over at my boyfriend, who smiles and leans toward me, pressing his lips on mine. As we pull away and stare at each other, footsteps sound on the woodchips.
“Miss? Mister? Can I play on the monkey bars?” A boy asks, looking up at us.
Jihoon and I look at each other, then I nod and we both climb off. Jihoon leads me to the slide and slides down first. When he gets to the bottom, he opens his arms out for me, so I slide down into his arms. He kisses me again, and when we break, he lingers. After a moment of silence, he pecks my forehead and helps me onto my feet, leading us over to the swings. I sit and he comes up behind me.
“Ready?” I nod.
He pulls the swing back and lets go, pushing me a few times before sitting in the empty swing beside me. By the time I slow down from becoming tired, Jihoon is still sitting there, watching me.
“You okay?” I question him.
“Mhm,” he softly replies while nodding hid head once. “Just wondering why you actually wanted to date me when there were other options.”
I roll my eyes and shake my head. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Seriously, how does a girl like you, smart, sweet, and lovable, end up with a guy like me, who’s dorky, known for one wink, and cheesy?”
I sigh and take my boyfriend’s hands, making sure he’s looking me in the eye. “Park Jihoon, stop bringing yourself down like you’re not good enough for me, okay? We’re great for each other, no matter what our differences. I will always love you. And your wink isn’t the only thing that makes me love you. I love you for being you. All that matters is that we love each other.”
Jihoon stares at me, and I lean over and kiss him. When I pull away, he’s smiling shyly, avoiding my eyes.
“Let’s walk again,” I suggest while getting up. I take Jihoon’s hand and we walk towards the sidewalk. By the time a few minutes have passed, Jihoon still hasn’t said a word.
“Babe?” I say softly.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been quiet since I… Well, since I ranted.”
He stays silent for a moment and he looks at me a bit hesitantly.
“It’s just… I really love you, Y/N. I don’t even have words to explain how much I really love you and how much you mean to me. You always know how to make me feel better and make my heart feel warm and loved.”
I stop in the middle of the sidewalk and pull him in for a tight hug, burying my face into his shoulder. His arms make their way around my waist, and I hear myself giggling.
“I feel the same way, Jihoon. We love each other so much… And there’s just no way to explain it. It really is unexplainable, what I feel for you.”
I pull away to see his reaction. All Jihoon does is pull me close to him, and kiss me. Unlike the kisses before, this one is sweet, and it leaves butterflies fluttering in my stomach, my heart aching from falling in love with my boyfriend even more. He lets his arms rest on my hips as he stares into my eyes. I let my hand run through his hair as he pecks my nose.
“Where to?” He softly asks.
“Mm, let’s just walk around until I have to go home,” I reply, smiling.
With a peck of my lips and a nod, Jihoon takes my hand, leading us to another adventure.
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konowhore · 7 years
Park Jihoon [Fluff]
@parkji-hoons said:Can i request a park jihoon fluff bc i need more thank you!!~~
No problem :) By the way, sorry for the HORRIBLE ending omg I feel so bad but I don’t know how else to end it.
Y/N // Y/AGE
🍨 Ice cream date with Jihoon, texting with obnoxious people, and a short adventure in the park🍦
You were on he phone with your best friend, Eunmi, who is Seongwoo’s cousin.
“Can you come over so that we can watch PD101 on crack?” she asks while you slip your feet into your Converse.
You laugh. “You always want to do the weirdest things,” you tell her. “But I can’t, I’m going on a date with Jihoon. Maybe after, if you’re awake when I come by your place.”
“Okay, I’ll be awake for sure. By the way, do you have Woojin’s number?”
“Uh yeah, but your cousin is Ong Seongwoo. Ask him. I have to go so I’m not late, bye!”
“Alright, fine. Bye Y/N! Have fun! Tell Jihoon I say hi!”
“I will! And by the way, don’t watch that Unhelpful Guide to Wanna-One video yet because I haven’t watched it.”
“Uhm, too late.”
Eunmi hangs up so you roll your eyes and happily put your phone in your pocket while thinking about Jihoon. You call out to your parents that you’re going to be out and will be back in a few hours. After you close the door behind you, you make your way to the ice cream shop, nearly skipping in joy because you haven’t seen Jihoon for the longest time.
