#I genuinely didn’t think those would be online Taylor store only
iwatcheditbegin · 1 month
Fuck everyone who buys limited edition merch just to resell at inflated prices
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taylortruther · 1 year
I am interested to see if people who are reacting harshly online which is fine if that’s what they see fit would react the same way in real life with say a friend. People talk big talk online but don’t really do so in person and maybe these people do but I find usually that in person when you know someone you give them more grace. I’ve had a friend or two who have dated weirdos like matty and I’ve been annoyed with them but ultimately I didn’t like cut them off or whatever because I genuinely believe that you can be a good person and still make bad decisions and that’s the same way I’m reacting with this.
i think lots of them would, if they knew people who were saying the outright offensive stuff matty did. i do! but frankly i am very aware of the racism that surrounds us all daily, and i also know that 1) other people are unaware, even other poc, and 2) if they're aware, they don't DO ANYTHING about it.
examples? certainly!
how about who we date. i have white friends who only date white people, hell, i know poc who only date white people, and i know this will make many people reading this uncomfortable, but there is a racist reason behind that. you can call it your "preferences," but like... how/why do you think those preferences are formed?
or who we befriend. most of my white friends only interact with white people. except me. i'm the token poc for several of my friends. why?
i have primarily white friends who bought homes in gentrified areas in historically black/latino neighborhoods in my city. and they're like, aware that gentrification is bad. but... they still bought 'em! why?
a close friend of mine recently told me that i looked "gangsta" in my gold jewelry but she didn't say anything at all to my asian friend who was wearing the same exact jewelry as me (literally the exact same, from the same store, we were modeling it together.) i'm a brown latina. i look ghetto in gold jewelry, according to white people. i know this. sucks to be reminded by someone i love but i didn't disown her for it. can anyone reading this honestly tell me they haven't accidentally said something stupid like that?
i've had multiple people in my life say they "forget" i'm a poc because i "act white." might as well just say i don't play the race card lmao. same question as above.
i have friends of color who, during the blm protests, went through a lot of very painful and public education about the history of police brutality. i had multiple friends of all races who said they "didn't understand" how bad it was until george floyd was killed. and most of those friends don't actually seem to care about the issue anymore. it's kinda over. has every single one of us americans donated our time or money to a related cause this week?
most people in my life don't organize or take part in a form of activism at all! we talk about these things, so i can confidently say that. i think some of them donate, but that's like a "set it and forget it" type thing. many of them feel guilty for not doing more but they just... don't make it a priority.
like. these are all common, pervasive issues of racism (or other isms). and i guarantee that some people who are very upset about the matty/taylor situation encounter these things, and more, as well.
i don't know everyone on here but do i believe everyone involved in this convo is confronting these things? nope. i do not. because it's hard, uncomfortable, and makes you unpopular/unlikeable.
this isn't even a judgment. it's just reality. but these are all things that i'd rather people confront irl regularly rather than exhaust themselves talking about matty healy on tumblr.
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ificanthaveu · 4 years
The 1 || Harry Styles
Description: Based off The 1 by Taylor Swift (read the lyrics to get the gist of what this’ll be about)
A/N: WOOF my first harry fic!! The second I heard this song, I knew I had to make it into a fic. However, it just didn’t feel like it fit Shawn or Calum, and I just knew I had to use Harry for it. I’m in love with how this turned out and I’m so happy I have time to write again. Hope you love this as much as I do.
Word Count: 3k
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Parking your car down the street from the large brick house, you got out and glanced at the homes as you passed them, with doormats with family names and numbers larger than necessary to indicate the address. Every yard was perfectly done with professional landscaping and lawn care, a stark contrast to your apartment upstate where you barely had enough time in the day to place a plant on the balcony.
“I’m telling you, the customer will be fine with it. I promise,” you explained through a sigh as you fiddled with your necklace.
