#this has taken over my brain
cannibalhellhound · 2 months
I have more Selkie au drawings >:D
Baby Jake and Baby Bradley
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JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR! This is based on Trans! Mav. You can ignore it ig but it might not make sense.
Jake's onesie is not his actual pelt nor pattern in the first picture but it is in the baby sketch.
Bradley is a really small bearded seal with the lanugo (baby coloring and fur) of a ringed seal. This is only because after googling and realizing that bearded seal (Goose) pups are the size of an adult ringed seal (Carole), I was horrified by what I did to poor Carole so now Bradbrad is tiny baby and will grow later.
Jake is a small leopard seal because Ice and Mav's pelts are similar. As a newborn he was lighter and his muzzle black.
Their plushies are their parents first courting gifts. Jake's is a salmon and baby Brad's is a squid (Carole absolutely threw it at Goose and covered him in ink).
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Bonus baby Nat because I keep getting ideas. She's a sea lion.
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weltato · 5 months
Priceless being an analogy for family. And uh, Scrooge calling Bob priceless bc he saw Bob and Emily and the kids doing that. Bc family is priceless guys. And Scrooge becoming like a second dad to Tiny Tim.
They're family and you can't convince me otherwise. Also Eleanora is part of it too bc um Scrooge adopted her and she's besties with Tim.
And then when Jim and Della are expecting a kid they go to the Cratchits bc they've got six and can give advice LIKE FAMILY-
I love them.
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katherines-howard · 2 years
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probablyaseamonster · 6 months
I think it's about time I come out and say that I have developed a Wander Over Yonder hyperfixation over the past week
Yes I'm like 10 years late shut up
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casskettttt · 1 year
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Decided to post this over here, idk if i’ll post more stuff tho xd
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imtooobsessedrn · 10 months
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hybridshaverisen · 2 years
Hear me out.
Mecha AU.
Forgive me if this is a mess. This is my first time doing something like this.
In the far future, giant monsters have appeared throughout the world. To combat this, people have created what are widely called Mechas. One of the most infamous company who makes these is Fazbear’s.
Fazbear’s perfected the art of robots. Their Mechs were the first to gain sentience and the only to have the sentience in the same level of humans. Because of this, they have caught the attention of the government who then struck a deal with them. While the military handles the Mechs, Fazbear’s handles the PR and the merchandise.
Now how do Mechas work? They have two forms: a “citizen” form where they are merely human sized to their fighting form where they grow to couple hundred ft tall. Each Mecha also need 2-3 human Pilots or 1-2 Android Pilots. Each Mecha have an identification/energy color. Why? Because why not?
Human Pilots are specially chosen because they outshone their peers in the military. To be a Pilot, the chosen person must complete a special training. However, just because a person have perfected all this does not mean that they become Pilots. Pilots also need to be compatible with the Mech.
Notice that I also mentioned Android Pilots. There are two types of Androids: Traditional and New Gen. Traditional Androids are simply servants. These are STAFF bots and only have advanced AI. On the other hand, New Gen are as sentient as humans are. Fazbear’s are still a shitty company and are pushing to replace humans with these Androids. One Android can replace two human Pilots. At the time of the story, this processes is only beginning starting with Sun and Moon. New Gen Androids also have an energy color.
Where does Afton and Vanny fit in this? These weapons of mass destruction aren’t only in the hands of those with good intentions. They are the most powerful villain group. Their Mechs are just as advanced as Fazbear’s due to the incorporation of monsters and remnant.
Now lets meet the characters!
He’s the leader of the Mechs. His job is to act as a bridge between the government and the other Fazbear Mechas. He mediates arguments and separates fights. He also have the talent of comforting others.
His fighting style is designed to be more defensive and protective. He has more armor than the others but not in a way a tank does.
His energy color is Cyan.
She’s preppy and energetic.
Her fighting style is geared more towards supporting her team. For example, she can produce an energy shield that can cover her group.
Her energy color is Fuchsia.
He’s prideful, egotistical, and hot-headed. He’s the strongest of the team, and hell will freeze over before he gives up this position. Despite this, he still have a soft spot for his team members. He’s that big brother that doesn’t let anyone else tease you.
He’s a tank. His fighting style relies a lot on his brute strength.
His energy color is Jade Green.
She’s confident and cool. She’s attractive and she knows it. Her pride comes from her looks.
She’s the fastest of the team. Her fighting style depends on her speed. She also designed her style to look fashionable to the public.
Her energy color is Scarlet.
Sun, Moon, and Eclipse
Their entire existence is an experiment. They belong to a new generation of Fazbear Mechs. They are made with lighter materials and fitted with new technology. Not only that, but they are the first Mecha to only have a single Android Pilot. The twin Mechs have two different bodies in civilian mode. They fuse in their fighting form to create Eclipse.
Their fighting style is a mix of playful and serious. Due to being the lightest of the team, they’re a lot more agile. They incorporate this in their fight style.
Sun’s energy color is Lemon Yellow.
Moon’s energy color is Deep Blue.
Eclipse’s energy color is Crimson.
This homeless brat snuck into the base one night, caused chaos, and never really left. He eventually did get caught and was sent to a shelter only to come back several years later as a Pilot for Freddy who bonded with the kid. He joined the military the moment he could. He’s still a source of chaos. Legend says that the residents of the base are still finding tiny plastic babies to this day.
Y/N (or Yin for those who likes names) and Lilith the Android Pilot
Since the beginning of their existence, which admittedly wasn’t long, Lilith, a New Gen Android on a trial run, was Sun’s and Moon’s sole Pilot. That was until a change of leadership decided that having someone who never had the experience of being a human is too risky and unpredictable. This is where Y/N comes in.
Y/N understands that they are in a position no other Pilot has been in and is trying their best. Although bitter at first, Sun and Moon slowly warms up to them. Lilith, however, was very sweet to them, but its that sweetness that hides hurt and fear. Y/N slowly calms her anxiety without even knowing they were doing so.
Lilith’s energy color: Bright Lilac.
He’s a mad scientist and engineer. He’s one of those people who just want to watch the world burn. He had mastered human biology, and now he’s moving on to monsters. He successfully created human mind control and brainwashing and is now the leader of the Afton Cult.
Vanessa’s the face of the Afton Cult and Afton’s right hand man. Instead of being brainwashed, she idolizes Afton. She grew up in a harsh environment which made her cold to the world. She pilots Vanny, a Mech that Afton created specifically for her as a reward.
Vanny’s energy color: Silver.
Did I put in an OC in there? Yes. Yes I did.
Like I said, this is super disorganized and messy!
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strawberrycartt · 2 months
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first trigun post here yippie
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0lympians · 1 year
i’m thinking of changing my handle to some shit like whisperoftrees or something like that
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completelyalien · 5 months
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I love trolls so much. Here are some (rough) sketches of John Dory being a good big brother. Excuse the coloring, I got lazy.
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buddygrouse · 5 months
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now i'm here for good i won't leave you anymore
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ato-dato · 11 months
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Angel Crowley angel Crowley angel Crowley angel Crow-
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hihomeghere · 6 months
RDR2 Text posts that are 100% true
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dopscratch · 7 months
...i don't think they'd get along
(VERY MILD FNAF MOVIE SPOILERS?? i mean you see the subject matter in the trailers)
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sodapopbuoy · 8 months
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