#this is my best attempt too help
0rchidm4ntis · 2 months
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this song is going to be my 13th reason.
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canisalbus · 8 months
just a quick ask to tell u it makes me super happy seeing the detail u go into when pointing out stuff u like about other people's art of ur ocs :3 it's so rare to see but it's so so motivating!! <3
Thank you! I don't take any interest for my art for granted, and if someone goes through the trouble of drawing my characters for me, I feel like trying to write a proper response is the least I can do. For a visually oriented person, receiving gift/fan art is a huge deal, it means someone considered my goobers worth their time and effort, they've probably been thinking about them more than a little and found them inspiring in a way or another, and I find that terribly flattering. It's extremely fun and interesting to see other people's takes on them. And I've drawn stuff for people as well, I know how nice and rewarding it feels to receive a response that is longer than a word or two. Positive comments like that can linger in people's minds for a long time, at least for me they do.
#this comes with a big serious disadvantage though#it often takes me a long time to write that response#my social batteries are extremely small and a lot of the time by the time I go online I feel too worn out to engage with people properly#I'm autistic anxious and severely depressed my spoons are in short supply at the best of times#I've always had really hard time putting my thoughts into words in a way that I find satisfactory#so I keep putting off reblogging gift art#because most of the time my brain is too smushed to formulate that meaningful comment I want to give#maybe that sounds dumb and fake#but this is something I've struggled with for years and I feel extremely guilty for keeping people waiting like that#often weeks sometimes months even#and potentially making them feel underappreciated and unnoticed#I'm also genuinely very scatterbrained and unorganized and I miss and forget things I'm supposed to do all the time#not to mention that I tend to have trouble keeping track of my mentions and dms and asks I'm only one person#so if you've ever drawn something for me and I didn't/haven't responded yet#please know it's not personal it's entirely my fault I'm kind of a mess#and chances are I'm still very much attempting to get back to you#feel free to remind me if you feel like I might have not noticed your post I really don't mind at all it often helps me a lot#and please if you can don't delete the post even if it seems like I didn't see it#because again sometimes it takes me a long time to respond#thank you to everyone who has stayed endlessly patient with me though I appreciate it#sorry this spiraled into a list of apologies and excuses this is actually something that bothers me a lot#because it's largely a mental health thing but easily comes off as ungratefulness#I'm trying to work on that#answered#anonymous
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whump-n-comfort · 2 months
when you read a fic that gives you a hyper-specific whump scenario that you know would either A.) take forever to find in another story or B.) hasn't been written at all so the obvious conclusion is that you have to write it yourself
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#whump meme#~my stuff~#my brain hates me sometimes lmao#i just want a story where two characters are stuck in a broken down car in the middle of winter and having an argument#which leads to one stomping outside in some petty attempt to 'find help' while the other person doesn't realize#what is happening at first. they think their friend is just taking a quick second to catch their thoughts. not the best idea in a snow stor#but the other option is them tearing each others heads off so a little separation is fine. but then their friend starts walking away#and keeps going. so now they have to chase after them to corral them back into the car#because yeah its broken but its still somewhat warm unlike this suicide mission you are attempting!!#and then theres a big blow up because they have kinda been the shit-stirrer so their friend just is#im fixing it!! im being not annoying/useless/something related to whatever they were arguing about!!#so now they get slapped in the face with the fact that they've been taking out their bad day/week on their friend#who was simply being themself and trying to cheer them up/be nice#and when they eventually get back in the car the friend now feels like shit because they not only wasted heat from the car#but they also dragged their friend outside just bcuz they were being a brat so didn't they just prove the other person's point?#so now the two are just in a guilt huddle apologizing for being idiots as they inevitably wait for their rescue#bonus points if the rescue involves their rescuers trying to separate them and the other person just *refuses* to let their friend go#because they have a need to keep the first person warm after feeling like they essentially forced them out into the cold#is that too much to ask?? (i could turn this into an A talks to B scenario... also thinking about my OCs but when am i not lol)
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anglerflsh · 1 year
*trying not to sound desperate* what's your system for not struggling with social relations?
people like it when they're given subtle compliments and when you let them talk about their own achievements, so, as long as you can get someone to think you're genuinely interested in their life they should come out of it with a good opinion of you + also people love complaining together so if you can try and bring up something you both dislike enough to have a fun rant on
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cator99 · 5 months
I try to fit in at work by participating in collective commiseration but in my heart I am feeling like "GOD I feel fucking incredible do these fucking idiots not know about performance enhancing drugs or what"
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parab0mb · 11 months
"God Damn the Sun"
More like "God Damn I'm So Tired" haha amirite?
