#this image is not an endorsement for smoking
litebulbs-art · 11 months
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Feelsbad about no art for a week. Dug up an old sketch that I used to mess with some of the default brushes in CSP. Might get redrawn eventually.
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jinkiezzsstuff · 1 month
Hey! I really loved your Covkwarming with Alastor Story. Would you maybe want to make one where Alastor is busy and reader wants his attention? Maybe he even snaps at her only to later search for her and make it up to her? With lots of fluff and maybe nsfw?
Hope you have a nice day
BRODI! You waited a whole month for this and I AM SO SORRY. I love and appreciate you and your request so much thank you very much for being patient, i really really loved this idea but dang april has been a crazy month for me, i hope you’re doing well and enjoy this fic it’s a longer one!
i’m actually really happy with how this turned out
warnings: SMUT 18+, angst, fluff, mean alastor, you guys fight, gaslighting girl boss alastor, established relationship (you were together before he went missing), loyal reader described, codependency kinda, some horror aspects?, descriptions of alastors dead food, alastor admits his emotions and issues in an alastor way, brief descriptions of reader having self sabotaging habits- drinking smoking/potsmoking too, GN reader although clit is used, penetrative sex, slow sex, swearing, alastor doesn’t like pillow talk lol i think that’s it but let me know not proof read
5.1K words
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Alastor was locked up in his radio tower, exhausted as he sifted through various forms of media coverage from his battle. Vox, the little electronic weasel, had his entire affair with Adam recorded and broadcasted around, which was frightful for Alastors image. Not only had he been gone for seven years, but he’s helping with a hotel that endorsed goodness. Needless to say Alastor wasn’t doing okay, his ears were constantly pulled back, smile strained, and he kept blowing the lights up and down. Hell, his static was so violent it even gave him headaches.
Even his shadows at this point began causing chaos, his own anxiousness and frustration bleeding off into them. Alastors isolation caused you to be extremely worried, you weren’t there while he fought Adam, you should’ve been, because since then he’s not been the same. You saw it on TV, the one Vox had broadcasted. Try as he may, Alastor didn’t keep it away long enough for you to not see, there was always someone else putting it back out there.
You didn’t bring it up to him- not that you could; he was too overly consumed in his tower. Incessantly shutting down broadcasts, throwing out power, attacking minor demons for spreading the information. It made you feel so very many unfortunate emotions, never in your many years of being dead have you ever seen him so erratic and emotionally disturbed.
Alastor would play pretend in public but you knew him, as did Husk, the two of you could tell he was tense, strained, constantly ready to snap, his poise was harder to keep. Lucifer presence in the hotel didn’t help at either, constantly trying to get into it with Alastor, which only furthered his isolation. You began to feel extremely lonely, it was rare in hell anyone was a good shoulder to cry on, or ear to hear, but you got used to going to Al after a long day, laying your head on his lap as he caressed your face and hummed you tunes, now you were alone most the time. None of his silly jokes filled the air, no you barging into your shared room and him attempting to hide his messy eating, no soft jazz playing next to you as you slept, no shadows trying to scare you, nothing.
It was incredibly lonely and the time without him showed how emotionally dependent you were on him. You wondered if he felt the same lonesomeness without you around, or if he didn’t even want you around? Maybe he was too wrapped up in his feelings to realize you weren’t around him? Did he have the same need for you as you did him? Did he miss little things about you as you did him.
Throwing your body off the couch and standing pin straight, you cut your thoughts off by marching towards Alastors tower on the far end of the hotel. You hadn’t been up there once since the battle, so this was bound to be interesting, and anxiety inducing. You could already feel the worry prickling your finger tips, making you even more uncomfortable. Knocking at Alastors door was, well, underwhelming, there was no sound, no movement, no indication he was even in there. Even shouting out at him normally would’ve gotten him to at least respond by now, it was rare he left people hanging like that, it wasn’t how he was brought up.
So you decide to cross the boundary you knew he loathed; intrusion. You entered with your breath held tightly making your throat clench, walking in you meekly hummed out his name. “Al? It’s been a long couple of days, I was wondering if you wanted some down time?” Your eyes bounced around the dark room, papers on the floor, radio frequency buzzing harshly in your ears, the low buzz of what sounded like hospital lights, it was all very creepy
Wringing your hands you came up toward his large table connected with cables and speakers, on the table was cups of coffee empty and half drank, corpses and bones of unfinished mutilated deer, and the smell of blood was something that suddenly hit you nearly knocking you back. As you covered your nose with your wrist, you back up and bumped into something, turning around with incredible speed. Alastor was there, taller than usual with his bones looking sharp and broken in his skin, his smile was stretched gruesomely making you nearly grimace, his eyes as well, wildly glaring down at you black and soulless. “Uh, I missed you.” You squeaked curling into yourself just at the sight of him.
Alastor hasn’t ever looked like this in front of you ever, it was such an abnormal and alarming look for you to set your eyes on. Alastor let out a jagged breath, his antlers growing in size with a nasty crunching sound to accompany it. “You disturbed my work, and snuck in, all because you missed me?” Alastor bent down to grab your attention, your eyes flickering to meet his own. You nodded at him, and he only hummed in return, standing tall and walking around his desk to sit at his chair. You turned on your heel to follow his movements, biting your lip with worry. Sure you were anxious before as you typically got with anybody, you weren’t confrontational and you weren’t one to cross the boundary, although you never expected him to look so angry with you.
“Perhaps, if that’s the case, you should find yourself another demon; I cannot be surrounded by the meek and emotionally stunted. My work, my image, will always come first my dear. Now, get out.” Alastor enunciated every word with his hands rested under his chin, and his head cocked to the side. Your stomach dropped and your cheeks watered like you were about to be sick, immediately your eyes widened, noises falling out of your mouth as you attempted to grasp at the words you were trying to say. “S-You’re breaking up with me?” Your voice was a wreck, struggling to expel the words past the sob that wanted to rip out of you, the disbelief evident in your tone. Alastor stood from his seat and leaned toward your face over the table, your lip quivered as he did so, trying your hardest not to cry.
“Heavens no! I’m simply saying if you can’t handle being a secondary priority perhaps you should take some time alone, remember what it is to be your own person! I will not bend my rules for some silly relationship.” His tone dripped with condescension and he finished his sentence with a boop on your nose. The only thing your mind could conjure was ‘how dare he?’ you never felt so insulted by him before. You always put him first, you waited seven years for his return defending his role in hell, and he sees you as secondary to himself. Does that mean he would save himself before you? Was this relationship only about his own desires, his own cravings and you weren’t important? You must be too sensitive about this?
“So you won’t spare me a moment because some stupid TV proved you aren’t invincible? Grow up Alastor please,” You could help the rage that slipped out in between your words, fists clenching, eyes narrowing. Alastor hissed statically at you. “Don’t for a second get it twisted up in your pretty little head that you are special, you are just like every other disposable sinner, i suggest you monitor your tone with me, dear.” Alastor crackled, his voice more electric than you’ve ever heard before. Your frown was deep, the tears silently falling down your cheeks. You didn’t even know what to say, instead you just shrugged with your head low, and turned around silently leaving him behind.
The moment you existed his tower you ran, your brain screamed to get away before somebody could question what was wrong or what happened. You couldn’t stomach the idea of being seen like this, and you didn’t want Alastor to come out and catch you, so you took off. You exited out the back without a trace, wandering into the streets of the pentagram. Eventually you found yourself back at your old apartment, which you still paid for as you really don’t plan to continue living at the hotel. When you got there you were finally able to let everything settle in you, it felt like the sadness slipped into your bones and weighed you down further into your sofa.
You didn’t move for hours, and eventually you ended up falling asleep. You left without a word, without your phone and without any of your stuff. Of course Alastor was very aware he made the choice to say the things he did, but he didn’t mean them, and after a short bit of reflection he could understand it was just an emotional response to the fear of being vulnerable. As well as the anxious thought dancing in his mind about the what ifs, what if he were to die, what if his plan fails and the deal goes wayward and you’re left with the pieces of his mess? What if Vox targets you, what if others do, do the citizens of hell see him as some weak mush because he’s dating you?
It’s all what led him to exploding; insecurity. Even the thought of having such a low tier emotion made his blood boil, but as long as nobody knew about it, he would find a way to quell it. Alastor waited, not wanting to impose while you were still going through thee emotions. However things started getting worrisome by the next day, nearly thirty hours into being gone and the patrons had begun to question him. Obviously Alastor didn’t know, and instead opted to sway the topic away from you and instead to something else.
The week came and gone like a blur, Alastor hadn’t seen you since you came into his tower and the rest of the hotel had set out to look for you with no luck. Alastor kept to his tower, telling himself if you wanted to be away that was your choice; he wasn’t chasing you like some lost puppy. Though he did find himself briefly wondering if you were still alive, after all Vox was out there watching through cameras on every corner and Adam’s corpse went missing and wasn’t accounted for, there was many threats to your safety he hadn’t thought of before.
With a sigh of static frustration, Alastor flicked his hand giving the okay to his right hand shadow to go find you, he couldn’t stand his thoughts anymore. And so it did, within seconds the shadow zipped and zoomed knowing exactly where you were, not that you were trying to hide. It slinked up against the paint peeling wall of your apartment, watching you on the couch, news softly sounding out as you read a book. Your home was a wreck, looking as though you’ve had fits upon fits of rage and lacked to clean after. Dishes piled, laundry scattered all across the linoleum floors. Alcohol, pot and cigarettes were a hefty scent in the room, it didn’t accompany the damp mold smell well at all. Oh what a thing you’d become without Alastor! The shadow watched like a fly on the wall for varying moments, studying you and your state before vaporising into the floor and taking off back to its master.
Honestly, you weren’t expecting Alastor to come knocking at your apartment door, so when you swung it open expecting your usual delivery guy, you were shocked and you didn’t bother fixing your depressed appearance. “Goodness gracious my little dame it looks like you’ve been dragged through mud!” Alastor laughed boisterously using his microphone to push you aside and barge in. You stood aside speechless, watching as he stepped inside with his hands rested just above his tail, surveying the room around him. His neck cracked disgustingly, his body forward while his head faced you, his grin tamed. “What happened here?” The words were simple but his tone was confusing, you couldn’t tell if he was angry, suspicious, or worried. You sneered at him, lip twitching upward as you slammed the door and wordlessly returned to your spot on the couch.
“I didn’t expect you to search, work come first yknow.” Oh yes, you planned to milk the words he said against you to berate him and his attempts to make up, you were in hell for a reason after all. Alastor huffed- like a buck would, something uncharacteristic for him to do outside of being alone with you, which sickeningly made your heart flutter, he still trusted you in a way, did that mean you were still his? You always told him he was more deer then he’d like to admit and those huffs were one of those deer attributes. “Hm yes, but you’ve been quite the work, I hope you know.” You clenched your teeth, trying not to snap instantly, but you did send him a glare.
You muttered about how that didn’t make things any better when he snapped his fingers, all things garbage vanishing in a pinch, mold included. “Ah, much better! My mother always said the state of the house is the state of the mind!” A round of applause sounds from his microphone as he laughed, rounding the couch with a slow stride. “Tell me, would you like to talk?” It felt more condescending then genuine, the way he was bent forward with lidded eyes and an eased smile, like you were some child having a tantrum. “No, Al, you made what you said pretty fuckin clear, i don’t wanna be with you if I am some chore or job, or secondary whatever!- i wanna be your partner and you want me to be a pet? Yeah, no thanks.” You punctuated your sentence with a dramatic scoff, flopping back into the cushions with your arms folded protectively across your chest.
“Ahhh my little doudou,” Alastor chided, sitting himself flush to you, arm around the back of the couch to trap you near him. “I want you to listen to me, and listen to me closely because i will never admit this again!” Alastor exclaimed this with what sounded to be false confidence and a slight hint of exasperation. He pinched your chin in between his claws forcing you to look at him, and of course you did, what else were you to do? “I have become a fool, all across the pentagram, I’m held by ball and chain— the devil my dear! The devil is- some frazzled little nitwit with all the power and no ambition!” Alastors fist clenched at the mention of Lucifer, abandoning your chin to do so. “I was feared my dear, nobody dared to test my authority, and now i’m an assumed bellboy for the princess and her gaggle of misfits. You,” Alastor paused leaning in so close your noses touched.
