#they also hate glimbow
proglimbow · 8 months
Not to start discourse but I found out that the person with that spop romantizes abuse account is a psych major and I really don’t think you should be anywhere near vulnerable people when you bully people for shipping kids cartoon ships
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glimbow vs catradora: jealousy
i'm just going to talk about jealousy in general here, not just in romantic relationships, because i don't ship either of these ships.
i saw a lot of spop fans hating on glimmer because of the way she treated bow when she was jealous. and honestly, i agree that she was being very immature and possessive there. but these are the same people who act like catra getting jealous of lonnie was adorable and romantic and “gay panic”.
let's compare:
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glimmer gets a little awkward around perfuma but she never takes her anger out on perfuma. at worst, she acts a little huffy but that's about it.
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catra sees adora talking to lonnie and immediately resorts to attacking lonnie violently.
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glimmer blames bow for how she feels. she acts like it was his fault for not always hanging out with her. she was being unreasonable but again, her actions weren't so aggressive or pointed that it hurt bow, physically or emotionally. at worst, she just came off as annoying and clingy.
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when adora tries to confront catra, again, catra's immediate impulse is to scratch adora across the face, leaving her with a huge scar. she blames adora for trying to make a new friend and reacts in a way that hurts adora both physically and emotionally.
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this is the most important part. when glimmer refuses to apologize, bow was allowed to be mad at glimmer, and rightfully so. he tells glimmer straight-up that she was being unreasonable and that she shouldn't be trying to control his social life. he doesn't try to sugarcoat it, he is honest with her. and glimmer realizes her mistake and apologizes to him. she never repeats this kind of behaviour again.
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not only does adora not get to call catra out on her obsessive and controlling behaviour, but she also offers to sacrifice her own needs for catra's. she is shown to forgiven catra without even an apology. she never gets closure, catra never stops being possessive, and the cycle continues well into their adolescent lives, where catra once again gets furious and violent when adora finds new friends.
so, in short, glimmer expresses jealousy in a mildly irritating way while catra expresses it in an extremely aggressive and toxic manner. glimmer is held accountable for her actions by the narrative, while catra's abusive tendencies are enabled and romanticized.
you could make the argument that catra was much younger, which is fair. she was only six at the time and didn't know how to deal with her feelings yet. however we see time and time again that catra never changes this behaviour. she continues acting as if adora should always stay with her and do what she wants.
in both these cases, glimmer and catra have sympathetic motivations. they're scared of losing the only friend they have. but while glimmer is made to understand that her friends can have other friends, and she shouldn't be possessive over them, catra just gets to blame everything on adora and adora has to be patient with her and sacrifice her social life for catra.
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angy-glimmy · 4 months
This is crazy how the spop fandom, especially when it's dealing with the pairings and ships in the series, was ABSOLUTELY toxic as hell :/
I think it ruined a lot of things to be honest, and I'm very glad I was never part of any of the dramas or the antis wars or whatever... Of the fandom in general, despite just being in contact with *some* people, who were nice and good.
I mean... For example, you can dislike a ship, or like one more than another, but just spreading the hate and the insults that was spread... That's kinda inhuman and rude :/ Same goes for a specific character or a scene, I mean... Come on, do you think being rude is going to help make it better? Spoilers: nope.
Today, I am almost ashamed sometimes to be a Glimmadora shipper and to post online, because of what most of Glimmadora shippers had done... The hate that was spread, especially towards Catra, or in the fandom Catradora or other shippers :/ I DO NOT want to receive that hate. I am NOT like them. And everyone should have been respectful, because it has ruined the vision of Glimmadora or JUST the vision of the friendship between the girls. And same goes with Catra.
I am personally a nice multishipper who appreciates almost everything... I have my preferences, of course, but it does not forbid me from appreciating OR being neutral towards other things of the show :/ Spop is not perfect at all, there are many things in the story and the character telling that are kind of wrong and badly handled, but it does not mean it's still not a good show, with good things and really interesting characters :/ People hating on Catra or Glimmer I really can't stand any of you anymore, especially if it's just to insult without even thinking. (Counting that both of them are kinda alike when we see the parallels, especially in season 4, but well-)
Well, that's all for me, I just needed to do a post related to that... I have seen a lot of hate content about Spop recently, and I just think it's important to remind people to be, I don't know, *respectful*? It's not hard to be huh. Spreading hate was never the solution, and I find it sad that most good, nice and caring Glimmadora shippers like me, who respect others deeply, are put in the same basket because people just thought being disrespectful and mean would be the solution.