Winkdeep Pt.1: almost here?
yes winkboy i’ll be there soon
Winkdeep Pt.1: hurry, i miss you~! T^T
what a baby, no offense
Winkdeep Pt.1: offense taken
oi, i’ll be there soon
Winkdeep Pt.1: ‘oi’?
omg pls jihoon let me live
Winkdeep Pt.1: ily y/n
ily2 you baby 
Winkdeep Pt.1: :)))))
I cross the street and spot the ice cream shop another block down. The sun glares down at me as I hurry to the shop. I pull open the door, being met with cool air. Jihoon waves from a table for four right by the entrance. He grins while I walk over, getting out of his seat. He embraces me and kisses my head, sitting back in his seat. I sit beside him.
“So, what’s the plan after we have some ice cream?” I ask while getting my money out.
“We’ll just walk. Let the road take us somewhere,” Jihoon replies with a smile while getting up. “I’ll pay.”
“Y/N, I got it.”
I sigh and nod while he plants a kiss on my cheek and asks me what I want. 
“The usual.” He nods and leaves to order. I take out my phone and snap a selca with Jihoon in the back looking at the menu. I post it on Instagram, captioning it: Ice cream with the boy of my dreams 💞 
By the time Jihoon comes back, my photo has 30 likes. Mostly from the other PD101 boys. Jihoon sits across from me, handing me my two scoops of marshmallow ice cream with chocolate syrup and crushed graham crackers. 
“Thank you, JIhoon,” I say while smiling at him.
“No problem, babe,” he gently replies, scooping some of his mocha ice cream into his spoon and holding it out for me.
I lean forward and take the bite, tasting coffee, which brings me back to our date a few months ago at the cafe. I feed Jihoon some of mine, and he smiles while holding out another spoonful of his ice cream towards me. I shake my head, but Jihoon insists. I open my mouth but instead of getting another bite, I have ice cream smeared on my nose and cheekbone.
“Park Jihoon, I swear.”
He laughs and takes out his phone.
“Don’t you even-”
But it’s too late. He’s taken about 10 pictures already, so I smear ice cream on his cheek and his jawbone, laughing. While he pouts, I get out of my seat and take photos with him. A few of us laughing, a couple of him kissing my temple, and some of me kissing his cheek. we wipe the ice cream off of our faces and continue munching on our frozen treats, making conversation about how I’m doing at school, how he’s doing on the show. Once we’re finished, we step out of the shop hand-in-hand, laughing at the pictures we had taken. 
“Send those to me,” Jihoon says, taking a peek at my phone, then looking ahead.
“I will.”
I send the pictures one by one. I immediately get a text back. 
“Oh no.”
“What?” Jihoon worriedly looks at me, stopping us for a moment while I stare at my phone. 
“I accidentally sent the pictures to your boyfriend.”
“No- I swear Jihoon, I’m talking about Jinyoung.”
Jihoon looks at my phone. “I told you not to keep our names as Winkdeep Pt. 1 & 2.” He takes out his phone as both of our notifications ring out.
Winkdeep Pt.2: *sent photos*
center: lmao y’all cute
swaggy byeongari: ewww bai
memesung: omg pls tell me theres more
katdaniel: cute. you two have fun
guys pls i sent those to baejin by accident
Winkdeep Pt.1: I’ll send more if you guys stop
ponyo’s psychotic husband: lmao okay then can’t wait
haha sungwoon: guys let the children live omfg
seonho’s dad: seriously. jihoon, y/n? have fun okay?
we will thanks minhyun and sungwoon
katdaniel: oh wow thanks for the thanks
Winkdeep Pt.1: Okay thank you daniel
snaggletooth: I stg can y’all stfu imma turn the notifications off
Winkdeep Pt.2: lmao 
see you guys never -.-
swaggy byeongari: *sends a video of him rapping his part in ‘never’*
i give up *y/n has left the building because she’s friends with a bunch of fucking idiots*
Winkdeep Pt.1: nice one guys *jihoon has left the chat*
hahasungwoon: i told you guys to leave the poor children alone
seonho’s dad: you guys have no chill -.-
Tumblr media
ong-baegopa: oh are we sending memes now?