“My dear, were the only one i actually wouldn’t mind being weakened for.” You couldn’t stop the comical ‘huh’ that gargled straight from your throat. “What does that even mean Alastor.” You whine throwing your head back bumping his arm as you did so, an unknowing invitation to slide it down, hand caressing your shoulder softly. “It means dear, I didn’t mean what i said, because i’ve already done those exact things in the past! I’ve missed countless radio shows from you, refrained from eating deer around you- for your sake. I’ve held you to me on every block knowing Vox could see us perfectly! You were my chosen weakness, darling, but with all these other useless sinners belittling my role in hell, i took it out on you,”
Pausing Alastors static faded in and out, you watched his eyes closely, but the real give away was the way his ear subtly tilted to the side looking like a sad puppy. “I felt what i said, I felt weak and I knew you needed me and didn’t want to feel this weakness anymore, so logically-” You scoffed with a small smirk, mockingly muttering ‘logically’ back at him. “-I had to try to appear as though I am what I originally intended to be.” He finished giving you a pointed look. Shifting your body to face him more, you analysed his body language and face. Typically- no matter how long you’ve been together- he was amazing at hiding his emotions, always seeming to be happy. It seemed like he let his guard down however, his eyebrows were furrowed and pointed upward, his smile tight, shoulders rigid and his breathing shallow. Anticipation was evident by the way his hoof tapped against the floor with beat.
You finally let you emotion reignite, the tears slipped down your face like rivers as you gently shook your head. “What did you intend to be?” You asked softly, an unattractive spit bubble forming as you opened your mouth. “A ruler of sorts, i suppose. Emotionless, cruel, untouchable. I tried to reaffirm to myself by being cruel to you my dear, that i was still a demon, not the altruist teddy bear they all dubbed me as.” Alastors form had finally slumped, sinking into the cushions alongside you, his head falling back gazing up at the ceiling. You caved just slightly at his admission, and rested your head on his chest near his armpit, your body sinking into his. Suddenly he perked up, looking down at you, you reflexively shooting your gaze up to him.
“Yknow they made a mockery of my speech as well my dear! Preposterous, darling, many sinners posted about me being ‘cringe’, my speech was ‘corny’, my dearest can you believe that?” You almost took offence to the fact he sounded more distraught over being made fun of rather than hurting you, but you reminded yourself that Alastor was trying to open up, and you weren’t gonna ruin that. “Is that why you were killing randos instead of overlords?” You asked feeling more relaxed than you had before, obviously there was many words in between you two unsaid, but you wanted to bask in the small talk you craved for so long from him just a little longer.
“Precisely. I’m proud you noticed.” You hummed with a small smile, your head resting back on his chest. “Why did it take so long for you to come?” Despite not even thinking he would, you now had the knowledge he didn’t actually hate you, and if he didn’t why’d he drag it out? “Pride,” What would’ve been a hoarse voice to any other demon, was a staticy robotic sound that crackled out of his chest. “This is way out of my comfort my dear, i didn’t and still don’t know what to say or do, and i don’t like being out of control.” You whimpered at that, curling up into him, your legs slinging over his thighs so you could cuddle up next to him. Immediately his arms engulfed you, pulling you into him with a happy hum, his neck craning to kiss your head softly.
“i missed you, you really hurt me, bad. Don’t do it again.” You state firmly though it was muffled by the fabric of his coat, the one you had your face nuzzled into. Alastor hummed out softly petting you on your head, just like he would before. “Never again doudou~, you have my word, and i promise to make it up to you.” Tiling your head upward you yanked at his colar, and he immediately ducked down meeting your lips at will. The kiss was soft and Alastor could feel the dampness from your tears on your chin against him. After a moment you both pulled away, although not far from eachother your lips were practically still touching.
“Why don’t I give you some attention my sweet doe.” Alastor cooed against your lips, you could hear the mischief in his tone as his hand pawed your hips. You blinked slowly at him, an instant twist of desire appearing low in your gut. “How?” Alastors grin widened for the first time since appearing at your door, and you feared you’d truly be in for it tonight. “Oh my, have i neglected your needs so long you need to inquire how?” Alastor question was rhetorical only furthered by the way he kissed his teeth with his index finger coming up to shake side to side. “That simply will not do!” Standing suddenly, with you in his arms, made you gasp and clutch onto him instinctively. You smacked his chest playfully, muttering to him about being too heavy, he however ignored you, walking toward your old room with his head held high.
The room in question was a mess, and a thick layer of dust coated every object that wasn’t being continually used, like the nightstand, and the lamp. Alastor didn’t care much though, he never did care whether you were messy or super clean he’d always snap his fingers to assist you, and that’s exactly what he did. Slowly around the room things cleared up, his shadows slunk into the room with strange looking candles setting a romantic tone for the room. The bed was remade neatly when he set you on it gently, watching your doe eyes stare up at him with a familiar intensity that always made him fidgety. You let him flop you down without complaint, after all it wasn’t always that Alastor seemed so interested in getting down and dirty.
Standing above you, Alastor grinned down at you with lidded eyes, letting his long fingers dance down his chest to undo his buttons. He wasn’t really a fan of trying to appear sexually appealing to those around him, he’d never admit how out of the ordinary, and awkward it felt, but he knew you. You were his. You were loyal. You waited seven years just for him, never spilling a single secret. Secretly, he was way more comfortable with trying to appear “sexy” for you, because he knew no matter what, you wouldn’t look at him any differently. Alastor shrugged off his jacket, his button down shirt open exposing his chest to you. “Y'know dear,” A bit of southern drawl slipped out, as the mask he wore slipped away with his jacket. “You give me a very special outlet i do not think i’d have with any other sinner, you’re too kind to me.” Pulling off his shirt, he folded it and set it aside, kicking off his slacks right after, leaving himself in his boxers and long socks.
You watched him undress with wide eyes, you wanted nothing more then being pressed against the warmth of him, absorbing his touch. You however stayed still, letting Alastor relax into the mood as he rid himself of clothes. Alastor sat on the edge of the bed, right beside your hips, his hand traced lightly up and down your torso, occasionally dipping down to your thighs. You felt tense at the touch, both anticipation and insecurity making you feel stiff. Suddenly his claw hooked around the band of both your undergarments and pants, his eyes flickering up to inspect you when he did so. “May I?” His voice was soft, the usual uncertainty present as he felt out of his realm. “Yes, please.” You sigh, your tone nearly whiny. “I missed you so much Alastor,” You admit hushed as his claws brushed down your thighs with your clothes. Once off, Alastor leaned down, giving soft pecks to your thighs, eyes staring up to you through his red lashes. “Yes dear, my life been painstaking without you.” He whispered against your flesh, sharp teeth dragging up past your hips, nose bumping the cloth of your shirt. Sitting up slightly, you were preparing to slid your shirt over your head when Alastors body slid between your legs, claws coming up to pinch and lift the fabric exposing your chest.
With him now face to face with you, leaned over your body, you caved. Your hands slid around his neck guiding him toward you slowly, your lips met instantly like two magnets being held just inches apart. It was a sweet kiss for the most part, your lips meshed against his as you let him control the pace, it was nice with Alastor you always had enough time for the heat to simmer and grow, making foreplay unnecessary most times because he naturally took his time. You raked your fingers through his hair, nails scratching up his scalp causing ripples of goosebumps down his arms. Alastor slipped his tongue delicately licked at your lip, brushing as soft as ever. You were a bit shocked at this, typically he wasn’t into french kissing, lamenting that the whole tongue thing was messy and disgusting feeling. However you didn’t fight him, only allowed him access, which he immediately took with ease slipping his tongue against your own.
His body collided into yours, nose bumping your cheek as he angled his head. Your hands slipped down his back, smiling against his lips at the feeling of his tail wagging back and forth making small gusts of wind against your fingertips. Alastor nipped at your lips in retaliation, hands roaming your body as he pushed his hips up to softly grind his hard on into you. You hummed at the feeling of him against you, angling your hips back and up pressing your wetness against his briefs. Your body was buzzing while Alastor slowly grinded himself down on you, his clothed head travelling between your folds and back up to poke at your clit. The kiss had broken as he continued on, your breathing shaky as you enjoyed the slow motion of him above you, his teeth scraping down the length of your neck.
Alastor couldn’t help the groan that bubbled out of him. Not only could he smell your arousal but he could smell just you. He pressed his face to the nape of your neck, kissing and inhaling, loving the smell you had naturally on your skin. He also got quite the kick out of hearing the blood rush through your veins, it made him feel feral knowing you would bare yourself to him so willingly, he had you around his finger. Alastor let his lips glide down your body, leaving bite marks down your chest and neck as he did so, hips still moving slowly against you. You had soaked his briefs making the fabric feel absent, clinging to every ridge and vein of his cock slide through your folds. “Please Al, I need you.” You whined pathetically, pressing your hips up into his. Alastors choppy breath warmed your collar bone, his forehead rested on your shoulder, eyes closed as he slipped his hand down, yanking himself out of his boxers.
Sometimes he felt like an untrained dog, he couldn’t help but want to hump into you without restraint, but that wasn’t him, that was desire, and he knew how to hold back. As he sunk into you, slowly, he breathed out the quietest of noises against you shoulder, basking in you. You could hear his quiet noises clearly since he was so close, you bite your lip at the sound of him, loving how he always let you see him so wrecked. When Alastors hips were flush with your own, your legs came up around his hips, his tail stiff, while your arms wrapped around his neck, your right hand dragging up his scalp to his ears. “I like hearing you, Alastor,” You gasped as he jolted into you, like an involuntary reaction to your praise. “It makes me feel you.” You finished breathlessly. Alastor hummed against you, setting his pace slow and deep, barely pulling away before he pushed hard back inside you.
Your eyes were wide as he continued this rhythm, to you it was incredibly overwhelming, he never left you vacant always hungry to fill you right back up with him. His pants against you were also adding to your arousal, his eyelashes fluttered against your skin ever now and again as he attempted to contain himself. You knew he was sort of embarrassed with himself feeling pleasure, so you never egged him on when he did start making noise, but lord you wanted more. You tugged Alastors hair softly, pulling him up for a sloppy opened mouth kiss. He barely opened his eyes as he mushed his lips against yours, snaking his tongue against your own, bucking up faster into you at the warmth of your mouth. “I missed you, i love you,” You cried against his lips pathetically, your body’s both rocking on the bed as Alastor hurried his pace.
Alastor let out a low guttural noise, something from the back of his throat making your toes curl, pulling at his hips with your legs. “I couldn’t- stand you being away, dear.” Alastors face was inches from your own, forehead rested on yours, lips brushing against each other as he spoke. “Never again will i be such a fool, you’re mine forever.” Alastor growled through his clenched teeth, claws ripping into the mattress as he spoke. Your mouth hung open, eyebrows raised as you tried to from some sort of praise, but now his eyes were open looking down at you with such intensity and emotion, and his pace fast hard putting your body straight into the mattress. You didn’t even feel your orgasm coming on when it did, your body arching up into his, crying out his name alongside pleas.
The display of you in front of him was so pornographic, something he wasn’t fond of seeing but now understood why people were. You were gorgeous right now, your face red, your eyes watering, your body folded up towards his, all the scars, folds marks on your body, all for his eyes only. Groaning loudly, he fell back into his favourite place, your neck, and let out a deep breathless static moan as he came. You clutched him the entire time through watery blurred eyes, enjoying the feeling of him inside you post orgasm. Pulling away, Alastor was quick to pull out and away, snapping his fingers he began to clean you with a cloth. “Disgusting of me,” He muttered, seemingly angrily. “No, it was good Al, you’re allowed to. You’re not disgusting and neither was the sex, believe me.” You coo, sitting up from your position, a dopey look on your face. In a snap, Alastor was redressed as were you, in leisure clothing. “We’re going back to the hotel to sleep my little doe.” Alastor spoke softly, lending his hand to you, humming you took his hand letting him take you through his magic, back to the hotel. You knew Alastor didn’t like to lay sticky in the remnants of sex like many others, and probably would push you to shower before getting in his bed. But that way okay, you loved him regardless, and you really missed having his attention.
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lackablazeical · 2 years
I'm kinda new to this au (I first saw it on ao3), do you have like a rundown of what exactly it is? lore and such? I'm super interested in this au jut i have 0 idea what the story is lmao
Since the masterpost is taking so long I'm editing a previously made post as a placeholder until the ACTUAL masterpost is finished enough to post
As for what the AU is, it's meant to be a horror/comedy but that also tackles dark themes in a (hopefully) well-written way. It's meant to take rottmnt and twist it much darker, and just to be something enjoyable to those who like spooky and disturbing things!
With that disturbing things mentioned, this AU also has a lot of TWs, including (but not limited to): underage drinking/smoking, violence, experimentation/abuse of animals and humanoid beings, dubious/no consent to activities such as kissing or cuddling, disassociation, toxic relationships, stalking, self harm, slut-shaming, useage of queer slurs, and more. Be careful with this one!