Catradora is canon. Glimbow is canon. Scorfuma also is. As well as Rogelio x Kyle x Lonnie. And that's great, that's the way the series intended to do and to go. But it does not prevent from creating AUs or alternative universes where your ship could be canon! It does NOT mean you should spread hate on official and canon ships, GOSH. And the reverse is the SAME. Stop spreading hate. Spread love, respect and neutrality. You can give your opinion, but BE RESPECTFUL. And NICE.
And I swear to Grayskull if ANYONE EVER insults me on liking Glimmadora a little more than other ships (I'm a multishipper I do like Catradora and Glimbow don't get me wrong), I will commit arson on you with the help of Sea Hawk setting one of his boats on FIRE. (That was for the joke, I stop my very long post here sorryyy I'm just tired of seeing so much hate spread :])
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sometipsygnostalgic · 1 month
entradak positivity... month? the fucks going on in the she-ra fandom?
ive responded to an ask like this one (probably from yourself?) when i was in my very first month of shera fandom back in 2021, where i said it was "a bit weird to make these events for m/f pairings", and i ended up being called biphobic on a youtube video. i am bisexual. so i am really apprehensive about responding to this ask especially as this is now my 1st rank fandom.
anyway let people do what they want. we got over the whole "ship week gatekeeping" thing several years ago. i have ptsd from dealing with vrisrezi fans' massive hatred of davekat in homestuck fandom and their (our?) dismissal of anything davekat related, including davekat week. so i find that a lot of people hate it when male characters in general get this attention. whether it's gay or straight doesn't seem to matter to these people.
there is also legit a lot of biphobia in shera fandom, not just aimed at entrapdak but also aimed at glimbow.
the worst case scenario: oh no! people are drawing more of a good pairing from the show. how tragic
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coderedblood · 1 year
So I love She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. It is beautiful, and I adore both how it handles relationships and redemption. No relationship is a perfect fairytale, but a plate of spaghetti; messy but wonderful. And redemption can come to anyone, as long as you’re willing to work for it. And sometimes it takes a lifetime and sometimes you aren’t forgiven, and all of that is okay. (Once Upon A Time also does it in an exemplary fashion with Regina Mills, who may’ve been the blueprint for complicated redemption in modern television.)
Anyway, I love the show, and its relationships, and today I’m doing…
5. Scorfuma (Scorpia x Perfuma)
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This ship is so wholesome. It is a huge refresher in SPOP; yes, like I said, the relationships here are worthwhile, but also difficult. Scorfuma is not that ship. It’s a beautiful femme lesbian falling in love at first sight with a magnificent butch lesbian. Another reason I love SPOP is because it subverts character stereotypes; Scorpia is butch as all hell and I wish she were real, because she is soft, sensitive, kind and sweet. Perfuma is assertive, self-confident, speaks her mind and does whatever she thinks is right regardless of what others think. (Although, she’s far from perfect and I don’t like how she treats Entrapta for a lot of the series.) Perfuma sees Scorpia for the wonderfully good person she is, and she falls in love with Scorpia for it. They are similar people, in which they’re both kind and sweet, but they are also noticeably different people. My mom says that a couple cannot be too similar or too different otherwise they won’t work, and Scorfuma is a perfect example of her wisdom.
4. Spinnetossa (Spinnerella x Netossa)
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Spinnetossa should be every married couple’s endgame. I am sad that they didn’t get more screentime or lines, because they have the ideal marriage (next to the Addamses from The Addams Family and the Belchers from Bob’s Burgers and every marriage counselor should have these three couples in their waiting rooms as the couples to be like). This is a couple who loves and respects each other, and who are (rightfully, hehe) obsessed with each other. My favorite thing about them is their devotion to each other - as much as they wanna save the universe and magic, they are each other’s primary goal. They want to be together and want to keep each other safe and happy above all else. My favorite moment is where Spinnerella wins their bot-slaying contest and instead of getting annoyed, Netossa happily kisses her wife and calls her “my girl”. MELT LIKE 🧊 BABY!
