#this rounds post is designed a little messy
iingezo · 3 months
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Readying for more! If interested, go ahead here with the form linked below! GWYQ5ueLcEKDfkAa6
Commissions may take up to 3-6 weeks for completion (depending on complexity / my schedule) with payment in full via PayPal invoice once the flat color has been laid down. The form will close March 1st 5:00PM (PST) with folks selected messaged over Tumblr. Messages sent!
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desertdollranch · 2 months
Kirsten's bedroom renovation
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It's a sunny spring day in Minnesota Territory, and Kirsten is stuck indoors, helping with the spring cleaning. Her first task is to sweep the upstairs bedrooms--she shares one with her three siblings, and so it gets messy very quickly. But Kirsten doesn't complain--she remembers her previous home, a one-room log cabin on her aunt and uncle's farm. That was easier to clean, but it was hard sharing such a small place with six people. After a fire burned that cabin down, the Larsons bought a much larger house, the beautiful home they dreamed they'd have when they left Sweden two years ago.
As for my part in this, I created a bedroom for my Kirsten doll a few years ago, but I recently renovated it to make it look more like the illustrations in Kirsten's sixth book, Changes for Kirsten.
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The walls in this illustration look like they've been finished with plaster, which was common in houses at the time. The light color would have come from local sources of limestone.
So most of the changes I made were to the walls and windows. I used printed photographs for the windows, and added the twelve-pane window frames over the images before printing. For the walls, I took down the boring white wood paneling. I imitated that plastered look using tissue paper stuck to the first layer of pale yellow paint, and then I painted another layer over the tissue paper.
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The furnishings are basically the same, except for the trunk on the right side of this photo. She used to store her clothes in the top half of Felicity's clothes press, which I mentioned in my recent post about moving the clothes press into the parlor for Caroline to use. After I did that, I knew Kirsten would need a place to store her clothes, and what better piece than a smaller version of her trunk?
Most of the things in the above picture are not from Kirsten's collection. The bed was made by my grandpa when I was eight and first got my Kirsten doll. My mom made the quilt on the bed and the one on the rocking chair, the pillow and mattress on the bed, and the two darker gray cats. The foot stove next to the bed is Pleasant Company, and so are the shoes (including snow shoes) lined up next to the trunk. The rocking chair came from an antique store. I made everything else: both rugs, the cradle, the nightstand, the candle and book and stuffed cat on the nightstand, the cross stitch hanging on the wall, the shelves and everything on them, the painted round boxes at the foot of the bed, baby Britta's dress, and Kirsten's quilt square in the embroidery hoop.
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This is a little wooden trunk I found at a craft store. I painted it blue and then painted on the decorative designs using stencils.
That's Kirsten's straw hat hanging on the wall, from her collection. My mom made the two sunbonnets.
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I gave it a weathered look by lightly brushing on white and red paint.
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The trunk can hold all of Kirsten's clothes. It has room for a few more dresses too. I have almost all of Kirsten's clothes; I'm only missing her baking outfit, skating coat, and promise dress.
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I also made the gingham curtains for the windows. There's a lot of blue and white going on in here, so I wanted them to match the color themes.
Next to Britta's cradle are the round boxes I made to hold Kirsten's socks and ribbons, which are all Pleasant Company things. Her lunch box and bucket are from craft stores.
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I remade her honey crate and the jars of honey. They now contain clear glue dyed with food coloring. I made her little gnomes too.
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The rocking chair was an antique store find. It's perfect for her to sit with her baby sister Britta.
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I also painted a little flourish on the end of her bed.
This definitely isn't all of Kirsten's collection--I have a few pieces hidden away underneath her room that won't fit here. That includes her actual big trunk that my grandpa made, her Saint Lucia wreath and tray that I made, her dishes set from her official collection, and some other small things that she doesn't need in her room.
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noideabutsims · 1 year
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Has 100 swatches
Mesh re-color, Plutosims mesh!
If you cannot see all the swatches, place it down and then change the color swatch!
All of our CC can be found by typing " Donut " into the search bar! (recolor of Pluto Sims art attack posters)
Link back to Pluto Sims original object ORIGINAL CREATION
Meant to be used with Pluto Sims posters but this does include the mesh with it. (Thanks to the creator being very generous so please check them out!) This is just a recolor and all credit goes back to Pluto Sims from whence the original idea came from. Name: Donut Co. Messy Littles Wall Art - Back for round two Buymode Description: Did you think 100 swatches was all we could do? Well, here it is! A whole load of posters, to go with the first! some of the kids grew up in the meantime? Fear not! These posters also grew up a little! Featuring drawing like Nessie, Mothman, and even gnomes! How about more monsters? Of course! We even remembered pets this time! And for all those handprint holidays, you know we had to do em! Hand turkeys, Hand menorah, even hand christmas trees! There are so many new designs your kids must have made! Of course, we cant forget to tell you that you have to place it down, before you change the color: to see all the wonderful swatches of course! Will be releasing more content soon! stay tuned! ❤️
(NOT affiliated with EA or Maxis in any way! We just make CC! )
Download: Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/messy-littles-wall-art-two Googledrive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18dMw3fyPEcctM0zelY4tXAQfh-yoBV8N/view Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83877605
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bingeeaterblog · 4 days
// small warning big re touken hate it's a post on why I hate it and how I think it could've been done better BUT I encourage you to keep reading if you do like them and to give me your thoughts whether to tell me why you like them or why you think im wrong in some regards i love a good debate its why i joined Tumblr
I'm gonna start this off by talking about why I loved the original mangas touken.
They start off as strangers, them only having a REAL meeting when she saves his ass from nishio. Initially she was cold and rude, for every reason he was very disrespectful(also for good reason he was scared and all he knew about ghouls is that they are monsters who hurt people, one literally just had him in a choke hold) but I digress. Kaneki starts working at anteiku and he's shadowing touka much to her dismay she feels he can't do anything right and is just a know it all human.
Right off the bat they have a very interesting dynamic, touka learning to care for kaneki him starting to see her(and ghouls as a whole) as a person and not something he should be afraid of.
As time goes on, touka falls for him, it's what makes everything so hard when he abandons her. She feels betrayed he left just like ayato and her dad did no one ever stays for her? How could they? She makes herself so hard to love shutting everyone out. She blames herself partly, not being able to protect him from whatever happened at the aoigiri base.
When she does see him again she's angry! How dare he come back after all this! Why can't he just make up his mind! So she lashes out, she misses him so dearly but she can't tell him that? Let him know she cares? She hits him and tells him to never come back to anteiku (to her).
You can see why it's so appealing!! The angst!! The drama!!! They have it all! Toukas longing and kanekis isolation are what makes them so GOOD.
To explain why I don't like re touken we have to talk about why I don't like re touka.
Touka before was a very well rounded character, she was brash and a little impulsive, she loves the people around her even if its hard for her to show it in a healthy way. She'll do whatever it takes even if it means risking her own life.
Re touka, doesn't really have that. She's very... Water downed. I like to call it house house wife-ification. She's lost any semblance of her old personality. While I do like the idea of touka calming down and becoming more docile it's not done right, we meet her again and she's just... Like that? There's no character development of her changing it just happens! She's shaved down so she can be the perfect love interest for kaneki, it's even shown in her design! Her eyes are softer and she doesn't hold any of the same energy as old touka(this happens with a lot of female characters ishida just ended up giving them all the same face besides eto).
Kaneki is? Fine? I loved haise as a character and him and touka were sorta cute if u kinda ignore that fact touka isn't touka. Kaneki was fine and re and that's it, he's just okay. His Savior complex is removed and it's just "I wanna save people!!" The whole reason his savior complex is important is BECAUSE it ends up hurting more people he should've been developed to learn how to manage that and be the hero he could be.
Now for their actual relationship.
It's very.... Rushed? There's no tension no build up just "are you a virgin?" Which in my opinion is something touka would never say she'd stumble around it. they made her bold at the wrong times she's an awkward lil freak. And then boom! Sex yeah! And it's? Okay? It's not my favorite I felt like a sex scene between them should've been more desperate!! That's when the marriage bite should've happened! It should've bites and messy kisses and promises to never leave again! There was no passion! There was the "why are you crying" but that didn't really do anything for me!!
I do like the end scene where she was petting his hair that was very soft which is what he needs.
Then toukas pregnant!(Which is something I'll get into good another time) And it kinda feels like they only rush into the marriage because she is... Like I feel like they should've atleast had a dating stage y'know!! Everything just felt so fast with them and nothing like the original:(
The end credits scene feels nothing like touka, she looks dead that's not the character I used to know :( kaneki too only the scene with hide felt real
And yeah! I like ichika! But how cool would it have been if touka got pregnant AFTER re and in the end credit thing she was revealed! Another natural born one eyed ghoul!! Idk...
