#this has been a pep talk
mercurygray · 6 months
Literally don't know if it's my lack of self confidence or anxiety that's giving me intrusive thoughts. I've always wanted to write for BoB but never did. It wasn't ever an issue or anything I just kind of enjoyed the fandom from afar. Since seeing Masters of the Air trailer I've been inspired but underwhelmed by self doubt. I want to make OCs and participate in this fandom when the show airs but feel I will be mocked or critiqued if I don't research the history of the period or get something wrong. I'm not academic. I'm just about the blorbos. But the BoB fandom strikes me as hugely intellectual and the fic is always immaculate and we'll researched even stuff that is made up is feasible because of the research. I feel masters of the air is gonna follow the same pattern and I feel intimidated. I'm stopping before I'm starting. I don't want to enjoy the fandom from afar but I don't want to put the legwork in to make a fic historically accurate. But I don't want people jumping on me for being so ignorant. I don't even know what or where I can get face claims from that era to use. I guess this is a cry for help
Kind Anonymous Friend, you come sit over here by me and let's talk.
First, let's start with one thing - there's no right or wrong way to be in a fandom. Fandoms need readers and observers just as much as they need writers, and just by you being here, and being willing to listen and talk, you are valuable, and you are part of the community. Please do not underestimate that.
Second, that's great that you're feeling inspired! That should be celebrated and held close! Even if you do nothing with that idea, if nothing comes from it, that's still valuable too.
I was like you once; I watched Band of Brothers and I didn't come back to write anything for it for nine years, because just like you I was really intimidated.
Every writer likes something different, and does this work for different reasons. The research part is fun for me, so I do a lot of it. (It's me! I am part of the problem!) I know of plenty of authors who care much more about the emotional feel of the thing and couldn't care less about historical facts. You have to figure out what makes sense for you - and it sounds like you already have. Knowing yourself, and your reason for being here, is a great thing. Hold on to that. That's important.
On the flip side of this, every reader likes something different. I'm sure there are some people who think my approach is total bunk - and that's okay!! And I know that there are people who really don't care for the original character approach; thankfully some of those people are still on speaking terms with me even if they don't necessarily like what I do. Not everyone is going to read everything - what matters is that your people find your fic.
I think if you're open about what your process is, or why you're here, people will be more likely to appreciate what you have to offer, or know that while you're a nice person, they're unlikely to enjoy your story and give others the space to appreciate it in peace. I know that's certainly been the case with me.
I think if anxiety about sharing or being mocked is a big deal for you - and it sounds like it is - maybe sharing some of your ideas in, say, a smaller group of friends could be a good idea. And nothing says you have to be public with your ideas at all. Maybe they're just for you. That's okay, too.
And to your last point regarding face claims - there is no right or wrong way to make an OC. I personally think faceclaims are overrated. Most of my characters don't have them.
I hope this helps. I'm giving you a reassuring back-rub and wishing you good luck -and if you need to DM someone, you know where to find me. I believe in you.
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
Trying so hard to be done with this chapter by tomorrow night but I struggle so much with angst and I just need to be That Bitch™️ but I’m NOT
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epickiya722 · 1 year
As a multishipper (yes, folks, I do like other ships), tne funny thing, to me, about not liking BKDK but shipping other Bakugou ships is that if you don't like BKDK because how Bakugou treats Midoriya... then how about the other Bakugou ships? He has been hostile towards everybody to some degree.
"But he bullied Midoriya." Yeah, true, as did other kids and adults. Bakugou wasn't the only party.
His relationship with Midoriya started off good, then went sour and now they're kinda at a common ground. His personality is still relatively the same, but he owns up to his actions. Hell, he never even tries to lighten his actions.
Some people always want to stay stuck on the beginning of the story when it comes to Midoriya and Bakugou, so same logic should apply to other Bakugou ships, right?
So what about Bakugou's behavior towards everyone else in the beginning then?