3. Seamista (Mermista x Sea Hawk)
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Oh my. If Spinnetossa are obsessed with each other, then Seamista is the definition of insanity. Sea Hawk is not immune to the flaws of Mermista, he loves her for all she is and celebrates her, singing her praises and building her up even if it just seems like silly simping (need me a person like that). Mermista is not immune to the positives of Sea Hawk even if she doesn’t act like it. She knows him to be a moral, kind, devoted, loving, caring and affectionate man, and shows it accordingly even if it seems to annoy her. (If it really did, you think they’d be a couple? 😉 ) She loves him, and I hate how people say she’s abusive to him. If their genders were flipped, it would be the definition of the gentle girl, brooding boy trope. Mermista has a whole kingdom (a crumbling one as she adds) on her shoulders, it would get to anyone! She appreciates Sea Hawk for sticking by and loving her, and they obviously care about each other very much.
2. Glimbow (Glimmer x Bow)
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Glimbow is childhood friends turned romantic partners done RIGHT! Originally, I didn’t see it, but the hints were always there and they weren’t hints. They are legitimately friends but imo every good romantic relationship begins with and maintains friendship as the base. They go through hell together, with the loss of their parents (which Bow finds his and Glimmer finds hers, but for awhile, they’re alone together), an invasion and attack caused by Glimmer, and regaining magic in the universe. This ship shows that apologizing and working towards forgiveness is important part of any relationship. Glimmer will do anything to fix her mistake, and Bow forgives her because he loves her for every part of her, and deep down knows her guilt will always be the price she pays for that mistake. I love this ship for these reasons.
1. Entrapdak (Entrapta x Hordak)
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My favorite ship in SPOP and it is above and beyond an ideal relationship for me. Like Glimbow, they were friends before they were lovers, but they wholeheartedly accept each other from the get-go. It isn’t about accepting flaws and positives - Entrapta sees Hordak as beautiful and wonderful because of his imperfections and she adores all of that in him, while Hordak worships Entrapta (oh you know he does) because she is the first person to accept him so readily for who he is. Not as a clone or a tool, as a person. He accepts her autism and immediately knows how brilliant and creative she is. They are constantly on each other’s minds as each other’s best friends, and they fall in love because of their imperfections. Just how they like it.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
Best Friend Squad Fake Break Up Caper
Short version: Post canon, the BFS set a trap for a spy by faking a break-up between Glimmer and Bow.
(I posted a small preview of this once.)
Long version:
While a lot of the fic ideas I've had that I've written a lot of / thought about a lot are things I would be ok if I never get to post them as fanfic because they are different enough from canon that I could easily write them as something original someday. This story, however, is one I would be kinda sad if I never have a chance to post for real. (And never say never but right now it's hard to imagine adding another canon-verse multi-chapter with how many I have in progress.)
The set up is that, post canon, these tabloids pop up on Etheria that are like our gossip rags and report on the princesses and their spouses like celebrity gossip. When there's a tragedy with important info getting in the hands of the wrong people, the BFS realizes that there is a spy, someone connected with one of these gossip rags.
Catra comes up with a plan: The Queen of Bright Moon and her war hero regular guy fiance are tabloid favorites. If Glimmer and Bow pretend to break up and date other people, they can create a series of gossip-worthy events to try to trap the spy. Glimmer and Adora both hate this plan but Bow thinks this won't be a problem, because he's incapable of jealousy (WRONG). Catra mistakes his misplaced confidence in himself as a sign that he doesn't care as much about Glimmer as she does about him. Catra loves Bow but, push come to shove, she's Team Glimmer first and wants to make sure her bestie is certain Bow's the one before they get married.
They stage a very public break-up, but it's meaningless at first because Glimmer just keeps teleporting to go see Bow anyway. But when the media storm is bigger than they anticipate and the spy eludes them, extending the ruse so they have to actually stay away from each other, things get more complicated. As Catra's sets up a bunch of suitor meetings for Glimmer to try and date other people and Bow is getting hit on, they both to start to wonder if maybe the other is doubting their relationship. All the fake reasons they broke up start to feel like maybe they were real reasons after all and both independently realize they don't want anyone else… while being convinced they are holding the other back by not letting them go.
