#this mv makes me so happy... its so pink and cute
darusaka · 4 months
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from today i'll tell you what i love about you once a day i'll make your heart race 365 times (bakyuun!)
小悪魔だってかまわない! cover by akagi wen
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ioniansunsets · 7 months
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Birthday Special ✖
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Birthday Special ✖
✖ Word Count: 836
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: I think of this as a 10pm-2am party on the 30th so Kayn can quietly pretend its a party for his real 31st Birthday.
It was irritating, he'd have to admit. A full day of media and paparazzi chasing him. All he wanted was to by your side, to celebrate with you, to not have to phase through walls just to hide from the crowd. The crowd that was even worse than usual because it was Halloween night. He clicks his tongue as he pulls his facemask up to hide away from the crowd.
" Gods help me."
He whispers angrily under his breath. Almost like an answer to his prayers, Ezreal pops up and drags him down an alley, helping him to slip away from some fans and find his way to the club that you told him to meet you at. It was the usual spot, Heartsteel's favorite bar, the bouncers already waving to let Kayn and Ezreal in.
" Everyone's waiting LMAO! You're so late." " You're late too loser. The fuck you on about!"
Ezreal laughs as he flings the doors open. You, with the help of some others in Heartsteel booked out the entire club for Kayn this night. A hustle and bustle as K/DA and some other friends of Kayn's hang out, laughing and drinking. Cheers from everyone as he walks in, everyone wishing Happy Birthday on what he personally thinks is the wrong day. But attention is attention and he can't say no to a little fun at night. Everyone in little Halloween costumes, high fives, loud laughs, awkward hugs he talks to everyone, socializing and thanking them for the wishes. Yone graciously DJ-ing for the party, Akali pointing him a middle finger as they make eye contact but showing up to the party anyway, Sett and Aphelios trying a hand behind the bar to make drinks for the party. K'Sante sitting by a table talking to Alune and the rest of K/DA. But still, something was wrong, he sees all his friends but where the hell were you? The you who was arguably the most important person to him. The you were the one who invited him here anyway.
" Happy Birthday Kayn!"
At the sound of your voice he perks up, immediately putting his drink down to turn and find you. As he spots you a little away he basically runs over to throw his arms around you, lifting you up and giving you a little spin as you hug him back.
" My favorite person! Where the hell were you! I'm only here because you told me to come by the way."
He sticks out his tongue in mock irritation, arms still around you the whole time. All the attention and well wishes from everyone could never compare to your love. Ah how he loved your smell, your cute laugh, your stupid teasing smug face as it stared at him. He leans down giving you a quick kiss before letting go. Resting his arms across his chest waiting for a good explanation from you.
" Took a while because I had to get this finished for you."
You defend yourself, you hold up a present for him. It was small, suspiciously small for a gift for someone as amazing as him, but it was from you so like hell he won't complain. Picking up the box for your hands he holds it up, shaking it a little, no noise. Curious now he opens it, face immediately lighting up. He puts the wrapping down behind him as he holds up the gift.
" Oh fuck is this...?"
You nod as he examines it, a custom guitar strap. Designed like his recently solidified aesthetic from the Paranoia MV, bright colors, a yellow base, pink, purple and green accents with an imitation of his signature down the strap. Little handmade patches of him and Rhaast on the corner, hearts the colors of all the boys around the middle, and finally your initials sneakily sewn in the underside next to Kayn's right where the strap would meet the guitar, there, yet hidden from view so he could still use this on stage. A beautifully thought out way to have something of you near him all the time, even when he was on tour, on stage or in his studio. How personal... Kayn laughs, a hand returning to pull you into him, he leans down close to your ears as he growls out softly,
" Damn babe...you're going to make me emotional."
A blush rising up your face, Kayn turns to give your cheek a quick kiss. A hand sneakily rising up to wipe something away under his eyepatch. You take note to tease him about it later.
" All custom made and details hand sewn by the way, I got K'sante and Sett to help me."
" Thank you. Amazing gifts from you as always."
After a quick kiss on your forehead, he pulls away from the hug, hand wrapping around yours as he drags you to the bar, the brightest smile on his face as he gives Aphelios a nod to make drinks for you two.
" Now let's properly celebrate together."
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 5 months
In my previous post i talked about how I have a lotta scrapped MV ideas, well may as well dump some designs i've made based on songs over the years because like I probably wouldn't post these otherwize
also heres a few nice picture of miku from one of em to make you click on this post because its gunna be a long one and all these are hidden below a read more
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for the record don't expect me to do anything with any of these, also these are from old to new some of these date back to early 2022 and it shows
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This one i posted a storyboard for actually its An Aliens I Love You by Utsu-P.
I gave young Rin a sakura motif with her dress because of miku and rin meeting under a sakura tree, teen miku has a pink ribbion and hairclip to continue this. both rins bow and mikus outfit get darker outfits overtime to sybolize the song getting darker. I also gave adult rin the future rin hair. Miku's "alien" form is more or less how its described in the song tho i was lazy and didn't draw the 4 arms in the refs.
also Lily is Rins mom in this yup there she is indeed.
I actually have a lot of assets finished including the ones above i may show em off one day who knows.
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This one is Stained Nocturne by Toa i actually did finish this one
the grey one is when they talk about being colorless
i gave them both very cute and elegent outfits i think it matches the vibe of the song. The starry outfits are the real highlight. if you wonder how I drew em over and over i just copy pasted the stars on their dresses.
they also are very blue because yknow nocturne. I forgot if i dumped the assets for this MV or not maybe next rant post.
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This one is Corona by Utsu-P no idea why i did it its probably not even in my top 20 Utsu-P songs i just had some brainworms that wore off. I finished like a minute of it I guess.
I really like rin's outfit. "goth metal astronaut" is such a weirdly specific concept but she absolutley nailed it. 10/10 desin
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This one is Garando by Picon. I gave her a like idk what to call it paperboy outfit like the one you see in the MV a few times. her eyes are yellow like bullets because I had this one S teir visual idea. I have some assets for this one i may show off one day.
i also considered doin the sekai ver i really like garando if u cant tell lol
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This one is Happy Haloween by Junky another one i finished
Rins is just from the OG mv the rest are themed around the characters
Minori is a dark angel because tenshi no clover is themed around... a normal angel
haruka has candy and a penguin mask because thats her thing
airi is a vampire cuz she has fangs
shizuku is a witch because of her cast a spell on you outfit
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This one is NEXT NEST by Satsuki Ga Tenkomori. The cubes are from the original MV image thing. I gave her a super cybernetic look to match the song vibe. I also gave her a plaid skirt to match miku's concept desin because this song is like sorta miku becoming sentient or smth idk been a while since i read the lyrics.
another S teir design. also zamn this ref goes hard lol.
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This one is Bluff Liar by EZFG. VY1 doesn't really have a desin so I went with this based on the semi official one (we dont speak of her new official one also i drew this long before that regardless lol) I have a shitty animatic thats 80% stick figures for this. never posted it tho.
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tbh i put the file to this ref on an external hard drive cuz this whole video killed my storage because i actually finished it so i yeeted all th assets off my computer as soon as i was finished so i just dowloaded the little thing of assets from this post
not much goin on its kinda just normal ol luka lol
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This is Black Hole Artist by utsu-P. its not in project sekai and never will be but it reminded me of Ena so I had this idea. not much to say, I have a few assets for this but nothing really finished.
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Another VY1 EZFG song, IDK what my plan was for drawing this over and over. also pretty asthetic ref lol. not much to say i don't draw very cyberish designs so its fun
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this is just concept art. this is Roless Weapon by Neru and Inubakumori. yeah those two colabed you wouldnt know cuz this song has no MV. IDK what my plan for this was tbh but like when else would i show this off.
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From here on its just concepts lol. this is Atari Front Program by Utsu-P... god how many Utsu songs is this lol
S teir desin i love miniskirt plus pants combo idk its just a vibe.
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this drawing sucks lol. this is Live by Mizuno Atsu. Long haired kafu is cute I have better drawings of this in my sketchbook somewhere I think. I might revisit this it would be very simple and cute.
also weirdly my fav part of this aside from her hair is her shoes.
anyway Kafu needs more outfits for songs tbh theres like 3 kafu songs where she has a unique outfit
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actually i lied about only having doodles, this is Where Shall We Go by Mellowclle
already made a post bout this
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this is my most recent. I sketched this after finishing this art of this song. It is Memento Mori by Buriru
I love this song the creator said its supposed to sound like a mecha anime opening so i went with that vibe. teto looks great, miku doesn't. Teto doesn't really have a counterpart so I assigned miku as her girlfriend lol.
sadly I cannot draw robots so idk what my plan was tho i have a cool visual for the end in my head.
anyway thats everything I could find. does anyone give a crap? probably not but hey character design is fun and i love messing around.
anyway fun trivia more songs i have video ideas for i won't make: Poster Girls Prank - Utsu-P (but with MMJ project sekai)
Stella - Jin
Paranoia - Mezame-P
and probably more i'm forgetting lmfao
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wioaase · 1 year
I drank tonight but it wasnt enough to get me to want to write and i still feel sober but im making myself do it because i said i would :salute:
Types of dates skz would take you on:
Something educational
Would already know more about the topic
Goes out of his way to make sure you're engaged
I can't come up with any specific educational type dates but he'd wanna talk about all the things you both found cool afterwards
Constant asking if you've eaten enough
Def includes music at least somewhere
Is a cat cafe too cliche?
Good thing I'm too tired to care
Impressed by your natural ability to get pussy
Quietly decides he wants to figure out your secret to doing it which leads to more cute dates with cats
Can't help but admire you while you admire the cats
He almost likes you as much as his cats
Constant lighthearted and playful relationship
Teasing but gets upset if others tease you
Will send unsolicited cat pics at 2am then ask why you're up
Happy that you always respond despite giving you a hard time for staying up late
I'm out lmao
Gym date?
Nah fuck that gyms aint for dates
Would wanna do something for you personally
Your Eyes MV where he's grillmaster 76
Picnic by the han river(also cliche?)
Would jokingly go to feed you and when you accept he gets slightly flustered
You're looking at the river but he's looking at you
Lots of photos taken
Offering his jacket because he thinks being near the water is cold
You disagree but take it to appease him
While happy you're no longer cold more distracted at how you look in his clothing
Coming up with excuses for you to keep his jacket so he can see you wearing it again
Doesn't matter what kind
Would wanna do something more interactive?
Take a pottery class together
He's obviously good at it but you suck
Two of you laughing at how bad your attempt is until he comes over and helps you
Sits behind you
Hands on yours
Is more focused on fixing your mess of pottery than turning it into a hallmark moment
Eventually trade pottery pieces because you liked his better
He holds onto yours as a memory more than anything else and keeps it somewhere safe he sees often
Remembers more of laughing with you trying to fix it than making his own
Cafe hopping? Yes
A million cute cafes in the world and he has to see all of them
Keeps track of his favorite dishes from each cafe
After going to a couple cafes and gathering recipes he invites you over
Loves the cafe food so much he wants to make his own
✨️ Baking ✨️
You make a huge mess of the kitchen but finish each recipe
Watch reruns of a show you've both seen while waiting for the goods to bake
He falls asleep on the couch
You finish baking on your own
When things are finally cool enough to eat you wake him gently
Seeing you finish his baking while he rests mskes him genuinely happy
You eat together and agree its better than any cafe
He's already planning what cafe to go to next and come up with more reasons to have you over
Would want something low-key because he does enough high-key stuff with the boys
At home self care day?
