#this cannot be a situation in these circumstances
Colin and the brothel
So I've seen leaks or speculations circling around about season 3 episode 7, about how Colin would find out Penelope is Lady Whistledown. Specifically, how he would react to this reveal, apparently: they would have a big fight, and after that, he would go to a brothel in anger. The reaction to this possibilty, as far as I've seen, has ranged from at best, skeptical, and at worst, absolutely furious. Even as the leak also assured that Colin would not seal the deal with adultery, the mere implication that he would even consider it, as what I've seen, was either unimaginable or so beyond the pail that it was sufficient evidence to villify him.
For now, everything still remains speculations. If it turns out he would not go to the brothel after LW reveal, it's fine. Otherwise, if it turns out that he would go the brothel after a fruitless argument with Penelope...? ALSO FINE.
Like, is it cheap drama? Yes. Is it a valid response considering the situation? Also yes. Intrusive thoughts can be one hell of a drug. But aside from that, considering his circumstances, I would think it a pretty solid development for his character.
Let's get the meta reason out of the way: the writers need knock him off his pedestal, according to what they claimed, in order to get him and Penelope to the same (somewhat) level. So far he has been a perfect gentleman, perfectly accomodating, helpful, honest and emotionally honest with Penelope. Forgiving and compassionate. The same arguably cannot be said about her. Going to the brothels is Colin's Chekhov's gun of a crutch, a toxic, "empowering" coping mechanism for him the same way LW is for Penelope. The narrative frames his experience with the two sex workers in similar way with Pen writing a gossip column: temporary reprieves from emotional distress. Achievements that according to society they should be proud of. It would not be surprising to me that Colin would briefly retreat back behind this familiar shield after the Whistledown bomb drops on him. And what a bomb that would be.
And with his current state of mind, and the stage of their relationship, I'm not sure how else he could have reacted, beside dissociating the hell out of the situation for awhile. He could not break off their engagement, because (according to the leaks), their engagement or marriage was already public and could not be annulled or postponed without causing a huge scandal, and because he loves her, he does not want to do this. He could not tell his family, they would probably be very angry and for good reason. Because he loves Penelope and would not want to rob her of the joy of with his family at Bridgerton House, especially not after she told him how much it meant to her. Telling his family she's LW would be a pretty surefire way to end that refuge for good. He would be furious, and rightfully so. He would feel tricked. Manipulated. His opinions ignored. That his affections were taken for granted. He would feel like he trusted and confided in the wrong person. He would feel like the Marina story was repeating itself before him, made worse by the person who condemned her, the person who he thought was his best friend, who after listening to him asking her to trust him, didn't, and behind his back made decision about his future for him. Plus his own moral opinions against Whistledown's ethics and her subject matters, Colin has some pretty good, compounding reasons to be angry. That anger has to go somewhere. And there's not many places it could go.
So yeah, going to the brothel, to me, for Colin, in the moment, would feel like one of the few ways he has left to assert some sort of agency in his life. In a reductive, possibly destructive way, yes, and on surface level, strictly carnal, the two prostitutes heard him and respected his wishes. And at the moment of distress, that would feel like a lifeline. And if he can't go through with that, if he manages to rein himself in, it would speak volumns of his emotional maturity and how much he loves Penelope. That self-control of your worst impulses is also what Pen could learn from him and guess what, it helps them grow.
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misscammiedawn · 2 days
You may have discussed it before, but would you mind speaking a little bit on how you discovered you have DID?
I feel like I have a pretty stable core identity but there have been times under intense stress where I’ve experienced sudden “switches” in my personality. During a particularly bad period for a little over a year there was a time where I distinctly felt like a different person and did things I wouldn’t normally do, and I remember the specific moment where I came back into my body and became “me” again. This doesn’t happen often, but it has happened more than once throughout my life. When I see people talk about plurality I feel a little confused because their identities often seem to have their own names and genders and ages and backstories, and it seems so cut-and-dry.