Also with that: this AU is not meant to glorify, romanticize, or endorse any of these relationships, warnings, or characters behavior. I do not want anyone finding the relationships cute, thinking they are redeemable, etc. None of my content is meant to be taken that way, it is not created to be sexual/suggestive, etc etc. These are MINORS. In ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. don't be gross.
Lore is iffy in this AU, especially future canon. So good luck and I am sorry lol
Basically, for the Hamatos:
Splinters backstory goes the same, just he was also involved in the yakuza. Him and BM reconnected and ended up together when the boys were young (Raph was 11, L & D were 10, Mike was 9). Mikey starts going/working at the Nexus around this time, and drinking too. I Want to say the gang met April when she was 9 (so R8, LD7, M6) and they do shenanigans for a while. Leo meets Usagi at 16, goes wild.
The foot/kraang in this world are not exactly a threat, as the Hamatos themselves own the key and a large part of the Armour. None of them know what it is or does.
Usagis backstory:
Leo and Usagi are a 'romantic' relationship of the dynamic of stalker and victim. Usagi is a victim to Leo, who is obsessive, can't understand 'no', etc etc. Usagi is codependent further into their relationship. They are forever toxic, this will not change.
Donnie and Ishida aren't romantic, but still a toxic dynamic of sadist and masochist. Ishida wants to feel pain to 'prove' himself, Donnie provides and studies. I may use the term Donnida for these too, but again, not romantic. They are close friends.
Mikey and Kenichi ('Michi') are probably the most functional of the 3 dynamics. They are friends by circumstance, but find they both bond over their hatred of 'Leosagi' and often enjoy gossiping/shit talking together. They also play fight occasionally.
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Characters such as Draxum, Evil league of mutants, Cassandra, and Mona Lisa all exist as well!!!!@ tumblr just has a FUCKING IMAGE LIMIT.
Draxum isn't close with the boys, and he works with BM closely. Only Mikey and Don are aware of the fact he made them.
Cassandra is still with the Foot, crushing on April hard, etc etc.
I promise I'm working on the masterpost, I'm just slow and. A little stupid
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perfectsunlight · 11 months
𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐞 [𝟔]
𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘂𝘀𝗲, 𝘀𝘂𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲𝘀, 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟮,𝟯𝟳𝟯
𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀: 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽𝗶𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲
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"ningning? are you there?"
tendrils of smoke curled and swirled in the air, their ethereal dance mirroring the haze that enveloped the idol’s mind. the room was shrouded in a translucent veil of smoke, the scent of tobacco mingling with the heaviness of her thoughts. each exhale released a plume of gray, dissipating into the atmosphere as if carrying away fragments of her inner turmoil.
her fingers trembled slightly as she brought the cigarette to her lips, her actions almost mechanical, a ritual of escape from the world that weighed upon her. the burning ember glowed momentarily, casting an ephemeral light on her face before fading into the darkness.
"hello?" the voice of her manager on the other end persisted, a faint note of concern seeping through the crackling static.
with a heavy sigh, ning allowed her eyes to flutter shut, seeking solace in the temporary respite from reality. the smoke-filled room cocooned her in a cloak of detachment, shielding her from the outside world and the raw emotions that threatened to consume her.
her voice emerged muffled and distant. "what is it?" she replied, the words tinged with a hint of indifference. the smoke curled and swirled around her, intertwining with her breath, as if adding another layer to the haze that clouded her thoughts.
“dispatch has more photos of you throwing up outside of a club. we can’t keep paying them to not post them.”
the young idol took another drag from her cigarette, the smoke billowing around her like a shield of indifference. she exhaled slowly, watching the wisps dance and dissipate into the air.
"so what?" she replied nonchalantly, her voice void of concern. "let them post it. it's not like it's the end of the world."
her manager's voice crackled with a mix of surprise and caution. "ning yizhuo, we've been working hard to maintain your image. this could affect your reputation more and more. not to mention the rest of your group."
a ghost of a smile played at the corners of her lips as she dismissed his worries. "reputation, career.” a scoff left her lips as she rolled her eyes. “they're just constructs, aren't they? people hate me anyway. besides, it keeps the media entertained."
the manager's tone shifted, a touch of urgency creeping into his voice. "but your fans, your endorsements—"
"my fans," she interrupted, her voice steady. "they're with me because of who i am, not some carefully curated facade that this shitty industry likes to put up. as for the endorsements, if they want to drop me over a few pictures, then they were never truly invested in me."
her manager's voice carried a trace of urgency. "your group relies on each member's image. we need to protect that."
she took another leisurely drag from her cigarette, the smoke curling around her like a cloak of indifference. "they'll be fine," she responded dismissively. "they’ve always been fine.”
there was a moment of silence before her manager spoke again, his tone tinged with reprimanding. "your actions reflect on the whole group."
a flicker of defiance flashed in her eyes. "i understand that, but i won't let fear of judgment dictate my every move. and i refuse to just be seen as some manufactured perfection, especially since they’ve always reminded me i don’t meet that standard anyway."
the room fell into silence, the crackling of the cigarette the only sound punctuating the stillness. the chinese girl leaned back, her gaze fixed on the swirling smoke, a quiet defiance emanating from her.
her manager's voice wavered, a mix of worry and respect in his words. "yizhuo, think this through. we can find a way to handle it."
ning’s eyes flickered with determination as she extinguished the cigarette, its remains dissipating into nothingness. "no need," she replied, her voice carrying hints of arrogance. "i've already made up my mind.”
she hung up the phone as she ran a hand through her hair, still wet from the shower she had just an hour before.
“you love giving your company headaches, don’t you?” 
her gaze flickered towards you as you sat propped up with your elbows behind you. your hair was a few shades darker from the shower you took with her. 
the aespa member turned her head slowly, meeting your gaze with smug amusement. a mischievous smile played at the corners of her lips as she regarded you, the one who had managed to sneak into her sanctuary.
"well," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of playful arrogance, "it certainly keeps things interesting, doesn't it?" she slowly moved to hover above you, wet hair slipping at her shoulders and in front of her face.
her proximity and the way she positioned herself above you added a layer of unexpected intimacy to the moment. the room seemed to shrink, the atmosphere crackling with a mix of familiar anticipation.
your gaze met hers, a beat of silence passing between you. the damp tendrils of her hair framed her face, enhancing the allure and the forbidden nature of your complicated connection.
a slow, knowing smile spread across your lips as you allowed your hands to rest lightly on her waist. "you do love pushing boundaries, don't you?" you replied, your voice laced with equal parts truth and desire.
the idol’s eyes flickered with a mixture of amusement and a deeper longing. "boundaries were meant to be tested," she murmured, her voice a husked tone that sent shivers down your spine and goosebumps across your skin.
it was a dance of temptation, both aware of the delicate balance between friendship and the blurred lines you had formed between it.
but then, with a subtle shift, ningning leaned back, breaking the spell. her playful demeanor resurfaced, an impish glint in her eyes. "but for now," she said, her voice regaining a playful tone, "you should go. i’ve got a recording session in an hour.”
her words cut through the charged atmosphere, grounding both of you in the reality of the situation. the reminder of her upcoming recording session served as a stark reminder of the boundaries that existed between you.
you nodded, a mixture of slight disappointment and understanding flickering in your eyes. "right."
the towel around her fell as she walked towards her closet. reluctantly, you pulled yourself up from the position you had been in, sitting upright on the edge of the bed. the momentary intimacy lingered in the air, a bittersweet reminder of your place in her life.
gathering yourself, you moved off the bed fully and grabbed your clothes off the floor of her bedroom. your fingers moved to take off the shirt she had loaned you after your shared shower, but you hesitated. “hey,” you called out to ning. “do you want your shirt back?”
she appeared from her closet a few moments later, dressed in an oversized hoodie and a pair of givenchy jeans that looked like they could pay your rent. her scent of bergamot and white musk filled your senses as she walked past you to her nightstand.
“just leave it on the bed.”
with a hint of disappointment, you carefully pulled the fabric over your head and left it on the bed. you quickly slid your sweater on and put your sweats on. once you were dressed, you moved towards the door to leave. ning’s fingers wrapped around your wrist carefully, pulling you back towards her for a moment before you left.
her touch sent a jolt of electricity through your veins, momentarily halting your movements towards the door. her fingers, warm and delicate, held onto your wrist with a mixture of tenderness and longing.
you turned to face her, your eyes meeting hers. ningning’s wet hair fell gracefully as she leaned in, using her free hand to brush her fingertips against your cheek. to you, it held a silent significance, a reassurance that your connection, however complicated, still held a place in her life.
"i’ll see you later." she whispered, a knowing smile pulling at her lips as she winked at you.
but to her, it was nothing of that sort. nothing mattered to her, not even you.
you exited through the door and shut it behind you, stepping into the hallway. as you walked to the end of the hall, your mind went back to what ning had told you.
your finger pressed the elevator button, watching the digital numbers count down as the doors opened.
a familiar pair of raven hues met yours as you two brushed passed each other. you gave the other girl a small smile as you entered the elevator and she exited.
stepping into the elevator, you turned to face the doors, watching them shut. the mechanical hum of the machinery filled the air as the digital numbers went down with each floor you passed.
“okay ning, you’re all good. you can step out of the booth now.”
the chinese girl slid the headphones off of her head as she listened to the producer’s comments. she exited and sat down next to aeri, leaning her head on her shoulder. 
“who was leaving your room earlier?” 
ning chuckled in amusement. her fellow group member must have seen you leaving. she raised an eyebrow up at the older girl before replying. “you’ve seen a lot of people leave my room before. why are you suddenly interested in this one?”
giselle narrowed her eyes playfully before turning to look away from the other girl. “because she’s pretty.”
oh. there it was again. ningning did not like this feeling.
ningning slowly lifted her head to look at the japanese girl. her eyes flickered with a hint of unease and a touch of possessiveness as she met giselle's gaze. 
“what’s her name?’ giselle asked as she scrolled through her phone mindlessly, amusement in her tone.
ningning hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on a corner of the coffee table in the studio. a mix of conflicting emotions swirled within her, but she couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that coursed through her veins. 
"y/n," ningning said, her voice tinged with a touch of nonchalant. "we're just friends."
giselle's brows furrowed as she glanced up from her phone, sensing the underlying tension in ningning's response. "just friends?" she repeated, her tone laced with a hint of skepticism and a bit of amusement.
ningning nodded, averting her gaze for a moment before meeting giselle's eyes again. "yeah, just friends," she reiterated, the words sounding emptier than she intended. "but why are you interested anyway?"
giselle's fingers tapped absentmindedly on her phone screen as she pondered for a moment. she flashed a mischievous smile before locking her phone and slipping it into her pocket. "just wondering.”
shades of midnight filled the open space through the uncovered windows as you leaned against the counter. you took a sip from your glass of water, enjoying the serenity of the moment.
a pair of arms slithered around your waist from behind you, the familiar scent of blackberries and bay leaves filling your senses.
“i missed you.”
she whispered against your ear, thumbs slowly drawing circles around your hips. her whispered words against your ear sent shivers down your spine, her voice carrying the weight of simple affection. 
“i missed you too.”
you said softly, leaning back against the other girl. soft lips pressed against the side of your neck, leaving a trail of warmth and desire in their wake. 
as the weight of the glass met the table, the air around you grew thick with a mix of desire and tension. your focus shifted entirely to the presence of the woman behind you, her arms holding you close and her breath caressing your ear.
the lips against the side of your neck elicited a mixture of sensations—a delicate fusion of warmth, desire, and the familiar dance of intimacy. with each lingering touch, a current of electricity coursed through your veins, making your head feel fuzzy.
turning to face her fully, your hands instinctively sought the strands of her dark hair. as your fingers tangled within her locks, a silent understanding passed between you, fueling the smirking anticipation on her lips.
“you’ve been seeing ningning haven’t you?” aeri whispered with a smirk, glancing at the fading love bite that adorned your collarbone. 
you mirrored the grin she wore and leaned in closer to her, eyes full of burning desire for the girl. “maybe.”
closer still, she leaned in, lips gently brushing against yours. “dirty girl.” she teased, eyes flickering from your mouth to your eyes. 
in the silent exchange of glances, a primal desire simmered, fueling the magnetic pull that drew you together. her teasing words echoed with a mix of playfulness and sultriness, igniting a fire within you that burned with fervor.
you met her gaze, your eyes mirroring the raw desire that surged between you. there was no need for words, as the unspoken agreement hung heavy in the air. only the heat of your closeness and the promise lingered between the minimal space between. 
