#they're sooooo good
chronicowboy · 10 months
tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by my loves @shitouttabuck @diazass and @alyxmastershipper <3 [edit: @butchdiaz and @try-set-me-on-fire my beloveds}
favourite colour: ohhh i'm gonna be diplomatic and say teal bc i can never choose between green and blue
currently reading: the hidden life of trees by peter wohlleben (INCREDIBLE book), grief lessons by anne carson, shakesqueer and a day of fallen night by samantha shannon
last song: cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other by willie nelson
last series: uh i'm in the middle of rewatching superstore but i just finished arrested development
last movie: robocop (1987) A CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE
sweet/savoury/spicy: spicyspicyspicyspicy
currently working on: uhh part two of my lesbian pirate book and the timeloop fic (shoutout to abby for inspiring me to actually do both of them)
uhh idk who to tag bc i'm late to the party so just anyone who wants to do it ???
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arienai · 1 year
haven't seen the anime but Otherside Picnic the books are so fucking good. it hits both of my favorite yuri tropes (weird girls + battle lesbians)
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straightyuri · 1 year
I wish I wasn't allergic 2 kiwi..
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mizgnomer · 9 months
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Parallels - Good Omens Seasons One & Two - Part One
Links to [ Part Two ] [ Part Three ] [ Part Four ] [ Part Five ]
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claired3lune · 6 months
I had hush puppies for the first time today and not to be dramatic, but I think I'm a changed woman
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cherrirui-official · 3 months
I hope u guys don't mind me posting these au doodles while I work on things ahaha
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I also gave JD slightly longer hair in these doodles as a funny haha but I don't think it's funny anymore he looks genuinely good with his hair like that ahahaha I hope you're not mad at me for changing his au design a bit
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hyunin · 1 year
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when he
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0fps · 7 days
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We have obtained the item you requested. But, it seems this area requires further cleaning.
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ash-and-starlight · 4 months
thank you @mafaldinablabla for the tag!! the game is to share 9 of my favourite books from the last 12 months, or 9 books on my tbr list for this year.
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Here is what i’m looking forward to read this year! (my hunt for beautiful covers never ends. in this house books Shall be judged by their cover)
tagging uhh @erisenyo, @chitsangenthusiast, @ranilla-bean, @poikilotherm, @kyoshialone and whoever else wants to do it u.u
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shima-draws · 2 months
can we get an ace sneak peek?
Yes you may <3 A couple people asked for Luffy too so I give you. BOTH the brothers!!
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AREN'T THEY CUTE??? I cannot wait to holde them in my hands
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nonsenseexistence · 26 days
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Being a Wandering eye/ Starry eyes shipper is to treasuring "The prisoner" like one of your most precious possessions, sit down and shut tfu
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swordheld · 8 months
hello! do u have any new music recommendations?
of course!!! going to throw some general pop/indie/rock/instrumental all over vibes at you? these are some of the ones that i've been having on repeat a lot lately because they bring something bright and fun into my days - hope you enjoy them !! 💛
if i'm honest (trousdale) – oh the absolute vibes of this one. the harmonies. the beat. the slow downs and build ups? that ending? it's like easy, slow, growing ease and joy. that point 3/4 of the ways through the song, that building of things? the payoff? those background horns? the drums? i cannot sit through it without some kind of air guitar / drums / chair dance type beat. it's too good that you cannot help it, it just goes so hard.
close one (fizz) – i have been writing so much love poetry to this song. it is soft and slow and serene like light, all golden hour, the soft golden hues of almost, of here, like this, with me? that little 'fuck it' before the chorus is so fun. this group is made of insanely popular individuals (dodie/orla gartland/greta isaac/martin luke brown???) and together .... they are so powerful. cannot wait to see what they create next !!
