#this brotp is gonna be the death of me
mymp3 · 2 months
wave ^_^)/ !!!! i hate to be predictable, but for the ask game - poor ryoji mochizuki ? :]c
VITY! waves back o/
Anyways here's Ryoji Mochizuki world’s most perfect boy ^_^
favorite thing about them
Where do I start. Nyx being the primordial being, God in the persona universe. All life comes from her. She’s the beginning and the end, she is death itself. Having death be put inside a small boy and his kindness and love making death want to be human itself. Wanting to repay that kindness and love, feeling guilt at the way it treated the small boy, ruining his life.
The fact that Ryoji is Death, is Thanatos, is Pharos, is Nyx. They’re all the same being. The concept and execution of that, who had no feelings either way before, being treated so kindly to the point where it takes forms this bond with P3 Hero. Protecting him from the first arcana shadow as Thanatos on the first full moon of the game. The culmination of these forms is of course Mochizuki Ryoji. Who’s become soft and sweet. He copies P3 Hero’s appearance and gender and is everything that he never knew he wanted to be.
He loves the world so much, loves humanity so much. He’s so endlessly kind and having that kindness be a direct reflection of P3 Hero makes it that much sweeter. The fact he created this form because of his desire to have it and desire to separate himself from Nyx is the sweetest thing in the world. Especially when they’re all still the same being. Ryoji just has a hard time putting that in perspective again, he doesn’t want to be that, (Evident by his dumb Ryoji phase) doesn’t want to go back to that. It’s so sweet. He’s the cutest in the world.
least favorite thing about them
I honestly don’t think I have one.
favorite line
“I know you better than anyone after all… That’s why I came back to you as Ryoji Mochizuki.” (I know this is kind of cheating. sry.)
Him and Junpei are so good it’s unreal. Just bros being bros. They hang out, are the most frat of guys and its hilarious. But when Junpei is going through a rough time Ryoji always knows exactly what to say. I find it so sweet.
They are literal soulmates. They are one another. Mirror images. Love birds. Codependent cats. Made for each other in the most literal of senses. Ryoji made his form from Minato so they could spend time together. Minato taught Death kindness.
Sometimes I feel so like I’m making them up they’re so perfect.
This is a bit odd to type out but pretty much anyone who isn’t P3 Hero with Ryoji? I see Ryoji as only being made for one person in particular, so the others just don’t appeal to me in the same way.
random headcanon
Can I cheat and put more than one. I’m gonna. These are all Ryoji post P3 unless stated otherwise.
- Ryoji going a step further and taking Minato’s hair and eye color. Draining a blue Minato used to have til his are bright and shining. The same way he absorbed his kindness.
- He is crazy codependent. Like crazy codependent. If he was able to touch Minato for a split second in November they would never be able to let go of one another. That’s why Minato had to avoid him in FES.
-He's really warm! Got that from Minato too so he's left with all the cold. Ryoji's fun to hug though :)
- Him and Minato watch over the world together in the great seal! Ryoji shares the knowledge while Minato catches up on rest and helps explain new concepts to him when he wakes up. He’s his doorman ^_^ (ha)
- He would really enjoy working retail if he ever got the shot. He loves people in general. Getting to meet them, talk to them, the whole shebang.
- He’s embarrassed of being Pharos. Like people get of old baby photos.
- Ryoji is metaphorically trans baby. Wanting to copy Minato and preferring being called Ryoji, a boy. It makes talking about Gods a bit difficult. Dysphoria and all. Poor thing experiences it in the weirdest of ways. But as Minato and Ryoji continue to be the seal, it’ll get easier.
- He likes sunrises and cheesy rom coms and fairy tales. Classic knight and princess stories. Kind of has the most normal taste ever, but a romantic at heart.
- Speaking of normal, I think “Dumb Ryoji” is a representation on what Minato would have been like if Death was never sealed inside of him. Perfect friends with all of the right people, charming, a bit of a playboy, and best friends with Junpei.
unpopular opinion
I personally don’t imagine Ryoji with a sexuality. His human form was made as a mirror to Minato, and so interacting with him throws him off course. He acts different around him, it confuses him. I don’t see anything Dumb Ryoji does as being a real representation of who Ryoji is.
song i associate with them
My Ryoji playlist is just the most cheesy songs you’ve ever heard in your life.
Anyways I guess my pick is “Rhythm Of Love" by the Plain White T's. (yeah ik. please go easy on me he's so owl city 2010's pop to me.)
favorite picture of them
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i like how pouty he gets when he's upset ^_^
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okmcintyre · 3 months
send me a character and I'll list:
favourite thing about them: Clarke's tenacity! Her first scene? She fights off two armed guards and LOCKS THEM IN HER CELL BEHIND HER. Then how she handles herself at the dropship ("You think we care who's in charge!?"). Her commitment to getting her people out of MW (despite every other leader before her failing to do so). Praimfaya. AFTER Praimfaya... When Clarke sets her mind on something, she's a force! 💥
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least favourite thing about them: I hated seeing how much crap she put up with in S6 (and even some of the earlier seasons!) I wish she'd value herself enough to apply that tenacity to her own well-being 😅
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favourite line: my answer always changes, but today it's this one from 512. It was refreshing to see Clarke own that 'Wanheda' part of herself after so many years. Loved that energy for her ⤵️
"What if I never see you again? No, not possible. How can you be sure? It's simple. You may be the Commander, but I'm the Commander of Death..."
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brOTP: MURPHY! Their dynamic is sm fun!!
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OTP: Bellarke. For sure 100% I'm always rooting for those two wonderful fools.
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nOTP: I still think the Clarke x Gaia vibes felt really... off? I wasn't a fan. And Cillian definitely wasn't my fave either, but I guess he's actually not meant to be 😅
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random headcanon: Eventually, earthkru has settled peacefully and trained a team of medics: so Clarke decides, after some convincing, to take up life as an artist.