You heard your assistant sigh as well, and you knew he was probably hunched over his desk and tugging at his shirt sleeves.  
“A four box shortage, [Y/N]? This is the second time we’ve done this to them in the past five months,” he said, the exhaustion evident in his voice as he stared at reports.
“And I will send them the backups we have of last year’s version. Everything will be fine,” you said calmly as you paced back and forth in the driveway once you made it to the house, your new heels clicking against the pavement.
“I don’t get how you’re so calm about this all the time,” he mumbled as you heard him typing.
“It comes with practice. Now finish the email and get over here,” you said.
“Whatever you say, boss,” he said through a laugh before hanging up.
You tucked your phone into your clutch and placed it back down by your side. You looked up at the house and took a deep breath before walking to the front door.
You pushed it open and were met with people filling the living room and kitchen, greeting people they didn’t know, and having conversations with people they did.
Your phone buzzed before you could find someone you knew, and you glanced down to see a text from your assistant Trevor.
Trevor: You were right. They took last year’s version no problem. You’re a genius.
You shook your head and laughed to yourself before sending an “I told you so” text and looking at the email you were copied on.
Starting and running your own online clothing store in college was one thing. But that turning into a chain of over 70 stores across the United States and Canada was a whole other thing.
But no matter how many nights you fell asleep at your desk at 2:00 am just to be woken up by Trevor coming in for work at 7:00 and begging you to go home and shower, you loved what you were doing.
You had genuinely never been happier. Even if you never thought you would be.
“What’s your happiest moment?” Harry asked as you sat next to each other, waiting for the Sunday matinee to start at your local theater.
You leaned your head back and look at him from the corner of your eye.
“I don’t know,” you said.
He had a slight smile as he looked back at you.
“That’s not an answer,” he whispered.
You shrugged your shoulders, taking a few pieces of the popcorn from the bucket sitting in his lap.
“I don’t think it’s happened yet,” you said simply.
“Hm,” he said, looking at the screen as the movie started playing.
Once the movie was done, the two of you walked back to his car, his hand lacing in yours naturally after he pulled you up.
“What do you think the best movie ever is?” You asked as he tugged you in the right direction.
“I don’t know,” he said, returning your reply.
“That’s not an answer,” you said as you crossed your arms as he unlocked his car and opened your door.
“I don’t think it’s been made yet,” he said before closing your door.
You sat alone with that thought before he climbed into the driver’s side.
“Why do you think it hasn’t been made yet?” You asked.
“Same reason your happiest moment hasn’t happened yet,” he said, resting his hand on the back of your seat as he backed out of the parking spot, making your heart race.
“We’re young,” he said, his eyes focusing on the road ahead. “I just think I have hundreds of movies that I still have to see. Just like you have millions of moments still to encounter.”
“See I think those are two different things,” you argued. “I still have to get married, have kids, start my dream business. But the classic movies, the ones everyone loves have already been made.”
He nodded his head, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Good point; however, I think the greatest films of all time were never made,” he said.
You stayed quiet, mulling the thought over in your head.
“How is that possible?” You ask, turning in your seat and resting your knee against the center council, fully enveloped in whatever he had to say.
“I just think someone out there has the most amazing idea for a movie anyone could ever think of, but he’s an engineer or a grocery clerk or a stay at home parent so he’ll never make it. We’ll never know.”
“But if it’s really going to be the greatest film, someone will come up with it and go through with it.”
“I don’t think so,” he said simply. “I think some stories are too good to be encapsulated into a film.”
“How so?” You questioned
Harry pulled up in front of your dorm building before turning towards you.
“You and I are the only ones that really know what today is like for us. Today could make the best film ever, and no one would ever know,” he said.
You let your smile tug at the corners of your lips as the concentrated look stayed on his.
“You think today is too good to be a movie?” You said quietly.
A blush crept up on his cheeks before he turned forward and leaned his head on the back of his seat.
