#this got way longer than i was anticipating ahaha damn
peantutbutter · 4 years
not totally sure if i can even put this into a prompt (or if it even is one tbh its more of a thought???? make of it what you will ahaha), but i immediately PICTURED FAHC Michael walking onto the scene, something has /definitely/ blown up and everything is a mess, and he's 100% unfazed, maybe snackin on something, and says “Was there a scuffle?”
[Also on Ao3 because this got longer than anticipated lmao]
Back when he was young and desperate for approval and responsibility, Michael had begged Geoff to trust him with his own little group to lead on smaller heists and stickups. Nothing much. Just him and Gavin, and maybe Jeremy. Something to prove that he could handle more than working demo or serving as extra muscle.
He was surprised when Geoff hadn’t even bothered to fight him on it. He’d just leveled Michael with that analyzing look he got whenever he was considering something. And then he’d just shrugged and said “Sure. But don’t come crying to me when shit goes down.”
Michael had walked out of Geoff’s office with the biggest grin on his face and a hundred different ways to paint the city red.
Three years later, Michael thinks Geoff is the biggest bastard in Los Santos. Dickbag knew exactly how it would play out. How Jeremy’s chaos, Gavin’s encouragement, and his anger would all interact. Sure, the Lads were efficient, but they also tended to leave a massive swathe of destruction in there wake. Something Michael is usually left to clean up. 
Sometimes it’s not so bad. Sometimes Trevor and Alfredo join them. Both of them, mercifully, think more than one step ahead, and they can escape with less collateral damage. Sometimes he has no fucking idea what to expect, but he knew it was going to be a wild night when Fiona showed up dressed as a teletubby. 
He loves being the leader of the Lads, don’t get him wrong. It’s just that sometimes he feels more like a mother or underpaid babysitter. 
Case in point: tonight.
He’d left Gavin, Jeremy, and Fiona to take a piss for Christ’s sake. He was gone all of -- what? -- two minutes? Apparently that’s all it takes for them to start trouble. 
They like to frequent rowdier bars when going out for bevs. The likelier they are to have a secret illegal fight club going on, the better. 
It isn’t uncommon for them to stumble across places with drunken brawls. Any idiot can start a fight. Michael just hopes that it isn’t his idiots this time.
Of course, that would be too much to ask, wouldn’t it? 
He narrowly dodges a glass shattering against the wall when he steps out of the men’s room. A large crowd is gathered in a circle in the middle of the bar, and he can’t see what’s going on. But he doesn’t need to. As soon as he hears Gavin and Fiona’s drunken cheering -- “Get’em Lil’J!” and “Fuck’em up!” -- and Jeremy hap-happing to hype himself up, Michael groans. 
How irresponsible would it be to just go back into the bathroom?
He doesn’t -- damn him and his conscience -- but he doesn’t get involved either. It’s about time they learn that good ole Mikey won’t always be there to save them. So, he heads to the bar instead. Ordering a virgin whatever and some mixed nuts, he ducks his head, and pointedly ignores the bad decision happening behind him. 
To the bar’s credit, they actually get security to intervene. 
Just not until after someone -- presumably Fiona, but really it could have been any of them -- bites and scratches another person. It’s a flurry of angry French, panicked squawking, as two buff guys haul the two Europeans over their shoulders and carry them like sacks of potatoes. Another two guys have to wrestle Jeremy to the ground before carrying him out and tossing him to the curb as well. 
Michael sighs. Part of him really wants to let them sit out in the cold rain and calm down. The more realistic part of him knows that the longer he leaves them alone, the more likely they are to get into more trouble. He knocks back the rest of his non-alcoholic drink, slams a few dollars down on the counter, and picks up his bag of nuts. Casually, he makes his way out of the bar.
It takes him longer than he’d like to find them For three drunk people, they move fucking fast. He doesn’t even see them first, just hears their drunken arguing and follows it until he tracks them down to a sheltered bus stop. 
“Stop, don’t touch my face,” he hears Jeremy snap. “I don’t want to fucking talk to you.”
“But Jeremy,” Gavin whines, “My hands are cold! It’ll help the swelling!”
“Oh my god, both of you shut uuuuuuuup,” Fiona groans. And then, more quietly, like she’s just realizing it, “Guys, I think I bit that guy...There’s blood in my mouth.”
Michael’s coming up behind them, sees them seated on a bench, leaning on each other. Gavin shoves his hands in Jeremy’s face, making the other man recoil in pain. “What are you -- Gavin, stop -- Ow!”
Michael knocks against the glass of the bus shelter and comes around to lean against the frame. He pops a few nuts into his mouth and chews on them while the others process his sudden appearance. “So,” he says after swallowing. “Was there a scuffle or something?”
Gavin’s eyes light up and he throws himself at Michael, his arms wrapping around him in a loose hug. “Micoo!” he coos. He turns slightly to look at Jeremy and Fiona, both of whom are glowering and covered in blood. “I told you he wouldn’t leave us! Micoo would never leave his boi!”
It takes a lot to keep his face trained into a disappointed scowl. He’s angry. He’s fuckin’ pissed. Not so much because of the fight but more because they just ran off. But it’s hard to be mad when Gavin is acting like a cuddly koala, draping himself over Michael’s shoulders like he’s trying to be a blanket.
Fiona opens her mouth to say something, but a pathetic whimper escapes Jeremy’s mouth when he pokes at his tender, swollen face. And, shit, that’s enough to soften Michael’s expression at least a bit. The yelling can wait. It’ll be more effective when they’re sober. 
“C’mon,” he sighs. “I’ve got ice packs and wet wipes in the car. Let’s get you guys home.”
He holds his hand out to Jeremy, who takes it meekly. Fiona stands and slinks after them as they walk back to Michael’s car. She pauses every now and then to spit onto the sidewalk, making a disgusted noise every time. When they make it to the car, he pops the trunk and pulls out a first aid kit for Jeremy. He fishes out some ice packs and Gavin keeps himself entertained by placing band-aids on anything he deems to be a “boo-boo.”
Then he pulls out his emergency bag and lets Fiona unbox the toothbrush and toothpaste. She needs it more than he does right now and he always carried a spare just in case someone else was with him when they have to run. 
Once everyone is more or less cleaned up, he piles them all into the back seat. He’d love to enforce the seat belt rule, but something tells him that’s a losing battle. They all slump against each other, and it’s a tight squeeze back there anyway. As long as he drives carefully, they should be fine. 
He slides into the front seat, adjusts his mirrors, and turns the engine. It’s quiet and sleepy, but as he peels out of the parking space, he hears a small chorus of “Thank you, Michael”-s.
“Yeah, yeah, shut up you fucking idiots,” he says, but the smile on his lips and the fondness in his voice betray him.
Twenty minutes later they’re stumbling through the door to the penthouse. He shoos his drunk friends to their rooms, making sure they’re laying down on their sides with a bucket nearby, and making double sure Jeremy is without a concussion. 
Geoff is sitting at the kitchen counter, Diet Coke in one hand and heist plans in the other. He lifts an eyebrow and his eyes sparkle with the same amusement they always do whenever Michael brings the Lads home from an exciting night. “How’d it go?” he asks.
Historically, Michael has been known to flip him off and not say anything, but now he’s taken to pulling up a chair and commiserating.
"This is your goddamned fault,” Michael says, not because he means it, but more because it’s what he always says when shit like this happens.
Geoff shrugs and takes a sip of his soda. “You fuckin’ asked for it, kiddo,” he answers, because that too, is part of the tradition. They’re silent for a beat, and then he breaks the pattern. “But, for what it’s worth, you make a pretty good mama bear.”
And y’know what? Coming from Geoff -- a professional cat herder if there ever was one -- that means a fucking lot. Michael steals his can and takes a drink to conceal his smile.
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
To the Ends of the Earth: Kyōjurō x F!S/O (Mythology AU)
Hey hey, bbys! This is the other fic I was talking about earlier. I based this one on Orpheus and Eurydice’s myth. I hope you guys like it as much as I liked writing it. Please tell me what you guys think, as every comment will help me improve my writing. Thank you so much!
Now, we’re going to go back to our regularly scheduled program: i.e. me writing your reqs. Ahaha.
Warnings: Manga Spoilers, Talk of Purgatory and the Afterlife, Angst with Happy Ending
She had no choice.
(Y/n)’s current predicament left her no choice but to go crawling back to her parents. It was either that, or she could say goodbye to her beloved husband forever.
Neither of the two choices tickled her fancy, but she knew what she had to do.
