#this is the running joke in my life
me going to sleep sunday night knowing full well i have done absolutely none of the homework i was supposed to do over the weekend:
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mychemicalrachel · 2 years
Okay but I just started thinking, like, did Blue know Ronan was gay from the beginning? What if, instead of having her test kisses be with the already dead boy, she asked Ronan because she knows he's not going to be her true love, and he really begrudgingly agrees just because he's never kissed anyone before and he likes Adam but what if he kisses Adam and he's bad at it? Doesn't it make sense to practice before the real thing? So he says yes and Blue and Ronan kiss and then
And Blue freaks out because no way in hell is RONAN LYNCH her true love. That's just not possible for so many reasons.
And then her and Adam and Gansey have to find a way to bring Ronan back to life and that's how she figures out that Ronan is her platonic soulmate.
And then imagine when Ronan comes back to life he is SO PISSED that the one and only time he kissed a girl, he literally died and he's like Thank God I'm gay, I am never doing that again.
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ofmanderley · 3 years
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@lisinfleur @flowers-in-your-hayr @youbloodymadgenius @serasvictoria @pomegranates-and-blood @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @adrille88 @quantumlocked310 @solinarimoon @mrsalwayswrite @pieces-by-me @vannabanana1995 @naaladareia​
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transpat · 2 years
pran & pha headcanons pt. 3
if pha ever walked into them during smth odd during the bet phase, she'd turned a blind eye to it. pha knows that weird, kind of homoerotic wrestling is part of their dynamic; doesn't question it. she knows they're obsessed w each other and aren't nearly as competitive is it isn't against the other; doesn't question it. she knows that when pat sprays deodorant on his body or takes a shower before leaving in the evening, it's to pran's room; doesn't question it.
before her and ink begin to spend all their time together, before pran and pat were dating/revealed their relationship, a normal weekend would be the three of them on pat's bed, both spineless siblings resting somewhere on pran's body. either one would lay their head on his lap (pat doesn't do this a lot for secrecy purposes) or lean against his back, or sleep w their head on his stomach or read w their head on his shoulder. pran only complains about pat (again, for secrecy purposes. if pha notes that it's lovingly, she shrugs it off as a pranpat thing).
what she does begin picking up, is her brother's blatant 'crush' on pran. and she panics. bc nothing seems out of place to her in pran's behavior w pat (he's always been in love 😔) and she's worried her idiot brother is hurtling towards heartbreak again.
pran's lenient w pat, but he's also the hardest on him. pran talks sweetly to pat, only to blow a kick to his shin under the table. pran's only praises to pat are mixed within harsher tirades. she's seen how pran acts w his friends, and knows the way he acts w them both is special, but it really doesn't seem like pat's the sibling he's fonder of.
but! he is fond of pat. she considers that a start if nothing else, and thus begins her 'make p'pran fall in love w hiia' mission.
she sings praises (she herself doesn't believe) about pat, washes only pat's tightest shirts, tanks and shorts, tries to use ink and pat's closeness to incite jealousy in pran (oh how this would have backfired if they weren't dating...).
she leaves them alone as much as she can, once even locks them into the room before leaving in the morning (they fell asleep while watching a movie. pha wakes up cradled btw them and thinks she'd get away by claiming she missed two huge boys while extricating herself from their arms).
but then she starts running out of ideas, of opportunities, has to wash pat's other shirts before they start rotting and she really can't milk any other of pat's good traits. it's difficult selling a faulty product.
so imagine her relief when she's shown that video of pranpat. after the initial shock fades, the only thing that bugs her is that her idiot brother is trying to sabotage himself by forcing his bf to smell him.
pat's not too concerned about her not knowing. he's even told this to pran before bc pran was guilty. said that she wouldn't mind, that it was better to not tell her if they were planning on keeping this a secret, bc pha's his sister. she can't hold secrets if her life depended on it. (but pran's does here, so she does.)
pran does apologize but she's having none of it, explains the same things pat told him earlier. she tells pran she's happy she can claim him as a brother now. he tells her they didn't need pat for that.
and they never have. pat's presence doesn't factor into their relationship at all. when they were enemies, it didn't stop her from extending a hand of friendship to him. by the time they'd grown up, she didn't need them to be friends or lovers to consider pran her dad brother.
she was just worried pran wasn't reading the same book. he shows her they're on the same page.