This is very messy sorry I had to get this out. if you like them? That's fine!! That's super duper cool its just not my favorite. Tell me why you think I'm wrong! Id love to hear your opinions
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wen-kexing-apologist · 11 months
WKA Gay Analysis Assembly
Hello! Welcome to my blog, please note I am unhinged about my silly little gay shows and as evidence I give you an exhaustive list of all the analysis posts (and some non-analysis posts) I have written :)
I will be updating this post as I write more, and the most recent show I am watching/writing about will be listed first. Please know my DMs and my Inbox are always open!
By, For, and About Queers (The By, For, and About Queers posts are not about any particular show, and are instead a little write up of the way I categorize the BL shows that I am watching)
By/For/About- Part 1 (a conversation with @absolutebl)
By/For/About- Part 2 (a conversation with @solitaryandwandering) Also check out the really lovely response from @solitaryandwandering here
Toxic and Messy: TharnType v. Only Friends (aka We Trust Jojo) (a conversation with @absolutebl and @respectthepetty)
The Sign
Feelings Made Visible: Design Choices in The Sign
Fantasy v. Reality in The Sign
Last Twilight
Episode 1 Thoughts (in which I state my fears that were later realized)
Reflections in Last Twilight (Episode 1-2)
Physical Touch in Last Twilight (Episodes 1-3)
Thoughts on Last Twilight, Ep. 5 (aka when I still thought the show was good)
Last Twilight, Ep 12 (in which I rant about the ableism in the narrative and the undermining of the show's themes)
Shadow thoughts
The Left Hand of God
Is Brother Anurak the One Armed Man?
What Happened to Trin? aka Paying Attention to my Favorite Straight Boy
I Feel You Linger in the Air
Let's Talk About Sex: ESSAY #69!!! (breakdown of the sex scene in IFYLITA Episode 8)
Only Friends Academic Essay Series
Only Friends, Boston, and Queer Culture
Only Friends and Respectable Promiscuity
Only Friends, Racism, and the Commodification of Queer Asians Everything else
Ray and Rehab
Boston the Slut
Who is Mew, Anyway?
You're Mine No Matter What: The Commodification of Sand
Explosions (fight night round two, Ep. 6)
Fight Night (scene breakdown of the fight in Episode 5)[Sand Addition by @ranchthoughts]
Poor Boy (a discussion on the beloved Poor Boy t-shirt)
Watch The Warp Effect before Only Friends
Misunderstanding Top? (a conversation with @respectthepetty)
What the Fuck is Boeing Doing Here?
Only Friends Reflection
My Ride
Rain, BL Boys, and Reciprocity
My Ride Finale
Be My Favorite (how did I get here, I wasn't planning on watching this!)
Permanence in BMF (in conversation with @stuffnonsenseandotherthings)
Lack of Touch in BMF (in conversation with @wanderlust-in-my-soul and @dropthedemiurge)
Cupid's Last Wish 1. Trans Allegory in Cupid's Last Wish (in partnership with @so-much-yet-to-learn and @lurkingshan)
La Pluie
The Language of Love In La Pluie Ep. 8
Ep. 8 Stray Thoughts
Hands in Ep. 7
Hands in Ep. 6
Subversion (a conversation with @lurkingshan)
Pee Peerawich Can Fucking Act
Body Language in La Pluie Ep. 12
Step by Step
On the Subject of Pat 2.0- A Defense
On the Subject of Pat- A Timeline (a conversation with @waitmyturtles)
Totally Normal About Episode 7
Lighting in Ep 9 (a conversation with @istanchan)
Going Out- Sharing Space with the Unhoused
Workplace Homophobia and Relationship Development Between Pat and Jeng
Our Skyy 2
OS2 x The Eclipse - Characterization
OS2 x BB x ATOTS- Phupa and Queerness aka Damn You WMT (that's right! Damn you, @waitmyturtles!)
OS2 x BB x ATOTS- Validation! aka Phupa and Queerness- Part 2 (and a shout out to @lurkingshan and @waitmyturtles for writing such brilliant meta I almost...almost didn't have to write one myself)
Pat, Pran, Losing Parental Relationships, and Sex (a conversation with @shortpplfedup)
Our Dining Table
Silence (including conversation with @laowen)
Yutaka and Yukata
Bed Friend
True Colors? (a conversation with @dribs-and-drabbles and @respectthepetty)
Uea and Red
Reflections + Uea and Yellow
Uea and Gray (a conversation with @respectthepetty) Uea and Gray but this time not tacked on to RTP's post
Mommy Dearest 2.0
Uea's Episode 7 Costumes
Bed Friend and Reflections- Part 1
Bed Friend and Reflections- Part 2
Bed Friend and Reflections- Part 3 (this is my favorite of the parts)
Water, Songkran, and KingUea
Moonlight Chicken
Heart Confrontation Scene
Heart and Li Ming Colors and Stripes
Red, Wen, and Blue
Naming the Deaf Character Heart
Heart's Communication
Wen's Badge Parallel
Modern Thai Sign Language to American Sign Language Index
Heart's Vocalization
Mommy Dearest (Jam and Li MIng)
Isn't it Difficult to Be Born Poor?
Moonlight Chicken is for the Queers
Heart's Signs Translated (this one is not mine, but I don't want to lose this post so I am placing it here)
Best Criers in MLC
Worst Parallel
Utsukushii Kare
Self-Deprecation Harms Everyone
Our Flag Means Death
Over-analyzing the Color Red
Silk as Symbolism for Ed's Heart
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undeadswineart · 4 months
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Freshman Year VS Junior Year
(some headcanons/design thoughts under the cut)
Fig - started cutting her own hair once her horns came in, is a lot better now. started dying it the start of sophomore. lots of piercings. the tear in her ear is from the cuff she pulled out to give to Ayda. jacket pimped out. horns are growing and curving in a little.
Gorgug - stands a little more confidently, less hunched in on himself. hair grown out to a kind of a pseudo-mullet. more peach fuzz, bigger tusks. not shown is painted nails that are constantly chipped.
Fabian - from jock to theatre kid (but still kinda jock). grew his hair out and styled it into locs. honestly also paints his nails. looks more mature but still needs to be a kid.
Adaine - hair used to be kept straightened with magic, now she lets it be the frizzy/wavy texture it should be. little blue dip-dye. always collecting new pins and patches to add to her sick ass jacket. generally just allowing herself to experiment with being her own person.
Kristen - post-break up self-inflicted messy hair cut. got buff, still round features and chubby. another kid who was forced to have a specific look now experimenting with how she wants the world to perceive her. that helix piercing was definitely a DIY done by Tracker.
Riz - lil' peach fuzz 'tache that he's insanely proud of. grew a couple of inches - it's not that noticeable to most people, but it's why his ankles are so on show. adds a few badges to his waistcoat. frankly, can't do more than what canon art already did
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azuremist · 2 years
On the subject of Plushie Dreadfuls (warning for anti-autistic ableism)
So, Plushie Dreadful’s most beloved plush; their Gender Dysphoria Rabbit; often makes the rounds on here! It looks like this:
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(ID: an image of a plush toy against a white background. It’s a white rabbit sitting on a gray box. It has blue and pink details, and the trans symbol on its chest. It seems to be designed to appear scratched up and messy. End ID.)
A lot of people really love this design and the posts featuring it get a lot of notes!
Plushie Dreadfuls are a line of plushies based and themed off of a multitude of things. These things include gender and sexuality, emotions, and disorders. These designs are very cute and charming, which is why what I’m about to tell you is frustrating.
Plushie Dreadfuls, as the plushies can be based off of disorders, have a plushie for autism spectrum disorder. It looks like this!
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(ID: a plush rabbit toy, a bag, and a blue pop-it stim toy against a white background. The bag is a tote bag, and it appears to say, ‘respect the full spectrum’, and ‘hope’. The pop-it is rabbit-shaped. The plush rabbit toy has a blue infinity symbol on its belly, and the insides of its ears have a checkered pattern. End ID.)
This is the Hope Rabbit! This rabbit is cute, and I have little to no issues with it in terms of design. The infinity symbol being blue wasn’t the best choice, but hey. I’m willing to go easy on that aspect because all Plushie Dreadful designs are made by people with direct experience, as it says via their website. This design was created by an actually autistic woman!
It’s in the official description of the plush where I find issues. First, they describe it as ‘for Autism Awareness Month’, which is a minor mistake that I can easily let slide. However, the official description of this item also states, quote, “10% of the proceeds go to the A.E. Wood Foundation when you purchase a Hope Rabbit from the Mysterious Shop.”