She had to get up and out of her pitiful state, wipe her tears away, and march right on to solve her own problem. Because the world surely wasn’t going to do it for her.
And Kyōjurō wasn’t there to pick her up as well. So, she had to do it by herself; whether she liked it or not.
With her head held high, and her face rid of her tears, (Y/n) set on for her course to the mountain that housed the power of the spirits of the dead— and her family’s home: Tateyama; more specifically, Oyama peak.
The journey was long, but it wasn’t arduous; not when she felt more and more energized the closer she got to her childhood home.
Snow immediately greeted her at the foot of the mountain, as she bypassed the old town and headed up the trail that everyone had deemed too dangerous to tread. Dangerous for mortals, maybe, but not for halflings like her.
The air was so thin near the peak, yet she wasn’t even out of breath as she trudged through the knee-deep snow in her Slayer uniform. She didn’t even feel cold, as the warmth that Kyōjurō’s haori provided her was enough to ward off any chill.
“Mother! Father!” She cried aloud at the seemingly empty peak. Her own voice carried over the silence, and echoed up to the other peaks. “I need your help.”
Silence answered her plea, which had her frowning and fighting off another wave of tears. She’d known that going to her parents for help had been a shot in the dark, as a part of her kept telling her before that renouncing her immortality to stay with Kyōjurō would disappoint them greatly.
Renouncing a goddess’ eternal life wasn’t unheard of, but it was a taboo within their social circles. To even walk amongst humans was a taboo that (Y/n) gladly took to; as it had led her to meeting the love of her life.
She got to keep most of her powers, which made her a very efficient demon slayer; so efficient, in fact, that she’d amassed quite the following within the Slayer Corps. Alas, as much as she wanted to teach everyone how to manifest a bow and arrow out of thin air, she couldn’t...
As no one had the same abilities as her.
She was different— always had been— but it was in Kyōjurō’s arms that she’d found the love and acceptance that she had been always been yearning for. She hadn’t found it with anyone else throughout her long life; just with him.
So she didn’t hesitate to give up her own immortality, if it meant that she could grow old and build a family with him...
But the Infinite Train mission had happened, and he had perished under an upper moon’s hand.
The last thing that she wanted was to admit defeat and ask her parents— more specifically, her father— for help, yet there she was: at the top of Tateyama’s second highest peak, and waiting for her old home’s invisible barriers to part and allow her entry.
The demigoddess didn’t know how long she’d stood there, but it was long enough for her tears to freeze and her feet to go numb in the snow.
“Please. Please, help me.” (Y/n) begged once more; even going as far as to get down on her knees and bow down in a dogeza.
More tears flowed freely from her eyes, only to instantly disappear the moment they fell on to the snowy ground.
“I’m begging you... mother, father. Please.”
It felt like an hour had passed for (Y/n), yet she stayed bowed down on the cold ground. Her heart felt so painful that she had taken to digging her nails into her palms, if only to divert her attention.
Yet she could still feel it; and the pain in her heart rendered her brain unable to dwell on anything but her own inner turmoil.
“Lift your head, (Y/n).” Instantly, the demigoddess’ head snapped up, as more and more tears flowed from her eyes. Sobs even threatened to break free from her lips, but she bit down on her bottom lip in an effort to keep them at bay.
Slowly, the ethereal woman sashayed down the stairs that led heavenward— up to the home she had been raised in, in the sky. It was palatial in its size and elegance, but a prison was still a prison— no matter how beautiful it was.
(Y/n) felt her mother’s familiar powers wash over her; cleaning the tear tracks from her cheeks and righting her fragile human body up into standing. She could only look on and take the other woman’s face to memory, as she wasn’t sure if it was going to be the last time that she ever saw her.
As it was, she hadn’t seen her parents ever since she married Kyōjurō— which was nearing three years at that point. And she realized that no matter how badly they had ended their last conversation, she still felt so much love and affection for both of them.
And it seemed that her mother felt the same, as she was immediately engulfed in the older goddess’ arms. Being the deity of snow, she was cold to the touch, but (Y/n) didn’t mind at all as she burrowed further against her mother.
“I’m so sorry for saying all of those hurtful things to you and father,” The young woman helplessly sobbed. “I didn’t mean any of them. I’m so sorry.”
“And both of us are sorry as well... for not seeing things from your perspective. But we understand now; and we accept your decision fully. We accept you and Kyōjurō fully...” Yukihime answered in her gentle tone; all while tears marred those flawlessly pale cheeks of hers.
At that, (Y/n) clung tighter to her mother and resisted the urge to succumb to another breakdown. She had already had so many of those in the days following Kyōjurō’s death; she didn’t want to have any more, as they were extremely taxing on already broken heart.
She explained what had happened, not sparing all of the grisly details— which had Yukihime gritting her teeth in anger. Had she been allowed to do so, she would have already rained down her wrath upon Kibutsuji Muzan, but full-fledged deities such as herself and her husband weren’t allowed to interfere with the happenings between humans and demons.
So her hands were tied. She could only hold her daughter closer and run her fingers through the young woman’s hair; like she had done when (Y/n) was a child.
“It’s a good thing your father isn’t here, because he would surely break the rules and smite that damned Kibutsuji,” Yukihime snarled the demon progenitor’s name, then added, “As if the humans needed more pests in their world. Nothing but the result of a paltry mortal trying to play as a god.”
With that, Yukihime whisked her daughter up the grand stairs that led up to their home; completely unmindful of the Yūrei that tried to grab at the tail ends of her kimono.
As the wife of the the keeper of purgatory’s keys, a lot of restless spirits tended to follow her around in the hopes that she would help them; but she couldn’t, as doing so would warrant great challenges.
And, whether mortals wanted to believe it or not, gods were vain and selfish. They only cared about themselves or those related to them. They did things that would benefit them greatly; not because they were kind enough to bestow blessings upon their hordes of supporters.
It was why (Y/n) didn’t fit in in the first place, as she genuinely cared about the mortals that revered her parents... and the few who praised her as well.
Once inside the palatial house, Yukihime immediately transported them to the sulfur baths and ordered her daughter to soak herself within the bath; with her clothes and all.
“It’s to keep your sweet, mortal scent from attracting more Yūrei,” The goddess had explained softly, as she silently recounted all of her trips to the underworld and mapped out which way was the easiest to take.
It took her a few minutes to do so, but once she was sure that her daughter would be taking the safest route, she said, “From here you have to go to Shōmyō falls. When you get there, climb up to the very top of the falls and jump down. You have enough of mine and your father’s blood in you for the gates of hell to recognize you...
But... when you get down to purgatory, be sure to take Kyōjurō and leave. Don’t look at anyone, don’t talk to anyone and— most importantly— don’t look back at Kyōjurō until you two have gotten up to the surface. A door will be there, and only those who bear the blood of the gods can enter. Be sure to not let go of your husband’s hand while walking through that doorway...”
Yukihime prattled on, giving her daughter advice on how to deal with any problems that should arise. And when all was said, she transported (Y/n) close to where Shōmyō Falls was.
The trek going to the lip of the waterfall was much more difficult than going up the mountain, as demons and spirits littered the area. She had to dispose of the handful of demons that she had come across, as she had sworn to do so when she became a Slayer.
It ate up more time than she wanted, but it was inevitable. But still, when she made it to the very tip of the waterfall, she closed her eyes and took one last step off of the ledge.
The wind rushed past her ears and whipped her hair every which way; and it made her want to scream, but she held herself from doing so, as making any unnecessary noise would attract the attention of more restless spirits than she could handle.
There was nothing but the whistling of the wind around her for a while— much longer than she had anticipated, which made her heart race in fear. Had she been a full-fledged goddess, she could survive the impact of the fall, but as a halfling... her chances of survival weren’t looking good.
But then, the cold air around her became suffocating; extremely hot and uncomfortable. So uncomfortable, in fact, that it made breathing such a difficult task.
The only silver lining was that with the heat came the slowing of her descent.
She finally opened her eyes when she felt herself practically floating down, and suppressed a gasp when she saw all of the reikon in purgatory.
All of them were wandering aimlessly— awaiting the arrival of their ancestors, so that they could be taken to the afterlife. While some... she couldn’t even begin to describe the sickening emotions wafting off of the others.
Those vengeful spirits were bound to become Yūrei; doomed to roam the earth in search of the justice or revenge that their soul craved.
(Y/n) felt sorry for them, and she wanted to help, but she kept looking around her as she drew closer and closer to the ground— searching for that head of fiery blond hair that she had come to love.
