#there are many better ways to educate yourself about this particular issue!
obstinatecondolement · 4 months
I was watching a YouTube video about making zines and the person ended it with a call to action to be informed about Palestine and was like "And what better way than by reading zines???" There are. Um. Better ways...
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ddlcbrainrot · 3 months
i’m just saying more people should make use of the angst factory that is sayori’s and mc’s friendship
Imagine you have a childhood best friend that you’ve lost touch with, and suddenly you two start hanging out again. You two start spending a lot of time together again, and things are like nothing has changed between you. All that time apart was not enough to strain your friendship, and you think to yourself “ wow even after all this time she still is the same sweet girl i’ve always known”.
Only for you to find out that she’s actually been suffering for as long as you’ve known her. And you didn’t realise a single thing until it was too late.
All the mixed emotions of concern for your friend, guilt of your ignorance (you’ve known her for forever, how couldn’t you tell?) but also the realisation that the person you’ve thought you knew better than anyone was more or less a facade. Now, i’m not saying that Sayori’s cheery personality is all fake, but i imagine MC would have to question where the facade starts and where it ends (did he even know her at all?).
All this and i’ve still haven’t said anything about Sayori’s POV of their friendship, which is just as - if not more - angst inducing.
I think the key factor to understand Sayori’s POV is the word indirect. Because most of the hurt she experiences from MC’s actions is in fact indirect. Even in the game she talks about how his actions were not actively malicious, but they indirectly caused her pain. And yeah, it is because of her feelings for him, but even if we ignore that their friendship alone still caused her indirect pain.
I see a lot of people be like “MC is so mean to her in their base game” which honestly? have you ever been in a long term friendship? idk if it’s just me but the way they interacted seemed like how any childhood friends would. Because no matter how mean your childhood friend is to you, you know they don’t mean any actual malice. It’s basic logic that the person who has been with you since childhood doesn’t actually think of you as just some dumb clutz. But depression isn’t logical. And that’s exactly why Sayori is actually affected by what on any other circumstance would be playful teasing between lifelong friends. It’s actually an issue that, while complicated, could easily be addressed if Sayori communicated to MC her feelings on the matter. But since Sayori is so focused to keeping things the same, how they’ve always been so he doesn’t worry, she doesn’t voice this at all.
I’d like to add that even though Sayori goes out of her way to make sure MC doesn’t find out about her depression, there must also be a part of her that is hurt by his lack of knowledge on the matter. MC in act 1 repeatedly says he knows Sayori better than anyone. Imagine you are Sayori, your friend insists he knows you, fully knows you, and yet he can’t seem to notice this very vital part of you. Again, he is hurting her indirectly, and frankly because Sayori is herself keeping this part of her hidden. It’s a double edged sword, really.
When Sayori does tell MC about her depression however, MC quite frankly responds in a pretty bad way.
I don’t think i need to explain how his response isn’t at all what you should say, i think enough people have done so already. But i will say it makes sense for him to respond that way. I think a lot of people, especially people who are online, have seen so many post or videos about how to handle these kind of situations, so it’s easy to forget that not everyone is that well educated on the subject of mental health (and it makes even more sense for MC in particular to be so clueless on the subject, since men’s knowledge on mental health is literally non existent bc of society’s own view of men as emotionless, but that’s a rant for another time). I think he reacts as a normal teenage guy would tbh. And that is he says the wrong thing.
And as he finds Sayori in the end of act 1, since he doesn’t know of Monika’s influence, he thinks his ignorance costs his best friend’s life.
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I've been feeling climate anxiety lately. I think it's really necessary to change everything and progress towards a postcapitalist future that doesn't endanger our planet, our Pachamama. But I don't see how that will be possible. What do you think about this?
Hiya, thanks for getting in touch and sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. I get a lot of asks like this so I think I might make this another masterpost. Here’s climate anxiety solutions according to me:
1) Accept your feelings. Recognise that fear, grief, rage and despair are all normal, healthy, human reactions to paying actual attention to what is being done to our planet right now. You aren’t wrong or sick or overreacting by feeling them. Sit with the emotions, allow them to wash over you, cry, smash plates, punch a pillow, journal, write poetry, yell at the news, scream in the woods! Trying to repress these feelings will just make them harder to deal with.
2) Recognise that the paralysis of climate anxiety is not a good place from which to make a difference. Try to let horror, guilt and self-blame go, and lean into the love for people and planet that motivates all eco-anxiety. Start consuming good news stories and keying into activist spaces so that you can learn how others are claiming agency to fight this problem, and how you can emulate that. Remember that despair absolves you of responsibility and that true solidarity with the most affected means letting your emotions drive you towards action.
4) Educate yourself through reading, listening to podcasts, attending talks, seeking advice from elders, and more - whatever works for your particular life and circumstances. The more informed you are about these issues the more you’ll feel able to address them.
3) Make as many changes as you can in your personal life. Are you eating a high-carbon diet? Try to reduce that. Are you consuming a lot of water or energy resources? Look for green and low-intensity alternatives. Examine your transport habits and prioritise walking, cycling, trains, low or zero emission buses, sailing, and replacing longer-haul journeys with remote options. If you live in a throwaway culture, try to prioritise reuse and repair over consumption. Consider how your livelihood impacts the planet, and if it’s negatively and making change is possible for you, start the process of moving towards an occupation that lets you make a more positive difference.
4) Fight! Join a campaign group, write to your elected officials, attend a protest, donate money to causes if you can, commit civil disobedience if you feel willing and able. Put pressure on governments, businesses and the public to change their ways.