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okayjokesover · 7 months
THAT’S IT, it’s 2am, I just submitted the last assessment task for my masters (it was a take home exam, not like a thesis or anything), now I am partly on holiday until mid December when I am FULLY ON HOLIDAY because I am GOING AWAY FROM MY STRESSFUL ASS JOB FOR 3 WEEKS, also I’m getting an iron infusion this week because apparently mine’s currently in the toilet again, so I’m hoping all of these things will band together to stop me feeling like I am dragging my body through sludge to do literally anything, thoughts n prayers plz
anyway I have my second pottery class tomorrow & I am PSYCHED, I made 2 bowls & a weird cup last week so imagine what I might be able to do now that I have some idea of what I’m doing
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(here are my bowls & cup, I know they all look the same but my pottery teacher assured me they shrink a lot in the kiln so one of them is a small cup & two of them are small bowls, like for tiny snacks)
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edith-is-a-cat · 4 months
I wish I could help.
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boltgunkiller-archive · 6 months
saw brittana s2 era being related to are we still friends by tyler the creator
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#juno speaks#oh my goddd…#“are we still friends? can we be friends?”#when you apply the locker scene where santana says britt staring at her is causing her to forget her locker combo… ohh#because britt literally says “did i do something wrong are you mad at me. i miss being close” (not a direct quote but that’s essentially#what she said) and like. my god. because during the s2 era they heavily drifted due to santana’s confession. it wasn’t the confession itself#that drove them apart#more so santana’s own decision to distance herself due to her fear of rejection and#since she got rejected#her subsequent bitter behavior to deflect from what happened and the embarrassment and shame she felt not Only bc she admitted to liking#girls. Liking BRITTANY. but also bc she didn’t even get what she wanted in the end and now people may know and now BRITT knows so she can’t#just go back to being normal and she’s stressed and hurt and upset and she just doesn’t wanna talk to anyone#she just wants to be straight and normal and she wants things to be normal but she can’t handle the idea of facing brittany at all so she#just drifts away from her so brittany desperately tries to fix things and become santana’s best friend again#they’re a two shot they’re best friends they need each other they went from inseparable to not even speaking outside of maybe glee club#it’s got an effect on the both of them and brittany wants to fix whatever happened and go back to being close but santana won’t even tell#her what’s wrong so she has to figure it out for herself (“can we be friends?”)#the song essentially repeats those two lines a lot but they can be applied to more than just that locker scene too#you could apply them to santana denying dancing w brittany/wearing the lebanese shirt because she’s denying brittany’s attempt to not only#fix their relationship but also help santana accept herself. she can’t accept that and all brittany wants is for them to be friends but#in that moment it seems as if santana won’t even accept that they ARE friends#and then in 2x19 she doesn’t accept that well now that artie isn’t in the picture they COULD be more than that (“don’t say goodbye” lowkey)#like santana’s just so closed off it seems like they’re not friends and they can’t even be that and they could never be more either#auuvuh… does this even make sense… losing my mind#gleeposting
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yaminerua · 10 months
Genuinely looking into the idea of trying to throw together a budget Rimmer cosplay for September now asdfhhjjdssfhk
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blueyedgrass · 1 year
said i would not talk about cwilbur death yet here i am collecting things so i can draw a the best (worst) place he couldve been stabbed.