You both sleep in extra late
Fluffy pink bath robes
Bunny slippers to match
Your favorite drama in the background
Take turns doing each others nails
Dollar store face masks you picked out for each other
Not always talking, sometimes silent with the tv as background noise
It's comfortable
I'm starting to fall asleep so sorry
Maybe some noraebang while you're doing each others nails
Part of self care is just hanging out on the couch together and recharging from the stresses from the last week
Eye fungo yet t
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minijeong · 2 years
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june/july before and afters 😎
took a break from giffing for a hot minute since february, but i’m back now for the comeback 😎 it’s a bit before the end of july, but i didn’t have anything to post for today while i’m away so i’ll do this instead. out of all the months, i think this one had the most gifs where i was content with my colour corrections or my colouring choices. every time i thought, ‘you know what, i’m too lazy for this,’ i slapped another corrective layer instead. this is definitely a ‘thank myself later’ moment LOL the first two (karina, winrina) were definitely my best colour corrections. the first lighting looked like a hellspawn and i severely questioned both my ability and my sanity when i decided to gif it. there are definitely things i would change about it but im mostly content with the blacks, blues, and skin tone so it’s a W for me. the winrina one was as nice restoration. a bit tough because of the whites, but glad i could make it look like they stepped into the sun. the next two (click to enlarge) are ones i wasn’t satisfied with. the studio choom one... i wanted to bring out blues but it was really tough on the skin tone and i had trouble working with the magenta lighting. ended up doing a mish mash of things i didnt like and a shade of blue i’m not happy with. i think this was one of those where i changed things i didnt have to and possibly ruined a perfectly good video. the fancam was just... i don’t know... not what i imagined...? i wanted more pink but i was scared of eliminating the non-existent skin tone and, idk, ended up with some orange pink purple clumpy colouring. i shouldve paused in the middle to think after the original plan didn’t work, but i kept forcing it and rushing... lesson learned. at least she cute tho... then comes lts winter and mcore illusion winter. these are ones where i was content with my color and cleaning fixes; when i thought i had to be okay with it not looking good, but figured it out in the end (... i think?). the lts mv was REALLY washed out so restoring the blacks without ruining the light pink vibe (when the pinks were REALLY STRONG) was really difficult. it took a lot of minute fixes but i like how it turned out! the illusion one... i wanted to trash that one SO BAD. i actually planned on doing ning first but it ended up so terribly that i scrapped the entire thing. but then i got frustrated at myself for giving up so i tried again with winter... because whenever i gif winter and want to give up mary comes and slaps me and tells me winter deserves better *s0b* . i really experimented with the denoising here (like 3 different methods in different combinations??) because the sharpening and LED lights of the stage were SO frustrating. i’m also pretty sure winter has skin more on the cool-tone side so the colours were a bit difficult to manage. considering what i had to work with, i’m content with what i did! gma winter and racer winter!!! i’m proud of these two because these are ones where i consciously made a decision and chose a certain deviation from what i normally do. gma winter - i wanted to make it look like she literally came out of fire to cut up black mamba... brrr ow!. it was difficult because the sun made the video REALLY bright and exposed and washed out and i nearly lost my mind. in the end i applied some layers that broke some colouring rules that i normally keep. even though the before/after doesn’t look too great to me on its own, i feel that it looks quite nice as a set so i’m happy with how it turned out. racer winter is one where i made a decision to not make a lot of changes. this before/after shows the most change out of all of them, but the others in the set look like they haven’t changed. most of all, i was proud of my decision not to restore skin tone like i normally do. it was a day after i had a picture taken of me in a room with bright lighting and i looked like a ghost. and i was like damn i guess sometimes keeping the skin light and not darkening it is actually closer to the truth... so i did it here. i think it looks great and keeps it real. as much as it’s important to be careful of whitewashing when giffing, i believe it’s just as important to not darken, redden, or yellow skin past what makes sense with the portrayed lighting.  last one is ningie! idk i just made this one and she’s just so cute so i put it in here. used a combination of things i tested this month and im cool with it 😎 if you read up to here... wow thanks 😎. it’s honestly quite tedious to make a before/after version of every gif i make, but i think it’s really leveled up my giffing and helped me reflect on what i can do to get better at this. (it’s also super satisfying to look at.) this is definitely something i’ll keep doing, and something i’d love to see other people do as well if they’re up for it! next month’s goals... make everything work. i’m planning to gif every stage regardless of how painful it is and regardless of how much it’s been done. just having a record of what i’ve watched and enjoyed when going through my m:gif tag has always given me a lot of fulfillment, so i’m looking forward to this project. excited to push my limits 🤟🏻 also going to start a winter in kwangya hell series  good night and yow! 🤟🏻😎
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gay-little-cloud · 2 years
okay its time for a long ass essay type of post nobody asked for about red velvets new mv.
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they all looked so genuinely disappointed and sad that they weren’t allowed in the party even tho they even prepared cute little presents, i almost think theyre the ones being wronged and that the monsters were evil but then we immediately get a bunch of scenes of red velvet cheating their way into the party or straight up beating the monsters asses (and all for a birthday party ????) and that makes me think the monsters were onto something when they didnt let them in.
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like ?? they are ARMED: punching rings, baseball sticks, grenades !! and chains (again, for a birthday party ??). 
now on how to get into a birthday party you weren’t invited to:
1. encanto the doorman into sleep
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2. get the keys to the place by all means (includes: cheating in games and literally beating your opponents up)
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thats wendy seulgi and yeri cheating at red light, green light. making the monster move by blowing on them and moving their hair (key 1 ✔️ )
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now seulgi just hitting another monster so hard you can see the explotion from outer space (key 2 ✔️ )
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wendy challenging a monster with scissors instead of hands to a rock paper scissors battle and throwing rock knowing very well they can only throw scissors, now thats just evil.... (key 3 ✔️ )
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joy making a monster explode into pink dust ?? disappear ?? so they can win a giant board game (and thats key 4 ✔️, shes so happy about it too)
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running for their life so the monsters dont get them but irene can stop the monsters with a magic remote control (its literally a red wiimote with pretty shiny stickers all over it) ?? i love it here yall, this mv was made for me,,
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then they summon satan with a bunch of plushies ?? and he shows up in teddy bear form (is that ReVe ?) ??? so now that theres a giant pink bear shooting laser out its eyes in the hallway i guess the monsters cant go after them ? (cant argue with that logic)
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FINAL BOSS: the birthday boy. 
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seulgi beats him with her chains and teleportation powers, i-
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and now theyre finally at the party !! yay? 
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they did all that to get into a birthday party nobody wanted them in, all the monsters are literally in despair, the birthday boy is a cake decoration theyre about to eat, everyone is having the worst day of their life except for happy red velvet, omg this has to be the pettiest thing theyve ever done,
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go my pretty little villains !! i support you !! mischievous velvet ily !  💗 💜 💛 💚 💙 
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fruti2flutie · 2 years
the album is so!!! interesting!!!! every track is a love song in its own type of way (except super board which is just.... nyooom???) so everything has a pink skz flare, unsure how else to describe it... there was so much anticipation with maxident given oddinary's success, and i think this album was a great follow-up!!!! the vibes are there, the aesthetics are there..... i'm gonna talk abt the tracks in order since i feel so differently about each of them fjksjsmjn i.e. no mv talk bc only case 143 came out & pink-seungmin makes me well up with tears. but heart monsters are so cute i cannot WAIT to own one 🥺💜
1. case 143
WHAT A TITLE SONG!!!! let me just reference this article that describes it as "a love song for someone who gets easily distracted" bc THAT'S ME!!!! SO MUCH IS HAPPENING!!! it has the same build as maniac, felix in the first chorus and then hyunjin in the second, verses of raps weaved expertly between each other, a strange sweetness in the oddity that the last album branded them with. there's so much story in the song, the concept of investigation and crime and this chase that this unexplainable emotion is spurring them into. this song has SURPRISES! literally, the BOOM & BANGS!!! the police sirens!!!! changbin's "can i be your boyfriend" & "no cap" have not left my brain!! other honorable mentions: chan's abcdefg?? SEUNGMIN'S BRIDGE???? anyway it has wormed its way onto my top5 fav skz title tracks <3
2. chill
there's nostalgia to this song? i have no idea where it comes from, maybe it's from an old kpop song or another skz track.... and there's a saxophone??? like HUH WHAT WOW?? jisung's tracks (even though i can't name others specifically lol) seem to have a dreamy quality to them, the lo-fi sound making them perfect for drives with ur windows down. like, i think this is a good song to show to a non-kpop or skz listener? it's solid! the music! the vocals!! it's actually a breakup song & even without really knowing what the lyrics are, there's a bittersweetness to the performance that gives u sentimentality? The Vibes are Immaculate
3. give me your TMI
whoever the FUCK is in the chorus as background vocals, we need to SPEAK. it's funky garage noise!! it's background music for a heist!!!! changbin's intro rap reminds me of the impression that thunderous left on me, the dude just spitting & me going wild with it. he literally can go "ding dong daeng" for 3hrs straight & i'd listen to it. also, i can't believe this song is 2YRS OLD?? IN THE LAPTOP FOR THAT LONG??? so the whole point is "I Am Curious About You" & it just. HITS. it WORKS. like what is GOING ON with this song?? it might be my fav off the album solely for how confused it makes me feel. AND THE BRIDGE?!!!! i am a SUCKER for a bridge that slows it down with honey vocals (2min, i'm aching for u) KIM SEUNGMIN HAS MY WHOOOOOOOOLE HEART
4. super board
completely candid i am not a fan of this type of sound :| it's not my style, where there's less melody in favor of more noise (no shade but think nct127). but it's still a fun song!!! the nyooom is so silly to me; there's a playfulness to it that fits the album!! it's like a dialed back version of cheese, if that makes sense? it's literally for skaters. this is definitely the most experimental of the tracks & maybe it'll grow more on me? who knows lmao
5. 3racha
"1 2 3 racha get spotlight" WOW this is just 3min 28sec of 3racha bragging & i lie down at their feet for that. Good For Them! before maxident dropped i've been obsessed with heyday & whatever "i'm stacking EXP just like a mountain" means. and the DRRRR POW noise. and that bed squeaking noise that has an actual term that i can never FUCKING REMEMBER... ANYWA 3RACHA SUPREMACY.,..,.,, producer trio doing the MOST! i love how chan raps in english, gets to do witty play on words just like binsung can in korean, being AUSSIE AS HELL. iconic lines: "my boys spittin' facts they locked & loaded" & "y u mad brah?" *gunshots* *dies*
6. taste
seeing red lights ot8 made listening to this song make me go, oh. it isn't-- this song isn't quite a sequel to red lights, which is more desperate & dark imo. this song is taunting, inviting. this song exudes a certain ambience that is, to put it simply, sensually sexual. dimly lit bedroom with rose petals scattered everywhere you can see. which yknow. yeah. what the fuck can i say. what the fuck. skz what the fuck.
7. can't stop
this is aftercare after 3racha & taste, which i agree to wholeheartedly. i'm literally crying listening to this song, which by no means is a song to cry to! it's so sweet!! i love vocalracha!! i love that they chose to showcase themselves in this upbeat, cute & wholesome confession song!!! don't get me wrong about the angsty ballads; they have a time & place but WE NEED A SONG OF PURE JOY & EXCITEMENT IN THIS ALBUM!!! AND THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!! frolicking through meadows sort of vibe at the end of a coming-of-age kdrama movie. i'm still crying.
8. circus (krn ver)
i loved this song in japanese & that rings true for the korean version too!!! it throws me off hearing it in a language i'm more familiar with since i've had the original version on repeat lol i don't normally listen to kpop group's japanese releases but this was an exception! i love all the elements of the circus they build into the song, the animals, the fire, the fanfare, the lyric painting with the iconic carny tune... geez this song is so GOOD for WHAT
tl;dr maxident is stuck in my ears for the foreseeable future & i'm a seungbin stan who has yet to pull a seungmin T.T
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bbarican · 2 years
august 28, 2022; 7:10 pm - long weekend
long post ahead! i feel like i havent really had the time again to just sit down and update my tumblr (and even myself tbh) with everything thats going on with my life so fair warning this post is going to be super long but feel free to read along
i hate how work is all i ever think about nowadays kasi wala naman akong jowa, all my friends are busy too, tapos na yung board exam pumasa na ko and everything so talagang when i have problems at work, its all my brain can think about and its really exhausting
ill try to go in depth again about work in another post next time pero all i can say is its both really fun to be challenged but also its just really tiring too kasi it isnt the most ideal way of being challenged (if that makes any sense)
im just really thankful for my work friends kasi they constantly remind me na oo nga pala im not alone and they understand me more than anyone could kasi theyre living through these challenges too
my tita and tito are leaving this week and its really bittersweet! i love having them here kasi nga its a great break from the mundane but its also very tiring to constantly have to be a host every single day so all in all im just really glad they got to visit and that they had fun here during their stay!
sana most of my cousins could come to our house tomorrow for my little celebration kasi i really do miss them plus ang daming pagkain na balak lutuin/bilhin ng nanay ko and i dont want that to go to waste
i miss my kuya so much and i wish march would come sooner para nandito na siya for a few months of vacation
i love my family and our dogs so much and im forever thankful for all the blessings we receive everyday and that we're always safe
where the fuck did this rain come from? it was partially sunny from yesterday to this morning and now its pouring again - i love the rain, not so much the lightning, but i really hope it doesnt rain tomorrow
im so excited for tomorrow kasi my brain is already making a mental to do list of the things i want to accomplish tomorrow before guests start arriving
im so emotional and extra bloated kasi magkakaroon na ulit ako ng period and most of the time naaamaze parin ako sa flor app kasi sobrang accurate niya when it comes to telling you how long before you get your period again (that is, if you make sure to always update the calendar once you do get your period)
i dont exactly know what to wear yet tomorrow - and yes inisiip ko parin yun kahit na sa bahay lang naman kami magcecelebrate
i got the tiny spray bottle that came with my keyboard cleaner to work! akala ko sira talaga siya ever since i got it pero i think i just havent been pushing it correctly all this time lang
i kinda want a cute mousepad too kasi ang panget ng mousepad na gamit ko whenever i use my laptop
talk that talk is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than pink venom when it comes to comeback singles
im so so so happy about twice sounding more like they did around mid 2019-2020 kasi thats my favorite era from them and im just really happy na talk that talk fits that sound ive always been looking for from them
super love the y2k mv, the choreo is AMAZING, the song is really cute, and i really love how maganda yung distribution of lines nila in the song
theres this particular song i recently fell in love with and instead of gatekeeping it (even though im sure some of you might already know it) im going to share it with all of you kasi its one of the loveliest songs ive discovered in a really long time - golden hour by jvke; reminds me so much of call me by your name and feeling like youre in italy and falling in love and being outside, basking in the sunlight with your lover - i really hope someone, someday, remembers me when they hear this song
and thats it for another update post! again if youve made it this far, thank you again for reading my updates; i hope you all are doing okay and are staying safe and dry!
happy long weekend, tumblr! sulitin na natin to!
