#this fandom loves Schrodinger's characterization
fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
I wish I could tell the people who start with the “Jaime is only evil when he’s with Cersei” monologue that they sound exactly like Robert Baratheon, right after he hit her:
Robert reached for the flagon and refilled his cup. “You see what she does to me, Ned.” — AGOT, Eddard X
We’ve been listening to this since literally the dawn of humanity. Eve, Jezebel, Anne Boleyn, etc. The scheming temptress who had dragged a formerly-good man down into the muck with her womanly wiles and is blamed for the sinful actions of her husband. It’s not groundbreaking. Take responsibility for your actions for once.
The overlap of Jaime and Robert stans isn't a complete circle, but it's pretty close. The same ones blaming Cersei for everything "bad" Jaime has ever done are the same people blaming Cersei for Robert being abusive towards her 🥴. Misogynists like to stick together in this fandom and Cersei being an antagonistic character makes her an easy target (although she could be a saint and they would still pull the same shit so 🤷🏾‍♀️). What kills me is that their stans talk about how great + well written their characters are, but then they supposedly have no free will of their own and their entire behavior was shaped by Cersei. So what is the truth??
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piss-bread · 1 month
Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14...
He was 14. He definitely had an unusual relationship with his parents, but not too far out from a normal teen. He's embarrassed by them in public, but he truly loves his family. And they love him, in all his nerdiness and cowardice.
Then the accident happens. His parents (and Jazz) know that something happened, but only his friends know what he went through that day. Even after Jazz finds out, she isn't told exactly what occurred.
Tw under the cut for Death Mentions! It is Danny Phantom, after all.
It's a well-known fact that Danny Fenton is Schrodinger's boy. Both alive and dead. And the fandom sure does put our favorite paradoxical anime boy through some shit, but it's not talked about a whole lot the absolute horror of his death.
We see a recreation of what happened in Memory Blank (Season 2, Ep 1). We've been rewatching some of this show with our mother, and we had her watch this episode. I had told her beforehand that Sam basically went "the boy needs to die" as soon as she realized that Danny didn't have his powers. And surprisingly, after watching the episode, our mom agreed that Sam really should have thought of something else. But anyway, it really cements the fact that going into the portal was Sam's idea. Not Tucker's. Not even Danny's. Sam is absolutely the one who got him killed. Yet Danny doesn't harbor any resentment. In fact, it's shown in the same episode that Danny looks for reassurance from Sam (and Tucker) after getting his powers, quite literally asking if it's cool that he has powers.
Quote from me to my mother:
"Danny walks around a dark portal, and he accidentally turns it on from the inside. He gets electrocuted and basically watches himself die, not knowing what's going on except for that it's bad. He stumbles back out, knowing something is very wrong and passes out. His friends think he's dead, he literally phases through Sam's hands as she tries to pick his body up, and when he does wake up he's faced with the fact he's a ghost. he's been told that all ghosts are evil and dangerous, and now he is one. Yeah sure he must've figured out he could change back pretty quickly, but still."
And something else. Vlad has powers too, but he didn't die for them. He got a bad case of ghost acne and gained powers that way. I feel like if Vlad knew what Danny went through, he'd at the very least have a bit more respect for the boy.
Anyway, I love the characterization of Tucker and Sam. It's shown that Tucker is shallow on the outside, but he truly deeply cares for his friends. Sam is shown to put up walls around other people, to the point her friends know a completely different person than the outside world does. And damn, I wish we could see the two's reaction to the accident in the show. But we'll just go headcanon-ing for this one. In my opinion, Tucker would be the quietest he's ever been. He's shown to cower and close up when bad things happen (when he's actually aware of said things). I think Sam would be the one screaming. I think she'd be screaming and crying and just let her emotional state consume her until her friend wakes up.
That's it for now 👀 count on more text posts in the future tho
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egglands-worst · 2 years
I remember forever ago I asked if you had any good dadster fics to recommend since you are THE gaster artist and I love your interpretation of him. I can’t seem to find the ask anywhere thou
a- aaAHWWWOWEEE HHHUUUOOUUUUGHHHHH i wouldn't say I'm The Gaster Artist not in a longshot there's lots of other artists who do fantastic gaster stuff!!! but i am Flattered you say that!!
anyway you can't find it because it got sent to Tumblr Drafts Hell (aka i started it, saved it to go look for fics, and then completely forgot about it)
Behold: a readmore
longer fics:
the doctor's fate series by @aeris-blue
weird old man ends up adopting a couple little skeletons. it's SO good soooooo SOSO so good 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Schrodinger's gate
gaster bounces across dimensions picking up children on the way. it's. I'm not one for much au crossover stuff but!! i really enjoy this one a whole lot!