during pranpat's runaway, she's scared and worried. bc even thou pat sent her a message warning her she won't hear for him, he hasn't mentioned till when, and it eats at her. like that time she thought pran would come home, and kept waiting and waiting and waiting. she's afraid history will repeat itself. and she's esp afraid bc she knows she'd do the same. she wouldn't ever want to come back if she were in their place. she wishes pat at least told her where he was, so if days turned to months, she'd know where to find him.
ink grounds her, reminds her its unlikely they won't return, and she knows pran enough to know he won't be happy to stay away too long. when her mind's clear, she spends time w her family, and feigning ignorance, guilt trips her father to the point where he barely leaves his room.
when pranpat return, she guilt trips her father more about his expression of relief when pat says they broke up. always pointing out how upset pat looks, how pat's suffering the consequences of 'someone else's' actions, how pat's lost his spark and motivation. pat excitedly follows her script to the tee, hitting the mark repeatedly, till ming no longer calls pat over for dinner.
she also makes a point of praising pran as much as she can. her father made sure pat was always aware of pran's gpa, so now pha makes sure he doesn't forget. any achievement of pran's is acclaimed in their household, she talks only of how good and brilliant pran is.
'ma, he's so nice he gives me drinks even thou he dumped hiia.' 'our profs were calling p'pran an exemplary student, he's everyone's role model.' 'p'pran's gpa was the highest in the entire uni, he's definitely getting that overseas internship.'
pran and pat going back into hiding means they spend a lot of time in the dorms. which is good for pha. when ink's busy, she can wrestle her way past pat into pran's room and claim her spot on his lap. if she needs more material on an essay, pat is banished to the library ('i'm doing your laundry') while pran and pha can watch disney movie parodies. pat and ink love double dates, so it either means long drives or a cooking date w pran.
pha and pran also have a million inside jokes neither ink or pat can decipher. pat's convinced its him they're bitching about, ink tells him to stop thinking the world revolves around him. pran and pha actually bitch about both, and then some more about their parents and their friends. but ink's right, a lot of those are from their childhood together, from the times they spent sneaking around to hang out.
pran actually talks to pha a lot about their parents, bc he knows that knowledge of what their father's done was a hard blow, and he wants to drill it into her that she's not responsible, that two conflicting notions can and do co-exist. dissaya doesn't have to forgive ming if she can't, but she shouldn't be punishing the three of them for it. ming might be a shitty human, but pat and pha weren't bad ppl for seeking their father's love and embrace. he tries his best to make sure both of them aren't guilty for their father, and they both love him more each day for it.
(she wants to tell him it doesn't affect her as much, she's never had that kind of relationship w her father bc he's always isolated her, ignored her, but when pran talks to her like that he feels so much like a real father. she can put her head on his shoulder, and she's gathered into warm arms, and pha lets pran fuss over her some more.)
pha refuses to see pran off when he leaves for singapore bc she doesn't want them to see her cry and bc she thinks pranpat should have some quiet time together. (it has nothing to do with how she's badly hungover and humiliated bc she was hammered the previous night, clung to pran for hours and wailed.)
pt. 1 | pt. 2
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nulltune · 2 years
sunday is just Simpday 4 me so-- personal lynnterpretation of fem!hakuno and male!hakuno as siblings + the small differences between them. yes. 😌
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important addition: one of my fav chibichuki panels ever (which also show the difference between these two actually-)
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orangechickenpillow · 2 years
I'm writing a college AU involving Jinx and Viktor being best buddies (yes I'm finally jumping on the bandwagon) and so far the tabs I have open for research purposes are the Wiki page for firing pins and an article titled "Reproduction in the Plankton"
I'm not even joking. Do with that what you will
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crownlessam · 3 years
imagine going on a date with someone and they’re full out like omg i like spn! i’d have to leave. idk how to cope with that in real life. that’s so embarrassing for you. literally don’t ask, don’t tell.