5) Prioritise joy and connection. Spend time in nature, watching animals or foraging for plants or swimming or walking or just letting it all wash over you. Link up with other people to talk through your worries, go hiking, lobby for climate justice, safeguard ecosystems and pass down your local heritage. Sometimes, take a day or two to check out of all these issues and problems and just spend time drawing, cooking, playing games with loved ones, or whatever it is that relaxes you. There are enough of us that you can take the time to avoid burnout.
I hope some of this was helpful, and do please get back in touch if you have any other questions or queries. You’re part of a huge global community of people who love and revere the earth and want to build a better future for all life upon her. Hold onto that.
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hilacopter · 5 months
Thinking about that time I expressed concern about the rise in antisemitism and got hit with "yeah but there's also a rise in islamophobia". Don't get me wrong, there absolutely is and it's horrible. But the reason I'm terrified of the rise in antisemitism in particular (besides the fact that I'm a Jew so it affects me) is because it's happening among the left. Yeah, no shit right-wing assholes are using this conflict as an excuse to be islamophobic. When have they not. But the left? The fact people who pride themselves on being inclusive and progressive are all of a sudden refusing to listen to Jews and expressing support for an inherently antisemitic terrorist group is definitely alarming. You people are giving antisemites and Nazis an easy disguise and allowing them to worm their way into your movement without doing anything about it. And no, simply stating you don't want them there and going "punch a nazi" doesn't count as cleaning up your movement when it so clearly doesn't drive them away. Whenever Jews call you out on your bullshit and try to educate you, instead of actually listening and learning how to avoid antisemitism in your activism, your solution is to try and define antisemitism yourself or to go "yeah but I don't have time to not be antisemitic because there are bigger issues to address" (because oh how could you possibly tackle more than one issue at once??). Instead of addressing the rising antisemitism on your side of the political spectrum, you'd simply rather point fingers and only address issues you aren't complicit in. I thought being a leftist was about learning to self-criticize groups you belong to. To know that if history makes you feel happy and proud, it's propaganda. But now I see that for so many of you, that self-criticism only serves to make you feel like "one of the good ones", rather than actually correcting and bettering yourselves. Feeling guilty for existing doesn't make you a good person, feeling guilty over your mistakes does.
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neon-moon-beam · 1 year
Regarding Angst and Ableism In The Submas Fandom
Posts I've made explaining why people get burned out on angst, why certain depictions are ableist and how they can have real life impact on people.
I'm reposting this from one of my posts here, because I want these things to be absolutely clear:
These are not callout posts for, nor posts attacking any art, fics, or person in particular.
I am not responsible for bad faith interpretations or other potential misinterpretations of me addressing these issues that have personally affected friends, acquaintances, and myself, should people choose to make these interpretations.
Unknowingly making ableist content does not make you a bad person. Everyone still has things to learn, everyone has room for change and growth. Self-education and critical thinking are very important here (and everywhere). A desire to correct a mistake, change, and grow from it is better all around than digging your heels in and refusing to budge or listen.
I am also not responsible for the reading comprehension or critical thinking skills of others. If you don’t read the entire post and choose to be reactionary towards it, including making assumptions about what was said or putting words in my mouth, I am not at fault (and I will not respond to/block you).
As always, bl*nkshippers are not welcome on my content. And if this boundary offends you, that is not my problem. Do not reblog, reply, DM, or in any way contact me to complain. All that will happen is I will block you.
Please note that while I am a fan of Submas, I never will consider myself in the Submas fandom because of these as well as other issues with the Submas fandom, as well as the direction fandom as a whole has been heading.
Links to the posts themselves:
Please Be Careful About How You Portray Submas: A post breaking down early fanart from when Gen 5 was the most recent compared to recent portrayals, how to spot ableist content, and suggestions in how to handle it.
Submas Portrayal Issues Part 2: Why certain ships come off as ableist, presenting mental illness and abusive relationships as "entertaining", and singling out Submas (but especially Emmet) as "not human".
Addressing Ableism In The Submas Fandom And Its Impact Again: How many people have been impacted since the wake of PLA to the point of not wanting to see any PLA-content, or even Submas content regardless of what it is.
Regarding Angst And Burnout: A personal post on why the constant Submas angst was burning me out, why PLA itself was burning me out, and how it felt like as of April 2022 there wasn't much space for people who aren't fans of angst (I have long since stopped bothering looking in any Submas tags and am not aware of how much angst vs non-angst content there currently is, but I am not interested in checking).
More About Burnout, Setting Boundaries, And Taking Care Of Yourself: Why people are burned out on Submas angst, other situations in fan spaces that cause burnout, and what can be done on tumblr to curate your experience.
Submas...hairstyles?: Short post about how the tendency to show only Emmet with fluffy, unkempt hair, etc combined with other "quirky" traits (especially compared to Ingo) can quickly look like casual ableism.
Neurodivergent People Talking About Ableist Content Striking a Nerve With You? Please Think About Why: Even if you yourself are neurodivergent, everyone can learn and do better.
Emmet is NOT: Exactly what it says on the tin. This has been going on for over a decade. Please interact with the source material in some way and stop reducing Emmet to out-of-character, ableist stereotypes!
Making Submas OOC While Using Neurodivergence As A Prop Harms Real People: Again, please interact with the source material and learn about how coding characters works rather than decide every neurodivergent character that gets intense about a hobby is "y*ndere". And please discern when it may be more appropriate to make an OC rather than make a character OOC.