#trying to figure out what would be the quickest death where his ribs wouldnt have gotten in the way#unfortunately the heart is protected by the rib cage and the lungs are not actually ideal#but the stomach. youd bleed out. which is not the best way to go nor is it the quickest#its a very vascular area but bleeding out from an abdominal wound takes way too long#if we look at the video to see when wilbur stopped speaking (so we can presume that he is in fact dead at that point despite having actuall#been killed a few seconds earlier) then there was only a few seconds where he was speaking to phil after being stabbed but before shuffling#off this mortal coil#which is difficult for me because that could be a botched injury to the throat as long as the larynx and such remained in tact. however it#would be kinda hard to fuck it up in that specific way. it would have to be a very delicate cut and that just does not fly in this scenario#phil is shorter than wilbur whcih helps me cause if they were standing then it would be pretty easy for him to go under wilburs ribs but th#at only works to a certain point so a punctured lung is looking like my best option yeah? but no cause that can actually take a while to ki#ll you. depending on circumstance.#what phil would be going for is a quick death. unless of course he wanted to try and do something more mild in an attempt to save him later#which is a perfectly fine possibility but it maes my job harder so im gonna say that he was trying togive will a quick death#so the heart. the carotid artery. or the trachea#i hc the arm wound as being an attempt at cutting his brachial artery#which can kill you in as little as two minutes#but its not quite what him looking for
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yeah so apart from a small assignment a professor gave me an extension for, i am all done this semester and thank goodness for it.
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homosociallyyours · 2 years
#just venting a little grump grump:#I'm holed up in my room bc covid (housemate was gonna stay elsewhere but it didn't work out) and attempted negotiating my time out earlier#other than necessities (food making and bathroom) I'm getting an hour in the living room in the middle of the night#masked and with the hepa filter running#we agreed I'll turn on the kitchen light when I'm out in common areas so it's obvious I'm up#housemate was like: i always need to go to the bathroom around 12:30! (reasonable)#so i planned for a brief shower that would be finished before then#(our shower and toilet are in separate rooms & different areas of the house btw)#anyway it's 12:15 and I'm getting out of the shower and drying off to head to my room and she starts to open the door?#and like OK maybe 12:15 was cutting it too close!! but also i left the light on? the shower was running a moment before?#i swear i don't think of myself as the most observant person but sometimes other people don't notice things and I'm like ???#how do you not pay attention?#part of it is my personal issues obviously#(always be aware of what someone else likes/wants/needs and be prepared to provide it asap and preferably without being asked)#*this is not a good way to be i know! but oh boy it sure does run deeply enough that even though i try my best to wait to be asked--#i can't help noticing small things and keeping them in my mind#anywayyyy I'm sure it's annoying to experience!#but then i get annoyed when I'm trying very hard to accommodate agreements (reasonable i think?)#and the other person seems unaware?#bleh
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missing my close friendships and how I used to have the energy to maintain them while also reminding myself that part of the reason I don’t have that energy anymore/right now is because that very energy was actively exploited by my “best friend” of Several Years for their own benefit
#lol#not to mention that said ''best friend's'' girlfriend didn't have the emotional maturity to own up to her mistakes#and neither gave enough of a fuck to actively do better#like hm why dont i have the energy to maintain my remaining friendships and attempt to become closer to others lol. right. that#your best friend only ever paying attention to you to treat you like a chauffer and otherwise literally avoiding you after you've realized-#-that they're you're FP (bpd stuff) and literally explicitly told them that will do that. lol#then. lol. a half assed apology ''I'm sorry I wasn't there for you'' when i FINALLY get the courage to cut them off. WOW. THANKS SO MUCH.#THAT REALLY HELPS *NOW* AFTER WE ALREADY HAD THE CONVERSATION ABOUT HOW YOU WERE TREATING ME LIKE SHIT *MONTHS AGO*#not to mention that their girlfriend was too much of a fucking coward to face me in person so i could properly cut her off instead of a text#''sorry our schedules didn't line up =( genuinely wish you the best''#YEAH OKAY#bullshit on bullshit#if you fucking wished me the best you wouldn't have INTENTIONALLY crossed MULTIPLE boundaries#in one case. lol. LITERAL SECONDS AFTER I TOLD YOU I NEEDED SPACE BECAUSE I'M NOT GOING TO SCREAM AT YOU#WHEN YOU HAVE TOLD ME AND I KNOW DAMN WELL PEOPLE YELLING AT YOU IS A TRIGGER FOR YOU.#THAT'S YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME INTO THE BAD GUY DIPSHIT. ''mike I would never do that to you'' YOU ARE LITERALLY ACTIVELY TRYING TO DO THAT RN#and yknow the other reason is that i literally work 12 hour shifts and ~40 hour work weeks so#3/4ths of my time on this planet is spent working or sleeping. like yeah no shit i have no energy#im not only physically drained i'm also mentally and emotionally drained lol#anyway sorry for the pity party i'm just. so fucking tired of avoiding talking about this publicly#mud rambles#like i know i mentioned it before but i havent really gone into any depth so. i deserve to talk about it more
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canichangemyblogname · 4 months
Y’ever get the feeling a friend likes you less than you like them? Or that maybe they don’t even like you as a friend?