(Though sometimes, when she can't sleep, Bellamy and Madi still find her helping patients in the med tent...)
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unpopular opinion: she wasn't completely wrong with all her S5 decisions. Some of them, like shock-collaring her daughter? YES! But feeling obligated to get a 12 year old girl tf away from Wonkru and Blodrenia? Maybe not a bad call 🤷‍♀️ Her method was lousy, but her intentions not completely un-understandable.
...and her red hair was COOL! 🤣
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song i associate with them: I'm gonna be predictable again bc ofc it's this one!
favourite picture of them: so many to choose from, but here's an adorable gif! ✨
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cursedvibes · 25 days
Sukuna and uraume for the character ask? :D
Thank you for the ask!
favourite thing about them
His backstory. Starts with how he was born (or created), how he grew up and became who he is now and most importantly what role Kenjaku and Tengen played in all this because they definitely meddled with him and his body in some way even before he was turned into a cursed object. Could honestly spend hours theorizing about it. Getting some more concrete details on his twin has me vibrating (even if it makes me ask more questions about Jin than Sukuna in particular). Hope we're soon getting our Heian flashback.
least favourite thing about them
His personality is honestly starting to grate on me a bit the more we are exposed to him. The way the Shinjuku Showdown is structured is definitely not helping there. Bit of a mix of him just standing around for 20 chapters and waiting to be attacked being quite boring and his whole petty schoolyard bully schtick is annoying me. Also I think his "might makes right" and hedonistic philosophy is quite boring. I think even Uraume's interpretation of it is more interesting than his.
favourite line
"You are but a fish on my chopping board, Gojo Satoru. A bit fresher than other, but still just a nameless fish. Let's start by peeling off your scales."
"No matter how many times I break his soul, he'll get right back up. Because he possesses and indomitable ideal." (kind of cheating because this is about Yuuji)
Gojo maybe? As a sort of friends with benefits (sex and/or fighting) thing.
Uraume. Pretty much my only real ship with him, mostly because I like him the most when he is around them. Shows a more interesting side with him, how he interacts with people he is close to, despite both of them denying that they need to connect to people like that and that those emotions are beneath them.
Generally don't like him in ships because his personality turns me off, but in particular SukuIta, SukuKen and SukuFushi.
random headcanon
He can't see very well on the right side of his face due to how his eyes are positioned there and I also think that he generally can't see as well with them as with the ones on his left side. Also, due to recent colour pages I'm gonna assume for now that he had blue eyes in his first life and they turned red when he reincarnated.
unpopular opinion
He doesn't look similar to Yuuji and even less to Jin. I don't know where people are seeing this except their hair being kind of a similar shape, but not even that is true. Also OG > Megukuna > Yuujikuna. I used to not like Megukuna, but have really warmed up to it actually. Mostly because it looks like an original design. Yuujikuna just looks like Yuuji with tattoos, while Megukuna has barely any resemblance with Megumi and is therefore honestly to me just young Sukuna with black hair.
song i associate with them
Gazelle Twin - Belly of the Beast
To represent his hunger and insatiability
Heilung - Krigsgaldr
His image in the Heian era and arguable also from Yuuji's POV
favourite picture of them
I honestly like his original design the most. It looks...messier? Like a real god of war. Besides that, I also like his stretched ears here. Feel much more appropriate than his very modern looking gauges and also matches the monk robe he was dressed in when dying (although Tengen might've put that on him).
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His mummy in general looks really sick. The match of the clothes and the fallen in face. Feels very occult and I love it when Gege references the Ryomen Sukuna urban legend. Also fuels my theory brain how this might be connected to Tengen & Kenjaku and how much of this was really his idea. Also might I add that he looks pretty well-fed for a sokushinbutsu mummy (so it's unlikely he was actually fasting before his death and Tengen did this post-humorously).
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favourite thing about them
Trans cannibal cook? What's not to like. But besides that, how they have turned their back on society, they look down on basically everyone around them and they claim that building connections to other people and holding on to them makes you weak, yet they have fully dedicated themselves to Sukuna and clearly like him as a person as well. It's not just a master-servant relationship where you could say they merely follow him because they worship him or because of his strength but they have actual camaraderie. And yet Uraume doesn't think that's a contradiction. Other interesting thing is that despite their distaste for most other people and social norms, they are very good at playing into them and playing up being unassuming. Although they are quick to anger, they are also very good at fading into the background if they have to.
least favourite thing about them
They often get overlooked and turned into nothing but Sukuna's doormat. Don't really have any issues with them in canon except that I'd like to see more of them and especially outside of their relationship with Sukuna like what we got at the beginning of their fight with Hakari or when they're hanging out with Kenjaku alone.
favourite line
"The sorcerers of this modern era have an intense obsession with remaining 'human'. They so desperately want to hold onto their humanity, constantly telling themselves to hold back from destroying what would be so easily crushed with their overwhelming power. It is that fear of being alone that makes them weak."
Kenny! But also with Hakari. This recent chapter just reaffirmed it. What are these guys doing?? It's so hilarious. Hakari even still has this chunk of ice on his shoulder. Nothing has changed since the last time we saw them. I really like though how relaxed Uraume is around him and how they playfully tease him. They have already opened up much more to him about their own feelings and philosophy than anyone else besides Sukuna. I really want to see more of it and only seeing glimpses of these two that only bring up more questions is driving me insane!
Sukuna. Much surprise. They are so dedicated to him, that I honestly have trouble seeing them with anyone else. There always has to be at least some mention or connection to him. I also like them and Kenjaku as friends with benefits or just a good ol' hatefuck. Would give Uraume the perfect opportunity to finally make Kenjaku shut up.