run (maisie peters) – there is such a fun vibe to this song. that line of the chorus, that 'i've been lied to / i've been cut and deleted / i've heard some things i will leave unrepeated' is sooooo good, that rhyme scheme that syllable count balance? it immediately went onto my writing playlist w/ that fun beat, that synth, that catchy repetition? the whole album this comes off of is so very good too, esp. 'the band and i'? i really enjoy her sound!!
like a brother (hey, nothing) – this song feels like a lullaby, in the way of being swung in a hammock? all late summer, early winter winds? but there is such a lyricism that gets stuck in my brain, the whole layout of the chorus and is just so soft. i feel so many things. another easy one for the poetry playlist.
margo (sally boy) – oh the orchestral, string opening? the easy flow of it, instrumental and light, before hitting that small bit of silence before the guitar and lyrics come in? and then the absolute hit that is the beat of the chorus hitting? obsessed. phenomenal. i love the balance of gentle, light instruments and the slow instruction of the drumbeat, it feels like a whole story that you can experience, the flow of it!
eightball girl (maddie zahm) – i can leave this song for a few days and then out of nowhere it'll just be in my head again, the vibes of it, that beat of the chorus? the layered voice effects? sometimes songs have this balance to them that my brain just sucks up like a sponge and this is one of them. soooo good. i'll be in the supermarket and my brain will just go eightball girllll, tell me how you feel about meeee and it's perfect.
snow angel (reneé rapp) – this was one of the first ones i found on my daylist that was just like, how did i go so long without you. how did i not know about you. and since then it's been a daily listen. the slow, gentle breeze of that beginning? there is such a rising and falling to this song, like seasons, like the breeze? all tide, all here and there and back again, all resilience and ferocity, softness and violence? that electric guitar and the piano and the feedback just makes me want to just. aaaaaaa. this whole album is just banger after banger too!!
grace (henrik) – it's so fun!!! it brings me so much joy and energy, the easy breezy pop vibes, it's so hopeful and gentle and loving. i have it set as my alarm rn because i really do think it'll last through the sisyphean task of getting me out of bed in the mornings, it just feels like sunlight.
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thyandrawrites · 1 month
It's all about Nagi living alone in a tiny one bedroom, one bathroom apartment with zero personality and Reo having a whole floor for himself but still living surrounded by tacky-expensive home decor with no apparent traces of his actual personality, either. It's all about how Nagi's parents haven't visited him in 2 years nor taken an interest in his life since, while Reo's are content to live floors apart from their teenage son, only taking an interest in what value he can bring to Mikage Corp but being otherwise uninvolved in / dismissive of his actual life. It's all about them being surrounded by people and still not knowing how to form a meaningful connection with another person before meeting each other. It's all about them being so starved for genuine human warmth to combat their bone-deep loneliness that they both treasure memories of tiny, inconsequential moments where they were spending time with their parents. Something something it's this line,
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and how it describes them both despite being said about Reo. It's them being awkward 17-year-olds who had never before had an equal who would just respect them as they are and unconditionally look their way. In this essay I will-
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opalsiren · 7 months
h2o has me soooo spoiled whenever i see fake tails in other mermedia (mermaid media) i'm like 'the cgi doesn't blend in with the rest of the visuals,' 'you can see the knee joints,' 'the tail isn't properly flush to the mermaid's body' and so on and so forth
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smolstarthief · 5 months
Fuck it, just gonna say it:
Ryuji can be the biggest ray of sunshine but still have moments of being dickish
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Sumi can be as sweet as can be but still have a selfish side
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Maruki can be empathetic but still be fucked up
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That's what makes them all INTERESTING!!!
I'm just saying these characters' best qualities and flaws can coexist! That makes them feel more human!
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elizabethdarcy26 · 7 months
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THEY LOOK SO GOOD HERE. AND EVEN MORE SO CAUSE THEY'RE TOGETHER! 😭 I wonder if we'll get more side stories on SasaMiya. I hope we do! I'll be eating up even the most mundane things they do on the daily. 😭😭
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