And it didn’t take long for her to spot him. He was standing off to the side, with his arms crossed— all while sporting a small smile on his face.
The moment her feet touched the warm ground, she took off in a sprint towards him— uncaring of all the souls that she had pushed out of her way. All that mattered to her was him.
She immediately wrapped her arms around him, as she roughly bit down on her bottom lip to keep herself from sobbing.
“(Y/n)?” Kyōjurō asked, clearly surprised as he wrapped his own arms around his wife. Then, that was when worry crashed over him like a tidal wave... “You’re not... you’re not dead, are you?”
“No,” She answered through her tears, as she shook her head. “I’m here to get you out. Come on.”
Kyōjurō wanted, more than anything, to go— but he was held back by his own morals. It would be highly unfair if he got to cheat death, per se; and that harped heavily on his conscience.
“Please, Kyō,” His wife pleaded desperately. “We don’t have much time.”
It might have been unfair of him to do so, but he still had unfinished business. And he still had to make good on all of the promises he’d uttered to (Y/n) when they got married, so the Hashira found himself nodding. “Okay. Let’s go.”
With that, (Y/n) took his right hand in hers, and dragged him towards the doors that her mother had told her about. She also made a point to always stay in front of Kyōjurō, and forced herself not to look at him over her shoulder.
“Why aren’t you looking at me, my love?” Kyōjurō asked softly, as he followed his wife up the seemingly endless steps that were carved into the sides of a spiraling ravine.
“I... I can’t; not until we get to the surface.”
“Who told you that?”
“My mother. I asked for her help... but my father wasn’t there.”
A bright smile tugged up at the Flame Hashira’s lips, as he readjusted his grip on (Y/n)’s hand and pulled her down a few steps— so that he could press a kiss against the back of her head.
The gesture warmed (Y/n)’s heart immensely, as a watery smile made its way onto her own lips. It had been merely a few days since he’d been gone, but she couldn’t deny that she’d immensely missed his kisses— and just him in general.
“You’ve made up with her; that’s amazing news, my love! Should I look forward to spending New Year at your parents’ home?” Kyōjurō stated with a teasing lilt to his tone, which had his wife giggling despite the new set of tears that fell from her eyes.
It seemed that she had cried more in the short time she’d been half mortal, compared to how much she’d cried in the few hundred years she’d been alive as a full-fledged goddess. But. She wasn’t complaining; as feeling so much was something so genuinely human that immortals could never understand.
It was something that she had, that all of the much more relevant deities could never take away from her. “Maybe. Let’s check how my father feels about it first.”
After that exchange, the couple made their way up the spiraling steps. (Y/n) stumbled a few times, but she was lucky enough as Kyōjurō caught her each and every time.
The Hashira had even taken to pushing her up the last few steps, with his hands cupping his wife’s firmly rounded behind.
Still, even as they emerged onto the surface— and Kyōjurō’s hands had snaked up to a much more appropriate spot on either side of (Y/n)’s hips— she still refused to look at him, just to be sure.
It wasn’t until they were a few meters away from the narrow cave opening that they had exited that Kyōjurō turned his wife around and wrapped his arms tightly around her.
He could feel his own tears streaming down his face, while small hands gripped the back of his uniform in tight fists.
And for the nth time that week, (Y/n) wailed so loudly that it was enough to grip her husband’s heart in a vise like grip. She sounded so anguished that the guilt of causing her that much pain gnawed at him.
“I’m so sorry for leaving you, my love. I’m so sorry.” He whispered softly, as his arms pulled her further against his chest.
It was only then that Kyōjurō realized the severity of his actions. In sacrificing himself, he had hurt the love of his life so much— and he swore, from that moment on, that he would be more careful.
Because he should have been the one saving (Y/n); not the other way around. That, and he never wanted to cause her pain ever again.
((If you liked my work, please consider buying me a ko-fi. Thank you so much! :D))
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Event: Bridal Concerto Chapter 6-10 Translations
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Translations under the cut.
Izumi: (Before we know it, the Wedding Fest day is here already.)
(I ended up getting here late due to all the paperworks I had to fill out… I should hurry and join the others.)
Itaru: Oh, there you are, Director-san.
Izumi: Itaru-san, hello. It must be hard on you, right? You need to help run the event too.
Itaru: Well, yeah. They let me prioritize the performances though, so I'm not that busy.
Izumi: I see… that's great to hear.
I'm glad the weather is nice today, a favorable weather for a festival.
Itaru: Though last night, I heard there would be a sudden rain today. I hope it's wrong.
Izumi: Oh, really? That's surprising, since the sky is so clear now.
Itaru: The others are currently preparing in the dressing room. You can go there first. I'll join you later.
Izumi: Got it. See you later, then.
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Citron: You're finally here, Director!
Izumi: Hey guys! Wow, that suit looks good on you, Citron-kun.
Citron: Thanks!
Izumi: So Juza-kun will go on stage in that attire?
Juza: Yeah. Considering the theme I'm assigned to, they said it's best for me to wear this.
Azuma: Fufu, going on stage in a jersey feels somewhat fresh.
Izumi: Huh? Azuma-san, that outfit…
Azuma: Oh you noticed? This is Orin's costume.
Izumi: It's certainly the perfect costume for your role this time.
Azami: It's too impressive, though.
Izumi: The makeup is perfect too. I expected no less from Azami-kun.
Huh? Where's Muku-kun?
Azami: He's receiving an explanation from the staff at a different room now. He said he's gonna return soon.
Izumi: Oh, okay. Is he at the waiting room over there? I'm going to go take a look.
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Muku: Hmmm, the dressing room should be over here I believe…
(I still can't believe my costume is a dress…)
Leila: Oh my? Are you perhaps Citronia-sama's…
Muku: Ah… Hello.
Leila: Now that I think about it, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Leila.
Muku: I'm Mu… Kurumi Sakisaka*.
Leila: Nice to meet you, Kurumi-san.
By the way… your dress is so lovely. It suits you so much.
Muku: Ahaha… thank you…
(She seems like a very polite and affable person… Am I really going to compete with this person…)
Leila: ...Just letting you know, I'm not going to hand over Citronia-sama to someone fresh from the country like you.
I've been in love with Citronia-sama much longer than you…
Muku: ...Uhh… can I ask you something?
Leila: What is it?
Muku: How did you meet… Citron-san?
Leila: …
I first met that person…
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...And that is why I'm not going to let you win this battle.
Muku: --.
Leila: Oh my, it's about time for the contest.
Let's fight fair and square. See you.
Muku: …
Izumi: Oh, Muku-kun! So you're here!
Muku: Ah… Director-san.
Izumi: I heard you were in the participants' waiting room, so I went there but I didn't find you. It made me wonder if something happened.
Muku: I'm, I'm sorry. I was about to go back to the dressing room, but I got lost halfway.
Izumi: Oh, I see.
Muku: …
Izumi: ...Muku-kun?
Muku: N-No! It's nothing!
Izumi: ?
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Juza: ...Muku… Muku?
Muku: Eh?
Ah, what's the matter?
Juza: No, it's just… you've been spacing out. What's up?
Muku: No, it's nothing.
Itaru: It's almost time for us to go onstage. I'll be counting on you all.
Azuma: Okaay.
Citron: Fighting!
Muku: ...
T/N: 1. Instead of 向坂 which is his real family name, Muku used 咲坂 here. Both read Sakisaka. 
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MC: Let the game begin! We shall open the curtain to the highly-anticipated event, "Best-of Three Bride Contest"!
We have a gorgeous lineup of participants here, such as a guest from that Kingdom of Zahra.
Let's give round of applause to them along with the dresses they adorned in!
MC: Now, please welcome the ones who are going to help the participants act out all kinds of situations!
Members of MANKAI Company!
Juza: Hello.
Itaru: It's an honor for me to able to be everyone's co-star.
Azuma: I really can't wait to see how the beautiful brides will correspond to my dialogues.
Spectator A: Chigasaki-san, you're so beautiful…!
Spectator B: That man is sturdy and cool! Damn, I should have participated in the contest.
Spectator C: The one wearing kimono is a guy, right!? He's really pretty…!
Citron: As expected of Itaru! He's really popular among the company's staff members.
Azami: Looks like Juza-san and Azuma-san are gaining popularity too.
Izumi: I'm looking forward to see their performance as the participants' partners.
MC: Let's move on to the first round right away! The situation you're going to act out is…
"Showing appreciation to your husband who has just returned from work"! Your partner for this round will be Chigasaki-san!
Itaru: I'll be in your care.