“you know me.” you whispered, feeling the idol’s hands wandering up under your shirt and resting against your stomach. her nails dug small crescents into your skin as she pulled you in closer. 
the room seemed to pulsate with a heightened intensity as her hands ventured, exploring the contours of your body. the graze of her nails against your skin sent a surge of electricity coursing through your veins, mingling with the growing heat that radiated between you.
aeri’s gaze never faltered, along with her smug smile. “my groupie.” she husked.
the whispered admission hung in the air, acknowledging the unspoken circumstances that had brought you both together. aeri's fiery gaze, unyielding and filled with desire, locked onto yours. her smug smile, a testament to her confident allure, painted an irresistible picture of temptation.
the word "groupie" dripped from her lips with a mixture of playfulness and possessiveness, fanning the flames of passion that burned within.
as your lips met in a fervent, hungry kiss, you knew that this was you surrendering to the intoxicating spell woven around you, fully embracing the role as her devoted admirer; even if it meant keeping it a secret from ningning.
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𝗧𝗔𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧: @jiihu @silantryoo @rosiehrs @craftymasterlistcomicsprune @skisk1 @jisooftme @babycubchae @yunjinhart @pandamiswifey @jenoteamo @lcv3lies  @pagedpick7 @bexisbomb @lcv3lies @lauxymy4 @justalittledissociation @captivq
145 notes · View notes
johnnys-breastmilk · 7 months
angelift | goalie!renato lyra x reader
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a/n — inspired by the deadly games collection! soccer!au where the survivors all play soccer in their own teams
summary — I'd write one but nothing can top those stellar item descriptions in DBD... right? Anyways, goalie rivals settle their feuds in the locker room.
warnings — horribly translated Brazilian Portuguese, face fucking, mischaracterizing a character who doesn't speak/has no personality besides the fact that his whimpering sounds nice <3, white woman jumpscare (meg)
words — 3.4k
“How does he do it?”
Your eyes scour across the large field to the Brazilian swinging his arms over his chest, raising the other arm in a perpendicular fashion and pressing it to the elbow of his polar arm while keeping it stiff. It’s a specific motion that he does as he sauntered to his other teammates. 
Meg turned to look at you as you stretched, taking the same stance as him. Warm-ups, a much-needed thing when exposed to the brisk air.
“Do what?” She asked.
“Look so… confident. You know, they barely qualified to go against us.” What you said may have been a lie, but you wished for it to be true. Knowing their team was statistically worse than yours would have made their popularity around the world feel less intimidating. 
Her brows furrowed like they were trying to dive into the turf she stood on. “You made that up. That’s something everyone knows.”
“It’s easy to see it.” You told her. “The team is more focused on their image rather than their skill. My money’s on the fact that most of them are here for the fame.”
Renato had to be showing off since you got to the stadium, whether it was to you or the eager fans arriving early, you couldn’t tell. Not every position was beneficial for stretching out his best assets, but maybe he cared too much about looking his best in the game.
While the other team likely talked shit about your worst mistakes behind your back, you found comfort in talking about their motivations. They could relish in every slip-up, fumble, and game-costing play that you made, but it made all of that sting a little less when you imagined them as not taking the game seriously. Hell, Renato made that pretty easy with his presence in the marketing world. He wasn’t just some player, he was a brand to sell stadium seats.
The countless interviews online were all about him. Renato, the “fire keeper” as everyone called him. It was only after one of his gloves caught a ball that had some sort of tactile material that, when gliding across the material of his glove at a rapid speed, could cause smoke and burn marks. By the end of that match, it looked like he had held fire in his hand and walked away from the game with a reputation. 
Then you saw his stupid face in a commercial for a cream that he used to help with muscle pain in his thighs, now being endorsed by the company that made it. Damn you, Deep Heat. Though, the one shot of his thigh that they used for demonstration stuck out in your head—it was practically burned into your TV screen! Crisp, white illuminated his toned leg as he propped it up on a futuristic cube that was equally as shining as the backdrop. All of the lathering, his hands slowly gliding over his thigh to show how fast the cream disappeared and worked to alleviate pain. Closing in on such an intimate part of himself—one that was usually hidden by his shorts, a cross between blue and purple over his tanned legs—was for all of the public to see.
Being a goalie yourself, the algorithm online had basically fed you every iteration of that advert to the point that you could recite them by heart in the same, stupid voice he used. His face was on all the boxes, and you had to reluctantly buy some after getting a cramp after a match. Your team had a manager, and one overheard conversation sent your dislike of the player across the arena into a full-out feeling of disdain. Supposedly, you would have gotten that endorsement if it weren’t for one game where you failed to catch one too many balls, and they went to Renato shortly after. 
…And, damn it, he had already won the rivalry. You were at a loss for anything else to say about him.
You would have never called him your “rival,” because that would imply that Renato possessed a skill set high enough to match yours, and the feeling that he could outplay you today was the last thing you needed to be thinking about. That was the internet’s idea. On some screen far, far away, someone had noticed the small glare you gave him a while back at a fundraiser for charity. This one glance let thousands of people on the internet concoct this fantasy of, at the least, being friends, and at its worst, being lovers. Every detail of your social presence—from an intentionally “equivocating” Instagram caption to the outright mention of his name—was enough for fans of both teams to come together in a new type of supporter.
Maybe what they did, and what he did, worked to some extent. Just the sight of him warming up for this match brought on a spur of emotion that could only be described as a resonating bridle. Something that pushed the edge of an immovable barrier. Where the wall began as the public eye and ended in insecurity didn’t seem discernible. Sometimes, you fantasized about meeting Renato while taking a tour of Brazil. Someplace quiet in the moors, where he’s all alone, kicking a ball around, waiting for anyone else to join him. The dream of which sat on his shoulders as he fed fuel to the fire, he had to be the one making any accusation about the two of you being any sort of ‘thing.’
But all he managed to do was run laps around your mind. In front of you, he was doing the complete opposite. His weight pressed down on the faux grass. But he was not facing you, no. He isn’t looking in your direction with a smirk as he reaches the tips of his digits to the toe of his cleat. He’s facing away, a sign of weakness. He’s leaning forward, stretching his back and, from what you can make out from your shared distance, running his hands over his legs until he reaches his ankles. The elastic band of his shorts dipped as they could only cover so much, and the purple ends of his jersey rode up. Too far away to see the details, you turned away and expected it to be that way for the rest of the night.
That was, until, the final handshake. The game came to a close at fourteen to twelve. Scattered players blocked your view of him as you paced back and forth in your little salt circle—or a sharply shaped rectangle with repelling edges—on the field for the entire match. There was a slow building of dread as you shook hand after hand, being on the very end of the lineup as your team shuffled to the left and the other team did the same, but in the opposite direction. Renato was the last as well, meaning that you two ended the ritualistic commemoration. A way to celebrate your loss, and a way for Brazil to continue to be home to another asshole in the world.
Each bare hand meeting your own built-up friction, but it elicits nothing as a base is needed to react with other bases. You had your reasons for disliking Renato, but there was never a specific moment where you could say it to him. There was no ignition beyond your want to do it. But, as you looked into his eyes once he stepped into view, the choice to do it grew stronger. You slotted your hand into his without looking, grasping it firmly. The sudden realization that he still had his gloves on and you were shaking the hand with the yellow dorsal side of his glove. The white part enveloped your hand and he shook it with a smirk on his face.
“Good job out there. Anyone can miss two catches.”
“Not you, though, right?” Being the last in line meant that there was no rush to break away from the man touching your hand. The only thing running through your mind was the Deep Heat on it, numbing his hand and yours.
“Not at all,” he said. 
“I guess you’d know how to catch balls, though.” Thanks, internet.
He pulled you closer, “You know, a rumor might arise tonight about how you’re missing two balls.”
The teams were dismissed before you could reply. Just a second longer and this would’ve been more flammable evidence to turn to ashes in the dirt. But Renato pulled his hand away and strode across the field. You did the same since the seats encircling the stadium were still full of people slowly finding their way out. 
In an attempt to find a resolution to your conflict, you circled the stadium and to the opposing team’s locker room. Inside, the walls were lined with green lockers and sea-blue tiles mixed with the occasional white accents. The showers and bathroom stalls were colored in the same way. Because they were the ‘away’ team, they got the color scheme opposite to your team’s pink jerseys.
His earthy tones of brown hair and tanned upper chest stuck out like a sore thumb as you searched for him in each locker dwelling. They were all squarely U-shaped and very much empty, except for one. Renato was facing away from you, digging around in the locker where he temporarily stored all of his little things. As he shifted around in the same spot, your eyes wandered down to the bench. Neatly folded clothes rested on the polished plank of wood. A possibly lucky, beaded necklace dangled from his balled fist as he shoved it into his duffle bag. When he bent over to stuff it in, you noticed that he was only in his underwear, not just shirtless.
“Hey, listen.” He was still turned away, “You weren’t the one starting all those rumors, right? Of us?”
He turned around, shutting the locker. His hands clasped the clothes and he stood erect while facing you head-on. “I have to hit the showers, care to join?”
The perfect thing to clear the air was to steam it up. With grace and without the slightest falter, his thumbs hooked into his underwear and he pushed them down over his cheeks, then they shifted to the front and he did the same. It was done all in one swift motion, lifting a leg from each cuff and stepping out of his underwear without breaking his pace toward the box-room showers. He stayed in front of you, keeping silent. The only sound he made was the soft puttering of his footsteps against the ceramic tile, a reminder of how he could do something so effortlessly and unintentionally human. Your eyes had their instinct to wander to places they had never seen and glance over his ass and thick thighs while they weren’t wrapped in colorful polyester. They were almost so thick, it made seeing his swinging dick impossible to see as if you were peering through the slit of a doorframe where light shone through. You can tell there’s something there, but it’s indiscernible without being on the other side.
His hips sway like it’s an intentional beckoning. It’s one that you’re already wordlessly following, but he reinstates it every time his legs strut. Still uncontrollable, still real. Still a dick.
He stopped and turned before passing through the hole in the wall carved out to enter the showers. You saw his thighs halt and twirl, and you stopped just short of bumping into him, “Are you coming in? You should, you look like a muddied dog in an all-white house.”
“You reek of losing.” He tried to sound clearer, unsure if he had accidentally used a mix of his native language and English in his invitation.
You looked down, everything down to your cleats were still on and clinging to you from working up a sweat. Footprints of your odd pathing, of following Renato around like a puppy dog, were tracked around on the tile. “Oh, yeah.”
Stripped of your outward identity, your team, and the morals associated with it, you joined him right as the water had gotten nice and warm. Renato’s skin was bolstered by sweat along his neck and face, since he was careful—and inane in reiteration—to keep his hair dry, but glistened all the same when his chest was under the shower head’s stream. The water trickled down his body, over every curve and ridge. It was a regular sight for his teammates, who were used to the full sight of a meal with steaming freshness, but this made you crave him and his taste. You joined him under his shower head, not even bothering to start up a second one.
Some of it flowed down his abs like a stream with rocks breaking the current and only then did it fall toward the drain once they ventured down his long peninsula. He molded the earth in his hands, the precipitating water, the salt of the sweat, and the warmth of his core. All of it, all under his control, while you could barely keep him out of your thoughts and a hand out of your pants for him.
He seemed to know everything—have everything. “I think you play the wrong sport. You’d be better at pitching over anything else.”
“Yeah? How are you so good at everything you do?”
“I wouldn’t call it ‘good.’ And not at everything.”
“And what would you call it?”
“I don’t know, but… I want to know,” he paused. “What word makes you bark… without biting?”
“Are you asking me to shut up?”
He took a step closer, cocking his head. The curls in his hair moved with him, slightly falling in his face. “Do I need to tell you?”
“No,” you gave in to him almost immediately.
His eyes flicked down to the wet tile then back up to you. You tried to read his expression, study his perfect face and all the things he refrained from saying. But there was nothing, it was no use. He still looked stunning under the flow of steaming water and all of your jealousy surfaced from the clear pores he had. Renato’s perfect skin wasn’t secluded to his face, it spanned his whole body. You got to see it up close when you did as his eyes directed, kneeling before him and feeling the water fall off his body and hit you, none of it coming directly from the head of the shower. He controlled the flow.
All he had to do was mutter the words, ‘Help me unwind,’ and you were—he was—letting your hands scale his upper thighs like it was the climb up a peaking mountain. Near the peak, the air was thinning. The only thing filling each breath was steam and him.
His cock dangled down, falling somewhere between the middle of his thighs and his knees. It moved when your fingers encircled the base and that’s when you knew that even his big size could get much bigger. How did you never see this thing packed away in his shorts? The better question was: how did he jump to catch balls in the air with all of this extra weight?