As much as one small Google search will tell you that A.E. Wood Foundation preforms autistic behavioral therapy. Autistic behavioral therapy is abuse and torture of autistic people, in order to make them act more ‘normal’. This is where the plushie’s use of the infinity symbol becomes infuriating. The infinity symbol is the symbol of autism acceptance. If they did research into it, they would know this. Autism acceptance; what the infinity symbol stands for; and ABA which forces autistic children to conform to allistic standards cannot coexist. They are opposites. After being informed of this, the company appears to have no intentions to stop funding.
“So what can I do?”
Boycott the Plushie Dreadfuls line.
Leave a review on the Hope Rabbit, letting the people who buy it and the sellers know what this organization does and what it supports!!
Email their customer support, [email protected]
Plushie Dreadfuls has a Twitter too. Bring your issues with this up in the comments of this account’s posts!
Do not purchase anything from the American McGee company until this is resolved, especially and including the new Alice game.
Remember, our goal out to be to stop the donations to A.E. Wood! Not for the plush to be discontinued, nor to ‘cancel’ the brand. Let’s all be calm and civil.
That’s all! Again, I bring this all up due to the Gender Dysphoria Rabbit’s popularity. If you choose to shop at Plushie Dreadfuls despite this, please at least do not purchase the Hope Rabbit!
Update #1: We have a response from customer support! From what we can tell, Plushie Dreadfuls’ owner seems to support A.E. Wood and ABA therapy, and seems unwilling to reverse this decision so far. Perhaps if we all voice enough concern, we can change their minds?
Update #2: A perspective from someone who is familiar with the people behind the brand!
Update #3: We’re thinking that the only way to get the person behind the brand to listen is to boycott all properties connected to American McGee. Specifically, the new Alice game. This post has been edited to reflect this.
Update #4: All mentions of Autism Awareness Month seems to have been removed, and the foundation seems to have been removed from the description, and not replaced with anything. Whether or not this means that donations have stopped is unclear. Their Twitter also seemed to delete any Tweets about this plush.
Furthermore, this happened in the comments of the Hope Bunny YouTube video:
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[ID: Screenshot of a comment dated ‘1 month ago’ from the American McGee YouTube video advertising the Hope Rabbit.
User comment: A.E. Wood Foundation utilize ABA therapy. ABA is abuse.
Reply from American McGee account: It founded and run by autistic people. Are you saying they abuse themselves? Or perhaps you don’t know what you’re talking about? End ID.]
That was the only comment they replied to. They have ignored a longer comment which provided more context and history behind ABA.
Update #5: The proceeds are NO LONGER going to the charity in question, and American McGee is attempting to sever all links to them!!
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[ID: A screenshot from American McGee’s official Twitter, dated 9:55pm on February the 12th of 2023.
Tweet: We severed our link to them. And we're asking them to remove our info from their site. This was at the request of our community after they let us know that this particular charity was/is problematic.]
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tenkasato · 7 months
Choose Me Again
Hello! Here's the Akashi-centric oneshot I promised for the longest time. It's been sitting in my drafts folder for more than 3 years. So I decided to just upload it, for what it's worth. It's quite long, but I thought it'd be better to post it in one post rather than per chapter. Warning: IT'S A MAMMOTH, but I hope you guys would hold on til the end of it. Without further ado, here it goes...
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The first time he met you was when he went over to his favorite tea shop in the suburbs. It was a small place situated at the corner of the street.
The interior was designed with newspaper clips of its successful endeavours. The photos of famous celebrities in black and white pinned onto cork boards were memoirs of the once high-end tea house. The sole source of light was the dimming bulb by the corner, and the rest was shed by the afternoon sun.
You, like he, were a rare sight.
You wore a wrinkled and faded high school uniform. Your tie was a little crooked. Your long tresses were tousled and gathered into a messy bun. Your lips were pursed, eyebrows knitted in concentration. A lotus crest was embroidered on your blazer, one that he couldn't recognize.
Before he could saunter over to his usual seat, he found himself walking towards you. You looked up the moment he came to view, demeanour cautious and intrigued.
Polite smiles were exchanged.
"I haven't seen you around here.”
He lowered his eyes to the vacant seat in front of you with a silent question.
"Can't say the same to you," you replied with a grin as you gestured for him to sit. "I work back there with the dishes so I don't go out and meet the customers."
He raised his eyebrows and nodded with a low hum. That explained why your sleeves were pushed up to the level of your elbows. You shrugged, unbothered, and returned back to what you were busy with before he interrupted. Sketches of faceless women clad in formal dresses were scattered around the round table. Eraser dusts were everywhere.
“Why do you always come to this place? It’s full of old people and it smells like incense.”
While most of his peers went to KTVs, arcades and malls, he preferred quiet places like these. It was no wonder he caught your eyes. A young man fresh from school in his white blazers looked odd and out of place.
“You’ve been watching?”
You shook your head with a chuckle, the motion letting loose some strands from her bun.
“I like observing people.”
The second time you met, he finally asked your name. And he told you his.
“Akashi Seijuro, hmmm.”
His name rolled on your tongue like candy. Not the excessively sweet one, but the type that leaves a gentle aftertaste in the mouth. He liked hearing his name with your voice.
He waited for your eyes to widen, to pause, to shrink back under his stare. A renowned surname like his seemed to have that kind of effect on others. His family was influential in terms of politics and business. It was a double-edged sword. One that struck fear and respect from his classmates.
But you simply nodded. Perhaps you weren't aware.
That was his notion until you spoke again.
"Must be tough to be under pressure all the time." You spun your pencil with your fingers, the twirls and tumbles mesmerizing him for a bit. "No wonder you frequent this shabby stall for some breathers."
"You've come to quite an interesting conclusion.”
"I'm not wrong, am I?"
He wondered if you were good at reading people because you drew expressions well. Melancholy in a smile so wide. Apprehension hidden behind closed eyes. Ranges of emotion in supposedly expressionless animals. Your hands worked craftily with just a pencil.
How would you draw him?
Curious, he asked you.
“I don't know.”
And he left it at that, despite wanting to ask why. It was hard to understand someone like him that even he couldn't fully comprehend what he truly was. He looked at himself in the mirror everyday. He still had the same face, the same lips and cheeks. But with a look closer, his image would rattle, shift and shatter. It made his left eye throb.
“Do you want to go outside? You don't look so good.”
He peeked across the window to where his car was parked. With a little contemplation, he nodded and texted his chauffeur that he was going to walk home.
~ O ~
When he met you one afternoon in front of the tea shop, you were clutching a ball between you arm and hip looking peeved and embarrassed.
“Do you know how to play?”
A shrug. “Just a little.”
You smiled bashfully.
“Teach me.”
You found an outdoor court beside a nearby middle school. He started by instructing how to dribble and what stance to take. He demonstrated how to shoot, before pointing at the three point line and telling you what it was for. When you understood the basics, he told you to get past him and shoot.
“I’d appreciate it if you told me beforehand that we were playing. I should have brought clothes."
“I don't exactly have your number, Akashi-kun.”
You finally called quits when the sky began to tint orange. Panting, you accused him of lying about being an amateur in basketball. He chuckled, removing his sweaty blazer as he watched you fan at your flushed face. Walking back to the benches to retrieve his phone, he told you to give him your number. You complied albeit excitedly.
It was only after two weeks of practicing that he texted you that he was a basketball team captain.
~ O ~
Akashi Seijuro had never had a crush on anyone.
It wasn't that he didn't want to. He had a fair share of admirers from the student body with his inherent good looks, academic standing, school positions held and family background. He met a few who showed outright interest in him, but what he expected to feel, he didn't.
Like he was trained to, he set his eyes on the sole goal of the family. To excel in all fields. Unfortunately, socializing for the sake of romantic escapades was not covered by his lessons at home.
So when you innocently reached out for his hand that one night, pulling him towards the river bank to show him a stone trick, he felt a zap. It pierced through his chest before expanding into flutters breaking out of his skin. He felt nauseous but it left a pleasant sensation in his gut. Addicting and quite unbecoming.
You kept on talking, bragging about your skill, unknowingly gripping his hand tighter. Mind going blank, he felt across the creases on your palm, the callousness of your fingers. Your hand was cold from the chill of the night. It made him want to bring it inside his hoodie pocket to provide some semblance of warmth.
This was another thing he was never trained for by his father. Confessing to a girl he recently found he liked.
He thought, perhaps it isn't the right time to confess.
~ O ~
Akashi Seijuro never had a diary.
His mom had one. It was pink and adorned with handmade flower crafts and ribbons. It was kept inside her closet where his father would never look. She showed it to him one time, saying that a diary was meant to keep all his deepest secrets and even his flitting daydreams. Her smile was wide, eyes with a twinkle of mischief like she and he were sharing a secret no one was meant to get a whiff of. She said she’d help him choose a notebook when he was old enough.
When he had touched her diary for the first time, it felt heavy. Like his heart that had probably been coated with lead that time.