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n-odious-tropy · 2 months
Hello Odious!
I just wanted to thank you for the lemon-fact request you made, and I thought I should send something in return! I hear you work a lot with dimensions and time... What is that like? Do you go to ancient Greece before lunch, then another dimension's Jupiter in the afternoon? Sorry, I am letting my imagination run wild, haha! I didn't even know things like that were possible. But I'm really curious, what does you day look like as a "time doctor"?
Regards, Candido 🍋
Ah, Candido. This little exchange is a pleasant surprise. I hadn't expected to hear from you. I was just intrigued by your little facts about lemons you posted. I've never cared much for fruit before, but seeing your genuine interest in the topic had piqued my own and so I was eagerly awaiting the next installment. If you've any more to offer, then I would enjoy hearing them.
But you haven't asked about that in particular. Now onto the point.
I... wouldn't so much say time as I would dimensions specifically. The other versions of myself are more concerned with time travel than I; Interdimensional travel has always been my passion even before I knew of its existence. I used to be no better than a fool, chasing that dream like I was on novocaine, resolving to leave the world in which I existed one way...or another.
I consider myself a physicist first and foremost, having studied both quantum and metaphysics for the purposes of achieving what I once thought impossible. I've dabbled in engineering, but moreover as a means to an end rather than getting the degree itself. I don't believe I can add that to my resume as it's just shy of a formal education. Call it amateur work if you will. I put interdimensional travel at the forefront of my general research, but it's not as if I couldn't time travel; it does involve a similar process of molecular manipulation. I can't say that I haven't thought about it either but the idea is... frightening to me to say the least. All my theories point to the idea that time travel only results in split timelines every time without fail. Even if unintentional, every time I attempted, my presence alone would cause a split as I was never intended to exist at the given moment. You can manipulate the molecular energy necessary to visit such a frame time, but moving forward would put them far off their initial trajectory. Imagine if you will a raffle. Our current timeline is the "winner" of the raffle. Now see you can redo the raffle as many times as you like, but there will almost always be a different outcome, a different "winner" and you cannot undo the results of the previous raffle, only proclaim new "winners". If I were to go back, I could experience the result of every raffle, but not you. You would be none the wiser. I am unable to change the trajectory of the current timeline, only create new ones. I've made peace with the one I currently exist in, so I have little desire to test this theory. What's done is done, and I'm unwilling to cause an upset in the balance of the universe by creating new timelines on no more than a whim. Perhaps if I were a little more self absorbed, much like my counterparts.
But here's the rub, Candido. There is also an issue with the endeavor of interdimensional travel. Everything exists. In the same time, in the same place, but on a different frequency, on a different plane of molecular energy entirely. We cannot see them, but every instance of Deja Vu you've ever felt, you've experienced at the same exact time as another version of yourself. For a moment in the infinite universe, there was a brief alignment. We were never meant to cross that barrier, only exist parallel to one another. When we break that barrier and emerge on the other side, there is a brief displacement. The results of this displacement of molecular energy are varied and have largely gone unstudied to my knowledge, but I fear each displacement only further contributes to the inevitable heat death of the universe, which will result in hastening a total reset when the overall level of entropy hits its maximum. Think of a new big bang.
So I apologize if I fall short of your flights of fancy, but much of my time is spent on research and theory before putting anything into practice. The truth is my line of work is riddled with anxiety over the potential for disaster.
...At times I become so entangled in theory that I often forget to put it into practice. But I suppose much of that can be attributed to my own accident. The fear of failure is paralyzing.
But, aside from that, I have been engaging in a healthy amount of testing and maintenance lately to ensure that the rift generator remains stable. I...may have forgotten my own anxieties briefly in an attempt to stock up for the oncoming war and it's reminded me just how lovely travel can be. I found a planet recently that seems rather peaceful. Very lavender colored, tall grass, a sea of green, and a large red sun. The inhabitants almost seem to resemble lagomorphs. Strange, isn't it? Now I could easily sit here talking about this for hours straight but maybe one day, if I can earn my confidence back, I can show you just what I mean. The sights that are yet to be beholden, the experiences to be had one would have never thought possible.
Reminds me why I even started in the first place.
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rabbitcruiser · 16 days
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Drop your rules and restrictions around eating and join a movement of no-shaming body positivity and health-focused education on International No Diet day.
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There has been a long-standing movement to shed the shame typically associated with being less than Hollywood perfect. The photoshopped images found in fashion and beauty magazines have been marked as a direct cause of a rising instance of eating disorders among the youth.
Too long has health been associated with unrealistic body types and unhealthy, dangerous fad diets. International No Diet Day has been pushed forward with the intention of promoting healthy lifestyles for all body types.
History of International No Diet Day
International No Diet Day
International No Diet Day was first started by Mary Evans in 1992. The purpose of the day was to help men and women around the world to appreciate their own bodies. Having gone through anorexia herself, Mary began Diet Breakers, which is her organization. She then created the first International No Diet Day, bringing attention to the cause, and of course, her organization as well. Now, the day is used to help tackle tough issues regarding diet and body awareness, focusing on a number of agendas. This includes the following…
Educating people about the right way to diet responsibly and effectively
Having all people take a one-day break from their diets
Celebrating the diversity of different shapes and sizes
Bodies can be beautiful at all shapes and sizes, with both the svelte look of the athletic beach nut and the more Grecian and Rubenesque body types merely exemplifying the natural body type. Considering that the failures of dieting often result in yoyo-ing weight, with all of the weight lost being regained in almost every case within 5 years. To combat these incredibly unhealthy habits organizations all over the world have been engaged in forcing the fashion industry to label those images that have been modified, or outlawing the use of photoshop altogether.