Spectators: Kyaaa!
Izumi: (What a refreshing smile… That's Itaru-san for you…)
MC: The first contestant for this round will be… our special guest from Zahra Kingdom, Leila-san!
She seems to be really fluent at Japanese, so we sure are wondering what kind of performance she will show us!
Well then, start!
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MC: Thank you very much! That was a wonderful performance!
Even the spectators are giving nice reaction~.
Azami: Heh… that person did quite a good job.
Izumi: She sure did.
(She carried herself in a regal way despite being on the stage. She has courage…)
MC: Let's move on to the next contestant, Kurumi Sakisaka-san who looks beautiful in dress!
Muku: I-I'll be in your care!
Itaru: ...Muku? You good?
Muku: Y-Yes! I'm fine!
MC: Let the performance begin!
Itaru: "I'm home."
Muku: "Welcome home. You must be tired today."
Itaru: "Yeah, thanks."
Muku: "I've prepared your bath, and cooked your favorite pork ginger for dinner tonight."
Itaru: "Really? Just when I wanted to eat that… Thanks, I'm happy."
Muku: "You've been busy with work these days, after all… I'm sure you'll feel better if you eat a lot."
"Fufu, I've prepared some desserts too. Look forward to it, 'kay?"
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Spectator A: That was so cute and healing!
Spectator B: I like how she gives off the vibe of an affectionate and devoted wife!
MC: Oooh! She got such a high score, even surpassing Leila-san's score!
Looks like Kurumi-san's classic response is getting good reviews!
Azami: Nice, it seems like... we're receiving high opinions for now.
Citron: We don't have to worry about Itaru's performance too~.
Izumi: Yup, I'm glad that we could get a high score. But…
(Is it just me or is Muku-kun not being his usual self today…)
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MC: Alright, the next situation you're going to act out is…
"A way to dodge mother-in-law's cutting remarks well"!!
The one who's going to be your partner for this round is by no means this person!
Azuma: Fufu, pleasure to working with you.
MC: I'm looking forward to see his performance as mother-in-law~.
Now, please welcome our first bride for this round!
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MC: That was amazing! Coming from the Kingdom of Zahra, Leila-san managed to receive such a high score with her impressive manner!
She's currently taking the top spot!
Spectator A: It was so beautiful and cool!
Spectator B: Totally! I don't know whether I was unconsciously enchanted by them, or I just couldn't take my eyes off them!
Azami: They took a strong interest in Azuma-san's performance…
Izumi: I expected no less from him…
MC: Our next bride will be Kurumi Sakisaka-san!
Azuma: Good luck, Muku.
Muku: Y-Yes…!
MC: Well then, start!
Azuma: "Oh my… do you have a moment, Kurumi-san?"
Muku: "Y-Yes, mother."
Azuma: "Isn't the flavor of this miso soup… too strong? You cut the ingredients way too big, and they look messy now."
Muku: "I-I apologize…! I'll be careful next time…"
Azuma: "And just letting you know, I feel like you're doing a sloppy job in cleaning the corridor."
"There's still dust remaining in the corner. Can you even clean a room?"
Muku: "My apologies… I'll clean more carefully and thoroughly next time."
"I'm… really hopeless when it comes to cleaning and cooking, huh. I truly am just a worthless cloud of dust…"
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MC: Hmmm, even though our bride showed realism in how she felt small under her mother-in-law…
Unfortunately, it did not leave a nice impression to the spectators and therefore she didn't receive a good score.
Muku: --.
Azami: Muku-san doesn't look too good.
Izumi: Yeah… I wonder if he's all right…
(Leila-san scored much higher in this round. We'll lose if we can't turn the tables in the next round…)
Citron: …
Azami: Putting that aside… It's getting darker here all of sudden.
Izumi: Yeah… I have a bad feeling about this.
*rain pours down*
Azami: Whoa, it's raining.
Citron: Come here, Director, Azami. You'll get wet.
MC: Our apologies! Due to the heavy rain, we're going to halt the contest!
To all the participants, please exit the stage and go inside the building!
Izumi: I'm worried about Muku-kun. Let's go meet the others at the dressing room.
Azami: Yeah.
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Itaru: Seems like it's just a temporary evening rain. We're gonna continue once it stops raining.
Juza: Okay.
Muku: ...Sorry!
I didn't do well in the last round... so we couldn't get a high score….
Itaru: Well, it's fine. There's no way one would not be nervous in a contest.
Azami: Not to mention Azuma-san's performance as mother-in-law was too realistic.
Citron: It was truly amazing!
Azuma: Fufu, I'm so happy to hear that.
Izumi: But… I do think you don't look too good today, Muku-kun. Did something happen?
Muku: The truth is… I exchanged some words with Leila-san before going on stage.
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Leila: ...I once went to the Zahra palace during childhood. The palace is just so big I ended up getting lost.
At that time, the one who found me, pulled my hand and played with me was… Citronia-sama.
After playing in the palace together, he made a beautiful bouquet of Jasmine and gave it to me.
I had a lot of fun being with him due to his kindness, and I was so happy when he gave me that bouquet.
I just couldn't forget about Citronia-sama even after several years have passed, so I decided to personally come forward as his fiancee candidate.
Muku: So that's what happened…
Leila: In order to become his bride, I've been attending marriage preparation class, but I never had the chance to meet him afterward…
Then, Citronia-sama went to Japan.
Even though he's now in a faraway country and is no longer in line for the throne, my feelings for him haven't changed.
I love Citronia-sama.
...And that is why I'm not going to let you win this battle.
Let's fight fair and square. See you.
Muku: …
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Citron: --.
Muku: ...It was a very beautiful story.
I was like, "I couldn't believe the story that usually happens in shoujo mangas and drama series happened in real life too…"
But when I thought such a thing, I started to feel conflicted whether or not I was doing the right thing…
Izumi: I see… so that's why you couldn't concentrate on your acting.
Muku: However… If I end up losing in the next round, Citron-sama may be returning to his country.
I absolutely can't let that happen.
Besides, it's rude of me to fight Leila-san half-heartedly like this.
For that very reason… I will not make the same mistake again. I will perform my part perfectly for sure!
Citron: Muku…
Muku: I'm sorry. I was the one who accepted the challenge, but I ended up feeling lost.
Citron: ...Don't sweat it.
In the first place, it was my fault that you all got involved in my problem.
But you all helped me… I'm very happy to know that Muku and you guys were willing to cooperate.
Muku is a really good kid, huh, you even considered your opponent's feelings.
Muku: Citron-sama…
Citron: Besides, I remember something thanks to Muku!
Muku: Eh? What is it--.
Staff: Excuse my intrusion. We're going to resume the contest since the rain has stopped. Please get ready.
Azuma: The rain really did stop fast.
Juza: Muku, can you go?
Muku: Yes!
Itaru: I think you should also stand by on the stage with us, Citron. Your turn is about to come, after all.
Citron: Okey dokey!
...I'm counting on you, Muku.
Muku: ...Leave it to me!
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MC: Now, since the rain has stopped, we shall resume the competition!
This advance of evening surely provides the right atmosphere for the climax…!
I shall announce the last theme…
It's "Nursing your sick husband"! He's the one who will play the husband!
Juza: I'll be in your care.
MC: Without further ado, let's begin the first performance!
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Spectator A: That was good~. It was like you were nursed by your kind wife.
Spectator B: IKR!
MC: I expected no less from Leila-san! With her consistent delivery, she received another high score!
Azami: Her score is really high. Do we have to surpass it...
Izumi: Yes. I'm sure Muku-kun can do it…!
MC: Last but not least, the one who will grace this competition is… Kurumi Sakisaka-san! The time is yours!
Muku: "Are you okay? Your fever has gone down a lot, but…"
Juza: "Yeah. Sorry for causing you troubles."
Muku: "Don't say that. ...Here, I made some rice porridge for you. Can you eat?"
Juza: "Thanks."
Muku: "This is a special porridge, you know. I put in eggs, natto, small fish, yogurt, cheese, aojiru*, chilli peppers, pork, citrus and apple. It's very nutritious!"
Juza: "What!?"
Muku: "Now, eat it…! You will be reborn as Super Great Man if you eat this porridge…!"
"Juuust kidding. Fufufu, I'm just joking! But it's truly nutritious."
Juza: "Jeez… It was funny, though."
Muku: "It's still hot so be careful, okay? Fu… fu… alright, aaahn. open your mouth."
Juza: "T-Thank you, but I can eat it myself."
Muku: "No need to hold back. You can act spoiled at times like this."