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princeandreis · 3 years
amazing to think about how tommy's exile arc and his ensuing manipulation and torture by dream, as well as his total alienation from all those he considered friends, started because he made the server's resident prettyboy upset
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stinkrascal · 2 years
literally never gonna recover from the fact that i cant play baldurs gate 3 anymore because my computer isnt strong enough to run it
#everything was fine until the patch 6 update now my entire life is RUINED......... i miss gale so much...............#i tried downloading bg3 and 1/5 through the download it CRASHED MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!! that b/itch went blue screen!!!!!!!!!!!#THE SAME THING HAPPENED WHEN I TRIED TO DOWNLOAD THE WITCHER 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO DEPRESSED#AND THE PART I HAVE TO REPLACE ON MY COMPUTER TO PLAY THESE GAMES COSTS LIKE 300 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!! LIFE IS MISERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#this is why i only play skyrim because skyrim can RUN ON MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!#the day after the witcher 3 crashed my computer i saw someone make a post that was like Dont bother playing skyrim play the witcher 3instead#and i got so offended i just had to log off for the day#because i COULDNT PLAY THE WITCHER!!!!!!!!!!! I TRIED AND THE UNIVERSE WOULD NOT LET ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#suggesting the witcher 3 is better than skyrim when i cant play the witcher 3 is literally classism at its finest. marx said it first#pretty sure i heard that somewhere while i was listening to the audio book for das kapital#consider my struggle as a poor gamer girl with an intel i3 would you? Let me have my shitty skyrim thats actually not shitty its so fun#for legal reasons im joking. im sure the witcher is fun and youre not classist ahahahhehhthsotir IM JUST SAD I WANNA PLAY IT TOO#my boyfriends dad bought a desktop a few weeks ago AND HE GOT A FUCKING 3060 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LIFE IS SUFFERING#IMAGINE LITERALLY HAVING A 3060 THEN NEVER USING IT BC THE ONLY THING HE USES IT FOR IS CRYPTO CURRENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#one day i will have a 3060 with the fully pink gamer girl setup and im gonna make all the gamer boys mad#about how i have a 3060 and i only use it to play stardew valley#but until then i will mourn my inability to play video games after 2013 on account of my shitty desktop
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jimmynovac · 2 years
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20dollarlolita · 3 years
Today at NOT MY JOB
Context: I worked at Green Store for 4 years. After I stopped working there, they repogged a section, meaning aisles b 11-b31 are completely different from how they used to be.
Context 2, I'm dressed in casual lolita and have zero apron, green or otherwise.
Someone walks up to me and stands directly in my path.
Customer: "Blades."
Me, who does not work there: "I'm sorry?"
Customer: "Blades for cutting."
Me, who is a smartass: "Yes, that's generally what they're for."
Customer: "I need to know where they are."
Note: It's a big Green Store in a small town, and people frequently recognize me from other places. I try to be nice to people in Green Store, both because I don't want to make people angry and make jobs harder for my friends and former coworkers, and because I don't want someone deciding to buy their five-figure sewing machine from a different store just because I once was an asshole to them in Green Store. People who shop in Green Store are often people who buy sewing machines. Source: before I started working at my store, I had vowed to not shop there, because the former manager pissed me off one time in 2013.
Me: "Me too. They've changed this whole section, and I don't work here."
Customer: "This is really confusing."
Me: "Yeah, it is. Maybe there's someone working here."
Customer: "Are they still by felt?"
Me: "I don't know. I don't work here. But felt's down this way."
I'm trying to find a former coworker and ask them, or at least to ask them to radio someone who did the pogging. Customer is starting to talk under her breath. Handily, while I'm able to hear that someone is grumbling under their breath, I don't actually have to hear what they're saying. Hearing loss ftw.
There's no one there. I don't know where it is. I don't want to waste this lady's time. I don't want to waste my time. Honesty is the best policy here.
Me: "I don't know where it is. You'll have to get someone who works here."
Customer: "Oh, well, you tried." Please read that with the maximum number of condescension points you can throw into it.
Me: "Yeah, I guess I did. You're going to have to find someone who works here."
Customer: "Well, call someone, since you've been useless."
And here we go.
Me, internal: I'm not useless. I'm an employee no more. I have ceased to be employed here. My job here is now history! If they hadn't nailed me to the perch, I'd be embroidering up daisies. I've gone off to a new store. I am. An Ex-employee.
Me: "I don't work here. I'm not a Green Store employee. I'm not being paid. I'm here to buy things. I'm a customer."
Customer: "Well, I only talked to you like that because I thought you work here."
Me, filled with the power of not working here: "Well, I'm not, so you were just rude. Have a really fun day."
Then I pulled my hearing aids out and stuck them in my pocket, so whatever she said next wasn't my problem. I'll have to ask my friends, the ones who do work there, which employee had to deal with an angry lady looking for knives, and I'll buy that person coffee as an apology.