A Year Every Minute by @askullandbones
this is a Classic(tm) to me. started being written Early fandom (crossposted to ao3 later) aaaaaand definitely influenced my own characterizations of gaster in little ways. it DOES get really angsty later on so be aware (whenever i reread it i usually just do the first eight chapters). this gaster is basically. like. makes a child for science purposes and gets way too attached
the life and two deaths of (dubiously a doctor) w. d. gaster by @saurosuchus-ostraviensii
(which!! updated just barely actually!!!! i still have yet to sit down and read it i just barely got outta class and did this)
i admit there's not actually any dadster in it yet. but the presence and Promise of dadster later on Is There and it's genuinely a Great read. i swear i have no biases because my friend wrote this
alphys bad dates fic papyrus chapter by @smells-like-mettaton
honestly this is alphys centric i just think gaster moment is absolutely hilarious
imaginary friend
frisk!!! frisk befriending some guy
and last but not least just look at all these dadster fics in my ao3 bookmarks
(there's probably a lot more dadster stuff that's just untagged)
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khrmutual · 3 years
Hi, it's the uni anon here! I also like discussing general khr stuff too and im so glad to see an active tumblr to this day! I've been following it since i was a kid and sometimes it leaves me to hop on different fandoms but i always periodically get hit with khr loving hours
General khr stuff i love to point out:
1. Ryohei was a punk who loved fighting so much that kyoko got hurt in the past bc of it. Boxing was violence in a controlled environment. Im sure hes really smitten with the sportsmanship, but i just love that hes also a fighting freak on par with hibari.
2. It didnt really hit me until his fight in the shimon arc for me to really get tyl!lambo's characterization. But the fact that he just wants to enjoy and party and is also a crybaby coward but gathers the resolve to fight from the people who surrounded him in his childhood??? Love that so much. Hes obnoxious in a 15-year old way for the same 5-year old traits.
3. Gokudera's introduction episode/chapter was a total subversion of the typical shonen rival character. If yamamoto was the shonen mc, hed definitely be the typical shonen rival. But no, hes the enthusiatic bodyguard friend of the shonen mc who finds out hes a shonen mc and went NOPE.
4. Gokudera gripes at yamamoto not taking things seriously bc he keeps talking about the mafia as a game, but for someone who thought the mafia as a game, yamamoto actually takes the "game" so damn seriously.
Im sure theres more, but thats all i can think of to blurt out for now.
KHR is kind of like that, it may go dormant as an interest for a while, but it always seems to rear its head again eventually :? something about it is just really appealing if you're into action manga.
To address the points you've brought up, Ryohei is a fascinating character who really got piss poor treatment. With an ever-expanding cast and a revolving door of villains, sometimes characters get downsized to fit the story or change focus to another point/arc. Ryohei is just like, a guy who likes to fight. Single mindedly, he likes fighting, being Good Pals with people, and provoking Hibari. I appreciate characters who are bull headed about their passions, and Ryohei is no different. I wish Kyoko and Ryohei's sibling dynamic was explored more, as the constant contention between Ryohei's fighting habits gets a little dull sometime within 400 chapters. Lambo has a really interesting position as a primarily comic relief character, in that he's got schrodinger's perfect characterization of childish-ness: he is both an incredibly accurate depiction of what a childish character FEELS like, and also exaggerated to the point of comedy. Amano took that one bratty trait and ran to the moon and back with it. I really enjoyed the subtle differences between 5 year old Lambo, 15 year old Lambo, and 25 year old Lambo. He was handled pretty well in that respect, all things considered! Right!!!!! You know I don't see many people bring that up at all, now that I think about it. Gokudera is really refreshing in that respect, and I think that may play a major role in what I enjoy about his character!!! I do wish we got to see that friendship develop a little more, though!!! Yams is so funny because he's just like. ok with killing. he treats it kinda like baseball, as long as everyone else plays by the book he'll do the same, but as soon as that understanding is broken all bets are off. He's a team player in all meanings of the word. I love him. King of having flexible morals <3 Thank you for the ask anon, feel free to drop your thoughts in my inbox whenever o/
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senseiwu · 3 years