"Besides, you always work hard… I want to be of help to you."
Spectator A: I feel warm inside…! Her mischievous side is also cute!!
Izumi: (That was a very Muku-kun-like performance. Even the audience's response was great. I'm sure we can win at this rate…)
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MC: Now that all contestants have delivered their performances, let's see the accumulated score!
Receiving the highest score among the contestants, the winner of this contest is…
Kurumi Sakisaka! Congratulations!!
Izumi: Thank goodness… Congrats, Muku-kun!
Azami: Nice! As expected of Muku-san.
Muku: --.
...Thank you so much!
MC: Now... let's welcome MANKAI Company's Citron-san, who will escort our winner Kurumi Sakisaka-san.
Muku: …
Citron: ...Please come this way, Muku.
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Muku: ...Yes. Thank you, Citron-sama.
Citron: Me too. Thank you.
I shall escort you perfectly, princess.
T/N: 1. Aojiru is a Japanese vegetable drink most commonly made from kale or young barley grass.
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MC: We are now preparing for the ending ceremony! To those who are expected to appear--.
Leila: …
Citron: ...I want you to wait.
Leila: ...Why?
I have fought fair and square and lost. I will not approach you anymore.
I will also give you the reward money.
Citron: << No… I don't need the reward. I just wanted to talk with you. >>
Leila: << Eh--. >>
Citron: << You're that little boy from before, right? >>
Leila: << ...So you remember? >>
Citron: << Yes. I couldn't tell at first since your appearance has changed so much. >>
<< I've never thought we will meet again in this way. But I'm glad. >>
Leila: << ...If you said so, maybe coming here was worth it. >>
Citron: << From the start, you never intended to bring me back to Zahra, right? >>
Leila: << ...I just wanted to bother Citronia-sama for a bit. >>
<< In order to be your fiance candidate alone, I crossed the gender boundaries and attended marriage preparation class--. >>
<< The person in question will absolutely not meet me, after all. >>
Citron: << That… I'm sorry. >>
Leila: << But I could see the results of that through this match... >>
<< Thank you for going along with my futile effort. I've made up my mind now. >>
<< And please pass on my apology to that girl… I mean, boy. I think I might tease him a little bit too much. >>
Citron: << Huh? So you noticed it? >>
Muku: --Ah, Citron-sama! It's about time.. ah.
Leila: Oh my--.
Muku: Eh, uh… My, my apologies! I'm actually a boy…!
Uhh… I'm sorry for seemingly tricking you!
Leila: …No matter what your reason and circumstance were, I still lost to you. I don't intend on saying anything now.
And thank you for fighting me fair and square.
Muku: Leila-san…
Citron: ...Me and my precious friends are going to perform a play after this. If possible, I want you to watch it.
Muku: That's right! Please watch it!
...Oh, Citron-sama! It's about to begin!
Citron: Oh, you're right! Let's go, Muku!
Muku: My real name is Muku Sakisaka!
I'll do my best for the performance! We'll be waiting for you!
Leila: …
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Itaru: Ah, they're here.
Citron: Sorry for making you wait.
Izumi: Are you ready, guys?
Juza: Yeah.
Azuma: Me too.
Azami: Alright, let's go.
Muku: Umm!
I'm sorry for bringing this up just before showtime, but there's something I want to do…
Izumi: ?
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Azami: "This is my first time coming to a wedding fair, but I'm glad I could experience many things."
Juza: "Agree. We could wear this kind of tuxedo and get to know things like the ceremony, the direction and the food."
Azuma: "We're able to picture our own ceremony."
Muku: "Yup, it feels like our horizons has widened."
Itaru: "Say, what kind of wedding do you want to have, guys? Like, the direction you want to go."
Citron: "I want to know too. I want to gather references."
Azuma: "Since I'm a cook, I want to treat the guests to my own cooking at the reception."
"My girlfriend also likes cooking, you see. I think it'd be nice if we can cook together and share the first bite."
Juza: "Damn, that sounds awesome."
Muku: "It's really beautiful! I'm sure the ceremony will be exciting and lively!"
Azami: "I'm doing martial arts, so I think it'll be nice if me and my friends perform a martial arts demonstration during the wedding."
Itaru: "Why don't you create a story in which you save the bride, then?"
Citron: "I'm all for that! When the bad guys appear like this, you will protect the bride behind your back…"
Azami: "Haa! Take this!"
Azuma: "So cool…! I'm sure the bride will fall in love with you more."
Azami: "How about you? What kind of wedding do you want to have?"
Juza: "My hobby is drawing. That's why, I want to go all out and make the welcome board myself."
Muku: "That sounds great. The board that was displayed today was adorable too. I like it."
Citron: "Besides, it can be a good memento. It sure makes you want to cherish it forever."
Azuma: "How about you? Do you have any image of your wedding in mind?"
Itaru: "After giving it much thought, I do want to ride limousine at my wedding."
Muku: "Limousine!"
Itaru: "I also think it'll be nice to have a wedding overseas. Reserving an amusement park or planetarium sounds great too."
Azami: "Wow, that seems gorgeous…"
Juza: "But it will be an unforgettable wedding for sure."
Azuma: "It feels kind of romantic to have your wedding at unusual places. I think the guests will have a great time too."
Citron: "As for me, I want to perform a rendition at my wedding, since I like singing and dancing. Just like this."
"Then I will extend my hand in front of the bride and say this: May I have this dance?"
Itaru: "That's not fair. It's too cool."
Muku: "I feel like even those who watch it will have butterflies in their stomachs…!"
Azami: "That'll be like a scene in a movie."
Juza: "How about you, then? What kind of wedding ceremony do you want to hold?"
Muku: "As for me…"
"I want to present the bride a flower bouquet."
Itaru: "A flower bouquet?"
Muku: "Yes. The truth is, my girlfriend is my childhood friend. She has loved flowers ever since she was a child."
"She's always pleased with the wild flowers bouquet I made…"
Azami: "Ooh.. what's with that heartthrobing episode?"
Muku: "Hehe. There was also a time when we couldn't meet ever since I moved to another city."
"Even though we were apart, my girlfriend has always been supporting me."
"My girlfriend is also a hardworking person, you see. That part of her is so charming and cool."
"I want to give her a fragrant, white flowers bouquet that will suit her dignified appearance in the wedding dress."
Azuma: "How lovely…!"
Juza: "I agree. I'm sure your girlfriend will be happy."
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Izumi: Good job, guys!
Azami: Nice work. We did well in the changed part.
Azuma: Yup. I'm glad the audience was enjoying it too.
Itaru: Thanks so much for today, guys. Let's change our clothes now…
Leila: …
Juza: --.
Muku: Ah…
Izumi: Leila-san…
Muku: Did you watch it?
Leila: Yes. ...It was so beautiful. Both Citronia-sama and the others.
Especially you, Muku-san… I was drawn in your acting. I was deeply moved.
Izumi: Eh!?
Leila: Muku-san, would you like to come to Zahra with me? Don't worry, I'll provide for you.
Muku: E-Eh…!?
Juza: ...Sorry, but we can't allow that.
Izumi: Leila-san, calm down!
Itaru: I can't believe she just switched from Citron to Muku.
Azami: Is this really happening?
Azuma: Fufu, that was surprising.
Citron: Oh! What kind of development is this!?
< Chapter 1-5 | Masterlist | Epilogue > 
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Mirio proposing to his gf on Christmas with a puppy. He seems like the type to do some super cute shit like that.
The lights have been hanged up. The Christmas tree: thoroughly decorated. Holiday cookies? Made. You and your boyfriend, high school sweetheart, and personal hero Mirio have been spending all month preparing for Christmas.
No, you aren’t throwing any sort of big party - that was for Christmas Eve yesterday. Now it’s just the two of you on a warm, cozy Christmas morning.
It started with you waking up enveloped in Mirio’s strong, muscular arms, which were splayed loosely over your body. His body warmth was so nice and inviting but unfortunately, Christmas takes precedent over cuddling.
When you tried to get out of bed, he groaned in his sleep and pulled you closer into his chest. Well, maybe just a little longer.
After a minute or so or continued cuddling, Mirio begins to wake up. 
You notice this, and when you do you wrap your arms around his neck and roll him over, sitting on his lap. Mirio lets you do this, tiredly rubbing his sleepy eyes. 
“Get up, lazy man, It’s Christmas.” You say as you place your palms flat against his chest. His chest vibrates beneath your hands as he chuckles, lifting his hands to rest on your waist.