How to celebrate International No Diet Day
Celebrating International No Diet Day is best done by recognizing that your own body is beautiful exactly as it is. De-emphasizing your efforts to shed weight to look a particular way, it is far better to celebrate the holiday with efforts at beginning to live a healthier lifestyle altogether. Worry less about your final goal, and more about getting out and being active and keeping your body healthy. Losing weight rapidly or shooting for unrealistic body types is an excellent way of causing yourself harm in the pursuit of greater health. Instead, love your body by finding active hobbies and love yourself the way you look!
There are a number of different ways that you can participate in International No Diet Day. This includes the following…
Help end weight discrimination, fatphobia, and sizeism.
Understand the inefficacy of commercial diets and learn about the diet industry.
Embrace body diversity and challenge the idea of one ‘right’ body shape.
Declare a day that is free from dieting and obsessing about shape and weight.
Compliment colleagues on contributions, achievements, and skills, rather than focusing on appearance.
Here are some of the suggestions that we have to help you make the most of this day…
Eat what you love! Don’t worry about the calories or anything like this. Instead, eat what you truly want to eat because it tastes good. Let that be your only concern today.
Throw away your scales. Don’t judge yourself based on a number. You will be surprised by how liberating this feels.
Instead, celebrate and embrace your intrinsic qualities, such as your uniqueness, quirkiness, kindness, or strength, for instance!
Be adventurous and cook something that you have always wanted to but you have never cooked before.
You can also use International No Diet Day in order to make people aware of different eating disorders. There are so many ways that you can go about this. If you have had your own personal experience and you feel ready to share it, you may take this opportunity to start a blog about it. You could also decide to fundraise for those who are struggling with eating disorders. Whether you raise funds or you simply raise awareness, you are going to be doing a great thing to help a lot of people.
However, you should not feel guilty about simply using this day as an opportunity to look after number one! After all, we all need to care for ourselves as well. Why not make a list of all of the things you love about your body? Now is the perfect time to start focusing on the positive rather than the negative. Most of us have a tendency to focus on the things we dislike instead of focusing on what we do like about our bodies. Today is the perfect time for you to change this!
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alarrytale · 13 days
Hi Marte, what are your thoughts on Nick's GQ interview, in particular the part where he reminds us he is straight, again, and tells us that he isn't his role. It feels like shade towards people, me included, who question his sexuality because he has played several queer roles. He's technically right but it comes across really out of touch in modern times where queer people are fighting for more representation but straight actors or closeted actors are taking up all the queer roles when it could be given to an out queer person and give queer people real representation. I wouldn't mind so much if he was ambiguous about his sexuality or he didn't comment on it but to take queer roles while going on and on about being straight feels like he is rubbing it in people's faces. I expected better from him since that he talks about the many queer friends he has and he seemed well spoken and educated about queer issues. Turns out he isn't educated about queer issues. He has complained several times now about people discussing him online. Maybe he shouldn't have become an actor then if it bothers him that much. People in the public eye will be talked about. Don't like it, keep to yourself. He says that sometimes he perhaps feels guilt for taking roles from queer people but he doesn't see characters as solely their sexuality. I don't even know where to start there. I'm annoyed. I'm also annoyed how he has talked about RWRB in some interviews. He treats it as if it is far less superior to Bottoms, M&G and TIOY. The movie is unserious but it's a gay movie which went mainstream and broke streaming records. I'd love to see Nick do more queer roles but I wish he would just do better. Promote his queer roles as much as his heterosexual roles. Speak about them with the same respect. Speak better about the community. Taylor does all this and he isn't out.
Hi, anon!
I saw a quote from the article on twitter. It was this one;
“I identify as a straight man, but I have been a part of some incredible queer stories. I felt a sense of uncertainty sometimes about whether I’m taking up someone’s space, and perhaps guilt. At the same time, I see those characters as not solely their sexuality.” (source).
It annoyed me, so i couldn’t be bothered to read it. But when i got your ask i felt like i had to in order to reply to you properly.
Look, i feel like it's totally unneccessary at this point to state that he's straight or identifies as straight. He's said it before, or at least insinuated it or not protested when others have called him straight. He's also said he's got a gf and we've got the hand holding pics of them. So it's very unneccessary to say yet again. Even in context, where he talks about how he's not his role and that people conflate him with his characters, it's not neccessary.
He's also talked about playing queer as a straight man before and his guilt about taking queer roles from queer people. He did so very eloquently and respectfully. I think here it comes off as dismissive and he shows a lack of understanding of queers wanting representation, representation he currently can't give them, whether he's straight or queer. To me it reads like sexuality isn't important, there are more to the characters then them being queer. Sexuality is important for queer people. So i think this was a mistep from him. He's talked more eloquently before about this exact topic so idk. Disappointing coming from him, we expect better, but it's unfortunatly still miles better than other "straight" actors playing queer roles. It's still way better than everything Harry's ever said about queer issues.
I think the rest of the interview was good. He's very eloquent and it's apparent he's chronically online and up to date with fandom. It's refreshing to see someone being so relatable. I don't think he talkes less about rwrb than the other movies. This interview was to promote TIOY, obviously. I think he really wants to come off as straight right now and he's pushing for it. It's annoying, but he's closeted. And as i've said a couple of times already, his closet is different from TZP's so in don't think we should compare them.