He didn’t say anything, instead nodded his head and looked at you again.
The sun was getting dangerously closer to the horizon, reminding you of the homework you hadn’t finished yet.
Before you could second guess it, you leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, not allowing him enough time to even move his hands.
Without another word, you jumped out of the car and ran to the door without looking back to see the blush stay on his cheeks as he watched you.
You shook the reminiscent feeling as you walked forward, glancing at the pictures adorning the walls by the staircase.
Tanya, a friend from college, locked eyes with you from across the room as you quickly waved and made your way to her.
You greeted her with a quick hug as you sat down next to her on the sofa.
“It’s been way too long,” she said as she leaned back and you did the same.
“Tell me about it,” you replied.
“You’re just too damn busy to get ahold of. I’m surprised you even made it today,” she said with a confused look on her face.
“My assistant is going all the dirty work currently,” you said as you made a face.
“On a Saturday?” She questioned.
“Retail never quits.”
“How many stores now? Was it like 60 last time we talked?” She asked, leaning towards you to hear better as the party got louder.
“76 actually,” you said as her eyes nearly bulged out of your head. “77 next week when our newest one in Miami opens, which I’ll actually be headed to tomorrow morning.”
“Ms. CEO is really out here taking over the fashion industry,” she said with the shake of her head.
“That’s the goal,” you said with your customer service smile, a pang hitting you once again.
“Why are we doing this?” You said as Harry dragged you to the middle of the mall where the fountain was.
“You can’t just walk past one of these and not make a wish,” he said as he dug in his pockets.
“So we’re going to waste two cents just to wish for something that isn’t going to happen?” You asked with crossed arms.
“That’s the goal,” he said with a smirk before pressing a penny into your hand. “And you don’t know if it’s actually never going to happen.”
You went to throw it in before Harry’s hand enveloped yours.
“You can’t just throw it in like it’s nothing,” he said with an offended look on his face.
He kept his hands around yours, holding them together as the penny burned against your skin.
“We’re going to close our eyes, think of our wishes, and then count down and throw them in,” he said.
You simply nodded as you smiled at how into this he was.
“And you have to believe every bit of it or it won’t come true,” he said seriously. 
“Ok,” you whispered.
You both closed your eyes, and you rocked back and forth on your heels as Harry’s hands tightened around yours.
You peaked one eye open to see how concentrated he was as you thought of the only wish that made sense. 
I want it to be you.
“Ready?” He whispered.
You hummed in response as you both opened your eyes.
“Three,” he started the countdown.
“Two,” you cut in.
“One,” you both said as you threw your pennies over your backs and into the fountain, hearing them go in with a gentle splash.
Harry’s hand found it’s way back to yours as you tugged him to the candle store you came here for.
“What’d you wish for?” You asked him as his arm wrapped around your shoulder, your hands still laced together.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” he said.
“It was worth a shot.”
“You good?” Tanya asked as you snapped out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” you said as you plastered your smile back onto your face.
You turned away from her as someone else she knew came up to greet her. Your eyes scanned the decorations around the room, mostly white, silver, and gold, also looking at the pictures once again.
And then you see him.
He’s laughing at something his friend said, his head thrown back as his curls flopped with it. He was wearing a button-down, like always, with not nearly enough buttons buttoned up. He sipped at a glass of rose as he turned to someone new with a new conversation.
He looked good. Really good.
He looked happy.
You stood up from the couch and made your way to the far wall of the room, pulling your phone out to see the newest message from Trevor telling you he was on his way.
You looked up from your phone and locked eyes with him.
He stopped his conversation as his eyes felt like they bore into your soul.
His hand lifted up to give you a gently wave and a smile as you returned it.
That smile still made you melt.
But it was gone in a moment as that look of hesitation washed across him.
Your final words were hurled at him as you sat down hastily on the couch. Your fingers knitting into your snarled hair as you tried to catch your breath and begged your tears to stop falling.