“What, it’s Christmas already? But it was Halloween like, yesterday…” He feigns tiredness as he slurs his speech with a yawn. 
Scoffing, you say, “If you don’t get up, you don’t get the presents I got you.” 
Mirio bursts up from his spot, sitting up with you still in his lap. “I’m up! I’m up.” He laughs as you giggle, holding you up with impressive strength as he stands up from the bed. He holds you by your waist, making you wrap your legs around him for steadiness, as he carries you out.
As you’re carried down the hallway of your shared apartment, you latch onto Mirio’s broad shoulders and bounce along with his steps. Once you reach the living room, there’s the little pile of wrapped presents that you both set down for each other the night before. Unfortunately, the legend of Santa Claus is not alive in this household.
Still, you put on an act as though it is. “Oh wow! I must have been good this year,” you gasp as Mirio sets you down to your feet.
“I would tend to agree,” Mirio grabs you by your hip and pulls you back against him before you can walk away. “Though maybe Santa has a special gift for the times you’ve been naughty.”
You hum and look up at Mirio, who looks so damn happy and cute that his seductive words just make you giggle. Not that you aren’t looking forward to said gift. “Yeah, maybe Santa’s been naughty too.” 
He chuckles and lets you go after you kiss his cheek, walking over to the presents beneath the sparkly tree.
Both you and Mirio are now surrounded by festive Christmas wrapping, torn from the boxes and now laid out on the floor around you. You’re too busy squealing in excitement over the sweater, necklace, book, and other small things that Mirio got you to care. As for Mirio, he greatly appreciates the things that you got him, too - even the Vault Boy t-shirt. Actually, especially the Vault Boy T-shirt. 
However, when Mirio stands and announces that there’s something else, you watch him curiously. “Something else?” You ask, but he simply nods and walks away briskly. 
You’re waiting in anticipation, anxious simply because you’re so excited. When he comes back, he’s holding a box that is suspiciously loud. And large. And it’s barking…
“Oh my god you didn’t…!” You cover your open mouth with your hands, torn between being shocked, ecstatic, and tearful. 
“Ahaha, it’s hard to hide a present that makes noise, you know? And is also alive…” Mirio sets the box carefully down, and when he opens the top, he leans in and pulls out…
“You really got me a puppy! Oh my god, Mirio! It’s so cute! Oh my God!” You immediately run over, carefully taking the small creature into your arms - there’s a bow placed carefully onto the top of the pup’s head and everything.
Mirio can’t help but laugh, rubbing the back of his neck in a sheepish manner. He acts as though it’s not a big deal, but in actuality seeing you this happy means the world to him. Even better is knowing that he’s the reason - indirectly, that is. 
One could probably argue that the puppy is the reason you’re so happy. Hopefully that won’t be the only reason by the end of the day. 
He watches as you cuddle and fawn over the puppy, who has come to trust and accept your touch with a wagging tail. Mirio didn’t think anything could ever make you cuter, but pair you with a tiny animal and yep, there it is.
So he takes a seat on the carpeted floor beside you, resting his elbows on his knees. Granted, he’s a little nervous. You don’t notice this since you’re so preoccupied, but he is. Once he gathers up the courage, he clears his throat and speaks up. 
“Take a… look at the collar, too. There’s something else.” He says this so timidly that it concerns you for only a moment before you do as he says. 
You steady the wiggling puppy, looking down at the collar. Wrapped around the front of it with a string is a ring. A gorgeous, expensive diamond ring. A ring that looks suspiciously like an engagement ring. “M-Mirio… Is this?” You can’t quite get the words out - in fact your voice was ten times softer than normal too.
Your boyfriend laughs nervously, as you’re so good at making him do, and nods his head. “It is… um, (Y/N),” he scoots in front of you, kneeling down on one knee. He carefully takes the puppy from you and undoes the ring, loosening it from the collar.
Meanwhile, you’re stuck there in shock, watching. You know that he still has to go through the whole formal thing and whatnot, but right now you want to kiss him so badly and just scream ‘yes, yes, a million times yes I love you more than everything in the world’. But you wait.
“So, (Y/N)… You probably could  have guessed by now, but uh… well I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. You’re probably the reason I’m able to get up every morning and smile and just think, you know… ‘I can do it!’.” He pauses for a moment when the puppy jumps in his lap, licking his face. “I wanted to make this Christmas the most memorable one that we get to share together. So it’s more than just Christmas, but it’s the day that I proposed to you and the day that we got this little guy here,” he grins, scratching the puppy behind its ear. “But I hope this memory starts with you saying ‘yes’ because (Y/N), will you marry me?” He holds the ring toward you, and although the heart-felt, genuine speech wasn’t necessary, it sure did mean a lot to hear.
It isn’t that Mirio is expecting you to say no either, that’s not why he’s so nervous. He just can’t help but still feel that small tinge of anxiety. What if you say no? What if you tell  him some big, terrible secret? What if-
“Yes! Of course I’ll marry you!” You leap forward, wrapping your arms around Mirio and effectively knocking the large, muscular man to the floor. You press your lips against his, kissing him deeply over and over again as he laughs. So he had nothing to worry about after all. 
His arms go around your waist, hugging you tightly. All the sudden excitement has caused the puppy to jump around you, wagging its tail and barking happily. By the time you finally stop showering Mirio in kisses, he’s able to slip the ring onto your finger. 
“I was kinda worried, you know,” he says, grinning up at you. 
“I could tell. It was very cute.” Your joy is audible through your voice - and by the look in your eyes, since you can’t stop staring down at your ringed finger. “This is so beautiful… I love you so much. Guess I’m Mrs. Togata now, huh?”
Mirio hums happily, taking your hand in his and lacing your fingers together. “Hmm I like the sound of that. Say it again?”
“Mrs. Togata.”
“Again…” He rolls you over onto your back, laying half way on top of you. 
“Mrs. Togata.” 
He laughs, kissing your lips sweetly. “I love you too, Mrs. Togata.”
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cheselle · 6 years
/whispers: ARE YOU REALLY DOING A FIC MEME CHESRA??? if so, i'm gonna give you #44 for royal murder divorce or hisaru, your choice!! :DDD
/whispers I AM!!! can u believe!!! also i would have loved to hisaru this but this is just plain a mikorei hell disaster and i had already typed half of it before i even knew what was happening AHAHA why does this always happen to me when it’s this ship
Mikoto has tried everything. Earplugs. Soundproofing the walls of his room. Sleeping with ten pillows. Drinking himself to a stupor. None of it has made any difference, and the last only gave him a hangover.
Totsuka shrugs, clearly unbothered.  “Classical music isn’t that bad,” he remarks as he pours him a cup of tea, humming along. Mikoto begs to differ. Maybe in an elevator, or in hotel lounge rooms, where he can drink Kusanagi’s mixes and drown everything out with alcohol. But in his own apartment? He tolerates enough noise from everyone else - his home is where he should be enjoying the blessed sound of silence.
“I’m going to kill them,” he says. Totsuka just puts the miso soup in front of him.
“I really will,” he insists, as Kusanagi pads out of the bathroom, yawning.
“What’s Mikoto whining about?” Kusanagi asks Totsuka blearily as he slips into the last remaining seat on the dining table.
Totsuka tilts his head towards the floor. Kusanagi makes a sort of aaah sound as they listen to the slight reverberations from the music. The worst part is all the orchestras keep drumming up to crescendos, leaving Mikoto cringing as he anticipates the crash.
“I actually like it,” Kusanagi says, after a few minutes. “It’s kind of soothing. It also drowns out the buses honking on the streets.”
Mikoto can’t believe he’s been betrayed by his own best friend.
“He plays it all day long,” Mikoto hisses. Can’t these people see - or, more accurately, hear - the problem here?
Totsuka has the audacity to laugh. “Then you probably shouldn’t spend the whole day at home, Mikoto-san,” he says, teasing.
Kusanagi snorts. “If this actually gets you out of the apartment, I’m sending our neighbor a bottle of wine as a thank you.”
Mikoto leaves the table without another word.
Later, after his afternoon nap, which was still plagued with nightmares, but this time with a matching soundtrack reminiscent of a full ensemble with a saxophone solo, Mikoto has decided that enough is enough, and marches one floor down.
The music still wafting from the room, though admittedly at a lesser volume than this morning. Don’t the other people in the apartment complain? Mikoto should organize a protest.
He’s already at the offending door when some of his neighbors pass by. “Oh!” One of them say. It’s the dude Totsuka is always borrowing spices from. “Looking for Munakata-san?”