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missielynne · 2 months
I'm genuinely baffled by your answers. You keep hiding behind liking Kat when I didn't even mention her. "I'm not perfect about race" is just an excuse. Your initial complaints about Bonnie had nothing to do with how she was written or her characterization. It had everything to do with her not being white. If whiteness is your priority for a character and their identity, then guess what. That makes you a racist. You complained specifically about her race and hair color. It's not a coincidence that you don't seem to mind what the other characters look like when there is no resemblance to the books for many. You were so excited to see Bonnie's red hair on screen but didn't care about Caroline's? Huh?
Minorities are FORCED to relate and connect with white characters because media is oversaturated with them, especially in the fantasy genre. Think of any large fandom. Most characters in them will be white and yet they will STILL have POC as fans. It is easy for people of color to connect with white characters and empathize because that's most of the media available. Hell, many people claim to relate to Tony Stark despite never being a billionaire superhero. While representation on screen is beneficial for MANY reasons, a character being white doesn't stop minorities from being able to connect with them. If a character being black makes it impossible for you to understand them, that's an empathy AND a racist problem.
Bonnie's race being important to her character clearly bothers you. You seem to accept that all the other characters aren't anything like their book versions but you take issue specifically with Bonnie's blackness. And you can't even say race isn't relevant to the rest of the characters when the Founding Families are based on whiteness. The show is literally based in a town that glorifies the Civil War era with a main character even being a Confederate soldier. Consider educating yourself and doing the work of being a better person.
It's people like you demanding that I like race swapped characters better than the originals that mean something to me that make it hard for me to like race-swapped characters in the first place. If you, as a person of color, find a race swapped character easier to connect to, great. All the more power to you and I'm glad you have that. Sincerely. But telling me that I'm only a better person if I like the race swapped characters and believe the originals that mean something to ME is garbage. I like redhead OC Bonnie and I always will. Black Bonnie is fine. She is not terrible. She is not the worst. She is fine. But I will never like her more than the original because she in particular spoke to ME in the books the way that show Bonnie speaks to people of color. It's not that difficult to understand, honestly.
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thaysencook58 · 5 months
What you should expect When Hiring a Mover
Moving can get a stressful period. We have just about all heard the horror stories about movers losing photo cds, damaging TVs, plus leaving things right behind. Plus, the expense of moving is usually a minimum of several hundred dollars, and when you are moving cross-country along with a lot involving things, it may be as high as $11, 1000. Well, forget about apprehension stories. Whether you are planned to move the following month or in the next half a year, find your boxes within a row with these types of tips. Request that your estimate end up being guaranteed. No one wishes to be bushwhacked by a cost greater than the authentic estimate following the career is complete. Find a mover that will guarantee they is not going to exceed their idea. Review your mover's insurance coverage policy. Movers can often insure your own items as portion of the relocating price. Ask when they calculate their insurance policy by weight or perhaps by the item's value. Educate yourself about the various kinds of moving insurance, in that case ask about insurance policies when you compare your estimates. Moving. apresentando offers a software to compare estimations. Check to verify Visit this link will find no concealed fees. Movers may possibly charge and more fee for extremely heavy items, items that need to be dismantled, gas lines which may have in order to be disconnected, touring up and down flights of stairways, and driveways of which are too small (the movers have got to transport the things to and even from the pickup truck as opposed to pulling way up to the entrance). Have a dialogue with the movers regarding these issues any time you receive your own estimate. Tip the particular movers. Don't neglect about tipping the particular movers and supplying cold drinks with regard to them. If there are one particular or two movers, the tip might typically be from least $40 to $60. If there are additional than that put $20 per ocasionar. Compare your estimated value of your own belongings to the moving company's. Overview the moving contract for its approximated value of your personal property, and compare that will to your appraisal. If there's the big difference, next consider asking with regard to an alternative contract or working together with another moving company. Look into the movers accepted payment strategies. Some moving firms accept bank cards instructions don't assume your current does. Know your own options for repayment before agreeing to use the moving firm. Get the premium treatment. Some movers can provide you using packing materials as part of typically the expense of the maneuver. Ask if typically the packing material may be included inside the whole package before buying yards of bubble wrap. Many movers want to deliver bins before the day of your move. Find out to value clothing boxes. Wardrobe bins have many features. They're fabulous regarding bulky items that will don't weigh a lot, like pillows, throws, comforters, in addition to hanging clothes. Prior to the movers arriving, call up ahead to inquire how big their closet boxes. Calculate how many you will require simply by measuring the garments and coats within your closet. Be sure to pack your outfits securely so that they don't maneuver around or perhaps fall off their own hangers. You can also include heavy items like boot boxes (taped closed) and containers. No longer make these large boxes too large. Examine the mover's qualifications. Consult the Far better Business Bureau to make sure typically the moving company doesn't have got complaints filed towards them. Take control. To be able to help with typically the moving process, allocate a color (use colored stickers) for every room within your new home and label typically the boxes with each color so that will the movers understand where to force them. Designating a location for movers to place the containers. This helps issues move quickly plus efficiently which helps you to save time, especially when you are paying out hourly. Check in order to see whether qualified for a taxes break. If your current move is a new result of the job change, an individual may be suitable to get a tax break from just about all your moving expenses.