I know these are all things to discuss with my therapist but I love how you talk about your own experiences. How can you differentiate between DID and other kinds of dissociation?
Thank you for asking, anon! I'm glad you are going to talk to your therapist about it while also doing the reading and reaching out-- heaven knows our own journey within the US mental healthcare system was rocky at best. The latest chapter of Madison/Belladonna is heavily sourced from IRL circumstances both in receiving the diagnosis and the decades long journey in the mental healthcare system to get there.
But to answer more directly-- (as always we are answering from a psychopathology lens for care and treatment, we recognize the beauty of plurality and do not reduce ALL experiences to mental healthcare concerns, we are approaching our own situation and experiences this way as it is how we lived it)
Our journey was guided from the outside. Both therapists and our partner who was able to see these "mood swings" in us were able to gently guide us to water despite our fierce denial and rejection of our situation. What started as "we're fine" turned to "mood swings" turned to "BPD" turned to "---maybe we should read up on OSDD?" Turned to our current therapist telling us over a year ago that we had DID after months of testing and interviewing to determine.
I should also note I likely realized it MULTIPLE times in my history and buried it again and again. I legitimately think that people in my former life knew and either assumed I knew too or worse I had told them and forgot that I told them. It worries me because I cannot ever be certain. I once asked my ex-wife about it after the divorce/diagnosis and she did say it was weird how she had a "different husband" depending on environment and social group. She said she never noticed it during the interactions, but she would always think back and feel that the "me" in any given moment was different from the ones she observed in social/work situations etc.
So like--- even if people notice, sometimes they don't even realize what they're seeing. Honestly I go full No Mask at work even when a male part fronts and no one really bats an eye. I don't think *most* people are as observant as we worry they are.
ANYWAY! Looking back these are the signs that I ignored:
- I not just wrote a consistent journal through every phase of my life (even going as far as to have a "memory list" that I populated "when I felt like it" (<- IE: when a part that associated with the memory was fronting and wanted to type about it) and more importantly I READ it. Often. I sometimes think that the majority of our memories are just imagined versions of what we wrote. That notion is helped by the fact we [used to] stop journaling during times of crisis or delete journal/chat log to prevent us thinking about distressing things.
- I wrote a lot of plural characters in my stories since my teenage years. Kinda like I kept writing female versions of myself? Funny how the Trans and DID acceptance arcs are so dang similar.
- I would emotionally cave in on myself after gatherings, berating myself for how I had acted all evening. Getting deeply upset at how "out of control" I was. We outright AVOID mood altering substances like alcohol or weed.
- When talking about traumatic memories we typically just tell the story rote. It doesn't bother us. We told therapists without batting an eyelid. This is dissociation. We were disconnecting ourselves from our memories. Emotionally distancing ourselves from the experiences.
- In the same vein, when we remember things we imagine things in locations like a 3rd person camera. Not populated. We don't hear or feel or associate. It's just a place and a knowledge. Our whole "context packet" thing where we just understand something without *feeling* it.
- Deleted emails and chatlogs, references to things we don't remember. Discord messages with people we don't remember talking to. It bothers me how many people in our online communities we were actually close to at some stage of our life and then erased. This is specific to us but Dawn has opened many accounts in the hypnokink community and Camden has shut them down and this has happened so many times that we don't even get upset when we find a buried email from 2013 with sign-up to a Yahoo Email account we don't remember having. That sounds dramatic. It's more just. Go into your emails, pull stuff up from 5-10 years ago and just scroll a while. See how much you remember and associate into. It's NORMAL to forget what websites you were browsing a decade ago. It's not normal to have an entire *LIFE* you hid from yourself.