I haven't really come across any ship with them that I disliked...well, Uraume/Megumi I guess, but besides that I can't think of anything.
random headcanon
They're older than Sukuna. Idk, somehow they just give me that impression and I think it would make their dynamic more interesting. I imagine Uraume had a lot more experience when meeting Sukuna, but stuck to him because they admire his way of life, passion and disregard for others. Kind of what also makes them like Hakari.
unpopular opinion
They aren't short. That's just a fact honestly. When you see them next to Kenjaku it's clear that they are 1.70+m aka Yuuji and Megumi's height, but for some reason people are obsessed with making them extra small and delicate.
song i associate with them
Had a bit of trouble finding ones that really fit, but these are the ones I chose for now.
IAMX - Animal Impulses
Reminds me of what Uraume told Hakari about humanity. Also of course the murder and association with cold and sharpness.
Lorn - Oxbow B
This is just vibes based. Kind of what I imagine Frost Calm to feel like and it also made me think of their preparation of the Bath.
favourite picture of them
People like to depict Uraume as small and petite, but look at those yaoi hands
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they look very hot when cutting up curses/preparing food (when will we finally see them prepare human meat?)
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and of course their original form. I honestly like that undercut more than their current haircut.
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couragehopelovefaith · 7 months
I saw someone saying that Stefan couldn't ever be himself with Elena, because he was so serious with her, too busy protecting her and constantly trying to get her to do the right thing. It was also brought up that Elena could only be herself with Damon, because Damon is more fun and she got familiar with her dark side with him. And I couldn't help but laugh.
Stefan could be very protective at times, yes, but when it got too far for Elena's liking, she called him out on it and he learned from it. They worked as a team, made mistakes, were there for each other during their dark times and grew together and Elena did her best to keep him safe as well. They had a similar sense of humor and multiple playful moments, when they both were visibly enjoying their time together in the middle of all the supernatural craziness. This didn't change after she turned into a vampire, either. Stefan didn't want to fix her for himself, because he didn't like her as a vampire. He tried to find the cure, because Elena herself had repeatedly said that she didn't want to become vampire and didn't think she could survive as one. That's why Elena's "broken toy"-comment in 4x10 sounds confusingly sudden and absolutely ridiculous.
I love Caroline and Stefan as a powerful BROTP, but when they got together as a couple, it all seemed really one-sided and they never appeared to be as comfortable with each other than they were with their earlier partners and other close people in their lives. They simply weren't very compatible, in my opinion.
I'm not gonna go too far on the D*lena-road or touch the whole sirebond-subject, because it's not good for my blood pressure, but Damon "being fun" and "presenting Elena to her dark side and getting her to accept it" repeatedly put her at an unhealthy pedestal in his eyes and many people around her in serious danger - and was a big part of why Elena ended up turning into something almost unrecognizable. I saw absolutely nothing in canon, that would've backed up her "In death you're the one that made me feel most alive"-statement to Damon. And to be honest, I think that if Katherine would've wanted to be with him, Damon wouldn't have looked at Elena twice.
Sorry if this got too salty. Just wanna remind you, that I don't see Stefan as a perfect angel or Damon as a complete devil. They both have their own flaws and mistakes and also their good moments. But I can't help feeling very frustrated about the most endgames in the TVD/Originals-universe.
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goatwithaplan · 2 months
How about some Gale for the ask game?
Obviously i was gonna get this asked
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favorite thing about them His silly little hoodie, Okay but for real. His character arc LIKE MY BOY GETS FEELINGS 15/10 best character trope, and yes i was the same about Aigis I love her too.
least favorite thing about them Honestly when after he gets his green eyes i expected him to express more of his feelings idk i never liked how he is all neutral for the rest of the game even when they meet Angel.
favorite line "Her girlfriend...?" okay for real now "Thank you brother" made me fucking cry like a toddler i dont think i ever cried like this in a videogame the airport cut scenes fucking broke me to my core.
brOTP CIELO 100% they are panas, they deserve each other i wish them the best
OTP I know people know me more for Lupa X Gale specially on my discord but im sorry to admit i am a Gale x Jenna kind of woman.
nOTP While i think gale and cielo make great friends i dont think they make a great couple.
random headcanon He is a lil shy and thats why he hides his head. Oh and he is probably god awful at huging, persona 4 protagonist level of hugs.
unpopular opinion Favoritism at play here, He makes a better protagonist than serph does.
song i associate with them Voice of the soul by Death, nothing in particular to add here really its just one song I really like.
favorite picture of them so i dont have permision to share them but probably any fanart that got made for me, so instead have this Son panitas
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uriekukistan · 2 months
choso and/or megumi? :)
im so. i just spent so long typing this out only for the page to crash and delete everything i said. why does tumblr HATE ME anyway thank you for the ask i’ll try to remember everything i said the first time 😭
favorite thing about them: his relationship with itadori is so cute! such a good brother! his facial expressions are so cute and silly! literally found out itadori was his brother and went “okay i’ll die for u now”
least favorite thing about them: the fact that they robbed him of his sick shoes in the anime. maybe something else will come up in the future but for now that’s it
favorite line: i got two! *in a life or death situation* can u just call me onii chan like once please please please please (paraphrasing), *facing kenjaku after finding out that they’re his dad and yuuji’s mom* “hey little bros look at this im gonna kill our parent
brOTP: gotta go w yuuji since they are in fact bros. his relationship w mahito is so silly to me tho, and i’d love to see him interact with todo!