There was a small moment where you cupped all of him in your hands, enjoying it as what it was and not what it needed to be. Still, he managed to fair better to the touch than you ever could. Receptive and cool to the touch in a room full of steam he remains. He was at his hardest, but not at his neediest.
But your mouth felt empty at the sight of this, knowing that it could stretch and fill you any way it’s taken. You let one hand drop and the other wrap around his shaft to point his cock at you directly. Inching closer to it, his bare palm lightly smacked the side of your face, shunning you away. He chides with it, “Ah-ah.”
It’s wordless, but his actions suggest that he wants his goods handled carefully. Not by some second-place goalie who can’t catch a big soccer ball, let alone handle him. 
"Você não tem que me chupar, eu tenho que comer sua linda boquinha,” he explained, but you struggled to understand a lick of it. Good thing your tongue wouldn’t be used much to speak. “You look stupid, pretty boy. I’ll show you, ninfeta.”
A hand of his runs through your soaking hair and the other held onto his cock. Quickly, and without warning, he jabbed it against your lips. The soft head speared its way in for entrance. His hips rocked back and forth until you got the obvious sign to let him through and into his own pocket of pleasure. 
With his feet firmly planted on the tiled floor, he loomed with stability. He was able to bring you off your knees and down to the base of his cock in one slow pull. He reeled you off of him smoothly only to ram it all back in with the force of his weight. His core flexed and tightened, thighs stuttering from the soreness of the match and the fact that he was on his feet at the moment.
The feeling of your tongue on the underside of his sensitive cock and how your throat fought his presence with each deep thrust into you, the hand in your hair tightening each time, sent his eyes rolling back. So far so, he could have rolled back and slipped on the feeling of euphoria. 
You were sure your nose was red from how many times his pubic bone and clean-shaven pubes brushed against it, lightly scratching it every time he smushed the two together. The two collisions—your nose to his pubes and his dick stretching your throat—felt like he was trying to fit a square block in a circular hole. One would be made to fit, and he had already shown which.
Carnally, he thrust with the force of an animal getting its fix. His legs grew less tense by the minute, all moving to the pit of his stomach. Water ran over his dick, spilling into your mouth as his thumbs curled into your lips to stretch them wide. Plap, plap, plap… the noises echoed off the wall. A mix of water and spit spilled over your chin, the amount of it being saliva was unknown to you, but it was obviously a lot since you could feel him pulling more out each time he backed himself up only to slam it all back in.
“Puta vadia,” he whined, leaning his head back, and in short, jagged swings of his hips, he stutters you along his cock. Quickly, glug, glug, glugs flew out.
You hardly even noticed that he had come in those final thrusts until he slowed and stopped. His thumbs unhooked themselves, but as your lips formed a ring around him again, you could feel him twitching and pulsing over your tongue. The water going into your mouth slowed and was back to flowing over your face and body, but his release still dribbled out. It felt like a spoonful of honey pouring down the back of your throat, slowly.
After a moment of heavy breathing and recuperating himself, Renato found himself placing his hands in your hair again, reeling you back until your mouth was empty. He let go of his hold and offered out the same hand to you, “You… make me bad at controlling myself, gostoso.”
You took it and stood up, rebalancing yourself on the wet tile with the help of his shoulders. Once you were steady, you didn’t bother to move them, keeping them slung over him. You wanted to ask him a question, debating whether or not to use your abused throat. “Does that Deep Heat stuff work on your jaw?”
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waitingforminjae · 1 year
came across this small opinion piece and they just said what i've been thinking so well:
In the episode of the podcast I just posted, one of my guests says that, traditionally, one of the important elements of Kpop was the intertextual relationships. We see group members on variety and dramas and commercials and get to know them through these lenses, adding another dimension to our enjoyment of their songs and performances. These media appearances also bring in new fans to the group. [...] This is a very traditional way for idol groups to become popular.
So, let’s circle back to Cha Eun Woo. He’s not a dance, rap, or vocal ace but he has something equally valuable to Astro--numerous and popular drama roles and brand endorsements. Cha Eun Woo is known the way idols used to be known. His extremely handsome face isn’t just some random idol on a birthday advertisement in the subway, it’s recognizable by normal people. Cha Eun Woo is a huge asset to a group like Astro. His popularity not only brings new fans to Astro but also helps open doors for other members. “Oh, he’s in Cha Eun Woo’s group” is a much more compelling hook for the average viewer than “Oh, he’s in one of the dozens of idol groups I’ve never heard of and have no connection to and whose name goes in one ear and out the other like a puff of smoke.”
I’ve written about this before but views, streams, physical album sales, etc. are transitory measurements. These numerics that the young generation of fans have been trained to see as the ultimate prize are just numbers. It’s understandable that fans are being encouraged to value numerics by the big Kpop companies because it keeps fans engaged on the fandom treadmill, buying and streaming and spending hours voting on music show apps like their lives depended on it. But it’s not all that valuable to the idols themselves--certainly not as valuable as having a member who is known by the general public for his drama roles and handsome face. I don’t know where the idea that every group needs to have attention evenly divided or that one member can’t have solo work if others don’t have solo work entered into fandom but I have my suspicions. While there’s nothing wrong with fans advocating for their favorite member to have more solo work, I do think there’s something wrong with fans advocating to hold a member back as I’ve sensed has been the case from certain corners with Cha Eun Woo. The long term health and success of a male idol group in the mold of SMAP--which is what very much Astro is--depends on the members having strong individual images and brands outside of the group. The idea that the members have to do everything together at all times is unworkable in the long run just as the idea that a group can rely completely on the obsessive streaming and viewing and buying of a core group of fans is unworkable in the long run. This new generation of foreign fans has lost those intertextual connections. “KPop” has increasingly become isolated not just from old subculture spaces where fans mixed with anime and Jpop fans but even from mainstream dramas and variety shows and Korean show business, generally. It’s led to this odd bubble where the most popular groups among stans barely even have name recognition in Korea outside of Kpop fandom. It wasn’t always like this.
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silphine · 1 year
ESCAFLOWNE Voice meme (2/5)
[ Escaflowne voice meme made by @drkstars-art ]
PART 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
2. Who is your favorite character and why? Was it love at first sight?  Has any of their qualities or quirks swayed you on characters in other series?
Instinctively, Van.
He was my favorite character right from the beggining. And despite I now love the vast majority of characters (for many different reasons), I'm still really attached to him.
WHY ? > Mainly because Van's story is the (painful and challenging) process of a boy growing up to finally become a man.
He has the widest range of emotions through out the series, which makes him very realistic and human.
He is the combination of a Life of Duty, Fight, Revenge with the tough, rebelous and doubtful period of adolescence. These two concepts confront inside him and I just love the dynamic it gives to his character :
- Deep inside, Van is a shy, kind, sensitive, pacifist and simple young man > But must endorse a King role he never aimed to and has to learn to fight and kill if needed.
- He lacks of self confidence, is also very impulsive and wholehearted with his beliefs (he is still a teenager after all) > But has to deal with many adult and overwhelming situations (with other royals, leaders, politics...)
- Physically, he is quite small for his age and pretty puny > But reveals being strenghful, mature (on many aspects) and determined. Plus, very dangerous in critical situations :
When he kills several Zaibach soldiers in Energist mine.
When he slaughters all Dilandau’s soldiers.
When he finds and enters Zaibach invisible forteress 
I just love this contrast !
Gaea is a violent world for his kind soul. But he finally accepts his fate and deals with it the best he can, even if it's too heavy for his young and small shoulders.
He internalizes his suffering most of the time and that's why I sympathize so much for him.
His resilience always impressed me.
> He lost almost everything at the beginning of the story, but manages to overcome the situation. We clearly see Balgus' influence in him. (I always loved Balgus. A strong, stoic, proud but so reliable and very kind man. An excellent father figure for any young becoming man.)
By the way, I love the fact that the promise Balgus made to Hitomi to find a way to send her back home foreshadows Van x Hitomi relationship all over the series until its very end.
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" We will find a way to send you back on Mystic Moon." " A Fanelian warrior never lies. "
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Indeed, Van never lies to Hitomi. By friendship (and because he genuily understands her sadness for being separated from her family), he takes up the promise Balgus made her...
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...and reminds her later (in a bitter way) Even if he is deeply irritated by her presence on the moment, frustrated and full of jealousy towards Allen : he WILL keep his promise.
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And he will. Definitely. Despite their mutual love. I don't think many young men would do the same. That's why I find him so special. Was it love at first sight ?   > Here was the very first time I saw him.
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Frankly, how can it not be a love at first sight ? I knew nothing about his character, neither the story of ESCAFLOWNE. But I instantanly understood in this scene he was desperatly in love with this girl kissing a "perfect blondie man" and that all his hopes just gone up in smoke ! I felt so bad for him... (I feel the same each time I rewatch this scene.)
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(Second dose... In case the viewer would not really get how much his heart is broken !) Honestly... How can a heartbreak be so beautifully portrayed and hurt so hard in a single image !? I also love watching him get irritated and not understanding his own feelings. He saves and protects Hitomi most of the time but, paradoxally, is unable to properly express his love to her. He is so lost on that topic ! To finish : his character taught me a lesson on humanity has a young teenage : > The most dangerous person may not be the one who attacks, cheats, enforces domination or hurts people in the first place.... 
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... But the most kind person, pushed to his own limits... (Dilandau just freaked out...) > Everyone can become a monster if pushed too far or blinded by its hatred/anger. We all have violence inside us and it can be easy to give in to it. For all these reasons, I love his character. [ > PART 3 ]
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[It's a video! It looks like this one wasn't meant to be uploaded, as the camera-Rotom, Cross, flits from Vanilla to Aspear and back, video settings changing on the fly. This must be some sort of set-up...?]
"Yeah, Cross, a little bit brighter. Yeah! Perfect!"
"i-i'm doing okay...?"
"Vanilla, why'd you go and give a perfectly good Rotom anxiety."
"She came like that! And she's perfectly good with her anxiety too. You're doing great, Cross."
[The camera does a 360-degree twirl. It appears its possessor is quite pleased with herself.]
"So... the plan. You want every person in Unova to see what sort of motives this guy has, yeah?"
"Yeah. I mean... you're right. Interpol hasn't done shit about him so far. Maybe if we get enough people angry...?"
"Best we got, anyways. Hey, maybe you could get somebody so pissed at him they just straight-up kill the guy. Not saying I'm endorsing that or anything! If you're recording this, Cross."
"Cross would never talk to cops. Isn't that right? Who's the best Rotom ever? Er... ahem. I just... hope this doesn't backfire."
"What, your disguise? Or this entire..."
[Aspear gestures at the lab as a whole.]
"...You know, I wasn't quite expecting you to... suggest I disguise myself as your sister? I mean, isn't this kind of... aren't I a bit..."
"...Yeah, a little. Hey Cross, let's just keep the camera on Colress. The less you move the better, anyways."
[The camera pans up and down briefly. A nod.]
"But really, I don't know what else we can do. You can't exactly have a pleasant conversation with Colress as yourself. None of the kids in my lab ever met Colress, so that's suspicious. And I sure as hell don't want to start beef with my boss who's on Interpol's Top Wanted list without backup. So... just don't do anything weird. I know you're exes and all, but, like... be chill?"
"Yeah. Chill."
"...How good are you, at this? I never got a chance to see really. Other than the fighting."
"I mean, I got to know her pretty well, so..."
[The light around Vanilla distorts rather heavily... it's almost like it turns into smoke, blurring his image until what emerges is... pretty distinctly Cheri. She blinks a few times, checking over what aspects of her disguise she can see. It seems satisfactory.]
"Holy shit. I thought there'd be some kind of tell. Can you like... her voice...?"
"Yeah?? As long as you don't ask me to pronounce some suuuuuper crazy-long word or something, we're good, Spear!!"
"Dear fucking Arceus. You're... that's dangerous, man."
"I have noooo idea what you're talking about!!"
["Cheri" shakes her head, a bit like clearing an unwanted thought. Seems like it takes some effort to switch between voices like that...]
"Er... that is, yeah, I try not to use it too much. I'd make a damn good actor if I ever quit therapy, though."
[Aspear checks the time on his own Rotom Phone, thinks a bit, and then heads for the door. He looks nervous.]
"Yeah. I guess we don't have time for this though... Shit. It's already almost one? I'll get the door set. Just promise me that Sword of yours is actually gonna protect me..."
"Yeah, no problem. We got this."
"...sorry, Cheri. Think we're more than even after this one."