Kicking myself for not calling her out on "it's okay to be rude to workers but not to other customers" but we can't win them all.
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xviicprc · 3 years
"The best Fate Anime is Zero!" screams the youtube anime reviewers.
"Clearly the better Fate Anime is UBW!" action fans and causal watchers reply.
"The Heaven's Feel Movies are the best!" the movie goers yell.
Fools all of them, I laugh.
The best Fate anime is Today's Menu for the Emiya family.
#fgo#fate grand order#fate series#a joke#listen all fate anime adaptations are good but by the nature of how fate is written they are hard to addapt to a animation format#such as how ubw focused too much on the action so when it does the mundane life stuff like cooking and such#it ends up coming as whipslash instead of making a contrast the way the vn did#or how babilonia missed many fun scenes that made the player care for uruk#despite how much i love fate as a franchise and especially the anime- it always runs into the problem every media adaptaion ends up facing#my favorite animated fate at the moment are the heaven feels movies but even those suffer from adaptation problems#and im looking forward to the solomon anime#(but im also holding them at gunpoint)#a problem most fate anime have is to try to find a balance between newer watchers and older ones i think#because- i want to show my friend heavens feel#because i think she would love it to pieces#yet i cant do that because heavens feel is made based on the assumption you Know About Fate and Servants#sure she can watch it with no context- but it misses a lot of the experience#heavens feel is a deconstruction of the very same tropes fate stay night sets up#and is the darkest route imo because of how 90% of the servants are whiped out- servants YOU know are powerful-#but it only impacts you if you know them beforehand#all the hype rider gets would be missed on her because she doesnt know rider doesnt get to do much in previous routes/other series#and that is a problem- but you cant add so much exposition in a movie#we started watching ubw together via webcall#and the first episode was a drag for me to to watch- so was for her#if it wasnt for the last 5 minutes she would have stopped watching the series- and i would 100% agree with her#however if she wanted to undertand the Fate Series TM it was necesary to watch 40 mins of exposition in the episode 0 of UWB#and i think if she didnt talk to me during the episode she would have been even more bored out of her mind#and that IS a hard part- in the vn nasu could go off writting as long as he wanted because he was lost in the sauce#but thats not something you can do in anime#or rather something you should avoid
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papytonpropaganda · 3 years
TW: COVID, references to being suicidal in the past
A couple of days ago I saw something that was very triggering to me. Let’s just say someone was being very ugly and uncaring to COVID victims who have passed on and was very bigoted in who in particular they were referring to. For a few moments, I really lost my faith in humanity. I couldn’t understand how someone could lack compassion to this degree. It very much brought me back to a time when I hated being alive, believed I had no worth and had no hope for humanity. I attempted several times during this part of my life and was severely depressed almost all the time. It was only when I decided, over a period of time, to stop giving in to my depression and make the choice to find what beauty I could in life, that I was able to escape this mindset and start recovering.
Now, I have been clean for over two years. The other night, I briefly broke down over what I saw. But the way I have been living my life for the past couple of years made it possible for me to decide not to give in again. It made me decide to strengthen my compassion, to keep loving and make it possible for others to do the same.
A while ago, I would have wished for that person, whose words triggered me, to die. Now, I say to that person, I hope you learn love and compassion like I did before you leave this earth, so that you can leave a mark that you will be proud of. And to everyone else who may be stuck in the same position I was, it will get better if you give life a chance and make the decision to be better. It’s hard. And sometimes you will fail. But each failure will teach you something you can use to grow. And someday you will be happy you decided to live. You will be happy you decided to see the beauty in everything.
Your life is valuable. You are inherently worthy by virtue of being a human. There is goodness inside every one of us. You just have to make the choice to find it.
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foofyarts · 2 years
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So the second player isn’t counted in the no hit challenges for bosses, so of course this was abused by me and my sis to get all the dees
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rithmeres · 3 years
im not ready to commit to a job because i can’t shake the feeling that taking a full time position in ca means giving up on my dream of teaching abroad. i keep telling myself that’s not the case it doesn’t have to be permanent and if i keep trying i will eventually be able to teach in japan in a few years but it feels like a lie im telling myself just so i wont feel miserable abt not getting what i want
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satellitesunset · 2 years
artie abrams does infact kiss the homies goodnight.
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