- Sometimes people just... saw/knew us before we did and there were times when they would describe a version of us they weren't supposed to see and we got complete dysphoria over it. Sometimes it as joyful. Someone we love saw Cammie well enough to say when we transitioned that they wanted to see that "windswept girl with the big smile" all of the time. Sometimes it's mortifying, like when someone approaches Camden as if she is Dawn and Camden REJECTED that side of us so heavily that it caused emotional meltdowns and turmoil because Camden didn't WANT to be a sexy confident domme, she could barely see herself as a woman, when people saw the wrong version of us *without permission* it was just a violation that made things WORSE.
- On that note-- meltdowns-- we mentioned the whole "after a social gathering we'd emotionally cave in on ourselves" thing, there was a lot of that. After work we'd get a complete drop from having to be in Manager Mode all day or we'd have a crisis after erotic intimacy encounters because we're sex repulsed ace. The fact is our nervous system was activated during those times, our survival instincts were kicked in and brought the part associated to the surface to DEAL and when they backed off our body was still reacting to the trauma trigger and it would cause us to implode.
All of these things in therapy brought us to the conclusion of BPD. Because therapists be like that at times. A *TRAUMA* therapist gave us some DES-II, MID and ACE tests and worked out what was going on within 3 months.
It took a further 6-9 months with constant support from loved ones who were able to see us as individuals to *ACCEPT* it. This is a denial disorder, it doesn't want to be found. Asking questions, being honest and being accepting is the best way to come to terms with it. I wish it were easier and I wish you luck and support in your journey. Our inbox is always open!
You're not alone <3
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transthatfag · 2 years
fuck this is a situation. I HATE SITUATIONS 🔪
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I DONT KNOW WHY BUT i was kinda imagining earlier barn having abandonment issues, and constantly feeling the need to ask howdy if hes gonna leave him, and when he gets upset infront of howdy he starts apologising and asking him not to leave ect ☹️‼️
anyway sillies 😋
im not sure what you mean by earlier barn!
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pillowprincessvarric · 3 months
*Alistair understander who knows better cope voice* here's how non monogamy can still win.
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literallyaflame · 9 months
Is it normal to feel Jewish even if you’re not?
why are you asking me, a culturally Christian gentile from the heart of the Bible Belt, this
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ride-a-dromedary · 23 days
I continue to think about an underdeveloped AU where Halsin was one of the potential new companions for Baldur's Gate 2 (and by continue to think about I mean the oven is preheated).
Because realistically it would have been 24-ish years before they Shadow Curse, which means he wouldn't have yet been Archdruid - would have been in his 220s about, so would have been out of his cynic phase (and likely post Underdark). He'd probably still be on the cusp of being young and idealistic enough that he'd come across a little more chipper and less even keeled/potentially more risky. His personality/disposition and alignment already seems to mesh pretty well with Minsc and Jaheira (in a way I can't quite describe but he's carried much like a BG1/2 era character), who are heavy returning hitters in BG2, so it would likely mean he'd conflict with companions like Korgan, Dorn, possibly Edwin, etc. He'd get along with Aerie (hearing about a "circus" but not experiencing one, then coming into play in BG3 like oh...OH) and Cernd and Mazzy (and Wilson, obviously), and I can see him coming around to Viconia after an initial icy and distrusting head to head.
It would have had to change how he reacted to BG in the third game if he had previously been there, but that's not a huge leap with some dialogue tweaking with less "first time shock" and more "can't believe this place has gotten worse, didn't think that was possible", but unlike Jaheira who begrudgingly grew to like the city after making it her home because it was her children's home (kinda...sorta...), he would have likely gotten right back out of there and held onto the viewpoint for 124 years, with nothing particularly to challenge that, and a particular wariness now of Reithwin's "little market town" turning into an entire city along with the other druids. So the contempt would be further informed by experience.