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telnaga · 4 months
please be sure to know that while i value this image i do not appreciate that it is AI generated.please know that by reblogging this "meme" of a classic video game character smoking a blunt, i am not endorsing the ai that generated it, which personally killed a poor newgrounds artist
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
Is There a Doctor on this Plane? (Yes, yes there is.) - P7 | Eddie Munson x Reader
Plot:  PURE SPICE. also, nightmares. [Eddie Munson x Gender Neutral!Reader] Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Word count:  2,666
Warnings:  nightmares, murder, spice (no smut)
Disclaimer: Uh, yeah, fuck netflix, and fuck whoever came up with having a "stranger things experience" in a former n*zi prison where jewish and romani people were exterminated. that's an incredibly fucked up thing to do, and i do not support or endorse it.
A/N: woooo boy did this fic end up being longer than i thought it'd be. y'know, originally, i planned for this to be a oneshot, but here we are, part 7, the final part. thanks for reading babes
Tags: @twistedhistory @keepingitlokiii​ @efvyqrs
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Nightmares. Of course, it had to be fucking nightmares, because you just couldn’t have anything nice, could you? You had Eddie, and then he died. You got Eddie back, and you immediately got into a fight with him. You reconciled your fight, and you were instantly bombarded with a bunch of FUCKING NIGHTMARES.
The world around you was red and black, full of thick smoke and twisting vines. You were back in the fuckmothering Upside Down. God. Fucking. Damnit.  
As you walked through the wasteland, Eddie’s screams rang harshly in your ears. You could hear the man you loved dying as the demobats slowly tore him apart, digging into his skin and ripping away chunks of flesh until there was nothing left but a mangled mess of a man. You could feel his life slowly fading away as you ran through the abyss, failing to save him thanks to your incompetence.
Your heart froze when the screams stopped. That meant he was dead.  That meant that you’d lost him again.
You fell to your knees, your palms digging into the harsh ground as you collapsed. You screamed. You didn’t know what else to do.  
As your world folded in on itself, another sound took the place of Eddie’s screams- his voice.
“You said you didn’t want to lose me,” Eddie’s voice echoed around you, deafening you to all other sounds. You couldn’t hear your own screams. His voice continued, “But now I’m back, and you just don’t want me anymore.”
When you looked up, Eddie was standing in front of you. For a split second, he looked as he did when you last saw him- healthy. Alive. Of course, the longer you took in his visage, the more that image distorted. Blood soaked through his clothes, covering his skin with a sickening red sheen. Dark purple bruises covered his skin, echoing injuries he’d sustained even before the demobat attack.  
“You can barely stand to look at me,” when he spoke, blood poured from between his lips, “You see me the way everyone else does, don’t you? As a freak.  As a threat.”
“What?  No-” pain ricocheted through your body at his words. He sounded so hurt, like he genuinely believed what he was saying. That you saw him as a freak, as the scary cultist most of Hawkins saw him as. Your own voice sounded miles away, as if you were speaking from a different world.
“I’m just another monster for you to fight, aren’t I?” 
His eyes disappeared for a moment, leaving empty sockets in his skull.  Was this what Chrissy looked like when she died in front of him?
He walked towards you slowly. Each step he took felt malicious, full of ill intent. You were frozen in place, trapped as he sized you up like a predator taking in his prey.
“Eddie-” your voice was nothing more than a whimper. You sounded terrified.
When he got to your side, he didn’t hurt you. Instead, he knelt down and slipped two fingers under your chin to make you meet his eyeless gaze. You were forced to look at him, at what had been done to him. Even bloodied and broken, he still looked so beautiful.
“I know I’ve never deserved you. I’ve already held you back. So if you don’t want to be here, just go.”
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. A sword manifested in his other hand as if he had drawn it from the shadows around you. The blade was long, its metal black as pitch. The tip of the weapon rested against Eddie’s chest, directly over his heart.
He said nothing, but he moved the sword until you had no choice but to hold it. Your hand covered his where it lay on the hilt. Still silent, he began to move the blade forward until it pierced his skin.
“No,” your voice was still so quiet, and it still sounded so far away, “No, no, no, no, Eddie-”
The sword sank into his chest, and his face remained blank. Stoic. His eye sockets held no expression for you to find. His screams echoed through you, distant and far away. His mouth didn’t move.  
As the two of you ran the sword through his body, the screaming continued. As he collapsed into your arms, his cries still echoed through the air. They sounded so distant, so far away- the same way your voice did when you spoke.
Oh. Oh, shit.  Logically, this could only be a nightmare. That meant that Eddie hadn’t just impaled himself on a sword, and you weren’t trapped in the Upside Down. That also meant that those screams were real, and Eddie was in danger.
You forced yourself to wake up, your dream self practically screaming until your eyes opened. You took a moment to get your bearings, forgetting where you were for just a moment before you remembered what you had to do. The screams had gone silent, but that didn’t ease your mind. In fact, they fanned the flames of your anxiety- silence could mean that everything was fine, but it could also, very much, mean death.
You threw open your door and ran out into the hallway, immediately hitting a fabric-covered wall- wait no, shit, that was just Eddie.
“FUCK,” you screamed, scaring the absolute shit out of Eddie just as he had scared the absolute shit out of you. You threw yourself back, hitting an actual wall and allowing yourself to slide to the floor.
“Holy shit,” he said, rubbing his eyes, “Don’t do that again, Jesus Christ.”
“I’m sorry,” you panted, trying to calm your racing heart, “I didn’t mean to scare you. Y’know, again.”
“It’s fine,” he sat down across from you, “It’s fine.”
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments, catching your breath and trying to relax your tense muscles.
“So,” he started, “You’re awake because?”
“I, uh,” you bit your lip, unsure of how to proceed, “I couldn’t sleep. Bad dreams.”
He nodded, “Me too. Y’know, I woke up because I thought I heard you screaming.”
“I thought I heard you screaming.”
“And you came to save me?” he asked, “That’s so sweet, my hero.”
“More like your healer,” you smiled, kicking his thigh with your outstretched leg, “I’m allowed to freak out over you, you almost died.”
“I know. I’m still sorry.”
“I know,” you looked up at him for a second. Your fingers tapped a quick rhythm into the carpet. You wanted to be near him.  You wanted to get closer to him so badly- and what was stopping you?
You pulled yourself forward and across the hallway, before sitting at his side in the dark. Your hand was so close to his, so close that if you wanted, you could reach out and touch him.
“What did you dream about?” you whispered, as if there was anyone else in the household you could wake up by speaking too loud.
“Nothing much,” his volume matched yours, “Just, y’know, dying. Being torn to shreds. Except this time you were there with me. They got you too.”
“So we died together, then?”
He nodded and took a shaky breath, “Yeah. You died first, though. In front of me. Even after you died, I could still hear your screams.”
He sounded terrified. When you looked over at him, his knees were drawn to his chest. His eyes stared off at something a thousand miles away. He looked like a scared kid. You took his hand in yours. His fingertips were rough from years of guitar playing, among other things. You loved the feeling of his skin on yours.
“Y’know that didn’t happen, right?” you leaned closer to him, “I’m okay, Eddie. I’m alive.”
“I know. Still sucks, though.”
“Yeah,” a smile escaped onto your face, “Still sucks.”
“What did you dream about?” he asked. His eyes were on you, now, his gaze combing over your face desperately until he focused in on your lips. You barely noticed this, of course- not because you were thinking of your own nightmare, but because you were looking at him in the exact same way.
“You. My dream- my nightmare was about you.”
“Yeah. You made me stab you. With a sword. And you didn’t have eyes. It was kind of weird. It scared me though, so I have to give it that.”
“Hm,” he leaned towards you just a little bit, “Was the sword cool, at least?”
“Very cool,” your voice wasn’t even a whisper- it was like a breath, quiet and airy.
“You know it wasn’t real, right?” he practically repeated your words, “I’m here. I’m okay.”
“I know.”
He brought one of your hands to his chest. You could feel his heartbeat, a steady rhythm that pounded beneath your palm, “I’m here because of you. Thank you.”
He leaned in to kiss your cheek. Your heart began to race, and beneath your hand, you could feel his heart do the same. Your fingers dug gently into his shirt.
“Your heart is beating so fast.”
“Oh, yeah?” he pulled back, his eyes meeting yours, “What’s your diagnosis, doc?”
You didn’t give him a real answer to that. You were too busy staring at his lips, biting your tongue as you tried to control your racing mind. You failed, and the answer you gave him was:
“Fuck.  I really want to kiss you right now.”
He smiled, laughing a tiny laugh at your audacity, “Go for it, baby.”
To your credit, you didn’t hesitate, even for a second. Your lips were on his in an instant, moving quickly, desperately, as if you would never have another chance to kiss him. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling yourself as close to him as you possibly could.
He kissed back, smiling against you as he put his hands on your waist. As his grip on you tightened, you let out a tiny moan. That was all the encouragement he needed to lift you slightly and move you onto his lap, positioning you so that you were straddling him. As he did so, your hands moved, sliding up his neck to hold his face. His slight stubble pricked at your palms, but holy fuck did you not care. You were kissing the man you’d loved silently for years- literally nothing else mattered.
“Goddamn,” he murmured into the kiss, “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this.”
You pulled back slightly, an impish grin painting your features, “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this!”
You leaned forward, kissing along his jawline as his hands moved up your back, “You’re so fucking pretty, you know that?” you whispered against his skin.
He shivered beneath you before pulling you away from his neck. You panicked for a second, wondering if you’d crossed a boundary, but before you could say anything, he switched your roles. His lips ghosted across your skin, stopping every few inches to bite down gently on your skin.
“Oh, god,” you moaned as he bit down particularly hard on one spot. Your hands curled into fists, tugging slightly at his hair.
“Mm, I wouldn’t worry about god right now, sweetheart,” he whispered before biting down on your throat again, drawing a string of curses from between your lips and making you bury your face in his shoulder.  
“I love you,” you whispered into his shirt, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” his voice was just as quiet as yours, just as soft, and just as loving. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you to him in a tight embrace. You stayed like that for a few minutes, on his lap, in his arms, listening to his heartbeat in the otherwise silent hallway.
“Hey, baby?” you could feel the vibrations of his voice through his chest, “As much as I love this, if we stay here for too long, it’s going to destroy my back.”
“Good point,” you said, sitting up straight, “It’s fuckin cold out here, too,” you stood and held out a hand to help him up. He took it, and once he was standing, you didn’t let go.
“Come with me,” a smile crept on your face as you examined your entwined hands. You looked up at him before you continued, “I think I know a place.”
Of course, he followed where you led, as he always would. He followed as you pulled him into your bedroom, and he followed as you pulled him down on top of you as you collapsed onto your bed.
His hand was still in yours, and you brought it to your lips, placing a soft kiss on his knuckles. When you looked up, his doe eyes were staring back at you, and you were struck with a thought you generally wouldn’t want to have in this situation- Steve Harrington was right.
The way Eddie looked at you, with his eyes so full of love and adoration, you really, really didn’t want to let him go.
So, you didn’t. You pulled him closer, kissing him again and again for as long as you could. His hands ran down your sides, desperate to feel every part of you. Your hands found their place on his face again, and he seemed to relax into your hold.
“Hey, Eds,” you whispered.
He pushed himself up a bit, just so he could meet your eyes. His head cocked to the side, asking a silent question.
“I can fit my whole world in my hands.”
You scrunched your face up slightly, tapping your thumbs against his face, “Right here.”
“Shit, you’re adorable,” he moved down slightly, peppering kisses across the top of your chest, biting down slightly and making you run your hands into his hair.
“Stay with me tonight? Please?”
“Of course, baby.”
He kissed you deeply, and you wrapped your arms around his neck again, “Eds?”
“Stay with me, just, generally?”
“Oh, yeah. As we’ve seen,” he stretched up, taking in the sight of your body beneath his, “Death couldn’t keep me away from you.”
“More like I wouldn’t let it take you from me.”
“Fair point.”
And with that, his lips were back on you, and that’s where they stayed for the rest of the night.
That morning, your skin was covered in small purple bruises. Honestly, it was a good look for you- and for Eddie, who was covered in several similar bruises.  
After kissing your love a quick good morning, you pulled yourself out of bed and made your way to the phone, dialling a familiar number and waiting.
“Hey, Steve? Yeah. I made a move. It went very well.  Thank you.”
“Thank you, Harrington!” Eddie said, his voice a little louder than usual so that Steve would hear him through the phone.
As you hung up the phone, Eddie came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to your neck. You shut your eyes and leaned into him, placing your hands over his.
“Do you think he’s gonna tell the kid?”
“Oh yeah. Get ready for a three-hour-long phone call later.”