Mikoto raises an eyebrow.
“He’s got such great taste in music,” chimes in the smaller guy beside him. Mikoto sees him sometimes, twirling his umbrella while some pink-haired chick clings to his arm. As always, the girl is there by his side. They’re pretty inseparable at this point. Now that he thinks about it, Mikoto has never seen the three of them apart. “I’ve never met another fan of Unsuk Chin before.”
Spices dude nods. “I confess I am more familiar with the classics,” he says, with a tone of reverence. “But he’s introduced me to some excellent contemporary composers.”
“I think it’s annoying,” the girl says, her mouth twisted in a frown. Mikoto inwardly thanks her for being the voice of reason. “When he’s playing the one that goes bum-bum-bum-dAAAAH. I liked it better when it was all the ding-ring-room,” and she starts to dance around to demonstrate.
Mikoto retracts his internal gratitude immediately. Instead he frowns at them until they go inside their own apartment room, and then he starts knocking on classical music guy’s door.
He’s knocked about nine times when the door opens to an unpleasant looking face. Mikoto instantly dislikes him and his patterned sweater, and wishes he hadn’t held back his fist from slamming right into his nose.
“It’s polite to only knock a maximum of three times, you know,” he says, with a smile. “I was going to answer the door eventually.”
“Figured you wouldn’t be able to hear it,” Mikoto says. “With all the racket you’re making.”
The guy’s smile doesn’t waver. “I apologize,” he says. “Would you like to come in? I’m brewing tea.”
“No,” Mikoto snaps. “I’m only here to tell you to keep your noise down. Not everyone appreciates it.”
“Clearly,” he responds, this time with a definite smirk. “Thank you for your opinion. I will most definitely keep it in mind.”
In the face of such superficial politeness, Mikoto is left to nod his head and go. He’s almost tempted to grab the doorknob close it on the guy’s face, but he’s leaning on the doorway and there’s no physical way of doing it without bodily violence. But still.
He stomps up the stairs and goes back to his room to sleep, this time without any music.
“Mikoto-saaan,” Totsuka says in accusing tone. “You did something to our neighbor, didn’t you?” It’s a quiet Friday afternoon, emphasis on quiet. Mikoto’s curled up in the couch, peacefully napping. All is right in the world.
“I hope you didn’t actually kill him,” Kusanagi chastises. “What will our landlord say?”
“I didn’t kill anyone,” Mikoto says, offended. “I just asked him to turn the music down.”
“You’ve made Anna upset,” Totsuka says. “Honami says she enjoyed the music.”
There’s a slight guilty stab there, but Mikoto refuses to be felled by it. “We can buy her a CD,” he suggests.
“You don’t know who those artists are because they don’t have lyrics!” Totsuka says mournfully. “Do you know how many classical composers exist?”
This whole conversation is irritating Mikoto. “Why don’t you go ask him, then?” The minute the words fall out of his mouth, Mikoto realizes he’s just stumbled into a trap, even before the matching cheery smiles light up on his friend’s faces.
Damn it.
“Hello again,” the guy says. “I’ve kept the music down, as requested. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
God, Mikoto absolutely loathes the guy.
“Who made those songs?” he asks abruptly, because he doesn’t have time to waste and neither does he want to spend a minute longer talking with this guy.
He raises an eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t like it,” the guy says, with a very annoying smile.
“I don’t,” Mikoto grits out. “But other people seem too.”
“Hmm,” the guy says, pausing thoughtfully. “It’s good to know other people have taste. Unlike you.”
Mikoto fantasizes him dropping dead. Or his apartment room burning down. He can practically hear the sirens ringing in his head, converging into familiar melodies. It almost sounds like music in his ears for once.
“Which one did they like in particular?” he asks. “I could lend some CDs, if you want.”
Mikoto considers saying no, just to spite him. But then he imagines Anna’s disappointed face, and sighs. “The one..that sounds like bells,” he says grudgingly. He disliked that the least, whenever it started playing. Hopefully Anna had liked that too.
The guy scratches his chin thoughtfully. “I think I know what you mean,” he says. “Would you like to come in while I check my collection?”
“No,” Mikoto says. The guy quirks his lips. “Suit yourself.” He slips back inside the room, closing the door. Mikoto leans against it, sighing.
A few minutes the door opens again, and Mikoto saves himself from an embarrassing fall with his excellent reflexes. With the way the guy is smiling, though, he had obviously noticed. “Here,” he says, handing over half a dozen CDs. “If you plan on playing them, I wouldn’t mind hearing,” he adds, with a smirk.
Mikoto takes the CDs and leaves without another word, because it would be rude to punch someone just after borrowing something from them.
He’s gonna get this guy back, one day. Mikoto grimly hopes he’s ready for it.
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fangirllifu · 3 years
Sweet Like Pudding Ch. 27
Italics - thoughts
Kanna couldn't focus. She didn't know which way to look. Both games were happening at the same time—thankfully—in the same gym. Strategically, she sat right in the middle of both courts, so it'd be easier for her to watch them simultaneously. But it was proving to be too difficult of a task.
She'd be watching one game, and then suddenly hearing the whistle blow from the other. It was hard. She felt like she was missing a lot by watching the other side play—which she was—and it was making her feel more than a little frustrated.
Though she was trying her best to multi-task, she was mainly tuning into the Nekoma vs. Nohebi match. Seeing as Fukuroudani has already secured a position to play as a representative, she was more concerned about Nekoma possibly not making the cut.
"I'm sure Kou's going to forgive me for missing a few of his hits. Hopefully." She thought, cringing slightly upon hearing his cheering voice after an attack she didn't catch.
Not to mention, Nekoma's opponents were those troublesome snakes. Which wouldn't be much of a problem, if there weren't any easily provoked/swayed members in the team. Unfortunately, that's not the case.
"Come on, you guys! Yamamoto-san, Lev, hang in there!" She quietly cheered, watching worriedly as their faces contorted in agitation.
To top it all off, Nohebi's totally managed to take control of the atmosphere, and convince not just the referee, but the crowds as well, that they're 'righteous'. When they're far from it.
"If only they knew what those snakes were really up to. They wouldn't be saying all that." She sneered in response to the comments of the people around her.
On the other hand, if they manage to stay level-headed, they just might be able to push through without any major setbacks.
"Okay, I take that back." Kanna thought, flinching heavily when Yamamoto got hit on the face by the ball. "I hope he's alright. That's got to hurt."
Hearing the whistle blow, calling for a time-out, she turns her attention back to the game happening on the other side of the court. Cheering loudly along with the stands, when she witnessed a great team play of Konoha saving one of Sakusa's spikes and Koutarou landing a counter.
Her thought process was interrupted when she heard a loud yell from the side.
"I don't know what happened to make him yell like that, but Yaku-san, that's not the right response. You're losing your 'demon senpai' image."
Kanna shook her head at their antics and refocused on the games. For a while, she went back and forth from the both courts, gripping the railing in anxious anticipation. But then her attention was once again caught by shouts and murmurs from the Nekoma/Nohebi side.
"What? What happened?" Curiosity getting the best of her, she surveyed the court, seeing what all the fuss was about. "Oh no. He got hurt."
Seeing Yaku collapsing into Yamamoto, broke her heart. From what Kenma has told her, Yaku has not once been seriously injured, nor sick all year. She could only imagine the amount of frustration he must be feeling at the moment.
"Yaku-san, are you going to be alright?"
She tore her eyes away from the third year, as the game resumed, looking down anxiously at Shibayama's form. When Nekomata-sensei called for a time-out, she narrowed her eyes to study the rest of the members. They weren't looking too good. It was clear that they were all greatly affected by the loss of one of their core members. But if they want to win, they have to get through this.
"Hn?" Kanna hummed curiously, feeling a shift in the team's mood as Kenma joined the circle. "He must've said something."
And seeing as they chose to bench Shibayama right after the whistle blew, Kenma clearly wasn't playing around. She continued to observe for a few seconds, when a light-bulb occurred.
"Ahaha….He's planning to work Kuroo-san to the bone, isn't he?" She looked down at the said male sympathetically, offering her condolences. "May Ken-kun have mercy on you."
Coming to the conclusion that Nekoma would be doing alright for the time being, she changed her focus back to the Fukuroudani/Itachiyama match. Although the stakes weren't as high as Nekoma's game, it didn't change the fact that watching them play still made her nervous.
She had all the confidence in their skills, but what worried her most, would be Koutarou's reaction should they lose. And just when the thought crossed her mind, Fukuroudani was now at set point, with a 2-point lead.