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shiphighway · 8 months
Key Benefits Of Hiring a Truck Rental Services Company For Logistics
Businesses can use slice- edge shadowing and delivery technologies by hiring truck rental service companies, which leads to better operation and Fast delivery. Despite the end of time and the emergence of new technology, transporting inventories and goods is still a delicate task in the modern world. 
Opting an ideal trucking mate will give you the inflexibility and scalability to take advantage of developing requests, as well as saves time with quality service. It also provides you a clear advantage over your possible competitors.
Benefits Of Hiring a Truck Rental Services Company For Logistics
1. Lowers Costs
The maturity of enterprises struggle greatly with cost savings. They might compare the cost of handling shipping on their own with hiring a trucking rental service company. In the original script, they need to hire motorists, handle vehicles, and make other functional arrangements. In addition, there are ongoing charges for particulars like gas, permits, conservation, and repairs.
The utmost businesses can not go to these outspoken costs without exhausting their cash reserves or taking out sizable business loans. All of these charges are dropped while functional effectiveness is raised by a logistics establishment. Your company will benefit from the lower shipping costs, which will allow you to develop your operations in a flexible manner going forward.
2. It saves time
Time is precious, they say. Accordingly, using a hiring truck rental services company for your company is another way to save plutocrats on the charges that are most important to your organisation. Your establishment will be more successful if you can carry your goods fleetly and efficiently to their intended locales. Trucking mates exceed at moving goods safely. The fashion has been optimised for effectiveness.
Consider how important time it would take you to manage your vehicles and organise the logistics of payload by yourself. You'll be suitable to recapture precious time that would be better spent concentrating on the essential rudiments of your organisation by delegating these tasks to an educated person. You may also decompress knowing that your effects will arrive at their destination safely and on time.
3. Enhanced Risk Management
 Indeed if you might not suppose much about dispatching issues, they could always disrupt the force chain. suppose of many possible issues with transportation. Accidents or the theft of palpable goods are common when transporting products. really, there's a possibility that your wares will be harmed. You can significantly reduce these pitfalls by working with a truckload logistics business. In the event that commodity goes wrong during conveyance, they're ensured, clicked, and certified. The fact that specialists will only handle your goods at the places where it's picked up and delivered also reduces the liability that commodity will go awry. 
4. Multilevel Services
Companies that offer logistics services offer much further than just semi-trucks. In addition, they give services including same- day and coming- day delivery, FTL and LTL shipping, intermodal transport, flatbed trucking, warehousing and storehouse, heavy hauling, and freight operation. With this variety of services, you may work together with one business to handle all of your shipping conditions. You will be suitable to ameliorate client service and increase client satisfaction while also saving time and plutocracy.
5. ultramodern technologies
 The technology used in the transportation aid is developing snappily. Throughout the entire shipping process, guests ask for real- time updates on their products. They also assume that the companies they buy from would be apprehensive of their carbon footmark. Instigative developments in artificial intelligence and route optimisation are also revolutionising transportation assistance. 
Source: ShipHighway.com
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941injapan · 11 months
Academic Reflection
I think that it's important I reflect on just how great the Osaka Aquarium truly was, and what I think it stands for both for the city and Japan as a whole. First, let me walk through my impressions of the aquarium. The aquarium does not look very large from the outside. The building itself is tall, but I've been to aquariums that cover more horizontal square footage than this one. Don't let that fool you, this is the most interesting aquatic activity you will ever see. Each section was divided up by region, starting with native Japanese ecosystems, then heading into the Pacific Ocean and many more world aquatic biomes. It was so captivating to see the difference of creatures across the world in such a cohesive and flowing format such as the layout of the aquarium. All sorts of sharks, cute and funny sea lions, seals, dolphins, penguins, and fish I have never even heard of before. As someone who grew up in coastal south Florida, with fishing being a huge sport and tourist attraction, marine culture is engraved in our way of life. Issues like conservation come up very frequently in our local political realms, and our schools have courses designed to teach about marine biology and coastal conservation as well. To see Japan's take on this was very cool, as the Japanese are known for having great systems for solving problems. Don't take it from me, go see it yourself and see the hundreds of people, schoolkids and civilians alike, who are in awe of each one of these aquarium's exhibits. The Osaka Aquarium serves as an icon of education and imagination, a colorful aquarium for one of Japan's most colorful cities.
Take a read through this article here from the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, an official Japanese government entity dedicated to all things ecological concerning Japan. This website link in particular goes over the many historical and current policies regarding both freshwater and saltwater conservation. Anti-pollution legislation, maritime laws, and initiatives for conservation and cooperation internationally. The parallels between our Florida legislation and the Japanese framework are there in terms of mindset. But what makes the Osaka Aquarium special is research. Scientists from all across Japan use this facility to study marine life and monitor Japan's waterways and oceans to ensure safety and life underwater. Many institutions across Florida operate with the same goals in mind and have done great strides in protecting our waters, marine life, and fishing culture. Pollution has been a very large issue in Florida but in a different way in Japan. Japan is mostly concerned about pollution from oil and ships. Considering the economic power of Japan that lies in their billions of dollars from net exports. Think about the soft power of Japan, and the way they get that strength overseas through their products. In Florida, we are mainly concerned about pesticides from farming. The advent of red tide, which kills thousands of fish and makes water unbearable to be around and even deadly for those with respiratory illness, all are byproducts of pesticide pollution and runoff. While both areas are surrounded by water, their topography and concerns are way different. I'm glad much of the modern world can agree on how important the oceans are to the economy and leisure and quality of life. Overall, I am very proud of how seriously Japan takes its land, air, and sea, and I hope this love for the natural world is reflected better in America.