Meanwhile, Adora figures out Catra's game and they clash over what Adora sees as Catra meddling in her best friend's relationship. Catra counters that both Glimmer and Bow have never been with anyone but each other so how can they really know they are in love without seeing what else is out there? When Adora points out all of that is also true about the two of them and does that mean these are doubts Catra herself is having? the two have a fight, compounded by the fact that the scheme is keeping them apart (Catra on Team Glimmer and Adora on Team Bow).
And obviously this all culminates in a caper style undercover mission where everyone gets back together and works out their issues and lives happily ever.
Doing this one for Slaps Idea: This Baby Can Fit So Much Projection! because this idea started out as me just wanting the chance to do a Perils of Peekablue style undercover caper with Catra, Adora, Glimmer and Bow but then it just turned into Tippen projects a lot of feelings about being bisexual and marrying your best friend onto Glimbow.
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catradoratwtgoodies · 2 years
This isn't really an ask, lmao, but I keep seeing so many anti-Catradoras and pro-Glimmadoras. I personally don't ship Glimmadora. Glimmer and Adora always just seemed like super, super close friends to me. Like, you can be wlw and have a wlw friend and have absolutely nothing romantic going on. I also feel like a lot of people who ship Glimmadora (not all) do so because they absolutely hate Catra and believe that Catradora is toxic. I don't understand why people believe Catradora is toxic when Adora made it clear she wouldn't pursue any sort of relationship with Catra if she continued behaving in a violent manner. That's also ignoring the fact that Catra literally sacrificed everything for Adora more than once. I'm also of the unpopular opinion that Glimbow was hinted at throughout the show, not as heavily as Catradora, but the two were clearly in love with each other the whole time. Also, two queer people in a het relationship exist, lmao.
I guess I'm just curious, what are your thoughts on this whole thing? Lmoa.
I’m so tired of the glimmadora vs catradora ship war.
Glimmadora shippers don’t even enjoy glimmadora it seems all they do is complain about catradora and how “toxic” it is, but completely ignore all Glimmer’s toxic behavior. I don’t get why they must spend all their time hating on catradora when they can just make positive content for their own ship?
I saw someone make a great point that most new g/a fics are just Catra bash fests and that’s so true. They’re obsessed with Catra getting the “consequences of her actions and punishing her”. It’s weird! This is a sparkly princess show for kids if you want to see female characters get awfully punished go watch got or something.
I also loathe their points that Catra guilt tripped Adora in her confession or something or that the show frames Adora leaving the Horde as a bad thing. Those arguments are made in very bad faith and I wonder if those people even watched the show. Catra and Adora only get together when they’ve both unlearned their toxic behavior.
Glimbow was also hinted a lot in season 1 and 4. The only people I’ve seen who are mad about them are either racist or biphobic.
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catgoesboom · 2 years
This is the last one, I swear: The whole anti-huntlow/anti-glimbow stuff made me think about not only the fatphobic roots of it but also..
Is...is so weird noticing the weird monosex-normativity in people and how that comes from the same "us x them" demonizing mindset coming from TERFs.
Lemme explain So, Is clear we know TERFs are what they are cause of not only transphobia but borderline irrational hate towards men. And I say "irrational" as instead of seeing the patriarchy as a result of overlapping bigotries + colonization + capitalism, they think that is just men's nature. Is a type of "trauma response" if you will. And therefore the need to find solid ways to identify "us" and "them" comes full force. Problem is, our sense of "men and women" (also created in order to segregate - aka they're 2 sides of the same coin) is a literal social construct based on genitalism and specifically white traits (also used as a form of segregation in order to repress minorities) and guess what, people are more diverse than that, making any try at enforcing such segregation a shot in the foot as it constantly backfires towards queer people and specially black people. A similar mindset comes to monosexuals, the need to be able to separate the "us x them", that leads to homophobia when in hetero people and now in queer circles if not straight up biphobia, the dislike towards anything perceived as "non-gay" (non-monosexuals in "straight" perceived relationships or masc x fem same sex relationships for example). And the problem rises again cause again, as with terfs that not everyone is man or woman or at least not in the rules they created in order to try to maintain gender segregation, not everyone is monosexual, and yet they try to create solid rules of what is "ok" based on monosexuality (and also cisnormativity) and dislike anything that goes against that sense they created so another segregation was made that you're either gay presenting or het presenting and if you're one of those, you're an enemy to the other. Your actual sexuality and experiences are diminished to who you're currently dating (and if you're single, you're judged based on your presentation) and I think that is what is being translated back to the dislike towards these types of ships, but only "upgraded" the level of hate in some cases because of fatphobia, specially towards fem people cause we don't easily deconstruct misoginy as most people think and ignore all bigotry is intersecting. For example again both TOH and SR. Both shows are filled with queer rep and same sex ships, and only a few m x f ships, but somehow they get hung up on exclusively the ones with a fat fem. TOH of course is harder to pin point that when huntlow is the only m x f ship around, but with Shera is easier cause you have at least 3 m x f ships (glimbow, merhawk and entrapdak) and the only one of those that have some kind of hate is the one with a fat femme. Other example just you guys don't think I'm just focusing on these two shows, ellie/fl4k from borderlands, that pair has also a lot of weird hate that is just kinda imposibble to not see the fatphobia in it when Ellie is also unapologetically fat. So yeah, you guys just hate fat femmes and as i said before, only tolerate them when in a monosexual queer ship or them being apologetic of their fatness cause it makes you guys pity them.
