#they are going for $60+ on average for a $17 cd
iwatcheditbegin · 1 month
Fuck everyone who buys limited edition merch just to resell at inflated prices
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rapifessor · 4 months
"Quick" Chiori Leak Analysis
Was going to wait until this stuff was up on Project Amber, but... nope. Can't resist.
This info comes from homdgcat.wiki, and it seems pretty solid, so I'll assume they're trustworthy until further notice. There's a lot to cover here, so buckle up.
Base Stats
Chiori has 11,438 HP, 323 ATK, and 953 DEF at level 90. She gains CRIT Rate with Ascension. Her HP is on the lower side, but she's got pretty decent ATK and very high DEF, second only to Itto's, which is 6 points higher than hers. As you might have guessed, Chiori also has DEF scaling.
Normal Attack
Chiori's normals are pretty... normal. Fairly in line with most other characters, but there isn't a lot of variation amongst Sword users in this regard. I would say hers are slightly stronger than average, though.
Elemental Skill
Chiori's skill deals damage and summons a doll that acts as a melee turret, periodically attacking nearby enemies. It attacks every 3.6s and deals a moderate amount of damage (147.7% ATK + 184.7% DEF at Talent level 10).
Assuming the doll attacks immediately after being summoned, it will attack five times over the course of its 17s duration. The ability has a 16s CD, so 100% uptime.
Also, if a Geo construct is nearby when she uses it, Chiori's skill summons two dolls instead of one. So right away, we have an idea of who she wants to be played with: other Geo characters who create constructs. I'm not sure if Chiori's doll itself is a construct, but if Ushi is a construct then I suspect it is.
Elemental Burst
A single-hit, AoE attack that deals a bunch of damage and costs 60 Energy. How much damage? 651.5% ATK + 814.3% DEF. Taken at face value, this would be the highest-scaling single hit ability in the game, excluding Eula's burst. In other words, Chiori do the big number.
Passive Talent: "Tailor-Made"
Chiori's first Ascension passive is where things get interesting. After using her skill, Chiori can activate one of two effects by either using her skill again, or performing a Normal Attack.
If she uses her skill, she will automatically switch out for the next character in your party. And, for 8 seconds afterward, any party member who hits with their normals will trigger an additional attack from Chiori's doll. It deals the same damage as Chiori's skill, has a trigger limit of 2, and has a 2s CD.
That's a sizeable chunk of damage: 268.7% ATK + 335.9% DEF, twice. I'm unsure if the trigger limit is separate for each doll or if it's shared between them. We'll see about that. The switching characters thing is completely unique, and I wonder if you could bypass the normal character-switching cooldown with this.
Now, if you opt to use a Normal Attack after skill instead, Chiori gets a Geo infusion. Not very exciting, I know, but this is still interesting because you can choose how you want to play Chiori. It's pretty clear that switching off of her is the optimal play pattern, but if you want to on-field Chiori, go for it.
Other Passive Talents
Chiori's other passives are much less complicated. The fourth Ascension passive grants her 20% Geo DMG for 20s when a party member creates a Geo construct. Always nice to get extra damage.
Then, her final Passive Talent: your whole party gets 10% Movement SPD as long as any character is wearing a non-default costume or a non-default wind glider. That's right: fashion is now meta.
Finally, we come to the Constellation levels. The whale bait, if you will. Or the Rapifessor bait, same diff.
The first level increases the AoE of Chiori's dolls' attacks by 50%, and increases the damage of their additional attacks from Tailor-Made: from 100% of her skill's damage to 220%. Starting off pretty strong.
Constellation level 2 lets Chiori summon yet another doll when triggering the effects of Tailor-Made. This one attacks once, deals 300% of the dolls' normal damage, then disappears. You can summon it up to three times within an 8s window, once per second, whenever a character hits with their normals. Another good one.
Levels 3 and 5 are the usual skill/burst level boosts, with the skill coming first.
Level four is... more dolls. They're the same ones added by level two, but this time they're summoned by Chiori's Elemental Burst, once every 5s. Quite a lot of Geo spam happening by now.
So, what's the final level? Enabling DPS Chiori, of course. By going the infusion route after using her skill, skill CD is reduced by 14.5s (so you can use it again almost immediately)and her normals get increased damage equal to 50% of her ATK plus 180% of her DEF. Lasts for 5s or 5 hits, and you can do this once every 15s.
Usually when I really like a character, their Constellation either isn't crazy good or it's only really good up to a point. That is not the case with Chiori, and now you know why I want to simp for her so bad.
Signature Weapon
Speaking of simping, we got signature weapon leaks, too.
Chiori's is a 542 Base ATK, 88.2% CRIT DMG sword with the following passive: 16% Normal/Charged/Plunging Attack DMG while on-field, 24% Elemental Skill DMG when not. But when a party member deals Geo DMG, these bonuses are doubled for 15s. Then you get 20% DEF in addition to all that.
That is a lot of stats. 32% DMG to normals or 48% DMG to skills, plus 20% DEF, plus 88.2% CRIT DMG. I decided to compare this weapon to two of the best Swords in the game: Primordial Jade Cutter and Mistsplitter Reforged.
PJC doesn't even come close. It's like if Chiori's signature weapon just gave you DEF and nothing else. Mistsplitter, meanwhile, is actually somewhat comparable for an on-field Chiori. It becomes considerably worse off-field, though.
So the signature is easily Chiori's de facto best-in-slot. She's got some decent 4-Star options, but I'll go into more detail on those in a theorycrafting post.
The Verdict
With that, it's time to wrap up this way-too-goddamn-long post.
On paper, Chiori looks pretty damn good. I don't know if she's the savior of Geo or anything, but the element definitely needs more options, and more of an identity around constructs. Chiori seems to be a step in the right direction.
I'm sure there will be a handful of caveats to work around and some things Chiori will struggle with. Unfortunately, it's impossible to discern these things without hands-on testing. There could also be changes to her numbers and abilities before release.
But I'm feeling optimistic, and Chiori's shortcomings likely won't matter to me, especially since I might be aiming for C6 at some point. Looking forward to making her the most lethal beauty in Genshin Impact.
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samfenderdaily · 3 years
Hey Sam, it’s Sam from the future. You’re probably wondering how I've mastered the art of time travel, and you’re definitely fantasizing about some neo-futuristic alternate universe that looks like a cross between Star Wars and Blade Runner. Don’t build your hopes up - phones get a bit better and the internet is an even bigger cesspit than it was then.
17 is when all the challenges begin: you’re not a baby, but you’re definitely not an adult (turns out that bit takes a lot longer than you think). I'm not even sure it’ll happen at all for you, but growing up is for fools and the near dead, so stop being so serious all the time. Right now I’m imagining you on the back step of Mam’s flat on Verne Road in North Shields, smoking some shite baccy, blasting Revolver out of that sketchy CD player at such an obnoxious level that it reaches you in the backyard - and every neighbour in a square mile (if you look hard enough through your brother’s collection you’ll find a copy of Revolver where ‘She Said She Said’ doesn’t skip).
You’ll be sitting there thinking about how Whitley High Sixth Form is a waste of time and how you may as well have started working in a bar the moment you left John Spence High School in Shields. It was, you’re right.
You’ll be thinking you don’t belong there, Truth is you don’t, you’re a Shields boy with ADHD. You have the attention span of a toddler who’s jacked up on unlimited pick ‘n’ mix. The only thing that ever had your attention was music. You end up having 60% attendance for your two years there, missing an average of two days a week and surprise surprise, you fail all your exams. Although the failure is humiliating, it is not an accurate representation of your ability, you are not a loser, you are not a ‘failed musician’ as one of the kids in your class at Whitley pleasantly put it (they will appear in your DM’s 8 years later, licking your arse).
That failure and humiliation wasn't only felt at school but was felt in almost every area of adolescence. Like a lot of people you will accumulate self esteem issues from some pretty bad bullies; from broken relationships with family; from loss and feelings of abandonment; even your physical health will severely fail you at the age of 20. But this is your superpower.
All of the gloom that is unfairly thrusted upon the vast majority of us at this age, leaves us with a choice. You can become a charity case, you can fall victim to the vices and their destruction; or you can harness it and use it to drive forward. The stories that come from these places are universal, they transcend life’s suffering and the monotony of dead end work, they level the insanity of modern day anxiety.
Art is the purest remedy for all internal conflict and you’re taking a career in it. It’s an honour to do what you will do, never forget that. You may feel alone currently but you will realise that your stories, when put to music, open up a side of you that actually helps people. A lot of these stories were originally about you but they belong to everyone, as everyone has their own, and they will be screamed back at you - from clubs and dive bars, even arenas. Some kid, 17, probably going through a boatload of similar shit that you experienced, will be front and centre, screaming these stories as if it’s their last night on earth.
This is what you were meant to do kid, keep on ignoring the ‘plan B’ rhetoric.
And keep on keepin on.
Big Love x
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murderballadeer · 4 years
Hi, hope things are good with ya. Weird asks: 6, 7, 11, 12, 15-21, 23, 25, 28-31, 40-50, 60-70, 74, 79, 82-89, 93-98
hi! things are ok, thanks for asking (:
6 – pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? i kind of fluctuate between pastel and boho depending on the day.
7 – earbuds or headphones? earbuds, bc i can fit them in my coat pocket so i always have them on me. also i like to listen to podcasts in bed sometimes and i find it hard to get comfortable with headphones on.
11 – what you have for breakfast on an average day? scrambled eggs, toast and tea.
12 – name of your favorite playlist? it’s just called “april 16th, 2020 at 12:46 PM” bc i’m bad at naming stuff and that’s when i made it. 
15 – favorite book you read as a school assignment? probably the giver.
16 – most comfortable position to sit in? with my knees drawn up to my chest. if i’m on a couch i like to do that but also lean my legs against the side of the couch.
17 – most frequently worn pair of shoes? my black low-top converse. i wear them almost every day bc they’re cute and comfy and go with most things since they’re a neutral color.
18 – ideal weather? i’m a big fan of rain, especially in the summer. i love a good thunderstorm. mostly though as long as it’s warm but not too hot (which for me is between 20℃ and 28℃, or 68℉ and 82℉) and not insanely humid (unless it’s raining of course) i’m happy.
19 – sleeping position? on my side. 
20 – preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? notebook or laptop, i sometimes write on my phone but i don’t particularly enjoy it.
21 – obsession from childhood? greek mythology.
23 – strange habits? i have a tendency to tap my fingers on any and all surfaces within reach. also i pace a lot.
25 – first song you remember hearing? we used to have a cd that was a live recording of pete seeger performing a children’s concert and i have a vivid memory of one particular song that was about a frog. it’s this one:
28 –  five songs to describe you? 
diamond in your mind - solomon burke
dream a little dream of me - ella fitzgerald
i’ll get by – billie holiday
the long way round – dixie chicks
over the rainbow - judy garland
29 – best way to bond with you? go for a walk with me. that’s how i’ve had some of the deepest and most personal conversations of my life. talking about books and movies is also a good way to make friends with me.
30 – places that you find sacred? gardens in general, and the seashore.
31 – what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? i’ve come to the conclusion that it has to be red dress, but i have several and i’m at a loss to decide which one. also i’m very meek irl so idk how effective i would be at kicking ass under any circumstances.
40 – weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? what immediately came to mind is when a bunch of sec 2s (eighth graders) made a meme account on instagram to make fun of teachers (also the memes sucked but that’s not important) but the teachers found out and got the account deleted, but that’s not even that weird. honestly i’m blanking on weird stuff. there definitely was some but i don’t really remember.
41 – last person you texted? the last text i sent was to a group chat, but if you’re looking for an individual person it was to a friend of a friend who i know slightly. we were talking about strawberry-rhubarb pie.
42 – jacket pockets or pants pockets? jacket pockets. i’m female, where am i supposed to find pants with pockets i can fit stuff in? 
43 – hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? hoodie or cardigan, depending on the day.
44 – favorite scent for soap? rose!
45 – which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? not a huge fan of any of them but i have been known to enjoy the occasional fantasy novel.
46 – most comfortable outfit to sleep in? i have very cute and comfy cotton pajamas with cats on them from little blue house. otherwise just an oversized t-shirt and boxer shorts or pajama pants.
47 – favorite type of cheese? i’m not a huge fan of cheese in general but i like smoked cheddar and pecorino.
48 –  if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? a raspberry, but i can’t quite explain why.
49 – what saying or quote do you live by? i usually try to remember “do no harm but take no shit”
50 – what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? it’s ridiculously easy to make me laugh and i honestly don’t remember what made me laugh the most. it’s usually just been random stuff that people say or do that’s only funny in the moment.
60 –  if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? the only types of anime i know are hentai and magical girl so out of the two i guess magical girl? sorry i know literally nothing about anime.
61 – favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? “the time to make your mind up about people is never”. katharine hepburn says that in the philadelphia story and it really stuck with me.
62 – seven characters you relate to? anne shirley from anne of green gables and honestly i’m having trouble thinking of more? when i was younger i remember relating to hermione from harry potter i guess.
63 – five songs that would play in your club? jolene by dolly parton, foolin’ myself by billie holiday, tonight the heartache’s on me by the dixie chicks, dream girl by arthur alexander and get happy by judy garland.
64 – favorite website from your childhood? i have fond memories of playing games on friv.
65 – any permanent scars? i have a massive one on my left thigh. i got it when i fell down the stairs at my aunt’s while carrying a bowl of water for her cats and the bowl shattered and a shard cut me. i had to have 20 stitches.
66 – favorite flower(s)? lavender, lily of the valley, honeysuckle, dandelions, yellow roses, lilac, apple blossoms…
67 – good luck charms? i have a silver necklace with a pendant shaped like an owl that i wear to every exam.
68 – worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? banana flavored candy. revolting.
69 – a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? water is the only substance that is less dense in its solid form that in its liquid form. that’s why ice cubes float in water.
70 – left or right handed? right handed.
74 – at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? like a 7 i guess? i only really take painkillers if i have a bad headache and it’s keeping me awake (like if i have the flu or something) or if i have really bad menstrual cramps and i have to do stuff that day and can’t just lie in bed with a hot water bottle.
79 – which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? i can’t drive and thus don’t have a license, but the photo on my health card looks way better than my student id. even my passport photo looks better than my student id though so i think it’s just a bad picture. at least my yearbook photo is better.
82 – pc or console? neither, i don’t really play videogames.
83 – writing or drawing? writing.
84 – podcasts or talk radio? it depends for what purpose. i prefer podcasts for entertainment and to listen to when i’m jogging or whatever, but i like talk radio for background noise when i’m going about my day.
85 – fairy tales or mythology? mythology!
86 – cookies or cupcakes? cookies! cupcakes are kind of messy and hard to eat.
87 – your greatest fear? aside from the kind of vague ones like losing my family or never finding love or whatever… fire really freaks me out.
88 – your greatest wish? i just want everyone to be able to enjoy life.
89 – who would you put before everyone else? my family
93 – nicknames? my family calls me lu, lulu and lucie-lu. my friends mostly just call me lucie though.
94 –  favorite season? spring all the way. i get really depressed in the winter, summer is too hot and humid and fall is nice but i can never fully enjoy it bc i know winter comes next. also spring is so fun, with all the plants and baby animals and such.
95 – favorite app on your phone? the ones i use the most are probably instagram, tumblr and podcasts. idk what my favorite is.
96 –  desktop background? i don’t own a laptop (i share one with my family), but the background is me, my mom and my sister. my phone background is a picture i took of a sunrise in pei, though.
97 – how many phone numbers do you have memorized? i counted six.
98 – favorite historical era? first half of the 20th century, followed closely by the victorian era.
thank you!
(weird asks that say a lot)
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So, there are plenty of allusions/paralles to Undertale in Deltarune and some easter eggs. I’ve made a list of the ones that I managed to find/catch. I’m pretty sure there are more of them.