His mom along with her memories had been buried under white roses, but her secrets, dreams, thoughts—it was kept immortalized in her diary. Why had his father chosen white flowers? His mom loved pink. Why couldn't they let her choose something for herself at least for the last time?
That had been the last time he cried.
He never bought himself a diary even as he grew older. But he now understood the glee of being able to share the things he buried under piles and piles of pretence and grandiosity. To be able to say how much he hated mathematics despite being exceptional in it. To be able to eat three cup noodles in one night. To be able to laugh loudly without worrying about etiquette.
If his mom had been alive, he would be able to tell her that he already had a diary in the form of a you.
“The only reason I was allowed to play basketball was because I could learn to lead people better. Basketball is a strategic sport, after all.”
“But do you like playing?”
“Yes. It was my mom who first taught me.”
“Then you should play for the sake of enjoying yourself. Winning is just secondary to it.”
How simple you made it sound. Yet, it was something he's been yearning to hear from anyone.
“Date me.”
You choked on your cola, unfortunately dirtying the sketch you were working on. He had said it on the whim. Impulsive, and certainly an act that starkly contrasted how he was raised to be. However, it felt right that time. With your hand casually brushing with his, your head leaning against his shoulder, it felt extremely right.
When you're sixteen, you're obliged to think that you can take risks and your actions wouldn't garner grave consequences. At least, that was how most teenagers had it. He didn't think he was to be categorized under 'most teenagers', but as the wind blew past you and went on with its never ending journey, he thought I could be a normal kid once in a while.
Your hand closed around his fingers until they whitened on pressure. He flickered his eyes to you, and with a breathless chuckle, you finally answered.
~ O ~
“Sei-kun, I’m sorry. I’m leaving.”
And that was the first time he allowed himself to cry again.
~ O ~
He convinced himself that it was out of his or your control. It was like one of those famous, overused lines in the movies where the love was perfect, but the timing just wasn't.
And maybe, that was the case for you and for him.
Was he mad?
Did it hurt?
Akashi Seijuro didn't think he needed to answer that.
But what could a 16-year-old do when his first love leaves because of unavoidable circumstances? His family was powerful. He had money. He had intelligence. However that wasn't nearly enough to magically change your family's mind of moving.
What you had was beautiful. A blissful time of trying things out for the first time with someone who could have potentially been his partner for life. It was like a favorite chapter in a book. Once a page was flipped over, a scene came to a conclusion. You could only now turn one page back to recall the memories and relive them.
27-year-old Akashi Seijuro understood this now. Or rather, he accepted it.
His father was close to retiring, and naturally, the one next in line was him. He was more than ready to bear the responsibility as the new CEO of Akashi Enterprises next year. All that was left was papers and formalities.
He had changed a lot since the day you left. Friendships broken to rubble and restored to full. Priorities set straight. Perceptions changed. The pain in his left eye had subsided close to none. He felt whole again, like a wholer version of himself before he started dissociating in front of his mother’s tombstone.
Maybe you leaving was a good thing, because if you had been there when he had broken down, you would've been caught in a maelstrom. You would've gotten hurt. The him now wouldn't have forgiven the versions of him then.
He fixed it. Not without help of course, but he did.
Hence, when he stepped into the tea shop—not the old, rickety one back home, he was stunned. Maybe it was his reward for holding out.
Or maybe, it was true. What they said in the movies.
There you were, a pencil in your hand and your hair in a bun.
Looking as alluring and enigmatic as ever.
Perhaps, this time, the timing was perfect.
~ O ~
Akashi Seijuro thought that he should feel the tug of hesitation, keeping him from eagerly approaching your hunched form. It was inherent in human nature to avoid pain at all costs. But like he so emphasized from the very beginning, he was not like most people.
With a grace befitting of an heir, he walked towards your table.
It took you a few seconds before noticing the figure in front of you. When you looked up, your eyes widened. When he quirked up his lips, you visibly relaxed.
"Hey, you."
"You look different."
And indeed you did. The baby fat around your face was gone. Your lips were painted deep red, eyes framed by light beige. You sported a long dress that hugged your figure.
You were his first love, and yet you were not.
"I can say the same about you, Akashi-san."
He pretended that the way he was addressed did not sting him, but even so, he raised his brows before taking a seat.
"How have you been?"
He didn't think that between the millions of interweaving lines of time and space, his hand would be able to touch this particular one and meet with you again. For a long time, you had only existed in his memories and dreams. Right now, you breathed the same air as he did, listened to his words as he tried to piece the lost moments together with yours.
You told him your story.
And then, it his turn to tell his story.
He told you of the downward spiral he fell into after you left, not missing how you flinched in your seat. Victory became his primal objective. Acting like he was bred to, he crushed all his rivals and even went as far as discarding camaraderie in the basketball team and demolishing their opponents’ morales. In a bystander’s view, he was most peerless and unreachable during these times. But to the few people who really cared about him, he had been on his way to self-destruct.
“Someone slapped some senses into you, I’m guessing.”
“If you want a summarized version, then yes. Kuroko and the others. You’ve met them a few times before.”
“I remember. Go on. I want the uncut version of the story.”
The smile that graced his lips was foreign—young, boyish and carefree. One that you recognized and reciprocated with your own, familiar one.
~ O ~
Two people who had once been naive and innocent 16-year-olds, spending long afternoons in a traditional tea house downtown.
The same two people who were now jaded and mature 27-year-olds, spending mellow evenings in a sophisticated tea shop in the city.
Soon, the little tea shop had turned into your tiny bubble where you could be themselves again.
It was a haven. It was a home. It was rest.
“How did you know this place?”
Because you could've met in a different place amongst all others, but you chanced upon each other here. In this fated sanctuary.
You dropped two sugar cubes and stirred at your americano before continuing.
“It's barely in the maps, and as far as I’m aware, they aren't fans of advertisements.”
Your nails were cut short like usual. Unmanicured.
“This place is owned by a relative."
“What? Are you telling me your family owns everything in this city?”
“I don't recall saying that.”
“Not kidding?”
“He’s a cousin, abandoned by my uncle because he was born out of wedlock. When my uncle died, my father looked for him and sent him to school.”
“Then he opened a tea shop?”
“Basically, yes. You’ve never seen him around?”
You hummed contemplatively.
“Does he look like you?”
“Not even a bit.”
You stopped stirring and gently placed the spoon on the napkin. When you raised your gaze, a teasing and enticing smile on your lips, he swore he saw something flash across them. It could've been a trick of light, because after he blinked, it was gone. His heart bursted.
“Then, I haven't noticed him I guess.”
~ O ~
When did it happen?
He looked into the colors of your eyes.
Akashi Seijuro had always been in awe of how your eyes changed as light struck them in different angles and intensities. Wavelengths shifted out and across, dancing like a kaleidoscope enigmatically.
Tonight, you rested contently at the passenger’s seat, idly watching the streetlights that zoomed past them.
When he stopped the car in front of your place, you tilted youra head to bid him a good night.
It gave him a chance to look closely, to pick apart the poems, riddles and odes written in those eyes. There, he saw the same longing, a glimmer of nostalgia and pain that spoke of the same things his did. You thought about him, too—everyday since the day you said farewells under the Sakura tree.
You have never really moved on from him. What elation it gave him to know that he wasn't the only one left hanging in limbo.
He gave in, bared his heart again for the second time and asked for you to be his.
They say miracles happened all the time. You only had to look carefully. He could attest to that, because as he lost sight of you eyes, lips touching in the most revered and gentlest of ways, hearts reuniting, he could say this was his miracle.
~ O ~
When did it happen?
Time blurred by and swept with it the days of each year. Akashi-kun turned into Seijuro-kun which turned into Sei—just as how seasons shifted to take their turns inevitably.
And for a long time, he had forgotten how it felt to have you by his side.
To have you wait for him to send a message of good morning. To know you were worrying about him when the drizzle turned into a downpour. To know you would love every inch of him, the dips, the rough patches, the jagged edges as if every part of him were perfect.
With his hand secured behind your knees, he walked on the path crusted with dried leaves autumn left in its wake. You had an arm wrapped around his shoulders with your face nuzzled in the crook of his neck.
The afternoon sun casted a magenta glow on your light strands of hair. It made the grin on your lips much softer than it looked.
"I better be rewarded for granting your wish, princess."
"Hush, you. You promised to carry me on a piggyback ride when we were younger."
There had been moments like these. Imageries of him and you that he'd frame and keep eternally etched in his heart if he could. Cheeks swelling with magnanimous smiles. Breaths ragged with laughter.
"What did you think of me the first time we met?"
A low hum and the lone tea shop downtown came to mind.
"I thought, 'This is the girl I'm going to love for the rest of my life.'"
"Cheesy. Want to know what I thought?"
"'This is the man I'm going to marry someday.'"
The reward kiss you gave him after that left the sweetest aftertaste in his lips.
~ O ~
When did it happen?