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brightmoonprincess · 2 years
if ur still doing fic prompts, can u do ❛ you feel like home to me.❜ for Glimbow? ty!
sorry this took a bit!!
Space fucking sucks.
It reminds Glimmer of the first time she saw snow, when he went on a trip with her mother to the Kingdom of Snows to celebrate the birth of their first princess. Everything looked like it was coated in a fluffy white blanket. It was beautiful and mesmerizing, just another testament to how magical Etheria naturally is.
At least, it was all that for the first two days. A bruise on her thigh and pair of ruined shoes later, Glimmer thought it was a total pain in the ass.
And she feels similarly about space. The stars that now dot the new night sky are nothing short of extraordinary, and the new planets they explore are full of fascinating new discoveries, no doubt– But it does get old.
Space is cold. Colder than the worst storm Frosta could conjure, the kind of cold that creeps into your bones and makes you forget what warmth even felt like. And it’s quiet. Too quiet. Even in the most isolated place in Etheria, you can still hear the breeze, the echo of your own breath. In space? Nothing.
It’s unsettling. It’s creepy and stressful and sometimes she hates that she has to go on these diplomatic trips. Hi! I’m Glimmer! I’m from the planet that saved the universe, nice to meet you! Let’s keep the universe peaceful together, ok? Yay! Can I go home now?
Still, at least she has Bow. Sweet, lovely, precious Bow. He somehow seems less affected by the harsh conditions of space than she is. He still awes over everything, constantly taking measurements of celestial objects in the distance, his excitement bubbly and childlike. She loves him for it, but sometimes she’s a little jealous.
Usually when she retreats to their room in the spaceship, he’s elsewhere, tinkering with something or another. This time when she does, though, he’s sitting in bed, reading something off of a trackpad.
“Hey!” Bow greets her when she comes in, but Glimmer doesn’t say a word as she joins him on the bed. She lets out a soft whine and nuzzles his shoulder, and he gets the message.
He smiles softly and sets the trackpad aside, and she settles into his welcoming embrace. 
She rolls onto her side, rests her head against the crook of his neck. It’s been days since they’ve been on this trip, but he still smells like home. It reminds her of the bark of the cone-bearing trees in Whispering Woods, sweet and crisp and pleasant, and it helps her chest to unclench a bit.
“It’s just two more days,” he reminds her. “Much shorter than the last trip.”
Glimmer groans. “Let’s take a break after this one.”
“That’s a good idea.”
Bow has both arms wrapped tightly around her, while his fingers comb through her hair. She wishes she could stay in this warmth forever. They’re silent for a few minutes while she takes time to just be still. Her breath slows, and her mind stops whispering irrationalities at her. She didn’t even realize how much stress her body had accumulated until it began melting away. 
After she feels more relaxed, Glimmer shifts back so that she can look at Bow’s face. She smiles at him and reaches her hand up towards it. She traces a finger along his eyebrow, his jaw, his lips, half admiring him and half appreciating that he’s there with her.
“Do you not get homesick, too?” she asks him.
“I do,” he admits, and she’s actually surprised to hear that.