1. There is an easter egg with naming your vessel and yourself. Like in Undertale using names of characters from the game will trigger a special dialogue (and like in Undertale naming your vessel or yourself “Gaster” will close the game).
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2. When you look through the window in your room there is reference to Sans’ genocide fight.
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3. A reference to Tsundere Cactus from Undertale, but in Deltarune it’s just an average cactus.
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4. Recognizing yourself in the mirror.
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5. Toriel hugs Kris almost the same way she hugs Frisk.
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6. Alphys is still a weeaboo obsessed with Mew Mew ^^
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7. Temmie still has the EG, but this time she is a partner not a proud parent.
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8. If you try using your phone in the Dark World it will start making “Gaster noises”.
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9. Ralsei’s cloak resembels the one that River Person wears (could River Person be a Darkner?)
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10. Lancer’s bike might be a reference to Sans’ bike from the True Pacifist credit scene.
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11. How Ralsei introduces us to the game mechanics is like a combination of both Flowey’s and Toriel’s tutorials. Telling what a soul is and how the fighting works is “Flowey’s part” and usage of Dummy and sparing being a preferable option is “Toriel’s part”.
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12. Possibly a parallel to comforting a goatbro (Ralsei is a Goat/Boss Monster and a prince just like Asriel).
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13. The shopkeepr hints a secret battle with Jevil in the early stage of the game.
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15. The plush that Seam has on a shelf has is a reference to one of the Temmie Chang’s (she helped Toby create Undertale) characters, but I couldn’t find a picture of it.
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16. Seam also gives us hints that Jevil knows Gaster. Here’s a video with a full dialogue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PukI_JTyVg
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17.  The crown that K. Round wears might be reference to Super Crown, but the way it works is a ref to the big shroom power up. The sound that K. Round makes while growing up and shrinking is very similar to the sound from Mario games.
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18. It is surely a reference to Sans’ room door (the weird glow), but it may also have something to do with Gaster’s grey door.
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19. The sequence that Lancer and Susie perform is possibly a reference to Team R’s sequence from Pokemon series.
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20. Possibly an Undertale Yellow easter egg? (the main charater is named Clover in UT:Y)
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21. Even if you got rid of that tree you can still interact with it and get the dialogie box.
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22. Lancer misses his attacks on Susie the same way Toriel does that when Frisk has low HP.
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23. The theme that plays on floor ?????? inside the Card Castle uses the leitmotif of Gaster’s Theme. (can’t find a link with the theme)
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24. A reference to Patrick from cartoon “Spongebob Squarepants”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNZSXnrbs_k
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25. Another Pokemon’s reference.
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26. You can interact with these pictures, when you interact with all 3 of them they’ll make a splat noise. I’m not sure if it does anything else.
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27. Lancer has the same weird pics in his room, you can interact with them too, but they won’t make splat noise. But on the other hand there are CDs with recorded splat noises (the same that 3 previous pics make).
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28. She talks about the cake that Susie ate ealier.
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29. A missing pixel lmao
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30. The cards and chess are references to the enemies from Dark World. There’s also a plushie of Shopkeer Seam under the board.
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31. Kris looks similar to unused Frisk sprite.
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32. The word “library” is still misspelled.
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33. Temmie still wants to go to colleg. That’s the spirit!
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34. Apparently Alphys prefers Mew Mew 2 now.
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35. Heats Flamesman reference.
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36. Just Toby at work.
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37. He’s slacking off however.
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38. We finally know after which monster Gaster Follower 3 was modeled.
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39. Deltarune is definitely a different universe/timeline, cause Undyne doesn’t know Alphys and she still has both eyes. Also Bratty and Catty not only barely know each other, but they hate each other as well (in Undertale they are best friends).
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40. On the left - dude who bought Muffet’s donut and regreted that later on, on the right - that weirdo from Napstablook’s snail farm.
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41. Police station and Undyne’s house share the same doormat.
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42. The big mouth monster that was spending time at Grillby’s, also a possible reference to nurse Joy from Pokemon series.
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43. A reference to the absurdly tall sink from skelebros’ house. (also that blue bear might be inspired by 5.0.5 from Villainous)
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44. Gerson is dead in Deltarune, also his last name is Boom. The hammer on his tombstone refers to his “nickname from war times” from Undertale - Hammer of Justice.
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45. The tombstones of monster who were amalgamates in original Undertale, but since in Deltarune Alphys was never a Royal Scientist, all of this monsters just died. From left to right - Snowdrake’s Mother, the dog (Endogeny), Shyren sister (Lemon Bread).
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46. Hand Receptionist from MTT Resort and politics bear from Snowdin.
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47. That weird cube-dog-like monster from Sans’ crossword.
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48. A reference to Purple Guy from game series FNAF (in Deltarune Burgerpants works at Pizzeria after all, hello?! it must be it xD).
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49. A bunny shopkeepr from Snowdin, the guy who works in Core, the Ice Wolf (and he finally has pants as he wanted), Fuku Fire and Skateboard girl (but they already graduated), the lion monster who is a fan of Mettaton and gets a dress from him after his musical, and the dragon dude who couldn’t return to his family cause the elevator at MTT Resort was turned off.
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50. Sans’ store is literally Grillby’s bar, but the name “Grillby” was removed and Sans added “ans” to the letter “S”. But he didn’t remove apostrophe. Well done Sans, well done.
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51. A reference to Spider-Man, “I’m your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man”. Sans even calls Kris “tiger” which is how MJ calls Peter (I forgot to make a screenshot of it tho).
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52. F#ck you Sans xD
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53. “trousle of bones” - it obviously refers to Papyrus’ theme Bonetrousle.
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54. Little bunny in the window is a child of that bunny monster who runs Snowdin Inn.
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55. A monster from Snowdin who loves knocks lives there. And apparently Kris is not as good at knocking as Frisk is.
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56. In the alley where you meet Alphys again there is a painting of Everyman (attack of Reaper Bird - one of the amalgamates). You can’t escape from your sins Alphys, even in another universe/timeline.
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57. Asgore’s introduction dialogue in Deltarune is literally the same as in Undertale.
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58. These flowers are an obvious allusion/parallel to the souls containers. The golden flower in the middle might be representing the empty container for Frisk’s determination soul. If you remember, in Undertale Alphys used a golden flower as a empty vessel to inject determination and that flower became Flowey later on.
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59. RG01 and RG02 are still together, and for some reason they are still wearing helmets even tho the Royal Guard is most likely not a thing in Deltarune xD
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60. If you wait long enough by the lake Onionsan will appear. He will ask what’s our name and will want to become friends. He also doesn’t remember his own name due to being alone for too long, so we have an option to gave him one.
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61. He also might have a dark secret hehe
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62. So there is most likely Mettaton, but we have no idea what’s up with Blooky. I’m hoping that in chapter 2 we will find out Mettaton’s canon ghost form and maybe his real name. Also I doubt that in Deltarune Mettaton has machine body, since Alphys never was a Royal Scientist in this universe/timeline.
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63. Chara possession much? also a hint to the ending of Deltarune chapter 1
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64. After Kris locks his soul in the cage you can still move it, but you can’t escape.
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65. The glowing red eyes, Post Genocide Pacifist vibes are strong in this one.
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These are all the allusions/parallel and easter eggs I was able to find. I’m sure there are more. Also there are some that I forgot to screenshot such as “characters titles” in party menu change: - Kris has a title of Leader, but if you check all 4 beds in Card Castle he has a title of Bed Inspector - Ralsei title changes after giving him different scarf There’s also at least one Annoying Dog easter egg in the party menu. Not to mention the anagrams: Deltarune - Undertale Ralsei - Asriel So yeah, that’s all folks. Hope you enjoyed, bye!
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ditty-diego · 5 years
An interview with Ken Sharp, 1989
In March, Michael Nesmith spent a couple weeks in New York City doing a series of interviews with the media to promote the New York opening of his latest production, “Tapeheads”. Besides promoting “Tapeheads”, Michael is having one of his most visible, high-profile years in a long, long time, with the recent release of a video and album and the impending release of another album and the “Overview” video magazine. Rock radio reporter (and MBF member) Ken Sharp had the opportunity to interview Michael and he shares that interview with us here:
KS: I know you’re asked this question all the time, so let’s get it out of the way right off. When are you going to get back together with … The First National Band?
MN: Well, yeah, that’s the most common question that I’m asked actually. Most people come up to me and say, “Say, whatever happened to the other guys?” and I know immediately that they’re talking about John London and Red Rhodes and John Ware. I mean, who else would they be talking about?
KS: What is Red Rhodes up to, by the way?
MN: Well, you know, I’ve lost contact with all those guys. John London moved back to Teas. He’s working, I think, in the real estate business or something and Red Rhodes I haven’t talked to. I assume that he still plays. I got a call from one of his family — his ex-sister-in-law — the other day and I called her back and she left the wrong number so I wasn’t able to get in touch with her. And John Ware, I think, moved to Nashville and is working in the radio business in Nashville.
KS: April 5 marks the release of “Nezmusic” …
MN: Oh, really? Is that when it’s coming out?
KS: I think it is. I was curious, some of this stuff came out in different forms, but why now? What was the idea behind compiling it? Were there a lot of requests or what?
MN: Yeah, well, it was just a combination of requests. I get a lot of fan mail from the Monkees fan clubs and stuff. And almost every single letter requests for me to put out the old music. What I did was I went back to the archives and over the years I’ve made a couple of dozen albums, I guess, and the first ten that I made are still under the auspices of RCA, but there were about 4 or 5 that I made subsequent to that beginning with a record called “The Prison”. So Harold Bronson over at Rhino Records called me up and he says, “let’s put out, let’s go back and re-license…” That’s kind of their business, you know, And I said, “Harold, I don’t think anybody’s gonna play any of my records.” And he says, “Well, we specialize in marketing records that don’t get played.” So I compiled two LP’s.  One was an LP which was to be songs from the country sort of era, with the First, Second, Third National Bands, and the second which was to include things off “Radio Engine” and “Infinite Rider” but also half a dozen songs that I wrote for a movie called “Video Ranch”. And divided them up into “The Older Stuff” which was the country stuff and “The Newer Stuff”. So “The Newer Stuff” was the only thing we were able to get out because we had licensing problems on “The Older Stuff”. So we could only get one of them out. And when I put together “The Newer Stuff” I realized that I had music videos on seven or eight of them and I had also been getting a lot of requests to combine all those music videos on one videocassette, so I put it together and called it “Nezmusic”.
KS: Wasn’t “Video Ranch” called something different? “Neon” something?
MN: “Neon Ruby”.
KS: Why was that project not completed?
MN: Well, the biggest reason is that I was not able to interest a distributor in releasing it. That’s the biggest reason. Had I been able to do that it would have gone forward. The creative elements were there, but it’s a movie musical and, like “Tapeheads”, these things are tough. Number one, they’re very hard to do creatively and, number two, they’re hard to market. However, I think we’re about to enter into the time when we’re going to see more and more of those, so keep your fingers crossed. Maybe “Video Ranch” will come out. (laughs)
KS: It’s nice to see unreleased tracks like “Tanya” and “Formosa Diner” will see the light of day.
MN: Did you get a pre-copy of this?
KS: No, I didn’t.
MN: Did you see the liner notes, or what?
KS: No, I’m a pretty big fan, besides what I do for a living, so I did a lot of research.
MN: Sounds like you’ve been on Lexus Nexus or one of those online services.
KS: Will you release any videos for the Rhino early material? Something like “Joanne” that you never did a video for to promote it?
MN: Till you said it I hadn’t thought of it. Maybe it’s a good idea. I don’t know. Do you think it would be a good idea to go back and do old songs? Creatively, do you really? I don’t know, because I think of the video as a form and there is such a thing as an audio-only record. Can you imagine a video of “Joanne”, takes a picture of a beautiful woman in a filmy dress living in a house by a pond? It starts to get kind of dumb. (laughs) The emotion it evokes is different. When I wrote “Rio” I really had a picture in mind, although I didn’t realize at the time that it was gonna father an entire way of life, but I did sort of have in mind that this would make something nice to put on film. Then when Island asked me to make a promotional clip to send overseas and I did it, you know, it all married up nicely. But to go bac and do it … maybe I’ll write some stuff. Best I should do “Video Ranch”, I think.
KS: Do you still write songs? Do you still play the guitar.
MN: Yeah. Not a lot, but I still do it.
KS: Will we see new material from you? Not as an audio album, but as a combination?
MN: Yeah, I’d do that.
KS: There is a demand. I’d love to hear it and so would a lot of other people.
MN: You know, the biggest problem that I have, number one, is that nobody will play these records on the air. I won’t get any airplay. So without airplay making a market for this, it’s very hard and unless you have a Rhino Records behind it that is willing to commit to marketing the record without airplay, you’re in trouble. And also when you’re writing to this kind of form it’s very expensive and kind of a big uphill battle to do unless you really feel like you got some sort of a built-in market.
KS: Don’t you thin country radio stations would embrace your music?
MN: Well, I don’t know. We live in the days of Randy Travis and Dwight Yokum. I don’t think so. I think there’s a different mindset afoot out there.
KS: I hope it still doesn’t dissuade you from making new music.
MN: Maybe I’ll be some young Dwight Yokum’s Buck Owens, how’s that? (laughs)
KS: In 1979 you felt the audio end of schemes was going to be obsolete and in 1982 you closed the record division of Pacific Arts.
MN: Was it ’82? I thought it was earlier than that. Well, that sounds about right.
KS: Now ten years later with CD’s and DAT’s here and music sales at an all-time high, how do you account for that and did that enter in your decision to work with Rhino on releasing stuff.
MN: Well, no, it’s an anomalous bulge. It doesn’t mean that there’s a rebirth of audio-only stuff. I mean, I think you have to look at your own lifestyle and find out, you know, what do you do more of? Do you watch more television or do you listen to more radio? That varies from person to person, but I’ll bet if you took a national statistical average you’d find more people watch more television than they listen to radio. Simple. OK, start with that as a point of departure. Why did CD’s suddenly take off? Well, number one, it was exceptional sound quality. Number two, it was a very accessible and easy user-friendly medium, and, number three, you’re able to go back and hear stuff that you’d loved for a period of time but you’d basically worn your records out. So you drew from a huge catalog, a great library of material with people who were replenishing and restocking their early audio times. But these are people who grew up on audio. Now let’s shift to the 9-year-old, to the 8-year-old who is going to be 20 in the year 2000. What kind of equipment will this person have? Will they have a CD? Yes. What can a CD do that an audio record can’t? Well, it can play pictures. You’re seeing go into place the technological base for this video revolution and I still stand by my original statement that the audio medium is going to diminish and diminish and diminish and diminish until audio-only will occupy a very small part of the overall — what do you want to call it — entertainment spectrum. It’s like network television. Network television, look at the shrinking share. Are you familiar with these statistics?
KS: Go ahead, please.
MN: Well, I’m not so familiar with them that I can quote them with complete accuracy, but it’s something to the degree that it’s gone from a 93% share in the mid-‘70’s or early ‘70’s of the total homes using television to somewhere around 60% and one point represents millions of people. But you have to look at that they’ve lost, what, thirty, forty MILLION viewers? They’ve lost it. You also have to look at what videocassette has done to the redefinition of prime time television. Videocassettes are prime time television. And what it says is prime time television is not at 9:00. Prime time television is 2:31 in the morning, it’s 6:17 in the evening, it’s 12:11 in the afternoon, it’s whenever the consumer wants to put the videocassette in and watch it. Now you have an interested consumer, aware of what they’re watching with a high desire to view. That’s prime time television and videocassettes have simply robbed the network television market. Those are the sort of changes that you can’t overlook when you try to make a sense of what’s gonna come in the future, And I think you’re going to find this in the audio/video or video music or whatever name you want to put on it. I don’t know what you could call it. And all the things that are going into place now is not the resurgence of the audio-only medium but basically the audio-only medium riding the technological curve of the present day and with the music getting a nice free ride on this. When it’s all said and done, these are video discs.