There had been moments like these, too.
"You're too perfect, Sei.”
“I’m not. Calm down, love. I understand—”
“You do? Look at me and tell me that you really do, Mr. High and Perfect and ‘I-own-everything-even-the-air-you-breathe.’”
Imageries of him and you that he'd rather burn into the cold embers with the ashes to be blown by the gale. He hated to see you hurt, whether it was because of him or not.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
Then you’d make up. Nothing dramatic like begging for forgiveness or giving long winded explanations. You knew one of you were at fault, so you accepted it, took each other's hands and nursed your wounds, promising to do better the next time.
At the end of the day it was never for naught, and the kisses you shared in the aftermath were the most affectionate and most desperate of their kind.
~ O ~
When did it happen?
“Sei, take a look at this sketch. Do you think it looks good?”
A wedding gown. It was easily the most gorgeous one he’s ever seen.
“Do you?”
“I think… Yes. I think I like my design.”
“Then it is. There isn't any standard for what is beautiful and what is not. If you ask me, I’d be willing to put it on on our wedding day. Given that you'll have to wear the tuxedo in my stead.”
“My fiancé is one cheeky man, isn't he.”
~ O ~
When did it happen?
He twirled your hand as you spun around on your feet. Your sense of balance slipped away and you fell, figuratively and literally, towards his welcoming arms. There was no music to match the succeeding taps of your feet in the ground, but he preferred it that way. Your voice was enough music to sway him to submission, his head swimming in ecstasy.
“I shouldn't be allowed to be this happy, Sei.”
“Neither should I, love, but here you are.”
~ O ~
Not everyone was fortunate enough to be given a second chance to redo things like they did, and it felt like things had fallen to fit into that perfect puzzle his mind had conjured up in the past, and everything was perfect. At least, that was how he tried convincing himself with. It was perfect. It was supposed to.
But why wasn't it?
Akashi Seijuro didn't know what was missing, what was amiss, what was slowly devouring the special thing they shared. He ignored it, brushed it off as normal for any relationship. Everyone goes through stagnancy like this, right?
Your hands were cold.
He supposed his was, too.
That night when you had promised to meet him by the park so you could stargaze, he started to feel a gaping hole in his chest. When you still hadn't shown up and chauffeur started to send him messages offering to take him home, he knew that hole was rapidly consuming him.
It was raining, the tiny droplets pelting at his skin and soaking him to the bones. He hadn't bothered to open his umbrella and chose to stay on the soil despite the stains marking his pants. Something white moved in his peripheral vision, and the hole grew wider and deeper.
He thought that maybe he should feel something stab through his heart by the way you hesitated to approach him. But the numbness of being battered under the rain for he didn't know how long (—had it been hours? Weeks? Months? Years?), it had overtaken his emotions, caged them, made him feel nothing even though he was likely snapping.
When did it happen?
When he thought you were about to cry, you smiled instead. It was only then when he noticed that the lingering smile he fell in love, over and over and over again, fell colorless, flat, routine.
And it broke his heart even more because it was a smile that said, "I loved you."
~ O ~
If only he knew.
But what could he have done?
~ O ~
And just like that, things started to change drastically. The previously fragile yet somehow stable hands that kept the house of cards from toppling over gone. The dam broke. The balance was thrown off.
Soon, Akashi Seijuro was no longer left to a standstill but was watching everything fall apart with hands tied behind his back. He had never felt so helpless. Not when his pride and name was being smeared over. Not even when he was losing all his friends. The last time he was gobbled up by incapacitating doubt and crippling fear was when his dying mother had cradled his face in her emancipated hands.
Suddenly, he was a young boy again.
But why? he wanted to cry out.
Did he do something wrong? Said something? Wasn't he enough anymore?
If there had been a reason, even the pettiest and most childish reason, he'd be more accepting. Anything. Anything. Really. Anything.
But there wasn't and there was none and when did it happen, no—HOW did it come to this?
He realized that he could no longer muster up the silly thoughts and excuses of ‘maybe the love was right but the timing wasn't’ anymore.
~ O ~
You were changing, distorting, fading. This vessel of you no longer held the soul that once promised him forever.
If he let this go on, he might lose you.
~ O ~
You didn't know what to expect when he called you during work and asked you to meet him at the tea shop. Not the sophisticated one at the heart of the city. But the old one downtown where it all started.
Hands folded. Eyes downcast. Breathing shallow and little at the edge of erratic.
The place had not changed even a bit since the last time you went here as naive teenagers. Except, now there were different sets of customers and you were two different versions of the past. And maybe, if you had the energy and time to look at the far right corner of the establishment, you'd see the new old-fashioned vase sitting on a miniature table.
There were a million things running in his mind—questions he wanted to throw out like why did you waver, why did you give up on us, why can't you fight for us anymore, why aren't you happy anymore, why, why, why. Instead, he settled for:
“Why didn't you tell me?”
Akashi Seijuro had never been one to sugarcoat things. He got straight to the point. Each and every time. You knew that yet you couldn't help the surprise that permeated your gasp.
“You could've said something.”
He pleaded.
"I didn't want to lose you, Sei."
And you did, too.
It was incredibly selfish. So selfish he felt both euphoria and agony squeeze his head to the point of wanting to throw up. His blood screamed at him to keep on holding on for you, for himself. He was trained to be victorious in every single thing, wasn't he? This shouldn't be any different.
But you weren't a game. You weren't his diary. And you weren't his springtime.
You were someone he loved endlessly and mercilessly.
“This isn't going to work anymore.”
“No, no, no, no—wait, let me try again. I can do it! I can try again for—”
“Do you love me?”
“Yes! Sei, I could never not love you!”
“Tell me, princess.”
“Are you still in love with me?”
You froze, and his heart broke. He knew you wanted to say yes. He could tell by the way your hands stiffened in his. But you hesitated, looked at him imploringly and begged him not to make you say it out loud.
“I thought so.”
“Please don't let me go. I can’t be without you.”
You eyes, coated with a sheen of desperation and despair, spoke in volumes that threatened to deafen him. Let you go. Let you stay. Let you live. Smother you. His heart was a battlefield—a clash between his feelings and his desires.
If he could, he’d cry, too. Instead, he opened his mouth. “I want you to be happy…”
Gently, he released your hands before gingerly, tenderly wiping away the tears on your face.
“...even if it means I’ll no longer be in the picture. You have to grow without me, and I without you.”
He pressed his forehead against yours as he listened to the muffled cries and empty heaves.
He wished that time could be kinder to him to slow down. To hear his pleas to pause in this moment where you were still his, because once you walked out that door, you would no longer be his while he was still yours.
“Promise me, that if after years your heart still calls for me… promise me you'll be the one to come and look for me. Choose me again.”
~ O ~
What was it that they said about in the movies? No matter how tasteless some of them were, he couldn't deny the realistic accuracy they spun around in their tales with only slight exaggerations.
They said third time's a charm.
And surely it was.
For the sake of being poetic, he had wanted to say the place where it all began was also where it was going to end. In that cheap vintage teashop downtown where they had lived in their own little bubble.
He was glad that wasn't the case.
As you walked with a grace that made his legs grow weak and his heart to quicken, he couldn't think of when you had been this painfully, breathtakingly beautiful.
In a sea of black, your long white dress stood out like the moon in the blanket of black skies.
You spotted him instantly, eye glazed with indecipherable emotion as you flashed him the most surreal smile he’d seen.
Back then when he broke it up with you, he hadn't known if he did the right thing. One made choices to move forward, but the consequences could only be reviewed in retrospect. Regrets and remorse were common, but just as satisfaction and rejoicing were.
You came closer, glanced softly at him, and he swore that both of them heard the words you had told him once upon a time.
"I shouldn't be allowed to be this happy, Sei."
He looked at you longingly during that small slice of time, and all the memories came rushing back to him. He remembered the smile you would give him. You always had such a beautiful smile. He wished he could've seen more of it.
He regarded you fondly, told you he loved you without any spoken words and shook his head before stepping aside.
“No, you deserve this.”
Your groom's hand grasped yours. Smiles were exchanged. Intimate gaze returned. Vows already said even before you reached the altar.
Amidst all the heart-wrenching, searing loss and pain, you found solace. You found forgiveness, and through it, healing. And now that you belonged to someone else, but he wouldn't count this as a loss.
After all, he was able to preserve that smile. He finally learned to let go albeit willingly and happily, and entrusted you to his cousin whom he knew would love you more than he ever did.
And while Akashi Seijuro wasn't a religious man, he sent a silent prayer to the One who made you.
Take care of her for me.
And that's a wrap, everyone! If you made it this far, MUCH THANKS. I remember writing this piece in my room at midnight 3 years ago. This fic is actually inspired by this Filipino song, "Paubaya". It's quite a lovely song sang by a very talented singer and songwriter.