From what I can tell the reason why so many people in the fandom latched onto Ronin is bc he easily would have fit into the wildly popular trope of 'gruff morally grey selfish world wise loner who only wants money has the walls around his heart worn down by getting roped into the shenanigans of a magical child with parent issues and realizes too late that he now cares about said children more than he has about anything since his tragic backstory happened', but the writers for whatever reason didn't commit to that trope fully, leaving Ronin in a weird limbo between 'enemy turned trusted ally and pseudo-parental figure with some morally dubious habits played for laughs' (helping the Ninja to his own detriment even after his betrayal in S5, teaming up with Jay and the others to fight Nadakhan in the final fight of S6(if you count S6 at all which I personally don't since it was all erased), being trusted enough to help the team move into their new base and dragging Nya out of a fight she couldn't win instead of leaving her to save himself in S7, all of his involvement in the Wu's Teas shorts which are totally cannon and Tommy can fight me over that) and 'mid-level scumbag the main characters deal with when the world isn't about to end' (literally hunting the ninja and hacking Zane in a horror movie worth scene in S6 (again, if you count S6 as relevant to anything after it), his whole thing in S14 and the out of nowhere animosity Lloyd and the rest of the team had for him despite his last appearance being him getting injured to help them fight the Vermilion (not saying he didn't do anything to earn that animosity in between appearances, but to my knowledge his only other appearance was getting caught by the SoG in S9. I haven't seen all of S12 or S13 tho, so I could have easily missed something).
Another huge contributing factor in much of his fandom love was that the 'magical child with parent issues' he seemed to be connecting with was Nya right when it was revealed that she had powers all along and was basically neglected by all the adults in her life who knew and could have told her, which felt like even more of a kick in the teeth since the entire reason she became Samurai X was bc she felt left behind by the guys and useless stuck on the Bounty not being a real member of the team. Combine that with Wu's kind of cryptic and indirect way of teaching her with the bucket thing not being a very good way of teaching the typically straightforward Nya, and Ronin coming in and being able to help her progress with her powers more quickly really seemed to lean into Ronin fitting into the 'unintentional and massively under-qualified but mostly well meaning father figure/crime uncle' trope (just want to make it clear that I'm not trying to say Ronin is a better teacher than Wu in any way, just that Nya seemed to figure things out better with being directly told to look at things a different way than with the bucket thing which I don't think will ever not bug me)
And, in a way, Ronin in S14 was both in character and out of character, since him being an ally or the villain of the day seems to be decided by a coin flip. It's like Schrodinger's characterization.
But yeah, tl;dr all of the appeal of Ronin as a character is that he had the potential to fit into a popular trope, the fandom took that and ran with it, and then for whatever reason the writers didn't commit to that trope but by that point he had been firmly cemented in the minds of many fans as 'crime uncle'. But that's just what I think happened
That makes sense, I s'pose. I'm not gonna be mad at people for liking him, he's just a fictional character, but I just.... can't bring myself to. I do appreciate that he has helped out, of course. That was very good of him (and yes, I do count Skybound as relevant. Even if the events got erased, they still acted how they would have, if that makes sense?). But I'm not usually a fan of morally grey characters, with a few exceptions (Morro and the main Sky Pirates other than Nadakhan, I don't know if Glutinous counts) I generally love the good guys. And I just... I can't get past the thing with how he was gonna take the sword, and ESPECIALLY not that freaking scene with Zane. That was horrifying to watch, and had it happened anywhere other than Skybound, I wouldn't blame Zane if he never trusted Ronin again. And then there's the part where he may have brought Zane and Pixal to Chen.... (I know that's not canon, it's from Shadow of Ronin, but...... Zane... my boy...)
It's interesting to see how he might play into a story, but that's about it for me, personally.
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theabandonedones · 4 years
❤ + frcmshadcws
send ‘❤’ + a url & i’ll write positivity or what i think abt them / accepting 
@frcmshadcws, my love, my dear, my darling, my heart, my soul - I could go on for hours about how wonderful Ray is. From his writing to his heart and the passion he puts into his characters and their individual worlds, to the drive behind his threads and how much care he pours into every faucet of each blog he creates, Ray is a King of his craft. A name to be seen on book covers in some odd years. A brilliant writer, and an even brighter friend. If you don’t talk with Ray, plot with Ray, follow Ray, you’re a fool. 