Harry continued to pace in front of you. The frustration radiating off him.
“I just don’t get it, [Y/N]. I don’t know what else you want me to do,” he yelled as he choked on his own words.
You stayed quiet, having answered this question already.
It wasn’t his fault. But maybe it was, and maybe it was yours or maybe it wasn’t. You couldn’t keep track anymore, and you were sick of the blame game.
You knew you wouldn’t be here if you would’ve brought it up weeks ago, how unloving he’d been lately. How distant he’d felt when his arm was thrown around you. How his answers were the same but somehow different.
You couldn’t pinpoint it anymore.
Everything just felt off.
It felt wrong.
It felt like he didn’t love you anymore. Or at least he wasn’t showing it.
“I don’t know, H,” you said softly, not having it in your heart to yell anymore.
He scoffed as he continued to pace, tugging at the ends of his hair.
“I’m not the only problem,” he said, stopping to look at you as you continued staring at the ground. “If this started months ago, why didn’t you say something then? It would’ve been a hell of a lot easier than this.”
“I don’t know,” you said more sternly this time.
“You never do,” he mumbled.
You didn’t reply to that one as you felt your heart slowly break into two as he sat down next to you. The familiar feeling of his leg pressed against yours was long gone as he sat on the opposite end of the loveseat.
“I deserve better than this,” you paused.
Harry waited for you to finish your thought, his hands balled up in tight fists.
“And so do you.”
You could feel him relax even if he wasn’t touching you, coming to the conclusion neither of you wanted to come to.
That you needed someone who showed every emotion they had face forward in order to understand.
And he just couldn’t give you that.
That he needed someone who spoke up everything they were thinking.
And you couldn’t give him that.
Your heart finally broke in two as you felt Harry’s arm wrap around you and pull you into his side, taking your legs and swinging them over his lap like you always would.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t give that to you,” he said softly.
You rested your head against his shoulder as your breathing slowed back to its regular pace.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t give that to you either,” you replied.
Once your tears stopped flowing, you removed his arm from across your legs and stood up.
And you left.
You continued to watch him as he grabbed a second glass of rose and made his way across the room, dodging in and out of people trying to talk to him.
He ended up in front of you and handed you a glass as you nodded to him as a thank you.
You didn’t feel the anxiety you thought would creep up into your stomach. You just felt content as he leaned against the wall next to you.
“Congratulations,” you whispered to him.
He nodded his head in thanks as he gave you that same soft smile you fell for.
You both looked across the room to see the Vice President of your company showing the glowing ring to some friends that Harry slipped onto her left ring finger just a few weeks ago.
You knew it would end up here.
Somehow, when Katherine raved to you about the guy she had gone on a few dates with after meeting him on Tinder, you knew this was going to be the guy she’d end up with.
You just didn’t think it would be the same guy you broke up with two years prior to that.
But even after Katherine and you pieced everything together, you insisted she kept seeing him.
She always radiated the type of energy you knew Harry was attracted to.
Her eyes met yours as she saw the two of you from across the room.
She raised her hand up to wave with a sparkling smile on her face.
You both waved back as she held up a hand to let you know she’d be over in a little bit before turning back to her current conversation.
“She always reminded me of you,” you said after a few moments.
Harry didn’t say anything, instead, he turned to look at you with a still face.
“Even before I found out about the two of you, she’d say something in a meeting, and I just couldn’t help but think you’d say the same thing in the same situation,” you explained.
“It just made sense, the two of you,” you said quietly.
Harry nodded again, taking a sip of his drink.
“Thank you,” he finally said after a minute of comfortable silence.
He shrugged, not really knowing why he said that.
“For not freaking out, for being here, for being everything that you are.”
You thought something like that would make your heart shatter, but it didn’t.
“You know I’d do anything for you,” you paused. “For the both of you.”
He nodded again, this time looking a little upset. You could still read him like a book. You knew he was on the verge of saying something he wasn’t sure if he should actually say.