As you've all noticed, this is heavily Akashi-centric. It was written all in his POV, and I made sure to insert some aspects and key memories of his life into it.
To be clear, reader did not cheat on Akashi with his cousin. Reader-chan fell out of love, and to some extent, Akashi did too. It happens. It's a sad reality.
Lastly, can anyone guess who Akashi's cousin is? *wink wink*
Anyhow, thank you once again everyone. I'm elated to have been able to post something again after years. Thank you! ^^
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whimsical-sonic · 7 months
well, i said that i'd make a post breaking down stings design if he made it to round 2 and so! this is it! this is that post
without further ado, let's talk about how i designed my boy!
warnings for (drawn) close-up images of scorpions:
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let's start off with his head!
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the vast majority of sting's head comes from scorpion anatomy! his eyebrows are based off of a pair of a scorpion's walking legs. scorpions have 4 pairs of walking legs which are attached to the head/thorax. i can't represent all 4 pairs but i could at least represent 1, hence why his eyebrows are Huge and stick off of his head
the pair of darker red tubes that go from behind his eyebrows to the back of his head, those are meant to be pedipalps! pedipalps are actually part of a scorpion's mouth, but for sonic character design purposes i used it to resemble hair. as for the actual pincers, thats what the two things on the back of his head are. if you were to translate it to hair, it'd be like a tight, messy bun
the other part of a scorpion's mouth are the chelicerae! his mouth originally took more inspiration from how a scorpion's mouth is supposed to look, but due to how difficult it was to consistently draw + emote in general, this was changed to be more beak-like (using mimic for reference). his "tusks" are still reminiscent of the tip of the chelicerae, only they turn up to help his mouth look more distinct!
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as for the 2 pairs of dot markings on his head, those are meant to represent eyes! scorpions have at least 6 eyes, 12 at most. the 2 pairs of markings are meant to give the impression that sting has 6 eyes!
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next up is his clothes! since sting specializes in close-combat fighting, he doesn't really wear loose clothes as he doesn't want to risk tripping over himself or getting caught on anything. that's why he wears a simple torn tank top and some pants
his belt is fashioned after the segments on a scorpion's abdomen! thats why there's all those lines on it
his shoes, the golden edge of his shoes with the two little protrusions, those are meant to resemble a scorpion's paws!
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as for sting's tail, the reason why it's so thick is because he is a highly venomous scorpion! it's also why the pincers on his head are so small: scorpions with thick tails and small pincers are Very Venomous while scorpions with thin tails and big pincers are mostly harmless! i went for a more spherical shape with his tail because i thought it looked cool. he originally didn't have a set number of segments but ultimately i landed on 6, which is the same amount of an actual scorpion (5 metasomal segments + the 1 pincer)
lastly, his palette! sting's palette is actually inspired by the deathstalker scorpions from kipo and the age of wonderbeasts! actual deathstalkers are more orange/brown, but the mutated ones in kipo are various shades of red. you can really see the inspiration in this image here
his tail has an alternating color palette for readability! it'd be harder to make out more action-y poses if it was all the same color, or if it was half lighter half darker, so the alternating colors help make it more distinct
this art is from august! it helps show the color breakdown
(flat + shade)
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AND THATS IT! that is all the thought and inspiration i put into my boy. if you took the time to actually read through all of this thank you so much!!! it genuinely means a lot to me 🌟
if you really like sting, please consider voting for him in the oc showdown! you can vote here
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kremechihihi · 1 year
My Yoyo Design(s)!!!!
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While messing around w/ the Yoyo doodle from my last blog post, I found that adjusting the hue by 25% to the right gets you his jsrf palette. Coincidence or not, I ran with that logic and thought of creating a new Yoyo design with what I got from sliding the hue adjustor all the way to the right : purple and blue.
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But before running with purple jacket blue hair Yoyo just like dat, I wanted to try n analyze his canon looks n take note of the constants in both desoigns which are : red ractangular shades, baggy clothing, hanging belt, hooded upper wear, dark-colored bottom wear, bigger (compared to others) round yellow hued skates, and ofc his smug ass grin.
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More importantly, his character color palette utilizes red, orange, yellow, green, and blue only which made this redesign thing a little challenging,,,
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,,,and challenging it was 😵‍💫 i wanted to try pushing a 7 hue palette on him to sort of break from his usual scheme and make the look more ‘new’ buut obviously it didn’t work out. so i stuck with the usual 5 hue limit and wowers it works!!!
As for the design itself i wanted to go for a layered look. Gave him a cargo vest cus i thought it’d look sick on em + gives off the same tactical look his “bullet sling” looking sash from his future design does. Instead of a hanging belt, I went with a hanging suspender (?) similar to what tripp pants have. Double layer ripped jeans for a way to add color to the usual dark bottom wear, also to have (lime) green stand out in his overall look similarly with his canon designs. As for the skates…they’re not exactly skates. He’s wearing sneakers but with this chunky round skates sole that’s removable so he can wear/show off his counterfeit sneaker collection while being able to skate around town. For the sake of this design, I wanted the sneakers and soles to have a similar yellowish hue to counter the usual yellow skates with black/navy grey design. Similar to future, his hair is exposed but it’s messy and unkempt like what i assume his og hair is. Lastly, the shades are all-red and sport-like in shape.
In the end, I am satisfied with how he looks but I still wanted to make a Yoyo design based on my own tastes and color scheme. So here’s anotha wan!!!!!!!!
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Originally just an alt color palette, I turned it into its own design cus why not.
This time I’m following the idea that instead of a hue adjustment, his hair is the color of the previous design’s jacket which is turquoise! 5 hue rule applies here too.
Kept the same idea for the shoes, but now his socks can be seen. His hair roots are grown out (though i personally think it’s just bleached). He’s got a headband keeping his bangs away, orange fingerless arm warmers, and lime ish olive green cargo pants. Jacket is now royal blue going indigo cus i’ve always thought it’s his favorite color n i really just wanted to see it as a main color in his design from just his og skate wheels color. Instead of a belt, the open rings in his jacket have three ribbons hanging made to look like an arrow, in reference to the arrow designs on his og skates as well. Aaand lastly the shades, kinda wanted to stick with all red again but what if red frames and white/transparent lens 🧐 an inversion of his og sunglasses. It’s asymmetrical in shape to form a silly eye expression.
Anyway that iz all, designing these were an inch resting experience. Considering doing other character redesigns as well but not anytime soon, i got other stuff going on.
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Round 3, Group B: Matchup 1
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Shinji Ikari vs Makoto Naegi
Reasons for being generic + Propaganda below
Shinji Ikari
- Messy black hair - Whiny - Has a tsundere friend - "Friend" - Wears the most boring fucking clothing
Normcore king. He is just A Guy. He’s the first character I thought of when I saw your intro post. 
Most normal kid with depression and abandonment issues ever (and I say this very lovingly). His hair is brown and short with generic bangs, his eyes are brown. Literally just some guy (before the horrors (tm)) His default outfit is black shirt, white dressing shirt, black pants, white shoes (which is also his school uniform)
He just wants to go to high school, have weird feelings about girls, and brood about his relationship with his father. He does not want to get in the fucking robot
He’s a teenager with short black hair and a button up top and uniform pants. Given the iconic status of NGE, I wouldn’t be surprised if Shinji’s design served as a basis for every generic modern mecha/isekai series to come after.
Your honor, he's so dislikable
He deserves a win after going through the horrors(tm). I know a lot of people don't like Shinji BECAUSE he's "too generic/depressed to be a main character" but if anything that should make him win. He's my blorbo ok? He was literally just some guy who one day got the fate of the world in his hands out of nowhere and when he reasonably is like "yo I'm like super depressed, this is only making me more mentally ill than I already was" everyone goes "ok, pussy much? Call the wambulance" and I think he deserved better. Also he's gay (or at the very least bisexual), so like diversity win. Let him win. Also if he wins we can all say "Congratulations, Shinji" like in the anime
One of the classic 90s anime everymen
Roasts of his design aside, Shinji is a genuinely great and fascinating protagonist. His struggles with depression, identity, self worth and hedgehogs dilemma are compelling to watch and, for a then socially anxious teenage me, were at times crushingly relatable. He’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but he still has a place in my heart.
Makoto Naegi
Lol he is literally normal in a group of weirdos . His only defining traits are an ahoge and green jacket. If you put him in a room of generic anime boys he would Not stand out. He would be lost :(
sorry for submitting a danganronpa character but his whole thing is that he's average. he says at the beginning of the game that even among the average, he's completely average. he's the one character in the game who doesn't have a real talent, having only have gotten into hope's peak academy because of luck, being the ultimate lucky student
Look at him. His talent is luck. Literally. Only normal person at the academy because he's literally just some guy and everyone else is "the best of the best" at something. Spends a lot of the first chapter (and a little of the next ones) being like "I'm literally just some guy"
He is a highschool student who describes himself as average in everything, liking whatever's popular, has messy brown hair and a hoodie, and is the protagonist despite only getting into the situation in-game out of luck. He gets two female love interests, he is the ultimate generic anime-style protagonist. He does become less average in the finale of danganronpa v1 and danganronpa v2, but until then he is the most generic boy one can be, and that generic boy swag is what somehow gets him women.