You smiled and turned in Eddie’s grasp, “Let’s go back upstairs, then. Get some rest while we still can.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
He kissed you, gently and with a very intense passion that you were determined to hang onto. You watched as your man went upstairs, and as he stopped at the top of them waiting for you. A window behind his head let in the light from the rising sun. The light caught on Eddie’s hair, giving him a sort of halo.  
“Come onnnn,” he groaned, “We only have so long before that butthead calls.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” you laughed as you ran up the stairs, following him through the morning light and into your bedroom for some well fucking deserved rest.
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History And Background Of Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms
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Amanita Muscaria mushrooms are noted for their psychoactive properties, due to their containing the hallucinogenic chemicals ibotenic acid and muscimol. Also known as toadstools, these mushrooms have long been associated with magic in literature. The caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland is portrayed as sitting on one as he smokes his suspicious pipe, and in animated cartoons, Smurfs are seen to live in Amanita mushrooms. Of course, circles of mushrooms growing in the forest are frequently referred to as fairy rings.
It has been reported that as early as 2000 B.C. people in India and Iran were using for religious purposes a plant called Soma or Haoma. A Hindu religious hymn, the Rig Veda also refers to the plant, Soma, although it is not specifically identified. It is believed this plant was the Amanita Muscaria mushroom, a theory popularized in the book "Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality" by R. Gordon Wasson. Other authors have argued that the manna from heaven mentioned in the Bible is actually a reference to magic mushrooms. Images of mushrooms have been identified in cave drawings dated to 3500 B.C.
In the church of Plaincourault Abbey in Indre, France is a fresco painted in 1291 A.D. of Adam and Eve standing on either side of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. A serpent is entwined around the tree, which looks unmistakably like a cluster of Amanita Muscaria mushrooms. Could it be true that the apple from the Garden of Eden may actually have been an hallucinogenic mushroom?
Siberian shamans are said to have ingested Amanita Muscaria for the purpose of reaching a state of ecstasy so they could perform both physical and spiritual healing. Viking warriors reportedly used the mushroom during the heat of battle so they could go into a rage and perform otherwise impossible deeds.
In the Kamchatka peninsula of Russia the medicinal use of Amanita Muscaria topically to treat arthritis has also been reported anecdotally. L. Lewin, author of "Phantastica: Narcotic and Stimulating Drugs: Their Use and Abuse" (Kegan Paul, 1931) wrote that the fly-agaric was in great demand by the Siberian tribes of northeast Asia, and tribes who lived in areas where the mushroom grew would trade them with tribes who lived where it could not be found. In one occasion one reindeer was traded for one mushroom.
It has been theorized that the toxicity of Amanitas Muscaria varies according to location and season, as well as how the mushrooms are dried. Click now organic magic shrooms
Finally, it should be noted that the author of this article does not in any way recommend, encourage nor endorse the consumption of Amanita Muscaria mushrooms. It is believed that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration lists Amanita Muscaria as a poison. Some companies that sell these mushrooms refer to them as "poisonous non-consumables."
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vapehk1 · 1 month
Foodgod Vape: A Flavorful Journey Through Clouds
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In a world where vaping often mimics the act of inhaling a robot’s exhaust, enter Foodgod Vape, the e-cigarette that turns every puff into a gourmet experience. This article dives into the essence of Foodgod Vape, from its lip-smacking flavors to its cheeky marketing, making sure every cloud of vapor carries a silver (and deliciously scented) lining. What is Foodgod Vape? Ever wondered what would happen if your vape pen went to culinary school? Well, wonder no more. Foodgod Vape is the brainchild of the social media maven and gastronomy aficionado, Jonathan Cheban, known to the world as Foodgod. With an aim to transform the vaping scene, Foodgod’s offerings aren’t your standard 'mint' and 'tobacco' fare. Instead, they’re an invitation to a feast in cloud form, boasting flavors that could rival a Michelin-starred menu. Vaping meets fine dining in this quirky concept where each flavor is designed to dazzle your taste buds and make you question whether you just took a puff or treated yourself to a dessert. From mango tango to chocolate decadence, every cartridge is a celebration of flavor, proving that vaping can indeed be a sensory delight. The Flavor Explosion Just picturing the scene can make one chuckle—the notion of gourmet chefs miniaturized and toiling away inside a vape pen, meticulously preparing flavor-infused vapor. It's this whimsical image that Foodgod Vape conjures up with its innovative approach to vaping. The lineup doesn't just stop at strawberry fiesta; it extends to such delights as cinnamon swirl and peach paradise, each blend carefully concocted to mimic the actual eating experience. Users describe taking a puff as stepping into a scene from a culinary fantasy, where each exhale is a narrative of flavor and aroma, delivered without the guilt of calories. This playful, almost magical quality of Foodgod Vape's offerings has not only captivated the vaping community but has also sparked interest among those who might not typically consider vaping. Curiosity drives non-vapers to explore what it feels like to 'eat' their favorite desserts through a cloud of vapor, expanding Foodgod's audience beyond traditional boundaries. As these new fans share their experiences on social media, they contribute to a growing trend that sees vaping as a part of modern gastronomy—an exciting, innovative way to enjoy flavors without the fuss of forks and plates. Why Foodgod Vape Stands Out In the sea of vaping products, Foodgod Vape emerges as the flamboyant float at the parade, impossible to miss and irresistibly photogenic. The brand’s success isn’t just about taste; it’s also a masterclass in marketing. By leveraging Cheban’s extensive social media network and his flair for the dramatic, Foodgod Vape creates buzz through interactive campaigns and celebrity endorsements. Targeted at the young, trendy, and flavor-chasing demographic, the brand understands its audience perfectly. They cater not just to nicotine needs but to a lifestyle, encouraging vapers to embrace their love for food and flavors in a whole new way, making each puff a part of their social identity. Vaping Culture and Foodgod’s Impact Foodgod Vape has cleverly transformed the narrative around vaping from a utilitarian tool for nicotine cessation into a chic accessory of modern gastronomy. With its stylishly designed devices and a menu of exquisite flavors, it encourages users to view vaping as a delightful pastime rather than a mere alternative to smoking. The aesthetic appeal and the joy of flavor experimentation make it a trendsetter in social circles, where showing off the latest flavor becomes as trendy as sporting a new fashion accessory. This elevation of vaping to an art form extends its appeal to a broader demographic, including those who might never have considered vaping before. The brand's influence is significant in altering the vaping landscape, adding a layer of gourmet enjoyment that overshadows its controversial reputation. By focusing on culinary pleasure and a sophisticated user experience, Foodgod Vape challenges the traditional stigmas associated with vaping, steering conversations toward its innovative approach and lifestyle integration. This strategy not only diversifies its consumer base but also plays a crucial role in normalizing vaping as a legitimate, enjoyable part of everyday life, much like enjoying a fine wine or a premium coffee blend. This shift is a testament to Foodgod Vape's unique impact, making it a pivotal player in redefining vaping culture. Conclusion Foodgod Vape revolutionizes the vaping industry by blending gourmet flavors with e-cigarette technology, turning what is traditionally viewed as a smoking cessation tool into a fashionable and indulgent experience. Through its unique, dessert-inspired flavors like strawberry fiesta and cinnamon swirl, Foodgod Vape attracts both regular vapers and newcomers, enticing them with the idea of calorie-free dessert enjoyment. Its clever marketing and appealing design reposition vaping as a trendy hobby, integrating it into modern lifestyle discussions and moving it away from negative connotations. By doing so, Foodgod Vape not only expands its consumer base but also reshapes how vaping is perceived, making it a part of the culinary arts and contemporary culture. This shift not only brings new users into the fold but also alters existing perceptions of vaping, highlighting its potential as a pleasurable and stylish activity. FAQs 1. What flavors does Foodgod Vape offer? Foodgod Vape features a variety of gourmet-inspired flavors, each crafted to emulate popular desserts and beverages. Some of the standout flavors include Strawberry Fiesta, Cinnamon Swirl, Mango Tango, Chocolate Decadence, and Peach Paradise. These flavors are designed to provide an authentic taste experience, free from the chemical aftertaste common in other e-juices. 2. Is Foodgod Vape suitable for people trying to quit smoking? While Foodgod Vape is marketed more as a lifestyle and gourmet product rather than a smoking cessation tool, it can still be used by those looking to quit smoking. The delightful range of flavors offers an enjoyable alternative to traditional tobacco and might help manage cravings for cigarettes by substituting them with flavorful vapor. 3. Where can I buy Foodgod Vape products? Foodgod Vape products are available for purchase online through their official website and various other e-commerce platforms. Additionally, they can be found in select retail stores that specialize in vaping products. Check the store locator on the Foodgod Vape website to find a store near you. 4. Are Foodgod Vape products nicotine-free? Foodgod Vape offers both nicotine-containing and nicotine-free options, catering to different preferences and needs. This makes it suitable for vapers who are looking for the flavor experience without the nicotine, as well as for those who are using vaping as a means to gradually reduce their nicotine intake. 5. How does Foodgod Vape compare to other vaping brands? Foodgod Vape distinguishes itself from other vaping brands by focusing on gourmet, food-inspired flavors and stylish design, emphasizing vaping as a fashionable and enjoyable hobby. While many vaping brands focus on replicating traditional tobacco flavors or providing nicotine solutions, Foodgod Vape targets a niche market that appreciates culinary creativity and a luxury vaping experience. If you want to know more, please refer to this article: https://keystonevape.com/best-vape/the-best-disposable-vapes-2024-you-cant-miss/ Read the full article
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bestnativesmokes · 2 months
Enjoy Responsibly with Best Native Smokes - Your Gateway to Premium Cigarette Elegance in Canada
Welcome to the sophisticated world of fine smoking experiences. Best Native Smokes is not just a brand; it's your passport to premium quality, service, and the timeless ritual of enjoying a smoke. With an unwavering commitment to legality and responsibility, we stand as a beacon for adult smokers — a community that cherishes the nuanced flavors and the distinguished image that comes with our range of tobacco products. Envisioned and crafted in the heart of Canada for consumers across the nation, our products are more than a vice; they are a luxury, and we're here to ensure every puff is an experience of unparalleled satisfaction, without the guilt or the gamble.
An Experience in Every Drag
At Best Native Smokes, the elegance begins with our understanding that smoking is more than a habit — it's a sensory experience, a marker of cultural distinctions, and a personal rite. Throughout the cultivation to manufacturing processes, each blend is meticulously crafted to honor these sensory rituals. Our inventory hosts an array of blends, each designed to offer a unique smoke that resonates with connoisseurs of every stripe.
From the robust strength of our Full Flavors to the smooth allure of our Menthol range, our products are the harmonious interplay of quality tobacco, impeccable craftsmanship, and time-tested wisdom. Appreciate the complexity of the Smoker's Blend or immerse in the cool sophistication of our Best Lite. Every label on our shelf is a masterwork waiting to be unpacked with a gentle flick, a single ember, and the satisfied exhale.
Legal Products, Responsible Partners
Best Native Smokes prides itself on offering a repertoire of products that are not only exquisite but are also deeply enmeshed in the fabric of legality and responsibility. Our stringent adherence to Canadian laws ensures that every pack is sold only to individuals of legal smoking age, contributing to the country's efforts to prevent underage smoking. Furthermore, our commitment to transparency and ethical sourcing means that our clients enjoy the peace of mind that comes with each smoke; it's a guilt-free pleasure, a responsible choice.
The Convenience You Deserve
We recognize that in today's bustling age, convenience is king. That's why we've made it our mission to offer a shopping experience that's as smooth as our products. With a simple click, a world of premium cigarettes is yours to peruse, select, and order. Our online platform is designed with our customer's comfort in mind, ensuring that the process, from selection to delivery, is as streamlined and discreet as the sophisticated clientele we cater to.
An Echo of Satisfaction
Our commitment to customer satisfaction echoes in every product, service, and engagement. From the first sight of our sleek designs to the final savored morsel of smoke, we promise an experience that's deeply satisfying. Our testimonials are replete with stories of contentment, customers celebrating the finesse of our smokes and the ease with which they were able to acquire them. Best Native Smokes heralds the dawn of a new era for smoking in Canada — one that is classy, discerning, and entirely responsible.
Join Our Community of Discerning Smokers
Best Native Smokes beckons you to partake in this community of connoisseurs, a gathering that transcends mere smoking and elevates it to an art. Connect with us on social media, share your experiences, and be a part of the movement that celebrates legal smoking in all its distinguished glory. We are not just a brand; we are a home for those who appreciate the finesse, the flavor, and the freedom that come with a premium cigarette. Engage with us, and discover a world of flavor, a commitment to legality, and a community that resonates with your responsible smoking ethos.