OTP: i dont really have one. rn i think he’s too focused on his brothers to think abt that
nOTP: its not a no for me per se just that i think choso and yuki are very one sided. yuki clearly likes him but he’s too focused on yuuji rn
random headcanon: i can see him having a long skincare routine with a fluffy hairband
unpopular opinion: i think he is frequently mischaracterized in the name of fitting ppl’s sexual fantasies about him. ofc im all for having fun but i noticed it does impact broader perceptions of his character sometimes. could say this about any jjk man tho.
song i associate with them: mmmm maybe sunflower by post malone, don’t have a reason for it buy yea
favorite picture of them: have two
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favorite thing about them: he is me i am him we are the same. realistic depiction of what it is like to be abandoned by your parental figure and then be told you’re “special” for some reason and now too much is expected of you but you never wanted this in the first place. i could raise him so well let me adopt him. I Will Take Care Of Him.
least favorite thing about them: can’t. that’s my son.
favorite line: soooo many but i think about “so start by saving me itadori” DAILY. hourly even.
brOTP: love his relationship with kugisaki. would love to see him with yuuta more for purely self indulgent reasons that are not related to my dancers au….
OTP: obviously gotta go with ITAFUSHI i could talk abt them for hours. a brain virus fr they’re everything to me.
nOTP: 🧑‍💻 megumi & sukuna, megumi & toji, megumi & gojo, megumi & mai, etc. i try not to yuck other ppls yum but uh. i couldn’t even decide which of these was worst.
random headcanon: uhhh this ones a sad one, but i think before gojo came along, he and his sister were starving (compared to other characters shown as kids he looks much bonier), so even into adulthood, he has a hard time gaining weight from the effects of childhood malnutrition and as a result, is a bit less physically strong than he could potentially be (still very strong tho)
unpopular opinion: you already know what im gonna say. most overhated character in jjk. yall need to get off his back before i get violent im so serious rn everything he does is a perfectly valid reaction to the trauma he’s been through since he was literally a toddler
song i associate with them: i got so many…recently been thinking of dreams of losing teeth by suave punk & moon i already know by mount eerie the most
favorite picture of them: soo many…unhinged megumi vs pocket sized gumi i cant pick
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earthgrudgefear · 4 months
Itachi for the ask game !!
YESS it is hard for me to talk about itachi because i have complicated feelings and i'm whatever the opposite of eloquent is but here it goes !
favorite thing about them: ok i know everyone and their mom's favorite itachi thing is that ough he's really the good guy NOPE. i like when he's crazy. i like the moments where you see him crack. i like that he genuinely believed ruining his brother's life was the Right thing to do. i like that the cycle of violence didn't end with him. i know that sounds fucking insane but listen,
least favorite thing about them: it is the fans. itachi fans are so bad. you get the ones who are like "HE SOLOS MADARA. HE COULD KILL GOD." and then you get the ones who are like "he's my sweet baby 🥺 he's innocent and never did anything wrong 💔" and both of them are so Painfully Off Base and are ignoring like the Actual complexity of his character it makes it Insufferable to exist in fan spaces
favorite line: OH it's when he first talks to kisame and he says "anyone who has raised their hand against a comrade, even once, never dies a decent death. remember that." and kisame says "which means you and i are both worthless" and it's one of my favorite interactions of any characters of all time
brOTP: nagato, easy. and by extension konan
OTP: kisaita. they break my heart for real. they're so painfully similar. villages so corrupt they force them into a place they can only kill their way out of. then the split happens where itachi stays loyal to konoha while kisame would watch kiri burn. kisame seeking truth while all itachi does is hide behind lies. like there's such poetry in them.
nOTP: increasingly i am tired of seeing him with d*idara 😭 (censoring that cause i don't know how to shut up, skip to the next bullet if you don't care what i'm on about) i feel like That scene is out of context too much. he only ever saw itachi as a threat. he had no Respect for what itachi did, he was Angry. he was humiliated and outdone by this guy who wasn't even trying. like yes at first it was awe but when it didn't mean anything to itachi, that changed. he literally trained himself to Kill itachi. he was SO mad and really so HURT fighting sasuke because of how Little sasuke cared about him (0% btw) and how he KNEW that look from itachi. so yeah. it's. i don't like it very much at all
random headcanon: ugh. i always had this thing with him and kisame, since itachi has no option but to lie and kisame is NOT for that, they have this rule that itachi Won't ever flat out lie to him, he'll put on the act for kakashi or sasuke or anyone from his old home, but not kisame. omissions of truth maybe, but he's as open and honest as he feels he can be. which over time becomes, Incredibly Honest. to the point of kisame knowing that when he goes to face sasuke the intention is, that's the end.
unpopular opinion: i think i hit a few in the rest of this post, not gonna lie.
song i associate with them: sleep my chemical romance. they're not like tremors they're worse than tremors they're like these terrors sometimes i see flames and sometimes i see the people that i love dying i can't ever wake up
favorite picture of them:
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ok i actually had a different picture that came to mind but i've been dying to share this one and it's already saved on my phone so for now it's this one.
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princesssarisa · 4 months
Chuckie Finster for the character ask
This is for the original Rugrats series only. I've still never seen All Grown Up or the reboot.
Favorite thing about them: He's cute and funny, he can be very brave when he has to be despite all his fears, and in many ways he's both the voice of reason and the heart among the babies.
Least favorite thing about them: As TV Tropes points out, he could be a little bit rude and belligerent in early episodes, before his sweet Lovable Coward personality was fully established.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I can be neurotic and easily scared.
*I had a big overbite when I was little.
*I have a "shy bladder" – I can't go to the bathroom if I can hear people just outside, just like he can't when adults are looking at him.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a two-year-old boy.
*I don't have red hair.
*My mother is still alive.
Favorite line:
"Life is so hard, Tommy. Sometimes I think it's the hardest thing there is."
When he's scared and Tommy tells him it's all in his mind:
"Well, my mind is a pretty scary place."