That's the #1 thing people know about him. His whole thing is that he's just A Guy. He's what you think of when you think of generic anime protagonist. He's got the power of friendship. He's handheld by the smarter/more powerful characters to a point where it's unnecessary but still ends up the leader because he has Hope and Believes in his Friends. He's just a decent guy! Also, my favorite character.
I mean. C'mon. His entire introduction is surrounding the fact that he's so average and boring that even among average people he'd be considered too average, his character development is the usual "With the power of friendship we can overcome anything!!!!", and his personality is that "nice mc with no backbone" type. He even has that generic anime dub voice
he's pretty funky
he's so silly tbh that's all also i actually like him more than hajime
He's bisexual and a short king (who is unfazed by the fact that he is short; unlike many characterswho are short he never mentions it once and I'm 98% sure that if someone else brought it up he'd just be like "ok...?"), also a very decent guy
He acts pretty adorable, and I find it hilarious how other characters outshine him in protagonist potential, which makes him an even more fun protagonist in my opinion.
His whole thing is that he's just A Kid in a peer group of what's basically super-kids. He's the epitome of what you think of when you think of generic male anime protagonist: - He's got the power of friendship. - He's handheld by the smarter/more powerful characters to a point where it's unnecessary. - Acts as the polite straight man to the insane personalities around him in an "well... whatever you say then 😅" kinda way. - Obviously in way over his head but still ends up the leader because he has Hope and Believes. - Also because he is the main/POV character and so inexplicably gets to figure out and survive things. - He has a little sister and parents who look just as generic as him.
he is also portrayed to be clumsy and flustered easily. Which feels like a very Generic Anime Teenager trait to have.
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just---stuff · 9 months
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This is going to be a long post
Ok so for a certain time now, I had this idea of turning Sans Au's into human girls, I first started with Ink and Error out of curiosity and now I can't stop, so I'll explain a little bit my reasoning behind every design (in order):
Ink: i wanted to give her like a very clean look with the dominance of fluid lines. The ponytail is supposed to be inspired by the looks of a brush and she kinda gives a main character energy with that hairstyle
Error: so basically since Error is a destroyer of Au's and Ink a protector I gave her features opposite to Ink, her eyelashes are pointy and spread at every direction to show she's kinda chaotic. Also her species (error) are known for being inconsistent so I gave her inconsistent hair types. Her bangs are straight, the hair at the sides of her head are wavy and her puffs are curly (everything comes out naturally)
Swap: so I felt very conflicted about her design since after Ink and Error I didn't had any specific idea for the hairstyle, I just knew I viewed her having a fat but muscular body. I gave her a round babyface to show her tender personality, the eyelashes are also very round to transmit that sensation of being in good hands around her. To show she trains as a royal guard I gave her a scar across her mouth and a bandage. And I gave her a childish hairstyle cause I can't stop being influenced by Blueberry sorry :')
Fell: she accidentally looks like Nimona, I just drew every one of her features sharp to show her edgyness and ofc her haircut had to be rebellious like. Everything pointy
Cross: actually she's the only one who's haircut was planned after designing Ink and Error. It just made sense in my head, she's a royal guard and I feel that having long hair would be a distraction during training/ battle (you know, having annoying hair that cover her eyes by accident). So very short hair is the solution (and she looks very pretty with very short hair). Also I gave her simple eyelashes because of the same reason, I just think that playing it simple is her style
Killer: ok so this time I really didn't knew what to do with her hair XDD, since Killer I started to run out of ideas. But luckily I remembered the concepts of her male human form having black hair shaved on the side and I played with it. Sincerely it looks really good and I think it fits her with a certain "messy" hair (I think the idea of black hair shaved to the side comes from @ itsxroxannex but I'm not sure)
And that's all for now, I already did Dream, Nightmare and Horror, I'm just waiting till I complete the whole page to show it to you guys
I hope you liked my designs, I really worked hard on it to show some diversity, not only with the hairstyle but also the face and nose shapes, I'm sorry if they suffer from same face syndrome but I did my best! ✩
Ink belongs to comyet
Error belongs to loverofpiggies
Swap belongs to AU community
Fell belongs to underfell
Cross belongs to jakei95
Killer belongs to rahafwabas
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biblioflyer · 11 months
Storytelling and Character Development in Those Old Scientists
As the show that isn’t strictly serialized but also doesn’t have a hard reset button, the Strange New Worlds writers really impressed me with their genre savvy in so many ways with “Those Old Scientists.”
Several characters have very meaningful, not just silly interactions with Boimler and Mariner. The jokes were overwhelmingly good and the SNW crew were funny without acting outrageously out of character.
Except for Spock.
And that’s the part I think is brilliant. We’ve got another silly episode to go before we find out if this is a lasting thing or not, but if Spock experimenting with expressing his emotions is going to be a thing going forward, then SNW deftly anticipated how uncomfortable this was going to make fans and they leaned into it!
Starting this arc, if an arc it’s meant to be, in the midst of a comedy episode threw open the door to telegraphing to the audience what the appropriate reaction was. Which is cringe. Deliberately so. Spock is bad at this. Extremely bad at this. It’s okay to be uncomfortable. That’s what they’re aiming for.
Boimler’s future knowledge about Spock is another meta way of assuring the canon hawks once again that while the Prime timeline is messy at the level of detail, no one intends to screw with the fundamentals. Spock’s flirtation with expressing emotions is a phase.
However, I don’t think it’s just a bit. I don’t think anything in this episode was only for comedy. This episode is a lot like the character of Mariner herself. If you only pay attention to the funny, you’re missing what’s really going on.
Una gets a nice bit of reassurance that eventually she’s not going to represent a shameful episode in Starfleet history where it discovers a closeted “freak” in their midst, eventually her words and image are considered so powerful they’re recruiting poster material.
Pike also gets a vision of his afterlife. The clock is ticking but he’s on the right track and making the most of the time he has left.
Chapel and Spock get some seeds of doubt planted in them.
Uhura is encouraged to take better care of herself as the key to becoming the all star she now knows is her professional legacy. To become a more well rounded person.
Which brings us back to Spock.
The interesting thing about Spock and Boimler’s interaction is that I think Boimler is completely wrong. Not in a bad way, but like any student of history, he’s got caught up in the myth making.
Clearly the version of Spock he became invested in de-emphasized his decision to turn away from purging his emotions. The Spock we see from that point forward clearly feels emotion, he’s just not ruled by it. That Spock is so completely comfortable in his skin in a way that few humans or Vulcans ever seem to be.
My read on this is that post-Star Trek TMP, Spock has amicably reconciled his twin natures and has found a way to quietly permit himself emotion, and even to let a little out in a way that is designed to help his close colleagues read him better. Yet he also retains the immense discipline.
This is the path that I believe Ethan Peck’s Spock is on. His Spock will struggle to find an equilibrium until re establishing the sort of inner peace that can permit him to push forward a little emotion now and then to playfully gaslight McCoy and then deny everything as part of their eternal fencing.
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abhorrenttheorizer · 9 months
Your post about the speculative Mr men biology immediately got me interested- and it also made me curious about the biology of the Mr men that got bodies that are more out of the norm of most Mr men, like Mr tickle, Mr small, or even Mr tall.
Hi hi!!! Sorry for the late response, and thanks for taking interest in my project!!!
Mirabil biology is inseparable from magic unfortunately, so they cannot warrant an explanation that is scientific alone, this includes mutations that would not be feasible in regards to Earthly physical/biological constraints.
The Mr. Men and Little Misses (or just mirabils/dillies/etc for brevity) have no common ancestors or related species, however they are semi-domesticated. Meaning humans have successfully created certain "breeds" based on body type.
These body types are as follows:
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- Orb (compact body, short limbs, disproportionately large head)
- Egg (head is typically 1/3 size of body, body can be either compact or elongated, limbs can vary in length)
- Tube (head is typically 1/4 size of body, limbs tend to be longer, body tends to be slender and otter-like unless otherwise)
Mirabils in the 'Egg', and 'Tube' body types are mostly referred to as 'Standard' mirabils because they were not usually targeted for selective breeding that is present in many of the specimens of the 'Orb' body type. Because of this, all known mirabil "breeds" branch off of those with 'Orb' genetics.