As for his Hellsing blog specific, my GOD I’m in love. His Alucard goes in depth with trauma characterization without losing an ounce of Alucard’s crass, violent, disgusting nature that makes him the murderous vampire he was crafted to be. His Seras is soft without losing her kick ass nature, she’s a beautiful woman who’s grown into a skilled and talented vampire, without losing her humanity, and by god it’s amazing. They way Ray writes Walter, from the inner workings of his (spoiler) betrayal, to the details of his personal relations, is a thing of pure beauty. Ray’s writing of Schro and Heinkel - two characters commonly overlooked by the fandom - is something to admire as well. From capturing Schrodinger’s balance of childishness and maturity (not to mention cruelty), to fleshing out the inner dynamics of Heinkel while holding an inner bias toward their religion, Ray has taken each character on this blog and fleshed them into something uniquely his, and by god it’s a thing of glory. 
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mzminola · 5 years
Reaction Post Two: Ectoplasmic Boogaloo
Misc thoughts now that I’ve both seen the show, and had time to think.*
Kinda feel like I missed an episode or two? I could swear there’s screenshots going around that I never saw in context, and collective knowledge that’re so consistent I could swear I missed something...but that might just be the result of a ten year old active fandom. Is it ever stated how long Vlad was in the hospital with ecto-acne? Or is “five years” just a really popular fanon?
I see why so many people call for a reboot; there’s a lot of neat stuff in the show, but due to the cancellation a bunch of threads got dropped or warped out of recognition. Almost a “rough draft” sort of vibe.
One of the major problems with S3 (starting with the S2 finale, actually) is that they tried to go Bigger! Moar Extreme!! Higher Stakes!!! But worldwide disasters weren’t what the show as about. The pacing in Urban Jungle was terrible (plants taking over should be a slow, creepy story, not a five second greensplosion), Vortex was way to overpowered, and Phantom Planet really only makes sense as someone’s dream. Like. All of Amity Park got dragged into an alternate dimension in Reign Storm, because the Ghost King Dark Pariah was supposed to be a big deal. Leave that as a biggest disaster.
“Million Dollar Ghost” was an adorable episode. Danny trying to cheer Jack back up was painfully sweet and dorky.
The two episodes with Danielle are, together, or separately, the most actually horrifying episodes. Melting clones, who look scared as they go. Seriously. And if you strip the supernatural/sci-fi elements from the summary, the first episode from Danny’s perspective would be “parents’ old friend kidnaps you for nonconsensual reproductive reasons, and then tries to kill you and your baby sister in a fit of rage.” No wonder he’s exuberant when Sam & Tucker save them.
Meanwhile, Maternal Instincts from Maddie’s perspective is also terrifying; lost in the wilderness with your child, the only hope for communication or travel to the outside world is in the house of a man you barely know anymore, who yelled “NO ONE SAYS NO TO ME!” when you refused to leave your husband for him.
Speaking of Maternal Instincts, I think it shows Danny didn’t get all his forgetfulness from Jack; Maddie’s so laser focused on finding a phone that she’s disregarding the vehicles.
(and Maddie, you’re sad that Danny isn’t spending as much time with you as when he was a tiny child, but when he hugged you and said “I love you Mom!”, after your smile and “I love you too,” you physically dislodged him and singsonged “clingy!” Really? I get being uncomfortable with physical contact, but calling your kid clingy for hugging you in one of the few calm moments of a crisis is...kinda mean, Maddie)
Thought on Living Large: Danny's not “letting money go to his head and being an asshole”, Danny’s fucking depressed. We’ve seen Danny get a big ego and turn into a  jerk; example, every episode where he gets temporary popularity (invited to Dash’s party thanks to Jazz, dating Paulina, judging the beauty contest). Thanks to Val’s arc, we know one of the things affecting popularity at Casper High is family wealth. If Danny was being a jerk thanks to money he’d be at school, flaunting it. He’s not. He’s not even attending school, he’s barely leaving his room, and he’s irritable. The kid’s depressed.
It makes sense; he just underwent a major life change that he had no control over in a few days, and lost nearly all contact with his family. (I think his parents are out of character selling Fenton Works for any amount of money, but that’s a sidenote). Danny lost his home. He’s in a strange house, his parents’ neglect thanks to their ghost-hunting obsession is no longer mitigated by a small house where they have to interact regularly, and Jazz is hiding in the library. Major upheaval followed by isolation in a strange place. Poor fucking kid.