When he has his first crush:
"I know it’s kinda early to be thinking about marriage, but hey, I’m gonna be three next year!"
From "Chuckie's Wonderful Life," when he realizes his own value, and turns his usual anxious catchphrase, "I don't think that's such a good idea," into a firm declaration of self-worth:
"Look, Angel, it's some guys' job to be tough! It's other guys' job to be strong! But me, I got a job that's just as important!... I don't think running away is such a good idea! Angel Guy, take me home!"
brOTP: The other Rugrats, especially Tommy, and later his adopted sister Kimi.
OTP: None until he's much older.
nOTP: Any adult, God forbid!
Random headcanon: Since he's a toddler, his infantile amnesia is only just setting in. This explains why in early episodes he talks about his mother as if he fully remembers her, but by the Mother's Day special he only knows her from a dream. The fact that he's a year older than Tommy, Phil and Lil explains why, in the same special, they have memories from when they were newborns but he doesn't.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think his nervous personality stems only from his mother's death. It might stem partly from that, but he's also learned it from his father, who was apparently the same way as a boy as well as in the present.
Song I associate with them:
"Pack Up Your Troubles:
If I had grown up with Rugrats in Paris, I would also list "I Want a Mom That Will Last Forever" and "Chuckie Chan." But I was starting to outgrow Rugrats by the time that movie came out, and while I did see it once, it's not a big part of my memories of the show.
Favorite picture of them:
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Character headcanons: Satine Kryze?
Character headcanons
1: sexuality headcanon Hmmmm mostly straight. Like, bi, but definitely with a preference for men.
2: otp ...If you're on my blog then you know I'm all-in for Obitine.
3: brotp Is it. Is it weird to say that I feel like her relationship with Korkie is The Most Important.
4: notp Not a notp but I do get really suspicious of Padme/Satine fic when it's paired with a Specific Fandom Dreadnought because it's got very pair-the-spares vibes. Like I'll read it, but I'm not gonna trust it.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head My first thought is always the 'clothing, while not armor, has a blaster-resistant weave' but I feel like I share that one a lot. How about... Satine's hair used to be longer, but she had a "Sakura in the Forest of Death" moment where her long hair got grabbed by an enemy and she cut it off to escape... and then decided it suited her and kept it that way indefinitely.
6: one way in which I relate to this character I am also in favor of major gun control and similar government actions to minimize [gestures at the horrific acts of mass murder in the US]
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character You know how sometimes the fact that this show is for 12yo kids and so a lot of the complicated political stuff is smoothed out enough for a younger audience to take in? And the result is kind of anvilicious and thus cringey? Yeah.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
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happi-tree · 11 months
hii!! idk if ur still doing the ask game but if u are maybe yeet and/or killa?? they're my kids i love them so much
Omg CEO of Yeet and Killa in my ask box 😳😳😳 I'm absolutely obsessed with your designs for them btw! Don't worry about it, lovebird, I gotchu :D
Buckle up, bc I have a feeling this one's gonna be pretty long!
Sexuality Headcanon: Queer. I'm sorry, Mr. Burch, but I just know him better! There is NO way that boy is straight. Repressed super-ally? Maybe. Straight? Absolutely not get out of my house
Gender Headcanon: Does not give a single shit about gender. He's too busy being the coolest guy alive to care about how people perceive his gender. Prefers he/him and they/them over she/her, but accepts all pronouns
A ship I have with said character: Weeps. Grant and Yeet would've been SO CUTE I'm in mourning every day.
A BROTP I have with said character: Yeet and Killa are the brother-sister duo of all time other sibling pairs WISH they looked this cool together. They always always have each other's back and they're so ride or die for each other in a world where everything is uncertain and either of them could die in the war games at any minute and- sorry sorry I'm just. They're so much!
A NOTP I have with said character: Honestly? N/A I think Yeet should get a little kissy and I don't really mind who he gets it from!!!
A random headcanon: Yeet and Killa end up kinda loaded by the end of s1 - they even have a house and everything! But I think transitioning to a life where they can just,,, be kids without having to fight to the death every day to put food on the table,,, is pretty difficult for the both of them. I think Yeet probably goes hunting for their food rather than buying it at the various markets around them - frugality is a habit at this point even if they're relatively well-off, and the satisfaction of having a successful hunt curbs his adrenaline cravings. How he manages to be stealthy with a skateboard for feet? Idk but I'll leave that up to your imagination.
General Opinion over said character: BELOVED. He is so cool and pretty,,, if I was a teen in the Forgotten Realms he would awaken the comphet in me I just know it.
Sexuality Headcanon: Shifts between aroallo and aroace for me depending on the day! Girl does not give a fuck about romance. Why would she when there is Killing and Maiming to be done
Gender Headcanon: She is soooooooo trans to me actually. Unbeatable tgirl swag nobody is doing it like her!!! She/they as well but with a heavy emphasis on the she.
A ship I have with said character: Don't really have one! She could pull anyone she wanted to though and I respect her so hard for that.
A BROTP I have with said character: I already said Yeet and Killa for Yeet's, so here, I think I'll go with Killa and Grant! I don't see them talked about a whole lot but I think their dynamic could be soooo interesting! Like you've been fighting for the majority of your life and all of a sudden this new kid gets shipped in and he's clearly not from anywhere you've ever been and he's wearing strange clothes but you can see the relief in his face when he spots you and your brother for the first time. And this kid is so clearly out of his depth and he's anxious and scared and he gets kinda sad sometimes but goddamnit, you want to see him get out of this alive. Even when his brain function seems to shut down around Yeet. Perhaps especially then, because it's nice to see someone besides you caring about your sibling for once.
A NOTP I have with said character: I'm pretty open to anything, but I definitely couldn't see Killa with any of the kiddads. Sorry!