"What the—?! When did that happen?! I was only looking away for a second!" Her eyes widened in shock.
Then she was jumping excitedly, and cheering along with the band when Koutarou landed the final point, ending the set. Her legs almost gave out in her relief, managing to grip the railing and somewhat catch herself. She leaned her forehead against it, to try and regain her composure. After a moment, she finally rose. Looking down, to see that the second set has begun for the Fukuroudani/Itachiyama match.
Kanna turned to the other side, just in time, to witness Kenma perform a flawless setter dump, causing her to cheer in surprise. Then immediately covering her mouth and ducking down, feeling a little self-conscious, hoping it wasn't too loud. Which was wishful thinking, as she clearly yelled before the crowd did.
Meanwhile, down below, Kenma was trying his hardest not to burst into laughter at hearing her voice be suddenly cut off. And Kenma wasn't the only one who took notice.
"Wasn't that Kanna-san's voice? Something must've happened at the other side." thought Akaashi, as he jumped to block the ball heading his way.
Thankfully, nobody seemed to pay it much mind, which greatly relieved her. Eyeing the score board and seeing Nekoma in their set point, had her anxiously chewing on her lips.
"Come on. Come on. Come on—" Kept on going through her head like a mantra.
She then watched the Nohebi setter fail in his attempt to do his own setter dump, when Lev's hand got in the way. As the spikers ran up to the net, Kanna couldn't help but take notice.
"Aah~ So that's what he was aiming for."
Lev jumped, just as Kenma tossed the ball. Only for Nohebi's blocker's to notice—a second too late—that they were lured in by the two in front. Thus, allowing Kuroo—who was camouflaged behind Lev— to score.
"What a wonderful back attack."
"YEAH!" Kanna cheered, this time, along with the crowd.
Nekoma had won their first set, but they couldn't relax just yet, as the next set is bound to be trickier than the first. They have to be much more vigilant, who knows what ploys Nohebi might pull.
As the Nekoma/Nohebi side were currently in a little break before the next set, Kanna switched her attention back to the Fukuroudani/Itachiyama game. And it wasn't looking good.
Itachiyama had a huge point lead. Even from her position, she could feel the frustration radiating from Fukuroudani's side of the court, from a certain loud individual to be exact. Who, is currently yelling about some things she wishes she could have been far enough not to hear.
"God, he's so embarrassing~" She groaned, using her hair as a shield to hide her face.
Kanna lifted her head when she heard the whistle blew, "and there goes another point for Itachiyama."
She continued to watch as the boys tried to closen the gap, only to be stopped short, by a particularly difficult spike by none other than, Sakusa.
"Damn, Sakusa-san sure is cool." She gushed, admiring the way his hits curved off of the receiver's arms.
"I wonder if I can replicate that. The possibility is low, but I think I can get close, probably. Hm~ Now that's a thought. I should ask Keiji if he's willing to try it out with me sometime."
Kanna shifted her attention to the other side of the court, and winced at Kuroo and Kenma's attack that barely made it in.
"I hope he holds on for a little longer." She thought, looking concerned for Kuroo and the amount of weight he's currently holding for the team, with Yaku out of the game.
"But Lev seems to be all fired up." Seeing him be so active, surprised and greatly amused her.
Though the amusement was short-lived, as she caught onto what Nohebi was trying to do.
"Yamamoto-san…." She narrowed her eyes, anxiously drumming her fists on the railing as she gazed at his hunched form.
But it seems like her worries were all for naught. As he was able to save what would've been a block out, and went straight in for the attack, landing the point perfectly.
She giggled in relief at his antics of antagonizing Lev. "Good to know he's holding on well. That's the Ace for you."
A time-out was called, she used this chance to tune back into the opposite side. A glance at the score board showed that Itachiyama had reached the 20 point mark first, and their lead doesn't seem to be shrinking.
She flinched at a particularly hard hit by their captain, that Komi wasn't able to keep afloat. The guys were able to score in a few points, but it wasn't enough. And just like that, a couple of rallies later, Itachiyama had won the second set.
Set Count 1 : 1
Kanna observed as the team converged to strategize on their approach for the last set. As serious as the atmosphere surrounding the team might've been, her eye twitched in annoyance as she took note of Koutarou's body language. "He's so close to throwing a tantrum."
She closed her eyes for a second, choosing to ignore whatever it is that might be happening down there, and turned to the other side of the court.
Nohebi had just subbed in a pinch server, who's serve almost didn't make it in—but it did— along with Kuroo barely managing to save it. Fukunaga was on the attack, and it looked like the trajectory of the ball was spot on. But alas, the snakes had other plans.
Kanna clicked her tongue as she scrutinized the Nohebi team. "I never did like how Nohebi did things. But then I guess, there are people, who would do whatever it takes to create opportunities for themselves. Doesn't matter how, just that when it comes down to it, the outcome would be favorable to them."
Shifting her gaze to the Nekoma bench, her eyes gleamed. "Good thing Nekoma's smart, and more than skilled enough to find a way around their tricks."
And right after that thought process, Nohebi's No. 4 delivers a service ace, landing near the edge of the backline.
"O~kay~ I might have jinxed it. Ugh…"
Good thing Fukunaga managed to save the day again, with his incredible ball control.
"His courses are so satisfying, what the heck?!"
Nekoma managed to stop Nohebi from scoring more service aces. Along with that momentum, Kuroo pulled off an unexpected one-man time delay attack.
Kanna could barely breathe from all the tension in the air, and she wasn't even the one playing. The amount of pressure the guys down there are currently under, oh how she knows. She can only hope that they can hang on just a little bit more.
As they got closer and closer to the end of the set, Kanna solely focused on the Nekoma/Nohebi game. She just couldn't handle having to switch her attention away, not when they're so close. So close.
"Please let them win this set. Please let them win this set. Please—" She chanted desperately.
And her restlessness only seemed to amplify, as Kuroo switched out with Shibayama when his finger got busted.
"Oh goodness, I can't take much more of this! Please!"
Her death grip on the railing lightened a little bit when Lev scored their match point. But her relief didn't last long, when Nohebi's No. 12 managed to counter back.
A deuce. This is it. The last stand. A race to score the two points that will lead them to victory.
Kanna cheered along with the stands when Yamamoto scored Nekoma's match point. But she couldn't relax just yet, as these moments are normally where anything could happen.
She was proven right the next second, with how unbelievably ridiculous the rally was going. Despite the current situation, she couldn't help but respect the unyielding determination of both teams, as well as their absurdly quick reflexes.
"To be able to respond to mere seconds of movement, 'instinctively', Oh~ you've got to admire the amount of work they put in to be able to achieve such a feat."
"Oh?" Kanna voiced, noticing Lev's position.
"Well, would you look at that~ He's evolved quite nicely. Well done, Lev. And you too, Shibayama-kun." She thought, smiling down at them proudly.
And thanks to their combined efforts, Yamamoto was able to deliver a wonderful block-out, earning them the last point needed, ending the match.
Set Count 2 : 0 — Winner: Nekoma High School —the last representative spot for the Spring High Volleyball Tournament, secured—
When it finally registered that Nekoma had won, Kanna collapsed behind the railing once more. All the tension in her veins seeped out, and weakened her legs to jelly.
"Oh, thank goodness." She whispers, letting out an airy laugh in her relief. "I'm gonna need more than a few minutes to recover from all…that…"
True to her words, she sat there with her eyes closed, drowning out the world. And for some inexplicable reason, she felt this sudden surge of emotion welling up in her chest. She tried to take a deep breath to somewhat get a hold of herself, but failed when it resulted in tears building up in her eyes.
She gathered herself up—clumsily—to sit in one of the chairs, so as to not attract attention. Settling down, she shuddered a breath as the tears flowed. Her hands latched onto the arm rests in a bruising hold, biting her lip trying to keep herself from making a sound.
She knew why she was feeling this way. She was well aware. But what she couldn't comprehend was, why now?
After a while, she was able to calm herself down enough. Wiping her eyes as she sniffled, slumping into the chair with her eyes closed. She tuned back into the world when she heard cheering.
"Looks like I missed the whole set." She sighed, wondering who might've won, when she was answered with her cousin making a proclamation and being cut short, making her laugh.
She took a deep breath and stood on shaky legs. Grabbing the railing once more and looking down at the court— for a minute or two—with a wistful smile, before turning and making her way down to meet with the guys.
Just a heads up! Better get ready 'cause the upcoming chapters are bound to drown you in Kenna interactions! Please look forward to it!
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