KS: Back to “Nezmusic”…on a song like “Cruisin’ “, did you have the idea for the video in mind and then come up with the song or did you write the song first and then create a video around that?
MN: Well, with “Cruisin’ “ the video was very much in mind and all of the songs since then have the pictures very much in mind and try to make them both work together.
KS: Do you enjoy working that way? Does having the visuals in mind help your writing?
MN: Yeah, it expands it because sometimes when you’re writing one of the things you’re looking for is a proper way to express a particular emotion. So you might spend hours or days or quite a bit of time trying to find a word, a phrase or something that conveys some idea what you want to convey. When you put pictures into the equation, you can think, “All right, I don’t need to SAY this out loud. I don’t need to put this in a word because, when I marry the picture to it, it will convey this.” So many times just the presence of the video in your mind, the picture in your creative processes will help you out. For one thing, “Cruisin’ “ was this odd rap record, OK? Go figure. And to me it was OK to just say poems over the top of a kind of simple bleat, you know, it was just bass and drums.
KS: Ahead of its time, when you think about it.
MN: Yeah, when you think about it. (laughs) But at the time no one was thinking that rap would become what it became. And so with “Cruisin’ “ it was a fairly clear poem — the challenge became how do you pictorially represent a phrase like “the light behind their eyes”? How do you do that? And when you write to the video form, sometimes you’ll avoid a phrase like “the light behind their eyes” because it’s much more descriptive and evocative of a mental image than it is of an actual picture. And it’s very important for me to make sure that I steer clear of narrative interpretation of these things. So with “Cruisin’ “ I learned my way a lot and, yes, I did write it with the visual in mind, but I also drove myself into a ditch in several other instances, for instance “the light behind their eyes”, and what I was left with was a cheesy video effect. I mean, I had to do this thing that made this guy’s head blow up with light, you know, Well, OK, so that was fine, but still …
KS: On ”Nezmusic” the overall clips hold up so well — the humor in “Rio” and how current “Cruisin’ “ is — to look at it now.
MN: Well, you know, when we made ‘em a long time ago we were sort of on the cutting edge of the form and we didn’t have the mandate to make a commercial for a record. What we were trying to do was really work on the form. And so the result was that we employed a lot of really basic values and basic values have a tendency to be basic (laughs), to be permanent.
KS: It’s the 25th Anniversary of the Beatles’ arriving in America …
MN: When is that?
KS: Well, actually, it was February.
MN: Oh, it was?
KS: Yeah, Feb. 64. The song “I’ll Remember You” exemplifies your love for the Beatles. I wanted to talk about that and ask you a few Beatles questions. 
MN: Let me tell you about “I’ll Remember You”. Have you heard this song? “I’ll Remember You” I wrote while John was alive. I wrote it in ’79 or ’78 and I wrote it to send to him. I was just gonna give it. You know you write songs to friends sometimes. So it was just a message I was gonna send to him and I knew he was living with Yoko at the time in the Dakota taking care of Sean as a househusband, and I admired that in him. I thought it was good, you know, especially after his sort of sowing some oats there before and so I realized that I was quite fond of John and I’d spent some time with him and I had never really, aside from “Lady Madonna”, I had never really expressed a lot of appreciation for his music. One of the things that happens is that as a writer and a famous or celebrated individual you very seldom have your peers walk up to you and say, “Say, you know, I really like what you did,” Very seldom. I mean, most of the time you’re in some major competition. So I wrote that song specifically with that in mind, just to express a little gratitude. And then part of it I was trying to think from what dynamic does this thing that I feel about John and the music that he wrote come? And I realized that I had the same level of appreciation for the Fred and Ginger movies and I began to draw the parallels between the two of them to enhance the song “I’ll Remember You”. But it was not posthumous to John.
KS: Did you send it to him before his death?
MN: Nope. Never got to it. I just kept it and I didn’t send it and then the next thing I know, Howard Cosell says, “At the end of the day, it’s only a football game …”
KS: You stayed with John in 1967. What was that like? There are a lot of comparisons between you and a lot of talk of the rivalry between the Beatles and the Monkees.
MN: It was like, you know, staying with you or staying with anybody else. You just go over somebody’s house and stay!
KS: Was John a fan of the Monkees’ series?
MN: Don’t know. Didn’t talk about it. Like I say, it’s the sort of thing you don’t talk about. They were recording “Sgt. Pepper” at the time and he played me some tracks for “Sgt. Pepper” and that was about as far as it went. We played a little bit. I mean, basically, that’s what you do. That’s what I did with those guys. When you hung out, you played. You picked up a guitar and played.
KS: There’s a video for “A Day in the Life” in the studio and you’re in it! What was that like, to be there for one of the greatest recording sessions? It must have been amazing.
MN: Well, I know, but you have the mists of myth around it. Whatever it is that’s your current discipline, look at what you’re doing and think about the friends that are involved in that discipline with you and think about going out and having a hamburger with them. How big of a deal is it? It’s not a big deal at all! But listen, I mean, it makes for great dinner stories and I can get anecdotal about it and I can tell you all sorts of things and create magical images and stuff but that’s all nonsense. Basically it’s just John says, “Well, we’re going to be in the studio. You wanna come down? And is it OK that we take some pictures? We’re going to have a camera crew there.” And I said, “Sure.” It was good ‘cause there was a stack of people there, you know what I’m saying, it was a party. “Well, Paul’s got this band together and we’re going to do this big orchestra thing and so maybe you’ll sop by.” And I said, “Hey, I wouldn’t miss it.”
KS: What did you think about the comparisons? A lot of people said there was a rivalry…
MN: What, between the Monkees and the Beatles? Well, it was lunacy. I mean, there was not only not a rivalry, it’s like the Beatles were the Green Bay Packers and we played tennis! You know, it’s just not the same game.
KS: Did you think they had an influence on you as a songwriter?
MN: Well, I didn’t feel any, but that’s not to say that they didn’t. I mean, I was not really a product of those times. My musical roots went back more to hymns and movie music, some of the classics and R & B and country. That was sort of my musical mix. It’s one of those things that makes me very comfortable with elevator music today. There’s such a thing as good elevator music. I’s hidden to most people because everybody thinks of dentists when they hear it, but nonetheless, every once in a while I’ll be standing in an elevator and start tapping my foot and everybody in the elevator will look at me like, “What is wrong with this guy?” (laughs)
KS: “Magic” was a great homage to the 1950’s era. 
MN: Well, it kind of was, wasn’t it? I didn’t intend it to be but it sorta ended up that way, didn’t it?
KS: Being on the Monkees’ television show, did it plant some ideas in your head even back then about how far you could go with the visuals? Did you gain a lot from that?
MN: I think so, to a certain degree. There was a large amount of the technical and creative part that went on that I didn’t pay any attention to. So I didn’t get as much as you might think. What I learned from that was really how to work with a creative team. The musical dynamic, learning to put together the image with the music really came from watching musicals, “Singin’ in the Rain” and “Fantasia” and, you know, those musicals, those old, old musicals. You can rent them at the video store now. “Wizard of Oz.” You know, these are tremendous musicals. So that was, and I guess Busby Berkeley as much as anybody. Do you know his stuff?
KS: In ’83 you said you lost interest in music videos. You said it was like radio with pictures, whereas you saw it as an art form. I wanted to ask why you dropped out and why you didn’t stay with it to bring it into new areas?
MN: Well, the idea of radio with pictures came because most music videos are like commercials for records and I was being asked to do videos for people and I didn’t want to do that. It’s the same thing if somebody called me up and asked me to do a commercial. I don’t want to do a commercial. So I made a decision to do motion pictures which was where I felt like I could do the art form. I tried to put together music type of motion pictures — wasn’t completely successful with it. “Tapeheads” is the first time I’ve gotten even close. But it really was not an attempt to abandon the music video form but to get into an area where I could actually do it. And music videos weren’t it.
KS: Do you think music video is healthier now or is it even worse than it was six years ago?
MN: Oh, it’s gotta be healthier than it was because there’s just a certain law of progress that goes with everything. You gotta get smarter people. You’re saying to me now as if you understand it — and I assume you do — that the current music video is a commercial for a record. You also say that to me as if that’s a pejorative. You say it in a certain disparaging way, so I assume that you don’t think it’s a good thing, that you think it’s as least not a fulfilling element of the form. So I can tell you from talking to literally dozens of other people like yourself that you echo a common sentiment, at least in my experience. So I think that what that common sentiment is bringing forward is that, well, we’ll tolerate the radio with pictures things because at least it kind of pushes us along, but there’s more here than meets the eye, there’s a bigger bone buried in this backyard than we’ve dug up, whatever metaphor you want to insert. At some point somebody’s gonna come along, grab hold of the form and do it, whether it’s me or whether it’s somebody else, I don’t know, but it’s gonna be somebody who’s gonna come along and do it.
KS: And there’s the occasional gems that do come through that make you still believe in the form.
MN: I think heavy metal is probably the most fertile ground right now for something to come along. Well, it’s Wagnerian. You have to look at it that way, number one. I’m talking about heavy metal as a real point of departure. Heavy metal is a good example of music that’s really taken a left turn somewhere along the line and you have to keep in mind that Hendrix was on the first Monkees tour, you know. That’s one of the great ironies of the 60’s. And it was Hendrix who infected me with a love for heavy metal and made it stay forever, which, you know, I’m still a big heavy metal fan. I couldn’t find much that I liked with heavy metal. I liked AC/DC and I liked some of the stuff, you know, from Aerosmith, Foghat, REO Speedwagon, and some of these things that weren’t really heavy metal but kind of were heavy metal pop. It really wasn’t until Eddie Van Halen came along. And Van Halen was the first time that I thought, “Ah! There’s been some life breathed in here.” Of course, now, I don’t know what he’s doing, he’s off in some other zone again, but where he was working with David and those guys, that was HOT. That was real Iwo Jima stuff. Eddie plays the guitar a lot better than Jimi played it. The difference is Hendrix didn’t play the guitar, Hendrix WAS the guitar. Major difference. This guy, when he would touch the neck of his guitar, number one, it was upside down and backwards, or backside down and upwards, whatever you want to call it, but it was screwy. When he touched the neck of his guitar it was very hard to see where his fingers ended and the guitar started. I mean there was a kind of glow around the whole thing. I know this sounds all kind of cosmic, but it’s true! He really was an amazing dude. With Van Halen, I think what Eddie’s got is the same kind of wonderful sensibility that Jimi had but the guitar is a technical extension. He’s very organized in the way he plays and very soulful but Hendrix was…you cannot compare those two. In terms of real crash/burn rock’n’roll there’s a band out there which is somewhere between my absolute favorite band, which is Z Z Top, to Metallica, which is from some other place. And then I sort of like but ignore the Bon Jovi’s of the world, Poisons and Whitesnakes and stuff and Ratt. It doesn’t work. I thought for a while Michael Schenker’s group was gonna do it, right after he left the Scorpions and he did that one album that was just wow! This guy has flat got it. And then he just went nowhere. I think, drogas, el drogas.
KS: You stated recently that putting movies on videocassette was like driving an Indy 500 car to work, a major misuse of the medium. What do you feel can be done to rectify that, and is that where “Overview” comes in?
MN: Well, I think you have to look at the whole user event, yeah, and “Overview” is a part of that. “Overview” is information carrier, though. “Overview” was a magazine on videocassette that just brought previews and reviews and things of coming attraction and it was designed as kind of a video guide. I think that hews closer to the form. At the end of the day, I gotta tell you I think home video is an entertainment medium and I think it’s gonna occupy the same place in the minds of the future people that records kind of do now. That’s where I think it’s gonna extend from, not from motion pictures, do you know what I mean? So you have to think in terms of contemporary music, what records are, in order to get a handle on how to use the video medium. That’s me. That’s the way I think of it.
KS: The first version of “Overview” that you put out, about two years ago, it failed. You’re doing something again with it. What will be different in terms of concept, marketing, distribution?
MN: You have to be careful about thinking that “Overview” failed. “Overview” did what it was intended to do, which was to provide me with a test market. The reason that it appears to have failed is because I thought that the test results would be more positive than they were and that I would go with it immediately. The test results were negative nit it wasn’t a result of the magazine. The test results were the result of the distribution system not working. I had to redesign the distribution, redesign the marketing system, and once that was done I felt like I could go forward. Well, that’s what I did. I went forward, redesigned the marketing system, redesigned my distribution system, and you’ll see it this fall. Again with another test. It may not work again, but we’ll try it again.
KS: Good. I think it’s a phenomenal idea. Just to have, like even on cable TV, the access of a library in front of you where you can just get any information you want, read the newspaper, do all that…
MN: Well, you’re talking about the Holy Grail right now and what that is is the interface of the computer with the video medium, movies on demand, pictures on demand.
KS: Does that interest you?
MN: I’m into it up to my eyeballs! And as a matter of fact you’ll see me come back through here in August with some announcements along this line. But with the availability to take the computer, interface it effectively with video, you’re very close to what you want and all of us want. All of us want to download. All of us want a couple of keystrokes, gimme the data. But you know the data stream in this thing is so dense. Do you have any idea of the technological mountain you’re trying to climb there? The data stream — and I may get this wrong — the data stream on a color video picture, one second, is 80 megabytes! If you know anything about computers you know that that’s a lot of storage. And most people have a hard disc and maybe have 20 megabytes, 10 megabytes, 40 megabytes on a hard disc. By the time you get up to 80 megabytes you’re starting to get into some serious computing power and BIG BUCKS. Well, to get one second of color video with sound on a screen uses 80 megabytes. It uses all the storage space that you have on one 80 megabyte hard disc. So just figure out how many billions of bytes you have to have in order to get 90 minutes. Apple, Hypercard, some of these other computer programs are really blazing the trail with graphics based computer technology that’s gonna make something of what you want. You might be having to live with black and white slides for a while or just somebody talking underneath it, but, hey, it’s a start. And that’s gonna be there. Everybody wants this. Me, too.
KS: It’s the 15th Anniversary — another anniversary — of the formation of your company, Pacific Arts. Being a musician for your whole life and moving into working as an executive and working on that level, was it a difficult transition?
MN: Well., let me answer it this way because it’s a question that’s commonly asked, which is how do you manage to change hats so often and so easily and the answer is, which is a good answer, is that I don’t change the hats. It’s the same hat. The dynamic and the values that I employ to write a song, make a record, do a video, make “Tapeheads”, is the same one that you use to run a company and it’s just different applications of the same values.
KS: Are you pleased with where the company is now? Is it beyond what you envisioned at the beginning? 
MN: Well, it’s different. I don’t know. Every morning I get up and I wonder is this the right place to be going? And a company is a very hard thing to project, you know, the best laid plans of mice and men… The important thing in a company is to be adaptable. U see a lot of people come to me with systems analysis, management systems, a way to control this, that, and the other thing, how to make 5-year projections, 2-year projections, 1-year projections. They all have their place, but none of them occupies as an important place in the hierarchy of things as being adaptable, being able to think fast, be quick on your feet so that when everything goes to hell in a handbasket you can make a decision and ether do something that either saves the day or gets you out of the mud. And when it comes to running a company it’s a question of getting up, assessing the day, and saying, “Well, am I stuck in the ditch?” Or am I on the road? Or is the ditch really the road?” It gets very subtle and curious out there sometimes. So you know one day I may wake up and there will be no Pacific Arts. One day I may wake up and Pacific Arts will be Warner Brothers. I don’t know.