A random headcanon: Killa is pretty good with hair! She always does Yeet's for him and helps him out on wash days - I imagine it's pretty hard to style your own hair without a mirror, so Killa and Yeet will help wash and style each other's. A small amount of Killa's portion of award money always goes toward hair products and cute little hair accessories like cuffs and beads and such - it's something that can remind them both that there's more to life than just the games. And, of course, it gives both of them a few more cool points, which is very important. Gotta slay while you slay, yk!
General Opinion over said character: CRIMINALLY underrated. I love her so much and I need to know more about her. Please please please bring her and Yeet back for s2 Anthony. Please it would be so cool,,,
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ferretwhomst · 7 months
glomgold for the character ask game!!!! /nf
Sexuality Headcanon: probably some flavor of men liker. i haven't thought about it too much
Gender Headcanon: trans man!!!!!! because when have i ever latched onto an old man without hcing him as transmasc. personally i like to think that while he was creating his persona to outdo scrooge he was like. fuck it i'm gonna outgender him too. and then realized Hey. This is better actually. i'm staying this way >:) which, good for you king <3
A ship I have with said character: SHRUGS. i don't really Ship him with anyone
A BROTP I have with said character: him and gibbous....................... they were so silly man i miss them </3
A NOTP I have with said character: SHRUGS AGAIN!!
A random headcanon: ive been saying this for every character who people ask me to do this with but HE'S AUTISTIC. CHANGE MY MIND.
General Opinion over said character: HOLDS HIM IN A DEATH GRIP. i love him very much <3333333 squeaky toy of a man
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cursedvibes · 25 days
Because I'm terribly predictable: Yuuji and Kenjaku for the character ask/meme thing 👀
well, I'm the one with the predictable faves xD and I'll take any excuse to talk about them hehe
favourite thing about them
His whole character and character arc, honestly, particularly how he slowly becomes disillusioned over the course of the series and qualities that were there in the beginning like his latent suicidality and disregard for his body become more and more extreme the longer he works as a sorcerer. But if we're talking about something specific, I like how at first glance he seems like the typical happy-go-lucky shonen protagonist, but how this is often an act or a way to distract himself from pain. In reality he's quite the loner and tends to isolate himself from people. He'll easily make friends with other or get along with strangers, but he rarely lets people in and see his vulnerable side or opens up about his problems to them.
least favourite thing about them
Nothing really. Although I don't like how distanced he is from the whole Kenjaku being his mother thing. It makes sense for him to act this way, it's a defence mechanism and he's like this with all his extended family, but I wish he was challenged on this more. Or at all.
favourite line
"So long as I can kill him, I'll eat anything."
"I'm you. I wanted to reject you. Convince myself that you were wrong. But that doesn't matter now. I'm going to kill you. Even if you come back as another curse I'll kill you. Change your name. Change your form, I'll kill you again. I don't need to find meaning or a reason. [...] In the grand scheme of things I'm nothing but a cog. But I keep killing curses for as long as I can. That's my role in all this."
Mostly Nobara, but I've also been really enjoying seeing him fight next to Maki and I like how their skills compliment each other. They're the only one besides Angel who can seriously hurt Sukuna. I also really like his relationship with Higuruma, the guilt they are struggling with and how they are both supporting each other in their death wish, despite not actually wanting the other to die. Although I don't know if I'd call that a "brOTP".
Once again, I don't really ship Yuuji with anyone, much less have a ship I'm really invested in (in contrast to you haha). I like him and Junpei when their taste in horror and being kind of outsiders is highlighted and I also like him and Todo in the sense of "bros who sometimes give each other a handjob to let off steam".
Mainly GoYuu and SukuIta.
random headcanon
Not really a hc, but I think he started joining sociable clubs and trying to find friends in highschool because he knew his grandpa would die soon and he realized he needed people around him when that happens.
unpopular opinion
He's not a soft, whiny sunshine boy. He's nice, he loves his friends, he believes that almost everyone deserves being saved, but people sometimes tend to really infantilize him, especially in fanfics, so that he's barely recognizable. He already had a death stare in middle school and was notorious for beating up people/bullies. He's not gonna break down and cry because someone is being mean to him.
song i associate with them
Hirasawa Susumu - Royal Road Paradise. It's about a king overlooking his fallen country and wondering why the people around him are burning and suffering. He can't remember anymore what started all this. Especially after the recent chapter it seems very fitting and captures for me the spirit of jjk as a whole.
favourite picture of them
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favourite thing about them
Boy...where to begin. I love that they are a mad scientist, but they don't take themselves too seriously and don't fall into the common trap of being unaware of their own weaknesses. I like that they are at the core actually pretty chill. It's why they were able to stay unnoticed for such a long time (besides the body-hopping of course). Like they don't stand out like someone like Sukuna, Mahito or even Uraume if they don't want to because they just don't make that kind of ruckus. That leads to them being often overlooked or not taken as seriously, even by the protagonists. They also have pretty normal hobbies if we ignore the whole cursed energy manipualtion, merging of people etc. That's what's so great about it. They'll do the most abhorrent shit, but also do such basic things as watching stand-up comedy or reading manga. They have a fucking favourite comedian! And are apparently deep in the manzai lore. It's so ridiculous, I love it. Kenjaku is what keeps this series fresh and unpredictable, they sow chaos wherever they go. Miss them.
least favourite thing about them
Died too early and more importantly didn't get to meet Yuuji again. Don't think there's anything else I don't like...maybe that they died in Geto's body. I would've liked to see them change bodies at least once. Otherwise what's the point of having a bodysnatcher character if they're 99% of the time in the same body (in the story, obviously Kenjaku has swapped bodies many times before, but we barely see any of it).
favourite line
"Tengen, I'm not the same as you. I have *lived* through this thousand year tug-of-war between feuding giant! The capricious alliances of this world of curses!" (line is even better in Japanese, the English doesn't do it justice)
"Even if you have no hope for the present or the future, you can always choose to die whenever you want. You have to take a step forward first. One step closer to your ideal. I loathe people who die without even trying to take that step. Yes, I'm talking to you, Tengen."