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Fri 4 June ‘21
“Look out my window and Louis Tomlinson outside”, said the (second) luckiest man in London (first is Harry ofc), and posted a pic of himself with Louis, who is looking cute in a jersey and cap over that long long hair (looks like the guy took a couple blurry pictures out his window then ran out to accost Louis, lol.) He said, “pleasure to meet you on my road this evening” and that Louis was “a real gentleman” (and also a “gemtleman” SO TRUE whether he typed it that way on purpose or not) and “a proper amazing chap.” Also on this guy’s road? A recording studio, specifically the one Louis was pictured working at last week. Looks like Louis was with Charlie Lightening (and at least one other person, unidentifiable). Grown ass men recognizing Louis and running outside to talk to him?? This is the future louies want!
Liam woke up early and hopped straight on his discord to respond to some very sweet messages-- I hope he’s getting some enjoyment out of reading them all. I think a lot about his sister saying that he always read all the stuff fans are saying and is really affected by it and so it always makes me happy when people flood him with positive stuff. He also polled people about NFTs (yes, no, idk what that is) and said he’s going to be in Brazil at the end of the year. OoOh? Then he posted a video telling us about what he dreamed-- “now without sounding like a complete fanboy I had the weirdest One Direction related dream,” he said and that he dreamed he was arguing with Zayn over ownership of a leather jacket, and that he had a boxing match “with Tommo” and “I couldn’t hit him.” “Well at least you know I’m thinking about you, boys!” he concludes.
And, yes, the big drama and discourse of the day (™)... Zayn and Gigi had a full day of getting papped yesterday, with her- according to paps- at a vaccine shot appointment and he showing off his very stylish white tracksuit and yellow hat; and, unfortunately, ending up showing a less press-ready side as well. A short video shows Zayn shirtless and yelling at some guy who is yelling at him and pushing into his space and getting in his face (mostly a lot of “who the fuck are you” from Zayn) while PA Taryn tries to hold onto Zayn and keep them apart. The guy calls Z a f***** and Zayn repeats “I’m a f*****?!”, laughing incredulously, and now half of twitter is canceling him for using slurs, so that’s a fun day for everyone. Then ZaynWeLove you trended worldwide as fans worked to bury the video, but tabloids got wind of it anyway so that was that. According to TMZ “Zayn was smoking a cig outside Amsterdam Billiards Club in the East Village after 2 AM when a group of guys came out of Little Sister Lounge next door and an altercation ensued.” Also “sources say he was wearing [a shirt] at the billiards joint, but it's unclear exactly when or why he took it off”, haha- the attempts from everyone at a definitive shirt removal timeline are for sure the only fun part of this. ANNNNYWAY, how about that Look, he looks like a cyber cow, love that, and also: before all this, Zayn got papped, which generally means Zayn is about to release something or other, so that’s exciting.
More Holivia pics from the pub they were at last night were posted-- in these pics you can see that in fact Harry is wearing a DIFFERENT pair of stripey blue and pink shorts with the cutest cardigan with colored cuffs, also pink and blue, aww. Our lil walking trans flag/ Fine Line cover! We’re told he drank tequila and was (of course) very nice to fans and that PA Luis was sat between him and Olivia (lol). A crowd gathered outside the busy pub trying to get in to Harry, and photographed his and Olivia’s departure; they are shown cuddling a bit on the street, with Luis suddenly nowhere in sight. Very private moments not meant to be captured for the public eye, I’m sure, despite the many fans right there.
The person responsible for Other People Fund, an organization that helps people pay for therapy, told us about Harry Lambert getting some of her merch (shirts and tote bags that say ‘I think we should see other people and by other people I mean therapists”) for Harry Styles! Harry carried the tote for his walks in the park with Olivia last month, HAAAAA AMAZING. I wonder if he was sad no one managed to read the message then? The story is that the girl who makes them had made a post offering to provide Harry with a shirt after his (shirtless) grammys appearance and ended up sending it to Harry L who was like YES WE MUST HAVE THIS and bought two shirts and the tote. Maybe she should make a post for Zayn too, how appropos her messaging would be for this shirtless media moment huh? Anne Marie said the Our Song MV bts won’t be long now and “are you ready???” “No I’m not!” said Niall. A Luca Shreiner Our Song remix is out. Showtime added Louis to their pride month queer playlist and Jason Sudeikis’ show Ted Lasso wrapped its London filming- will this also mean HoliviaUK is a wrap? We can only hope.
#Louis tomlinson#zayn#liam payne#harry styles#holivia#thank you so much for the Z news heads up it can be hard to know a thing is happening when people are actively working#to keep people from finding out that a thing happened...though I suppose once TMZ got on it that was out the window#I starred out f** to be considerate but tbh- it feels weird to me. Like people calling queer a slur when it’s a full on identity and common#word#I know loads of people who self identify as fags and who use that word a lot in casual chat you know?#I’m currently reading a book that uses the word casually every couple pages right now (written by someone who self identifies as a f*****)#which really adds to the dissonance (for me) of the reaction to it on twitter#anyway which isn’t to say dudes throwing the word around as an insult in macho pissing contests is okay#tho for the record I don’t think Zayn’s use of it here is him doing that it sounds to me more like ‘omg you did not really just say that wtf#I’m more bothered by the macho pissing contest part really#if you want the book rec it’s The Freezer Door by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore#who as a side note#has been dressing in brightly colored corduroy flares with lacy collars and pearls and hats with flowers on them since like… the 90s#which is no shade @ Harry just a reminder that he's drawing on and paying tribute to a long tradition of queer culture#not inventing it#I also just read 100 Boyfriends by Brontez Purnell which ALSO uses that word like every other page and is also very good#Sometimes you just gotta catch up on your queer lit I guess anyway there’s a lot of queer culture out there besides twitter and tiktok cult#er tiktok culture I meant but uh#you know what.... lol#4 jun 21
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dat-town · 3 years
wish you were here
Characters: Mark Lee & you
Setting: wish dragon au (and a bit of aladdin because mark even has a tiger in their garden like jasmine did. don’t ask why, just blame the regular mv), childhood best friends to lovers (at least there’s potential?)
Genre: fluff and humour
Warnings: mentions of a sick animal and a wild animal kept as a pet in a huge garden (just like jasmine’s tiger, it’s very tamed)
Summary: A magical teapot, a dragon that wants everyone to be happy and an old friendship being revived. Oh yeah, have I told you that you have 3 wishes?
Words: 6.4k
For @restlessmaknae​ 💕
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When your mother told you you got delivery to your childhood home, you certainly did not expect this: a brown box as big as a small watermelon with your old Canadian address and MARK LEE scrabbled next to your name as another recipient but no sender. Not to mention, the first stamp on the thing was dating back to the early 2010s. Where the hell was this package for 10 years? And what would you and your old neighbour slash best friend have gotten together?
Okay, first things first:
You and this clumsy, kind of cute kid, Mark had been quite tight while growing up. You were born in the same year, only a month apart, and his family lived in the house next to yours in the suburbs of Vancouver, so it was kind of natural. You two might have been against the world kind of comrades, playing hide and seek when you were six and wondering about whether time travelling was possible through black holes at twelve. But no matter how close you used to be, you fell out of touch when Mark's family moved to the other end of the world, back to Korea, their roots when you were fourteen. You slowly forgot about him, and started university in the city, moving away from home, so nothing really reminded you of him ⎼ and your stupid, big fat crush on him that you had no courage to tell him about in middle school ⎼, nothing until this box.
You put the delivered package on your kitchen table while you make some dinner for yourself out of what you have gotten during grocery shopping earlier just before you picked up the mysterious stuff at the post office. You eye it suspiciously over your pasta, really not wrapping your mind about what it could be but instead of annoying yourself with this pointless curiosity, you put your fork down and stand up to open it. It’s a struggle at first, the box being secured with multiple adhesive tapes over the years but when you finally get rid of all that and can look inside of it, an intense feeling rushes through you… immerse disappointment.
“A teapot? For real? What were we thinking?” you furrow your brows taking the small, green and pretty old teapot into your hands. It looks like a piece of a traditional Asian set with its jade colour and dragon pattern. It couldn’t have been in a much better shape 10 years ago either seeing how wayworn it is but still, you expected something more… exciting? Something funny that might or might not give you an excuse to look up Mark Lee on the internet and message him for the sake of old times. But how lame it would be to befriend him on Facebook only to tell him that you got delivered a teapot under both your names. Hah, you would rather not embarrass yourself like that.
You shoot one last glance at the teapot before leaving it on your counter and going back to your food, you successfully forget about the whole ordeal. You carry your life on with only one small difference: Mark Lee back on your mind after long, long years.
It was just a small crush, you tell yourself, sighing as you look into the mirror, absentmindedly wondering how he’s doing. Does he think of you sometimes as well? Did he go to music college like he has always wanted? Is he happy? You wish he was even if he’s half a world away and with that thought you think it’s time to go to sleep despite the upcoming weekend days. You don’t want to mess up your sleep schedule over some boy but as soon as you pull the blanket over your chest and close your eyes, something explodes in your kitchen.
You jump out of bed faster than lightning, in slight panic over the fact that your neighbours will hate you for bothering them late at night and your landlord would kill you if you managed to blow up your microwave. But the sight that welcomes you is like no other that you imagined. The whole room is covered in thick pink glittery smoke. Like your worst Barbie nightmare.
“What the⎼” you cough, waving your hands to clear the air and once it dissolves into nothingness with its weirdly cotton candy smell, there’s a boy in the middle of it all, sitting cross legged on your kitchen counter so casually as if he owned the place. His pink-ish purple hair hangs into his eyes and he seems to find your coffee machine strangely interesting. You grab the first thing you can ⎼ a blender ⎼ and hold it up in defensive before yelling at the boy: “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my apartment?”
The stranger’s mouth pulls up in a charming smile, his eyes sparkle as he turns his attention to you, hopping off the counter. He’s all thin and long limbs, so you hate how you hate to look up at him as he walks towards you before bowing ceremoniously.
“Hello, sorry for the sudden appearance, I just couldn’t wait any longer! I’ve been stuck in that teapot waaay too long. I didn’t mean to be rude or anything. My name is Taeyong, I’m a wish dragon and you’re my new owner,” he smiles and what he says makes absolutely no sense.
“A wish dragon?” you mumble in shock, looking around to see if this is just another prank of Johnny. You wouldn’t be surprised to see him jump out from under one of the cupboards. Or maybe you just fell asleep and you’re dreaming. Yeah, that seems like a realistic scenario.
“Ah, yes! I know I don’t look like it but modern times require modern solutions. Most people freak out because of my dragon form, so human it is,” the boy who seems only a few years older than you grins as he’s chatting and you have to give it to him, he takes this role pretty seriously. “You have three wishes as my owner. You can ask for anything as long as it’s not about death or love.”
So you got yourself someone who thinks he’s basically a genie? Oh gosh, is he that drunk?
“Aha, very funny. I’m too tired for this prank, so I would appreciate it if you left the same way you came...” you point towards your window because there’s no way he came through the door. Putting down your blender because the guy looks pretty harmless despite his crazy blabbering, you move to go back to your bedroom.
“No, no, no, I can’t do that,” the boy, Taeyong as he introduced himself, appears in front of you within a second and grabs your shoulder as if he could shake some sense into you. He looks pretty desperate. “I can only get a new owner if I fulfill all wishes of yours. It was super stuffy in that box the last decade, you know.”
At that excuse you let out a laugh.
“You don’t even fit it the⎼”
“You were saying?” Taeyong is suddenly nowhere near ahead of you but instead a small creature, supposedly a dragon, in the size of your palm flies in front of your eye level. “It’s magic!”
Okay, now that sight makes you feel like it’s you who is drunk. Or worse.
“Am I dead?” you have to ask in a small, uncertain voice, trying to think back what could have happened. Maybe that explosion literally blew your apartment up? But it hurts when you pinch your arm and turning back into his human form, Taeyong wants to prove the very same thing. Not the hurting but the not dead part, obviously.
“No, you’re very much alive and a happy owner of a wish dragon. Not permanently, of course, but still,” he tells you as he drags you onto your couch in the living room. As if sitting down could help processing all this.
So you have a wish dragon in your home, a magical creature that can casually switch between its dragon and human form and he says you should wish for three things, so he could leave and you could go back to your old, boring life without magic and things that scare you to death at 11PM.
“Can I ask… why? Why me? I’m not really owner-material,” you whisper because heck yeah, you even managed to kill your cactus before. Taeyong purses his lips as he sits down, a hand at his chin.
“Well, it’s unusual indeed to have a peasant girl, no offence, as my owner but as far as I know, you and your friend asked for a sign that magic was real.”