“Really? I thought you loved all this cool new space stuff.”
Bow shrugs. “I do, but there's no where out here that’s quite like Etheria.”
She nods in agreement. Being magically linked to the planet probably also has something to do with it, for her at least. Exploring the universe really has made her appreciate her home planet more, though.
“Buuut if you’re around, I can never really be homesick,” he tells her. He bumps his forehead against her. “You feel like home to me.”
Glimmer giggles, her cheeks are tinted pink, and playfully rolls her eyes at him. “That’s sooo cheesy.”
She then presses a clumsy kiss onto his lips, and he smiles into it.
“It’s true,” he insists, and she kisses him again.
She thinks that it’s true for her, too. Would Etheria feel like home if Bow wasn’t there? She doesn’t have to think about it to know the answer is no. “There’s also no one out here that’s quite like you,” she says back.
Bow laughs. “Good one. You’re the immortal, powerful, beautiful sorceress-queen here, not me.”
“Hmm, you’re right… I’m all that, and you still manage to be as amazing as you are? Unfair!”
He pulls her back in for another kiss, which she happily does over and over and over, all love and laughs and adoration for the other.
Maybe space isn’t that bad, she thinks. Nothing can be, if she has Bow around.
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n7punk · 1 year
oh my god I hate to think you thought people weren't LOVING lmr chapter 4! seems like there really was a universal lag in people not seeing the update, myself included. maybe more of your followers like football than u thought...
i didn't know there was any football stuff going on lol. i know there Are A Lot Of Sports Fans in the world in general but my vibe of the catradora fandom is that our football-viewer percentage is lower than average, unless you're talking about women's soccer 😂 i also think it was influenced by the archive having issues that day (partially down) since i had at least two people tell me they never got an email. I also didn't really mention i posted it on here - which i don't always do for fics, but i had been doing for the previous the chapters. i usually only mention it if im posting something or answering an ask anyway and can tack it on without like, having to make a Whole Post dedicated to it (this is a theme that will return later in this post)
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normally when i do fic notes, i include a "what's next" section, but i left it off this time because im not sure, actually! i was initially planning (like, back a month ago when i first started writing) to do an au next but it would be a Lot and my interest is swaying towards canon rn so i thiiiiink it will be some OotW fics since i have a few wips for that and one In Particular that i need to figure out if its a one shot, or multichapter fic, or like two or three fics in a miniseries. i have like a dozen wips rn so its really hard to say.
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i actually only realized i was posting on valentines day like two hours ago when i was given someone's milk chocolate haul since they only like dark chocolate lol. honestly im a bad person to ask this because im not one for dates or gifts or any of the stuff valentines is based on. i dont like Special things i just like the little everyday stuff, so valentines seems like a chore to me and its hard to come up with stuff for it. it also depends if you're talking like, in a modern au or for the etherian equivalent of valentines day. my vague answer is just they take it as an excuse to spend an entire day together since they love being around each other, or they go on a fun little adventure they havent found the time for yet. i can see them doing stuff with glimbow "double date" style too.
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the answer is both! i go days without messages sometimes (which works for me because i like talking to yall but it also takes energy) and then other times i get a bunch at once. messages naturally gather around talking points (specific posts, fic uploads) so like, ive checked my asks twice tonight and had a decent number of asks both times, but when i posted chapter three i waited a few hours to gather some asks before replying since i knew they would be trickling in for the evening as people read the update.
it's also taken me two hours just to type out the replies in this post (which might give context to my "asks take energy" thing) so during that time more messages can come in and be answered in the same post as long as i remember to check right before i go to post it.
i like putting them all in one post just because it makes my blog and the dashboard experience Neater so i do it when reasonable, but i dont usually wait more than a few hours for the purpose of collection, if i do at all. it also lets me reply to and acknowledge some messages even when i dont have anything to say to them directly (like, i didnt have a reply to that ahhhh anon on its own, but it made me laugh so i wanted to post it, and by putting it in a larger group i can do that).