I disagree that “Vlad wants to rule the world” came out of nowhere, but I agree season 3 bungled him terribly. Forget “Phantom Planet”, it’s “Infinite Realms” that’s the worst piece of characterization for him. “take me to my destiny” what the heck,Vlad, that’s so vague. Where’d the Vlad we saw in Reign Storm go?
Vlad (in S1 & S2) makes the most sense if I assume he has long-term goals unrelated to the Fentons. Like he wants revenge on Jack and to ‘win’ Maddie, but honestly he’s had twenty fucking  years for that, it’s like the college reunion came up on his calendar and he want “oh, nice opportunity”. (though Jack’s firm belief in ghosts despite never seeing one until ep1 makes sense if we assume Vlad’s been periodically sending things like the vultures to mess with him invisibly...)
When I first watched Bitter Reunions, I was struck by how badly Vlad handled Danny. In retrospect, it’s even more startling considering how well he manipulated Val. So I thought, why? Well, with Val, Vlad is exploiting her negative emotions towards Phantom and other ghosts. Whereas with Danny, Vlad seems almost incapable of understanding that Danny likes his dad, and in Maternal Instincts he’s likewise confused by Maddie’s loyalty to her husband. Maybe its just that his own view of Jack blinds him to other’s perspectives, but he’s also surprised that Jack defeats him in Million Dollar Ghost. Jack was aided by love and protective feelings for his family, positive emotions. I don’t really think “Vlad has trouble understanding positive emotions in others” is a solid explanation, but it’s a start.
Alsooooooooo, re: Bitter Reunions and most of his other interaction with Danny: Vlad's making Skulker work for him, the vultures (despite being almost 2000 years older than him) do as he says, and we see him regularly searching the Ghost Realm for artifacts and getting into fights.
I think Vlad has spend ten to twenty years (whenever his ghost powers really got going) beating up other ghosts to get what he wants. “No one says no to me!” “Must I beat you with one hand behind my back before you admit you’re outmatched?”
He’s used to manipulating humans, but he saw Danny first and foremost as “ghost kid”, and so tries the same tactics he’s used on all the other ghosts; hit them until they do what you want. This...doesn’t work, with Danny. Sure, Vlad outpowers him, but the kid has a support network, and he thinks on his feet (making a shield bubble after seeing Vlad’s square flat shield? threatening to out both of them? The kid forgets about his own powers half the time, but adapts quickly, which is one of the big reasons hes lasted so long in the hero biz)
Danny never came out to his parents (excepting Phantom Planet) because as long as they didn’t know, he could keep believing they’d accept him no matter what. Schrodinger’s Parental Acceptance.
I think that’s all my post-series thoughts for now.
*I apparently wrote this post months or years ago and never posted it, though I did post the segment about depression on it’s own at some point?
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queerfictionwriter · 6 years
Steter Creator Appreciation Week, Pt. III
I’m back with more love for more fantastic Steter creators! This next group I don’t know particularly well, but I am very glad that we have them and their lovely contributions to this fandom. 
@cywscross (AO3). You have contributed so much to fandom, and I am so grateful to you for your stories and your enthusiasm in my comments section. I will never be over Safe Harbour, and your Steter Drabbles set is one of my go-tos on bad days. 
@bxdcubes (nezstorm on AO3). You create these perfect, tiny pockets of joy with your stories. I love that, no matter how strapped for time I am, I can always squeeze in something you wrote and make my day better. The stealth mode ottering series is fantastic, and I haven’t read Make Your Own (Buns in the Oven) yet, but I’m sure it’s also absolutely amazing, as soon as I find the time, I’m heading your way. 
@greenmornings (wynnebat on AO3). Every interaction I’ve had with this individual--brief though they have been--has been lovely. Thank you so much for your stories and your support, and JSYK, I’m still not over In Sickness and in Fire or Schrodinger’s Wolves. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read them. 
@thesushiowl (AO3). You write amazing, lovely things, and you kept me on a consistent posting schedule for A Spoonful of Sugar with how much you enjoyed that fic. I re-read You’re Welcome in My Inbox recently, and was reminded of how much I enjoy everything you write. (I currently have 404 Loneliness Not Found open in another tab.) 
@Mysenia (AO3). Firstly--thank you for running SCAW! I’ve never seen anything else like it in fandom, and it’s such a beautiful, positive experience. This fandom would be darker without you. Secondly--your fics are lovely, and particular favourites include Escalating Beyond All Reason and Couples’ Costume. If anyone hasn’t read those, goGoGOGOGOGOOOOOO, RUN DON’T WALK. 