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magicalgirlmascot · 1 year
extremely funny bit of KNPS lore(?) that I just realized is that if Kopaka wants he can just. make it be a snow day. like he wakes up one morning with a headache and is like "I just really don't want to deal with kids today" and just makes it snow really hard for a few hours
the question is how many times can he get away with it before the Turaga realize what he's doing and call him out on it? my guess is twice (Nuju figured it out the first time but also he did it a few times when he was a Toa and didn't say anything)
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mishapen-dear · 3 months
ratatouille spiderbit au but instead of cooking roier uses cellbit’s hands to Do A Lot Of Killing to get them out of [danger]. this goes well for both of them and they are Mentally Sound about it
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koipalm · 1 year
my like i guess take/personal view of joker is that he's only able to help akechi because the other phantom thieves showed him kindness and love,
if we use the chain metaphor joker locked his heart away , he felt mad, betrayed and confused , and just to me joker at the start is a very just cold person,
but then he meets the thieves and little by little his chains begin to break then he meets akechi and a river suddenly overflowing, its very sudden and hard to control because he realizes he finally can allow himself to love
if that make sense fghgjkll;
i like that idea, but i also like the idea that its a two way street! im of the unpopular opinion that akechi likely wouldnt have done the same thing if he had been afforded the same thing in jokers shoes & circumstances. I say this because as joker people reaching out to you is just as important as reaching out to them and helping and spending time with them and connecting to them. theoretically in the game dynamics you could claim that joker is partially (or only) doing this to gain the confidante points and power up, but to me i only see that as a dynamic of the persona games. i really do feel storywise like joker is reaching out to others because he cares and wants to help them..... for example, even if the player themselves does not want to help a confidante, jokers dialogue options dont allow for that!
in contrast, i do think akechi was not in the worst possible position that he couldnt have "gone back" in a sense and reached out for help and helped other people too. of course, we dont have an inside look on akechi's life, but even at a more shallow look at things it does seem that he had options to turn back and he didn't. from his position as a detective, i think he would have had a lot of connections both from his work and even in the metaverse of finding people that could have helped him. i personally think that this mentality of akechis is interesting and kind of funny that he wanted revenge so bad that he was willing to forsake everything else. of course, its all up for interpretation....
but yeah, i really do think that his case was not necessarily a case of "i had to do this and there was no other choice because the adults made me" like mishima, but more of him actively, choice by choice, damning himself. of course, i dont think that his story can be divorced from adults using and abusing kids, but again, to me, PERSONALLY i see akechi as the type to throw others under the bus until the system eventually turns on him. in the end i also dont see akechi as genuinely remorseful of his actions, in that he actively grieves and regrets the lives hes taken. i think that he regrets the path that his life took and the fact that he was used in turn, but i think theres a kind of disconnect: he may regret that he killed, but i dont think he feels for the life that was lost, both with the mental shutdowns and the psychotic breaks, or the collateral damage.
even in third semester, (and while again. it can be argued that theyre shadows and not people, or that he is simply blowing off steam) it really does feel like he wants to cause harm. and i dont see a change like 'i want to hurt someone/something' -> 'im hurting someone/something because im pissed about being used by someone' BUT ONCE AGAIN. my personal opinion. i think hes a ruthless kind of guy.
in the end with all this being said, i cant be certain that in jokers shoes he would act similarly or that in better circumstances he would act as kind! that isnt to say that i think akechi was always doomed to be an asshole and he could never reach out and be kind, or hell that the system wasnt to blame for him turning out this way. but i DO think the system was not the only thing to blame! i think he made a lot of choices and felt that he had no other path or choice, so he didnt LOOK. but even at the end joker and the rest of the phantom thieves reach out despite ALL that he has done. he was irrevocably a murderer, and a hand was still extended....
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zemnarihah · 2 months
i think one of the worst feelings in the world is having uncertainty about your living situation it is literally so stressful and there's like... not much i can do right now...