Uraume. I just love their dynamic so much. They manage to bring the most annoying side out of Kenjaku and Kenjaku is a master at making them lose their cool (literally lol). The bickering is fantastic, I wish we would've gotten more of it. Maybe in the Heian flashback. I like how they like to complain, but then more or less reluctantly help each other out. Like Kenjaku bothering to take Uraume to Sukuna in their fishmobile while still being beaten up from the fight against Yuki.
Tengen/Kenjaku (my absolute fave at the moment), Takaba/Kenjaku (most wholesome Kenjaku ship honestly) and the recent reveal has renewed my passion for Jin/Kenjaku. Need to know more about the cursed married couple. Mahito/Kenjaku is also great for the cannibalism and vore.
SukuKen and GoKen
random headcanon
Not so random, but I think Kenjaku has gotten pregnant before, (almost) every time with not very satisfactory results. That's part of why they decided to take a step back for the Death Painting experiment.
unpopular opinion
Kenjaku isn't cis. Kenjaku isn't drooling over Sukuna's dick or being jealous because he "rejected" them or something. The backshots meme are such a beaten horse that it has gone beyond death and come back to life only to die a miserable death again and again.
song i associate with them
Róisin Murphy - Ramalama (Bang Bang) I think it captures Kenjaku's whimsical spirit fantastic, which contrasts with the kind of disturbing lyrics. I took the fanfic title Stitches Across The Eye from this song.
Miyamura Yuko's cover of Hirasawa Susumu's MOTHER Think the title makes the connection obvious. Could refer both to Kenjaku as a mother and their general perception of motherhood. The incorporation of dreams, connecting to the universe and passage of time make it especially fitting. The "oh mother" chorus is also especially haunting in this version.
favourite picture of them
Because I like seeing Kenjaku happy and the way this matches their expression when talking about the merger curse:
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Love the way Kenjaku looks at Takaba even when they are losing their head and the shock and wonder when they realize they let themselves get to close
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Gossipy sister-in-law
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The way half-naked Kenjaku looks at sweating Tengen here...always makes my mind go places lol one of their best interactions
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Could list a million more, Kenjaku's expressions are always gold, but I'll hold myself back
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groggygrimalkin · 8 months
ASK GAME. crowbar :3
favorite thing about them
I tbh cannot think of like a bad think abt Crowbar,I love that he's stoic and serious but still gets blushy and mumbly when he talks to Snowman as seen in the inaugural death of mister seven!
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least favorite thing about them
Probably like how little he shows up in actual homestuck,even then that's not on him. I wish all of the leprechauns showed up way more..
favorite line
"Exept for you. It's your job to understand." It's not alot but it says alot to me,he must have so much weight on his shoulders..
CROWBAR AND STITCH IS THE BEST BROTP!! They probably don't say much when they hang out but they both enjoy the comforting silence while they do their own thing in the same room. They like eachothers company but would never say it.
Okay I have two, SnowmanxCrowbar is the first,I think it's such an interesting dynamic,I think he would try and do things to please her,to get any sort of attention,a smile,a look,anything from her and she knows this.
And also CrowbarxDroog it's kind of out there but I think about it alot,two well dressed gentleman,if they werent enemies Crowbar would probably look up to him,he probably thinks he's handsome but wouldn't know how to confront those feelings. They'd still both kill eachother if given the chance though
Don't really have one!
random headcanon
Okay this is gonna get a bit long winded but I hc that leprechauns as a construct of sburb are crafted from combining a set leprechaun code and the DNA code taken from any mammal,selachii,or amphibian that was on earth through ectobiology. So with that he's a mammalian leprechaun and more specifically a shepherd dog leprechaun,he has a canid like tail and also gets a bit anxious if he doesn't know where every member of the felt is,he has no idea why and it irritates him(and also other members of the felt) because it's just more anxiety for him but it's just the herding tendencies of a shepherd dog. He's also extremely loyal. I also hc he's really bad at talking abt his emotions and just chooses not to,he thinks it's a sign of weakness.
(I really hope I said this right Idk how to talk abt my headcanons rlly!!)
unpopular opinion
I don't really have one?Idk ig this is just felt in general but I really don't like when ppl ship him or any of the felt with Damara
song i associate with them
I was going through my playlist thinking of songs that he would probably listen to and this one is the closest I can think of,he would probably find it relaxing
favorite picture of them
He is truly at his limit here and I fucking love it
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twotwinks · 4 months
minato (p3)
oh the he...the specialest boy.....!
Sexuality headcanon: gay but he's grayromantic about it. generally he'd rather Not.
Gender headcanon: that man is so trans. he would wear the miku binder too i just know it
A ship I have with said character: ohoho...bankita.....best and worst accident of my life-! i spoke it into existence while trying to make a joke and now i'm down bad for them. it's so fucking wild because it can literally never work they are separated by time and space and DEATH but the short little time they do get together is so special and they are so fucking cute in persona q and what little i've seen of them in q2 too (wildcard buffet lives in my head rent free "i feel like i've gotten to know you way better" what are you two FUCKING talking about) i also love playing with them completely outside of canon they are like little dollies to me i will put them in Situations and make them be cute and soft and fluffy for absolutely no justifiable reason it's GREAT i need to write more for them they make me so happy they give me so much comfort they also break my little gay heart.