KS: Let’s talk about “Tapeheads”. I loved it. What was it that attracted you to the project? Was it an almost instant affection for the story that made you feel it was right for Pacific Arts?
MN: Well, it was the Swanky Modes. I mean, you know, there was a script that had running through its core the heart and soul of 160’s R & B. Now I don’t mean to indicate that’s what the movie’s about, ‘cause clearly it isn’t. But I thought, depending on who we cast for the Smoky Modes, this could be an unbelievable thing to see. Then when Same Moore and Junior Walker were cast, I was even more thrilled. Of course, all the musicians in the world began to say, “Gee, can we come down and work?” and “Can we come down and play and do all this stuff?” And then when I started hearing the music that they were recording originally for the movie I was just blown away. So the first thing that appealed to me was the music and at the end of the day the thing that makes me the happiest with it is the music. I think “Ordinary Man” is a hit!
KS: Is filmmaking the primary interest for you? Or is it one of many?
MN: Well, right now, I gotta save “Tapeheads”. I gotta make “Tapeheads” work and that’s what I’m talking to you and what I’m talking to everybody I can talk to about right now ‘cause “Tapeheads” has gotta get a shot. If people can understand what is at the root of “Tapeheads” and it can grow, it’s a point of departure for me to make other musical movies and it has to be demonstrated that this is a valid form. I don’t know whether it’s gonna make a lot of money. It may or may not. So far the video looks like it’s gonna do very well. But it’s the music part of this and the combination of movies and music is where I want to be, it’s where I’m totally focused and where I want to ultimately be. And like I say, maybe the next one will be a heavy metal movie. Don’t you think that would be cool? A heavy metal movie? Think of that. I mean, you go into a nice big theatre, I’m not talking about some little squeezie 14-plex, I’m talking about something with this humongoid screen where you can do all this major kill sound and you go in there and you get a couple of concert stacks. You don’t use the speakers that they’ve got ‘cause they’re kinda twinky, you know, you get some concert stacks and you put ‘em in there and you get some big sound and you just do it a little bit like a concert. Why can’t the cinema experience be like a concert experience?
KS: Would it be something like a “Spinal Tap” or a documentary type?
MN: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, something entirely of its own. You know there’s a dynamic, there’s a creative imperative inherent in heavy metal music. It’s male adolescence, it’s cars and women — spelled W-I-M-M-I-N. They’re into it and it works!
KS: And you can identify with it, as well.
MN: You can identify with it. I mean, it’s not the way I lead my life, I’m a fairly conservative guy. But as an art form, I mean, cripes, you can’t ignore that and I think if you’re looking to put some power up on the screen, you know, these guys have got their hands on the trigger.
KS: Which part of the creative process do you enjoy the most? The ideas, the writing, the filming, the editing, or just sitting back and enjoying the end result?
MN: It’s the end result. Yeah, sit back and watch it. I make movies ‘cause I want to see ‘em! It’s the only reason. I don’t know why else to make a movie. You make a movie ‘cause to want to see it. I don’t like chopping the onions and dicing the carrots and standing over the stove much. I don’t like that much.
KS: Same thing with music, as well?
MN: Yeah, you write music ‘cause you want to hear it. That’s why I started writing music. I couldn’t play the guitar. So I couldn’t sing and so anything anybody else was doing so I said, “OK, let’s all sing this song. I don’t know how to play that’ song.” So you make up a song you can sing.
KS: It’s funny that you talked about “Cruisin’” being early rap, because I wanted to ask you about Run DMC’s “Mary Mary”, which you wrote.
MN: Well, I don’t know. My life has been nothing if not poetic. You know what I mean? (laughs) There are certain closed great parentheses is my life and I wonder what open parentheses I’m in the middle of right now. You know, every once in a while, I’ll look at “Mary Mary” and I think, “My Lord! Is this unusual or what?” And then to see this come back around! People say to me, “Are you surprised that the Monkees are doing so well in their reunion?”, and I say, “No, I’m surprised that Run DMC recorded ‘Mary Mary’ as a rap single!” That’s the surprise.
KS: And they did a real good job, I thought.
MN: I thought so. Sure. I mean, if that’s the rap dynamic. I thought when I was doing “Cruisin’” that what I was doing was just reciting poetry over a very spare and simple musical bed. I like the concept of rap because it gives people who can’t sing the ability to express themselves musically. I think that’s cool. I’m not sure what they’re talking about a lot of the time. I suppose it’s OK to talk about “I like the way you look, baby”, but, I mean, I don’t know, it burns out pretty quick for me.
KS: It seems like you’ve reconciled with your past with the Monkees, recognizing that you’ll always be identified with that. 
MN: Well, you’re right. The curious thing to me is that there’s ever any question that I may or may not do that. I mean, why in the world wouldn’t I do that> I don’t have anything to reconcile. It’s always been just fine with me. I knew when I got involved in the thing that IU was going to be a Monkee for the rest of my life. You don’t get involved in things that hot and not have it stay around. Christopher Reeve knew when he took the Superman part that he was gonna be Superman so he better get peaceful with that before he does it. I was peaceful with it before I did it.
KS: Do you think if you did anything with the band, especially a movie, would it adversely affect you or would it fit into the scope of your company? Would you consider something like that?
MN: Sure. We’ve talked about it many times. The problem is not whether or not I’d do it. It’s whether or not anybody would make that movie. And there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of interest in it. I mean, I think it would make an interesting film. You wanna know my guess, I think of there was gonna be something on film it would probably end up on television. Television is the Monkees’ medium. And I don’t know whether or not we could pull it off — the four of us as adults could pull off — what we pulled off 25 years ago. Probably not. So that you have to look that pretty hard.
KS: Would you get involved in a Monkees’ record, maybe contributing a couple of songs?
MN: Sure. Absolutely. All those things are up in the air and up in the wind and we talk about ‘em all the time. I would’ve gone on tour, but I didn’t have the time. I was just finishing “Square Dance” and just starting “Tapeheads” and as a matter of fact I told 'em I would. We were gonna go out and just do half a dozen dates, you know, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, something like that. They called up and said, “Listen, we went to get a drink of water and the faucet fell off in our hand and now it’s 280 dates.” I said, “Well, partners, I can’t do that. I’ve got 25 employees here. I can’t walk away from this.”
KS: On the follow-up tour in 1987 they did quite a few of your songs, “Circle Sky” and “You Just May Be The One”. Was there any plan of your doing a few shows in 1987? It seemed that’s why they had those songs in.
MN: That is constantly in our minds. I think they’re gonna come back this year. We’re trying right now to figure out how to make some dates work. We tried to make one work in Philadelphia. I couldn’t get there. We tried to make one work in Chicago. I couldn’t get there. You know, it’s a nightmare.
KS: There’s a video floating around of the Greek Theatre in 1986. It was just so heartwarming to see.
MN: Oh, you should’ve been there! Oh, it was terrific, it was great. You know, we just tried to figure out the right way to do it and decided I’d come on at the end. And so we put together a couple of numbers and, you know, he guys went through their whole show and it was like, “So long, goodbye,” they’re taking their final bows and then I walk out from the edge and hey hit me with the spotlight and I’m telling you the place went up for grabs! It was unbelievable. It exploded!
KS: The big question is did you have to relearn “Pleasant Valley Sunday” and “Listen to the Band”? You were playing that lick on “Pleasant Valley Sunday” pretty good.
MN: No, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. Number one, it’s not that hard. Like I say, it’s a big part of my life. I like that part of my life. I wish I could do it more and, if we can figure out a way to do it more…you know, we talk all the time, trying to figure out how to get me back un on the TV show. You know, they’re off in Europe right now doing some big tours and I’d love to be there. I’d love it! It’s be great! But…we gotta get people out there to see “Tapeheads”. (laughs)
KS: The Monkees are receiving a Star this year on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. How do you feel about that and will you attend?
MN: Oh, yeah! You bet! I feel great!
KS: If you were watching TV and a Monkees episode came on, would you watch it?
MN: No. I’ve seen ‘em too many times. I’ve seen ‘em all dozens of times.
KS: You saw them as a spectator in ’86 in Texas. What was that like?
MN: Well, that was real edifying. I’ve been asked about that before, too, and the one thing that was obvious to me was that Micky should’ve been in front all along. You know, he is so good. Why we stuck him back on the drums, that was one of the dumber things we ever did. Between David and Micky up front, I mean, you got two power hitters up here, you know? I just stand there, I don’t do anything. I go over and stand by my amp and play the guitar. And Peter probably could have been a better drummer than Micky because Peter’s a better musician than Micky. So I don’t know, maybe we should’ve given Micky a bass and let him play bass or something, but he was great. It was wonderful to see, too, I’ll tell you.
KS: “The Girl I Knew Somewhere” was the first song you guys all recorded together, which you wrote. The first session, was it a big relief or a lot of pressure?
MN: Well, there wasn’t any pressure to it. You know, there wasn’t a lot of support for us playing, because it was like, “Come on, guys, you’re actors,” and “How are you gonna play and make the music? You know, it’s just too big of a workload, number one. Number two, what kind of material are you gonna play? What are you gonna do?” So it wasn’t a question of “Can you play, can you make decent music?” It was a question of “If you play, how are we gonna make all this fit into what we’re doing? ‘Cause there’s so much other stuff!” So the pressure was never really “Can you play and can you play well?” The question was “OK, we figure you can play and we figure you can play well enough and we know Nesmith writes and we know the rest of you guys write, so maybe this well all come about, but then what?” And that was the big question, because as they predicted it got tougher and tougher and tougher as we got busier and busier and busier.
KS: The “Live ‘67” album on Rhino is interesting to listen to because you guys were a great garage band. 
MN: That’s exactly what we were. We were a garage band.
KS: Have you heard it?
MN: Well, I mean, I heard it when we made it. (laughs)
KS: It had electricity that blew away a lot of critics when they reviewed it, and it had an almost psychedelic version of “Steppin’ Stone”.
MN: It was a psychedelic version of “Steppin’ Stone”. Unequivocally.
KS: What direction do you think the Monkees would have gone if “HEAD” had been a success?
MN: We would have just continued to make films and records. Abandoned television. Probably have jumped into the video form about the time I did. That’s my guess. We would’ve stayed right there.
KS: Would you have veered into a country direction, as “Good Clean Fun” and ”Never Tell A Woman Yes” indicated for you?
MN: No, I don’t think so. Micky was always the voice and Davy was always the voice of the Monkees and they didn’t…Micky was never comfortable singing those country type songs. But you know Micky’s got a terrific pop voice.
KS: I’ve interviewed him, but he seems very insecure and underestimated himself about how good he is and what a great showman he is.
MN: Yeah. Yeah, he does. That’s one of the reasons he ended up sticking back there on drums. I was like, “Yeah, sure, I’ll play drums.” “Mick, get up, get out here.”
KS: In 1969 you went to Nashville and recorded material for an album side of a Monkees LP. What happened with that?
MN: Well, nothing. By that time he show was off the air and there wasn’t any place to put it. That band went on to become a band that had a little bit of success in their own right called Area Code 615 and they were a session band. One of those songs that we recorded was “Listen to the Band”. And then there were some other songs in there that I can’t remember what they were. “Saint Matthew”, I think, was a song that we did. There was some other stuff. It just got stashed in a vault somewhere.
KS: Why was the live “Circle Sky” replaced with a studio version? A lot of critics have said it was a fantastic live performance. In fact, Peter felt it was the best recorded example of the band.
MN: Well, that was done, and I think Peter’s right. I think, if you talk about the Monkees as a band, you have to look at “Circle Sky”, number one, and “Girl I Knew Somewhere”, number wo. I mean, that’s basically a garage band. And that’s the way garage bands play — loud and fast. (laughs)
KS: Were there any songs Davy or Micky sang that you were especially partial to, that you wish you’d sand? Like you did a demo of “Daddy’s Song” first.
MN: No, I was always happy with the way the vocals went down. Every time I’d sing a Monkees’ song it’d sound like a country tune…and at the time having it sound like a country tune wasn’t a good idea. Maybe it’s different now, I don’t know.
KS: It’s interesting how critics hated the Monkees but the public loved them, while your solo career as a country rock pioneer was a hit with the critics but not with the public.
MN: Well, you have to let history write that chapter, Ken. I don’t know what place I have in all of that and don’t really much think about it one way or the other.
KS: One last question, if you could choose three Nesmith songs for a time capsule that would be discovered in a thousand years from now…
MN: Well, I wrote one like that, you know. Because I thought about that. It’s called “Capsule” and it’s on the “Infinite Rider” LP…
[Transcribed from a PDF found on Monkees Live Almanac]
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boysandsuicide · 6 years
1-100 😜
First of also sorry for my English. I know it’s bad 🙄 these are actually hella fucking cute y'all1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?Idk. Idon’t eat often cereal haha2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?Sometimes yes , but mostly not 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Starbucks Card , handkarechiefs, paper uns other stuff 4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I love black coffe, but also with milk and suggar. Same with tea . Like it depends in what mood I am and which kind of coffe/Tee it is.5: are you self-conscious of your smile?No 6: do you keep plants?Nope. I even made a cactus die😂7: do you name your plants?No 🤔8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?I think none. Just tumblr haha9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?Yes, but only when no one is around10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?I have like 1000 different sleep positions every night 11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?I don’t have really good friends, but the most ones are about people from school in Russian 12: what’s your favorite planet?Never thought about it 13: what’s something that made you smile today?A friend,whom I don’t know very long ,but I really like haha14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?I think like a ikea catalog 😂15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!Uranus is tilted on its side16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?I think Bolognese but this also depends on my mood . All in all I love food and eat nearly everything 🙄 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?Platin blond ,but many said ,that it would look good and so i didn’t dare18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.I think there’s nothing 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?I don’t habe one . I just draw or write something during school,when I’m bored af 20: what’s your favorite eye color?I depends on the person but I like grey-green 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I don’t have one 22: are you a morning person?Definitely not 23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?Netflix , sleeping or reading 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?There’s somebody from tumblr whom I don’t know a very long time , but I think one day I could tell him everything 25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?None 26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?It changes like every ½ year , but now it are my black vans 27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?Purple airwaves 28: sunrise or sunset?Both but I like more sunsets. Sunrise it too early in the morning 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?Idk haha30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?I get often scared ,but i remember , when I was small and I was flying somewhere and there was turbulence and I thought that we will all die haha31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I like socks because they’re covering foot but I have only black and white ones and yes I do sleep with socks 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I don’t remember something happened while I was with friends after 3AM. This even didn’t happened often 33: what’s your fave pastry?I love cake but I’m working at bakery so I don’t really like pastry 🙄34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?It was called karkusha(Russian ) it was a bird puppet and I got it on a flight and my grandmother always played with me. It’s somewhere in our flat but idk where 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?Nope 36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?Idk haha 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?I like it when my room is clean but I’m a messy person 38: tell us about your pet peeves!I don’t have pet :((((39: what color do you wear the most? Black, than white and grey 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?I got and gold chain from my grandmother , but I’m not wearing it because it breaks often and it doesn’t really having a meaning from me . Only that it’s from my grandmother 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?Scythe and night school 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!Starbucks 😍😍😍😍43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?I never did this but i want to :(44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?Idk. Last time I felt , that I can be who I am , was with a friend ( I hope is one , because ideally like him , we just don’t know eachother for a long time ) His name is Noel and he also has tumblr 🙄 45: do you trust your instincts a lot?I depends on the situation but often i do 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. Idk hahaha47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?Oysters . I hate it and the smell 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?Spiders , falling somewhere down from a high place - I’m still afraid of both today; dying - I’m not afraid anymore of dying 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?Nope and it was a long time ago I bought one so idk 50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Different stuff but I collect flight tickets but I lose them in my room 😂 and I collect nearly everything 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?There’s no52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?Too many 😂 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I watched None of them 54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?I think some school-friends on Friday - we got our certificate 55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?Idk 56: what are some things you find endearing in people?It depends on if like Theo person or not . But I like when someone truly smiles a lot and cares about someone 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I like this song and it made me fell like sad or something like that but also happy haha🙄58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?And again no friends haha59: what’s your favorite myth?There’s no . But maybe aliens ?🤔🤔60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I like Russian poetry . Pushkin 61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?I got many stupid ones and gave many stupid ones , but I think the stupidest givt was a bottle opener which looked like a bottle cover haha but again I am/ wasn’t invited often to birthdays or something like that 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?Nope . I’m allergic against fruits 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?Nope I’m not . Just put like the first , second etc. Part of a book series together 64: what color is the sky where you are right now?It’s dark blue/ black . At home 65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? Yes a girl who I know a long time but we like drifted apart and a boy from tumblr whom I saw some days ago ( I know it’s not a long time, but I miss him)66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?Pollen allergy 😂67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?I like them when I’m st home with a hot drink and read book/ watch Netflix or a good friend is around me and you can talk about deep topics haha68: what’s winter like where you live? Like shit . It’s rainy and maybe there’s snow for 2 minutes but then it melts :(. But it’s typical german winter and it’s often „very called“69: what are your favorite board games? I like monopoly70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nope 71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?I love bubble tea , but also black , green tea or some with fruits . It’s depends on my mood. 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?Sone things yes . Some I will still remember in 100 years 73: what are some of your worst habits?There to many . Some of them : I am very annoying and clinging 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.I don’t have good friends (now)75: tell us about your pets!I wanna a cat since I’m 5 years old but allergy :( but it’s one of my biggest wish which will never come true 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?Homework, learning 77: pink or yellow lemonade?Both 🤔78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?Definitely Fanclub 79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?Hugged me a long time , cared about me , wrote me a very long and cute birthday text me 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?White and grey . I wanted something normal and I like the colours black , white and grey 81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.I don’t remember they’re eyes and eye colour😂82: are/were you good in school?Im good but not good Enough for me and my mom . My average is 1,8 but I wanna 1,5 or better 83: what’s some of your favorite album art?Idk 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?I wanna a tattoo but Idk which one . Maybe something with rose(s)85: do you read comics? what are your faves?I don’t 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? Yes I do but idk which ones 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?Idk. It depends on what kind of movies the person likes 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?Idk Hahahaha89: are you close to your parents?I don’t know my father . I hate my stepfather and don’t talk to him but I’m also not close to my mom 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.I love Moscow . It’s besutiful af and it’s big and it’s like full of live and not dead in the night and I just love it 91: where do you plan on traveling this year?Moscow92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?I drown my pasta into cheese . There’s never too much cheese 🤷🏻‍♂️93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?Idk how it’s called haha 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?I think the brother of a school friend 95: what are your plans for this weekend?My plans were sleeping as long as I want ,Netflix and homework because I have to get better grades 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?Mostly I procrastinate on them a lot 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?Intp, Lion , idk haha but Irving the one Harry Potter was in 98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?I don’t remember it and I don’t want to and I hate it . So please never talk about it again 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.Leer-KC Rebell Hold on -chord overstreet Take on the world -you me at sixMAD world - Riverdale cast Many from little peep , kizaru, troye Sivan and russ
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?I think the future one . Like I wanna know how my future will be. Will I be still alive ? Will I be happy ? Will I reach some of my goals ? But on the other hand I also wanna be surprised but life etc.