So you took the leap before he could.
“We were something, don’t you think so?” You said softly.
You looked at him as he looked across the room, watching Katherine as she talked to another one of your employees.
If you hadn’t been staring at him as intently as you were, you would’ve missed the slight nod of his head.
“But I’m not the one.”
He turned to look at you after he said that, and you locked eyes.
“I know,” you said as you smiled at him. “But wouldn’t it have been fun?”
Harry’s smile matched yours, adoring the way you just said what you were thinking. Something you had such a hard time with years ago.
He simply nodded his head, his smile not faltering as he held his glass up to yours.
You held yours up as well, hitting it against his with a small clink.
“To the future Mr. and Mrs. Styles,” you said.
He shook his head slightly, a smirk adorning his face.  
“I’ve done enough of those today,” he said.
He pulled back his glass to clink against yours again.
“To us.”
Share! Reblog! Comment! Send me love! 
Not tagging anyone on this bad boy since you signed up for Calum/Shawn, but send me an ASK if you’d like to be added and state FOR WHICH PEOPLE
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raptoreviews · 6 years
Top 10 Best Metal Songs of 2017
Now I know what you’re thinking:
“You don’t review music Raptor, what gives?”
Well, to put it simply, I’m a little disappointed with myself in the latter half of 2017, and I’m really wanting to get something out to you guy’s for the holiday season. And with that in mind, there’s nothing I love more than heavy metal music!
If you follow my twitter, you’ve probably seen some of my very snarky tweets at popular pop artists who, if you can’t tell, I’m personally not a fan of. So It always warms my cold blooded, reptilian heart to talk about my favorite genre of music, the heaviest of the metals. And despite my admiration of the art form, heavy metal has done almost exclusively nothing over the better part of the past year. But because I am your serpent-like messiah, I have found a wonderful selection for you. I hope your collective butts are ready for a blast, because this is:
My Top 10 Heavy Metal Songs of 2017
Number 10: Car Chase Club - Blue Stahli
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Now you may call this one cheating, mainly because this song is more dubstep than it is metal, which is fair. However, my counter argument is simple. Heavy metal was doing almost nothing and I REALLY needed a number 10. Doesn’t hurt that this song is super good too.
When I’m looking at music for my leisure time, I like to look for songs with heavy drums and hard guitars, and this song delivers perfectly on both fronts. I’m really happy with how this one turned out and am excited to see what Mr. Stahli has in store for the future.
My one regret is that I REALLY needed a number 10 spot, so I really don’t have that much to say. The song is wicked. Go listen to it… Right now…
(I promise the other entries will be better!)
Number 9: Look What You Made Me Do - The Animal In Me
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This cover is tight!
Now you need to realize, I HATE Taylor Swift’s newest gimmick of “Being the Bad Guy” for two reasons.
1. I don’t buy it.
2. I really don’t buy it.
But The Animal In Me? I TOTALLY buy it. They could convince me that they were doing this whole bad guy thing and I would be frightened, I would be running for the hills. They have an energy about them that adds to the song, taking a trash pop song making it horrifically effective.
The haunting lead vocals compliment the screaming of the chorus very well, and it takes a garbage song and pulls it into the best of the year. Rather impressive.
Number 8: No Grave But The Sea - Alestorm
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I officially want every best of list to have at least one Alestorm song, and this one will do me fine.
Now what’s the song about? It doesn’t matter. It’s Alestorm, so the answer is probably pirate stuff, and that’s all I need! Alestorm are such an enigma of a talent that my year feels less fun when they don’t release something. So when they stop in, I always know I’m in for a wild ride with them.
They are silly in all the right ways, and embody everything I adore about metal. They are perfect in almost every way.