Best Native Smokes is not endorsing smoking in any manner and always encourages responsible consumption for adult consumers within the framework of Canadian laws. Place your order today on Best Native Smokes.com, the destination for premium cigarette products in Canada.
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Purple Haze Strain: A Top Pick for Cannabis Aficionados
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THCA Flower Flurry
Diving into the world of cannabis strains, there's one that always catches the eye: Purple Haze. Its name alone conjures up images of vibrant color and a legendary rock anthem. But what's behind the haze? I'm here to unravel the mystique of this iconic strain.
Purple Haze is more than just a throwback to the psychedelic '60s. It's a sativa-dominant powerhouse with effects and flavors that have captivated cannabis enthusiasts for decades. In this article, we'll explore its origins, characteristics, and why it's remained a top choice for connoisseurs.
Whether you're a seasoned smoker or a curious newcomer, understanding Purple Haze is essential to appreciating the nuances of cannabis strains. Stick around as I delve into the vibrant world of Purple Haze and what makes it a perennial favorite.
Origins of Purple Haze
Delving into the origins of Purple Haze takes me back to the early days of cannabis cultivation. It's widely believed that this iconic strain first emerged in the 1960s, during a period of experimental breeding of marijuana plants. Purple Haze is often associated with the West Coast counterculture movement, which endorsed freedom and experimentation—values that resonated in the creation of new and unique cannabis strains.
The precise genetics of Purple Haze are somewhat shrouded in myth, but enthusiasts agree that it's a cross between two other popular strains: Purple Thai and Haze. These parent strains impart their distinct characteristics to Purple Haze, giving it a sativa-dominant profile. The fusion of Purple Thai's exotic coloration with Haze's long-lasting euphoric effects resulted in a strain that stands out not just for its vibrant hue but also for its punchy, cerebral high.
Reputation Grows, So Does Mystery
With the acclaim of Purple Haze came an air of mystique, as many claimed to have enjoyed its potent effects while others chased rumors of its elusive seed. Unlike many modern strains, Purple Haze's seeds became a rare commodity, bolstering its legend within the cannabis community. Cultivators prized any chance to grow this strain for its visual appeal and its robust, earthy smoke with hints of berry sweetness.
It's worth noting that advancements in cultivation techniques have contributed to the evolution of Purple Haze. Selective breeding has allowed for improved potency and even more pronounced coloration. As a result, today's Purple Haze can vary slightly depending on the grower and the growing conditions but generally stays true to its spectacular, vibrant lineage.
Characteristics and Effects
When delving into the characteristics of Purple Haze, I'm instantly reminded of its eye-catching visual appeal. The strain's signature purple leaves twinkle with a frosty coat of trichomes, and its finely curled orange pistils add a fiery contrast. Purple Haze is a visual feast, and its allure isn't just skin deep.
The aroma of Purple Haze is as distinct as its appearance. The buds release an earthy sweetness with a blend of berry and spice notes, a bouquet that hints at the cerebral experience to come. When ignited, this strain fills the air with a pungent, fruity smoke that can tantalize the senses of even the most seasoned connoisseur.
But it's the effects of Purple Haze that have truly cemented its legacy. Known for its energizing and uplifting high, the strain is often chosen by those seeking a jolt of creativity. It's described as invoking feelings of euphoria and heightened awareness. I have found that it can be the perfect companion for artistic endeavors or social gatherings.EffectCommonalityEuphoricHighCreative BoostModerateEnergizingHighUpliftingHigh
Purple Haze isn't just about a mental buzz; it brings physical benefits too. Many users report a light, almost energetic body high that can alleviate minor aches without the heavy sedative effects found in some indica-dominant strains. That said, its potency shouldn't be underestimated—it's packed with THC levels that can reach up to 20%. Users new to cannabis or those with a lower tolerance might want to start slow.
While the effects can be invigorating, they're usually well-balanced, providing a sense of clarity and focus instead of overwhelming the senses. This makes Purple Haze an excellent daytime choice, especially for those with a high tolerance looking for something that won't inhibit productivity. Whether you're kickstarting your morning or looking for a creative escape, Purple Haze stands out as a versatile and vibrant strain.
Flavors and Aromas
Diving deeper into the sensory profile of Purple Haze, it's clear why this strain has such widespread appeal. One of the first things I notice when sampling Purple Haze is its distinctive aroma. The scent emanating from these buds can only be described as a complex bouquet that intertwines fruity sweetness with sharp, spicy undertones. It's the kind of smell that permeates the room, hinting at the robust experience to come.
Upon lighting it up, the flavor is just as compelling as the scent. As the smoke swirls on the palate, you can't miss the refreshing notes of ripe berries, specifically blueberries, and a touch of earthiness that grounds the experience. Each draw seems to reveal a new layer of taste. I find that the berry flavor carries through from start to finish, never getting lost even amidst the wave of spicy and herbal secondary notes.
For connoisseurs interested in the subtler aspects of Purple Haze's profile, you'll likely detect a hint of citrus zing, possibly reminiscent of wild berries or even grapes. This adds to the complexity of the strain, making it a delightful puzzle for the senses. The aftertaste leaves a pleasant spicy sensation that lingers on the tongue, compelling enough to keep you coming back for more.
What's truly remarkable about the Purple Haze strain is how the flavors and aromas complement the cerebral buzz it's known for. It's almost as if the zesty berry flavors are there to accentuate the energetic, creative high. Whether you use it to jump-start your day, or as a friend to brainstorm with, the flavors and aromas of Purple Haze form an essential part of the experience that enhances its already revered status.
Purple Haze in Pop Culture
As a cannabis enthusiast, I've seen firsthand how Purple Haze has transcended its botanical boundaries to become a cultural icon. Jimi Hendrix immortalized the strain with his psychedelic 1967 hit Purple Haze, which, although not directly referring to the strain, played a significant role in its popularity. The song's association with the strain has solidified Purple Haze's identity as a symbol of creativity and the counterculture movement.
In the realm of cinema, Purple Haze often appears as the strain of choice for characters that embody freedom and rebellion. It's featured in films and TV shows that reach for a certain edge, an acknowledgment to those in the know about the strain's energetic buzz. From background props in movies like Half Baked to more significant plot points in TV series, Purple Haze has made its mark.
Beyond the screen, I've noticed that Purple Haze's influence extends to the fashion industry as well. Clothing lines and accessories brandishing the name and vibrant color scheme of the strain have emerged, targeting the fashion-forward stoner demographic. Urban Outfitters and other trend-setting stores often carry merchandise that celebrates the Purple Haze culture, from T-shirts to hats, tapping into the strain's legacy.
In music circles, the name 'Purple Haze' has become shorthand for a style that's bold, expressive, and unapologetically unconventional. Musicians from various genres have mentioned or alluded to Purple Haze in their lyrics, capturing the essence of the high it's known to produce. Whether through music, film, fashion, or art, Purple Haze remains ever-present, weaving itself into the fabric of pop culture.
My observation also extends to social media, where hashtags like #PurpleHaze frequently trend among cannabis communities. Instagram and other platforms showcase a rich array of images, from the strain's vivid buds to the lifestyle it represents. This online presence keeps Purple Haze relevant and accessible to a global audience, firmly rooting it in the collective consciousness of cannabis culture.
Why Purple Haze is Popular Among Cannabis Enthusiasts
When I'm asked about the popularity of Purple Haze among cannabis enthusiasts, a few key factors immediately come to mind. For starters, its iconic lineage sets it apart as a must-try for many. With its roots tracing back to classical genetics, Purple Haze carries a legacy that beckons cannabis connoisseurs to experience its historic charm. There's a sense of pride in partaking in a strain that's withstood the test of time and remained a favorite for decades.
Another undeniable element contributing to its fame is the unique sensory experience it provides. Purple Haze's eye-catching appearance is matched by an equally impressive aromatic profile that draws users in. The interplay of floral, earthy, and sweet notes creates a complex bouquet that's hard to replicate in other strains. It's an inviting sensory journey that keeps users coming back for more.
The strain's versatility also resonates with a broad audience. Whether looking to inspire creativity, spark social interactions, or simply unwind after a long day, Purple Haze offers an adaptable high that can be tailored to different situations. It's the kind of strain that you can turn to repeatedly and discover new nuances each time.
Mood Elevation & Creativity: Purple Haze is often celebrated for its ability to elevate mood and augment creativity, which explains its widespread appeal among artists and musicians.
Social Fuel: Its energetic buzz makes it a popular choice for social events where an uplift in spirits and conversation can enhance the experience.
Moreover, Purple Haze has a robust online presence, with enthusiasts sharing their experiences and fostering a community around this strain. There's a camaraderie among Purple Haze aficionados that strengthens its status as a cult favorite. Whether on forums or social media platforms, users eagerly spread word of their positive encounters with the strain, which in turn piques the interest of potential new users.
With such a well-rounded set of attributes, it's no wonder Purple Haze continues to captivate the cannabis community and earns its spot as a top-tier selection among enthusiasts.
Purple Haze holds a special place in the hearts of cannabis lovers, and it's easy to see why. With its vibrant colors and rich aromas, this strain isn't just about enjoying a high—it's about experiencing a piece of cannabis culture. Whether you're looking to spark your creativity, elevate a gathering with friends, or relax after a long day, Purple Haze is a versatile choice that won't disappoint. It's clear that its legacy will continue to thrive in the cannabis community, making it a perennial favorite for both newcomers and connoisseurs alike. So next time you're at your local dispensary, don't hesitate to reach for that unmistakable purple bud—it's a decision you're unlikely to regret.
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arianajpena · 7 months
Digital News 9
In light of a new campaign, Snoop Dogg recently made a statement on his social media that said he was “quitting smoke.” His fans and social media in general went crazy in disbelief of the news. But what they didn’t know was that he wasn’t quitting the smoke they thought of. The statement was just the first part of his new ambassadorship with company Solo Stove which created a smoke-less fire pit.
The clever wordplay worked in their favor as it generated a ton of buzz and In turn brand awareness. Additionally, the endorsement from Snoop Dogg has proved to be an invaluable one. Snoop Dogg has become a go-to celerity endorser, and his image and identity are enough to get a brand far in their campaigns.
This is a classic example of how far creativity can take you. During a time where everything revolves around technology and now AI it is refreshing to see a marketing team getting punny and creating a campaign around a series of wordplay. And it worked!
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whompthatsucker1981 · 8 months
This moral panic on ai art reminds me a lot of a bunch of historical moments where technology was automated and used to cut corners (eventually making people lose jobs) hence making people at that time thinking that technology is evil (ie. The industrial revolution and vocaloid). But we are in the present and we now know that these technologies are not evil and are only really harmful under a capitalist reality.
I do think that eventually people at large will accept ai and use it casually/it will not replace human-created art. But i still cant help but feel grossed out whenever i see an ai generated image since lots of times it is used with malicious intent. But it all goes back to that circle of what is and isnt plagiarism and if art isnt in itself a copy of a copy
Like that time this guy targeted a specific artist and used her illustrations to create ai generated images to sell. Although it was obviously an asshole move, could it be considered theft? Sure the images were similar, but they had their differences, and like you said, art has always been about getting inspired from an image and "copying" it.
I dont know how to feel about this situation anymore, it jsut leaves a gross feeling in my stomach
haven't been answering asks or replies on the subject lately because online discourse is exhausting + in retrospect my post that blew up felt incomplete, especially with hindsight of seing the general discourse shift towards ignoring the actual labor issues in ai, but i wanna answer this.
i would say it's a form of theft, but not as in "ai is inherently theft", but as in "targeting a specific artist and profiting off their work is stealing". like you see independent artists, illustrators, artisans having their work ripped off by either independent businesses and large companies, and that this can be theft endorsed by law as you see companies in the entertainment and art industry claim ownership of all an artist produces while in employment.
but regardless of whether it is or isn't theft, it is gross and unethical to spite someone by making their gallery into a dataset. this is something that was mentioned in the tags of a previous post i made (link to post here) that i felt productive to answer, but in short people end up doing this out of spite in a way they feel like it's "punching up" at the figure of the artist. and in the end it's just reenacting drama and pettiness that has been happening with artists for centuries now, this time with tools accessible by any layman, and a budding resentment towards what's seen as uniquely skilled talent.
anyway i do agree that it's gross. it's petty and spiteful, and it makes people more polarized and feeling like the absurd notion of "human made art becoming obsolete" is real, both to the people who fear it and those who want it. people should stop doing this and should focus on making pictures of mafioso puppies smoking cigars
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