He starts off not friendly towards them. WITH NO REASON TO. Most of the time, he doesn't even call anyone by their actual name. He had yelled at the rest of the class and even others the class crosses as the story goes on. Calls them "extras" and whatnot.
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katanaski · 4 months
Guys I'm so so stressed I could cry.
Being a mother is one of the most stressful,beautiful self sacrificing things in the world. And I love being a mother, is just what I was meant to do,but it's so so hard. Raising a child is not easy. It doesn't matter if you have more than one or if you're teen mom or are well off financially and mature. You will struggle but it's OK!!! Nobody is perfect and I promise to every mom and parent out there. You are doing absolutely amazing,and I am proud of you♡
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curi0uscreature · 6 months
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* Helmut unironically had the best driven lines at certain times and I’m expected to take these in like a normal person .
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Me, just trying to get through dance and doing my across-the-floors:
Some random-ass white woman staring at us through the window in the hallway: 🙎‍♀️
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avatardoggo · 3 months
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i held a man’s hand today
#this has been in my drafts since the 10th so please forgive me on the late update i’ve been Busy ™️#it all started on the weekend FG dropped me off at my choir performance for school and i’d been running around all day so i was all 😵‍💫 tryi#to do everything in a timely manner and he was such a big help driving me around everywhere and stuff so sweet 🥰 and as i was outside the#theatre he was handing me something? i can’t even remember rn and he was like you’re going to do great all that good pep talk stuff and as i#was reaching for what he had in his hand i kinda just kept my hand there and he did too but i had to go so i just left and then he picked me#up after and that was that and then on sunday we we hanging out and i just went out and said it bc ya girl is no coward 😤 i said “i wanted#to do something yesterday’ and he said “’ok?’ and i was like i wanted to hold your hand and he asked why didn’t you? ‘bc i was nervy 😣’ and#then after some back and forth small joking he just took my hand and we held them in silence for a bit and i was explaining how im in my#head a lot and i’m really trying to not do that anymore esp with him and he was rubbing 👏🏾 my 👏🏾 hand 👏🏾 with 👏🏾 his 👏🏾 THUMB 👏🏾#LIKE ANSJDKKFKFKFKLLDJCNCNJDJENNXXJJD#you see normally that makes me reeeallllyyt ticklish but it was so soothing i could’ve fell asleep right then and there i promise you and he#was so gentle with his voice and omgoodness this man#so then i had to go and he was like yk you’re going to have to let go bc there’s no way im letting go 😭😳🙄 LIKE SIR#but ya that’s the latest update 🫣#mutuals my beloved <3#vk overshares in the tags#friendly giant ™️#fg
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immortaltale · 10 months
pep is getting cooked on twitter for his comments about the saudi league
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squirmydonnie · 4 months
Vent: TW: ( disordered eating in tags.) (probably)
i wish I would have stayed up stairs and had eaten the cake my Grandma made for me.
It's what I wanted all day.
Now I can't.