These "breeds" are as follows:
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'Tickles' are a breed of Orb Mirabil that are defined by their small, round bodies and long, retractable arms. While the full length of their arms and the speed at which they can extend are dictated by their own magical abilities, all members of the Tickle breed are defined as being able to stretch their arms to at the very least twice the length of the entire body, legs included.
Mirabils naturally lack bones in their arms, and so through repeated selective breeding, 'Tickles' were able to come into existence, originally bred to work alongside humans in workplaces that require exceptional dexterity and flexibility.
Known 'Tickles' are Little Miss Hug and the man himself, Mr Tickle
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Stilts are defined as the "polar opposites" of tickles, with long, slender legs and an usually compact body. While most mirabils can stretch their arms to around the length of their extended legs, those in the Stilt breed can only elongate their arms to around 5% past their unstretched length, making their arms abnormally short in comparison to others in the species.
Stilts were bred for the purpose of harvesting crops and shepherding. Their abnormally tall statures would frighten herd animals and force them into groups similar to shepherd dogs, though they were faster and more intelligent.
However, such long legs usually put them at risk of injury, and to them it is a blessing that Mirabils naturally have magical regenerative abilities, otherwise the Stilts would've become extinct.
Known 'Stilts' are Mr Tall, and Little Miss Somersault
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Now we get to the more ornamental, "designer" breeds. Mirabils have dense, silky fur that was once coveted by humans. Early mirabils would be hunted and skinned for their rabbit-like pelts, but it was then discovered that it would be possible to "shear" them like sheep. Thus, the 'Pom' breed was created.
Poms are defined by their extra long, Angora-like fur, extra compact bodies, abnormally long and slender legs, and the ability to retract their arms entirely into their bodies, generating a "waddling head" effect.
Unfortunately, due to their long, high-maintenance coats, Poms tend to have difficulty doing normal mirabil things such as swimming and grooming. Some even need the assistance of others just to keep their fur maintained, or it could mold, harvest parasites, or mat (which can easily tear away at their delicate skin)
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Known 'Poms' are Little Miss Sparkle, Little Miss Jealous, Mr Sneeze, Mr Messy, Mr Daydream, among others.
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Finally we get to the 'Minnies'. Unlike the other breeds of mirabil, members of this breed once occurred naturally. Mirabils on average are anywhere between 2 and 3 feet/0.6 and 0.9 meters tall, but some members can be exceptionally little, some only the size of guinea pigs and hamsters. Those with these kinds of extremely reduced size traits were selectively bred and coined as 'Minnies' for their small, colorful, almost cartoonish appearances.
Out of all the breeds however, this one is the rarest and also has some of the darkest history regarding specific breed heritage. 'Minnies' were commonly kept as pets for children (one can imagine how that went), or used in laboratory research since the breed was too small to do a whole lot of damage to humans, so long as they weren't bitten nor did they ingest any of the specimen's blood.
Known 'Minnies' are Mr Small and Little Miss Tiny.
Magic Generated Specimens
While there are 4 known breeds of mirabil that explain some of the odder traits that the species can carry, there are ways of magically generating mirabils with exceptional traits without ever having to rely on breeding (you can thank wizards for that). Currently, and besides the wizards that can turn themselves into mirabils, there exists one specimen who was never born, but created. One that goes in the complete opposite direction in terms of size.
This specimen, Mr Snow, is the only one of his kind. There will never be a naturally occurring mirabil that has his size trait. Compared to other mirabils on the taller end of the spectrum like Mr Uppity (who is 3'10, or 1.17 meters tall), Mr Snow is about triple that height (11'6, or 3.51 meters tall).
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racketballz · 1 year
I've got a question about your art (that I love so much it's killing me !!!), anyway. So, when you're coming up with your ppg/rrb, did you first come up with your concept before searching for inspiration or did you first looked for inspiration before coming up with your concept. By concept I mean, the way your wanted to draw them and by inspiration, I'm talking about... what inspired you (you even posted pics about it, like butch's haircut is 50's etc).
Jumpscare ahead but it was jus the natural progression of things and then I was staring at all of them and then I started to come up with a concept I could stick which is what the reference sheet it for!
I think this is the first time I drew him ever and I basically like took what the show had! It looks very UH BAD and I drew it like 2 times and I wa slike this looks dumb LMAO
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And then this time lasted for a whilE there are maybe like oof 10 drawings with his hair like this emo situation I think because I wanted him to match buttercup?? Because I was kinda drawing her hair a little like that but tbh it was a default hair at the time because it’s an emo hair cut easy to draw
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BUT THENNNNN I was thinking of them playing sports and he naturally needs to get hair out of his face so I gave him a headband! And then the pushed back was borned
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SWIFTLY AFTER THIS I DIDNT DRAW THE GUY very often because I was stuck like something wasn’t sitting right with the design for me so my style changed quite a bit because I was drawing other stuff and my art got like really “messy” and sketchy so I was able to draw looser lines and I did a yearly beach greens at the time and I pushed his hair back and long hair isn’t functional for a guy like him so I gave him an undercut! When I first drew this I stared at this picture for a long time because I liked it so much
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The concept of them going to the beach besides the anime beach episode that happens in TEF it also reminded me of like the 50s of a bunch of kids spring break-ing and just like having a good time idk how to describe but that stuck with me for a while and of course the beach chapter is like one of my favorites for this reason!
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But then I started messing around with the concept at this point and butches hair turned into a pompadour with like a fade situation it’s a good shape it doesn’t get in his face for when he’s fighting but it does get messy and hairs come out in the front.
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I combined aspects of the original design to make not too round because he’s a sharp guy so I added spikes in the back some hairs that simple don’t stay down I ran into some issues later on because I can’t do a pompadour shape from the front so I tweaked some stuff after the reference sheet even further but I enjoy drawing him the side because I think that’s where he looks cutest lol
Fake apologies for rambling butchs hair is my favorite part of my designs other than those mole 🥲💚
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tunamayojazz · 1 year
38 for Inuokko.
38. Describe their ideal home
Hmm...I think they wouldn't choose to live in the city. Maybe in the outskirts of Tokyo. Not in a condo where they'd have to be close to other humans, maybe somewhere a little isolated and near nature. It would be an issue if they had to share a lift with others while covered in post-mission blood, and Yuta radiates way too much cursed energy anyways 🤭 Their house would be a mix of traditional and modern, with lots of wooden furniture (I know they aren't cheap but by the time they get their own place they can afford it hehe). The house wouldn't be too neat, more like an organized mess? I think if Toge lived alone it could get pretty messy (still nothing crazy) but because Yuta likes it neat he makes sure to put in effort with cleaning up.
The house has lots of warm lighting, and they both made sure the house was as cozy as possible because they really value comfort when it comes to relaxing and sleeping. I think it wasn't something they paid much attention to until they became adults, and they really feel just how important it is to have a cozy place to come home to after a mission. Game time is important to Toge and by extension Yuta, so they have a pretty decked out living room with tons of games, with a large kotatsu infront of the TV. Toge's favorite game is the Splatoon franchise, while Yuta is more of a Animal Crossing kind of guy (Yuta, teary eyes wide in gleeful surprise: "Jun (Marshal) looks just like you babe...". Toge refutes that with a scoff. "Okaka...!") (Coincidentally, Marshal and Toge are both Libras). When Maki and Panda are over, they play Mario Party and Switch Sports (which Maki is obscenely good at. You don't want to challenge her to a round of Chambara).
The kitchen is Toge's territory. He did a lot of research before they built the kitchen, ensuring the design would be sufficient for his style of cooking and also looked into what cooking utensils were recommended. They have a little island/bar that they use for meals like breakfast and dessert. Lunch and dinner is usually at the dining table (it fits up to four people). Yuta's not so interested in cooking or food in general (this is canon actually) but he does like doing it from time to time when it's with his friends. It's quality time spent, too. There are some dessert recipes he has memorized though, only because Toge like them so much (it's pudding most of the time).
I am also a firm believer in Inuokko collects plushies because they're weak to cuteness. There are also really big ones just so they have something to hug when one of them has a mission trip for a couple of days/weeks. I don't think they collect too many books, but they have a shelf for a few precious ones amongst other things like picture frames. Yuta picks up photography in his adult years and their house is littered with them. Visitors (Yuji especially) would spend like a good 30 minutes just ooh aah-ing at their fridge because there are so many polaroids attached to it. And of course, they have a garden! A rather big one too. They both care for it a lot and are actually quite the gardening nerds (and by that I mean they talk about gardening tools a lot while Maki looks on in horror and watch Youtube videos about gardening ideas and tips). They also have a nice table by their garden for when the weather is good and they feel like eating outside. It's not completely exposed, so they enjoy drinking hot tea and snacking there when it's pouring too.
Last but not least, they have pets! Two cats and one dog (I must specify that it is a Border Collie). Yuta will find Toge napping with all of them in the living room more often than not and it's just the best thing ever.
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