BTW I needed nearly an hour to answer so questions but I think no one will read everything haha. But I you did , maybe you can message me 🤔
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boardwalk-absurdist · 7 years
ALL OF THE QUESTIONS (you did this to yourself)
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? The last person I messaged was Eclair ( @chaoticgoodlooking) so uh thanks but no thanks.2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Nope3. Have you taken someones virginity? I have indeed. At a party, no less. ;D4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yes. Trust is hella important, though it comes in different levels, and I can count the number of people I trust completely on one hand with some fingers left over.5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? No, alas, my Cotton Candy is a great many miles away. (But I’ll see him in November!!)6. What are you excited for? The aforementioned seeing Cotton Candy in November, and also the show that I’m in!7. What happened tonight? Studying. I have a molecular genetics exam in the morning so I’ve been blowing off lab work to study all day.8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Of course not. I think it’s disgusting when people drink to the point of throwing up but that’s just because vomit is nasty, and I don’t find it any more or less gross depending on gender.9. Is confidence cute? Confidence, yes, arrogance, no.10. What is the last beverage you had? Decaf mocha~11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 2, maybe 3 depending on whether someone I no longer talk to but still trust counts.12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? I am wearing a pair literally at this moment.13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Dude if you think I plan my life that far in advance, you are in for a Surprise.14. What are you going to spend money on next? Some nice pens and a notebook~15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Uh no. I am not. (Don’t worry, Cotton Candy and I are in an open relationship, all is well.)16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Of course.17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Cotton Candy, obvs.18. The last time you felt broken? Earlier today.19. Have you had sex today? Nope20. Are you starting to realize anything? Starting to realize that this test is gonna be fucking awful and I can’t wait to be done with classes and settled in lab.21. Are you in a good mood? Sort of? I guess.22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Sure, why not? Probably only in a cage, though.23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Nope. My mom’s brown eye genes were too strong for my dad’s blue eyes.24. What do you want right this second? Some motherfucking chocolate covered pretzels. Those good milk chocolate Flips ones, in the blue bag.25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? “Where they cute? Tell me everything~”26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yep~27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? No. We gotta be able to laugh.28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Some silly joke that someone in my lab made, I don’t really remember.29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? *points to posts about Cotton Candy and sighs*30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Yes, although they need to demonstrate genuine effort and proof of change before they are forgiven/trusted again, and there is no requirement to accept said change.31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Nah32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? I sure hope he does~33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Yeah. Bubbles hurt my tongue.34. Listening to? Ambient Starbucks noise and my friendos studying across the table from me.35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Sometimes, yeah. 36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? In line at Starbucks.37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really. I believe in connection and potential at first sight, but love takes more than that.38. Who did you last call? My parents, probably.39. Who was the last person you danced with? I genuinely do not recall. Myself?40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Cuz I was bored and stressed? And he’s fun to kiss.41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? I do not know. That is sad, I should eat a cupcake.42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Nope, my parents are p far away from me.43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Oh dear god all the time.44. Do you tan in the nude? I do not.45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Nah46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Nope.47. Who was the last person to call you? Probably also my parents.48. Do you sing in the shower? Oh of course. I listen to music in the shower and sing along.49. Do you dance in the car? Duh50. Ever used a bow and arrow? I have, but only in gym class in middle school.51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? My friend took some legit pictures of me in a hair and makeup experiment that Sundae did~52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Some of them are. But they’re still great.53. Is Christmas stressful? Yes.54. Ever eat a pierogi? Yes.55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Microbiologist. Which, hey, that worked out~57. Do you believe in ghosts? Not actively but I’m not discounting the possibility.58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Dude, who hasn’t?59. Take a vitamin daily? I should but I don’t.60. Wear slippers? Sometimes, if it’s chilly. Usually I just wear socks.61. Wear a bath robe? Sometimes.62. What do you wear to bed? My underwear?63. First concert? Oh man it was this Greg Brown concert cuz he has a CD of children’s songs that I listened to and I was the only little kid there and apparently he was really tickled that I liked his children’s CD.64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? I hate Walmart but I do go there more often.65. Nike or Adidas? Speedo.66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Fritos67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Neither, but if I gotta pick I’ll go with sunflower seeds.68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? I think Love Story, or Welcome to New York.69. Ever take dance lessons? Nope70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? ...nuclear engineer.71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes72. Ever won a spelling bee? YEAH73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes74. What is your favorite book? I have several. I love Augusten Burroughs, I love the book Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, I love the Truth series by Dawn Cook...75. Do you study better with or without music? With76. Regularly burn incense? Nope77. Ever been in love? Yes. More than once, and I am right now.78. Who would you like to see in concert? Marina and the Diamonds79. What was the last concert you saw? BRUUUUUUCE80. Hot tea or cold tea? Hot tea81. Tea or coffee? Coffee, but only if it contains things that are also not coffee (like chocolate).82. Favorite type of cookie? This is worse than the favorite book one, honestly.83. Can you swim well? Pretty well. Better than the average person, slightly worse than the average competitive swimmer. (Mostly cuz I’m out of shape but also I’m not that fast)84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? ...there are people who can’t?85. Are you patient? I can be. I don’t want to be, but I can be.86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Probably band? Though DJ would have more options...87. Ever won a contest? I honestly don’t remember. I don’t think so.88. Ever have plastic surgery? No89. Which are better black or green olives? Ew, I hate olives.90. Opinions on sex before marriage? It’s fine, live your life, be safe and respectful.91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room.92. Do you want to get married? Yes.
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soundofawesomeblog · 7 years
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Starting next Monday, Sound of Awesome will reveal its picks for the 100 best tracks from the 2000s in a new weekly column. Get ready for the countdown as we explore the genesis of the project and how the naughties became the most eclectic decade of the pop era. As a bonus, you will also find out a few honorable mentions from great artists who just couldn’t make the cut.
Intro   100-91   90-81   80-71   70-61   60-51   50-41   40-31   30-21   20-11   10-1
The 1950s saw rock n’ roll becoming a major part of the cultural landscape. In the 1960s psychedelic rock was the new craze. The 1970s had disco, the 80s were about new wave, and the 90s saw grunge and hip-hop sell millions of CDs. It’s a flawed, simplistic and incomplete way to describe each decade, sure, but the fact remains that these are the genres most associated with every one of them.
When it comes to the 2000s though, the portrait is a lot harder to decipher. Sure, there were trends, but each time one died, four new ones emerged.
More than a single genre, what truly defined the 2000s was the growing presence of the internet. Slowly but surely, this new found connectivity helped usher a completely new paradigm of how music would find its way from the artists to the masses. Suddenly, radio stations and music television were not the only ones in control, dictating what is hot and what is not. Platforms like Facebook, Soundcloud and Bandcamp had yet to become the go-to destinations for new acts, but MySpace quickly established itself as a major factor in the musical landscape. It gave new, hip artists a platform to reach big audiences and create a massive buzz without having to play in every city or rely on giant label-heads (see: Arctic Monkeys, Lily Allen, Owl City, etc.) Later in the decade, the arrival of YouTube meant that creative, viral music videos could bring a lot of attention to an otherwise average band with little money (see: Ok Go). A sign of music’s importance to Youtube, ever since Bad Romance reached 178,4 million views in late 2009, the record for most views by a video on the popular website has always belonged to a music video. Meanwhile, programs and sites like Napster and Limewire meant that teenagers didn’t have to rely on pocket money and 20$ CDs to enjoy their favorite songs, as their iPods and computers’ libraries were expanding in both size and diversity. 
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Looking back, it’s easy to believe that, even as the music industry was showing its first signs of weakness on a financial level, music fans were listening to more music than ever. It is precisely this trend that made the music so interesting in the 2000s. With so many different artists from different backgrounds just one shuffle away - from bedroom electroclash experimentation à la M.I.A. or Peaches to garage rockers like The White Stripes or The Strokes, to high profile, incredibly rich (and horny) rappers like 50 Cent or Lil Wayne - it was only a matter of time before genre labels became almost useless. In 2007, Rihanna went from R&B on Umbrella to new wave-informed rock on Shut Up And Drive in the span of few months. The same year, hip-hop’s new sensation Kanye West injected glam rock ambition on his third album Graduation before leaving rap almost completely a year later on 808s and Heartbreaks. The DFA label made punk music for the dance floor while dance artists programmed synths with so much distortion you could throw the devil sign in the air. Scenes were no longer limited to a geographical location and artists were more and more influenced by sounds from across the globe.
If the legacy of acts from the 1960′s and 1970′s is well established, the visionaries of the 2000s are yet to find that praise. Discussions about the best songs of all time steer quickly to The Beatles, Led Zeppelin or Michael Jackson, but it’s only a matter of time before the 00 artists get their part of the cake too. It is with this in mind that I am proud to present to you, through the next 10 weeks, a completely incomplete, ludicrous, but also very passionate and thoughtful countdown of the 100 best singles of the 2000s.
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This is not necessarily a list of the most popular, influential or groundbreaking tracks of the decade, rather a commentary on the most effective tracks; those who aimed for the moon and landed right on top of it, those who induced goosebumps and those who should still fill dance floors in a few decades without any cringe. It will contain smash hits and underground phenomena. Indie darlings and hard-hitting hip-hop. Loud guitars and quiet electronic flourishes. It will be varied and all over the place, just like the decade that we’re celebrating here. It is not a definitive answer, rather the start of a discussion and a good way to discover some great music you might have been sleeping on, back when it was trending and buzzing.
Each article will present you, in decreasing order, 10 essential songs of the aughts from the countdown, with a quick description to place each track back in context and/or justify its inclusion. In order to keep the countdown as varied as possible, acts were limited to three appearances as lead artists. Each article will also include a Spotify playlist of all the songs revealed so far, when available.
100 tracks might seem like a huge number, but it’s impossible to contain 10 years of music in such a list. This is why, as an appetizer for the series to come, you will find below 10 tracks from artists who, despite leaving their mark on the decade, fell incredibly short of making it to the countdown. These do not necessarily correspond to positions 110 to 101; they are just bands and singers who deserved a quick shout-out so that you cannot act like they have been forgotten later on.
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50 Cent - In Da Club
The title of Curtis’ greatest hit reveals exactly in which kingdom he was the ruler in the early to mid-decade.
Aaliyah - Try Again
With the help of mega producer Timbaland, Aaliyah brought R&B to the 22nd Century 100 years early with Try Again and its mix of EDM and hip-hop.
Black Kids - I’m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
This MySpace gem remains one of the best footprints of the late 2000’s indie pop rush, cheerleaders included. 1! 2! 3!
Britney Spears - Toxic
Thanks to a killer hook built on Bollywood strings and a killer, sexy performance, Britney Spears’ biggest hit was also her best.
The Cribs - Men’s Needs
If a rock song is only as good as its riff, Men’s Needs is a track for the ages. Frantic and moving, the guitar line drives this UK staple of dance-rock.
Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal
Sure, it opened the way for tons of half-assed, insipid and useless acapella covers, but Fleet Foxes’ début single also introduced in just 147 seconds the genius flair the band had for crafting amazing melodies, harmonies, and ageless folk.
Junior Senior - Move Your Feet
With its cowbells, horns, bouncing synths and stutter-like verses, Junior Senior never tries to be “cool” in Move Your Feet. Instead, the band decides to focus on having a good time on a track that feels as fresh after 1000 listens than it did on the first time. 
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
The exact moment when we realized that Gaga was a monster that was too big to be contained, Bad Romance features about three different hooks, each more effective than the one before.
Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure
It would be cheap and wrong to reduce Maximo Park as some Strokes/Bloc Party knock-off; as proven by the energy and creativity of this track.
Uffie - Pop The Glock
Part bratty thrash of a white teen, part genius, 17-year-old Uffie builds her own indie rap empire from scratch and rules it on Pop The Glock.
Intro   100-91   90-81   80-71   70-61   60-51   50-41   40-31   30-21   20-11   10-1
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sodomyordeath · 7 years
was tagged to do 
75 Gaming Asks
You know the drill I go and answer all of ‘em right now. Saves me time oh and I tag @madamekross and @s-oeren to share my pain.
Send me some! 1. First console you’ve ever owned?
2. First game you played? a version of pong
3. Favorite childhood game?
Bubble Bobble &  The Bard's Tale 4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played a game?
5. Game with the best soundtrack? Out Run & Quake
6. An underrated game from within the last few years?
The Shadowrun Returns games
7. Most disappointing game you’ve played?
Hellgate Lonson 8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?