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killuaisaprincess · 5 months
reminder GONKI IS MORE CANON 😤😏 so anytime some kg person tries to send hate at you remember it’s just cuz they’re big mad Gonki more canon eheheh 😘🤭
#IS WHY I WONT LET ANY LOSER GET ME DOWN 😤#I KNOW ITS JUST CUZ THEY ARE BIG MAD THE DIRECTOR CALLED KI WIFE AND KIS VA TAGS STUFF GONKI EHEHEH 😘🥰#Naturally sadly on the west side there’s wayyyy more kg people so I don’t mean alll of them obvi but please#on twitter- I mean x#I am like the sole person in the English gonkillu tag mostly#And these kg fans got big mad when there was dare an artist in there for a while who was popular and used gonki tag#LIKE HOW DARE THEY LOL#Losers got so mad over a tag that has hardly anything in it#SO DONT LET ANY OF THEM DRAG YOU DOWN#Most the time they’re hypocrites and losers#AND I WONT LET ANY OF THEM EVER STOP ME#🤧😤🥰#Honestly they’re free to hate it like I hate kg but the fact they go to bully an artist the moment they dare to use the gonki tag is not#Acceptable#That tag isn’t there for you#Its for us few#ANYWAY ILL ALWAYS STAND MY GROUND FOR THE GONKIS#And trust me this is no lie I’ve been harassed ive seen people leave that were gonkis I have even had friends!#open gonki people tell me they are scared to post#LIKE WHAT YOU WANNA BUT LEAVE US ALONE#And no none of them can use the excuse of “heteronormative” or whatever else they want to get away with bullying#ESP NOT WHEN THEY WILL TURN AROUND AND DO THE SAME TROPES WITH THEIR VER LOL do what you want but do not be a hypocrite to send threats#Its all fiction there’s no need to play purity police god will def let you up into heaven cuz you told me to kill myself for#Having Ki in a dress#NOT LOL! TOO BAD 😤 AND KI IS A PRETTY PRINCESS WHO DESERVES DRESSES 😤 PERIOD#I’m sure there’s been a few rotten gk people I don’t accept them as my kin either but from the few of us I do know#We’re never gone to the kg tags or go to those people’s posts and fics LIKE WHY WOULD I EVEN WANNA SEE STUFF I HATE IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE#AND YES I HAVE TWO FOLLOWERS AND NO I HAVE NO ISSUE SPEAKING OUT ESP WHEN PEOPLE I KNOW GET HARASSED SPECIFICALLY BY A KG PERSON#I WILL GIVE US A PEP TALK 😤 ITS JUST CUZ THEY ARE BIG MAD YOU KEEP DOING YOU GONKI IS CANON 😤
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cattycaleb · 2 years
chetney is just the cooler otohan. when she says “to embrace your nature is to master your own fate” it’s horrifying and foreboding but when CHETNEY says it it’s badass and empowering 😌
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mercurygray · 6 months
Thank you for your response to my ask - everything makes sense to the calm logical sense to my brain but the fact of explaining on fic that it's not gonna be researched and focuses on character just sent me spiralling (this is just me neurotic anxious no confidence). I feel like it's an open door for abuse. Putting a fic out there already is at risk of negative feedback but this kind of fic is even worse because the high standard of research etc involved by others. I'm sorry for rambling I've cried so much about this and you're a kind person . Just I want you to know I appreciate you taking the time to think over and answer my rambling questions 💕
Kind Anonymous Friend, I thought about leaving this in my box but I just couldn't do it.
There are lots of well-loved works in this fandom that have very little research or historical basis behind them- lots of people have lots of different writing processes and that doesn't make what they write any better or worse. The quality of the writing, or the story ideas themselves, are what people care about and what brings them back.
I also want to remind you that it's okay to write things and not share them. Sharing is hard, and it sounds like right now that's maybe not a good idea for where you are on your writing journey.
When I first started writing my BoB longfic, I thought for SURE I was going to get angry messages about it. I've been waiting for those angry messages for three years, and they still haven't come yet. You may be - to use a phrase - borrowing trouble worrying about what everyone else will think. To directly quote a friend whose writing I admire a lot, and please pardon her expletive here - "You're not here for everyone else. You're here because something in this spoke to you and you want to tell a story. Tell that story, if only for yourself, and fuck everyone else."
Maybe once the show comes out you'd like to try writing what you're going to write and not sharing it at all. No one can write negative feedback if they never see it.
Whatever you decide to do, I believe in you. Good luck.
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yuuminni · 9 months
well on the bright side i think its nice to have a thing i want sooo bad and its within my power to get it, even if im shaking like a chihuahua over the possibility of not succeeding rn.