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scottdamron1 · 1 year
Scott Damron LawSuit   Looking  For  A  Lawyer Here  Are  Some  Tips  To  Help!
Scott Damron LawSuit Professional tips provider  When it first becomes apparent you need a lawyer, you may be at a loss as to where to begin. There is no reason overreact. You may initially feel intimidated, but it's not so difficult. Continue reading this article to find out more information.
When choosing a lawyer, word of mouth is one of the best ways to find one. Ask friends or relatives for recommendations. They can give you honest feedback on their experience. They can tell you how well or poorly they did in their situation. This feedback can help you choose wisely.
Stay as organized as possible when you are working with a lawyer. This means that you should have all of the documentation in relation to your case on hand at all times. If you are unorganized, your lawyer can lose valuable time planning a strategy for your case, which may result in a loss.
A good tip to keep in mind if you're thinking about working with a lawyer is to give them as much information as you can. The more documents and information they have that pertains to a case, the better your chances are of winning. If you think a document might be worthless, you lawyer might think otherwise.
While a high profile lawyer might be the promise of success you dream of, they might also be way too busy to deal with your case. This can either leave you in the hands of a less experienced lawyer at the firm, or alone at times when you need your lawyer. Look for someone with a balance of time and experience.
Any initial meeting or conversation with a lawyer should include four key questions that you ask them. Is the lawyer experienced in your specific type of situation? Do they charge flat rates or hourly fees? How much do they estimate the total cost will be? How long will this take to fully resolve?
Having good chemistry with your lawyer is important to ensure a good working relationship. If you are not not feeling 100% comfortable, you should consider getting yourself a different lawyer. Find a lawyer that has a personality that works well with your personality.
Most lawyers will agree to meet with you for free so you can explain your problem and get some useful advice. You should plan on meeting with different lawyers to get several professional opinions and compare fees. Spend a few weeks meeting with different lawyers before you decide to hire one.
Scott Damron LawSuit Expert tips provider. Don't choose lawyers that read your case and claim that it's easy to win. This is usually a sign that your lawyer is trying too hard to convince you they are the best. You have to have a lawyer who can navigate tricky territory and look for intriguing facets and issues. Make a wise decision.
A good tip to remember if you're working with a completely incompetent lawyer is to consider reporting them to the bar association. The bar association has the responsibility to punish lawyers. If your lawyer has stolen from you, committed a crime or something along those lines, you'll want to report them to the bar association.
Once you have made the decision to hire a particular attorney, ask if the office employs a legal assistant who could work with you. Many times a legal assistant has the ability to effectively represent a client. This shared arrangement can greatly reduce the full cost of your legal representation.
After getting a recommendation for a lawyer, try setting up a brief meeting with them. Once you act on a recommendation, you will need to meet your potential lawyer face-to-face. Many offer free first-time consultations, so this is the perfect opportunity to interview them. You should ask them tough questions, have them describe past cases they've worked on, and see a list of previous clients.
Be sure to research your lawyer thoroughly. You want to carefully check out their education and work experience. Make sure you pay special attention to how they manage your practice. If they struggle managing their practice, then that is a sure sign that they will most likely struggle handling your case.
Use internet web sites to easily compare the fees of lawyers in your area. Fees can range widely, and the vast number of chargeable activities can make it very confusing to sort out and compare. Fortunately, there are sites online, like LegalMatch, that can do this for you so that the confusion is no longer a problem.
When choosing a lawyer, there is one characteristic many people overlook - the tech savvy of their candidates. If your lawyer knows nothing about the Internet or email, they may struggle with handling your case if any technology is involved. Choose a lawyer who knows enough about technology to easily handle your case.
If you're engaged in a divorce which boils down to a Facebook affair, you need to hire a lawyer that understands Facebook and adultery. The more specialized the lawyer you choose, the more likely they are to be able to easily and efficiently handle your case, giving you a win and a lower bill, too.
Know beforehand what kind of lawyer you are in the market for. You do not want a family services lawyer when you need representation for an auto accident. Lawyers specialize in certain areas of the law, and you want one that is experienced in your type of case. Lawyers usually say what kind of cases they specialize in on their website.
Scott Damron LawSuit Qualified tips provider. Don't arrive at the lawyer's door without some type of research. On the other hand, do not act like you know more about law then the lawyer. It may put him off, and he may not be willing to represent you well or at all. Lawyers are people too and want to feel respected.
With a good understanding as to the types of lawyers who excel in the many different legal issues, you will have a much easier time. Make some calls, ask a lot of questions and you'll be closer to finding the help you need. It is as easy as that.
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vertanvertan · 1 year
Best Blood Sugar Pills – Huge Opportunity To Succeed
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Blood sugar vitamins is often a great way to help you command your personal type two diabetes and even guidance your overall health. Also, they are a fantastic tablet to utilize to get in shape and boost your overall wellness. On the other hand, it is very important seek for a product which is effective ideally for the needs you have. A best blood sugar supplements does not only decrease your blood glucose levels, nevertheless they will supercharge your insulin awareness and decrease your current body’s effectiveness insulin. Many of these diet supplements may even raise your energy and produce it easier for that you simply complete your goals. GlucoTrust is usually a one of a kind supplementation that's been created to burn away additional carbs and glucose from your own strategy. It will help to your personal blood sugar degrees while giving you better insulin tact and therefore rendering it simple for you to lose the weight. It's actually a powerful and effective aid for those plagued by type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. It gives you a blend of aminoacids, herbal remedies, coupled with other recipe to keep your blood sugar at a correct stage. Those that visit this website, you can acquire an increasing number of best blood sugar pills for diabetics via the web stage.