#so k is still planning on moving and may be leaving the 16th of may. but doesn't know for sure. but apparently the apartment she wants says#she has to notify our apartment now that she will be leaving which means we both have to sign something that says she's leaving and i'm#taking responsibility for the lease.... and she doesn't know that she has it yet so she doesn't have someone to move in and take her spot.#i'm trying to get my friends to move in but idk if they will probably not. regardless if k leaves and we don't have anyone then i like#legally have to pay the full rent. i don't think she would leave me hanging like that but also i feel so uncomfortable betting my whole#financial situation on that because i would LITERALLY get evicted. like i cannot afford that under any circumstances. sooo.#and on top of that i'm still so scared that i'll end up with a roommate i don't like. ik that's like not even that big of an issue like i've#had that before and i'll survive but i don't want to have to deal with that like ik im being a baby but i just feel so scared about the#whole thing#like i kind of want to say no to signing the thing but that would screw kate over and definitely blow up our friendship but i really don't#feel like our friendship is in a place where i feel like i can trust her with like. my whole entire bank account and credit score. bc like.#that's what's at risk.#idk i'm gonna talk to her about it and just make sure that there's no other way and make sure that she promises to pay her part of the rent#until someone takes it over. and also probably talk to my parents and see if they're willing to bail me out if she DOES fuck me over... i'm#99.99999% sure she won't but. idkkkk my brain is just nagging me abt that one little chance...
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cloudcountry · 5 months
my two moods while playing jihyun's route are "jihyun i love you, i want you to be safe and happy and love yourself, i want to make sure you know you can trust people and i want you to know that some things just couldn't be avoided because they were the decisions of other people and you couldn't have done anything to help or stop it even if you wanted to, and i know you aren't perfect but i love you anyways because you're trying to get better and improve and thats a beautiful thing." and "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOOSUNG."
#auburn talks mystic messenger <3#okay so idk how long these tags are going to be but i have BEEF with this blond fella.#if you haven't played jihyun's route and dont want spoilers do not read these tags. also tw for suicide.#i get that hes grieving over rika and that she was really special to him#but under ZERO circumstances does that excuse yelling at jihyun and telling him that he was the reason rika killed herself.#that does not excuse telling mc you're jealous of her because she's with rika when you know damn well the situation is dangerous#that does not excuse CONTINUOUSLY saying that you're certain everything rika has done of her OWN VOLITION was jihyun's fault#that does NOT excuse saying that rika almost blinding jihyun was very a good reason.#he is so. fucking out of touch when everything he needs to know is right in front of him.#his denial is so frustrating and the fact that i can't call him out as mc is even more frustrating#you have no fucking right to blame jihyun for everything that happened while simultaneously glorifying rika's actions.#you are absolutely DESPICABLE and i CANNOT believe you. please get your fucking head on straight for the love of every star in the sky.#no have no right to talk about him like that. nobody has any right to talk about him like that. they were both very bad each other-#-and i CANNOT STAND the fact that you're acting like rika could never do any wrong even if she is a hurting soul#stop excusing her actions. you're so shameless and its infuriating.
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jjsanguine · 1 year
Ji Hyun: hurry
Joon Pyo: ?
Ji Hyun: just hurry! do not say anything or you're dead to me
Joon Pyo: ??
Ae Ri, heralded by the scare chord of heretonormativity: Ji Hyun, hey :D almost lost you there :D
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llycaons · 5 months
really emotional and dramatic wx proposal scenes in fics are nice but I also don't think they really need one. they seem like the kind of couple that just knows that once they get together, this is it. and big weddings don't really seem to be their style either. a family celebration and public displays seem to be the appeal of a lot of big weddings, but their relationship has been so much about each other than about like, demonstrating their relationship to the world or even joining each other's families. the reason lwj publicly supports wwx is to protect him, and maybe a very public wedding would help that in canon, but if it was up to them I think they're really just the type to elope like in the book
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jvzebel-x · 8 months
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pallases · 2 years
“discrimination is totally wrong until it’s against white heterosexual males, it’s such a double standard […] and the thing is the last thing you wanna do is piss off white males bc they’re the majority and the strongest” regina george voice so you agree you recognize that you’re the ones in power and therefore “discrimination” poses no danger or threat to you
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