A brotp I have with said character: well we've already exited the realm of canon so i might as well stay here for a while and say akiren. they are just two silly little guys they have a lot of similarities but they have such wildly different outlooks on life that putting them together and making them talk is so much fun! i think akiren would be a good influence on minato honestly, he's so full of hope and he believes in people so much and i think that would help minato also come to his final stance of wanting to save humanity and give everyone a chance to live their lives a little quicker. half of the reason i came up with the Came Back Wrong au is because i want them to hang out together and i want akiren to have that chance to touch minato's heart. i dunno i just think they're neat and also they're both my favorite protags so!
A notp I have with said character: i was gonna say ryomina because i just can't get into it but you know what actually. no. aikoto. i can't fucking stand it i'm dreading meeting aigis in p3re because i know the game waifu baits her and i don't want to deal with it i hate it so much!!! i don't even feel like i can properly appreciate aigis as a character because i just keep thinking about how much they push her relationship with minato and ugh!!! persona really needs to stop putting in waifu bait characters i hate all of them. aigis and rise and honestly even sumi would be a lot more compelling if they didn't have this cloud of "the protagonist is Super Extra Special to me in a way that's clearly different from the rest of the team" hanging over them. i mean minato fucking dies in aigis's arms like what the fuck. (god bless p3p for letting it be anyone you romance on ng+ that was honestly really sweet and a massive improvement.) i probably wouldn't be so bitter about it if i wasn't aro but man. leave me alone. it's not even too terribly popular in fandom from what i've seen except among people who just like to take canon at face value because it really is essentially the canon pairing. exhausting. down with amatonormativity i'm so fucking tired
A random headcanon: oh my god i have so many (immediately forgets every single one). no but actually i think for now i will talk about how i think he takes a lot of comfort in the small little cafes and restaurants around the bay area. i'll never stop thinking about that time in pq where he sees a table set for tea in the middle of a MYSTERIOUS MAGIC LABYRINTH FULL OF SHADOWS and he's so out of it that he for a moment he believes he's at cafe chagall and drinks the tea without a second thought. like the fact that in this highly confusing and stressful situation he thinks of being at chagall i dunno it just reads to me as that being a safe space and a place of comfort for him. i love that he can work there now in p3re i love that he and akiren can bond over being baristas at a cafe
General opinion over said character: oh my god ohhhhh my fucking god he's the guy ever he's so so important to me he has been since i first discovered he existed even though i couldn't play p3 at the time he touched me in a way no other character has ever managed. he makes me feel so feral i'm rattling the bars of my cage i'm foaming at the mouth chomping at the bit etc etc i'm crazy i'm insane over him. he's my third favorite character of all time only behind the twins and honestly if enstars weren't my forever fandom and i didn't feel guilty about it i might say it's a three way tie for my number one. he's just like me fr (derogatory) he's my big brother he's my son he's everything to me!!!
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rottingraisins · 1 year
clef for the character ask game thing :-)
clef my horrid little issues man. I think abt him so much
fav thing: even just sticking to the few fundamental things that are always true about him hes such a layered character. I love how hes never not being pulled apart by conflicting alllegiances to his designated veil-upkeeping organization and the people he cares about, i love that hes implied to be able to perceive other timelines to an extent, i love that he has a funny hat. so much to dig your fingers into with this guy
least fav thing: listen every facet of the scp community is some flavor of weird about him im not gonna single out one
favorite line: I mean, it could be worse, right? At least you're safe in here. It's not like the desks are coming alive to kill you now, is it? Oh wait, yes they are. The FUCKING DESKS ARE GOING TO KILL YOU.
brOTP: HIM AND ADAMS FOREVER but like in the same way people ship succession characters i need them to inflict maximum psychic harm on each other. for tav-666 secret santa which isnt really secret at all bc tav-666 is two people but clef insists on it adams gets him a mug that says worlds greatest grandpa
OTP: I have been informed that i am "the clefdraki guy". sorry to everyone about that. kondraki we could have been people monologue from yesterday does hit hard unfortunately
nOTP: /
random headcanon: Insufferably good at strategy games, especially chess. Go-to alcohol is brandy. Has never been seen wearing the same shirt twice.
unpopular opinion: I think he's a lot more hinged than people think, hes very firmly under the thumb of the foundation and the way he tends to act is him lashing out within the parametres hes given, see him having a fairly sensible reaction to duke till dawn, unlike rights, bright, kain etc. He's one of the least loose cannons here. I rlly like interpretations of him where hes kind of a bitter old man wrapped in 6+ layers of flashy defense mechanisms
songs: death on two legs by queen is for sure on his murder playlist. stuart the dead milkmen is my voiceclaim for him forever and always. pink and blue tmg makes me think about ukulele and meri really hard.
fav pic: @/flebus draws a really really good clef
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starfolk7 · 5 days
Let's make this interesting: Messmer for the ask game.
Omg Messmer?? We know next to nothing about this man sdfhksdh but I'll do my best!!
Sexuality Headcanon: He strikes me as a demi-bi! I'm not sure why, but those are the vibes I'm getting.
Gender Headcanon: I'm not entirely sure on this one! Maybe cisgender male, but I could also see nonbinary.
A ship I have with said character: With me skdfjsdf Let's be real, I'm probably gonna dive right down the OC x Canon route with him. I feel it in my bones.
A BROTP I have with said character: I have no idea as we don't know much about the lore yet, soo Messmer and Therapy sdfdskfds
A NOTP I have with said character: The above applies again, so Messmer x Death :( Don't make me fight hiiiiimmm (except do it's probably gonna be cool sxfhdsfds)
A random headcanon: I think he's a soup guy. Maybe he'd like it. Comfort for his fiery soul fhfhfhd
General Opinion over said character: His design slaps and he screams blorbo material. I love him so much already and can't wait to meet him for real <333
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