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worurntas · 1 year
Why You Need To Be Serious About Adderall Alternative Supplement?
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Whether you purchase Adderall up until recently or perhaps are searching for some other, there is an awesome group best adderall alternative supplement additionally typically the reverse adderall acceptable for assist you in getting really concentrate combined with internal sharpness you'll need. These types of products are best for folks who must have a surge in ones own brain performance smaller are going to experience the a tough time of employing a fabulous prescription drug, and then they feature virtually no side-effects. Millions of people have tried prescriptions to go up our own concentration and focus in nerve-wracking time. A lot of these drug treatments work by stimulating all the the actual, which experts increases the relieve harsh chemicals want dopamine also norepinephrine. This can help multiply focus and therefore actions, but it surely might also result in habit not to mention dependency.
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neon-moon-beam · 9 months
Regarding Angst and Ableism In The Submas Fandom
Posts I've made explaining why people get burned out on angst, why certain depictions are ableist and how they can have real life impact on people.
I'm reposting this from one of my posts here, because I want these things to be absolutely clear:
These are not callout posts for, nor posts attacking any art, fics, or person in particular.
I am not responsible for bad faith interpretations or other potential misinterpretations of me addressing these issues that have personally affected friends, acquaintances, and myself, should people choose to make these interpretations.
Unknowingly making ableist content does not make you a bad person. Everyone still has things to learn, everyone has room for change and growth. Self-education and critical thinking are very important here (and everywhere). A desire to correct a mistake, change, and grow from it is better all around than digging your heels in and refusing to budge or listen.
I am also not responsible for the reading comprehension or critical thinking skills of others. If you don’t read the entire post and choose to be reactionary towards it, including making assumptions about what was said or putting words in my mouth, I am not at fault (and I will not respond to/block you).
As always, bl*nkshippers are not welcome on my content. And if this boundary offends you, that is not my problem. Do not reblog, reply, DM, or in any way contact me to complain. All that will happen is I will block you.
Please note that while I am a fan of Submas, I never will consider myself in the Submas fandom because of these as well as other issues with the Submas fandom, as well as the direction fandom as a whole has been heading.
Links to the posts themselves:
Please Be Careful About How You Portray Submas: A post breaking down early fanart from when Gen 5 was the most recent compared to recent portrayals, how to spot ableist content, and suggestions in how to handle it.
Submas Portrayal Issues Part 2: Why certain ships come off as ableist, presenting mental illness and abusive relationships as "entertaining", and singling out Submas (but especially Emmet) as "not human".
Addressing Ableism In The Submas Fandom And Its Impact Again: How many people have been impacted since the wake of PLA to the point of not wanting to see any PLA-content, or even Submas content regardless of what it is.
Regarding Angst And Burnout: A personal post on why the constant Submas angst was burning me out, why PLA itself was burning me out, and how it felt like as of April 2022 there wasn't much space for people who aren't fans of angst (I have long since stopped bothering looking in any Submas tags and am not aware of how much angst vs non-angst content there currently is, but I am not interested in checking).
More About Burnout, Setting Boundaries, And Taking Care Of Yourself: Why people are burned out on Submas angst, other situations in fan spaces that cause burnout, and what can be done on tumblr to curate your experience.
Submas...hairstyles?: Short post about how the tendency to show only Emmet with fluffy, unkempt hair, etc combined with other "quirky" traits (especially compared to making Ingo more neat and orderly and not quirky in comparison) can quickly look like casual ableism by using his traits to reduce him, even if unintentionally, to ableist stereotypes.
Neurodivergent People Talking About Ableist Content Striking a Nerve With You? Please Think About Why: Even if you yourself are neurodivergent, everyone can learn and do better.
Emmet is NOT: Exactly what it says on the tin. This has been going on for over a decade. Please interact with the source material in some way and stop reducing Emmet to out-of-character, ableist stereotypes!
Making Submas OOC While Using Neurodivergence As A Prop Harms Real People: Again, please interact with the source material and learn about how coding characters works rather than decide every neurodivergent character that gets intense about a hobby is "y*ndere". And please discern when it may be more appropriate to make an OC rather than make a character OOC.
"Unhinged" OOC Submas Portrayals Aren't Submas At All And Perpetrate Ableism: Similar to the post above, why making Submas OOC and "unhinged" or "scary" has turned off many Submas fans from ever being a part of the fandom, even made some people who saw themselves in Submas feel dehumanized, and why making an OC is a better route than taking established characters so far OOC that they're no longer the characters at all.
Not Your Sad Train Blorbos: Deliberate mischaracterization is alienating to many fans, and ableism is even more alienating. Please interact with the source material and make OCs if you don't want Ingo and Emmet to be themselves.
Not Again: Ableism Post-Teal Mask Edition: How immediately upon The Teal Mask's release, people began being ableist towards Carmine and Kieran, and why slapping an armchair diagnosis on a character without their full story isn't the best idea.
More About How And Why Ableism Alienates Disabled People From Fan Spaces: What it says on the tin.
Stop Mischaracterizing Emmet And How It's Personally Affected Someone: This includes an addition from @1863-project, as well as an addition from me after.
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