Oh, you remember that, being so obsessed with shooting stars and other stuff like that, you two used Mark’s brother’s computer to browse the internet, trying to find evidence about all that. You were kids wanting to believe in a world beyond the one you knew. But...
“That was like 10 years ago,” you furrow your eyebrows, not getting the timing.
“Well, sorry, you weren’t put on the top of the Heaven wish list and the shipping from Shanghai to Vancouver isn’t the fastest either,” Taeyong shrugs as if it was supposed to be natural. As if that was the most unbelievable thing. Well, delivery services are sometimes a pain in the ass, that’s true but getting a wish delivered by Heaven was something you would have never thought of and it all drains down on you. Strangest realisation of your life.
“So… it’s all real,” you whisper ahead of yourself: magic, dragons and all that. You could basically see your old best friend’s I told you so smile and let out a soft chuckle. “I wish Mark could meet with you, too.”
At that the guy ahead of you claps his hands and rubs them together, creating the same purple smoke from before. You look at him alarmed.
“Your wish, my command,” Taeyong grins and lifts his hands and before you could make a sound of protest because gosh, you didn’t mean it literally, you feel the ground move under your feet and you’re falling, into the darkness but despite shutting your eyes automatically, fearing the impact of the crash, nothing comes. Only the smell of soy sauce in the air and warm sunshine on your skin… Wait, what?
Your eyelids fly open and you notice in shock that you’re not in your flat anymore, ready to sleep. Instead, you stand in the middle of a goddamn street somewhere in Korea based on the signs still in your PJ shorts and tee. Oh my gosh! You hide in an alley right away and yank the seemingly proud Taeyong with you.
“I didn’t tell you that I meant right now! I can’t meet Mark in my PJs and I need my phone and wallet to function anyways. Not to mention, I don’t speak Korean at all...” you ramble panicking, the realisation that you’re indeed on the other side of the Earth due to some magic is yet to register. But the awkwardness from the stares you have just gotten has already turned you bashful.
Listening to you, the wish dragon seems sheepish and slightly embarrassed as he scratched his nape, his colourful hair falling into his cast down eyes.
“Oh… sorry. I got so excited over the wish that I didn’t think about it! It’s been a while since I did teleport magic but hey, I still have it in me. Anyways, sorry. Phone and wallet, you said? Here you go,” he pulls out something from his pants which magically seems to be indeed your belongings. That definitely makes things earlier.
“Uhm, thanks. Where are we exactly?”
“Ah, well you mentioned your friend Mark Lee, so we’re here. Well, one bell away because I did remember that it’s rude to intrude other’s houses without permission first,” oh now, you know, you snicker internally and gulp because hell, even if you wanted to see Mark, you wouldn’t have thought that the meeting would come so soon. You didn’t have enough time to prepare yourself mentally.
“So… you’re telling me that this… is where Mark lives?” you point at the impressive apartment complex on the corner of the street but Taeyong shakes his head.
“Nope, This is where your Mark lives,” he says and before you could object about the ‘your’ part, the dragon points at the other side of the road at a luxurious house with a huge garden, basically a palace. Seeing the beautiful fountain, the modern and yet traditional Korean style building beyond the fences makes your jaw drop.
“Hahaha, alright for a magic dragon you must have made a mistake. There’s no way the Mark Lee I know lives here,” you look back at Taeyong finding it funny that the kid who used to wore his favourite tees until his mother basically threw them out would live at such a place.
“Mark Lee, korean name Minhyung, supposed to be 22 years old internationally soon. Bad eyesight, contagious laugh, clumsy but has surprisingly good reflexes, gets embarrassed easily. Sound familiar?” Taeyong crooks a brow at you as he reads the information off from a parchment he just took out of his pants. Everything he listed is just so Mark that you’re left in disbelief.
“Uuh… that sounds about right.”
“His father hit it big in 2016 with a tech company, their net worth has too many zeros to count,” Taeyong explains, seeing how surprised you were over the fact that he lived a lavish life like this. Not that he doesn’t deserve it! Mark is such a sweetheart, so of course, you would only want the best for him but as if half the world wasn’t enough, now you have another huge gap between you.
“Gosh, I really can’t believe this. How am I supposed to just ring the bell and say hello after so much time?” you sighed with your head in your hands. “Argh, I need to buy some clothes and change.”
Taeyong approves the idea based on how enthusiastically he hollers, you wonder why nobody on the street seems to pay no attention to him. Maybe only you see him, just more reason for you to be crazy.
“Good idea because we’re having dinner with Mark!”
“What?” you look up in shock, not following through. Taeyong grins down at you, flashing a giddy smile and with a twirl he’s changed from his baggy, casual clothes to something more chic but still laidback.
“Your wish was him meeting me, so I arranged everything. I can't meet him without you and the teapot there, you know,” he explains as if it was supposed to be obvious. You aren't ready yet though.
“You just want to eat all the fancy delicious food he has,” you squint at him suspiciously and the dragon stays silent, so you must be right. He laughs nervously.
“Maybe, but can you blame me? I haven’t had a feast since a literal decade!” he hollers and somehow you really cannot find it in yourself to be angry at him. You are in Seoul for god's sake after all and magic is real, you can put up with the inconvenience of buying clothes and making yourself look decent before dumping all this surprise on Mark.
An hour later you stand in front of the gates of the Lee mansion and nervously you wipe your sweating hands into your dress. You can totally do this, you just say hi to an old friend, it's not like you're afraid he wouldn't remember you, hah, of course not–
You whip your head at the call of your name to the source of that all too familiar voice. Sure it's deeper than you remember but there's no mistake in whose it is. Plus, who else would call your name in South Korea of all places.
"Mark, hey!" you wave the boy who just got out of one of the fanciest cars you've ever seen in your life. And yet, despite the Prada suit and expensive shoes, styled hair and Swiss watch on wrist, Mark Lee still has that goofy little smile and the doe eyes that used to make you weak in the knees. Hah, who are you kidding? They still do.
"Oh my god, dude, you… you got pretty," Mark jogs up to you and having no filter like always he blabbers immediately only to stutter as his ears turn red. It was so him talking before thinking, so you didn’t really mean to dwell on his words. Although you felt your cheeks dusted with pink soon enough. "I mean, it's really good to see you! I was so surprised to see your name in my calendar for today's dinner! You should have told me you were coming to Korea, I would have picked you up at the airport."
His calendar? Ah, of course, he must have been busy and all that. You wouldn’t have been surprised to see an assistant run after him at this point, so you wonder how your wish dragon magically put you onto his list of important people to meet. Gosh, it was so weird.
"Ah, I have a funny story about that…" you chuckled to yourself but before you could have get out anything, even a please, can we go to a more private place? Mark’s eyes zero on the guy next to you and his eyes grow comically wide.
"And uhm, who is your friend?" he points at Taeyong who waves him in exchange with a kilowatt smile. He looks back at you with his mouth agapé. "Oh my god, you came to invite me to your wedding?"
He says oh my god way too many times for an eloquent rich kid, he really is the Mark Lee you knew.
"No, never! I mean, of course, I would invite you but Taeyong and I– I literally met him on my way here," you explain hastily cursing yourself for the silly lie. You came to tell him the news not to try to make it believable. 
“I heard there’s food,” the wish dragon pipes in very helpful and you shoot him a disapproving glance he doesn’t notice. Luckily, Mark doesn’t seem to mind.
“Oh, yeah, of course, dinner! Come on in, let’s get you two settled,” he grins albeit a bit awkwardly as he leads you through the gate after opening it with his card.
On the way through the very, very, very big garden, he’s chattering about how he misses the Vancouver weather, especially on humid, hot days like this and talks about how he thinks the fountain in their yard is a bit too much but his mom loved it and then before you know it, you sit by a huge dining table with fine food in front of you. Suddenly you can’t decide whether you're grateful for Taeyong’s shameless presence – he digs into the jjigae right away – because at least the situation isn’t awkward because of your silence or you’re annoyed by it because you must seem like a weirdo because of him. That’s why you decide to rip off the bandage and tell Mark as soon as the last maid has disappeared too.
“Okay, so actually I came here because I have a surprise,” you speak up, probably too serious because the boy almost chokes on his food due to how fast he turns his head towards you.
“More surprise?” he coughs out and you offer him a glass of water which he takes with a smile.
“You literally won’t believe this one!” you assure him and wait until he gulps down the drink. Only then you point to Taeyong and tell him that your childhood wish has come true. 
Mark almost falls off his chair this time.
Not after you tell him that though. He laughs at that with that wheezing laugh of his as if you told the joke of the century then pats you on the shoulder murmuring That was a good one, bro and turning back to his food. But then you look at the magic dragon pointedly and Taeyong puts down his chopsticks with an exaggerated sign. Then he flexes his magic: turning into his dragon form among additional sparkles and Mark suddenly looks like he’s about to faint. He reaches out to tap on your shoulder while not taking his eyes off the wish dragon.
“Am I dreaming?” he whispers and honestly, you totally get his reaction while Taeyong mumbles something about ‘people these days not believing in dragons’ as he shows off all the things he could do: gift riches, make one stronger than they are, giving skills of whatever one wants. He starts rambling about how this one Chinese emperor became wealthy thanks to this, how that one actor in martial arts and all this before changing back to his human form and he continues eating his pasta like nothing ever happened.
“I can do this all day,” he shrugs as if he didn’t just perform the coolest magic tricks.
“This… this is the best thing ever!” Mark exclaims with those sparkles in his eyes you missed so much. He was always so excited about new things and it automatically makes you smile how he bombards Taeyong with million questions like: ‘So you are the wish dragon that grants wishes?’ or asking him about his scales, his unique color, how it feels to live in such a small teapot, how old he is and the dragon glows under all the attention. Can’t blame him but Mark has always been so curious about the world, it’s endearing.
“So your first wish was to meet me?” he turns to you after long minutes of interrogating Taeyong and suddenly, under the spotlight you don’t know what to do with yourself. You can feel yourself blushing because you didn’t necessarily mean to wish for that but it’s not like you’re regretting it, it’s just… you don’t want him to misunderstand.
“I thought you should meet him, too, after all the package was delivered for the two of us,” you look down, trying to sound nonchalant while picking your food, avoiding Mark’s gaze. No matter how open armed he welcomed you, you still aren’t convinced that it’s okay to be here because the more time you spend with him, the more you would like to stay a part of his life. “It’s just… I wasn’t really sure we could ever meet again. We didn’t keep contact after you left.”
With dropped shoulders, you try not to sound too downhearted because of what happened because you know all too well, it wasn’t his fault, it was a family decision and look at him, it did good for him! He seems happy, they live in a practically mansion but most importantly, he didn’t seem to change with the wealth. He might wear expensive clothes but under it all he’s still the boy with the most loveable smile.
“I… I was thinking about you a lot, I just thought you forgot about me,” Mark admits with a sheepish smile, tucking his hair behind his ear shyly. He really still is the same and it’s playing silly little games with your heart. If this was a cheesy Disney movie, a slow bgm would start to play as you look into each other but your moment is broken when Taeyong accidentally kicks into his chair as he stands up. At first he looks alarmed but then giggles.
“I will just… go. Don’t mind me,” he disappears like smoke with a wink, leaving you two alone at which Mark lets out a woah. You chuckle at his cute reaction, heart doing somersaults in your chest.
You thought it would be awkward, just the two of you alone after long years but Mark has this thing that he makes people feel comfortable around him, so it’s actually quite nice. You catch up on everything and anything that comes to your mind: old neighbours, studies, friends, what are you doing now and what would you like to do, too.
After finishing the delicious dinner, Mark offers a home tour which you would never refuse and you jaw drops at the huge crystal chandelier in their living room as well as their swimming pool but your favourite place in the whole mansion is Mark’s room because it’s just so him. You can’t describe it well but the moment you step inside, it feels like home. It’s cozy to the point it makes you want to cuddle a pillow. It has colours of pastels, a synthesizer here, a guitar there, posters of singers framed on his wall and vinyl records hanging down. His window has a view of sunset and Namsan above their green garden and although you haven’t been in Seoul before, you’re pretty sure it’s your favourite place in the whole damn city, too.
“Wait, there’s someone I would like you to meet,” Mark suddenly exclaims while you’re looking through his pictures and he pulls you out of his room, out of the house, into the garden: You giggle all the way as he’s being so secretive about it but then your steps halt unexpectedly and the hand you have in Mark’s yanks him back.
“Mark… why is there a tiger in your garden in the middle of Seoul?” you ask as quietly and as immobile as you can. You don’t want to attract the sleeping animal’s attention to yourself. But to your biggest surprise, the boy just laughs, his thumb caressing your skin soothingly.
“She’s Jasmine and she won’t hurt you,” he reassures you but needless to say, you’re not too calm and you’re pulled close to the wild animal that lifts its huge head towards you lazily. “She was abandoned by her mother as a cub and she was outcast in the zoo because she’s a bit sick, so she has always been weaker than her siblings. Dad made a donation and we have raised her since she was young.”