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oh thank you! i feel like its something im actually terrible at since i do have a tendency to ignore/delete messages when im not up to talking (in general, or just dont have anything to say on the topic/in response). i do really love my comments and message tho so thank you to everyone who leaves them! i hope the blanket thank-yous are enough because usually they're the best ive got lol
idk i feel like never figured out the social interaction of thanking people (even/especially irl), so it makes me not reply to comments much because i feel like the best i can do is a canned, one-sentence "thank you!" response (and, of course, that still takes energy as mentioned with spoons, which doesn't feel worth what it "gives back" you know).
actually, ive talked about this for so long, so let me just take a temperature and i can gather responses (or post replies, those are great too!) for a bit: 1) are comments sections usually just [thoughtful comment]["thanks!"] and im otherthinking this because i havent read other author's comment sections, 2) do you Care if an author replies to your comment or not, at least when it's not a question (like, does it influence your decision to leave one if you think they won't reply. i personally don't care at all which is probably where part of my whole thing comes from), and 3) if it does influence you, does a simple "thanks!" really add anything to your decision. im almost certainly not going to change my approach because it's what im comfortable with, but i would like to know if im expending an unwarranted amount of mental effort on this XD
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i have before! it's called Let's Get Physical. frankly its just harder to write lol
(also going back to the gathering asks thing, this ask came in while i was writing this post and thus got tacked on right after i posted it)
i have more lmr asks but im waiting until morning because spoilers and i want to put the reply to one in the fic tag so i think that should be in a smaller, more focused post.
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thoughts on glimbow? maybe entrapdak too
(I'm assuming this is in regards to the bingo so)
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they're cute but i never really saw anything beyond a friends/siblings dynamic between them. even glimmer's jealousy in princess prom did not feel like romantic jealousy at all; as someone who has had intense friend jealousy before, that's what i saw in glimmer. the whole romance thing came out of the blue that i couldn't really wrap my head around it until the show ended.
however, i don't hate the ship, i am open to it. there are some really cute fanart of them and i think they could have worked out, if their dynamic was written better. apparently, even the VAs were surprised that glimmer and bow liked each other romantically.
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the only canon ship i really like. i think their relationship was done really well and i genuinely don't understand people calling their relationship abusive or toxic?
the angst is done well without making the ship problematic. and I'm a huge sucker for outcasts finding comfort in each other because no one else understands them. i also love seeing villains in stable relationships. neither entrapta nor hordak are "good people", hordak was a war criminal and entrapta is morally dubious, at best. but they still managed to get the healthiest and most interesting ship in the series.
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cherrytea556 · 2 years
The irony of a certain anti glimmadora
Disclaimer: Dont expose/attack/harass the person im talking about, this is just meant to be critique
I find it ironic that theres an anti glimmadora that ships catradora. Now okay, that in general isnt ironic as long as you acknowledge your ship is toxic but heres the thing: they dont. I understand if they dont like glimmadora and they do have valid points of glimmer in s4 and how she treated adora which is one of the reasons why i am still disappointed in s5 for its underwheming pay off to adora and glimmers relationship downfall but its clear that they dont agree with the ship being toxic, saying that people who critique/slander the ship take the show out of context (which isnt true if you seen blogs like @anti-catradora-receipts, @adora-deserves-better along with many others on tumblr and tiktok that shows evidence as to why its toxic even in s5 with catras poorly written 'redemption') which i have to ask: Why be against a ship that was toxic in one season but not the ship that has been toxic for 4 seasons which you dont even acknowledge it is toxic (its still partly toxic in s5 too, were just going on the persons logic here) Is it because catra 'changed'? That could go for glimmer as well:
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She apologised to both of her friends for her actions, specifically to adora that you acknowledged she abused her in s4 plus was back to being the supportive, kind hearted friend she was in s1-3 so how does that add up? Is it because of the stans? I understand stans/fans of something can ruin it although its not like catradora has nice stans/fans either. Yes, their are plenty of catradora fans/stans who are nice but theres also plenty of them that have been harassing/attacking anti catradoras, particularly @anticatradoraofficial who had to be inactive from the amount of attack/hate/harassment they got. Hell, she ra stans/fans can be toxic too such as in the early drama where new upcoming fans harrass someone on twitter for saying they dont like the new designs, assuming their like thequartering or that twitter drama in 2020 where an artist got harassed by she ra stans/fans for drawing 80s mermista, being accused of whitewashing. I seen someone whose pro glimbow yet they accuse people of racism for such dumb reasons that dont even have anything to do with race. Stans/fans of any kind can be toxic so it kinda doesnt add up. Maybe im wrong in all of this and im not stopping them, they have their opinions like i have mine, they wanna be anti glimmadora while being a catradora shipper? Cool, good for them. I just cant wrap my head around being against a ship yet ship something thats objectively worse, not even acknowledging its toxic too.