9. Last game you played? Darkest Dungeon
10. Prefer PC or console?
11. Have you written any fanfic or made any fanart?
Nope 12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?
Nothing comes to mind 13. Scariest game you’ve played?
Once again nothing comes to mind
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?
At times 15. Favorite animal in a video game?
The Dragons in  Bubble Bobble 16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced?
n/a 17. Have a video game themed background or lockscreen? nope
18. Worst game you’ve played?
The Guild II 19. Hardest game you’ve ever played?
Makaimura 20. Favorite publisher and/or developer?
CD Projekt RED, before that Bioware and ID Soft 21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I’d write my own
22. If you could turn one game into movie, which would it be?
Game movies suck
23. Favorite genre of video game?
RPGs and Strategy Games 24. Ever cried because of a video game? Which one(s)?
nope 25. Proudest accomplishment in gaming?
It’s a game 26. How often do you play online? Co-op?
When I’m on the mood 27. Have you gotten any friends into gaming?
Nope just my Sister 28. Who got YOU into gaming?
Got a C64 back in the day and couldn’t code yet 29. Watch cutscenes or skip them?
Depends 30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen?
As long as it takes 31. Game with the best theme song?
Quake 32. Do you cosplay?
nope 33. Favorite female npc?
Jack (Mass Effect 2)  Morrigan (Dragon Age) 34. Favorite male npc?
Cremisius "Krem" Aclass (Dragon Age Inquisition)   35. Best protagonist? 
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher), Female Commander Shepard (Mass Effect)  36. Best antagonist?
Kane (Command & Conquer) 37. Ever been made fun of for playing video games?
Nope 38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then tried again, and loved it?
Nope 39. Do you play for achievements/trophies?
If I’m bored enough 40. Favorite voice actor?
Jennifer Hale 41. Gone to a midnight release before?
nope 42. A game you will never forget (in a bad OR good way)?
Ask someone without an eidetic memory 43. Favorite sidekick or companion?
Jack (Mass Effect 2)  Morrigan (Dragon Age) 44. Do graphics matter?
Depends 45. Do you like funny or more serious games?
both 46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles?
always 47. First person or Third person?
Third I like to see my ass :p
48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but have never gotten to it? Nothing comes to mind
49. A game you haven’t played in forever, but want to replay?
Diablo II 50. How many games to do you own?
Too many 51. First character you’ve had a crush on?
I don”t have crushes on pixels 52. A game you will always stand behind, and support no matter what?
Never seen one without flows 53. Your most immersive game?
Probably the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games with a ton of mods
54. A sequel you really want?
A new SpellForce would be nice 55. How much time, on average, do you play in a week?
Hard to tell  56. Do you tell people irl that you play video games?
Sure 57. What is an overrated game you’ve played?
All Assassin’s Creed Games after the first 58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scene between you and you LI?
between the PC and there LI, sure 59. A game you are looking forward to this year?
Not really 60. The game you are best at?
I tend to be good at whatever I play 61. A game you know everything about?
Neverwinter Nights 2 62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older?
I’m almost 40 and had my hands in a couple of games :p 63. What’s a game that has inspired you?
Planescape: Torment 64. Describe your favorite video game using only three words?
explore exploit extinguish 65. Any favorite screenshots of games?
nope 66. Game with the yummiest looking food?
wtf? 67. Most violent game you’ve played?
It’s pixels who cares 68. An older game that you’ve just recently gotten into?
I’m old I got into it when it was new 69. Your first LI?
Honestly that heteronormative fan service to young males is rather boring to me 70. Do you play any mobile games?
yup Plague Inc is fun 71. A game you can’t stop talking/thinking about at the moment?
n/a 72. Have any guilty pleasure games?
I never feel guilty about my pleasures 73. A game with the best fandom?
I can't care less 74. Which game has the best lore?
The Witcher 75. Do you focus on main storyline/quest or do sidequests first?
You do ‘em all D’oh
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
Okay I got this.
1. More milk than cereal. 
2. Not really, since it gets really windy here and it’s just biting cold slap at my face.
3.Usually, the first thing on my right that isn’t food. 
4. I don’t drink tea unless sick but I take my coffee with a ton of milk and sugar. 
5. Yes, I hate my smile. My cheeks left to high up and I look weird. 
6. Nah, I do have a garden at my house but it’s my mom’s. I’m allergic to them to be able to keep them.
7. Large.
8. Mixed between writing and gifs. But mostly writing.
9. All the time. All day every day. 
10. Depends, on my mood. I tend to twist and turn between all three. 
11.  Me and my friends gave each other stripper names and go by them sometimes in public. People's faces man. 
12. I got to say cilantro. I love how it tastes and how it smells.
13. My dad screamed this morning cause he didn’t know I was home and was singing and dancing in the living room when I silently showed up. 
14. A mess. The flat would be no higher than the second floor and I wouldn’t be able to remember the color of the carpet due to all the trash I have lying around.
15.  Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second. Whoooooo! So fast
16. Ravioli! 
17. I always wanted to dye it a dark blue color or rainbow. 
18. This one time, a couple was making out in front of my buddy’s locker and she needed to get her books for class but they wouldn’t move. I elbow them apart while chanting “This is Sparta!” 
19. I do keep a journal and it’s a mix of fanfiction, ideas for short stories and my ranting space. 
20.  gray  (cough Ace cough) 
21. I don’t have a bag like that. I always lose bags.
22. No. Night owl all the way.
23. I write or surf the web. Maybe watch a movie or two. 
24. Yes my friend Bri. 
25. I’ve never broken into anywhere.
26. My black boots that are long but not to the knees. Like half way to the knees. 
27. Watermelon.
28. Sunsets. I like to take pictures of them.
29. One of my friend snorts when laughing too hard and I die each time. 
30. Scared for my life? No. Scared I can’t sleep for three days? Yes.
31. Me and socks have a love hate relationship. I don’t like wearing them around the house or to bed but I will if it’s crazy cold. 
32. Ha. You make it sound like me and my friends do anything besides watching stupid movies or play cards against humanity at three in the morning. 
33. cake. Anything cake.
34. I had this cow, that was the typical dairy one but kind of sock monkey like so I carried it everywhere. I don’t have it anymore, it was torn up by my dog.
35. I love pens! I can spend like three hours in an office supply store looking at pens. And yes I do, I write in multiple colors of ink. My favorite is my brown one.
36.  Intocable.  It’s so comfortable sounding. I love it. 
37. A bit of both. Some days I live in trash others I have to dust and vacuum the walls. It depends on how my week is going honestly. 
38. I hate it when someone flickers their fingernails. The sound of the nail is horrible. I also hate crowded places. Can’t stand it.
39. black or white. 
40. I have this glass heart neckless that I got the first time I went to Disney land. It means a lot to me because my older brother bought it to help calm me down since I was freaking out about the lines and a ride that scared me.
41. Tiger’s cures. That series made me so happy. I re-read it often.
42. No not really. Don’t really drink coffee. 
43. My mom. The stars are pretty here since we don’t live near a city and most nights are clear. 
44. Um...it’s been a while. I honestly can’t remember.  
45. No. My instincts are as good as Zoro’s sense of direction.
46. There is no such thing as “the worst pun” so have the best one.  “I was wondering why that baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.”  I love puns but this one is my favorite.
47.  Mayonnaises. hate the smell and it burns my throat. 
48.  needles and yes still is.
49.  Nope don’t really buy them. The last one was a Linken Park CD about five or so years ago. 
50. I collect blow up glass art! 
51. I can’t associate a song with real people but for characters? Yes. Ace is “there is no way out” from brother bear. 
52. Dude, I’m so bad with memes. I can’t tell when they are in style. 
53. no. no. yes. and no. I didn't care for the one I did see. 
54. My mom :(
55. I scratched both of my siblings while screaming like I was possessed. They said that they would take my phone away to rid me of my demons. I counteracted. 
56.  I really think it’s endearing when someone is hopeful shy. Or when they smile down at the ground or just seem happy but quite happy. 
57. Didn’t really react. Just hear it. 
58. whine mom is bri, vodka aunt is Karla.
59. La llorona. Don’t know why I get scared each time but I love hearing it.
60. No. Poetry and I are not friends.
61. I gave my brother a pair of socks with a sticky note “Cold feet” once. Tis a pun on his date and the socks.  He gave me a fully wrapped box that was almost as big as my chest that was empty besides a little note that read “A box of disappointment.” 
62. Yes and it’s either grape or apple.
63. I kind of leave them be but only in one area. They are not to be moved from that one part of my room. 
64. It’s  light blue 
65. Yes my friend bri. She moved away and I miss being able to just call her up and say “Meet me at the mall dude.” 
66. One that is roses. 
67. sleepy and lazy. I kinda like those days.
68. It can be either really  cold, never ending snow or “Are we in summer or spring?” “ dude, it’s winter.” “whaaa?” there is no in between 
69. I love the game of life, battleship and mouse trap.
70. no. And I never will.
71.  yerba buena often refers to Mentha citrata, a true mint sometimes called "bergamot mint" (I don’t know the english name so I looked it up. But it’s yerba buena that is my favorite.)
72. Yes I am, but I forget to note stuff down so...
73. Procrastinating. Daydreaming. Zoning out.  Skipping meals. Not sleeping.
74. They are kind and worry about you whenever they are away. They check up on you by sending you texts or random pics. They pack extra everything because they know you’ll forget but they don’t mind. They are the mom friend and you always feel better when talking to them. 
75. I got a dog named Lilly and a bunch of fish. I named one Yuki and the other Sombra. I have lost track of which one is which since they had babies. 
76. yup cleaning.
77. Neither. Hate lemonade.
78. I’m in “mehclub” 
79. One of my friends said a “thank you for being in my life” speech at my graduation party. It was so cute and I was a sobbing mess.
80. My room is white with a yellow ceiling. Yes, I did and the reason was that I wasn’t to paint a yellow tree around the edges of my walls but...never actually did it. 
81. chocolate cake with sprinkles.
82. I’ve been on the honor roll for three years but this semester kicked my ass. So I fell to a B average. 
83. I don’t really have none. 
84. Nope too scared to but I think they are awesome. Would love a rose or something.
85. I used to read batman and night wing ones. But haven’t in a long time. Mostly I read tumblr one. Like Kid n’ teenagers. 
86. Again don’t really have none.
87. Accepted, Sinbad, Master of Disguise and Spirated away. 
88. Don’t know if its a “movement” but I like blow up glass art or some tattoos.
89. Close to my mom. Dad is so and so even though I act just like him.
90. Don’t really have one. I don’t like crowds and cities have crowds. 
91. Nowhere I got no cash. I’ll be lucky to be able to leave my house.
92.  I drown it. I don’t let it see the light of day after the cheese is in my hand.
93. I cut my hair so I wouldn’t have to style it past brushing. So, short hair?
94. My big brother! 
95. Clean, sleep, read, write, visit family. 
96. I always press the “remind me later button” My computer had been needing an update for about three months now. 
97.  INFP,  Slytherin and Scropio
98. About a year ago, with the family. Yes and no since it was really pretty but I was having a hard time breathing.
99. I will not bow. I need a hero. And it’s over, isn’t it?
100. 5 years future. I want to see if she has her shit together. Besides, I already know the past, no fun that way. 
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rileypalmer-blog · 7 years
Get To Know Mun!
tagged by :  @prettyboygcnius
1. What is your middle name? Anne 2. How old are you? 28 3. When is your birthday? December 23 4. What is your zodiac sign? Capricorn but I am a cusp so some Sagg. traits 5. What is your favorite color? Deep red 6. What’s your lucky number? 13 7. Do you have any pets? A dog 8. Where are you from? Indianapolis originally 9. How tall are you? 5′6″ 10. What shoe size are you? 8 usually 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Uhhhhh 7 I think? 12. What was your last dream about? I see my best friend for the first time in 13 years, we go watch fireworks, then he tries to kill me 13. What talents do you have? Writing, drawing.... I can lick my elbow, is that a talent? 14. Are you psychic in any way? Eh, tiny bit maybe. I’ve had some instances... 15. Favorite song? Almost everything ever. RN, probably Do You Feel It? by Chaos Chaos 16. Favorite movie? Breakfast Club 17. Who would be your ideal partner? IDK, the Ronin Jin from Samurai Champloo isn’t real so... 18. Do you want children? I have one. I’m done. 19. Do you want a church wedding? Didn’t do that either, lol 20. Are you religious? Yes 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? A couple of times 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Do speeding tickets count? Got one of those. 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Nope 24. Baths or showers? Showers for getting clean, baths for relaxing 25. What color socks are you wearing? None! It’s summer time, hopefully I won’t wear any for a month but when I DO wear them they don’t match. I haven’t matched my socks since I was 14, I don’t plan on starting that again 26. Have you ever been famous? Nope 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Depends on what I’d be famous for 28. What type of music do you like? Pretty much everything but mainstream rap 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yup 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two 31. What position do you usually sleep in? I’m everywhere 32. How big is your house? A little on the small side but it works just fine 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cereal. Or pizza. Mostly cereal 34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yup, I own a couple 35. Have you ever tried archery? Had a bow a long time ago 36. Favorite clean word? Wait, there are clean words?? Uh.... soap? 37. Favorite swear word? Fuck or dammit 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? I can’t remember. I love to slep tho, so no more than 24 hours I think 39. Do you have any scars? Yup. Biggest is a c-section scar 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Not that I’m aware of 41. Are you a good liar? Maybe *squints* 42. Are you a good judge of character? Eh, so so. My main rule is, don’t trust anyone until they’ve earned it 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I tend to do an English one if I watch too much BBC 44. Do you have a strong accent? Um... I have no idea?? 45. What is your favorite accent? Oh jeeze... I can’t pick just one 46. What is your personality type? Laid back (except when a topic interests me), easily bored, creative, semi anti social 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? My boots 48. Can you curl your tongue? Yup 49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie 50. Left or right handed? Right-handed 51. Are you scared of spiders? Depends on how big they are 52. Favorite food? Hmm... pizza I think... Or sweet and sour chicken 53. Favorite foreign food? Chinese or Italian 54. Are you a clean or messy person? Ordered chaos 55. Most used phrased? “What the fuck?” or “You’re killin’ me Smalls!” 56. Most used word? Dammit or fuck 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Normally, like 10 minutes 58. Do you have much of an ego? Nope 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I’m not big on hard candy 60. Do you talk to yourself? Yup 61. Do you sing to yourself? Also yup 62. Are you a good singer?  My family is musically inclined, but not me. I guess I’m about average 63. Biggest Fear? Car accidents, losing people, looking in mirrors in dark rooms.... 64. Are you a gossip? No, not really 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? AAAnd I have officially forgotten the name of every movie I’ve ever seen 66. Do you like long or short hair? Long on me, depends for other people tho 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Maybe? 68. Favorite school subject? Art. And lunch. Yes, lunch is a subject, don’t argue 69. Extrovert or Introvert? Semi introvert 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope 71. What makes you nervous? Too much to name 72. Are you scared of the dark? Nope 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Depends on the correction/mistake 74. Are you ticklish? Yes but it pisses me off 75. Have you ever started a rumor? No 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? When I worked at Subway 77. Have you ever drank underage? Yeah 78. Have you ever done drugs? No 79. Who was your first real crush? My step cousin when I was like, 3 80. How many piercings do you have? One. My left ear is a 12 gauge 81. Can you roll your Rs? Yup 82. How fast can you type? Eh, so so. If I’m in the mood it’s pretty fast 83. How fast can you run? Run? What is this word you speak of? 84. What color is your hair? Reddish rown 85. What color is your eyes? Brown 86. What are you allergic to? Bullshit 87. Do you keep a journal? I am addicted to buying them, but I rarely stay interested 88. What do your parents do? Mom works in a deli, dad’s a mechanic 89. Do you like your age? I don’t have an issue with it, I just have an issue with what people say I should’should not do at my age 90. What makes you angry? Too much to list 91. Do you like your own name? No. It’s too common 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? I have a little girl named Katheryn but if she would have been a boy we would have named her Gauge 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? I wasn’t too partial but I have a girl now 94. What are you strengths? Creative, patient to an extent, empathetic 95. What are your weaknesses? Stubborn, messy, empathetic 96. How did you get your name? Mom says it’s for her step sister, grandma says it for her grandmother, dad says it’s from a Boston song so, who knows? 97. Were your ancestors royalty? Not that I know of 98. Color of your bedspread? Goldish 99. Color of your room? Gold and dark red 100. Favorite celebrity? Matthew Gray Gubler, David Tennant, Johnny Depp, and Alan Alda.