You hiss when Mark reaches out without fear but the tiger basically purrs as he strokes down his fur at the neck. You watch in awe as this big wild animal becomes a soft cat under the hands of Mark Lee. When the boy encourages you to pat her too, you hesitate but he promises you that it’s gonna be alright and you take a leap of faith. 
“What’s her sickness?” you wonder aloud as your fingers get lost in the soft fur of the tiger. You hope she’s not in a lot of pain.
“It’s an immune system thing, not sure what exactly but she wouldn’t have survived this long in the wild,” the boy tells you and his mouth curls up in a smile when Jasmine licks your hand. It seems like you’re tiger-approved. You look into its warm brown eyes and your heart churns at the thought of her condition.
Mark tells you stories of Jasmine, about that one time she crashed his birthday cake or how much she likes to swim with him in their pool during summer and gosh, you could listen to him go on and on forever. You’re only reminded of the reality, that all this is just a possible one-time thing, a weekend getaway with magic when Taeyong shows up in swimwear, ready to crash in said pool.
“I guess he might have been bored in that teapot,” Mark laughs, not minding at all. He even offers you to join but you have a better idea.
“Taeyong, I have my second wish!” you call out for the wish dragon who’s suddenly much more excited about that than the water. He’s beside you in a moment, beaming and curious. You glance at Mark with a soft smile before looking at your personal genie confidently.
“I wish Jasmine would be healthy,” you whisper, playing with the tiger’s furry ears which she seems to enjoy. You were a little bit afraid the dragon would say it’s not possible, that he can’t cure sickness but to your relief, he just grins.
“Your wish, my command,” he nods and puts a hand over the animal. Nothing but a smoke of purple signals the magic being done but you believe in it and so does Mark by the looks of it. He reaches out for your hand and squeezes it gently. 
“Thank you,” he smiles and you smile back. He used to be your best friend after all, it’s the least you can do for him.
Mark convinces you to stay the weekend and there’s no way you could tell no to him, not when he clears his schedule just for you. He never complains about how busy he must be working for his father’s business while being a music major at a local university. All he ever talks about is the places he wishes to show you and he takes you around Seoul as if he was your certificated tour guide. It’s lovely how enthusiastic he is about it while what really matters to you is the time you spend together. He makes sure you two take a million photos to remember by, Taeyong posing on half of them since he joins you on your little trips and sometimes it’s just the two of you watching the wish dragon being genuinely in awe by modern technology, 10 years is a long time after all.
On the last day before you have to go back to Vancouver (thanks to Taeyong’s kind offer to take you the same way you came back since he misunderstood you, you don’t have to sit through a 10+ hours flight and you have more time), Mark not only tries to make you breakfast despite having an in-house chef (his eggs are ugly as heck but you appreciate his efforts and can’t help but coo at his dreamy smile under that grey hoodie when you tell him it tastes yummy) but he also introduces you to his friends in Korea. Of course, they tease you (mostly Mark) about where he has been hiding you but it’s all chill and fun you’re not quite ready to say goodbye. But you should go because the more you stay, the more you don’t want to leave. You’re lucky enough for this chance to reunite with Mark but all good things end eventually.
“Let’s not disappear from each other’s life again, okay?” the boy grins at you as you’re ready to go, Taeyong already working on his magic.
“Yeah, let’s not,” you agree easily, looking forward to your video chatting and constant texting even if it’s from the two opposite ends of the Earth with a terrible time zone difference.
You glance at the wish dragon who’s drumming with his fingers while pursing his lips as if he was waiting for something and you let out a huff before working up the courage to actually do something about these feelings inside of you. You might have regretted not confessing in middle school, you have spent years wondering about the what ifs, so you don’t want to make the same mistake twice but still, you want to give Mark a chance to ignore it all if he wants to. So you step forward and wrap your hands around him as you hug him close. It’s obvious that your action takes him aback, he suddenly doesn’t know what to do with his hands and his body tenses under you but it all melts as you say those words that have been threatening to fall from your lips all this time:
“I have missed you.” you confess, honest and based on the hitch in his breathing, Mark must be surprised. You can’t blame him though, you just wanted him to know. You step back with a weary smile, his big Bambi eyes on you but before he could say anything you nod at Taeyong and you feel yourself falling, purple fog pulling you in. A few moments later you’re back in Vancouver, in your apartment, without him.
The first few days pass in a blurr, you can still barely believe what just happened. Your weekend with Mark feels like a too good dream but Mark kept his side of promise and texted you almost immediately as you left. He sends you selfies, songs that remind him of you and you talk about your days like you never did before. Still, it feels like you’re dancing around certain topics which are basically the elephant in the room and maybe that’s why Taeyong tries to cheer you up in his own way. Though, he soon realizes that you not being happy isn’t the problem, you are happy, you just… miss Mark more than you ever did.
“Enough of moping, you still have a wish left!” Taeyong exclaims, throwing himself onto your bed. “Come on, close your eyes, imagine what you want the most in the world and make a wish!" he singsongs. However, before you could even just indulge him, your phone pings with a new notification.
fullsun00 tagged you in their post!
You click on it right away, wondering what Mark’s friend Donghyuck is doing online at 1AM. The uploaded post turns out to be a photo of you and Mark when you all hang out near Han river. You were too busy at the time laughing at how the boy almost lost his whole scoop of ice cream before he could have had a single bite to notice his smile while looking at you. Based on his caption Donghyuck apparently wasn’t.
fullsun00: just old friends, they say. friends my ass @buttercupyn @onyourm__ark
You click your tongue wondering what Mark thinks of the callout but you press like on the post anyways. You put your phone aside before you could see how his other friends join the teasing in the comment section.
“Actually, I do have my third wish,” you speak up as you turn to Taeyong before he could make a remark on your tinted cheeks.
You’ve been thinking a lot about it during the past days. You could wish for anything but you’re at a point of your life where no riches or fame would make you happier because you’re happy enough just the way it is. It might not be perfect but you don’t want to be selfish and you want to make decisions you won’t regret: like catching up with Mark, curing his tiger and bringing happiness into the life of somebody who only ever served other people in his life.
“Ooh, what is it?” Taeyong claps, giddy as if he was waiting for this to happen. He probably did.
“I wish you would go on a vacation and enjoy life,” you tell him but unlike his usual reaction, this time the dragon’s smile fades and he blinks at you, confused.
“You could ask for anything in the world and that’s what you want? Are you sure?” he furrows his brows, not quite believing your words but you just smile, knowingly.
“Yes, Taeyong, I’m sure.”
“Your wish, my command,” he bows with his hands put together and with a twirl suddenly he’s in a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses, looking as ready for a holiday as one can be. You chuckle and tell him to just go, you’ll be fine.
You’re fine, you really are. Life goes on, you study and work, you laugh with your friends, you video call with Mark regularly and his friends are regulars on your social media, too. It’s just sometimes the feeling of missing something hits you harder than other days. Especially when you’re looking through the pictures you have from your Seoul weekend.
“I wish you were here,” you whisper ahead of you at one particularly good photo of Mark and the sunset, smiling at you behind the camera. You miss his smile, the cute wrinkles around his eyes when he crunches his nose, the sound of his laughter, his hand on your wrist… you miss him.
You stand up startled at the sound of your flat’s bell, running to the door to open it even though you have no idea who it could be so early on a Saturday morning. Not having a better idea, you expect it to be either a neighbour of your landlord but on the other side of your doorstep stands a boy who you thought was a continent away. He’s dressed semi-casually this time, his shirt tucked in his jeans, hair lightly falling onto his forehead and a nervous smile on his thin lips.
“Mark! But I⎼ I don’t even have more wishes,” you blink, taken aback, looking around to look for Taeyong in case he came back. But your behaviour just manages to confuse Mark instead.
“I just wished you were here,” you blurt out without thinking, your words only processing later in your brain and it’s then when heat creeps onto your cheeks. Mark tries to but can’t really hide his growing smile at that.
“Really? I’m glad then. I just took my new private plane on a test drive,” he says bashfully, a silly excuse for real.
“All the way to Vancouver?” you tease, watching Mark fumble with the hem of his shirt. Your heart beats overtime just because of the fact that he’s there. 
“Well, what can I say? I did miss the weather here,” he plays along with a shrug but he’s more serious when he looks deep into your eye and adds: “And you left without letting me answer.”
Oh yes, you did. You were kind of afraid of his reaction but seeing how he was ready to travel across the world just to see you, maybe there’s no reason for you to be so afraid. It feels like deja vu but a reversed one in a way as Mark gently pulls you into a hug, his lips grazing your hair with a whisper that makes your heart skip a beat: “I have missed you too.”
You really wouldn’t wish for anything more.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
What do you think of JM’s updated Spotify? I don’t normally read into things, but his song choices makes me sad. “At my worst” “I can’t be myself (excuse me while I cry) & “When was it over?” With the lyrics “was it that fight we didn’t have when I came in? Was it the first time you saw me drunk? Second time I said I’m sorry?” It sounds like a replay of Vmins dumpling incident and it worries me. JM looked off in the recent live, almost sad and pouty lately. Do you think I’m over analyzing it?
Admin 1: The short answer to this would be: yes, you are over analyzing things.
The longer one would be that, for example, Pink Sweat$'s At My Worst isn't a sad song, it's actually the exact opposite. It's a very cute and romantic song. Just look at the first verse:
Can I call you baby? Can you be my friend? Can you be my lover up until the very end? Let me show you love, oh, no pretend Stick by my side even when the world is caving in, yeah
I'd actually argue this kinda sounds like a mixture between Sweet Night and Friends when it comes to the sentiment of those words. I’ve seen some people even claim that this will replace Ed Sheeran’s romantic songs that have so far been used at every wedding ever because of how sweet it is.
Then we have Justin Bieber’s I can’t be myself which I believe you probably only looked at the title and jumped to conclusions because, again, this isn’t a sad song either. The lyrics are more about how Justin (or whoever) cannot be himself when you (I’d guess he likely means his wife) isn’t by his side, thus wanting to say that he is happiest and most himself when they are together. It’s sweet and lovely, not sad.
I could travel any place But without you, it's just runnin' around (Girl, I'm just runnin' around) They could open Heaven's gates But without you, I'm just stuck in the clouds (Yeah, yeah)
Lastly, from the songs you specifically highlighted, is Sasha Sloan’s when was it over? which yes, I’ll admit this one is a sad song about not being able to let go even though you know there is nothing left. The song though has a very calm sound, something you’d listen to in the evening, and something I could see both him and Tae like listening to, not because Jimin relates to the lyrics but because it’s simply a pretty song.
On my current playlist I have Stromae’s Formidable, a song about a heartbroken man getting wasted after a breakup. I’ve neither gotten my heart broken nor am I sad and yet I still love this song because it’s just a really good song. Sometimes that’s the only reason we need to listen to a song. Nothing more to it.
All that to say that I don’t believe there is any correlation whatsoever to be made here, especially since Tae and Jimin look more than happy in recent months (did you notice Jimin happily smiling at Tae during their most recent performance of Butter for Colbert at the beginning of their subunit dance?) and there is nothing that could indicate to us that something went wrong between them, or that Jimin could be sad or something bad going on with him. I mean, look at JKs playlist and the fact that he has Billie Eilish’s Your Power on it, applying your thought process, does that mean that JK is trying to tell us he went through something similar to Billie? That he is sad? Or do you think he simply recommended that song because he likes Billie’s music? The last one seems the most likely, doesn’t it?
So, to sum it all up, there is absolutely no need to worry, seriously.
Admin 2: In the evenings, when it's very quiet and my big city has fallen asleep, I really enjoy listening to Sweet Night. I also like to go back to 4 O'Clock from time to time (although I know I will cry). Does that mean I missed my chance in life to be with my beloved? No and no again! I've never been in a situation like this, I wasn't unhappy or "fragily" in love, no one abandoned me or cheated on me. I listen to these songs because I love them. They match the mood of the evening and calm me down despite the sad lyrics and let me fall asleep peacefully.
I am a person who listens to a lot of songs from the past; Songs that remind me of situations, remind me of years of studying, enable me to relive certain situations.
Dear Anon, thank you very much for your question (confession), but I admit that I see it as "looking for some kind of backdoor" so to speak, a way to create a loophole and deny everything after all.
I don't know who you are, I don't know if you really are a Vminnie, but I think you are clinging to any possibility of a situation to undermine the reality or existence of Vmin. That's how I see it, if I offend you, I apologize. The more we get new materials about Tae and Jimin every day, like them being cute in the McDonald's behind the scenes, the more such "sad thoughts" we get sent to us through asks every day.
Firstly, I'm not sure if Jimin (and Taehyung) is fluent enough in English to capture the accuracy of the lyrics and understand its message. Of course, you can translate it, but for that to happen first the song has to catch your attention, and usually it's the melody and the overall feeling of a song that does it, and not the lyrics. And that is the point!
I think Jimin picked these tracks because he simply likes them. Perhaps he first paid attention to the melodies and the mood and only then understood the lyrics sometime later.
A lot of people (including me) hear some kind of song instead of another because they are intrigued by the melody or the association with a particular situation. The mood that fits the moment, the weather, the time of day or many other things which lead us to choose this song and not another.