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puppyeared · 2 years
I love your work so much!! Do you have tips on finding a style?
omg thank you so much!!! and yeah id be more than happy to give u some pointers, i put them under the cut because i ended up rambling lol
the only reason i've been able to work on (and still improving!) my art all these years is because ive taught myself to kind of learn from different artists. if you wanted to make the best tasting cake in the world, wouldnt you want to experiment with different flavors before moving on to what you like?
what i mean by this is, dont restrict yourself basically!! any invisible rules you make for yourself should be ones you know you can follow reasonably, not because other people told you what does and doesn't work.
which brings me to my next point, which is to really take the time to study what you like in another artist's style. don't just take things from an art piece because you think it looks good. instead, try to point out what you really like and why, and then you can start asking yourself questions for your own art!
let's say you really like the way this artist chooses colors for their art. do they follow a certain pattern, or is it a different palette each time? what makes it work, do they make them really saturated and energetic, or are they toned down and calming? what colors do they use the most, and why? when you start breaking down one thing (i like the way this artist colors) into smaller things that you can ask yourself, then you can kind of set up goals you want for yourself. this way you're not making the artist's goals yours, it's more like you see what they see and what those goals look like to you.
another thing thats part of my process and kind of related to what i talked about above is having a references folder handy! for me, i tend to split up my references into 2 main categories: art references and art inspiration
what does this mean? well, art reference is like what i mean when i say to study other peoples art. when i see an art piece i like, i tend to put it in my folder so i can go back and look at it anytime. on the other hand, art inspiration could be photographs or paintings that you dont want to study the style of, but you just really like the overall tone it has, and maybe it gives you ideas for stuff you wanna draw
I dont take this art to steal credit or show to anyone else, its strictly for personal use!! and even so, when I do do this, i make sure to type in the artist's username or URL just because. when you go to the museum and take pictures of the paintings, you are saving them for reference, not to tote as yours on the internet!!
if you're uncomfortable with saving other peoples art, you could also just keep it on hand through a draft or save it! on instagram i bookmark art i really like, and on tumblr I sometimes save art to my drafts. whatever works for you honestly!
you can even go the extra mile and make more subcategories if you want! are you unimaginative when it comes to designing outfits? bam, outfits folder, now i can go back and look at outfits i really like! do you want to try different palettes, but you can't come up with funky colors? bam, palette folder for color palettes you like and want to play with!! anything to go with your needs baby!!!
you might have also noticed this if you've been following me for a while, but playing with your tools is also something i recommend! i tend to change my brushes any which way the wind blows, and like, nobodys really stopping me lol. maybe you feel like watercolor isnt your thing anymore, and you want to try coloring with oil pastels. or maybe you dont like the way this textured brush looks, so you're trying this one instead and before you know it, it's like oh my god where has this brush been all my life.
and finally, i want to share my personal opinion on art clones. "but puppy!" you wail, "art clones are copying other artists art styles, its lazy and theyre not putting in the work!" you're not wrong! but at the same time, do you think you would be able to make that super yummy blueberry muffin without that recipe on pinterest? i know thats not the same thing, but what i'm trying to say is, we all have to start somewhere and i think we should learn to respect the way other artists grow.
back in 2017, lots of people were drawing their ocs with big round shiba eye brows, and nowadays some people have moved on from that, while others continue to use it. and thats ok! its nobodys job to say what goes in art! did you know when rebecca sugar, the creator of steven universe, was 15, her art style was based on the invader zim art style? it's true!
so before you start calling yourself an art clone for even drawing the same angle of a line another artist does, ask yourself: am i pretending to be this person? if the answer is no, then great! nothing in this world is original as much as people want you to believe, and while i can't tell you what is and isn't okay for everything that goes in art, at the end of the day whatever you draw should be for you. i know this gets a lot of flack, especially when it comes to vivziepop clones because her art style is so distinct, but like!! if you know it's not her and that person isn't trying to copy exactly everything about her, then that's it!
i could go on about this more, but i really don't want to start anything and i think i made my main points clear. TLDR: open yourself up to different art styles, DON'T STEAL ART AND MAKE SURE YOU CREDIT THE ARTIST, clones are more nuanced than you think, and at the end of the day, look back on how far you've come and feel proud of yourself!
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cacacita · 1 year
injured myself doing silliness
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didhewinkback · 1 year
okay this is a psa i am logging off and will not be logging on until i have a completed part 5 to share if u see me on there part 5-less pls publicly shame me !!!!
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