Number 7: Judgment Day - Dragonforce
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Not gonna lie, I listened all three of the new singles by Dragonforce this year, and I wasn’t impressed. If Gamma Ray and Rhapsody of Fire hadn’t put out remaster’s this year, Dragonforce woudn’t be on the list. But, out of all of them, Judgment Day was the best.
It has the fastest, heaviest guitar of them all, and a very unique sound in comparison with the other two, or a lot of Dragonforce for that matter. But no matter how lackluster it is, Dragonforce is still awesome, no matter how bad they could be for the year.
No matter what, this song still rocks hard. And for all my complaining, it still is one of the best for the year.
But do you guys remember Gamma Ray? Those guys were rad!
Number 6: Dragonflies - Amberian Dawn
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Well this one came out of nowhere. AND I LOVE IT!
If 2017 lacked in one thing, it was symphony metal. With only a few exceptions, I was very sad with the lack of Within Temptation this year, who would have been a shoe-in, but didn’t make anything this year. Bummer.
But hey, this song is still tight! With a powerful lead vocalist, shredding guitars and a ominous ensemble, Dragonflies was a surprise Christmas present that I will take arms open.
This song is so sick, I’m expecting these guys to be on the next years list.
Number 5: Burn Me - Xandria
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Dang Xandria! What kind of talent enhancing substances were you guys on this year?
I mean, you guys had killed it in the past, but this album is so good! And this song is a personal favorite of mine.
As much as I love Xandria, they sometimes have a problem, that being that the music and vocals sometimes don’t mix very well. It’s still incredible, but not ‘Perfect’.
This, on the other hand, is perfect for both instrument and vocal. perfectly capturing the feeling of the songs tone, and the vocals are haunting in all the right ways. I adore this album and this song. It’s strangely upbeat, which I like.
Rock on Xandria!
Number 4: Unfaithful - Exit Eden
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Pop quiz for you fans of symphony metal:
‘What is the most common theme for symphony metal songs?’
The answer? Fantasy. Lord of the Rings, Skyrim, Legend of Zelda, they all play into the idea that this sub-genre is all about fantasy with dragons and swords and princesses.
Not this one though.
Exit Eden, (Another band that came out of nowhere!) made a song about a very modern and real thing, cheating. And presented it with symphony metal to make a very harsh and real sounding experience, and in doing so, made a best of the year masterpiece.
This is not a happy song, but it is a killer one. And diffident best of the year.
Number 3: Fight Your Demons - Epica
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I adore Epica. they were the ones who got me into metal in the first place, so I feel like I’m obligated to have somewhere on the list. And, it just so happens that they make a killer single for the number 3 spot.
Fight your Demons is everything I love about Epica, Simon Simons kills it with the vocals and the whole song has an intensity that I love. I made a tweet earlier in the year, saying that with Spotify on the Xbox, I was listening to Epica while playing Skyrim, and this song takes one of my favorite games of all time from a 10 to an 11.
No matter the climate and toxicity of modern pop and hip hop, I can always count on Epica to remind me of why I love music, and this song is no exception. Rock on you guys!
Number 2: Ride the Lightning - Halestorm
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I have a bucket list. And with how morbidly obese I am, I’d better start working on that. But regardless, at the top of that list is to meet the people who have inspired me to pursue my dreams, and Halestorm is for sure one of them.
Now take them, and  have them cover some Metallica, and what do you get?
In a word: Ecstasy
This might be one of, if not my absolute favorite covers by Halestorm. It has all the the elements that I adore in metal, strong guitar, thumping drums and of course, vocals by the legend herself: Lzzy Hale.
And it does not go to waste. Masterfully re-mastering the metal classic in a new, yet faithful way. And no matter how good I make it sound, it sounds even better. It is perfect ear candy.
Halestorm killed it, and it was hard to not give them the number 1 spot… But…
Number 1: Legendary - The Unguided
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Hey my dubstep fans, you guys remember when The Unguided were famous for the remixes by Zardonic? Well, this song, right here. It cements The Unguided as one of the best metal band ever.