Maybe Jimin and Taehyung were driving at night and listening to the song on the radio, maybe they were in a romantic mood back then, just having dinner together or taking a half bath together. Ha ha, I know I am deceiving and romanticizing what I am saying to reflect the vast possibilities and reasons why you listen to music like this and no other. Jimin putting together this list of songs for his spotify playlist doesn't mean he listens to it all the time, every day, but that he has the songs he likes on his list and chose the ones he wants to hear right now, or that he thought ARMY could like.
Of course, I'm sure he listens to very different songs during exercising than the one lying in bed before falling asleep. Maybe he's listening to this list, just like we hear the songs from BTS? We know individual words after repeating them several times, and we generally know (as we decide to read translations) what is going on in a particular song, but we don't understand all the words accurately. Not all of us are in the same situation as described in a particular song, but still we listen to it because we like it, because BTS sings it, because we are waiting for a solo from Suga etc. etc. etc.
For some time now we have been seeing (I see) Vmin happy, even very happy, as if "after the night the day came and after the storm came peace" (by the way, these are the words of one of my favorite songs), I have the impression that Vmin have finished fighting all their fights and they are just happy now, finally. Taehyung looks like a million dollars, he's literally glowing and far more lively than he was a year ago.
To him, Jimin is like smooch like butter and someone he likes the most. Taehyung is a handsome and hot chingu for Jimin who he also likes him the most as well. Tell me dear Anon, where is there room for fear and doubt in the love they share? Why and on what basis do you suspect that Vmin has broken up, or is having problems, or that either of them is unhappy? Besides, if one of them has an off day or is simply tired after a packet schedule and thus doesn't look as animated, why is that immediately read as "Jimin and Tae aren't together anymore" or "they are drifting apart" when chances are far more likely that it has nothing to do with their bond? Based on the playlist, or based on Vlive, or maybe based on both of these events, what is the correlation?
I've seen the Vlive. To tell the truth, I didn't see a sad and pouty Jimin there. Instead, I saw Taehyung smiling and content, and Jimin smiled and admired Tae's new hairstyle. I watched the latest BTS interviews. Vmin stared at each other, Jimin stared at Tae with a big smile that only grew in size and the two communicated with their eyes.
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Jimin caressed Taehyung's back/butt in the Butter MV making Episode and said there’s butter here (though it wasn’t translated in the subs).
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In the McD ad they were together and standing next to each other, even with Jimin resting his head on Tae's shoulder and then Jimin eating Tae's chicken nugget from his hand.
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Honestly, I don't know what else Vmin would have to do to keep people from doubting their bond and happiness. They have shown us so much, I think they have reached the limit of what can be said without saying it bluntly.
Most importantly, this is a very interesting situation as we have never had as much "dubious news/content" (not meant negatively at all) as we have now after Taehyung's interview with his ‘confession’/clarification about Sweet Night. To me it smells a bit like someone wants to cause fear or plant the seed of doubt, or be like a trojan horse with the underlying idea of course being that "well...we must be wrong" even though there’s no reason for us to believe/think that.
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doomednarrative · 3 years
I’m doing this for fun simply because I'm rewatching them all so,
Here's my personal ranking for Every Gorillaz Music video, based both on song and the video itself:
(This is going to be a long post)
Tomorrow Comes Today: 7/10. I love this song and the video fits its vibe, but its still pretty simplistic and not a whole lot of actual animation and no story, so it gets points off for that.
Clint Eastwood: 10/10. I love this one honestly. Its still so charming after all this time and showcases the band well for their early days. Love the more moody tone of it, and I always love seeing the band actually play instruments in their videos too. Bonus points for Murdoc's laugh opening this one because I love that.
Rock The House: 9/10. Pure fun. I don't have a lot of commentary for it, I just think its fun and I love the song itself too. One point off for Murdoc thrusting his hips too many times for my eyes tho.
19-2000: 10/10. This one was the first Gorillaz video that I saw and it really is just a nice non plot connected video. The 3D animation still manages to hold up because of its mix with 2D animation in my opinion and I enjoy it.
Rockit: 5/10. I like the song but the video is kinda meh.
PHASE ONE MV'S OVERALL: Overall I like phase one and I miss Del. Bring him back.
Dirty Harry: 8/10. 2D is just vibing so hard in this video and I'm living for it. That’s all that matters. (Side note but I love the version of this video they did for the BRIT's as well.)
DARE: 10/10. Noodles time to shine, a perfect song, what more could you ask for?? (Also love the bit with Murdoc at the end of course.)
Feel Good Inc: 10/10. This one is obvious if you know me at all. Murdoc playing his bass is what sells this one for me cause I enjoy the animation. The songs amazing and one I find comforting to listen to, and the mood of the video fits it perfectly. Theres some really fun shots with lighting while 2D is standing at the window too in the tower in here that I've always liked.
El Mañana: 6/10. I love this song but it makes me sad and so does the video.
PHASE TWO MV'S OVERALL: Phase One is iconic for its art style and for being The Beginning, but Phase Two is my favorite of the two for its art. I love how these videos are animated, and even if Demon Dayz is my least favorite album, the songs in these videos are all very good. Pretty solid as a whole all things considered.
Stylo: 10/10 LISTEN, I KNOW SOME PEOPLE HATE THE CGI, BUT I LOVE IT. It’s so expressive, this song is one of my absolute faves, I’m sorry to be such a Murdoc liker but hes so much fun in this video and so expressive and it starts the story off for Plastic Beach. I love it so much.
On Melancholy Hill: 7/10. It’s not a bad video, and I love the song a lot, but...not a lot actually happens in the video aside from the bits with Noodle. Bonus points however go to just how seamlessly it puts 2D and 3D animation together, and for how cute 2D looks this whole video.
Rhinestone Eyes: 9/10. WOULD BE A 10/10 IF WE’D GOTTEN OFFICIAL ANIMATION FOR IT ;-; (The fan animated video for it tho is Very very good and i applaud that whole team.) Amazing song, this video has the most story packed into it so far from all the other videos and it’s memorable from its storyboards for that alone.
Doncamatic: 10/10 Listen...Listen I know its a one off and it doesn't really have anything in it but I’m obsessed because its one of my favorite Gorillaz songs tbh and I love Daley’s outfit in it so it gets a full pass from it.
PHASE THREE MV’S OVERALL: I love every video this phase tbh, none of them are bad. All of them are fun,and even if Melancholy Hill is a little slow, it’s still enjoyable. I love this phase because they all connect and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way either.
Hallelujah Money: 7/10. It’s not at all bad, but I’m as not fond of this song, and the video itself is much too trippy for me. Still has its own merits tho that I won’t knock it for even if it’s not my personal taste.
Saturn Barz: 10/10. Everything about this video is amazing. Character designs and as a comeback for the bands animated counterparts, it was perfect. I loved hearing them actually speak again too it made the whole thing so fun. The song is fuckin awesome and it fits the vibe of the whole video. Bonus points for the more lineless animation style they gave everyone in this video, it was a really neat change from past phases. My one complaint is again stop making me see so much naked Murdoc, I may like him but not like that.
Sleeping Powder: 6/10. I am so split when it comes to the mo cap models. This songs good but the video is again too trippy for me.
Strobalite: 9/10. Would have been 10/10 if Russel got to dance with 2D and Noodle, but other than that its pretty damn good. The mo cap looks way less awkward in here, particularly Murdoc and Russel. Also hilarious that Murdoc made a deal with the devil, and the guy who played him is actually his voice actor irl. This songs too much fun to vibe to as well.
PHASE FOUR MV’S OVERALL: Not much for story, but makes up for it in updated art and great music again. Solid overall yet again. I like it.
Humility: 20/10. Literally every single person I know who’s seen this video loved it. The animation is Beautiful, the song is so fuckin catchy, Jack Black is in it! What more do you want!! (The only thing I could have asked for was to see more of Ace but that’s its only flaw.)
Tranz: 9/10. I love this song so much but this video is Again just a little too trippy for me. However, we get to see Ace just jamming out in this video and I’ll take the trippiness just for that.
PHASE FIVE MV’S OVERALL: I was surprised there wasn't at least one more video for this phase honestly? I feel like Kansas or Souk Eye would have made for great videos for this phase. That aside tho, both the videos it does have are a lot of fun. My literal only complaint is that I wanted to see more of Ace. Bring him back in the future.
Momentary Bliss: 8/10. This songs fine, but what sells it for me is the video is more slice of life/a day in the life of the studio. I’m always a fan of those moments. Bonus points goes to Murdoc trying to fuckin poison Jamie and it backfiring on him.
Désolé: 10/10: ooooh this song is so beautiful...I love it so much. 2D Noodle and Russel got to have such a fun time in this video and they deserve it. And poor Murdoc, having his little sad times by his asshole self. I love him but I think he deserved it. The others needed a good break from the bullshit and I’m glad they got it.
Aries: 6/10. Video itself is kinda boring, but the song is nice. Murdoc deserved to be left behind in Désolé after what he tried to pull here.
Friday the 13th: 3/10. I don’t care for this video and I really don’t care for the song. Not much else to say.
PAC-MAN: 6/10. Video’s fine, I like some of the little details in it, but it’s nothing special. The song itself is nice tho, super calming, I like it.
The Pink Phantom: 5/10 I just don’t really care for this song?? I like Elton John but I couldn’t get myself to like this one no matter how many times I’ve listened. 2D got to be happy in this video tho so I’ll give it a pass.
The Valley of the Pagans: 6/10. This song fuckin slaps but the video feels like a boring redo of 19-2000 except for it’s ending. It gets points for giving everyone Plastic Beach feelings at the end and hyping up the video after it.
The Lost Chord: 20/20. Y’all knew this was coming. This was something I’d BEEN hoping for story wise and I finally got it. Was it maybe a little rushed? Yes. But GOD it was such a nice thing to see them say “hey we’ve wrapped up this part of the story for good and want everyone to move on from it, so we’ve given it a properly acknowledged final send off.” And tangibly seeing everyone's emotions laid out about the island and their times there was very nice. And  I know Jamie and Damon have stated Murdoc is irredeemable, blah blah yes I know hes an asshole still, but I WILL think about Murdoc in this video and how he seemed actually regretful and what that means to me and the fact that it was no one else but 2D himself being the one to reach out to Murdoc in the end to save him until my dying breath, thank you very much. And this song?? Fuckin beautiful, it had those Plastic Beach vibes again and felt good for it’s send off song, I love it.
PHASE SIX MV’S OVERALL: I may be a little split on some of them and on Song Machine as a whole, but tbh I love the phase six art style so much and most times the videos were pretty good. Bringing back PB in the end was something I always wanted too so it really does get bonus points from me for that. I’m 50/50 on them overall. The great ones are great, and the meh ones are just kinda boring, so it evens out in the end.
Do Ya Thing: 10/10. I’ve said before I love the 3D animation and the slice of life stuff, so this one’s obviously a favorite, and you really cant go wrong with an Andre 3000 feature either. 
Superfast Jellyfish: 3/10. This song is kinda fun but I don’t give a single shit about the music video.
Garage Palace: 8/10. Very fun pixel visuals for a change along with a killer song, super enjoyable.
So what’s my final verdict on Gorillaz and their long music video history?
Honestly for a group thats been going as long as they have, I dont think they have too many misses in their catalog. The ones that aren’t as fun are just kinda there, but the videos that really stand out stand out far above the ones that don’t hit the mark as well and in the end it all feels like a good balance. No band has a perfect video every time, but the ones that Gorillaz did well they did amazing on and I enjoy it immensely when that happens.
Sidenotes after watching all of those:
For the love of god please put Russel in the videos more, please, he deserves it and I would love to see him more.
And speaking of characters to bring back, I want Ace to come back and join Murdoc sometimes, even if its only once or twice more, I need to see them interact PLEASE.
Last note but Jamie, please, I’m begging, show less of mostly naked or fully naked of Murdoc in future videos, we’ve had our fill by now.