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isamoa · 5 months
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jjk men x f!reader ࿐ MDNI.
ᰔ、summary. jjk scenarios on how their dicks get hard ofc
ᰔ、tags. (ft. gojo, geto, toji, choso), nsfw, female anatomy, cunnilingus, exhibitionism, sexting, masturbation, etc.
ᰔ、a/n. these are just my silly depictions. if u dont agree idgaf lol
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SATORU GOJO has the dirtiest mind and the highest sex drive. his pants definitely start feeling a little tighter at the sight of you eating a popsicle or something. specifically in public. he would have no shame in it either—casually forming a smirk on his face and dropping a snarky innuendo about the way you’re eating. “can you suck me off like that when we get home?” he’d mumble from across the table, his eyes peeking out from the top of his glasses, a smirk plastered on his lips; wet from the constant licking of his tongue. your eyes widen, a small ‘pop’ sounding from your mouth when you took the frozen sweet out to gasp at the man in front of you. “gojo! are you serious?” you’d yell in a whisper, looking around to see if anyone had heard him. “you’re right,” he’d sigh, standing up from his chair to reveal the very prominent and very obvious bulge in his pants. “we should just do it now.”
SUGURU GETO on the other hand is a polite man. like satoru, he’s a real freak in the sheets—but not as shamelessly. the littlest things can get him hard for sure, but unintentionally seeing your undergarments would really get him going. like an accidental peek at your panties from under your skirt, or a shirt thats a little too see-through showing off the print on your bra. he wouldn’t say anything of course, not right away. you would just be minding your own business one minute and then he’s dragging you towards the bedroom the next. “sugu- what are you-?” you would ask in a confusing tone, craning your head to look at the said man who was now behind you—pushing your stomach up against the countertop; a single hand brought up to grope your breast while the other laid flat against your hip. “your bra is showing.” he’d let you know blankly; an attempt to distract you while his hand slid it’s way into your pants. you would look down in response to his comment, noticing that your bra was in-fact showing like he said. unfortunately for him, you also already noticed the hardon pressed against your back.
TOJI FUSHIGURO gets hard from eating pussy. simple as that. he will get embarrassingly sloppy—juices coating his face and dripping down his chin, loving every second of it while his cock slowly grows harder. emphasis on grows. and if you think for a second that he does it for your pleasure, think again. this man will eat you out purely for his enjoyment only. his eyes are closed and his hands are squeezing at your thighs—legs thrashing uncontrollably from the uncomfortable pressure in his pants that’s about to come undone. “toji- let me help you.” you’d beg with a whimper, dragging your hand from the top of his head down to his cheek when you noticed the constant shuffling of his legs and the crease in his eyebrow. he’d laugh darkly, the breathy snicker creating a hum between your core that made a whine escape from your lips. “im fine mama,” he’ll say cockily, pulling a hand away from your leg to undo his zipper. “ill cum soon, you don’t gotta do ‘nun.”
CHOSO is a needy guy. his face will turn red at a simple flirty text—but send him a slutty pic and he might just cream his pants. fully naked or dressed in lingerie, his favorite or not, he will definitely feel some pressure down below. he might ignore you for a while, uncertain on how he should reply; if he’s even able to. “fuck- couldn’t wait till i got home, could you?” he’d whine quietly, trying his best to keep his voice down from the bathroom of his office job; one hand holding the phone up to his ear while the other rushed to unbuckle his belt. “sorry cho,” you’d apologize from the other line, voice rather faint as you posed for another picture to send him. “when are you coming?” you ask doubtfully just as his phone vibrates with another notification from your contact. “now- im comin’ now baby.” he replies with a huff, phone almost slipping from his ear. “really!?” you try to clarify—much more excited than the first time. “no, i mean im cumming. right now.”
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