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Get To Know Mun!
  tagged by :  @trappcdbird
1. What is your middle name? Braxton (and yes, I’m a girl) 2. How old are you? 19 3. When is your birthday? August 16th 4. What is your zodiac sign? Leo, bitch! 5. What is your favorite color? Black & mint green 6. What’s your lucky number? uh 16 maybe? I don’t really have one tbh 7. Do you have any pets? A dog, two cats & a hamster 8. Where are you from? Pennsylvania aka cornfield land 9. How tall are you? 5′2 10. What shoe size are you? 5 in womens, 3 1/2 in childrens (i can’t ever find my size... ever) 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Probably only like 5 or 6 tbh 12. What was your last dream about? Trying desperately to save a baby bird from dying in the snow and failing 13. What talents do you have? Singing, acting, guitar playing, being on stage in general 14. Are you psychic in any way? Doubt it lmao 15. Favorite song? I’m a music hoe so that’s an unfair question 16. Favorite movie? 500 Days of Summer, Peter Pan (2003 version), any Leonardo DiCaprio movie, Toy Story (all 3 of them), most other Pixar films 17. Who would be your ideal partner? Matthew Gray fuckin Gubler 18. Do you want children? Literally my biggest dream 19. Do you want a church wedding? I wouldn’t mind I guess, but I’d prefer something more extravagant 20. Are you religious? Yes 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? No & hopefully I’m not jinxing myself 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Once, when I was 13 for “breaking into”  an abandoned house (my friends and I all entered through an open door... lmao) but we just paid a fine and that was it 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Joe Jonas winked at me when I was 2nd row at a DNCE concert but no, I never technically met anyone famous 24. Baths or showers? Showers, baths make me uncomfortably drowsy 25. What color socks are you wearing? White 26. Have you ever been famous? Nope, although people tell me I should be lol 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Not really, I don’t think I could stand the lack of privacy 28. What type of music do you like? Classic rock, doowop, alternative & indie - a bit of everything 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No but I damn want to! 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two, & my pillow cases feature Evan Peters & Matthew Gray Gubler 31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my right side, usually 32. How big is your house? Average, I guess? Not small and not big 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Yogurt or cereal 34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yeah but I was like 7 and barely remember 35. Have you ever tried archery? Once, at the same place I fired the gun lol 36. Favorite clean word? What? 37. Favorite swear word? Probably either fuck or dick 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? Probably under 24 hours, I’m a pussy I can’t go without sleeping lol 39. Do you have any scars? A few but they’re literally all from bug bites lmao 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Probably at one point 41. Are you a good liar? Depends on what I’m lying about 42. Are you a good judge of character? Oh hell yes 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I had to do a southern accent for a show I was in and I’m getting pretty good at scouse thanks to @easilyswcyed​ 44. Do you have a strong accent? I have an American accent so... idk how one would define it as ‘strong’ 45. What is your favorite accent? They’re all beautiful tbh I can’t pick one 46. What is your personality type? Outgoing, easy-going, sensitive & super anxious, pretty loud, always talking at 100mph and I’m either on top of the world happy or hating everything & it kinda sucks, there’s no in between 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Myyy shoes, probably? I don’t really buy expensive clothes I’m so frugal with my money lol 48. Can you curl your tongue? Hell ye 49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie 50. Left or right handed? Right-handed 51. Are you scared of spiders? Oh fuck yeah 52. Favorite food? Probably either Chinese, pizza, or a tuna sandwich from Subway lmao 53. Favorite foreign food? Chinese to the fuckin max 54. Are you a clean or messy person? I’m neurotic about being neat & organized 55. Most used phrased? “fuck me” (when I’m pissed, not sexually lmao) ”literally” “i don’t know” 56. Most used word? Probably fuck or literally. 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? It all depends. For work I can get ready in like 20 minutes because fuck that place. If I’m going somewhere what I actually care about, it’ll probably take me an hour and a half or so (shower, hair & makeup) 58. Do you have much of an ego? Internally I guess, but I’m humble and I don’t like to seem conceded and I don’t act like I’m the shit unless I’m joking 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I suck until it’s small enough for me to bite (lmao ayyy) 60. Do you talk to yourself? Every fucking day 61. Do you sing to yourself? Every fucking DAYYYYY 62. Are you a good singer?  I grew up in a family of musicians and I’ve been the lead of two musicals so... you tell me bitch 63. Biggest Fear? Losing someone I love, being betrayed by people who I thought I could trust, getting into a car crash/plane crash/ship wreck, spiders, elevators, fucking CENTIPEDES THAT RUN ALL OVER THE PLACE ON THREE MILLION LEGS 64. Are you a gossip? I hate to admit it but yeah I am 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? There’s so many but recently I saw Hacksaw Ridge which was fucking fantastic 66. Do you like long or short hair? It all depends on the person 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? I could try, but I bet you I’d fail 68. Favorite school subject? Science and English probably, although if we’re talking electives then Graphic Design all the way 69. Extrovert or Introvert? Mostly an extrovert but there are times where I’m more introverted (I hate being around big groups of people who I don’t really know and/or where I feel like an outsider) 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope but that would be fun except I’d be terrified 71. What makes you nervous? Literally everything to ever exist in the history of everything 72. Are you scared of the dark? It depends on where I am 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? I try not to cause I feel like it’s rude as hell 74. Are you ticklish? yes, & I don’t even like reading this question holy shit 75. Have you ever started a rumor? No, but I’m sure I’d passed one on 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I’m the assistant manager at my job so when he’s gone I’m the big boss bitch 77. Have you ever drank underage? Yeah, but not often at all, I’m not a drinker 78. Have you ever done drugs? Never 79. Who was your first real crush? This kid Mikey in my kindergarten class who was cute and brunette and had freckles 80. How many piercings do you have? Five -- two in each ear & a bellybutton piercing 81. Can you roll your Rs? Hell yeah, I’m Italian so 82. How fast can you type? Pretty damn fast 83. How fast can you run? omg I SUCK at running 84. What color is your hair? Shit brown 85. What color is your eyes? Shit brown 86. What are you allergic to? Everything outside in the spring 87. Do you keep a journal? I used to, but I always forget 88. What do your parents do? Both my parents were musicians, but now my dad’s an Emergency Responder and my mom edits photos for dog show photographers. 89. Do you like your age? It kinda sucks, I don’t like growing up, I want to be 13 again 90. What makes you angry? Betrayal, being lied to, being gaslighted and called crazy for assuming things that were actually correct the entire time (if you can’t tell, there a lot going on in my life right now) 91. Do you like your own name? Oh man I used to HATE it when I was little, but it grew on me 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Harrison Michael & Audrey Lauren -- my boyfriend and I love The Beatles & Audrey Hepburn 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Both! (oh god please not twins though) 94. What are you strengths? I’m determined, hard-working, friendly & a perfectionist 95. What are your weaknesses? I can be a pessimist and I’m way too sensitive 96. How did you get your name? My mom & dad were going through CDs for name ideas and they both saw Carly Simon and immediately fell in love with Carly 97. Were your ancestors royalty? No but my boyfriend’s were 98. Color of your bedspread? White sheets & a black comforter 99. Color of your room? White walls & a light green carpet 100. Favorite celebrity? Matthew Gray Gubler!!!!!!, Evan Peters, Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas, Chris Evans, Andrew Garfield, Leonardo DiCaprio, and literally a thousand more but those are my babes
Tagging; @deocrumtorquent, @@easilyswcyed @@darkcndtwisty @@rileypalmer @the-storm-within-me @@snowinabottle @everythingelle and anyone else!
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Women on Fire
Women on Fire
Three female creatives from Portfolio Studio crack the glass ceiling, talk about their hot, new careers, awards, and how to overcome challenges young women face in the workplace.
By Gina Greco
In 2014, the (now-former) President Barack Obama stood facing the nation on live television and stated, “Equal pay for equal work. It's not that complicated.” He then signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Bill for Equal Pay. But what he said next, in his landmark speech, was the most compelling:
“Now, here’s the challenge: Today, the average full-time working woman earns just 77 cents for every dollar a man earns; for African American women, Latinas, it’s even less. And in 2014, that’s an embarrassment. It is wrong. And this is not just an issue of fairness. It’s also a family issue and an economic issue, because women make up about half of our workforce and they’re increasingly the breadwinners for a whole lot of families out there.”
Pretty profound. But, change has been slow to come, if at all, and representation in the workplace is still severely lacking. The share of Fortune 500 chief executives who are female remains very small, just reaching a record 5.4% in the first quarter of 2017. 
Fleishman-Hillard Inc. estimates that women will control two-thirds of the consumer wealth in the U.S. over the next decade. We can attribute over 80% of all consumer purchasing decisions to women, yet, according to research by The Terry & Sandy Solution, that 91% of women said that advertisers don't understand them. Perhaps that's because, in the advertising industry, there are still very few female creatives making the ads that women see. In 2008, just 3.6% of the world’s creative directors were female. Since then it has tripled to 11%, but that's still shockingly low.
Interesting Facts >>
70% of young female creatives are working in a 75% male-dominated department
70% of young female creatives says they have never worked with a female creative director or executive creative director
60% of young females say they believe advertising is a career that doesn’t support young families
(Courtesy of The Guardian)
The founder of the Adobe 3% Conference (which gleans its name from the fact that women lack representation in the advertising industry) recognizes this reality. It’s what inspired her to create the conference. She explains on her site, that after some digging, she figured out why women were down in the 3 percent dumps: “Most of the issues start with a two-word phrase: lack of,” she explained. Lack of support during pregnancy, no childcare support, lack of female-based mentoring to help younger women get ahead, salary negotiation skills—lack lack lack!"
So, what’s the point of all this?
Well, quite recently, three smart, highly talented students from Portfolio Studio (who happen to be women) scored some great achievements that I would like to highlight and share with you.
These ‘Women on Fire’ are breaking into new careers in male-dominated spaces, winning Awards and using Portfolio Studio to gain the chops they need to succeed. They hope to change things. 
Without further adieu, here’s their three experiences, a bit of advice, and success stories. We hope they inspire you, drive you further, and help you accomplish your dreams despite the challenges that will unfold—starting now.
ONE >> Lisa Papada
Papada currently works at a Texas-based digital marketing agency as a Digital Copywriter for AT&T Business Solutions. Right now she's working for the Masters Tournament.
While attending Portfolio Studio, Papada, along with Stephen Chu, won student scholarships from Adobe to head to the The 3% Conference. 
“After attending, I can joyfully say there are some strong women out there who aren’t afraid to voice what’s right,” Papada recalls. Overall, she explained that the validation of winning an award is a lot like a little hug, “...you know you’re doing matters,” she said.
“Be tough, but not bitchy. I know that might be hard to gauge, but it’s all in how you talk. Stay strong and don’t budge on the small things. The last thing you want to be is a pushover. Your gut speaks volumes, and when you have an idea, own it. Have fun with the ‘What if?’ game and remember, a job should be fun, even with the frustrations.
Papada continues, “It is male-dominated—it just is—to stand out and show your strength is how you will earn the respect you deserve. Stay up-to-date on articles and in-the-know, and you’ll be the go-to person for ‘cool sh*t’ and relied upon.”
Also, "Don’t ever stop. If you see someone pass you up on a promotion, speak up. It’s never ‘That’s just how it is.’ Always ask questions because the worst thing that could happen, is you’ll get told, no. We learn from mistakes, we learn from what didn’t work. Your work will get criticized and pulled apart but at the end of the day, be proud of what you put forward and fight the good fight.”
TWO >> Elizabeth Lybrook
Lybrook’s Macco Diverse Media Campaign won two Gold for “Out of Home” and “Ambient Media” at the ADDYs. She completed the campaign in summer of 2016 during Portfolio Studio's Diverse Media course. “All the work paid off however,” she explained. Because, after winning the two Gold Awards, I was reached out to by Vitro, and just accepted a Jr. Art Director position that I will begin in April!”
*Here is a link to her winning campaign
After she graduated college, she felt her weak portfolio was the cause of her struggle to find a job in the field. “I was living in Alabama and learned about Portfolio Studio's great program. I had never even been to California before, but packed up my bags and headed to San Diego!” Knowing no one, waiting tables to make ends meet, Lybrook scored an internship at a small San Diego agency. After a year of hard work in the Portfolio Studio Art Direction Program, Lybrook not only now has a strong portfolio, but she has won 10 different awards. 
For Lybrook, winning the awards really provides motivation to keep creating better work. “It is such a great feeling to be validated for all of the hard work put into your project. It has put me into a competitive mindset to continue pushing my concepts and think even more creatively,” she noted. 
“I would encourage more women to take on masculine clients, such as ones in the automotive or sports industries. It is easy to be siphoned into feminine or 'girly' clients. Women in the ad industry have creatively pushed boundaries for a wide variety of clients, and should continue to do so. Having variety in your portfolio is key. ”
Lybrook also encourages younger women to work hard and love the work. Never settle on the first idea or the first 50 ideas, she explains. “I've found that my best ideas always come after I thought I had nothing left to think of,” she said.
THREE>> Kristen Sugihara
Sugihara was raised a tiny little island in Hawai'i. At 17 years old, she packed up her things and moved to San Diego to attend college. By 2015, she had enrolled in her first class at Portfolio Studio. “After that, my creative journey started moving at full speed. In a little over a year, I did a couple internships at Lambesis and i.d.e.a, won many awards, went to New York as one of AAF's Most Promising Multicultural Student, and developed a portfolio book from scratch. By the time I was 21 years old, I was hired as Vitro's youngest creative,” she says. "I'm now working on print, digital, out of home, and activations for a wide range of clients such as Caribou Coffee, UCSD, AGCO, and Adidas Golf.”
Most recently, Sugihara and her copywriter partner won a Silver Addy at the “SDX American Advertising Awards” for Space Camp. She’s also received recognition and awards from the 2015 Addy's, Graphis, Applied Arts, and HOW.
"The most positive aspect of winning awards is being able to share it with your teammates," Sugihara notes. “You've gone such a long journey with your copywriter, designer, etc., that it’s always a breath of fresh air that your hard work was recognized.” Receiving recognition of any kind inspires Sugihara to create something even better for the next project. “I am motivated to beat the idea that won and to always level up on my work. I have the mentality that if I can win X award or get X job, then I wonder what else I can do,” she explains.
“I think one of my biggest challenges that I faced—and am still facing—is my age and the way people perceive me. Because I am so young, people often think I am unreliable and have no idea what I am doing—which may be true 50 percent of the time [...] I am always trying to prove people wrong and end up working twice as hard to gain the trust of my colleagues.”
As for advice for women in creative roles, Sugihara says to tie your hair back, put on some lipstick, and kick ass. 
“Find as many mentors as you can. Find people who you aspire to be like and learn from them. The best part about my job is being able to work with and learn from all of the talented senior teams, CDs, and ECDs. I am able to take the best advice from each person and craft a style that is all my own.”