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taeminie · 2 years
EVERY MONTH OF 2021 - most favorite/popular sets
post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months)
tagged by: mari ( @nanons ) & jey ( @dramaism ) thank u my loves!!! 💖
jan: starting off with this set of my favorite thai actresses!! i enjoyed making this one and the list has remained the same til this day (i have some new faves too) 🥰
feb: my very first atots set. it was truly a tale of thousand stares. i miss them so much. 💚😫 and also my bday set for win. it was so much fun to make as well. and it turned out really colorful. 😍
march: this set inspired by tkg. when i tell u i screamed when i saw the name of the poem. it’s very sarawatine. i rmr making it with all the hype of the movie coming out and then the movie never happened til november :((( but anyways i enjoyed making it. and i couldn’t post my favorite creations of march without including another set inspired by tkg with my other favorite couple. 💜 i miss wangxian so much :(
april: this set of atots parallels!! airport scene my beloved. 💘 also this set of itsay + the civil wars (i love the coloring!! maybe if i had learned to blend by then this would’ve been even better.. but i was so lazy djjdjsjs)
may: this set of tiffy outfits. miss zorzo really did that for us. 😍 and this set from last twilight in phuket. >>>>>>> ipytm tbh (i love the yellows and b&w 💛💛💛 ) and finally, this picset (my very first one i made) i like that i had no idea what was gonna happen.. i was so naive..
june: this gifset from hell. (but ok i admit it was fun making it yes i’ve lost my mind) and this one of wangxian 💖💖💖 i love love the coloring and fun fact the last gif took me about 1 hour to color (cql is sooo tough to color in general imo) i also really like this picset i made for atots week. it was so much fun to make (this was my picset era maybe i will make a comeback soon…) and of course it wouldn’t be june without a respective PRIDE set 🌈🥰 and a bi tine set of course.
july: i’m gonna say my first light on me gifset ever which was episode 4. that was the moment i was like wow i really love this drama. and got really hooked. also this soljiwan set makes me so happy idk why its so colorful and love is stored in the parallels… & for sure i enjoyed making this set of lwj/shinwoo parallels. i debated whether or not to add text on the gifs but then i realized it’s all about the body language. they’re my babies 💖. i also love this sarawatine gifset (inspired by the wonderful vikki @seanswhite)
aug: this was a hard month cause (together with july) it was my light on me era so i made so many gifsets of it. but i loved this one especially bc it was the finale. i felt like it turned out really good for closure. and of course!! my shinwoo is bad at feelings gifset 🥺🥺🥺 i miss him so muchhhh. & to conclude this month i really loved the combinations of pinks and b&w in this gifset.
sept: hands down, this taemin set. i was on a taemin marathon and missing him so much that i decided to watch all his mv’s and my brain did a thing.. like wait a minute. he’s an actual genius. he’s perfect. i also like this set of a first love story. it was sooo short but it was adorable and i’m glad we got a part 2. (I’m a huge fan of adding b&w gifs in the middle of a gifset as u can tell)
oct: this set of the tasty florida. i feel like the drama was so short lived but i really did enjoy it for the time it lasted. it was cute. 🥺💜
nov: this patpran gifset that ruined my life (it’s their song… it really is..) and this bad buddy recap gifset. i was really happy with the coloring (& blending)
dec: this danyok set. i really love the coloring and it’s my first ever gifset of them (and of many more i asume) so i feel like when we’re on the last few episodes and they’re all lovey dovey i’m gonna be looking back at the memories of yok simping for half the face of a stranger <3 also this bad buddy recap set is my favorite that i’ve done so far. i really like the blending and the coloring. 💛
tagging: @alienwlw @becomeundone @yesdramas @dramaism @dingyuxi @earthfluuke @gunsatthaphan @pranpats @seanswhite @mrdumpling @jaehwany @jendeuke only if u want to of course 🥺 & happy new year !!! 💜
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Maou-jou 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Idolish7 s2 10 - 15 (FINAL) | SLS 2
I’ve been holding off new seasonals because of other things, but after I post this I’ll have enough time to get around to them. That’s why I can’t guarantee winter 2021 seasonal tags on this post...maybe the next one will have them...
Maou-jou 9
…it seems shopping channels even are the same in the demon world.
Now even the demons have quests! (The frame is different to the princess’s, though.)
Oh! The quest failed.
Neo Alraune: in flower language, “the 2nd coming of happiness”. The worry from a little while ago was, “I’m worried about my brother.” The worry from recently: “I didn’t think about being happy that the princess didn’t kill my brother.”
The penguin demons are pretty cute!
Don’t you know how parents forbid children from sleeping until they finish all their homework? Must be something like that.
Yoku ganbarimashita! – Syalis worked hard!
LOL, mental age: 3. Poseidon likes cute things…I can’t read a lot of this…the hardsubs cover the JPN text.
They…both succeeded! (…LOL?)
Maou-jou 10
Owarinocity = Endopolis. It’s a good equivalent, if I do say so myself.
…oh yeah. What happened to Alraune? Update: There she is!
Also, that blonde guy in the infomercials doesn’t look too bad…*makes chef’s kiss gesture with one hand* Nice.
I wonder, was Twilight once human…?
LOL, there’s a goat symbol on the cleric’s pyjamas. Also “first time”, LOL.
I think they were playing shiritori at one point.
Hanamaru saikou yoku dekimashita!
Maou-jou 11
…How does one “sleep cheerfully”, anyway?
I think I saw Twilight drop something…some kind of paper…
Aw, Twilight blushing is kinda cute!
LOL, 70s shoujo style. Also, “It cannot be!”
Whoa, she cancelled it?!
I read up on this series on TV Tropes…and apparently the Demon King captured the Princess in her sleep.
Kagemusha? Like a ninja or something?
Apparently the Demon Cleric is much older than he looks.
Ooh! Hypnos is back!
A-whatsit really is abysmal levels of stupid!!! (LOL)
Maou-jou 12 (FINAL)
Who’s that one tiny guy occupying one of the Ten Kings’ seats?
*watching after Christmas, about a week after the anime finished* This is not seasonally appropriate!
…*thinks for a second, then spits* That’s the 2nd Nemu in the fall 2020 season!!!
Ooh, the head paladin doesn’t look that bad, either.
“…is it good to be…”
“…has seized the princess!”
“…that demon king is rather cute.” – See? Someone agrees with me.
Anyways, that was a fun series. See you soon!
Idolish7 s2 10
…Back at it after so long…(I can’t help it though – Crunchyroll, per month, is about double the local Funimation sublicensor’s fees, and for much less content that’s worth my money to boot!)
I’ve always thought Momo was like Sasara (HypMic), so seeing him anguished hurts me in the kokoro too…
I know Banri was involved with Re:vale somehow…this must be it.
…Male idols are also popular among men? Is this why there are 8 (!!!) idol anime in winter 2021 alone…? (Also, that’s why HypMic became popular? Multidemographic appeal crossed over with obvious merchandising opportunities?)
It’s kind of scary how Momo stepped the formality towards Yuki like that (to -san).
I guess in his heart Momo still reveres Yuki, some way or another.
The rakugo curtain really sold the moment that they (current Re:vale) were acting like an old married couple.
Yay! Silver Sky is such a cool song! Of course I recognised the intro when it came on.
…I see. The elder Kujo is entrusting his dream to Tenn, so that’s why he banned Aya from seeing Tamaki. However, it’s hard to know what to feel when Aya speaks in the vaguest terms possible.
I think that was a special ending for only this episode. I don’t know what its name is, but I guess I might recognise it on Spotify one day.
Idolish7 s2 11
LOL, Nagi’s reaction.
Considering the ‘rona is getting worse outside our very windows as we speak (type?), I think it’s correct to be concerned about your future right now.
Looking at these narrow streets reminds me of going to eat hotpot at the end of my Japan trip…only Japanese streets look like that, I think. Hong Kong’s streets are more crowded than that and America likes their suburbia.
Of course, when you say hajimemashite (nice to meet you), someone’s gotta say it back, hence the reply.
Considering there are people all over the world watching the Idolish7 anime, I would say you are telling the world about I7, Riku.
Oh! Restart Pointer! There was an MV for that one…I think it was around the time Idolish7’s MVs started getting better.
So this is the context around the new outfits! Cool!
There have been way too many puns about “idol” being…y’know, “ai (love) doll” and stuff like that…
I have one Twitter person who I follow (DejiNyucu, part of the creative team for Autumn’s Journey) because I don’t get much I7 content and they keep mentioning this “Haruki” person…and suddenly a “Haruki the Betrayer” showed up in the graffiti…they might be the same person, I think. Not Deji, but Haruki. Update: Sakura Haruki, perhaps…?
Sougo’s such a bad liar…
Sometimes, the best way to deal with things is to be direct…(I’m not very good at that, I naturally talk in a very roundabout sort of way.)
Sougo with long hair like Yuki would be really pretty… (<- has an obvious thing for guys with long hair)
Idolish7 s2 12
Nagi’s stupid accent is generally what he’s best remembered for (for me), so seeing him speak normally, and do a press conference on top of that, is…impressive.
A kabedon on top of all this! Whoa!
Shibuya 109 parody…? (I’ve seen that once or twice – parodying that means people know their stuff about Shibuya.)
I think the “it’s overflowing!” is referring to the hype in the “room”.
…this dejected Momo is worrying…(well, he is worrying and I am worrying about him.)
Oh, I see. The person responsible typed the letter so that they couldn’t be traced back. Kind of like those old movies where the culprit would cut letters out of newspapers to make threat mail, but…with even less traces than that, because cutting letters out leaves evidence.
…wow, it took a while for this ep. to have an intro…
…LOL, I just spotted Kenjiro Tsuda cited as the “fake Zero”, meaning the real one might never show up this season.
There’s something really stupid and infectious about these managers’ enthusiasm for drinking energy drinks. It puts a goofy smile on my face.
Is Musubi Tsumugi’s mother…? Update: Yes, she is.
…Wait, so the Chiba Shizuo guy is actually important?!
Idolish7 s2 13
Whenever someone says “by the way”, it means they’re changing the subject. I hate to state to obvious, but Sougo is clearly deflecting the topic of conversation from being about him.
I wonder if this guy (Haw9) is the actual Zero graffiti vandal…?
Hmph, I didn’t realise Tenn doesn’t refer to Kujo-san as his father, but…like that (“Kujo-san”) instead.
Oh hey! These are shots from Vibrato!
Most dramas can be solved with the power of Good Communication. That includes this one.
I feel like “he has a dark side” describes both Tenn and Kujo-san.
“Everyone, remember to wash your hands and gargle thoroughly.” – This is always a good thing to remember in the time of ‘rona. Reminds me of Jakurai’s line in ARB (<- this game started just after the ‘rona came down).
What did Sougo go to uni for (what specialisation)?
Idolish7 s2 14
I just realised Banri calls Momo -kun. Hmm…
Denki = electricity, LOL.
I feel like Tenn is basically Ramuda, give or take actual pink hair…guys in musical groups with pre-existing angst that they become the “centre” of. The fact Fling Posse have Saito Soma and so do Trigger strengthens the connection.
I would watch the heck out of a musical like that! Make it come true, Idolish7! (Also, today is I7 day! I’m not much of an I7 fan outside the anime, but…that’s cool!)
That shot of them jumping! I remember seeing it on the official site before!
Idolish7 s2 15 (FINAL)
There you go! I was wondering where Banri’s injury was – that was the only bit that didn’t add up for him to be Yuki’s old partner.
Hmm…Momo is 4 years younger than Yuki but 2 years younger than Banri…
This episode has a real concert vibe to it, to the point where I got startled by how loud the yell was at one point. (Even if it is mostly stills.)
LOL, lookit Okazaki!
Apparently, if you’re a hako oshi, you like all the members of a group. Someone with a green light and a pink light likes both members of Re:vale.
LOL, Usagi for Asahi beer.
…I forgot Nagi is 19.
…Ooh, I think that’s the kid from ZOOL. No wonder they needed a season 3!
That’s all. See you next time!
“fine and upstanding person” – That’s…hard to believe, Hayato.
I wonder how many bois Toboso designed for SLS…?
…The episode title is actually “Blank”. Not “Break”.
One of the guys’ shirts says moteki on it. That’s a period in one’s life where one enjoys more romantic attention than usual, literally “popularity season”.
The subs missed an I, so initially I knew Kiriyama’s name as “Kiryama”.
There are meant to be 2 wings, right…?
“He who controls information controls everything, right?” – For once, I’m surprised Hayato is right (and not just in that smug way of his).
“…I’m being treated like a manager.” – But Hayato is a manager! (In a sense.)
The plait guy jumps to nicknames really fast…also, why do I get the feeling Maeshima will lose the key?
I hate to say this Maeshima, but I side with your childhood friend (Kiriyama) here. As much as the anime wants me to back you, I’m watching for everyone else at this point.
That blocky building looks pretty cool. I think Zel (Archi-Anime) would like it.
Sasugai’s setup looks pretty cool, including his chair.
…hmm, Maeshima’s like me in a sense. I learn best by copying others, but memory is my best asset. If I don’t regularly train the fundamentals, I suck at everything. That said, I don’t have an eidetic memory. Also, I didn’t quite figure out Ken = Ken(sei Maeshima) until I watched long enough to connect the dots.
LOL, Derry’s. (<- reminded of a word for “butt” <- derriere)
Well, the guy’s (Souta…?) shirt does say moteki…
Kiriyama kinda looks like Jyuto (HypMic), come to think of it…Right down to his angry streak (although Jyuto has a reputation to keep as a “cool dude”, while Kiriyama is more of a Manza (Boueibu HK) and he’s more angry than he looks).
…This ED is nothing special.
…Hmm? Is that a small Terauchi and Maeshima…?
I think I’m sold for now, but I’m rooting for the other team, not Maeshima’s…not yet, anyways.
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gfriend-daily · 4 years
[LINEBLOG] About GFRIEND’s Korean Comeback🦋✨
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We asked about the Korean comeback🦋✨ Hi BUDDY!