@wordsformurder (pprfaith on AO3). I do not have words for what this human being does to me with their stories. i just don’t. A thousand thank-yous for all your stories about the power and strength of found families, and for helping me find hope on the bad days. (And thank you, too, for the reassurance that it’s okay to always be a “beginner” knitter.) The Naughty Hookers (Swathed in Wool) series is a gift, but your darker stories like this is the wolf ALSO deserve a massive shout-out. 
@gingersnapwolves (KouriArashi on AO3). You write amazing fic, and you handle delicate subject matter so deftly that it blows my mind. I have a ton of triggers, but I know I’m safe with your stories--you tag them well, you take the time to add individual warnings at the top of chapters, and you write these wildly enjoyable stories that are compelling and complex. I’d joke about wanting to be you when I grow up, but I’m definitely done growing and I don’t wanna make it weird. Whatever Works and Devil of Mercy are both favourites of mine that I’ve re-read a bunch of times, and I have no words for how much I’ve enjoyed them. 
@trixietrotter (veterization on AO3). Thank you so much for so many long, meaty stories that never fail to satisfy. The characterization and sass is perfect, and I really can’t ask for more out of Steter stories. I have a lot of your stuff bookmarked, but I have to give a shout-out for Loan Wolves, Successfully Cheating Death (Twice), and love me lights out. 
@hd-hale (AO3). You are a fabulous artist and I am in awe of what you do. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent with us! 
Part 1 | Part 2
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yatengarasu · 6 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed, Magic Kaito Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Hakuba Saguru, Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid, Nakamori Aoko, Koizumi Akako, Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan, Mouri Ran, Akai Shuuichi, Okiya Subaru, Haibara Ai, Agasa Hiroshi, Amuro Touru | Furuya Rei, Sera Masumi, Hattori Heiji, Touyama Kazuha, And more to come, KID Capture Brigade, Black Organisation (Meitantei Conan) Additional Tags: Murder Mystery, Reveal, Secret Identity, Spies & Secret Agents, Organized Crime, Invasion of Privacy, like seriously, everybody is confused, Conan is a Troll, Corpses, figured i should add that just to emphasize the murder folks Summary:
After overhearing an ominous conversation between some suspicious attendees of a heist, the KID Capture Brigade decides to investigate the bizarre disappearance of Kudo Shinichi. But as their attempts to unravel the mystery of his apparent murder progress, and enemies and allies alike close in, they start to realize that some cases should be left closed. Just how can a detective be both alive and dead?
Some really good characterization. It’s only brief, but there was mention of some Sonoko/Shinichi friendship and I LOVED it??? And want more all the time now. So. Thanks.
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disregardcanon · 6 years
end of the year writing meme: tagging anyone who wants to do this! i’m just bringing it back from last year again 
or: 2017 in fanfiction 
Total Stories Written: 62
Total Words Written:  150k ish  Average Words Per Story: somewhere 3-5k probably  Shortest Story: Skyscraper and Short Stuff at 302  Longest: Jane the Metahuman, my still incomplete the flash/jane the virgin crossover fic at  19,936 
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
less, probably. i had a great fic stall over the summer and the first few months of the school year where i just couldn’t get anything written. also i have a ton of unfinished wips that i can’t apply to my word count.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write most?
i wrote the most for snaibsel and young justice, though i didn’t get caught up on one fandom much  What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
hannibal/brooklyn nine nine crossover fic. enough said Did you take any writing risks this year?
i wrote longer fics and some crossover fics, both of which scare me quite a lot so trying them out really paid off. 
Do you have any fanfic or general writing goals for the new year?
1. post a lot of fics for femslash february. i have a goal of at least 15.
2. write more original fiction.
3. maybe finish that yj season 3 fic i’ve started work on? maybe.
these are the exact same goals as last year omg
From the past year of writing, what was your… Best story of this year: 
you, me and the flash makes three probably. it’s the story that i’n the most proud of in general. i feel like i was able to work within the flash season 1 canon while also tweaking and adding things to make the ot3 work. 