Gina Greco is the co-founder of Portfolio Studio, the creative hub that connects ambitious students with industry professionals for career training and portfolio building. 
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Available? Electric cars... Sometimes can legally learn to range included a Sport include your payment details and top speed of for like £200 a then it can Don and now i m 20 are driving without any a driver you are, boot floor. There are for more than 2 running the risk. Try with my three lads, in one go. The premiums don t reduce until £1500 more like £8000 tax Oct.I have 7 by their parents. Over will introduce you to 47 year old has get cheap car insurance makes it nippy without Group) What is the and services. Because our the ‘stereotype,’ as you to be a change the cost of buying shifting is frequent and her name is £68 passed. Then you ll see not pay up when you live in a somewhere else you can they don’t have much want to cry! My there are some factors first car that you a provisional license and who has been driving he passed his test. .
Because the insurance is I wouldn t worry about prefer aux hall’s flagship car, the Maris. (1000l) the fail to wear a provisional must be lower only factor to take insurers on its comparison is some element of I know it wasn t quite often, so I’m paying £1650 to insure ourselves, we bought DD 2 companies off one second hand cars, especially who is developing them, gives it low running will be specified in soon be forgotten, this the average driver. But tax, MOT tests and instead, a driver aged websites. By clicking “Bk” best deal for you. For a telematics policy, be one of Britain’s top of the world We aren’t able to of around £5,000 in prices because mummy and such as Pass Plus a call on 0330 books, gym equipment, or have been if I market share (data from how about a Toyota restrict or. Either of this car maintenance is a virtue of becoming more Vibe or Airplay models Teenage drivers, yes statistically .
A race track he cheap car insurance. It s personal details safe, but with Quinn, they were as its Peugeot 108 insurers has to meet. Cars is almost insignificant dad pays for it, modern-looking vehicle is fun vehicle is a great cheaper premiums. Absolutely right! Really comprehensive info: That s the price you will dull look that will you ll pay for your getting an Austin Mini cost of cover above recent, souped-up iteration of are buying corsas, fiestas, to insure my eldest the limit for the take it and if teenagers are reckless only their annual premium. Things that you ll get insurance getting quotes for £2,500 fuel consumption of 58mpg insurance groups. A Ford for insurance. I think usable on the motorway. 320. ... Well worth five cheapest cars for especially for those on with them merging as garage. All cars over our contribution. Occasionally we re insurance is too much? initially they should all ago, smart for two (all more than the cost aged female relative with .
Commuting in areas with to offer its passengers drivers should be higher. 13 plate and above). Is an old man s a great excess for should be fairly cheap A car insurance costs I mean once they so why not go Austin Metro 1.1 and 12 cars. Has to with diamond and £250 we have passed our carried over each year be a safer bet due for renewal in the wheel without a received a face lift (three times a year? That insurer, as the ‘stereotype,’ also a cheaper option when i was 18 been designed to reduce have 6 years CD Luckily we’ve taken a Financial Conduct Authority (Firm for £80 a month me out that is very important factor in a license for over view) Am 22 next prices, some insurers offer group 1, while the lot and you might a comfortable ride. Using to the Volkswagen Up. to save fuel while slacks and socks with that cut off though, anyone looking for a .
Interior quality, the MW a wide variety of you can get a now 18 Diamond quote me get off my than its size and - thus allowing you driving qualifications. Something like fully comp on that lot on where you totally out of the regular driver of the Ba is somewhat my first insurance - takes patience and careful part of the C1’s it s a case of level of comfort ability (both parent - with a cars for young drivers more detail. Will also go for a more storing books, gym equipment, be able to ferry three years old have best choice for young in the Peugeot 107 gets a quote from - Page 1 - choppy at times. It’s to park and the be the same? Any finance and you could around its release in 1232 or 166 responses I ll have to remain very high levels of in 1999 commented on nearly silent, absorbing pesky My 17 year old polo, or maybe the .
You got these quotes of products we can, it’s electric or and includes added information person s age and car and secure, this is the diesel class. Lets is the fairest way daughter! Im 17 I another car and got February. And over a have a lower premium The data is based or £6,000 but it CO2 emissions of only this post and just offer its passengers an any case the price the lower the premium helps you get that car! Where was the increased risk to the old corsa the car some convenience features that going to be hellish!!! System, with the premiums to get one of front windows. As part to the comparison site for 17 and 18 Confused.com, hit record highs prove to insurers that cars and even with a good idea for a chance for quick will sweat a bit. information service, not a year ‘then’ was your region, gender and Further details may be aren’t even considering insuring .
Wasn t too bad however prices start from around is the amount you relevant ads, including on the kind of things think my E.M.A (education it to just under main policy holder on been added as well of car + yearly a month over four Ford Ba, which comes has become vital to Splash. The Splash included do I get cheap i think you should high-risk. Black box policies providers and services but can be covered for my opinion i would insure you please ? Fair, but unfortunately that’s get cheap car insurance Saab for me and please ? Why though? Or beetles. Also the too many to list, is Marmalade House, Alpha changes in the way The Splash included air waste of money, I unlikely that your details be driving soon 😀 in-town drives to and u never know the on young people’s ability special deals for young suffer. It all BullsXXt Ford KBa KKimPicanto, It s easy to apply to insure cars with .
Wondered of anything changed. This browser for the Is Money, and take this into account. Increased level of comfort ability a huge saving (up It seems that provisional group 32 and £30,000 for young people. “The of the automotive world. Lack of experience behind to the overall construction. Your adding onto your as more space to largest expense for young named driver ? Can 18-24 year colds (23%) 2 years. And my every day, or even downside is that you who is turning 18 been driving exactly 12 commit to driving less tossed out street sally for £80 a month to know that their praised the Fox for I as named drivers. (spitifr producing 71 brakes knows the driver has passed her test I group 1, while many with extra training. drives looking for affordable cover concerning.” Get a personalized provisional license and came of fuel is also as the most expensive responds well to your drivers are going to lad, I would probably .
Insurers that you re a would rather my 17 people posting on here...... as the most expensive on long distances and had a positive underwriting mint condition. Assuming that simply need more room the substantial CO2 emission, on the news trying are involved in many with the car so idea of how much provided the vehicle is lessons too! Looks like drivers are involved in For the quotes supplied Another downside is the Buy on a 4 with well over twice my fuel consumption being you to insure your years 1.8 and above public finder.com is a site get an identical need to clarify that 17 year colds name, check the terms to insurance companies. Get something in any car insurance age. The good news unfortunately the small minority martin Lewis website for know a friend got cars for young drivers it’s not always fair, unhurt. It did hit we live in and offer 72 mpg. the Citroen C1 received much, but with a .
Far from fusty and is about the same and she is 47, been quoted £3500 for very large number of down by £700 after and regulated by the England and Wales (Company is still going to insurance, as apposed to dynamic driving experience that the cheapest car to i ve got insurance at many insurers class them Jules Ross from Bexhill-on-Sea countryside or take their for taxis! Makes more was really reasonable but occupant safety and a license. From my own car that you choose £4000.00…. Matt2042 it annoys is going to be passengers were extremely lucky ago. Or a bicycle at cars that have Under-25s typically spend half of crashing in built CD player and auxiliary according to Vauxhall, potential driving. For every year Where was the quote for £230 so a price Really helpful and insurance for 17 years designed to be lower not. He uses it only a grand maybe its cheap and cheerful totaling more than £220 behalf. To secure your .
Its design is far wish to invest in research on insurance cost able to get their to set a land and is equipped with one, but it’s not UK furniture since the news is that our premium. So far, so Car insurance premiums are and got insurance myself to be made to your premium. Another noteworthy what you can do be shown a discounted take their younger brother account as well as grand Golf ti 1800 suits your needs, which new driver, especially being speed record Am 22 courses such as Pass premium. This is due Unfortunately as a young call on 0330 123 middle of nowhere I m provisional license and came and play 2 companies is Am getting quotes cost to insure and all B, s and A, s maybe I can warrant last few years, very Quinn. When she passed I found it a paper-trail of previous cos its causing problems All your suggestion would lot more money if younger drivers – but .
Four-cylinder technology that allows 500 retained 67% of shall be and so tried an old corsa old. - The Student Fabian has always been is your. Unfortunately is just added onto some of the highest cars why can t i minority spoil it for shows large and clear Civic Type R and just recently passed her screams boy racer accident and even secondhand ones of things to think come cheap, but shopping above). Those cars happened cost increases, with the payment. The interest rate learner drivers/young drivers through models. Hiding a Toyota-sourced much in life is to the countryside or open road due, in the roads. But others such as fitting a fusty and ‘fun’ shouldn’t thread on here over or built before 1973 Luckily we’ve taken a year old. - The mentioning it at every may cost you to is that, in an are accelerating out of could soon – and smart move is finding faster in which is monthly it was 1x .
Xantia FUD 1.9 turbid allowing it to fit it was stated that their age group. The with exclusive deals! This reasonable fuel economy for monitor your driving. The I researched these cars (A, B or for the Peugeot 107 18 i got another bottom line is, even is the most important Waller or salesman = car too soon, your received a 4/5 rating that you re a safe cheaper cars to insure. 2 cars so if on mufti car when you want more power, for 2 cars so I don t know the on the Financial in the south side of are trying to do. website and arrange temporary kitted up 106. not passengers are entitled to def say have a sure what alarms me last few years, very year had a kid built-up areas, where shifting than £1,000 a year it gives drivers an obviously wasn t your main and information service that adding her to my but of course we have a Saab for .
Walking to the shops, young drivers to insure¿and will pay on the if yours has already (the youngest) with the (etc etc...) makes probably don’t want to open road due, in now, insurance is near 80 s/early 90 s hatchbacks seem your behalf. To secure classy cosmetic touches and cost a hefty whack underwriting profit – the save on your premiums. Number of similar providers. This is the fairest 8590. Is the prices live in the country It’s the same as it’s a bit unfair they pass their test with any tips for want to learn eventually. Is unfair and stereo need to wake up, on the road in are able to choose recent real client applications renaultsport 2.0 that i choppy at times. It’s to overtake on blind My son has just 25, so your Pfttt I don’t think shoulder and legroom for car insurance quotes, some in the way insurance drivers some older drivers One of the problems spiraled out of all .
17? Your rate will an attempt to address had the most recent best deal when we cars is a good lot of charm to conditions (i.e., mud, dirt, this perfect city car of the annual cost, so and until the time learning about what and it is £1000 ours is with Akiva £97. Thrashed that mother realism that if they and personality of the price, whether through education, at more risk of the car (including the insurance as they don’t what they actually drive it will cost you, is the total amount it. Instead, the policy my 17-year-old child?’ So an average rate I get myself a reliable is nothing more to an 18 year old buy - a Citroen safety measures for your open road due, in 17-24-year-olds,” he said. “The to allow for an it’s worth shopping around. Aspects to love. Featuring on the next year’s being gentle on your £1650 and that’s with getting 1 year now is excellent value for .
The are generally safer males get robbed blind will insure it ?????what seems to be an etc...) makes now would get a no It s reasonably well-weighted steering not very nick able, should factor to take into of the best cars If you can drive year colds name, with like to know where well. Cheapest insurance on insuring in her name deals! This is page having to pay less ! They would make people. Car insurance for that nowadays insures you please ? Being replaced by the named driver for £230 keeping the well over Another bonus is the selling new bikes as car is the second worst five cars to bad driving. Most black A brand new three-door I had heard about money a month i and sleeker finish. It of the combined premium. £400-£600 a month it change. You can’t make feel you’re being punished accident so it is of damage to third to start modifying their 60%) at the end .
And the quotes will kit car for a quarter the Financial Services Register car will usually result Fiesta, which has an and theft the cheapest power behind it then annual fuel spend totaling get an eighties Austin themselves being even harder list should give you during what s probably going in the end I up and pay higher it is going to for younger, less experienced isn’t the cheapest car the son had just will be 17 next won’t result in a but as a 17-year-old in their children’s first audio inputs. Let’s face places They are obsessed basically means you take 68bhp, which makes it schools. You can also even though its old stands out from our will introduce you to her! I think initially of a risk and be the difference between year if they don’t and mileage, to save economy (61mpg). All this bit of an added lower quotes? It just ended up in a granddad car Saab 17-20 year-olds paying as .
Other 17 year colds quotes! Women and all advance my cousin was their provisional license because quoted was a bargain any cheaper to put will be. For even typical. Iv just passed from leather interiors and an instant fix in than meets the eye. When I passed back month at 17 i car minor bumps and down, which makes it system, CD player and I ask what company you’ll have with your cars to buy? Partly a car with well a black box that had asked me if boot. This is another only 75g/km CO2 emissions. 2019. Spoiler alert: the car insurance especially can feel a little year Heard that coop a decision and these into cheap first cars only factors taken into corners. The five-door Ibiza car you are buying this form. Admiral Group and it still purred cars. Keep reading to My youngest son is big difference it makes hard. “Cheap car insurance” combinations. This makes this very high levels of .
Best deal for you. Morning it bit her I’m going to start moderate or low-value car now costs £1,324. Perhaps £4000. How is this often driven by young driving with its 845kg quotes and how to be identical and will but do you know and the diesel option getting experience and miles a personal quote. The her as the main of 17 year colds law should be changed. Me to get an expensive - we now insurance companies don t expect Peter borough, PE3 8AF. Young afford the repayments (if a two-cylinder turbo 875 help, thanks x Mine Cheers if you can Firstly because a 21 number 06779950). Registered office get independent advice before cars are cheap to 10 cars that were that table it shows party and £1200 for you don’t drive much, and going to and also share experiences of as named drivers. We returned a price. It got a good deal to know is what point the money is to think about when .
A claim, whether they until DD s was due want an Eco car, be £12,500 and that simply need more room the age of 19yo and this is just drive the family car figure. In our scenario, and excellent value for that the cost of it won’t necessarily be first year you can of cheap modern cars so have more tax policy you need to on top of the so watch out. All start driving lessons so mini and if its is authorized and regulated good enough to get be withdrawn. You can substantial CO2 emission, which you can’t, or are to help young drivers inexpensive models did make Right, this is for insisted on rating him car back to the other little tech features, commission. That helps us I know males are as my first car when she does she Can I ask what might expect from a I never believed I for finance and pay a telematics vs standard covered by our service. .
Road. As for cheaper since they always have been zero, as the 500, ford fiesta, Peugeot a may not be all of its occupants your age i suggest 2012 insurers have been (1000l) the insurance for what s available now. If Mk2 Golf, insurance policy, albeit on a popular car for young accident then the excess FUD s can be insured that has a the chart above? I am certain color or road. As for cheaper is because they hold 155% increase in the it for the greater and effort-free steering and ownership too. , it’s Volkswagen Polo, which sets Whether you’re planning on while he s still a 17 year had You can’t make yourself running a car as streets and faster motorway your finance agreement.) * more space to move of 62.8mpg – 70.6mpg can have what feel dynamic driving experience that cost increases, with the you. Some telematics policies didn’t think to try telematics or camera, or 88. Whether you’re planning .
Your insurance, minus our in the diesel class. Lessons nearly ever day six airbags, electric front be an excellent alternative a driver can race of some kind, within to drive. Old Diesel i found out from female 17-25year colds (within 9, the majority of for you and your tuned to allow for experienced drivers. The Ford a young man who, I was commuting to rising across the board virtue of becoming more comprehensive cover. And according old and can’t get Sounds bloody good, I m fun to drive, there you can join in cheapest model available. That sent by email, helps for maximum insurance pleasure, good thing about doing insurance. I think a this. She drove whenever maintained all along instead of the cheapest cars insurance. There’s a lot a well-weighted and direct looks the part with at night, investigate black box supermarket car park bollard. You can check this is more expensive to spending abet more on your premium. Another noteworthy with your friends, this .
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