Anyway, here is some glimmadora for the soul:
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bisexual-coala · 1 year
My dear mutual Sana, my blog can literally be described by loving Glimbow and hating Michael Waldron
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My dear Mari, I didn't lie when I said you are the best Glimbow blog!! :D Thank you for showering them with the love they deserve 💖
Also Michael Waldron? I am not familiar with him. I just looked him up and found out that he is a screenwriter. What did he do? (I saw mcu, did he do some female characters dirty?)
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guddyburlz · 11 months
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my carrd,,
> vi | guddy | lunar | mittens.
> they/them/theirs. (ask for neopronouns)
> fave terms of endearment: darling, sweetheart, sweetie, stinkabutt, prince/princess, babygirl/babyboy, princey, shnuckums, lovey love. <3
> this is for me to post all my junk, which consists mostly of headcanons, ideas, commentary, quotes, etc.
> this is a safe space for my peers and followers, i don't think i have to specify anything major.
> the only things that will not be tolerated are:
homophobia, racism, ableism, bigotry.
xenophobia, regression nsfw/fetishism (please do not call age regression "ddlg")
proshipping, bullying, nsfw, trolling.
fetishes (idc how "sfw" you say it is, it's a fetish 💔), heavy gore.
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fandoms (as of now):
the owl house,
she-ra and the princesses of power,
kipo and the age of wonderbeasts,
arcane: league of legends,
animal crossing: new horizons,
rain world + rain world: downpour,
my little pony: friendship is magic,
my pride,
dragon maid,
friday night funkin,
undertale / deltarune,
steven universe,
warrior cats,
art & ocs.
posts may or may not be about these, and i might have missed a couple of interests. i also have many favorite steamers and youtubers, but i don't feel like adding their names because people aren't fandoms.
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DNI list because i'm not afraid to hate people:
country humans
nazis / neo-nazis
maps / zoos / proshippers / antis
problematic apologists
lolicon / shotacon
male lesbians/men using "lesbian" as a label (please ask yourself what that means)
bi/pan/straight lesbians.
basically anyone who uses a label that they're not eligible to use. in a way, yes it is gatekeeping, but the point of the "achillean" label is for mlm, nblm or male-aligned individuals who are attracted to other male-aligned individuals. female and female-aligned individuals should not be using that label—it's not for you.
dsmp fans / stans
south park
family guy
again, i might have missed some things, these are just the ones from the top of my head.
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last but not least, some content warnings + things that bring me comfort / /
cw: kittenspace (coping mechanism for people who have gone through extremely stressful lifestyles and want to be taken care of without worrying about underlying issues and/or responsibilities) and swear words (both major and minor).
kittenspace will be indicated by the black cat emoji (🐈‍⬛️), and some swear words may be censored depending on context.
comf / /
> blanket/pillow forts, pillows & blankets, oversized tops & hoodies, pet names, terms of endearment, belly rubs, kissies and snuggies, milk chocolate, stuffed animals.
> luz, amity, gus, willow, hunter, vee, boscha, camila, eda, king, skara, viney, emira, edric, masha, string bean, flapjack.
> lumity, vinira, willuz, camileda, skarlow, skarvinira, veesha, boschmity, willamity, willumity, lunter, raeda, camiraeda, boschlow, skarscha, skariney, jerbic, goldric/huntric, goljerbic, clarvee, clarveesha, veemity.
> adora, catra, glimmer, bow, entrapta, mara, melog, double trouble.
> catradora, glimbow, glimmadora, glitradorabow, glitradora.
> anne, marcy, sasha, sprig, polly, ivy.
> sashannarcy, sashanne, sasharcy, marcanne, sprivy.
> vi, powder / jinx, ekko, caitlyn, mel medarda.
> catvi, light cannon.
> eevee, pikachu, squirtle, oshawott, noibat, sylveon, umbreon, shiny vaporeon, shiny glaceon, charmander, skitty.
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castiel-kline · 2 years
okay top ten most beautiful finales I’ve ever seen
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Modern au❤️
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