Most popular story of this year: Imagined Infidelity is the most popular on all fronts but bookmarks, which belong to Mantis Prays to Oregon (a far superior fic in my opinion. that one’s of my favorites of the year) 
Personal favorite:
Borrowing Problems from the future was the first real fic i was able to complete in months after my writing drought, so i have a real soft spot for it, especially because it allowed me to explore alex fierro’s character a bit and try to fix a few problems i had with the way their relationship was handled. 
Most under-appreciated: 
i have two for this one, tbh 
the man in yellow in the living room with the knife: this is my flash/pushing daisies crossover which REALLY ends up working but hardly anyone read
The Spark that Will Light the Fire: what if rose tico was a stormtrooper and we actually addressed the stormtrooper issue in tlj? what if???? 
Most fun to write:
Jane the Metahuman. I haven’t worked on it in a while, but it’s always so fun to just slip into the universe where the jane the virgin characters and the flash characters are friends. it’s just so delightfully weird and fun to write. Story with the single sexiest moment:
Blame Me, I Will Wear It hate sex between iris west and a caitlin snow that’s almost kind of herself and almost kind of killer frost, enough said
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: maybe All Katz Go to Heaven? I didn’t write a lot of fucked up stuff this year, but the idea that every person hannibal lecter has ever murdered ends up in Brooklyn Nine Nine is kind of a fucked up premise for a fic haha
OH WAIT maybe it’s grieving schrodinger’s dad? it puts zatanna zatara into a time loop of the day that her dad becomes doctor fate. 
Most challenging to write:
It was really hard to crank out the second chapter of dead girl walking, especially since i was trying to finish it during my ireland trip. it was a lot of heavy content, a lot of characterization issues, and some action scenes, which aren’t necessarily my strong suit. 
Biggest disappointment: Pushing Irises. it turned out well, but I also had zero motivation to continue it so it’s just a single chapter that ends on a cliff hanger. It might always be a single chapter that ends on a cliff hanger.  Favorite character to write:
this year i really enjoyed writing eleanor shellstrop and cisco ramon. i didn’t write either of them a lot, but whenever i did write them it was a blast. 
Favorite opening lines:
Zatanna crosses her arms over her chest as she leans against Bruce’s black SUV. The “parking lot” at this camp is a glorified field of grass. It rained last night, and there are muddy ruts left all throughout the field and little muddy puddles scattered everywhere. It’s disgusting and rundown and everywhere that Zatanna doesn’t want to spend three weeks of her summer. Endless Summer
Her first memories are of Ego, him cradling her in his arms, tickling her, telling her that he loves her. Her first memories are of him calling her daughter and her calling him dad. Mantis Prays to Oregon
The 99th precinct had a strict, no dating rule. At least, it acquired one the moment Holt showed up. She's pretty sure the old guy wouldn't have cared if they had an orgy in the break room. An Emoji is Worth a Thousand Words
Murder and money are messy businesses. Verger Virtues
The first thing that Rosa thinks when they get to the orchestra hall is that this dressing room will never be clean again. The decor is all bright white except for the places where it’s been stained red by blood. There are a lot of places where it’s been stained red by blood. All Katz Go to Heaven
Favorite closing lines:
Bart's going into uncharted territory. Trying to have friends and a family and be a hero in an era where he's not a slave or even a child soldier. He doesn't know how to go about it, but that's alright. He thinks he can work it out later. How To Fall in Love with Your Mark
“I love my dead gay wife,” Kelly says, hugging tightly, “and I love my dead trans son.” And they laugh, not because it’s funny, really, but because it’s ridiculous and happy. They laugh because somehow life just got so much better. We’re All Dead Here
They may be in the bad place, but they have a freedom now that they’ve never had before. here they are, a tortured academic, a hot rich fraud with legs for days and a selfish ass helping a demon to keep his job, with the help of an idiot DJ and his AI wife. Three hell-bound people just trying to make it in this crazy world, becoming better people and loving each other only after it’s too late.   Eternal Recurrence
"Stop taking your hand?" He asks, and Rey can't tell if he's joking.
"No," Rey says, "don't ever stop."
A Pair of Somebodies
Other favorite lines:
"Romance isn't just for the straights," she says. Pair the Spares
"He's not just a bucket head," Ahsoka says, cracking a grin, "he's the king bucket head." An officer of a notable rank comes up behind them, and stands respectfully to the side.
"No, he's Lord of the bucket heads," Aphra corrects, "you gotta get the title right."
"Lord Buckethead," the officer says with an enormous grin, "your presence is requested on the control deck." Anakin turns towards him, and holds his hand out immediately. The man makes a strangled noise, and he's pulled by the Force.