Tumblr media
katdaniel: oh my jesus fuck ong pls
I look at Jihoon, and I can’t help but laugh. 
“I can’t believe I’m friends with you guys,” I giggle while slipping my phone into my pocket while more notifications ring. A meme battle is probably occurring. I hold onto Jihoon’s arm as we start walking again. 
“It’s what you get when you meet 40 different guys, Y/N, and that was only Wanna-One,” Jihoon laughs, kissing my head.
“No matter how annoying these boys are, I still love them.”
“Of course. You’re too nice to stay mad at them, Y/N. Now, left or right?”
We turn to a near dead end, an old park sitting t the end of the road.
“Is that where our next journey is?” I ask.
“I guess so.”
Jihoon smiles as I hurry ahead and step onto the woodchips and step up onto the platform to the monkey bars. He follows, watching me. I swing on the monkey bars to the other side, watching him swing from bar to bar, but suddenly stop and climb up onto the bars so that he can sit. I take a few pictures, saving them to show him that he’s a model, and climb up, sitting beside him. The sun slowly falls as Jihoon takes my hand and lays back, being held by the close-spaced bars. I slowly follow, letting my hair hang above the ground and get blown by the soft breeze.
I look over at my boyfriend, who smiles and leans toward me, pressing his lips on mine. As we pull away and stare at each other, footsteps sound on the woodchips.
“Miss? Mister? Can I play on the monkey bars?” A boy asks, looking up at us. 
Jihoon and I look at each other, then I nod and we both climb off. Jihoon leads me to the slide and slides down first. When he gets to the bottom, he opens his arms out for me, so I slide down into his arms. He kisses me again, and when we break, he lingers. After a moment of silence, he pecks my forehead and helps me onto my feet, leading us over to the swings. I sit and he comes up behind me.
“Ready?” I nod.
He pulls the swing back and lets go, pushing me a few times before sitting in the empty swing beside me. By the time I slow down from becoming tired, Jihoon is still sitting there, watching me.
“You okay?” I question him.
“Mhm,” he softly replies while nodding hid head once. “Just wondering why you actually wanted to date me when there were other options.”
I roll my eyes and shake my head. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Seriously, how does a girl like you, smart, sweet, and lovable, end up with a guy like me, who’s dorky, known for one wink, and cheesy?”
I sigh and take my boyfriend’s hands, making sure he’s looking me in the eye. “Park Jihoon, stop bringing yourself down like you’re not good enough for me, okay? We’re great for each other, no matter what our differences. I will always love you. And your wink isn’t the only thing that makes me love you. I love you for being you. All that matters is that we love each other.”
Jihoon stares at me, and I lean over and kiss him. When I pull away, he’s smiling shyly, avoiding my eyes.
“Let’s walk again,” I suggest while getting up. I take Jihoon’s hand and we walk towards the sidewalk. By the time a few minutes have passed, Jihoon still hasn’t said a word.
“Babe?” I say softly.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been quiet since I... Well, since I ranted.”
He stays silent for a moment and he looks at me a bit hesitantly.
“It’s just... I really love you, Y/N. I don’t even have words to explain how much I really love you and how much you mean to me. You always know how to make me feel better and make my heart feel warm and loved.”
I stop in the middle of the sidewalk and pull him in for a tight hug, burying my face into his shoulder. His arms make their way around my waist, and I hear myself giggling.
“I feel the same way, Jihoon. We love each other so much... And there’s just no way to explain it. It really is unexplainable, what I feel for you.”
I pull away to see his reaction. All Jihoon does is pull me close to him, and kiss me. Unlike the kisses before, this one is sweet, and it leaves butterflies fluttering in my stomach, my heart aching from falling in love with my boyfriend even more. He lets his arms rest on my hips as he stares into my eyes. I let my hand run through his hair as he pecks my nose.
“Where to?” He softly asks. 
“Mm, let’s just walk around until I have to go home,” I reply, smiling.
With a peck of my lips and a nod, Jihoon takes my hand, leading us to another adventure.
I’M SO SORRY FOR THAT LAME ENDING :{ There is a (long) alternate ending that I will post soon! ^ ^
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