Thanks for always supporting GFRIEND‼️🌈 Now, have Japanese BUDDY already listened to GFRIEND's latest Korean comeback songs「Crossroads」and「Labyrinth」❓🦋✨
So for today's LINE blog, we prepared a ton of questions for GFRIEND regarding their Korean comeback songs‼️🎶✨
For BUDDY who haven't watched the MV, as well as those who have watched it many times, I'm sure you'll want to watch it again after reading this blog…✨
Clear your ears…focus your eyes…feel GFRIEND with your heart……💖🦋🌈📚✨
【 Regarding「Crossroads」 】
🍀Please tell us your impression of「Crossroads」as well as any points you want BUDDY to take note of!🍀
SOWON:This song has a lot of story built into it so please focus on the lyrics when you listen!
YERIN:During performances there's a part in the choreography where we show off the crossroads part. Don't miss it.
EUNHA:It's a song where you can really empathize with the feelings of a confused girl. Please pay attention to the delicate voices of the members!
YUJU:For my initial impression, the song caught me right from the start. They let us listen to it in the meeting room at first and my first thought was that I wanna do this song right away!Both the lyrics and the choreography are very impactful in my opinion.
SINB:From the very first time I listened to Crossroads I felt that it was the kind of song that makes you want to listen to it over and over again. As for what to pay attention to, I want you guys to focus on Yuju's final part!
UMJI:The more you listen to the song the more you appreciate its charm, I feel. The final guitar solo really gets me as well.
🍀「Crossroads」MV was shot like a drama, was there any interesting episodes during filming, please let us know!
SOWON:When we were filming for the fireworks it was really cold that day so our managers prepared heaters for us. But one of the heaters actually managed to burn Yuju's pants!It was so shocking that there wasn't anything to do but laugh.
YERIN:During the scene when I submerged myself underwater, I had these green hair extensions on, so when I went underwater the dye sort of turned the clear water in the tub green as well. We had to really rush filming that part before it turned even greener.
EUNHA:There's a part where they film me at various points in the timeline where the room is destroyed around me, and I had to keep my eyes wide open and stand there without moving while this was going on. But with all the stuff breaking and falling behind me, I couldn't help but blink at some point and I felt really bad for the staff because we had to redo itㅠ🥺
YUJU:During the aquarium filming, there was this one fish that kept staying in that one specific spot without moving away. I thought it was really cute so I took a photo of it.
SINB:During the first filming session for the music video, I had to film my solo angle shot on top of a roof. It rained all night until morning that day, so it was freezing and the wind was so strong that it kept blowing my hair into my face so it couldn't be seen. I tried my best to not express how cold it was, and thankfully on the final cut it worked out pretty well.
UMJI:During the campfire scene with the members, I was worried about the cold at first but the campfire was so nice and warm that we were able to finish filming that scene without feeling like we were freezing.
🍀It's been 5 years since your debut, please tell us which moment it was that felt like a major crossroads decision for your life!
SOWON:Before I joined this company, that time I spent worrying about what to do with my life was my crossroads moment I think. I was in an acting focused agency and they tried casting me about 3 or 4 times. I did consider working towards an acting career but even after the agency called me into a meeting to decide my future, I was unable to fully let go of my dream to become a singer.
YERIN:When I had to decide on my high school path, I was torn between going to a performing arts focused school or just going to a regular high school, but I figured that if I didn't at least try it out I'd regret it, so I went for the performing arts school. Thankfully I was accepted to the school of my choice as well.
EUNHA:Probably during my high school days. I had a choice between staying a student and figuring out what else I wanted to do with my life after that, or enter this agency and prepare for debut. But now I feel like I really chose well back then!
YUJU:It was right before I joined this agency I think. There was a point where I wanted to give up on being an idol and branch into songwriting instead, but then I heard about the auditions for this agency and I really spent a long time thinking about which path to take before making my decision.
SINB:Umm… Actually isn't life itself a kind of crossroads? Whether it's when you're deciding on what to eat, whether or not to eat it, isn't that a kind of crossroads moment all the time?(lol)
UMJI:When I had to decide whether or not to enter this agency as a trainee!
【 Regarding「Labyrinth」】
🍀For Labyrinth's dance you had a bunch of backup dancers participating as well, please tell us how that felt!
SOWON:When we first heard the song I felt like it wasn't our usual style at all. But it was the kind of tune I like personally so I was interested already, and when the choreography for it came out I felt like it made the song even more perfect.
YERIN:It wasn't a song about your personal ego and it was interesting trying to process the many conflicting feelings within the song. Having this many dancers on stage with us made it very crowded but I feel like it brought out the GFRIEND charm even more during the performance.
EUNHA:It was a song with a lot of backup dancers, so you really have to watch the performance instead of just listening to the song on its own! This might actually be the most powerful GFRIEND performance among our songs k feel. I really love it🥰
YUJU:When I first saw the choreography video, I had a moment of 「Wow, how am I going to dance to that?」because it left such a strong impression. But with every practice, the more I studied the choreography, the more interesting it got. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the dancers who filled the stage with us as well.
SINB:When I was listening to the song, I really hoped that the choreography would look cool as well, and it turned out to be something amazing and quite unlike the usual GFRIEND style. You'll definitely fall in love with the song even more after watching the performance.
UMJI:This performance is where you see GFRIEND at their most powerful I think. The expressions of the members were even cooler than I imagined on stage, and I think we did really well expressing the essence of the song. It's really a song that allows you to discover a different side of GFRIEND.
(The questions below are in relation to the MV and other contents!)
[🍀🦊To Sowon] ① At the beginning part of Crossroads, the part where Sowon had her eyes closed really made her look like a goddess!When you saw this part of the choreo, did you think「This could be a new charm point!」?
⇒Nope!Actually because I'm so tall, I kinda felt bad because I was totally kind of covering SinB who was behind me. I spent a lot of time worrying about the pose. Since I had my eyes closed I had to wonder if I lowered myself enough?But I'm glad it all worked out in the end.
② In the MV, the car scene sparked a lot of comments that you looked like a movie star. How do you personally feel about this, were you satisfied by your acting and the atmosphere of the scene?
⇒ For my character, the stylists went with a darker style to express the atmosphere and it was really refreshing for me, I really liked it! During the filming, the car wasn't all that big but we still had to fit the camera in there somehow, and I wasn't sure if the camera would be able to film me at my best angle, but I'm glad that in the final cut I turned out looking great.
[🍀🐥To Yerin] ① You had to go underwater for the MV in one scene, are you good at submerging yourself like that? ⇒I learned how to swim from a young age, so going underwater wasn't hard at all, but the problem here was that I had to submerge myself while lying down in the tub, so lots of water kept entering my nose and it was kinda hard.
② The green hair extensions really left an impression, and you also wore a beret as well. But there were also performances where you didn't wear a beret, which did you prefer, with or without it? ⇒If I really had to choose I honestly prefer the performances where I had the beret on. I'm really happy I got to show different sides of myself though!
[🍀🐰To Eunha] ① We were all surprised by your change in hair colour. How did you feel when you heard that you had to dye your hair pink this time?
⇒ Dyeing your hair is troublesome…that was my first thought!But I really like this colour and now I kinda don't want to change it to other colours now😭
② Among the fans there are comments that your hair colour and styling in this MV makes you look even more like the protagonist of a manga or anime, do you feel that way too?And if you were really a manga protagonist what genre would you be?
⇒ Personally I feel like I'd be the protagonist of a magical girl story. To defeat evil as a pink haired heroine..😎
[🍀🐶 To Yuju] ① You had to run around a lot in the video, please tell us how you felt then!
⇒ Not all of it was actually included in the final cut of the music video but I totally ran way more than was shown. The director kept telling me to run faster so I really ran with all my heart!
② Also, the parts in the choreography where you cover your face with your hand, as well as the part where your hands were trembling, everyone realized it really added to the emotions of the song and the fans all went crazy for it!Is there anything else we should pay attention to in the dance as well?
⇒ Actually I didn't even realize it myself at first. It was only when I was checking the replay in the monitor that I realized my hands were shaking then. I was really focused on the lyrics in my part so it just came out naturally like that. I was really surprised that the fans were able to catch such a tiny detail as well!I'll definitely continue focusing hard on the lyrics in the future for all other performances as well!
[🍀🐱 To SinB] ① There was a parrot in the MV with you guys. As a dog owner, do you like birds too? ⇒ I'm not actually good with birds. Bugs, reptiles, birds, I'm kinda scared of them so I can't really deal with them…
② There's a lot of difficult dance moves this time round!Which one was the most difficult according to main dancer SinB? ⇒ To be honest Crossroads was probably the most difficult choreography to express correctly so far in my life. It'd be way too easy to mess up on the choreo if I wasn't careful enough, so I really worried about how best to dance to it.
[🍀🐹 To Umji] ① In the MV you and Yuju were on bad terms. You guys are normally really good friends, was it hard to act out this part? ⇒ Thankfully the music was always playing in the background so I just had to focus on「the conflict」. But the moment the director yelled Cut! both of us would just end up bursting out laughing.
② Everyone was talking about how Umji's outfits for Crossroads really made you look like a princess!Which one was your favourite though?
⇒ I really liked the dress I wore for the jacket shooting, and I really like wearing a jacket over a shirt like that!!I also thought the white blouse with navy stripe outfit was really good!!
All you BUDDY who loves GFRIEND!How did you like this?Thanks for reading today's LINE blog!✨ https://youtu.be/gqxd7J0xHno
The limitations imposed by the current virus outbreak is hard on all of us, but both the GFRIEND members and staff all hope that BUDDY will be safe and happy in your everyday lives.
Please continue sending questions and messages to GFRIEND‼️✨🦋🌈
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Translation: GFRIENDaily - Estrea
Source: https://lineblog.me/gfriend_japan/
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andallthelonelyboys · 4 years
fihi guys i know i died and shit but during my time in the after life i listened to fine line several times and i can’t rank it cause every song is my favourite song but here are some of my thoughts:
golden: such a good song, great way to open an album and pretend you’re not gonna rip out my soul and every part of my later on. it makes me inexplicably happy and that instrumental part just sounds like what i think the sun would sound like even though i cried once listening to it??? idk quarantie does things to you but anyway the dah dah dah dah.. hits different
watermelon sugar: i know i know the local song. but it is for a reason and thats cause it slAps. i have no clue why he released this album in december but im not here to judge the art. just tell you i love it.
adore you: can i just say... such a good music video. not many are shot with that kind of filter and i love it. its so bizarre but thats why its good. it also blends seamlessly from watermelon sugar which i appreciate. the beats. ugH a bop
lights up: this song is SOOOO slept on. lights up was literally the debut single and its nobody’s favourite and i think thats offensive. it sounds just so... cool ?? idk how to put it but it sounds like it’d be in the background during a movie where the protagonist goes to their love interest’s house party even though they really don’t wanna go.
cherry: i lied this is my second favourite song. WHO HAD THE RIGHT TO MAKE HIM THIS SAD ???? but its sooooo good. like it sounds completely different from the rest of the album even though every song has a super distinct sound, and i once listened to this song 34 times on loop. no regrets
falling: i have a confession to make. the first time i watched the mv my phone wasn’t working so there was only a black screen but the audio continued to play and i genuinely thought that was an artistic choice and “watched” the whole music video twice like that before i realized i was a dumbass. but otherwise, i feel like this is one of the strongest songs vocally. like he just sounds so good and i love the piano and softness of this song.
to be so lonely: another favourite. it is so funky and such a bop and i already have 34 ideas for the music video. just even the first 6 seconds have me feeling things. i have no idea what he is doing or whats happening but i love it. i feel like especially after the most depressing and emotional song on the album (cherry fyi) and then the lowest point of the album, this is the perfect song for the second half. 
she: THE BEST SONG ON THE ALBUM I WILL HEAR NO OTHER OPINIONS. like is it about his repressed feminine side ?? is it about an idealistic lover ?? i have no clue (but its the probably the first cause hes just artsy like that). the instrumental again, so good. also i love the soul pop sound to it as well, like honestly its perfect. i could go on for days on how much i love the song without even syaing why once. i also might just have a playlist of only she, cherry and to be so lonely that i play while i sleep with a vpn on to bring up the the number of streams and get harry his coin. maybe.
sunflower vol. 6: this is another happy bop and it makes me smile. it sounds like summer and yellow and pastel pink and white picket fences and cute little homes with rocking chairs. the pre-chorus literally makes me feel feelings i didn’t know i could and then the chorus hits me like a glitter bomb. and i love it. holy shit and when he takes that big breath??? i want that sound to play at my funeral. 
canyon moon: another funky songggg i love it. this whole album could be in an indie film or maybe the film that i’ve been writing a screenplay for but will never make because i need a stable career... holy shit now im sad anyways. this song is really happy so i dont know why im so sad. also my name was gonna be jennifer and i don’t know why my parents chose angela over jennifer cause then i would be in a harry song. anyways... im still sad buts its fine.
treat people with kindness: yall better do that. i see those disgusting racists. fuck you. thats all i have to say
fine line: also the most depressing song. how?? idk. but they both are. this is also the longest song and im glad he didn’t make it shorter or smth to make it radio friendly cause its beautiful. i love this and its the most cruel way to end an album because its so sad, especially after tpwk but anyways
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