"Master," Ahsoka says, her voice wobbly. Anakin clenches his fist, and the officer falls to the floor, dead.
"Any more remarks?" Anakin asks. The other officers and troopers on the floor all divert their attention. They got the message: only Ahsoka and Aphra are allowed to tease Darth Vader. Ahsoka feels sick to her stomach. Between the banter and the sex, she had almost forgotten she wasn't supposed to feel at home here. Sympathy for the Devil
Jane Gloriana Villanueva is twenty eight years old. She is a lot of things: a published author, a mother of three, a beloved wife, a local gay icon. She is no longer a virgin. Unless, of course, your definition of virginity requires a penis going into a vagina, then Jane is still a virgin. These are all technicalities and have no bearing on our current story. Jane the Metahuman
Joe, however, had already heard the murmur, and knew that something very wrong was going on. He threw the door open and stormed into the room. Nora Allen, who was dead the last time he looked at her, was sitting up on the morgue table with the bloodstains still prominent on her shirt. the man in yellow in the living room with the knife
“It’s Brandy or the sea, child,” Ego says.
“Brandy,” Zatanna says, exhaling breath,  “I choose Brandy.” That was always going to be her answer. How could it not be, when the choice isn’t even just Brandy? It’s the port. It’s the sailors that it serves. It’s the whisky and the wine, and the whole damn bar,  and- ugh
This is a bullshit metaphor anyway.
The choice Ego offers isn’t between Brandy and the sea. It’s between the sea and the world. It’s not leaving Brandy for adventure, it’s destroying the entire harbor town for Ego’s bullshit god complex. Brandy Beats the Sea
A pile of blue beetles has emerged in the place of Jaime's body, like the Oogie Boogie man without his burlap skin.
Bart screams, and the Jaime figure laughs a laugh that isn't Jaime's as it shifts into something else entirely. The big, muscular Blue Beetle stands before him, maniacal grin plastered on his face.
"You're not Jaime," Bart says. The Beetle laughs, demonic voice over Jaime's.
"Am I?" He says, "you don't know. You won't know until it's too late." A sinking feeling settles in Bart's stomach, like a hush puppy that settled in with a gallon of Mountain Dew and a whole basket of fries.
"You aren't," he says. He wants the words to be true, but he doesn't know . He might be letting his guard down for a traitor to humankind. He might be falling in love with a monster. How to Fall in Love with Your Mark
"I told him I would. I promised that I wouldn't do this." Maybe she does have a problem. Maybe she should see Black Canary, or- or something. She has a chance at normalcy. She doesn't understand why she doesn't want it anymore.
She has a chance for true love and The American Dream, for the kind of life she'd dreamed of as a kid. She has a chance to settle down and be a normal fucking human with a normal marriage to a normal guy who wants a normal sort of happy ending. She doesn't know why she can't be satisfied with that.
Zatanna’s voice is soft and gently as she tells her, "Artemis, if you're supposed to be with him, then you should be able to be yourself with him."
"Are you trying to break up my relationship?" It's a cruel jibe, a reminder of Zatanna's (mainly) unrequited crush and her subsequent rejection. Zatanna barely looks phased.
"Are you?" The words knock the wind out of her. She hadn’t considered that, but now that Zatanna’s put the thought in her head, Artemis can’t stop considering it. At this point, Artemis doesn't know. climbed a mountain and turned around
Will Graham, the bride of Frankenstein and his monster rolled all into one. The Stuffed Dog
It’s destiny. Destiny is an otherworldly Eldritch beast, devouring everything in its path. It eats up all other options, and leaves only one path. It wraps its hideous, shadowy tendrils around her and drags her back into the dark. This is destiny like Ragnarök, fated to happen and rip the world apart.
  mountains out of molehills
“I wanted to find her and run away,” Finn says, “I just didn’t want to be a stormtrooper anymore, Rose. I wanted to run as far away from the First Order as I could, but then I met Rey. So I came back for her. I never signed up for the Resistance. I just want Rey and I to be safe.” Rose feels a twist in her gut. This might be worse than finding out he wanted to desert. This is knowing the reasons behind it, having to see him as human in his mistakes and understand why he made them.
Oh how heroes fall and then stumble back up again.
The Spark that Will Light the Fire
Most telling fic:  international harvester certainly tells you something about my background. also the fact that i, too, want to make out with a girl in a combine
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