This song is so good! Everything I love is here! Guitars, Bass, Drums, and killer Vocals!
And unlike the other songs on the list, the unguided genuinely sound like something new.
I didn’t know just how much I needed this song in my life, it is so good. Like, you should stop reading and go find this song online. it is worth it.
And that’ll do it! Thank you all so much for reading, and I know that this “Year of the Raptor” Update has been taking a long time now, but I’m slowly but surely working on it.
But still, I feel bad for not having anything for you guys for the latter half of 2017. Although, tune in Christmas, We- I mean I, should have something killer planed. So just hang out and I’ll see you on Christmas morning!
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kingloptr · 7 years
cookbookoftedium replied to your post “jq37: writing-prompt-s: Humans start out at birth with milk white...”
Before I begin, I just want to make perfectly clear that this is not an attack on anyone. I just saw the comment about decriminalizing music theft, and thought I should put my two cents in. I understand that a lot of people here grew up in the Napster/Vevo/Youtube culture, where music is easily accessible and free, so I see why you'd figure that that's the way things are and should be. (cont.---->)
I'm a musician myself, so I'm particularly sensitive about this subject, I guess. But think about it. Why wouldn't you pay for music? You pay for books, for movies, for art, so why not music? I see people complaining all the time about art piracy on Tumblr. Listening to music without compensating the musician is the same, in my eyes. (cont.--->)
I didn't mean this as an attack, truly. I just wanted to make people aware that musicians have to make a living, too. Not every musician is Beyonce, or Taylor Swift. A lot of us are forced to pay out of pocket for our own sound equipment and instruments, not to mention for our CDs and merchandise to be printed. Remember that, the next time you're searching for a song on YouTube. After all, $.99 per song on ITunes is not so much to ask, is it?
Hey, I’m glad you commented, and I do think based on this that I shouldn’t have said ‘just decriminalize it’ so easily; and I’d never think of anything as an attack when someone’s just rightly putting their view out there :) ~
I’ve definitely bought music on itunes from nonfamous artists, and when it’s an obscure or old song I couldn’t find anywhere else; not trying to say that makes me better than anyone or anything, it’s just I genuinely wouldn’t want to take money away from those people. But then on a wide scale....with the Beyonces and TSwifts...Of course there’s no way to make sure anyone will only download for free when the artist makes millions of dollars vs when they should help someone with their career. So it is unfair. And ive personally never heard of anyone who actually got a fine for music downloads.. I think I would say I don’t think anyone deserves a fine or anything if they find an album online since, unlike when people repost art or something online without credit, there’s no separating that song from the famous person who made it and it’s not to be shown off or for someone to say “I sang this”, but it’s to be in a personal collection where the artist is already known and appreciated? People can right-click-save any of my art whenever they want. There’s no difference from if they come to my blog to see it, just like there’s no difference but convenience if someone went to youtube whenever they wanted to listen to a song but they dont own it. But when someone puts my art somewhere where they make money off it or no one could see it was mine, then I’m pissed af.
You’re absolutely right though, it’s not too much to ask to just buy a song. Just...if everyone today had bought all their music, which is mostly coming from people who don’t need us to buy it, no one poor would’ve been able to afford even half of that. I suppose if ppl actually broke down the ethics of this we’d have a hard time concluding on any one rule that would stick, or let alone get people to stop doing what they’ve mostly done the past decade since the times have changed so much that there’s literally no way to fine everyone doing it. If someone downloads as little as six...seven albums...something most people have done.. even just one artists’ discography even, it’s equal to stealing like a hundred+ bucks from a store. Should they get arrested like they would if it was clothes/jewelry from a store? Nah. I can’t bring myself to think so. I guess it seems weird to just say that plainly, but I think it’s true.
But I do say that ppl should keep in mind the smaller artists, and even for big artists if you can buy it, then pls do buy it  ~ ~
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